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无老师优秀范例:The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research. No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future. It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on earth, began to soar their wings of aspiration. And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind. Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk if there were not for the research of millions of computer ancestors? Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the ―worm hole‖ while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research. In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind.


无老师平庸翻译:The reason why I support the space technology is its big potential in science. No matter how big it is, from the day that it was made, science is our indicator. Because of these science, our human as the only animal who have intelligence, finally could expand our wing of hope. Besides, the more important, it is the biggest good for ourselves. Could you imagine that you could connect to the internet without so many ancestors? At the same time, it is possible that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren will make a travel through a worm hole, will thank to her ancestors yourself who have voted for the science. All in all, space project have big potential, and so should be given very high priority to make sure bright future of human.



马年,我们就以此为题!第一步,马上枪!The major reason for my propensity for space technology is the potential of scientific research.对比平庸范例The reason why I support the space technology is its big potential in science.显然在这句话里面,优秀范例首先用一个major显示出本段的重要性,然后再接下来,用了propensity秀了一下自己的单词量,这跟动作电影猛男都要秀肌肉,是一样的情节。最后又用一个potential of的结构显示出与scientific research紧密的关系,相比之下,平庸范例里的potential in science这个in就显得稍微有些中式英语,也就是看上去也对,但是英语里就不会这么说。

第二句,把马跳!No matter how the impact it occurred, from the moment of its very advent, scientific research had become the very dictator of our future.对应的,平庸范例No matter how big it is, from the day that it was made, science is our indicator.在本句的优秀范例里,其实it occurred是有些多余的,完全可以写得更简洁些,但是后面的还是写的很精彩的,首先就是moment和advent这两个词用的非常准确,中国考生往往只能想到用动词happen,不仅如此,作者还有了一个very进行强调,顿时高大上了好几层楼啊!在本句话后面又写出了dictator of our future,表示―未来的指引者‖顿时有那么一丝丝的哲学意味飘然而来,让人肃然起敬。当然,作者还是忍不住又用了一个very来表示强调,我们只能还以微笑了。

第三句,让我们想起了那句歌词:在你的心上,自由的飞翔~~~~ It is by these researches that human beings, the only creature with intelligence on earth, began to soar their wings of aspiration.对比起平庸范例Because of these science, our human as the only animal who have intelligence, finally could expand our wing of hope.顿时让人怀疑,作者的格调这么高,已经快进入心灵鸡汤的境界了!首先是the only creature with intelligence on earth,顿时感觉耳边响起了《动物世界》里面赵忠祥老师的声音~―在苍茫的大草原的深处,有一群生物在成群结队的迁徙‖。作者的境界,真的是让人仰视啊!接下来优秀范例又写出了soar their wings of aspiration这句话感觉只有在TED讲台上的导师才能说出来的振奋人心的话!太牛了!虽然平庸范例也写出了类似的意思,但是who have和expand our wing完全就是词不达意。

第四句,马队熊进!And more importantly, it had indeed done a great good for the humankind.对比平庸范例Besides, the more important, it is the biggest good for ourselves.这里优秀范例的一个indeed是作者饱满的情感满溢而出,然后又用一个humankind显示出作者囊括全人类的情怀,不禁让人侧目!

第五句,优秀范例Can you imagine getting access to the world wide web at your desk if there were not for the research of millions of computer ancestors?对比平庸范例Could you imagine that you

could connect to the internet without so many ancestors?显然作者这里的get access to用的十分的书面化,相应的,平庸范例的connect就显得有些过于百搭,没有特点。接下来,优秀范例的for这个词就比较有正义了。正方会支持,因为这里表示―如果没有这难以技术的电脑先驱的的话‖,但是反对者也可以说,这里有可能产生一个歧义,也就是有人可能理解为―为了无数的电脑先驱‖,这样理解起来,确实有些无厘头了,就没有逻辑了。

倒数第二句,作者几乎是把自己的单词量铺成了7章28回的乐曲在反复吟唱Similarly, it is highly probable that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren would be enjoying a trip across the ―worm hole‖ while giving thanks secretly to his forefather, you, who voted for the expenditure on scientific research.对比平庸范例At the same time, it is possible that the great-grandchildren of your great-grandchildren will make a travel through a worm hole, will thank to her ancestors yourself who have voted for the science.优秀范例的highly probable、great-grandchildren、enjoying a trip 、worm hole、thanks secretly to、voted for,以及expenditure让我们叹为观止!让人感觉作者是吹拉弹唱,样样在行!怎么可能找出这些准确的词汇!如果不是长期的阅读,以及长期的用英语锤炼自己的表达,是不可能做到的。

显然亮点不仅仅在词汇量这个部分,本篇文章通篇的还显示出作者无尽的想象力,前面有互联网,有希望的翅膀,本句话在时间上还产生了纵深感,great-grandchildren,worm hole,以及forefather


最后一句话,优秀范例In a word, the space project enjoys great potential, and should therefore be taken into account in top priority to ensure a better future of mankind.对比平庸范例All in all, space project have big potential, and so should be given very high priority to make sure bright future of human.首先,优秀范例的enjoy这个词用的非常地道,有一点喜欢,又有―有‖的意思,翻译成―享受‖有那么一丝丝的准确。然后therefore显示出前后两句话的逻辑关联,进而推出taken into account,让小伙伴们叹为观止!原来还能用这样的固定搭配表示―使用‖―采用‖的意思,而且不仅如此,后面的top priority,本来一个priority就已经够了,又加上一个top显示出这个东西的重要性。最后又用了better future of mankind这个文绉绉的,优秀范例的常见表达作为本句话的结尾,算是一个正常的收官。



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无老师优秀范例:Admittedly, it is undeniable that within the range of school, the teaching quality mainly due to the influence of teachers in class. In the first place, teacher would be responsible for all different kinds of courses absorbed by the students, to name a few, physics, mathematics and English. These subjects and technology would be of vital importance for the career path and

intelli gence development of children. What‘s more, teachers would also make impact on student‘s mental health. For example, they need to provide guidance and mental caring especially when students are facing with obstacles and difficulties in their lives. To some extent, increasing in the compensation of educators would make them more committed as well as focused on the main task of their teaching thus increasing the quality of education.


无老师平庸范例:We have to admit that it is undeniable that in the school the teaching quality depends on the influence energy of teacher in the classroom. At first, teachers may be responsible for different class, such as, physics, mathematics and English. These class and technology will help these children‘s working development and help their brain impo rtantly. Besides, teachers may have a lot of influence in students‘ thinking health. For example, they would give guide and thinking care, especially when students meet obstruction and difficulty. In some extent, increasing compensation will make them more focusing, and more focus on their main job that is teaching, and will increase the teaching quality.


第一句,优秀范例说的是Admittedly, it is undeniable that within the range of school, the teaching quality mainly due to the influence of teachers in class.平庸范例写的就很水了We have to admit that it is undeniable that in the school the teaching quality depends on the influence energy of teacher in the classroom.其实说话这个事情,谁都害怕啰嗦,你本来可以一个词就能说明白的,就没必要2个词,其实我们很多时候,就是因为不知道简洁明了的用法,而写了很多无用的东西。这里优秀案例的Admittedly 对比平庸案例的We have to admit就属于此类。再接下来优秀案例的within the range of school对比平庸范例的in the school,就显得平庸范例的in the school十分的小学生化,感觉就像是―尽享心灵的家园‖与―我喜欢这个‖的区别。接下来的优秀范例mainly due to与平庸范例的depends on其实差别不大,但是作为凤尾的mainly due to与作为鸡头depends on因为环境不同,给人的感觉也感觉mainly due to高了一点点,主要是增加了表达方式的多样性。最后就是平庸范例的influence energy其实很有趣,这就是典型的,我们在写英文的时候,经常是将中文僵硬的一对一的翻译成英文,而不管人家英文之中是否是这样说的,influence energy就是很典型的影响(力),其实在英文之中influence本身就有(力)这层含义,其实是不需要写energy的,但是当我们只是一对一翻译的时候,就容易写出influence energy 这种表达方式。总而言之,既然是在写英文,就要想想人家英文本来是怎么写的,而不要僵化的一对一翻译。

第二句,优秀范例In the first place, teacher would be responsible for all different kinds of courses absorbed by the students, to name a few, physics, mathematics and English.对比平庸范例At first, teachers may be responsible for different class, such as, physics, mathematics and English.在本句,句子一开始就亮出In the first place,直接就亮出了一条逻辑线,告诉读者,我这个是有逻辑顺序的,我这里要铺垫开头了。本句精巧的地方在于3点,第一点是be responsible for这个固定搭配,第二点是absorbed by the students,第三点是to name a few。第一点的be responsible for这没什么可说的。第二点的absorbed by the students非常有趣,其实当我们自己来写文章的时候,往往是写到different kinds of courses也就够了,不会写absorbed by the students,但是当在这里写了absorbed by the students之后,我们就会发现这里增强了对于课程的逻辑的描述,也就是起到了再次强调这个课程对于学生本身的帮助作用,是的句子的逻辑性变得更连贯,以下是的前后文的内容进行了更好的连接。而第三点的to name a few更有趣,因为我们想一下,这个部分如果翻译过来的话,最好就翻译为―我们可以提几个,比如说有‖,反思一下,我们马上就会发现,其实这里跟for example的作用是一样的,都是引起下文的例子的作用,但是用to name a few,显然是摆脱了千篇一律的for example,使得文章多样性增加。反观平庸范例,就是四平八稳,没有任何的亮点。

