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题目The Application of Task-Based Language

Teaching Method in Reading Class




年级09 级







兹提交的毕业论文“The Application of Task-Based Language Teaching Method in Reading Class”,是本人在指导老师李旭清的指导下独立研究、撰写的成果;论文未剽窃、抄袭他人的学术观点、思想和成果,未篡改研究数据,论文中所引用的文字、研究成果均已在论文中以明确的方式标明;在毕业论文工作过程中,本人恪守学术规范,遵守学校有关规定,依法享有和承担由此论文产生的权利和责任。


2013年5月31 日





Task-Based Language Teaching Method is widely used in the present English reading teaching. It emphasizes the student-centered principle, which encourages students to make full use of the subjective initiative in class. Task-Based Language Teaching Method is given priority to students and teachers play subsidiary roles. There will be a variety of tasks throughout the teaching process of creative reading class, which effectively compensate for the disadvantages of traditional reading teaching .Meanwhile, some students are afraid of reading class, because in the process of reading ,too many new words and difficult language issues make them lost patience and confidence. Task-Based Language Teaching Method does not advocate the “force-feeding”learning method, but it emphasizes that students should obtain knowledge from practice. So in the process of reading, teachers not only let students read an article and explain the meaning, but also let them complete a series of tasks to help in reading comprehension. This way to acquire knowledge is sometimes subtle ,but it can effectively help students memorize boring language points ,thus greatly improve the students’ learning enthusiasm, initiative and participation, which makes originally dull reading class lively and interesting.

Key words:Task-Based Language Teaching Method; English reading teaching; initiative and participation


1. Introduction (1)

2.Task-Based Language Teaching Method (1)

2.1 The Definition of Task-Based Language Teaching Method (1)

2.2 The Differences between Traditional Teaching Methods And Task-Based

Language Teaching Method in Reading Class (2)

2.2.1 Different Teaching Purpose (2)

2.2.2 Different Teaching Process (2)

2.2.3 Different Teaching Achievements (2)

2.3 Task Design (3)

2.3.1 The Definition of A Task (3)

2.3.2 Components of A Task in Reading Class (3)

2.4 The Principles of Applying Task-Based Language Teaching Method in

Reading Class (4)

2.4.1 Clear Goal And Systematic Process (4)

2.4.2 Correlation And Step by Step (4)

2.4.3 Flexibility (5)

2.4.4 All-Round Abilities (5)

2.4.5 “The Student-Centered Principle” (5)

3. The Application of Task-Based Language Teaching Method in Reading class (5)

3.1 Preparation Stage (5)

3.2 Implementation Stage (6)

3.3Consolidation Stage (7)

4.Teaching Plan Design (8)

5.Conclusion (13)

References (14)

Acknowledgements (15)

The Application of Task-Based Language Teaching Method

in Reading Class

1. Introduction

Reading teaching is a focus of English language teaching. Teachers as well as their appropriate teaching methodologies play very important roles in English reading teaching, which makes it possible for learners to form proper reading habits and master superior reading skills. However, the traditional reading teaching method cannot always adapt to the current teaching situation and sometimes cannot follow the developments of the students’ comprehensive qualities.“With the direction of new curriculum standard, teachers should bear in mind that both teaching methodologies and processes must emphasize the principles of “learner-centered” and “learning-centered”to promote students’self-realization and active development.”

[1](P.29) Thus, in order to fulfill the goal, Task-Based Language Teaching Method is proposed.

2.Task-Based Language Teaching Method

2.1 The Definition of Task-Based Language Teaching Method

Task-Based Language Teaching Method is a teaching method that aims to make learners accomplish a series of given tasks in the process of language teaching. “Forster (1999) considers TBLT as a methodology in which teachers give students tasks to complete instead of teaching them language items, and provide them with a natural language learning environment to achieve better outcomes.”[2] (P.1) According to John Dewey (1859), Task-Based Language Teaching Method is actually a process of “learning by doing”, which means students should obtain knowledge through practice. However, Task-Based Language Teaching Method must be promoted under teachers’ guidance to cultivate students' comprehensive language using abilities through their perception, experience, practice, participation and cooperation so as to

enhance students’ comprehensive abilities.


2.2 The Differences between Traditional Teaching Methods And Task-Based Language Teaching Method in Reading Class

2.2.1 Different Teaching Purpose

In traditional English reading class, the major target is to make students familiar with language items such as new words and grammatical structures .However, “one of the basic ideas of new curriculum standard emphasizes that “It is important to enhance students’abilities of collecting and processing information , improve their analysis and problem solving skills according to their cognitive characteristics and learning development needs ,and create necessary conditions for students’ further learning and development.”[3] (P.22)Therefore, Task-Based Language Teaching Method not only requires students to understand the basic language knowledge, but also needs teachers to exercise students’ r eading abilities and strategies to foster their superior all-round abilities.

2.2.2 Different Teaching Process

In traditional English reading class, teachers usually explain meaning of the new words, analyze the grammatical structures ,and translate the whole text and students are demanded to recite all knowledge automatically .In this process, teachers always play a leading role. But if teachers adopt Task-Based Language Teaching Method in reading class ,the teaching procedure is distinct .Teacher may ask students to do some researches or teachers may organize some relative activities so as to let students know the background information about the passage. Then students read the passage and finish a series of relative tasks independently so in this process teachers are just organizers but students play a leading role.

2.2.3 Different Teaching Achievements

In traditional English reading class, students may only learn basic language knowledge, but it’s much more difficult for them to remember all of the language knowledge by rote learning because English is not their mother tongue and they may lack motivation gradually. But with Task-Based Language Teaching Method, an independent learning environment is created, which to a great extent stimulate

students learning initiative, intensify the sense of participation and also make it easier to understand and master language knowledge.

In conclusion, presenting or explaining takes a large proportion in traditional methods of reading teaching. “But a potential problem with explanations is that they can be highly intellectually challenging, thus making them inaccessible to many learners. This inaccessibility can be heightened by the use of linguistic words like noun, adverb, noun phrase-which some learners will simply not have come across before.” [4] (P.237) So it is necessary to promote Task-Based Language Teaching Method in reading class to solve this problem.

2.3 Task Design

Task design is a key part of Task-Based Language Teaching Method. Whether the tasks designed by teachers are practicable and effective or not will directly affect the schedules and the outcomes of the reading class. Therefore, teachers should take students’ characters and differences into consideration and then design proper tasks carefully.

2.3.1 The Definition of A Task

“According to Long (1985:89) a task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward.” [5](P.27)

“Willis (1996:23) defined that tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose (goal) in order to achieve an outcome.” [5](P.27)

Actually, a task is something that learners are required to do a series of things which is arranged in advance in order to fulfill some goals.

2.3.2 Components of A Task in Reading Class

“Clark, Scarino and Brownell (1994:40) believe that a task has four main components: a purpose, a context, a process and a product.” [4](P.28)

a. “A Purpose” [5](P.28): before reading class, students should know what they are hoped to achieve. For example, they should know some new words through reading passage or get the main point of the passage rather than just do some activities without learning anything.

b. “A Context” [5](P.28): it means that the tasks should be carried out under

some special setting. For example, the passage is talking about a story that happened in a restaurant. Then the teacher may ask students to hold a roll playing games and to simulate customers and waiters to act a drama. In this way, we can say the teacher organize the task with a context.

c. “A P rocess”[5](P.28):it means the stage of the tasks which should be arranged by teachers in advance .Under teachers guidance , students can know when and what they should do in every stage of a reading class.

d. “A Product” [5](P.28) : it means the outcome or achievements .Teachers should examine what students learn from the tasks and judge whether more explainations or tasks should be done to consolidate the teaching results.

2.4 The Principles of Applying Task-Based Language Teaching Method in Reading Class

There are several principles which are related to effective reading teaching by using Task-Based Language Teaching Method .Teachers must pay attention to the principles and make sure the reading teaching can go on smoothly and efficiently.

