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1 i would miss my loving, erratic,harebrained mother. 我想念善良而又粗心大意的妈妈。

2 in the state of washington,under a near constant cover of clouds and rain, there is a small town named Forks,population, 3120 people.This is where i'm moving. 在华盛顿州,在乌云骤雨下,有个小镇叫Forks。

3 we used to make mud pies when we were little. 我们小时候一起玩过过家家的。

4 sorry i had to mess up your game,Mike! 不好意思抢了你的头彩,麦克!

5 you know, you can always go for eating disorders. 其实你可以写饮食障碍症的。

6 spedo padding on the swim team. 游泳队里面的皇牌。

7 we are talking olympic-size 我们说的是奥运级别的人马。

8 she is really weird, and she is with Jasper,the blond one who looks like he is in pain.她是个十足的怪人,她跟加斯帕在一起,那个样子好像很痛苦的金发男。

9 I am really kind of the more suffer-in-silence type. 我是个沉默寡言的人。

10 hi, i am Eric, the eyes and ears of this place. 这里的地头虫。

11 like a masterpiece 一件惊世之作。

12 and the next day, another no-show 第二天,也没有出现。

13 I played Santa one year 有一年我扮演圣诞老人。

14 screaning, i literally repel technolongy now 笑吧,我现在正在抵制高科技。

15 hey , did you get contacts? 你戴隐形眼镜吗。

16 it is the fluorescents 那些萤火虫。

17 you know, your mood swings are kind of giving me whiplash 你忽冷忽热,这样会伤我感情。



暮光之城系列英语演讲稿 篇一:暮光之城英语演讲稿 暮光之城英语演讲稿 If you’re a vampire, it’s all about you. Why is Edward Cullen obsessed to the point of erotomania by Bella Swan Because she smells so yummy, but he doesn’t want to kill her. Here’s what he tells her: He must not be around her. He might sink his fangs in just a little, and not be able to stop. She finds this overwhelmingly attractive. She tells him he is the most beautiful thing she has ever seen. I don’t remember Edward ever saying that to her. Maybe once. He keeps on saying they should stay far, far apart, because he craves her so much. Should a woman fall in love with a man because he desires her so much Men seem to think so. It's not about the woman, it's about the man's desire. We all know there is no such thing as a vampire. Come on now, what is "Twilight" really about It's about a teenage boy trying to practice abstinence, and how, in the heat of the moment, it's really, really hard. And about a girl who wants to go all the way with him, and doesn't care


吸血鬼家族 爱德华·卡伦(Edward Cullen) 本名(变成吸血鬼前的名字):Edward Anthony Mason Edward 种类:吸血鬼 生日:06 /30 /1901 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):1918年(拥有永远17岁的外表) 能力:读心术,速度 配偶:Isabella Swan 子女:Renesmee Carlie Cullen(半人半吸血鬼混血女儿) 人物分析及改变原因:因为1918年得了西班牙流感而死,被卡莱尔救下(他的生母似乎明白卡莱尔能帮她儿子,所以临死前叮嘱卡莱尔救爱德华)而爱德华的母亲伊沙贝拉无法接受儿子病逝的伤痛,于是在死前乞求Carlisle·Cullen把爱德华变成吸血鬼。金发帅气的爱德华成为吸血鬼后,可以轻易看穿他人内心世界,身体却永远只是十七岁样子,体能超乎常人,能够做各种别人办不到的事。爱德华在福克斯镇上第一次见到女主角贝拉便深深的爱上了她,而他的特殊的能力似乎在贝拉身上也失去了功效。爱德华为了爱而拼命压抑自己的对血的欲望,同时也为了保护贝拉不受其他吸血鬼伤害而努力抗争。 在电影里是由罗伯特·帕丁森(Robert Pattinson)饰

