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Introduction to Management 总复习

Chapter 1-Introduction to Management and Organization What is management?(p.37-38)(t.1.1)

--define and describe the basic functions and roles

―Management is the process of getting activities completed efficiently and effectively with and through people.‖ (Efficiency: 效率Effectiveness: 有效)



D ef i ni ng goal s,

组织zu zhi

D et er m i ni ng

w hat needs t o 领导

D i r ect i ng and 控制kong zhi

M oni t or i ng act i vi t i es t o Who are managers?(p38-41(t 1-2)

--define and describe the basic function and roles

--describe the function and roles of different levels of manager

Manager are people who work with and through other people by coordinating (协调) and integrating (结合) their work activities in order to accomplish organizational goals Managerial Levels:Top Managers (最高层管理人)Middle Managers (中层管理人) First-Line Managers (基层管理人)Operatives (操作的人)

Chapter 2—the Evolution of Management

Understand the differences between

System Approach and the Contingency Approach(p.68-70)

The Systems Approach

● A system is a set of interrelated (相互联系) and interdependent (互相依赖)parts arranged

to produce a unified whole

●Basic Types of Systems

●Closed systems (封闭系统)

●Open systems(开放系统).

The Organization as an Open System

Implications of the Systems Approach

●Coordination (配合) of the organization’s parts is essential for proper functioning of the

entire organization.

●Decisions and actions taken in one area of the organization will have an effect in other

areas of the organization.

●Organizations are not self-contained and, therefore, must adapt to changes in their

external environment.

The Contingency Approach权变方法

Contingency Approach Defined

●Also called the situational approach(形势方法)

●There is no one universally (没有一个普遍) applicable set of management

principles (rules)

●Organizations are individually different, face different situations (contingency

variables-- 权变的变量), and require different ways of managing.


Workforce Diversity-its characteristic and Practices (.73-74)

Workforce diversity-a workforce that ’s heterogeneous in terms of gender, race, ethnicity, age and other characteristics that reflect differences.

Practices:1. U.S labor force will continue to reflect increasing ethnic diversity.2. the aging of the population

● E-business -(p.75-76) (Electronic Business) 网络营业

● The work preformed by an organization using electronic linkages to its key


● E-commerce: the sales and marketing component of an e-business

Categories of E-Businesses

● E-business enhanced organization ● E-business enabled organization ● Total e-business organization

What is a Learning Organization?(p76-77)

Learning Organization 继续学习的组织:An organization that has developed the capacity to continuously learn, adapt (适应), and change.

Knowledge Management 知识管理:The cultivation of a learning culture where organizational members systematically gather and share knowledge with others in order to achieve better performance.

Chapter 5- -Social Responsibility and Managerial Ethics

Social Responsibility-(p.149-150)

The Classical View 古典观点

● Management ’s only social responsibility is to maximize profits 最佳的的利润 (create a

financial return) by operating the business in the best interests of the stockholders (owners of the corporation).

● Using the firm ’s resources on doing “social good ”(社会利益)unjustifiably increases

costs that lower profits to the owners and raises prices to consumers.

Strategy Size


Environment Uncertainty

The Socioeconomic View社会经济学观点

●Management’s social responsibility goes beyond making profits to include protecting

and improving society’s welfare(包含保护增进社会福利)

●Corporations are not independent entities responsible only to stockholders(不仅对


●Firms have a moral responsibility to larger society to become involved in social, legal,

and political issues(参与社会,法律及政治的事务)

●―To do the right thing‖做公正的决定

--Social obligation is when a firm engages in social actions because of its obligation to meet certain economic and legal responsibilities.

--Social responsiveness is when a firm engages in social actions in response to some popular social need.

--Social responsibility as a business’s intention, beyond its legal and economic obligations, to do the right things and act in ways that are good for society.

Value- based Management-(p.156-158) (T.3-5)

--Define and Explain- Values, Shared Values, Corporate Values

Value is defined as the performance characteristics, features and attributes, and any other aspects of goods and services for which customers are willing to give up resources (usually money). Purposes of Shared Organizational Values共享的组织价值观

●Guide managers’decisions and actions 指导管理者的决策和行动

●Shape employee behavior 塑造雇工行为

●Influence marketing efforts 影响营销效果

●Build team spirits 建立团队精神

Corporate Values

Chapter 6—Decision Making

The Decision Making Process—(p186-191)

Step 1: Identifying the Problem识别决策问题

Step 2: Identifying Decision Criteria确认决策标准

Step 3: Allocating Weights to the Criteria为决策标准分配权重

Step 4: Developing Alternatives开发备择方案

Step 5: Analyzing Alternatives分析备择方案

Step 6: Selecting an Alternative选择备择方案

Step 7: Implementing the Decision贯施备择方案

Step 8: Evaluating the Decision’s Effectiveness评估决策结果

Making Decision-(p192-194)


Bounded Rationality (p193) :Managers make decisions rationally, but are limited (bounded) by their ability to process information 管理者处理消息和资料的才能限度

●Assumptions(假设)are that decision makers:

●Will not seek out or have knowledge of all alternatives

●Will satisfice用第一个满意的制定—choose the first alternative

encountered that satisfactorily solves the problem—rather than

maximize the outcome of their decision by considering all alternatives

and choosing the best.

