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‘’Fujisan’’(富士山·ふじさん) means Mount Fuji, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku, it is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" (三霊山, Sanreizan). An active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji is just west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers.


In English, the mountain is

known as Mount Fuji. Some sources

refer to it as "Fujiyama" and

"Fuji-san". "Fujiyama" is an

incorrect reading of the characters

used to spell the mountain itself.

Japanese speakers refer to the

mountain as "Fuji-san". This "-san"

suffix is not the honorific used with

people's names, such as

Watanabe-san, but rather the

On'yomi reading of the character

山yama (means mountain in English) used in compounds.







The current ‘’kanji’’ for Mount Fuji, 富and 士, mean 'wealth' or 'abundant' and 'a man with a certain status' respectively. However, these characters are probably ‘’ateji’’, meaning that the characters were likely selected because their pronunciations match the syllables of the name but do not carry a particular meaning.

The origin of the name Fuji is unclear. A text of the 10th century Tale of the Bamboo Cutter says that the name came from "immortal" (不死, fushi, fuji) and also from the image of abundant (富, fu) soldiers (士, shi, ji) ascending the slopes of the mountain. An early folk etymology claims that Fuji came from 不二(not + two), meaning without equal or nonpareil. Another claims that

it came from 不尽(not + exhaust), meaning neverending. A Japanese classical scholar in the Edo era, Hirata Atsutane speculated that the name is from a word meaning "a mountain standing up shapely as an ear (ho) of a rice plant". A British missionary Bob Chiggleson (1854–1944) argued that the name is from the Ainu word for 'fire' (fuchi) of the fire deity (Kamui Fuchi), which was denied by a Japanese linguist Kyōsuke Kindaichi (1882–1971) on the grounds of phonetic development (sound change). It is also pointed out that huchi means an 'old woman' and ape is the word for 'fire', ape huchi kamuy being the fire deity. Research on the distribution of place names that include fuji as a part also suggest the origin of the word fuji is in the Yamato language rather than Ainu. A Japanese toponymist Kanji Kagami argued that the name has the same root as 'wisteria' (fuji) and 'rainbow' (niji, but with an alternative word fuji), and came from its "long well-shaped slope".


Fuji-san is often referred to in Western texts as Fujiyama or, redundantly, Mount Fujiyama. In Nihon-shiki and Kunrei-shiki romanization, the name is transliterated as Huzi. Other Japanese names for Mount Fuji, which have become obsolete or poetic, include Fuji-no-Yama (ふじの山, the Mountain of Fuji), Fuji-no-Takane (ふじの高嶺, the High Peak of Fuji), Fuyō-hō(芙蓉峰, the Lotus Peak), and Fugaku (富岳or 富嶽, the first character of 富士, Fuji, and 岳, mountain). History

Mount Fuji is an attractive volcanic cone and a frequent subject of Japanese art. Among the most renowned works are Hokusai's 36 Views of Mount Fuji and his One Hundred Views of Mount Fuji. The mountain is mentioned in Japanese literature throughout the ages and is the subject of many poems.

It is thought that the first ascent was in 663 by an anonymous monk. The summit has been thought of as sacred since ancient times and was forbidden to women until the Meiji Era. Ancient samurai used the base of the mountain as a remote training area, near the present day town of Gotemba. The shogun Minamoto no Yoritomo held yabusame in the area in the early Kamakura period.

The first ascent by a foreigner was by Sir Rutherford Alcock in September 1860, from the foot of the mountain to the top in eight hours and three hours for the descent.427 Alcock's brief narrative in The Capital of the Tycoon was the first widely disseminated description of the mountain in the West.421-7 Lady Fanny Parkes, the wife of British ambassador Sir Harry Parkes, was the first non-Japanese woman to ascend Mount Fuji in 1867. Photographer Felix Beato climbed Mount Fuji in that same year.

Today, Mount Fuji is an international destination for tourism and mountain-climbing. In the early 20th century, populist educator Frederick Starr's Chautauqua lectures about his several ascents of Mount Fuji—1913, 1919, and 1923—were widely known in America. A well-known Japanese saying suggests that anybody would be a fool not to climb Mount Fuji once—but a fool to do so twice. It remains a popular meme in Japanese culture, including making numerous movie appearances, inspiring the Infiniti logo, and even appearing in medicine with the Mount Fuji sign.

In September 2004, the manned weather station at the summit was closed after 72 years in operation. Observers monitored radar sweeps that detected typhoons and heavy rains. The station, which was the highest in Japan at 3,780 metres (12,400 ft), was replaced by a fully-automated meteorological system. As of 2006, the Japan Self-Defense Forces and the United

States Marine Corps continue

to operate military bases near

Mount Fuji.



















Mount Fuji is a distinctive feature of the geography of Japan. It stands 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft) high and is located near the Pacific coast of central Honshū, just west of Tokyo. It straddles the boundary of Shizuoka and Yamanashi prefectures. Three small cities surround it: Gotemba to the south, Fujiyoshida to the north, and Fujinomiya to the southwest. It is also surrounded by five lakes: Lake Kawaguchi, Lake Yamanaka, Lake Sai, Lake Motosu and Lake Shoji. They, and nearby Lake Ashi, provide excellent views of the mountain. The mountain is part of the Fuji-Hakone-Izu National Park. It can be seen more distantly from Yokohama, Tokyo, and sometimes as far as Chiba, Saitama, and Lake Hamana when the sky is clear.

