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Training Evaluation Report

Training Evaluation Report
Training Evaluation Report

Training Evaluation Report

1.0 Introduction

The course of “Food and beverage management placement” is operating 3 months and total 9 lessons. The course provides the students the kitchen skills, food safety, nutrition, and service. The lesson offer the students the skill to prepare the food within the kitchen, and the skill to service the in the different types of restaurant, such as the service for the a la carte and banquet menus. The students will have the better understanding of their career for their future position in the hospitality industry by learning from this course. For example, the human resource policy and the cost control. In this report, it will first address the training course, and then identifies the skill and the understanding from the training course. Finally, describing the knowledge from the training that will be used in the future position.

2.0 The training outline

The kitchen beginning of every Friday (16th March, 23rd March, 4th May and 11th May) of the first 5 weeks of the training course, and the lesson of food safety and nutrition was introduce on 27th April, and the 3 lesson of restaurant service were introduced during 12th May, 19th May and 26th May. People were formed 5 people each group. The first step of the food preparation, is the hand washing processing. It seems as the easiest things

but one of the most important things to do. Also, it is easy to ignore. After the brief tour of the kitchen, the work-station would be taught to set up, and the safety issue is important around the kitchen, students need to pay attention when they cutting and carrying the knife walking around the kitchen. Operating the scale is also important, which is used to weight that you need for your cooking. Also, the better vegetable cuts significant relate with the cooking. Cutting the different size and shape of the vegetable would make the meal the better looking. The béchamel sauce is the basic sauce for the cooking. On 16th March, our group started to work on the sweets, which include the fruit flan, carrot cake, and crepes filled with apple and apricot. The second lesson is starters, which included the minestrone soup, brioche, and stir-fried vegetables. The third lesson of the kitchen duty is mains and vegetables, which contained the lemon grass and chilli steamed chicken, curried lamb, and pork escalops parmigani. According to the experience from the three lessons in the duties, there is important to weight the material and follow the method of the meal preparation. Also, the time for cooking each meal is important, because it would affect the quality of the material and the size of the food. Additionally, it is significantly to control the cost control during the food operational process. So, it is important to know the quantity for each meal.

3.0 food safety and nutrition lesson

On 27th April, the food safety and nutrition was introduced. The food safety is extremer important in the food and beverage production. Lacking of the knowledge would cause the food poisoning outbreaks and sometimes death. The good food safety could build up a good reputation of the restaurant and reducing the failure costs and business risk and increasing profit. A good food handling needs to consider the personal hygiene. For example, hands cause most of the cross-contamination in the kitchen. In this reason, hands need to be cleaned, which include people need to keep nails short and do not wear nail varnish, do not use the fingers to taste food. Also, hair is constantly falling out and along with dandruff can result in contamination of food. Thus, the long hair back securely under hat, wearing a hat, cap or net to prevent hair falling into food, and washing hair regularly. Additionally, the jewellery need to be moved, otherwise it may cause bacteria and may be lost in food. The clothing needs to be cleaned, and do not wear work clothing outside the work environment and the aprons need to be changed as soon as they become dirty. Furthermore, the person carrying pathogenic microorganisms can contaminate food by direct contact or indirect via equipment and utensils. Therefore, a sickness policy should be developed by the food business. The food storage is also a important aspect in the food hygiene. The foods need to be store in the right condition to keep

fresh, and avoid bacteria, toxins or become spores. In this reason, the temperature of the storage is very important. People need to consider the different material and store in different place.



