APPLICATION OF GIS FOR REGIONAL EARTHQUAKE LOSS ESTIMATION Regional earthquake loss studies are being performed for several years to assist local and state governments, and emergency response planners in preparing for and mitigating damage from future s eismic events. Earthquake loss studies often include estimates of repair costs, deaths and casualties, functional loss to lifeline systems and emergency response facilities, and regional economic impacts on a short-term and long-term basis. A major limitation of many past regional loss studies is that they are stagnant in the sense that the inventory and geologic data collected, analysis done and the reports produced cannot be updated to reflect changes in the inventory, demographics or economy of the region. One possible reason for this is since the inventory data can not be realistically included in the final reports, updating existing studies without undertaking a major data collection effort is virtually impossible. In addition, the effectiveness of the loss estimation results was limited in the sense that the analysis results have typically been summarized in a report or tabular format, making it cumbersome to quickly identify those geographic areas most likely to experience significant damage.

With the development and maturity of GIS technology, many of these limitations have been overcome and dynamic loss studies that present results in a more usable format can now be performed. A recent project, sponsored by the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) and the National Institute of Building Sciences (NIBS) and awarded to RMS , has resulted in a powerful GIS-based software package for performing regional earthquake loss estimates. The implementation of integrated GIS technology provides an approach which permits rapid evaluation of complex inventory databases under a variety of earthquake scenarios and allows the user to interactively view results almost immediately. The results can be summarized in tables of loss values as well as maps of damage estimates that can be overlaid to easily view which areas are likely to be most severely affected.

The power of GIS technology makes creating and modifying maps a very simple task. For application in regional loss estimation, there are a variety of very useful options that are available :

? First, inventory collected and input into databasest can be quickly and easily displayed on a map of the region. Using colors and symbols, many different attributes can be highlighted.

For example, the number and location of seismically vulnerable structures in your region can easily be presented.

? Second, existing maps, such as liquefaction potential maps available from the US Geological Survey, can be digitized and displayed on a map of the region. These can then be overlaid with maps of ground shaking and lifeline systems to qualitatively assess the most vulnerable lifeline components.

? Third, using thematic maps of loss estimates, localities with high levels of damage can be quickly identified.

? Fourth, the functionality of regional lifeline systems such as water delivery systems can be graphically displayed by mapping the system and using colors to identify those parts of the system most likely to be nonfunctional.

GIS technology provides emergency response pl a nners and government officials with a very powerful tool to visualize and understand the impacts of an earthquake on a region. In this paper, a conceptual discussion will be presented on the benefits and application of GIS technology for regional loss estimation. In addition, examples will be used to demonstrate the effectiveness of presenting information through thematic mapping techniques.

Geographic Information System (GIS) -- A General Description

A modern Geographical Information System is a computer system designed to store, analyze, and display geographic information. The geographic information may be any of an infinite variety of data sets each associated with a spatial coordinate system. The spatial referencing of the information permits the data sets to be linked. This linkage provides a powerful tool for analysis and integration of data sets from many different sources using the same GIS software. An example of various types of geographically linked data sets useful for seismic zonation is shown in Figure 1.

Figure 1

In general, each GIS is comprised of basic components that permit the input, manipulation, analyses, archival, and output of spatially referenced data. Following is a brief summary of technical aspects of these components and associated analyses functions.

Formally defined a GIS is a computer-based system that provides for 1) input, 2) management (data storage and retrieval ), 3) manipulation and analysis, and 4) output of georeferenced data. These basic components of a GIS are illustrated in Figure 2.

GIS Components

Figure 2 Components of a Geographic Information System (GIS).

Data Input

The data input component represents the resources required to convert data from existing formats to the format required for storage and analysis by the computer software and hardware. Original data sources may range from paper maps to tables to digital files, each of which may have its own format. Conversion of these data to the required digital format can be simple and relatively automatic if the original data require only conversion from one digital format to another. In other cases digitalization of maps and assignment of appropriate attributes can require major efforts. Data input is often the most costly and time consuming component of a GIS project and may represent a cost several times that of the hardware and software. However, with the rapid expansion in uses and users, digital GIS data bases are rapidly growing and many of these can be used for a variety of GIS projects. Further with the advent of scanners to create digital images of paper maps the time and cost factors have come down.

Data Management

The data stored in a GIS is comprised of two sets of information or files. One is a graphic file which specifies the location of points, lines, and polygons and a second file which specifies the characteristics or attributes of the graphic entities. The two files can serve to link and integrate a

variety of different types of information to a specific location. When data is input into a GIS it must be ascribed locations via point, line, and area definitions and attributed characteristics via the attribute file. The user can operate on these files independently to retrieve, analyze, and integrate the input data sets.

Two types of data structures are in primary use, one is termed raster and the other vector. The raster format consists of a regular grid of square or rectangular cells or pixels defined by row and column locations to which has been ascribed some value of the desired attribute. The vector format specifies the location or position of points, lines, and polygons for the data set of interest with an associated set of attributes for each. With the specification of definitions for arcs, nodes and polygons and topological relations, the vector format provides a powerful tool for rapid manipulation and processing of large data bases but it is complex. The simpler raster format is especially well suited for depicting rapidly varying geographic information and enhancement of digital images used for example in remote sensing and satellite imagery. Most modern GISs use both data structures and include software to convert certain types of data sets from one format to the other.

Data Manipulation and Analysis

Modern relational data base technology is used to store, retrieve and manipulate the graphic and attribute files of modern GISs. Analysis functions permit the integration and derivation of geographically linked data sets. They allow the overlay, query, and development of new data layers. They permit the use of external function libraries and user specified or programmed function software. Rapid advances in relational data base technology, computational speed and storage capacities of computer hardware, and GIS analysis software have led to dramatic improvements in the capabilities of GISs.

Data Output

The output or display of derived GIS products may occur in a variety of formats, including paper maps, tabular files, CRT screen display, and/or digital computer files. The particular output format specified by the user determines the necessary software functions and hardware needed for each application. Convenient display of products at various stages of development often leads to new spatial insights and improved results. Rapid advances in computer networking and the storage capacity of removable disks have greatly improved capabilities to exchange and integrate GIS data sets from various users.

Two most popular GIS systems are Mapinfo and ArcView.

Application of GIS to Seismic Risk Assessment

Earthquakes can cause significant damage to both the man made and the natural environments. The impact of these types of events can destroy entire ways of life. In addition to structural damage, seismic events can undermine the infrastructure that is vital to the function and well being of the community, can cause significant monetary losses, casualties and disease and can inflict long-term economic hardship on the local or regional economy. When we talk about the risk of a region to a seismic event, we are talking about the vulnerability of the region to damage, losses and casualties.

The magnitude of the damage and losses depend not only on the seismic hazard, but also to a great extent upon the density of the population, the location and type of building exposure, the

socio-economic makeup of the region and their spatial relationship to the hazard. If an earthquake occurs in an sparsely populated region, there will be little to no effect on regional infrastructure and little likel ihood of loss of life. However, if the same earthquake were to occur near a large city, a situation could result in very high losses. Economically challenged regions with inexpensive non-engineered construction are more vulnerable and can expect heavier damage, for example Latur Earthquake in India, than regions that have large numbers of new buildings that are designed and constructed to modern codes. Local economies that are highly dependent on one or two types of businesses or industries that are destroyed by the event, unemployment can be almost complete and recovery very slow.

Seismic risk assessment can be defined as a procedure to estimate the damage and losses to a seismic event by combining seismic hazards with the inventories of the built environment. The assessment procedure can be broken down into three simple steps

? Quantify the seismic hazards for a given event.

As discussed in this paper, seismic hazards can consist of ground shaking demands, spectral response demands, and ground failure f rom liquefaction, landsliding and surface fault ruptures.

? Quantify the built environment inventory of the affected region.

