当前位置:文档之家› 常用词汇词组及新闻词汇词语辨析



a back seat driver 专爱指点司机如何开车的乘客

a big bear hug 抱得很紧

a bit trying 有点苦恼

a cap and gown 毕业典礼的礼服

a cup of Java 一杯咖啡

a dead battery 汽车电瓶没电了

a good shot 照相的取景很出色

a hangover from the old days 遗留下来的老习惯

a knockout 引人注目

a little too tight 紧了一点

a man of few words 沉默寡言的人

a popular moment 舞会中大家都来到了的时间

a rainy day 不如意的日子

a scorcher 一个大热天

a steady 一个固定的异性朋友

a tall milk shake 一大杯奶昔

A toast everyone. 敬大家一杯酒.

a two-year hitch in the army 两年的兵役

a wet blanket 扫兴的人

above board 光明正大的

absent-minded professor 无头苍蝇;做事心不在焉者

after all 毕竟

After while, crocodile. 一会见.

after you 你先请

all along 始终;一贯

all at sea 茫然不知所措

all bark and no bite 只动口,不动手的人

all burnt up 怒火中烧

all dressed up 穿的很漂亮

all ears 全神贯注地听;愕然

all for it 完全同意

all gone 消逝;丢失

all in 疲倦

all in a day's work, be 司空见惯

all in all 总而言之

all my eye 岂有此理;胡说八道

all out 全力以赴;全卖光了

all over 完了

all right 一点不错

all set 准备好了

All set Not yet. 都弄好了吗还没呢. all the better 更好

all the same 虽然如此;并无分别

all the world and his wife 人人;诸色人等

all there 神志清醒的;没有问题的

all thumbs 笨手笨脚的;一窍不通的

all turn out 如愿以偿

all woman 最标准的女性

all you have to do 你只要

always the case 常常如此ambulance chaser 唯利是图的低级律师

And how! 当然啦!

ants in one's pants(skirt) 坐立不安

any way 究竟

anything under the sun 普天下任何事情

apeal to sb 对某人有吸引力

appeal to sb 取悦某人

apple-polish 逢迎;讨好

apply for 申请

Are you all packed 你行李收拾好了吗Are you done 你吃饱了吗

Are you kidding 你在开玩笑吧

Are you telling me 用你来告诉我吗Are you with me 你懂我的意思吗

as a rule 通常来说

as luck would have it 真走运或不走运as mod as sb 与某人一样时髦

as the saying goes 常言道

at first blush 乍看

at hand 近旁;在手旁

at issue 争论中

at loose ends 无职业;不安定

at my expense 由我出钱

at odds 争执

at one's finger's tips 了如指掌

at one's service 随时提供服务

at one's wit's end 不知所措

at one's wits' end 志穷计尽

at sixes and sevens 混乱的

at stake 在危险中

at the drop of a hat 马上

at times 有时;偶然

at your disposal 听你的

aware of, be 了解

B.T.O. (big time operator) 游手好闲的

babes and suckings 天真而缺乏经验者baby-kisser 为达到竞选目的出尽八宝的政客

bachelor party 单身会

back and forth 来来去去

back at the farm 言归正传

back number 过期的杂志;守旧派back on one's feet 经受打击后重新站起来

back out 食言

backseat driver 指手划脚的人

bad egg(lot) 坏蛋

bag of bones 骨瘦如柴的人

bake down 临阵退缩

barking up the wrong tree 攻击错了目标

barter away 以较便宜的价格出售bawl out 责骂

Be a good sport! 不要婆婆妈妈的!

be nuts 傻里傻气

be off 走吧;滚蛋

Be off! 滚开!

be on the wagon 喝酒

bear in mind 牢记在心

beat around the bush 说话绕圈子

beat it 走开

beat one's brains (out) 伤透了脑筋beat sb by miles 远远胜过

beat, be 太累了

beef about 抱怨

beef up 加强

before you are scheduled to leave 在你决定离开之时间前

Before you could say Jack Robinson 很快

before you know it 很快

behave yourself 请检点一点

behind bars 坐牢

behind one's back 背后

behind the scenes(curtain) 在幕后behind the times 不合时宜

behind time 误期

believe it or not 信不信由你

benefit from 从中得到

best-seller 畅销书、唱片等

bet it is 当然是

better half 老婆

better luck next time 下次好运些吧

better than, be 比...多;多于

between my ribs and my back bone 肚

beyond one's reach of 超出支付能力

beyond sb, be 使某人无法理解

big bluffer 吹牛者

bite one's head off 大发脾气

black and blue 遍体鳞伤

black sheep 不肖子女

blame sb for sth 为某事责备某人

bleed white 花光血汗钱

blind alley 死胡同;失败之路

blood in one's eye 极度愤怒

bloody fool (B.F.) 蠢材

blow hot and cold 喜怒无常

Blow it! 他妈的!

blow off steam 发脾气

blow one's own horn 自吹自擂

blow one's top 怒发冲冠

blow up 表现失常;吹风

body and breeches 完全

boil down to 归结起来是;其结果是

boiling point 爱情的沸点

bolt from the blue 晴天霹雳

bone up on 努力研读

born with a silver spoon in one's mouth


born yesterday 乳臭未干

bottoms up 干杯

Bottoms up! 干杯!

brain storm 心血来潮

brand new 崭新的

break down 故障;毁坏

break in 适合

break it off 吹了

break one's heart 使某人心碎

break one's neck 痛打一顿;拼命做某事

break the ice 打破僵局;打破沉默

break the routine 调剂一下

bred in the bone 天生的;个性的

bring back the good old days 回忆昔日


bring down the house 掌声雷动

bring me up-to-date 告诉我最新消息

bring sb to date 使某人掌握最先进东


brotherly impulse 激动手足的情分brush off (男女之间)甩;撇开

brush up on sth 复习,重新学习

buck up 振作起来

bull dog 难以相处的人

burn a hole in one's pocket 花钱如流水burn one's bridges behind one 不留后路

burn one's fingers 碰钉子

burn the midnight oil 熬夜读书

bury one's head in the sand 不敢面对现实

bury the hatchet 捐弃前嫌

Business is business. 公事公办

busy-body 好管闲事和多嘴的人

buy things on time 分期付款买东西buy your story 相信你的话

buying bargains 买廉价货

by all means 务必

by and by 逐渐;慢慢地

by fair means or foul 不择手段

By golly! (By Gum!) 天呀!

by hook or by crook 不择手段

by the look of you 从你的样子看来call back 再打电话

call it a day 今天到此为止

call it off 取消

call off 取消

call one names 用污秽语言骂人

call the shots 发号施令;管事

call up 打电话

calling at this early hour 一大早就打电话

Can you stop by 你能来吗

can't afford to have 买不起

can't be helped 避免不了

can't be wrong 错不了

can't get away with it 逃不掉

can't help it 爱莫能助

can't stand it any longer 再也无法忍受Capital idea! 好主意!

carry coals to Newcastle 多此一举;徒劳无功

carry sth too far 做事超出限度

carry the torch 单相思

cast away 扔掉cast down 沮丧

caste eyes at 注视;打主意

castle in the air 空中楼阁

catch on to 理解

catch one's breath 喘口气

catch up on sth 补上某事

catch up with 迎头赶上

caught red-handed, be 犯罪活动的当场被抓住

chain smoker 烟瘾大的人

change hands 转手

change my opinion of you 我对你的看法改变一下

cheap joints 下流地方

check out 办清离开手续;借书;调查check up on 校对

cheer up 振作;鼓励

chew the rag 唠叨不断

chip in 集资;捐款

clean sweep 全胜

clean the house for sb 和某人算帐clock watcher 盼望下班的人

close shave (close call) 千钧一发coast is clear 没有危险了

coin a neat phrase 话说得很恰当

cold fish 冷酷无情的人

Columbus discovered America 陈年旧事

come about 发生

come across 偶然遇见

come along with 随同

come and get it 试试拿走它吧

come down with 病倒

come in 起作用;有份

come in handy 迟早有用

come into the world 出世

come off it 吹牛皮

come on 别这样

come on 来吧!(提醒、催促)

come on strong 非常积极的给人以好印象

come out right 事情进展顺利

come out with 说出

come right over 这就来了

come through 交出;成功

come to naught 成为泡影

come to terms 达成协议

come to the point 说话切题

come up with sth 想出某事

come what may 无论发生什么事contribute to sth 有助于

cook up a story 编出慌话骗人

cool off 冷却下来

cooling my heels waiting for her 翘首以待

crash the gate 不请自来的客人

crazy like a fox 装疯;装模作样

cross my heart 感发誓;不骗人

cross the bridge when one comes to it 既来之则安之

cross with, be 不高兴

cry quits 放弃;承认失败

cry wolf 狼来了;发出假警报

cup of tea 喜欢而又会做之事

cut corners 超近路;以简捷方式做事cut down on 削减

cut it out 够了!算了

cut of the woods 脱离危险期

cut out 戒掉坏习惯

cut sb down to size 揭穿某人的底细cut sb off 把电话挂断.

cut sth out 阻止;停止;故障;占上风

cut throat 害人的

cut-and-dried 事先准备好的;枯燥无味的

dark horse 黑马;冷门

darn it 真讨厌

dating yourself before your time 老气横秋

day in and day out 夜以继日

day off 放假日

day-dream 白日梦

daylight robbery 价钱贵到离谱

days are numbered 生存时日屈指可数dead beat(tired) 烂醉如泥

dead dog 没用的人

dead easy 易如反掌

dead serious 认真得不得了

dead sure(certain) 极之肯定

dead to the world 睡得很香

dear Jone letter 绝交信

deep southern drawl 拉长语调的南方口音

definte word 确定的消息deliver the goods 完成工作

Did you fall heir to a gold mine 你是否遇见了金矿的小老板

die with one's boots on 死在工作岗位上

die-hard 冥顽不灵

dilly-dally 吊儿浪当

dine out 出外吃饭

dirty dog 卑鄙小人

discuss sth over a coke 边喝可乐边谈某事

dish water 毫无味道

distance makes the heart grow fonder 时间会使感情加深

do a little sightseeing 逛逛

do all the talking 会议上只有一个人讲话

do my own laundry 自己(用洗衣机)洗衣服

do one good 对某人有好处

do over 重做;粉刷

do sth about it 想想办法

Do you get me 明白吗

doesn't count 不算

doesn't make sense 不合逻辑

dog's life 悲惨的生活

Don't be silly! 别傻啦!

Don't be such a baby! 不要那样孩子气Don't mention it. 别客气,不算什么. Don't tease me. 别开玩笑了.

Don't think I'll have much use for that. 这对我没有多大用处.

