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Test 1

READING AND WRITING 1 hour 30 min utes PART ONE Questi ons 1-5

Look at questi ons 1-5.

In each questi on, which sentence is correct?

For each questi on, mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.

□白udia La 闊 caught 9.30 flight - due

11.30 ncw d not 1230”

7he correct answer is B F so mark your Answer Sheet like this:

r A




xamp (?: o

When does Claudia Lang expect to arrive?

Staff nxust boot armual leave six vjeeks

A Staff allowed six WB

B 址s' holiday a year.

B Staff must book holidays before the end of the yean

0 Staff must have their holiday requests approved,

Telephone message

9.30 11.30 12.30

Information for customer$

All goods transported by Fera Carriers are msured r but our policy excludes damsge due to poor packaging.

A Customers will not necessarily qualify for corn pens ati ar if goods are damaged,

B Custonners

should arrange insurance against damage before sending goods.

C Customers are abl? to claim a refund if packaging is damaged.

A Wei Yu should re?apply for his training course at a later date.

B There may not be enough money to pay for Wei Yu's course ?

C Human Resources cannot confirm wtiich training course Wei Yu should take.

A The 11 am meeting is postponed because PeteKs train was cancelled ? 8 Peter will arrive at the 11 am meeting late because hi 合 t 怕in Is


C The 11 am meeting is rescheduled because P&Wr was late and missed his tramn



Reterphoned from the station - &e *■ vices to London aren P t running this morning Meeting put off to 3 pm this afternoon.

The safety team k carrying out checks in this area.

i Access without a permit is denied until further notice* ?

------------------------ ■I. J_ ■ ■_” - - —―晋

A A permit is currently requ ired for entry to this area.

B Special care should be taken when entering this area?

C Permiss ion to enter this area can be obtained from safety staff. PART TWO

Questio ns 6-10

?Look at the advertiseme nt below. It shows a list of workshops offered by a training compa ny.

?For questi ons 6-10, decide which workshop (A-H) each

pers on on the opposite page should atte nd.

?For each question, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer


?Do not use any letter more tha n on ce.

6 Julia Strekalova wants to know how to calculate the

amount she can charge customers for her market ing

con sulta ncy services.

Roger Walker's compa ny wants to give him resp on sibility for his firm's annual profit-a nd-loss

acco unt and bala nee sheet.

8Paolo Longo n eeds to be able to assess the effect on sales following his company's recent product promotions.

9Zhon Mei Fen g's compa ny wan ts her to learn to divide

the market into groups, which it can target with different brands.

10Valerija Georgievska n eeds a course on work ing out

how much money her firm can expect to have available each mon th.


Questi ons 11-15

?Look at the chart below. It shows a compa ny's tur no ver, operating profit and market share over a period of ten

mon ths.

?Which month does each sentence (11-15) on the opposite page describe?

?For each sentence, mark one letter (A-H) on your Answer Sheet.

?Do not use any letter more tha n on ce.

11 Although operating profit dropped and market share experien ced a decli ne,

there was an upturin in the level of tur no ver.

12 Both turno ver and market share showed an in crease this mon th, while operati ng

profit suffered a decli ne.

13 Despite the fact that market share fell and there was a decli ne in turno ver,

operating profit was equal to that of the previous mon th.

14 While turnover experieneed a downturn, both operating profit and market



〔E j

showed sig ns of recovery.

15Although market share showed an improvement and turno ver also in creased,

this had no effect on the month's operating profit.


Questi ons 16-22

?Read the job advertiseme nt below.

?Are senten ces 16-22 on the opposite page 'Right' or

'Wron g'? If there is not eno ugh in formati on to an swer 'Right' or 'Wr on g', choose 'Does n't say'.

?For each sentence (16-22), mark one letter (A, B or C)

on your An swer Sheet.

Vacancies for Store Managers

Scene Video has been quietly successful in recent years, and we now have 23 stores worldwide - including 】5 in Canada - with a further ten on the way, We are now oflfering exciting

management opportunities.

