当前位置:文档之家› 模具术语-整句篇



1. XXX!你现在有空吗,我可以问你一些问题吗?

Could I ask you some questions if you are free? / Are you free now? May I ask yo u some questions (a question)?


Can you tell me whether the surface of this part is a visible/esthetic one? What wi ll we do for its

surface? Texture or Polishing ?


Does this part need an ejector pin or an ejector bar? Can we add an ejector blade ?


Can we add ejector sleeves or ejector pins in the boss of this part?


There's an undercut at this position and it needs a slider. It will also have a partin g line on

this side, is that OK?


We will make the lifter and (inner) slider in this position, will that be a problem? 7.你提供的2D产品图与3D产品图不一致,请问以哪一个图面为准?

The 2D and 3D drawing you provided is not the same, can you tell me which one i s correct?


There is no draft angle in the 3D drawing, some materials are too thick, and some place are too

thin. Can we modify this part by ourselves? We will send the drawing to you for y ou to check after we modify it.


According to the shrinkage one over two hundred, the mold has been done in the right dimension, but the part falls short to your part drawing, are you sure the sh rinkage is right?


This position is too small and will make the steel material here too thin, can we wi den it here?

11.斜顶与后面的柱位空间太小,斜顶在运动时会干涉到柱子,能移动这个柱子的位置吗?The angular lifter interferes with the boss during ejection. Please consider changin g the position of the boss.


The rib here is too thin and on the high side, so it will be difficult to fill here when we do the

injection, can you increase the thickness of this rib?


Will you increase/decrease the material on this rib? We will use EDM if you add m aterial, but there are two option if you choose to decrease: 1. Make inserts;2 Wel ding, because there is water in the bottom of the insert, is that OK?

14.这个样板的筋骨位底部烧焦,是因为排气不良,我们可以在筋骨位的中间增加一个镶件。This sample has been burned in the bottom because the venting is not good, we c an add an insert in the middle of the rib.


It will take about 5 or 6 days to redo the insert, is that OK?

16.产品的这个面我们已经做了晒纹处理,如果需要加胶,这个面我们需要重新外发晒纹。可能需要几天的时间。所以我们直接以铜公放电的火花纹取代你要求的纹路,你可以接受吗?We have made the texture on this side, if we add material, it will take some days to remake the

texture by out-resourcing, so we suggest using the texture by EDM instead, is tha t OK?


Is this mold dimension measured in inches or meters? Does it need spare parts? 18.模具上铭牌上的刻字内容是由你们提供吗?你们什么时候可以这些刻字资料。

Will you provide the engraving content of the plate of this mold to us? When will y ou send it?


Can you provide the type of injection machine and other related information of thi s mold to us?

Such as the boss dimension, the hole's dimension of the ejector pin and the size o f the injection

machine and so on.


I need to discuss this problem with the other colleagues and then I will reply back to you.


We will try our best to complete your plan, if there are any complications, we will notify you



The length of this part is 330.12MM, Width is 78.96MM, height is 45MM, thickness is 2MM, weight is 70.63g, the injection machine is 250T, the material is black, th e outside of the part has texture, inner side needs polishing, and it also needs a d

ate and recycle stamp ,the core & cavity is 2344 nitridng, the lifter and slider shel f is 738H. Please check the information above!


It is time to have lunch, let's discuss this project later this afternoon?


(The undercut area interferes with the slide block and needs to be filled with mate rial to help the slider move smoothly.)

25. 加肉太多 (The thickness added is too thick.)

26. 加肉面積太大 (The thickening area is too wide.)

27.GATE位置移位 ( The gate position is moved.)

28. 滑塊拆的位置 (The split line of slide block or the area of slide.)

29. 此處有尖角,填充困難 (It is hard to fill this area due to the sharp feature.)

30. 此處鋼材太薄,強度不足而且不容易冷卻

(The strength of this area is too weak and it is hard to cool because the steel is to o thin.)

31. 圓柱特徵要有一半圓不可以拆在滑塊上,以免粘滑塊造成拉白,拉斷

(We avoid designing the semicircle of the cylinder on the slide block because it wil l be pulled

apart or cause drag marks.)

32. 此處做斜銷在作動時會削到成品肉厚

(The part will be damaged if we make the lifter in this area.)

33. 這個面是裝配面,不能加料

(This is a critical surface where we cannot add additional material.)

34. 此處料位太厚,會有縮水,建議減料改善

(Because of the shrinkage of the thickness, we suggest reducing some wall thickn ess to improve it.)

