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浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习9

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习9
浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习9



The light from the campfire brightened the darkness, but it could not prevent the damp cold of Dennis’s Swamp (沼泽地) creeping into their bones. It was a strange place. Martin and Tom wished that they had not accepted J ack’s dare. They liked camping, but not near this swamp.

“So,” Martin asked as they sat watching the hot coals. “How did this place get its name ? ”

“Are you sure you want to hear it? It’s a scary story,” warned Jack.“Of course!”cried out Tom. “If there were anything to be scared of, you wouldn’t have chosen this place!”

“O K, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” said Jack, and he began this tale. Way back in time, a man called Dennis tried to start a farm here. He built that cottage over there to live in. In those days, the area looked quite different ---- it was covered with tall trees and the swamp was a crystal-clear river. After three hard years, Dennis had cleared several fields and planted crops. He was so proud of his success that he refused to listen to advice.

“ ‘You are clearing too much land, ’ warned one old man. ‘The land is a living thing. It will hit back at you if you abuse it.’”

“‘Silly fool,’ said Dennis to himself. ‘If I clear more land, I can grow more crops. I’ll become wealthier. He’s just jealous!’”

“Dennis continued to chop down trees. Small animals that relied on them for food and shelter were destroyed. He was so eager to expand his farm that he

did not notice the river flowing slowly towards his door. He did not notice salt seeping to the surface of the land. He did not notice swamp plants choking all the native plants.”

“What happened ? ” Martin asked. It was growing colder. He trembled, twisting his body closer to the fire.

“The land hit back ---- just as the old man warned,” Jack shrugged. “Dennis disappeared. Old folks around here believe that swamp plants moved up from the river and dragged him underwater. His body was never found.”

“What a stupid story,” laughed Tom. “Plants can’t …” Before he had finished speaking, he screamed and fainted(晕倒). The other two boys jumped up with fright, staring at Tom. Suddenly, they burst out laug hing. Some green swamp ivy (常春藤) had covered Tom’s face. It was a while before Tom could appreciate the joke.

56. The underlined word “dare” in Paragraph 1 is clos est in meaning to ________.

A. courage

B. assistance

C. instruction

D. challenge

57. Why did Jack tell Tom and Martin the story?

A. To frighten them.

B. To satisfy their curiosity.

C. To warn them of the danger of the place.

D. To persuade them to camp in the swamp.

58. Why did Dennis ignore the warning of the old man?

A. The old man envied him.

B. The old man was foolish.

C. He was too busy to listen to others.

D. He was greedy for more crops.

59. Why did Tom scream and faint?

A. He saw Dennis’s shadow.

B. He was scared by a plant.

C. His friends played a joke on him.

D. The weather became extremely cold.

60. What lesson can we learn from the story of Dennis?

A. Grasp all, lose all.

B. No sweat, no sweet.

C. It is no use crying over spilt milk.

D. He who makes no mistakes makes nothing.


When international aid is given, steps must be taken to ensure (确保)that the aid reaches the people for whom it is intended. The way to achieve this may not be simple. It is very difficult for a nation to give help directly to people in another nation. The United Nations Organization(UNO) could undertake to direct the distribution of aid. Here however rises the problem of costs. Also tied wi th this is time. Perhaps the UNO could set up a body of devoted men and women in every country who can speedily distribute aid to victims of floods and earthquakes.

More than the help that one nation can give to another during a disaster, it would be more effective to give other forms of help during normal times.

A common proverb says, “Give me a fish and I eat for day, teach me to fish and I eat for a lifetime.” If we follow this wis e saying, it would be right to teach people from less developed nations to take care of themselves. For example, a country could share its technology with another. This could be in simple areas like agriculture or in more complex areas like medical and health care or even in building satellites. Even a small country is able to help less developed nations. Sometimes what is taken for granted, like the setting up of a water purification plant or the administration of a school, could be useful for countries which are looking about to solve common problems. It does not cost much to share such simple things. Exchange students could

be attached for a number of months or years and learn the required craft while on the site. They can then take their knowledge back to their homelands and if necessary come back from time to time to clear doubts or to update themselves. Such aid will be truly helpful and there is no chance of it being temporary or of it falling into the wrong hands.