Escalation of Commitment(p.193):(升级承诺) Increasing or continuing a commitment to previous decision despite mounting evidence that the decision may have been wrong.

Common biases and Mistakes-(p202-204, Exh 6-13)

Chapter 7 –Foundation of Planning

What is Planning? (T.5.2-#1,4, 5)

Planning is a primary managerial function that involves:

●Defining the organization’s goals

●Establishing overall strategy for achieving those goals

Developing a comprehensive set of plans to integrate and coordinate organizational work.

Types of Plans 计划的类型:

The most popular ways to describe organizational plans are by their:

●Breadth 宽度

●Strategic 战略的versus operational 运营的

●Time frame 时间架构

●Long term 长期versus short term 短期

●Specificity 具体性

●Directional 方向性versus specific 具体性

●Frequency of use 使用频率

●Single 一次性use versus standing 特续性

--Formal Planning vs Informal Planning(p.214-215)

Informal非正式化: not written down, short-term focus; specific to an organizational unit.

Formal正式化:written, specific, and long-term focus, involves shared goals for the organization

--Strategic Planning vs Operational Planning (P.219)

Strategic Plans 战略的计划

●Apply to the entire organization

●Establish the organization’s overall goals.

●Seek to position the organization in terms of its environment.

●Cover extended periods of time.

Operational Plans 运营的计划

●Specify the details of how the overall goals are to be achieved.

●Cover short time period

--Specific Planning vs Directional Planning (p.220)

Specific Planning are plans that are clearly defined and that leave no room for interpretation. They have clearly defined objectives. There’s no ambiguity and no problem with misunderstanding. Directional Planning are flexible plans that set out general guidelines. They provide focus but don’t lock managers into specific goals or courses of action.

Single-Use Plan 一次性计划

● A one-time plan specifically designed to meet the need of a unique situation.

Standing Plans 常设的计划

●Ongoing plans that provide guidance for activities performed repeatedly Planning and Performance

The Relationship Between Planning And Performance 计划与绩效的关系

●Formal planning is associated with:正式化的计划工作通常带来较高的:

●Higher profits 绩效and returns of assets 资产回报率

●Positive financial results 积极的财务结果

●The quality 质量of planning and implementation 执行affects performance more than

the extent of planning.

●The external environment 外部环境can reduce the impact of planning on performance,

●Formal planning must be used for several years before planning begins to affect


Contemporary issues in planning

Criticisms of Planning (p.228-229):

Planning may create rigidity.

Plans can’t be developed for a dynamic environment.

Formal plans can’t replace intuition and creativity.

Planning focuses managers’ attention on today’s competition, not on tomorrow’s survival. Formal planning reinforces success, which may lead to failure.

Just planning isn’t enough.

Effective Planning in Dynamic Environments (p229-230)动态的环境下有效的计划工作

●Plans should be specific but flexible 灵活的

●Planning is an ongoing process 持续的过程

●Change plans when conditions warrant follow 跟随市场环境不断的变化

●Persistence in planning eventually pay off 坚持计划工作

●Flatten the organizational hierarchy to foster the development of planning skills at all

organizational levels

Chapter 10—Organizational Structure and Design

Organizational Structure—(p297-299)

--Work Specialization (p297)工作专门化

Dividing tasks in the organization into separate jobs with each step completed by a different person.

Overspecialization can result in human diseconomies from boredom, fatigue, stress, poor quality, increased absenteeism, and higher turnover

--Departmentalization (p.298-299, T#2, Definitions)is to classify and group workers into units, and units into departments to achieve organizational goals

Functional departmentalization 职能部门化(Grouping jobs by functions performed) Divisional departmentalization

1.Product departmentalization 产品部门化by product line

2.Geographic departmentalization 地区部门化on the basis of territory or geography

3.Process departmentalization 过程部门化on the basis of product or customer flow

4.Customer departmentalization 顾客部门化by type of customer and needs

Geographical Departmentalization地区部门化

●Geographical departmentalization group jobs on the basis of geography

●What are the advantages and disadvantages of Geographical Departmentalization?