2.4.1 Clear Goal And Systematic Process

Teachers should make sure the teaching goal, be familiar with the content of reading materials, distinguish the difficult and important issues, and thus set up a systematic teaching arrangement of tasks and teaching process to insure an organized teaching process. “Today’s education trend emphasize on personalized education.”

[6](P74)So, when design the teaching goals and teaching process, teachers should take students’ personalized education into consideration and teach them according to their aptitude.

2.4.2 Correlation And Step by Step

Class tasks cannot be out of teaching materials and should be designed on the basis of teaching materials as extension .Therefore, correlation requires the tasks designed by teachers should be related to the context of the reading materials. At the same time, according to “The Task-Dependency and The Task Chain Principle,” [7] (P.125) teachers should respect the differences of students’ development and follow the rules of development of students’ ability when they design the tasks. The tasks should be from easy to difficult, which can offer different level students opportunities to

practice and develop.

2.4.3 Flexibility

Under the situation of Task-Based Language Teaching Method, we regard teachers as “managers”[8](P.89)whose duty is “manage or administrate students’learning activities effectively.”[8](P.89)Although we advocate the Task-Based Language Teaching Method in reading class, it doesn’t mean that any other teaching methods are prohibited. So, teachers should be flexible enough to adjust the teaching strategies if the Task-Based Language Teaching Method is inappropriate on some occasions in order to get better outcomes.

2.4.4 All-Round Abilities

“Teachers should pay equal attention to both knowledge and skills to develop students’comprehensive skills.”[9] (P.182) For one thing, teachers should pass on language knowledge to students. For another, teachers should enlighten their imagination, creation and effective reading strategies to cultivate their all-round abilities.

2.4.5 “The Student-Centered P rinciple” [10](P174)

Teaching activities should focus on students’ requirement and development. “Long (1998) has argued that the tasks should be chosen according to learner needs.”[11] (P.54) The content of the task should be chosen according to the levels of knowledge of students and the rules of tasks should be simple. In addition, more opportunities of language practice should be given to students and the student-centered principle should be followed.

3. The Application of Task-Based Language Teaching Method in Reading class

I divided it into three stages: preparation stage, implementation stage and consolidation stage.

3.1 Preparation Stage

Different from the traditional reading class, Task-Based Language Teaching

Method requires “teachers to change teaching ideas and try their best to change their roles from those who passively accept curriculum objectives and fixed teaching methods to the designers of the class activities”. [12] (P.224) So, in this stage, it’s important for teachers to know teaching goals and make full use of appropriate ways to stimulate students’ learning enthusiasm. Teachers must do the following :

(1)Teachers must study teaching materials carefully, set up the teaching goals and

make sure the teaching props are available in order to keep teaching process going on smoothly.

(2)Let students to do some research which is interrelated to target materials to let

them understand the background information and stimulate their learning interest. In this stage, tasks should be simple enough to enhance the self-confidence of students.

(3)Before reading the target passage, teachers can guide students to review some

learned knowledge or lead in new lessons by using some activities to draw their attention rather than let them read the passage directly. For example, it is generally used to ask some questions to draw students’ attention, like “What did you do on your weekend?”and “What is your favorite sports?”What I want to mention is that no matter what kind of questions are asked, they must tally with the context of the passage so that students are able to acquaint the background information of the passage and the following tasks.

(4) Teachers can also make full of multimedia equipment to set up more vivid

tasks, which may better stimulate curiosity and interest of students because multimedia equipment can be combined with colorful pictures and vivid animation and sound effects, which can give the students rich sensory experience and increase the impression of knowledge.

3.2 Implementation Stage

Implementation stage is the core stage of Task-Based Language Teaching Method. In this process, teachers and students cooperate with each other and students exert their subjectivity of learning under the teachers’guidance. “It’s an effective way to build a task link through combining multiple small tasks to promote the realization of

the overall teaching goal.” [13] (P.72) Teachers can let students do a lot of small tasks by using Task-Based Language Teaching Method, which can not only accelerate the students’ reading speed b ut also reinforce their understanding of the main point and structures of the passage to realize the teaching goals gradually.

There are several concrete steps:

(1)In this stage, teachers should guide students to pay attention to the main idea of the whole passage. So, Task-Based Language Teaching Method advocates that students should read the passage with some crucial questions in their minds before reading, which reminds them to pay more attention to some pivotal information of the passage. According to the structure of the passage, the questions should involve six elements: when, where, who, how and why, which help to increase their understanding towards main idea of the passage. During the process of reading, teachers can help students understand the meaning of the questions, then let them read the passage and find the right answers from the passage on their own.

(2)Then, teachers should let students know clear about the structure of the passage to add their understanding towards passage, so it is necessary to let students divide the whole passage into several parts and conclude the key points of each part.

(3)It is very important to set up questions from easy to difficult .For example, during a reading class, teachers usually let students read the passage for about three to four times. For the first time of reading the passage, the answers of the questions should be obvious, which can be easily found even though students cannot understand some of the new words and sentences. For the second and the third times of reading ,the tasks can relate to more detailed information and the auth or’s intention like “what can you infer from the passage?” ,“What’s the author’s attitude ?” or “What do you think is the best title of the passage?”

3.3 Consolidation Stage

If successfully complete the above tasks, teachers should lead students into consolidate learning stage, which is on the premise that students have been familiar with the main points of the passage. According to Herbert H, Clark, “Language is used for doing something.”[13](P.71) Therefore, teachers should focus on training students’ ability of using knowledge to solve problems. In this stage, there are many

vivid and flexible tasks can be held to reinforce the students’ impression towards the passage. The types of the tasks are diverse, which can be oral or written. The most common way is to divide students into several groups to hold some games, or let students to imitate the passage to write an essay. In this stage, tasks are held to help students to memorize the knowledge and apply the theoretical knowledge into practical use.

4.Teaching Plan Design

Now I will choose a reading material of secondary school as an example and use Task-Based Language Teaching Method to design a lesson plan of a reading class. I.Background Information

Subject: Love.

Students: Junior High School Students (Grade Eight).

II.Teaching Materials:

Where is Love? How can we find Love?

Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy.

They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever.

When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the most beautiful smile in the world.” At the same time, the old woman, s son was also surprised at his mother, s pleasure and asked why.

“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,” she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.”

If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. [14]

III.Teaching Goals:

a.Let students understand the contents of the passage.

b.Let students master the basic usage of past tense and the usage of some

important phrases: give somebody something, see somebody doing something, want to do something.

c.Let students find love, experience love, be grateful and always get ready to

help others to foster students’ positive attitudes towards life and world. IV.Teaching Preparation

Make sure the cards, PPT, multimedia equipment, blackboard, chalks and reading materials are available.

V.Teaching Process


(1)Before class, divide students into several groups and then let them cooperate

with their group members to do a survey and finish the survey sheet.


(2)Let students do a free talk according to the survey results.

Free talk: Who loves you in your life?

Who do you love very much? Why?


In this part, the main task is to let students know the topic and the background information of the passage. The target reading material is about “Love” .So the teacher let students to do a survey to stimulate their elementary perception towards the topic. Then, a free talk is held to give students a free thinking space to increase their learning interest.

b.Lead in

(1)Let the students read the passage independently and then answer the following simple questions:

1. One day, a boy wanted to find ( ).

A. his friends

B. his mother

C. an old woman

D. “Love”

2. he saw ( )sitting in the park and watching some birds.

A. an old woman

B. a young lady

C. a girl

D. his mother

3. The boy gave the woman ( ).

A. a pizza

B. a Coke

C. a pizza and a Coke

D. nothing

4. The old woman gave the boy ( )

A. money

B. pizza

C. smile

D. Coke

5. The boy and the old woman feel ( ) after they returned to home.

A. sad

B. happy

C. hungry

D. surprised

(2) Launch an activity---“Find Brothers”:

want—wanted decide---decided

give—gave is---was

meet---met are--were

look—looked get---got

take---took have---had

sit---sat do----did

ask---asked eat---ate

Write down the verb prototypes and their past tense on some cards. When the teacher show a verb prototype card, the students must find his brother (its past tense card) promptly then stick them on the blackboard.