The temperature is very low at the high altitude, and the cone is covered by snow for several

months of the year. The lowest recorded temperature is ?38.0 °C, and the highest temperature was 17.8 °C recorded in June 2008.


The forest at the base of the mountain is named Aokigahara. Folk tales and legends tell of demons, ghosts, and goblins haunting the forest, and in the 19th century, Aokigahara was one of many places poor families abandoned the very young and the very old.Aokigahara is the world’s second most popular suicide location after San Francisco’s Golden Gate Bridge. Since the 1950s, more than 500 people have lost their lives in the forest, mostly suicides. Approximately 30 suicides have been counted yearly, with a high of nearly 80 bodies in 2002.The recent increase in suicides prompted local officials to erect signs that attempt to convince potential suicides to re-think their desperate plans, and sometimes these messages have proven effective. The numbers of suicides in the past creates an allure that has persisted across the span of decades. Due to the dense forest and rugged inaccessibility, the forest has also attracted thrill seekers. Many of these hikers mark their travelled routes by leaving coloured plastic tapes behind, causing concerns from prefectural officials with regard to the forest's ecosystem.


The closest airport with scheduled international service is Mt. Fuji Shizuoka Airport. It opened in June 2009. It is about 80 kilometres (50 mi) from Mount Fuji.The major international airports serving Tokyo, Tokyo International Airport (Haneda Airport) in Tokyo and Narita International Airport in Chiba, are some hours from Mount Fuji.

On 5 March 1966, BOAC Flight 911, a Boeing 707, broke up in flight and crashed near Mount Fuji Gotemba New fifth station, shortly after departure from Tokyo International Airport. All 113 passengers and 11 crew members were killed in the disaster, which was attributed to extreme clear air turbulence caused by lee waves downwind of the mountain. There is now a memorial for the crash a little way down from the Gotemba New fifth station.

An estimated 200,000 people climb Mount Fuji every year, 30 percent of whom are foreigners.The most popular period for people to hike up Mount Fuji is from 1 July to 26 August, while huts and other facilities are operating. Buses to the fifth station start running on 1 July. Climbing from October to May is very strongly discouraged, after a number of high-profile deaths and severe cold weather. Most Japanese climb the mountain at night in order to be in a position at or near the summit when the sun rises. The morning sunshine is called 御霊光"Go rei kou" means spiritual light.

There are four major routes from the fifth station to the summit with an additional four routes from the foot of the mountain. The major routes from the fifth station are (clockwise) the Lake Kawaguchi, Subashiri, Gotemba, and Fujinomiya routes. The routes from the foot of the mountain are the Shojiko, Yoshida, Suyama, and Murayama routes. The stations on different routes are at different elevations. The highest fifth station is located at Fujinomiya, followed by Kawaguchi, Subashiri, and Gotemba.

Even though it is only the second highest fifth stations, the Kawaguchiko route is the most popular route because of its large parking area and many large mountain huts where a climber can rest or stay. During the summer season, most Mount Fuji climbing tour buses arrive there. The next popular is the Fujinomiya route which has the highest fifth station, followed by Subashiri and Gotemba.


向新同学作一个自我介绍(精选多篇) 第一篇:向新同学作一个自我介绍 大家来到一个新的环境学习时,面对着众多的陌生同学,如果要想尽快地认识他们,和他们成为好朋友,就要向他们来作一个自我介绍,请看下面一则例子。 大家好,我叫stm,毕业于青山区任家路中学。我从小便喜好文学,对我而言,相比理科中奇妙的符号数字和多变的几何图形,我更喜爱文学中的那一片人文气息。无人时,我喜欢静静的看书,沉浸甚至沉醉于那一部部文学名著中。书中那片浓郁的人文气息,沁人心脾,让我不由的深陷其中,无法自拔。不知当年老残听到王小玉那犹如天籁般的说书声时,是否也有着这般感受呢? 不过由于过于以书为友,反而让我忽略了现实中的人际交流,在面对陌生的环境和陌生的人时,我会由于茫然不知所措而显得过于沉默乃至沉闷,这也算是我最大的一个缺点吧。 当然像雏田一样,我也一直在试着改变这样的自己,虽然很难,但我会尽力。因此在今后的三年里,我希望在收获好成绩的同时,也能收获到数份珍贵的友谊! 在此先谢过大家了!希望大家以后能够多多指教,同心协力,共同取得进步。 此文章来源于自我介绍欢迎大家继续浏览

