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Neighbor-Selection Strategy in Peer-to-Peer Networks

Neighbor-Selection Strategy in Peer-to-Peer Networks
Neighbor-Selection Strategy in Peer-to-Peer Networks

Neighbor-Selection Strategy in Peer-to-Peer Networks

Simon G.M.Koo

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN47907,USA.


Karthik Kannan

Krannert School of Management,Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN47907,USA.


C.S.George Lee

School of Electrical and Computer Engineering,Purdue University,West Lafayette,IN47907,USA.


A new generation of peer-to-peer(P2P)applications are being increasingly used for downloading large-volume contents such as movies and software.In these P2P applications,a central“tracker”decides about which peer becomes a neighbor to which other peers,and this decision critically dic-tates the distribution ef?ciency.Our paper proposes a new neighbor-selection strategy applicable to these P2P applications,which improves the distribution ef?ciency relative to the existing ones. The proposed strategy increases the content availability of peers from their immediate neighbors, and thereby it can signi?cantly improve system performance without trading off users’satisfaction. We show that the proposed strategy does not provide incentives for peers to deviate from truthfully revealing their downloading progresses and is suitable for real-time deployment.

Key words:Computers-computer science:System design-operation;Simulation;Information sys-tems:Analysis and design;Programming:Integer:Heuristic

A recent survey states that computer users are increasingly downloading large-volume contents such as movie and software,and24percent of the Internet users had downloaded a feature-length ?lm online at least once(Borland,2004),and that there exists a large demand for this category of P2P applications.A new generation of P2P applications serve this purpose,where their top priority is to effectively distribute the content instead of locating it.Examples of these include BitTorrent and eDonkey,which have seen signi?cant increase in usage in terms of network traf?c and number of users.These applications are conducive for distributing large-volume contents partly because they divide the content into many small pieces and allowing peers to exchange those pieces instead of the complete?le.Such a mechanism has been demonstrated to improve the ef?ciency of P2P exchanges(Yang and de Veciana,2004).The intuition is that when content is broken into pieces for P2P exchange,it takes a shorter time before a peer can begin to upload to its neighbors while simultaneously downloads from the community.

Another important process that improves the ef?ciency of distribution is refer to as the neighbor-selection(NS).NS is the process where one or more entities in the P2P network police the system by determining the“neighbors”–the other peers that they will connect to for obtaining and/or distributing the content–for each peer.It is intuitive to note that the mechanism adopted to decide the neighbors has a strong in?uence on the distribution ef?ciency.

In this paper we investigate the NS mechanism in a hybrid P2P network,in which a central entity is necessary to provide parts of the offered network services(Schollmeier,2001).Note that both BitTorrent and eDonkey fall into this classi?cation.We model the peers as nodes in an undirected graph and try to determine the connections between them based on the proportion of contents one possesses,and the goal is to maximize the availability of content from the peers’immediate neighbors.We propose a genetic-algorithm-based strategy to achieve this objective, and we validate from computer simulations that the proposed strategy performs better than the existing strategy.

The performance metrics used for comparing our proposed strategy are:system throughput and average downloading time.System throughput is de?ned as the number of bytes(not includ-ing handshaking bytes)uploaded by peers per second.This measures the speed at which data is transferred.The other metric used is average downloading time experienced by users to completely download the content.Although these appear to be related metrics but they are not.One can design a scheme such that a peer’s downloading time is traded against system throughput.To illustrate the difference,consider the following scenario:Notice that in the any P2P implementation,peers who have?nished downloading could leave the system at any time and may choose to stop contributing

after completing their download.By deploying a brute-force strategy that holds the last piece of the content from any peer until it has contributed for certain amount of time,one can easily en-hance the system throughput at the expense of the peer’s downloading time.Thus,we argue that it is important to compare both the system throughput as well as the average downloading time.

The NS strategy proposed in this paper is appropriate to any hybrid P2P applications.In the simulation,we implement it in the context of a BitTorrent system and shown that the implemen-tation improves the performance relative to the current implementation along both the metrics. In addition,we also demonstrate that in this strategy,peers have no obvious incentive to behave untruthfully and thereby,improving social welfare.

The rest of the paper is organized as follows:We review some of the related work in Section2. In Section3,we will formulate the NS problem as an optimization problem and present our pro-posed strategy that uses genetic algorithms as a heuristic to the optimization problem.We simulate the whole framework with our proposed strategies and the setup and evaluations are presented in Section4.Discussions on incentive compatibility in our proposed strategies are presented in Sec-tion5.Future directions are suggestion in Section6,and we summarize the contribution of the paper in Section7.

2.Related Work

The neighbor selection process has been extensively studied in the content of pure P2P networks (where no central entity is required for any functionalities in the whole system).For example, Zou et al.(2002)investigated the effect of NS in?le-sharing systems,and Bernstein et al.(2003) proposed an adaptive selection algorithm in unstructured P2P networks.Adler et al.(2004)for-mulated several NS problems under different scenarios,including streaming and downloading,and proposed optimal solutions to the problems based on micro-payments.Our focus is on hybrid P2P which are increasingly being deployed.

For work that aims at improving distribution ef?ciency,Byers et al.(2002)designed a client-server-based system in an attempt to deliver content in a cooperative fashion.Instead of strategi-cally grouping peers,they rely on Tornado Code,which encodes the source and introduces redun-dancy,and peers only need to receive a certain number of distinct pieces to recover the content. The problem of the design is that peers may send or receive duplicated pieces,and the server must?rst encode the content before it can be distributed.Peers also need to decode the received pieces before they can recover the original content.In general,P2P systems does not require any

coding/decoding for the distribution process,and peers in the network will only send and request speci?c pieces according to their needs.

The design of an incentive-compatible mechanism is an important factor that determines the distribution ef?ciency,and we will apply some existing mechanisms in the simulation.We deploy the“tit-for-tat”mechanism presented in the original work on the design of BitTorrent(Cohen, 2003),which is an incentive-provisioning scheme to dissuade freeloaders.Other related works include Lai et al.(2003),which discuss the importance and the incentives requirement for peer cooperation in an unstructured P2P network,and Moreton and Twigg(2003),which proposed a token-based design to ensure fair sharing in P2P networks.

3.Genetic-Algorithm-based Optimization Problem

In P2P networks,we have no control over each peer’s behavior,and therefore it is dif?cult,if not impossible,to implement an entirely optimal NS strategy.In this study,we choose BitTorrent(BT) as a subject of investigation,and it should be noticed that our results are broadly applicable to any hybrid P2P applications that cut contents into pieces and exchange them.We choose to employ BT for two reasons.First,BT is an open-source application,which allows us to implement and simulate its clients and the tracker,the central entity that is responsible for neighbor selection,and second,BT is a very popular P2P content distribution application(New York Times,2004).A detailed description of the operation of BT network can be found in the appendix.

BT has an incentive-compatible mechanism to encourage peers to share their capacity.Because of this,we will assume the uplink throughput of a peer in BT is limited only by the following two factors:content availability and physical connectivity limitation.Intuitively,it is desirable for the tracker to select peers with the most mutually disjoint collection of content pieces as neighbors so that it can assure maximum content availability and improve the overall throughput of the system. We model the problem with an undirected graph and use integer programming to determine the connections between the nodes(i.e.,peers).The goal is to maximize the overall disjointness of content among peers so that when a peer is not receiving any content pieces,chances are the peer is not contributing enough rather than there is nothing for it to get from its neighbors.

Disjointness is dif?cult to evaluate unless we have complete information about which peer has which pieces of content.In BT,each peer provides the tracker only with the total number of bytes downloaded thus far when it requests the list of neighbors instead of the complete list of content pieces.In order to estimate the disjointness between two peers,we assumes each content pieces is

equally likely to appear and the distribution of pieces follows the hypergeometric model.This al-lows us to mathematically evaluate the(estimated)objective function with incomplete information. Detailed derivation will be presented later in this section.

It is known that integer programming is a computationally complex problem,which it is not a desirable choice for real-time decisions.Therefore,we use genetic algorithm(GA)as a heuristic to solve the integer programming problem.We will see later in this section that the performance of the proposed GA-based solution converges to that of the integer programming ones after very few iterations,and the proposed strategy is suitable for making real-time decisions.

