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Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis

Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis
Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis

J. Braz et al. (Eds.): VISIGRAPP 2007, CCIS 21, pp. 5–12, 2008.

? Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2008

Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis


Jun Yang 1, Zhengning Wang 2, Changqian Zhu 2, and Qiang Peng 2


School of Mechanical & Electrical Engineering Lanzhou Jiaotong

University, Lanzhou, Gansu 730070, China

2 School of Information Science & Technology Southwest Jiaotong

University, Chengdu, Sichuan 610031, China yangj@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,, {znwang,cqzhu,pqiang}@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html, Abstract. This paper addresses the problem of reconstructing implicit function from point clouds with noise and outliers acquired with 3D scanners. We intro-duce a filtering operator based on mean shift scheme, which shift each point to local maximum of kernel density function, resulting in suppression of noise with different amplitudes and removal of outliers. The “clean” data points are then divided into subdomains using an adaptive octree subdivision method, and a local radial basis function is constructed at each octree leaf cell. Finally, we blend these local shape functions together with partition of unity to approximate the entire global domain. Numerical experiments demonstrate robust and high quality performance of the proposed method in processing a great variety of 3D reconstruction from point clouds containing noise and outliers.

Keywords: Filtering, space subdivision, radial basis function, partition of unity. 1 Introduction

The interest for point-based surface has grown significantly in recent years in com-puter graphics community due to the development of 3D scanning technologies, or the riddance of connectivity management that greatly simplifies many algorithms and data structures. Implicit surfaces are an elegant representation to reconstruct 3D sur-faces from point clouds without explicitly having to account for topology issues. However, when the point sets data generated from range scanners (or laser scanners) contain large noise, especially outliers, some established methods often fail to recon-struct surfaces or real objects.

There are two major classes of surface representations in computer graphics: para-metric surfaces and implicit surfaces. A parametric surface [1, 2] is usually given by a function f (s , t ) that maps some 2-dimensional (maybe non-planar) parameter domain ? into 3-space while an implicit surface typically comes as the zero-level isosurface of a 3-dimensional scalar field f (x , y , z ). Implicit surface models are popular since they can describe complex shapes with capabilities for surface and volume modeling and complex editing operations are easy to perform on such models. Moving least square (MLS) [3-6] and radial basis function (RBF) [7-15] are two popular 3D im-plicit surface reconstruction methods.

6 J. Yang et al.

Recently, RBF attracts more attention in surface reconstruction. It is identified as one of most accurate and stable methods to solve scattered data interpolation prob-lems. Using this technique, an implicit surface is constructed by calculating the weights of a set of radial basis functions such they interpolate the given data points. From the pioneering work [7, 8] to recent researches, such as compactly-supported RBF [9, 10], fast RBF [11-13] and multi-scale RBF [14, 15], the established algo-rithms can generate more and more faithful models of real objects in last twenty years, unfortunately, most of them are not feasible for the approximations of unorgan-ized point clouds containing noise and outliers.

In this paper, we describe an implicit surface reconstruction algorithm for noise scattered point clouds with outliers. First, we define a smooth probability density kernel function reflecting the probability that a point p is a point on the surface S sampled by a noisy point cloud. A filtering procedure based on mean shift is used to move the points along the gradient of the kernel functions to the maximum probability positions. Second, we reconstruct a surface representation of “clean” point sets im-plicitly based on a combination of two well-known methods, RBF and partition of unity (PoU). The filtered domain of discrete points is divided into many subdomians by an adaptively error-controlled octree subdivision, on which local shape functions are constructed by RBFs. We blend local solutions together using a weighting sum of local subdomains. As you will see, our algorithm is robust and high quality.

2 Filtering

2.1 Covariance Analysis

Before introducing our surface reconstruction algorithm, we describe how to perform eigenvalue decomposition of the covariance matrix based on the theory of principal component analysis (PCA) [24], through which the least-square fitting plane is de-fined to estimate the kernel-based density function.