第三句,优秀范例亮出These subjects and technology would be of vital importance for the career path and intelligence development of children.而平庸范例的These class and technology will help these children‘s working development and help their brain importantly.就很low了。首先优秀范例的subject又是显示了作者用词的多样性,点个小赞。不过接下来的be of vital importance for和career path 就要点大赞了!因为be of vital importance for显然是没有用平凡的important,而且还用一个vital来修饰importance,来强调其非常高的重要性等级。大赞!而career path则是显示出作者的阅读量很好,做了一个很好的用词准确的范例。然后最后的intelligence development of children则是与career path

并列,显得逻辑性非常的顺畅。但是平庸范例再一次尽显自己词汇量贫乏的特点,working development 令人不知所云,help their brain也是写的非常的模糊,到底怎样帮助大脑,让人一头雾水。至于在逻辑性则体现在These subjects的These本身起到的作用就是对于前文的courses和physics, mathematics and English进行了呼应,告诉每一位读者,我还是在说课程这件事情。

第四句,优秀范例短小精悍What‘s more, teachers would also make impact on student‘s mental health.对比平庸范例Besides, teachers may have a lot of influence in students‘ thinking health.显然句子开头的What‘s more就是在告诉所有人,我在这句话是对于上面一句话的进一步阐述。而且优秀范例的would也很准确,即表示出教师的责任,同时也体现出教师的一种期望,就是要影响学生。而且优秀范例的make impact on相比于平庸范例的a lot of influence也更为准确和书面!很显然什么叫做a lot of influence一堆影响?真的是很少见到英语里会这么说,完全是生硬的自创性翻译。最后的对比就更为明显了,平庸范例的thinking health对比优秀范例的mental health,显然就是平庸范例的作者阅读量太贫乏,根本就不知道在英语里怎样表示―精神健康‖,因此情急之下,就写出了thinking health―思考健康‖这样的表达。

第五句,优秀范例要举例了!开头的For example就是直接跟前一句关联起来,告诉读者,我在这句话要对前一句话进行举例了!For example, they need to provide guidance and mental caring especially when students are facing with obstacles and difficulties in their lives.平庸范例写的是For example, they would give guide and thinking care, especially when students meet obstruction and difficulty.在这里显然优秀范例的作者示范擅长于动词的名词化,因此写出了provide guidance and mental caring这样的表达方式,否则很有可能就写guide sb这样的表达方式了。而且为了追求表达方式的多样化和准确性,没有再用mental health,而是用了mental caring。至于最后的obstacles and difficulties就是词汇量丰富使然了。

当当当~~~~最后一句,优秀范例To some extent, increasing in the compensation of educators would make them more committed as well as focused on the main task of their teaching thus increasing the quality of education.对比平庸范例In some extent, increasing compensation will make them more focusing, and more focus on their main job that is teaching, and will increase the teaching quality.又是一开头,就亮出逻辑To some extent(在某种程度上),表明本句话,是对于前面一句话进行进一步解释。而且educators 也是紧扣前面的teacher和student,逻辑连贯性非常好!increasing in the compensation of educators又是尽显作者的名词化的本领,因为很多时候,名词化既代表着书面化,也就是好!而且接下来的more committed也显示出作者词汇量丰厚。而且作者还用了as well as 来表示并列,而不是用传统的and,也是阅读量丰厚使然。而且在最后还用了main task一个main就有显示出内容的层次很丰富,因为这是最主要的任务。



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无老师优秀范例:First and foremost, the headache of traffic jam is the primary reason for the potential decrease in ownership of cars. In the past decade, the city, whether in developing or developed countries, had witnessed a booming economy, a flourishing civilization, and unfortunately, a ballooning traffic jam. Almost all city dwellers are bothered more or less by traffic jams, which kept them away from being a punctual worker, a punctual date, or a punctual friend. Consider how many people are scolded by their bosses, dumped by their dates, or criticized by their friends, simply because of being late. And why were we late? None of us intended to be a late bird, not to mention plotting it. More often than not, it is the traffic to blame. And what will happen if the victims of traffic jams are hurt again and again? They stop driving cars, or advising their sons to take buses or railways instead of cars. Indeed, this tendency agrees with a principle of economics: when there is excessive supply—that is, more cars than the road can take-there will be a decrease in this supply. Therefore, the result of traffic jam is a gradual decrease in car ownership.


无老师平庸范例:First of all, the traffic jam is the first reason to stop people when they want to buy a car. In the past ten years, all the developing countries‘ and developed countries‘ cities have seen great economy, good culture. Of course, unfortunately we also have big traffic jams. Almost all the cities‘ people have problems in the big traffic jams, make them hard to get to the work, date, and the friend party on time. We should think about that so many people were criticized by their bosses,

disliked by their girlfriends, hated by their friends, just because of the traffic jams. But why will we be late? Nobody wants to be late, but also does not plan it. In most cases, that all comes from traffic jams, especially when they were hurt by the traffic jams again and again, what will happen? They would not drive a car again, or they may directly tell their sons to take a bus or take the subway, but not to drive a car. Indeed, this tendency is the same with the economy tendency: when we give more supply–that is, the cars is more than the road—the supply will be decreased. So, the traffic jams will make less people to buy cars.



首先第一句,优秀范例First and foremost, the headache of traffic jam is the primary reason for the potential decrease in ownership of cars.对比平庸范例First of all, the traffic jam is the first reason to stop people when they want to buy a car.小伙伴们就会发现,平庸范例用词的贫乏。在表示―问题‖的时候,优秀范例灵活的用到了headache这个词,+1分!然后primary reason其实只能算是正常水平,但是其实优秀范例最亮眼的就是for the potential decrease在这里首先优秀范例没有用很常见的of,而使用了for,,当然更重要的是风骚的用到了potential这个词,来表明未来的趋势,十分的惊艳!然后坐着又是于无声处听惊雷,使出了in ownership of cars,而不是像平庸范例很臃肿的写出when they want to buy a car,平庸范例7个词才讲清楚的事情,我3个词就写清楚了,而且还没有用到麻烦的从句来影响理解,功力深厚!

第二句,优秀范例In the past decade, the city, whether in developing or developed countries, had witnessed a booming economy, a flourishing civilization, and unfortunately, a ballooning traffic jam.对比平庸范例In the past ten years, all the developing countries‘ and developed countries‘ cities have seen great economy, good culture.我们发现优秀范例简直就是一个单词的秀场!一大波一大波的词汇扑面而来!首先是decade,然后是witness,booming,flourishing,civilization,最后是ballooning。词汇量好,而且还用的准确,是王道啊!不仅如此,优秀范例竟然还能增加句式的灵活性,使出whether in developing or developed countries,这几乎就是万能的啊,可以用在任何作文之中。作者,你是怎么做到的?平庸范例的用词啊!挖一个坑自己把自己埋了吧!

第三句,沿承上一句的风格,优秀范例Almost all city dwellers are bothered more or less by traffic jams, which kept them away from being a punctual worker, a punctual date, or a punctual friend.平庸范例Of course, unfortunately we also have big traffic jams. Almost all the cities‘ peopl e have problems in the big traffic jams, make them hard to get to the work, date, and the friend party on time.哎呀妈呀!平庸范例再埋自己一次吧!看你的用词啊,驴唇不对马嘴!get to the work, date, and the friend party这一串你想表达的到底是什么意思啊!回头来看优秀范例,又是一串亮词city dweller,bothered,然后用more or less进行限定,接下来又马上给出keep away from的固定搭配,最后再用一连串的punctual来告诉每一名小伙伴,多背单词吧!快!快拿小本记下来!

第四句,优秀范例Consider how many people are scolded by their bosses, dumped by their dates, or criticized by their friends, simply because of being late.对比平庸范例We should think about that so many people were criticized by their bosses, disliked by their girlfriends, hated by their friends, just because of the traffic jams.是的,作者就像一个风情万种的凤凰一样,无尽的挥洒着自己的羽毛(单词量)are scolded by,dumped by,criticized by,同样是表示―批评‖这个意思,竟然用了3种不同的表达方式,而且里面有2个我们还要去查词典!我们要去查词典,而人家已能够游刃有余的运用,这是多大的差距啊。差距有多大,对比平庸范例的criticized by,disliked by和hated by所体现出来的情感上的差别之大,我们就能体会到自己真的是差得很远。因为criticized by是批评,这个就情感上来说,只能是觉得你不对,但是不会上升到家国恨的程度,而最后的hated by就有憎恨的意思了,这个意思就差得很远了。你的朋友怎么会恨你呢,你说是不,这就是用词不当,这里的用词不当就类似于说一个人很高兴,用了―含笑九泉‖是一样的。最后,优秀范例又用simply because of being late,请注意这里也仅仅使用了一个because of这样一个固定搭配,而没有兴师动众的用从句。纵观本篇文章,我们就会发现作者其实没有用多少从句,句子本身的伸展靠的都是意思本身的推动,很有我们看TPO阅读的感觉。能简单就简单,能不用从句,就不用从句,让每一个单词所表达的意思最大化,向充满的热气球那么大!而我们做的更多是把一堆干别的热气球堆在一起,然后幻想着他们飞起来的样子。

下一句And why were we late?就不用比较了吧,没太多可说的。

第六句和第七句其实是一个整体。优秀范例None of us intended to be a late bird, not to mention plotting it. More often than not, it is the traffic to blame.平庸范例就要断开句子了Nobody wants to be late, but also does not plan it. In most cases, that all comes from traffic jams,首先None of us会让我们惊叫一声,对啊!Nobody还可以这么说,之后的intended to be其实是每个人都能想到的,但是接下来的a late bird则是让我们下巴掉到了地上!怎么可能作者竟然从早起鸟推出了一个a late bird,怎么想到的?真是天马行空啊!快快跪拜一下!然后把Nobody wants to be late, but also does not plan it.这句话抄在小本子上。接下来的not to mention已经够惊艳了!其后的plot就让我们气呼呼的又去查了一下词典,原来这个单词还有―意图,谋划‖的意思!你牛!下一句More often than not快点拿本子记下来,―在大多数情况下‖的意思,最后it is the XXX to blame,在记下来,作者已经脱离了中文的束缚,可以在英文的海洋里傲游了。再次跪拜!平庸范例呢?刨坑吧。