Once the seismic hazard has been quantified, the next step is to create a spatial representation of the region’s structural, demographic, and economic inventory.

Inventories are the most expensive and time consuming part of a seismic risk assessment with the final damage/loss estimates highly dependent on the quality of the inventory data.

GIS-based inventory collection systems have the flexibility to permit different levels of detail in inventory collection as dictated by levels of funding. Data can be collected and stored as either site-specific information or can be aggregated on a regional basis and stored with the associated geographical unit.

? Combine inventory data with seismic hazards to assess the impacts.

The final step involves combining seismic hazard information with spatially distributed inventory data and then applying motion damage relationships to determine damage estimates. This procedure works for regional inventory aggregation models to a comprehensive site-specific analysis of every structure in the region. In addition to building damage, loss of function, casualties, monetary losses, shelter requirements and utility service outages are examples of impacts that can be evaluated using the same process.

A GIS-based software system creates the ideal framework to integrate the various components of seismic risk assessment. GIS technology provides a powerful tool for displaying outputs and permits users to "see" the geographical distribution of impacts from different earthquake scenarios and assumptions. The interactive features of a GIS platform can provide an user-oriented environment for entering and accessing data, and allows the user to overlay input and output data on thematically shaded maps of the region. The use of different display colors permits rapid visual identification of areas with the potential for high damage and loss (i.e., areas that have both significant ground shaking and a large number of vulnerable buildings).

While GIS technology is optimal for spatial reasoning (interpretation of data in a spatial context), and for providing an intuitive graphical input/output mechanism to the user, it is a cumbersome

environment for the execution of complex numerical algorithms. Alternatively, programming languages, such as C++, can be applied to encode otherwise complex algorithmic and rule-based relationships.

Rather than accept the constraints associated wi t h the different software environments, the current trend in software development is to create a system which integrates each of the software strategies. To the user, the resulting system can have the look and feel of a GIS-based program. However, embedded within the GIS are the RDBMS technologies, C++ support libraries necessary to support the database management and computational requirements of a regional risk assessment. Such a system is often referred to as integrated geographical information system (IGIS).

The major problems with the non GIS based frameworks are :

? The inability of a single study to meet the very different needs of users at different levels of government

? The costs of collecting inventory and performing the studies

? The stagnant nature of the results when they are in a report form, and the technical nature in which results have been presented.

? The final reports rarely contain any documentation of the inventory used, and the output often provided in a tabular format that provided little insight about the geographical distribution of the damage and losses.

The use of a GIS-based risk assessment model will overcome many of the problems identified above. Based on the resources and level of funding models can be developed which perform simplified estimates of damage and loss using limited inventory collected on a modest budget. The models can be easily modified to allow for more precise estimates with are based on extensive inventory collected at a large cost to the community

The GIS envi ronment also accommodates the needs of a wide spectrum of potential users. The modular framework inherent to a GIS allows the user to activate or deactivate models on command. The framing of risk assessment methodology as a collection of models also permits the addition of new available state-of-the-art models (or modify models for local or regional needs) without reworking the entire methodology. This approach permits a logical evolution of the methodology as research progresses and the state-of-the-art advances. It will also facilitate rapid transfer of information between the academic/ research community and the practitioner.

Results from the GIS-based analyses are not stagnant and can to be updated as the inventory is improved, the building stock or the demographics of a region change, models change or if revised seismic hazards are quantified. Once the inventory data is input in the GIS program, information can be readily updated and any number of hazard scenarios can quickly be evaluated. An advantage of the GIS technology is that once the inventory database is built, it can be used for other purposes such as city planning, public works or emergency preparedness for other types of natural disasters.

Current Application of GIS to Seismic Risk Analysis

The National Institute of Building Science (NIBS), under a cooperative agreement with FEMA, and in collaboration with RMS has developed a nationally applicable standardized methodology for assessment of potential losses from natural hazards. The first phase of this project was to develop guidelines and procedures for making earthquake loss estimates at the regional or local scale. These loss estimates can be used by local, state and regional officials to plan and stimulate efforts to reduce risks from earthquakes and to prepare for emergency response and recovery. A secondary purpose of this project is to provide FEMA with a basis for assessing nationwide risk of earthquake losses. The methodology was recently completed and is now undergoing testing through two pilot studies

Standardized earthquake loss estimation methodology:

The earthquake loss estimation methodology will provide local, state and regional officials with the tools necessary to plan and stimulate efforts to reduce risk from earthquakes and to prepare for emergency response and recovery from an earthquake. The methodology will also provide the basis for assessment of nationwide risks of earthquake loss.

The methodology can be used by a variety of users with needs ranging from crude estimates that require minimal input to refined calculations of earthquake loss. The methodology may be implemented using either integrated geographical information system (GIS) technology provided in a software package or by application of the theory documented in a Technical Manual. Implementation of the methodology by either technical or non-technical users will be guided by an easily understood Applications Manual.

The vision of earthquake loss estimation requires a methodology that is both flexible, accommodating the needs of a variety of different users and applications, and able to provide the uniformity of a standardized approach. The framework of the methodology includes each of the components shown in Figure 2-1: Potential Earth Science Hazard (PESH), Inventory, Direct Physical Damage, Induced Physical Damage, Direct Economic/Social Loss and Indirect Economic Loss. As indicated by arrows in the figure, modules are interdependent with output of some modules acting as input to others. In general, each of the components will be required for loss estimation. However, the degree of sophistication and associated cost will vary greatly by user and application. It is therefore necessary and appropriate that components have multiple levels (multiple modules) of detail or precision when such is required to accommodate user needs. Framing the earthquake loss estimation methodology as a collection of modules permits adding new modules (or improving models/data of existing modules) without reworking the entire methodology. Improvements may be made to adapt modules to local or regional needs or to incorporate new models and data. The modular nature of the methodology permits a logical evolution of the methodology as research progresses and the state of the art advances.

Methodology Framework

The framework of the methodology embodies each of the components shown in above Figure : Potential Earth Science Hazards (PESH), Inventory, Direct Physical Damage, Induced Physical Damage, Direct Economic/Social Loss and Indirect Economic Loss. As indicated by the arrows in the figure, the components are interdependent with the output of one module acting as input to another. In general, each of these components will be required for loss estimation. However, the degree of sophistication (and associated cost) will vary greatly by user and application. It is therefore necessary and appropriate that components have multiple levels of detail or precision. One major aspect of a loss estimation study that is not depicted in above Figure is the collection of inventory. This is probably the most time consuming and costly aspect of the study, as inventory and other relevant data must be collected and organized for each of the modules shown. Examples of the type of information that the user will need to collect include an inventory of buildings in the region, population census data, soil and geologic conditions and economic data.

In order to evaluate losses, the user must develop a description of the earthquake and its associated ground motion. In many cases this will take the form of a scenario event of specified size and location. Depending on the size of the event and the local geology, a map of ground motions (in terms of spectral acceleration) will be generated. In addition to ground motion, losses can be a function of ground failure such as landslides, liquefaction and surface fault rupture. Thus the PESH module generates estimates of the potential for ground failure in addition to estimates of ground motion. Other earth science hazards include tsunami and seiche which can result in significant losses.

Once ground motions and ground failures have been identified, damage to the built environment can be estimated. In this methodology, damage is estimated for four distinct groups: (1) general building stock, (2) essential and high potential loss facilities, (3) transportation systems, and (4) utility systems. The groups are defined to address distinct inventory and modeling characteristics. General building stock includes residential, commercial, industrial, agricultural, religious, government and educational buildings. Essential facilities include hospitals, police stations, fire stations, emergency operation centers and in some cases, schools. High potential loss facilities are likely to cause heavy earthquake losses if damaged. Examples are nuclear power plants, dams and military installations. While general building stock and essential facilities are both groups of buildings, it is likely that the user will want and will have more detailed information about essential facilities. That is, for general building stock, the inventory is not collected on a building by building basis but instead is based upon estimates of building types by census tract, city, or some other designated area. On the other hand, the user will be able to identify the locations of all hospitals, fire stations etc., and may be able to provide details of these facilities such as their heights and structural types. A similar situation occurs with high potential loss facilities. Estimates of damage will take the form of probabilities of being in a specific damage state (none, slight, moderate, extensive and complete) given a specified level of ground motion. A probabilistic damage estimate is used to reflect the many uncertainties involved.

