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第32卷 第5期Vol.32 No.5

重庆理工大学学报(自然科学)Journal of Chongqing University of Technology (Natural Science )2018年5月

??????????????????????????????????????????????M ay 2018 收稿日期:2018-02-25



作者简介:李薇,女,硕士研究生,主要从事智能计算与信息处理研究,E-mail :754762979@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e14742827.html, ;白艳萍,女,博士,

教授,主要从事现代优化理论与方法、神经网络算法及应用、信息处理技术研究,E-mail :baiyp666@

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e14742827.html, 。doi :10.3969/j.issn.1674-8425(z ).2018.05.029

本文引用格式:李薇,白艳萍.基于M EEM D 小波软阈值函数的去噪方法[J ].重庆理工大学学报(自然科学),2018(5):189-198.

Citation format :LI W ei ,BAI Yanping.Denoising M ethod Based on M EEM D W avelet Soft Threshold Function [J ].Journal of Chongqing University

of Technology (

Natural Science ),2018(5):189-198.基于MEEMD 小波软阈值函数的去噪方法

李 薇,白艳萍

(中北大学理学院,太原 030051)

摘 要:结合互补集合经验模态分解(CEEM D )和基于排列熵的信号随机性检测,提出了M EEM D 方法。通过采用M EEM D 方法将一个含躁信号分解为几个固有模态(IM FS ),用软阈值函数来抑制高频固有模态的噪声,提高信号的信噪比(SNR )。对比该方法与基于EEM D 和小波软阈值的联合去噪、基于CEEM D 和小波软阈值联合去噪等方法得到的信噪比(SNR )和平均平方误差(M SE ),发现基于M EEM D 小波软阈值去噪方法的去噪效果较好。

关 键 词:M EEM D ;小波阈值函数;M EM S 信号;去噪

中图分类号:TN911 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1674-8425(2018)05-0189-10

Denoising Method Based on MEEMD

Wavelet Soft Threshold Function

LI Wei ,BAI Yanping

(School of Science ,North University of China ,Taiyuan 030051,China )

Abstract :This paper proposes a denoising method based on M EEM D and wavelet soft threshold function.Because the white noise added by the EEM D decomposition can not be completely

neutralized ,the white noise of adding positive and negative pairs is proposed and the CEEM

D decomposition is obtained.M EEM D was proposed in combination with CEEM D and signal randomness detection based on permutation entropy.A manic signal is decomposed by M EEM D decomposition

approach into several intrinsic mode (

IM FS ).Because of the high frequency noise and low frequency drift interference ,we need to use the soft threshold function to suppress the high frequency intrinsic

mode noise and improve signal-to-noise ratio (

SNR )of signals.This method is used to test the simulation and real data.By comparing with the SNR value and mean square error (M SE )based on EEM D and the combination of wavelet soft threshold denoising ,we find that the de-noising effect of wavelet soft threshold denoising method based on the joint CEEM D and wavelet soft threshold denoising is better.

Key words :M EEM D ;wavelet threshold function ;M EM S ;signal denoise


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