Product Departmentalization 产品部门化

Allows specialization in particular products and services

+ Managers can become experts in their industry

+ Closer to customers

–Duplication of functions

–Limited view of organizational goals

Process Departmentalization 过程部门化

+ More efficient flow of work activities

–Can only be used with certain types of products

Customer Departmentalization顾客部门化

+ Customers’needs and problems can be met by specialists

- Duplication of functions

- Limited view of organizational goals

1.What kind of departmentalization would be in place in a government organization

where different public service responsibilities are divided into activities for

employers, children, and the disabled?





Common Organizational Design (p308-310); Exh,10-8)

--Traditional Organizational Design (p308-309)

Functional Structure vs Divisional Structure

--Contemporary Organizational design (p.309-340)现代的组织设计

Team Structure vs Matrix Structure

●Team structures 基于团队的结构:The entire organization is made up of work groups or

self-managed teams of employees

Advantages: Employees are more involved and empowered

Disadvantages: No clear chain of command, Pressure on teams to perform

●Matrix Structures矩阵型结构

●use specialists for different functional departments are assigned to work on

projects led by project managers

●Matrix participants have two managers

Chapter 11—Communication and Information Technology

What Is Communication?什么是沟通

Communication:The transfer (传递) and understanding of meaning.

●Transfer means the message was received in a form that can be interpreted by the


●Understanding (理解li jie) the message is not the same as the receiver agreeing (同意

tong yi) with the message.

●Interpersonal Communication人与人之间的沟通

●Communication between two or more people

●Organizational Communication 组织沟通

●All the patterns 模式, network, and systems of communications within an


Communicational Process (p324,Exh 11-1.T,#4,5)

Interpersonal Communication

●Message 信息(Source: sender’s intended meaning)

●Encoding 编码(The message converted to symbolic form)

●Channel 路线(The medium 媒介through which the message travels)

●Decoding 解码(The receiver’s retranslation of the message)

●Noise 噪声(Disturbances that interfere with communications)

1.The activity by which a message is converted to a symbolic form by the sender is

known as:

a) decoding

b) mental formation

c) articulation

d) encoding

2.Which of the following is NOT a part of the communication process?

a) sender

b) receiver

c) feedback

d) understanding

Interpersonal Communication(p324-328)

--Verbal (p.326)emphasis that a speaker gives to certain words or phrases that conveys meaning. --Non-verbal (p.328)Communication非语言沟通

●Communication that is transmitted without words.

●Sounds with specific meanings or warnings

●Images that control or encourage behaviors

●Situational behaviors that convey meanings

●Clothing and physical surroundings that imply status

Organizational (p.333-336)

--Formal vs Informal Communication (p.333)

Formal Communication 正式沟通--follows the official chain of command or is part of the communication required to do one’s job.

Informal Communication 非正式沟通--is not defined by the organization’s hierarchy.

●need for social interaction.

●faster and more effective channels of communication.

--C ommunication Network Types (p.335-336)

●Chain Network 链式网络Communication flows according to the formal chain of

command, both upward and downward.

●Wheel Network 轮式网络All communication flows in and out through the group

leader (hub) to others in the group.

●All-Channel Network 全通道式网络Communications flow freely among all members

of the work team.

Chapter 12 –Human resource management

Functions of Human Resource management

Functions (功能)of the HRM Process

?identify and select competent employees识别和挑选有能力的雇工

?Provide employees with up-to-date knowledge and skills to do their jobs供应雇工现代化的知识与技巧

?Retains competent and high-performing employees保留有能力与高绩效的雇工

--Human Resource Planning (p.356) is the process by which managers ensure that they have the right number and kinds of capable people in the right places and at the right times.

--Recruitment (p.357,Exh, 12-4)The process of locating, identifying, and attracting capable

Training -

Compensation and benefits --Influencing Factors (p.368-370,Exh 12-14)

?Benefits of a Fair, Effective, and Appropriate Compensation System 适当的工薪补贴系统

?Helps attract and retain high-performance employees

?Impacts on the strategic performance of the firm

?Types of Compensation薪酬的类型

?Base wage or salary

?Wage and salary add-ons

?Incentive payments

?Skill-based pay

Chapter 13—Managing Change and Innovation

What Is Change? 什么是变革

?Organizational Change 组织变革

Any alterations in the people, structure, or technology of an organization ?Characteristics of Change 变革的特征

Is constant yet varies in degree and direction

Produces uncertainty yet is not completely unpredictable Creates both threats (威胁) and opportunities (机会 )

? Managing change is an integral partof every manager ’s job. Forces for Change —External Force (p386) vs Internal Forces (p.387)

Managing Resistance to change —Why People Resist Change? (p.394)

The ambiguity 不明确 and uncertainty that change introduces The comfort of old habits

A concern over personal loss of status, money, authority, friendships, and personal


The perception that change is incompatible with the goals and interest of the organization Handling Employee stress —Cause and Symptoms of stress (p.398-400, Exh.13-7) Causes of Stress 压力的来源