贝拉·卡伦 Bella Cullen (嫁给Edward之后-《破晓》中) 本名(没有嫁给爱德华之前的名字):伊莎贝拉·玛丽·斯旺Isabella Marie Swan 昵称:Bella, Bells, Vampire girl,human girl 种类:没有生下Renesmee之前是人类(Twilight到Breaking Dawn),生下Reenesme之后奄奄一息时被注射了毒液后成为了吸血鬼(Breaking Dawn) 生日:09/13/1987 忌日(变成吸血鬼的日子):09/10/2006 (拥有永远18岁的外表) 能力:盾牌术(盾牌,抵御一切来自于心理的超能力,还是人类时已经能抵御,变成吸血鬼后可以保护别人),超强自控力 配偶:Edward Cullen 子女:Renesme Carlie Cullen(半人半吸血鬼混血女儿)


暮光之城英文简介 “请不要把它仅仅当成一场不可思议的非现实爱情历险,当你曾经、正在、或者将来在自己爱情的旅途中触动到类似些许感觉的话,它更是一段为你谱写真实爱情乐章的暮光传奇。相遇那年,他们同样17岁;她出生几个月就被妈妈抱着逃离小镇那年,他已经17岁;而有一天她终落得垂垂暮年,他却将仍然保持17岁的青春容颜……生命时间轮盘的运转,对他而言是凝固的,而对她却是飞速流动的。他的青春永驻,而她的青春终将腐朽。” 翻译: Please do not take it as just an unrealistic love adventure, if you had, are having or are going to have some similar feelings on your love journey, this legendary "twilight" love story is the actual beautiful melody composed for you. They were both 17 when they first met: the year Bella's mom took her away from the small town, he was 17: and he would be 17 till the day she is old in her twilight...life's wheel is rolling all the time, but time is freezed to him, as Bella is growing older as time goes by. He stays young forever, but her youngth is mortal. a smart young girl with a heart of fire, and this incredibly and deadly attractive vampire, they life intersect at this small rainy and cloudy town. something that is destined is about to happen. Bella has fallen in love incurably with this vampire, and the vampire with this pure-hearted beautiful girl. but can he control his thirst for blood and stay by her side? is Bella's so firm that she would risk her life for the sake of it? they did, cuz [k?z] love is stronger than anything any mankind can imagine! 《暮色-twilight》剧情介绍: 贝拉是一个与众不同的女孩,她不热爱虚荣,不会像其他女孩一样追求时髦,也不愿伪装自己刻意去和合不来的同学搞好关剧照系。因为母亲再婚的缘故,贝拉搬去和父亲同住。 在新学校里,贝拉遇到了一个名叫爱德华的男孩,他跟贝拉遇见过的所有人都不一样,不仅英俊、聪明、幽默,而且跟贝拉非常有共同点——同样孤独。两人很快就陷入了爱河。然而爱德华的真实身份其实是一个吸血鬼,自从1918年后他就没有变老过,他可以空手制止一辆飞驰的汽车,跑起来快过狮子,但和其他吸血鬼不一样的是,爱德华本人和他的家族选择了一种独特的生活方式,他们并不喝人血,只吃活着的动物的血——被称为素食者(因为动物血可以提供营养,但是不会让他们吃饱)。所以随着交往的深入,爱德华因为贝拉与自己的过分接近,必须强力控制自己嗜血的本能,同时,爱德华家族的死敌也前来挑战,面临种种困难,爱德华和贝拉能有情人终成眷属吗? 贝拉·斯旺从繁华的凤凰城搬到偏僻且终年阴雨不断的福克斯,她原本认为往后的日子恐怕会很无聊,但当神秘又迷人的爱德华·卡伦出现,不仅生活变得有趣,而且她的心也深深受到吸引。金发帅气的爱德华事实上是秉持素食主义的吸血鬼,为剧照了不让伊莎贝拉发现,他辛苦压抑对伊莎贝拉的爱。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,新鲜又刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。在美国西雅图一个名叫福克斯的地方,住着一位英俊帅气的男青年爱德华。他出没神秘,与世无争,没有人知道他的来历和家世,更重要的是……他是一只永远不会衰老,更不会死亡的吸血鬼。