62. What does the author try to express in the underlined sentence?

A. Providing food is vital.

B. Learning to fish is helpful.

C. Teaching skills is essential.

D. Looking after others is important.

63. The second paragraph is developed mainly _________.

A. by example

B. by process

C. by comparison

D. by contrast

64. Which aid is likely to fall into the wrong hands?

A. A medical team.

B. An exchange program.

C. A water plant.

D. Financial support.

65. What can we infer about international aid from the passage?

A. It is facing difficulties.

B. It is unnecessary durin g normal times.

C. It should be given in the form of materials.

D. It has gained support developed countries.


Many people think that listening is a passive business. It is just the opposite. Listening well is an active exercise of our attention and hard work. It is because they do not realize this, or because they are not willing to do the work, that most people do not listen well.

Listening well also requires total concentration upon someone else. An e ssential part of listening well is the rule known as ‘bracketing’. Bracketing includes the temporary giving up or setting aside of your own prejudices and desires, t o experience as far as possible someone else’s world from the inside, stepping into his or her shoes. Moreover, since listening well involves bracketing, it also involves a temporary acceptance of the other person. Sensing this acceptance, the speaker will seem quite willing to open up the inner part of his or her mind to the listener. True communication is under way. The energy required for listening well is so great that it can be accomplished only by the will to extend oneself for mutual growth.

Most of the time we lack this energy. Even though we may feel in our business dealings or social relationships that we are listening well, what we are usually doing is listening selectively. Often we have a prepared list in mind and wonder, as we listen, how we can achieve certain desired results to get the conversation over as quickly as possible or redirected in ways more satisfactory to us. Many of us are far more interested in talking than in listening, or we simply refuse to listen to what we don’t want to hear. It wasn’t until toward the end of my doctor career that I have found the knowledge that one is being truly listened to is frequently therapeutic(有疗效的). In about a quarter of the patients I saw, surprising improvement was shown during the first few months of psychotherapy(心理疗法), before any of the roots of problems had been uncovered or explained. There are several

reasons for this phenomenon, but chief among them, I believe, was the patient’s sense that he or she was being truly listened to, often for the first time in years, and for som e, perhaps for the first time ever.

66. The phrase “step ping into his or her shoes” in paragraph 2 probably means _______.

A. preparing a topic list first

B. focusing on one’s own mind

C. directing the talk to the desired results

D. experiencing the speaker’s inside world

67. What is mainly discussed in Paragraph 2?

A. How to listen well.

B. What to listen to.

C. Benefits of listening.

D. Problems in listening.

68. According to the aut hor, in communication people tend to ________.

A. listen actively

B. listen purposefully

C. set aside their prejudices

D. open up their inner mind

69. According to the author, the patients improved mainly because _______.

A. they were taken good care of

B. they knew they were truly listened to

C. they had partners to talk to

D. they knew the roots of problems

70. What type of writing is the article likely to be?

A. Science fiction.

B. A news report.

C. A medical report.

D. Popular science.


One might expect that the ever-growing demands of the tourist trade would bring nothing but good for the countries that re ceive the holiday-makers. Indeed, a rosy picture is painted for the long-term future of the holiday

industry. Every month sees the building of a new hotel somewhere. And every month another rock-bound Pacific island is advertised as the 'last paradise(天堂) on earth'.

However, the scale and speed of this growth seem set to destroy the very things tourists want to enjoy. In those countries where there was a rush to make quick money out of sea-side holidays, over-crowded beaches and the concrete jungles of endless hotels have begun to lose their appeal. Those countries with little experience of tourism can suffer most. In recent years, Nepal set out to attract foreign visitors to fund developments in health and education. Its forests, full of wildlife and rare flowers, were offered to tourists as one more untouched paradise. In fact, the nature all too soon felt the effects of thousands of holiday-makers traveling through the forest land. Ancient tracks became major routes for the walkers, with the consequent exploitation of precious trees and plants.

