当前位置:文档之家› 大学英语六级语法基础:时态(强烈推荐)






eg:I get up at 7 o' clock in the morning.

I leave school for home at 6 every evening.


eg:The teacher told us: the earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China.




常用时间状语有:yesterday, last week, an hour ago, the other day, in 1982等;

eg:Did you go to Shanghai last week?

补充:used to/be used to

(1)used to + do:"过去常常",表示过去习惯性的动作或状态,但如今已不存在;

eg:Mike used to take a walk.

(2)be used to + doing:对……已感到习惯,或"习惯于",to是介词,后需加名词或动名词;

eg:Mike is used to taking a walk.

He is used to taking a shower with cold water.

(3)be used to do:被用来做……

eg:Leaves are used to fight enemies in Kong fu movies as the weapons.


---- Your phone number again? I ___ quite catch it.

---- It's 69568442.

A. didn't

B. couldn't

C. don't

D. can't

答案A. 本句虽没有明确的时间状语,但从语意上看出,在听的时候没有听懂这





eg:Before I came to Beijing, I had stayed in Shanghai.

① 一个句子里有两个谓语动词,一个发生在前,一个发生在后,发生在前的用


eg:When the police arrived, the thieves had run away.

② 表示意向的动词,如hope, wish, expect, think, intend, mean, suppose


eg:We had hoped that you would come, but you didn't. We had

thought that he would take part in the competition,but he didn't.

③ 虚拟语气:


eg:If you had come to my birthday party, you would have seen Yaoming. 虚拟语气中可以用had+过去分词,表示对过去事实的虚拟;

3. 一般将来时

(1)shall/will, shall用于第一人称,常被will 所代替;

eg:Which paragraph shall I read first?

(2)be going to +不定式,表示将来;表示要发生的事情有了预先的计划、准


eg:What are you going to do tomorrow?

What will you do this afternoon?


(3)be +不定式:表将来,按计划或正式安排将发生的事;

eg:We are to/will discuss the report next Saturday.

(4)be about to +不定式:意为马上做某事,后面不可以接时间状语;

eg:He is about to leave for Beijing.



eg:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning.

① 趋向性动词come, go, arrive, leave, start, begin, return的一般现在时表将来,主要用来表示在时间上已确定或安排好的事情。

eg:When does the bus star? It stars in ten minutes.

② 在时间或条件句中,用一般现在时表将来;

eg:I'll write to you as soon as I arrive in Beijing.


come, go, start, arrive, leave, stay等词可以用进行时表将来;



(2)从过去发生的动作,发生到现在,刚刚告一段落,但是后面会继续发生;eg:I have just finished my homework.

It has rained for 3 days.




A.从介词开始到其后跟的名词结束 B.从介词开始到动名词结束 C.从介词开始到动名词的宾语结束2018年12月大学英语四六级语法精讲课程讲义 一、识别句子成分必须记住的原理 1.衡量是否是一个句子的标准:是否有动词,有动词就是句子,反之不是句子。 2.英语构句原则规定:一个简单句中只能有一个谓语动词 3.长难句的构成:主句、从句、介词短语、非谓语动词 (1)主句的辨识:谓语动词 (2)从句的辨识:连词+与之匹配的谓语动词 (3)介词短语: (4)非谓语动词:4.衡量长难句划分是否正确的标准:整个句子中谓语动词的个数比连词多一个 5.长难句划分方法:连动切割法 ·连动切割法:将句子中的所有连词和动词(连词、动词的排列不分先后)作为切割长难句的基 础,断开主句和从句。 ·长难句划分的具体步骤: 【第一步】断开主句和从句 通读整个句子找出所有的连词或动词,并将连词和动词匹配起来(主要是针对从句而 言,主句不存在连词,从句连词和动词的匹配遵守就近原则),然后再给动词匹配主 语(主句的主语在谓语之前找;从句的主语在连词和与之匹配的谓语动词中间找,如 果它们中间没有任何词语,那么连词本身就是这个从句的主语。) 动名词(doing ) 动词不定式(to do ) 现在分词(doing ) 过去分词(done )

