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2020届高三英语一轮复习课件+练习 (29)

2020届高三英语一轮复习课件+练习 (29)
2020届高三英语一轮复习课件+练习 (29)

课时作业三十四选修7 Unit 4 Sharing


建议时间/ 30分钟



词数:332 话题:去尼泊尔做志愿者文体:说明文

Nepal is one of the poorest countries on the globe so volunteers get every reason to volunteer in Nepal. The people of Nepal are welcoming, warm and friendly. The landscapes here are beautiful, and since the country s financial situation is not so well thus we operate from grass-roots community level to improve the situation.

Nepal is also considered to be one of the safest volunteering destinations in Asia. We never ever have any misbehaving activity in Nepal with our volunteers. Travelling across Nepal is also very easy and our programmes are based in the capital city Kathmandu. Nepal is blessed with amazingly diverse landscapes. From the highest mountain in the world, you can reach almost up to sea level in just 10 kilometres.

Volunteering Solutions offers volunteering opportunity in five different programme choices in Kathmandu,Nepal,namely:Language & Orientation Week (迎新周);Summer Volunteer Programme,Kathmandu; Healthcare/Medical Programme;Teaching English Programme;Orphanage Programme.

Our programme is open all year around so we receive quite a lot number of volunteers throughout the whole year from all over the globe. Our main volunteers are from America,the United Kingdom,Australia and European countries. Considering it is one of the safest programme locations,we even allow 17-year-olds to volunteer in our programme.

Language & Orientation Week offers the opportunity to learn about the Nepalese culture and history along with local Nepalese language which is very famous among volunteers as it is always good to learn more about the country where you would be starting your work soon. Language & Orientation Week also takes you to different beautiful trips on weekends such as Monkey Temple and Bhaktapur Durbar Square.

Volunteering Solutions offers one of the most affordable programme choices worldwide with best value for money. We provide accommodation with the local host family along with three times meals as you tend to see how local people in Nepal spend their life on daily basis. So be a part of our exciting programmes in Nepal today.

1.What are volunteers expected to do to help Nepal?

A.Offer financial support.

B.Start from the basic aid.

C.Teach Nepalese people science.

D.Set up schools and hospitals there.

2.What can we learn from Paragraph 2?

A.Nepal is the safest country in the world.

B.People can reach the highest peak from Nepal.

C.Volunteers have ever met misbehaving activities in Nepal.

D.The natural features of Nepal s land are quite similar.

3.What should volunteers do first in Nepal?

A.Get acquainted with Nepalese circumstances.

B.Visit the most famous attractions.

C.Meet the leaders of communities.

D.Collect the data of local residents.

4.What is volunteers aim to live in local host family?

A.To keep themselves safe.

B.To reduce the cost of volunteering.

C.To offer better volunteering work.

D.To know about local people s life.


词数:370 话题:团队合作文体:说明文

Two heads are better than one. It means that two people working together have a better chance of solving a problem than one person alone. But not everyone likes working in a group.

There can be a number of reasons why people dislike group work. Some may feel nervous or uneasy in group situations. Others might have had a bad experience with individuals who did not work well as a team. Another comment

is that teachers or instructors fail to provide roles for group members. This may create a situation where everyone or no one wants to lead. Whatever the issue, the result is the same: the group does not realize its goal.

Cooperative (合作的) learning is an educational method that can help to solve this problem. There are many methods of cooperative learning. Today we will talk about one: giving each person in a small group a specific duty to reach a shared goal. For example, if learners are divided into groups of four people each,their roles might be:leader,writer,checker and speaker. This structure helps ensure that everyone takes part equally in group work and allows each member to play a meaningful part in achieving the shared goal.

Before dividing learners into groups, it is a good idea for the teacher or the club s instructor to first have knowledge about the language skill levels of participants. The goal is to make each group a mixture of higher- and lower-level language learners. Putting too many people with similar skill levels together could make the work too difficult or easy. Role cards can be a helpful tool in this method of cooperative learning. Their purpose is to remind learners of each person s role.