Given the set of input points ?={p i }i ?[1,L ], p i ? R 3, the weighted covariance matrix

C for a sample point p i ? ? is determined by


T 1L h j i j i j i j =???Ψ?∑=C p p p p p p , (1) where i p is the centroid of the neighborhood of p i , Ψ is a monotonically decreasing weight function, and h is the adaptive kernel size for the spatial sampling density. Consider the eigenvector problem

l l l λ?=?C e e . (2)

Since C is symmetric and positive semi-define, all eigenvalues λl are real-valued and the eigenvectors e l form an orthogonal frame, corresponding to the principal compo-nents of the local neighborhood.

Assuming λ0≤λ1≤λ2, it follows that the least square fitting plane H(p ): ()0i 0??=p p e through i p minimizes the sum of squared distances to the neighbors

of p i . Thus e 0 approximates the surface normal n i at p i , i.e., n i = e 0. In other words, e 1 and e 2 span the tangent plane at p i .

Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis Functions 7

2.2 Mean Shift Filtering

Mean shift [16, 17] is one of the robust iterative algorithms in statistics. Using this algorithm, the samples are shifted to the most likely positions which are local maxima of kernel density function. It has been applied in many fields of image processing and visualization, such as tracing, image smoothing and filtering.

In this paper, we use a nonparametric kernel density estimation scheme to estimate an unknown density function g (p ) of input data. A smooth kernel density function g (p ) is defined to reflect the probability that a point p ? R 3 is a point on the surface S sampled by a noisy point cloud ?. Inspired by the previous work of Schall et al. [21], we measure the probability density function g (p ) by considering the squared distance of p to the plane H(p ) fitted to a spatial k -neighborhood of p i as



pro pro 111L L i i i i i i i i g g G ====Φ?????????∑∑p p p p p p p p n , (3) where Φi and G i are two monotonically decreasing weighting functions to measure the spatial distribution of point samples from spatial domain and range domain, which are more adaptive to the local geometry of the point model. The weight function could be either a Gaussian kernel or an Epanechnikov kernel. Here we choose Gaussian func-tion 22/2x e σ? . The p pro is an orthogonal projection of a certain sample point p on the least-square fitting plane. The positions p close to H(p ) will be assigned with a higher probability than the positions being more distant.

The simplest method to find the local maxima of (3) is to use a gradient-ascent process written as follows:

()()1L i i g g =?=?∑p p ()()()pro pro 21

2L i i i i i i i G h =?≈

Φ?????????∑p p p p p p n n . (4) Thus the mean shift vectors are determined as

()()()()()pro pro pro pro 11()L

L i i i i i i i i i i i m G G ==??=?Φ?????Φ??????????

∑∑p p p p p p p p n n p p p p . (5) Combining equations (4) and (5) we get the resulting iterative equations of mean shift filtering

1()j j i i m +=p p , o i i =p p , (6)

where j is the number of iteration. In our algorithm, g (p ) satisfies the following condi-tions

()()()()21121120,0g g g ?>???≥?≥p p p p p p p , (7)

thus g (p ) is a convex function with finite stable points in the set ()(){}


|i i i U g g =≥p p p resulting in the convergence of the series {},1,...,,1,2,...j i i L j ==p . Experiments show that we stop iterative process if 13510j j i i h +??≤×p p

is satisfied. Each sample usually converges in less than 8 iterations. Due to the clustering property of our method, groups of outliers usually converge to a set of single points sparsely distributed around the surface samples. These points can be characterized by a very low spatial sampling density compared to the surface samples. We use this criteria for the detec-tion of outliers and remove them using a simple threshold.

8 J. Yang et al.

3 Implicit Surface Reconstruction

3.1 Adaptive Space Subdivision

In order to avoid solving a dense linear system, we subdivide the whole input points filtered by mean shift into slightly overlapping subdomains. An adaptive octree-based subdivision method introduced by Ohtake et al. [18] is used in our space partition. We define the local support radius R =α d i for the cubic cells which are generated during the subdivision, d i is the length of the main diagonal of the cell. Assume each cell should contain points between T min and T max . In our implementation, α=0.6, T min =20 and T max =40 has provided satisfying results.

A local max-norm approximation error is estimated according to the Taubin dis-tance [19], ()()max /i i i i c R

f f ε?<=?p p p . (8) If the ε is greater than a user-specified threshold ε0, the cell is subdivided and a local neighborhood function f i is built for each leaf cell.