【第二步】断开介词短语和非谓语动词 二、总结复习句子的主要成分 1、主语 (1)定义:主语是动作的发出者。 (2)位置:在谓语动词之前。 (3)什么可以充当主语: 2、谓语 (1)定义:述说主语的动作或状态。 (2)位置:在主语之后。(3)什么可以充当谓语:实意动词。 3、宾语 (1)定义:(2)位置: (3)什么可以充当宾语:4、表语 (1)定义:表述主语的身份特征,性质状态的 (2)位置:在系动词之后 (3)什么可以充当表语: A.名词: B.代词: C.介词短语: D.非谓语动词: E.句子:A.动作的承受者B.介词所联系的对象,即介词宾语(简称介宾) A.名词: B.代词: C.介词短语: D.非谓语动词: E.句子: A.名词: B.代词: C.形容词 D.介词短语: E.非谓语动词: F.句子:A.在谓语动词之后B.在非谓语动词之后C.在介词之后


一、选择题 1.The water ______ cool when I jumped into the pool for morning exercise. A.was felt B.is felt C.felt D.feels 2.— How about going for a drive, Mike? — One moment, please! I __________ cleaning our room soon. A.will finish B.have finished C.finish D.finishes 3.— Look at my new watch. —Well, it’s so cool! When and where________you buy it? A.Do B.will C.did D.Are 4.Wang Wei often ________ TV on Sunday evenings, but now he is _______ stories. A.watches; reading B.watching; reads C.looks; reading D.watches; looking 5.It’s 4:00 p.m. The students _____ in the pool. A.swim B.swam C.swims D.are swimming 6.—________ a remake (翻拍) of the famous Disney movie Lion King in July, 2019. — Really? I can't wait to see it. A.There will have B.There is going to have C.There will be 7.—Have you written a litter to your brother? —Yes, I have. I________one last Sunday. A.was writing B.wrote C.have written 8.—Where are you going, Bob? —To go hiking. Eric____________ for me at the school gate! A.was waiting B.waits C.waited D.is waiting 9.Alice always________her notebooks. She is not tidy. A.lose B.lost C.loses D.found 10.--Look! Someone the classroom. --Well,it wasn't me. I didn't do it. A.is cleaning B.was cleaning C.has cleaned D.will clean 11.—Did you see a man in black pass by just now? —No, sir. I a newspaper. A.read B.was reading C.would read D.am reading 12.Mr Hua ________ to Japan. He’ll come back in two weeks. A.goes B.went C.has gone D.will go 13.He to the zoo yesterday. A.goes B.go C.goed D.went 14.—I can’t stand such loud music! — Sorry, I __________ it off. A.have turned B.turn C.turned D.will turn


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大学英语语法1——基础时态 时态(Tense)是表示行为、动作和状态在各种时间条件下的动词形式。因此,当我们说时态结构的时候,指的是相应时态下的动词形式。 英语时态分为16种:一般现在、一般过去、一般将来、过去将来时,以及这四者的进行时、完成时和完成进行时。 1. 一般现在时 用法: A) 表示现在发生的动作、情况、状态和特征。 B) 习惯用语。 C) 经常性、习惯性动作。 例:He always helps others. (他总是帮助别人。) D) 客观事实和普遍真理。尤其要注意,如果前后文不是一般现在时,则无法保持主句、从句时态一致。 Mr. Lee told his students the early bird (catch) the worm. E) 表示一个按规定、计划或安排要发生的动作,(仅限于某些表示“来、去、动、停、开始、结束、继续”等的动词)可以与表示未来时间的状语搭配使用。常见的用法是:飞机、火车、轮船、汽车等定期定点运行的交通方式。 例:The next train leaves at 3 o'clock this afternoon. (下一趟火车今天下午3点开车。) How often does this shuttle bus run? (这班车多久一趟?)