As store manager, you'll have unusual independence - which will make most retail management

posts seem easy compared with ours! You will be in charge of a store with over 40 staff, and you'll have a salary to match. Whether yOLL f vc worked in retail management or in another field involving customer rdatiors, we want to hear from you. You’ll be a strong leader* full of

ideas and ambition, and commerciany aware, preferably with knowledge of the retail industry tn one of the countries where we have stores. If you are willing to relocate, you could be on

track for fast promotion.

To find out what part you can play in our continuing success, you are invited to an informal Introductory Evening at any of our stores (details below). Or visit our website for more

information and to download an application form. Please post this, together with a handwritten letter explaining why you arc suited to the job.

16Scene Video is pla nning to ope n more stores.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

17Scene Video believes its store managers have a harder job tha n other


man agers...

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

18Scene Video's salaries are higher than for similar positi ons in other retail

bus in esses.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

19It is essential for applicants to have experienee as store man agers.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

20Most successful appliea nts will have to spe nd time

worki ng in differe nt

eoun tries.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

21The In troductory Eve nings are targeted at successful can didates.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say

22Applicati on forms should be completed on li ne.

A Right

B Wrong

C Does n't say


Questi ons 23-28

?Read the article below about a successful bus in ess

part nership.

?For each question (23-28) on the opposite page,

choose the correct an swer.

?Mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.

23 Phil stopped selli ng photocopiers because he

A was un able to meet the sales targets.

B recog ni sed an opport un ity in ano ther field.

C became aware of their limited market pote ntial. 24

Why did Phil agree to meet Sean?

Tm an extrovert, so selling fits my character/ explains Phil Brook. 1 started selling photocopiers, and it didn't take me long to achieve the agreed sales targets. Then, tn 1994, I realised the IT industry was about tc expfode. and I decided to try and self IT. I met a guy who waa setting up as a computer re-sellec and I worked for him for three years, expanding his company to a turnover of £3- £4m T We were among onl¥ 爭 few people selling computer systems on lease, so we were attractive to reps offering finance. Ttiere was this guy from CTL Bank called Sean Williams who rang us dozens of times, trying to sell me IT finance. I was afready getting finance from somebody else r but he kept on calling. That impressed rne - I thought, if any good, maybe I'll recruit him/

Se^n Williams adds, When we finally met we went out to lunch and became firm friends. 1 thought Phil wa$ fun, and we had similar interests. The next day, w& did a deal together, and I provided him with all th& Huai KC he

Then he

roalisecL and I soon agreed, that there was a big opportunity to do independently what I was already doing for the bank. So he left his job arid established Syscap. It took me a while to decide to join him, because I was among the top saFespeople nationally at my bank, and my future was planned, 6ut I knew when I dlid that IT was the right decieion, I knew we had the same id^as about work. When you work hard f you get therej whether you7e goad or not. It's like golf. The more you practise, the luckier you get. With us, the more times we picked up the pho ngrth 合 more deals wemade. The business soon took off enormously, rve always had big ambitions, but I didn't expect rt to become ?s big as this/

Phil thinks that the next few years look promising. The competition in this trade is wtak/ he says, 'so I bellieve w? can turn

this into a C1bn company. People in our in dustry find it amazing that Sean and I still get on so well after 台It this time, But rm glad we do. H r s our partn 召『£hip that mdkes the job fun/

Phil Broo* and S MA Williams are friends who set up A company in 1S97

providing finance to companies making IT purchases. Their firn, Sysc3p r now turns over £120m a year.

A He liked the way Sea n did not give up trying.

B He thought they would have a lot of com mon

in terests.

C He n eeded some one to provide IT finance for his clie nts.

25Why did Sean no t jo in Phil immediately at Syscap?

A He had doubts about the profitability of the

ven ture.

B He was un sure about giv ing up an established


C He was afraid that working together would damage their frien dship. 26In what way does Sean believe that bus in ess is like


A You cannot achieve your goals without taking risks.

B To do well, you n eed a comb in ati on of ability and ambiti on.

C If you do someth ing eno ugh times, you'll

eve ntually be successful.

27Sean says he is surprised that

A he and Phil are still good frie nds.

B their compa ny has bee n so successful.

C more people do not set up their own bus in esses.