3.2 Estimating Local Shape Functions

Given the set of N pairwise distinct points ?={p i }i ?[1,N ], p i ?R 3, which is filtered by mean shift algorithm, and the set of corresponding values {v i }i ?[1,N ], v i ?R, we want to find an interpolation f : R 3→R such that

()i i f v =p . (9)

We choose the f (p ) to be a radial basis function of the form

()()()1N i i

i f ηω?==+?∑p p p p , (10)

where η(p )= ζk ηk (p ) with {ηk (p )}k ?[1,Q ] is a basis in the 3D null space containing all

real-value polynomials in 3 variables and of order at most m with {}

33m Q += depending on the choice of φ, φ is a basis function, ωi are the weights in real numbers, and | . | denotes the Euclidean norm.

There are many popular basis functions φ for use: biharmonic φ(r ) = r , triharmonic φ(r ) = r 3, multiquadric φ(r ) = (r 2+c 2)1/2, Gaussian φ(r ) = exp(-cr 2), and thin-plate spline φ(r ) = r 2log(r ), where r = |p -p i |.

As we have an under-determined system with N+Q unknowns and N equations, so-called natural additional constraints for the coefficient ωi are added in order to ensure orthogonality, so that

121110N N N i i

i Q i i i ωηωηωη=======∑∑∑ . (11)

The equations (9), (10) and (11) may be written in matrix form as

0??????=????????????T A ηωv η

0ζ, (12) where A =φ(|p i -p j |), i,j =1,…,N , η=ηk (p i ), i =1,…,N , k =1,…,Q , ω=ωi , i =1,…,N and ζ=ζk , k =1,…,Q . Solving the linear system (14) determines ωi and ζk , hence the f (p ).

Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis Functions 9

Fig. 1. A set of locally defined functions are blent by the PoU method. The resulting function (red solid curve) is constructed from four local functions (thick dashed curves) with their associated weight functions (dashed dotted curves).

3.3 Partition of Unity

After suppressing high frequency noise and removing outliers, we divide the global domain ?={p i }i ?[1,N ] into M lightly overlapping subdomains {?i }i ?[1,M ] with i i Ω?Ω∪ using an octree-based space partition method. On this set of subdomains {?i }i ?[1,M ], we construct a partition of unity, i.e., a collection of non-negative functions {Λi }i ?[1,M ] with limited support and with ∑Λi =1 in the entire domain ?. For each subdomain ?i we construct a local reconstruction function f i based on RBF to interpolate the sam-pled points. As illustrated in Fig. 1, four local functions f 1(p ), f 2(p ), f 3(p ) and f 4(p ) are blended together by weight functions Λ1, Λ2, Λ3 and Λ4. The red solid curve is the final reconstructed function.

Now an approximation of a function f (p ) defined on ? is given by a combination of the local functions


i i i f f ==Λ∑p p p . (13)

The blending function is obtained from any other set of smooth functions by a nor-malization procedure

()()()i i j j

w w Λ=p p p . (14)

The weight functions w i must be continuous at the boundary of the subdomains ?i . Tobor et al. [15] suggested that the weight functions w i be defined as the composition of a distance function D i :R n →[0,1], where D i (p )=1 at the boundary of ?i and a decay function θ: [0,1]→[0,1], i.e. w i (p )= θ ? D i (p ). More details about D i and θ can be found in Tobor’s paper.

4 Applications and Results

All results presented in this paper are performed on a 2.8GHz Intel Pentium4 PC with 512M of RAM running Windows XP.

To visualize the resulting implicit surfaces, we used a pure point-based surface rendering algorithm such as [22] instead of traditionally rendering the implicit sur-faces using a Marching Cubes algorithm [23], which inherently introduces heavy topological constraints.

10 J. Yang et al.

Table 1. Computational time measurements for mean shift filtering and RBF+PoU surface reconstructing with error bounded at 10-5. Timings are listed as minutes:seconds.

model Bunny Dragon head Dragon

P input 362K 485K 2.11M

P filter 165K 182K 784K

T filter 9:07 13:26 41:17

T octree 0:02 0:04 0:10

T rec 0:39 0:51 3:42

(a) (b) (c)

Fig. 2. Comparison of implicit surface reconstruction based on RBF methods. (a) Input noisy point set of Stanford bunny (362K). (b) Reconstruction with Carr’s method [11]. (c) Reconstruction with our method in this paper.

