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姓名(拼音和汉字): 性别: 出生日期: 出生地: 家庭住址: 单位地址: 家庭电话: 工作电话: 手机号码: 电子邮箱: 教育背景–请分别列出您取得的所有学位,从最高学位写起。 月,年—月,年大学名称 学位和专业 论文标题/研究焦点(只对硕士和博士学位)工作经历–请列举您的所有工作经历。 月,年—月,年单位名称 地址 职位或职称 工作职责 所获奖项及加入哪些团体组织(如果适用) 出版物—请列出您发表的所有出版物标题、合作者和年份(如果适用)

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Name (in pinyin and Chinese): Gender: Date of Birth: Place of Birth: Home Address: Business Address: Home Phone: Work Phone: Mobile Phone: E-mail: Education – please list all degrees attained, beginning with the most recent Month, Year – Month, Year University Name Degree and Major Thesis Topic/Research Focus (for masters and phd degrees) Work Experience – please list all work experience Month, Year – Month, Year Employer Location Position or Title Duties Awards and Group Memberships – if any


1.请保持低调:please keep a low profile. 【点评】牛人在做事情上毫不含糊,但是在做人上总是非常谦和。所以当你下次看到你的朋友为了一点点小事而沾沾自喜、自鸣得意的时候,你可以对ta脱口而出这句话。profile可作“姿态”之意,low profile就是“低姿态”;而high profile则是“高姿态、高调”的意思。 2.我要续杯:I would like a refill. 【点评】“续杯”在当代生活中很多场景都适用。你知道吗,麦当劳的咖啡是可以续杯的。

3.我腿麻了:I can't feel my legs. 【点评】一个姿势坐久了,腿就发麻,“麻”这个字还真难翻,但是我们另辟蹊径,翻译成“无法感知”就OK啦。如果手麻了,就是I can’t feel my hands.

4.我去哄哄她开心:I am going to distract her. 【点评】哄某人开心,就是转移ta的注意力,从一件不爽的事情转移到开心的事情,其本质就是“distract”,下次会用了吗? 5.好评如潮:They are all well received. 【点评】这里千万别说成good comments are like tide…。还得懂得转化,如潮的好评并不是“像潮水一般”,而是“很好地被接收”,所以,…is well received就很好理解了不是?想学习更多英语知识,请关注口袋英语aikoudaiyy

6.我要梳理一下我的思路:I have to organize my thoughts. 【点评】当一个人大喜大悲不够理智的时候,思绪总是混乱的,要想恢复理智的状态,就要理理思路。或者,当你想“静静”的时候,也可以用上这句话。


培养学生运用英语做事的习惯 在的英语学习和英语教学工作中,我觉得要学好英语,必须要培养自主创造力,但要培养创造力首先就是要培养的思维能力。著名教育家苏霍姆林斯基曾经过说过:“真正的学校是一个积极思考的王国。”可见,有效地利用多种途径和方法来启发学生的思维,促进学生智慧的发展,是目前构成课堂教学技巧的重要组成部分。并且对于培养学生更好的运用英语的语言能力及表达能力,以便将来在生活中灵活的应用,通过学习和实践,我对启发式教学有了一定的认识和体会: 一、启发 启发式教学是指教师在教学过程中根据教学任务和学习的客观规律,从学生的实际出发,采用多种方式,以启发学生的思维为核心,调动学生的学习主动性和积极性,促使他们生动活泼的学习的一种指导思想。教学启发方法与技巧思想及实践中外教育史上是源远流长的。 在我国,孔子启发教育的涵义是:教导学生,不到他想弄明白而又弄不明白的时候,不去启示他的思路:不到他想说而又说不出来的时候,不去开导他的表述。 德国民主主义教育第斯多惠认为“教育就是引导”,要调动学生的主动性。这是启发性教学的首要原理,也是教学成功的基础和标志,“教师只有在起引导作用时,才能在教学过程中发展儿童的主动性。”他建议:教学要启发学生的智力,使他们能够“探求、考虑、判断、发现。”他的名言是:“不好的教师是传授真理,好的教师是教学生去发现真理。” 通过学习发现,优秀教师教学总是注重启发诱导学生,使之明事理。引导学生而不牵着学生走;鼓励学生而不强迫学生走;启发学生而不代替学生。师生融洽,学习愉快,又能独立思考,这就叫做善于自发诱导。 综上所述,可见启发式教学在英语教学中发挥着多么重要的作用。教师充分调动学生学习的积极性和主动性,遵循教学的客观规律,以高超精湛的技艺适时巧妙地启迪、诱导学生去学习,帮助他们学会动脑筋思考和语言表达,生动活泼、轻松愉快地获得发展。 二、启发教学的原则与要求


