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大学英语试题(A )



Directions: There are 3 passages

in this section. Each

passage is followed by some questio ns or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked [A], [B], [C] and [D]. You should decide on the best choice and mark the corresponding letter on Answer Shee t 2 with a single line through the centre. Passage One

Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage.

For Roy Johnson, a senior magazine editor, the latest indignity came after a recent dinner at a fancy restaurant in the wealthy New York City suburb where he and his family live. First the parking valet handed him the keys to his Jaguar instead of fetching the car. Then an elderly white couple came out and handed him the keys to their black Mercedes-Benz. “It took them a while to realize that I was not a valet,” says Johnson. “It didn ’t matter that I was dressed for dinner and had paid a handsome price for the meal, just as he had. What mattered was that I didn ’t fit his idea of someone who could be equal to him.”

Such incidents, which are depressingly familiar to African-Americans of all ages, incomes and social classes, help explain why black and white attitudes often differ so completely. A recent survey found that 68 percent of blacks believe racism is still a major problem in America. Only 38 percent of whites agreed.

Many Americans find the gulf between blacks and whites bewildering. After all, official segregation(隔离) is a bad memory and 40 years of law, policies and court decisions have helped

African-Americans make significant progress toward equal opportunity. Indeed, a black man born in Harlem could be the nation’s next president.

But racism persists, unmistakable to every black but largely invisible to many whites. It is evident in the everyday encounters African-Americans have with racial prejudice and discrimination, like the valet parking incident. Such encounters often strike whites as trivial misunderstandings. But they remind blacks that they are often dismissed as less intelligent, less industrious, less honest and less likely to succeed. Some insults are clearly racist; others may be evidence of insensitivity or bad manners rather than racial prejudice. But the accumulation of insults feeds anger.

“What is amazing to me is the number of whites who express surprise that any of this happens,”observes Mary Frances Berry, chairperson of the U.S. Commission on Civil Rights, who says she has been watched at shopping malls.

1. The word “valet” in the first paragraph most probably means .

A) a restaurant owner B) a driver of expensive cars

C) a wealthy-looking gentleman D) a restaurant employee taking care of dinners’ car

2. Roy Johnson was unfairly treated because .

A) his car was inferior in quality B) he didn’t wear proper clothes

C) he failed to express himself clearly D) he is black

3. From the passage we can learn that .

A) both blacks and whites are bewildered by racism

B) examples of racism are becoming rare in the US

C) official segregation is forgotten because of bad memories

D) a black man born in Harlem will be the next US president

4. It is implied in the passage that many white people deny the presence of racism in the US because


A) they tend to regard instances of racism as trivial misunderstandings

B) they have never seen any instance of racism in their daily encounters

C) they believe African-Americans have made significant progress

D) they have treated black people as their equals on all occasions

5. Judging from the context, the most possible explanation for Mary Frances Berry’s being watched at shopping malls is that .

A) she was a celebrity

B) she didn’t fit people’s idea of an Afro-American woman

C) many people nowadays are insensitive and rude

D) she is black

答案:1-5 DDAAD

Passage two

Questions 6 to 10 are based on the following passage:

Americans are proud of their variety and individuality, yet they love and respect few things more than a uniform, whether it is the uniform of an elevator operator or the uniform of a five-star general. Why are uniforms so popular in the United States?

Among the arguments for uniforms, one of the first is that in the eyes of most people they look more professional than civilian (百姓的) clothes. People have become conditioned to expect superior quality from a man who wears a uniform. The television repairman who wears a uniform tends to inspire more trust than one who appears in civilian clothes. Faith in the skill of a garage mechanic is increased by a uniform. What easier way is there for a nurse, a policeman, a barber, or a waiter to lose professional identity (身份) than to step out of uniform?

Uniforms also have many practical benefits. They save on other clothes. They save on laundry bills. They are tax-deductible (可减税的). They are often more comfortable and more durable than civilian clothes.

Primary among the arguments against uniforms is their lack of variety and the consequent loss of individuality experienced by people who must wear them. Though there are many types of uniforms, the wearer of any particular type is generally stuck with it, without change, until retirement. When people look alike, they tend to think, speak, and act similarly, on the job at least.

Uniforms also give rise to some practical problems. Though they are long-lasting, often their initial expense is greater than the cost of civilian clothes. Some uniforms are also expensive to maintain, requiring professional dry cleaning rather than the home laundering possible with many types of civilian clothes.