(a) (b) (c) (d)

Fig. 3. Error threshold controls reconstruction accuracy and smoothness of the scanned dragon model consisting of 2.11M noisy points. (a) Reconstructing with error threshold at 8.4x10-4. (c) Reconstructing with error threshold at 2.1x10-5. (b) and (d) are close-ups of the red rectangle areas of (a) and (c) respectively.

Table 1 presents computational time measurements for filtering and reconstructing of three scan models, bunny, dragon head and dragon, with user-specified error threshold 10-5 in this paper. In order to achieve good effects of denoising we choose a large number of k-neighborhood for the adaptive kernel computation, however, more timings of filtering are spent . In this paper, we set k=200. Note that the filtered points are less than input noisy points due to the clustering property of our method.

In Fig. 2 two visual examples of the reconstruction by Carr’s method [11] and our algorithm are shown. Carr et al. use polyharmonic RBFs to reconstruct smooth, mani-fold surfaces from point cloud data and their work is considered as an excellent and successful research in this field. However, because of sensitivity to noise, the

Implicit Surface Reconstruction with Radial Basis Functions 11

reconstructed model in the middle of Fig. 2 shows spurious surface sheets. The qual-ity of the reconstruction is highly satisfactory, as be illustrated in the right of Fig. 2, since a mean shift operator is introduced to deal with noise in our algorithm.

For the purpose of illustrating the influence of error thresholds on reconstruction accuracy and smoothness, we set two different error thresholds on the reconstruction of the scanned dragon model, as demonstrated by Fig. 3.

5 Conclusions and Future Work

In this study, we have presented a robust method for implicit surface reconstruction from scattered point clouds with noise and outliers. Mean shift method filters the raw scanned data and then the PoU scheme blends the local shape functions defined by RBF to approximate the whole surface of real objects.

We are also investigating various other directions of future work. First, we are trying to improve the space partition method. We think that the Volume-Surface Tree [20], an alternative hierarchical space subdivision scheme providing efficient and accurate sur-face-based hierarchical clustering via a combination of a global 3D decomposition at coarse subdivision levels, and a local 2D decomposition at fine levels near the surface may be useful. Second, we are planning to combine our method with some feature ex-traction procedures in order to adapt it for processing very incomplete data. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by ‘Qing Lan’ Talent Engineering Funds by Lanzhou Jiaotong University.


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windows下安装苹果教程。最详细,最全面,最值得看的教程! 最详细,最适合新手的教程:如何原版安装mac 从windows到mac os(安装黑苹果目前最详细教程) 最近网上有不少如何安装苹果系统的教程,个人感觉都不错,但是有些地方还是不够详细,所以我决定写一个比较详细的教程。鉴于网上有不少类似的教程,所以我的这个安装方法中有不少是借鉴和总结他们的,在此不一一提出,但是对这些作者表示感谢和崇高的敬意。本教程较长,不要因此以为苹果的安装比较复杂,其实我只是让每一步叙述的更加详细,提供更多的方法处理安装,还有就是加入了大量的图片。由于本教程过于详细,所以比较适合新手阅读。 安装之前要做好失败的心理准备,新手建议先备份重要数据到别的机器,预防数据丢失。要有足够的耐心和毅力,敢于不断尝试,不自己实践过永远不知道自己电脑是不是能够成功安装,安装成功后的成就感只有自己知道,另外完成安装过程也是学习电脑知识的过程,祝各位能安装顺利。 以下是详细过程: 安装之前的准备: ################################################### ##################### 硬盘安装原版mac(以10.6.3零售版为例) 以下工具或软件下载地址在4楼和5楼,4楼提供10.6.3零售版115网盘下载,5楼提供帖子中所涉及的大部分软件的115网盘下载,126楼提供本教程的pdf格式的下载