Don't you feel guilty 你不觉得罪过吗Don't you know that yet 你还不知道吗done time 老资格(贬义)

double crosser 出卖朋友的人down in the dumps 愁眉苦脸

down in the mouth 愁眉苦脸

down on one's luck 倒楣

down payment 分期付款的定金

Down the hatch! 干杯!

drag sb through the mud 拖人下水draw on 依照;依据

draw up 草拟;准备

drooling around her all the time 一直对她垂涎三尺

drop by 顺道拜访

drop dead 去你的

drop in on sb 拜访某人

drop it 停止吧

drop it off 把它放到...

drop me a line 写信给我

drop out 退学

drop sb a line 给某人写信

drop sb off 让某人下车

drop the ball 犯错误duck soup 易如反掌之事

dull book 沉闷的书

dumb bell 笨蛋

dumb Dora 傻女

Dump her! 甩掉她!

dwell on 考虑;不断地说

early bird 集会早到的人

easier said than done 说来容易做时难easy come easy go 来得容易去得快(特指钱)

Easy does it -- when you can. 慢慢来,尽力而为.

eat one's hat 赶打赌,非常确定

eat one's head off 食量惊人

eat one's heart out 伤心异常,因此消瘦eat one's words 承认错误

eat out 出外吃饭

egg money 私房钱

egghead 书呆子

either make or break 不成功,便成人eleventh hour 最后关头

end up 结束

enough of it 够了,停止吧

enough to wake the dead 震耳欲聋Every cloud has a silver lining. 黑云过后,阳光灿烂

every dog has his day 瓦片也有翻身时every now and then 不时地;有时every once in a while 偶尔

every so often 偶然

every Tom, Dick and Harry 张三李四everyone is for himself 自己顾自己everything goes to the dogs 一切都完了

face the music 接收惩罚;面对困难faculty and staff 教职员

faculty members 教职员

fair and square 忠诚与坦白fair-weather friend 酒肉朋友

fall behind 落后;失利

fall for look 女人爱漂亮

fall out with 争吵

fall through 失败;毁灭

family man 有家室之人

far from, be 远不是

fast one 一搭就上的(男人或女人)

Fat chance! 不太可能的事!

fat hangovers 好厉害的醉后头疼

fat-head 人头猪脑

favorite son 被自己一州拥护的候选人fed sb a big line 对某人说了个大谎. fed up (with) 对某事厌倦

fed up with, be 感到厌倦

feel free 随便...

feel like 很想要

feel up to 能胜任

feeling in the pink 觉得愉快

feminine type 女人气质的

few and far between 难能可贵

fifty-fifty 五五支付

fight it out 据理力争;武力解决

figure out 考虑出;想出

fill in for 代替

fill out 填表

find a sugar daddy 找到一个有钱的老头子

find a way out 找出一条出路

fire sale 减价出售

first in line 队伍中排第一名

fish in troubled waters 混水摸鱼;趁火打劫

fish story 荒唐无比的故事

fix up 修理

flat tire 没精打采

flicker out 过去了

fly by 飞逝

fly off the handle 平时有教养的人突然失去常态

fold up 破产

following sb's footsteps 效法;继承

fool around with 与不三不四的人鬼混fooling around 闲逛

for all I know 据我所知

for good 永远地

for good and all 永远

for nothing 免费

for one thing (插入语)但是

for sale 出售

for the love of Mike 梦想不到

for the time being 暂时;目前

forget it 没关系

Forget it. 算了.

four-letter words 骂人语;四字真言frame up 栽赃陷害

free hand 全权处理

frightened to death 吓死了

from A to Z 从头到尾

from scratch 从头开始

from the look of sb 从某人的外表看来full charge of 全权负责

full of bull 胡言乱语

full to the brim (吃得)满到喉头

fuss over 焦虑

gain weight 长胖了

get a big kick 玩得很开心

get a check cashed 支票兑现

get a move on! 快点!

get a nerve 胆子大

get across 说明;达成;克服

get all in a panic 惊恐

get all up tight 紧张到极点

get along with 相处融洽

get around 有办法应付局面

get away with 成功;逃避惩罚

get behind 支持

get cold feet 沮丧;临阵退缩

get cracking 快点!

get down to 开始处理

get down to business 办正经事

get even 报复

get going 开始;动手;赶快

get hooked on sth 被某事迷住了

get in touch with 和...联络

get it over with 赶快把事情做妥当

get lost 迷失

get mad at 对某人生气

get me down 令我生气

get nothing on me 尚未找到证据

get nowhere 一事无成

get off on the wrong foot 开始就乱了步骤

get off the ground 进行顺利;刚开始get on the ball 机灵些;敏捷些

get one wrong 误会某人

get one's goat 故意为难

get out of the bed on the wrong side 脾气好的人突然变得难以相处

get over 完成;复原;超越

get pinched 失手;落网

get rid of 干掉;摆脱

get rolling 开始;动手

get rusty 技术、头脑等生疏

get sb by the neck 捉住

get somewhere 有所成就

get sth off one's chest 把心中的话讲出来

get sth straight 办好;搞通;了解

get stuck 抛锚;进入僵局

get the bulge on 占优势;胜过;欺诈

get the drop on 先发制人

get the green light 得到...许可

get the picture 明白某种情形

get the sack 被解雇

get through 到达;办完;通过;花光

get through to 使理解;打通电话

get together again 破镜重圆

get up the courage 鼓起勇气

get what's coming to one 咎由自取

get wise to 了解;明白

get with it 快点!

girl of the old school 守旧的女性

give a lift 让...搭车

give away 泄露;赠送

give credit for sb 归功于某人

give him the dose of his own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身

give it a try 偿一偿吧

give it to one straight 坦白地告诉某人give me a minute 请等一等

give me headache 令我头痛

give one the air 一刀两断

give one the ax 开除

give one the brush 对人冷淡;把人抛弃give one the eye 眉目传情

give other one's word 向人保证

give sb a black eye 打某人一顿

give sb a break 给某人一个改过的机会

give sb a buzz 打电话给某人

give sb a dirty look 对某人瞪一眼

give sb a free hand 放手让某人干一件事

give sb a lift 让某人搭车

give sb a piece of one's mind 骂某人一顿

give sb a ride 让某人搭车

give sb a ring 打电话给...

give sb enough rope 让某人自食其果give sb hell 冷嘲热讽

give sb some of his own medicine 以其人之道还治其人之身

give sb the cold shoulder 冷淡对待give sb the go-by 对某人的存在熟视无睹

give sb the green light 允许

give sth away for nothing 不是白送的give up 放弃

glad eye 抛媚眼

go a long way 有用

go about 从事

go ahead 说吧

go all out doing sth 竭尽全力

go around with a chip on one's shoulder 到处寻衅

go at it 努力奋斗

go broke 破产

go down 下降;被记录下来

go down the drain 前功尽弃;白费心机go downhill 每况愈下

go Dutch 各自付帐

go easy 节省一点;少用一些

go fly a kite 滚开

go for 努力求得;想要

go get them 动手吧

go into 深入讨论

go on 继续;接近

go on a bender 喝酒喧哗

go on the horse 快一点吧

go over 研究;检查

go steady 确定恋爱关系

go through 细查;经历

go through with 完成

go to pieces 破成碎片

go up in the air 怒火冲天

go with everything 与任何东西都相配go-between 中间人;嫁人God knows. 天晓得.

God, what's the world comming to 天哪,这世界变成什么样子

gold brick 偷懒的人

gold digger 掘金女郎

gone with the wind 随风而逝

good buy 价廉物美的东西

good for nothing 毫无用处的

good to the last drop 滴滴香浓

good turn 好意

goof off 逃学;不尽职

got it 明白了吗

Got you. 照片拍好了.

Great minds think alike! 英雄所见略同.

hand in 交出;提出

hand out 分发;分配

hands are full 很忙

hands are tied 权利有限,不能随意行动hang around 常常光顾一个地方

Hang it all! 岂有此理

hang on to it 继续下去

hang on to sth 继续使用某物

hang up 挂断电话

happy go lucky 乐天派

hard nut to crack 难以对付的女人hard of hearing 稍聋的人

hard on sb, be 对某人严厉

hard to say 很难说

Hard to tell. 很难说.

hard up 拮据

hard-boiled egg 难相处的人;利害的家伙

hard-hearted businessman 斤斤计较的人

have a ball 玩得非常开心

have a big mouth 话多的人

have a bite 咬一口

have a bone to pick with sb 算帐

have a good ear(eye) for 对...有鉴赏力Have a good time. 好好玩.

Have a good time. 好好玩吧.

have a head on one's shoulders 有智慧have a heart 可怜我吧

Have a nice trip. 一路顺风

have a screw loose 精神有问题

Have a seat. 请坐.

have a surprise for sb 告诉某人一个好消息

have a swelled head 自大

Have fun. 玩得开心.

have good taste 有眼光

have had it 无法忍受

have it both ways 权衡两方面

have it out with 摊牌

have no leg to stand on 无法证明have one's hair set 做头发

have one's own way 随心所欲

have some 吃一点吧

have sth on sb 抓住某人的把柄

have the face to do sth 居然有脸做某事

have time off 休假

have words with sb 口角

Have you had enough? 你吃饱了吗? have(keep) the run of 自由使用haven't the slightest idea 毫不知道having a sale 廉售

He cleaned us out. 他拿走了我们的所有东西.

head and shoulder above sb, be 比某人好

head over heels 完全

heavy date 重要的约会.

help out 帮助解决问题

help yourself 请自便

her cup of tea 很配她,很合她的口味Here it is. 这就是,在这里

His bark is worse than his bite. 刀子嘴,豆腐心

his lettle broad 他的女朋友

hit it hard 尽了最大努力

hit it off 相处

hit of the show 表演中最精采的一幕hit on(upon) 突然想到;巧遇

hit the ball 顺利

hit the ceiling(roof) 勃然大怒

hit the high spots 达到高水准

hit the sack 睡觉

hold back 退缩

hold good 有效hold in the balance 尚未决定

hold it 且慢

hold one's horses 忍耐hold one's tongue 保持沉默

hold out 坚持到底

hold the line 请勿收线

hold up 举起;支撑;阻挡

hold water 经得起考验的;合乎逻辑的hook up 接洽妥当

Hop in. 上车.

Hope it doesn't cost much. 希望价格不贵.

hors d'oeuvres 饭前点心

hot air 毫无根据的谎言;大话

How am I doing? 你看我做的怎么样? How are you making out? 进展怎样? how come 为什么

How come? 为什么

How did it come out? 结果如何?

How did it go? 结果如何?

How did you make out? 你进展如何? How did you swing it? 你怎么对付这件事?

How do I look? 我好看吗?

How does that sound? 如何?好吗? How goes the enemy? 几点了?

How is that with you? 意下如何?

how on earth 鬼知道;怎么会

how the heck 怎么会

How's that? 怎么样?

hung one on 大醉

I bet you are right. 我同意你的说法.

I can never thank you enough. 我不知道该怎样多谢你.

I can't afford to lose... 我丢不起...

I can't believe my eye. 我简直不敢相信你的眼睛.

I don't buy your story. 我不相信你的话.

I don't care. 我不在乎.

I don't have a slightest idea. 我一点也不知道.