《VB程序设计》课程综合复习资料 一、单项选择 1.若要使标签控件显示时,不覆盖其背景内容,应设置标签控件的(D )属性。 A.BACKCOLOR B.BORDERSTYLE C.FORECOLOR D.BACKSTYLE 2.如果要在文本框中输入字符时,只显示某个字符,如星号(*),运行时,在文本框中输入的字符仍然显示出来,而不显示星号,原因可能是(B ) A.文本框的MULTILINE属性值为TRUE B.文本框的LOCKED属性值为TRUE C.文本框的MULTILINE属性值为FALSE D.文本框的LOCKED属性为FALSE 3.下列关于属性设置的叙述错误的是:(A) A.一个控件具有什么属性是VB预先设计好的,用户不能改变 B.一个控件具有什么属性是VB预先设计好的,用户可以改变 C.一个控件的属性即可以在属性窗口中设置,也可以用程序代码设置 D.一个控件的属性在属性窗口中设置,还可以利用程序代码为其设置新值 4.下列说法正确的是(C ) A.对象属性只能在“属性窗口”中设置 B.一个新的工程可以在“工程窗口”中建立 C.必须先建立一个工程,才能开始设计应用程序 D.只能在“代码窗口”中编写程序代码 5.下列关于窗体上控件的基本操作错误的是:(A ) A.下一次DEL键只能删除一个控件 B.按下一次DEL键可以同时删除多个控件

C.按住SHIFT键,然后单击每个要选择的控件,可以同时选中多个控件 D.按住ALT键,然后单击每个要选择的控件,可以同时选中多个控件 6.下列关于设置控件属性的叙述正确的是(C ) A.用户必须设置属性值 B.所有的属性值都可以由用户随意设定 C.属性值不必一一重新设置 D.不同控件的属性项都完全一样 7.如果将布尔常量值TRUE赋值给一个整型变量,则整型变量的值为(B ) A.0 B.-1 C.TRUE D.FALSE 8.下列关于控件画法的叙述错误的是(D ) A.单击一次工具箱中的控件图标,只能在窗体上画出一个相应的控件 B.按住CTRL键后单击一次工具箱中的控件图标,可以在窗体上画出多个相同类型的控件C.双击工具箱中的控件图标,所画控件的大小和位置是固定的 D.不合用工具箱中的控件工具,不可以在窗估上画出图形对象,但可以写入文字字符9.应用程序设计完成后,应将程序保存,保存的过程是(D ) A.只保存窗体文件即可 B.只保存工程文件即可 C.先保存工程文件,之后保存窗体文件 D.先保存窗体文件(或标准模块文件),之后还要保存工程文件 10.VB应用程序的运行模式是(C ) A.解释运行模式B.编译运行模式C.两者都有D.汇编模式 11.可视化编程的最大优点是(C) A.具有标准工具箱

大学英语B4试卷版 附答案

多刷题多刷题 大学英语B4 一、交际英语 1.- Hello, I'm David Chen. Nice to meet you. - _______ A.Are you? B.Nice to meet you too. C.Yes. D.Very nice. 答案:B 2.- Hello, could I speak to Mike please? - _________ A.Who are you? B.Who is speaking? C.What's wrong? D.Why? 答案:B 3.-May I move your bag a little and take this seat? -____________. A.I don't mind B.It doesn't matter C.You do it please D.Go ahead 答案:D 4.- I didn't mean to do that. Please forgive me. - _________ A.Not too bad. B.That's all right. C.It's a pleasure. D.Thank you. 答案:B 5.- It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window? - ________ A.Yes, please. B.No, please. C.Sure, please. D.I don't like it. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 People are so busy these days that many people have no time to cook. This becomes a problem, because most families love home cooking! The food tastes good and warm, and a family meal brings everyone together. In some families, meals are often the only times everyone sees one another the same time. Another reason people enjoy home cooking is that it is often a way of showing love. A parent who makes some cookies is not just satisfying a child's sweet tooth. She or he is sending a message. The message says, "I care about you enough to spend an hour cooking what you will eat