Not only can the environment of a country suffer from the sudden growth of tourism. The people as well rapidly feel its effects. Farmland makes way for hotels, roads and airports; the old way of life goes. The one-time farmer is now the servant of some multi-national organization; he is no longer his own master. Once it was his back that bore the pain; now it is his smile that is exploited. No doubt he wonders whether he wasn't happier in his village working his own land.

Thankfully, the tourist industry is waking up to the responsibilities it has towards thos e countries that receive its customers. The protection of wildlife and the creation of national parks go hand in hand with tourist development and in fact obtain financial support from tourist companies. At the same time, tourists are being encouraged to respect not only the

countryside they visit but also its people.

The way tourism is handled in the next ten years will decide its fate and that of the countries we all want to visit. Their needs and problems are more important than those of the tourist companies. Increased understanding in planning world-wide tourism can preserve the market for these companies. If not, in a few years’ time the very things that attract tourists now may well have been destroyed.

71. What does the author indicate in the last sentence of Paragraph 1?

A. The Pacific island is a paradise.

B. The Pacific island is worth visiting.

C. The advertisement is not convincing.

D. The advertisement is not impressive.

72. The example of Nepal is used to suggest _________.

A. its natural resources are untouched

B. its forests are exploited for farmland

C. it develops well in health and education

D. it suffers from the heavy flow of tourists

73. What can we learn about the farmers from Paragraph 4?

A. They are happy to work their own lands.

B. They have to please the tourists for a living.

C. They have to struggle for their independence.

D. They are proud of working in multi-national organizations.

74. Which of the following determines the future of tourism?

A. The number of tourists.

B. The improvement of services.

C. The promotion of new products.

D. The management of tourism.

75. The author’s attitude towards the development of the tourist industry is __________.

A. optimistic

B. doubtful

C. objective

D. negative



56—60 DBDBA

61—65 CCADA

66—70 DABBD

71—75 CDBDC


《煮书》的阅读题答案 其实煮书也就是反复钻研、反复品味书本。以下是要给大家介绍的《煮书》的阅读题答案,欢迎各位的参考!《煮书》阅读原文 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着煮书两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很(奇特奇怪奇妙):书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚写完一篇文章,正坐在转(zhuǎn zhun)椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗? 爷爷笑了:书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀. 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读熟透不可。其实,这就是煮书。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说,读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么煮。否则,就很难把语文学好。 爷爷,你看我该怎么煮书呢? 你可以从煮语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章情感,还可牢记妙词佳句好处(ch chǔ )可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗? 爷爷的话使我恍然大悟,煮书还真有道理哩。 《煮书》阅读题目 1、将文中括号里用得不正确的音节和词语用/划掉。(3分) 2、联系上下文解释下列词语。(2分) (1)煮书 (2)读书破万卷,下笔如有神 3、按要求填空。(5分) (1)疑惑不解的反义词是______(在文中找)。 (2)应在字典里的解释有:a、应该; b、回答、回应; c、满足要求;d、顺应、适应。得心应手一词中的应字应选第__种解释;热烈响应一词中的应字应选第__种解释。 (3)煮书的好处很多,既可以______,还能够_______。 4、选择本文的中心,在正确答案后面的括号内打号。(2分) (1)书是精神食粮,是可以煮的。 ( ) (2)课文都是范文,要放声朗读,仔细品味。( ) (3)读好书时一定要做到反复诵读品味,这样说话、写文章的时候才能得心应手。( ) 5、读了短文后,谈谈你自己的看法。(2分)


