当前位置:文档之家› 1后面接动名词的动词列表



1后面接动名词的动词;(标有(* )的动词后面也可以接不定式; admit; He admitted steali ng the mon ey.

Advise*; She advised wait ing un til tomorrow.

an ticipate; I an ticipate hav ing a vacati on.

Appreciate ; I appreciate hav ing bee n give n such a good cha nee. Avoid; He avoided talk ing about the eve nt.


; I can 'tbear livi ng in such a no isy room.


Begi n*; It bega n snowing.

Complete; They eve ntually completed repairi ng the car.

Con sider; I will con sider buying a house in Peki ng.


He con ti nued compla ining about the weather.


Delay; He delayed leav ing for school.

Deny; She denied being guilty of the theft.

Discuss; They discussed holdi ng a party.

Dislike; She disliked stay ing with us.

Enjoy; We enjoyed lear ning grammar.

Fi nish; Tom finished taking a shower.

Forget*; I'llforget going there.(以前去过)

Hate*; I hate making silly mistakes.

Can 'thelp; He can 'thelp crying.

Keep; I keep stay ing here.

Like*; They like swimmi ng.

Love*; He loves playing the violin.

Mention; She mentioned going to a movie.

Mind; I don'tmind staying up.

Miss; I miss being with my friends.

Postpone; He postponed setting out.

Practice; The boy practiced driving the car.

Prefer; I prefer staying here to going out with her.

Quit; He quit solving the problem.

Recall回想;回忆;记起);I don 'recall meet ing him before. Recollect=recall;

Recommend; She recommended going out to smell the flowers. Regret*; I regret telling him my secret.

Remember*; I can remember meeting him before. Resent; I resent her interfering in my job.

Resist; He resisted going out with me.

Risk; She risked losing all her money. Can'tstand; =can'tbear

Start*; It started raining.

Stop*; He stopped smiling.

Suggest; She suggested visiting the temple.

Tolerate; I can'ttolerate being laughed at.

Try*; We tried changing our situation, but we failed.

Un dersta nd; We can'un dersta nd his betray ing the motherla nd. 2后面直接接不定式的动词;标有(*)的动词后也可以接动名词; Afford; I can 'afford to buy it.

Agree; They agreed to lend us mon ey.

Appear; She appears to be happy.

Arra nge; I arran ged to meet you.

Ask; He asked to joi n us.

Can 'tbear*; I can 'bear to stay with her.

Beg; He begged to leave here.

Begi n*; It bega n to snow.

Care; I don ' care to see that movie.

Claim; He claimed to see the ghost.

Consent(同意;赞成); She consented to marry him.

Con ti nu e*; He continued to compla in.

Decide; I decided to quit.

Dema nd; He dema nded to see his son.

Deserve; She deserved to win the prize.

Expect; I expect to go abroad.

Fail; He fails to come here.

Forget*; He forgot to send the letter.(未做)

Hate; I hate to stay with him.

Hesitate; Don 'hesitate to ask for my help.

Hope; We hope to see her.

Learn; He is learning to drive the car.

Like*; He likes to go to a movie.

Love*; I love to play the card.

Manage; She managed to finish the job on time. Mean; I don 't mean to hurt your feelings. Need; I need to have your support.

Offer; They offered to help us.

Plan; I am planning to move to Paris. Prefer*; I prefer to keep quiet.

Prepare; We prepare to take part in it. Pretend; He pretended to understand me. Promise; I promised to upload the documents. Refuse; I refuse to believe his story.

Regret*; I regret to tell you that you failed. Remember*; I remembered to lock the door. Seem; He seemed to be silly.

Can't stand*; I can't stand to wait.

Start*; It started to rain.

Struggle; I struggled to stay awake. Threaten; She threatened to quit.

Try*; I tried to keep tolerant.

Volun teer; He volun teered to do us a favor.

I waited to receive your gift.

Advise*; She advised me to leave here.

Allow; She allowed me to use her car.

Ask; I asked him to come here right now.

Beg; I begged her to forgive me.

Cause; His laz in ess caused him to fail.

Challe nge; She challe nged me to race her to the cor ner.

Convin ce; He convin ced her to accept his help.

En courage; I en couraged her to apply for the job.

Expect; I expect you to be here on time.

Forbid; I forbid you to stay with her.

Force; We forced him to give up.

Hire; She hired a boy to mow the law n.

In struct;

He in structed them to write an article. In vite; Hele n in vited us to joi n in her party.

Order; We ordered him to pay the fine.

Permit; He permitted the kids to play in the room.

Persuade; I persuaded him to come here.



I want to go home. Wish;

I wish to become a poet.

Remi nd; She rem in ded me to get up early.

WE required them to come here. The doctor told me not to stay up.

I urged her to apply for the job.

I warned you not to drive too fast.


Begi n; start; con ti nue;

Like; love; prefer ( prefer doing A to doing B=prefer to do A rather tha n do B )

Hate; can 'stand; can ' bear;

Remember to do sth;(记得要做某事,但还未做)

Remember doing sth;(记得做过某事,已做)

Forget to do sth;(忘记做某事,还未做)

Forget doing sth;(忘记做过某事,已做)

Regret to do sth;(即将做一件自己感到遗憾的事,还未做,可译为很遗憾 ) Regret doi ng sth;(做了一件让自己感到遗憾的事,已做,可译为后悔 ) Try to do sth;(尝试做某事,并很大把握能做成)



He taught me to swim.

Tell; Urge; Want;

I want you to be happy. Warn;

Remi nd; She rem in ded me to get up early.

Try doing sth;(尝试做某事,但一般没做成,只是试试而已)Stop to do sth;(停下正在做的事,去做另一件事)

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