第八句和第九句,相对中庸,优秀范例And what will happen if the victims of traffic jams are hurt again and again? They stop driving cars, or advising their sons to take buses or railways instead of cars.对比平庸范例especially when they were hurt by the traffic jams again and again, what will happen? They would not drive a car again, or they may directly tell their sons to take a bus or take the subway, but not to drive a car.作者只是小秀了一下词汇量victims,但是细一想又不对,其实我们平时经常会写because of the problem of XXXXXX来表达的内容,作者竟然一个victims就表达清楚了,真是让我等汗颜!其后的advising和instead of只能算是正常发挥。

最后两句,真的是完全达到了TPO的水平,优秀范例Indeed, this tendency agrees with a principle of economics: when there is excessive supply—that is, more cars than the road can take-there will be a decrease in this supply. Therefore, the result of traffic jam is a gradual decrease in car ownership.平庸范例Indeed, this tendency is the same with the economy tendency: when we give more supply–that is, the cars is more than the road—the supply will be decreased. So, the traffic jams will make less people to buy cars.首先就是用agrees with表达―与XXX一致‖这让人很惊艳!完全没想过还能这么用,小伙伴们是不是看了平庸范例的is the same with才明白原作者的意思。接下来a principle of只能算是水到渠成,但是作者能用出principle这个词,也已经很强大了。接下来excessive supply,又是两个词又是表达出了平庸范例give more supply3个词才表达的意思,而且平庸范例的3个词其实是表意不清的,就是缺少一个被比较方,到底比谁多,没有说。因此优秀范例的excessive完胜!

接下来作者灵动的句式—that is, more cars than the road can take-再次让人刮目相看!我们根本写不出来,甚至读懂都有困难!作者的领先优势大的太夸张了!然后作者又把decrease这个常见的动词,用了他的名词词性,写出了a decrease in再次显示出自己的功力。最后作者用the result of,而没有用because,保证了句子的简洁性,用gradual显示出接下来的趋势,以及最后用了完全的名词性in car ownership,表达出了平庸范例里面,只有动用动词才表达出的buy cars。一句话里3个亮点,岂有不满分的可能!



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无老师优秀范例:Another reason for the decrease in cars, as far as I am concerned, is the improvement in its alternatives. In order to solve the traffic problem, government had implemented a gamut of proposals in the improving conditions of buses, subways, and railways. Take the subway for example. People are encouraged to take subway because of its reasonable price, its better environment, and, more importantly, its punctuality. As more and more people are choosing subways over cars, it is evident that in 20 years, there will be fewer cars on the street.


无老师平庸范例:The reason why cars will decrease for me is the improvement of their alternatives. Because they want to solve the traffic problem, the government have many suggestions about improving the bus, subway, and the railways. For example, people are encouraged to take subway, because it‘s good price, better environment, and more important at it‘s on time. With more and more people taking subway not the cars, it is obvious that there will be less cars on the road.








首先第一句,优秀范例Another reason for the decrease in cars, as far as I am concerned, is the improvement in its alternatives.对比平庸范例The reason why cars will decrease for me is the improvement of their alternatives.在本句话之中,显然优秀范例的another显示出了与前面一段内容的承接,起到了逻辑连接的作用,但是在平庸范例就没有做到这一点,而且优秀范例还用到了for the decrease将这个常见的动词给名词化,显示出本文的书面化,接下来又是用, as far as I am concerned,将句子断开,是的句子不会读起来很长,很累,加一分!而且其实最难得的是优秀范例想到了alternatives 这个词,特指一对一的替换,用词非常准确。

第二句,优秀范例In order to solve the traffic problem, government had implemented a gamut of proposals in the improving conditions of buses, subways, and railways.对比平庸范例Because they want to solve the traffic problem, the government have many suggestions about improving the bus, subway, and the railways.首先solve the,这一个the就特指前面提到的交通问题,起到了承上启下的作用。在这里平庸范例总是在用Because,真的是让人看腻了,前前后后总是不换词,就好像好久不洗的袜子,虽然总还是袜子,但是不免令人生厌。不像是优秀范例In order to改变了句式,而且还很好的引出后半句话,治愈后半句话,句式上并无亮点,只是作者疯狂的秀自己的单词量implement、a gamut of、proposal,而且还想到了improving conditions来搭配buses, subways, and railways,这是我们自己写的时候,总是想不到的。

第三句,优秀范例Take the subway for example. People are encouraged to take subway because of its reasonable price, its better environment, and, more importantly, its punctuality.,对比平庸范例For example, people are encouraged to take subway, because it‘s good price, better environment, and more important at it‘s on time.跟上一句话一样,优秀范例的作者再次用特指the subway,这里的the指前一句出现的内容,英文作文就是要这样,句与句之间,一定要环环相扣,否则就是让人一头雾水,看不懂里面的逻辑。

其实在这里的平庸范例,无老师故意又卖了一个乖,继续用because,而优秀范例很简单的用了because of+名词结构,使得句子结构简化,看起来也不会很累。至于这里的its reasonable price和more importantly, its punctuality,就是优秀范例的作者再次掉书袋了。^_^平庸范例的on time也不是说不好,但是人家有准确的一个词punctuality,你这里再用口语化的on time,就显得不够好了。

第四句,优秀范例As more and more people are choosing subways over cars, it is evident that in 20 years, there will be fewer cars on the street.对比平庸范例With more and more people taking subway not the cars, it is obvious that there will be less cars on the road.

显然本句话,又是围绕着subways展开的。这里优秀范例的优点是在于一个小over完爆了not the,简洁取胜。然后优秀范例一个it is evident that增加了局势的多样性,平庸范例在这里做的只能是模仿罢了。



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无老师优秀范例:Without a doubt, environment matters. A clean and beautiful environment concerns the health of everybody—the working men and women, children, our bright future, and the elderly. Atmosphere full of dust and toxic gas will lead to lung disease; water without careful disinfection will lead to bacteria disease; food grew in poisoned soil or suffered from excess pesticide will lead to all kinds of diseases to people‘s organisms and eventually, destroys them. Environment is one of the major factors to one‘s health or, survival. Government must pay 100% attention to it otherwise one day the country can no longer develop because their people die out. It is responsible for its citizens‘ health and happiness, two essential parts of life that environment both play important roles in, so they must take action. To protect the environment is to protect the country‘s brighter future.


无老师平庸范例:No doubt that the environment is very important! A clean and beautiful environment is connected to anyone‘s health- workers, children, who are our future, and elders. The environment that is full of dust and poisonous gas will lead to lung disease; the infected water will lead to bacteria disease; the food which grows in the poisonous soil and too many pesticides will lead to many diseases in hu mans‘ organisms, at the end the organisms will die. The environment is very important to our health and life. The government should notice it, or one day, our country will stop, because our people have died. The environment should be responsible for people‘s health and happiness, and they are two important parts of our life, and the environment is important to both of them, so we must take actions. Protecting the environment is protecting our future.


第一句,优秀范例就是生在自己的简洁!能用一个词说明白,绝对不用两个词,就像李小龙一样,干净利落!优秀范例Without a doubt, environment matters.对比平庸范例No doubt that the environment is very important!优秀范例的一个matters一次性就将平庸范例的is very important挑落马下!

第二句的优点,则是写得很地道!优秀范例A clean and beautiful environment concerns the health of everybody—the working men and women, children, our bright future, and the elderly.对比平庸范例A clean and beautiful environment is connected to anyone‘s health- workers, children, who are our future, and elders.显然优秀范例里面的一个concern就像上一句的matter一样,轻松挑落平庸范例的is connected to。而且小伙伴们要注意到,优秀范例里面的逻辑思路也是极为地道的!前一句的matter,这一句的concern,后面的suffered from和survival,无不是这个特征的典型代表!这只有像无老师私塾里面的小伙伴们一样,有很多的原版书来读,才能解决这个问题!私塾的小伙伴们,一定要养成抓私塾图书馆里面的原版书来读的好习惯哦!

接下来优秀范例写出的working men and women其实质酸还好,但是后面的children, our bright future一个同位语,用our bright future来解释children,很漂亮!至于最后的the elderly就是水到渠成了。但是能想到用破折号来对与前面的everybody来进行补出,这个是非常大的亮点!使得句子的内涵和外延体现得很充分,不是例子,胜似例子!