Lifelines are distinct from buildings in that they usually consist of a network of interdependent components. Due to redundancies, damage to a component may or m ay not affect the operation of the system. A damaged system may still be capable of operating at below capacity. A key concern in evaluating lifelines is how long it will take to restore the system to full functionality. Thus damage estimates include restoration times.

Once estimates of direct physical damage are available, losses and induced physical damage can be determined. Induced physical damage can be defined as consequences of the earthquake, other than damage due to shaking, that lead to losses. For this methodology induced damage includes inundation, fire following earthquake, hazardous materials release, and debris generation. All of these can lead to monetary and social losses. Inundation can result from tsunamis, seiches, dam failure or levee failure. Fire ignitions may occur due to pipe breakage, electrical shorts, chemical spills or a number of other causes. The extent of the resulting fire depends on the availability of water and fire fighting equipment and personnel. The extent of consequences of a hazardous material release (e.g. casualties, building damage, pollution) depends on the type and quantity of released material. The quantity of debris that is generated depends on the type of structures that are damaged and the extent to which they are damaged. The cost of removing debris can be significant.

Social losses take the form of casualties, short term shelter needs, and long term housing needs. Casualties resulting from damage to buildings and lifelines put a demand on health care facilities and personnel. The ability to respond to the casualties depends on the functionality of hospitals and other health care facilities. The loss of function of buildings either due to damage or due to non-functional utilities results in displaced households. These households will need alternative short-term shelter provided by friends relatives or agencies such as the Red Cross. For units that take a long time to repair, long-term alternative housing must be located. This can be accommodated by using vacant units, importing mobile homes, moving to non-impacted areas or eventually repairing or reconstructing housing.

A final step in estimating earthquake losses is converting damage into monetary losses. Two types of economic loss are addressed by this methodology. Direct economic loss refers to the cost of repair and replacement of structures and systems that are damaged as a consequence of the earthquake. Both structural and non-stuctural damage and losses to business inventory are included. In addition, dollar losses that are the direct consequence of building or lifeline loss-of-function are included as direct economic losses. These include costs of relocation, income losses and rental losses. The broad and long term implications of these losses are considerd as indirect economic losses. Examples of indirect economic impacts are changes in tax revenue, employment and consumption.


GIS is the solution for making the Region Earthquake Loss Estimation a cheap and dynamic proposition, making the estimates easily understandable, helping in quick decision making. The FEMA project shows that combining the following; a very powerful Region Earthquake Loss Estimation System can be developed :

? Power of computation speed and GIS

? Ability to perform multiple scenarios without new inventory collection

? GIS bridge gap between needs of regional emergency planners response people and costs, and accuracy

? Develop technology that will allow wider group of individuals to have acces to results and to participate in loss estimates to Assess seismic risks in particulatr region.

? Augment inventory


1. Applications of Geographic Information System Technology to Seismic Zonation and

Earthquake Risk Assessment - Paper presented in Fifth International Conference on Seismic Zonation, 1995.

2. HAZUS Technical Manual.


MapGIS是较早发展起来的国产地理信息软件, ArcGIS是美国ESRI公司开发的全球功能最强大的GIS专业软件,这两种软件在专业性和综合性等方面各具优势,二者在目前国内市场上都拥有很多的用户,因此,这两种软件在数据上实现共享显得愈发必要。随着地理信息的高速发展,地图数据的来源也多种多样,因而数据之间的相互转换至关重要。对此,本文介绍了MapGIS与ArcGIS的实现数据共享,提高了工作效率。 1.系统数据结构 1. 1 MapGIS数据结构 MapGIS是数据管理的核心工作区,空间实体是MapGIS数据操作的基本单位,一个工作区中,存放许多空间实体的个体,每个个体都有唯一的序号,称为实体号(点号、线号、区号、网号、记录号等)。对实体数据的存取主要依据实体号。每个实体在工作区中都存储有对应的空间数据、拓扑数据、图形参数及属性记录。 MapGIS的数据交换格式是ASCII 码的明码文件,其文件结构由文件头和数据区两部分组成,文件头记录的是文件版本和类型(点、线、面) 信息,数据区记录的是实体的集合信息。明码文件按要素类型分为点文件*.WT、线文件*. WL 、面文件*. WP 三种。MapGIS还有一种不公开的标准数据格式,也按要素的属性类型分为点文件*. WT、线文件*. WL、面文件*. WP 三种。明码文件只有要素的几何信息而没有要素的属性信息,只能用于地图的显示和出版,必须转换为MapGIS的标准文件才能进行GIS分析与属性信息查询等操作。MapGIS将现实中的地理对象抽象成点、线、区三种图形特征,在计算环境中分别对应*. WT、*. WL、*. WP 三类文件,每个文件内部最大可划分为256个图层,同类特征对象的个体抽象可表示在不同图层内,对象的属性信息也可直接附加在文件内。这样,理论上在不考虑同类特征对象间结构差异的情况下,只需要点、线、区三个文件就可以制作一幅完整的数字地图。 序号MapGIS ArcGIS 1 点(Point) 点(point)、注记(annotation) 2 线(line) 线(polyline) 3 区(Reg) 面(polygon) 1. 2 ArcGIS数据结构 ArcGIS的数据格式与MapGIS不同,它的数据格式与表示的特征和类型没有关系。它的数据格式主要有Shape、Coverage、GeoDatabase和E00。与Map GIS相比,ArcGIS中一


arcgis转mapgis拓扑前后差异检查 arcgis面要素转mapgis后,由于两个软件构建要素的拓扑结构不同,造成转入mapgis的数据是每个要素是独立封闭的环形,形成弧段重叠,这与mapgis的面拓扑完全不同,所以在mapgis里要进行重新拓扑构建要素,在重新拓扑构建时会出现过小的要素丢失(被合并到相邻的大图斑)和产生新的图斑这两种情况,如何从大量图斑中快速定位找出重新拓扑后出现的这种图斑差异?具体操作如下: 1、将arcgis数据转换成mapgis面文件后,备份转换后的面文件,如a.wp。 2、在mapgis里进行重新拓扑,并命名为b.wp。 3、用mapgis图形编辑中“其他”菜单里的“生成lable点文件”功能,对a.wp(没有重新拓扑)和b.wp(已重新拓扑)分别生成lable 点文件分别命名为:a1.wt和b1.wt。 4、给两个点文件添加一个字段,并统改字段值,如:a1添加一个字符串“a”字段,统改属性为“前”,b1添加一个字符串“b”字段,统改属性为“后”,当然,可以随意赋值,目的是后面能够区分即可。 5、将b1.wt的b字段通过空间关系赋值给a.wp的一个字段(可以自己建一个或用一个无用的字段),然后筛选这个字段为空的图斑即为消失的图斑。 6、将a1.wt的a字段通过空间关系赋值给b.wp的一个字段(可以自己建一个或用一个无用的字段),然后筛选这个字段为空的图斑即为多出来的图斑。

实际操作时,可以只做单向的b1.wt给a.wp传递属性检查即可发现丢失的图斑,增加的图斑是木有属性的,直接通过“工作区属性检查”即可发现处理。 天马行空 2015.9.25

