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1 volcano n. 复数—volcanoes火山

an active volcano活火山

an extinct volcano死火山

a dormant volcano休眠火山






2. erupt


Mount Vesuvius hasn’t erupted for a good many years. 维苏威火山已经多年没有爆发了。


Violence in street can erupt for no apparent reason.


erupt into laughter/shouting/crying, etc.突然大笑/叫喊/大哭

He erupted into laughter without any reason. 他毫无理由地大笑起来。

3. alongside

alongside= with “和”

It’s a pleasure to work alongside such men. 与这样的人一起工作是一件乐事。

beside “在...旁边”

The boat pulled up alongside the dock.

adv. 在旁边;沿着;靠拢着;并排地

The police car pulled up alongside.那辆警车在旁边停下

4 equipment n.配备,装备The complete equipment of the new hospital will take a year.


equip v.装备,使有准备使能够做某事

Equip ourselves with knowledge

Equip the army with modern weapons


bored (人)厌烦的

boring (物)令人厌烦的

I am bored with the same old routine day after day.

The book is boring.

bore v. (尤指无聊的长话)使(人)厌烦

—I am sorry I spoke for so long很抱歉说了这么长时间;

—I hope I didn’t bore you.希望你没有厌烦。

bore sb. to death 使某人厌烦得要命

He is always asking the same question, which bores me to death.


bore n.令人厌烦的人,令人厌烦的事

Doing housework is a real bore.做家务真是令人烦透了。

6.appoint 约定,指定;安排

Our visitors arrived at the appointed time. 我们的来宾在约定的时间到达了。

appoint sb. as/to be vt.任命,指派

They appointed him (to be) manager.他们任命他为经理。

appointment n.

(尤指正式的)约会 +with+to-v

I have an appointment with them in the evening. 今晚我与他们有个约会。

7. evaluate v.评估,评价

I cannot evaluate his abilitywithout seeing his work. 没见过他的工作,我无法评估他的能力。evaluation n. 评估,评价

They made an intensive evaluation of the healthcare program.

8. burn to the ground 完全(楼房等)烧毁

He has no place to live in because his house has been burnt to the ground.


与burn搭配的常用词组有:(burn-burnt-burnt)①burn away烧掉Half of the candle had burnt away.蜡烛已烧掉一半了。②burn down 渐渐烧完The room grew colder as the fire burnt down. 随着炉火逐渐减弱,屋里越来越冷。

③burn sth. down 把……烧得精光Don‘t forget to turn off the gas----you might burn the house down.

别忘了关煤气,不然会把房子烧掉。④burn up 烧得更旺He put more wood on the fire to make it burn up. 他往火里续了些木柴,让它烧得旺些。

⑤burn sth. up 把……烧掉He has burnt up all the garden rubbish. 他已把花园里的垃圾全烧掉了。

9 However, the eruption itself is really exciting to watch and I shall never forget my first sight of one.


在“主语+be+形容词+不定时”句型中,有时主语是不定时结构的逻辑主语,这时应用主动形式表示被动含义。适合于此结构的形容词比较多,最常用的有amusing, dangerous, difficult, easy, important, nice, pleasant 等


That question is difficult to answer.

Chicken legs are nice to eat.

I found him easy to get along with.

They don’t think the game interesting to play.

10 Having experienced quite a few earthquakes in Hawaii already, I didn’t take much notice.


Having……分词短语在句中作状语,表示动作发生在主句动作take notice之前。

Eg:Having cleaned the classroom, the students went to the playground to watch the football match.

Eg:Having been flooded for several weeks, the city needed food.





The old man experienced two world wars

She has had two years’ experience in teaching.

He had many interesting experiences while traveling in Europe.

Take notice of sb/sth注意到(常用于否定句)

Take no notice of what others say about your way of life.别理会别人对你的生活方式的批评。

11 fountain


A beautiful stone fountain was set in the middle of the garden.


2(知识等的)源泉;根源[(+of)]Ancient Greece was a fountain of wisdom and philosophy. 古希腊是智慧和哲学的源泉。

12. absolute adj. 完全的,真实的

It’s an absolute fact.

absolutely adv.完全地,无条件地,完全对

absolutely right 十分对,对极了,当然(口语,作为对一问题的回答或评语)

-Do you let your kids walk alone at night? 你让你的孩子晚上单独行走吗?

-Absolutely not. 当然不是。(不是Absolute not)


n. (一套)衣服[C]

I picked out a black suit.

vt. 1. 适合,中...的意

The arrangement suited us both. 这个安排对我们两人都合适。

2. (不用被动式)与...相配,与...相称

This dress suits you beautifully. 这件衣服你穿非常合适。


The position suits with his abilities.

14.make one’s way向某地走去, 有出息

She hesitated, but made her way forward. 她犹豫了一下,但向前走去.

She hastily left the room ,and made her way to her bed她快速离开房间,朝她床边走去.

If you want to make your way in the world, you must learn to work hard while you are still young. 你若想要有出息,趁年轻的时候要学会发奋.

make way (for)让路,让位

All the traffic has to make way for a fire engine所有的车辆都得给救火车让路.

I shall make way for a younger man. 我将把职务让给更年轻的人.

feel one’ way摸索前进

push one’s way挤过

find one’s way找到路,设法到达

go one’s way走自己的路,我行我素

fight one’s way奋勇前进

wind one’s /its way蜿蜒前进

lose one’s way迷路

15 Today, I am just as enthusiastic about my job as the day I first started.如今,我和当初从事这项工作时一样满怀热情。

在句中,the day 作复合连词用,引导时间状语从句I first started

名词短语each time, every time, the moment(一……就)和the day 等都可以用作复合名词,引导时间状语从句,使用时注意短语前面不可以有介词,后面不用when.

I will give him your message the minute he arrives

Every time he says” to tell the truth” I suspect that he is about to tell a lie.

He bought a computer the day he got his salary


n. [U]. 可能性;潜力,潜能(+for)

She has acting potential,(=has a potential for acting)but she needs training. 她有表演潜力,但需要训练。

potential: 潜在的;潜力

Education develops potential abilities.教育能开发人的潜能。

It was his high school teacher that discovered his potential and kept encouraging him.


17 candidate

名词n. 1. 候选人;候补者

They were in favor of the Democratic candidate for President. 他们支持民主党总统候选人。

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