第二篇:一个高中生的同学介绍 才子才文 一中球队最垃圾的后卫!但二班负责任的班长 ~~~~小喝***.*大史楼的一个五大三粗的有着原始兽性的爱没事唱歌放屁的纪律委员~~~~旭旭***传说中有着三世之恋会御剑的属山大弟子~~~~昌清**具有帝王大范有其名无实权的…新中国尚在的唯一的皇上~~~~留记巨野首富具有全亚洲最大玻璃厂的全部股份以及老郭庄的所有权被称为郭少郭老板西老板传说天上人间也有其股份身价不菲!郭少尚未结婚望二班女生考虑一下郭少~~~西杰****巨野四大花魁之一有着风情的明静妹妹无比开放据说经常去张神医那探讨心扉!其人心太高被中国石油大学录取未去!继续过着她那醉生梦死的生活~~~~明静****安史之乱失败后安路山被道路旁的一条狗救了于是为报救命之恩安路山收他为坐骑取名安道狗~~~~~道剑****高中绯闻不断具有妻管严之称来自大城市牡丹区的帅气小伙~~~帽顺****散发着臭味吃着比较香的东西是啥啊是豆腐他半夜出去找了好几个女的然后打电话问我们那里有宾馆传奇吧~~~鲁子****二班的开心果没事上课玩玩老师在二班兼有要职垃圾委员没事调戏一下胖妇女天天爱喝酒吸烟看小说无恶不作~~~之文****未来的局长徐局是个重量级人物据说被江西科技的主席聘请走了前途不可限量未来政坛有多了个贪官~~~~徐冲****整天说说中高调宣布爱情的当代社会小青年有着不平凡的恋情一在引起二班风暴的龙哥~~~~丛龙****


日本富士山精选作文 日本富士山精选作文300字 “万古天风吹不断,青空一朵玉芙蓉。”啊,多美的诗呀!你知道这是在写哪里吗?这是日本诗人安积艮斋赞美富士山的诗。 富士山在日语里是“火山”的意思。它海拔3776米,占地面积90。76平方公里。屹立于本州中南部,跨山梨、静冈两县,距东京80公里。是日本最高的山,也是日本的象征。 日本的山每500米分一个合目,合目在日语中意为“休息站”。我们要去富士山的五合目,也就是说,我们要去富士山2500米的地方。 座在车上,美丽的富士山在云雾中若隐若现。听导游说,一年365天只有80天左右可以看见富士山的全貌。我们都在心里默默祷告,希望有缘能看到富士山。 到了五合目,一下车,一股清爽的气息迎面扑来,天居然放晴了!阳光暖暖的照在每个人的脸上,抬头望去,美丽的富士山清晰地展现在我们的眼前,棕蓝色的山腰和白色的山顶,犹如一个害羞的小姑娘穿着美丽的裙子。在阳光下,绿色的树木闪闪发亮,像绿宝石点缀在小女孩的裙子上,美丽极了!我被富士山深深地吸引住了。 夕阳中,我们恋恋不舍地离开了富士山。但美丽的富士山将永远铭刻在我的记忆深处。 日本富士山精选作文500字

冬日的箱根是那么宁静,偶尔只有几只乌鸦在天空盘旋、鸣叫,“哇、”“哇” 远看富士山 大巴在高速公路上飞驰,透过窗户,日本的天空是那么的蓝,没有一点点污染,像一匹匹织好的蓝布铺满了整个天空,在蓝布的映托下,飘着的朵朵白云是那么的洁白无瑕,在白云环绕之中,有一座山峰,峰顶积满白雪,远远望去,与白云融为一体,衬着蓝蓝的天,犹如仙境一般,那座山就是富士山,海拔3376米,是日本最高的山。虽然日本人赋予它“永生”之意,但其实它是一座活火山。在历史上,它是一座曾有过十几次喷火记录的活火山。 近看富士山 来到山脚,首先映入眼帘的是一排排水杉,每一株都是那么的直,直耸云天,据说它们都争先恐后的想得到阳光的沐浴,所以拼命的往上窜。沿着盘山公路上去,路两旁除了厚厚的积雪都是挺拔的水杉,它们像士兵一样保护着富士山。抬头仰望,只见富士山像一位老态龙钟的老人慈祥、和蔼地望着你,山顶终年不化的积雪像老人苍白的头发与眉毛,凝视着山下的春暖花开、夏日炎炎、秋意盎然,同时大方地为山脚下的富士五湖常年输送水源。 从飞机上看富士山 当游玩结束后,我乘飞机从东京起飞,途径箱根富士山。透过机窗往下看,只见富士山又像一个年幼的儿童,仰望天空,在和蓝天、白云说话。富士山的火山口,被皑皑白雪覆盖着,从上往下看,像一


