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LITTLE WOMEN Louisa May Alcott.

LITTLE WOMEN   Louisa May Alcott.
LITTLE WOMEN   Louisa May Alcott.

LITTLE WOMEN Louisa May Alcott Vocabulary

Bookworm 书虫capitally 极好的Contented 满足的dagger 短剑

Dreadful 可怕的严重的糟糕的mutter 嘟囔嘀咕Tiresome 使人厌烦的rehearsal 排练

Hearth 壁炉overturn 翻转倒置Holder 支架candle holder 烛台clatter 洗得哗哗响喧哗Be fussy with 对……挑剔,难以取悦bundle 捆,包裹负担Trot 慢跑小跑cellar 地下室酒窖Reprove 责备pilgrim 旅行者朝圣者香客Naughty 无足轻重的slipper 拖鞋

Prim 呆板拘谨的flask 长颈瓶热水瓶Fret 苦恼发愁It’s naughty to fret. Frame 框架

Insult 侮辱frown 皱眉

Pickle bottle 腌菜罐子humble 谦逊的

Peck at 对…吹毛求疵earnest 真挚的诚恳的Dignity 尊严高贵trump 王牌胜赢Pervade 弥漫于drill 训练

Grumble 抱怨queer 奇怪古怪Plump 丰满的draft 起草草图Capital 资本资本家pane 窗户玻璃嵌板

Cloak 斗篷披风frill 褶

Refuge 避难庇护所drill 训练

Refugee 难民bill 账单

Garret 阁楼mill 磨坊

Husky 嘶哑的sill 基石

Parlor 起居室客厅fill 填充

Mortified 窘迫的受屈辱的gill 腮

Uneven 不平坦的不对称的hill 小山堆土堆Horrified 恐惧的rill 涓涓流淌

Frizzle 鬃发使弯曲pill 药片

Ringlet 长卷发小环小圈

Mane (马、狮子等的)鬃毛;(人的)长头发

Wail 嚎啕恸哭aristocracy 贵族

Victim 受害者wink 眨眼

Hairdresser 美发师trifle琐事小事adj.一定程度上Hairdressing 美发timid 胆小的

Frill 褶边brisk 活泼伶俐的brick 砖Snood 束发带recess 休息

PIN 胸针别针recession 后退衰退Hairpin 发簪束发夹peep 窥视隐约显现

Sash 肩带腰带

Ribbon 丝带rubber 橡胶胶鞋Prink 打扮

Walking suit旅行装low—necked 低领

Bow 蝴蝶结nightcap晚礼帽snowy muslins 雪白薄纱

Ball dress 舞会衣服the plain gown 素净的衣服Pump 泵浅口皮鞋blush (at) 脸红

Cricket 蟋蟀blunt 钝的

Stray 迷路偏离迷途的bash 痛击猛击

Scorch 把…烧焦bashful 害羞的羞怯的Installment 分期支付分期bashfulness 害羞腼腆Obliging 乐于助人的

Obliged 感激的grave 坟墓

Oblige 施恩于做好事gravely 严肃的庄重的Bonbon 糖果gruff 粗哑的板着脸孔的Wit 机智才干

Capital n.首都大写资本资金


garland 花环花冠带花环coward 懦夫

cozy 舒服的惬意的保温罩vivacity 活泼有生气affectionate 充满柔情的深情的regard=respect 尊敬器重rosy 美好的玫瑰红的conservatory 温室

toss 抛掷投掷toss up a snowball 扔雪球

wicked 顽皮的恶劣的solitary 孤独的寂寥的compose 组成使平静accomplished 有教养的tremendous 巨大的完成的熟练的portrait 肖像rapture 着迷狂喜nunnery 女修道院capture 捕获

infirmity 虚弱软弱

anecdote 轶闻趣事cease 停止

gratitude 感激cozy舒适保温盒

impart 告知

invalid 病弱的引申:破娃娃Noel 耶诞节

crotchety 怪癖的Joe 士兵家伙

lime 石灰酸橙hoe 锄头

picket limes 腌酸橙foe 敌人

moist 潮doe 雌鹿

midst 中部在之中toe 脚趾

mist 薄雾水汽woe 悲哀灾难

consign 把交付给,托运,寄存

inmost 最深处的stale 不新鲜的陈旧无新意的recess 休息steal 偷

twit 责难愚弄store 储存

promptly 敏捷的迅速的正好的storage 仓库

revengeful 燃起复仇的

pretense 假装做作推辞peacock 孔雀爱炫耀的人rankle 使怨恨化脓demon 恶魔

stern 严格的严厉的defend 防御保护

buzz 嗡嗡响叽叽喳喳reproof 斥责

obediently 服从的顺从的bosom 胸胸怀怀抱

comply+with 顺从remorse 自责痛悔countenance 脸色fib 小谎

oppress 压迫压制frivolous 轻佻的composure 平静沉着talisman 护身符

scarlet 猩红色flutter 激动颤抖飘扬passionately 热情的激昂的dainty 精巧的精致的anguish 极度的痛苦dawdle 闲混偷懒disgrace 耻辱不光彩cultivated 文雅的V. 耕种陶冶mortify 使受屈辱remarkably 引人注意的pathetic 可怜兮兮的