35. 此面是不是外觀面,此處做滑塊的話會有夾線,是否可以接受

"(Please confirm whether it is a critical surface or not. Also, confirm whether it is acceptable to

have a slide split line if we have a slide in this area. )"

36. 此處有倒勾,能否減料,使公母模靠破,不做滑塊和斜銷

(Please confirm whether we can reduce material to the area where we have an un dercut as indicated to have shut off on cavity side. No slide block and lifter will be made. )

37. 請盡快確認這種拆模方式和結構,否則會影響模期

(Please confirm the issues of Parting line, Gate position...Etc. as soon as possible; otherwise,

the lead-time will be extended.)

38. 此面是否有特殊要求,能否有頂針印

(Please confirm whether it is a critical surface or not and if we can have E.J. pin marks on it.)

39. P.L面開在此處,模具上會有尖角和刀口,對模具壽命有影響

(There are sharp edges if we set the parting line here, It will reduce the tool life)

40. 加大拔模角,以便脫模順

利 We suggest enlarging the draft angle to help release the tool.)

41. GATE做在此處的話有兩個缺點:1.蓋子打開時可以看到GATE的修剪部位; 2.兩個斜銷在同一側,頂出也不是很平衡.

(There are two problems if the gate is to be designed in this area:

a). It is easy to see the gate mark when you open the cap.

b). The ejectors are unbalanced when two lifters are on the same side)

42. GATE做在此處的話.蓋子打開後看不到GATE的修剪部位

(The gate mark is not visible if the gate position is designed like this.)

43. 如果GATE一定要做在你們指定的位置的話,那還不如做在這一側,這樣的話還可以減小這個位置的縮水

"(If you insist that the gate position has to be like the original design, then we wo uld further

recommend to have it to the area indicated so it can avoid a shrink problem in thi s area.)"

44. 在此處GATE做潛頂針的話,背後的外觀面會有沖料痕,而且成品又是黑色的,會最明顯(If the design of the gate has to be a sub. Gate, then the back surface of the part will have

serious flow marks due to the black color.)

22. P.L開在此處不合理,模具加工困難,P.L應改為和圖示的一樣

"(This area is not suitable to have a Parting line because the tool will become mor e complicated;

therefore, we recommend to have the Parting line as indicated.)"


"(There is possible sticking on cavity; therefore, please confirm whether it can ma ke undercuts,

snatch pins or leave coarse E.D.M. on the core to snatch the part on) "


(Please confirm whether it is acceptable to have stress lines on the surface becau se the thickness is not equal.)

47. 請注明何處為外觀面,能否提供2D圖和注意事項

(Please advise where the critical surface is. Please also provide us a 2D drawing w ith critical

dimensions. )

48. 紅色所示處是有問題的地方,請特別注意

(Please note the red highlights because those areas have problems.)

49. 成品設計此處有問題,建議如下圖所示修改

(We would suggest using the attached part design as the current design has probl ems.)

50. 此處改為一個球形的凹槽 (We suggest modifying it as a globe recess.)

51. 圓柱特征要有一半不可以拆在滑塊裡,以防拉斷 (this issue is the same as no.31)

52. 此處大滑塊上走小滑塊,小滑塊要先退,大滑塊要做延遲

(The inside small slide block will recede first and the parent slide block have to po stpone sliding.)

53. 滑塊要用液壓油缸抽芯以保証開合模順序

(The slide pins will use an oil cylinder to assure that the process is in proper order .)

54. 這個面有裝配,加料的話裝配時會頂住,如圖所示

(We cannot add material to this surface because it will intervene between the two parts when it is assembled. Please see the sketch attached. )

55. 可降低斜銷面,增加成品些許肉厚來做變化

(To descend the surface of lifter in order to thicken the part.)

56. 一半做斜銷,一半做自然

(One half side will have the lifter and the other half will be solid/nature.)

57. 此處兩個柱子重疊,有倒勾,不能做自然,要做SLIDE

"(These two bosses are overlapping with undercut therefore it can not be made a s solid. We

suggest making it with a slide block.)"

58. 此處強迫頂出 (This area needs force ejection.)

59. 公模兩段開模,這個地方先

退 (Here will be a double ejection for forward and receding.)

60. 此處做鑲件會有夾線,能否接受

Please confirm whether it is acceptable that there will be a split line here.)

61. 此面公母模1度靠破,會有段差,可否接受

(Please confirm whether it is ok to have mismatch to the area where there is 1 de gree of shut off in Core / Cavity side.)

62. 這個尺寸能否加大 (Please confirm whether we can enlarge this dimension.)