3.1.Modeling of Neighbor-Selection Problem

Given a?xed number of N peers,we use a graph G=(V,E)to denote an overlay network,where the set of vertices V={v1,···,v N}represents the N peers and the set of edges E={e ij∈{0,1}:i,j=1,···,N}represents their connectivities:e ij=1if peers i and j are connected, and e ij=0otherwise.For an undirected graph,it is required that e ij=e ji for all i=j,and e ij=e ji=0when i=j.Let C be the entire collection of content pieces,which together form the entire?le.We then denote{c i?C:i=1,···,N}to be the collection of the content pieces each peer i has.We further assume that each peer i likes to be connected to a maximum of d i neighbors, where d i

The disjointness of contents from peer i to peer j is denoted by c i\c j,

c i\c j=c i?(c i∩c j),(1)

where∩denotes the intersection operation on sets.This disjointness can be interpreted as the collection of content pieces that peer i has but peer j does not.In other words,it denotes the pieces that peer i can upload to peer j.Moreover,the disjointness operation is not commutative,i.e., c i\c j=c j\c i.We also denote|c i\c j|to be the cardinality of c i\c j,which is the number of content pieces peer i can contribute to peer j.In order to maximize the disjointness of content,we want to maximize the number of content pieces each peer can contribute to its neighbors by determining the connections e ij∈E for all i and j.For easier manipulation of sets,we introduce?ij(a set) where we write?ij=C when e ij=1,and?ij=φ(null set)otherwise.Therefore we have the following optimization problem:

max E


j=1 N i=1{(c i\c j)∩?ij} (A)

subject to


j=1e ij≤d i for all i

where∪denotes the union operation on sets.This union operation requires additional manipula-tions and simpli?cation in order to be used as the performance index for our proposed neighbor-selection strategy.Also,?nding the optimal e ij∈E for all i and j from Problem(A)in a practical set-up is dif?cult,if not impossible,for the following reasons:

First,although a tracker recommends a set of peers as a neighbor to a particular peer i,it has no control over the actions of any peer.It is possible that none of the neighbors respond to peer i,which lead to suboptimal distribution ef?ciency.The second reason for the dif?culty is that the decision problem has to be solved dynamically whenever a peer seeks to obtain a list of neighbors, and not all peers seek the neighbor list at the same time.In BT,for example,peers seek a neighbor list from the tracker every few minutes.Further,in some P2P applications like BT,each peer provides the tracker only with the total number of bytes downloaded thus far B i(in MegaBytes) when it requests the list of neighbors.This again limits the tracker’s ability to optimize.Given these constraints,an approximation is needed in order to evaluate the above objective function.

For this optimiation,we employ the property that P2P applications divide the content into pieces with equal size(except the last piece.)Assuming that each piece of content is equally likely to appear in a peer,and given|c i|and|c j|,the value of|c i\c j|is hypergeometrically distributed (Devore,2000).Let X ij be a hypergeometric random variable representing the value of|c i\c j|(in number of pieces),the probability mass function of X ij is:

P{X ij=x}= |C?c j|x |c j||c i|?x


.The idea is to?nd that out of the|c i|pieces in peer i,how many of them belongs to the set C?c j.E[X ij],the expected value of X ij,which equals to(|C|?|c j|)×|c i|

F ≈

|c i|

where B i is the total number of bytes downloaded thus far.So we can write

|c i \c j |

|C |=

(|C |?|c j |)×|c i |

|C |=|c i |

|C |)≈p i (1?p j )(4)In the objective function of optimization problem (A),we need to ?nd the cardinality of unions of sets,and we need the following approximations to remove the set notion.First,the cardinality of the union of contents possessed by two peers i and j ,if they are connected,is the following:

|c i ∪c j |=|c i |+|c j \c i |=|c j |+|c i \c j |(5)

so we can approximate the proportion of content available in |c i ∪c j |by using Equations (3)and

(4):|c i ∪c j |

|C |+|c i \c j |

|C | N i =1(c i ∩?ij )∪c j (8)Now we want to substitute G j (N )into the objective function of problem (A).Because c i \c j and c i ∩c j are mutually exclusive for any i and j ,and c i =(c i \c j )∩(c i ∩c j ),it can be shown that the following must be true:

N i =1

(c i ∩?ij )=

N i =1(c i \c j )∩?ij ∪ N i =1(c i ∩c j )∩?ij (9)

so we can write G j (N )≈1 |C | N i =1

(c i \c j )∩?ij +|c j |

and by rearranging terms,we have:

N i=1(c i\c j)∩?ij

≈{G j(N)?p j}|C|(11)

where p j=|c j|


?N)to represent a solution. There are two input parameters:(1)The number of peers N in the network,and(2)the number of iterations I that GA will perform before returning a solution.

In the algorithm,pop


1for j←1to pop


4while iterations




8if MAX(V)≥max





13return solution

trials.E VALUATION is the procedure to measure the?tness of a solution set.It returns an array V, where V[i]stores the value of the objective function in Problem(B)computed using P??[i]as the solution.V[i]is de?ned to be zero if P??[i]is an infeasible solution.MAX returns the maximum values among all the elements in the array V and ARGMAX returns the argument i that achieves the maximum.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e14937139.html,puter Simulations and Performance Evaluation

We are interested in comparing the performance of the proposed NS strategies against the ran-dom decision implemented in the current version of BT.We are also interested in evaluating the performance of GA-based decision process as an alternative to the IP-based one.We performed simulations on these P2P frameworks with different NS strategies,and the results are discussed later in this section.

4.1.Simulation Model

We simulate the P2P network using the ns-2(ns-2,2003)package.In our simulation setup,peers could be one of the following three classes:

?Class1:10Mbps bi-directional link,representing campus LAN hosts.

?Class2:128kbps uplink and1.5Mbps downlink,representing ADSL hosts.

?Class3:56kbps bi-directional link,representing dial-up hosts.

The number of peers in each class was exogeneously set.Results reported in this paper were obtained assuming that30%of peers were Class1,50%were Class2,and20%were Class3. We have also simulated other peer compositions,and the simulation results shown in this section demonstrate the typical trend.The arrival pattern of these peers was taken from real traf?c trace from a tracker running on the Internet,and the departure of peers after completion of download followed an exponential distribution(with mean equals1hour).In the simulation,we considered a Class-1peer to be the seeder,which has a?le of size700MB(volume of a CD-ROM),divided into1400pieces(512kB each)to distribute.

For the model of intermediate network,we assumed that the capacity bottleneck was always at the last hop(Koo et al.,2003),that is,either the outgoing capacity of the sender or the incoming capacity of the receiver was the cause of end-to-end congestion.Each peer can be connected to at most20neighbors(d i=20).This strictly ensures that there are no power-law graphs formed in the process(Barab′a si,2002).The bandwidth of the tracker was assumed abundant.We focus our observations primarily on the ef?ciency of data transaction,but we will also address the issues on computational overhead later in this section.

For this analysis,we assume that peers employ standard BT“tit-for-tat”mechanism and“chok-ing/unchoking”described in the Appendix,and honestly report the amount of content they re-ceived.As mentioned earlier,the only key distinction between the two set-ups is the NS scheme employed.Once a peer makes a request to the tracker,the tracker selects the neighbors for that peer.The NS decisions are based only on the latest information available at the tracker,even though the state of information used might not be up-to-date.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e14937139.html,puter Simulation Results

We simulated the following decision strategies:current BT selection strategy,IP selection,and GA-based selection(GA100,GA50and GA20).GA100means the decision is made after every one hundred iterations of the genetic algorithm(I=100).Correspondingly,GA50and GA20 indicate that the NS decision is made after every?fty and twenty iterations,respectively.The simulation result is shown in Figure1.

In the?rst350minutes,BT and IP strategies perform similarly,and the throughput increases with time.The reason for such similarity is that this period corresponds to the phase when there are no other seeders(peers that have the complete content in inventory)in the network except the

Time (Minutes)S y s t e m T h r o u g h p u t (M b i t s /s e c )Figure 1:Comparison between different neighbor-selection strategies.System Throughput (in Mbits/sec)vs.Time (in minutes)is shown.

original one.During this period,any new and unseen piece of content is uploaded only from the seeder to some of the peers.Because most of the peers do not have the new piece,the NS strategy does not play an important role.

The increase in system throughput observed in the ?rst 350minutes is a direct consequence of increase in demand.As new peers joined the network from time to time,they created a demand for content pieces.Even the pieces that were distributed by the seeder earlier were available to most peers,the demand these new peers created will initiate the existing peers to start serving them,and in turn boost up the system throughput.This is true even after the seeding phase,but peers who have downloaded the complete content left the system,and thus offseting the increment.

After 350minutes,when there were more than one seeders,there was a signi?cant difference in system throughput between BT and IP.There are several reasons to account for such difference:

1.In the BT strategy,two seeders might be neighbors.The capacity corresponding to both

seeders was not being fully utilized.

2.New peers who might possess little or no content could be grouped with each other in the

BT strategy.In this case,the supply of pieces would be very limited.

3.Increasing content availability from immediate neighbors in IP could improve the chance of

getting particular content pieces.

Next we present the comparison of average downloading time.We compare the average down-loading time for peers that enter the system after the seeding period,so that the measure is not

Table1:Average downloading time(in minutes)for peers of different classes.Variances of mean are shown in parentheses.

BT GA100








1.25 1.5



1 2 3

Class U D R

Figure 2:Upload-to-Download Ratio for peers of different classes.

received a lot of content pieces from other Class-1and Class-2neighbors,and the disjointness of content between these peers and their neighbors might have been signi?cantly reduced so they did not upload to their neighbors because they don’t have what their neighbors need.