Symptoms of Stress 压力的症状

Chapter14—Organizational Behavior

Individual vs Group Behavior in Organizational Behavior - –(T.#6) Goal of OB (p.419) Individual behavior 个体行为

Attitudes, personality, perception, learning, and motivation (态度,人格,认识,学习,激励)

Group behavior 群体行为

Norms, roles, team building, leadership, and conflict 规范,角色,团队建设,领导和冲突)

Goals of OB 目的 :To explain, predict and influence behavior. 解释,预测和影响行为

1. The two areas on which organizational behavior focuses on are:

a) individual behavior and group behavior b) managerial behavior and employee behavior

c)traits and environments

d)macro-personality traits and micro-personality traits

e)perception and risk taking

Attitude vs behavior of Employees in Work Place—(T.#3,7)

2.The components of an attitude are:

a)Personality, perception, learning

b)Employee productivity, absenteeism, turnover

c)OCB, job satisfaction and turnover

d)Cognitive, affective and behavioral

3.Social interaction, preference for gathering data and style of decision making The three

components that make up an attitude are _____.

a)cognitive, affective, and behavioral

b)traits, behavioral and emotional

c)knowledge, opinion and individual history

d)intention, opinion and environment

e)extraversion, agreeableness and emotional stability

Attitudes态度:Evaluative statements—either favorable or unfavorable—concerning objects, people, or events.

Components Of An Attitude

Cognitive componen t(认识成分): the beliefs, opinions, knowledge, or information held by a person.

Affective component(情感成分): the emotional or feeling part of an attitude.

Behavioral component(行为成分): the intention to behave in a certain way.

Job satisfaction (p.421-422)工作满意度is affected by level of income earned and by the type of job a worker does.

Global Job Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction and Productivity 工作满意度与生产力

Job Satisfaction and Absenteeism

Job Satisfaction and Turnover

Job Satisfaction and Customer Satisfaction

Job Satisfaction and Workplace Misbehavior

Implications for Managers (p426)

●Attitudes warn of potential behavioral problems:

Managers should do things that generate the positive attitudes that reduce

absenteeism and turnover.

●Attitudes influence behaviors of employees:

Managers should focus on helping employees become more productive to increase job satisfaction.

●Employees will try to reduce dissonance unless:

Managers identify the external sources of dissonance.

Managers provide rewards compensating for the dissonance.

Employee Personality Assessments—

Myers Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI):A general personality assessment tool that measures the personality of an individual using four categories:

Social interaction社交倾向: Extrovert or Introvert (E or I)外向型或内向型

Preference for gathering data:资料倾向Sensing or Intuitive (S or N)领悟型或直觉型 Preference for decision making:决策偏好Feeling or Thinking (F or T)情感型或思维型 Style of decision making:决策风格Perceptive or Judgmental (P or J)感知型或判断型

The Big Five Model—(p 428-430)




●Emotional Stability (Neuroticism) 情绪稳定性

●Openness to Experience 经验的开放性

Contemporary OB issues—

then shouts profanity when her computer freezes up. rudeness, hostility, aggression, and other forms of workplace negativity have become all too common in today’s organizations.

Chapter 17—Leadership

Leaders vs Leadership (T.#1,7,9)

● A leader is someone who can influence others and who has managerial authority

●Leadership is the process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals

4.Leadership is _____.

a)The process of influencing a group toward the achievement of goals

b) A group that achieves goals

c)The function of influencing a group towards the achievement of goals

d)Directing a group towards the achievement of goals

5.Which of the following leadership styles would require the main role of the leader to

facilitate and communicate?






6._____ is the power that rests on the leader’s ability to punish or control.

a)Reward power

b)Coercive power

c)Expert power

d)Referent power

e)Legitimate power

Situational Leadership Theory (p.526.ppt lesson 11-19)

Contemporary Views-

Visionary leader-(p.531-532)远景规划型领导

● A leader who creates and articulates a realistic, credible, and attractive vision of

the future that improves upon the present situation.

●Visionary leaders have the ability to:

●Explain the vision to others

●Express the vision not just verbally but through behavior

●Extend or apply the vision to different leadership contexts

Team Leader-(P532-534,Exh17-8)

●Team Leadership Roles 团队领导的角色

●Liaison with external constituencies 对外联络

●Troubleshooter 困难处理专家

●Conflict manager 冲突管理者

●Coach 教练

Leadership in the Twenty-first Century-

Managing Power (p.534-535)

●Legitimate power 法定权力—Power deriving from a leader’s position

●Coercive power 强制权力—The power to punish or control

●Reward power 奖赏权力—The power to give positive benefits or rewards

●Expert power 专家权力—The influence a leader can exert as a result of his or

her expertise, skills, or knowledge.

●Referent power 参照权力—The power arising from a leader’s desirable

resources or admired personal traits

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