标志词巧解语法和改错 标志词 1. 逗号 在语法填空中,逗号隔开一个词;如果有提示词 , 提示词是 adj ,则填这个词的副词形式,大多加 ly ;如果提示词是 v, 则填写它的非谓语形式。 如果无提示词,则优先考虑 however ,therefore, 其次考虑 moreover ,otherwise 。 例: Luckily (luck), he escaped from the fire. Unfortunately (unfortunate) , he fell off the bike. He earned a lot of money , however, he was addicted in the drug. 标志词 2. one of one of 之后若有形容词,一定要用最高级形式;若之后出现名词,则用复数形式;若既有名词又有形容词,则先填最高级,再填复数名词,最高级之前要加 the 例: The house is one of the cheapest (cheap) houses in the area. 标志词 3. when 与 while( 时间状语从句) when 之后一般要用过去式, while 之后一般要用过去进行时。 例: When I got home, my mother was cooking dinner. While my mother was cooking dinner, I entered the kitchen. 标志词 4. by 语法填空里,空格之后有“by” ” ,则空格里考虑填“be + 动词的过去分词”, 但是如果前面已经有了谓语动词,则空格里直接用“ 过去


做事先做人的英文谚语 导读:本文是关于做事先做人的英文谚语,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、言者无罪,闻者足戒。 The speaker is innocent, the hearer is admonished. 2、穷则独善其身,达则兼善天下。 Poverty is good for itself, while attainment is good for the world. 3、批评别人要诚恳,听取意见要虚心。 Be sincere in criticizing others and modest in listening to their opinions. 4、力是压大的,胆是吓大的。 Force is strong, courage is frightening. 5、大路有草行人踩,心术不正旁人说。 The road is trampled by grass pedestrians and others say that their mind is not right. 6、君子动口,小人动手。 A gentleman talks and a villain acts. 7、小时偷针,大了偷金。 Stealing needles in an hour is bigger than stealing gold. 8、百闻不如一见,百见不如一干。

Seeing is better than hearing, doing is better than seeing. 9、打人两日忧,骂人三日羞。 Two days to worry about beating people, three days to shame cursing people. 10、君子和而不同,小人同而不和。 Gentlemen differ from each other, and villains differ from each other. 11、奔车之上无仲尼,覆舟之下无伯夷。 There is no Zhongni above the car and no Boyi below the boat. 12、过而不改,是谓过矣。 It's too late to change. 13、宁可玉碎,不能瓦全。 It's better to break a piece of jade than to finish it. 14、二人同心,其利断金。 The two of them are united, and their profits are cut off. 15、敬老得老,敬禾得宝。 Respect for old age, reverence for grains, reverence for treasure. 16、吃亏人常在,占便宜死得快。 Losers are always there and die quickly. 17、鸟惜羽毛虎惜皮,为人处世惜脸皮。

MBA简历模板:Kellogg_Resume_Template Sample

STEVEN J. LORRENCE 3242 South Lexis Ave., Milwaukee, WI 53208 (555) 782-4322 ? sjlorrence@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d8890417.html, EXPERIENCE: 2002 – Present POLYMER RESEARCH Milwaukee, WI General Manager ?Managed research-oriented polymer start-up through product design and development; oversaw sales/marketing initiatives of several patented products for footwear and medical markets ?Created and supervised team of 25 including 11 professional engineers and researchers; team has produced 14 different projects to date, accounting for $13 million in revenue ?Developed “C-Tech” patented custom forming system for footwear – licensed to global footwear manufacturer ?Established joint venture in Dominican Republic to integrate C-Tech into customer’s production line ?Increased sales 500% in two years 2002 – Present MULTI-SPORT HELMET Milwaukee, WI Technical Director ?Orchestrated product design, testing, and production of multi-sport protective helmets for start-up company ?Advised President on general management issues and assisted with marketing and sales efforts ?Coached team through 15-month design-to-production cycle of first product; ultimately captured 5% of $130 million market 1998 – 2002 BOSTON MARINA Boston, MA General Manager, 2000 – 2002 ?Led management team and designed organizational structure for newest and largest marina in Milwaukee area, while simultaneously managing phase one construction; coordinated 500 boats with $2 million in annual revenue ?Hired, trained, and reviewed six department managers and over 50 full and part time employees ?Maintained optimum occupancy while expanding capacity 800% ?Served as general contractor during construction of infrastructure, docks, buildings, and landscaping Project Engineer, 1998-2000 ?Hired and supervised consulting engineers, architects, and contractors for $6 million phase one design and construction of marina on undeveloped site; worked directly with owner and functioned as General Contractor ?Directed $4 million construction of harbor, site, buildings, docks, and utilities ?Personally designed and contracted for fabrication and installation of 300 foot floating breakwater ? 1994 – 1997 MACKIN COMPANY Milwaukee, WI Project Leader, R&D Technician ?Conducted research and development for entrepreneur, including composite mountain bicycle and automotive projects ?Designed valve cover/oil baffle that became standard equipment in over 1 million Chrysler automobiles EDUCATION: 1991 – 1995 COWELL UNIVERSITY Chicago, IL Bachelor of Arts in Sociology and Anthropology ?Graduated Cum Laude ?Captain of 4 intramural teams ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: ?Passion: acoustic guitar for several years. ?Interests: camping in national parks without amenities, skiing in Western Europe, reading Ayn Rand novels. ?Trustee, Milwaukee Heritage Association – Downtown Milwaukee community planning and development organization.