UDR is a direct measure of the amount of data a peer sends.However,since different classes of peers have different connectivities,1kbps contribution from a Class-1peer is not as signi?cant as 1kbps contribution from a Class-3peer,from peers’perspectives.Figure 3shows a different measure of contribution,the capacity contributed by different classes,as a percentage of their re-spective uplink capacities.Once again,GA selection strategies increased the peers’contribution over the BT selection strategy,which is essential for any P2P networks.Note that for contribution in capacities,all three classes have an increment with the implementation of GA strategies,includ-ing Class 3.The increment shown in Class 3,despite the reduction of UDR,can be explained by a largely reduced downloading time,which is an implication about how long a peer has stayed in the system.

4.4.Convergence of the Proposed GA-based Strategy

Genetic Algorithm is guaranteed to provide an optimal solution when given enough iterations (Gen and Cheng,1997).For an online decision problem where shorter decision times are more


40 60 80


1 2 3 Class

% o f U p l i n k C o n t r i b u t i o n Figure 3:Contribution of uplink capacity (in percentage)for different classes.

desirable,it is important to know the rate of convergence of GA for our optimization problem so that unnecessary iterations will not be performed.As shown in Figure 1,the performance of GA in terms of system throughput improves as the number of iterations increases.Figure 4shows the percentage difference in system throughput between IP and GA versus the number of iterations.It shows that the error is less than 1%with 60or more iterations,and the error becomes negligible when the number of iterations reaches 100.

In terms of computational overhead,IP is much higher than GA and is not suitable for making online decisions.We used a general-purpose PC running CPLEX to solve an IP problem with 500peers,and it took about 2to 3minutes to reach a solution.The time taken by GA100to solve the same optimization problem was less than a second.Considering that the performance of GA100is virtually identical to IP,it is practical to implement GA100in the tracker as the NS strategy for real-time,online decisions.

5.Incentive Compatibility Issues

In the previous sections,we assume that peers honestly report B i to the tracker.However,if there are incentives for the peers to fake,they may not reveal this information truthfully.In this section,






Number of iterations D i f f e r e n c e o f s y s t e m t h r o u g h p u t a f t e r s e e d i n g p e r i o d (%)Figure 4:Convergence of Genetic-Algorithm-Based Neighbor-Selection Strategy.

we investigate to see if there is any incentive for peers to fake and report dishonestly under our proposed GA strategy.

Before we begin our discussion,let us denote U i (p i ,p claim )to be the utility received by peer i ,who has p i of content but claims to have p claim ,where 0≤p claim ≤1,after the NS process.This means that peer i may have received a different set of neighbors by reporting https://www.doczj.com/doc/2e14937139.html,ing the objective function in optimization problem (B),we de?ne the utility function as a function of disjointness:

U i (p i ,p claim )=1

Table2:Composition of neighbors under GA100selection.








B D S.D. p i↓






Table4:All peers telling the truth.

i neighbor





are actually higher than when both peer1and4tell the truth!It is straightforward that in this situ-ation both peer2and3have no incentive to fake,thus this4-player game reaches an equilibrium. Another equilibrium is attained when all peers claim to have nothing except peer4.Note that these are two of the many possible equilibria.For peers to attain any of these equilibria,which result in higher pro?ts from faking,their actions have to be coordinated.In other words,they have to be aware of the actions of other peers and then,base their own action on that.Such coordination is clearly infeasible in real-life settings.In fact,it may not be possible for the peers even to be aware all possible equilibria.This is so because,typically,peers are not aware of the percentage of content other peers have downloaded–information that is required to compute equilibrium.These argue that there are no obvious incentives to fake.Similar problems are observed in other settings as well(e.g.,combinatorial auctions as described in Pekeˇc and Rothkopt(2003)).

6.Future Work

In this study we consider using a single tracker to perform neighbor selection over the entire popu-lation.This model does not consider the geographical information about the peers and in practice, having neighbors that are geographically closer to each other may be more desirable.As a future work,we plan to design a hierarchical system for hybrid P2P content distribution using DNS-based redirection(Barbir et al.,2003;Day et al.,2003),a common technique used in CDN.Figure 5shows a the idea of network of trackers.

When peers are making request to tracker,instead of connecting to a particular tracker,they will be redirected to the geographically nearest tracker using DNS-based redirection.Each tracker is responsible for peers in a regional area.Trackers also need to communicate with other trackers and obtain information about peers from other regions,so that they may select neighbors from other regions for better performance.Details on the design,including inter-regional coordination, fault-tolerance,and user accounting,is the focus of our future work.

The neighbor selection algorithm presented in this paper has not taken the peers’connectivities as a factor of the decision.It is not clear that whether peers with high-speed connections should be neighbors of other high-speed counterparts,or be the neighbors of low-speed peers,to yield a better overall performance.Moreover,it is very dif?cult to validate the real connectivities of the peers,and if user-report information is used instead,whether a peer has incentive to reveal truthfully becomes an issue.We plan to investigate these problems in the future.

Figure5:Network of trackers with DNS-based redirection


In this paper,we proposed a GA-based neighbor-selection strategy for hybrid P2P system that are conducive to distribute large-volume contents,and we have shown through computer simulations that our proposed strategy can increase the content availability from immediate neighbors and thus improve system throughput signi?cantly without trading off distribution ef?ciencies.Also, the contributions of resources from different peer classes have all improved under the proposed GA-based strategy,and the performance of the strategy resembles that of the IP-based one.The proposed strategy is suitable for making real-time decisions.

Throughout the studies,we assume that peers honestly report the amount of data they received, which is not the case in general especially if peers can take advantage of the system by reporting false information.We have shown that our proposed strategy does not provide obvious incentives for peers to cheat unless they are explicitly coordinated,and a priori information about the dis-tribution of content availability are available among all the peers.This restriction makes it very dif?cult if not impossible for the peers to outperform the system.As mentioned earlier,it should be noted that although we studied BT in this paper,our results are also applicable to other hybrid P2P networks in general.


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心理学上的四种气质类型 气质是一个古老的概念,在日常生活中一般指“脾气”、“性情”等等。孩子因气质不同而千差万别;有的孩子平静安稳,害怕生人;有的孩子则好动,活动爱说话;有的孩子反应快,行动敏捷;有的孩子则反应迟缓,动作慢条斯理等等。 所谓气质是指那些主要是与生俱来的心理和行为特征,也就是那些由遗传和生理决定的心理和行为特征。气质实际上是人格中最稳定的、在早年就表现出来的,受遗传和生理影响较大而受文化和教养影响较小的那些层面。 通常在心理学上把气质分为四种类型,即胆汁质(直率热情、好动、脾气急等)、多血质(活动、敏感、反应快、情绪不稳等)、黏液质(安静稳重、反应慢、沉默寡言)、抑郁质(孤独、反应迟缓、多愁善感等)。 多血质 多血质的神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性;情绪兴奋性高;反应速度快而灵活。 多血质的心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪情感容易产生也容易变化和消失,容易外露;体验不深刻等。 多血质的典型表现:多血质又称活泼型,敏捷好动,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事合乎实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新事物,在有充分自制能力和纪律性的情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。兴趣广泛,但情感易变,如果事业上不顺利,热情可能消失,其速度与投身事业一样迅速。从事多样化的工作往往成绩卓越。 多血质合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员、监督员等等。 粘液质 粘液质的神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应低;外部表现少;情绪具有稳定性;反应速度慢但灵活。 粘液质的心理特点:稳重,考虑问题全面;安静,沉默,善于克制自己;善于忍耐。情绪不易外露;注意力稳定而不容易转移,外部动作少而缓慢。 粘液质的典型表现:这种人又称为安静型,在生活中是一个坚持而稳健的辛勤工作者。由于这些人具有与兴奋过程向均衡的强的抑制,所以行动缓慢而沉着,