I don't want to be in your shoes. 我不要象你那样.

I feel the call of nature 内急;急于上厕所

I get them mixed up. 我把它们搞乱了.

I give you my word. 我向你保证.

I have no idea. 我简直一无所知.

I haven't got the foggiest. 我一点也摸


I know what I'm doing. 我知道该怎样做.

I like the way you have. 照你原来的样子就好了.

I lost you. 我不了解你的意思.

I love her something fierce. 我爱她爱得要命.

I may be psychic. 可能是第六感作用.

I mean what I say. 我说的是实话.

I must be in love. 我一定是在谈恋爱了.

I was behind my paper correcting. 把改卷子的事耽误了.

I was fooled by the terms. 我被这些名词搞糊涂了.

I was starved to death. 我饿死了.

I won't take no for an answer. 你非答应不可.

I would appreciate it. 我非常感谢.

I'd enjoy the company. 我很高兴有个伴.

I'll be right over. 我马上就来.

I'll be right with you. 我马上就来.

I'll bet... 我敢打赌

I'll give it to you strait. 我坦白对你说吧.

I'll go a couple of rounds with you. 我和你过几招.

I'll have him call you. 我会叫他打电话给你.

I'll heed your words. 我会考虑你的话. I'll say. 英雄所见略同

I'll see to it. 我会留意这件事的.

I'll see you home. 我送你回家吧.

I'll take a chance. 我要试试看.

I'll take a raincheck on that. 迟些再谈吧.

I'll tell you what. 我有一个主意.

I'm afraid you got the wrong number. 恐怕你弄错了电话号码.

I'm all for it. 我全力支持.

I'm beat. 我很累

I'm completely in your hands. 由你作主.

I'm full. 我吃饱了.

I'm getting so big. (孕妇)我肚子越来越大了.

I'm hanged... 我保证没有...

I'm not broke. 我不是一个钱没有.

I'm not myself today. 今天我不太舒服. I'm still in shock. 我还在兴奋.

I'm stuffed. 我吃得好饱.

I'm the suave type. 我是书生型的.

I've got to run. 我该走了.

I've thrown in my hat, can the body follow? 我可以进来吗?

I-love-me fellow 自命不凡的人

I.O.U 我欠你;借据(I owe you)

if it's all right with you 如果你觉得方便的话...

immediate family 自己人

in a jam 遇到困难;事情搞得一团糟

in a jiffy 一会,马上

in a lousy mood 心情很坏

in a nutshell 总而言之

in a whole skin 平安地

in at one ear and out at the other 左耳入,右耳出

in charge of 负责管理

in due time 适时;终于

in fashion 流行

in for a treat, be 请欣赏...

in good condition 情况良好

in good shape 精神或身体状态好

in hot water 遇到麻烦

in line 排队

in no time 随时;立即

in one's line 专长

in short 简单地说

in short order 迅速地

in spite of oneself 不由自主

in that get up 穿那样的服装

in the dark 全然不知

in the eyes of sb 在某人的观点中

in the hole 遇到经济困难

in the long run 从长远来看;终究

in the offering 就在眼前

in the pen 被困在监狱里

in the pink 精神或身体状态好

in the roar 轰笑着

in the soap 遇到麻烦

in turn 进而

in(on) behalf of 代表

ineligible for, be 不被录取的inferiority complex 自卑感information bureau 万事通

innocent kid 清白无辜的人

inside dope 内幕消息

installment plan 分期付款

intensive course 精读课程

Is Frank in, please? Frank在家吗?

Is my face red? 问心有愧

Is that so? 是这样吗?

Is this seat taken? 这座位有没有人? Isn't it ever? 我同意你的说法.

Isn't it though? 我同意你的说法.

Isn't my word good enough? 我的话你也信不过吗?

It cost me a small fortune. 花了一笔小钱.

It isn't cricket. 不公平;不合理

It makes me sick. 我受不了.

It never rains but it pours. 祸不单行

it pays to do sth 值得做某事

It sounds inviting. 听起来很吸引人.

It was your fault. 那是你的错.

It will be just the thing. 刚好合适.

It would really come in handy. 它实在方便.

It's a piece of cake. 真是小菜一碟

It's about time you start thinking ahead 你该想想做些什么了.

It's been reserved. 这张桌子已经有人定了.

It's Greek to me. 对我犹如天书;我莫名其妙

it's high time 是...的时候了

It's nice you survived. 很高兴你还活着.

It's none of your business. 这不关你的事.

It's on me. 由我出钱

it's only to find out 只不过想打听一下Jack of all trades 似乎什么都懂的人jolly dog(guy) 乐天派

jump on sb 向某人乱发脾气

jump the battery 充电

jumping the gun 迫不及待

just a minute 等一等;就来了;且慢

just as well 不如做某事也可Just as you say. 好吧,随你的便

just follow suit 照办;跟进去

just for the fun of it 只不过好奇罢了just the ticket, be 正是所需的

just too bad 太可惜;真糟糕

just what the doctor ordered 正合我的心意

keep a running account of 把教授在课堂讲的内容都记下来

keep a straight face 忍住不笑出来keep an eye on 留意

keep an eye on sth 密切注意

keep body and soul together 继续活下去

keep company 陪伴

keep in touch with 联系

keep it to yourself 保密

keep it under your hat 保密

keep my fingers crossed 交叉手指,乞求某事成功

keep one's head 镇定

keep one's head above water 活下去keep one's nose to the grand stone 孜孜工作

keep one's shirt on 不动手打架

keep pace with 保持同步

keep punching 继续努力

keep sb at arm's length 疏远;保持距离keep track (of) 登记;记录

keep track of one's attendance 留意某人的出勤

keep track of time 记住时间

kick downstairs 被撤职

kick off 开始干某事

kick sb upstairs 明升暗降

kick the bucket 死了

kidding around 老开玩笑

kill time 消磨时间

kill time 消磨时间

kill two birds with one stone 一石二鸟killing one 笑死某人;痛死某人

knock it off 别再讲下去了

Knock on wood. 说话禁忌,赶紧讨个吉利.

knock one flat 把某人打倒在地knock oneself out 精疲力尽

knock their eyes out 漂亮得使他们目


know one's onions 精通某事

know one's way around 熟悉道路know-it-all 似乎样样事都知道的人lady-killer 引诱女人的男子

laid eyes on 见过

last final 期末考试的最后一天

last minute rush 最后一分钟的匆忙last word 最新成就

laughing matter 无关紧要的事

lay aside 储蓄

learn a lesson 受到教训

leave it at that 暂时停止争论

leave it to me 交给我办吧

leave me alone 不要打扰我

leave much to be desired 大有改进必要

leave out 忽略;遗漏

leave sth up to sb 让某人决定某事leave the lights on 不息灯

let bygones be bygones 过去的事就让它过去吧

let down 使失望;放低;失信;出卖

let go of me 放开我

Let me put it this way. 让我这么讲吧. let nature take its course 顺其自然

let off 下车;开枪;释放

let the cat out of the bag 泄漏秘密

Let's be on our way. 我们走吧.

Let's change the subject. 不要再说这个了.

Let's take a break. 我们休息一下吧!Life is short, don't drag your feet. 人生短暂,得尽欢时就尽欢.

life of the party 聚会的核心人物

like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁Like a letter from home. 好极了,象接到家书一样.

like a turtle on its back 对事情束手无策

like a veteran 象个老手

like ducks to water 如鱼得水

Like father, like son. 有其父必有其子little or nothing 只差一点点

live a dog's life 过着牛马不如的生活live by oneself 独居

live up to one's words 履行诺言loafing around 游手好闲

lone wolf 独自一人

long stories 说谎;吹牛皮

Long time no see. 好久不见look before you leap 三思而后行

look for a needle in a key stack 大海捞针

look for trouble 自讨苦吃

look here 听我说

look into 调查

look out 当心

look over 快速检查

look up 探望;涨价;形势好转;查字典look up to sb 尊敬某人

Look who you're talking to. 看清楚你是在对什么人说话.

looking forward to, be 期待

lose one's nerve 紧张,没勇气

lose one's shirt. 输得精光

lose track of the days 把时间搞糊涂了lose track of time 弄乱时间

lost count 弄不清楚

lost one's nerve 失去勇气

lost one's temper 发脾气

lost weight 瘦了

loudmouth 多嘴的人

lousy cliches 陈词滥调

lousy things 讨厌的事;卑鄙下流的事lucky dog 幸运儿

make a day of it 做(玩)了一整天

make a fool of oneself 大出洋相

make a fortune 发财

make a fuss 小题大做;使倍受注目;吹捧某人

make a go of 成功地打倒某种目标make a hit 出风头

make a memo 记录下来

make a mountain out of a nolehill 小题大做;言过其实

make a new man of you 把你打扮得很体面

make a pass at sb 向某女士展开追求make a point of 强调

make a point of doing sth 决心(或坚持)做某事

make a scene 因吵架引起围观

make an effort 努力

make big money 赚大钱

make both ends meet 使收支平衡make ends meet 收支相抵

make eyes at 大送秋波

make for 走向

make good 成功;旅行诺言;弥补

make it 在面试、考试、比赛等获得成功

make it a point 对某事特别注意

make it hot for sb 采用敌视态度使某人呆不下去

make it snappy 快点干;干脆点

make no bones 毫不畏惧地说

make one's blood boil 使人异常愤怒make one's way 让步;成功

make out 理解;分辨

make sense (out) of 弄懂

make sport of 嘲笑

make trouble 惹事生非

make up for 补偿

make up to 讨好

Make yourself at home. 别拘束;随便点.

make-up examination 补考

Makes my mouth water. 使我垂涎

man of his word 说到做到的人

man of mark 名声显赫的人

mark my words 听我说;记住我的话Mason-Dixon Line 美国南北分界线master key 万能钥匙;关键

May I have your attention, please? 请注意.

May I take a message? 要不要我替你留话?

May West 救生衣

mean business 不是开玩笑

mean to say 你是说...

meet each other half way 将就着

might as well 也可以

mind one's P's and Q's 注意礼貌(polite, thank you)

mind your own business 不要管闲事misfortune never comes singly 祸不单行

miss the bus 坐失良机

money making proposition 生意经money talks 金钱万能monkey around 捣蛋鬼

more sober moments 认真,规矩的片刻morning after 宿醉

movie bug 电影迷

much of a 了不起的;称得上...的

mud in your eye 祝你好运

My budget is tight. 我预算很紧.

my chick 我的女朋友

My eye! 天哪!

My foot! ...个屁!

my kindom for 我非常想要(愿以王位换取)

My stomach was upset. 我胃痛.

My word! 惊奇中略带不满的感叹词nasty about it 对某事态度不好

neck and neck 不分上下

need other's shoulder 希望得到某人的安慰

never can tell 很难预测

never heard of 从来没听说过

Never on your life 你休想

new flame 新情人

nice about it 对某事态度甚好

Nice going. 干得好

nip in the bud 防患未然

No bull? 不是说大话吧?