所要准备的软件等: ①原版苹果镜像,推荐Mac.OS.X.10.6.3.Retail.dmg ②推荐bootthink2.4.6版本,另外也可以用变色龙,个人喜欢用bootthink 引导,感觉方便。 ③winPE或者windows原版安装光盘(设置C盘为活动分区用),推荐winPE,winPE的详细制作过程及制作需要的软件(附下载地址)下面有,另外一般的Ghost安装盘上都会有winPE的。 ④硬盘安装助手 ⑤XP必备DiskGenius:硬盘分区工具 (windows7可不用该工具,系统自带磁盘管理) ⑥Mac.OS.X.10.6.3.Retail的替换文件: 替换文件是让苹果系统可以安装在MBR分区上,即windows的分区,有想拿出整块硬盘安装mac的可以不用替换,如何替换看以下的安装过程。不替换的缺点:需要另外找硬盘备份自己硬盘上的所有数据资料,因为硬盘由MBR 分区转变为GPT时会损失所有数据。 ⑦HFS Explorer和Java VM(Java JRE虚拟机),,先安装Java VM (Java JRE虚拟机),才能正常使用HFS Explorer。 ⑧Macdrive或是TransMac,安装了Macdrive可以不用TransMac。 ⑨AMD,intel Atom和Pentium单核的CPU需要准备替换对应的内核 主板不能开启AHCI的还需要补丁i系列的处理器(i3,i5,i7)还需要替换10.3.1以上内核,因为2010年4月


Windows7 各个版本原版系统下载 + Win7旗舰精简版下载 + Win7激活工具 2010-07-16 23:03:24 标签:旗舰精简版原版工具系统 原创作品,允许转载,转载时请务必以超链接形式标明文章原始出处、作者信息和本声明。否则将追究法律责任。https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,/382661/351083 以下是Windows系统的原版中文镜像(可用Oem7激活,激活根据再最底下) Windows7旗舰版32 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_ultimate_x86_dvd_x15-65907.iso|2604238848|D6F139D7 A45E81B76199DDCCDDC4B509|/ Windows7旗舰版64 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_ultimate_x64_dvd_x15-66043.iso|3341268992|7DD7FA75 7CE6D2DB78B6901F81A6907A|/ Windows7企业版32 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_enterprise_x86_dvd_x15-70737.iso|2465783808|41ABFA7 4E57353B2F35BC33E56BD5202|/ Windows7企业版64 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_enterprise_x64_dvd_x15-70741.iso|3203516416|876DCF1 15C2EE28D74B178BE1A84AB3B|/ Windows7专业版32 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_professional_x86_dvd_x15-65790.iso|2604238848|E812FB E758F05B485C5A858C22060785|/ Windows7专业版64 位ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_professional_x64_dvd_x15-65791.iso|3341268992|347480 0521D169FBF3F5E527CD835156|/


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Windows软件正版、原版和盗版的区别 我们先了解一下什么是激活模块和激活码 激活模块是软件生产商为了保护知识产权对软件产品进行锁定的模块,主要是锁定软件的功能或使用期限等。 激活码是验证解锁这一激活模块的钥匙,可实现使用该软件的全部功能、使用权和提供官方的技术支持等。 什么是正版? 根据微软官方的释义,正版 Windows 是由 Microsoft 授权和发布的 Windows 副本,经过授权,由 Microsoft 或受信任伙伴提供支持, 我的解释是可以通过微软正版Windows软件网络验证的,或者微软正式授权的都可以叫正版。 但是这个正版的范围比较大,比如你买了一张盗版精简Windows7的光盘或者上网下载了各种修改版的系统,只要使用激活码成功在正版Windows软件中心通过了认证,这也可以叫做正版。 正版有什么好处? 使用 Windows 的正版副本能帮助你避免数据遭受盗版软件带来的安全威胁,它允许访问 Microsoft 及其合作伙伴提供的支持以及访问更新和下载,从而可以在电脑中获得最大收益。 正版主要是可以得到微软的技术支持。 什么是原版? 原版只的是微软官方发售的零售版光盘复制的副本,并不一定可以通过微软正版Windows软件网络验证。 为什么说不一定可通过正版验证呢?因为如果你安装时使用的激活码未能通过微软软件正版授权许可,或者被微软查封,那么这个系统就是盗版。原版软件只包含了软件本身,并不代表此软件成功安装后就可通过验证,它和激活码是两个概念 原版有什么好处? 原版软件保证了软件本身的性能安全及稳定,并且包含了全部功能及组件,并不存在恶意插件、流氓软件、病毒和木马等。