VB 程序设计》课程综合复习资料 一、单项选择 1.若要使标签控件显示时,不覆盖其背景内容,应设置标签控件的( D )属性。 A.BACKCOLOR B.BORDERSTYLE C.FORECOLOR D.BACKSTYLE 2.如果要在文本框中输入字符时,只显示某个字符,如星号(* ),运行时,在文本框中输入的字 符仍然显示出来,而不显示星号,原因可能是( B ) A. 文本框的MULTILINE属性值为TRUE B. 文本框的LOCKED!性值为TRUE C. 文本框的MULTILINE属性值为FALSE D. 文本框的LOCKED!性为FALSE 3. 下列关于属性设置的叙述错误的是:(A) A. —个控件具有什么属性是VB预先设计好的,用户不能改变 B. 一个控件具有什么属性是VB预先设计好的,用户可以改变 C. 一个控件的属性即可以在属性窗口中设置,也可以用程序代码设置 D. —个控件的属性在属性窗口中设置,还可以利用程序代码为其设置新值 4. 下列说法正确的是(C ) A. 对象属性只能在“属性窗口”中设置 B. 一个新的工程可以在“工程窗口"中建立 C. 必须先建立一个工程,才能开始设计应用程序 D. 只能在“代码窗口”中编写程序代码 5. 下列关于窗体上控件的基本操作错误的是:( A ) A. 下一次DEL键只能删除一个控件 B. 按下一次DEL键可以同时删除多个控件 C. 按住SHIFT键,然后单击每个要选择的控件,可以同时选中多个控件 D. 按住ALT键,然后单击每个要选择的控件,可以同时选中多个控件

6. 下列关于设置控件属性的叙述正确的是(C ) A. 用户必须设置属性值 B. 所有的属性值都可以由用户随意设定 C. 属性值不必一一重新设置


大学英语4 一、单项选择题(共15小题,每题3分,共45分) 1.The color of my umbrella is different from ____ of yours.( ) A.this B.that C.it D.one 2.The old couple decided to _____ a boy and a girl thoughthey had three children of their own. ( ) A.adapt B.accept C.receive D.adopt 3.She didn’t see Smith, _______.( ) A.neither did I B.nor didn’t I C.neither I did D.so didn’t I 4.The problem _______ at tomorrow’s meeting is a verydifficult one. ( ) A.being discussed B.discussed C.to be discussed D.to discuss 5.He doesn’t know _______ to stay or not. ( ) A.whether B.if C.either D.if he will 6.People appreciate_______ with him because he has a goodsense of humor. ( ) A.to work B.to have worked C.working D.have working 7.We had some trouble _____ the house and nobody seemed_____ where it was. ( ) A.in finding; knowing B.finding; to know C.to find; knowing D.to find; to know 8.The meeting _____ over, we all left the room. ( ) A.is B.to be C.being D.would be 9.I used to sleep with the window ______.( ) A.opened B.open C.opening D.to open 10. _______ by the police, the kidnappers had no choicebut to surrender. ( ) A.surrounded B.surrounding C.having surrounded D.to be surrounded 11.____ her mother had come, her face lit up. ( ) A.Hearing B.Having heard C.When hearing D.When she heard 12.It was ______ he said ______ disappointed me. ( ) A.what; that B.that; what C.that; when D.it; when 13.I didn’t go to t he concert. But I do wish I ______ there. ( ) A.was B.had been C.were D.went


第一章https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,环境和程序设计初步 一.选择题 1.在Visual https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,的集成开发的环境中,下面不属于该环境编程语言的是(C)。 A.VB B.C++ C. Pascal D. J# 2.在集成开发环境中有两类窗口,浮动窗口和固定窗口,下面不属于浮动窗口的是(D)。 A.工具箱窗口 B.属性窗口 C.立即窗口 D.窗体窗口 3.在https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,中,在窗体上显示控件的文本,用( A )属性设置。 A. Text B. Name C. Caption D. Image 4.不论何种控件,共同具有的是什么属性( D )。 A. Text B. Name C.ForeColor D.Text 5.对于窗体,可改变窗体的边框性质的属性是(B)。 A.MaxButton B. FormBorderStyle C. Name D. Left 6.若要使标签控件显示时不要覆盖窗体的背景图案,要对(A)属性进行设置。A.BackColor B. BorderStyle C.ForeColor D.BackStyle 7.若要使命令按钮不可操作,要对(A)属性进行设置。 A. Enabled B.Visible C. BackColor D. Text 8.要使文本框中的文字不能被修改,应对(D)属性进行设置。 A. Locked B. Visible C. Enabled D. ReadOnly 9.要使当前Form1 窗体的标题栏显示“欢迎使用https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,”,以下(B)语句是正确的。 A.Form1.Text=“欢迎使用V https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,” B.Me. Text=“欢迎使用https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,” https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,=“欢迎使用https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,” D.Me. Name=“欢迎使用https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,” 10.当运行程序时,系统自动执行启动窗体的(A)事件过程。 A. Load B. Click C. UnLoad D. GotFocus 11.当文本框的ScrollBars属性设置了非None值,却没有效果,原因是(B)。 A.文本框没有内容 B.文本框的MulitLine属性为False C.文本框的MulitLine属性为True D.文本框的Locked属性True 12.要判断在文本框中是否按了Enter键,应在文本框的(D)事件中判断。 A. Change B. KeyDown C. Click D. KeyPress 13.在VB.NE集成环境中创建https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,应用程序时,除了工具箱窗口、窗体窗口和属性窗口外,必不可少的窗口是(C)。 A.窗体布局窗口