Before the cooperative activity, the role of the teacher or activity instructor is to explain two things to the group: the main job for the activity and how the cooperative roles work. The person in charge may appoint these roles or let the English learners choose them. Then, during the activity, the instructor s job is to watch the groups and provide more guidance when needed. After the

activity, the instructor may wish to provide feedback to groups on their work and their use of cooperation.

With this cooperative learning method,you can say that four heads are better than just one.

5.What s the outcome if people do not enjoy group work?

A.The aim of the group cannot be achieved.

B.Specific roles will be given to group members.

C.Group members will feel at ease in groups.

D.Group members will fail to work individually.

6.Why does the teacher need to know about those who take part in the activity?

A.To find out language learners with similar levels.

B.To clarify higher- and lower-level language learners.

C.To combine learners with different language levels.

D.To increase the difficulty in finishing the work.

7.Which of the following is TRUE about the role of instructors?

A.To offer group members timely help at each step.

B.To listen to the response from group members.

C.To help the English learners choose their favourite roles.

D.To make clear about the task and working principles of the roles.

8.Which of the following is the best title of the passage?

A.Two heads are better than one

B.Cooperation is a must in learning

C.Group work makes a great difference to learners achievements

D.Cooperative learning contributes to the success of group work


词数:206 话题:纽约第一夫人文体:记叙文

The woman often called the First Lady of New York died on August. Brooke Astor was one hundred and five years old. The extremely wealthy and famous New Yorker spent much of her life 9. (help) the needy in her beloved city.

She was born in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. She was the only child of a high-level military officer. After two earlier 10. (marry),she married Vincent Astor in 1953 again. He came from a family 11. had been rich for at least one hundred years. Among other things,he owed many buildings in New York City. Brooke Astor became one of the 12. (rich) women in the world when Vincent Astor died. She also became head of a huge charity organization 13. (found)by her husband. He had repeatedly told her she would have fun giving 14. his money. And apparently she did. Miss Astor gave tens of millions of dollars 15. (main) to places and people in New York City. She said it was a sensible choice because that was 16. the money had been made. She gave financial support to the city s cultural centres, the poor and disabled as 17. as to many smaller charities. When she died, the mayor of New York said the city would

not be what it is today 18. her support.


词数:109 话题:演讲比赛获奖文体:应用文

Dear Peter,

I am more than happy to know you got a first prize in the speech contest.

I m writing to offer my sincere congratulations to you.

It is known to all,success lie in hard work. I think you must have been practised a lot. And at the same time you must have gained more valuable skills. Could you please help me but tell me what I should pay attention when I speak in public?You know,when made a speech,I always get nervously. I would appreciate it if you can give me some advices.

Please write to me as soon as you can.


Li Hua


高三英语试卷讲评课教案 武汉市20XX届高中毕业生四月调研测试英语试卷讲评课 班级:高三(2)班 时间:20XX年4月25日 Teaching Aims: 1.To clarify the difficult points and check the answers; 2.To draw inferences about other cases from one instance and improve the ability of solving problems further; 3.To arrange the key knowledge. Teaching Important Points: 1.To sum up the rules; 2.To make the students learn to master how to do the cloze tests. Teaching Difficult Points: 1.To train the students to grasp the procedures and skills of doing the Complete Sentence; 2.To improve the skills of solution. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Analysis of the papers 1.State the scores of the students in brief 2.Explain the difficult points of each item Step 2. Explain the paper Listening problems 1. Analyze the error and give some suggestions to students. 2. Explain some titles that have the lowest proper rates 3. Show the whole proper answers of listening test. Best Answers 1.Translate the difficult and long sentences into Chinese 2.Show all the answers of choice question test fragile虚弱的optional可选择的initially 最初resolve 决意,决心 Cloze Test 1.Show the answers of cloze test. 2.Explain the more difficult problems. 3.Sum up the ways of cloze test Main idea:苏珊的“魔毯”:女儿生日那天,她最好的朋友苏珊送给她一块地毯的零头布料。女儿失望地说:“难道这就是我的好朋友吗?送给我一小块毫无用处的地毯!”然而,在拜访过苏珊家之后,这块地毯像被施了魔法一般,变成了女儿最宝贵的生日礼物。