(A ) A coal-fire stove(炉灶)provided heating for Zhao Yaoqin's courtyard bungalow in a Beijing hutong all her life. This winter, however, the stove has disappeared from the 66-year-old's life, and an electric radiator takes its place beside her bed, a product of a government to use clean energy in the national capital. With the Olympics to be staged in Beijing next August, the city is determined to eliminate the use of coal within the Third Ring Road that circles the city before the Games. The project to replace the stoves with electric radiators has been part of the effort. When the city's four-month long heating season started on Thursday, coal-fired stoves, known as a big source of pollution in the big city, have disappeared from some 20,000 local households like Zhao's bungalow in the inner city "hutong" -- traditional alleyways(小巷) that date back centuries. "We used to boil water or bake bread on the stove," said Zhao, sounding sentimental(伤感) to the disappearance of the coal furnace from her life. Late in the 1990s, Beijing's air quality monitoring office found that the emissions(排放) of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the hutong areas have been higher than the city's average in winter, mainly because of the coal stoves. With the project to switch to clean energy for heating launched in 1999, the emission level of the two poisonous substances decreased by 42 percent and 44 percent, respectively, this year from 2001 levels. Zhao said the fee for electrical heat for the entire winter was usually around 2,400 yuan (US$323) per household. With the government's subsidy(补贴), however, she only needed to pay about 500 yuan, nearly the same price as that for coal. 1.Zhao Yaoqin’ example in the passage is to tell us that_______. A.people in Beijing using electric radiators to welcome the Olympics. B.people in Beijing are doing something to protect the environment. C.hutongs in Beijing have a long history. D.People pay more money to use electric radiators than before. 2. The underlined word eliminate probably means________ A. cut down. B. increase. C. get rid of. D. replace 3. We can infer from the passage that ______ A. Zhao Yaoqin has a strong and deep emotion with the use of coal-fire stove. B. The government will pay most of the fee. C. The air of Beijing has been badly polluted since 1990s. D. The people do not use coal eight months in one year. 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The clean air is important when the Olympics Games is held in Beijing. B. The success of the Olympics Games depends on the clean air. C. The government spare no effort to make the environment better. D. The emission level of poisonous substances will be low in 2008.


2018年浙江省高考英语试卷 第一部分听力(共两节)做题时,先将答案标在试卷上.录音内容结束后,你将有两分钟的时间将试卷上的答案转涂到答题纸上.第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话.每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题.每段对话仅读一遍。例:How much is the shirt?A. £19.15.B.£9.18.C. £9.15.答案是C。 1.(1.50分)What will James do tomorrow? A.Watch a TV program. B.Give a talk. C.Write a report. 2.(1.50分)What can we say about the woman? A.She's generous. B.She's curious. C.She's helpful. 3.(1.50分)When does the train leave? A.At 6:30. B.At 8:30. C.At 10:30. 4.(1.50分)How does the woman go to work? A.By car. B.On foot. C.By bike. 5.(1.50分)What is the probable relationship between the speakers?A.Classmates. B.Teacher and student. C.Doctor and patient. 第二节(每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)听下面5段对话或独白.每段对话或独白后有几


Units Learning about language

Discovering useful words and expressions

1.various several different types of 2.theme _ the main subject of a talk, book, film or something else 3.preserve to keep something as it is; an area of land made available for a special group of people or animals to live in . 4.wherever to or at any place, position or situation 5.fantasy something that is pleasant to think about but is not real 6.deed action, usually a very great one or a very bad one

7length the measurement of something from one end to the other 8unique being the only one of its kind, unlike anything else 9Central加(屁middle of an area or an object 10门° wonder without doubt

■ 1. Before buying a car y my dad always looks at its engine . 2. Early American settlers were 曲 W 懿v could amusement cartoons .,仝 watcn just for . about 60 different kinds of eagles around the world, but only two kinds live in North America. is a big business for small countries like Singapore. build almost anything from wood. Both adults and children like to 3. 4. There are ^Tourism 3 ?


爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字,我感到奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在藤椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书么可以煮呢?书放锅里煮,不是要煮坏了吗? 爷爷笑:书是精神食粮既是食怎么不可以煮煮熟吃去才好消化吸收。 爷爷看见我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代诗人杜甫吧?他小时候书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书'。这样,他做起来就感到得心应手了。所以他说:‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神'。我们学习语文,那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮',否则,就很难把语文学好。 “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书'呢? “你可以从‘煮'语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思!这样煮下去,你不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯吗? 爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩 、根据意思,从文中找出相应的四个字的词语,并填在括号里 ①心里怎么想,手就怎么做,形容运用自如。得心应 ②一下子明白过来豁然开 ③心里不明白,不理解疑惑不 、造句。不仅……还… 她不仅举止优雅大方,还平易近人

、你认为“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的意思是 这句话是告诉我们只有多读书,而且要读透,领会文章的内容,就可以不断地累好词佳句,不断地增长知识,只有这样写文章说话才得心应手 只有做到博览群书的人,写作时才能妙笔生花 、杜甫是怎样“煮书”的,请用~~~~”画出相关部分的句子;我们学语文怎样“煮书”?请用”画出相关部分语句 、“煮书”有什么好处?你今后打算怎样学好语呢 ①能深入体会文章的情感,还可牢记好词好句,说话和写文章不会犯愁。或者原文中句子(不仅能体会到文章的情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句。肚子里的词儿多了今后说话和写文章不会犯愁。 ②写自己打算怎么 6.阅读短文后填空 使“我”感到奇怪的问题是书只能读,怎么可以煮啊 “我”认为“煮书”是把书放在锅里煮。而爷爷说的“煮书”是指读书时反复诵读品味,积累妙词佳句。7. 给第三自然段加上标点符号。


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A

2014年高考真题——英语(浙江卷) 解析版

2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷) 英语试题 选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题0、5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C与D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处得最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1、—I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon、 — ______、 A、It’s my pleasure B、Never mind C、Leave it alone D、Good for you 【考点】考察交际用语 【答案】D 【解析】本题考察得交际用语、A我得荣幸(指帮助对方做完某事,对方向您表示感谢得时候,您回答对方得用语);B没关系;C别理我;D好得很;这对您有好处;句意:---我很快就要去西班牙度假了、—很好。根据句意说明就是对前面一种情况得评价。故D正确。 【举一反三】—Putting on a happy face not only helps us make friends but also makes us feel better、 — _______、 A、I’d love to B、I’m with you on that C、It’s up to you D、It’s my pleasure 〖答案〗B 〖考点〗本题考查交际用语。 〖解析〗句意为:——笑脸迎人不仅可以交到好朋友, 而且可以使我们感觉良好。——这点我完全赞同。 2、The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into______night、 A、a; the B、the; 不填 C、a; a D、不

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语 上学期阅读理解备考复习1

浙江省天台县平桥第二中学2020届高三英语上学期阅读理解备考 复习1 Th e Healthy Habits Survey(调查)shows that only about one third of American seniors have correct habits. Here are some findings and expert advice. 1.How many times did you brush your tee th yesterday? ·Finding:A full 33% of seniors brush their teeth only once a day. ·Step:Remove the 300 types of bacte ria in your mouth each morning with a battery-operated toothbrush. Brush gently for 2 minutes, at least twice a day. 2.How many times did you wash your hands or bathe yesterday? ·Finding:Seniors, on average, bathe fewer than 3 days a week. And nearly 30%wash their hands only 4 times a day---half of the number doctors recommend. ·Step:We touch our faces around 3,000 times a day---often inviting germs(病菌)to enter our mouth, nose, and eyes. Use toilet paper to avoid touching the door handle. And, most important, wash your hands often with hot running water and soap for 20 seconds. 3. How often do you think about fighting germs?


《煮书》的阅读题答案 导读:其实煮书也就是反复钻研、反复品味书本。以下是要给大家介绍的《煮书》的阅读题答案,欢迎各位的参考! 《煮书》阅读原文 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着煮书两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很(奇特奇怪奇妙):书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚写完一篇文章,正坐在转(zhuǎn zhun)椅上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮 坏了吗? 爷爷笑了:书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀. 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,就能反复诵读品味,非把书读熟透不可。其实,这就是煮书。这样,他做起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说,读书破万卷,下笔如有神。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么煮。否则,就很难把语文学好。 爷爷,你看我该怎么煮书呢? 你可以从煮语文书入手嘛。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样煮下去,你不仅能 体会到文章情感,还可牢记妙词佳句好处(ch chǔ )可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章还会犯愁吗?