No damage done. 没关系.

no end in sight 长期

no go 不成功

no hard feeling 请勿见怪

no kidding 别开玩笑

No money, no honey. 没有钱,哪有爱情no offense 请勿见怪

no picnic 不容易

no post-mortem 既往不咎

no sweat 没问题;不用冒汗

No time like the present. 现在正好.

no use crying over spilt milk 伤心无补于实际

no way 不可能

nominate sb for sth 推选某人做某事none of your business 不关你的事nose to the grindstone 用功读书

not a bit 一点也不

not a damn thing 什么也没有

not a word to anyone 保守秘密

not at all 不要紧

not bad 不错

not being oneself 不太舒服;身体病态not make head or tail of 完全不懂

not much of anything 什么也不行

not on your life 你休想

not really 不完全是

not so hot 极好的

not that I can think of 想不起了

not that I know 这个我就不知道了

not the slightest 一点也不知道nothing doing 不行

Nothing matters to me. 我什么都无所谓

nothing to do with 与无关

Now you're taking. 说得对!

number one job 大便

odds and ends 零碎的工作

off color 身体不爽

off the track 离题

offhand 毫无准备;即席

Oh yeah? 真的吗?

old flame 情焰

old hand 老手

old lady 女朋友

old lady, old man 对父母的昵称

old screw 老守财奴

old story 老套的说法

old timer 老资格

on and off 断断续续

on and on 不断地

on cloud nine 非常高兴

on one's last legs 生命即将结束

on one's own 自食其力

on pins and needles 如坐针毡

on reserve, be 保留;保存

on sale 折价;减价;廉价特卖

on short notice 一接到通知就...

on some days in certain weeks 在某几个星期的某几天里

on the blink 身体不爽;性能不佳

on the carpet 训斥

on the dot 准时

on the level 老实;忠诚

on the nail 立即

on the nose 准确地

on the q.t. 悄悄的;暗中(quiet)

on the right track 做对了;走上正路了on the rocks 在岩石上

on the score of 因为

on the side 兼职

on the wagon 戒酒

on the wane 逐渐衰落

on top of the world 精神饱满

once in a blue moon 机会难得;绝无仅有

once in a while 偶尔

one and for all 断然;仅此一次

one foot in the grave 离死不远了

one way or the other 总要有一个办法open an account 开银行户头

out in the cold 受冷落

out of line 错误得越出常规

out of my line 外行

out of one's mind, be 发疯

out of order 坏了

out of question 无疑的

out of season 不合时宜的

out of sight, out of mind 看不见了,也渐渐忘了

out of sth, be 脱销

out of the question 不可能

out of the way 偏僻的;罕见的

out of the/this world 只应天上有

own boss 不再受雇于人了

P.A. (paper ass) 没头脑的人

packed like sardines 拥挤得象沙丁鱼罐头一样

packed snow 路上被踩过的雪

paddle one's own canoe 独自闯出自己的前途

pain in the neck 极讨厌的人或物paint the town red 疯狂地庆祝particular about food 对食物很讲究pass away 过世

pass out 昏倒;分发

pass over 忽略

past master 技艺精湛的人

pay down (分期付款)付头款

pay one's own way 各自付费

pay the price 付出代价;得到报应Penny for your thoughts. 告诉我你想什么

perhaps some other day 改天吧. Perish the thought! 打消这念头!

person after my own heart 他人的作为符合我的心意

pick holes 挑毛病

pick sb out 看中某人

pick up 一点点学习

pick-me-up 喝酒、汤等刺激一下神经pipe course 容易的课程或工作

pipe down 安静些

plain home cooking 家常便饭

plain sailing 一帆风顺;轻而易举之事play ball with 与...合作

play it straight 诚实

play truant 逃学

plenty of fish in the sea 比喻多得很plug along 为生活而拼命工作

poorly off 穷困潦倒

pot calling the kettle black 五十步笑百步

pour oil on troubled waters 平息事态prices are soaring 物价飞涨

pull a long face 拉长脸不悦

pull a long oar 独自去作

pull no punches 不客气,动真格的

pull off 成功;完成

pull one's leg 开某人的玩笑

pull oneself together 恢复镇定

pull through 克服困难;恢复健康

push one's luck 在已有利情况下做多余冒险

put an end to 结束

put aside 储蓄

put heads together 一起商讨问题

put heat on 对某人要求严厉

put it on the cuff 赊帐

put it this way 这样说;这样做

put off 延期

put on a show 假装给人家看

put on weight 胖了

put one out of the way 杀某人

put one's foot down 坚决反对

put one's foot in it 说错话

put one's foot in one's mouth 说错话put one's heart and soul in sth 全心全意做某事

put sb in charge of 让某人负责某事put sb in the ring 和某人赛一场

put that in one's pipe and smoke it 威胁别人好好想清楚

put through 接通电话;做妥一件工作put up 举起;住宿

put up a good show 好好表现自己

put up with 忍受

put your best foot forward 尽量使你的仪容整洁

quality work 细活儿

queer(strange) fish 怪人

quit smocking 戒烟

quite all right 没关系

rain or shine 不论晴雨

rainy day 贫苦困难的日子

raise hell 破口大骂

raise the roof 变得异常愤怒

really something 了不起

red tape 官样文章

red tape 繁文缛节

reflect on 回忆

regular guy 好人,靠得住的人released from, be 被释放;解脱remember sb to another 代某人问候别人

right down one's alley 正好是某人所精通的

right or wrong 无论如何

right-hand man 得力的助手

ring a bell with sb 使某人回忆起某事road hog 驾车乱抢路的人

rock the boat 破坏别人的计划;使遇到危险

roll out the red carpet 铺上红色地毯rotten to the core 腐烂透顶

rough hours 读书时的艰苦生活rough sb up 对某人粗卤

round-about way 采用间接的方法

row in one boat 从事相同事业;相同命运

royal road 容易取得成功的捷径rubber check 空头支票

rubber stamp 人云亦云的人

run across 偶然碰见

run down 撞倒;诋毁;破旧的

run into 突然碰到某人

run of the town 轰动一时的人

run out of sth 用完

run sb out of the town 把某人逐出市外

run up against 遇到

run wild 到处跑

sad dog 放荡的人;易闯祸的人

sad news 餐厅的帐单

sail under false colors 挂羊头卖狗肉;冒充

salt of the earth(world) 社会中坚same old stuff 陈旧货色

save lots of grief 省掉许多麻烦

save one's breath 节省口舌

save the day 反败为胜;挽救了大局save up 储蓄

say it with flowers 笑容可掬,细生细气Say no more. 别再说了.

Says you! 你是胡扯!

scare the devil out of sb 吓得魂不附体scratch sb a note 写封信给某人

screw-ball 有怪僻的人

Search me. 我不知道.

second sight 超人的预见力

secret sorrow 难言之隐

see after 照顾

see eye to eye 我们意见相同.

see it through 使某事顺利通过

see my point 了解;明白

see off 送行

see to it 留心、细致地办好某事

See you around. 再见.

sell like hot cakes 销售得很快

sell sb down the river 出卖某人

send in 提出;交出

serve sb right 活该

service station 加油站

set about 考虑;留意

set back 拖延

set forth 说明

set my heart on 对...倾心

set the world on fire 震惊天下

settle down 安定

seventh heaven 极乐世界

shake a leg 跳舞;赶快

shake and make up 言归于好

Shame on you! 你真丢脸!

She's a smart dresser. 她是一个注重服饰的人.

She's been two-timing me. 她背着我和其他男人约会. She's got it! 她迷倒了许多人.

She's not the only fish in the sea. 她并不是世界上唯一的女人.

shed of 领先

shedding crocodile tears 猫哭老鼠

shit of luck 倒霉

shoe is on the other foot 今日不同往昔show off 炫耀

show sb the ropes 传授秘诀

show sb the(back) door 下逐客令show up 露面;出现;突出

sick of, be 讨厌

side money 外快

side-kick 莫逆之交

sign up for 报名参加

sink in the scale 降低

sitting pretty 过着舒服的生活

sixes and sevens 乱七八糟

sixth sense 第六感

size up 打量

sleep in this morning 睡个懒觉

slip one's memory 一时忘记

slow-poke 行动迟缓的人

slowly but surely 稳扎稳打

small potato 小人物

smoke like a chimney 烟鬼

smoke O.P.B 吸别人的烟

snake in the grass 隐藏的危险

snap out of it 突然改变情绪;振作起来Snowed. (学生)被一个问题弄糊涂.

so that's it 原来如此

So what? 那又怎么样?

soft-soap 谄媚

somehow or other 莫名其妙地

sore spot 伤心事,旧疮疤

Sorry to have kept you waiting. 抱歉,让您久等了.

sounds just like 看样子就象

speak of the devil 说曹操曹操到speak the same language 志同道合spell out sth 讲清楚

spill the beans 露马脚

spoil the show 演杂了

sports bums 吃闲饭的球员

square deal 公平交易

stab-in-the-back business 暗箭伤人stand a change 有机会嬴

stand on one's own feet 独立自主stand one up 失约而使人白等

stand one's ground 一步也不退让stand sb up 让某人空等一场

stand up for sth 支持;拥护

standing ovation 站起来热烈鼓掌

stay away from 滚开

stay out O.P.B (other people's business) 不要管别人的闲事

stay up late 熬夜

steamed up 怒火中烧

step on one's toes 触怒某人

step out 出外约会;暂时离开工作

sth must be done 非马上采取点行动sth tells me 我好象感觉

stick around 在附近等着

stick your nose into 让你忙着

stick-up 抢劫

stomach's growling 肚子咕噜咕噜地响stop by 过来一会

stop pulling my leg 不要开玩笑了storm in a teacup 大惊小怪

straight from the horse's mouth 据可靠消息

strike out 删去;想出

string sb along 常常戏弄某人

stuffed shirt 自命不凡的讨厌鬼

sugar daddy 老色狼

sugar report 情书

suit one's taste 合某人的胃口

Sunday dress 最好的衣服

swelled head 骄傲自大

switch off 关掉

swith majors 转系

take a back seat 处于默默无闻的地位take a break 休息一下

take a good look at 仔细看

take a hand in 插手某事

take a look 瞧一瞧

take a rain check 改天吧.

take advantage of 欺负;占便宜

take care of sb later 迟些对付你

take down 记下

take for 误认为

take for granted 想当然

take French leave 不辞而别

take in a movie 看一场电影take it easy 放松;别紧张

Take it easy. 不要紧张

Take it or leave it. 别讨价还价

take it out to sb 拿别人出气take no for an answer 不许回答“不”字

take notes in outline form 记大纲式的笔记

take offense 生气

take one's hat off to 表示尊敬佩服take one's time doing sth 从容不迫;不慌不忙做某事

take orders from 听命于

take sb for a ride 绑架某人

take sth for granted 视为当然

take sth up 重提某事

take sth upon oneself 承担一切责任take the lead in sth 在某方面领先

take the load off one's feet 坐下休息take the words out of one's mouth 说出心里话

take things as they come 既来之则安之take to 养成喜好;专心于

take to one's heels 溜之大吉

take up 开始;继续;吸收

Take your time. 慢慢来.

take your word for it 相信你的话

talk big 讲大话

talk of the town 非常流行的东西

talk one into 说服

talk one's head off 说得天花乱坠

talk sb into sth 说服某人做某事

talk sb out of sth 说服某人不要做某事talk sense 讲得合情合理

talk through one's hat 说话瞎扯不负责任

talk through one's neck 说话瞎扯不负责任

talk through one's nose 骄傲自大

tall story 难以置信的故事

teach sb a lesson 教训某人

team up with sb 和某人分为一组

tear down 拆毁

ten bucks 十美元

That dame! 那个女人!

