当前位置:文档之家› rightherewaiting此情可待歌词及翻译



Right Here Waiting 此情可待

Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日,

and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。

I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音,

But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。

If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见,

How can we say forever 又怎能说我们到永远

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,

I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。

Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,

Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,

I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。

I took for granted all the times 我一直认为

That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。

I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声

I taste the tear, 我泪流满面,

But I can't get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。

Oh,can't you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂

You've got me going crazy 你已使我发疯

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,

I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。

Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,

Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,

I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。

I wonder 我试问

How we can survive this romance, 我们如何熬过这浪漫情。

But in the end 但到最后

If I'm with you 如果我与你同在

I'll take the chance. 我要抓住这个机会。

Oh,can't you see it,baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂

You've got me going crazy 你已使我发疯

Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样,

Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤,

I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候你。

Waiting for you. 等候你。

Richard Marx个人资料

Richard Marx个人资料 全名:理查德.诺埃尔.马克思(Richard Noel Marx) 生日:1963年9月16日 出生地:美国芝加哥 身高:5尺10寸 眼睛颜色:绿色 发色:棕色 妻子:Cynthia Rhodes 孩子:Brandon, Lucas, and Jesse 婚姻状况:1989年1月8日结婚 妻子:辛西娅.马克斯(演员、歌手、曾出演过电影《生龙活虎》、《脏舞》等影片,曾是Animotion乐队成员) 家庭状况:目前有三个儿子,分别是:布兰登、卢卡斯、和杰西 他的最爱: 最大爱好:与家人在一起 最喜爱的一部电影:《勇敢的心》 最喜欢的水果:一种葡萄(只有在辛西娅的老家才有的葡萄) 最喜欢的零食:巧克力曲奇 最喜欢的颜色:紫色 最喜欢的裤子:牛仔裤 最喜欢的食物:芝加哥深盘比萨饼 最喜欢的俱乐部:芝加哥音乐俱乐部 最喜欢的运动:篮球、网球、垒球 最喜欢懂得脱口秀主持人:霍华德.斯特恩 Richard Marx(理查德·马克斯)是另一位在世界杯足球赛开幕式上让亿万人瞩目的人物,不过与拉丁小子Ricky Martin所不同的是:他唱的不是世界杯主题歌,而是美国国歌。那是在1994年的美国世界杯开幕式上,Richard Marx作为当时美国流行乐坛的代表,在几万名观众聚集的体育场里引吭高歌《星条旗永不落》,请注意,当时体育场里除了Richard Marx的歌声之外,全场一片寂静,鸦雀无声,连伴奏都没有,完全是清唱!一名摇滚乐歌手,把国歌唱得跟流行歌曲一样动听,这是Richard Marx的绝活,这种大胆之极的举动我也想得出来,但大概只有美国人才敢做得出来。在我们都在为他捏一把汗的时候,Richard Marx毫无瑕疵地完成了这一壮举,令人久久难以忘怀。 Richard Marx不仅歌唱得好,他还能自己创作写歌,《Right Here waiting》就是他自己写的一首名曲。世界上其他地方的歌手也纷纷用他的曲调重新填词翻唱,比如香港歌星钟镇涛的《红叶斜落我心寂寞时》。 Richard Marx,1963年6月16日出生于美国芝加哥。这位当今摇滚乐坛的白马王子,其从艺生涯颇具有传奇色彩:80年代初,他曾录制了几首歌曲,试着寄给乐坛知名巨星莱昂纳尔.里奇(Lionel Richie, Say You Say Me 的作曲及演唱者),不想立即被赏识,并被Richie邀请加盟伴唱。 1987年5月,Richard Marx的第一部个人专辑Richard Marx问世。当时,他正在美国各地举行大规模的巡回演出,专辑也因此一举成功。其中的单曲《持续回归》( Keep Coming Back)首先名列排行榜首。接着,专辑中的另外三首单曲(Hold on Tonight , Don't Mean Nothing, Should've Known Better) 接踵登上了冠军宝座,Richard Marx因此成为有史以来在同一专辑中有四首单曲排行榜首的第一位摇滚乐歌手。该 专辑在全球销出3,000,000多张,并在排行榜上停留一年半的时间。 在巡回演出的同时,Richard Marx着手推出第二部专辑《重犯》,并下定决心要超越第一部专辑。经过精