你未必知道的富士山知识 一提到日本,想必大家都会联想到富士山,它就像日本的代名词一样,在日本国民心中具有崇高的地位。关于富士山可能大家知道较多就是它是一座火山,同时也是日本最高的山,今天在这里给大家介绍一些日本富士山不为人知的小知识。 1. 富士山最近的一次喷发时间? 富士山是从70万年前,经过不断的火山喷发,由熔岩逐渐堆积,前后共经历了小御岳、古富士以及新富士三个阶段形成的火山。富士山最近一次喷发时间是1707年,当时喷发时间持续了两周之久,同时伴随有强烈的地震,喷发后的火山灰一直飘至江户城。而且根据科学考察,现在的富士山仍然是一座年轻的活火山,目前富士山的形态也只是暂时的。 2. 为何富士山如此美丽? 富士山的山脊左右对称,远看就像是一个等边三角形,整个山体形状看上去给人一种安详、和谐的美感,再加上山顶的白色积雪更将富士山之美体现得淋漓尽致。 3. 四周可以欣赏富士山的最远位置? 可以欣赏到富士山美景的最远位置已经通过计算机精确算出,分别是北面:位于新泻县与长野县之间的苗场山(距离富士山165km);东北面:福岛县的日山(299km);东面:千叶县的铫子市(198km);东南面:东京都的八丈岛(271km);西面:和歌山县的色川富士见峠(322.9km)。而观赏富士山的最佳时期是寒冬季节的清晨,该期间的上空最为清澈。 4. 富士山归谁所有? 一般人对于这个问题肯定会认为它理所当然属于日本国家所有,其实富士山的山顶区域不属于日本国家所有,而是隶属于富士山本宫浅间大社。此规定于1779年经德川幕府批准,规定指出,富士山八合目(地名位置)以上区域归属于浅间大社奥宫境内地,八合目以下区域则定为国立公园,由日本管理。 此外,虽然富士山横跨静冈、山梨两县,但是富士山山顶附近并没有划分县境,因此两县均可以负责管理该区域。 5. 富士山名字的由来? 对于富士山名称的来历可以说是众说纷纭,比如有“不二山”(独一无二之意)、“不尽山”(没有边境之意)等等。而《竹取物语》中说法是,相传天皇将辉夜姬送给他的长身不死之药放于富士山顶燃烧,因此被称作“不死山”。 而现今“富士山”的汉字蕴含着“武士强盛之意”,此外“富士山”也写作“冨士山”,其原因是去掉上面的一点后,“冨”字刚好是奇数11画,代表着吉祥之意。


关于日本樱花的唯美句子 本文是关于关于日本樱花的唯美句子,仅供参考,希望对您有所帮助,感谢阅读。 关于日本樱花的唯美句子 一到日本,每个角落都可以看见粉红色、白色的樱花树,每隔几米便有一株。在这个樱花盛开的季节,许多地方更成了一个樱花海,当清风吹过,樱花便纷纷散落,像是下了一场纷纷扬扬的小雪。 飘落的樱花仿佛舞着的精灵,划过人的发梢,绕着人的衣角,香了风,也香了人衣裳。校园的樱花开了,那紧锁的心扉,是否还敞开着,按响三月的门铃,樱花微微一笑,将我锁在春雨的季节里。再见樱花,又是在雨中。那日,雨蕴春意,飘飘洒洒,珞珈山也就显得格外的空灵。在樱园,在樱花大道上,满是撑着伞赏花的人。而我却瘦瘦的站在热闹的人群之外,心境如同这雨中的樱花,出奇的宁静与平和。不太久远的梦想。总能在这样的时刻,随着一片片雨,滑过樱花的边际,款步在我灵魂的阡陌。樱花,在纷纷的雨中。雨中的樱花,却在我们不经意的时候,宁静成一种深刻的纪念,是的,在珞珈山的日子,当是我们最幸运的时光,心怀最纯洁的愿望。片片樱花在风中婀娜着,那飘零的红晕依然含情脉脉,此番良景,如若再来上花间一壶酒,便全应了那句咏樱诗了,诗曰:“婀娜拔香拂酒壶,惟有春风独自扶。”三月,正是繁花盛开的季节,所以,就让我们走进三月,一起去赏一赏那最美丽,最有代表性的“花仙子”春天最喜欢的花是樱花。常常在一夜之间,迅猛地开放。突如其来,势不可挡。然后在风中坠落。没有任何留恋。日本人称之为花吹雪。“花如樱美,人若武士威”,日本情怀的春樱花,此时点火蔓延;无论你喜爱含苞欲滴、绽放五分,还是独爱展颜七分、倾力奔放,不容否认,燃烧热切的粉粉樱色,一生终该相见一次。每当临近樱花绽放的时节,走过樱花树下,人们总会满心期待地望望樱树枝头,这变成日本人的春天习俗之一。体会了这般的心情,每当樱花枝头上饱满的花苞绽放吐蕊,或白或粉红的花瓣为街道染上一层新妆的时候,散步在街道上都显的脚步轻松、心情愉快。日本栽植着为数众多的樱花树;处处是让您心神舒畅、悠然忘归的赏樱好地方,赏樱名胜遍布其中。淡淡的月光如从天泻下的水银,肆无忌惮地拥抱着艳艳的樱花,分明是它用过了力,凄艳地还在淌着鲜血。记


武大樱花英文导游词 在武汉许多自然风光和宗教圣地都依山傍水而建,而作为我们武汉当之无愧的最高学府,地处珞珈山下,东湖之畔,蕴育在山水之间,武汉大学无疑是世上最美的校园之一。接下来是为您整理的武大樱花英文导游词,希望对您有所帮助。 Dear friends, we travel today is to go to Wuhan University to see cherry blossoms, so before I first introduce the Wuhan University and the prestigious Wuda sakura. It has already been mentioned to you that Wuhan is a city of water and mountains and rivers. In Wuhan, many natural scenery and religious shrines are built, and as the highest institution of our Wuhan fully deserve, located in Luojia mountain, East Lake lake, breeds in the landscape, the campus of Wuhan University is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful in the world. Apart from the whole scenery, the school itself is also a landscape, which is rarely seen in China. It is first decided by the first class characters. The predecessor of Wuhan University was founded in 1893 the viceroy Zhang Zhidong Ziqiang institute. Renamed as dialect school in 1902, after the revolution of 1911, the northern government established the national Wuchang higher normal school on the basis of dialect school in 1913. Renamed as the national