高中英语试卷讲解教案 【篇一:高中英语试卷评讲课教学设计】 高中英语试卷评讲课教学设计 something about the students: as for most senior students , they have accumulated a number of words and expressions ,but still they get low scores in the part of reading comprehension in exams. many students lack an effective way to solve reading comprehension questions. most of them know little about the rules and features of the questions, and they also don’t know how to improve the skills and scores in reading comprehension, so when meeting a little more difficult questions, they feel puzzled and made mistakes. teaching aims: 1. to analyze the results in the test paper 2. help the students learn the rules of designing questions in reading comprehension. 3. lead the students to find solutions to avoid similar mistakes in the future 4.let the students accumulate useful words and expressions from the passages teaching important points: 1. help the students learn the features of main idea nd word guessing questions of the reading comprehension 2. improve the students’ability of answering questions of reading comprehension teaching difficult points: 1. train the students to solve main idea and word guessing questions accurately 2.train the students use rules to answer questions correctly。teaching strategies : 1. work in groups to solve questions 2. different examples to consolidate what has been learned. procedure: 板书设计: 课后反思:这堂课内容较多,一堂课处理起来较难,应做一些删减。学生讨论思考时间充分才能更有学习效果, 【篇二:高三英语试卷讲评课教案】


高三英语试卷讲评课教案 武汉市2013届高中毕业生四月调研测试英语试卷讲评课 主讲人:陈荣 班级:高三(2)班 时间:2013年4月25日 Teaching Aims: 1. To clarify the difficult points and check the answers; 2. To draw inferences about other cases from one instance and improve the ability of solving problems further; 3. To arrange the key knowledge. Teaching Important Points: 1. To sum up the rules; 2. To make the students learn to master how to do the cloze tests. Teaching Difficult Points: 1. To train the students to grasp the procedures and skills of doing the Complete Sentence; 2. To improve the skills of solution. Teaching Procedures: Step 1. Analysis of the papers 1. State the scores of the students in brief 2. Explain the difficult points of each item

