当前位置:文档之家› 新目标九年级上册英语第1-2单元考试卷



Unit 1—2综合演练



1. What does Henry’s sister do?

A. A blank clerk

B. A reporter

C. A teacher

2. What’s the weather like now?

A. Cloudy

B. Rainy

C. Sunny

3. What do you know about Tony?

A.He likes ball games very much

B.His favorite sport is running

C.He exercises a lot

4. When will the plane arrive?

A. At 1:00 pm

B. At 2:00pm

C. At 3:00pm



5. Where does the woman want to go?

A. The library.

B.The post office.

C. The City Bank.

6. What should the woman do at the traffic lights?

A. Turn right.

B.Tum left. C.Go forward.


7.Why did the woman take pictures of her flat?

A. To put them in her living room.

B.To show them to her friends.

C. To send them to her parents.

8. Which room does the woman like best?

A. The study.

B.The living room.

C.The 、bedroom.


9. When does the man go to the gym every day?

A. After breakfast.

B.After lunch.

C.After dinner.

10. What's the man's job?

A.A reporter.

B.An actor.

C.A doctor.




( )1. I hope you can be friendly ______ your partner.

A. to

B. with

C. at


( )2. When I was a child, I used to ___________ chocolate.

A. liking

B. like

C. liked

D. likes

( )3. ___________ work in Microsoft?

A. Did you used to

B. Did you use to

C. Do you used to

D. Do you use to ( )4. Where ___________ live before you came here?

A. did you used to

B. did you use to

C. use he to

D. he used to ( ) 5. No one likes him ___________.

A. still

B. never

C. anymore

D. too

( )6. It is _________________________ street .

A. a 800-meter-long

B. an 800-meters-long

C. a 800-meter-long

D. an 800-meter-long

( )7. He is afraid of ___________ strangers.

A. see

B. seeing

C. saw

D. seen

( )8. It ___________ that he has been ill for a long time.

A. seems

B. looks

C. looks as if

D. seems as if

( )9. I always go to sleep ___________ the light on.

A. in

B. with

C. to

D. and

( )10. He used to wear glasses , ___________ he ?

A. doesn’t

B. didn’t

C. used

D. isn’t

( )11. All of us were ________ at the __________ news.

A. frustrating, frustrating

B. frustrating, frustrated

C. frustrated, frustrating

D. frustrated, frustrated

( )12. I had a little trouble __________English grammar.

A. learn

B. learned

C. learning

D. to learn

( )13. Chen Hui learned _______________ in that way.

A. a lot

B. a lot of

C. many

D. a lots of

( )14. How much did you _______ buying the bike ?

A. cost

B. spend

C. take

D. pay

( )15. To my great______, he finished the work only in few days.

A. surprised

B. surprise

C. surprising

D. surprises

( )16. Would you mind not ________ about me ?

A. worry

B. worrying

C. worried

D. to worry

( )17. He decided ___________ talk in the class any more.

A. don’t

B. not

C. do n’t to

D. not to

( )18. Parents shouldn’t give up __________ their children.

A. helping

B. help

C. to help


( )19.________ he able to ride a bike when he was young?

A. was

B. is

C. can

D. could

( )20.I got up so late that I missed ____________ the early bus.

A. catch

B. catching

C. caught

D. to caught

二. 完形填空(10%)

Every year people in many countries___1___English. Some of them learn at school. __2___study by___3___ . But it is too hard__4___learn another language well. People must

work very hard.

Why do all these people__5____to learn English? It’s difficult to__6____that question. Many boys and girls learn English at school or at college.___7___it is one of their ___8___.They study their own language ,math and physic…and English. Many adults learn English, because it is___9___in their work. They want to read newspaper, books and some others in English to get more knowledge. And that is why___10___people in the world will learn English.