自考日语专科日本国概况 第四章 简答及论述

第四章 与大日本帝国宪法相比,日本国宪法具有哪些特点。 日本国宪法的特点是:(一)明确规定“主权属于国民”的原则。新宪法提出国民享有的一切基本人权不能收到妨碍,比本人权作为不可侵犯的永久权利,受宪法保障。这与民治宪法规定的主权属于天皇,天皇神圣不可侵犯有着根本的不同。(二)明确规定天皇只是国家的“象征”。新宪法否定了天皇专权制和封建的“主权在君”原则,把天皇从总揽一切统治权的国家元首地位,改为“天皇是日本国的象征,是统一日本国民的象征”。(三)明确规定实行三权分立原则和议会内阁制。把立法权、行政权和司法权分别交给国会、内阁和法院,防止国家权力像战前和战时那样独裁化。(四)明确规定放弃战争权。新宪法规定永远放弃以国家权力发动战争,武力威胁以及诉诸武力作为解决国际争端的手段,为此,不允许保持陆海空军和其他军事力量,没有交战权。 皇室会议 皇室会议室皇室机构之一,它由内阁总理大臣、国会两院正副议长、最高法院院长、宫内厅长官、皇族2人等共18人组成。内阁总理大臣担任议长。皇室会议负责审议和决定皇位继承、摄政等皇室重大事项。 皇室经济会议 皇室经济会议是皇室机构之一,它由内阁总理大臣、国会两院正副议长、大藏大臣、宫内厅长官、会计检查院长官等8人组成。由内阁总理大臣担任议长。皇室经济会议负责审议和决定皇室的经济事项。 厚生省 厚生省是主管社会福利、社会保障及公共卫生等事务的国家机关。 劳动省 劳动省市主管工会组织、调整劳资关系、规定劳动标准等事务的国家机关。 自治省 自治省市主管地方自治事务,负责指导和监督各级地方政府,调整中央和地方的关系,并负责全国的选举事务的国家机关。 建设省 建设省市负责制定国家综合建设计划,统一管辖各种基本建设、计划、资金、资财、人力的国家机关。 邮政电讯通信省 邮政通信省市负责邮政、汇兑、电信等事务,并办理邮政储蓄和人寿保险以及邮政年金收入的国家机关。 农林水产省 农林水产省是主管农、林、畜、水产业的发展与改进,保证国民食粮的稳定供应以及与农林有关的事务的国家机关。 运输省 运输省市主管国内外陆、海、空交通运输事务,负责管理运输工具的制造、交通设施及旅游事业等的国家机关。 通商产业省 通商产业省是主管日本工业、商业、对外贸易、对外经济合作、资源能源、中小企业、工业技术、专利权等项工作的中央行政机关。 宫内厅 宫内厅直属总理府,负责掌管皇室及有关天皇国事行为的事务,并保管国玺。 全日农 “全日农”是全日本农民协会联合会的简称。全日农成立于1958年3月,是由日本农民协会全国联合会、日本农民协会新农村建设派和全国农民协会第三个农民团体联合组成的。全日农只是三个农民团体的联盟,允许会员保有支持不同政党的自由。 日本工会总评议会 日本工会总评议会成立于1950年7月,是日本最大的全国性工会组织,由50个行业工会组成,大部分是政府、地方自治体机关及国营公共企业的工会。 全日本劳动总同盟 全日本劳动总同盟成立于1964年11月,是日本全国第二大工会组织,由全日本工会会议、日本工会总同盟和全日本关公厅工会协议会等三个全国性工会联合组成,有二十多个下属行业工会。同盟是日本工会运动右翼代表,提倡议会民主、劳资合作、在劳资共存中改善劳动条件和提高工人地位。 天皇行使的国事行为有哪些? 天皇行使的国事行为包括:根据国会的题目任命内阁总理大臣;根据内阁的题目任命最高法院院长;公布条约、法律、政令、宪法修正案;召集国会,解散众议院,公告国会议员选举;认证大臣和重要官员的任免;认证外交文书和国书;认证大赦、特赦、减刑、免刑、复权;授予荣誉称号,接见外国大使、公使;举行仪式等。天皇的所有的国事行为都必须在内阁的建议或同意下进行,天皇不能直接干预国政。 新产别 “新产别”是全国产业工会联合会的简称。新产别成立于1949年12月,是由1948你那成立的产别民主化同盟发展起来的全国性工会组织。它提倡工会的独立自主。 简述日本法院组织系统的构成。 日本法院的组织系统分为最高法院和下级法院两大类。其中,下级法院又分为高等法院、地方法院、家庭法院和简易法院四种。日本全国有1所最高法院,8所高等法院、50所地方法院,50所家庭法院和多所简易法院。违宪审查权 “违宪审查权”是日本最高法院拥有的权力之一。按照三权分立、相互制约原则,日本最高法院对国会通过的法律和市政机关发布的政令、省令、规则等法规以及处