如何上好高中英语试卷讲评课 彭小珊

如何上好高中英语试卷讲评课彭小珊 发表时间:2016-03-28T14:59:53.750Z 来源:《中学课程辅导●教学研究》2015年12月上作者:彭小珊[导读] 试卷讲评课是高中教学的主要课型之一,它对发现和解决学生存在的问题,提升学生知识应用能力,提高教学质量起着重要的作用。 摘要:试卷讲评课是高中教学的主要课型之一,它对发现和解决学生存在的问题,提升学生知识应用能力,提高教学质量起着重要的作用。笔者结合一次具体的试卷讲评从讲评前、讲评中和讲评后三个环节阐述了如何上好英语试卷讲评课。 关键词:英语试卷;讲评;提升 在高中英语教学中,试卷讲评课是一种重要的课型,它是指在考完之后对试卷和习题进行分析、讲解和点评的课型,是高中阶段尤其是高三后期教学的主要课型之一。它的主要作用是通过试题发现学生存在知识和能力上的问题,通过讲评和二次检测去扫除学生知识的盲区,解决学生在答题过程中暴露的问题,进一步深化学生对知识的理解,提高学生的英语知识运用能力。 那么,如何使讲评课的课堂教学效果更好呢?作为教师,我们既要讲所考查知识点,也要讲解题策略、解题思路;既要评试卷,也要评学生;同时还要练,练“难点”、练“误区”、练“提高”,而这些都可以贯穿于讲评前、讲评中、讲评后这几个环节。以下笔者将结合学校刚结束的高三上学期第二次月考英语卷来进行陈述。 一、讲评前 我们知道,讲评试卷时需要有针对性地讲解,否则从头到尾逐题讲解,既浪费时间,收效又不大。而要针对性地讲解,就必须广泛收集学生的答题信息,仔细分析试卷。因此,笔者认为试卷讲评课的备课要完成以下三项工作: 1.试卷分析。在这一步中,我们要了解并统计试卷所考知识点及分布情况,分析考试的目的和命题思路;通过正答率,做到科学合理判断试卷的难易度以及学生存在的知识漏洞和能力上的欠缺。而通过这次考试的正答率,笔者发现学生在听力中对一些意思转换题、完形中相似词意思辨析、阅读中长难句的理解存在较大问题,因此,除了在课堂上的讲评之外,笔者还设置了针对性的二次检测。 2.答题分析。在这一环节中,我们要注重“点”“面”相结合:既要分析学生整体水平,又要留意成绩波动大的个别学生。同时要找准“突破口”,通过正答率统计所反映的情况,剖析学生解题中的错误思路,深入了解学生知识上存在的薄弱环节。为达到上述目的,笔者充分利用了学生成绩表,统计平均分、合格率、优秀率、各分数段人数,了解学生的进步、退步情况。 3.学生分析。除对试卷、答题情况进行分析外,在备课中我们还应备学生。它主要是针对学生的实际情况,有目的地进行讲评。要分析学生的得分、失分情况,了解学生的知识结构及解题技能存在什么缺陷,这些缺陷的出现一方面暴露了学生本人的学习态度、学习习惯的不足和解题能力的低下,从而有针对性地引导学生改正、完善和提升。另一方面,教师也可检查自己在教学过程中有哪些地方处理不当,从而修正完善、精益求精。同时,教师可在以下方面引导学生在课前学会自评:(1)看自己整份试卷各题型(包括听力、阅读、完形、语法填空、改错、书面表达)的得分情况,哪部分做得好,哪部分做得不好,做到心中有数,以便今后加强。(2)分析各题型的失分情况,看自己是在基础知识部分失分,还是因解题技巧、解题能力不够而失分。哪些是粗心大意造成的失分,哪些确实是因语言知识、能力技巧存在缺陷而失分,并做好记录,以备日后参照和警醒。 二、讲评中 1.详略得当,有的放矢。根据讲评前对试卷考点和学生答题的情况分析,在讲评中要做到心中有数,针对重要的知识点和学生答对率低的考点进行讲解,力求透彻,同时要配以相当量的练习加以拓宽、深化。在这次试卷讲评中,笔者主要侧重听力干扰项的分析、阅读长难句的分析、完形相似词词义辨析,并通过二次检测加以巩固。 针对许多学生在看一个复杂的句子,由于分不清主句和从句而影响了他们对句子意思甚至整篇文章的理解时,作为教师,我们要和学生一起分析长难句,进行长难句分析专题训练。在这次考试中,笔者从文中挑出一些长难句,让学生作为划分句子成分及句子结构,找出句中出现的一些语法点,理顺句子关系,正确理解句意,从而正确做出选择。如阅读A篇中有一题;Which of the following statements is NOT true according to the passage? 正确答案B选项 Shaun’s attitude towards Google is passive,信息源为:I(Shaun) believe the increased competition this merger brings will force Google to stay on top of its game by offering more fresh and original Internet tools and expanding on the tools it already offers.笔者在课堂中带领学生一起分析:本句中包含了一个宾语从句、两个定语从句(从句this merger brings 用来修饰先行词competition,从句it already offers 用来修饰先行词tools)、方式状语by offering and expanding。类似的句子笔者又挑出了5个,布置学生课后独立分析然后再与小组探讨交流,要求在每组派代表分析、讲解这些句子。这样既调动了学生的积极性,又培养了他们的合作精神、探究意识。而针对听力中因干扰项太多造成得分率低于30%的5道题,笔者把它们的原文设计成语法填空的形式,把各大题中得分最差的完形又在二次检测中设计成改错的形式,并针对完形填空中学生的薄弱点:对A、B、C、D四选项中相仿词及短语的意思混淆不清,笔者为学生准备了相似词语的专项训练题。 2.讲评时要使知识与能力并重。在讲评时,教师要针对各种不同的题型,帮助学生梳理解题的思路,使学生掌握答题的基本方法和技巧。教师在引导学生进行分析后,要进行归纳总结:一要抓文章的深层意义,不能根据个人观点、常识随意而定;二要善于发现文章中的“蛛丝马迹”“弦外之音”,考虑到上下文线索的联系。此外,为了让学生全面系统地掌握每道试题的相关内容,讲评时,教师可以这些题为题眼,从试题的深度和广度上加以扩展,加强知识的纵横联系,从而加大知识的摄入量。 3.留出时间,当堂消化。上好试卷讲评课,教师还要科学地分配好时间。在进行必要的讲解和拓展后,教师留部分时间给学生,让他们讨论、整理、复习当堂课的内容,并让他们提问。这样真正做到了点面结合,师生互动,活跃了课堂气氛,调动了学生参与的积极性,体现了以教师为主导,以学生为主体的教学理念。 三、讲评后 1.个别辅导,全面提高。课堂教学面对的是全体学生,主要是解决学生在做题中存在的共性问题,但却关注不到每个学生;有些学生依然有自己的问题,甚至是大问题,这就需要教师课后个别辅导这些学生:帮助他们分析存在的问题,进行学法指导,同时也肯定他们的进步或亮点,鼓励他们继续努力,稳步提升成绩。