学生气质类型分析 通过实验研究发现,神经系统的兴奋和抑制过程具有强度、平衡性、灵活性三种基本特性。根据这三种特性的差异组合,将人的高级神经活动分为四种类型,而这四种类型与古希腊医生希波克拉特的分类恰好相对应,高级神经活动类型是人的气质的生理基础。这两种类型相吻合,人的气质可分为四种典型的类型(胆汁质、多血质、粘液质、抑郁质)。 我国学者曾利用问卷调查法调查我国城乡儿童的气质分布情况,发现我国儿童的气质除了上述四种型典型的气质类外,还有相当部分的混合气质类型。在现实生活中,并不是每个人的气质都能归入上述某一典型的气质类型当中。除一半人具有某种气质类型的典型特征之外,有一半人都偏向于混合型,也就是说,他们较多地具有某一种质类类型的特点,同时又具有其它气质类型的一些特点。据《中国青少年气质分布与发展研究》课题组研究表明:四种典型气质类型的人数占一半稍多一点,而主要的混合型气质中以胆汁-多血质为最多,占12%-21%,多血-抑郁质为最少,占3%。 二、不同气质类型特征在人类生活中的意义 气质是人的心理活动的动力特征的总和,它是人们典型的、稳定的行为色彩。这些特点一般不受个人活动的目的、动机、内容等的影响。在人们生活中的意义主要表现为:(一)气质不决定人的智力水平和社会价值。人的气质本身没有好坏之分,每一种气质类型都具有容易使人形成积极的性格特征,也具有容易使人形成消极的性格特征的一面。 (二)气质特征是职业选择的依据之一。进行气质特征与职业之间的合理匹配,成了时代发展的自然要求,个体通过了解自己的气质特征,可以扬长避短,充分发挥自己的潜能和气质优势,克服自己气质特征中消极的一面。 (三)气质在教育工作中的意义 1、由于气质特点不同,同一种教学方法在不同学生身上产生的教育效果不同。这就要求真正做到“因材施教”。 2、气质有可塑性,教师可引导学生认识自己气质中积极的一面,帮助学生克服不同气质类型中的消极影响。使学生的潜力得到充分的发挥。 三、气质类型及教育措施 事实证明,对不同气质类型的学生采取不同的教育态度与策略,所产生的实际效果是不同的。 (一)胆汁质。这种气质类型的学生表现为精力旺盛,反应迅速,情感体验强烈,情绪发生快而强,易冲动但平息也快,直率爽快,开朗热情,外向,但急躁易怒,往往缺乏自制力,有顽强的拼劲和果敢性,但缺乏耐心。概括起来,以精力旺盛,表里如一、刚强、易感情用事为主要特征,整个心理活动充满着迅速而突变的色彩。 对这种气质类型的人教育时,要注意加强在耐心、沉着和自制力等方面的心理修养。进行教育时,教师要先讲明道理,然后耐心说服,态度要平静、安详、严格,使其多干细致的事,并用时间来约束,以便磨练和培养耐心细致的习惯。要多进行检查和鼓励。及时提醒这部分学生注意控制自己的情绪,不能随便发脾气,防止任性、粗暴。注意培养其沉着、坚持到底的精神和有自制力的品质。 (二)多血质。这种气质类型的学生表现为活泼好动,反应迅速,行动敏捷、思维灵活;注意力易转移,情绪发生快而多变,易适应环境,喜欢交往,做事粗枝大叶,表情丰富、外向,易动感情且体验不深,往往不求甚解,华而不实,粗枝大叶为特征。


分析四种典型的气质类型特点 什么气质类型的人适合从事什么职业,这是许多心理学专家一直研究的课题。下面无锡人才网张老师介绍一下四种典型的气质类型特点以及适合的职业,供毕业生择业时参考。 1.胆汁质型 胆汁质型属于热情、直率、外露、急躁的类型。其特点是,情绪高涨,抑制性差;日常生活中表现表现为积极热情,精力旺盛,坚韧不拔,快言快语;富于表情,喜欢新的活动和热闹场面,办事果断,性情直率;但易急躁,热情忽高忽低,办事粗心,有时刚愎自用、傲慢不恭。胆汁质型的人一般适合做导游、勘探工作者、推销员、节目主持人、外事接待员、演员等工作,他们适应热闹、繁杂的工作环境,而对长期安坐的细致工作很难胜任。 2.多血质型 多血质型属于活拨、好动、敏感的气质类型。其特点是,举止敏捷、姿态活拨;情绪色彩鲜明,具有较强的可塑性和外向性;语言表达能力、感染能力强,善于交际,感情外露但又显得粗心浮躁;办事多凭兴趣,富于幻想,缺乏忍耐力和毅力。多血质的人工作能力强,一般容易适应新环境,适应面较广泛,适合做政府及企事业单位管理工作、外事工作、公关工作、驾驶员、医生、律师、运动员、新闻工作者、演员、公安侦察员和服务员等,而不适合做过细的工作,单调机械的工作也很难胜任。 3.黏液质型

黏液质型属于稳重、自制、内向的类型。其特点是,情感不易变化和暴露,平素心平气和,不易激动,但一引起波动就变得强烈、稳固而深刻;他们说话慢且言语少,遇事谨慎,善于克制忍让,对工作埋头苦干,有耐久力,注意力不易转移;但往往不够灵活,容易固执拘谨。黏液质型的人一般适合当外科医生、法官、组织者、财会、统计和播音员等工作。 4.抑郁质型 抑郁质型的人感情细腻,做事小心谨慎,善于观察不到的微小细节,在团体中表现积极认真、努力向上、毫不懈怠,无论置身于何种岗位,只要担负了责任,就以所从事的工作为荣,努力解决困难,这是抑郁质型人的长处。抑郁质型的人适应能力差,易于疲劳,行动迟缓、羞涩、孤僻且不大合群,遇事不是单凭聪明去处理,而喜欢把自己所掌握的有关情况在头脑中组合、计算,确定方针,然后在这个范围内一个一个地去做,把问题处理好。他们一般较适合从事需要持久耐心、操作精细的工作,如实验研究、文献管理、财务出纳、化验分析、教育培训等工作,而不适合做需要与各色人物打交道、变化多端、大量消耗体力和脑力的工作。


人根性四类分析 (2012-08-29 11:01:03) 标签:分类: 原文地址:作者: 人,按理性、感性、直率、优柔来分,可分为力量型(理性和直率)、完美型(理性和优柔)、和平型(感性和优柔)和活泼型(感性和直率)。 话说,一个人的部分性格是天生的。 以孩子为例: 大人带着小孩去逛街,小孩儿在商店里看到了自己喜欢的东西,于是就像让大人买给她/他。这时,大人便以自己钱带得不够为理由拒绝了孩子的要求。大家来猜一下,各种类型的小孩儿会如何表现呢 力量型:“你把钱包拿出来我看看,到底是不是没有钱……” 完美型:“我下次考100分,你就给我买吧……” 和平型:“好吧,那就不买了吧……” 活泼型:“不嘛不嘛!我就要买嘛……”又吵又闹地喊着…… 再以大人们的例子: 试想,在一次旅游中,各种类型的人会分别扮演什么角色呢 大家提议带台布去野餐,这是有一人自告奋勇地说:“这事情包在我身上。”然后到了第二天,他/她一拍脑袋,说到:“啊呀,不好意思,我忘记带了。。。”他/她就是活泼型的。 在路上有人晕车了,这时有一人拿出一包话梅分给大家吃,他/她就是和平型的。 当大家在路上迷路了,不知该往何处走时,有一人拿出一张地图,说:“往这边走。。。”他/她就是完美型的。 当大家难以抉择去哪一个景点时,站出来拍板的人就是力量型的。 总的来说:

力量型的比较有决断力,对别人要求严格,但未必对自己要求严格。 完美型的做事很有计划,皮夹子里的钱都是分类、按大小摆放的;对自己要求严格,对别人也会有要求。 和平型的善于倾听,但却很少跟别人表达自己真实的想法。 活泼型的天塌下来当被子盖,平时乐于组织活动,很健谈,最怕没人重视他们。 以上就是各种性格的人的概述。。。大家觉得哪一种性格的人最固执呢觉得自己更像哪一种性格的人呢 分析四种性格优劣: 1.活泼型的人,经常丢东西,经常再找东西,找新事物,只要要求一个大概, ----(反面的性格是完美型) 2.完美型,活的非常严肃,总在思考为什么,是四种性格中是最有毅力的,把东西放在固定的东西,他的东西很有条理。 活泼型(情绪波动快)和完美型(情绪波动慢)的人是很受情绪波动的。 3.力量型,(反面性格是和平型)工作狂,发好使令,宁愿做事情也不闲下来,让人感觉三头六臂,总给别人派活。 4.和平型,他们很少有大哭大悲的表情,他总是在观察是不是大家都在做。是冷静,低调的人,大多数人都喜欢向和平型人倾诉。 多数人都是有一种主导性格和附属性格。 大多数人都是互补型结婚。相吸引。大多数人不经意间流露出自己的个性。 和平型--沙僧,完美型---唐僧,活泼型--猪八戒,力量型---孙悟空。 每一种性格都有一种英雄本色。每个人都有有长处和劣势。 活泼型,能说会道。 完美型,反复思考别人说的。总是考虑万一,很悲观。容易钻牛角尖。 力量型,总是发好使令,很不慈悲,让人感觉很武断。他的高调,让人很难让人接受。 和平型,过头了会让人很闷。很在意别人的感觉。不愿表态,表面上很合群,但内在是很方的。 如何跟不同性格的人沟通