That depends. 那要看情况.

That has a familiar ring. 那话听起来很熟悉.

that I can't say 这个我不敢肯定

That is so! 是这样吗?

That makes two of us. 英雄所见略同that settles that 已经安排了,那就算了That should be fun. 那一定会好玩. That sounds better. 这样说才是.

That what you say. 这是你说的.(表怀疑)

That won't answer. 这解决不了问题That's a good one. 无稽之谈

That's a promise I'll hold you to. 是你许下的诺言,我会叫你兑现

That's a trade secret. 这是生意人的秘密.

That's great. 好极了

That's it. 就这样

That's more like it. 这才象话.

That's more than I can say. 一言难尽That's my... you're making cracks about. 那是我...,请别拿他开玩笑.

That's nothing. 不要紧;小意思

That's right down my alley. 那是我最拿手的.

That's runs my electric bill up. 使电费增加.

That's something. 真是了不起.

That's the boy. 好小子(赞美).

That's the spirit. 真有道理.

That's the way it is. 事情就是这样的. That's the way it with us. 我们就是这样.

That's the whole damned trouble. 这就是所有的麻烦.

That's what I came for. 我就是为这个来的.

That's what I'm here for. 这是我应该做的.

That's what you think. 只有你自己这么想吧.

That's your funeral. 此乃阁下之事. thaw out 融化

the big time 了不起的事;梦想

the crack of down 破晓

the dead of winter 严冬

the devil in her eye 她眼神具有魅力The die is cast. 一切已成定局.

the God's truth 说真的the hustle and bustle 喧嚣气氛

the line is busy 通话中;占线

The price isn't bad. 不贵.

The whole world knows it. 全世界都知道.

There goes your phone. 你有电话. There is nothing to it. 太容易了

There you are. 这是你要的.

There you go again. 你又来这一套了. There's nothing I can do. 爱莫能助There's nothing wrong with me. 我精神很好.

They will be very put out. 他们会很生气.

They're a drag. 那多讨厌,烦死了. Think nothing of it. 不要放在心上. This is a small something for you. 小小礼物,不成敬意

This is serious. 我是当真的.

This will be my treat. 这顿饭我请客. thorn in one's side. 眼中钉肉中刺thousand and one way 许多办法

three sheets in the wind 酒醉

threw a party 举行一个宴会

thrilled with, be 深受感动;非常高兴throw cold water on 泼冷水

throw the bull 胡言乱语

tie the knot 结婚

till the cows come home 很久

Times have changed. 时代不同了.

to a T 恰好地

to and fro 到处

to doctor it up with 用...作料拌起来

to one's face 当面

to the best of my knowledge 据我所知Today just isn't my day. 今天运气不佳. Tom, Dick and Harry 一般的人;普通的人

too much for sb 使某人承受不了trade in 以旧换新

treat sb 请客,招待某人

turn a blind eye 故意视而不见

turn a girl's head 把她说得太好;使她以为了不起

turn against sb 与某人做对

turn down 放低(音量);否决(提案) turn in 交还;交出;就寝

turn one's back on sb 拒绝帮助别人turn one's back to sb 不理睬某人

turn sb loose 放松;放任

turn tail 逃跑

turn the tables 扭转局势

turn turtle (乌龟、汽车)四脚朝天

twist another around one's little finger 玩弄于股掌之上

Two heads are better than one. 一人计短,二人计长

under the sun 世界上任何地方

under the table 台底交易

under the weather 身体不适

under warranty, be 在保修期内

under way (under weight) 事情在进展之中

up and about 身体复员,可下地走动

up to 轮到某人

up to one's ears, be 沉迷;热中

up to one's neck, be 太忙于做某事

up to sth, be 对某事称职

use one's name as a reference 让某人推荐

very light in weight 很轻

very much appreciated, be 很感激

visit John 上厕所

wage a war on sth 对某事发动一场战争

walk sb home 陪某人回家

walkie-talkie 手提对讲机;搬弄是非的人

walking dictionary 知识渊博的人Walls have ears. 隔墙有耳

wash one's dirty linen in public 公开谈论阴私.

wash out 精疲力竭,脸色苍白

watch one's step. 谨慎从事

watch the budget 小心预算

watch with hard eye 用注视的目光看人

Watch your step. 小心走路.

We just make it. 我们刚好赶上.

We rap well together. 我们很合得来. We'll in for the night by then. 到晚上那时,我们一定已经回去了.

We'll see later. 以后再说.

We're not pressed for time. 我们并不赶时间.

wear sth inside out 把衣服穿反了

wee hours 凌晨

welcome to the party! 现在你总算懂了!

well in advancce 老早

Well, I never! 真想不到

What a mess! 好乱啊!

What a pleasant surprise! 真想不到的好事

What a thing to say! 这是什么话! What are we waiting for? 我们还在等什么?

What are you getting at? 你的意思如何?

What are you going to sell? 你这是什么意思?

What are you smoking? 你这是什么意思?

What are you up to do? 你的意思如何? What can you do about it? 你有何办法?看你怎样?

What do you figure? 你的意思如何? What do you give? 你有何高见?

What do you say? 你的意思如何? What held you up? 你为什么迟到? What to call it? 这叫什么?

What were you up to? 你干什么去了? What's come over you? 你怎么啦? What's cooking? 发生了什么事?

What's going on? 发生了什么事? What's it to you? 这和你有什么关系? What's on the schedule? 有什么计划? What's on your mind? 有什么事吗? What's the big idea? 你这是什么意思? What's the catch? 你这是什么意思? What's the good word? 你有什么好消息?

what's the matter 到底怎么样

What's under your cat? 你这是什么意思?

What's up? 发生了什么事?

what's up? 什么事?

What's your pleasure, Treasure? 你喜好什么吃的,富翁(婆)?

What's your pleasure? 你喜欢什么? whatever made you... 你为什么...?

whatever you say. 随你的便.

when in Rome do as the Romans do 入乡随俗

when the doors open 一开场就进入;太准时

When there is life, there is hope. 活着,就有希望.

When's the big day? 哪天办喜事? Where are you heading? 你上哪去?'hite lie 善意的谎言

Who are all the characters? 那些人是谁?

who said so 谁说的?

Who's calling, please? 请问您是哪位? Who's the lucky guy? 谁是新郎?

Why not tell it to the Horse Marines? 你以为有人会相信你这一套吗?

wind up 结束,结果

window shoping 只看不买地逛商场wise up 知道

with a long face 拉长脸

with flying colors 成功地

with open arms 热烈欢迎

within an ace of 几乎;差一点

without fail 一定

woman of the world 精通事故的女人won't be long 不会太久的

Wonders never cease! 奇怪的事永远不断发生!

words fail me 说不出话来

work a tight schedule 时间很紧迫work away 连续工作

work like a Trojan 工作勤奋

work out 计划;想出

Would there be room enough for me? 有没有空位让我坐?

Would you like to order now? 现在要点菜了吗?

Wouldn't she be nice to come home to? 和她生活在一起,不是很好吗? wouldn't work for me 不适合我

yes-man 唯唯诺诺的人

You are a dead duck. 你完了.

You are a thoughtful person. 你真周到You are all wet. 你完全错了.

You are just being polite. 你真会说话. You are killing me. 真是笑死我了. You are your father's son. 你长得很象你父亲.

You ask for it. 你自找苦吃.

you bet 的确

You bet! 当然啦

You can say it again. 我同意你的说法. You can set your watch by him. 他总是很准时.

You can't beat it. 无人匹敌的

You can't keep a good man down. 好人自有出头之日.

You don't know half of it. 你知道什么! You don't say so. 是真的吗?

You get me there. 你把我难住了.

You get no say. 你无权说话.

You got me there. 你难住我了,这个我不清楚

You got the picture. 你了解了.

You have a point there. 你的见解很对. you have outstanding 款还没付清

You know something? 让我告诉你一件事.

You leave me in the cold. 你太令我扫兴了.

You let me down. 你太让我失望了. You look upset. 你好象情绪不好.

You look wonderful. 你气色很好.

You mean to say... 你的意思是说... You said a mouthful. 你说得够多的了. You said it. 我同意你的说法.

You see what I mean? 你明白我的意思了吗?

You should be smart 'ough. 你应该聪明一点.

You stay out of this. 不要插手这件事. You're all mixed up. 你全搞混了.

You're confusing your days. 你把日子弄混了.

You're putting me on. 你在和我开玩笑. You're ribbing me. 你开我玩笑.

You're thoughtful. 你想得真周到.

You're way ahead of me. 你讲得那么快,我还没听清呢.

Your timing is just right. 你来得正好.


1. abide by(=be faithful to ; obey)忠于;遵守。

2. be absent from…. 缺席,不在

3. absence or mind(=being absent-minded) 心不在焉

4. absorb(=take up the attention of)吸引…的注意力(被动语态):be absorbed in 全神贯注于…近:be engrossed in ; be lost in ; be rapt in ;be concentrated on ; be focused on ; be centered on

5. (be) abundant in(be rich in; be well supplied with) 富于,富有

6. access(to) (不可数名词) 能接近,进入,了解

7. by accident(=by chance, accidentally)偶然地,意外. Without accident(=safely) 安全地,

8. of one’s own accord(=without being asked; willingly; freely)自愿地,主动地

9. in accord with 与…一致/ out of one’s accord with 同….不一致

10. with one accord (=with everybody agreeing)一致地

11. in accordance with (=in agreement with) 依照,根据

12. on one’s own account

1) 为了某人的缘故, 为了某人自己的利益

2) (=at one’s own risk) 自行负责

3) (=by oneself)依靠自己

on account 赊账; on account of 因为; on no account不论什么原因也不;of …account 有…..重要性.

13. take…into ac count(=consider)把...考虑进去

14. give sb. an account of 说明, 解释(理由)

15. account for (=give an explanation or reason for) 解释, 说明.

16. on account of (=because of) 由于,因为.

17. on no account(=in no case, for no reason)绝不要,无论如何不要(放句首时句子要倒装)

18. accuse…of…(=charge…with; blame sb. for sth. ; blame sth. on sb. ; complain about) 指控,控告

19. be accustomed to (=be in the habit of, be used to)习惯于.