高中英语试卷讲评说课稿 教学理念: 试卷讲评对于学生学习的意义重大,尤其体现在高中毕业年段.但常见的试卷讲评中,存在教学中存在低效的现象.本节课是在新课程指导思想下所进行的尝试.希望能够在教学过程中,充分体现学生的主体性、教师的主导性,以及教学过程师生参与的互动性. 分析使用材料: 通过研读近三年的高考试卷,笔者组题. 单选难度较高考程度稍高,完形填空则选择了重庆12年的原题;阅读均选择高考的模拟题,但难度整体少低于高考程度.选择这样的试题基于以下想法:现阶段高三处于一轮复习阶段,以基础为主,综合性过强和难度过大,不利于帮助学生建立良好的心理状态. 学情分析: 使用教学的班级为我校实验班,相对于学年的其他班级,他们基础较好,学习能力和思维活跃程度强,但生源较市内大校而言,还有一定的距离.应该定位在中等生源中比较优秀的学生的层次. 从批改的结果来看,他们的基础比较好,单选失分主要是对个别知识点仍然不够熟练造成的. 完形填空中,对于语境的把握不够理想,和学生的阅历水平相关.部分同学存在语法不够理想的情况.阅读题型比较好,失分主要出现在对于文章细节的理解和把握上. 由于时间的原因,本课设计处理主要包括试卷的单选+完型+阅读部分,其它部分留作下节课完成. 教学目标: 知识和技能目标:

通过解决共性问题: 1.突破重点和难点知识,形成举一反三的运用应变能力. 2.点拨阅读和完型题型的解题技巧,通过巩固练习形成解题技能. 过程和方法目标: 通过自主纠错、合作探究、归纳提升等环节,辅以任务型教学活动,让学生体验合作学习. 情感、态度和价值观: 1.通过完形填空的讲评,提升学生的人文意识,体会youthrebellion所造成的意外收获,引导学生合理对待“叛逆期”,寻求平衡点. 2.通过处理阅读试题,体现作者的情感,让学生产生共鸣. 重点和难点: 1.单选试题:非谓语+情景中运用时态等基本语法 2.完型和阅读:点拨解题技巧,引导学生形成解题策略. 教学媒体:ppt. 教学过程: 第一部分:小结试卷整体情况. 目的:让学生得到鼓励,良好的心理状态是课堂教学效果的保证. 第二部分:处理导学案课前预习部分. 主要目的检查自主纠错的一个效果.并巩固部分易错短语. 流程: 1.巩固重要短语.(课前预习教师已批改,这里复习的就是错误率较高的短语) 2.呈现学生不能够解决问题的题号,即:本课重点讲解.