高中地理必修3优质教学设计1:1.2.2 地理信息系统(GIS) 地理信息技术与数字地球教案

第二节地理信息技术在区域地理环境研究中的应用 教学目的: 1.了解遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统的原理,以及数字地球的含义。 2.举例说明遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统在区域地理环境研究中的应用 教学重难点: 1.遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统的原理,以及数字地球的含义 2.遥感、全球定位系统、地理信息系统在区域地理环境研究中的应用 教具准备:有关挂图等、自制图表等 教学方法:比较法、图示分析法、图示法等 教学过程: 第二课时 三、全球定位系统(GPS) 1.概念: 利用卫星,在全球范围内适时进行导航、定位的系统,称为全球定位系统,简称GPS。 2.组成: 空间部分——GPS卫星星座(图).7); 地面控制部分—一地面监控系统; 用户设备部分——GPS信号接收机。 3.特点 全能性(陆地、海洋、航空和航天)、全球性、全天候、连续性和实时性 4.应用 ⑴为各类用户提供精密的三维坐标、速度和时间。 ⑵在区域地理环境研究中的应用。 如:野外调查是区域地理环境研究常用的方法之一,全球定位系统可以帮助野外考察人员确定考察点的地理位置(经度和纬度)、高程(海拔),从而可在野外调查中获得更为精准的数据。 ⑶ 在日常生活中应用——GPS导航 无论是在何时何地,只要拥有GPS信号接收机,就能知道自己前进的方向和所处的地理坐标。利用GPS为导航服务也成为—种新兴的行业(图1.8)。 GPS汽车导航(图1.8)汽车导航装置可显示城市道路图和该车的位置。驾驶员辅入出发点和目的地的地名然后从系统显示的可行路线中选择其中的一条。系统除动态显示该车的位置》L还通过语音提示引导驾驶员把车开到目的地。 5.GPS卫星星座


1.概述 ArcGIS是美国环境系统研究所(ESRI)开发的旗舰产品,它对空间数据的支持很强,其在全球应用最多也最广,也是我国GIS行业的常用软件。 MAPGIS 由武汉中地数码科技有限公司开发,新一代面向网络超大型分布式地理信息系统基础软件平台。其中包括图形处理、库管理、空间分析、图像处理、实用服务。 在只进行地质图矢量化的情况下,mapgis优势明显,在涉及空间数据库方面,arcgis优势是mapgis所无法比拟的,具体如下 Arcgis软件的优势在于 1)数据库组织严谨,很少出错误,修改方便,数据入库方式简单,跟excel 操作基本没什么区别,拥有mapgis无可比拟的优势!省时省工省力! 2)基于arcgis软件的开发、三维系统较成熟,可拓展性高,方便将来业务拓展 3)发展趋势地科院采用arcgis 4)适用范围项目为国外地质图制作是在国内可能应用会到外国 劣势: 1)成本高,arcgis软件功能齐全,其成本也高,并且第一期项目采用的是mapgis版本的库文件,对照关系等,换用arcgis后,一切从新开始,势必造成成本压力 2)制图方面技巧方面,目前在地质行业中占统治地位的还是mapgis,arcgis采用的是RGB格式的色彩,在制图过程中可能与实际有一定的差别3)保密问题 国内部分项目可能会因为保密的原因在功能相同条件下优先选用mapgis 4)操作上 Arcgis是外国的产品,语言为英语,操作不方便,汉化版本也不怎么好用,且操作速度跟英文比起来差的很远 5)专家认可度 目前地质领域普遍采用mapgis,很多专家对arcgis不太了解,验收过程中可能

会对arcgis格式成果的异议。当然这也要看发展中心的意见,他们同意采用arcgis 的前提下这也就不是缺点了 Mapgis软件的优势在于 1)成本较低,软件采购成本低,第一期项目采用的库文件,对照关系都有记录,可以直接采用,相应降低了很大的成本 2)制图方面,采用了cmyk印刷色格式,相对真实,效果更好,尤其是在地质领域的应用,已经十分成熟,方便沟通交流 3)操作简单易学,更符合中国人的思维 劣势: 1)数据库系统跟arcgis没法比,格式不规范,字段不能超过一定的字节,在转到arcgis格式时经常出现错误,修改麻烦,检查麻烦…… 2)拓展性差,三维,开发等能力有限,跟我们单位欲涉及的三维地质图等方面,关系不大 3)使用又一定的局限性,国内普遍通用,国外就一抹黑了。


地理信息系统复习思考题 第一章导论 1、解释:信息、数据、地理信息、地理数据、地理信息系统 2、地理信息有何特点? 3、地理信息系统与CAD、数字制图、一般事务管理有何主要区别? 4、地理信息系统有哪些类型? 5、G IS的基本构成有哪些?务部分的主要作用? 6、G IS的基木功能有哪些?并筒要说明。 7、G IS主要应用在哪些方面? 8、G IS的发展主要经历了哪4个阶段?备有何主要特点? 第二章空间信息基础 1、G IS中为什么要考虑地图投影?我国大比例尺采用什么投影方式? 2、地理空间实体的三要素是什么?它们之间的关系是怎样的? 3、空间数据的基本特征有哪些?地理信息的数字化描述方法有哪些? 4、地图投影有哪些类型? 5、解释:地图投影、拓扑、空间数据、元数据 6、空间对象的描述要素有哪些? 7、拓扑关系中有哪儿种基本的拓扑关系?其基本含义是什么?在GIS+用拓扑有什么主要作用? 8、什么是地理空间数据?有哪些类型,并简要说明。 9、地理信息系统的应用功能主要包括哪些方面,并简要说明。 10、地形图“都江堰”的编号是H48G024026,简要说明其编号的含义。 第三章空间数据结构 1、空间实体可抽象为哪几种基本类型?它们在矢量数据结构和栅格数据结构分别是如何表示的? 2、叙述四种栅格数据存储的压缩编码方法。 3、试写出矢量和栅格数据结构的模式,并列表比较其优缺点。 4、叙述由矢景数据向栅格数据的转换的方法。 5、叙述由栅格数据向矢量数据的转换的方法。 6、简述栅格到矢量数据转换细化处理的两种基木方法。 7、解释:地理空间、栅格数据、矢量数据、空间数据结构 8、费尔曼链码的含义是什么?如何取值? 9、游程编码的含义是什么?有哪2种方式? 10、块码给栅格数据编码的方式是什么? 11、四叉树编码的基木思想是什么? 12、矢量数据的获取方式有哪些? 13、DIME编码什么?有何特点?


MapGIS比例尺和ArcGIS文件 Mapgis比例尺是个简略而又很多人乃至是大虾们搞不懂的题目,现引见如下: Mapgis内部默认比例尺为1:1000,即1mm代表1m,便是说输出时页面配置中X、Y比例均为1时,表现的是比例尺为1:1000;假设必要比例尺为1:50000,即缩小50倍,则X、Y比例均设为即可。 下面用公式阐明:所需输出比例尺假设为1:a,则欲求X、Y比例均为b,则由1*b/1000=1:a,得到b=1000/a,即X、Y比例均设为b即可。 在MAPGIS投影坐标类别中,有五种坐标类别: 1.用户自界说也称设置坐标(以毫米为单元), 2.地理坐标系(以度或度分秒为单元), 3.地面坐标系(以米为单元), 4.平面直角坐标系(以米为单元), 5.地心地面直角。 举行设置坐标转换到地理坐标的要领: 第一步: 启动投影改变体系。 第二步: 打开必要转换的点(线,面)文件。(菜单:文件/打开文件) 第三步: 编辑投影参数和TIC点; 选择转换文件(菜单:投影转换/MAPGIS文件投影/选转换点(线,面)文件。);编辑TIC点(菜单:投影转换/当前文件TIC点/输入TIC点。注意:理伦值类别设为地理坐标系,以度或度分秒为单元); 编辑当前投影参数(菜单:投影转换/编辑当前投影参数。注:当前投影坐标类别选择为用户自界说,坐标单元:毫米,比例尺母:1);