(2)According to the passage, fill in the blanks with proper form of above words

and read the sentences together.

1. Once a little boy ______to meet Love.

2. When he passed three streets, he ___ an old woman _______ in the park and

watching some birds.

3. She looked very hungry. The boy ____ her a pizza. She ____ it and smiled

at him.

4. The smile ___ so beautiful that he ______ to see it again.

5. When it grew dark, the boy _______ _______ leave.

(3)Let the students read the passage again and answer the following more

difficult questions:

1.Translate the sentence: “The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it”

into Chinese.

2. Did the boy finally meet the love?

A. Yes, he did.

B. No, he didn’t

C.I don’t know

3. Why the old woman felt so happy, too?

A. Because she ate the pizza.

B. Because she saw some birds in the park.

C. Because she met a small boy.

D. Because the boy gave her some food when she was hungry and she also

met the Love.

4. From the whole passage, we can see that the boy was very ( )

A. hard-working

B. friendly

C. silly

D. honest


Firstly, let students skim the passage and find out some basic information to answer the questions, which are very easy to finish but can help students master the main point of the passage. Then, let students to do an activity to master the basic rules of past tense. It’s more effective to combine those boring language points with vivid activities. Then, students read the passage again, and find important word expressions and make further efforts to understand the details of passage. In this process, the tasks are from easy to difficult, which conforms to the order of development of students’ability.

c. Practice and Presentation:

(1)Let each group cooperate with each other to design a roll playing activity. It requires each member of the group to play different roles and create dialogues according to the passage and then make up a story.

(2) Fill in the blanks with proper form.

1. When he was a child, he(want)_____to be a teacher, but now he (is)_____a


2. Yesterday she (give)_____me a book.

3. There (is)_____a small house next to the lake ten years ago.

4. Who (take)_____my umbrella?

5. I see some boys (play)_____football on the playground.

6. Today is her birthday and I decide (give)_____her a big surprise.

7. Did you see Mary yesterday?

Yes, I (do)____.


Let students write a passage to express the love towards their mother

Write a passage: Do you know there’s a festival for our mothers? How did you spend Mother’s Day with your mother?What did you do for your mother? Did you give your mother a present? Please write a passage about “Mother’s Day” and show your love to your mother. In the passage, you are demanded to use past tense.

Comments: It is the consolidation stage that help students understand and memory the previously learned knowledge better. In this process, the teacher let students do a roll play according to the passage to stimulate students’creativity and imagination .Through role playing activity, the teacher create an active class atmosphere for students to show themselves. Students are encouraged to show their personality and exercise their listening and speaking skills. Then, students are asked to use some key words to fill in the blank and write an essay by using past tense to consolidate the usage of those key expressions and past tense. Through writing an essay, students can be full of grateful feelings to express their love towards their

mothers and foster positive attitudes towards life and world.

In a word, in the whole process of reading teaching , the teacher design a series of targeted tasks ,which is from easy to difficult, to exercise students’ability of reading ,listening ,speaking and writing thus promote their comprehensive language skills .Meanwhile, the meaningful reading topic teach students how to love and help to cultivate students’ healthy personality.


Task-Based Language Teaching Method is widely used in reading class to make sure the effective reading teaching is available and p romote students’ abilities of “perception, experience, practice, participation and cooperation,”[15](P.11)etc. The application of Task-Based Language Teaching Method in reading class aims to foster stude nts’ independent reading abilit ies and enhance their comprehensive language abilities by setting up various vivid tasks and activities during the process of reading .There are three stages of Task-Based Language Teaching Method and some crucial principles should be followed so learners have to complete those tasks and activities step by step under teachers’correct guidance. Task-Based Language Teaching Method also provides students with opportunities of practice, communication and cooperation to develop their self-study abilities and teamwork spirits so that their reading skills will be further developed and their learning interest and enthusiasm will be well stimulated.




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[14] XIAO Jing. Teacher’s Expected Role in Applying TBLT Method to Foreign Language Teaching[J].

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[15] 高鸿燕.基于任务型英语教学的实验研究[D]浙江:浙江大学外国语言文化与国际交流学



I would like to express my gratitude to Associate Professor Li Xuqing, my tutor, who has given me patient guidance and selfless help during my paper writing. From selecting topic to finalizing paper, her careful instruction and eclectic ideas gave me endless inspiration. She has always been my role model.

At the same time, I want to thank all the teachers and classmates who helped me a lot in my university life .They taught me knowledge as well as morality, which benefits a lot to my future work and life.

Next, I also want to express my great gratitude to my families, my forever supporters. They created a warm family atmosphere for me and always gave me selfless love and support both materially and mentally. Without their encouragement, I would not have today’s achievement.

In the future days, I will remember all the edification my teachers, friends and families gave to me and make unremitting efforts to realize further life goals.


Nunan将任务定义为指导学生在学习目的语的过程中领悟、使用、输出语言和互动的课堂交际活动,它重点关注的是意义,而非语言形式。任务为语言学习和使用提供了一个目的,而不再是单纯地学习一门语言。 在大量文献资料中对任务的定义,产生了三个共同特性:一、任务具有较为明确的目标指向,比如说画一幅地图或者预订一家旅馆;二、输入材料,关于如何画画的指令或者一份旅馆的广告宣传;三、一个及以上的相关活动或程序,如基于广告提供的信息来决定预订哪一家旅馆。 任务型教学法是从20世纪80年代逐渐发展起来,现在任务型教学法已在第二语言教学大纲设计和二语习得研究中广泛应用。因为任务特别是小组合作能促进自然地学习与交流,催化习得过程,这种方式与交际教学法更为契合。 任务型教学会根据教学方面的因素来分类,也就是说他们有效建立课堂互动过程和产生协商交流的能力;此外还会依据心理学的因素来分类,也就是刺激内部习得教工过程的潜能。在目标任务、真实任务以及课堂任务之间也产生了区别。 一项在语言教学中被广泛使用的任务就是信息差任务。信息差任务也就是一位参与者持有另一位参与者所不知道的信息,而必须通过互换信息来完成任务。“找出不同点”是一个典型的信息差任务,参与者会得到一些类似却有略微不同的图片,在不看别人图片的情况下,所有人在找出不同点上达成一致。 另一项交际性任务是问题解决任务,比如说,提供参与者线索并要求他们做出解释直到最终解决问题。决策任务是期望参与者在所提供的结果中选择一个结果。还有一些别的任务例如拼图、角色扮演、模拟、口头讨论和设计任务。 在任务设计方面存在的一个问题就是如何在选择和界定目标时找到一个清晰的标准。这是因为有诸多因素对任务产生干扰,包括任务的认知困难,学习者需要加工和产生的语言的数量,执行任务时产生的心理压力,时间压力以及所涉及的知识背景的数量和类型。 比如说,“找出不同点”只要求学生建立一个存在或不存在(未描述的)的项目,这个要求显然比需要精确描述的要求来的低。同样的,加工处理一段包括标题,副标题,照片,图画、图表、曲线图等的内容显然比加工处理一段没有任何前后文联系的文章来的容易。 二语习得研究表明有一些任务比其余的更有利于学习者的语言发展,例如,双向任务即在交互过程中每一个参与者都拥有信息来提供交换,这种方法比单向任务(一个参与者提供信息,另一个参与者仅对给出的信息产生反馈)更为有效。汇总型任务(一个加过必须进行商定统一)比分散型任务(接受来自参与者的不同观点)能产生更多的言语。 另一个根据任务结构的难度和复杂性的划分包括前任务和后任务活动的结合,为学习者提供视觉支持和任务框架。任务设计的突出点包括真实的文本和活动以及语言技能的整合。各类任务提供了三种不同的基本的教学大纲类型:过程、程序和任务。 不管任务型教学大纲的简短历史,任务型教学在产生刺激性的教学材料上有很大的影响力,而且从根本观念上改变了25年前所以为的好的教学实践活动。