大学英语四主观试题及参考答案 一、英译汉(每小题5分,共30分) 1.I think the picture shows us how fruits is necessary to life. 我认为这幅图展示给我们水果对于我们的生活重要性。 2.In Foreign Languages Department,a checking machine is used to correct the students' test papers. 在国外的语言机构,通过检查机器来批阅学生的试卷。 3.It's always a pleasure to see many friends here in London. 在伦敦见到朋友们总是让我很开心 4.Yeah, but they play the same songs over and over again. 是的,但是他们总是演奏同样的曲子一遍又一遍。 5.Apples here like water and sunshine. 这里的苹果像水和阳光。 6.Do you think students should do a part-time job? 你认为学生是否应该做兼职? 二、写作(每小题15分,共30分) (一)、.建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。 1.学习方法对英语学习的重要性; 2.你的英语学习方法。 How to Learn English Well? (二)、建议你在30分钟内,根据下面所给的题目和提纲用英语写出一篇不少于80词的短文。1.回忆值得记忆的一天; 2.说明为什么值得记忆。 A Day to Remember


大学英语 一、单项选择题?共 小题,每题 分,共 分? ??? ??●?? ?? ?? ◆????●●? ?? ????????? ???? ???? ?? ??◆???? ? ?????? ?????? ???? ????? ???? ?●? ??◆?●? ??????? ?? ????? ? ??? ??? ? ???● ???◆?????? ??? ????? ???●???? ?? ????? ???? ? ???????? ???????? ????????? ??????? ??? ?????? ??? ?????? ????????? ? ????????? ??? ? ????? ?????? ? ????????? ? ??? ???? ?????? ? ??? ????●?? ??????? ?? ?????????? ??????? ?? ? ??????????◆●? ???? ? ? ??????? ????◆???? ??????◆???? ???? ?? ????◆???? ???? ????◆?? ??? ??????? ???? ??????? ?? ???? ?? ???? ? ?????????? ???? ???????? ???? ?? ??●● ?????●? ????????????????? ???? ??? ????◆?? ?? ??? ? ????????? ?? ?◆???? ? ? ???? ???? ???? ???? ?????? ????????? ?????? ??????? ?? ??? ???? ???◆?●? ????? ??? ??◆?? ??? ?????? ??????????? ????? ?? ???? ? ? ???? ???????? ??????? ?????????? ?? ???? ???? ????? ??????? ???? ????? ?? ????