What are you trying to say?(你到底想说什么?) Don't be silly.(别胡闹了。) How strong are your glasses?(你近视多少度?) Just because.(没有别的原因。) It isn't the way I hoped it would be.(这不是我所盼望的。) You will never guess.(你永远猜不到。) No one could do anything about it.(众人对此束手无措。) I saw something deeply disturbing.(深感事情不妙。) Money is a good servant but a bad master.(要做金钱的主人,莫做金钱的奴隶。) I am not available.(我正忙着)Wisdom in the mind is better than money in the hand.(脑中的知识比手中的金钱更重要) Never say die.it's a piece of cake.别泄气,那只是小菜一碟。 Don't worry.you'll get use to it soon.别担心,很快你就会习惯的。 I konw how you feel.我明白你的感受。 You win some.you lose some.胜败乃兵家常事。 Don't bury your head in the sand.不要逃避现实。 I didn't expect you to such a good job.我没想到你干得这么好。 You are coming alone well.你做得挺顺利。 She is well-build.她的身材真棒。You look neat and fresh.你看起来很清纯。 You have a beautiful personality.你的气质很好。 You flatter me immensely.你过奖啦。You should be slow to judge others.你不应该随意评论别人。 I hope you will excuse me if i make any mistake.如有任何错误,请你原谅It was most careless ofme.我太粗心了。 It was quite by accident.真是始料不及。 I wish i had all the time i'd ever wasted,so i could waste it all over again.我希望所有被我浪费的时间重新回来,让我再浪费一遍。 I like you the way you were.我喜欢你以前的样子。 You two go ahead to the movie without me,i don't want to be a third wheel.你们两个自己去看电影吧,我不想当电灯泡。 Do you have anyone in mind?你有心上人吗? How long have you known her?你认识她多久了? It was love at frist sight.一见钟情 I'd bettle hit the books.我要复习功课啦。 a piece of one's mind .直言不讳 He gave me a piece of mind,"Don't shift responsibility onto others."他责备道:“不要把责任推卸到别人身上。” a cat and dog life水火不容的生活The husband and his wife are always quarrelling,and they are leading a cat and dog life.这对夫妇老是吵架,相互之间水火不容。 a dog's life潦倒的生活 The man lived a dog's life.这个人生活潦倒。 A to Z从头至尾 I know that from A to Z. 我很了解这件事。 above somebody深奥 Well,this sort of talk is above me.我不懂你们在讲什么。 all ears 全神贯注地倾听着 When you tell Mary some gossip,she is all ears.跟Mary讲一些小道消息,她会听地仔仔细细。


英语听力的十大类标志词 1.级标志词 形容词、副词级、most / chief / primary / main / leading / …… 2.级标志词 only / unique / prefer / every / one / of all / perfect / …… 3.因果项标志词 cause / lead to / contribute to / thanks to / owing to / question / answer / why / reason / 其他形式的问句/ …… 4.转则项关键词 despite / in spite of / instead / while / from ~ to ~ / although ~ (yet)~ / not only ~ but also ~ / …… 5.序数项标志词 所有的序数词(first , second)/ another / the other / next / last / in addition / on the other hand / …… 6.时间项标志词 when / how / today / as / before / after / since / then / until / …… 7.解释项标志词 or / namely / in other words / that is / that is to say / …… 8.目的项标志词

to / for / …… 9.总结项标志词 all in all / in brief / to conclude / at last / in summary / in short / …… 10.强调项标志词 副词:especially / particularly / almost / always / usually / …… 动词:show / remember / note / notice / say / pronounce / ……