小学英语课堂的四种任务型教学设计 什么是“任务型”教学呢?任务型教学是2 0世纪80年代外语教学研究者经过大量研究和实践提出的一个具有重要影响的语言教学模式。它以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习过程,以展示任务成果的方式来体现教学的成就。简单地说,任务就是做事,就是运用英语做事情。 在“任务型”教学中,教师要从学生“学”的角度来设计教学活动,使学生的学习活动具有明确的目标。在做事情的过程中发展语言能力、思维能力、交往能力以及交流合作能力,从而提高综合语言运用能力。 根据“任务型”教学的原则,针对小学英语教材,笔者提出四种英语课堂的任务设计。 一、信息差任务设计 信息本身是一种社会现象,而信息共享体

现了人的一种普遍心理需求。教师可以充分利用这一心理需求,有意创造一种信息差活动来调动学生学习的兴趣,使其投入到交际活动之中。在这样的语言环境中,学生以渴望获得信息或传递信息的心理去运用语言。例如:《灵通少儿英语》BOOK I UNIT 1 LET’S PRACTISE一课,其教学目的是让学生掌握“What's this ? It's ……”以及词汇pen/pencil/ruler/book。笔者在Consolid ation & Extension这个环节设计以下这项任务: Q T:(Show the form and ask)XXX, Ca n you tell me what this is? S1:It's a ruler. T:(draw and say) Oh, It's a ruler. Th ank you.XXX,What's this? S2:It's a pencil. T:(draw and say) Oh, It's a pencil.(重复以上对话,并完成所有的补画) 我们是不完整的图,你能帮我们补充完整吗?


任务型教学法教学案例 重庆市第二十五中学吴量由美国汤姆森学习出版集团出版的Go For It在我区广泛使用,给师生双方提出了一个新的教学理念——任务型教学法。 任务型教学法的核心思想就是让学生模拟人们在社会、生活中的各项活动,扮演各种角色。所有的内容都是学生周围的人和事情,扮演起来非常熟悉,很容易地把课堂上所学知识与日常生活中的语言结合起来。 任务型教学法就是把根据人们在社会生活中所做的具体事情来设计课堂上的“任务”,我们的教学目标也正是培养学生综合应用语言知识,完成这些模拟“任务”的能力。 新《英语课程标准》提倡“任务型”的教学途径,以学生“能做某事”为目标要求。“learning by doing”是我们应当遵循的基本原则。这要求我们根据单元目标和教学内容,创造性地设计出贴近学生实际生活的教学活动,即布置“一个既新颖有趣而又熟悉任务”。任务的设计要提供给学生明确、真实的语言信息。使学生在一种自然、真实或模拟真实的情境中体会语言并掌握、应用语言。从而培养学生的交际能力。 在传统的课堂上,老师都是以单词的记背、语言点和语法知识的讲解和训练为重点;教师“唱独角”,多是以老师为主,学生为辅。长期以来我们大搞“题海”战术,而忽视了学生实际语言运用的能力,结果造成“哑巴英语”的现象。“应试教育”的旧观点让我们一

味追求升学率,这种观点压得师生都喘不过气。 作为一个新时代的老师,我们要积极主动地转变教学观念,学习新的教育理论。让学生真正成为学习的主人。但是,对于这个产生于20世纪80年代的新理论,我也有一些困惑和不适应:我从小接受的都是传统的教学方法,如何尽快适应新旧理论的过渡?如何使学生既掌握知识,又培养语言运用的能力?如何在教学活动中更好地驾驭任务性教学法? 作为对任务性教学理论的探索,我曾经承担了一次渝中区进修学院课为“创造性地使用教材”的公开课。我对Unit 5 How was your weekend?的设计如下: 首先,我在本单元中使用多媒体来辅助我的教学。 课前:(展示幻灯片1)为活跃气氛及吸引学生注意力,我们一起唱节奏较快的英文歌:Sha la la。(在Sha la la这部分重复的时候拍手。) Step1 值日生做值日报告 值日生首先介绍她如何度过上周末(She bought a new T-shirt in Jiefangbei.)。然后我就她的短文向全班提问:What did she do last weekend? Where did she buy the T-shirt? When did she buy the T-shirt? 在这个环节中既锻炼了学生的听力和口语,又很自然地复习了一般过去时态。


一、选题背景 为适应我国经济建设与发展的需求,根据我国教育实际情况,我国各地小学逐步开设小学英语课程,并制定相应的新的课程标准,新课标强调英语课程要发展学生的综合语言运用能力,要求学生通过英语学习和实践活动,逐步掌握英语知识和技能,提高语言实际运用能力,教师应该避免单纯传授语言知识的教学方法,尽量采用任务型的教学途径,让学生在教师的指导下,通过感知体验实践参与和合作等方式,实现任务的目标。 任务型教学(Task-based Language Teaching)是指教师通过引导语言学习者在课堂上完成任务来进行的教学。这是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“在做中学”(learning by doing)的语言教学方法,是交际教学法的发展,在世界语言教育界引起了人们的广泛注意。任务型教学法在国外已有二十多年的历史,国内相关研究与实验时间并不是很长,如何将国外的任务型教学理论与实践本土化,形成适合中国国情及英语教学环境的具有中国特色的任务型教学模式,是我国小学英语课程改革当务之急。2007 年,我省全面实施新的课程标准。时隔7年,新课标所倡导的任务型教学法实施状况成为教师教育研究关心和关注的主要问题。 本研究以高新区雷锋小学以沛县前程子小学为例,通过对任务型教学法在小学英语课堂教学的应用情况的调查研究,进一步了解任务型教学法在我省的实施现状,为相关部门的小学教师教育及教师培训提供第一手资料,进而提高我省小学英语教学水平和教学质量。 二、研究意义 1.理论意义 (1)适应学生个体发展的需求。 我们的英语教育不能仅仅停留在知识的习得上,更重要的是注重培养学生语言运用能力。本研究所提倡的“任务型教学法”,能极大地发展学生主体意识和合作意识,培养学生语言感知能力,为学生拥有综合语言运用能力打下坚实的基础。 (2)适应深化课堂改革的需求。 本研究的调查结果分析将为实现改变学生学习方式,调动学生积极性和主动性,从而有效地提高课堂效率起到有效的促进作用。 (3)适应教师教学观念转变的需求。 本研究的最终理论成果将会促进部分教师转变传统教学模式,适应新课改要求,逐渐实现课堂“以生为本”的理念。 2.实践意义 (1)本课题的研究有助于学生语言实际运用能力的提升。 随着课题研究的深入,通过对师生教与学状况的调查与分析、对任务型教学法的指导策略研究、以及对任务型教学课堂教学模式的实践研究,为当今小学英语教学提供一手资料,有效促进教师根据学生实际学习情况设计相应的任务型教学方法,从而极大地提升学生语言实际运用的能力。 (2)本课题的研究有利于进一步深化“任务型教学法”在小学英语课堂中的运用。 基于当前小学英语课堂任务型教学法的运用实际情况,本课题立足于高新区雷锋小学以及岳麓区麓谷中心小学的教学现状,积极探索优化“任务型教学法”的途径,是当前“任务型教学法”研究的深化。 (3)本课题的研究为六年制初中起点本科层次师范生英语专业学生提供教