( )1. A. study B. know C. understand D. speak

( )2. A. Others B. other C. The other D. The others

( )3. A. they B. their C. them D. themselves

( )4. A. that B. as C. for D. to

( )5 A. have B. wish C. need D. want

( )6. A. think B. answer C. ask D. talk

( )7. A. because B. so C. when D. why

( )8. A. subject B. the subject C. subjects D.a subject

( )9. A. interesting B. difficult C. easy D. useful

( )10. A. more and more B. many more C. fewer and fewer D. most. 三.阅读理解(40%)


An important question about eating outside is who pays for the meal. If a friend of yours asks you to have lunch with him, you may say somethin g like this, “I’m afraid of it,I’ll have to be some place cheap, because I have very little money .”The other person may say, “OK, I’ll meet you at McDonald’s.”This means that these two persons agree to “go Dutch”, that is, each person pays for himself. He may also say, “Oh, no. I want to take you to lunch at Smith’s,” or “I want you to try the Chinese dumplings there. They’re great.” This means the person wants to pay for both of you. If you feel friendly towards this person, you can go with him and you needn’t pay for the meal. You may just say, “Thank you.” That would be very nice.

American customs(风俗)about who pays for dates(约会)are much the same as in other parts of the world. In the old days, American women wanted men to pay for all the meals. But, today, a university girl or a woman in business world will usually pay her way during the day. If a man asks her for a dance outside the working hours, it means “Come, as my guest(客人).” So as you can see, it is a polite thing to make the question clear at the very beginning.

1.The passage tells us_______________ .

A. how to eat outside

B. where to eat outside

C. what to eat outside

D. who pays for the meal

2.If you have little money, ___________________ .

A. y ou’ll have a cheap meal

B. y ou’ll borrow some from others

C. y ou’ll ask your friend to pay for your meal

D. y ou won’t want your friends to

ask you to dinner

3.“Go Dutch" in this passage means______________ .





4. Sometimes your friend takes you to lunch. It means_______________ .

A. He’s going to lend some money to you

B. He’s going to pay for your meal, too

C. He’ll be angry with you

D. H e can’t understand you

5. In America, some girls and women now______________ .

A. Ask men to pay for their meals

B. Try to pay for the men’s meals

C. Try to pay for their own meals

D. Never have anything outside


Man invented a lot of sports equipments(器材). The first true piece was the ball.

Thousands of years ago, in Egypt(埃及), throwing stones was children’s favourite game. But a badly thrown stone could hurt a child. Looking for something less dangerous to throw, the people in Egypt made the first balls. At first, they used tree leaves to make balls. They used vines(藤) to keep the leaves together. Later they began to use pieces of animal skin and fill them with some light things. These balls were much better than the old ones. Before long they invented a lot of ball games, each had its own rules. They began to play these ball games according to the rules. They thought that ball playing was one of the best ways to teach the young men to be brave(勇敢) and strong.

( )6. ____, so the Egyptians invented balls instead.

A. Throwing stones was a popular game for children

B. Stones were too heavy to throw

C. Stones might hurt children

D. They hadn’t so many stones

( )7. They preferred playing balls than throwing stones because ______.

A. balls were lighter than stones

B. they were looking for something

C. balls were easy to make

D. throwing stones was more dangerous

( )8 They made the first balls with _______.

A. leaves and vines

B. animal skin

C. something light

D. something better ( )9. The Egyptians invented _______ very long ago.

A. many different kinds of games

B. many different games with balls

C. throwing stones

D. dangerous games

( )10. Ball playing ______.

A. would teach the young men how to play games

B. would make the young people healthier

C. could be more interesting

D. could be the best way to study well

( ) 56. All the information about the writer must be included except his/her .

A. school name

B. e-mail address

C. year of birth

D. telephone number

( ) 57. What is required for the articles wanted according to the passage?

A. They must be fully created by the writers themselves.

B. They must be typed in single space and on both sides.

C. They must be provided with photos and descriptions.

D. They must be sent with the copies of texts and pictures.

( ) 58. According to the passage, you can send your articles______.

A. within 3 weeks

B. ail summer

C. ail the year round

D. during the whole term ( ) 59. How many ways can you find in the passage to contact School Life?

A. 1.

B. 2.

C. 3.

D. 4.

( ) 60. Who do you think will write articles for School Life?

A. Students who are interested in writing.

B. Teachers who love writing and taking photos.

C. Parents who wish their kids to be popular writers.

D. Readers who had a happy time in their childhood.


A.Think big



Old buildings 66 brick(砖)and stone walls.The walls hold up the 67 . In cities,many modern building 68 as if they are made just of windows.Walls of dark

glass reach high into the air.Many buildings are 69 than 50 stories(层)tall.