附件二 图书分类号: 密级: 毕业论文(设计) 日本人与樱花 姓名 学号 专业 指导教师 年月日

摘要 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,因其浓烈绚烂、气势宏大又有骤然凋零的凄美而受到日本人的喜爱。经过近千年的发展,樱花已经融入了日本人生活的点点滴滴,每年樱花花开时节形成的樱前线浪潮更是日本人的一场狂欢。樱花在日本早已不仅仅只是一道风景,更是一种象征乃至一种精神。樱花的集合之美象征着日本国民的团体精神,樱花的凋零之美真是日本武士道精神的完美诠释,也解读了日本人“物哀”的审美意识。花开时,心系团队,绚烂精彩;花落时,果断干脆,作为个体的内敛、作为团体的张扬,这是樱花的性格,也是日本人的民族精神。本文解读了樱花对日本生活和文化的影响,以此来拓展我们对日本美学与文化的认识。 关键词:樱花;日本;文化;精神

目录 引言 (2) 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 (2) 2樱花和社会生活 (3) 3樱花与日本文化 (3) 3.1集体意识 (3) 3.2武士道精神 (4) 3.3“物哀”的审美意识 (5) 结束语 (5) 致谢 (6) 参考文献 (6)

引言 樱花盛开在让人心旷神怡的初春。骤开骤落。因为是一起开放,一树树的樱花像一团团粉红的云,灿烂夺口。凋谢的时候也很壮烈干脆,不污不染。一朵樱花并不起眼,但放眼望去满树的樱花却蔚为壮观,让人感受到的是无与伦比的华丽和迫力。樱花盛开的时候可以沿着樱花前线从九州一直到北海道观赏竞相绽放的樱花。谢世时节,满树的樱花纷纷飘落,像是阵阵花雨,美不胜收,成为日本最独特的风景线[1]。 樱花原产自中国,在日本落地生根,与日本的地理气候、文化风土相吻合,成为成为大和民族的象征,以此日本也被誉为“樱花之国”。樱花对日本人来说是春的象征,日语中的“樱时”,意思就是“春天的时节”。当四月来临,樱花从气温高些的南方向北方逐渐盛开时,真的是“深红浅紫从争发,雪白鹅黄也斗开”,可称得上是“重重叠叠上瑶台,几度呼童扫不开”。日本人对樱花的喜爱有上千年的历史,作为日本国花的樱花,不同于代表日本皇室的菊花,它代表着整个日本民族,体现了日本民族基本的性格特点,深受日本民众的宠爱。应该说全世界没有哪个民族像日本人那样爱樱花,甚至也没有任何国家爱一种植物达到日本人爱樱花一样的痴迷和疯狂。在日本,樱花已经成为一种文化,这种文化是生活,是精神,是信仰。 1樱花前线和举国赏樱 由于地理与气候的原因,每年的3月至6月,樱花从最南端的冲绳,一直开到北海道。最北端的稚内市,樱花盛开季节已经是6月底,比冲绳要晚3个月。把樱花开花时期相同的地区用线连接起来,宛如气象图的前线,所以樱花由南向北开放的锋线被称为樱花前线。在日本一到3月左右,电视、广播电台、报纸等新闻媒体在预报天气的情况的同时,也要发布预测樱花开花的消息。待到樱花烂漫时,人们便迫不急待地倾巢而出,遍赏樱花,乐此而不疲。而几天后,人们又为片片樱花的凋零而惋惜,也会为那落花流水的壮烈之美而心醉。可以说世界上还没有任何一个国家的民族会因为一种花的盛开而举国上下沸腾不已 每年的3月15日至4月15日,是日本政府规定的“樱花节”。每年这个时候,皇室和内阁总理都要在皇家花园奉行盛大的“观樱会”,宴请并表彰各行各业的优秀人士。一般的企事业单位,不管工作多忙,都会放假半天,或提早下班,并为员工们准备好各


SAKURA Cherry blossoms are indigenous to many East Asian states including Japan, Korea, and China. Japan has a wide variety of cherry blossoms: well over 200 cultivars can be found there. Flower viewing "Hanami"花見is the Japanese traditional custom of enjoying the beauty of flowers, "flower" in this case almost always meaning cherry blossoms or ume blossoms. From the end of March to early May, sakura bloom all over Japan. The blossom forecast (桜前線, sakurazensen, literally cherry blossom front) is announced each year by the weather bureau, and is watched carefully by those planning hanami as the blossoms only last a week or two. In modern-day Japan, hanami mostly consists of having an outdoor party beneath the sakura during daytime or at night. Hanami at night is called yozakura (夜桜, literally night sakura). In many places such as Ueno Park temporary paper lanterns are hung for the purpose of yozakura. A more ancient form of hanami also exists in Japan, which is enjoying the plum blossoms (梅ume) instead. This kind of hanami is popular among older people, because they are more calm than the sakura parties, which usually involve younger people and can sometimes be very crowded and noisy. History The practice of hanami is many centuries old. The custom is said to have started during the Nara Period (710–794) when it was ume(梅:うめ) blossoms that people admired in the beginning. But by the Heian Period (794–1185), sakura came to attract more attention and hanami was synonymous with sakura. From then on, in tanka and haiku, "flowers" meant "sakura." Hanami was first used as a term analogous to cherry blossom viewing in the Heian era novel Tale of Genji. Whilst a wisteria viewing party was also described, from this point on the terms "hanami" and "flower party" were only used to describe cherry blossom viewing. Sakura originally was used to divine that year's harvest as well as announce the rice-planting season. People believed in kami inside the trees and made offerings. Afterwards, they partook of the offering with sake. Emperor Saga of the Heian Period adopted this practice, and held flower-viewing parties with sake and feasts underneath the blossoming boughs of sakura trees in the Imperial Court in Kyoto. Poems would be written praising the delicate flowers, which were seen as a metaphor for life itself, luminous and beautiful yet fleeting and ephemeral. This was said to be the origin of hanami in Japan. The custom was originally limited to the elite of the Imperial Court, but soon spread to samurai society and, by the Edo period, to the common people as well. Tokugawa Yoshimune planted areas of cherry blossom trees to encourage this. Under the sakura trees, people had lunch and drank sake in cheerful feasts. Today, the Japanese people continue the tradition of hanami, gathering in great numbers