6. It is surprising that Americans who worship variety and individuality _______.

A) still judge a man by his clothes

B) hold the uniform in such high regard

C) enjoy having a professional identity

D) will respect an elevator operator as much as a general in uniform

7. People are accustomed to thinking that a man in uniform _______.

A) suggests quality work

B) discards his social identity

C) appears to be more practical

D) looks superior to a person in civilian clothes

8. The chief function of a uniform is to _______.

A) provide practical benefits to the wearer

B) make the wearer catch the public eye

C) inspire the wearer’s confidence in himself

D) provide the wearer with a professional identity

9. According to the passage, people wearing uniforms _______.

A) are usually helpful

B) have little or no individual freedom

C) tend to lose their individuality

D) enjoy greater popularity

10. The best title for this passage would be _______.

A) Uniforms and Society

B) The Importance of Wearing a Uniform

C) Practical Benefits of Wearing a Uniform

D) Advantages and Disadvantages of Uniforms

答案:6-10: BADCD

Passage Three

Questions 11 to 15 are based on the following passage.

It is pretty much a one-way street. While it may be common for university researchers to try their luck in the commercial world, there is very little traffic in the opposite direction. Pay has always been the biggest deterrent, as people with families often feel they cannot afford the drop in salary when moving to a university job. For some industrial scientists, however, the attractions of academia (学术界) outweigh any financial considerations.

Helen Lee took a 70% cut in salary when she moved from a senior post in Abbott Laboratories to a medical department at the University of Cambridge. Her main reason for returning to academia mid-career was to take advantage of the greater freedom to choose research questions. Some areas of inquiry have few prospects of a commercial return, and Lee’s is one of t hem.

The impact of a salary cut is probably less severe for a scientist in the early stages of a career. Guy Grant, now a research associate at the Unilever Centre for Molecular Informatics at the University of Cambridge, spent two years working for a pharmaceutical (制药的) company before returning to university as a post-doctoral researcher. He took a 30% salary cut but felt it worthwhile for the greater intellectual opportunities.

Higher up the ladder, where a pay cut is usually more significant, the demand for scientists with a wealth of experience in industry is forcing universities to make the transition (转换) to academia more attractive, according to Lee. Industrial scientists tend to receive training that academics do not, such as how to build a multidisciplinary team, manage budgets and negotiate contracts. They are also well placed to bring something extra to the teaching side of an academic role that will help students get a job when they graduate, says Lee, perhaps experience in manufacturing practice or product development. “Only a small number of undergraduates will continue in an academic career. So someone leaving university who already has the skills needed to work in an industrial lab has far more potential in the job market than someone who has spent all their time on a narrow research project.”


11. By “a one-way street”(Line 1, Para. 1), the author means ________.

A) university researchers know little about the commercial world

B) there is little exchange between industry and academia

C) few industrial scientists would quit to work in a university

D) few university professors are willing to do industrial research

12. The word “deterrent”(Line 2, Para. 1) most probably refers to something that ________.

A) keeps someone from taking action C) attracts people’s attention

B) helps to move the traffic D) brings someone a financial burden

13. What was Helen Lee’s major consideration when she changed her job in the middle of her career?

A) Flexible work hours. C) Her preference for the lifestyle on campus.

B) Her research interests. D) Prospects of academic accomplishments.

14. Guy Grant chose to work as a researcher at Cambridge in order to ________.

A) do financially more rewarding work

B) raise his status in the academic world

C) enrich his experience in medical research

D) exploit better intellectual opportunities

15. What contribution can industrial scientists make when they come to teach in a university?

A) Increase its graduates’competitiveness in the job market.

B) Develop its students’potential in research.

C) Help it to obtain financial support from industry.

D) Gear its research towards practical applications.

答案:11-15: CABDA

Directions:Complete the following sentences by translating into English the Chinese given in bracket.

Please write your translation on Answer Sheet 2(答题纸).

1. (离圣诞节只有一个星期了),the housewives are all busy shopping.

2. 这些玩具必得在达到严格的安全要求后才可出售给儿童。(requirement)

3. There would be no life on earth ___________________________________________(没有地球独特的环境).

4. 和大公司相比,中小公司更容易受到全球经济危机的威胁。(medium, vulnerable)

5. (商店都关门了),the street looked deserted.