正版Windows 系统下载+正版密钥 2010-05-30 11:49 喜欢正版Windows 系统 这是我收集N天后的成果,正版的Windows系统真的很好用,支持正版!大家可以用激活工具激活!现将本收集的下载地址发布出来,希望大家多多支持! Windows 98 第二版(简体中文) 安装序列号:Q99JQ-HVJYX-PGYCY-68GM3-WXT68 安装序列号:Q4G74-6RX2W-MWJVB-HPXHX-HBBXJ 安装序列号:QY7TT-VJ7VG-7QPHY-QXHD3-B838Q Windows Millennium Edition (Window ME)(简体中文) 安装序列号:HJPFQ-KXW9C-D7BRJ-JCGB7-Q2DRJ 安装序列号:B6BYC-6T7C3-4PXRW-2XKWB-GYV33 安装序列号:K9KDJ-3XPXY-92WFW-9Q26K-MVRK8 Windows 2000 PRO SP4(简体中文) SerialNumber: BCJTW-2M9JH-M8HHT-KWWWM-3444Y MD5:599d35359320db8c58c7f55da11d3458 Windows XP with sp3 VOL 微软原版(简体中文) 文件名:zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-74070.iso 大小: 630237184 字节

MD5: E74D72F3D90456003E9E02BA0FB7DA61 SHA1: D142469D0C3953D8E4A6A490A58052EF52837F0F CRC32: FFFFFFFF 邮寄日期(UTC):5/2/2008 12:05:18 AM 下载地址:ed2k://|file|zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-74070%20(E https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,).iso|630237184|EC51916C9D9B8B931195EE0D6EE9B40E| Windows XP pro with sp3 VOL 微软原版(简体中文)正版密钥: MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY(工行版)(强推此号!!!) QC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMD(台湾交大学生版) QHYXK-JCJRX-XXY8Y-2KX2X-CCXGD(广州政府版) MFBF7-2CK8B-93MDB-8MR7T-4QRCQ(北京政府版) T72KM-6GWBP-GX7TD-CXFT2-7WT2B(上海政府版) DG8FV-B9TKY-FRT9J-6CRCC-XPQ4G(上海政府版) BCJTW-2M9JH-M8HHT-KWWWM-3444Y(英文版) CD87T-HFP4C-V7X7H-8VY68-W7D7M(英文版) RFYPJ-BKXH2-26FWP-WB6MT-CYH2Y(英文版) 7HPVP-8VHPV-G7CQ3-BTK2R-TDRF3(英文版) DRXKM-94K47-38QVX-F8K7R-2H7CD(日文版) FCKGW-RHQQ2-YXRKT-8TG6W-2B7Q8(韩文版) VMXC2-M9HKH-DRYGC-FHQ7H-BJY33(0408版) CM3HY-26VYW-6JRYC-X66GX-JVY2D(可用) DP7CM-PD6MC-6BKXT-M8JJ6-RPXGJ(可用) F4297-RCWJP-P482C-YY23Y-XH8W3(可用) HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT(可用) M6TF9-8XQ2M-YQK9F-7TBB2-XGG88(可用) HH7VV-6P3G9-82TWK-QKJJ3-MXR96(可用) TDWGX-DMF97-BJYDQ-X9DJV-CYHWQ(可用) T8FMX-Q4HQJ-3JW77-JGPDC-FY9DG(可用) G6X78-XG4KV-3MXT7-FT8YM-F3YW3(可用) OEM版: 华硕: 家庭版: KR63J-B34MB-CVP9K-T478G-8Y3XG 联想: 家庭版: PWBPT-6PGKF-TP6MY-299P4-CPXQG (XXXXX-119-0001544-XXXXX) 专业版: FCDGH-QW3DJ-VBC6C-9BYTX-4GKQJ (XXXXX-119-0001553-XXXXX) VF4HT-MPWB8-TWV6R-K6QM4-W6JCM