暮光之城英文简介 翻译: “请不要把它仅仅当成一场不可思议的非现实爱情历险,当你曾经、正在、或者将来在自己爱情的旅途中触动到类似些许感觉的话,它更是一段为你谱写真实爱情乐章的暮光传奇。相遇那年,他们同样17岁;她出生几个月就被妈妈抱着逃离小镇那年,他已经17岁;而有一天她终落得垂垂暮年,他却将仍然保持17岁的青春容颜……生命时间轮盘的运转,对他而言是凝固的,而对她却是飞速流动的。他的青春永驻,而她的青春终将腐朽。” please do not take it as just an unrealistic love adventure,if you had, are having or are going to have some similar feelings on your love journey, this legendary "twilight" love story is the actual beautiful melody composed for you. They were both 17 when they first met: the year bella's mom took her away from the small town, he was 17: and he would be 17 till the day she is old in her twilight...life's wheel is rolling all the time, but time is freezed to him, as bella is growing older as time goes by.he stays young forever,but her youngth is mortal.a smart young girl with a heart of fire, and this incredibly and deadly attractive vampire, they life intersect at this small rainy and cloudy town. something that is destined is about to happen. bella has fallen in love incurably with this vampire, and the vampire with this pure-hearted beautiful girl. but can he control his thirst for blood and stay by her side? is bella's so firm that she would risk her life for the sake of it? they did, cuz love is stronger than anything any mankind can imagine! 《暮色-twilight》剧情介绍: 贝拉是一个与众不同的女孩,她不热爱虚荣,不会像其他女孩一样追求时髦,也不愿伪装自己刻意去和合不来的同学搞好关剧照系。因为母亲再婚的缘故,贝拉搬去和父亲同住。 在新学校里,贝拉遇到了一个名叫爱德华的男孩,他跟贝拉遇见过的所有人都不一样,不仅英俊、聪明、幽默,而且跟贝拉非常有共同点——同样孤独。两人很快就陷入了爱河。然而爱德华的真实身份其实是一个吸血鬼,自从1918年后他就没有变老过,他可以空手制止一辆飞驰的汽车,跑起来快过狮子,但和其他吸血鬼不一样的是,爱德华本人和他的家族选择了一种独特的生活方式,他们并不喝人血,只吃活着的动物的血——被称为素食者(因为动物血可以提供营养,但是不会让他们吃饱)。所以随着交往的深入,爱德华因为贝拉与自己的过分接近,必须强力控制自己嗜血的本能,同时,爱德华家族的死敌也前来挑战,面临种种困难,爱德华和贝拉能有情人终成眷属吗? 贝拉·斯旺从繁华的凤凰城搬到偏僻且终年阴雨不断的福克斯,她原本认为往后的日子恐怕会很无聊,但当神秘又迷人的爱德华·卡伦出现,不仅生活变得有趣,而且她的心也深深受到吸引。金发帅气的爱德华事实上是秉持素食主义的吸血鬼,为剧照了不让伊莎贝拉发现,他辛苦压抑对伊莎贝拉的爱。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,新鲜又刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。在美国西雅图一个名叫福克斯的地方,住着一位英俊帅气的男青年爱德华。他出没神秘,与世无争,没有人知道他的来历和家世,更重要的是……他是一只永远不会衰老,更不会死亡的吸血鬼。


暮光之城观后感 篇一:在黑暗的世界中找到光明--暮光之城读后感 在黑暗的世界中找到光明 —读《暮光之城》有感 在看《暮光之城》之前,有很多人就开始给我介绍这部作品了,说它受到各个年龄段的人的喜爱,都说里面的情节是让人感动的,场景是让人憧憬的,渗入的亲情、爱情、友情是让人羡慕的。但我始终不怎么想去看,总觉得吸血鬼与人类的故事是没什么好看的,这根本没有那种让人向往的美好未来的存在。然而不经意间我进入了它,而我完全被里面的主人公所吸引,他们让我有一种很强烈的触动。随之我也就有了去阅读的兴趣,经过一番阅读,我觉得这个作品所给我的触动与其他作品是不同的,它给人以一种不同的心灵触感。 作者是美国女作家斯蒂芬妮〃梅尔,她本是一位有3个孩子的全职主妇,而且没有丝毫的写作经验。2003年的一天夜里,她做了一个改变她命运的梦,而她也因这个梦写了第一步《暮色》从而引起了一阵热潮。从日夜交会的《暮色》,经历过《新月》的心碎和《月食》的神伤之后,读者心中的