I will be right here waiting for you 此情可待英文歌词 Oceans apart day after day And I slowly go insane I hear your voice on the line But it doesn't stop the pain If I see you next to never How can we say forever Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I took for granted, all the times That I though would last somehow I hear the laughter, I taste the tears But I can't get near you now

Oh, can't you see it baby You've got me goin' crazy Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes Or how my heart breaks I will be right here waiting for you I wonder how we can survive This romance But in the end if I'm with you I'll take the chance Oh, can't you see it baby You've got me goin' crazy Wherever you go Whatever you do I will be right here waiting for you Whatever it takes


英文歌词翻译技巧The Rose Some say love, it is a river that drowns the tender reed. Some say love, it is a razor that leaves your soul to bleed. Some say love, it is a hunger, an endless aching need. I say love, it is a flower, and you its only seed. It's the heart afraid of breaking that never learns to dance. It's the dream afraid of waking that never takes the chance. It's the one who won't be taken, who cannot seem to give, And the soul afraid of dying that never learns to live. When the night has been too lonely And the road has been to long

And you think that love is only For the lucky and the strong Just remember in the winter Far beneath the bitter snows Lies the seed that with the sun's love In the spring becomes the rose. 学生的优秀译文(从几百份译文中,挑选出。)有人说,爱,它是一条小河,浸没柔嫩的芦苇有人说,爱,它是一把利刃,丢下滴血的灵魂有人说,爱,它是一种饥渴,带来无尽的痛楚我说,爱,它是一朵鲜花,而你,就是它的种子是心,害怕破碎,永不起舞 是梦,害怕苏醒,不敢尝试 是它,不曾离去,不曾给予 而畏死的灵魂,终学不会生存 当夜已经变得寂静,而路又显得漫长 当你认为爱只属于幸运儿和强者 请不要忘记 在寒冷的冬季 深匿在苦涩的雪底里 那颗携着阳光爱意的种子


小小的人儿啊是什么歌 篇一:小小智慧树的歌词 《小小智慧树》全部歌曲歌词 开场歌舞周一《你好》歌词: 你好,你好,点点头你好,你好,笑一笑你好,你好,拍拍手啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦我们都是好朋友点点头,笑一笑,拍拍手,笑一笑,点点头,笑一笑啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦,我们都是好朋友你好,你好,鞠个躬你好,你好,拍拍肩你好,你好,握握手,啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦我们都是好朋友,鞠个躬,拍拍肩,握握手拍拍肩,鞠个躬,拍拍肩啦啦啦啦,啦啦啦啦,我们都是好朋友 开场歌舞周二《我爱圆圈圈》歌词: 爸爸做个圆圈圈,变成大太阳,照呀照呀,暖暖照在我身上。妈妈做个圆圈圈,变成车轮转,转呀转呀,妈妈带我出去玩。宝宝做个圆圈圈,变成甜饼干,舔舔舔舔,饼干饼干香又甜。大家做个圆圈圈,变成小小船,摇呀摇呀,宝宝坐在船里面。啦啦啦啦啦啦,我爱圆圈圈,啦啦啦啦啦啦,我爱圆圈圈。 开场歌舞周三《神奇的手指》歌词: 手儿搓搓,手指点点,眼睛眨眨,头儿摇摇,我的手指多灵巧,我的手指变变变。一个手指头变成毛毛虫,爬呀爬呀,爬