ludicrous 滑稽的荒唐可笑的intimate 亲密的

wrathful 大怒的imitate 模仿

conceit 自满自大coralline salve 珊瑚色唇膏perk 振作自满得意洋洋 a plumy fan 羽毛扇

faint 头晕昏厥虚弱

irritate 使恼怒烦躁ill-bred缺乏教养的vulgar 低俗的

virtue 美德品行trip 绊倒

rustle 窸窣maternal tune 老成持重的腔调plague 瘟疫使苦恼使折磨flourish 炫耀兴旺

gayly 愉快的worldly 精于世故的

daunt 使气馁畏惧badge 会徽

warbler 歌手bower 树荫凉亭

tray 盘子托盘Ginger 生姜

corned beef 腌制的生牛肉lobster 大鳌虾

scarlet 猩红色fern 蕨类

Grove 树林丛林 a grove of 一丛一堆grave 坟墓

Closet 壁橱groan 呻吟porch 门廊

Ration 配量供给bustle 忙乱慌乱Simplicity 简单朴素oak 橡胶树oar 桨Wicked 坏的缺德的淘气的wicket 小门(售票)小窗口Mermaid 美人鱼

Captain 上尉船长首领captive 俘虏

Run short 短缺suit sb. 和某人合得来

tyrant 暴君sketch 素描

beckon 示意召唤cone 松果squirrel 松鼠primer 识字课本saloon 雅间交谊厅

preach 说教布道fortune 财产财富fortunate 幸运的unjust 不公平behold 看见bonnet 帽子hood女帽

relapse 重新陷入复发forlorn 孤独不幸的

exert 用力运用exertion 努力

mistress 女主人madam 夫人

Belle 美女adorn 装点打扮adornment装饰物Solace 慰藉安慰solacement 安慰物

Forefinger 食指guard 项圈守卫

Fidget 使…焦躁不安dodge 躲开doom 厄运Conscientious 诚实的flatiron 熨斗

Bribe 贿赂收买bolt 螺栓拴上逃跑

Bride 新娘moralize 教化

confinement 限制幽禁meadow 草地

behold 欣赏看见注视estimable 可尊重的

fit 适合fist 拳头sleigh ride 滑雪橇

invisible 无形的看不见的stammer 结巴

cottage 村舍pollutant 污染物disinfectant 消毒液car—sickness 晕车high building sickness 恐高症technical term 专业术语refinish 装修

aquatic 水生的wrathful 大怒的

fountain 喷泉人造池shrubbery 灌木丛

whim 奇想sweeper 清扫器mop 拖把discharge 排出气体液体免除about-face 向后转

soap 肥皂gratitude 感激

get around 周转兜旋转弯子impetuous 性急的冲动的in spite of 尽管eloquent 有说服力的indulge 沉迷,放纵gratify 使高兴满足

drop in 拜访看望tribulation 苦难磨难audacity 大胆无畏marine views 海洋景色divine 神的ruffle in 弄皱弄毛

swan 天鹅闲荡obstinacy 顽固

truckle 谄媚小车轮strain 拉紧过滤sweetmeat 蜜饯unpardonable 不可原谅的indignation 愤怒exert 加把劲努力exult 欢欣鼓舞puss cherub 天真的小孩wheedle 甜言蜜语的谎言overwhelm 绝对优势压倒性的不知所措的

ensue 随之而来的blissful 极快乐的stableman 马夫groom 马夫侍从passion 热情have a passion for…crotchety 怪想反复无常fragment 碎片wrath 愤怒