例:If traffic problems will not be solved soon, driving in cities will become impossible. 2. 现在进行时(be doing) 用法:现在正在进行的动作。 表示按计划安排即将发生的动作。 例如:She is leaving for Beijing.她要去北京。 My father is coming to see me this Saturday.这个星期六我爸爸要来看我。My wife is always criticizing me.我的妻子总是批评我。 现在进行时与频度副词always、continually、constantly、forever等连用,常表示不满或抱怨情绪等。 注意: The food that Cathy is cooking in the kitchen _____ delicious. A. is smelling B. smells C. has smelled D. will smell 感官动词,如smell, taste, sound , feel等 A study of the motion of objects is necessary if we are understanding their behaviors and learn to control them. 表示感情、拥有关系、状态或思想的动词,如agree、believe, belong, contain, hate, hear(听到), like, love, mind, notice, possess, see, seem, understand, want等。 3. 现在完成时(have done)


Ol.The man ager put forward a suggesti on ____ we should have an assista nt. There is too much work to do. A.whether B.that C.which D.what 解析: 正确答案:B 首先此题并非考查定语从句,因为我们无法找到能与从句建立关系的先行词,所以排除which。本题实为同位语从句。同学可能会误选A,中文解释看起来似乎通顺,经理给我们提出建议是否应该 用助手。但是仔细分析句子结构和含义,给出的建议应该是一个肯定性的句子而非whether引导的一般疑问句的同位语从句。句意:经理建议我们应该用助手因为工作太多了。所以选择that 02.lt was the culture, rather tha n the Ian guage, ___ made it hard for him to adapt to the new environment abroad. A.which B.why C.that D.what 解析: 正确答案:C 句意:是文化,而不是语言,使得他很难适应国外的新环境。去掉插入语部分可能更好的看清句子 主体。本句这个句子中含有it was,首先要考虑所给题目是不是一个强调句,还是定语从句。把It was 和横线去掉,发现句意仍然完整清楚,The culture made it hard for him to ad apt to the new environment abroad.所以说这里就是一个强调句而不是定语从句,故选C。 03.I t's much easier to make friends _____ y ou have similar in terests. A.who B.whe n C.whom D.that 解析: 正确答案:B 值得注意的是本题题干并不是定语从句,而是when引导的状语从句。学生容易误认为是定语从句, 先行词为friends,而错选。其实,后半句you have similar interests 并不修饰friends。句意:当你们兴趣相投的时候,交朋友就容易多了。这里用when引导时间状语从句。 04.Look out! Don't get too close to the house ____ window is broke n. A.whose B.which C.of which D.that 解析: 正确答案:A 当心!不要靠那所窗户破了的房子太近。首先判断题目中的先行词为house,然后判断从句和先行词的关系,window和house是所属关系,故用whose作为定语从句关系代词。 05.You should make it a rule to leave things _____ you can find them again. A.whe n B.where C. that D.there 解析:


大学英语六级语法 导学部分 误区: ●四六级不考语法 ●语法=单选题 语法? ●语言的规矩和法则 ●连词成句 语言语法句子 四六级语法学什么? 句子 句子的结构 一个句子多个句子的连接 (一件事)(多件事) 简单句并列句/复合句 第一章:简单句的核心 第一部分:简单句 第二章:简单句的补充 第二部分:并列句 基础语法 四六级语法第三部分:复合句 强调 第四部分:特殊用途的句子倒装 虚拟 真题应用长难句分析(全真题讲解) 第一部分:简单句 第一章:简单句的核心 一、简单句的核心构成 简单句一个句子(一件事) 世界是物质的,物质是运动的

n. + v. 主语+ 谓语 1 1 n. + 谓语v. 一主一谓,谓语动词的不同决定简单句的不同构成。 例子: I swim. I like English. 区分vt./vi. 1)意思 2)介词(prep.) ● I like English. ●The bride kissed the groom. ●Birds fly in the sky. ●We walked on the street yesterday. ●You look at me. 介宾结构 ● ●They offered a vacant post to me. I bought a present for you. I find HongKong ??? I find HongKong very beautiful. I find HongKong a place for shopping.