一爬;两个手指头变成小白兔,跳呀跳呀,跳一跳;三个手指头,变变变,变成小花猫,喵喵喵;四个手指头,变变变,变成螃蟹,走走走;五个手指头,变变变,变成大老虎,嗷嗷嗷;我用手指头变变变,我的手指头真好玩。 开场歌舞周四《我爱蹦蹦跳》歌词: 蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,小白兔爱蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,小青蛙爱蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,我也喜欢蹦蹦跳,抬抬小脚蹦蹦跳,拍拍小手蹦蹦跳。蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,袋鼠妈妈蹦蹦跳,蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,袋鼠宝宝蹦蹦跳。蹦蹦跳呀蹦蹦跳,我也喜欢蹦蹦跳,扭扭屁股蹦蹦跳,转个圈圈蹦蹦跳。 开场歌舞周五《公共汽车》歌词: 公车上的轮子转呀转,转呀转,公车上的轮子转呀转,跑遍城市,公车上的门呀开开关关,开开关关,公车上的门呀开开关关,跑遍城市,公车上的人呀上上下下,上上下下,公车上的人呀上上下下,跑遍城市,公车上的雨刷,刷刷刷,公车上的雨刷,刷刷刷,跑遍城市,公车上的宝宝哇哇哭,哇哇哭,公车上的宝宝哇哇哭,跑遍城市,公车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘,嘘嘘嘘,公车上的妈妈说嘘嘘嘘,跑遍城市,公车上的轮子转呀转,转呀转,公车上的轮子转呀转,跑遍城市。 《小小智慧树》主题歌曲《我爱你》歌词: 我爱你,爸爸我爱你,妈妈我爱你,小鸟我爱你,大象我爱你,红花我爱你,绿草我爱你,朋朋我爱你,托托我爱


此情可待成追忆 亲爱的飞: 要一个热爱写作的人写一篇贺文并不难,可是让一个智商低情商也低的人为她爱的人挑选一件有意义的生日礼物可不是什么容易的事。 或许这篇贺文是最没有价值的生日礼物礼物,对于任何人来说都毫无分文存在意义,但对我来说,这是最有诚心、最真挚的礼物。 今天是你十五岁生日,首先对你说声生日快乐。我很庆幸的是我占据了你所走过的路中的十五分之四,而我更庆幸的是在这十五分之四中曾有二分之一的时间,我们相爱过。谢谢你对我占据你的世界毫无怨言,谢谢上天给我们创造好条件让我们相爱。 我始终相信两个字――缘分。世界之大,能走到一起不容易,这让我学会更加珍惜身边的每一个人。说不定这一秒他们还历历在目出现在你眼前,下一秒就会消失不见,追也追不回,于是随风散落天涯,从此与你无缘。犹如你我,经历了相遇、相识、相爱这三个艰辛的过程后,更加知道珍惜彼此,或许这就是缘分吧,因为从看到你第一眼开始,我就知道,我注定会爱上你。 亲爱的你知道吗?每当你打篮球的时候,都会有一双眼睛在旁边默默注视着你。因为你打篮球的样子最帅。 亲爱的你知道吗?每当你在跑道上疾驰的时候,都会有一个人在旁边默默为你加油呐喊。因为你跑步的样子最潇洒。 亲爱的你知道吗?每当你生病吃药打针的时候,都有一颗心在默默为你颤抖,你身体上的病痛变成了她内心里的绞痛。因为她心里满满的都是你。

亲爱的你知道吗?每当你说你要当体育生时,都有一个人感到不情愿。因为你太傻,你明明知道她看到你累他会心疼,但你还是固执的坚持自己的选择。 亲爱的你知道吗?每当成绩单公布出来的时候,都有一个人迅速找到你的名字并仔细分析你的成绩。因为她总在考虑:能不能和你考上一所高中。 亲爱的你知道吗?当她看不到你QQ、微信、短信回复时,她心里是有多着急。因为她总在担心你出了什么事,总会想她是不是做错了什么你是不是不要她了。 亲爱的你知道吗?你笑一下她可以开心好久,你难过一下她比你还要难过。因为你已经成为她生活中的一部分,她离不开你。 亲爱的你知道吗?她难得有一个爱别人胜过爱自己的人,她愿意顶着家长、老师的反对,抛弃一切去爱你,你要珍惜她。因为在你人生道路中,难得有几个如此爱你的女生,或许仅此一个。 亲爱的你知道吗?你向她表白的那一天,她拒绝了,但她心里激动地要死,中午回宿舍就哭了。你与她第一次拥抱,她第一次那么清晰地听到你强有力的心跳,那心跳在向她暗示,你的心里有她。你送她的那支红色钢笔,她到现在还保留的完好无损,她舍不得用,因为那是你送她的第一件礼物。十月一日那天,你和她接吻了,在那昏暗的灯光下,她把她最珍贵的初吻给了你,那个吻足够她回味许久。你的吻滑落到她的胸前,你轻柔地对她说:“我糟蹋了个好女孩。”她说这不算糟蹋,因为她心甘情愿,因为她爱你。 亲爱的你知道吗?你知道吗?你知道吗…… 曾经有一个歌手做过一件很煽情的事情。他提前一年预售了他演唱会的门票,仅限情侣购买,一个人的价格,可以买两个人的席位,一年过后,两张票和在一起才能奏效。票当然卖