63. 此處加一個凹槽,膠片的彈出效果會更好一些,試模後看裝配的效果再做修正

(It will affect the elastic of the film better if we add a recess. See how it will affect the assembly parts, and then make your decision.)

64. 此處有倒勾,建議將剖面線所示部位CUT即可避免此處的倒勾

(There is an undercut here, we suggest cutting out the indicated part as it highlig hted to avoid an undercut.)

65. 成型後SUB GATE要修平

(The gate (sub gate) needs to be trimmed evenly after being moulded.)

66. 此處倒勾先垂直頂出,之後再手動取出

(This area of the undercut needs to be ejected vertically, then taken out manually .)

67. 這兩個面都有滑塊,GATE改在此處改不到

(The gate is not suitable in this area because there are two sliding blocks sealing off this area.)

68. 此處加做一個旋轉GATE,射出時方便調整成品的品質

(We would suggest placing a runner shut-off insert to adjust the volume of part fil ling.)

69. 此倒勾在滑塊上強迫脫模,倒勾是否可以減小到0.6

(This undercut will be force ejected out, Please confirm whether it can be reduced to 0.6 mm.)

70. 此柱子無法脫模,請確認是否是在轉圖時錯位,能否提供客戶的原始圖檔 data. ) (This boss is not releasable. Please check the file again and if possible, pleas re-s end us the

original draft

71. 此柱子是實心的,會縮水 (This boss will shrink because it is a solid boss.)

72. 這個面是否要咬花,咬花番號是什麼,最小的拔模角要多大

(Please confirm whether this surface needs to be textured or not. Please advise te xture specs. Also, what's the min. draft. )

73. 這個面是否要打光,貼標簽

(Please confirm whether this surface needs to be polished and stuck on a sticker.)

74. 紅色顯示的幾個面拔模角太小,出模時會拉傷,建議加大拔模角

"(The red highlighted area has a problem of a small draft angle. We suggest enlar ging thedraft to avoid causing drag marks on the part.)

75. 此RIB太薄,會填充不

足 (This rib can not be filled properly because it is too thin.)

76. 此RIB太厚,會縮水 (This rib will have a shrink problem because it is too thick.)

77. 此處倒勾出模困難,建議先不做倒勾,成型後再二次加工,但要做治具,費用要另外算(There are problems with this current design, we recommend doing this undercut as an alternative but there will be additional costs.)

78. 柱子底部都要做火山口

(The base of all bosses require a crater to avoid shrinkage.)


Insert/PL should have adequate venting, PL should have around slot for venting.


the surface of KO insert should below bottom plate 0.5mm,thread M20.


RP,EGP should have 0.5mm gap with the moldbase.


Venting slot distance from the seal off position 10-15mm

82.运水进用 E ,运水出用 S ;

In take E"", Out take ""S"""


Top/Bottom plate must have insulator plate, DME standard 1/4'H


Eyebolt should on the center of the mold(for balance)


The eyebolt position on the cavity/core side should on the center of gravity for bal ance


Sprue type: Trial/Delivery


Plug use NPT spec.

88.中托司采用HASCO滚珠形式. Use HASCO ball EGP


Jiffy Use French Standard: 1/4" mark:RPL08-1151

90.全部使用英文和英制单位 All in English& Imperial Unit

91.请检查内模尺寸有否乘缩水? Are part dimensions to print plus shrink?

92.凡有电线通过的角位要改为R角,是否完成 All wires protected from sharp corners?


All replaceable components must be standard components.

94. 是否加啤塑总计器?Add shot counter?


A complicated mould with thorough design consideration to overcome the numero us design constraints.

96.所有移动的零件应使用硬钢料,行位必须用硬垫板和硬线条,而且必须有限位及定位锁。All moving components should use hardened steel: all slides should be installed w ith hardened or lubricated alloy wear plates and gibs, and with positive slide retai ner.


BOM including water fittings, ejectors &custom components.

98.若没有运水回路,斜顶为铍铜。BeCu for lifters if w/o water circuits。


Corresponding components mirrored at core &cavity


Check polish for line of draw finish?

Core pull slot mechanism installed and O.K.

101.模具须用多大吊机才可搬动Crane capacity and loading clearance.。

102.经流道及变形电脑模拟分析。Conduct mold flow &mold warp analysis.

103.散件图或3D模具图Component and/or 3D mould design drawing.


Cooling less important when dimensions are not important.


Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gate and a4 cavities reverse gate moulds whi ch help to double the molding capacity and reduce production cost.

106.此模具最大的特式是,可将模具分开变成两套,在不同地方生产,增加生产的灵活性。Can be separated into two individual moulds for molding in two different mould sh ops.