Are walls of glass strong 70 to hold up the new buildings?No,The new glass walls do

not hold up the buildings,71 they only cover up the frame(框架)made of steel.Have you ever watched a new building going up?The steel frame is built 72 .Then the glass walls are hung on the frame.When the building is 73 ,the frame does not show.The outside looks like windows without walls.The glass walls shine 74 the sun with no decoration(装饰).Many people find 75 beautiful just as they are.

66._________ 67._________ 68._________ 69._________ 70._________

71._________ 72._________ 73._________ 74._________ 75._________



A: Hello, Betty. The examination is over. What are you going to do tomorrow?

B: I’m not sure. 76. ?

A: I want to go to the Science Museum.

B: Why do you want to go there?

A: 77. .

B: That sounds interesting.

A: 78. ?

B: Yes, I’d love to.

A: Great! I’m sure we’ll have a great time.

B: 79. ? I want to take some photos. A: I ’m afraid you can’t. We are not allowed to take photos inside the museum.

B: Got it. Oh, 80 ?

A: At the gate of the museum. Be sure to get them before 9 o’clock.

B: OK. See you then.


请按照下面6幅图和表格的提示,写一篇题为 “Changes in Our

Hometown ”的英语短文。字数80左右。(开头已给出不计入字数)

Changes in Our Hometown

In the past ten years, great changes have taken place in our hometown.


一. 1----20 A B B B C D B A B B C C A B B B D A A B

二. 1—10 A A D D D B A C D A

三. 1---5 D A D B C

6---10 C A A C D


初三月考联考测试卷 英 语 学 科 本份试卷分第一部分和第二部分两部分;第一部分1至10页,第二部分11至12页,共12页,满分135分。考试时间120分钟。 第一部分(共100分) 注意事项: 1、答卷前,考生务必在答题卡上用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔填写自 己的考生号、姓名;填写考场试室号、座位号,再用2B铅笔把对应的这两个号码的标号涂黑。 2、选择题每小题选出答案后,用HB铅笔把答题卡上对应题目的答 案标号涂黑。如需要改动,用橡皮擦干净,再选涂其他答案。不 能答在试卷上。 3、非选择题必须用黑色字迹的钢笔或签字笔作答,答案必须写在答 题卡各题目指定区域的相应位置上;如需要改动,先划掉原来的 答案,然后再写上新的答案,改动的答案也不能超出指定的区 域;不准使用铅笔、圆珠笔和涂改液。不按以上要求作答的答案 无效。 4、考生必须保持答题卡的整洁,考试结束,将本试卷和答题卡一并 交回。 5、本卷共四大题,70小题,听力部分的第一大题“听取信息”的题号 用A~E表示。请考生检查题数。 1、听力测试(共20小题,30分) 1、听取信息(共5小题,5分;每小题1分) 听下面一段对话,从所给的内容中获取必要的信息,填入Ⅱ答题卷的题号为A~E的空格中。听对话前,你将有10秒钟的时间阅读题目。录音读两遍。你有100秒钟的做答时间。 Place Day People The students in __________ Departure(离开) Time At ___________ o’clock Transport(交通工具)On ___________ big buses

2、对话理解(共10小题,15分;每小题1.5分) 听下面五段对话,每段对话后有几个小题,从题中所给的三个选项中选出最佳选项,并涂在答题卷的相应位置上。听每段对话前,你将有时间阅读各小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒种的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。 听第一段对话,回答第1小题。 1. Where is the cinema? A. B. C. Start start start 听第二段对话,回答第2~3小题。 2. What’s Johnson’s favourite hobby? A. Watching TV. B. Listening to pop songs. C. Reading the stories of famous people. 3. What kinds of programmes does Sally often watch? A. Stories of famous people. B. CCTV news. C. Both A and B. 听第三段对话,回答第4~5小题。 4. How many cities did the Blacks visit? A. 5 B. 6 C. 7 5. Which city did they like best? A. New York. B. Sydney. C. Paris. 听第四段对话,回答第6~7题。 6. What does the man want to buy? A. A pair of brown shoes. B. A pair of black shoes. C. A pair of blue shoes. 7. The man will buy the shoes, won’t he? A. Yes, he will though they are a bit expensive. B. No, he won’t because they haven’t got the size he wants. C. Yes, he will because he likes the colour. 听第五段对话,回答第8~10小题。 8. What is the woman doing? A. She is cooking. B. She is reading a book. C. She is writing a letter. 9. Where did the man ask the woman to see him? A. Near the flower garden. B. In the flower garden. C. Outside the flower garden. 10. How long did the woman ask the man to wait for her? A. About 12 minutes. B. About 15 minutes. C. About 20 minutes. 3、讲话理解(共5小题,10分;每小题2分)