有关任务型教学法的几个核心问题的探讨贾志高 贾志高 (西南师范大学外国语学院,重庆400715) 摘要:任务这一概念不仅仅是涉及任务型教学法的重要概念,也是整个语言教学乃至许多非语言学科课堂教学理论的重要概念。缺乏对任务及任务型教学法本质的认识和了解就会丢掉任务这一概念的积极内涵,使课堂教学不能反映任务教学法的特点和先进理念,同时削弱任务型教学法的包容性、可操作性和实效性。要使任务型教学法在中学外语课堂上得到充分和有效的应用,就必须明确任务及任务型教学法的本质,以及任务设计的基本原则和方 法。 关键词:任务;任务型教学法;任务设计;任务难度 中图分类号:G633.41 文献标识码:C 作者简介:贾志高(1954—),山东招远人,西南师范大学外国语学院副院长,教授,硕士生导师,主要研究语言学和应用语言学。 任务型教学法是从20世纪80年代逐渐发展起来,广为应用语言学家和外语教学实践者认可和接受的一种外语教学方法,也是教育部制定的中学英语课程标准所推荐和提倡的外语教学法。任务型教学法以任务组织教学,在任务的履行过程中,以参与、体验、互动、交流、合作的学习方式,充分发挥学习者自身的认知能力,调动他们已有的目的语资源,在实践中感知、认识、应用目的语,在“干”中学,“用”中学,体现了较为先进的教学理念,是一种值得推广的有效的外语教学方法。但任务教学法中什么是任务?任务的本质是什么?任务是否等于普通的课堂练习?任务在课堂上怎样组织?任务的设计原则是什么?任务教学法的特点是什么?要使任务型教学法在中学外语课堂上得到充分和有效的应用,作为中学外语教学实践者,我们必须对这些问题有明确的认识和了解,因而也有必要对这些问题进行深入探讨。 一、什么是“任务” “任务”(task)一词进入应用语言学文献是在20世纪80年代初,它不仅仅作为一种课堂教学方法引起应用语言学家和外语教师的兴趣,同时,它也和大纲设计、教材发展有着紧密联系。尽管“任务”在语言教学文献中是一个流行词,但使用者对这一术语的理解或


The Task-based Instruction The Literature and History Press The aims of this unit 1. Definition of task from six different views 2. Types of tasks 3. Four components of a task 4. Difference between exercises, exercise –task and task 5. Difference between PPP and TBLT 6. Components of TBLT framework 7. Authentic sources of task 8. learning principles in TB theory 9.theoretical basis of TBI 10 The criteria for good tasks 11.types of tasks proposed by Wills 12.learners’ roles 13.teachers’s roles 14 the principles for task design 1. Definition of a task (1) A task is a piece of work undertaken for oneself or for others, freely or for some reward. Task is meant the hundred and one things people do in everyday life, at work, at play and in between—Long (1985:89) (2)Task is assumed to refer to a range of workplans. It has a particular objective, appropriate content, a specified working procedure, and arrange of outcomes for those who undertake the task. It has the overall purpose of facilitating language learning. --Breen (1987:23) (3) A task is an activity which requires learners to arrive at an outcome from given information through some process of thought and which allows teachers to control and regulate that process --Prabhu(1987:24) (4) A piece of classroom work, which involves learners in comprehending, manipulating (make good use of) producing or interacting in the target language while their attention is principally focused on meaning rather than form.--Nunan (1989:8) (5) Tasks are activities where the target language is used by the learner for a communicative purpose in order to achieve an outcome. --Willis (1996:23) (6) A task is essentially goal-oriented; it requires the group, or pair, to achieve an objective that is usually expressed by an observable result. Such as brief notes or lists, rearrangement of jumple items, a drawing, a spoken summary. This result should be attainable only by interaction between participants.--Ur(1996:123) Summary about a definition of a task Task means the hundred and one things people do in a real life. It has a particular objective, appropriate content, a specified working procedures/process; based on a range of outcomes the learners undertake the task. It focused on meaning rather than form in a real context through comprehending, manipulating, producing, interacting, the process of thoughts in pairs or groups. The product can be observable in the oral way or written form.


外国语学院 任务型教学法英语教案 (课程论文) 学号:201421T241 专业:学科教育(英语) 学员姓名:曹丹 任课教员:苏勇

任务型英语教学教案 曹丹201421T241 年级:增盛镇中学八年级4班 课题名称:Unit2 Colors and Moods 教材选自:人教版新目标英语 一、教学案例的设计与分析 1.教材分析 本单元的中心话题是“颜色与心情”,学习不同种类的颜色及其对人情绪的影响。其中重点介绍了色彩与情绪的关系,而本单元阅读部分内容正是围绕这一中心话题展开的。阅读部分向学生介绍了谈论颜色有助于引出关于情绪和情感的内容。鼓励学生运用本单元的知识开始思考他们的情绪和情感。 2.学情分析: 本课授课对象是级增盛镇中学八年级4班学生,该年龄阶段的学生具有旺盛的求知欲和高涨的学习热情,所以教师一开始就应该使学生的学习成为一种令人愉快,充满趣味,富有吸引力的活动。同时绝大部分学生对英语学习具有一定的兴趣,但由于学习能力较低,学习方法不佳,学习缺少主动性,这些都给平时的教学带来较大的困难。同时,该年龄段的学生具有感知能力强的特点,通过教师有效的教学及恰当的学习指导,加上他们对英语学习应给予的更多的关注,教学的基本要求是可以达到的。 3.教学目标设计 1)基本知识目标:学习和掌握阅读部分所涉及的新单词和词组,尤其是一些习惯用语的表达方式及用法方面的固定搭配。 2)能力智力目标:进一步训练学生的自我阅读能力,并要求能够在快速阅读后领会主要句子的意思。 3)德育情感目标:鼓励学生运用文章中所了解色彩和情绪的关系的知识思考他们的情绪和情感,并讨论在自己或别人伤心的时候,该如何帮助自己或别人。 4.教学重点与难点 1)怎样来正确使用与课文有关的重要词汇短语? 2)对文章的听读理解能力及获取具体信息的能力 3)对文章快速阅读的能力及阅读对写作的迁移能力


浅谈对外汉语任务型教学法 论文提纲 一、序论 本文将结合对外汉语教学的现状及其发展规律,在对外汉语教学的理念指导下,提出任务型教学法,并利用任务教学法的,达到改进课堂教学、提高教学效率的目的。而如何提高对外汉语教学的教学水平,如何对留学生进行有效的技能训练,则是我们本文必须要面对的最主要问题。 对外汉语教学的五个基本理念:语言技能,语言知识,情感态度,学习策略和文化意识。这五个基本理念是一个不可分割的整体。 二、本论 (一) 对外汉语教学理念和教学法须改进原因及紧迫性。 1、学习汉语在世界范围内已经成为一种时尚。 2、对外汉语教学的目的,是培养学习者具有在现实生活中自由运用汉语进行交际的能力,即把语言知识转换成语言技能。 (二)任务型教学法的出现过程 1、交际教学法的内核。早期对外汉语教学曾提出“实践性”的教学原则,主张“学以致用”,因此采用“语文并进”的教学模式,注重听说读写技能训练,课堂上提倡“精讲多练”。 2、长期以来,汉语教学主要沿着结构——功能——文化相结合的教学路子摸索前行。强调语言技能的全面发展。 3、学习理论研究的更新发展,使得在研究“怎样教”的同时,加

强了对“怎样学”的考察和研究。 4、对外汉语教学的主旨现在已经开始由“学以致用”,转而注重“用中学”、“做中学”、“体验中学”的任务型教学法。 (三) 任务型语言教学实践性强。 1、任务型语言教学来自实践,具有很强的实践性。其理论基础是第二语言习得理论和建构主义的社会互动学习理论。 2、任务型教学法提倡以学生为主体的自主学习方式,通过完成学习性任务,获取语言学习的成功感,充分体现以人为本的教学理念。 (四) 任务型语言教学的教学模式的三阶段。 1、任务前,包括语言准备活动,介绍话题和任务。 2、任务中,包括课文学习,在情境中完成任务和报告任务结果。 3、任务后,即语言焦点,包括分析和提炼。 三、结论 通过考察了任务型教学法的理论和探讨了其实践后,我们明白了任务型语言教学最大程度的平衡了语言意义与形式之间的关系,在充分发挥学生主动认知性的前提下,提高了学生运用语言的综合能力,兼顾了语言的流利度和准确度。从教学目标和教学模式上看,任务型教学综合了传统教学法和交际教学法的优势,体现了新的语言学习观和教学观,具有极大的吸引力。因其既有语言输入又有语言输出,从而促进学生加快了语言习得的过程,使他们在合作竞争过程中共同体验收获和进步。任务型教学法目前已是世界第二语言教学的潮流,而汉语作为第二语言教学应该而且应当尽快的融入这一潮流。