1. With Christmas only a week away

2. The toys have to meet strict requirements before they can be sold to children.

3. without its unique environment/but for its unique environment

4. Medium-sized and small companies are more vulnerable to the threat of the global economic crisis than the large ones.

5. With all the shops closed


题目部分,(卷面共有3题,21.0分,各大题标有题量和总分) 一、Fill in the Blanks with the Right Word(实词填空)(1小题,共1.0分) 1.(0.5分) These charges and interest rates are va_______ and the Bank reserves the right to change them from time to time. 二、Reading Comprehension 阅读理解(2小题,共20.0分) 1.(10分)Questions 1 to 5 are based on the following passage. In the United States a university professor is given a few months of freedom from his duties about every seventh year for travel or advanced study. This period of freedom from teaching is called a “study or research leave”. Its purpose is to give the professor experiences which will make him a wiser person and a better teacher when he returns to his university. Few study leaves are interesting enough to be described in national newspapers and magazines. Recently, however, there was an exception. The public learned how Dr. John R. Coleman, president of Haverford College, had spent his study leave. At the age of 51, Dr. Coleman was determined to escape from university life for a few months and to get a variety of experiences in the world of work. He especially wanted to learn about people. People who do hard physical labor were especially interesting to him. “I wanted to get away from the world of words and political matters and parties – the things a president does,” Dr. Coleman later explained to news writers. “As a college president you begin to take yourself very seriously and to think you have power you don't. You forget things about people. I wanted to relearn things I’d forgotten.” Telling no on e of his plans, Dr. Coleman started his study leave on a farm in Canada, hundreds of miles from his college. Getting up at 4:30 each morning, working thirteen hours a day in fields, he prepared himself physically for his next job, digging ditches in Atlanta, GeorgiA、 After that, the college president washed dishes ina Boston restaurant. During the last ten days of his leave, he worked as a garbage collector. 1. The first paragraph is mainly about _______________. A、why a professor should be free from his duties every seventh year B、how professors spend their study leave C、what a study leave is and its purpose D、how a study leave makes a professor a wiser person and a better teacher 2. A study leave is a period of freedom from duties allowed to a university teacher who has taught ________ since his last leave. A、for six years B、for seven years C、for a term D、for a university year 3. People learned about Dr. Coleman's unusual experiences from ________. A、his colleagues B、the boss of a Boston restaurant C、the Canadian newspapers and magazines D、the U.S. newspapers and magazines 4. Dr. Coleman carried out his study leave in an unusual way because ________. A、he hates his university life, especially his job as a president B、he wanted to learn about people, especially people who do hard physical labor


1. He has been trying hard to hold ___________ his temper. A)up to B)in to C)down to D)on to 2. Yesterday I went shopping and found a lot of ___________ in the sale. A)barges B)bargains C)barrages D)barracks 3. The old machine won’t ___________ properly if you don’t oil it regularly. A)affect B)effect C)function D)practice 4. What is really abnormal sleepiness is now almost the norm.

A)unique B)regular C)unusual D)odd 5. How soon can I be ____as a member of the school football team? A)received B)admitted C)allowed D)permitted 6. The decay of food can usually be _________ by the sense of smell. A)found B)received C)detected D)protected 7. I’m not particular ____________ my clothes; I don’t mind what I wear. A)in B)with


大学英语2试卷( A卷) 时间90分钟 ⅠMultiple Choice(30points, one point for each ) 1.____being greatly respected in the community, he earned barely enough to provide for his large family. A Despite B Despite of C In spite D Spite of 2. The policeman insisted ___ seeing what I had in my bag. A in B on C of D by 3. If I had stayed in business, I ___ a really wealthy man today. But now, I haven’t enough money. A might have been B would have been C might be D will be 4. ___ conditioned are most of us to the idea that success is money that the thought of giving up a good salary for happiness seems foolish. A So B For C As D Such 5. They could not decide what to do, ___ would they ask for help. A so B nor C and D for 6.In a truly free market, you wouldn’t be able to ___ money without making a quality product. A obtain B receive C make D achieve 7. “Stepparent ” is a term we attach ___ men and women who marry into families where children already exist. A to B with C as D for 8. If a computer message came ____ to “Dad”, for example, I’d feel forgotten and neglected. A addressed B addressing C being addressed D been addressed 9. The medicine needs to be taken ___ a daily basis. A on B at C for D as 10. The United States consists of ___ states including California and Maryland. A fifty B forty-nine C forty-eight D fifty-one 11. You can’t see through a telescope unless it is ___ correctly to your sight. A adjusted B adapted C adopted D admitted 12. When I read the letters, I can’t help ____ my parents. A missing B to miss C miss D to missing 13. “ Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent perspiration.” This sentence is said by ___. A Thomas Edison B Albert Einstein C Leonardo da Vinchi D Bill Gates 14. It took the experts several months to decide on the ___ for the new airport. A source B earth C site D character 15. He was seriously injured in a car ___ last year. A shock B crash C passage D mistake 16. You also have trouble ___ time to get your hair cut. A find B to find C found D finding 17. I failed to ___ Sally to go with me to the party, so I went alone. A handle B achieve C inspire D persuade 18. His brothers and sisters all live close ___ . It’s easy for him to seek help. A to B by C on D in 19. I saw him ___ along the street with a large balloon and then ___ into the crowd. A run, disappear B run, to disappear C to run, disappear D to run, to disappear 20. My father gave up ___ only one year ago.