Win8.1下载地址 Windows 8.1 Pro VL (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified) Win8.1简体中文专业版 32位文件名 cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x86_dvd_2972620.iso 大小2.84GB 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x86_dvd_2972620.iso|3049981952|5B396C3A0BA99 617647D9AFE8403AFA5|/ Windows 8.1 Pro VL (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified)Win8.1简体中文专业版 64位文件名cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x64_dvd_2971907.iso 大小3.76GB 下载地址 ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_1_pro_vl_x64_dvd_2971907.iso|4032598016|1FDA520B3E888 0E2FB00B20439E0826E|/ Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x86) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified)Win8.1简体中文企业版 32位 文件名cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x86_dvd_2972257.iso 文件大小2.84GB 下载地址 ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x86_dvd_2972257.iso|3050842112|6B60ABF82 82F943FE92327463920FB67|/ Windows 8.1 Enterprise (x64) - DVD (Chinese-Simplified)Win8.1简体中文企业版 64位 文件名cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971863.iso 文件大小3.76GB 下载地址 ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_1_enterprise_x64_dvd_2971863.iso|4039327744|08BAF1832 0B8FFC58D4C35BCC7A32012|/ 安装密钥 核心版 334NH-RXG76-64THK-C7CKG-D3VPT 专业版 XHQ8N-C3MCJ-RQXB6-WCHYG-C9WKB win10下载地址 Win10正式版32位简体中文版(含家庭版、专业版) ed2k://|file|cn_windows_10_multiple_editions_x86_dvd_6846431.iso|3233482752|B5C706594 F5DC697B2A098420C801112|/


安装Windows7原版系统教程 一、需要的硬件:u盘一个(需要格式化)。 二、需要的软件: 1、下载windows ISO格式镜像文件。该文件可以看做是Windows系统的安装文件。 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_7_ultimate_with_sp1_x86_dvd_u_677486.iso|2653276160|7503E 4B9B8738DFCB95872445C72AEFB|/ 2、去自己的电脑品牌官网下载电脑对应的有线和无线网卡驱动做为备用,因为新装的系统 是没有网卡驱动的,如果不提前下载下来会导致装完系统没法上网。 下载以后放到除了C盘意外的盘符或者u盘中备用。 3、下载winrar解压软件。 下载地址: https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,/plus/download.php?open=2&id=8196&uhash=673c01a1f23336e96 033e2b2 下载以后放到除了C盘意外的盘符或者u盘中备用。 4、下载UltraISO并安装。 下载地址: https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,/alading/anquan_soft_down_ub/11522 注册码用户名:王涛注册码:7C81-1689-4046-626F 如果注册码失效,自行百度一个可用的。 三、装系统的步骤 1、制作启动盘 1)打开ultraISO,选择文件,选择打开,选择之前下载的window7 ISO格式的镜像。如图: 2)把准备的u盘插入电脑,点击ultraISO的启动,点击写入硬盘映像。

弹出对话框里,选择你的u盘,点击写入。(写入过程u盘会全盘格式化,备份好有用的文件) 写入完成以后,你的u盘就是一个系统启动盘了。


微软MSDN官方原版windows8简体中文正式版(32/64位)下载 北京时间8月16日凌晨,微软如约 向MSDN付费用户提供了windows8 的下载(点击查看)。MSDN版微软 操作系统,一直是公认为“微软原版”, Jeff从来都是建议安装微软原版 windows8。windows8时代就此开启! 下面就分享微软MSDN官方原版 windows8简体中文正式版下载并提供相关文件信息: Windows 8 (包含专业版和Core版)MSDN官方原版简体中文(建议下载) 32位(x86): 文件名:cn_windows_8_x86_dvd_915414.iso SHA1:0C4A168E37E38EFB59E8844353B2535017CBC587 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_x86_dvd_915414.iso|2679801856|9AF10141BFD61BC66D9D64597 58D7749|/ 附:安装密匙 Core版:BN3D2-R7TKB-3YPBD-8DRP2-27GG4 FB4WR-32NVD-4RW79-XQFWH-CYQG3 专业版: NG4HW-VH26C-733KW-K6F98-J8CK4 XKY4K-2NRWR-8F6P2-448RF-CRYQH 64位(x64): 文件名:cn_windows_8_x64_dvd_915407.iso SHA1:A87C4AA85D55CD83BAE9160560D1CB3319DD675C 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_x64_dvd_915407.iso|3652950016|5C7F8C212BD3A1827866563773 A431C2|/ Windows 8 企业版((Eterprise)MSDN官方原版简体中文 32位(x86): 文件名:cn_windows_8_enterprise_x86_dvd_917682.iso SHA1:951565D8579C5912FB4A407B3B9F715FBDB77EFE 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_enterprise_x86_dvd_917682.iso|2597502976|7B6541942A16EB54 BC81E84558DF09DF|/ 64位(x64): 文件名:cn_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917570.iso SHA1:1280BC3A38A7001FDE981FA2E465DEB341478667 下载地址: ed2k://|file|cn_windows_8_enterprise_x64_dvd_917570.iso|3560837120|8CAE8064C4B8F9CD 84941B4FF4A34722|/ Windows 8 批量授权版本(Pro VL )MSDN官方原版简体中文 32位(x86): 文件名:cn_windows_8_pro_vl_x86_dvd_917720.iso SHA1:EEEF3C3F6F05115C7F7C9C1D19D6A6A6418B5059