20. be acquainted with(=to have knowledge of) 了解; (=to have met socially) 熟悉

21. act on 奉行,按照…行动; act as 扮演; act for 代理

22. adapt oneself to(=adjust oneself to) 使自己适应于

23. adapt…(for) (=make sth. Suitable for a new need) 改编, 改写(以适应新的需要)

24. in addition (=besides) 此外, 又, 加之

25. in addition to(=as well as, besides, other than)除…外26. adhere to (=abide by, conform to, comply with, cling to, insist on, persist in, observe, opinion, belief ) 粘附; 坚持, 遵循

27. adjacent(=next to, close to) 毗邻的, 临近的

28. adjust..(to) (=change slightly)调节; 适应;

29. admit of (=be capable of, leave room for) …的可能,留有…的余地.

30. in advance (before in time) 预告, 事先.

31. to advantage 有利的,使优点更加突出地.

32. have an advantage over 胜过.

have the advantage of 由于…处于有利条件

have the advantage of sb.知道某人所不知道的事

33. take advantage of (=make the best of, utilize, make use of, profit from, harness)利用.

34. agree with 赞同(某人意见) agree to 同意

35. in agreement (with) 同意, 一致

36. ahead of 在…之前, 超过…;…………….ahead of time 提前.

37. in the air 1)不肯定, 不具体. 2)在谣传中.

38. above all (=especially, most important of all) 尤其是, 最重要的.

39. in all (=counting everyone or everything, altogether) 总共, 总计

40. after all 毕竟,到底; (not) at all 一点也不;

all at once(=suddenly)突然; once and for all 只此一次; above all 最重要的; first of all 首先; all in all 大体上说; be all in 累极了; all but 几乎.

41. allow for (=take into consideration, take into account) 考虑到, 估计到.

42. amount to (=to be equal to) 总计, 等于.

43. answer for (undertake responsibility for, be liable for, take charge for) 对…负责.

44. answer to (=conform to) 适合,符合.

45. be anxious about 为…焦急不安; 或anxious for

46. apologize to sb. for sth. 为…向…道歉

47. appeal to sb. for sth. 为某事向某人呼吁. appeal to sb. 对某人有吸引力

48. apply to sb. for sth. 为…向…申请; apply for申请; apply to 适用.

49. apply to 与…有关;适用

50. approve of (=consent to, be in favor of, favor, agree to, consider good, right) 赞成, approve vt. 批准

51. arise from(=be caused by) 由…引起.

52. arrange for sb./sth. to do sth. 安排…做…

53. arrive on 到达; arrive at 到达某地(小地方);得出,


英语新闻词汇大全 accredited journalist n. 特派记者advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报


公务员考试行测备考指导:言语理解常考词语辨析汇总 【华图教育阅读提示】华图公务员考试研究中心通过对十年来国家公务员录用考试及各省市公务员录用考试行政职业能力测验真题中言语理解与表达真题的研究,归纳总结了言语理解与表达常考100组词语,并对其进行了辨析。本文节选了部分词语及辨析供考生复习参考。 1.安定--安宁--安谧--安静--平静--清静 安定:生活形势等平静正常,稳定。生活安定。 安宁:秩序正常,没有骚扰。边境安宁。 安谧:安宁,安静。主要指环境气氛。 安静:没有声音,安稳平静。 平静:着重指平稳,没有不安与动荡。常形容心情、表情、势态等。 清静:着重指不嘈杂、不杂乱。 2.安顿--安放--安置--安排 安顿:安稳,使人或事物有着落,着重指安排妥当,使有确实的着落。 安放:使物件处于一定的位置,是具体的动作。 安置:使人或事物有着落。着重指使工作、生活等有适当的位置。多是处理人事工作的活动。 安排:着重于分清先后、主次、轻重缓急、有条有理地处理人和事。多指工作上的处理活动。 3.懊悔--懊恼--懊丧--沮丧--颓丧 都是形容词,因未满足心愿而悔恨、烦恼。 懊悔:着重指后悔,是心里恨自己不该做错了事或说错了话。 懊恼:着重指烦恼,心里不痛快,是对别人或自己的言行感到烦恼。 懊丧:形容因做事或环境不利而失意,情绪低落,精神不振。懊丧:着重指烦恼而丧气,心中郁闷。

4.沮丧--颓丧 沮丧:沮,气色败坏。着重指受挫折后灰心失望。 颓丧:颓,委靡不振。着重指情绪低落,意志消沉。 5.傲慢--高傲--骄傲 都是形容词,都有自高自大或自豪自尊之意。 傲慢:着重指态度上轻慢,目中无人。也可用于褒义,表示自尊而不可侮。 高傲:贬义着重指思想情绪上把自己看得过高。用于褒义时表示自豪而又高尚。 骄傲:泛指满足已有的成绩,自以为了不起。用于褒义时多表示自豪。也可以作名词。如:李白、杜甫和他们的诗,是中华民族的骄傲。 6.把持--操纵--控制 都有按自己的意图掌握住、支配。 把持:是贬义词,指公开独占权位。对象常是政权、权力、职位以及地区、单位等。 操纵:中性词。指掌管、使用机器等。引申指用不正当手段暗中支配、控制人或社会性的较重大的事物。 控制:中性词。只指不让任意活动或超出范围。对象常是速度、数字、交通、生产以及思想、感情等。 7.把握--掌握 都是动词。用自己能力,把某种事物抓住、控制住。对象可以是某些具体的或抽象的事物。 把握,对象多是具体事物。有时作“有”的宾语,表示对事情能做得到或做得好的信心、力量或根据,是名词。如:有把握。 掌握:比“把握”多一层意思,即不仅能把握住,而且能充分支配运用并控制。对象多指抽象事物,如政策、命运、方法、知识、技术、专业、语言、情况等。 8.颁布--公布 都是动词。公开发布。对象多是宪法、纲领、法律、法令、条例等。


英语新闻标题常用的60个单词 aid=assist(帮助,援助) alter=change or modify(改变) ask=inquire(询问) assail=denounce(谴责) axe=dismiss\\\\reduce(解雇,减少) balk=impede(阻碍) ban=prohibit or forbid(禁止) bar=prevent(防止,阻止) bare=expose or reveal(暴露,揭露) blast=explode(爆炸) begin=commence(开始) bid=attempt(努力) bilk=cheat(欺骗) bolt=desert or abandon(放弃) boost=increase(增加,提高) check=examine(检查) claim=ause the death of…(夺去……的生命)clash=disagree strong1y(发生分歧,争议)curb=control or restrict(控制) dip=decIlne or decrease(下降) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱) foil=prevent from(阻止,防止) grill = investigate(调查) gut=destroy(摧毁) head=direct(率领) hold=arrest(逮捕) laud=praise(赞扬) lop=diminish(下降,减少) map=work out(制订) mark=celebrate(庆祝) name=appoint\\\\nominate(命名,提名)moot=discuss(讨论) mull=consider(考虑) nab=arrest(逮捕) nip=defeat(击败) ease=lessen(减轻,缓和) end=terminate(结束,中止) flay=criticize(批评) flout=insult(侮辱)


一.国际事务: negotiations,delegate,delegation,summit 峰会 charter n. 特许状,执照,宪章 pledge n. 诺言,保证,誓言,抵押,信物,保人,祝愿vt. 许诺,保证,使发誓,抵押,典当,举杯祝……健康 vt. 特许,发给特许执照 promote peace 促进和平 boost economic co-op 加强经济合作 make concession/compromise 作出妥协 pass a resolution 通过决议 sanction n. 核准,制裁,处罚,约束力 vt. 制定制裁规则,认可,核准,同意 default n. 违约,不履行责任,缺席,默认值 vt. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 vi. 疏怠职责,缺席,拖欠,默认 veto a bill 否决议案 break the deadlock 打破僵局 a scientific breakthrough 科学突破 an unexpected outcome 出乎意料的结果 sign/ratify an accord/deal/treaty/pact/agreement 签署协议diplomatically isolated country 在外交上被孤立的国家diplomatic solutions 外交解决方案 hot spot 热点 take hostilities toward..... 对……采取敌对态度 ethnic cleansing 种族排斥 refugee,illegal aliens 非法移民 mediator 调解员 national convention 国民大会 fight corruption 反腐败 corrupted election 腐败的选举 peace process 和平进程 give a boost to... 促进 booming economy 促进经济发展 mutual benefits/interests 双赢 Defense Minister,evacuate,flee from Pentagon 五角大楼impose/break a deadline 规定/打破最后期限 retaliate 报复 banking reform 金融改革 commissioner 代表 go bankrupt 破产 file for bankruptcy 提出破产 deputy 代表


常用新闻术语英汉对照表 accuracy n. 准确性anecdote n 趣事、轶事 balance and fairness n. 平衡和公平body n. (新闻)主体 breaking news n. 突发新闻brevity n. 简约 brief n 简讯.v. 吹风、简报broad sheet paper 大报 by-line n. 署名行caption n. 图片说明 clarity n. 清楚column n (报纸版面上的)栏,专栏 columnist n. 专栏作家highlight n. 提要 correspondent n. 记者cover story 封面文章 dateline n. 日期行(电头) delayed lead 延缓式导语 detail n. 细节 direct lead 直接式导语 documentary n. 文献editor n. 编辑 editor’s notes 或Eds 编者按end n. (新闻)结尾 electronic media 电子媒体 entertain v. 愉悦 eye-catching adj. 抢眼的features n. 特写 flash n. 快讯follow-up story n. 后续报道 freelancer n. 自由撰稿人proximity n. 接近性 human interest 人情味importance of an event 事件的重要性 inform v. 提供信息inverted pyramid 倒金字塔 key word 关键词lead n. 导语 mass-communication 大众传播news digest 新闻摘要 news feature 新闻特写news filter 新闻过滤 news value 新闻价值objectivity n. 客观性 opinion n. 言论personal profile 人物特写 print media 印刷媒介prominence of the people or things 人物或事件的突出性 readability n. 可读性reporter n. 记者 review or commentary 评论或评述round-up or wrap-up 综述 running-up stories 滚动报道selectivity n. 选择性 sensational adj. 有轰动效应的,煽情的, social event feature 社会新闻特写urgent n .急电、adj. 紧急的 spot news 现场新闻story n. 新闻(消息) sub-head 副标题succinct adj. 简洁 supplement n. 增刊、副刊tabloid paper 小报 theme n. 主题timeliness n. 时效性 uniqueness of an event 事件的奇特性 5 Ws & H (WHO, WHAT, WHERE, WHEN, WHY and HOW) 何人、何处、何时、何故、怎样)wire service or news agency 通讯社 soft news:软新闻 hard news:硬新闻