爷爷的话使我恍然大悟,煮书还真有道理哩。 《煮书》阅读题目 1、将文中括号里用得不正确的音节和词语用/划掉。(3分) 2、联系上下文解释下列词语。(2分) (1)煮书 (2)读书破万卷,下笔如有神 3、按要求填空。(5分) (1)疑惑不解的反义词是______(在文中找)。 (2)应在字典里的解释有:a、应该; b、回答、回应; c、满足要求;d、顺应、适应。得心应手一词中的应字应选第__种解释;热烈响应一词中的应字应选第__种解释。 (3)煮书的好处很多,既可以______,还能够_______。 4、选择本文的'中心,在正确答案后面的括号内打号。(2分) (1)书是精神食粮,是可以煮的。 ( ) (2)课文都是范文,要放声朗读,仔细品味。( ) (3)读好书时一定要做到反复诵读品味,这样说话、写文章的时候才能得心应手。( ) 5、读了短文后,谈谈你自己的看法。(2分) 《煮书》阅读答案 1、煮书 2、划掉:奇特奇妙 zhun chǔ


I watched from a distance as the homeless man quarreled with those who did not leave money for him – the majority. I walked up to him and right on queue he asked me for a quarter. “I’ll give you a quarter if you tell me your story.” He laughed, “You’ll give me a quarter for my story?” I lay the qu front of him and corrected myself –“Nah, here’s the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” I followed his eyes to the quarter and for a brief moment I saw a glimmer of reflection. I sat down next to him and waited. I was a sniper(狙击手)and was supposed to shoot down the “I was in the army,” he said. “ carefully to his grizzly voice as he went deeper into the story. enemy from the distance.” I listened He wore dirty old torn clothes and smelled like a dead rat left in a mouse trap. He told me how he used to hunt with his family and was really good at it. He had his own way of respecting animals by not wasting what he killed for food and not killing more than he needed. When the army came knocking on his door, he felt pride and joined up. All those years of polishing his hunting skills could now serve a larger purpose—to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to fight in Iraq. It wasn’t long before he realized his ideals and expectations were just a shadow of the truth. He became disillusioned with the killings, which he felt were of innocent people. “I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone,” he said. “One day I had to do it. They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my hands were on the trigger (扳机). Man, I was tearing up ... I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing anything to anyone and she was with the kids—I couldn’t see through my tears. It just didn’t make any sense to me.” The story goes on as he describes eventually being put into prison for 180 days for refusing to follow orders. He told me how he was black listed so that he couldn’t get a job. All the rights we take for granted were taken away from him. Why? Here was a man who was being punished—and for what? For refusing to kill the lady? For being a hero? “I have no regrets,”  anyone the homeless man said. “I may be homeless now, but I never killed that lady. I never killed He in the army. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t go there to do that. I went there to save people.”  okay. But I wouldn’t be able to live with continued, “I can live with being homeless—that’s killing innocent people.” On that lonely Friday night, I met a hero. It just never occurred to me that a hero could be a smelly old man left on streets. 1. It can be learned from the passage that the homeless man_______. () A. never killed animals B. had a strong respect for life C. deserved the punishment he received D. felt guilty about disobeying the order