测试题(一) 一:选择题 1)VB是一种面向对象的可视化程序设计语言,采取了()的编程机制。 A:事件驱动B:按过程顺序执行 C:从主程序开始执行D:按模块顺序执行 2)在VB中最基本的对象是(),它是应用程序的基石,是其他控件的容器。 A:文本框B:命令按钮 C:窗体D:标签 3)多窗体程序是由多个窗体组成。在缺省情况下,VB在应用程序执行时,总是把()指定为启动窗体。 A:不包含任何控件的窗体B:设计时的第一个窗体 C:包含控件最多的窗体D:命名为FRM1的窗体 4)有程序代码如下:Text1.text=”Visual Basic” 则:Text1,text和“Visual Basic”分别代表() A:对象,属性,属性B:对象,方法,属性 C:对象,属性,值D:属性,对象,值 5)VB是一种面向对象的程序设计语言,()不是面向对象系统所包含的三要素。

A:变量C:事件 C:属性D:方法 6)VB的一个应用程序至少包含一个()文件,该文件存储在窗体上使用的所有控件对象和有关的(),对象相应的()过程和()代码。 A:模块,方法,属性,程序B:窗体,属性,事件,程序 C:窗体,程序,属性,事件D:窗体,属性,事件,模块7)以下不属于VB的工作模式是()模式。 A:编译B:设计 C:运行D:中断 8)在VB集成环境创建VB应用程序时,除了工具箱窗口,窗体中的窗口,属性窗口外,必不可少的窗口是() A:窗体布局窗口B:立即窗口 C:代码窗口D:监视窗口 9)保存新建的工程时,默认的路径是() A:my documents B:VB98 C: \ D:windows 10)将调试通过的工程经“文件”菜单生成“.exe文件“编译成.exe后,将该可执行文件拿到其他机器上却不能运行的主要原因是() A:运行的机器上无VB系统B:缺少.frm窗体文件 C:该可执行文件有病毒D:以上原因都不对 11)对于窗体,下面()属性在程序运行时其属性设置不起作用。 A:maxbutton B:borderstyle C: name D:left


《大学英语》试卷 考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported


1.项目文件的扩展名是() A..vb B..sln C..exe D..vbproj 2.集成开发环境有两类窗口:浮动和固定,下面的()窗口不是浮动窗口。 A.工具箱B.属性 C.即时D.窗体 3.要使窗体的标题为“演示实例”,应修改窗体的()属性。 A.Caption B.Tip C.Item D.Text 4.在https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,中,下面属于方法的是()。 A.Focus B.SelectedText C.LostFocus D.Keypress 5.一条语句要在下一行继续写,可用()符号作为续行符。 A.+ B.- C.空格和_ D.... 6.若要使命令按钮不可操作,要对()属性进行设置。 A.Enabled B.Visible C.BackColor D.Text 7.在https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,集成环境中创建https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,应用程序时,除了工具箱窗口、窗体窗口和属性窗口 外,必不可少的窗口是() A.窗体布局窗口B.立即窗口 C.代码窗口D.监视窗口 8.当运行程序时,系统自动执行启动窗体的()事件过程 A.Load B.Click C.Unload D.GotFocus 9.当文本框的ScrollBars属性设置了非None值,却没有效果,原因是() A.文本框没有内容B.文本框的MultiLine属性为False C.文本框的MultiLine属性为True D.文本框的Locked属性为True 10.若要使标签控件显示时不要覆盖窗体的背景图案,要对()属性进行设置 A.BackColor B.BorderStyle C.ForeColor D.BackStyle 11.数据类型为Long的类型标识符为()。 A.%B.&C.!D.# 12.下面()是日期型常量。 A.“5/17/12”B.5/17/12 C.#5/17/12#D.(5/17/12) 13.下面的()是合法的单精度型变量。 A.num! B.sum% C.char! D.mm# 14.下面的()是合法变量名。 A.X_yz B.123abc C.Integer D.X-Y 15.Rnd函数不可能为下列的()值。 A.0 B.1 C.0.1234 D.0.0005 16.图片框控件(PictureBox)是专门用于显示图片的控件,主要属性image用于设置显示 在控件上的图片,使用()语句可以在程序中消除已装入的图片。 A.PictureBox控件名.image=”” B.PictureBox控件名.image=Nothing C.PictureBox控件名.image=Image.FromFile(“”) D.PictureBox控件名.image=Image.FromFile(Nothing) 17.表达式16/4-2^5*8/4Mod5\2的值为() A.14 B.4 C.20 D.2 18.表达式Len(“123程序设计ABC”)的值是() A.10 B.14 C.20 D.17 19.为了给x,y,z三个整型变量赋初值1,正确的赋值语句是()。 A.x=1:y=1:z=1 B.x=1,y=1,z=1