人教版九年级上册英语单元测试题全套 (含期中期末试题,共11套) 人教版九年级英语上册单元测试题Unit 1 第二卷笔试部分(95分) 六、单项选择。(每小题1分,共10分) 26. —What is the ____ of your good grades in the exams? —Studying hard! A. result B. information C. mind D. secret 27. —You are really good at writing. How do you improve it, Mary? —____ keeping a diary. A. On B. By C. From D. With 28. —Daddy, I find it difficult to learn Chinese. —Oh, it takes time to learn it well. Just be ____! A. nervous B. serious C. friendly D. patient 29. —Many young adults find it hard to make their own decisions. —Well, they have to choose ____ and be responsible (负责的) for their actions. A. wisely B. hardly C. carelessly D. easily 30. We are spending much time ____ our lessons to prepare for the mid-term examination. A. reviewing B. repeating C. connecting D. increasing 31. Last Friday afternoon, Jackie's parents were ____ busy with their work ____ go to the parents' meeting. A. as; as B. too; to C. such; that D. so; that 32. —Most of the students in my class find____not easy to learn English grammar. —Tell them to take some notes in class and do exercises. A. that B. it C. this D. one 33. He could find the way home____he was only three years old. A. though B. because C. where D. if 34. The traveler____the information on his map to make sure he was not lost. A. looked after B. looked up C. looked for D. looked down 35. —Reading more English books is very useful in English learning. —I agree with you. ____you read,____you will be. A. More; faster B. The less; the faster C. Less; faster D. The more; the faster 七、完形填空。(每小题1分,共10分) Many Chinese students find it difficult to learn English. In fact, Chinese is much more difficult to__36__than English.


人教新目标英语九年级 全册教案 公司内部档案编码:[OPPTR-OPPT28-OPPTL98-OPPNN08]

Unit 1 How can we become good learners 学习目标 认知目标: 1. Talk about how to study. 学会讨论各种学习方法和策略。 2. Find out your suitable learning methods. 找出适合自己的学习方法。 情感目标: 通过对学习方法的学习,培养学生用正确而科学的方法做事的能力,明白 “一份耕耘,一份收获”。 技能目标: (1)熟练掌握下列词汇:aloud pronunciation discover repeat note pronounce increase speed partner create active connect review knowledge wisely born attention (2)熟练掌握下列短语:work with friends ask the teacher for help read aloud look up practice pronunciation connect…with… pay attention to (3)掌握下列句型:How do you study English I learn by working with a group. Do you learn English by reading aloud Yes, I do. It helps my pronunciation. How can I read faster You can read faster by reading word groups. How can I improve my pronunciation One way is by listening to tapes. But whether or not you can do this well depends on your learning habits. 重点、难点(Key points and difficulties) 1. 学会运用how来询问做事方式 2. 学会运用by + doing的结构表达做事方式。by 介词,表示“通过……方法或 途径”,译成“靠、通过”。by后面可以加名词或动名词短语。 3. 动名词的构成:动词后加动名词doing,相当于名词,在句子中可以做主语、宾语、表语、定语等。 课时划分 Period 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Period 2 Section A 2 (3a-3b) Period 3 Section A 3 (Grammar Focus—4c) Period 4 Section B 1 (1a-2e) Period 5 Section B 2 (3a-selfcheck) Unit 1 Section A 1 (1a-2d) Step 1 Warming up T: How do you study English Do you study English by the following ways (Show some pictures and present the important phrases.) T: How do you study English S: I study English by ______. by working with friends. by making word cards. by asking the teacher for help. by reading the textbook. by working with a group. by listening tapes. Step 2 1a Check the ways you study English. Then add other ways you sometimes study. ___ a. by working with friends. ___ b. by making word card. ___ c. by reading the textbook. ___ d. by listening to tapes