第三句话厉害了!优秀范例Atmosphere full of dust and toxic gas will lead to lung disease; water without careful disinfection will lead to bacteria disease; food grew in poisoned soil or suffered from excess pesticide will lead to all kinds of diseases to people‘s organisms and eventually, destroys them.对比平庸范例The environment that is full of dust and poisonous gas will lead to lung disease; the infected water will lead to bacteria disease; the food which grows in the poisonous soil and too many pesticides will lead to many diseases in humans‘ organisms, at the end the organisms will die.优秀范例太强大了!很少见的定语后置都出现了!想一想,我们经常写的很有可能是用have或者with 来表示atmosphere里面有什么,但是优秀范例竟然能想到把full of dust and toxic gas这个定语放在Atmosphere后面,这个太强大了!因为这完全不符合中文的语序,能想到实在太难了!然后当说到生病的时候,作者直接用了lead to,想一想,我们经常很有可能写的是have diseases,这种因果逻辑式的思维方式,是英文区别与中文的最大的特征,把握住这点,其实托福作文就已经小成了。接下来的water without careful disinfection只能感叹作者的单词量够好,而且想法够细腻!而且一个很有趣的点是作者的词汇量也不是那么丰富,但是他能把已有的词汇进行很好地整合,这里的例子就是lung disease和bacteria disease,其实作者都不会专业名词,因此就用这样的小把戏躲过去了,无伤大雅。

接下来的后置定语grew in poisoned soil or suffered from excess pesticide两个后置定语并列,已经进入长难句级别了,很强大,而且作者在这里为了显示自己驾驭词汇的能力,还特意用了两个动词grew、suffered,然后配以poisoned soil和excess pesticide,就充分显示出自己的词汇量的还不错了,不是很强大,但是还不错。而且作者细腻的思路,还想到了organisms以及最后的eventually, destroys 这个就很厉害了,因为很多人之所以写不出优秀的作文,就是因为想不到这一层,而本文的作者不仅能想到,而且还能写出来,简直就是双剑合璧谁与争锋!

接下来2句话,优秀范例Environment is one of the major factors to one‘s health or, survival. Government must pay 100% attention to it otherwise one day the country can no longer develop because their people die out.对比平庸范例The environment is very important to our health and life. The government should notice it, or one day, our country will stop, because our people have died.首先优秀范例能想到这个用法factors to,这个就很难得了,更难得的是作者已经突破了中文的限制,用好了survival这个词,这是非常难得的!这个词在词典里的意思是―幸存‖的意思,但是实际上英文中的意思,更像是―挣扎的活下来,历尽苦难活下来‖有穷人好不容易活下来的一层意思,但是―幸存‖就只剩下劫后余生的意思了,因此这里的survival用的很好!至于下一句话,亮点不多,只是最后的die out,有点夸张而已。

最后两句话,优秀范例It is responsible for its citizens‘ health and happiness, two essential parts of life that environment both play important roles in, so they must take action. To protect the environment is to protect the coun try‘s brighter future.对比平庸范例The environment should be responsible for people‘s health and happiness, and they are two important parts of our life, and the environment is important to both of them, so we must take actions. Protecting the environment is protecting our future.第一句话,亮点颇多相比于平庸范例的people指的很泛泛,不够明确,优秀范例的citizens就指向市民,公民这个特征,指向很明确。接下来的同位语two essential parts of life,本身词汇上没有亮点,但是亮点在作者的思路指出了health and happiness对人本身的作用,这很难得,这才有接下来的play important roles in这个固定搭配的出现,否则这个固定搭配就没了。最后一句的To protect the environment看似没有亮点,但是对比平庸范例的的很僵硬的,又用doing+宾语的方式来做主语,就显得To protect the environment这种方式的少见了。而且作者最后又提出了brighter future,呼应了前面写到的children, our bright future就是一大亮点了!前后呼应,高!实在是高!


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无老师优秀范例:However, the notion that ―advertisement always make us disappointed‖ sometimes results from consumers‘ unrealistic expectation of products. Advertising easily makes people to imagine ―perfect‖ products which are not realistic at all, but consumers would rather keep this unreasonable hope. Then they would be inevitably disappointed by the actual products which cannot be so perfect, and attribute the cause to advertising. But it is actually the unrealistic expectation that eclipses any product, because a perfect image is absolutely subjective and could not even be realized. For example, I once signed up for a group tour to Lantao Island in Hong Kong, being attracted by the beautiful landscape pictures posted in the advertisements. But later on in the journey I was disappointed because actual scenery was never as attractive as what I had expected. Therefore, an unrealistic expectation is to be avoided in making any buying decision.


无老师平庸范例:But the statement that advertisement always makes us disappointed, sometimes because customers‘ unreal think ing. Advertisement are easily making us think a perfect product, but it does not exist, but customers still want to insist the unreal thinking. Then, they will be disappointed, because the real product would be not perfect, and they will blame the advertisement. But in fact, the unreal thinking will kill any product, because a perfect thinking is absolutely subjective, and even could not be noticed. For example, I joined a group tour to the dayushan, because I was completely attracted by the photo in the advertisement. But then this group tour let me disappointed, because the real view is not as my thinking. So, when we want to buy something, we should avoid the unreal thinking.


实话实说,本篇满分作文很多的表达方法非常的地道!比如eclipse,Lantao Island,landscape,tour,这些小词用的好到位的说!

首先看第一句,优秀范例However, the notion that ―advertisement always make us disappointed‖ sometimes results from consumers‘ unrealistic expectation of products.对比平庸范例But the statement that advertisement always makes us disappointe d, sometimes because customers‘ unreal

thinking. 首先优秀范例用notion引导了一个同位语‖advertisement always make us disappointed‖,这在国内的考生之中运用得比较少,直接增加了句式的多样性,接下来的results from就是大亮点了!对比一下本身就有语法错误的平庸范例你就能发现,国内的小伙伴往往只会僵化的使用because来表示因果联系,但是在书面语之中这种用谓语动词,来表示因果逻辑连接的比比皆是!因此虽然只是一个简单的固定搭配,但是其实是大亮点!接下来的unrealistic expectation虽然不是特别漂亮,但是用词准确,对比平庸范例的unreal thinking甩出N条街。而且在这里特别提一下的是,平庸范例有两处错误,第一是the statement没有谓语,第二是because应该引导一句话,但是在这里仅仅是一个名词性结构,因此应该改用because of。这都是中国考生极为常见的错误!因为我们写作文的时候,经常是简单的做中译英,而不去思考英文之中的语法是否正确。

第二句,优秀范例Advertis ing easily makes people to imagine ―perfect‖ products which are not realistic at all, but consumers would rather keep this unreasonable hope.对比平庸范例Advertisement are easily making us think a perfect product, but it does not exist, but customers still want to insist the unreal thinking. 这里优秀范例用了一个小词imagine,虽然很简单,但是比起平庸范例的think,准确很多!接下来没有像平庸范例那么复杂, but it does not exist,而是直接一个定语从句which are not realistic at all,是的句子的连贯性很好,而且用一个at all来表示程度,锦上添花!接下来的优秀范例用出了would rather―宁可‖这样一个固定搭配,加分!接下来又是一个固定搭配―keep one‘s hope‖加分!而且作者还充分意识到了用词需要多样性因此前面用到了realistic之后,这里特地选用一个unreasonable!再加分!

第三句,优秀范例Then they would be inevitably disappointed by the actual products which cannot be so perfect, and attribute the cause to advertising.对比平庸范例Then, they will be disappointed, because the real product would be not perfect, and they will blame the advertisement.其实看这句话的时候,我们就会发现,优秀范例也有平淡的时候,很显然,本句话的句式就与前一句话差别不大。但使用词还是很好的,inevitably和actual products还是用的满准确地,不过接下来,亮点还是出现了attribute……. To这样一个固定搭配用的很好!而且没有落俗套的用reason,而是用了the cause,很赞!本句话平庸范例不算很差,而且blame用的还不错,(*^__^*) 嘻嘻……。

第四句,优秀范例But it is actually the unrealistic expectation that eclipses any product, because a perfect image is absolutely subjective and could not even be realized.对比平庸范例But in fact, the unreal thinking will kill any product, because a perfect thinking is absolutely subjective, and even could not be noticed.看到这里,我们就可以发现平庸范例的单调了,做一个but,有一个but,做一个because,有一个because,完全没有新意,不给你低分才怪!这里优秀范例的it is actually 其实是对the unrealistic expectation有一个强调的感觉的,这个用得很妙!接下来又用了eclipse这个词,加分很多!小伙伴们可以好好查一下这个词,多背几个例句,好好体会一下!这里平庸范例,就没有体会好eclipse这个词的感觉。下面优秀范例的absolutely subjective在巨石上来说只能算是一般,但是从作

者的角度,能想到‖主观―这个层面,这是很难的,可以说不管是中文还是英文,都还想得蛮深刻的,加分!而且还能进行递进and could not even这个用的很好!不过接下来realize到底想表达的是―实现‖,还是―意识到‖,这个就见仁见智了,估计只有原作者才能说清楚。

第五句,优秀范例小亮点是一个接一个!优秀范例For example, I once signed up for a group tour to Lantao Island in Hong Kong, being attracted by the beautiful landscape pictures posted in the advertisements.PK平庸范例For example, I joined a group tour to the dayushan, because I was completely attracted by the photo in the advertisement.这里优秀范例的signed up、tour、Lantao Island、landscape、posted几个词用的都非常棒!关键是美国人就是这么用的!不像是我们中译英翻译过来的很多词,美国人其实都不用!signed up(报名)参加……,而不像join就是进入了一个群体,怎么进

入的,不清楚。Tour,你在美国出去玩一日游,用的就是tour,Lantao Island香港的大屿山,而不是

像平庸范例那样用拼音,landscape表示景色,风景,暗示给人一种愉悦的感觉。Post就是张贴的感觉,这一串的小词都用的极为准确!而且优秀范例还用了being attracted by来增加句式的多样性,让人眼前不禁一亮!反观平庸范例的because,真让人昏昏欲睡!后面的photo也跟优秀范例的beautiful landscape pictures posted没法比!优秀范例就是超模!photo就是路人丙的感觉。

倒数第二句,优秀范例But later on in the journey I was disappointed because actual scenery was never as attractive as what I had expected.对比平庸范例But then this group tour let me disappointed, because the real view is not as my thinking.优秀范例的later on并不亮眼,但是平庸范例继续又用then 之后,我们发现优秀范例,有意的在换用不同的词!加分!其后优秀范例actual scenery又是秀了一把自己的单词量!赞~\(≧▽≦)/~!而且最后的what I had expected写的也很赞,看你是看不出来的,这么写你就懂了what I had expected to see。看到这里你就发现其实优秀范例的what I had expected就已经写出了所有的意思,这里的to see就是画蛇添足了,在这里,简洁就是美!