Consists of all standard mould components which facilitate mould maintenance. 108.出模方向的标示Die draw called out


Dimension all the opening , travel & clearance


DME egg. Water fittings recessed and marked?


Delivery right side up , or in two halves?

112.吊模孔尺寸,平衡,2边都要有 Eyebolt size and balance in 2 sides

113.出行程、行位、斜顶行程的标注 Ejection stroke & slide, lifter travel dimensioned。114.若有斜顶,做出分析。Ejection study if lifter adopted

115.顶出到极限位置。 Ejection extended at the most

116.顶针导柱的安装 Ejector guide pins installation .

117. 重量大于50lbs的镶件必须要有吊模孔。Eyebolts for inserts more than 50lbs. 118.边缘型或直入型水口都可以接受。

Edge gate or sprue gate requiring secondary operation acceptable.


4 point in HRC different to lifters contacting or cavity steel。


4X size section, dimensioned to reflect the actual size.

121.常规、安全和搬运要求General ,safety and handling



Guided ejection recommended for mould above 100 tons clamp capacity, ejector pins of 1.5mm or smaller, or ejector stroke longer than 50mm.


Guide pin cleared and vented?


Inserts keyed and numbered to prevent incorrect assembly.

125. 斜面角度要比行位斜边角度大3度(<25度)。

Jaw angle 3 deg.more than angle pins(<25 degree).


Keep enough space to run waterline at slide /lifter/major inserts.

127.斜顶角度小于15度。Lifter angle less than 15 degree.

128.斜顶杆直径不能少于1"。Lifter rods dia, less than 1"

129.是否已安装限位制?Limit switch in tact and protected.

130.模坯和钢料号的标注Mold-base and steel dimensioned

131.斜顶镶件最小5度插穿Minimum 5 deg.for shut-off.。

132.动作机构是否正确?Mechanism for sequence


Mold safety straps installed and painted red?


Mould flow and simulation should be carried out for the best gate location, filling analysis,

pressure distribution and heat distribution.

135.模具在设计上要做到尽快冷却,上、下内模高温点应该有个别的冷却,应有适量顶针。Mould should be designed with maximum cooling and with appropriate amount of ejection points.


Mould should be able to run fully automatic. Large part should be picked up by ro bot.


Mould should be tested to meet a defined Cpk quality standard.


Mould should have safety features to protect accidental damage, incorrect assem bly and set up of mould.


Mould halves requiring accurate alignment of core and cavity, and shut off should have appropriate part line locks.


Mould requiring heating should have insulator plate.


Mould preferred to run automatic; self-degating whenever possible.


No obstructions on bottom surface of mold?


Overall mold size of the moldbase & shut height

144.出入水位有否打上IN 、OUT 字码?

Outlets accessible and marked " IN OUT and NUMBER"?

145.画出突出部件并做好保护。Protruding items shown and protected。

Parting line at the acceptable surface.合模分布在合理可接受的表面。

Put waterline as much as possible/wherever possible。尽可能布置多的运水。

Put waterline for slide /lifter/insert wherever possible.尽可能在行位、斜、镶件布置运水。

Parting line cleared and released properly?分模线是否正确?

101.模具须用多大吊机才可搬动Crane capacity and loading clearance.。

102.经流道及变形电脑模拟分析。Conduct mold flow &mold warp analysis.

103.散件图或3D模具图Component and/or 3D mould design drawing.


Cooling less important when dimensions are not important.


Combine a traditional 4 cavity edge gate and a4 cavities reverse gate moulds whi ch help to double the molding capacity and reduce production cost.

106.此模具最大的特式是,可将模具分开变成两套,在不同地方生产,增加生产的灵活性。Can be separated into two individual moulds for molding in two different mould sh ops.


Consists of all standard mould components which facilitate mould maintenance. 108.出模方向的标示Die draw called out


Dimension all the opening , travel & clearance


DME egg. Water fittings recessed and marked?


Delivery right side up , or in two halves?

112.吊模孔尺寸,平衡,2边都要有 Eyebolt size and balance in 2 sides

113.出行程、行位、斜顶行程的标注 Ejection stroke & slide, lifter travel dimensioned。114.若有斜顶,做出分析。Ejection study if lifter adopted

115.顶出到极限位置。 Ejection extended at the most

116.顶针导柱的安装 Ejector guide pins installation .

117. 重量大于50lbs的镶件必须要有吊模孔。Eyebolts for inserts more than 50lbs. 118.边缘型或直入型水口都可以接受。

Edge gate or sprue gate requiring secondary operation acceptable.