CV sample for Marketing 英文简历

Marketing CVs are essential if you are applying for jobs in the marketing sector. You should prepare your CV in a manner that will convince the employer that you are the best person for the marketing job. This CVs cut across the board i.e. whether you are a college senior looking for an internship or an experienced professional seeking to move higher up in the professional ladder. Marketing is a very dynamic and careers in this sector are fast paced as every day companies are looking to increase market share and therefore marketing professionals are relied upon greatly. Some of the of jobs which you can apply for using a marketing CV are marketing director, marketing manager, brand manager, marketing consultant, online marketing manager, marketing analyst, marketing engineer, marketing coordinator, management trainee, student intern and many more jobs in the marketing sector. Some action words that you may want to include in your CV to make it sound more professional and give you a better chance of getting the job are: coordinated, restructured, trained, managed, implemented, surpassed, targeted, increased market share, motivated, achieved, generated, proposed, recommended, opened, streamlined, improved, improved, supervised, oversaw and many more words. Sample Marketing CV Format Name: Collins Kennedy Address: P.O BOX 454646 New York Contact Information:E-mail:abcdef@https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d8890417.html, Tel: 243536456 Cell phone: 234535468 Career Objective: To work in a dynamic corporate environment in order to constantly increase the market share of the company. Educational Qualification: Academic Qualification:



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让你的简历更有面子 ?写一份动人的简历也是找工作中最难的一部分,但是,通过下面步骤,这件事不再那么难了。 首先简历格式一定要规范工整。套用微软的话说,简历一定要“界面友好”,让看简历的人第一印象不错,不至于只匆匆扫一眼就直接扔进垃圾桶。其实,说白就是:该对齐的地方要对齐,该空行的地方要空行,该用黑体该用大号字的地方要用大号字。有的人太想表现自己对于word操作的熟练程度了,一篇简历,800个字不到,就用了5、6种字体,还不包括阴影、斜体、下滑线、加重号。其实,那些审简历的人都是老手,看过无数份的简历,对于一份正常格式的简历,他们很容易就会看到重点,不需要再用各种各样个性的字体、符号将自己认为的光辉事迹加重出来。充斥着太多黑体字、加重号、阴影、斜体的简历会显得凌乱不堪,让本来就已经很烦躁的眼球没有往下看的愿望。当然,适当的、少量的将自己的特大光辉事迹用不同的字体、符号标注出来也是十分必要的,但好钢要用在刀刃上,比如你是北大毕业的,比如你曾在麦肯锡实习过,比如你大学三四年级的学费都是自己打工挣出来的,比如你写过几本书。一份简历,用黑体、下划线标注两三个重点,因为少,才会更加醒目。有的哥们又想把内容压缩在一页纸,又生怕遗漏任何一点自己的优点,搞得一张纸上密密麻麻,让人看了就头皮发麻。一定要记住要舍得空行,有时候为了空行,必须要鼓足勇气下定决心删掉很多自己想摆上简历的东西。因为换位思考,稍微好一点的职位都是几十、上百比一的比例的人在争取,审简历的人根