最后一句,优秀范例Therefore, an unrealistic expectation is to be avoided in making any buying decision.对比平庸范例So, when we want to buy something, we should avoid the unreal thinking.在这里看到平庸范例之后,就发现我们写的这么麻烦的从句when we want to其实在优秀范例里简单的in making any就写出来了,我们写的真实太笨重了,而且优秀范例的an unrealistic expectation用词非

常准确!点个赞!最后,优秀范例的is to be avoided其实写的很简洁,要知道,我们很容易写出we should not……,但是这里被优秀范例一个词avoid就全表达出来了!这就是优秀范例为什么好!一个字顶你




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无老师优秀范例:With the rapid development in internet, computer and other technologies, people have more and more options for their career path as well as working locations since these developments shorten the distance between different people and companies. Therefore, there is universal awareness that working at home with accompany of computer and telephones is better than working in a normal office. However, in my opinion, such statement cannot afford further analysis for the following reasons.


无老师平庸范例:With the development of the internet, computer and other technology, people have more options about the job development and work place, because these development decrease the distance between people and people, and between a company and another company. So many people believe that working at home with the computer and the telephone is better than working at the office. But, in my opinion, these ideas could not afford thinking, because of the following reasons.


第一句,优秀范例With the rapid development in internet, computer and other technologies, people have more and more options for their career path as well as working locations since these developments shorten the distance between different people and companies.对比平庸范例With the development of the internet, computer and other technology, people have more options about the job development and work place, because these development decrease the distance between people and people, and between a company and another company.其实一开始的With the rapid development in internet, computer and other technologies并没有很大的差别,但是必须承认的是,作者跳出了很多模板里所写的With the rapid development in internet,又写出了computer and other technologies,这算是一种突破!

其实优秀范例的people have more and more options for their career path as well as working locations since these developments shorten the distance between different people and companies.特别出彩!一看就想让人给高分!首先more and more接的是options,我们平时总接people,这里options 就是一个突破。后面的career path和working locations写的地道!加分!后面的shorten the distance 看似平淡无奇,但是在对比平庸范例的decrease the distance就发现,decrease配distance其实是中式表达。以及最后的between different people and companies.也是没什么,但是对比平庸范例的between people and people, and between a company and another company.就会发现原来我们平时像平庸范例一样写的这么啰嗦。

第二句,优秀范例Therefore, there is universal awareness that working at home with accompany of computer and telephones is better than working in a normal office.对比平庸范例So many people believe that working at home with the computer and the telephone is better than working at the office.我们会惊讶的发现,原来many people believe还可以写为there is universal awareness,加分!有趣!快找个小本记下来!其后with accompany of我们自己写的话,经常也就写个with the help of,没这个表达方法好,记下来!

最后一句,优秀范例However, in my opinion, such statement cannot afford further analysis for the following reasons.对比平庸范例But, in my opinion, these ideas could not afford thinking, because of the following reasons.这里优秀范例的such statement虽然很不起眼,但是其实很好,因为一个such 直接就是对前文的指代,一下就使得两句话的逻辑连接了起来,解决了中文缺少语义连接词的问题,写得特别好!虽然很不起眼。当然,最大的亮点还是在afford further analysis,表示―经不住进一步的推敲‖,写的地道!让人忍不住击节叫好!直接可以用在我们的作文纸中表示反对观点,粗暴的加分!这种酸爽的感觉,挡都挡不住!至于平庸范例的could not afford thinking,东施效颦,让人不忍直视!


来源: 本站浏览: 我要评论(7条)字号: 大中小

无老师优秀范例:As for the job-effected people, job is not only a work to support themselves, but a way we use to bring us a stronger sense of accomplishment and achievement. Happy and fulfilled as we are when we deliver outstanding performance at work. Meanwhile, when we thrive at work, we may earn high salary with which we can give our loved ones a better quality of life. Seeing the smiles on their faces, it will bring considerable joy to us either. Yet there is still one thing that can make us


中文: 1. 旅游业不但给政府带来税收而且给很多人提供了就业机会。 2. 赌博不但对健康有害,而且会影响家庭和睦。 3. 打工不但能让学生赚零花钱,而且还能让他们学到人际交往的能力。 4. 现在很多学校的校服不但贵,而且还难看,质量不好。 5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,还要鼓励人们多使用公交车。 6. 老人们既不需要很多的钱,也不需要很大的房子,他们最需要的是子女的关心和照顾。 7. 我喜欢旅游,但是,我既没有钱,也没有时间。 8. 在老人院,老人既能够接受到医疗,又能够找到很多有共同话题,共同兴趣的的伙伴。 9. 缴税既是有有利于国家,也是有利于个人。因为政府的税收主要用于公共服务,这个是每个人都会受益的。 10. 打电脑游戏既浪费时间,又有害视力。 11. 打电脑游戏既能使人放松,又能锻炼大脑的灵活性,反映能力 12. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死

于与吸烟有关的疾病。 13. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 14. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 15. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 16. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。 17. 尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明飞机会造成灾难性的污染。 18. 没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。 19. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。 20. 我们应该不遗余力地保护我们的环境。 21. 现在,人们普遍认为 22. 我同意后者,有如下理由: 23. 这一观点正受到越来越多人的质疑。 24. 使用自行车有助于人们的身体健康,并极大地缓解了交通阻塞。 25. 尽管自行车有许多明显的优点,但是它也存在它的问题。 26. 在速度和舒适度方面,自行车是无法和汽车、火


我与我的老师作文 我与我的老师作文1 时光荏苒,岁月如梭。转眼间我已经从一年级的小毛孩蜕变成五年级的大姐姐了。但我始终忘不了从一年级到四年级一直在教我们语文的刘小恋老师。 她是我的启蒙老师,我对语文的兴趣就是她培养出来的。在我的印象中,比起老师,她更像一位和蔼可亲的阿姨,对我们百般疼爱。 记得那是二年级时的一个下午,我和同学们在玩耍时一不小心,地上的一块碎玻璃把我的脚割破了,鲜红的血液顿时汩汩地流出。那好像是我在校内第一次发生“事故”,我一下子被吓哭了。或许是我的哭声太大,引来了办公室的刘老师。刘老师向同学们问清了事情的原委,立马背起我三步并作两步地往医务室跑去。我听着刘老师的喘气声,感到了妈妈般的温暖。 还有一次,“六一”聚会要到了,刘老师通知,谁在聚会上表演的节目好,就能获得她准备的“六一”节礼物。好奇心促使我去问刘老师:“老师,奖品是不是巧克力呀?”刘老师并没有回答我的问题,而是反问我:“你喜欢吃巧克力吗?”我愣了愣,点了点头。老师微笑着摸了摸我的头就回办公室去了。 一开始,我不知道刘老师的葫芦里到底卖的是什么药,还以为老师是故意绕

着圈子不回答我的问题,也就不以为意了。几天后,当我去办公室搬作业时,刘老师往我的口袋里塞了什么东西。可我当时只顾着手忙脚乱地搬作业,也懒得去翻口袋。后来,下课了。我想起了刘老师的那个动作,就伸出手在口袋里掏了掏。我觉得刘老师只是故弄玄虚,故意逗我。没想到我真的找到了一样东西!我拿出来一看,竟然是我最爱吃的巧克力!我真的很感动!虽然这块巧克力只有橡皮擦大小,也不是什么名贵的牌子,再加上我捂得太久,已经融化了。但它对我的意义却十分重大,所以我一直觉得那是世界上最好吃的巧克力! 当然,刘老师教了我四年,所发生的点点滴滴是说不完、写不尽的。虽然我们班现在已经升上了五年级,语文老师也换了,但四年的时光比任何知识多珍贵! 我会永远记住您——敬爱的刘老师! 我与我的老师作文2 秋天的脚步走进了弥漫着带有书香的校园,九月已是丰收的九月,九月迎来了新的一个教师节,我坐在窗边望着窗外的景色,无意中看见了挂在墙壁上的奖状,看着奖状,我想起了我的亲爱的老师。从上学起,我遇到过许许多多的老师,但我最喜欢的老师是我的班主任——韩老师,她是我们的语文老师。 记得从前,我的作文水平不是很好,自从老师发现了我的缺点,便利用课余时间指点我,经常安排作文给我们写,还鼓励我参加作文比赛。现在,我不再害


中考满分作文范文:我的老师 【真题】 按要求作文。(50分) 题目:我的老师 要求:①文体自选;②很多于600字;③不要套作,不得抄袭;④不得 透露真实的地名、校名、人名等相关信息。 【特别提示】 ①文中如需涉及所在区(县)名,一律用“秦岭区(县)”代替; ②文中如需涉及学校名称,一律用“陕西三秦中学”代替; ③文中如需涉及老师姓名,一律用“姓+老师”代替,如“王老师”。【解读】 2019年陕西省中考作文试题仍然是一道全命题作文试题,其特点主要体现在:首先,在形式上,2019年陕西省中考作文试题相对于2019年中考作文试题来说少了一段“导引”文字,但却加上了一个“【特别 提示】”。不给考生以“导引”文字的写作暗示,能够给考生“自由 发挥”的空间,有利于考生“八仙过海,各显神通”,写出能代表自 己作文水平的考场佳作。而新加的“【特别提示】”,则是对写作 “要求”中的第“④”条“不得透露真实的地名、校名、人名等相关 信息”的具体的、统一的规定,避免了因“要求”笼统而造成的操作 性不强的弊端,也使命题显得更加完美无缺。其次,在内容上,2019 年陕西省中考作文试题延续了往年的“高扩展性”,即命题均能给考 生以多种角度入题的可能,有利于考生超常发挥,写好作文。具体来说,“我的老师”的这道全命题作文,在写作时可供考生选择的角度 至少有以下四个方面:一是狭义的“老师”,即专指给自己带课的教师;二是广义的“老师”,泛指在某方面值得学习的人,也就是说,只