编辑目的投参数(菜单:投影转换/配置转换后的参数。注:当前投影坐标系类别选择为地埋坐标系,坐标单元:度或度分秒)。 第四步: 举行投影转换(菜单:投影转换/举行投影投影转换)。 MapGIS式样文件转为ArcGIS文件必要注意以下题目: 1、看待高斯直角坐标,ArcGIS中一个坐标单元代表实地1m,而MapGIS中在比例尺为1:1000且单元为毫米的时间一个坐标单元代表实地1m,大概在比例尺为1:1且单元为米的时间一个坐标单元代表实地1m。 因此,若当前投影坐标为设置坐标即单元为毫米,要转换到ArcGIS的正常坐标,即一个坐标单元代表实地1m,必要将目的投影参数的比例尺设为1000,这样转换出来的完结才华作为ArcGIS文件正确运用。 2、投影参数中单元的改变可以导致坐标缩放倍数,如当前投影参数为毫米,目的投影参数为米,坐标会缩小1000倍,和原投影参数比例尺为1:1、目的投影参数比例尺为1:1000同样的结果。比如,原坐标为(1000毫米,1000毫米),转换后为(1米,1米),坐标缩小了1000倍。 假若不是直接转成地理坐标,那也可以“输入编辑-其余-整图改变”的效力。 摘自:6908-1-1 运用地理坐标数据(经纬度)天生地面坐标体系下的点数据 1 在arccatalog中创建一个新的shape(E:\arcgis\当前治理文件\地动数据\)文件设定坐标体系为地理坐标体系(运用经纬度为单元):Geographic Coordinate 2 Systems-asia-Beijing 2 将第一个导入arcmap中 3 add xydata import,打开地动.dbf 经历输入经纬度,绘制地动灾害点。 4 经历 data-export data 导出地动点灾害点.shp(Geographic Coordinate) 5 地动点灾害点.shp 为地理坐标体系(Geographic Coordinate) 6 add data 行政舆图.shp(元数据运用的是地面坐标体系Projected Coordinate Systems,运用米为单元)使得dataframe的坐标体系为Projected Coordinate Systems 7 add data 地动点灾害点.shp(数据运用的是地理坐标体系Geographic Coordinate,


读书报告:地球空间信息学与数字地球 引言:最近有幸拜读了中国科学院院士、中国工程院院士李德仁的文章《地球空间信息学与数字地球》,感觉颇受教益。李德仁教授,中国科学院院士,中国工程院院士,主要从事地理信息系统、摄影测量与遥感等领域的教学和科学研究工作。代表成果:高精度摄影测量定位理论与方法;GPS辅助空中三角测量;SPOT卫星像片解析处理;数学形态学及其在测量数据库中的应用;面向对象的GIS理论与技术;影像理解及像片自动解译以及多媒体通信等。地球空间信息科学(Geo-Spatial Information Science——Geomatics)是以全球定位系统(GPS)、地理信息系统(GIS)、遥感(RS)等空间信息技术为主要内容,并以计算机技术和通讯技术为主要技术支撑,用于采集、量测、分析、存储、管理、显示、传播和应用与地球和空间分布有关的数据的一门综合和集成的信息科学和技术。地球空间信息科学是以“3S”技术为代表,包括通讯技术、计算机技术的新兴学科。它是地球科学的一个前沿领域,是地球信息科学的重要组成部分,是数字地球的基础。美国副总统戈尔在《数字地球——认识21世纪我们这颗星球》的报告中阐述了数字地球的概念。所谓“数字地球”,可以理解为对真实地球及其相关现象统一的数字化重现和认识。其核心思想是用数字化的手段来处理整个地球的自然和社会活动诸方面的问题,最大限度地利用资源,并使普通百姓能够通过一定方式方便地获得他们想要了解的有关地球的信息,其特点是嵌入海量地理数据,实现对地球的多分辨率、三维描述,通俗地说就是虚拟地球。 内容概述:叙述了地球空间信息学和数字地球的基本概念。讨论了地球空间信息学的形成、理论基础和技术体系,以及数字地球的关键技术和应用。分析了两者的相互关系,提出空间数据基础设施是数字地球的基本建设,发展数字地球为传统测绘行业带来了一个极好的发展机遇和一系列的挑战。 1 地球空间信息学 1.1 地球空间信息学的形成 空间定位技术、航空和航天遥感、地理信息系统和互联网等现代信息技术的发展及其相互间的渗透,逐渐形成了地球空间信息的集成化技术系统。近二三十年来,这些现代空间信息技术的综合应用有了飞速发展,使得人们能够快速及时和连续不断地获得有关地球表层及其环境的大量几何与物理信息,形成地球空间数据流和信息流,从而促成了“地球空间信息科学”的产生。 1.2 地球空间信息学的理论基础 地球空间信息科学理论框架的核心是地球空间信息机理。地球空间信息机理作为形成地球空间信息科学的重要理论支撑,通过对地球圈层间信息传输过程与物理机制的研究,揭示地球几何形态和空间分布及变化规律。主要内容包括:地球空间信息的基准、标准、时空变化、认知、不确定性、解译与反演、表达与可视化等基础理论问题。 1.3 地球空间信息学的技术体系 地球空间信息科学的技术体系是指贯穿地球空间信息采集、处理、管理、


一、国内外主流GIS软件介绍 国外: (1)ArcGIS:ArcGIS是美国ESRI公司在全面整合了GIS与数据库、软件工程、人工智能、网络技术及其他多方面的计算机主流技术之后,成功地推出的代表GIS最高技术水平的全系列GIS产品。ArcGIS作为一个可伸缩的平台,无论是在桌面,在服务器,在野外还是通过Web,为个人用户也为群体用户提供GIS的功能。 ArcGIS系列软件包括: ArcGIS Desktop:一个专业GIS应用的完整套件 ArcGIS Engine:为定制开发GIS应用的嵌入式开发组件 ArcSDE、ArcIMS和ArcGIS Server:服务端GIS ArcGIS Mobile:Esri公司移动GIS解决方案之一; ArcGIS Online:一个面向全球用户的公有云GIS平台,为用户提供了按需的、安全的、可配置的GIS服务。 ( ArcGIS Desktop界面) (2)MapInfo:是美国MapInfo公司的桌面地理信息系统软件,是一种数据可视化、信息地图化的桌面解决方案。它依据地图及其应用的概念、采用办公自动化的操作、集成多种数据库数据、融合计算机地图方法、使用地理数据库技术、加入了地理信息系统分析功能,形成了极具实用价值的、可以为各行各业所用的大众化小型软件系统。MapInfo 含义是“Mapping + Information(地图+信息)”即:地图对象+属性数据。 (MapInfo Professional界面) (3)Skyline:是美国Skyline公司研发的一套优秀的三维数字地球平台软件。凭借其国际领先的三维数字化显示技术,它可以利用海量的遥感航测影像数据、数字高程数据以及其他二三维数据搭建出一个对真实世界进行模拟的三维场景。目前在国内,它是制作大型真实三维数字场景的首选软件。 Skyline软件优点 1)产品线齐全,涵盖了三维场景的制作,网络发布,嵌入式二次开发整个流程; 2)支持多种数据源的接入,其中包括WFS,WMS,GML,KML,Shp,SDE,Oracle,Excel 以及3DMX,sketch up等,方便信息集成; 3)通过流访问方式可集成海量的数据量,它可制作小到城市,大到全球的三维场景; 4)飞行漫游运行流畅,具有良好的用户体验; 5)支持在网页上嵌入三维场景,制作网络应用程序; SkylineTerrasuite主要包含3类产品: 1)TerraBuilder 融合海量的遥感航测影像数据、高程和矢量数据以此来创建有精确三维模型景区的地形数据库。 2)TerraExplorer