第二部分词汇与结构(40分) 阅读下面的句子和对话,从A、B、C三个选项中选出一个能填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题纸上写出所选的字母符号。(每题2分,共40分) 6. David is only accountant in my father's company. A.a B. an C. the 7. I usually get up ______ 7 o'clock in the morning. A. at B. in C. on 8. _____ name is Clair. A. She B. She's C. Her 9. There is in front of the television. A. a sofa B. sofa C. many sofas 10. I don't want milk in my coffee. A. some B. any C. many 11. I'm sorry she's not in. Would you like to a message? A. leave B. rest C. keep 12. Hurry up. We don't have ______ time. A. many B. C. too many 13. You ____ go to bed and sleep. A. need B. should C. would 14. She is making ______ a cup of coffee. A. itself B .himself C. herself 15. What ____ they do on Sundays? A. have B. do C. are 16. I'm bad at spelling, but Jane is _______ than me. A. less B. bad C. worse 17. It heavily here at this moment. A. rain B. rains C. is raining 18. _______ you like to go to the pub after work? A. Would B. Should C. Could


《大学英语》试卷及答案 学号:姓名:专业层次: 分数: 一.单项选择题(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分) 1. The Business Banking Department is on_____C_______second floor. A. / B. a C. the 2. Maria often has a walk with______C______parents in the morning. A. she B. their C. her 3. There_____B_______four children in the picture. A. is B. are C. have 4. I’d like______A______oranges, please. A. some B. any C. / 5. ______B______does the flat cost a month? A. How many B. How much C. How about 6. I’m bad at spelling, but Jane is_____B_______than me. A. bad B. worse C. less 7. He______B______in Beijing, but his parents____________in Hangzhou. A. live, lives B. lives, live C. live, live 8. - I’m enjoying the long summer evenings. -____A________am I. A. So B. Neither C. Nor 9. I usually get up_____A_______7 o’clock in the moring. A. at B. in C. on 10. It often______B______in winter in the north of China. A. snow B. snows C. is snowing 11. —The second bedroom isn’t big enough. —Yes, I agree. It is______B______. A. small B. too small C. enough small 12. This is his book. Could you give it_____A_______him? A. to B. with C. for 13. I’m interested _____A_______cooking. A. in B. to C. at 14. I’d like to_______B_____you to a party this Saturday. A. join B. invite C. leave 15. When_______A_____for London? A. is she flying B. she flies C. she is going to fly 二.阅读理解(本大题共15小题,每小题2分,共30分)