1. 若要使标签控件显示时不覆盖其背景内容,要对( )属性进行设置. A.BackColor B.BorderStyle C.ForeColor D.BackStyle 2."在窗体上建立了多个控件,如TEXT、LABEL1、COMMAND1,若要使程序一运行焦点就定位在COMMAND1控件上,应将COMMAND1控件的( )设置为0." A.INDEX B.TABINDEX C.TABSTOP D.ENABLED 3."要使一个图片框控件能自动地附着在窗体的一条边上,应设置它的( )属性." A.Picture B.Alignment C.Border D.Align 4.引用列表框的最后一项应使用( ). A.List1.List(List1.ListCount-1) B.List1.List(List1.ListCount) C.List1.List(ListCount) D.List1.List(ListCount-1) 5.要清除组合框Combol中的所有内容,可以使用( )语句. https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,bo1.Cls https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,bo1.Clear https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,bo1.Delete https://www.doczj.com/doc/2a18677221.html,bo1.Remove 6.下列选项中不正确的是(). A.每个菜单项都是一个对象,所以也有属性和事件. B,菜单项的属性可以在属性窗口中设计. C.每个菜单项都只有一个Click事件. D.菜单编辑器中,标题可不输入,而名称必须输入 7.如果在窗体上已经创建了一个文本框对象Text1,可以通过()事件获得输入键值的ASCII码. Change LostFocus KeyPress GotFocus 8.下列控件中,没有Caption属性的是(). 框架列表框复选框单选按钮 9.在下列说法中,正确的是(). 通过适当的设置,可以在程序运行期间让定时器显示在窗体上 在列表框中不能进行多项选择容器内不能有容器对象框架也有Click和DblClick 事件 10.在下面关于窗体的叙述中,错误的是(). 在窗体的整个生命周期中,Initialize事件只触发一次在用Show显示窗体时,不一定发生Load 事件每当窗体需要重画时,肯定会触发Paint事件Resize事件是在窗体的大小有所改变时被触发 11.要在图片框P1中打印字符串"HowAreYou",应使用语句(). Picture1.Print="HowAreYou" P1.Picture=LoadPicture("HowAreYou") P1.Print"HowAreYou" Print"HowAreYou" 12."为了在按下回车键时执行某个按钮的事件过程,需要把该命令按钮 的一个属性设置为True,这个属性是()." Value Cancle Enable Default


ⅠV ocabulary and Structure (10 points,i point for each item) 从下列各句四个选项中选出一个最佳答案,并将选项号填在答题纸的相应位置上。 1.Studies have shown _______ teenagers often suffer form depression. A.that B.which C.in which D.in that 2.The party has failed to _______ the majority of voters that it is capable of governing the country. A.trust B.credit C.convince D.believe 3._______ driving around all day looking for somewhere to park,why don‘t you take a bus to town? A.In spite of B.Rather than C.In palce of D.Other than 4.The kids are _______ be hungry when they get home—they always are. A. obliged to B. bound to C. desired to D. motivated to 5.All the characteristics that distinguish birds _______ other animals can be traced to prehistoric times. A.to B.between C.for D.from 6.When the city was _______,everyone knew that total defeat was certain. A.cut off B.cut down C.cut across D.cut out 7.If we _______ everything ready by now,we should be having a terrible time tomorrow. A.hadn‘t got B. didn’t get C.wouldn‘t have got D. wouldn’t get 8.In his composition there were no other errors _______ a few misspelled words. A.beside B.except C.then D.than 9.In deciding _______ a course of action,the candidates tried to estimate its likely impact