国外主流GIS基础软件对比分析报告 1.国国际主要GIS产品 国地理信息系统市场在近几年得到飞越发展,各行各业都广泛使用GIS软件开展应用。国际著名GIS软件厂商和产品有美国ESRI公司开发的ArcGIS系列、美国MapInfo公司开发的MapInfo系列产品、美国AutoDesk公司开发MapGuide 系列产品、美国Intergraph公司开发的GeoMedia产品。国也涌现出一批优秀国产GIS软件,主要有中国地质大学开发的MapGIS、中科院地理所超图公司开发SuperMap、大学开发的GeoStar等。 目前在国市场占据主导地位的国际著名GIS软件有ArcGIS、MapInfo,国产GIS软件有MapGIS、SuperMap。下面针对这四种产品进行比较。 2.产品体系比较 按照用途将GIS软件四类软件:空间数据库引擎、基于SOA的服务GIS、网络地图发布WEBGIS、高端客户端二次开发组件、高端桌面GIS软件、中低端客户端二次开发组件、中低端桌面GIS软件、嵌入式GIS软件。从技术门槛来看前面五类软件的技术门槛较高。

高端GIS产品线方面明显存在不足。 3.产品功能性能比较 3.1.空间数据库引擎 空间数据库引擎是地理信息系统最核心的模块,其功能、性能决定了整个GIS 软件的主要性能,主要空间数据库引擎情况如下表:

(1)数据模型和存储:在数据模型方面各个空间数据库引擎均支持常规的地理信息数据模型,包括矢量、栅格、DEM模型,能够支持二维、三 维、线性、拓扑等多种结构,其中ArcSDE对矢量数据采取整型存储,在数据库中占用的存储空间较少。ArcSDE在栅格方面支持金字塔结构 和栅格目录方式。ArcSDE支持数据完整性约束和规则。 (2)基本功能方面:均支持编辑和版本管理,ArcSDE支持地理数据建模、分布式空间数据复制、基于版本的长事务管理。 (3)空间索引和速度:在多个空间数据库引擎的对比中,ArcSDE空间索引机制效率最高,其访问速度和空间算子的计算速度在多个空间数据库 引擎中最快,特别在空间运算方面遥遥领先于国产空间数据库引擎。(4)开放性:ArcSDE都具备较强的开发性,空间数据库引擎可以作为独立产品进行销售,提供C-API、JAVA-API和空间SQL,并提供多层架构 和跨平台能力。国产空间数据库引擎和GIS平台紧密捆绑,无法独立 销售,国产空间数据库引擎在开放性方面明显不足。 (5)支持数据库种类: ArcSDE支持Oralce、SQL Server、DB2、Infomix 等主流数据库,SDX支持Oralce、SQL Server、Sybase、国产数据库,GDB支持Oralce、SQL Server。 (6)操作系统:ArcSDE可以作为独立的空间数据库引擎部署到服务器上,可以同时连接多个数据库服务器,允许在UNIX、LINUX、WINDOWS等 多个操作系统部署;国产空间数据库引擎,其在数据库存储的的表和


摘要:GIS在当前以工农业经济为主体的经济建设中的重大作用已初见端倪,它在农业、林业、水利、地矿、交通、通讯、教育、环境、人口、城市建设等几十个领域都能产生巨大的经济效益和社会效益,比如农作物监测和估产、土地覆盖物的识别和评价、地籍的管理和规划、灾害的模拟和预报以及监测和评估等。作为新的凝聚全人类梦想的目标,GIS提供了一种前所未有的认识地球的方式,它将对人类与自然的协调和平衡带来不可估量的推进作用。。本文主要研究了GIS的发展及其在环境领域的应用。 关键词:GIS ,环境领域,发展,应用 引言: 理信息系统(Geographic Information System,GIS )是一种为了获取、存储、检索、分析和显示空间定位数据而建立的计算机化的数据库管理系统(1998年,美国国家地理信息与分析中心定义)。这里的空间定位数据是指采用不同方式的遥感与非遥感手段所获得的数据,它有多种数据类型,包括地图、遥感、统计数据等,它们的共同特点是都有确定的空间位置。地理信息系统的处理对象是空间实体,其处理过程正是依据空间实体的空间位置与空间关系进行的地。 1.GIS 的发展 1.1 GIS的产生 自1962年加拿大人罗杰?汤姆林森首先提出地理信息系统的概念并领导建立了世界上第一个具有实用价值的地理信息系统———加拿大地理信息系统(Canada Geographic Information System,简称“CGIS”)以来,地理信息系统在全球范围内获得了长足的进步。作为对人类生活空间的数字化描述、分析和表达的工具,GIS正逐渐成为信息产业的一个重要组成部分,成为国民经济新的增长点。全球范围内从事GIS理论和应用研究的研发人员、科研院所和高新企业不计其数,应用科学化、科学技术化、技术产业化已经成为GIS 领域发展的主旋律。地理信息系统正在从一个单纯的应用系统发展为一个完整的技术系统和理论体系 GIS 的发展趋势 从系统角度看,在未来的几十年内,地理信息系统将向着数据标准化(interoperable GIS )、数据多维化(3d&4d GIS )、系统集成化(component GIS )、系统智能化(cyber GIS )、平台网络化(web GIS )和应用社会化(数字地球)的方向发展。 1.2.1数据标准化(interoperable GIS )、 地理数据的继承与共享、地理操作的分布与共享、GIS的社会化和大众化等客观需求,使得尽可能降低采集、处理地理数据的成本以及实现地理数据的共享和互操作成为共识。互操作地理信息系统(Interoperable GIS)的出现就是为了解决传统GIS开发方式带来的数据语义表达上不可调和的矛盾,这是一个新的GIS系统集成平台,它实现了在异构环境下多个地理信息系统或其应用系统之间的互相通信和协作,以完成某一特定任务。 1.2.2数据多维化(3d&4d GIS )、 3D:三维gis目前的研究重点集中在三维数据结构(如数字表面模型、断面、柱状实体等)的设计、优化与实现,以及体视化技术的运用、三维系统的功能和模块设计等方面。 4D:地理信息系统所描述的地理对象往往具有时间属性,即时态。随着时间的推移,地理对象的特征会发生变化,而这种变化可能是很大的,但目前大多数地理信息系统都不能很好地支持地理对象和组合事件时间维的处理。许多gis应用领域的要求都是基于时间特征的,如区域人口的变化、平均年龄的变化、洪水最高水位的变化等。对这样的应用背景,仅采取作为属性数据库中的一个属性不能很好地解决问题,因此,如何设计并运用四维GIS 来描述、处理地理对象的时态特征也是GIS的一个重要研究领域。


使用地理坐标数据(经纬度)生成大地坐标系统下的点数据 1 在arccatalog中建立一个新的shape(E:"arcgis"当前处理文件"地震数据"111.shp)文件设定坐标系统为地理坐标系统(使用经纬度为单位):Geographic Coordinate 2 Systems-asia-Beijing 1954.prj 2 将111.sha第一个导入arcmap中 3 add xydata import,打开地震.dbf 通过输入经纬度,绘制地震灾害点。 4 通过data-export data 导出地震点灾害点.shp(Geographic Coordinate) 5 地震点灾害点.shp 为地理坐标系统(Geographic Coordinate) 6 add data 行政地图.shp(元数据使用的是大地坐标系统Projected Coordinate Systems,使用米为单位)使得dataframe的坐标系统为Projected Coordinate Systems 7 add data 地震点灾害点.shp(数据使用的是地理坐标系统Geographic Coordinate,使用度为单位) 8 数据data-export data 导出地震点灾害点.shp 9 选择使用the data frame导出变换为Projected Coordinate Systems 10 打开行政地图.shp(Projected Coordinate Systems) 11 打开地震点灾害点.shp(Projected Coordinate Systems) mapgis误差校正 MapGIS坐标不含带号,带号在地图参数中设置, 在图形编辑模块中按已有的