4 point in HRC different to lifters contacting or cavity steel。


4X size section, dimensioned to reflect the actual size.

121.常规、安全和搬运要求General ,safety and handling



Guided ejection recommended for mould above 100 tons clamp capacity, ejector pins of 1.5mm or smaller, or ejector stroke longer than 50mm.


Guide pin cleared and vented?


Inserts keyed and numbered to prevent incorrect assembly.

125. 斜面角度要比行位斜边角度大3度(<25度)。

Jaw angle 3 deg.more than angle pins(<25 degree).


Keep enough space to run waterline at slide /lifter/major inserts.

127.斜顶角度小于15度。Lifter angle less than 15 degree.

128.斜顶杆直径不能少于1"。Lifter rods dia, less than 1"

129.是否已安装限位制?Limit switch in tact and protected.

130.模坯和钢料号的标注Mold-base and steel dimensioned

131.斜顶镶件最小5度插穿Minimum 5 deg.for shut-off.。

132.动作机构是否正确?Mechanism for sequence


Mold safety straps installed and painted red?


Mould flow and simulation should be carried out for the best gate location, filling analysis,

pressure distribution and heat distribution.

135.模具在设计上要做到尽快冷却,上、下内模高温点应该有个别的冷却,应有适量顶针。Mould should be designed with maximum cooling and with appropriate amount of ejection points.


Mould should be able to run fully automatic. Large part should be picked up by ro bot.


Mould should be tested to meet a defined Cpk quality standard.


Mould should have safety features to protect accidental damage, incorrect assem bly and set up of mould.


Mould halves requiring accurate alignment of core and cavity, and shut off should have appropriate part line locks.


Mould requiring heating should have insulator plate.


Mould preferred to run automatic; self-degating whenever possible.


No obstructions on bottom surface of mold?


Overall mold size of the moldbase & shut height

144.出入水位有否打上IN 、OUT 字码?

Outlets accessible and marked " IN OUT and NUMBER"?

145.画出突出部件并做好保护。Protruding items shown and protected。

Parting line at the acceptable surface.合模分布在合理可接受的表面。

Put waterline as much as possible/wherever possible。尽可能布置多的运水。

Put waterline for slide /lifter/insert wherever possible.尽可能在行位、斜、镶件布置运水。

Parting line cleared and released properly?分模线是否正确?


模具英语专业术语 模具述语 一、入水:gate 进入位: gate location 水口形式:gate type 大水口:edge gate 细水口: pin-point gate 水口大小:gate size 转水口: switching runner/gate 唧嘴口径: sprue diameter 二、流道: runner 热流道: hot runner,hot manifold 热嘴冷流道: hot sprue/cold runner 唧嘴直流: direct sprue gate 圆形流道:round(full/half runner 流道电脑分析:mold flow analysis 流道平衡:runner balance 热嘴: hot sprue 热流道板:hot manifold 发热管:cartridge heater 探针: thermocouples 插头: connector plug 插座: connector socket 密封/封料: seal 三、运水:water line 喉塞:line lpug 喉管:tube 塑胶管:plastic tube 快速接头:jiffy quick connector plug/socker 四、模具零件: mold components 三板模:3-plate mold 二板模:2-plate mold 边钉/导边:leader pin/guide pin 边司/导套:bushing/guide bushing 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边L:guide pin 顶针板:ejector retainner plate 托板: support plate 螺丝: screw 管钉:dowel pin 开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:core/cavity inter-lock 顶针: ejector pin 司筒:ejector sleeve 司筒针:ejector pin 推板:stripper plate 缩呵:movable core,return core core puller 扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock 斜顶:lifter 模胚(架): mold base 上内模:cavity insert 下内模:core insert 行位(滑块): slide 镶件:insert 压座/斜鸡:wedge 耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate 压条:plate 撑头: support pillar 唧嘴: sprue bushing 挡板:stop plate 定位圈:locating ring 锁扣:latch 扣鸡:parting lock set 推杆:push bar 栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B 顶板:eracuretun 活动臂:lever arm 分流锥:spure sperader 水口司:bush 垃圾钉:stop pin 隔片:buffle 弹弓柱:spring rod 弹弓:die spring 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托边:ejector guide pin 镶针:pin 销子:dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch 喉塞: pipe plug