Right Here Waiting(此情可待)中英文歌词 Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日, and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear you voice on the line, 电话里传来你的声音, But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我的悲伤。 If I see you next to never, 如果再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说我们到永远?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事, I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。 Whatever it takes, 不管怎么样, Or how my heart breaks, 不管我多哀伤, I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直认为 That I thought would last somehow. 你我会情长义久。 I hear the laughter, 我听见你的笑声 I taste the tear, 我品尝眼泪, But I can't get near you now. 但此刻不能接近你。 Oh,can't you see, baby, 哦,宝贝,难道你不懂 You've got me going crazy? 你已使我发疯?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你在何地,无论你做何事,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候你。


此情可待成追忆只是当时已惘然 ———赏析英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂的《第一日》 在小说和戏剧中,爱情常常被格式化成“一见钟情”。青年男女最初相遇的那一瞬间,双方就在彼此的心灵里激荡起莫名的情愫,留下忐忑不安的期待和朦胧的欢喜。无论是在脍炙人口的名剧《罗密欧和朱丽叶》①中,还是在家喻户晓的巨著《傲慢与偏见》②里,爱情的降临都是隆重的,灿烂的。当青年男女第一次眼神相遇时,他们的心也同时被丘比特之箭射中。很多的爱情诗也经常吟唱这一主题。如徐志摩的《偶然》③:你我相遇在漆黑的海上/你记得也好/最好你忘记/我们在相会时互放的光亮。然而对于大部分人来说,现实生活中的爱情往往少了很多“一见钟情”的绚烂,而更多的则是在一个个平淡无奇的日子中不知不觉悄然萌发的。当真的可以大胆无忌地宣布我的爱情已经来临时,关于两人最初邂逅的一切记忆却早已模糊,甚至连与他(她)第一次手与手的碰触感觉也早已忘却。在英国女诗人克里斯蒂娜·罗塞蒂④(Christina Rossetti)的爱情诗《第一日》The First Day中,她把这种因追忆不得而心生不甘,自我埋怨和怅然的心绪抒发得淋漓尽致。 I wish I could remember the first day, First hour,first moment of your meeting me, If bright or dim the season,it might be Summer or winter for aught I can say. 我多么希望自己还记得你我邂逅的 第一日,第一时,第一刻, 它或是灿烂如夏 或是暗淡如冬,我只能如此说。 这是一首十四行诗。在前四行中,女诗人直抒胸臆,用一个Iwish…虚拟句直接了当地表达了自己多么渴望还记得与爱人相遇的第一天及具体的时候,还有天气如何?是阳光明媚还是阴雨绵绵?可是这些问题现在诗人都无法回答。如果一定要给他们相遇的画面设定一个背景的话,她只能设想,如果天气好的话,那应该是夏季的某天;如果天气不好的话,那可能是冬季的某天吧。接着她不禁埋怨起自己来: So unrecorded did it slip away, So blind wasI to see and to foresee, So dull to mark the budding of my tree That would not blossom yet for many a May. 只因我疏忽大意,它悄然流逝不留痕迹, 只因我茫然无知,不曾留意亦未能预知, 只因我不以为然,未曾看到我的小树 过去了一个又一个五月,花儿都没有绽放。 三个以“so+adj.+verb+sub.”并列的强调句构成一个气势磅礴的排比句,在这几行中诗人强烈地埋怨起自己,怪自己在那段青葱岁月里的懵懂无知,当爱情逼近时毫无察觉。她以为自己的花季还未到来,因为在那些逝去的五月里,她能清楚地感觉到自己的心扉尚未打开。可能女诗人在少女的时候对男女情事比较晚熟。在她稚嫩的眼里,日子一天天都是平淡无奇的。她不懂爱情,也不知道在日记本上记录下少女的心事。当她终于意识到自己在恋爱时,才发现自己的枝头早已开满繁花。可是,她的第一朵花是在什么时候初绽蓓蕾吐露芬芳的呢?她望向那些逝去的日子,努力想看到爱情最初萌芽时的样子,却懊恼地发现,无论她如何努力,她都再也无法重现那一天,他的样子,和她的样子。爱情在他们两人之间不知不觉间 产生了,但现在的他们却无法知道情根在何时深种,甚至连他们相遇的第一日,这本该隆重纪念的日子也无从查找。它淹没在那些青葱岁月里,象风一样永远逝去了。然而她还是有所