fragile 易碎的wreath 花环花冠花圈fragrant 芳香的constitution 宪法体格


1.a gallant little bow 有教养的弯一下腰

2.a second installment of coffee 又去取了一趟咖啡

3.In the midst of 在……之中,当中

4.at one’s wits’ end 不知所措

5.good breeding 良好的修养

6.to one’s dismay 让某人惊慌的惊愕的沮丧气馁

https://www.doczj.com/doc/274068345.html,pose oneself 使某人平静下来

8.at any rate 不管怎样

9.prim and poky 既严肃又冷漠

10.r egularly splendid 十分出众的

11.r evel in bouquets 采摘大捧鲜花

12.p luck up courage to 鼓起勇气做

13.a n irresistible temptation 不可抗拒的诱惑

14.g lorious news 光荣的极好的消息

15.a fter two or three retreats 犹豫再三

16.t he eventful call of him 那次重要的拜访

17.f or one’s especial benefit 特意为某人准备

18.g lossy lid 光滑的(钢琴)盖子

19.p ride goes before a fall 骄兵必败

20.so plump and juicy 多么饱满多汁

21.the insulted hand 受屈辱的手

22.be rather conceit 过于自大

23.get perked up 活跃起来

24. parade sth. 炫耀… parade 行列,游行阅兵炫耀

25. trivial affair 小事一桩

26. GO slowly zigzagging down the river 慢慢走之字

27. something held and turned her around , just in time to see. 莫名其妙转了过来,正好看见

28.she worked on, as if possessed. 如同着了魔似的

29.real flowers were the prettiest ornament for a young lady.鲜花配美人

30.be fuss about 对大惊小怪

31. put an little airs and graces 摆点小架子装腔

32.glance at it and then one another 迅速扫了一眼并互相交换眼色

33.make up these flowers in dainty bouquets 做成精美的花束

34.play her cards well 如她心计所愿

35.dote on sb.宠爱某人

36.sb. colored up when 飞红了脸

37.they chattered like a party of magpies.像群喜鹊叽叽喳喳

38. sb. Has heaps(堆) of taste .品位高

39.sail into (ball舞厅drawing room 客厅…)款款步入

40.refill one’s glass 再次斟满

41.and so on= and quantities of nonsense (侧重叽叽喳喳废话的等等)

42.make a dash in the world .急功近利

43.on one occasion 这一天某一天

44. be civil to sb. 对…有礼貌,彬彬有礼

45.get in a muddle 陷入混乱

46. don’t try too many messes 不要好高骛远

47.make a wry face 做鬼脸表不满

48.purse up one’s lips 噘嘴

49.several people called 一些人来拜访

50. live a little for others 为别人想一些

51.draw sb. aside 把某人拉过来

52. pin up a loose braid 把掉下的一绺辫子夹好

53. with all one’s might. 竭尽全力

54.at any price=at any rate 无论如何

55.let sb. off 落下漏掉某人

56.rower 划桨手

57. upon my word . 我发誓

Take my word for it . 相信我吧

58.you are a company 你是客人

59.sb. looked so wistfully at 眼巴巴望着,渴望

https://www.doczj.com/doc/274068345.html,y luxuriously swinging to and fro in one’s harmmock.


Sit down to rock to and fro 坐下晃来晃去

61.be in one’s mood 正闹情绪

62.on the watch for 正计划,正酝酿

63.it’s working against the grain 与气质…格格不入

64.be sorry for 后悔

65.now and then 偶尔

66.becoming way 新方式

67.bounce in 冲进来

68.out of sorts 不爽,心情不好,身体不好

69.tramp through 大步走过

70.take sb. Home 接某人回家

71.draw the table before sb. 把桌子拉至某人跟前

72.divert one’s mind 分散注意力

73.with an important air 郑重其事的

74.head the table 坐在首席

75.odds and ends 零碎的小东西

76.be all at sea 完全没有头脑(无助,慌乱)

77.the fever fits 疾病发作sb. had a relapse 某人病复发

78.be on one’s own responsibility 自己做主,自己负责

79.behave with great presence of mind 表现的十分平静

80.bottle up your rapture 收好你的狂喜

Have a quiet rapture 不露声色的狂喜

81. all more or less antique. 多少有些年头

82.sympathize with sb’s little cares and joys. 同喜同忧

83. have one’s will 立遗嘱

84. to one’s fancy 合心意fancy that 多奇怪

A fancy (过分) dress ball 化装舞会

Have a fancy that… 感觉…

Have a fancy for…喜爱渴望

85. you fright ! 你这丑八怪!

Hold your tongue. 闭嘴!

You old torment ! 你这个老蠢货!

86.assumed an air of dignified reserve. 装出一副不可侵犯的样子

87.affected to do 装作…

affected indifference. 表现出漠不关心

88.by dint of perseverance. 凭着锲而不舍的劲头

89.excute immediate justice. 立马执行审判马上捉拿真凶

90. have a scene with sb. 和某人当众吵架

91.May nothing you dismay. 愿你永不失望

92.how is sb. finds himself?某人恢复的怎么样?