09生工类vb综合练习题第一套 满分:119分 姓名:________ 1、单项选择题(本题共计104分) 1、能被对象所识别的动作与可执行的活动分别称为对象的________。( ) A、方法、事件 B、事件、方法 C、事件、属性 D、过程、方法 2、以下关于事件的说法,正确的是________。( ) A、事件是由系统预先定义好的,能够被对象识别的动作 B、用户可以根据需要建立新的事件 C、事件的名称是可以改变的,由用户预先定义 D、不同类型的对象所能识别的事件一定不相同 3、VisualBasic中的工程文件的扩展名是____________。( ) A、.reg B、.frm C、.bas D、.vbp 4、VisualBasic中的标准模块文件的扩展名是____________。( ) A、.reg B、.frm C、.bas D、.vbp 5、VisualBasic中的窗体文件的扩展名是____________。( ) A、.reg B、.frm C、.bas D、.vbp 6、________是接收用户鼠标或键盘输入的能力。当对象具有____________时,可接受用户的输入。( ) A、事件 B、属性 C、焦点 D、对象 7、所谓____________就是使某个对象进入活动状态(又称激活)的一种操作或动作。( ) A、事件 B、属性 C、方法 D、对象 8、将调试通过的工程经“文件”菜单的“生成.exe文件”编译成.exe后,将该可执行文件到

其他机器上不能运行的主要原因是____________。( ) A、运行的机器上无VB系统 B、缺少.frm窗体文件 C、该可执行文件有病毒 D、以上原因都不对 9、________在用户的应用程序执行期间发生,比如鼠标单击或敲击键盘。( ) A、方法 B、属性 C、事件 D、工程 10、VB的使用目的是________________________。( ) A、开发Windows应用程序 B、图像处理 C、制作WA V文件 D、文字处理 11、VisualBasic是一种面向________的程序设计语言。( ) A、过程 B、用户 C、方法 D、对象 12、下面________语句,可以将列表框List1中当前选定的列表项的值替换成“ABC”。( ) A、List1.AddItem“ABC”,List1.ListIndex B、List1.Text=“ABC” C、List1.List(List1.ListIndex)=“ABC” D、前三项均可 13、下面所列的控件属性中,其值既能在程序设计时设定,又能在程序运行时通过赋值改变的是________。( ) A、List1.ListCount B、Text1.Index C、Dir1.Path D、Label1.Visible 14、在VB中,下列关于控件的属性或方法中,搭配错误的有________个。 ①Timer1.Interval ②List1.Cls ③Text1.Print ④List1.RemoveItem ⑤Vscroll1.Value ⑥Picture1.Print ( ) A、0 B、1 C、2 D、3 15、单选按钮(OptionButton)用于一组互斥的选项中。若一个应用程序包含多组互斥条件,可在不同的________中安排适当的单选按钮,即可实现。( )


大学英语四级阅读理解试题及答案(四) 十六 Trees shoul d only be pruned when there is a good and clear reason for doing so and , fortunately,the number of such reasons is small. Pruning involves the cutting away of obergrown and unwanted branches, and the inexperienced gardener can be encouraged by the thought that more damage results from d oing it unnecessarily than from l eaving the tree to grow in its own way. First, pruning may be d one to make sure that trees have a d esired shape or size. The object may be to get a tree of the right height, and at the same time to help the growth of small side branches which will thicken its appearance or give it a special shape. Secondly, pruning may be done to make the tree healthier. You may cut diseaed or dead wood, or branches that are rubbing against each other and thus cause wounds. The health of a tree may be encouraged by removing branches that are blocking up the centre and so preventing the free movement of air.