2014年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江) 英语试题 选择题部分(共80分) 第一部分:英语知识应用(共两节,满分30分) 第一节:单项填空(共20小题,每小题0.5分,满分10分) 从A、B、C和D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上将该选项标号涂黑。 1. ---I am going to Spain fort a holiday soon. --- ______. A. It?s my pleasure B. Never mind C. Leave it alone D. Good for you 2. The paper is due next month, and I am working seven days ______ week, often long into______night. A. Aa; the B. the; 不填 C. a; a D. 不填;the 3.An average of just 18.75cm of rain fell last year, making ______ the driest year since California became a state in 1850. A. each B. it C. this D. one 4.Joe is proud and ______, never admitting he is wrong and always looking for someone else to blame. A. strict B. sympathetic C. stubborn D. sensitive 5.I don?t become a serious climber until the fifth grade, ______ I went up to rescue a kite that was stuck in the branches of a tree. A. when B. where C. which D. why 6.We most prefer to say yes to the ______ of someone we know and like. A. attempts B. requests C. doubts D. promises https://www.doczj.com/doc/278759392.html,st week a tennis ball hit me on the head, but I tried to _______ the pain, believing that it would go away sooner or later. A. share B. realize C. ignore D. cause 8.“Every time you eat a sweet, drink green tea.” This is _____ my mother used to tell me. A. what B. how C. that D. whether 9.No matter how carefully you plan your finances, no one can _____ when the unexpected will happen. A. prove B. imply C. demand D. predict 10.While staying in the village, James unselfishly shared whatever he had with the villagers without asking for anything ______ . A. in return B. in common C. in turn D. in place 11.Sofia looked around at all the faces: she had the impression that she _____ most of the guests before. A. has seen B. had seen C. saw D. would see 12.Facing up to your problem ____ running away from them is the best approach to working things out. A. more than B. rather than C. along with D.or rather 13.The aim of education is to teach young people to think for themselves and not follow others ______ . A. blindly B. unwillingly C. closely D. carefully 14.Annie Salmon, disabled, is attended throughout her school days by a nurse _______ to guard her. A. to appoint B. appointing C. appointed D. having appointed 15.Cathy had quit her job when her son was born _______ she could stay home and raise her family. A.now that B. as if C. only if D. so that 16.They were abroad during the months when we were carrying out the investigation, or they _____ to our help. A. would have come B. could come C. have come D. had come 17.People won?t pay attention to you when they still have a lot of ideas of their own crying _______ expression. A. from B. over C. with D. for 18.There?s no reason to be disappointed. ______, this could be rather amusing. A. Above all B. As a result C. In addition D. As a matter of fact 19.How could you ______ such a fantastic job when you have been out of work for months. A. turn off B. turn in C.turn down D. turn to 20.—I?d like a wake-up call at 7:00 a.m., please! —OK, _______. 1


“煮书” 爷爷的书房里挂着一张条幅,上面写着“煮书”两个苍劲有力的大字。我感到很奇怪:书只能读,怎么可以煮呢? 一天,爷爷刚刚写完一篇文章,正坐在椅子上品茶。我指着条幅问爷爷:“书怎么可以煮呢?书放在锅里煮,不是要煮坏吗?” 爷爷笑了:“书是精神食粮嘛,既是食粮,怎么不可以煮呢?煮熟了,吃下去才好消化吸收呀!” 爷爷看我疑惑不解的样子,便接着说:“你知道唐代大诗人杜甫吧?他小时候读书,常常是反复诵读品味,非把书读熟读透不可。其实,这就是‘煮书’。这样,他作起诗来就感到得心应手了。所以他说‘读书破万卷,下笔如有神’。我们学习语文,对那些好的文章也应该这么‘煮’。否则,就很难把语文学好。” “爷爷,你看我该怎么‘煮书’呢?” “你可以从‘煮’语文书入手。语文课文都是范文,每天清晨起来,放声读上几遍,仔细品味一番,多有意思呀!这样‘煮’下去,你不仅能体会文章情感,还可以牢记妙词佳句……好处可多啦。肚子里的词儿多了,今后说话和写文章,还会犯愁吗?”爷爷的话使我豁然开朗,“煮书”还真有道理哩! 1.根据意思,从文中找出相应的四个字词语,并填在括号里。 (1)心里怎么想,手就怎么做,形容运用自如。() (2)一下子明白过来。() (3)心里不明白,不理解。() 2.造句。 不仅……还…… 3.你认为“读书破万卷,下笔如有神”的意思是 4.杜甫是怎样“煮书”的,请用“~~~”画出相关的句子;我们学语文该怎么“煮书”?请用“”画出相关句子。 5.按要求填空。 (1)使“我”感到奇怪的问题是: (2)“我”认为“煮书”是,而爷爷说“煮书”是指 (3)“煮书”有什么好处?你今后打算怎样学好语文呢?

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