windows xp官方原版

1)近日,照牛排在野猪尖分享了雨林木风最后4个系统的下载地址,以及深度系统全系列MD5值及下载地址,喜欢雨林木风及深度的朋友,可以选择下载。尽管雨林木风和深度的系统经过优化会有一些优势,但毕竟是修改过的,有这样或那样的问题。我还是喜欢微软原版的系统,稳定。本文将分享微软原版Windows XP Pro With SP3 VOL MSDN简体中文专业版的下载地址、MD5值及序列号。 2)2008年5月2日,微软推出Windows XP Pro With SP3 VOL MSDN简体中文专业版,这是最经典也是我最喜爱的操作系统之一。我在MSDN(微软开发者网络)的网站上查到,Windows XP Pro With SP3 VOL MSDN简体中文版的全名叫Windows XP Professional with Service Pack 3 (x86) - CD VL (Chinese-Simplified),更详细的信息如下: 文件名: zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_cd_vl_x14-740 70.iso 文件大小:601 MB (630,237,184 字节) 发布日期 (UTC):5/2/2008 12:05:18 AM 上次更新日期 (UTC):2/19/2010 11:36:41 AM SHA1:D142469D0C3953D8E4A6A490A58052EF52837F0F MD5:E74D72F3D90456003E9E02BA0FB7DA61 3)微软官方原版Windows XP Pro With SP3 VOL MSDN简体中文专业版的迅雷下载地址为: thunder://QUFodHRwOi8vc29mdC51c2Fpa2EuY24vJUU2JTkzJThEJUU0JUJEJTlDJUU 3JUIzJUJCJUU3JUJCJTlGL3dpbmRvd3MvV2luZG93c1hQL1ZMLUltYWdlL01TRE4vemgt aGFuc193aW5kb3dzX3hwX3Byb2Zlc3Npb25hbF93aXRoX3NlcnZpY2VfcGFja18zX3g4N l9jZF92bF94MTQtNzQwNzAuaXNvWlo 电驴下载地址为: ed2k://|file|zh-hans_windows_xp_professional_with_service_pack_3_x86_ cd_vl_x14-74070%20(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,).iso|630237184|EC51916C9D9B8B931195EE0D 6EE9B40E| 只要复制上面任何一个下载地址,并启动迅雷新建任务即可开始下载。这是一个ISO镜像文件,下载后,请用校验工具(点此下载)验证一下MD5值。你可以把镜像刻录到光盘,也可以解压后从硬盘安装。 4)至于微软原版Windows XP Pro With SP3 VOL MSDN简体中文专业版的序列号(CD-KEY,即密钥,俗称SN),我在用工行版的正版序列号: MRX3F-47B9T-2487J-KWKMF-RPWBY。你也可以尝试以下VOL版XP序列号: QC986-27D34-6M3TY-JJXP9-TBGMD(台湾交大学生版) HCQ9D-TVCWX-X9QRG-J4B2Y-GR2TT(https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18696214.html,) DP7CM-PD6MC-6BKXT-M8JJ6-RPXGJ CM3HY-26VYW-6JRYC-X66GX-JVY2D

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