模具专业术语 英语对照

GLOSSARY A abrasive grinding 强力磨削 L3 abrasive[E'breisiv] a.磨料的, 研磨的 L2,3 absence ['AbsEns] n.. 不在,缺席 L17 accesssory[Ak'sesEri] n.附件 L10 accommodate[E'kCmEdeit] v. 适应 L5 accordingly[E'kC:diNli] adv.因此,从而,相应地 L7,13 accuracy['AkjurEsi] n精度,准确性 L1,3 actuate['Aktjueit] vt.开动(机器), 驱动 L8 adequate['Adikwit] a. 足够的 L13 adhesive[Ed'hi:siv] n. 粘合剂 L22 adjacent[E'dVeisnt] a. 邻近的 L13 adopt[E'dCpt] vt. 采用 L4 advance [Ed'vA:ns] n.进步 L7 advisable [Ed'vaizbl] adj. 可取的 L20 agitate['AdViteit] v. 摇动 L2 a large extent 很大程度 L4,13 algorithm ['Al^EriTEm] n. 算法 L6 align [E'lain] v 定位,调准 L17 alignment[E'lainmEnt] n. 校直 L11 all-too-frequent 频繁 L17 allowance[E'lEuens] n. 容差, 余量 L5 alternate['C:ltEnit]v.交替,轮流 L1 alternative[C:l'tE:nEtiv] n. 替换物 L3 alternatively[C:l'tE:nEtivli] ad. 做为选择, 也许 L5 aluminiun[7Alju'minjEm] n.铝 L2 ample['Ampl] adj. 充足的 L20 analysis [E'nAlEsis] n. 分析 L6 ancillary['AnsilEri] a.补助的, 副的 L4 angular ['A^julE] adj. 有角的 L20 annealing[E'li:liN] n.退火 L2 aperture ['ApEtFE] n.孔 L17 applied loads 作用力 L1 appropriate [E'prEuprieit] a. 适当的 L6,20 arc[a:k] n.弧, 弓形 L10 arise[E'raiz] vi. 出现, 发生 L21 arrange[E'reidV] v. 安排 L12 article['a:tikl] n.制品, 产品 L21 ascertain[7AsE'tein] vt. 确定, 查明 L1 assemble[E'sembl] vt.组装 L4 attitude ['Atitju:d] n 态度 L17 auxiliary [C:^'ziljEri]adj. 辅助的 L8 avoid[E'vCid] v.避免 L7 axis['Aksis] n.轴 L5 axle['Aksl] n.轮轴, 车轴 L1 B backup['bAk7Qp] n. 备份 L9 batch [bAtF] n 一批 L17 bearing['bZEriN] n.轴承,支座 L21 bed[bed] n. 床身 L5 behavior[bi'heivjE] n. 性能 L1 bench-work 钳工工作 L4 bend[bend] v.弯曲 L1 beneath[bi'ni:W] prep在···下 L4 bin [bin] n. 仓,料架 L19 blank [blANk] n. 坯料 L20 blank [blANk] v. 冲裁,落料 L17 blanking tool 落料模 L17 blast [blQst] n.一阵(风) L18 blemish['blemiF] n. 缺点, 污点 L13 bolster['bEulstE] n. 模座,垫板 L4,5 boost[bu:st] n. 推进 L9 boring['bC:riN] n.镗削, 镗孔 L4,5 bracket ['brAkit] n. 支架 L19 brass [brAs] n.黄铜 L2 break down 破坏 L1 breakage ['breikidV] n.破坏 L17 bridge piece L16 brine[brain] n. 盐水 L2 brittle['britl] adv.易碎的 L1 buffer [bQfE] n.缓冲器 L8 built-in 内装的 L9 bulging [bQldViN] n. 凸肚 L22 burr [bE:] n. 毛刺 L17 bush [buF] n. 衬套 L17 bush[buF]n. 衬套 L5 by far (修饰比较级, 最高级)···得 多, 最 L3 by means of 借助于 L5 C cabinet ['kAbinit] n.橱柜 L7 call upon 要求 L17 carbide['ka:baid] n.碳化物 L10 carburzing['ka:bjuretiN] n. 渗碳 L2 carriage['kAridV] n.拖板, 大拖板 L5 carry along 一起带走 L18 carry down over 从···上取下 L21 carry out 完成 L17 case hardening 表面硬化 L2 case[keis] n. 壳, 套 L2 cast steel 铸钢 L17 casting['ka:stiN] n. 铸造,铸件 L3 category['kAtE^Euri] n. 种类 L6,15 caution ['kC:FEn] n. 警告,警示 L17 cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板 L11 cavity['kAviti] n.型腔, 腔, 洞 L4,10 centre-drilling 中心孔 L5 ceramic[si'rAmik] n.陶瓷制品 L3 chain doted line 点划线 L11 channel['tFAnl] n.通道, 信道 L8 characteristic[kArEktE'ristik] n.特性 L1 check[tFek] v.核算 L21 chip[tFip] n.切屑, 铁屑 L3