Right here waiting 此情可待 Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日 And i slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得要失常。 I hear your voice on the line,电话里传来你的声音 But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我心中伤痛。 If i see you next to never, 倘若此生再也不能与你相见, How can we say forever? 又怎能说和你到永远? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你。 Whatever it takes,无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks, 无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I took for granted all the times 我一直确信 That i thought would last somehow. 你我能等到在一起的那一天。 I hear the laughter, 听着你的笑声, I taste the tears, 我流泪满面, But i can't get near you now. 可是此刻却无法接近你。 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do,无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么 I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks,无论怎样变迁无论我多么悲伤, I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。 I wonder how we can survive this romance.我好想知晓我们的感情如何才能维系But in the end if i'm with you 但倘若最终能和你在一起 I'll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身 Oh, can't you see, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道? You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。 I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你. Whatever it takes无论怎样变迁 Or how my heart breaks,无论我多么伤悲 I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候着你 Waiting for you.等候着你


My love---西域男孩 An empty street, an empty house, 空空的街道,空空的房, a hole inside my heart, 心里也是个空空的洞, I'm all alone, the rooms are getting smaller, 我孤独的一个人,房间也变得越来越小, I wonder how, I wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,也不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh,yeah. and oh my love, 还有你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱. all:(合唱) So I say a little prayer, 所以我低声祈祷, hope my dreams will take me there, 希望我的梦会带我到那儿, where the skies are blue, 那儿天空湛蓝, to see you once again ,my love, 再次见到你,我的爱,

over seas from coast to coast, 漂洋过海,从一个海岸到到另一个海岸 find the place I love the most, 找到我最爱的地方, where the fields are green, 那儿田野葱郁, i see you once again, my love. 我再一次见到你,我的爱. bryan:(Bryan唱) I try to read, I go to work 我设法去读书,去工作, i'm laughing with my friends, 我和朋友们一起说说笑笑, but I can't stop to keep myself from thinking, oh no, 可我没法不想你,oh,no, I wonder how, i wonder why, 我不知道怎么回事,我不知道为什么, I wonder where they are, 我不知道它们哪去了, the days we had, 我们有过的好时光, the songs we sang together, oh yeah. 我们一起唱过的歌,oh yeah. and oh my love, 和你--我的最爱, I'm holding on forever, 我一直在坚持, reaching for a love that seems so far. 想要得到那份似乎遥不可及的爱.

Amazing Grace(中英对照))

Amazing Grace amazing grace, 奇异恩典 how sweet the sound that saved a wretch like me 甘甜的音符让我罪以得赦免 i once was lost, but now i'm found 我曾经的失去,今天被寻回 was blind, but now i see 迷失但得看见 ' twas grace that taught my heart to fear and grace that fear relieved 如此恩典使我敬畏使我心得安慰how precious did that grace appear the hour i first believed初信之时即蒙恩惠真是何等宝贵through many dangers, toils, and snares i have already come许多危险试练网罗我已安然经过 'tis grace has brought me safe thus far and grace will lead me home 靠主恩典安全不怕更引导我归家how sweet the name of jesus sounds in a believer's ear ,闻主之名犹如甘露 it soothes his sorrows, 慰我疾苦 heals his wounds and drives away his fear 给我安宁 must jesus bear the cross alone and all the world go free 以己一身救赎世人 no, there's a cross for everyone and there's a cross for me. 舍弃自我跟随我主 when we've been here ten thousand years bright shining as the sun,将来禧年圣徒欢聚恩光爱谊千年we've no less days to sing god's praise than when we first begun 喜乐颂赞在父座前深望那日快现