●我非常高兴。 ●I very happy. ??? I am very happy. 主系表 系动词 1.be动词(单独) 2.“变得” get become turn go grow 3.感官动词look sound smell taste feel “看/ 听/ 闻/ 尝/ 感觉起来……” 4.keep remain / seem appear 1. I ask you a question. 主谓双宾 2. You answer. 主谓 3. I love you. 主谓宾 4. You make my life complete.主谓宾补 5. I am happy. 主系表 主语+ 谓语 二、简单句的核心变化 (一)谓语动词的变化: 1. 时态:


初中英语语法八大时态 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词原形/动词的第三人称单数+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)don't/doesn't +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Do/Does+主语+动词原形+其他 简略回答: (肯)Yes,主语+do/does (否)No,主语+do/does not 缩写形式: don't = do not doesn't = does not 例句:He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2.用法 1)表示经常的、习惯性的动作或存在的状态,常与表示频度的副词连用。 常用的频度副词有:always、often、usually、seldom、never、sometimes, every week (day, year, month…), once a week, on Sundays.频度副词在句中通常放在行为动词之前,系动词、助动词之后。 例如: He often goes swimming in summer. I usually leave home for school at 7 every morning. 2)表示主语具备的性格、特征和能力等。 例如:All my family love football . My sister is always ready to help others . Ann writes good English but does not speak well. 3)表示客观真理、客观存在、自然现象。 例如:The earth moves around the sun. Shanghai lies in the east of China. 4)表示按计划或安排好的,或将要发生的动作,可用一般现在时表将来。 但只限于start,begin,leave,go,come,arrive,return,take place等。 例如:The train leaves at six tomorrow morning. He comes back tonight. 5)在复合句中,当主句是一般将来时,时间或条件状语从句的谓语动词只能用一般现在时来表示将来要发生的动作。 例如:I'll tell him the news when he comes back. If you take the job , they will talk with you in greater details. 1.结构 肯定句式: 主语+动词过去式+其他 否定句式: 主语+(助动词)didn’t +动词原形+其他 一般疑问句式: Did+主语+动词原形+其他


大学四六核心语法 引言: 1.为什么学语法? 语法(英语:Grammar)是指任意自然语言中控制子句、词组以及单词等结构的规则。 2.怎么学语法? at table at the table in prison in the prison at school at the school out of question out of the question We have been roasting the chicken for over 30 years. I really can't imagine how crisp it will be.

第一章动词概述 一、谓语动词 1.英语时态 The first president of the US was George Washington, the second was John Adams, the third was Thomas Jefferson, and the sixteenth was Abraham Lincoln. Who is the president of the US? A.George Washington B.Abraham Lincoln C.Thomas Jefferson D.None of the above 某一时间某一动作所呈现的状态。 我们学英语。 我们学过英语。 我们在学英语。 我们将学英语。

一般进行完成完成进行 现在do/does is/am/are doing have/has done have/has been doing 过去did Was/were doing Had done Had been doing 将来will do Will be doing Will have done Will have been doing 过去将来0would study Would be doing Would have done Would have been doing 一般现在时


洛基英语,中国在线英语教育领导品牌 1.This watch is _______ by hand, not by machine, so it is very expensive. A. flat B. coined C. bored D. manufactured 2.These two horses look so much alike that we can not _______ one from the other. A. differ B. detail C. distinguish D. defeat 3.The president of that company was very calm during the political _______. A. failure B. fashion C. proceed D. crisis 4._______ is usually the chief enemy of the camera lens. A.Oxxasion B. vain C.Moisture D.Deck 5.The _______ left the ship after sixty hours of hard struggle. A. dash B. cell C. crew D. gay 6.On our way to Beijing, we visited Xi’an, a city of two million _______, and stayed there for two days. A. insects B. human C. inhabitants D. flights 7.One of the main reasons for air pollution is that many cars _______ smoke into the atmosphere. A. gather B. hire C. discharge D. escape 8.Don’t forget to _______ to let us know you arrived safely. A. cable B. cage C. border D. bay 9.She gave him a _______ that she could not come to his party. A. mistress B. shoot C. neck D. hint