政治 常见政治问题新闻词汇 ●Sanction制裁 ●Anarchy无政府状态 ●Ballot选票 ●Boycott联合抵制 ●Truce休战 ●Activist激进分子 ●Asylum政治庇护 ●Bill议案 ●Violate违反 ●Treaty协定 ●Parliament国会 ●House of commons下议院 ●Senate参议院 ●Congressman国会/众议院议员 ●Court法庭[院] ●House of lords上议院 ●Congress(美国等国的)国会、议会●Senator参议员 ●Legislature立法机关、立法机构 ●Procurator检察官 ●Security forces安全部队 ●Campaign运动选举 ●Cease-fire停火●Armed forces武装部队 ●Expel驱逐,放逐 ●Cabinet内阁 ●Casualty伤亡 ●Diplomatic tie外交关系 ●Ambassador大使,使节 ●Inflation通话膨胀 ●Reject否决 ●Statement声明 ●Interfere干涉 ●Unseat罢免 ●Protest示威 ●Democracy民主 ●Proposal提议 ●Domestic affairs内政 ●Resignation辞职 ●Impeach弹劾 ●Insurgent造反者,反抗国内政权的人●Multi-party elections多党选举 ●Amnesty特赦 ●Curfew宵禁 ●Anarchism无政府主义 ●Ballot选举票,投票,票数,投票 常见政治头衔新闻词汇 ●President总统 ●Premier总理 ●Secretary of state国务卿●Prime minister首相 ●Chief executive行政长官●Deputy president副总统●Foreign minister外长 ●Finance minister财长 ●Secretary-general秘书长●Chairman主席 新闻中出现的中国时政的词汇 ●Rapid economic growth快速经济增长 ●Disparate development发展不平衡 ●Flood-prevention project防洪工程 ●Building redundant project重复建设 ●Work contracted to households包干到户 ●Strive for a relatively comfortable life奔小康 ●Lighten the burden on the peasant(farmers)减轻农民负担●A constructive strategic partnership建设性战略伙伴关系 外交用词 ●Ambassador大使●Diplomacy外交●Consulate领事馆,领事任期,领事 的职位


11.常用新闻英语词汇. 政治、法律、外交 1. Abortive coup attempt流产政变 2. Absent trial缺席审判 3. Absentee voting缺席投票 1 4. Absolute majority绝对多数 5. Absolute monarchy君主专制政体 6. Abstain from voting放弃,不投票 7. Abstention弃权 8. Accord协定,一致 9. Accredited journalist特记者 10. Acting president代总统 11. Action platform行动纲领 12. Action policy行动方针,实施方针 13. Administration party执政党 14. Administrative authorities行政当局 15. Administrative injunction行政命令 16. Administrative policy speech施政演 17. Advanced countries发达国家 18. Advisory body顾问团 19. Advisory committee咨询委员会 20. Agenda会议事项,议事日程 21. Agreed formula商定的方安 22. Aid-giving agency援助机构 23. Alien domination外国统治 24. Allied powers同盟国 25. All-out ban全面禁止 26. Ambassador-at-large巡回大使 27. Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary特命全权大使 28. Amendment修正案,附加条款 29. Amicable relation友好关系 30. Amnesty 31. Anarchy大赦 32. Annex(领土)合并,兼并 33. Anxious澳、新、美三国防御体系 34. Appeasement policy绥靖政策 35. Appropriate authorities有关当局


英语新闻词汇大全accreditedjournalistn.特派记者advertisementn.广告.advancen.预发消息;预写消息affairn.桃色新闻;绯闻anecdoten.趣闻轶事assignmentn.采写任务attributionn.消息出处,消息来源backalleynewsn.小道消息backgroundingn.新闻背景Badnewstravelsquickly.坏事传千里。bannern.通栏标题 beatn.采写范围 blankvt."开天窗"bodyn.新闻正文boilvt.压缩(篇幅) boxn.花边新闻 briefn.简讯 bulletinn.新闻简报 bylinen.署名文章 captionn.图片说明caricaturen.漫画 carryvt.刊登 cartoonn.漫画 censorvt.审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查

chartn.每周流行音乐排行版 clippingn.剪报 columnn.专栏;栏目 columnistn.专栏作家continuedstory连载故事;连载小说contributingeditor特约编辑 contributionn.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributorn.投稿人 copydeskn.新闻编辑部 copyeditorn.文字编辑 correctionn.更正(启事) correspondencecolumn读者来信专栏correspondentn.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 covervt.采访;采写 covergirln.封面女郎 covertcoverage隐性采访;秘密采访 cropvt.剪辑(图片) crusaden.宣传攻势 cutn.插图vt.删减(字数)cutlinen.插图说明dailyn.日报 datelinen.新闻电头 deadlinen.截稿时间 digvt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新 闻) digestn.文摘


英语新闻词汇大全accredited journalist n. 特派记者 advertisement n.广告. advance n.预发消息;预写消息 affair n.桃色新闻;绯闻 anecdote n.趣闻轶事 assignment n.采写任务 attribution n. 消息出处,消息来源 back alley news n. 小道消息 backgrounding n.新闻背景 Bad news travels quickly. 坏事传千里。 banner n.通栏标题 beat n.采写范围 blank vt. "开天窗" body n. 新闻正文 boil vt.压缩(篇幅) box n. 花边新闻 brief n. 简讯 bulletin n.新闻简报 byline n. 署名文章 caption n.图片说明 caricature n.漫画 carry vt.刊登 cartoon n.漫画 censor vt. 审查(新闻稿件),新闻审查 chart n.每周流行音乐排行版 clipping n.剪报 column n.专栏;栏目 columnist n.专栏作家

continued story 连载故事;连载小说contributing editor 特约编辑 contribution n.(投给报刊的)稿件;投稿contributor n.投稿人 copy desk n.新闻编辑部 copy editor n.文字编辑 correction n.更正(启事) correspondence column读者来信专栏correspondent n.驻外记者;常驻外埠记者 cover vt.采访;采写 cover girl n. 封面女郎 covert coverage 隐性采访;秘密采访 crop vt.剪辑(图片) crusade n.宣传攻势 cut n.插图vt.删减(字数) cut line n.插图说明 daily n.日报 dateline n.新闻电头 deadline n.截稿时间 dig vt.深入采访;追踪(新闻线索);“挖”(新闻) digest n.文摘 editorial n.社论 editorial office 编辑部 daily 日报 morning edition 晨报 evening edition 晚报 quality paper 高级报纸 popular paper 大众报纸 evening paper 晚报 government organ 官报

最新广东省广州市中考语文附录七 常用词语辨析

附录七常用词语辨析 1.【必须必需】必须:表示事理上和情理上必要;一定要。必需:一定要有;不可少。 例句:①学习必须刻苦钻研。 ②煤铁等是发展工业所必需的原料。 2.【诚恳诚挚】诚恳:侧重表示恳切,多指人的态度。诚挚:侧重表示真挚,多指感情。 例句:①虚伪的迎合是友谊的毒剂,诚恳的批评是友爱的厚礼。 ②会谈和会见是在诚挚友好的气氛中进行的。 3.【颤抖颤动】颤抖:多指因担心、害怕、寒冷或感情激动时肢体的抖动。颤动:多指人或事物在外力的作用下而发生的短暂而频繁的振动。 例句:①那个惊悚的画面让我颤抖不已。 ②当我睁开眼睛时,发现地面在颤动。 4.【振动震动】振动:物体通过一个中心位置,不断做往复运动。摆的运动就是振动。震动:①颤动;使颤动。②(重大的事情、消息等)使人心不平静。 例句:①当你拉小提琴时,琴弦就会振动。 ②春雷震动着山谷。 5.【预订预定】预订:事先订约购买东西(一般要交一定租定金,甚至全额)。预定:指预先决定或制定。例句:①如果你想要一张好位子的话,就得及早预订。 ②此书预定作教科书用。 6.【制订制定】制订:创制拟定。制定:定出(法律、规程、政策等)。 例句:①我想和你仔细商量一下再制订计划。 ②新法律现已制定,不得撤销。 7.【质疑置疑】质疑:提出疑问。置疑:表示怀疑,多用于否定。 例句:①助手质疑我的实验结论。 ②地球绕着太阳转,这是不容置疑的客观规律。 8.【义气意气】义气:指刚正之气。也指为情谊而甘愿替别人承担风险或作自我牺牲的气度。意气:指志向与气概。也指精神、神色、志趣等。 例句:①他太讲义气,损害了原则。 ②处理事情不能意气用事。 9.【本义本意】本义:词语本来的意义。本意:原来的意思或意图。 例句:①这个词不能按本义去理解。 ②他的本意还是好的,只是话说得重了些。 10.【功夫工夫】功夫:①本领;造诣。②指武术。③(做事)所耗费的时间和精力。工夫:①时间(指占用的时间);②空闲时间;③时候(多用于方言)。 例句:①这个杂技演员真有功夫! ②今晚我有很多工作要做,没工夫看电视。


新闻标题制作教程七:标题十大规范 一、结构:新闻标题通常须有动态词汇,通用结构为:行为主体+行为+行为客体。如: 海南下放权力177项 (2008年07月09日《新华每日电讯》) 二、语态:多用主动语态,少用被动语态。如: “福建土楼”被列入《世界遗产名录》 这则标题可改为: “福建土楼”跻身《世界遗产名录》 三、时态:除特殊需要,无须在标题中加上时间,用现在时表述基本新闻事实,给读者以强烈的时效感;对即将发生的新闻事实,应在标题中用“将”注明。如: 凶徒机场连伤五人 这则标题不宜改为: 凶徒昨晚机场连伤五人 四、标点:新闻标题中尽可能地省略标点符号。顿号、逗号尽量用空格替代;严禁使用感叹号;尽量不用省略号、破折号、问号。如:

沪指跌破3000点! 注:感叹号带有强烈的感情色彩,有违新闻客观、平衡原则。 五、字数:标题应尽量简练,主题字数宜控制在12个字以内。若主题过长,可借助副题短化主题。如: 国际能源机构预测2013年前石油供应将持续紧张 这则标题可采用引题—主题式复合标题,短化主题: 国际能源机构预测 (引) 2013年前石油供应将持续紧张 (主) 六、句式:新闻标题中的常用句式有陈述句、疑问句、祈使句、无主句。 1.陈述句式标题:优点是严肃、直接,缺点是平铺直叙,有时会偏长。 2.疑问句式标题:疑问句式标题往往能吸引读者,适合有争议性的新闻报道。如: 房价何时见底

3.祈使句式标题:祈使句是表示请求、命令、劝告、催促的句子,这种句式的标题明确表达新闻立场。如: 别让爱心伤了灾区孩子 (摘自2008年07月11日《中国青年报》) 4.无主句式标题:无主句,即省略了主语的句子,无主句式标题短小精悍,富有表现力。 七、语言:标题语言尽量大众化,不用生僻字,尽可能地用比喻、比拟等修辞手法,善于将枯燥的数字化为与读者相关的影响。如: 八国集团营养过剩的宴会 (摘自2008年07月08日英国《泰晤士报》) 这则标题意在批评在全球粮食危机背景下,八国集团峰会领导人享用豪华晚宴。用“营养过剩”替代“豪华”,使标题逸趣横生。 八、逻辑:标题中引题、主题、副题的逻辑结构应连贯,不能颠倒。如: 村民悬红抓猪贼 (主) 家猪屡屡被盗 (副)