当代经典英文歌曲歌词收集 当代经典英文歌曲集锦--来自“洪枫之家” 奥斯卡名曲歌词 1.昨日重现歌词- 卡朋特 when i was young i…d listen to the radio waiting for my favorite songs when they played i…d sing along, it make me smile. those were such happy times and not so long ago how i wondered where they…d g one. but they…re back again just like a long lost friend all the songs i love so well. every shalala every wo…wo still shines. every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they…re starting to sing so fine when they get to the part where he…s breaking her heart it can really make me cry just like before. it…s yesterday once more. (shoobie do lang lang) looking bak on how it was in years gone by and the good times that had makes today seem rather sad, so much has changed. it was songs of love that i would sing to them and i…d memorise each word. those old melodies still sound so good to me as they melt the years away every shalala every wo…wo still shines every shing-a-ling-a-ling that they…re startingto sing so fine all my best memorise come back clearly to me some can even make me cry


哆来咪 Doe, a deer, a female deer doe,一头鹿,一头小母鹿 Ray, a drop of golden sun ray,一线金色的阳光 Me, a name I call myself me是我在叫自己 Far, a long, long way to run far要跑很远很远的路 Sew, a needle pulling thread sew是针儿穿着线 La, a note to follow Sew la是跟着sew来的音符 Tea, a drink with jam and bread tea,喝茶加面包和果酱 That will bring us back to Do (oh-oh-oh) 这把我们又带回do 柠檬树 I'm sitting here in a boring room. 我坐在这——一间空屋子里 it's just another rainy sunday afternoon。 这也只不过是另一个下雨的周日下午。 i'm waisting my time, i got nothing to do. 除了消磨时间我没什模事情可做。 i'm hanging around, i'm waiting for you。 我四处张望,我在等待你的到来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder. 但是好像什莫事情也未曾发生,我不知道。 i'm driving around in my car.我开着车出去兜风。 i'm driving too fast, i'm drving too far。 我把车开得很快,开了很远。 i'd like to change my point of view。 我想换种方式生活,换个角度看世界。 i felt so lonely, i'm waiting for you. 我感觉到如此孤单,我在等你回来。 but nothing ever happens, and i wonder. 但是什莫事也未曾发生,我不明白为什莫会这样。 i wonder how, i wonder why。 我不知道怎莫办,我不知道为什莫会这样。yesterday you told me about the blue, blue sky. 昨天你还给我讲那蓝蓝的天空会多莫美丽,生活会多莫美好。 and all that i can see is just a yellow lemon tree。 但是我看见的只有一株柠檬树。i'm turning my head up and down。i'm turning, turning, turning, turning, turning around. 我摆动着我的头,上下上下,不停的摆动着我的头。我前后左右的看。(我左看右看上看下看) and all that i can see is just another yellow lemon tree.(不管我怎莫看)它也只是一株黄色的柠檬树。 i'm sitting here, and i miss the power. 我坐在这里,身上没有了一丝力气。 i'd like to go out taking a shower。 我想出去展示一下我自己。 but there's a heavy cloud inside my mind.但是我心 中有着顾虑。有一片阴云载我心中挥之不去。 i feel so tired, and put myself into bed.我感觉如此的疲惫,回到了家里把自己扔到了床上。 where nothing ever happens, and i wonder。 也许什莫也没发生过,谁知道呢? I so lation is not good for me 孤立对我没有好处 I so lation I don't want to sit on the lemon-tree 孤独啊我不想座上一棵柠檬树 i'm stepping around in a desert of joy. 我在快乐的沙漠中踱步。 baby, any how i get another toy。 宝贝,无论如何我要找到另一个玩具。 and everthing will happen, and you wonder。 然后,所有事情都会发生,然而这一切你不会知道。 I wonder how,I wonder why Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky and all that I can see It's just a yellow lemon tree I'm turning my head up and down I'm turning,turning,turning,turning, turning around and all that I can see It's just yellow lemon tree I wonder how,I wonder why Yesterday you tell me about the bule blue sky and all that I can see, and all that I can see and all that I can see. and all that I can see It's just a yellow lemon tree. 昨日重现 yesteday once more