要某个人“有所长”,无论男女长幼,无论身份地位,均能够是“我 的老师”;三是比喻义的“老师”,能够是能教给我们知识、启迪我们 感悟、引导我们成长的所有事物,如前将一本好书当做“老师”;四是 引申义的“老师”,即凡是能对“我”有启迪意义的所有的现象、情境、场景等,都能够理解为“我的老师”。 【误区】 “我的老师”的这道全命题作文试题,对考生来说,几乎不存有什么 难度。因为凡是考生,一定都有很多“老师”,而且一定也写过相关“老师”的作文。但正是因为这个原因,考生在写作中也就最可能出 现以下两个方面的审题误区: 1、对“老师”的理解仅仅停留在狭义的方面,使得考场作文千人一面,千篇一律。 2、对“老师”只褒不贬,或者任意拔高,使得“老师”的形象严重 失真,影响得分。 要得走出以上审题误区,在平时就要有意识地培养自己超强的审题水平,同时,要真正走进生活,注重观察,并对观察对象有真切的感悟。 【范文】 我的老师 说起来你们或许不信,我有一位好老师,它就是一棵以前被折断了茎 干的葡萄树。 还是让我讲讲我的这位好老师的故事吧。 那是五年前的一天上午,爸妈出去干活了,我做完老师布置的假期作 业后无事可干,就叫来了几个好朋友在我家的庭院里踢起了足球来。 我们玩得很激烈,结果,一次带球突破中我被防守的同伴撞了个人仰 马翻,倒下去的时候,将爸爸新栽的那棵葡萄树从靠近地面的地方彻 底折断。我想,坏啦,看来只有让爸爸明年重新栽一棵了。为了让爸


英文作文100活用句型 I. 用于文章主题句 1. 不用说… It goes without saying that子句 = (It is) needless to say (that)子句 = It is obvious that子句 = Obviously, S. + V. 例︰不用说早睡早起是值得的。 It goes without saying that it pays to keep early hours. 2. …是不可能的; 无法… There is no Ving = There is no way of Ving. = There is no possibility of Ving. = It is impossible to V. = It is out of the question to V. = No one can V. = We cannot V. 例︰不可否认的成功的事业关键在于健康的身心。 There is not denying that successful business lies in a healthy body and mind. 3. 我深信… I am greatly convinced (that)子句 = I am greatly assured (that)子句 例︰我深信预防是比治疗好。 I am greatly convinced that prevention is better than cure. 4. 在各种…之中… Among various kinds of …, … = Of all the …, … 例︰在各种运动中我尤其喜欢慢跑。 Among various kinds of sports, I like jogging in particular. 5. …是很容易证明的。 It can be easily proved (that)子句 例︰时间最珍贵是很容易证明的。


我和我的老师作文6篇例文集锦 ----WORD文档,下载后可编辑修改---- 我和我的老师作文1 我的语文老师,好像母亲一样关照我体贴我。每当想起她,如梦方醒;自从我出入小学开始,一位慈祥的语文老师出现在我面前。我的语文老师,他有慈祥的面孔,有严肃的教育方针。 那年夏天,我被老师发现,上课迟到啦,老师批评我,让我站在教室外边,我非常惭愧。望着外边的婆娑树木,呆呆的不动摇,我非常后悔,不辜负老师对我的罚站指责与教育。大概半级课过去了,语文老师从教室走出来,用严肃的眼光望着我,对我说;王国印,以后迟到吗 ?我点点头,很惭愧地说;以后不迟到了。老师看我很可怜,心疼的说;不是老师罚站你,教育每个同学要下苦工,严师出高徒,教育每个同学要从基础抓起。好好学习发奋图强才是你努力的前途。我望着慈祥的语文老师,默默地流下眼泪。 如果说,没有严格的老师教育,我相信每个同学不会得到优良的优秀成绩。 当我上五年级的时候,慈祥的语文老师去世了,我听到语文老师离开我们,感到一种想不到的预感。当看到语文老师的遗体时,却不幸的是,语文老师不该走。老师呀,你为什么离开我?我却悲痛地向这位伟大的老师送行。老师呀,你安安静静的离开我,使我在心目中永远难忘。老师呀,你远远的离去,给我们永远的想念。老师的严厉教育,使我们永远不会忘记。

我和我的老师作文2 我的语文老师姓周。她长着一双像黑葡萄似的眼睛,小小的嘴巴总是挂着微笑,高高的鼻梁上架着一个粉色的眼镜。 周老师的声音非常亲切,讲起课来绘声绘色。为了让每个同学喜欢语文课,周老师很用心,把课堂安排的丰富多彩,使我们上课都很投入,很专心。 记得有一次语文课,周老师走进教室的时候,发现教室里闹哄哄的,原来教室里飞来了一只蜜蜂。周老师见我们无法安静下来上课,就让我们仔细观察这只小蜜蜂。同学们争先恐后的说出自己的发现。课堂顿时变得活跃起来。也不知过了多少时间,周老师突然说:“同学们,请安静!现在请大家写一篇作文《不速之客》。”我们个个写得都又快又好,一节课功夫就完成了。 周老师的课让我们在快乐的氛围中积累了很多知识。 周老师还是一个很和蔼,很关心同学的好老师。 记得有一次,我中午吃饭的时候,肚子疼的厉害,周老师连忙让我去校医室擦点药。回到教室后,我还是疼痛难忍,这时候周老师连忙打通了我妈妈的电话,让我回家好好休息。 这就是我的语文老师,一个很用心的老师,一个和蔼可亲,关心同学的老师。 我喜欢我的语文老师。 我和我的老师作文3 在那枫叶还未飘动的九月,我来到九中,悄然打开了初一的门。


托福写作题库 来源:王春广的日志 写作题库分类 1.建造问题: 2) It has recently been announced that a new restaurant may be built in your ne ighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and de tails to support your answer 你家附近将要建一个大饭店。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 4) It has recently been announced that a new movie theater may be built in you r neighborhood. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons an d details to support your answer. 你家附近将要建一个电影院。你同意还是反对,详细阐述支持你看法的原因。 5) The government has announced that it plans to build a new university. Some people think that your community would be a good place to locate the university. C ompare the advantages and disadvantages of establishing a new university in your community. Use specific details in your discussion 政府打算建一所新大学,有人认为你家附近是个合适的地方。比较好处与坏处,详细阐述。 6) It has recently been announced that a new high school may be built in your c ommunity. Do you support or oppose this plan? Why? Use specific reasons and det ails in your answer. 可能在你们社区内建一所高中。你同意还是反对,详细阐述原因。 7) Your city has decided to build a statue or monument to honor a famous perso n in your country. Who would you choose? Use reasons and specific examples to s upport your choice 你的城市要建一个名人纪念碑或雕塑。你会选择谁?说出详细原因和具体例子。 8) A university plans to develop a new research center in your country. Some pe ople want a center for business research. Other people want a center for research i n agriculture (farming). Which of these two kinds of research centers do you recom mend for your country? Use specific reasons in your recommendation.

关于老师的作文题目3篇 .doc

关于老师的作文题目3篇 春天来了,万物复苏,整个大地生机勃勃,我们的校园也越来越美了。 校园的草坪披上了绿装,让人从心里感到舒服。望着生机勃勃的草坪,我心里在想,是谁一颗一颗种下的小草?是老师。是老师翻地、播种、浇水、施肥,小草才生长的这么好,我们就象小草一样,在老师的精心呵护下,快乐地成长。 校园的杨树、柳树都发芽了,一颗一颗,生长的又粗又壮,我心里在想,是谁让它长得这么粗,这么壮?是老师。是老师给它们除虫、剪枝,他们才生长的这么高大挺拔。我们就象小树,在老师的关心教室下健康的成长。为了我们的学习,老师经常加班给我们补习功课,星期天还给我们批改作业,以前我总是埋怨老师布置的作业太多,其实,老师给我们批改作业更辛苦。 老师,您辛苦了,我们的校园之所以这么美丽,是因为有您的勤劳;我们的学习之所以那么好,是因为有您的教诲;我们之所以健康快乐的成长,是因为有您的汗水浇灌。老师,我送给您一副对联:园丁心血润绿千棵树,教师汗水浇红万朵花。 我的老师_关于老师的作文500字 我的老师叫邢红卫,是我的班主任。她和蔼可亲,留着一头卷曲的头发,眼睛大大的,戴着一副眼镜,37岁左右。 记得有一次,老师的儿子张邢俊彦打了张铁,张铁哭了,我们都