《大学英语(一)》模拟试题二 第一部分:交际用语(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 此部分共有5个未完成的对话,针对每个对话中未完成的部分有4个选项,请从 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答案题卡上的相应字母涂黑。示例[A] [B] [C] [D] 1. — Do you think city life can benefit people a lot? — _______ A. Well, that depends. B. Of course, it is. C. Yes, perfectly. D. Nothing at all. 2. — If you were in my situation, what would you do? — _______ A. I'm sorry to know that. B. Sorry, I have no idea. C. It's no big deal. D. Why worry? 3. — _______ — Why not stay for another cup of tea? A. I'm afraid I'd better say goodbye. B. See you. C. It's good to talk with you. D. I'm sorry I have no more time. 4. — I think it would be a good idea to play table tennis after class. — _______ A. It's my favorite. B. It doesn't count. C. I am with you. D. Yes, let's go. 5. — Monica, I'd like you to meet Philip. He is the monitor of our class. — _______ A. It is so good. B. Oh, I am happy. C. Nice to meet you. D. Good! 第二部分:阅读理解(共20小题;每小题2分,满分40分) 此部分共有4篇短文,每篇短文后有5个问题。请从每个问题后的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并用铅笔将答题卡上的相应字母涂黑。示例[A] [B] [C] [D] Passage 1 Are you nervous? Maybe you should sit in a blue room. Are you always cold? Maybe you should sit in a room painted in a warm color such as soft orange. Are you often sad? Maybe you should sit in a yellow room. Some researchers believe that color has the power to affect our feelings. They believe that colors affect almost everyone in the same way. They tested the idea in different settings. One study was done in a workplace. The researchers painted heavy boxes white and light boxes black. They wanted to see how color affected the workers' feelings. Which boxes do you think were more difficult to lift? The heavy white ones? No. The black boxes were more difficult. The white boxes were heavier but they looked light. The researchers think that this is because light colors seem light. Another study was done at a hospital with brown and dark green walls. Painters repainted the hospital walls in bright colors — bright orange on the first floor, bright pink on the second, bright green on the third. Guess what happened? The patients changed. They visited each other and talked more. The workers also changed and were happier about their work. Another study was done at a school. Researchers at the University of Alberta in Edmonton, Canada, studied children with behavior problems in their classroom. When the walls were brown and yellow, the children's heart rates went up and they were overactive. When the walls were light and dark blue, the children's heart rates were slower and the children were much calmer. If this is true, people might start to think carefully about the colors around them—not just in houses, but also in offices, in schools, in hospitals, in gyms, in prisons, in museums, and in


大学英语试题及答案一、交际英语 Can I help you, sir - _________ , I don't need your help. . I'd like to withdraw some money. , leave me alone. 't bother me! 答案:B I wonder if I could use your computer tonight - ___________ I'm not using it right now. , here you are. don't know. doesn't matter. cares 答案:A Excuse me, how much is the jacket - It's 499 Yuan. ________ , no. That's OK! do you like it do you prefer you like to try it on 答案:D It's rather cold in here. Do you mind if I close the window - ________ , please. , please. , please. don't like it. 答案:B Do you mind my smoking here - _______

, thanks. , I do. . I'd rather not. idea. 答案:B 二、阅读理解 Peter arrived home and discovered that he had forgotten his door key. He rang the bell, but nobody came to open the door. He rang again, and waited, but still there was no answer. He walked around the house to see if he could find an open window. But they were all closed. It was beginning to rain and he did not know what to do. Dorothy, his wife, had obviously gone out, and he did not know where she had gone, or when she would return. He waited for half an hour. Still nobody came. Finally feeling wet and angry, he picked up a big stone and threw it through the kitchen window and was climbing through it. When he heard the front door open, his wife came back. could not open the door with his key one day. 答案:B was raining that day. 答案:A threw a big stone through a window to get into his house. 答案:A wife came back when he was walking around the house.


《大学英语》试卷考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. 11. Take your camera with you. We’d like to take some of the beautiful park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported 17. The number of people invited _________ fifty, but a number of them


长江职业学院海事学院 2014-2015学年第一学期期末考试试卷 科目:大学英语期末试卷(B卷)考试类型:闭卷 (本试卷卷面总分100分,考试时间90分钟) 一、情景交际10*1′=10′分 Imagine you are meeting an English teacher from the USA at the airport. Put in the missing words. Sally: 1 _____________ me, can you help me? I'm going to Beach Hotel, but I've lost 2 _____________. Stranger: Go 3 _____________ this street until you come to West Avenue. Turn left there and go straight ahead about four blocks. The Beach Hotel is 4 _____________ of West Avenue and Main Street. Sally: I see. Thank you very much. 5 __________ the way, can I take a bus? Stranger: Yes. If you go there by bus, 6 ____________ Bus No. 15 and get 7 ____________ at the third stop. Sally: Where can I 8_____________ the bus, please? Stranger: The bus stop is over there in 9_____________ of the supermarket. Sally: 10 _____________ thanks. 二、词汇和结构15*1′=15′分 Fill in the blanks with the proper words or expressions given below, changing the form if necessary. 1.Nodding seems like an easy body language, but it may ____________agreement in one culture but totally the opposite in another. 2. Sorry, I can't give you an answer _____________ . I need to think about it further. 3. Always think positively, and it will__________________ in your life. 4.Our manager is at a conference. She can't ____________ to see you now. 5. Sometimes speaking up is not enough, and you need to ____________. 6. I'd like to ____________ some volunteer work if you don't accept my money. 7.The historical ____________ in support of this conclusion is weak. 8.The great progress they have made comes from their good ____________ work. 9. As ____________ of World Economic Forum, Dalian and Tianjin have both done a great job. 10. Of course I will _____________ what you feel about it, but business is business. 11. The freshmen could help ____________ the tickets for the college's “Do It Yourself Show”.