单元综合检测 (满分120 分,时间100 分钟) 第一部分第二部分第三部分总分题号 ⅠⅡⅢⅣⅤⅠⅡⅢⅣⅠⅡⅢ得分 第一部分听力(25 分) Ⅰ.听对话,选择正确图片。每段对话读两遍。(5 分) 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Ⅱ.听句子,选择与所听句子意思相近的选项。每个句子读一遍。(5 分)( )6.A.Tom is a student. B.Tom is a teacher. C.Tom likes school. ( )7.A.He saw a film yesterday. B.He didn’t see the film. C.He had a good time. ( )8.A.She works hard. B.She teaches well. C.She is a good woman. ( )9.A.School ended a little earlier. B.School ended as early as usual. C.School didn’t end so early as usual. ( )10.A.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic, but I like it. B.I don’t like the heavy traffic, but Tom likes it. C.Tom doesn’t like the heavy traffic. I don’t like it, either. Ⅲ.听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5 分) ( )11.A.Yes, they have. B.No, she hasn’t. C.Yes, he did. ( )12.A.Of course not. B.No, never. C.Yes, I do. ( )https://www.doczj.com/doc/2211672533.html,st year. B.Before 3 years. C.Since 3 years ago. ( )14.A.I’ve no idea. B.Can I have some fish? C.Yes, you can. ( )15.A.It is tall. B.They are wide. C.She is in the office. Ⅳ.听短文,选择正确答案。短文读两遍。(5 分) ( )16.What did Jack want to do one day? A.To borrow some books from Jim. B.To play with Jim. C.To buy some books. ( )17.Where did Jack want to read the books? A.In the reading room. B.At Jim’s home. C.At his own home. ( )18.How long did Jack want to borrow Jim’s books? A.Two weeks. B.Less than two weeks. C.More than two weeks. ( )19.Why didn’t Jack want to lend the brush to Jim? A.Because his brush is broken.



2017九年级第一次月考试卷(Module1---Module3) (检测时间:80分钟;满分100分) 一.单项选择(本大题共20小题,每小题1分,共20分) ( )1.. The company was founded in_______ nineteenth century. It has a long history. A.a B. an C.the D./ ( )2.David has a strong__________. We believe he can walk out of the forest. A. idea B. project C. suggestion D. will ( )3. Zhang Jie’s homework is excellent except_________ mistakes. A. a few B. few C. a little D. little ( )4. _________ tourists visit the Great Wall every summer. A.8 millions B. Millions of C. 8 million of D. Million of ( )5.The little girl________ when Mr. Green _________ into the room. A. is crying; went B. was crying;goes C.was crying; went D.cried;was going ( )6.—Have you found your pen? ---Yes. I found it________ those books. A.by B. for C.against D. among ( )7.New York is one of the___________ in the world. A. larger city B. larger cities https://www.doczj.com/doc/2211672533.html,rgest city D. largest cities ( )8.---Shall we go for a picnic in the People’s Park this weekend? ---Yes, _________it rains heavily. A. if B. unless C.until D. when ( )9.---What do you think of the book?---It’s________ wonderful. I have read it four times. A. simply B. hardly C. probably D.suddenly ( )10. Ben, you should work hard________ you can catch up with others. A.so B. because C. so that D. in order to ( )11.The students__________ more than 100 trees since last year. A.plant B.planted C.have planted D. will plant ( )12.---Miss Lee, how can I improve my spoken English? ---_________, you’d better open your mouth and try to speak English in and out of class. A.In my opinion B.As a result C.In fact D. In the end ( )13.We usually have a________ holiday once a week. A. two day B.two--day C. two days D. two day’s ( )14.---Alice, why are you so tired today? ---Well, you see, it_______ me three hours to finish my report last night. A. paid B.cost C. took D. spent


Unit1 How can we become good learners? 本单元话题为“学会学习”,与之相关的话题作文主要为谈论英语学习方法,这是各地中考英语真题中最常考的话题作文之一。写作时可根据具体要求或提示,对相关的学习方法提出建议。 写作此类话题作文的常用表达有: (1) What about listening to…? (2) Try to guess …by… (3) The more…,the more… (4)…is the secret to language learning. (5) I think…should… (6) It’s a good idea to… 【典型例题】 为了交流学习经验,提高学习效率,某初中英语学习报正在举办以“how to be a good learner”为题的征文比赛,请踊跃投稿。 【优秀范文】 How to be a good learner To be a good learner, we should have good habits and ways of learning. We need to get ready for our lessons before class and always listen carefully in class. After class, we must go over the lessons and finish our homework on time. It’s good to study in groups and help each other. We should do more reading in our free time. If we have any problems, we’d better ask others for help. As a student, working hard is important, but don’t forget to do sports and keep healthy.