“项目引领、任务驱动”教学法的实践与研究 任务型教学法教学设计

“项目引领、任务驱动”教学法的实践与研究任务型教学 法教学设计 一、关于项目教学法项目教学法派生于行为导向教学法,是指师生以完成一个具体的、完整的项目为核心而实施的教学活动,其理想化目标是“将一个相对独立的任务项目交予学生独立完成,从信息的收集、方案的设计与实施,到完成后的评价,都由学生具体负责”。作者认为,这里的项目必须符合以下特点:适用于教学活动,具有实际意义和应用价值,有具体的起止时间,有明确的成果内容,能合理的评价分析。如《计算机应用基础》课程中,“设计家乡宣传电子小报”、“绘制个人履历表”、“制作个人生涯规划演示文稿”等都可以看作是一个项目。 二、关于任务驱动教学法 任务驱动教学法源于建构主义学习理论,是教师以项目(实例)为引领,以任务为导向,以知识点为纽带,将教学内容设计成一个或多个具体的、可操作性强的任务。学生紧密围绕任务活动,在教师的引导下,通过自主学习、合作探究,实现知识的内在建构,提高学生自主学习能力和创新能力。如“设计家乡宣传电子小报”项目可以分解为素材的收集与加工、分析电子小报构成、完成电子小报初稿、交流评价作品、完善电子小报等五个任务,以降低学生实施的难度,使

得学生在实施项目、完成任务的过程中,实现将知识和技能内化为能力的转变。 任务驱动教学法尤其适用于计算机等操作类学科。但作者在教学实践中发现,任务驱动式教学法的高效实施,必须避免学生被动地跟着教师的教学节奏走,缺乏自我驱动力和创新性的现象;同时在任务驱动式教学法中要更加关注人文素养的提升。 三、项目引领、任务驱动教学法的实践 陶行知先生的“教学做合一”为“项目引领,任务驱动”教学法的实施奠定了坚实的理论基础。教师在教学实践过程中,用任务和项目引入新知识,突破重难点;学生在学习实践过程中,巩固、融合已学知识并“学有所用”,获得成功体验,激发学习渴望。接下来作者就以《计算机应用基础》课程中“制定个人生涯规划演示文稿”项目为例,谈谈对于“项目引领、任务驱动”教学法的实践与反思。 1.教学目标 熟练掌握演示文稿制作的基本步骤,合理导入多种媒体素材,有效实现文档美化。


一:3p教学法与任务型教学法的优劣性对比 1、3P教学法的优点 可操作性强,教师便于组织和控制课堂,提高了课堂教学效率。学生的一切学习活动和学习过程都在教师的预想之中;同时课堂教学效果的信息反馈也很便捷,有利于教师随时了解学生学习和掌握知识的情况,整个课堂井井有条。强调语言结构的分析和词汇、句式、语法的学习,学生的语法概念明晰,大大提高了语言运用的准确性,基本功扎实。此外,运用阶段也有一定的交际性,学生的交际能力可以得到一定程度的锻炼。 2、3P教学法的不足之处 语言观及语言学习理论令人质疑,忽视了儿童语言习得的规律。所以往往教师课堂上讲,学生课堂上练,在真正的交际场合下或在课后作业中仍会出现大量错误。以教师为中心,以教为中心,学生只是被动的接受者。学生的实际需求得不到真实的反应,学生对教学决策过程没有参与的机会,学生真正参与语言交际的机会也不多,忽视了学生在学习中的主体地位。在练习过程中,学生只是被动地按照教师的指令,对讲授过的语言项目进行操练,灌输式的教学模式难以激发学生的学习积极性,从而导致学生学习兴趣减弱,教学效果不佳。学生缺乏足够的语言输入量。课堂上主要的时间花在语言知识的讲授上,学生接触到的是大量的语言知识,或者是语法分析,语言输入是静态的、去情景的,脱离现实生活的,枯燥乏味,难以调动学生的内在动机。而真实的语言运用却是以整体性、动态性、意义的表达和理解都要依据特定情景

为特征的。因此,脱离了特定环境,把本来复杂、动态的东西以过于简 化的方式呈现给学生,学生就无法获得对目的语真实、完整的感悟与 体验。 缺乏有意义的语言运用,没有真正意义上的交际发生。运用阶段 的交际活动并不是完全自由地让学生表达,而是为了帮助学生巩固已 学的语言形式。因此,容易出现无信息差、无真实情感交流的假交际。 3、任务型教学法的优点 它倡导以学生为主体,以学为中心,以教师为主导的教学活动。有 利于激发学生的积极性和创造性,最大限度地调动学生的潜能,学生的 学习也成为一种满足需要、发展兴趣、提高能力的过程。任务设置关注学生需求,注重真实场景下的、以明确目标为导向的语言交际活动, 任务使学生产生好奇心,任务完成使学生产生成功感,学生通过完成任 务的学习活动来掌握真实的、有意义的语言。这激发了学生的综合型动机,使学生带着极大的兴趣与热情参与活动,课堂气氛活跃。 它倡导体验、实践、参与、探究、交流和合作的学习方式,学生 与学生之间、学生与教师之间存在多维互动,学生主动参与、探索、 思考、实践,实现学生多方面综合能力的发展。 4、任务型教学法的不足之处 任何一种教学法都不是万能的,任务型教学法也有它的不足之处。任务型教学法对学生和教师都提出了较高的要求,而英语教学在我国 是外语教学,英语语言环境严重缺乏;在我国大多数中小学,学生的学 习动机多为工具型动机,即通过考试;多为大班教学;师资水平、教育资


浅谈任务型教学法对英语教学的启示 " 论文关键词:任务型教学法英语教学启示 论文摘要: 20世纪60年代以来,随着语言研究及外语教学理论研究的不断深入与发展,人们更加重视对学习者主体作用的探讨与实践,特别是不同的教学模式对学习者内在的学习机制所激发的作用产生了浓厚的兴趣。20世纪70年代,Hymes提出“交际能力”这一概念,自此,语言学家便把研究的重点放到语言的运用上,从而产生了交际教学法。交际教学法(强调语言学习的目的是交际能力)改变以往以语法为基础的教学模式。任务型教学法从20世纪80年代逐步发展起来,是交际教学法的拓展和延伸,主要是基于前苏联心理学家Vygotskv的语言和学习理论提出来的。 一、“任务”的定义 任务型教学法提倡以“教师为主导、以学生为主体”的教学活动;它倡导体验、实践、参与、交流和合作的学习方式。学生在参与教师或教材精心设计的任务型学习活动中,通过思考、体验、调查、讨论、交流和合作等方式,学习和使用英语认识语言,运用语言,发现问题,找出规律,归纳知识和感受成功,并在学习的过程中获得情感体验、调整学习态度和学习策略,从而提高综合运用语言的能力。这一教学方法强调学习者个人从自身经验出发,建构对客观事物的主观理解和意义,重视学习过程而反对现成知识的简单传授,它强调的是人的学

习与发展。简而言之,任务型教学法就是为了实现在“学中用,用中学”。 二、任务型语言教学在英语教学中的应用 如何进行任务型教学?所谓任务型教学就是以具体的任务为学习动力或动机,以完成任务的过程为学习的过程,以展示任务成果的方式(而不是以测试的分数)来体现教学的成就,学生有了具体的动机就能自主地学习,并且主动地运用所学的语言做事情,在使用所学语言的过程中就发展了语言能力。其应用模式流程为:任务设计—任务准备—任务呈现—交流讨论—任务完成。 (一)任务设计 这是任务型的课堂教学所特有的教学环节,任务型的课堂教学一开始就呈现出任务,让学生从课堂教学一开始就明确要完成的任务。然后,在任务的驱动下去学习语言知识和进行技能训练。这样的学习过程是任务驱动的过程,有利于强化学习的兴趣和动力,同时有利于体现任务的真实性。也可以在课堂教学一开始不呈现任务,而只是在知识学习和技能训练结束后再呈现任务,并完成任务,但这不是任务驱动型的教学过程,学生的学习动力不如任务驱动过程那么强。(二)任务准备 任务准备过程实际上就是我们的课堂教学过程,课堂教学就是为完成任务而进行知识与能力准备的过程。老师在课堂教学一开始就把运用任务呈现给学生之后,任务的要求与他们目前的知识与能力存在着明显的知识差距、能力差距、技能差距、信息差距和文化差距。因此,