疑团会在《破晓》时分逐一破解,而错综复杂的真相也终将在《午夜阳光》中拨云见日。“暮光之城”系列以人类与非人类的相处为主线,融合了吸血鬼传说、狼人故事、校园生活、恐怖悬念、喜剧冒险等各种吸引眼球的元素,而凄美动人的情感描述则是全书最强烈的情绪。 这部作品所描述的让我们对生活有了更多的憧憬,是让 我们对生活中的困难更加有承担,使我们有主宰生活的勇气。也希望我们对生活有所希望,要大胆的去挑战,勇于想象,给自己一种无形的目标,使生活更加有色彩,使自己更加有动力。这就影响着我们当代的年轻人,让我们对现在的社会抱有幻想,形成一种好的生活态度和良好的世界观。使我们认识到生活并不是就是只有苦难存在,也会有快乐的到来。 “暮光之城”系列的故事虽然简单,但其中隐含的情感足以震撼人心。让我如此的喜欢也是因为我觉得它给了我们现实生活中的人们一些希望,不至于遇到些挫折就绝望。让正生活在苦难中的人觉得有所动力,觉得未来会更美好,只是时间没到,就像小说中的主人公一样,就算是让一般人难以理解的,就算是要经历无数的磨难的,也一直不放弃,也一直为着目标而努力。正如作者梅尔说:“我的故事其实


Love is a constant topic in the history of mankind. The Twilight is full of vampire, werewolf, love and horror. The Twilight saga:《Twilight》《New Moon》《Eclipse》《Breaking Dawn》《Midnight Sun》are named after sun and moon. They expatiated on the changes which happened during their love journey. “Love is just a small part of this book, but it shows the way of our life” the writer said, “I attach a moral to this story. Whatever you meet and whatever you think. You always have another choice and another way, just being loyal to your faith and believe yourself. You will sweep away the clouds and see the sky.” In my opinion, choose is a special place in this movie. We can compare it which happens between Bella and Rosalie. When Bella was fall in love with Edward. She is concerned for their future: Edward will be young and never die but what about her. So she chosed to be a vampire according to her own wishes. But for Rosalie, she didn’t like to be a vampire. Her dream is to get married with a normal man and have a family, grow old with him. But unfortunately she was closely to die for her fiancé. Cullen saved her and changed her. “I envy you. Because you have a choice, I didn’t. None of us did. But you do and you are choosing wrong.” Rosalie said with Bella. We can see different choices have different outcomes. The love between Bella and Edward has crossed ethnic. Bella is a brave and smart girl. We all know bloodthirsty is the nature of vampire. He fell in love for the smell of Bella’s blood at the beginning. He almost lost his control when they kiss. Kiss became a dangerous thing for them. He is afraid to hurt her, so he left. Bella insisted on waiting for him and did lots of dangerous things to call him. In《New Moon》she jumped off the cliff. Edward thought she was dead. He wanted to end his eternal life. Of course, Bella prevented him, they meet again. Since then, when Edward saw the blood of Bella, he could control himself very well. Bella asked the reason. “If you are in fear of your lover was dead, you will know the reason.” Edward resisted the temptation. His love won the nature. “You are my life now.” is true for them. Vampire is loyal to their love. No matter Edward or Victoria(another vampire who wants to kill Bella for revenge). Their love is pure. But I was very confused. Why Edward refused to change Bella. So that they will always be together and Bella will get rid of the nightmare. I think Bella is really brave and she did her best to stay with Edward, even face to die. This book is full of love, horror, powers and many uncanny abilities. The love between Bella and Edward is the main line of this story, but not all. We must see their conception of love and life. The incredible love between human and vampire like a lion fall in love with a sheep. “Because of love. So love.”The innocent love blew ray of light wind to this materialistic society. Rosalie’s desires for life also taught us what happiness is.