1.vb 中的坐标圆点位于(). A:容器右上角 B:容器左上角 C:容器正中央 D:容器右下角 2.INT(100*RND(1))产生的随机整数的闭区间是(). A:[0,99] B:[1,100] C:[0,100] D:[1,99] 3.vb 应用程序是分层管理的,其最高的层次为(). A:工程 B:模块 C:窗体 D:过程 4.窗体的Caption属性的作用是(). A:确定窗体的名称 B:确定窗体的标题 C:确定窗体的边界类型 D:确定窗体的字体 5.窗体的Enable属性的属性值是()类型的数据. A:整型 B:字符型 C:逻辑型 D:实型 6. ()对象具有Clear方法. A:图片框 B:窗体 C:复选框 D:列表框 7.VisualBasic集成环境的大部分窗口都可以从主菜单项()的下拉菜单中找到相应的打开命令. A:编辑 B:视图 C:格式 D:调试 8.RGB 函数通过红.绿.蓝三基色混合产生某种颜色,某语法为RGB(红.绿.蓝),括号中红、绿、蓝三基色的成分使用0~255之间的整数.若使用三个滚动条分别输入三种基色,为保证输入数值有效,则应设置()属性. A:Max和Min B:Smallchange和 LargeChange C:Scroll和Change D:Value 9.vb 中的坐标系最小刻度为(). A:缇 B:象素 C:厘米 D:一个标准字符宽度 10. ()对象不能作为控件的容器. A:Form B:PictureBox C:Shape D:Frame 11.Rnd函数不可能产生的()值. A:0 B:1 C:0.1234 D:.00005 12.表达式Mid("SHANGHAI",6,3)的值是(). A:SHANGH B:SHA C:ANGH D:HAI 13.求以10 为底X 的常用对数的表达式为(). A:LOG(X)/LOG(10) B:LN(X) C:LOG(X)/LOG(E) D:LOG(X) 14.标准工具箱中的控件(). A:数目是固定不变的 B:数目可以增加或减少 C:包含了VisualBasic所有控件 D:在窗体建立对象时不一定被使用 15.语句listl.removeitem 1 将删除list.listindext等于()的项目.. A:0 B:2 C:3 D:1 16.Interger类型的变量可存的的最大整数是(). A:250 B:256 C:32768 D:32767 17.产生[10,37]之间的随机整数的VisualBasic表达式是(). A:In t(Rnd(1)*27)+10 B:Int(Rnd(1)*28)+10 C:Int(Rnd(1)*27)+11 D:Int(Rnd(1)*28)+11 18.表达式X+1>X是(). A:算术表达式 B:非法表达式 C:字符表达式 D:关系表达式 19.表达式INT(8*SQR(36)*10^(-2)*10+0.5)/10的值是(). A:0.48 B:0.048 C:.5 D:.05 20.如果将布尔常量值TRUE赋值给一个整型变量,则整型变量的值为(). A:0 B:-1 C:True D:FALSE 21.语句PRINT"SGN(-26)=";SGN(-26)的输出结果为().


2016年6月大学英语四级考试真题试卷(一)及答案 Part Ⅰ Writing ? ?? (30minutes) (请于正式开考后半小时内完成该部分,之后将进行听力考试) Directions:For this part, you are allowed 30 minutes to write a letter to express your thanks to one of your friends who helped you most when you were in difficulty. You should write at least 120 words but no more than 180 words. Part Ⅱ Listening Comprehension (25minutes) Section A Directions: In this section, you will hear three news reports. At the end of each news report, you will hear two or three questions. Both the news reports and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a question, you must choose the best answer from the four choices marked A), B), C) and D). Then mark the corresponding letter on Answer Sheet 1 with a single line through the centre. Questions 1 and 2 are based on the news report you have just heard. 1.A) How college students can improve their sleep habits. B) Why sufficient sleep is important for college students. C) Why college students are more likely to have stress problems. D) How college students can handle their psychological problems. 2.A) It is not easy to improve on e’s sleep habits. B) It is not good for students play video games. C) Students who are better prepared generally get higher scores in examinations. D) Making last-minute preparations for tests may be less effective than sleeping. Questions 3 and 4 are based on the news report you have just heard. 3.A) Whether more airports should be built around London. B) Whether adequate investment is being made to improve airport facilities. C) Whether the British Airports Authority should sell off some of its assets. D) Whether the Spanish company could offer better service. 4.A) Inefficient management. C) Lack of innovation and competition B) Poor ownership structure. D) Lack of runway and terminal capacity Questions 5 and 7 are based on the news report you have just heard.

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