人教版新目标英语九年级 Unit9单元知识点小结

Unit 9 I like music that I can dance to 短语归纳 24. take sb to sp. 带某人去某地 25. Chinese folk music 中国民间音乐 26. be played on the erhu 由二胡演奏的 27. move sb. 感动某人 (sb. be moved by sth.) 28.strangely beautiful 异常的/出奇的美 29. sense a strong sadness and pain 感觉到一种强烈的伤感和痛苦 30. the most moving pieces of music 最令人感动的乐曲 31. the city of Shantou = Shantou city 汕头市 32. by age 17 到十七岁的时候 33. musical ability 音乐才能 34. develop a serious illness 得了一种很重的病 35. become blind 成了盲人;变瞎 36. make money 赚钱 37. get married (to sb.) (和某人)结婚 38. continue to do sth. 继续去做某事(另一件事) continue doing sth. 继续做着某事(同一件事) 39. perform in this way 用这种形式表演 40. during/ in one's lifetime 在某人有生之年 41. by the end of ... 到……末为止(时间) at the end of ... 在……尽头/末梢(时间、地点) 42. It's a pity that ... 遗憾的是…… 43. in total 总共 44. be recorded for the future world to hear 被记录下来供后人聆听 45. praise ... for ... 因为……赞美 46. China's national treasures 中国的国家珍宝 47. paint a picture of ... 描绘了一幅……画 48. recall one's deepest wounds 唤起某人最深的伤痛 49. painful experiences 痛苦的经历 50. a time for spreading joy 传播快乐的时间 1. dance to music 随着音乐起舞 2. sing along with 随着……一起唱 3. musicians who play different kinds of music 弹奏不同类型音乐的音乐家 4. electronic music 电子音乐 5. not much=nothing much 没什么(事) 6. suppose sb. to do sth. 猜想某人做某事 be supposed to do sth. 应该做某事 suppose sb (to be) +adj. 原以为…… 7. have spare time 有空闲时间 in one's spare time 在某人的空闲时间 spare the time to do sth. 抽时间做…… 8. think too much 想得太多;过度思考 9 in that case 既然那样 10. World War II 第二次世界大战 11. smooth music 悦耳的音乐 12. prefer A to B 比起B 来更喜欢A prefer doing A to doing B 愿意去做A 而不是去做B prefer to do A rather than do B 宁愿做A 而不做B 13. feel like doing sth. 想要做某事 =want to do sth. =would like to do sth. 14. stick to 坚持,固守 15. be down 悲哀,沮丧 16. cheer sb up 使… 高兴/ 振奋 17. have a happy ending 有个美满的结局 18. less serious 不那么严重 19. a good way to do sth. 做某事的好办法 20. shut off 关闭 21. in time 及时 on time 按时/准时 22. once in a while 偶尔的;有时 =sometimes /at times 23. write one's own lyrics 自己写歌词


九年级英语上册单元训 练 集团标准化小组:[VVOPPT-JOPP28-JPPTL98-LOPPNN]

九年级英语上册 Unit3 Could you please tell me where the restrooms are?单元训练 一、根据句意、首字母及汉语提示完成单词。 1、Usually, the air is f________ in the morning. 2、The new store has e________ to carry customers from one floor to another. 3、Do you know which d________ he is in for shopping? 4、Sam and his family live on a quiet b________. 5、He is going to perform m________ at the party. 6、The frozen river makes a good s________. 7、Let’s d________ up and go out to the theatre. 8、They put a new product on the m________. 9、I acted as a c________ at the play. 10、We need an o________ party. 11、I w________ whether you like the new room. 12、Would you please l________ me your pencil? 13、Remember not to o________ others when talking. 14、I think that ________ (引导) me to the real point. 15、Excuse me,could you tell me where to ________ (停车) my car? 二、用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1、We decided ________ (leave) her alone. 2、My watch has stopped. Could you please ________ (tell) me the time? 3、He could not decide what ________ (do) next. 4、I don’t like ________ (crowd) cities. 5、The restaurant is a good place ________ (eat) in our city. 6、Little Tom spent all his spare time ________ (practice) playing the piano. 7、Do you enjoy ________ (read) English in the morning? 8、The police ________ (be) maintaining public order now. 9、We will visit the world’s ________ (large) zoo and see many different kinds of animals. 10、It’s a good book for children ________ (read). 11、I don’t think it’s good ________ (sleep) in class.