模具行业常用术语 1. 什么叫PL面? PL面又称:分型面、啪拉面,是指模具在闭合时前模和后模相接触的部分。 2. 什么是碰穿,什么是插穿? 与PL面平行的公母模贴合面叫碰穿面,与PL面不平行的公母模贴合面叫插面。 3. 条和丝的关系? 条和丝都是长度单位,条为台湾用语,1条=0.01mm,丝为香港用语,1丝=0.01mm,所以1条=1丝。 4. 枕位是什么? 外壳类塑件的边缘常开有缺口,用于安装各类配件,此处形成的枕壮分型部分称为枕位。 5. 火山口是什么? BOOS柱根部减胶部分反映在模具上的类型于火山爆发后的形状叫做模具火山口。 6. 呵指是什么? 呵指的是模仁,香港习惯用语。

老虎口又称为:管位,即用来限位的部分。 8. 什么叫排位? 模具上的产品布局称为排位。 9. 什么叫胶位? 模具上的产品的空穴称为:胶位。 10. 什么叫骨位? 产品上的筋称为:骨位。 11. 什么叫柱位? 产品上的BOSS的柱称为:柱位。 12. 什么叫虚位? 模具上的间隙称为:虚位。 13. 什么叫扣位? 产品上连接用的钩称为:扣位。

电火花加工后留下的纹称为火花纹。 15. 铜工是什么? 电火花通常采用易于加工的铜料做放电电极,称为铜工,也称电极,铜工一般分为:粗工、粗幼工、幼工、幼工又称精工。 16. 火花位通常是多少? 放电过程中,铜工和钢料之间的放电间隙称为火花位,粗工火花一般在15到50条,幼工火花位一般在5到15条。 17. 料位是什么? 塑胶产品的避厚,也称肉厚。 18. 原身留是什么? 原身留是相对与割镶件而言,原身留是指一整块钢材为加工胚料,加工的时候一起加工出来。 19. 熔接痕是什么? 两股塑胶相遇所形成的线称为熔接痕。 20. 喷流是什么


塑胶模具类中英文对照专业术语工程部/ Design department: 1) Designer - 设计师。 2) Assembly drawing - 模具组装图。 3) Mold layout - 模具结构图。 4) 2D product drawing - 2D产品图。 5) 3D product data - 3D产品数据。 6) Part drawing - 散件图。 7) Insert molding - 镶件模。 8) 2 color mold / Double injection tool - 双色模。 9) Hydraulic system - 油/水压系统。 10) Parting line - 分模线。 11) Air venting - 排气槽。 12) Cooling system - 冷却系统。 13) Screw - 镙丝。 14) Hot runner system - 热流道。 15) Valve gate - 伐针入水口。 16) Fan gate - 扇型入水口。 17) Pin point gate - 针点进胶。 18) Moon gate / Banana gate - 香蕉,象牙入水口。 19) Submarine gate - 潜水口。 20) Injection machine tonnage - 注塑机吨数。 21) Number of cavity - 穴数。 22) Steel - 钢材。 23) Copper - 铜。 24) Tungsten copper - 钨铜。 25) Beryllium copper - 铍铜。 26) Hardening - 加硬/淬火。 27) Tempering - 回火。


模具专业英语词汇 landed plunger mold 有肩柱塞式模具?? burnishing die 挤光模英语站 landed positive mold 有肩全压式模具?? button die 镶入式圆形凹模 loading shoe mold 料套式模具 center-gated mold 中心浇口式模具loose detail mold 活零件模具 chill mold 冷硬用铸模 loose mold 活动式模具 clod hobbing 冷挤压制模 louvering die 百叶窗冲切模 composite dies 复合模具 manifold die 分歧管模具 counter punch 反凸模 modular mold 组合式模具 double stack mold 双层模具?? multi-cavity mold 多模穴模具?? electroformed mold 电铸成形模?? multi-gate mold 复式浇口模具?? expander die 扩径模?? offswt bending die 双折冷弯模具?? extrusion die 挤出模?? palletizing die 叠层模?? family mold 反套制品模具 plaster mold 石膏模 blank through dies 漏件式落料模porous mold 通气性模具 duplicated cavity plate 复板模?? positive mold 全压式模具 fantail die 扇尾形模具 pressure die 压紧模 fishtail die 鱼尾形模具?? profile die 轮廓模 flash mold 溢料式模具 progressive die 顺序模 gypsum mold 石膏铸模?? protable mold 手提式模具?? hot-runner mold 热流道模具?? prototype mold 雏形试验模具?? ingot mold 钢锭模