高一英语试卷讲评教案 【篇一:高三英语试卷讲评课教案】 课题编号__________ 高三英语试卷讲评课 授课时间:2013年5月11日第一节 授课人:胥富菊 授课班级:2013级9班 1. learning objectives 1) to finish multiple choices 2) to pay attention to the test points of multiple choices in sichuan 2. key and difficult points (1). train the students to grasp the test points (2). make the students learn to master how to do multiple choices. 3. contents step 1. task-based dictation step 2. group work students analyze in groups to discuss the rules of multiple choices. step 3 . explanation of the multiple choices explain the test points of each exercise 1.—here your change. —________.

a. thank you. b. don mention it. c. no problem d. with pleasur e. 2.in ________ most countries, a university degree can give you ________ flying start in life. a. the; a b. the; / c/;/ d./; a 3.—________ i take the book out? —i afraid not. a. will b. may c. must d. need 4.agreat number of students ________ said they were forced to practise the piano. a. to question b. to be questioned c .questioned d. questioning 5.tired, jim was fast asleep with his back ________ a big tree. a. in b. below c. beside d. against 6.some people eat with their eyes. they prefer to order what ________ nice. a. looks b. smells c. feels d .tastes 7.on my desk is a photo that my father took of ________ when i was a baby. a. him b. his c. me d. mine 8.jenny was looking for a seat when, luckily, a man ________ and left. a. took up b. got up c. shut up d. set up 9.we laugh at jokes, but seldom ________ about how they work. a. we think b. think we c. we do think d. do we think 10.after graduating from college, i took some time off to go traveling, ________ turned out to be


高三英语试卷讲评课 【教学目标】 1.Discuss,explain and understand the difficult points of the paper. 2.Master some problem-solving skills. 3.Master the usage of some key language points. 【试卷分析】 纵观2017高考英语试题,本次题目创新上比较少,整体中规中矩,没有出现偏难偏怪的题目,选项基本上平时强化练习都会涉及到。 【第二部分:阅读理解】 2017年针对阅读依然是传统的四篇单选阅读加一篇七选五任务型阅读,重点考察考生对文章内容的细节理解、推力判断、词义猜测、主旨归纳以及文章逻辑的处理能力。 【第三部分:语言知识运用】 第一节:完形填空取材于现实,题材为记叙文。通过记叙的方式文章讲述了作者在大学期间学习手语的经历。 第二节:语法填空通过提示词和无提示词两种方式着重考察考生对实词和虚词的综合考察。短文改错延续8:1:1的改错原则,8个改词,1个多词,1个缺词。 考察重点:综合语言运用能力(comprehensive language application ability) 【学生答卷情况分析】 Some statistics of the results*得分最高统计 阅读理解:王宁黄博文任志敏焦华龙齐一鸣侯新宇师建航王媛媛 完形填空:黄博文齐一鸣殷宁侯新宇 王媛媛 语法填空:郎晓月刘鑫王媛媛齐一鸣 侯新宇沙悦乔梦飞 改错:黄博文殷宁陈晓王媛媛侯新宇周干玉 【教学重难点】--出错率较高的题目 阅读理解:D篇 33、34、35 七选五:39 完型:41、42、53、54、56、57 语法填空:61、70 【自主探究&合作解疑】 ①Reading Comprehension D篇:33、34、35 自主\合作探究3分钟,阐述答题理由。 思考--蒸馏器的组成部分和工作原理。 D篇:Solar still(蒸馏器) 1.W hat are the components of a solar still? 2.H ow does a solar still work? 3.Explain Qs:33\34\35.

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