九年级英语月考试卷分析 考试阅卷结束后,我对英语试卷做了统计分析和调查,结果表明,我班英语成绩不够理想。 一、试卷特点 试卷紧扣教学大纲的要求着重考察了学生的基础知识以及在掌握知识的同时对基础知识的运用。试卷着重考查九年级所学的重点,没有偏题。试卷总体感觉不难,但是从学生角度反应出试题具有较大的迷惑性,要求学生能够排除干扰因素,并且注意知识细节。 各大题得分情况:听力为50%;单项选择为70%;完型填空为50.5%;阅读理解为64.65%;单词拼写为61.20%;动词填空为44.20%;书面表达为77%。 二、试卷命题的特点及学生存在的问题 第一部分听力(30分) 听力部分考查了学生的理解日常英语的能力,相当部分题目直接从录音对话中找到答案,但一些题目找不到直接的答案,学生必须通过思考,从词语释义、句意理解或段意理解等不同方式悟出正确的选择,内容难度不大,而且语速不快,但部分学生本来基础知识欠熟练,而且没有掌握好答题技巧,也就是说没能按老师平时的要求,在听录音前,做到反复看透听力的题目,所以答题反应慢而失分,尤其是第五题信息转换的单词错误率较高。说明学生的听力理解能力还待提高。如: 第二部分知识运用(95分) 单项选择题(20分)。。本题共有20小题,大部分题目不是孤立地考语法知识,而是将他们放在特定的语境中,学生必须看懂题干的全部内容以后,经过思考方能选出正确答案,如第46小题:学生对hope这个词的用法不够清楚,后面的宾语是动词不定式,表面能理解,但不能灵活运用。这说明学生对基础掌握的不牢固,有待于进一步提高。 完型填空(30分)。。难度适中,文章很容易读懂,但学生得分率并不高。这篇文章着重考查学生的基础知识,但学生只是凭感觉做题,不利用所指导的技巧去分析题目。今后要继续加以指导,使学生养成良好的做题习惯。 补全对话(5分)。。得分率不高。在对话中添加了对生活实际的考查。侧重对基础知识的灵活运用并有一定的难度。 阅读理解(40分)。。共有四篇,D篇最简单,所选的答题大体都能一目了然,学生做对率很高。但前三篇考查细节和对全文的整体把握的题目比较多,学生出错特别多。如第92.93 失分较大。由于学生不能理解95题i具体含义,失分也较大,反应出学生做题不够细心,不够耐心;同时也反映出学生缺乏一定的做题技巧。 第三部分(写25分) 单词拼写(5分)。总体得分率不高,学生对所记住的单词不会在句中灵活运用。第100小题Has Any _________(认识到) her mistake yet ?.学生只单纯考虑“认识到”三字,认为这个单词写出来就行,不会从整体上去考虑,以致于忘了时态了。以后继续加强对此题的训练书面表达(20分)。明显检查学生运用语言能力,大部分学生用汉语的思路来写作,以至不能正确表达意思,从中反映了学生句子结构还不熟练,语言表达能力弱,语法错误多的缺点。 三、学情分析 总的来说,这次考试成绩不理想,优秀率为零,尖子生还没有发挥水平;低分较多,两极分化的距离还没有缩少。通过整体的分析,反映了学生在复习中,基本上能领会课堂的要点要求,一些知识点在堂上反复出现的,掌握得较牢固,但是运用这些知识去解决实际问题的能力较差,这与课后的练习有关,说明了部分学生对课后的练习作业不够重视、缺乏主动性,而且,解题的依赖性强,缺乏独立的思考能力,另外,对于一些相关的语法知识和句子的构成,学生的遗忘率也很高。 四、今后的教学措施