大学英语四六级考试语法精要(五) partt-cet 2009年12月28日13:53 来源:考试大点击682次 虚拟语气 1. 表示现在/过去/将来情况的虚拟条件句 虚拟条件句主要有三种结构: 1)表示与现在情况相反:主句谓语用“would / could / might +动词原形”,从句谓语用“动词的一般过去时”(动词be的过去式一律用were)。 If I were you, I would not accept his offer. If I had time, I would certainly go to the cinema with you. 2) 表示与过去情况相反:主句谓语用“would / could / might + have +过去分词”,从句谓语用过去完成时。 If I had got up a little earlier, I wouldn’t have missed the train. If I had been more careful, I might have passed that exam. 3) 表示与将来情况相反:主句谓语用“would / could / might +动词原形”,从句谓语用“were +动词不定式”或“should +动词原形”。 If I were to do the job, I would not be able to have enough time to study. If it should rain tomorrow, I would not go out with you. 2. 虚拟条件句连接词if的省略 如果虚拟条件句的从句中含有were, had, should, could等词时,可以省略连接词if,但这时必须把were, had, should, could等词移到主语前面,形成倒装。这种句型主要用于书面形式。 Were I to do the job, I would finish doing it within two weeks. Had it not been for his help, we couldn’t have arrived there on time. Should it rain tomorrow, I would stay at home. 3. wish后宾语从句中的谓语构成 动词wish后的宾语从句表示未实现的或不可能实现的愿望,其宾语从句中的谓语动词要用虚拟语气,有以下三种构成形式。 1) 表示现在不可能实现的愿望,宾语从句中的谓语动词用一般过去时。(be的过去式为were)。 I wish I had enough money to buy a car. I wish I were as young and energetic as you. 2) 表示过去未能实现的愿望,宾语从句中的谓语动词用过去完成时(had +过去分词)或“would / could + have +过去分词”。 I wish I hadn’t made such a mistake. I wish I could have done it better. 3) 表示将来不可能实现的愿望,宾语从句中的谓语动词用“would / should (could, might) +动词原形”。 I wish I would not get old. I wish I could travel around the world one day. 4. 某些动词后的宾语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气 在一些动词后面的宾语从句中,谓语动词要用虚拟语气。这时,谓语动词用动词原形或should +动词原形。这类动词一般表示命令,要求,决定,建议,主张等概念,主要有:advise, ask, command, decide, demand, desire, direct, insist, move, order, propose, recommend, request, require, suggest,等。 The workers demanded that their wages (should) be raised by 10 per cent. The teacher decided that you do the experiment first. 5. 某些名词后的表语从句和同位语从句中谓语动词要用虚拟语气 在一些名词后面的表语从句和同位语从句中,谓语动词要用虚拟语气。这时,谓语动词用动词原形或should +动词原形。这类名词一般表示命令,要求,决定,建议,主张等概念,主要有:advice, idea, instruction, motion, order, plan, proposal, recommendation, request, requirement, suggestion,等。 My suggestion is that we (should) send for a doctor immediately. He gave the order that they (should) do the experiment again. 6. 错综时间条件句