能用英语做事情之目的教学方式 模板

能用英语做事情之目的教学方式 一、引言 英语课程标准是教师在基础教育阶段执行英语学科教学的纲领性文件。从新中国成立至今,我国基础教育英语课程改革已经进行了多次,最近一次从20XX年开始的基础教育课程改革算起,也已历经十余年。在此期间,各地中小学的英语教学取得了一定的成绩,但同时广大教师和学者对各种版本的英语课程标准的理解和解读争议不断,有时争议还十分激烈。依据笔者研读和观察发现,争议的焦点大多集中在英语课程的目的和方法这两方面,教育目的、教学[ 第一论文]目的、课程目的经常被混为一谈,英语教学存在目的不清、方法单一的现象,只提倡“做中学”。英语教师对语言本质的认识影响着语言教育模式,而执行和理解英语课程标准更是直接关系到如何实施课堂教学。目前针对基础教育阶段的英语课程标准主要有20XX年出版的《全日制义务教育普通高级中学英语课程标准(实验稿)》、20XX年出版的《普通高中英语课程标准(实验)》和20XX年出版的《义务教育英语课程标准(20XX年版)》,为叙述方便,以上分别称为《课标》(20XX、20XX、20XX)。三个《课标》力图实现目的多元化、方法多样化,使学生掌握英语的基础知识和基本技能(“双基”),这是值得肯定的。本文通过对“目的”的界定和英语教育目的历史的回顾,对用语言做事的方法进行探讨,指出教育目的是课程标准规定的总目标,用英语做事情是课程目的,教学目的要聚焦语言本身。为实现语言“双基”的教学目的,教师要正确区分教育目的、课程目的和教学目的,深入研究能用英语做事情的本质特征。落实语言“双基”的教学在某种意义上也是用语言做事,是实现英语教学目的的有效途径。 二、教育目的、教学目的和课程目的 我们探讨外语教育首先要明确教育、教学和课程的基本含义和相互关系。广义的教育指以影响人的身心发展为直接目的的社会活动,狭义的教育指由专职人员和专门机构进行的学校教育。可以说,教育随社会的产生而产生,是作为个体的人与社会发展必不可少的手段,为一切社会所必需,又随社会的进步而发展;受社会政治、经济、文化等方面的制约,也对社会整体及其诸多方面产生影响;教育还受制于个体的身心发展规律;社会主义社会的教育是建设社会主义和促进个人全面发展强有力的工具。教学指学校工作中由教师的教和学生的学共同组成的活通过教;是学校的中心工作,是学校进行智育、德育、美育和体育的主要途径,动.学,学生在教师有目的、有计划和有组织的指导下,积极、主动地掌握系统的文化、科学、技术等各类知识和技能,发展智力和体力、独立学习和创造的能力,陶冶性情和审美情趣,形成良好的思想品德(辞海编辑委员会,1999:4176、4177)。教育本身就包括教学,而外语教育可以解释为与外语相关的一切社会和教学活动,其中始终渗透着中外文化价值观的学习和民族身份感的树立。在实践中,外语教育和外语教学经常被混用,因为这两个概念的内涵不同,就容易在教育目的和教学目的理解和解读方面出现误解和误读。关于课程和教学的概念,张传燧和纪国和


一般现在时标志词: every day, evry Sunday, often, always, usually, sometimes , on Sundays, on weekdays等等。 一般过去时标志词: ago, yesterday, the day before yesterday, last week/year/night/month..., in 1989, just now, at the age of , one day, ago, long ago, once upon a time,(从前,很久 以前)then(那时), on that day(在那天), 一般将来时标志词: soon, tomorrow, the day after tomorrow(后天),this evening/afternoon/year before long(不久以后),next year/month/week/summer,in the future, some day(将来的 某一天) ,in two weeks/days/years 现在进行时标志词: now. Look. Listen. these days ,at that time. at that moment. this time ,yesterday evening 过去进行时标志词: at that time. at that moment. this time yesterday evening等;或者与when, while, as引导 的过去时间状语连用。 现在完成时标志词: already(用于肯定句), yet(用于否定,疑问句), just, before, recently, still, lately, never, ever, never, twice, on several occasion, in the past few days/weeks/months/years, (up to)these few days/weeks/months/years, this morning/week/month/year, just, up to present, so far, up to now, till now, since+时间 过去完成时标志词: by, by the time (of), by the end of + 过去时间; when. before. after…….+过去时间; up till then (直到时); up until last night(直 到昨晚)等; already, just, ever, yet 等。 过去将来时标志词: the following month (week…), the next time/ Friday/ term/ month