看见了,跑过去告诉邢老师,邢老师立即赶来。把张铁送到了医院,过了几天,张铁伤好了,邢老师当面批评了张邢俊彦,还告诉我们,大家以后都不要打打闹闹,以免伤着了。 老师对我们这个班非常关心,前几天,我们班和别的班举行一场篮球比赛,我们班的男生每个人都参加了比赛,打到非常激烈地时候,邢老师让我们几个女生去买矿泉水,买了十瓶,分给男生喝,老师从不在乎自己的钱。我们也经常为老师积攒班费,一年下来可以积攒48元左右,然后下一年留着买水票用,水票用完了,老师总自己添钱。 老师对我们人人平等。一个月换一次组长,可是,我总觉得老师对我偏心,每年都让我当课代表和组长,我每年都兼职。老师关心我们的学习,从来都没有打骂我们,老师每次都说她不忍心,有时吵我们,但老师总说:“下次,我再发火罚款100元。“”我们听了都乐了。 老师就是这样一个人,和蔼可亲,舍小家,为大家。 我的启蒙老师——语文老师_介绍老师的作文500字 同学们,你们一定都有自己的启蒙老师吧!你们一定很难忘记这些启蒙老师对自己的教导吧!你们一定也想对自己的启蒙老师说些什么吧!对于我现在来说启蒙老师就是打开帮助我们打开知识宝库的第一个人,我们怎能忘记呢? 我记得一位和蔼可亲的老师――李慧老师,她是我的第一任语文

托福TOEFL 100个优秀背颂句子

托福TOEFL 100个优秀背颂句子 1. Typical of the grassland dwellers of the continent is the American antelope, or pronghorn. 美洲羚羊,或称叉角羚,是该大陆典型的草原动物。 2. Of the millions who saw Haley's comet in 1986, how many people will live long enough to see it return in the twenty-first century. 1986年看见哈雷huuu星的千百万人当中,有多少人能够长寿到足以目睹它在二十一世纪的回归呢? 3. Anthropologists have discovered that fear, happiness, sadness, and surprise are universally reflected in facial expressions. 人类学家们已经发现,恐惧,快乐,悲伤和惊奇都会行之于色,这在全人类是共通的。 4. Because of its irritating effect on humans, the use of phenol as a general antiseptic has been largely discontinued. 由于苯酚对人体带有刺激性作用,它基本上已不再被当作常用的防腐剂了。 5. In group to remain in existence, a profit-making organization must, in the long run, produce something consumers consider useful or desirable. 任何盈利组织若要生存,最终都必须生产出消费者可用或需要的产品。 6. The greater the population there is in a locality, the greater the need there is for water, transportation, and disposal of refuse. 一个地方的人口越多,其对水,交通和垃圾处理的需求就会越大。 7. It is more difficult to write simply, directly, and effectively than to employ flowery but vague expressions that only obscure one's meaning. 简明,直接,有力的写作难于花哨,含混而意义模糊的表达。 8. With modern offices becoming more mechanized, designers are attempting to personalize them with warmer, less severe interiors. 随着现代办公室的日益自动化,设计师们正试图利用较为温暖而不太严肃的内部装饰来使其具有亲切感。 9. The difference between libel and slander is that libel is printed while slander is spoken. 诽谤和流言的区别在于前者是书面的,而后者是口头的。 10. The knee is the joints where the thigh bone meets the large bone of the lower leg. 膝盖是大腿骨和小腿胫的连接处。 11. Acids are chemical compounds that, in water solution, have a sharp taste, a corrosive action on metals, and the ability to turn certain blue vegetable dyes red. 酸是一种化合物,它在溶于水时具有强烈的气味和对金属的腐蚀性,并且能够使某些蓝色植物染料变红。 12. Billie Holiday's reputation as a great jazz-blues singer rests on her ability to give emotional depth to her songs. Billie Holiday's作为一个爵士布鲁斯乐杰出歌手的名声建立在能够赋予歌曲感情深度的能力。 13. Essentially, a theory is an abstract, symbolic representation of what is conceived to be reality. 理论在本质上是对认识了的现实的一种抽象和符号化的表达。 14. Long before children are able to speak or understand a language, they communicate through facial expressions and by making noises. 儿童在能说或能听懂语言之前,很久就会通过面部表情和靠发出噪声来与人交流了。 15. Thanks to modern irrigation, crops now grow abundantly in areas where once nothing but cacti and sagebrush could live. 受当代灌溉(技术设施)之赐,农作物在原来只有仙人掌和荞属科植物才能生存的地方旺盛的生长。 16. The development of mechanical timepieces spurred the search for more accurate sundials with which to regulate them. 机械计时器的发展促使人们寻求更精确的日晷,以便校准机械计时器。 17. Anthropology is a science in that anthropologists use a rigorous set of methods and techniques to document observations that can be checked by others.


2016年托福写作真题及解析 为了让大家更好的准备托福考试,给大家整理了托福真题解析,下面就和大家分享,来欣赏一下吧。 2016年托福阅读真题及解析1 托福阅读第一篇欧洲人口增加 原文回顾:欧洲经济发展相关,工业化和食物的增长促进了人口的增长。高速城市化:人们开始从乡下往城镇转移,因此带来了工作,生活资料等一系列的变化。细节讲到了熟练工和普通人的区别,考了两个题。最后讲到了人口的增加导致人均工资下降的问题。 学习: After a century of virtually no population growth, the countries of Western Europe experienced dramatic population increases between 1750 and 1800. Many countries doubled in size. In some countries, the growth continued through the nineteenth century. The population of Great Britain, for instance, doubled between 1750 and 1800 and then tripled between 1800 and 1900. There were several reasons for the sudden increase. Medical advances and improved hygiene limited the devastation caused by epidemic diseases and


赞美老师的作文题目 篇一:赞美老师的作文 赞美老师的作文 赞美老师的作文(一) 老师,还记得在您刚见我的时候,把我们从一个个充满着天真的孩子变成一个个有理想,有作为的小学生时,您为我们付出了多少,我们在享受着自己的成功,享受自己的快乐时,却不能忘掉老师,您是山间最清凉的山泉,您用您的博学多才让我们了解这个广阔无垠的世界,让我们看到这个世界的大,您就像是我们的望远镜,让我们看得更远,看得更清,就像山泉水一样,清晰得能让你看到底层。老师,你教我们要勇于与困难做斗争,不要被困难压倒,我还记得你常说的那句话,“不经历风雨,怎么能见彩虹,没有人随随便便成功。”是啊,成功与困难是相对存在的,如果没有了困难,成功又何从谈起呢。 老师,您是茂盛的叶子,您用您强有力的身躯呵护着我们这些未来的花骨朵儿。您从不为你很委屈,你总是默默的奉献你的一身,为了你的学生,为了你的使命,您甘愿做绿叶也不愿做红花,您想用自己的能力擦亮这世间的曙光,让生生学子们的梦飞得更高,飞得更远。 老师,您用您的一生教我们懂得为何要有追求,为何要有理想,为何要超越自己。老师,您把最美的笑容留给这精彩的世界,您是我们心中最美的神话。

赞美老师的作文(二) 在这漫长的学习生活中,我清楚的记着您那沾满粉笔末的双手;我曾记得您那慈善的谆谆教诲;我曾记得您那新增的几根银发;因为有您莘莘学子才能成才。因为有您世界才会如此文明。老师,您是明灯,为迷失方向的孩子找回温暖的家。 老师,您是美的耕耘者。是您用美的阳光普照,用美的雨露滋润,我们的心才绿草如茵繁花似锦!您为花的盛开,果的成熟忙碌着,默默地垂着叶的绿荫!啊,老师,您的精神,永记我心中! 老师,您辛苦了!回顾六年的历程,我们每一点成绩都离不开您的心血和汗水,我们每一点成绩都离不开您的辅助与教会。 想起与您共同坐在教室里的美好时光,有一次,您的身体很不舒服,脸色没有以前的红润,声音比以前更小了,可您还是坚持为我们上课,生怕之前讲不完。突然有铃声——是您的手机,可您并没有接,而是将手机挂断??手机铃声响了,您无可奈何的接起手机,因为教师十分安静,所以能清楚的听见手机里那个人的说话声,显然这是您的家人,她们让您回家,要不病情会加重那可就不好了,而您去拒绝了,一直挺了一上午,下午您不在,每个同学的心里都知道老师是因为上午带病上课,使病情更重了。啊!老师是无私的您像红烛一样牺牲了自己照亮了别人。这是我想到了四年级学过的一首诗老师——绿叶在风里沙沙,那是我们给您唱的歌,帮您消除一天的疲倦。




1. 旅游业不但给政府带来税收而且给很多人提供了就业机会。 2. 赌博不但对健康有害,而且会影响家庭和睦。 3. 打工不但能让学生赚零花钱,而且还能让他们学到人际交往的能力。 4. 现在很多学校的校服不但贵,而且还难看,质量不好。 5. 政府不但要多建一些公路,还要鼓励人们多使用公交车。 6. 老人们既不需要很多的钱,也不需要很大的房子,他们最需要的是子女的关心和照顾。 7. 我喜欢旅游,但是,我既没有钱,也没有时间。 8. 在老人院,老人既能够接受到医疗,又能够找到很多有共同话题,共同兴趣的的伙伴。 9. 缴税既是有有利于国家,也是有利于个人。因为政府的税收主要用于公共服务,这个是每个人都会受益的。 10. 打电脑游戏既浪费时间,又有害视力。

11. 打电脑游戏既能使人放松,又能锻炼大脑的灵活性,反映能力 12. 依照最近的一项调查,每年有4,000,000人死于与吸烟有关的疾病。 13. 没有一项发明像互联网一样同时受到如此多的赞扬和批评。 14. 许多专家指出体育锻炼直接有助于身体健康。 15. 无可否认,空气污染是一个极其严重的问题:城市当局应该采取有力措施来解决它。 16. 考虑到问题的严重性,在事态进一步恶化之前,必须采取有效的措施。 17. 尽管这一观点被广泛接受,很少有证据表明飞机会造成灾难性的污染。 18. 没有人能否认:教育是人生最重要的一方面。 19. 事实上,我们必须承认生命的质量和生命本身一样重要。 20. 我们应该不遗余力地保护我们的环境。 21. 现在,人们普遍认为 22. 我同意后者,有如下理由:


我的老师(高一作文) 我的老师 每位老师对每个学生的一生都有很大的影响。老师的每一个鼓励的微笑,每一次生气的训斥,每一回语重心长的教导,都会深深的印在学生的脑海中。在这一言一行一举一动背后,都包含着老师对于学生的关爱。这深厚的感情如蚌中珍珠,愈是被时间的浪潮冲刷愈是圆润明亮,焕发出光彩。 时光荏苒,但老师的音容笑貌,举手投足,时常展现在眼前,萦绕在脑海中。李老师,我的三年初中班主任和英语老师,犹记得每次临近上课,你脚踩着高跟鞋在楼道里发出清脆的声响,班中所有同学都仿佛触电一般,喝水的聊天的都立马坐好,这时您走进了班级,映入眼帘的是您端庄的仪容,嘴角有时挂上的微笑令我放松。正因如此三年前,刚刚步入初中,满怀紧张毫无经验的我担任了您的班长。在课上,您对于我们总是严格要求,那一节课堂,您说:"班长站起来,给大家翻译一下这篇文章。"望着您带着鼓励的目光,我却结结巴巴地读,译。我的声音越来越小,同学们无意发出的翻书页声,按笔声仿佛一下子淡去,教室里只有我一个人的声音。嘴里的单词像我隐隐约约听到的心跳声那样,急促而又无力;几秒,我却觉得像是很久之后,心跳声咚咚,咚咚,仿佛就在耳边。正当尴尬之时,我看到了您那略带失望而又充满包容的目光,您和我一起翻译了全文。下课后您对我说:"你可要好好学英语啊!瞧你上课......"。点点滴滴,从开学到毕业,老师您的信任与鼓励还有关爱,给了我学习的自信,给了我发奋发图强的动力,是你给了我奔向好前程的希望,让我进步令我成长。 孔子曰:"有教无类。"孔子三千弟子,不可能每个都成大器。老师对于学生的的教导与期冀,不仅仅是指未来的成就有多大,更是希望学生们能够一生平安幸福。还记得四个月前,我们的毕业典礼上,李老师代表全年级的老师上台发言,最令我感动的是这段:"......孩子们,或许有些同学老师可能忽略了你,老师不能时时刻刻看到每一个同学,请你原谅,但是你们每一个人都在老师心里留下了很深的痕迹......老师最大的愿望是希望我的孩子们在今后的日子的里,永远平平安安,幸福快乐!"台下掌声阵阵,我看着周围伴着我成长三年的朋友们,许多都可我一样静静地擦拭着溢出的泪水。李老师,您的真心我能感觉到,您对于每一个同学的关心和爱护,你和我们一起时的一切,都如同昨日历历在目,点点滴滴都是您无私的付出,您的爱我会永远留在心间。 时间不会消磨真正的深情,师生间的情谊如美酒,越放越醇香。师恩永难忘,行动是最好的证明。今年教师节后,我回到初中看望老师。学校装修翻新了,略显陌生,可是走在校园中忆起过往每一个角落都有您的身影在旁。见到您的那一瞬间,泪水再也止不住,禁不住冲上前去抱住你。耳边传来您有些惊讶和笑意的声音:"你来了啊!怎么哭了,记得你原来很冷静的呀。我的心中不禁笑起来,人都会改变,原来的冷静已经被你的温柔耐心所改变,变得感性。接着,您问了我现在的状况,您对我语重心长地说,步入高

08-09 托福所有写作真题整理

Friends 080115 It is better to make friends with intelligent people than with people who have a good sense of humor. 081122 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081123 Students are more influenced by their teachers than by their friends 081220 People with different interests and personalities cannot be friends. 090627 For future career, success is related well to other people more important than studying hard at school. 091101 Is advice given by older people more valuable than from people at your age. Education 080119 Nowadays each group member get same grade. Is it a good method to evaluate students to give the same grade to all the members who do the same project together. What do you think of the way of evaluation? 081216 Grades encourage students to learn. 080330 Students would receive a better effective education if they were required to attend classes for 11 months of a year. 080427 Many teacher assign homework to students every day. Do you think that daily homework is necessary for students? 080607 Do you think children should play computer games? 080629 University education is the most important factor of success in life. 080809 University students should be required to take basic science classes even if they are not part of the field of the study. 080824 A teacher who is serious and strict is more efficient than a teacher who uses humors and is easygoing. 080921 Some people think children should study and play other people think children should help with household chores. 081101


我的老师作文题目 【篇一:教师招聘考试作文题10篇】 教师招聘考试作文题10篇专项 一. 蹲下身来,倾听孩子们的声音 要成为一名受学生拥戴的老师,就应该蹲下身子,静静的等待孩子 开花,同时老师和学生也会一起成长,一起变得更加智慧。 学生对老师有特殊的信任,他们特别希望能得到老师的信任,像朋 友一样和老师平等的交流。他们认为,只有父母和老师的信任,才 是真实、可靠的。老师的信任意味着压力、重视和鼓励,这是真正 触动他们心灵的动力。反之,如果师生间的情感疏远,心理距离大,学生就会对老师产生一种敬而远之的回避心理,那么,这个教师首 先就不容易被学生接受,其教育的内容就更难被接受了。当老师与 学生打开心灵,当老师与学生真情涌动,更多的信任在学生心中油 然而生。 特别喜欢泰戈尔的一句诗:“让我的爱像阳光一样,随时包围着你却 又给你充分的自由。”他让我懂得在老师与学生的关系上,老师对学 生的爱也应该像阳光一样,温暖着学生,同时宽容学生,尊重学生。蹲下身子做老师就会发现:原来我们的学生也是非常可爱的!成长 中的孩子关注自我,追求理解,他们希望与老师交流,渴望和真情 互动,老师每逢学生出现认识、行为上的偏差,如果蹲下身子从学 生的位置考虑,就会发现,学生产生某种想法、做某件事是情有可 原的;要是自己碰到这类事,也难免会产生类似的想法或做法。这样,教师处理问题时,要学会宽容,就会为学生着想,不对学生的 所作所为求全责备;学生也会觉得教师是和他(她)站在一起的, 于是就会比较容易接纳教师提出的建议。 有个叫皮格马利翁的人,他精心雕刻了一座女神像,他被自己雕刻 的女神像迷住了,整天对着她膜拜,最后女神像被他的虔诚打动, 终于变成了美丽的少女。这就是著名的皮格马利翁效应。它传递给 我们的教育信息就是以欣赏者的眼光对待学生,会产生积极的效应。每位学生都希望得到老师的关爱,都希望得到老师的重视,希望老 师多看自己一眼,有些甚至以闹事的方式来引起老师的注意。每一 个学生都有自己的长处和闪光点,作为教师,我们要求自己能够触 觉敏锐,教师要善于捕捉学生身上的“闪光点”,并及时加以表扬。 但是表扬不能太“廉价”或过度,这会使学生觉得老师的表扬不是真


课栈网托福写作佳句 很多考生不知托福写作如何才能写得更好,更流畅,其实多看一些别人写的考福作文,获益非浅,很多句子写作时都可以用到。课栈网总结了托福写作多年来的佳句,大家可学习参考。 1.The two major challenges facing China today center on maintaining sustained economic growth and feeding its growing population of over 1.2 billion people with only seven percent of the world's cultivable land . Despite the monumental difficulties involved , Chinese people will undoubtedly exhibit their indefatigable resilience and achieve great success in both regards . 现在,中国面临的两大挑战是保持持续的经济增长和靠世界上仅仅百分之七的可耕地养活仍在增长的12亿人口。尽管遇到的困难很大,中国人无疑会表现出不知疲倦的活力,在两方面都取得巨大成功。 2. When it comes to the increasing use of motor vehicles in Beijing , some people think that use should be limited . Others argue that the opposite is true . There is probably some truth to both arguments,but emission controls must be instituted regardless of the number of vehicles. 涉及北京机动车使用量增加这一问题,有的人认为应该限制使用。另一些人持相反意见。也许双方的观点都有一定道理,但是,无论车辆多少,必须对废气排放实行控制。 3. There is a general debate nowadays about the problem of itinerant workers . Those who object to the rising migrant population argue that increasing numbers lead to rising crime rates and harm social stability . They believe that strict limits should be placed on migrants entering China ' s cities . But people who favor the influx of the cheap labor force , on the other hand , maintain that migrants are needed to support the massive urban infrastructure construction program . 目前,针对流动工人的问题展开了普遍的争论。反对流动工人增加的人认为这会导致犯罪率升高,从而危害社会稳定。他们主张应该严格限制进入中国城市的流动工人。但是,另一方面,支持廉价劳动力流入的人主张,为了支持大规模的城市基础设施建设规划,流动人口是必需的。 4. It is widely acknowledged that extensive deforestation contributed to heavy summer flooding . Experts argue that China must introduce a massive afforestation program . But I doubt whether afforestation alone will solve the problem . 人们普遍认为过度砍伐造成了夏季特大洪水。专家认为中国必须推行大规模的植树造林计划。但我对仅仅植树造林就能解决问题表示怀疑。 托福综合写作模板 5. Most people are of the opinion that wealth provides solutions to all problems . But in spite of the material benefits wealth provides , I believe one should abandon the pursuit of materialism and instead concentrate on the pursuit of happiness .

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