英语的时态问题 英语的时态可以分为:“时”(time) 和“体”(aspect)(又称为态)。时是指动作发生的时间,体是指动作发生时的状态。时间与体就象是坐标里的横轴和纵轴,它们的结合交织出了瞬息万变的时空,也构成了英语动词的时态问题。 时间分为:过去,现在,将来,过去将来 体分为:一般(在某个时间点), 进行(延续某个时间段), 完成(完成某个时间段) 完成进行(延续某个完成的时间段) 如此以来,英语中就有16种时态变化,现在就用动词为write例,看看它们的形式。 注意:里面的斜体字部分,由于时态过于复杂,几乎没有人真正去应用它们,可以忽略不记。 下面就常用的12种时态,(其中还有三种相对用的较少的,请注意)。具体分析一下。 一.一般现在时 表示现在的时间“点”上发生的动作或者状态,常用于以下的情况 1、经常重复发生的动作或存在的状态,多与often, always, usually, sometimes, everyday, 等时 间状语连用。 He takes a walk after supper everyday My mother and father work at the same company. 2、表示性格,特征,能力。 Mr. Smith hates fish and never eats any. 3、表示客观真理或者普遍事实。

The sun rises in the east. 二.一般过去时 表示过去某时发生的动作或者状态,常和表示过去某个时间“点”的时间状语(yesterday, last week, 3 years ago, in 1987)连用 She bought a car last week. He came to help me at that time. 三.一般将来时 表示将来的时间“点”上发生的动作或者状态。 The train will arrive soon. We shall know the news tomorrow. 四.过去将来时 过去某个时间“点”上将要发生的动作或状态。 I asked her where she would spend her holiday. I told my father that I should go home next Monday. 五.现在进行时 表示现在的时间“段”上正在延续进行的动作或者状态。 I’m doing some washing. What are you doing? 六.过去进行时 在过去某一个时间“段”正在延续进行的动作。 I was working in my office at eight o’clock yesterday evening. He was making a phone call when I saw him. 七.将来进行时 在将来某个时间“段”正在发生的动作,一般表示一种猜测和未来的计划,一般不太常用。What will you be doing at 3 o’clock tomorrow afternoon? (明天下午三点你将在做什么哪) 八.现在完成时 表示动作在一个时间“段”的完成,而且这个时间段是从过去某一点延续到现在的。经常跟时间状语since 1987,for 10 hours , by the last year相连。 My brother has been ill for 3 days. I have not seen her since 1991. 九.过去完成时 在过去的某个时间“段”里动作的完成,从过去的一点再到过去的另一点。或者称为过去的过去。 He said that he had written her a letter. Helen rang me up after I had gone to sleep.


大学英语六级考试专项练习(词汇与语法) Directions: There are 30 incomplete sentences in this part. For each sentence there are four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Choose the ONE that best completes the sentence. Then mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 1.I feel that his subject gains a lot from the attractive A. presentation B. preparation C. preference D. potential 2.If you ask an agent to help you find an apartment, you have to pay him a before e you can rent the house. A. fine B. premise D. visit 3.A A. predominant B. premature C. preferable D. preliminary 4.Age alone will not as a candidate. A. preclude B. precede C. precipitate D. predict 5.There are still some people who A. conform B. preach C. project D. pound 6.Anne is so calm and A. practicable B. applicable C. practical D. appreciable 7.The book Black Beauty____ A. postulates B. ponders 8.His eyes almost when he saw that he had won. A. popped B. poked ed D. plugged 9.If we


英语六级语法大全:动词 动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。 1)表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 2)根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。 说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。(having是实义动词。) He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。 (has是助动词。) 3)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 说明:同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如: She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She can sing many English songs.考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com) 她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。) 4)根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分两类,分别是:限定动词(Finite Verb)、非限定动词(Non-finite Verb)例如: She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。) She wants to learn English well. 她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。说明:英语中共有三种非限定动词,分别是:动词不定式(Infinitive)、动名词(Gerund)、分词(Participle)。 5)根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词(One-Word Verb)、短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase)例如: The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。) Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries. 学生们学会查字典。(look up是短语动词。) The young ought to take care of the old. 年轻人应照料老人。(take care of是动词短语。) 6)动词有五种形态,分别是:原形(Original Form)、第三人称单数形式(Singular From in Third Personal)、过去式(Past Form)、过去分词(Past Participle)、现在分词(Present Participle)。