《大学英语》试卷 考试时间:90分钟闭卷任课老师: 班级:学号:姓名:成绩:Ⅰ.Match the words in column A with the explanations in column B. (15 points) Column A Column B 1.term a.. easy to get to 2.department b. accept sth.as true 3.overseas c. give great pleasure to 4.charge d. one of several division in a university, etc. 5.worth e. abroad 6.believe f. one of the periods into which the academic year is divided 7.somewhat g.. become less tense; rest 8.convenient h.. good of useful enough to do or have 9.relax i. responsibility, care or control 10.delight j. a little II.Multiple choice questions (15 points) There are five sentences in this section. Beneath each sentence there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose one or more that you think are suitable. park. A. paintings B. pictures C. files D. films 12. The is very useful. She can helps me to find many good books. A. employer B. member C. monitor D. librarian 13. Small cars are of fuel, so they have more appeal for consumers. A. free B. short C. typical D. economical 14. Next Sunday is her birthday.I ______her a bicycle as a present. A.allow B.give C.offer D.promise 15. I was in s small countryside in China. A. brought up B. bring up C. raised up D. raise up 16. Miss Yang is likely to be for promotion. A. sent B. recommended C. advised D. reported


11大会英语试题 一. 基数词和序数词从1到20 二Translation Translate the following sentences into Chinese. 1.How long have you been learning English? 2.What does your friend look like? 3.She is pretty tall and has long black hair. 4.Can I change this check into RMB? 5.How much does this book cost? 6.What would you like to drink? 7.You have probably got a bad cold. 8.How many days of holiday do you have every year? 9.Enjoy yourself at the seaside. 10.I am not feeling well. 三谚语翻译 1. Two heads are better than one 2. It’s no use crying over spilt milk 四阅读理解 1. One day Mr. and Mrs. White go shopping by car. They stop their car near a store. They buy a lot of things and they want to put the things in the car. But Mr. White can’t open the door of the car, so they ask a policeman to help them. The policeman is very friendly to


Directions: There are 10 incomplete statements here. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices marked A) , B) , C) and D) . You should mark the corresponding letter on the Answer Sheet with a single line through the center. 16. The classroom needs ____ . A) clean B) to clean C) to be cleaned D) being cleaned is a nice-looking car there. I wonder ____ . A) whom it belongs to B) whom does it belong to C) it belongs to whom D) whom does it belong 18. Wordsworth was one of the greatest poets _____ lived in the 19th century. A) which B) who C) those D) that 19. the population is too large, we have to take measures to control the birth rate. A) Although B) Since C) If D) Until 20. It is requested that every student ____ a paper on sustainable development. A) writes B) wrote C) writing D) write 21 .He said, "I _____ a lot of new poems by the end of last year." B) have already learnt C) would have already learnt 22. As Edison grew _____ , he became more and more interested in science. A) elder B) the elder C) older 23. Only in this way ____ catch up with your brothers. A) do you can B) can you C) you can one, except his two best friends, _____ where he is. A) know B) knows C) to know 25. Mr. John has decided that he will _____ the branch company set up in the small town. A) take over B) hand in C) put in D) lead to Section B Directions: There are also 10 incomplete statements here. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets. Write .the word or words in the corresponding space on the Answer Sheet. 26. We started the attack when the enemy (cross) ___________ the river. suggestion is that we (send) _____ a few people to help the other groups. am sorry to learn that you have made no (improve) _____ on the design at all. 29. I prefer (live) ____ in the country rather than in a city. 30. We had difficulty (carry) ____ out the plan. 31. Not(know) ____ her address, we couldn't get in touch with her. you know the (high) _____ of St. Paul's Cathedral. 33. The great number of traffic accidents (emphasis) ____ the need for careful driving. 34. Many modern cars are equipped with an (automatically) _____ temperature control system. 35 .That one is no good; this one is even (bad) _____ . Part 皿 Reading Comprehension (40 minutes) Direction: This part is to test your reading ability. There are 5 tasks for you to fulfil. You should read the reading materials carefully and do the tasks as you are instructed. Task 1 Direction: After reading the following passage, you will find 5 questions or unfinished statements, numbered 36 ect on A) h ad already learnt D) already learnt D) the older D) you do can D) knowing

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