英文歌词翻译大全参考 Groove Coverage - She She hangs out every day near by the beach Having a harnican falling asleep She looks so sexy when she's walking the sand Nobody ever put a ring on her hand Swim to the oceanshore fish in the sea She is the story the story is she She sings to the moon and the stars in the sky Shining from high above you shouldn't ask why She is the one that you never forget She is the heaven-sent angel you met Oh she must be the reason why God made a girl She is so pretty all over the world She puts the rhythm the beat in the drum She comes in the morning and the evening she's gone Every little hour every second you live Trust in eternity that's what she gives She looks like Marilyn walks like Suzanne She talks like Monica and Marianne


Right Here Waiting 此情可待Oceans apart, day after day, 远隔重洋,日复一日and I slowly go insane. 我慢慢地变得失落。I hear your voice on the line,电话里传来你的声音,But it doesn't stop the pain. 但这不能停止我心中伤痛。If I see you next to never, 倘若此生再也不能与你相见。How can we say forever? 又怎能说和你到永远?Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你。Whatever it takes,无论怎样变迁,Or how my heart breaks, 无论我多么悲伤,I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。I took for granted all the times 我一直确信,That I thought would last somehow. 你我能等到在一起的那一天。I hear the laughter, 听着你的笑声,I taste the tears, 我流泪满面,But I can't get near you now. 可是此刻却无法接近你。Oh, can't you see it , baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道?You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do,无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么,I will be right here waiting for you; 我就在这里等候着你。Whatever it takes, or how my heart breaks,无论怎样变迁无论我多么悲伤,I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。I wonder how we can survive this romance.我好想知晓, 我们这段感情如何才能维系?But in the end If I'm with you 但倘若最终能和你在一起,I'll take the chance. 我会奋不顾身。Oh, can't you see it, baby, 哦亲爱的,你难道不知道?You've got me going crazy? 是你让我如此痴狂? Wherever you go, whatever you do, 无论你身在何方,无论你在做什么。I will be right here waiting for you. 我就在这里等候着你。Whatever it takes无论怎样变迁,Or how my heart breaks,无论我多么伤悲。 I will be right here waiting for you.我就在这里等候着你!Waiting for you.等候着你! The day you went away Well I wonder could it be 好吧,我多么希望是这样When I was dreaming about you baby.当我梦见你的时候,宝贝You were dreaming of me.你正好也在梦见我Call me crazy.你疯狂的喊我Call me blind.你盲目的叫我To still be suffering is stupid after all of this time.已经过去这么长时间了,我仍然在承受痛苦是多么傻Did I lose my love to someone better.我是把我爱的人输给一个比我更优秀的人吗And does she love you like I do.她是否会像我那样爱你I do,you know I really really do.真的,你知道我真的那么爱你Well hey.好吧,嘿So much I need to say.那么多的话想对你说Been lonely since the day.孤独始终伴随着我The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起So sad but true.伤感而又真实的是For me there's only you.对我而言只有你Been crying since the day.我就一直在哭泣The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起I remember date and time.我记得日期和时间September twenty second.9月22日Sunday twenty five after nine.星期日,9点25分In the doorway with your case.在你离开的门前伴着你的样子No longer shouting at each other.我们彼此间不再争吵There were tears on our faces.只有泪水挂在我们的脸上And we were letting go of something special.我们由于发生了一些特殊的事而分手Something we'll never have again.一些我们间再也不会发生的事I know,I guess I really really know.我明白,我想我真的明白Well hey.是的, So much I need to say.我多么多么地想告诉你Been lonely since the day.我是多么的孤独The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起So sad but true.伤感而又真实的是For me there's only you.对我而言只有你Been crying since the day.那天起我就一直在哭泣The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起The day you went away.自从你离去的那天起Did I lose my love to someone better.我是把我爱的人输给一个比我更优秀的人吗

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