九年级英语上册1-4单元综合试卷 班级_______ 姓名_______________ 分数 ____________ 一、单项选择(20分) 1. The Mid-Autu mn Festival (中秋节)is comi ng, we'have 3 days ___ . A. on B. off C. up D. dow n 2. Are you afraid of ___ at home, Lin da? ----- No, I've grow n up. A. alone B. being C. Io nely D. being Ion ely 3. Jimmy is ____ o n e-year-old boy and he has ____ 8-year-old sister. A. an, an B. an, a C .a, a D. a, an 4. You 'lfail the test ___ you work hard . A. if B. since C. uni ess D. whe n 5. --You used to be quiet , ___ you?---Yes, and I used to be very shy. A. was n't B. did n't C. aren't D. have n't 6. The old man lived _____ , but he didntfeel ____ . A. l on ely, alone B. alon e, l on ely C. Ion ely, Ion ely D. alone, alone 7. Jim has made many friends since he _____ to Chi na. A. came B. comes C. has come D. will come 8. Tina used to ___ in the village, but now sh'used to _____ in the city. A. live, live B. live, livi ng C. livi ng, live D. livi ng, livi ng 9. I study for a test ____ working with a group. A. in B. by C. at D. to 10. Jerry hardly walks to school, does he? ---- ------ .He always rides his bike. A. Yes, he does. B. No, he does'. C. Yes, he does'. D. No, he does. 11. Teens shouldnt ___ to go out every ni ght. A. allowed B. allow C. be allowed D. be allow 12. I do n't 1ike to go to sleep ____ the 1ight ____ . A. i n, with B. with, to C with , on D .and, on 13. I don 'tk now ______ . A. what to do it B. how to do C. whe n to do D. how to do it 14. Many stude nts asked the teacher ____ the time of the test. A. for B. to C. about D.of 15. Do you have _____ t o tell us? A. somethi ng new B. new somethi ng C. new anything D. anything new 16. _____ have you bee n at this school? ----- For about ten years. A. How long B. whe n C. How soon D. How much 17. About ____ sthde nts went to the museum yesterday. A. eight millio ns B. eight millio ns of. C. eight millio n of D. millio ns of 18. If I ____ you, I ____ be late for class. A. was, were B. am, won't C. were, would n't D. are, won' t 19. Jack would stay at home rather tha n ___ out. A. going B. to go C. go D. goes 20. -Do you knoe whe n he _____ Chongqing tomorrow? --I am not sure, but whe n he _____ , ' tell. https://www.doczj.com/doc/2211672533.html,es, will come B. will come ,will come C. will come, comes D. comes, comes 二、完形填空(15分) My son Joey was born with club feet. The doctors said that with treatme nt he would be abl e to walk, but would n ever run very well. The first three years of his life was __ 1 __ in hos pital. By the time he was eight, you would n'tknow he has a problem whe n you saw him 2 . Childre n in our n eighborhood always ran around __3 _ their play, and Joey would jump and ran and play, __4 _ . We n ever told him that he probably woulditbe __ 5 __ to run like the other childre n. So he didntk now.ln __ 6__ grade he decided to join the school running team. Every day he train ed. He ran more tha n any of the others, __ 7__ only the top seve n runners would be chose n to run for the __ 8 __ . We didn'tell him he probably would n ever make the team, so he did n'tk now. He ran four to five mile every day—eve n whe n he had a fever. I was _ 9 __ , so I went to __ 10 __ him after school. I found him running ___ 11 __ . I asked him how he felt—Okay, he said. He has two more miles to go. Yet he looked straight ahead and kept 12_. Two weeks later, the n ames of the team __ 13 __ were out. Joey was nu mber six on the list. Joey had __ 14 __ the team. He was in seve nth grad—the other six team members were all eighth graders. We n ever told him he couldr t do it …so he did n'tk now. He just __ 15__ it. 21. A. spe nt B. take n C. cost D. paid 22. A. talk B. sit C. study D. walk 23. A. after B. before C. duri ng D. till 24. A. either B. too C. though D. yet 25. A. able B. sorry C. glad D. afraid 26. A. sixth B. seve nth C. eighth D. nin th 27. A. so B. if C. the n D. because 28. A. n eighborhood B. family C. school D. grade 29. A. excited B. tired C. pleased D. worried 30. A. think about B. hear from C. agree with D. look for 31. A. alone B. away C. almost D. already 32. A. ridi ng B. walk ing C. playi ng D. running 33. A. jumpers B. runners C. doctors D. teachers 34. A. got B. kept C. made D. found 35. A. made B. played C. had D. took 三、阅读理解(40分) A Many people have the wrong ideas about pigs. Pigs are actually very clea n ani mals. On the farms, they live in the dirty places. So, they become very dirty. In the wild, pigs keep very clea n. They are also really smart. They may be smarter tha n dogs. So, pigs can lear n things from

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