2019年12月大学英语四六级语法讲义 一、识别句子成分必须记住的原理 1.衡量是否是一个句子的标准:是否有动词,有动词就是句子,反之不是句子。 2.英语构句原则规定:一个简单句中只能有一个谓语动词。 3.长难句的构成:主句、从句、介词短语、非谓语动词。 (1)主句的辨识:谓语动词 (2)从句的辨识:连词+与之匹配的谓语动词 (3)介词短语:(4)非谓语动词:4.衡量长难句划分是否正确的标准:整个句子中谓语动词的个数比连词多一个5.长难句划分方法:连动切割法 ·连动切割法:将句子中的所有连词和动词(连词、动词的排列不分先后)作为切割长难句的基础, 断开主句和从句。 ·长难句划分的具体步骤: 【第一步】断开主句和从句 通读整个句子找出所有的连词或动词,并将连词和动词匹配起来(主要是针对从句而 言,主句不存在连词,从句连词和动词的匹配遵守就近原则),然后再给动词匹配主 语(主句的主语在谓语之前找;从句的主语在连词和与之匹配的谓语动词中间找,如 果它们中间没有任何词语,那么连词本身就是这个从句的主语。) 【第二步】断开介词短语和非谓语动词 A.从介词开始到其后跟的名词结束 B.从介词开始到动名词结束 C.从介词开始到动名词的宾语结束动名词(doing ) 动词不定式(to do ) 现在分词(doing ) 过去分词(done ) 在进行第一步的时候注意以下5种情况: 1如果动词前没有任何(落单的)连词,那么该动词应该是主句的谓语。 2如果动词前有两个或两个以上的连词,那么动词和连词的匹配遵守就近原则。 3如果动词比连词多两个或两个以上,说明有连词省略了或者把过去分词错当 成谓语动词。 4切割嵌套的从句:从句往往从连词开始到从句中的第二个谓语动词出现之前 结束。 5有些词既可以是连词,也可以具有别的词性 例如:that :既可以是连词,也可以是代词或者限定词; than 、before 、after 、until 等既可以是连词也可以是介词


动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。1)表示动作中状态的词叫做动词。 2)根据其在句中的功能,动词可分为四类,分别是:实义动词(Notional Verb)、系动词(Link Verb)、助动词(Auxiliary Verb)、情态动词(Modal Verb)。说明:有些情况下,有些动词是兼类词,例如: We are having a meeting. 我们正在开会。(having是实义动词。) He has gone to New York.他已去纽约。 (has是助动词。) 3)动词根据其后是否带有宾语,可分为两类,分别是:及物动词(Transitive Verb)、不及物动词(Intransitive Verb),缩写形式分别为vt. 和vi.。 说明:同一动词有时可用作及物动词,有时可用作不及物动词。例如: She can dance and sing. 她能唱歌又能跳舞。(sing在此用作不及物动词。) She can sing many English songs.考试大-全国最大教育类网站(www.Examda。com) 她能唱好多首英文歌曲。(sing用作及物动词。) 4)根据是否受主语的人称和数的限制,可分两类,分别是:限定动词(Finite Verb)、非限定动词(Non-finite Verb)例如: She sings very well. 她唱得很好。(sing受主语she的限制,故用第三人称单数形式sings。) She wants to learn English well. 她想学好英语。(to learn不受主语she的限制,没有词形变化,是非限定动词。 说明:英语中共有三种非限定动词,分别是:动词不定式(Infinitive)、动名词(Gerund)、分词(Participle)。 5)根据动词的组成形式,可分为三类,分别是:单字词(One-Word Verb)、短语动词(Phrasal Verb)、动词短语(Verbal Phrase)例如: The English language contains many phrasal verbs and verbal phrases. 英语里有许多短语动词和动词短语。(contains是单字动词。) Students should learn to look up new words in dictionaries. 学生们学会查字典。(look up是短语动词。) The young ought to take care of the old. 年轻人应照料老人。(take care of是动词短语。) 6)动词有五种形态,分别是:原形(Original Form)、第三人称单数形式(Singular

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