初中英语任务型教学模式的实验研究 上海市长江第二中学史燏 摘要:任务教学法大概从二十世纪八十年代开始被人们广为接受,国内外大量的实证研究都表明了此种教学法在二语和外语教学中的可行性。无论二语抑或外语课堂教学、大纲设计和教材开发都能得益于此。它注重培养学生运用语言的能力、查找所需信息的能力、合作的能力以及创新的能力等等。本文立足初中英语教学,着重探讨了实施任务教学法过程中存在的关键问题:任务的定义,原则和分类。此外,全文重点——任务型立体教学模式的构建中着重探讨了三个方面:1)真实任务的性质;2)形式与意义的兼顾;3)知识、能力及情感的综合目标。 关键词:任务教学法,任务,任务型立体教学模式 1 引言 近些年来,关于英语教学改革的观念深入人心,有关“如何有效开展英语教学”的各项研究也都在如火如荼的开展。立足于国内和国际的教育教学理论和语言流派纷争,交际教学法的万能神话正在遭受到各方的质疑。中国的英语教学有着其自身的特点,首先是学习群体庞大,学习者分布从小学一直到大学甚至更高层次的教学机构,与此同时,国际化的大趋势给国内英语学习者带来了新的机遇和挑战:很多大中城市的中小学开始有外教授课,增加了学生同英语本族语人及文化的直接接触;另一方面,关于成功英语学习的理念和要求也日益更新和提高。 在众多的教学法流派之中,任务教学法自发展之日起一直备受瞩目,诸多专题研究屡见不鲜(何广铿., 2002; 方文礼, 2003; 姬晓媛, 史小妹, 2004; 贾志高, 2005),呈现出多元研究与探索并存的良好局面。但纵观国内学者关于此理论的阐释,有些方面仍有待商榷,而且,除了关于纯理分析过多实证研究偏少的不足之外,针对处于关键期(Critical Period) 的教学对象所开展的例证分析相对不多。着眼于此,本文所进行的尝试性探索应具有一定的实践和参考意义,此外,研究者所在地区经济发达,开展的实验研究的对象和条件也都具有代表性和前瞻性。 2 解读任务教学法 提倡任务教学法,核心问题是对任务的定义:“任务”这个概念最早是由Prabhu(1982)提出的。他认为,语言的学习除了要学习语言知识以外,更要注重意义的传达和语言学习的过程¨J.Peter Skehan在对“任务”的定义中,特别强调了两点:1、任务中必须要有问题需通过语言交际进行解决; 2、任务与真实世界的活动有类似之处,只有这样的活动才能刺激学生思考和参与的兴趣。简而言之,任务就是要求学生“在课堂上用目的语做一件事,设计对语言的理解、操作、运用”(Numan, 1989: 10)。也正如著名语言学家Clark Herbert H所说“language is used for doing things.”。“任务教学法”旨在把语言教学真实化和课堂社会化(夏纪梅, 孔宪辉:1998)。对此,Willis (1996)曾就任务设计的初衷和标准指出了“自然”和“真实”的重要性,并应该成为任务设计的动力。贾志高(2005: 52)在谈及任务教学法的核心问题时指出,“任务是为学习者应用目的语所进行的促进语言学习的, 涉及信息理解、加工,或解决问题、决策问题的一组相互关联的、具有目标指向的课堂交际或互动活动”。 综合以上观点,任务型语言教学反映出外语教学目标与功能的转变,体现了从关注如何教到关注如何学,从教师为中心转向学生为中心,从注重语言形式到注重语言意义及语言运用人的变革趋势。它的出现正是对传统教学模式的巨大挑战。只有让学生沉浸在以意义为中心的语言活动中,学生才能习得语言,获得真正提高语言能力的机会。学生通过“完成任务”进行学习(1earning by doing)。这样,学生在学中做,在做中学,从而在“完成任务”的过程中,提高自己运用语言进行交际的能力。


初中英语任务型教学设计与实施初一英语教学视频全集任务型教学是以话题为主线,在执行任务前,我们首先要围绕各单元的话题来设计不同的任务。《牛津初中英语译林版》的话题非常丰富,且与学生的实际生活非常贴近,这么多话题为我们设计不同的任务创造了条件。 一、执行任务前如何设计任务 1.任务应从教学目标出发,且具有实际意义 《牛津初中英语译林版》的教学目标非常明确,基本上都是通过每个单元的标题体现出来。设计的任务要从目标出发,要让学生通过完成任务用上所学的知识,但要避免单纯地为了表现任务而去设计任务。另外,设计的任务一定要有助于学生理解基础知识,发展基本技能和学习能力,提高应用能力,获得情感体验。 2.任务应贴近学生的生活、学习经历和社会实际 通过两年来的实践,我们深刻地体会到,任务的内容越贴近学生的生活经历和社会实际,越能引起学生的共鸣和兴趣及积极参与的欲望。

3.任务要面向全体学生,人人能够参与 教师所设计的任务应吸引全体学生参与,而不仅是让能力强和水平高的学生参与。在农村中学,学生“两极分化”现象较严重,更要注意这个问题。因此,我们必须把活动设计得有层次,由浅入深,由易到难,让不同水平的学生都能够参与并顺利完成任务。 4.任务的内容形式要灵活多变,具有趣味性和激励性 为了让学生能够在语言学习过程中更好体验、实践、参与、合作与交流,增强他们在课堂上的互动行为,且不让他们产生厌烦情绪,任务的内容形式应灵活多变,具有趣味性,这样才能确保任务型学习活动真正起到激励学生的作用,让学生在期待中迎来每一节英语课。 二、任务实施中应该注意的问题 1.开始实施任务前要讲清操作过程 教师精心设计的任务,在由学生实践之前,教师要帮他们分好组,找好搭档,讲清完成任务的过程。先做什么,再做什么,最后做什么,各阶段需要分别达到什么目的才算完成任务,最后要求各组成


任务型语言教学法与对外汉语口语教学 对外汉语口语课是培养留学生运用汉语进行口头交际能力的单项技能训练课,使学生在口语课上学到实用的、新鲜的汉语是该课的根本任务,任务型语言教学法为对外汉语教师提供了上好口语课的途径。本文介绍了任务型语言教学法与传统教学法的异同及任务型语言教学法的理论基础,进而以教学实例浅析了其在对外汉语口语课堂上的运用,最后总结了任务型语言教学法的要素,得出了任务型语言教学法能给对外汉语口语教学带来新的思维和动力的结论。 标签:任务型语言教学法任务交际 对外汉语口语课是培养留学生运用汉语进行口头交际能力的单项技能训练课。大量的口语实践活动可以培养学生的语感,进而培养他们用外语思维和交流的习惯,达到实际交际的目的,因此许多学校都把口语课定为从初级到高级贯穿始终的必修课。 口语课是大部分学生最主要的锻炼口语的机会,而目前口语课存在一些问题:口语课精读化、阅读化;在交际训练方面多采用简单的分角色对话、师生问答和一些口语句式的替换操练;语言输出比较盲目等。在这样的口语课中,学生往往只学到了语言的形式,而没有掌握实际语言的功能,所进行的交际训练只能算是一种“准交际”。针对这些不足,任务型语言教学法提供了一条解决这些问题的有效途径。 任务型语言教学的核心是“任务”,本文中的“任务”是指汉语课堂上所进行的类似现实生活中的一系列交际活动。“任务”不同于传统语言教学中的“练习”,“练习”侧重于语言形式,而“任务”重在语言的意义,重在完成一个个独立或相互关联的任务的过程中创造性地使用语言,正好弥补了传统教学法的不足,拓展了留学生学习汉语的空间。任务型语言教学法以培养学生的交际能力为最终目标,在具体的教学过程中指导学生用语言完成各种各样的任务,使教学过程达到了最优化的效果。 任务型语言教学法是20世纪80年代兴起的一种强调“做中学”(learning by doing)的语言教学方法,是把语言应用的基本理念转化为具体实践意义的课堂教学方式,是近20年来交际教学思想的一种新的发展形态,正日益受到推崇。 一、任务型语言教学法的理论基础 任务型语言教学法的理论基础是来自多方面的,有心理学、社会语言学、课程理论,教育论等,最主要的是第二语言习得理论和建构主义的社会互动学习理论。 任务型语言教学的合理性和可行性首先来自Krashen习得理论中的“输入假设”,即只有当语言习得者接触到可理解的语言输入略高于习得者现有的语言水