英语新闻中常用高频词汇大全新闻词汇精选 1.Academy Awards 学院奖(奥斯卡金像奖) 2. Apollo Program 阿波罗计划 3. Mr Bean 豆子先生 4. Beat Generation 垮了的一代 5. Bible 《圣经》 6. Black Monday 黑色星期一 7. Broadway(New York) 百老会 8. Central Park 中央公园 9. Charlie Chaplin 查利·卓别林 10. Chinatown 唐人街 11.Civil rights movement 民权运动 12.Bill Clinton 比尔·克林顿 13.Coca-cola 可口可乐 14.Cookbooks 烹饪书 15.Cosmopolitan 大都 16.Cowboy 牛仔 17.Credit Card 信用卡 18.Disneyland 迪斯尼乐园 19.First lady 第一夫人 20.ghost towns 鬼城 21.the God father 教父 22.Grammy Awards 格来米奖 23.Great Depressions 大萧条 24.Great Salt lake 大盐湖 25.Gulf War 海湾战争

26.Halloween 万圣节(节) 27.Hariem 哈雷特(黑人区) 28.Harvard University 哈佛大学 29.Oxford University 牛津大学 30.Camoridge University 剑桥大学 31.Holiday Inn 假日酒店 32.Hollywood 好来坞 33.home computer 家用电脑 34.home video 家用录像 35.hot dog 热狗 36.Independence Day 独立日 37.Michael Jordan 麦克尔·乔丹 38.Michael Jackson 麦克尔·杰克逊 39.Helen Keller 海伦·凯莉 40.Kennedy Assasination 肯尼迪暗杀案 41.Kentucky Fried 肯德鸡 42.Bill Jean 比尔·金 43.Martin Luther King 马丁·路德金 44.Kodak 科达 45.Korean War 朝鲜战争 46.Lincoln Memorial 林肯纪念碑 47.Little Rock 小万城 48.Los Angeles 洛杉机 49.Bruce Lee 李小龙 50.McDonalds 麦当劳 51.Madonna 麦当娜 52.Marijuana 大麻 53.Marlboro Man 万宝路人 54.Mickey Mouse 米老鼠


英语中一些常见词语的辨析 alone为形容词,意为“单独的”,只作表语,不能作定语。侧重说明独自一人,没有助手或同伴,没有感***彩的只表示客观的状态。lonely意为“孤独的”,表示主观上感到孤独、寂寞,有较浓的感***彩,指因缺少朋友、同情、友谊等产生的一种悲伤和忧郁的感情。它为形容词,在句中作表语或定语。作定语时,意为“荒凉;偏僻”,多修饰表示地点的名词。alone还可以作副词。 alone 副词adv. 单独;独自 She went home alone. 她独自回家去了。 After his wife died, he lived alone. 他的妻子死后,他一个人生活。 real既是形容词又是副词,其意为"真的,真实的",在作副词时与true在意义上的主要区别是:real指人的感官觉得某物像"真的",多指真实存在的,而不是想象出来的。如:

Was it real or was it a dream? 这是真的还是个梦? true既是形容词也是副词,意思是"真实的,真正的",其意义与real的区别是:true的"真实"是建立在已知的事实基础上,指与实际相符,不是"发明"或"编造"出来的。如:This is a true story. 这是一个真实的故事。 Is the news true? 这消息是真的吗? a movie based on a true story 一个以真实故事为背景的影片 true与real在某些情况下也可以通用,如在表示一件事情的实际情况与真实情况不符时,true与real都可以用。如:Tell me the real/true reason why he resigned. 告诉我他辞职的真实原因。 He seems quiet but reveals his true/real character on the football field. 他看起来很安静但是在足球场上却展现了他真实的一面。 另外,在说到某事物时举例说他/它有其应有的"重要"性质时,二者均可使用。如: She was his first real/true girlfriend. 她是他的第一个真正的女朋友。 This job will be a true/real test of the new system. 这项工作将会是对这个新系统的一次真实的检验。 real表示客观存在


初中英语常用词语辨析 -从A ...................................................... ....... 1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\ at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。 in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。 for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。 [例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。 I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。 Hold on for a moment.请稍候。...................................................... ....... 2.a few/ few (1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。 (2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。 [例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends. 这个人在这里住了很多年了,他有一些朋友。 I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here. 我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。...................................................... ....... 3.a little/ little (1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。 (2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。 little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。 [例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。 There is little water in the glass, so you can’t drink any. 杯子里几乎没有水了,你不可能喝到水了。...................................................... ....... 4.across / through 二者都有“通过,穿过”的意思,都是介词,但“through“与空间有关, 即一个人或物体从某空间之间穿过,如: Look out through the window, please.请从窗口往外看。 We have to walk through the gate to go into the factory. 我们要走进这家工厂必须走过这一扇大门。 across也是“通过”、“跨过”,一般与位移的平面有关, 即从一个平面的一头走到或越到另一头。如: If you walk across the square, you will see the hotel there. 如果你走到广场的另一端,你就看到旅馆了。Be careful when you walk across the street.过马路时要小心。 注意:cross是及物动词而across是介词。 ago / before ago 只用于一般过去时,表示从现在算起的一段时间以前。[例]He died two years ago.他是两年前去世的。 before 后接“时间点”,可用于任何时态;它也可放在“时间段”后, 用于完成时或一般过去时。 [例]I got there before 5 o’clock.我五点钟前到达那里。 I never saw him before.我以前没见过他。 He had done it two days before.他两天前就做过此事。...................................................... ....... 6. already / yet/still (1) already 意为“已经”,常用于肯定句,与完成时和进行时连用为多。 用于疑问句时表示问话人持怀疑、惊异的态度。如: Is it Sunday already? 已经到星期天啦? I have already finished it.我已经做完了。 (2)yet 通常用于疑问句和否定句,在疑问句中作“已经”解,在否定句中作“还”、“尚未”解。如: I haven’t learned it yet.我还不知此事。 Has he come yet? 他还没有来?(表疑问)...................................................... ....... 7.arrive / reach/ get (1) arrive vi. arrive + in + 大地方(国家、城市等) arrive + at + 小地方(村庄、车站、码头等) He arrived in Nanning last week. 他上星期来到南宁。(2) get vi.\get to + 名词 When did you get to the station yesterday? 你昨天什么时候到达火车站? reach vt.\reach + 名词 Please write to me when you reach Beijing.你到北京后请给我写信。 当reach、arrive、get后接地点副词here、there、home时,不能后接任何介词。如: I got/ arrive/ reached home late yesterday.我昨天很晚才到家。...................................................... ....... 8. agree with/ agree on/ agree to (1)agree with(sb.)表示“与……意见一致”。 I don’t agree with you. 我不同意你的意见。 (2)agree to(sth.)宾语一般为suggestion、plan等,“同意计划、安排”。

常用BBC VOA新闻词汇

常用BBC,VOA英语新闻词汇1)名词+现在分词。如: cancer-causing drug 制癌药物 oil-producing country 产油国 peace-keeping force 维和部队 policy-making body 决策机构 2)形容词+现在分词。如: far-reaching significance 深远意义 high-ranking official 高级官员 long-standing issue 由来己久的问题 wide-spreading AIDS 到处蔓延的艾滋病 3)名词+过去分词。如: blood-cemented friendship 鲜血凝成的友谊 export-oriented economy 外向型经济 poverty-stricken area 贫困地区 wasp-waisted road 蜂腰路段 4)形容词+过去分词。如: deep-rooted social problems 根深蒂固的社会问题foreign-owned enterprise 外资企业 long-faced job loser 愁眉苦脸的失业者 quick-frozen food 速冻食品 5)副词+过去分词。如: dimly-lit room 光线昏暗的房间 highly-sophisticated technology 尖端技术 richly-paid job 薪水丰厚的工作 well-informed source 消息灵通人士 6)名词+形容词。如: inflation-proof deposit 保值储昔 interest-free loan 无息贷款 labour-intensive enterprise 劳动力密集型企业 vehicle-free promenade 步行街 7)名词+名词.如: arms-reduction talks 裁军谈判 labour-management conflict 劳资冲突 supply-demand imbalance 供求失调 year-endreport 年终报告 8)形容词+名词。如:


初中英语常用词语辨析 A............................................................. 1.at the moment\in a moment\for a moment\ at the moment=right now"此时此刻",用于现在时。 in a moment = very soon “很快,立即”,一般用于将来时的句子。 for a moment “此刻,一会儿”表示时间的延续。 [例] He is out at the moment.此刻他不在家。 I will come back in a moment.我一会儿就回来。 Hold on for a moment.请稍候。............................................................. 2.a few/ few (1)a few, few 用来修饰可数名词。 (2)a few “有一些”,表示肯定概念,few 几乎没有,表示否定意义。[例] The man has been here for many years, so he has a few friends. 这个人在这里住了很多年了,他有一些朋友。 I am a new comer here, so I have few friends here. 我刚来到这里,所以我在这里没有几个朋友。............................................................. 3.a little/ little (1) a little, little 用于修饰不可数名词。 (2) a little “有一些”,表示肯定概念。 little “几乎没有”,表示否定概念。 [例] There is a little water in the glass.杯子里有一些水。 There is little water in the glass, so you can’t drink any. 杯子里几乎没有水了,你不可能喝到水了。............................................................. 4.across / through 二者都有“通过,穿过”的意思,都是介词,但“through“与空间有关,即一个人或物体从某空间之间穿过,如: Look out through the window, please.请从窗口往外看。 We have to walk through the gate to go into the factory. 我们要走进这家工厂必须走过这一扇大门。 across也是“通过”、“跨过”,一般与位移的平面有关, 即从一个平面的一头走到或越到另一头。如: If you walk across the square, you will see the hotel there. 如果你走到广场的另一端,你就看到旅馆了。 Be careful when you walk across the street.过马路时要小心。 注意:cross是及物动词而across是介词。 5.ago / before ago 只用于一般过去时,表示从现在算起的一段时间以前。 [例]He died two years ago.他是两年前去世的。 before 后接“时间点”,可用于任何时态;它也可放在“时间段”后,用于完成时或一般过去时。 [例]I got there before 5 o’clock.我五点钟前到达那里。 I never saw him before.我以前没见过他。 He had done it two days before.他两天前就做过此事。............................................................. 6. already / yet/still (1) already 意为“已经”,常用于肯定句,与完成时和进行时连用为多。用于疑问句时表示问话人持怀疑、惊异的态度。如: Is it Sunday already? 已经到星期天啦? I have already finished it.我已经做完了。 (2)yet 通常用于疑问句和否定句,在疑问句中作“已经”解, 在否定句中作“还”、“尚未”解。如:

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