地球信息科学和数字地球(地理信息系统--原理、方法和应用) 球形的地代替了平面的地,引起了大地观念的依次彻底变化。这时人们无须扩展大地的圆盘以远远超过有人烟的地区,而认为有人烟的地区只包括地球的一小部分,更大的空余地面则可留待假说玄想去填充… … 阿尔夫雷德.赫特纳 导读:本章介绍了GIS发展的一些最新的概念,包括地球信息科学,数字地球等等,这些概念的具体含义至今仍在变化。 数字地球与其说是一门技术,不如说是一个政策,它是GIS应用发展的顶点。最后介绍了国家空间数据基础设施,它是一个国家推广GIS应用重要的第一步。 1.地球信息科学 1.1几个相关概念 近十几年来,随着遥感,全球定位系统,地理信息系统以及计算机网络技术的发展,出现了一系列新的、意义相近的、与地理信息系统相关的名词,如地理信息科学(Geographical Information Science),地球测量(Geomatics,地球信息学[宫鹏],地球空间信息学[李德仁]),地球信息学(Geo-Informatics),地球信息科学(Geo-information Science)等等,这些概念提出的时间还都不长,其含义存在交叉,目前国内对其确切的译名有些也存在着争论,下面介绍地理信息科学,地球测量的概念以及地球信息科学的概念和内容。1.1.1地理信息科学 地理信息科学是1992年Goodchild提出的,与地理信息系统相比,它更加侧重于将地理信息视作为一门科学,而不仅仅是一个技术实现,主要研究在应用计算机技术对地理信息进行处理、存储、提取以及管理和分析过程中提出的一系列基本问题,包括: 1)分布式计算 2)地理信息的认知 3)地理信息的互操作 4)比例尺 5)空间信息基础设施的未来 6)地理数据的不确定性和基于GIS的分析 7)GIS和社会 9)地理信息系统在环境中的空间分析 10)空间数据的获取和集成等等 地理信息科学在对于地理信息技术研究的同时,还指出了支撑地理信息技术发展的基础理


MapGIS比例尺和ArcGIS文件转换 MapGIS比例尺和ArcGIS文件? Mapgis比例尺是个简略而又很多人乃至是大虾们搞不懂的题目,现引见如下:? Mapgis内部默认比例尺为1:1000,即1mm代表1m,便是说输出时页面配置中X、Y比例均为1时,表现的是比例尺为1:1000;假设必要比例尺为1:50000,即缩小50倍,则X、Y比例均设为即可。? 下面用公式阐明:所需输出比例尺假设为1:a,则欲求X、Y比例均为b,则由1*b/1000=1:a,得到b=1000/a,即X、Y比例均设为b即可。? 在MAPGIS投影坐标类别中,有五种坐标类别:?

1.用户自界说也称设置坐标(以毫米为单元),? 2.地理坐标系(以度或度分秒为单元),? 3.地面坐标系(以米为单元),? 4.平面直角坐标系(以米为单元),? 5.地心地面直角。? 举行设置坐标转换到地理坐标的要领:? 第一步:? 启动投影改变体系。?

第二步:? 打开必要转换的点(线,面)文件。(菜单:文件/打开文件)? 第三步:? 编辑投影参数和TIC点;? 选择转换文件(菜单:投影转换/MAPGIS文件投影/选转换点(线,面)文件。);编辑TIC点(菜单:投影转换/当前文件TIC点/输入TIC点。注意:理伦值类别设为地理坐标系,以度或度分秒为单元);? 编辑当前投影参数(菜单:投影转换/编辑当前投影参数。注:当前投影坐标类别选择为用户自界说,坐标单元:毫米,比例尺母:1);?

编辑目的投参数(菜单:投影转换/配置转换后的参数。注:当前投影坐标系类别选择为地埋坐标系,坐标单元:度或度分秒)。? 第四步:? 举行投影转换(菜单:投影转换/举行投影投影转换)。? MapGIS式样文件转为ArcGIS文件必要注意以下题目:? 1、看待高斯直角坐标,ArcGIS中一个坐标单元代表实地1m,而MapGIS中在比例尺为1:1000且单元为毫米的时间一个坐标单元代表实地1m,大概在比例尺为1:1且单元为米的时间一个坐标单元代表实地1m。? 因此,若当前投影坐标为设置坐标即单元为毫米,要转换到ArcGIS的正常坐标,即一个坐标单元代表实地1m,必要将目的投影参数的比例尺设为1000,这样转换出来的完结才华作为ArcGIS文件正确运用。?


一、地理信息系统共有的几个功能 1. 数据采集与输入 数据采集与输入,即将系统外部原始数据传输到GIS系统内部之过程,并将这些数据从外部格式转换到系统便于处理的内部格式的过程。多种形式和来源的信息存在着综合和一致化的过程。数据采集与输入要保证地理信息系统数据库中的数据在内容与空间上的完整性、数值逻辑一致性与正确性等。一般而论,地理信息系统数据库的建设占整个系统建设投资的70%或更多,并且这种比例在近期内不会有明显的改变。因而使得信息共享与自动化数据输入成为地理信息系统研究的重要内容,自动化扫描输入与遥感数据集成最为人们所关注。扫描技术的应用与改进,实现扫描数据的自动化编辑与处理仍是地理信息系统数据获取研究的主要技术关键。 2. 数据编辑与更新 数据编辑主要包括图形编辑和属性编辑。属性编辑主要与数据库管理结合在一起完成;图形编辑主要包括拓扑关系建立、图形编辑、图形整饰、图幅拼接、投影变换以及误差校正等。数据更新则要求以新纪录数据来替代数据库中相对应的数据项或纪录。由于空间实体都处于发展进程中,获取的数据只反映某一瞬时或一定时间范围内的特征。随着时间推移,数据会随之改变。数据更新可以满足动态分析之需。 3. 数据存储与管理 数据存储与管理是建立地理信息系统数据库的关键步骤,涉及到空间数据和属性数据的组织。栅格模型、矢量模型或栅格/矢量混合模型是常用的空间数据组织方法。空间数据结构的选择在一定程度上决定了系统所能执行的数据与分析的功能;在地理数据组织与管理中,最为关键的是如何将空间数据与属性数据融合为一体。目前大多数系统都是将二者分开存储,通过公共项(一般定义为地物标识码)来连接。这种组织方式的缺点是数据的定义与数据操作相分离,无法有效记录地物在时间域上的变化属性。 4. 空间数据分析与处理 空间查询是地理信息系统以及许多其它自动化地理数据处理系统应具备的最基本的分析功能;而空间分析是地理信息系统的核心功能,也是地理信息系统与其它计算机系统的根本区别,模型分析是在地理信息系统支持下,分析和解决现实世界中与空间相关的问题,它是地理信息系统应用深化的重要标志。 5. 数据与图形的交互显示 地理信息系统为用户提供了许多用于地理数据表现的工具,其形式既可以是计算机屏幕显示,也可以是诸如报告、表格、地图等硬拷贝图件,可以通过人机交互方式来选择显示对象的形式,尤其要强调的是地理信息系统的地图输出功能。GIS 不仅可以输出全要素地图,也可根据用户需要,输出各种专题图、统计图等。 6. 地理信息系统应用 地理信息系统的大容量、高效率及其结合的相关学科的推动使其具有运筹帷幄的优势,成为国家宏观决策和区域多目标开发的重要技术支撑,也成为与空间信息有关各行各业的基本工具,其强大的空间分析能力及其发展潜力使得GIS在以