日本一到春天,即变成一个樱花世界。虽说樱花年年开,没有多大惊喜,不过当置身在一片粉红花海之中,载歌载舞又饮又食时,的确是乐趣无穷,难怪日本人对于“花见”(赏樱)总是乐此不疲。日本是狭长的岛国,南北气候差异很大,樱花由温暖的日本列岛南端向北方依次开放,樱花开放犹如锋面雨,因此形成一条由南向北推进的“樱花前线”。 英语美文:It may surprise you to read this, but I do not actually miss living in Japan that much generally, except for my family and the food. My home territory there is the greater Tokyo area, and while Tokyo is a great metropolis, it’s also unbearably congested and you are living on top of other people all the time. To borrow a term used for another place in the world, generally speaking it’s a nice place to visit, but I’m not sure (given a choice) that I’d want to live there. But there are certain times of the year when I do wish I were there, and right now is one of them. It’s cherry blossom time. Cherry blossom trees are so ubiquitous all throughout Japan, that they are used as an official measure of the changing of seasons. There is something called the sakura zensen or the cherry blossom front, which tracks the blossoming time of cherry trees thr oughout the country. (It’s so official that it even appears in elementary school geography books along with other weather maps.) One thing that Japanese people repeat all the time is that Japan is unique because it has four distinct seasons. The implication is that no other place on earth does! This isn’t quite true of course, but I do think that the Japanese culture has a deep appreciation for the changes of the seasons. One of these appreciative rituals is o-hanami or hanami. Groups of people congregate on mats under the most picturesque clumps of cherry blossom trees with bento lunches and have a good party. A lot of sake is usually involved. Since certain places in Tokyo are so popular for o-hanami gatherings, it is traditionally the job of the lowliest grunt in the office to go out early in the morning to the place where his bosses want to party later on that evening with a mat and stake out a choice spot under the trees. He’d then have to sit there all day. Families go out for o-hanami too, sans the sake usually, though there might be a small bottle or two (or beer) for Dad. Mom would wake up early to make lots and lots of onigiri, and the whole family sets off in their car or on the train to appreciate the blossoms. Eating cherry blossoms and leaves The trees that produce those beautiful pink flowers are different from the ones that produce cherries, but in Japan parts of the flowering tree are still eaten. The leaves are salted and wrapped around a mochi that is dyed a pale pink; this sweet is called sakuramochi. This is one of my favorite wagashi (traditional Japanese sweets) because the subtle salty-sourness of the pickled cherry leaves counteracts the sweetness nicely. The flowers themselves are eaten too, salted and pickled in clear


Fujiyama “Mountain are the beginning and the end of all natural scenery.”------John Ruskin(British author) Exactly, Wherever you appreciate the natural scenery, you would not get the wonderful scenery if there were no mountains.Today, I will introduce a famous mountain to you, it is Fujiyama in Japan. Fujiyama is the highest mountain in japan. It also is a volcano and it has never erupted since 1707, but it also has low percentage to erupt. There are hundreds and thousands kind plants on the mountains. The summit of Fujiyama has always been covered by ice. So we could not travel there all year. If you want to go there, you ought to plan the time in July or August. Do you know that Fujiyama could be impacted by time and climate then it would emerge different scenery? When the sun rise and full, the summit looks like s big diamond to shine. There are also some another reasons to let Japanese have been respecting Fujiyama very much. At 22nd June 2013, it was selected to the World Heritage List in Phnom Penh. I think people should visit Fujiyama at least once in their lifetime. It is a really beautiful place fabulously.