暮光之城这部电影讲述了一对苦命鸳鸯的爱情故事,17岁的伊莎贝拉?斯旺是一个聪明有气质且广受欢迎的少女,因为母亲的再婚,她将自己流放到了福克斯(Forks)这个偏僻的小镇上,结识了一个神秘的同班男同学爱德华?卡伦,后来得知这个男同学来自一个“素食”的吸血鬼家族,可是贝拉身上的特殊香气吸引着他——他一闻到就想吸她的血,可又为了爱而拼命压抑自己的欲望,不顾一切保护她,且电影的后部分与家人同想杀她的吸血鬼战斗。而贝拉明明清楚却还是不可救药的爱上了这个人。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,一起度过新鲜而刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。可是在这个非常人的世界里,有太多的危险潜伏着,贝拉与爱德华到底该何去何从? 谢谢! The movie Twilight spoke about a pair of hard couple, 17 year old Isabella Swan is a smart yet popular girl, because of her mother's remarriage, she exiled herself to a remote town named Forks. In this town, she met a mysterious classmate named Edward Cullen, then she found out Edward came from a "vegetarian" vampire family. Bella's sweet scent attracts him -- makes him want to drink her blood, but at the same time suppresses his desire because he is deeply in love with her, wanted to protect her. The last part of the movie talked about Edward and his family fighting with the vampires that wanted to kill Bella. However, Bella knew what he is, and how dangerous it will be to be with him, but she is still uncontrollably in love with him. The two lovers swinged between love and danger, living each day with freshness and excitement, like the long gone sunshine, floating down to the city of Twilight. But in the supernatural world, there are too many danger involved, what is Bella and Edward going to do?

暮光之城观后感 英文版

My Sentiment About Twilight Twilight is a grossing movie. It skillfully incorporates vampire, love and science fiction .New York Times review this movie as "Full of love the futhure of tension, but elegant refined as Jane Austen ,reached the a kind of acme of romance novel." It tells a heartbreaking love story between a high school student Bella and a handsome vampire Edward. They are from strangers to be acquainted with each other then finally be loved. They went through the pain which ordinary people can't imagine. This full of science fiction color's love film interpret us the great power of through the view that distinguished from humans, which is also the writer want to show us "Love is the best part of a story". Let me talk about the scene when I was watching it. The open piece is an animal in the running of the lens, and it doesn't matter about the vampire in the introduction. I was confused about all sorts of strange behavior as the heroine. Why did it happen? So I continued watching with a security. Foreigners face are white so everyone looks like a vampire . Incomparable contours of the face, eyes like a mirror in which has the magic of free from vulgarity. Constantly insight of people, like a magnet for all people are unable to resist the beauty. I was shocked by their beauty. Overall, I enjoyed Twilight for what it was - a romance that probed


暮光之城3小说的完整剧情介绍 篇一:小说剧情总纲~新手试练 文章章节 一、初踏江湖闲无知 1.与父相依处深山(故事开始(讲诉大陆背景),男主怎么出现,,) 2.偶学轻功欲出山(看见疯父,捉动物时的轻功,久而久之学到一点) 3.初下大山识天下(趁着老疯子的不注意,逃出深山,来到小城(靠近天关的小城)发现女人这种动物) 4.不懂男女出洋相(肚子饿去了饭馆,吃饭,就好奇的问,男女之间的不同,被大家嘲笑) 5.初盗财物心窃喜(付钱时发现,还有钱这种东西,然后去盗取钱袋,目标正好是女二号,一开始没有被女二号发现) 6.被人逮住结友谊(偷女二号财物被抓,因为偷得钱袋被女二号认出,一阵你来我赶的过程,两个都跑累了,男主不幸被她逮住,经过一番交流,结成朋友,并答应带她一起去偷东西) 7.逗比生活不解释(两人,做些逗逼事情,友谊坚固,同时教育了一下他) 8.与友结伴盗宝物(带女二号偷窃,并得到女二号好感,(女二号被家仆带走)路上遇到魔教,发现魔教护法带着宝物,心里想去盗取宝物,)