四种气质类型比较典型的特征及表现 一、胆汁质 胆汁质的人反应速度快,具有较高的反应性与主动性。这类人情感和行为动作产生得迅速而且强烈,有极明显的外部表现;性情开朗、热情,坦率,但脾气暴躁,好争论;情感易于冲动但不持久;精力旺盛,经常以极大的热情从事工作,但有时缺乏耐心;思维具有一定的灵活性,但对问题的理解具有粗枝大叶、不求甚解的倾向;意志坚强、果断勇敢,注意稳定而集中但难于转移;行动利落而又敏捷,说话速度快且声音洪亮。 二、多血质 多血质的人行动具有很高的反应性。这类人情感和行为动作发生得很快,变化得也快,但较为温和;易于产生情感,但体验不深,善于结交朋友,容易适应新的环境;语言具有表达力和感染力,姿态活泼,表情生动,有明显的外倾性特点;机智灵敏,思维灵活,但常表现出对问题不求甚解;注意与兴趣易于转移,不稳定;在意志力方面缺乏忍耐性,毅力不强。 三、黏液质 黏液质的人反应性低。情感和行为动作进行得迟缓、稳定、缺乏灵活性;这类人情绪不易发生,也不易外露,很少产生激情,遇到不愉快的事也不动声色;注意稳定、持久,但难于转移;思维灵活性较差,但比较细致,喜欢沉思;在意志力方面具有耐性,对自己的行为

有较大的自制力;态度持重,好沉默寡言,办事谨慎细致,从不鲁莽,但对新的工作较难适应,行为和情绪都表现出内倾性,可塑性差。 四、抑郁质 抑郁质的人有较高的感受性。这类人情感和行为动作进行得都相当缓慢,柔弱;情感容易产生,而且体验相当深刻,隐晦而不外露,易多愁善感;往往富于想象,聪明且观察力敏锐,善于观察他人观察不到的细微事物,敏感性高,思维深刻;在意志方面常表现出胆小怕事、优柔寡断,受到挫折后常心神不安,但对力所能及的工作表现出坚忍的精神;不善交往,较为孤僻,具有明显的内倾性。 以上介绍的是四种气质类型典型的表现。这四种人如果遇到相同的事情,其表现如何呢?苏联心理学家巧妙设计了“看戏迟到”的特定问题情境,对四种典型气质类型的人进行观察研究,结果发现,四种基本气质类型的观众,在面临同一情境时有截然不同的行为表现,气质使其心理活动染上了一种独特的色彩。 胆汁质的人面红耳赤地与检票员争吵起来,甚至企图推开检票员,冲过检票口,径直跑到自己的坐位上去,并且还会埋怨说,戏院时钟走得太快了。 多血质的人明白检票员不会放他进去,他不与检票员发生争吵,而是悄悄跑到楼上另寻一个适当的地方来看戏剧表演。 黏液质的人看到检票员不让他从检票口进去,便想反正第一场戏不太精彩,还是暂且到小卖部呆一会儿,待幕间休息再进去。


四种气质类型测试 气质类型是一类人身上共有的或相似的气质特点和典型结合,它是一群人区别于另一群人的标志之一,来测测你的气质类型吧! 指导语:请认真阅读下列各题,对于每一题,你认为非常符合自己情况的记"+2",比较符合的记"+1",拿不准的记"0",比较不符合的记 "-1",完全不符合的记"-2"。 一、题目: 1、做事力求稳妥,一般不做无把握的事。 2、遇到可气的事就怒不可遏,想把心里话全说出来才痛快。 3、宁可一个人干事,不愿很多人在一起。 4、到一个新环境很快就能适应。 5、厌恶那些强烈的刺激,如尖叫、噪音、危险镜头等。 6、和别人争吵时总是先发制人,喜欢挑衅别人。 7、喜欢安静的环境。 8、善于和别人交往。 9、是那种善于克制自己感情的人。 10、生活有规律,很少违反作息制度。 11、在多数情况下,情绪是乐观的。 12、碰到陌生人觉着很拘束。

13、遇到令人气愤的事,能很好的自我克制。 14、做事总是有旺盛的精力。 15、遇到事情总是举棋不定,优柔寡断。 16、在人群中从不觉得过分拘束。 17、情绪高昂时,觉着干什么都有趣,情绪低落时,又觉得干什么都没意思。 18、当注意力集中于一事物时,别的事很难使自己分心。 19、理解问题总比别人快。 20、碰到问题总有一种极度恐怖感。 21、对学习、工作怀有很高热情。 22、能够长时间做枯燥单调的工作。 23、符合兴趣的事情,干起来劲头十足,否则,就不想干。 24、一点小事就能引起情绪波动。 25、讨厌那种需要耐心细致的工作。 26、与人交往不卑不亢。 27、喜欢参加热闹的活动。 28、爱看感情细腻、描写人物内心活动的文艺作品。 29、工作学习时间长了,常感到厌倦。


四种气质类型的特点、典型表现及适合职业 1.多血质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性; 情绪兴奋性高;反映速度快而灵活。 心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪情感容易产生也容易变化和消失,容易外露;体验不深刻。 典型表现:多血质又称活泼型,敏捷好动,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事合乎实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新事物,在有充分自制能力和纪律性的情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。兴趣广泛,但情感易变,如果事业上不顺利,热情可能消失,其速度与投身事业一样迅速。从事多样化的工作往往成绩卓越。 合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员、监督员等。

2.胆汁质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应强; 外倾性明显; 情绪兴奋性高;控制力弱;反应快但不灵活。 心理特点:坦率热情;精力旺盛,容易冲动;脾气暴躁;思维敏捷;但准确性差;情感外露,但持续时间不长。 典型表现:胆汁质又称为不可遏止型或战斗型。具有强烈的兴奋过程和比较弱的抑郁过程,情绪易激动,反应迅速,行动敏捷,暴躁而有力;在语言上,表情上,姿态上都有一种强烈而迅速的情感表现;在克服困难上有不可遏止和坚韧不拔的劲头,而不善于考虑是否能做到;性急,易爆发而不能自制。这种人的工作特点带有明显的周期性,埋头于事业,也准备去克服通向目标的重重困难和障碍。但是当精力耗尽时,易失去信心。 适合职业:管理工作、外交工作、驾驶员、服装纺织业、餐饮服务业、医生、律师、运动员、冒险家、新闻记者、演员、军人、公安干警等。


四种气质类型的学生特点 日常生活中所说的“气质”一般是从外表、形象等来衡量一个人的气质。 气质是受人的高级神经活动类型制约,并表现在人的心理和行为活动中的比较类型、稳定的动力方面的个性心理特征。 格林(盖伦)(Galen ,130~200)是欧洲古代医学的集大成者,也是罗马帝国时期著名的生物学家和心理学家。他从希波克拉底的体液说出发,创立了气质学说,从这个角度上来讲,他认为气质是物质(或汁液)的不同性质的组合。当时他说气质共有13种。 在此基础上,气质说继续发展,成为经典的四种气质:多血质、黏液质、抑郁质、胆汁质。 一、多血质中学生特点 1、学习、工作和劳动中较善于计划、有条理、不盲从、有效率。 2、精力充肺,积极参加各项活动,有较强的自制力。 3、在课堂上活跃,注意力集中但无持久力。 4、考试、做作业迅速,力争成绩优秀。 5、与人交往中讲礼节,有分寸,易于人成为好朋友。 二、黏液质中学生特点 1、在学习、工作和劳动中善于思考与比较,以寻求最佳方案,比较听话。 2、吃苦耐劳,有恒心。 3、有较强的自制力,组织纪律性强,不逞强。 4、上课注意力集中,从不打扰别人也不易为别人打扰,喜欢在有把握的问题上作出自己的回答。 5、作业认真,从不拖拉,但应变能力欠缺。 6、讲礼貌,情感不外露,说话平缓。 三、抑郁质中学生特点 1、在学习、工作和劳动中细心、规矩,不求速度而求质量,有耐性。 2、很少表现自己,喜欢安静,较害羞,在生人面前常不知所措。 3、课堂上守规矩,肯动脑筋,喜欢默默思考但很少发言。 4、情感反应敏感而深刻,多愁善感。体验深而持久。 5、与人交往缺乏主动性,小心谨慎,不易流露内心情感。 四、胆汁质中学生特点 1、在学习、工作和与人交往中热情高,极具感情色彩,顺心时什么都肯干,不高兴时拒绝一切。 2、精力旺盛,是各种活动的倡导者和积极参加者,喜欢热闹也易做超越规范之事。 3、课堂上解题快、反应快但不细心,不求甚解。 4、好胜心强,作业完成迅速而缺乏耐心思考。 5、行动坚决而迅速,喜欢直来直去,对自己信服的老师由衷敬佩。