浅谈英语语言任务型教学法 发表时间:2014-06-20T10:18:57.937Z 来源:《中国科技教育*理论版》2014年4期作者:卢慧君[导读] 产生于2O世纪8O年代末期的任务型教学法是以“任务”为核心,使学生在完成任务的过程中提高语言的实际运用能力。 卢慧君长江大学外国语言与应用语言学 434023 摘要产生于2O世纪8O年代末期的任务型教学法是以“任务”为核心,使学生在完成任务的过程中提高语言的实际运用能力。任务型教学法基本的课堂运用框架包括任务的导入、任务的下达、语言点的学习及任务的完成。这种教学法在英语课堂教学中的应用为培养学生的语言交际能力提供了一种新途径。在具体开展教学的过程中,教师需要注意任务的设计和对任务实施过程的监控。关键词英语语言任务型教学法 前言:语言交际能力是指说话人在社会交往的各种环境中运用语言的能力,也就是说.如何针对不同环境恰当地得体地运用语言变体。有时也被称为言语得体性能力,是后天形成的能力,是人们在社会交往中逐渐学会的或在教育中学会的能力。1976年,威多森在其著作《交际法语言教学》中,强调交际能力是语言学习的目标,指出交际能力是人与人在交流过程的外在表现,在特定的交际环境中。促使交流者能够传递和理解信息的能力。随后.在教育教学中,如何提高语言的交际能力日益成为教育者所关注的焦点。 1.任务型教学法的界定 所谓“任务”,就是带有某种目的性的活动,在这一活动中学习者运用语言达到某一个真实的结果。在传统的英语教学中,我们即使提倡了对语言的应用,也是为了使用语言而使用语言;而在任务型教学过程中,语言回归到作为交际工具的本然角色,使用语言只是完成任务的途径和手段。举个简单的例子,教师要求学习者根据指令画一些图形,这个看似简单的指令就是我们所说的任务,而语言学习的过程就是通过对指令的理解和对任务的完成来进行的。任务型语言教学的核心就是模拟人们在社会、学校生活中运用语言所从事的各类活动,把语言教学与学习者在日常生活中的语言应用结合起来。任务型语言教学把人们在社会生活中所做的事情细分为若干非常具体的“任务”,并把培养学生具备完成这些任务的能力作为教学的目标。传统的语言教学只是注重对语言知识的掌握,而任务型教学法则是把学生使用目标语互相进行交流作为途径去实现某种目的。任务型教学法使学习者带有目的性地使用语言,因此语言本身就不再是训练的目标了,任务活动的开展是运用或理解语言的结果。 2.任务型教学法的特点 任务型教学法目的明确,动机性强,有利于激发学生的学习兴趣。动机是激励人行动的内部力量,是个体发动和维持行动的一种心理状态,学习动机与学习效果有密切的联系。语言学与教育心理学家加德纳 (Gardner)认为,动机是学习一门新语言最具影响力的因素,实际生活中的实例不胜枚举。其中,最为人们所熟知的一个案例是在第二次世界大战时期,美国军队为了军事目的训练一批外语人才,教材的设计完全从实战出发,学员们肩负拯救国家的神圣使命,结果在很短的时间内,这些学员们便很快掌握了目标语。类似的情况是发生在英国,一些空军人员被送往剑桥学习俄语,尽管那里并不具备完善理想的语言环境,但明确的学习动机极大地激发出了学习者对语言的认知与使用的潜能,在短时期内获得了很大成功。通过大量实验,研究者发现学习语言的动机分为以下三类:一,整体动机,指对外语习得的一般态度;二,情景动机,如在自然习得情况下学习者动机不同于课堂学习者的动机;三,任务动机,指完成具体任务的动机。前两种动机涉及的因素很多,形成条件复杂,而中国学生缺乏学习英语的语言环境和直接的语言刺激,因此,对于大学英语教学而言,只有最后一种类型的动机最具有可操控性,易于被教师控制和把握。有了任务就有了动机,任务会使学习者集中精力,提高兴趣度、关注度和参与程度,完成任务的过程就是使用语言的过程,而任务的完成又有助于提升信心,增加成就感,从而形成了语言学习的良性链条。 3.任务型教学法中教师应具备的教学技能 除了传统的教学模式下教师所应具备的教学技巧,教师至少应培养以下几个方面的技能:第一,人际能力。要使学生意识到各类教学活动的意义所在并让他们积极参与。教师必须要学会善于与学生沟通并达成共识,因此,必须要具备一定的人际能力。第二,任务设计能力。任务是任务型教学法的中心内容。任务的设计直接影响到学生语言运用能力的培养。任务的实施对语言的运用和发展非常重要,因此,教师在选定任务后,还必须在每个实施阶段精心设计如何有效地使学生完成任务,以促进语言实际运用能力的发展。第三,教育技能。在任务型教学中,教师要帮助学生提高学习意识,学会学习和处理问题,以及如何面对社会,因此任务型教学不仅是学习技能的训练,还有其教育取向。 4.任务型教学法的优势 第一,完成多种多样的任务活动,有助于激发学生的学习兴趣。学习者在完成任务的过程中,不再是被动地接受语言知识,而是主动地开动脑筋,积极参与各项活动。因而大大地活跃了课堂气氛,激发学习兴趣,发挥学生的潜能,使学生成为学习的中心。第二,在完成任务的过程中,将语言知识和语言技能结合起来,有助于培养学生综合的语言运用能力。第三,促进学生积极参与语言活动,启发想象力和创造性思维,有利于发挥学生的主体性作用。在学习活动中以学生的活动为中心,教师的作用是指导者、组织者、引导者和答疑者。第四,在任务型教学中有大量的小组或双人活动,每个人都有自己的任务要完成。可以更好地面向全体学生进行教学。结语: 任务型教学法对教师提出了更多的要求和挑战。在实际的外语语言教学中。教师应该结合个人的教学实践对各种教学方法进行反思,根据具体的教学对象、情境、条件,灵活凡恰当地使用各种教学方法。任务型教学法作为交际教学法在教学层面的一种新形态,体现了比较先进的教学理念。以任务为核心,使学牛在完成任务的过程中提高语言的实际运用能力,使语言真实化和课堂社会化。任务型教学法反应出了教学目标与功能的转变.体现了英语教学内容转向关注学生,从以教师为中心转变为以学生为中心,从注重语言本身转移到注重语言爿得与运用的变革趋势。该教学法吸收、综合了其它现行教学法的精华,有广阔的应用前景。因此,任务型教学法可为我国的外沿语言教学在培养学生语言交际能力方面提供很好的参考和应用价值。 参考文献 [1] 王松美.英语教学新概念[M].北京:国际文化出版公司,2003.127. [5] 魏永红.任务型外语教学法:认知心理学视角[M].上海:华东师范大学出版社,2004.12.

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