转】麦肯锡咨询面试经验汇总贴 肖承浩 2012-07-16 14:48:35 同行热帖 ?[普华永道会...]非常详细的普华永道PwC本科和研究生薪... ?[普华永道会...]2014普华永道暑期实习 ?[中国专利信...]专利审查协作中心薪酬待遇 ?[尼尔森公司]尼尔森应届生薪酬待遇揭秘 6.1 麦肯锡精彩面经分享马拉松归来~~ 刚刚进行完McK的面霸之旅,虽然是第一次面试经历,不过这样一番折腾,自觉都快成面霸了。在回来的火车上,信号拉拉差,反正没事干,决定积攒 rp,乘热打铁,写写面经,也算总结经验,回头再战…. (我承认第一段看完我就可以直接被淘汰了。)基于本文的初衷除了找回自己的中文,更重要是记录这个过程,以便后人及后几参考,决定采用流水账形式。 第一部分,面试前 首先当然是投简历啦,没什么好说,要注意投的时候资料完整,即使你觉得很简略的几行实习证明,也起码证明你简历的真实性,事实上,根本没人有兴趣你的实习鉴定是什么样的,重要的还是简历。 我投的时候因为还没收到美国的实习证明,就没附上,之后HR基本第二天就来信说要加上缺的材料。之后因为网申的账号已经进不去了,我就投了email,一次加上之前投过的材料,重投了一次。在这部分里面,我特别注意了将附件统一文件名,在email里申明之前缺材料的原因,写了一份附件的清单附上注明是英语、德语或者中文。 一个礼拜不到就收到消息,约时间面试。收到确认信,关于MDay (Marathontag就是面试的那天,马拉松我没跑过,无从比较,但是体力确实要跟上)的流程,酒店地址,前一天自愿的非正式晚宴的邀请,(说是自愿,大概没有人敢没有理由的拒掉,不过其实对于放松心情还是挺管用的) 还有就是笔试的练习题了。 消息插播,准备的3个礼拜过程中,经历了另外两个企业的电面,主要关于简历的,虽然最后也不是Ha ppyEnding,但是对于练习面试德语有一定效果,至少在后面MDay的简历部分比较自信。个人觉得,这个部分,练习很重要,当然也可以找朋友练,不过石狮子嘛,有多少效果很难说。 第二部分 抵达刑场 先说一下面试前一天的情况,从家里出发的时候,因为西装等诸多细节问题(比如黑西装上下黑的颜色要统一,比如女生高跟鞋的鞋跟要么新换,要么买新鞋,又或者穿裤装遮住),耽误很多时间,所以有点忘掉了练习case的感觉。虽然很多人说,完全没必要注重细节,但是我觉得态度很重要,咨询公司看不看中我不清楚,不过个人以为没有这点认真,那面试就不用去了。 火车下来,基本在酒店的门口坐上出租车。。。我承认个人的方向感差到一定境界了。此处就省略一万字。。。。 住的地方挺大,虽然我一进去就开始挑人家的毛病,没办法,沉浸case中,要找出问题在哪里嘛。关于酒店本身,必须得说,漂亮是漂亮,不过可以看出在德国不算高级的级别,对外价好像是500欧不到一晚吧,床不错,上网挺贵,这10块钱收的实在没意思,收入没多少,到显得小气,下次告诉 hilton,看能不能给我个最佳意见奖,好在我带了自己的网卡。 把衣服拿出,烫好,跑了个澡,基本就可以去吃饭了,路上跟出租司机聊这间餐厅,还有科隆等,只为增加谈资。


用英语写出的名言经典警句80句 英语名言警句1 1、Be honest rather clever. 诚实比聪明更要紧。 2、Being on sea, sail; being on land, settle. 随遇而安。 3、Be just to all, but trust not all. 要公正对待所有的人,但不要轻信所有的人。 4、Believe not all that you see nor half what you hear. 眼见的不能全信,耳闻的也不能半信。 5、Be slow to promise and quick to perform. 不轻诺,诺必果。 6、Be swift to hear, slow to speak. 多听少说。 7、Better an empty purse than an empty head. 宁可钱袋瘪,不要脑袋空。 8、Better an open enemy than a false friend. 明枪易躲,暗箭难防。 9、Better good neighbours near than relations far away. 远亲不如近邻。 10、Between the cup and the lip a morsel may slip. 功亏一篑。 11、Between two stools one falls to the ground. 脚踏两头要落空。 12、Beware beginnings. 慎始为上。 13、Big mouthfuls ofter choke. 贪多嚼不烂。 14、Bind the sack before it be full.


11. Mary is my best friend. We’re all from Henan, 1. _____ but now I live in Beijing when she lives in 2. _____ Guangzhou. We don’t look each other very often, 3. _____ but we’re keep in touch all the time. I often write 4. _____ to Mary and telling her about the things that 5. _____ are happened at my company, and she often 6. _____ writes to me about her work. We talk on phone 7. _____ once a week. Sometime I call her on her 8. _____ car phone, or we send e-mail to each other. 9. _____ We’re really luck. There are so many ways 10. ____ we can keep in touch with each other. 【答案解析】 1. all改为both。指Mary和作者两个人。 2. when改为and或while。因为两个分句没有主从关系。而是并列关系,或者有对比或对照的含义。 3. look改为see。因为此句意为“两个人不能经常见面(see)”。


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