第17卷 第1期 2001年3月福建师范大学学报(自然科学版)Jour nal of F ujia n T eacher s U niv er sity (N atural Science )V ol.17 N o.1M ar.2001文章编号:1000-5277(2001)01-0099-04 地图、地理信息系统与数字地球 陈逢珍,林志垒,林文鹏 (福建师范大学地理科学学院,福建福州 350007) 摘要:论述了传统模拟地图的特点及局限性,并在此基础上分析了地理信息系统对地图学的挑战以及数 字地球的到来对地图学、地理信息系统的挑战. 关键词:传统模拟地图;地理信息系统;数字地球 中图分类号:P 28 文献标识码:A   随着人造卫星的出现及计算机的普遍使用,人类已进入信息化时代.信息革命的浪潮正以排山倒海之势冲击着整个人类社会,也冲击着历史悠久的地图学.空间信息的表达和传输由地图—GIS —数字地球,经历了五千多年,充分体现了科学技术的进步和人类社会的发展历程.本文从三个层次剖析数字地球的到来对地图学、地理信息系统发展的影响,以及它们之间的关系. 1 传统模拟地图 传统模拟地图经过几个世纪的发展变化,其功能逐渐完善.传统模拟地图是地理信息的载体,是地理信息传输的工具,是地理环境的形象符号模型的思想已被越来越多的人所认识.长期以来,它被称为地理学的第二语言,广泛应用在地理学及相关学科的研究中,应用在国民经济建设和国防建设中.人们不仅将采集的地理信息用图型符号存储在地图中,而且将地图作为信息源,从中提取大量地理信息,借助地图分析解决政治、军事、经济、科学、文化以及生活中的各类问题.地图已经成为国家基本建设、国防建设、军事指挥、国土规划、资源管理以及国民经济可持续发展不可缺少的工具. 1.1 传统模拟地图的特性 传统模拟地图的三大基本特性是:严密的数学法则、科学的地图概括、形象的图型符号语言[1].数学法则解决了地球体(或地球体的一部分)在有限地图平面上的显示,形成了地球面上的点与地图平面上的点一一对应的数学关系,为地理信息的平面显示奠定了基础.地图概括科学地压缩了制图区的地理信息,实现了地理信息有选择、有简化的分类和分级显示,保证了地图的清晰性.图型符号语言将经过概括处理的地理信息符号化,并应用地图符号形状、尺寸、结构、色彩的变化,建立地理信息与图型符号语言之间的约定与联想,增强地图的直观性.这些基本特性揭示了传统模拟地图的内涵和本质. 1.2 传统模拟地图的局限性 传统模拟地图的局限性主要表现在:信息滞后、存储受限、传输方式单一、模拟能力有限、信息提取分析速度慢. 传统模拟地图的制作严格遵循手工制图工艺,其生产过程复杂,成图速度慢、周期长、信息更新 作者简介:陈逢珍,(1942— ),女,湖南郴州人,教授. 基金项目:福建省自然科学基金资助项目(M B2084)收稿日期:2000-08-16


国内外主流GIS软件介绍 国外: (1)ArcGIS:ArcGIS是美国ESRI公司在全面整合了GIS与数据库、软件工程、人工智能、网络技术及其他多方面的计算机主流技术之后,成功地推出的代表GIS最高技术水平的全系列GIS产品。ArcGIS作为一个可伸缩的平 台,无论是在桌面,在服务器,在野外还是通过Web,为个人用户也为群体用户提供GIS的功能。 ArcGIS系列软件包括: ArcGIS Desktop:一个专业GIS应用的完整套件 ArcGIS Engine:为定制开发GIS应用的嵌入式开发组件 ArcSDE、ArcIMS和ArcGIS Server:服务端GIS ArcGIS Mobile:Esri公司移动GIS解决方案之一; ArcGIS Online:一个面向全球用户的公有云GIS平台,为用户提供了按需的、安全的、可配置的GIS服务。 ( ArcGIS Desktop界面) (2)MapInfo:是美国MapInfo公司的桌面地理信息系统软件,是一种数据可视化、信息地图化的桌面解决方案。它依据地图及其应用的概念、采用办公自动化的操作、集成多种数据库数据、融合计算机地图方法、使用地理数据库技术、加入了地理信息系统分析功能,形成了极具实用价值的、可以为各行各业所用的大众化小型软件系统。MapInfo 含义是“Mapping + Information(地图+信息)” 即:地图对象+属性数据。

(MapInfo Professional 界面) (3)Skyline:是美国Skyline 公司研发的一套优秀的三维数字地球平台软件。凭借其国际领先的三维数字化显示技术,它可以利用海量的遥感航测影像数据、数字高程数据以及其他二三维数据搭建出一个对真实世界进行模拟的三维场景。目前在国内,它是制作大型真实三维数字场景的首选软件。 Skyline 软件优点 1)产品线齐全,涵盖了三维场景的制作,网络发布,嵌入式二次开发整个流程; 2)支持多种数据源的接入,其中包括 WFS,WMS,GML,KML,Shp,SDE,Oracle, Excel 以及 3DMX,sketch up 等,方便信息集成; 3)通过流访问方式可集成海量的数据量,它可制作小到城市,大到全球的三维场景; 4)飞行漫游运行流畅,具有良好的用户体验; 5)支持在网页上嵌入三维场景,制作网络应用程序; SkylineTerrasuite 主要包含 3 类产品: 1)TerraBuilder 融合海量的遥感航测影像数据、高程和矢量数据以此来创建有精确三维模型景区的地形数据库。 2)TerraExplorer 它是一个桌面工具应用程序,使得用户可以浏览、分析空间数据,并对其进行编辑,添加二维或者是三维的物体、路径、场所以及地理信息文件。


基础理论题 第一章绪论 1.什么是地理信息系统?它与地图数据库有什么异同?与地理信息的关系是什么? 2.地理信息系统由哪些部分组成?与其他信息系统的主要区别有哪些? 3.地理信息系统的基本功能有哪些?基本功能与应用功能是根据什么来区分的? 4.与其他信息系统相比,地理信息系统的哪些功能是比较独特的? 5.地理信息系统的科学理论基础有哪些?是否可以称地理信息系统为一门科学? 6.试举例说明地理信息系统的应用前景。 7.GIS近代发展有什么特点? 第二章空间信息系统 1.GIS的对象是什么? 地理实体有什么特点? 2.地理实体数据的特征是什么?请列举出某些类型的空间数据 3.空间数据的结构与其它非空间数据的结构有什么特殊之处?试给出几种空间数据的结构描述。 4.请说明如何建立道路的拓扑的关系。 5.各种来源的空间数据是如何准确匹配在一起的? 6.地图投影在GIS中有什么作用? 7.空间数据中的几何数据是什么?请说明它与属性数据的关系。 8.请说明分类分级对于属性数据的意义。 9.空间数据的质量问题分哪几类? 10.空间数据中的误差是如何造成的?怎样评价它们? 11.空间数据交换的主要方式是什么? 12.空间数据的元数据METADATA意义是什么? 13.数据共享有哪些主要途径?最基层的是什么,最理想的又是什么?困难在何处? 第三章空间数据结构 1. 地理信息系统中的空间数据都包含哪些? 2.矢量数据与栅格数据的区别是什么?它们有什么共同点吗? 3.矢量数据在结构表达方面有什么特色? 4.矢量和栅格数据的结构都有通用标准吗?请说明。 5.栅格数据组织有哪些方法? 6.栅格与矢量数据结构相比较各有什么特征? 7.矢量与栅格一体化的数据结构有什么好处? 8.请说明八叉树表示三维数据的原理。 9.三维空间的边界如何表示?你还能给出其它方法吗? 10.属性数据的编码是必须的吗? 第四章空间数据库 1.什么是数据库?它有什么特点? 2.数据库主要有哪几个主要的结构成分? 3.数据库是如何组织数据的? 4.DBMS的作用是什么? 5.地理实体如何存放在数据库里?

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