93.I’m done with you forever. 我和你一刀两断。

94. be attend to sb. 帮助某人

95.with free mind 轻松的long before 早在这以前

96.blossom into 融入

97.to outsiders 外人看来

98.a woman of means 有收入的人

99.the roll of fame 名人录

100.get one’s owner into scrapes 陷入困境

101.many another promising boy 许多有出息的年轻人102. sb. feels quite in one’s element. 如鱼得水

103. nearly through college 快大学毕业了

104. moan a trifle to keep the girl’s company


105.make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做

106. sb. get over the dandy period. 过了讲究浮华的时期107. mark my words 记住我说的话

108. with a grave countenance 一本正经的

109.here a state of things 乱七八糟

110.refinfment of nature 优雅的性情

111.the tragic climax of her novel 小说的悲剧高潮

112. out of humor 不太高兴

113. a blaze of sunshine 烈日炎炎

114.sb. quite glowed with pride 得意洋洋

115. for better or worse 无论如何不管怎样

116. strain one’s ears to hear what was going on 竖起耳朵听117. a grand quarterly settle up 季度大清算


1.we can’t do much, but we can make our little sacrifices.

2.pulling off her net and shaking down her chestnut mane.

3.someone is coming ,and everyone brightened to welcome

him or her.

4.she was not elegant dressed ,but a noble—looking woman.

5.Birds in their little nests agree. 同巢之鸟心儿齐。

6.both sharp voices softened to a laugh.

7.don’t blame me. 可别怪我。

8.by and by 不久之后

9.have one’s roll of directions.

10.s aying like a lark 百灵鸟

11.v oice like a flute 长笛

12.t reat 可指惊喜愉快的事

13.t hen I’ll stay where I am.

14.C hristopher Columbus ! 哥伦布

15.d ressing maid 负责衣物着装的女仆

16.l et us elegant or die 不优雅毋宁死

17.D own she went, feeling a trifle timid, for she seldom went

to parties ,and informal as this little gathering was.

18.t he burned breadth

19.k eep the breadth out of sight.

20.That put sb. At one’s ease.

21.I n a place like this I’m sure to upset something…


22.J o looked affectionately toward some inviting books

nearby. 热切的望着几本诱人的书

23.Y ou ought to make an effort ,and go visiting everywhere

you are asked, they you’ll have plenty of friends ,and pleasant places to go.

24.J o lay back and laughed till the tears ran down his


25.J o blushed till she couldn’t blush any redder.

26.F or a minute , a wild desire to run away possessed her,

but that was cowardly.

27.…all about the poor lady, in whom her mother had

interested richer friends than they were.


28.H er respect and regard for the … increased very much,

for he played remarkable well and didn’t put on any airs.


29.T hat’s evident, by the way you racket downstairs.显然如


30.l et him take a holiday,and make it up afterward。


31.though yearning for the grand piano. 尽管对钢琴朝思


32.they do care. 她们想的。

33.Q uite by accident of course. 说是凑巧,其实当然啦。

34.B eth worked away early and late ,with the occasional lifts

over hard parts. 只有困难的地方才找人帮忙

35.I like to pay my debts 我想要报答你的恩情

36.s he assume the airs of a studious young peacock.摆出一


37.f ell from her reluctant hands 从她极不情愿的手上落下

38.s b’s sworn foes 某人不共戴天的仇人

39.i n one’s most impressive manner 装腔作势极作生势

40.i t’s my private belief that sb. Would if …我个人完全相信


41.d uring the fifteen minutes that followed, the proud and

sensitive little girl suffered a shame and pain which ,she never forget.

42.t he fifteen minutes ,seemed an hour, but they come to an

end at last.

43.n o notice was taken of sb’s flight 没人注意到某人的没来

44.s how the moody side of one’s character. 露出某人忧郁的


45.i t does seem as if the more one gets the more one wants.

46.t he skirt does not sweep enough 摇曳感不够

47.I’m no end obliged to you. 感激不尽

48.Y ou are a company. 你是客人

49.M eg’s eyes kept filling in spite of herself. 忍不住泪如雨

50.w e long day and night to have you back. 日夜盼你归来

51.I’m going to freshen my wits by a brisk turn.

52.w ork like three man in one, 一个顶三

53.t here is always light behind the clouds

54.W hat a trying world it is! 世道艰难!

55.N o sooner do we get out of one trouble than down comes

another. 一波未平,一波又起。

56.h e doesn’t want any ill feeling. 他不想死后引起争端。

57.I never can look him in the face 再也没脸见他。

58.l ike sunshine after a storm were the peaceful weeks which

followed. 所谓雨过天晴

59.…,which had fallen sadly behindhand. 让人看了伤心。

60.R ather a pleasant year on the whole. 总的来说很愉快的


61.P erfectly resigned to one’s discharge.


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