一、胆汁质 胆汁质的人反应速度快,具有较高的反应性与主动性。这类人情感和行为动作产生得迅速而且强烈,有极明显的外部表现;性情开朗、热情,坦率,但脾气暴躁,好争论;情感易于冲动但不持久;精力旺盛,经常以极大的热情从事工作,但有时缺乏耐心;思维具有一定的灵活性,但对问题的理解具有粗枝大叶、不求甚解的倾向;意志坚强、果断勇敢,注意稳定而集中但难于转移;行动利落而又敏捷,说话速度快且声音洪亮。 二、多血质 多血质的人行动具有很高的反应性。这类人情感和行为动作发生得很快,变化得也快,但较为温和;易于产生情感,但体验不深,善于结交朋友,容易适应新的环境;语言具有表达力和感染力,姿态活泼,表情生动,有明显的外倾性特点;机智灵敏,思维灵活,但常表现出对问题不求甚解;注意与兴趣易于转移,不稳定;在意志力方面缺乏忍耐性,毅力不强。三、黏液质 黏液质的人反应性低。情感和行为动作进行得迟缓、稳定、缺乏灵活性;这类人情绪不易发生,也不易外露,很少产生激情,遇到不愉快的事也不动声色;注意稳定、持久,但难于转移;思维灵活性较差,但比较细致,喜欢沉思;在意志力方面具有耐性,对自己的行为有较大的自制力;态度持重,好沉默寡言,办事谨慎细致,从不鲁莽,但对新的工作较难适应,行为和情绪都表现出内倾性,可塑性差。 四、抑郁质 抑郁质的人有较高的感受性。这类人情感和行为动作进行得都相当缓慢,柔弱;情感容易产生,而且体验相当深刻,隐晦而不外露,易多愁善感;往往富于想象,聪明且观察力敏锐,善于观察他人观察不到的细微事物,敏感性高,思维深刻;在意志方面常表现出胆小怕事、优柔寡断,受到挫折后常心神不安,但对力所能及的工作表现出坚忍的精神;不善交往,较为孤僻,具有明显的内倾性。 以上介绍的是四种气质类型典型的表现。这四种人如果遇到相同的事情,其表现如何呢?苏联心理学家巧妙设计了“看戏迟到”的特定问题情境,对四种典型气质类型的人进行观察研究,结果发现,四种基本气质类型的观众,在面临同一情境时有截然不同的行为表现,气质使其心理活动染上了一种独特的色彩。 胆汁质的人面红耳赤地与检票员争吵起来,甚至企图推开检票员,冲过检票口,径直跑到自己的坐位上去,并且还会埋怨说,戏院时钟走得太快了。 多血质的人明白检票员不会放他进去,他不与检票员发生争吵,而是悄悄跑到楼上另寻一个适当的地方来看戏剧表演。 黏液质的人看到检票员不让他从检票口进去,便想反正第一场戏不太精彩,还是暂且到小卖部呆一会儿,待幕间休息再进去。 抑郁质的人对此情景会说自己老是不走运,偶尔来一次戏院,就这样倒霉,接着就垂头丧气地回家了。 在现实生活中,并不是每个人的气质都能归入某一气质类型。除少数人具有某种气质类型的典型特征之外,大多数人都偏于中间型或混合型,也就是说,他们较多地具有某一类型的特点,同时又具有其他气质类型的一些特点。 在适应的职业种类中,人们往往能抑制自己气质的不足,发挥气质的优点。 胆汁质的人:较适合做反应迅速、动作有力、应急性强、危险性较大、难度较高的工作。这类人可以成为出色的导游员、营销员、节目主持人、外事接待人员等。但不适宜从事稳重、细致的工作 多血质的人:较适合做社交性、文艺性、多样化、要求反应敏捷且均衡的工作,而不太适应做需要细心钻研的工作。他们可从事范围广泛的职业,如外交人员、管理者、律师、运


人的四种气质类型: "多血质" "胆汁质" "黏液质" 和"抑郁质". 古希腊名医希波克拉底认为人体内有四种体液,某种体液占主式,反应和情绪表现就带有这一类型的特点,这就是他的气质类型的体液说,他把人的气质分为多血质、胆汁质、粘液质、抑制质四种, 四种气质类型有不同的心理特点,这些特点各有优点和不足,很难说哪种型最好。即使某种气质类型缺点全都很突出,也不是一成不变。因在教育与会实践的影响下气质能不断得到改善。 请你边看边琢磨,你属于哪一种类型?

多血质 优点: 外向、活泼好动;轻松愉快、热情、可亲、开朗豁达; 机敏;适应能力强、善组织、工作有效率、富有朝气;表情丰富、情绪发生速丰富多变;反应敏捷、对新事物敏感而不深刻。 缺点: 兴趣广泛而浮躁、易随波逐流;轻率不踏实、事不遂心则热情锐减;情 感不易深沉、易见异思迁;缺乏耐力与毅力、易轻率作决定。 胆汁质 优点 外向而兴奋精力充沛;情绪发生迅速、强烈、热情、乐观、率直、语言、行动 迅速、雷历风行;能克服困难埋头工作、果敢、坚 缺点:冲动、莽撞、易怒而难以自制;刚愎、暴躁、倔强甚至挑衅;一旦精力 耗尽则情绪低落、信心受挫;烦躁、粗心。

粘液质 优点: 内向、沉静、谨慎、稳重;语言动作迟缓、不易暴露内心活动、性情平 和;办事认真、细心、有韧性、严守秩序、有条理; 不善言谈、交际、忍让、务实、可依赖。 缺点:执拗、不灵活、适应能力差;迟钝、被动、 冷淡、显得落落寡合、有惰性、保守、萎蘼不振。 抑郁质 优点: 严重内向、柔弱、敏感、腼腆;情绪发生慢而体验强烈; 严肃、不怕困难、善于体察别人不易发现的问题。 缺点: 情绪脆弱,畏缩、顺从;多愁善感;胆小,忧心忡忡;落落寡合、冷漠、 多疑、犹豫不决;缺乏自信,常为小事而动感情。


心理学上的四种气质类型 心理学上的四种气质类型 气质是一个古老的概念,在日常生活中一般指“脾气”、“性情”等等。孩子因气质不同而千差万别;有的孩子平静安稳,害怕生人;有的孩子则好动,活动爱说话;有的孩子反应快,行动敏捷;有的孩子则反应迟缓,动作慢条斯理等等。 所谓气质是指那些主要是与生俱来的心理和行为特征,也就是那些由遗传和生理决定的心理和行为特征。气质实际上是人格中最稳定的、在早年就表现出来的,受遗传和生理影响较大而受文化和教养影响较小的那些层面。 通常在心理学上把气质分为四种类型,即胆汁质(直率热情、好动、脾气急等)、多血质(活动、敏感、反应快、情绪不稳等)、黏液质(安静稳重、反应慢、沉默寡言)、抑郁质(孤独、反应迟缓、多愁善感等)。 多血质 多血质的神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性;情绪兴奋性高;反应速度快而灵活。 多血质的心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪情感容易产生也容易变化和消失,容易外露;体验不深刻等。 多血质的典型表现:多血质又称活泼型,敏捷好动,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事合乎实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新事物,在有充分自制能力和纪律性的情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。兴趣广泛,但情感易变,如果事业上不顺利,热情可能消失,其速度与投身事业一样迅速。从事多样化的工作往往成绩卓越。 多血质合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员、监督员等等。 粘液质 粘液质的神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应低;外部表现少;情绪具有稳定性;反应速度慢但灵活。 粘液质的心理特点:稳重,考虑问题全面;安静,沉默,善于克制自己;善于忍耐。情绪不易外露;注意力稳定而不容易转移,外部动作少而缓慢。 .


典型四种气质类型及其行为表现 1、多血质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性;情绪兴奋性高;反应速度快而灵活。 心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪、情感容易产生也容易变化和消失,容易外露;体验不深刻。 典型表现:多血质又称活泼型。多血质的人大多机智,聪明,兴趣广泛,能迅速把握新事物,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作中、学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境的变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事符合实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新鲜事物,在有充分自制能力和纪律性情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。但做事缺乏持久性,注意力转移的快。还有,多血质的人眼高手低:小事不做,大事做不了。(眼高手低、见异思迁、随波逐流) 要求反应迅速并敏捷的工作对他们最为适合,在从事复杂多变和多样化的工作方面往往成绩显着。 合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员和监督员等等。 2、胆汁质 神经特点:感受低;耐受高;不随意反应强;外倾性明显;情绪兴奋性高;控制力弱;反应快但不灵活。 心理特点:坦率热情;精力旺盛,容易冲动;脾气暴躁;思维敏捷;但准确性差;情感外露,办持续时间长。 典型表现:胆汁质又称力量型或战斗型。情绪易激动,喜欢控制的感觉,不喜欢被控制,暴躁,一爆发而不能自制;反应迅速,行动敏捷;在语言上,表情上,姿态上都有一种强烈而迅速的情感表现;能够以极大的热情投身于事业,能够于艰难困苦作勇敢坚决的斗争,在克服困难上有不可遏止和坚韧不拔的劲头,而不善于考虑是否能做到,一旦精力消耗殒尽,往往对自己的努力失去信心,甚至半途而废,前功尽弃。(刚愎自用、冲动莽撞) 适合职业:管理工作、外交工作、驾驶员、服装纺织业、餐饮服务业、医生、律师、运动员、冒险家、新闻记者、演员、军人、公安干警等等。 3、粘液质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应低;外部表现少;情绪具有稳定性;反应速度不快但灵活。 心理特点:稳定,考虑问题全面;安静,沉默,善于克制自己;善于忍耐。情绪不易外露;注意力稳定而不容易转移,外部动作少而缓慢。 典型表现:粘液质又称和平型。在生活中是一个坚持而稳健的辛勤工作者。由于这些人具有与兴奋的过程向均衡的强的抑制,所以行动缓慢而沉着,严格恪守既定的生活秩序和工作制度,不为无所谓的原因而分心。粘液质的人态度持重,交际适度,不作空泛的清谈,感情上不易激动,不易发脾气,也不易流露情感,能自制,也不常常显露自己的才能。这种人长时间坚持不懈,有条不紊地从事自己的工作。其不足食有些事情不够灵活,不善于转移自己的注意力。惰性是他因循守旧,表现出固定性有余,而灵活性不足。从容不迫和严肃认真的品德,以及性格的一贯性和确定性。(按部就班、被动淡漠、墨守成规)