28What makes Phil con fide nt about their compa ny's future growth?

A the strength of the friendship they have

B being in a commercial field which is rapidly

expa nding

C hav ing few serious challe ngers for their positi on in the marketplace


Questi ons 29-40

?Read the in troducti on to a compa ny report below. ?Choose the correct word to fill each gap from A, B or C on the opposite page,

?For each question (29-40), mark one letter (A, B or C) on your An swer Sheet.


Every day around the world, I SO million people choose our products. They buy diem (29) that they can feed their famifies and keep

their homes clean. By making and selling brands that 00)...................

peoples everyday needs, we have (31)............... into one af the world's

largest 匚onsumer goods busjnesses.

We believe that the very business of '(32)............. . business1 in a

responsible way (33) ...... ....... positive social effects. We not (34) ............

create wealth, we also share it As (35)........ ....... global company* we play

...... addressing global social and environmental

ovr part (3&)


concerns such as heakh and hygiene* and water quality.

However, we do not believe (37)................ k practical to respond ro these

concerns purely (38)............... an international level Nor do we believe

that our eompany can make a difference (39).................. working in a

number of partnerships. That is (40)............... we work together with

local sgencifis a^d 邸丹皂rnments.


A as

B although

C so 30

A join

B catch

C meet


A grow n

B risen

C in creased

32 A do

B doing

C do ne


A has

B gets

C takes


A eve n

B just

C on ly


A the

B a

C this


A on

B for

C in


A there

B it

C what


A at

B with

C of


A un til

B except

C without


A whether

B why

C where


Questi ons 41-45

?Read the email and memo below.

?Complete the form on the opposite page.

?Write a word or phrase (in CAPITALLETTERS)or a number on lines 41-45 on your An swer Sheet.


Thorpe College

Jan Partndoe Leo Norris November 18th Factory visit

Jan - Could you book the earliest possible visit, please? WeVe got 15 on the management course next term, and of course either you or i wilf have to go too, Remernber that we r ve got a guest speaker on Feb 20th , so that's out As I Tn on ho/iday soon, they F d better send rnformatiori td you. The invoice should come to the Course Secretary before it gogs to AGWnts

To: From: Dste: Subject:

Leo Norris^ Thorpe


Thank you for your enquiry about arranging a factory vi$i< for your management students. Our lours in the period vou mentioned ?re as follows;

Factorv visit

Mu*”— ” (1)



1 护


Feb 20th

Stark Components Feb 27th Stark Components March GMF Metals March 1 眇 D 您 whu 賭 17bol$

Paul Johnson

HeJrns^ey Educadonaf Tours

Availabilkv fulfy booked places availably full/ booked places available places




Question 46

?Your departme nt curre ntly has a lot of work, and your secretary must take several weeks off work, starting tomorrow.

?Write an email to the Human Resources Manager in your compa ny: ?expla ining why your departme nt is so busy

?say ing why your secretary will be away from work

?ask ing for a temporary secretary.

?Write 30-40 words on your An swer Sheet,


Question 47

? Read part of a letter below from a compa ny which runs training courses

for staff.

We are an established company providing a wide range of training services for all kinds of bu&ire^a We have cur own purpose-built centra where we hold courses, or

training can be offered th£ client^ own premises if

preferred. We offer excellent value for money and a

full 100% 影匸谄乜比ion guaranize.

For further inforrnMion, or to arrange an appointment to discuss your requirement^ plea&e contact Mies Jane Foster

- Write an email to Miss Foster:

?express ing an in terest in her compa ny's services

?describ ing your compa ny's training n eeds

?expla ining why your compa ny's premises would be the most suitable place

?in vit ing her to a meet ing n ext week.

?Write 60-80 words on your An swer Sheet.

?Do not in clude any postal addresses.

Dear Miss Foster,

LISTENING Approximately 40 minutes (including 10 minu tes' tran sfer time)


Questio ns 1-8

?For questi ons 1-8, you will hear eight short record in gs.

?For each question, mark one letter (A, B or C) for the correct an swer, Example:

Who ts Emily going to write to?

A the staff

B the supplier

C the clients

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