9.男主无意进魔教(盗取宝物,一不小心进入魔教,由于刚开始,轻功不强,被抓到) 10.疯父寻子现踪迹(疯父因为孩子不见,出山寻找,无意的听到,有个不怕死的小子进魔教偷东西) 11.得子音讯闯魔教(得到自己孩子音讯,同时听到魔教的故事,老疯子开始记起以前的故事(但是不全部)闯进魔教,宗人不敌,魔教教主出现) 12.相遇魔主泯恩仇(看见教主,老疯子记忆恢复(讲述以前只是魔教教主与他的故事的故事),准备大战,) 13.决斗生死护孩儿(大战教主,两方打的不可开交,最后老疯子被对面偷袭成功,(偷袭的就是魔教圣物(这件武器放在男二号身上,由于教主与疯子大战,身受重伤,始终没有康复,而且功力没有突破,始终保持,老疯子功力得到提升,教主不敌,男二偷袭))) 14.重伤救子出魔坛(重伤救子,带着儿子,离开魔教,回到深山) 15.临终托付寻故人-(跟他讲述自己的身份让他去找谁,并赐给轻功(或者各种秘籍,可惜暂时不会),叫他去找人)轻功名字与心法16.整理衣物踏新程(老疯子死去,他愤怒至极,励志报仇,整理衣物,等东西,准备出发) 二、盗圣之名闯天下 1.身无一分逛市井(出来匝道,没有财物,生活没法过,想到偷这种方式) 2.偶遇祥物动邪念(看见正派的宝物,准备出手)宝物为书派掌门圣


暮光之城英文观后感 My Sentiment About Twilight Twilight is a grossing movie. It skillfully incorporates vampire, love and science fiction .New York Times review this movie as "Full of love the futhure of tension, but elegant refined as Jane Austen ,reached the a kind of acme of romance novel." It tells a heartbreaking love story between a high school student Bella and a handsome vampire Edward. They are from strangers to be acquainted with each other then finally be loved. They went through the pain which ordinary people can't imagine. This full of science fiction color's love film interpret us the great power of through the view that distinguished from humans, which is also the writer want to show us "Love is the best part of a story". Let me talk about the scene when I was watching it. The open piece is an animal in the running of the lens, and it doesn't matter about the vampire in the introduction. I was confused about all sorts of strange behavior as the heroine. Why did it


o??é:By the American writer Stephen Meyer of the gripping book, "Twilight Town" a thriller. The story describes the students handsome young vampire Edward and Bella's romantic love story. Only in the United States, "Twilight of the City" series, sold in the United States had more than 50 million. In many countries, it is also topped the best-selling book. 1 Twilight Bella Swan has always been a little bit different,never caring about fitting in with the trendy girls at her Phoenix high school. When her mother re-marries and sends Bella to live with her father in the rainy little town of Forks,Washington,she doesn't expect much of anything to change.Then she meets the mysterious and extremely good-looking Edward Cullen,a boy unlike any she's ever met. Edward is a vampire,but he doesen?ˉt have fangs and his family is unique in that they choose not to drink human blood.Intelligent and witty,Edward sees straight into Bella's soul. To Edward,Bella is what he has waited 90 years for ?a?aa soulmate.But the closer they get,the more Edward mast sturggle to resist the pull of her scent,which could send him into an uncontrollable frenzy. Then there comes the trouble.A group or new vampires?a?aJames,Laurent,and Victoria?a?acome to town and threaten to disrupt their way of life.What will Bella and Edward do? 2 ?o1a??3?2D???ó¢???ò?é£o Bella and Edward experienced the ups and downs on the concentration of their relationship after a more intimate understanding, but such an inter-family love all the time are not subject to the original instincts challenge. At Bella's 18th birthday dinner, Bella accidentally injured arm, the blood flow to Edwards family, the desire to once again seduce the original out, almost lead to disaster. Since then, Edward's family left the town. The Bella is still unable to forget Edward, she found that whenever hazardous activities themselves will feel the closeness with the incomparable Edward, so she embarked on a ride motorcycles enjoy the adventure of the journey. At this time, Jacob appeared in Bella's life, he and the handsome Edward is also the same man who has always been mysterious wild side to protect her in Beira, slowly it will be Bella's heart quietly melting of ice-cold . With the deepening of understanding of Beira on Jacob, she learned the identity of the werewolf Jacob. At this time Trapped in a werewolf and vampire Bella camps in the middle of the most handsome boy, for love of the storm, half water half of the flame struggling own choice. 3 "Twilight 3: Eclipse,