四种气质类型的特点、典型表现及适合职业? 1、多血质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性; 情绪兴奋性高;反映速度快而灵活。 心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪情感容易产生也容易变化与消失,容易外露;体验不深刻。 典型表现:多血质又称活泼型,敏捷好动,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事合乎实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新事物,在有充分自制能力与纪律性的情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。兴趣广泛,但情感易变,如果事业上不顺利,热情可能消失,其速度与投身事业一样迅速。从事多样化的工作往往成绩卓越。 合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员、监督员等。

2、胆汁质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应强;外倾性明显; 情绪兴奋性高;控制力弱;反应快但不灵活。 心理特点:坦率热情;精力旺盛,容易冲动;脾气暴躁;思维敏捷;但准确性差;情感外露,但持续时间不长。 典型表现:胆汁质又称为不可遏止型或战斗型。具有强烈的兴奋过程与比较弱的抑郁过程,情绪易激动,反应迅速,行动敏捷,暴躁而有力;在语言上,表情上,姿态上都有一种强烈而迅速的情感表现;在克服困难上有不可遏止与坚韧不拔的劲头,而不善于考虑就是否能做到;性急,易爆发而不能自制。这种人的工作特点带有明显的周期性,埋头于事业,也准备去克服通向目标的重重困难与障碍。但就是当精力耗尽时,易失去信心。 适合职业:管理工作、外交工作、驾驶员、服装纺织业、餐饮服务业、医生、律师、运动员、冒险家、新闻记者、演员、军人、公安干警等。 3、粘液质


结合气质理论谈谈自我的气质类型 摘要:气质是人生来就具有的心理活动动力方面比较稳定的心理特征,而每一种气质类型都具有向某种积极或消极的个性品质发展的可能性。那么,我们应该如何结合气质理论来了解自我的气质类型,以便我们更好地了解自我,发挥气质的优势是我们值得思考的课题。本文通过对气质类型的分析来分析我自己的气质类型及运用。 关键字:气质气质类型自我的气质类型及运用 一、气质的概念 气质是个人生来就具有的心理活动的典型而稳定的动力特征,是人格的先天基础。而心理学上所说的气质则是指人典型的、稳定的心理特点,包括心理活动的速度(如语言、感知及思维的速度等)、强度(如情绪体验的强弱、意志的强弱等)、稳定性(如注意力集中时间的长短等)和指向性(如内向性、外向性)。这些特征的不同组合,便构成了个人的气质类型,它使人的全部心理活动都染上了个性化的色彩,属于人的性格特征之一。 总而言之,气质是表现在心理活动的强度、速度、灵活性与指向性、等方面的一种稳定的心理特征。人的气质差异是先天形成的,受神经系统活动过程的特性所制约。孩子刚一落生时,最先表现出来的差异就是气质差异,有的孩子爱哭好动,有的孩子平稳安静等。 二、气质类型及特点 根据气质特征的不同组合,气质类型通常分为胆汁质、粘液质、多血质、抑郁质四种,且它们都有各自的特点。 1、胆汁质:又称兴奋型,属于兴奋而热情的类型。这一类型人感受性低而耐受 性、敏捷性、可塑性均较强;不随意的反应高,反应不随意性占优势;反应速度快但不灵活;情绪兴奋性高,抑制能力差;外倾性明显。在日常生活中,胆汁质的人常有精力旺盛、不易疲倦,但易冲动、自制力差、性情急躁、办事粗心等行为表现 优点:积极进取,不怕困难,热情高涨,直率豪爽,有魄力 缺点:急躁,行事鲁莽,易因小事而大发脾气,产生对立情绪,萌生报复心理,办事不考虑后果,事后又后悔,但“虚心接受,坚决不改”。 2、粘液质:又称安静型,在生活中是一个坚持而稳健的辛勤工作者。由于这些 人具有与兴奋过程向均衡的强的抑制,所以行动缓慢而沉着,严格恪守既定的生活秩序和工作制度,不为无所谓的动因而分心。粘液质的人态度持重,交际适度,不作空泛的清谈,情感上不易激动,不易发脾气,也不易流露情


评分与解释的基本步骤 第一步:根据记分键统计粗分(有“-”号的项目表示反向记分,即答“否”时记分) 内外向项目 :1、3、5、7、8、-11、13、-15、17、19、21、-23、25、27、28、31、33、35、40、42、44 情绪稳定性项目:2、4、6、9、10、12、14、16、18、20、22、24、26、29、30、32、34、36、37、38、39、41、43、45 第二步:查T 分转换表,将粗分转换成T 分 T 分数转换表: 男性 女性 T 分 内外 情绪 内外 情绪 T 分 30 1-2 1-3 1-2 1-4 30 35 3-4 4-5 3-4 5-7 35 40 5-6 6-8 5-7 8-9 40 45 7-9 9-10 8-9 10-11 45 50 10-11 11-12 10-11 12-13 50 55 12-13 13-14 12-13 14-15 55 60 14-15 15-17 14-16 16-18 60 65 16-17 18-19 17-18 19-20 65 70 18-20 20-21 19-20 21-22 70 第三步:根据T 分数高低绘制坐标图,分析人格或气质特征。参考手册和回答内容出报告。 高分情绪不稳(高于62) 低分内向 (低于38) 高分外向 (高于62) 情绪稳定 7 0 抑郁质 6 2 胆汁质 5 6 30 38 43 5 4 0 3 56 62 70 粘液质 3 8 多血质 3 0

四种气质类型比较典型的特征及表现 一、胆汁质 胆汁质的人反应速度快,具有较高的反应性与主动性。这类人情感和行为动作产生得迅速而且强烈,有极明显的外部表现;性情开朗、热情,坦率,但脾气暴躁,好争论;情感易于冲动但不持久;精力旺盛,经常以极大的热情从事工作,但有时缺乏耐心;思维具有一定的灵活性,但对问题的理解具有粗枝大叶、不求甚解的倾向;意志坚强、果断勇敢,注意稳定而集中但难于转移;行动利落而又敏捷,说话速度快且声音洪亮。 二、多血质 多血质的人行动具有很高的反应性。这类人情感和行为动作发生得很快,变化得也快,但较为温和;易于产生情感,但体验不深,善于结交朋友,容易适应新的环境;语言具有表达力和感染力,姿态活泼,表情生动,有明显的外倾性特点;机智灵敏,思维灵活,但常表现出对问题不求甚解;注意与兴趣易于转移,不稳定;在意志力方面缺乏忍耐性,毅力不强。 三、黏液质 黏液质的人反应性低。情感和行为动作进行得迟缓、稳定、缺乏灵活性;这类人情绪不易发生,也不易外露,很少产生激情,遇到不愉快的事也不动声色;注意稳定、持久,但难于转移;思维灵活性较差,但比较细致,喜欢沉思;在意志力方面具有耐性,对自己的行为


四种气质类型的优缺点 健康指南2014.6.28. 【导读】在心理学上,“气质”这一概念与我们平常说的“禀性”“脾气”相似。在日常生活中,有的人总是活泼好动,有的人却总是安静沉稳;有的人不论做什么事总显得十分急躁,有的人情绪总是那么细腻深刻。人与人在这些心理活动的动力特征等方面的差异,就是气质的不同。 传统上,把气质划分为四种类型。 (1)多血质。感受性低,耐受性较高;不随意的反应性强;具有可塑性和外倾性;情绪兴奋性高,外部表露明显,反应速度快且灵活。 (2)胆汁质。感受性低,耐受性较高;不随意的反应性高,反应的不随意性占优势;外倾性明显,情绪兴奋性高,抑制力差;反应速度快,但不灵活。 (3)黏液质。感受性低,耐受性高;不随意的反应性和情绪兴奋性均低;内倾性明显,外部表现少;反应速度慢,具有稳定性。 (4)抑郁质。感受性高,耐受性低;不随意的反应性低;严重内倾;情绪兴奋性高而体验深,反应速度慢;具有刻板性,不灵活。