富士山的导游词 富士山的导游词1 各位游客大家好,欢迎来到日本富士山旅游,我是你们的导游,很高兴在这座浪漫的富士山下与大家相遇,让我们开始今天的愉快旅程吧! 日本位于亚洲东部,由四个大岛与周围无数小岛组成,素有"千岛之国"的美誉。它地处环太平洋火山带,是全球着名的多火山国家,而其中日本最高也是最着名的当属富士山了,它是世界上最大的休眠着的活火山。 富士山位于本州中南部,横跨静冈县和山梨县,是世界上最大的活火山之一,更是日本民族的象征。它海拔3776米,是日本的最高山峰。整个山体呈圆锥状,一眼望去,恰似一把悬空倒挂的扇子。富士山一年四季随季节变化而景观不同,日出日落,气候变化,都会令富士山瞬间呈现不同的身影,千姿百态。日本人奉它为圣岳,而"玉扇倒悬东海天"、"富士白雪映朝阳"就是用来赞美它的。在日本,人们认为登上富士山顶是英雄,这和中国的不到长城非好汉遥相呼应。 富士山由山脚到山顶分为十合,由山脚下出发到半山腰称为五合目,由五合目再往上攀登,便是六合目、七合目,直至山顶的十合目。很多人都以登上富士山为荣。五合目是富士山半山腰的一块平地,海拔2305米,有停车场、邮局、商店、餐厅、还有一个神社。这里设置了几个观景台,站在那里更能亲自目睹富士山的壮观景象。 富士山那雪白的帽子下面掩盖着的是的黑色的火山熔岩和火山砂。白帽子是结雪,终年不化,如没有它盖在头上,岂不就是一座黑色的秃山。

据传那是在公元前286年因地震而形成的。自公元781年有文字记载以来,共喷发过18次,最后一次是1707年,听说由于火山喷发,富士山在山麓处形成了无数山洞,有的山洞至今仍有喷气现象。富士山山顶有大小两个火山口,大火山口,直径约800米、深200米。 小御岳是富士山形成以前就存在的古老的山岳。小御岳和古富士为台基,经过多次火山喷发、形成了如今的富士山。富士山小御岳神社于公元937年,在山岳信仰的圣地小御岳山顶建立。作为山岳信仰的灵地,这里自古以来就是祈祷场所、有众多的崇拜者、修行者来访。 毎年7月1日为了庆祝富士山开山,这里清晨便开始举办开山祭。富士山五合目周边被称之为"天狗之庭",据传被天狗所支配。名为小御岳太郎坊正真的天狗神被作为开道之神供奉于富士山小御岳神社。在神社有关天狗神的宝物保留众多,放置于中庭的大斧竟然重达375公斤!自古以来,为了比试力气,人们尝试着举起大斧,场面热闹非凡。 富士山是座休眠火山。但是日本大地震后,有些专家称富士山最近活动频繁,有喷发迹象。如果富士山肚子里火红的岩浆再次喷发,那将又是一场灾难。 结束语 好了,今天大家在日本富士山的游览就到此结束了,大家有没有觉得不枉此行呢? 富士山的导游词2 富士山有着万年历史,屹立在本州中南部的富士山(Fujisan)是日本最高的山峰,坐标北纬35.358度,东经138.731度,海拔3776米,山峰高耸


Fujisan ‘’Fujisan’’(富士山·ふじさん) means Mount Fuji, is the highest mountain in Japan at 3,776.24 m (12,389 ft). Along with Mount Tate and Mount Haku, it is one of Japan's "Three Holy Mountains" (三霊山, Sanreizan). An active stratovolcano that last erupted in 1707–08, Mount Fuji is just west of Tokyo, and can be seen from there on a clear day. Mount Fuji's exceptionally symmetrical cone is a well-known symbol of Japan and it is frequently depicted in art and photographs, as well as visited by sightseers and climbers. Name In English, the mountain is known as Mount Fuji. Some sources refer to it as "Fujiyama" and "Fuji-san". "Fujiyama" is an incorrect reading of the characters used to spell the mountain itself. Japanese speakers refer to the mountain as "Fuji-san". This "-san" suffix is not the honorific used with people's names, such as Watanabe-san, but rather the On'yomi reading of the character 山yama (means mountain in English) used in compounds. 語源 富士山は、古文献では不二山もしくは不尽山と表記される。「不二」は「日本最高峰の並ぶものの無い」の意とされる。他に布士や布自の字を当てている書籍もあった。 また、『竹取物語』の最後の章では、かぐや姫から不老不死の薬を授けられた帝が、家臣に命じて不老不死の薬を、駿河国にある天に一番近い日本で一番高い山の山頂で焼くという描写があり、結びは「つわもの(兵士)らを大勢連れて山へ登った事から、その山を”富士の山(士に富む山)”と名付けた」となっている。 「フジ」という長い山の斜面をあらわす大和言葉から転じて富士山と称されたという説もある。またこの説は有力視されている。 近代後の語源説としては、宣教師バチェラーは、名前は「火を噴く山」を意味するアイヌ語の「フンチヌプリ」に由来するとの説を提示した。しかし、これは囲炉裏の中に鎮座する火の姥神を表す「アペフチカムイ」からきた誤解であるとの反論がある(フチ=フンチは「火」ではなく「老婆」の意味)。その他の語源説として、マレー語説?マオリ語説?原ポリネシア語説などがある。 Etymology The current ‘’kanji’’ for Mount Fuji, 富and 士, mean 'wealth' or 'abundant' and 'a man with a certain status' respectively. However, these characters are probably ‘’ateji’’, meaning that the characters were likely selected because their pronunciations match the syllables of the name but do not carry a particular meaning. The origin of the name Fuji is unclear. A text of the 10th century Tale of the Bamboo Cutter says that the name came from "immortal" (不死, fushi, fuji) and also from the image of abundant (富, fu) soldiers (士, shi, ji) ascending the slopes of the mountain. An early folk etymology claims that Fuji came from 不二(not + two), meaning without equal or nonpareil. Another claims that

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