◎译名暮光之城 ◎片名twilight ◎上映日期《暮色》2008-11-21;《新月》2009-11-20;《月食》2010-6-30 ◎国家美国

◎类别剧情/幻想/爱情 ◎语言英语 ◎片长02:01:20 ◎导演Chris Weitz ◎主演 克里斯汀?斯图尔特 Kristen Stewart 罗伯特?帕丁森 Robert Pattinson 泰勒?劳特纳 Taylor Lautner ◎简介 1300壁纸:

电影简介: 《暮色-twilight》 《暮光之城》讲述了一对苦命鸳鸯的爱情故事,17岁的贝拉·斯旺是一位机智甜美,广受欢迎的少女,她将自己流放到了福克斯这个偏僻且终年阴雨的小镇上,结识了一个神秘的同班男同学爱德华·卡伦,而这个男同学来自一个“素食”的吸血鬼家族,可是贝拉身上的特殊香气吸引着他——他一闻到就想吸她的血,可又为了爱而拼命压抑自己的欲望,还要和别的同样想杀她的吸血鬼争斗,想尽办法保护她。她怎么也想不到,就是这个抉择,让她与他相遇在命运的十字路口。眼神交会的那一瞬,彼此之间已经明白,等待他们的,除了幸福的诱惑,还有危险的深渊。互相倾心的两人,在爱情与危险间摆荡,一起度过新鲜而刺激的每一天,就像久违的阳光一样,洒落在浪漫的暮光之城。 幸福缓慢地前进,波澜伺机而动。当一个脆弱的少女要融入一个非常人世界时,她所面对的危险,远比与善良的魔鬼接吻艰难得多。在经历了白天美好之后的暮色时分,这段跌宕起伏的冒险故事,此时才刚刚拉开序幕。 作者将主人公青春期的情感困惑与扑朔迷离的感情纠葛刻画得真切细腻,丝丝入扣的描写与洗练优雅的文字唤起了读者的无尽想象,亦真亦幻的故事和曲折诡异的情节激起了读者持续不断的阅读冲动。在沁人心脾的温存与缠绵之中,读者见证了青春的璀璨,初恋的美好,也见证了理智与情感的搏斗、灵魂与肉体的挣扎…… 《新月-new moon》 爱德华深深迷上贝拉,也喜欢上了她身上独特的香味。无奈欢乐时光总是短暂的,在她十八岁生日派对上,贝拉不慎割伤了胳膊,流淌的鲜血勾起了爱德华家人嗜血的本性。为了保护自己心爱的人,爱德华和他的家族离开了福克斯小镇。 爱德华走后,贝拉的世界彻底坍塌了,她开始尝试各种冒险的行径,因为她发现,只要她一做危险的事情,爱德华的声音就会出现在她的脑海里。贝拉自虐式的疯狂举动并没有让爱德华回心转意,这时,年少不羁的雅各布出现在她苍白的世界里,他虽知贝拉心中另有他人,还是深情地陪伴、保护着她。一个是坚如磐石的冰冷异类,一个是热情似火的炙热狼人,贝拉将如何抉择……为了获得更加真切的爱德华声音的回响,贝拉决定悬崖跳水,可是她根本不会跳水,幸好被雅各布发现并及时救起。然而一个错误——爱丽丝的预知术不能预见与狼人有关的未来——使得爱德华误认为贝拉已跳海身亡,承受不了如此突如其来的巨大打击,他决定将一切作一个了断——去挑衅皇族。暮色渐渐隐退,等待他们的是天边昭示着最漆黑的夜的一弯新月,贝拉和爱德华会坠入这万劫不复的黑暗世界吗?他们能够在生命终点前抢回比自己还珍贵的对方,一起拯救这世间最令人心动的爱情吗? 领略斩不断、理还乱的生死奇缘,《新月》将读者带进比普通青春类小说更加神奇多元的世界,读者与其说是陪伴贝拉度过了她人生中第一段最黑暗的时期,不如说是借助梅尔的妙笔在魔幻世界里经历了一次现实生活中不可能存在的爱情体验。爱德华的挣扎、贝拉对爱情的诉求以及雅各布对真爱的渴望三种张力贯穿小说始终,很好地诠释了爱情永恒的主题。梅尔以她独特的笔法和天才的能力掌控着读者

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