不过,上述四种气质类型的划分更多的只是一种理论抽象,生活 中很少见到某种典型的气质类型的人,大多具有混合的特征。 气质是一个人生来就具有的,并成为后天性格形成的重要的生物 学条件。一方面,气质可以按照自己的动力方式渲染性格特征,使性 格特征具有独特的色彩,并影响到一定性格特征形成或改造的速度。 例如,同样是乐于助人,多血质者在帮助别人时往往动作敏捷,情感 明显表露于外;而黏液质者则可能动作沉着,情感不怎么表露出来。 再如,要形成自制力,胆汁质的人往往需要作极大的努力和克制;而 抑郁质的人则比较容易形成,他用不着特别控制自己就能办到。另一 方面,气质在个人后天的生活实践过程中,也受到了性格的改造和掩蔽。 要了解自己的气质类型,可以通过日常生活中对自己的观察,或 他人的评价,还可参考一些气质量表的测量结果。不过,更重要的是要认识到:气质是没存好坏之分的;只有适合与不适合之别。一般地说,各种气质类型都有其优点和缺点。 多血质的人情感丰富,反应灵活,易接受新事物,但是情绪不稳定,精力易分散;


典型四种气质类型极其行为表现 1.多血质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应性强;具有可塑性;情绪兴奋性高;反应速度快而灵活。 心理特点:活泼好动,善于交际;思维敏捷;容易接受新鲜事物;情绪情感容易产生也容易变化和消失,容易外露;体验不深刻。 典型表现:多血质又称活泼型,敏捷好动,善于交际,在新的环境里不感到拘束。在工作学习上富有精力而效率高,表现出机敏的工作能力,善于适应环境变化。在集体中精神愉快,朝气蓬勃,愿意从事合符实际的事业,能对事业心向神往,能迅速地把握新事物,在有充分自制能力和纪律性的情况下,会表现出巨大的积极性。兴趣广泛,但情感易变,如果事业上不顺利,热情可能消失,其速度与投身事业一样迅速。从事多样化的工作往往成绩卓越。 合适的职业:导游、推销员、节目主持人、演讲者、外事接待人员、演员、市场调查员、监督员等等。 2.胆汁质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应强;外倾性明显;情绪兴奋性高;控制力弱;反应快但不灵活。心理特点:坦率热情;精力旺盛,容易冲动;脾气暴躁;思维敏捷;但准确性差;情感外露,但持续时间不长。 典型表现:胆汁质又称不可遏止型或战斗型。具有强烈的兴奋过程和比较弱的抑郁过程,情绪易激动,反应迅速,行动敏捷,暴躁而有力;在语言上,表情上,姿态上都有一种强烈而迅速的情感表现;在克服困难上有不可遏止和坚韧不拔的劲头,而不善于考虑是否能做到;性急,易爆发而不能自制。这种人的工作特点带有明显的周期性,埋头于事业,也准备去克服通向目标的重重困难和障碍。但是当精力耗尽时,易失去信心。 适合职业:管理工作、外交工作、驾驶员、服装纺织业、餐饮服务业、医生、律师、运动员、冒险家、新闻记者、演员、军人、公安干警等。 3.粘液质 神经特点:感受性低;耐受性高;不随意反应低;外部表现少;情绪具有稳定性;反应速度不快但灵活。 心理特点:稳重,考虑问题全面;安静,沉默,善于克制自己;善于忍耐。情绪不易外露;注意力稳定而不容易转移,外部动作少而缓慢。 典型表现:这种人又称为安静型,在生活中是一个坚持而稳健的辛勤工作者。由于这些人具有与兴奋过程向均衡的强的抑制,所以行动缓慢而沉着,严格恪守既定的生活秩序和工作制度,不为无所谓的动因而分心。粘液质的人态度持重,交际适度,不作空泛的清谈,情感上不易激动,不易发脾气,也不易流露情感,能自制,也不常常显露自己的才能。这种人长时间坚持不懈,有条不紊地从事自己的工作。其不足是有些事情不够灵活,不善于转移自己的注意力。惰性使他因循守旧,表现出固定性有余,而灵活性不足。从容不迫和严肃认真的品德,以及性格的一贯性和确定性。 适合职业:外科医生、法官、管理人员、出纳员、会计、播音员、话务员、调解员、教师、人力人事管理主管等。 4.抑郁质 神经特点:感受性高;耐受性低;随意反应低;情绪兴奋性高;反应速度慢,刻板固执。 心理特点:沉静、对问题感受和体验深刻;持久;情绪不容易表露;反应迟缓但是深刻;准确性高。典型表现:有较强的感受能力,易动感情、情绪体验的方式较少,但是体验的持久而有力,能观察到别人不容易察觉到的细节,对外部环境变化敏感,内心体验深刻,外表行为非常迟缓、忸怩、怯弱、怀疑、孤僻、优柔寡断,容易恐惧。 适合职业:校对、打字、排版、检察员、雕刻工作、刺绣工作、保管员、机要秘书、艺术工作者、哲学家、科学家。


四种气质类型测试 导语:请认真阅读下列各题,对于每一题,你认为非常符合自己情况的记"+2"分,比较符合的记"+1"分,拿不准的记"0"分,比较不符合的记 "-1"分,完全不符合的记"-2"分。 一、题目: 1、做事力求稳妥,一般不做无把握的事。 2、遇到可气的事就怒不可遏,想把心里话全说出来才痛快。 3、宁可一个人干事,不愿很多人在一起。 4、到一个新环境很快就能适应。 5、厌恶那些强烈的刺激,如尖叫、噪音、危险镜头等。 6、和别人争吵时总是先发制人,喜欢挑衅别人。 7、喜欢安静的环境。 8、善于和别人交往。 9、是那种善于克制自己感情的人。 10、生活有规律,很少违反作息制度。 11、在多数情况下,情绪是乐观的。 12、碰到陌生人觉着很拘束。 13、遇到令人气愤的事,能很好的自我克制。 14、做事总是有旺盛的精力。 15、遇到事情总是举棋不定,优柔寡断。 16、在人群中从不觉得过分拘束。 17、情绪高昂时,觉着干什么都有趣,情绪低落时,又觉得干什么都没意思。 18、当注意力集中于一事物时,别的事很难使自己分心。 19、理解问题总比别人快。 20、碰到问题总有一种极度恐怖感。 21、对学习、工作怀有很高热情。 22、能够长时间做枯燥单调的工作。 23、符合兴趣的事情,干起来劲头十足,否则,就不想干。 24、一点小事就能引起情绪波动。 25、讨厌那种需要耐心细致的工作。 26、与人交往不卑不亢。 27、喜欢参加热闹的活动。 28、爱看感情细腻、描写人物内心活动的文艺作品。 29、工作学习时间长了,常感到厌倦。 30、不喜欢长时间谈论一个问题。 31、愿意侃侃而谈,不愿窃窃私语。



四种气质类型的特点: 多血质——活泼好动、敏感、反应迅速;不甘寂寞,善于交际;接受新事物快,但印象不很深刻,注意力容易转移;情绪和情感易于产生也易于改变。其显着的特点是:有很高的灵活性,容易适应变化的生活条件,在良好的教育下,多血质的人可以培养出高度的集体主义情感,对学习、劳动、社会生活积极主动的态度。在不良教育下,可能表现出轻率、疏忽大意、散漫以及对自己的能力评价过高等不良行为和态度。 胆汁质——直率热情,精力旺盛,脾气急躁,易于冲动;反应迅速,但准确性差;情绪明显表露于外,但持续时间不长,等等。其显着特点带有明显的周期性。在正确的教育下,他们能具备坚强的毅力、主动性、热情和独创精神。不良环境影响下,他们可能出现缺乏自制、急躁、易激动等不良品质。“急性子”。 粘液质——安静稳重、交际适度;反应缓慢,沉默寡言;善于克制自己,情绪不易外露,注意稳定但又难于转移;善于忍耐、沉着坚定,不尚空谈,埋头苦干,等等。其显着特点是安静均衡。在正确教育条件下,粘液质的人容易形成勤勉、实事求是、坚毅

等特性,在不良影响下,则可能发展成为萎靡、消极、怠惰以至对人甚至对己都漠不关心、冷淡顽固等不良品质。“慢性子”。 抑郁质——心思细腻、情感体验深刻,情绪不易于外,具有很高的感受性,观察能力强,善于觉察到别人不易发觉的小事物;行动缓慢、内向、多愁善感。这种类型的人在顺利环境下,在友爱的集体里,可以表现出温顺、委婉、细致、坚定、能克服困难、富有同情心等优良品质。在不利条件下,可能表现出伤感、沮丧、深沉、优柔寡断。

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