实用文案 模具英语专业术语 模具述语开模槽:ply bar scot 内模管位:一、入水:gate core/cavity inter-lock 顶针:ejector pin 进入位:gate location 司筒:ejector sleeve 水口形式:gate type 司筒针:edge gate ejector pin 大水口:推板:细水口:stripper plate pin-point gate 缩呵:gate size movable core,return core core 水口大小:puller switching runner/gate 转水口:扣机(尼龙拉勾):nylon latch lock sprue diameter 唧嘴口径:斜顶:lifter : runner 二、流道模胚(架):mold base hot runner,hot manifold 热流道:上内模:cavity insert : hot sprue/cold runner 热嘴冷流道下内模:core insert : direct sprue gate 唧嘴直流行位(滑块):slide round(full/half runner 圆形流道:镶件:insert mold flow analysis 流道电脑分析:压座/斜鸡:wedge :runner balance 流道平衡耐磨板/油板:wedge wear plate hot sprue 热嘴:压条:plate hot manifold 热流道板:撑头: support pillar cartridge heater 发热管:唧嘴:sprue bushing : thermocouples 探针挡板:stop plate connector plug 插头:定位圈:locating ring connector socket 插座:锁扣:latch seal 封料:/密封扣鸡:parting lock set water line 三、运水:推杆:push bar line lpug 喉塞:栓打螺丝:S.H.S.B tube 喉管:顶板:eracuretun plastic tube 塑胶管:活动臂:lever arm jiffy quick connector 快速接头:分流锥:spure sperader plug/socker 水口司mold components 四、模具零件::bush 垃圾钉:三板模:3-plate mold stop pin 隔片:buffle 二板模:2-plate mold 弹弓柱:导边:/leader pin/guide pin spring rod 边钉弹弓:die spring 导套:边司/bushing/guide bushing 中托司:ejector guide bush 中托司:shoulder guide bushing 中托边:ejector guide pin guide pin :L中托边镶针:ejector retainner plate 顶针板:pin 销子:托板:support plate dowel pin 波子弹弓:ball catch screw 螺丝:: pipe plug dowel pin 管钉:喉塞文案大全. 实用文案 锁模块:lock plate Mold repair 模具维修 angle from pin 斜顶:Molds 模具


模具专业英语词汇 A abrasion n. 磨损 abrasion resistance n. 耐磨损性 abrasive n. 磨料 accelerator n. 促进剂 accuracy n. 准确性 accurate die casting 精密压铸 air trap 积风 acrylic n. 丙烯酸 /压克力 ì active plate 活动板 additive n. 添加剂 adhere v. 黏附 adhesion n. 黏合 adhesive n. 胶粘剂 air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆 air cushion plate 气垫板 air entrapment n. 困气 anneal v. 退火 assemble v. 总成 B back pressure 背压 bismuth mold 铋铸模 baffle plate 挡块 barrel n. 机筒 /料筒 / bending block 折刀 bottom block 下垫脚 bottom plate 下托板(底板) bushing bolck 衬套 barrel temperature 料筒温度 blush 发 blank through dies 漏件式落料模 burnishi blow molding n. 吹塑成型 blow molding machine n. 吹塑机 brittle adj. 脆性 bubble n. 气泡 burr 毛刺 button d by-product n. 副产品 C calendering n. 压延 carbon steel n. 碳素钢 casting n. 铸造 catalyst n. 催化剂 cavity n. 型腔 chemical resistance n. 耐化学腐蚀性 chip v. 削 /凿



punch冲头 insert入块(嵌入 件)deburringpunch 压毛 边冲子groovepunch 压线冲子stampedpunch 字模冲子roundpunch 圆冲子 specialshapepunch 异形冲子bendingblock 折刀 roller滚轴 baffleplate 挡块 locatedblock 定位块supportingblockforlocatio n定位支承块 topplate上托板(顶板) topblock上垫脚 punchset上模座 punchpad上垫板 punchholder 上夹板 stripperpad 脱料背板 upstripper上脱料板 maledie公模(凸模) innerguidingpost 内导柱innerhexagonscrew 内六角螺钉dowelpin 固定销 coilspring弹簧 lifterpin顶料销 模具零件英语词汇 aircushionplate 气垫板 air-cushioneject-rod 气垫顶杆 trimmingpunch 切边冲子 stiffening ribpunch =stinger 加强筋冲子 reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲 子 guideplate 定位板 slidingblock 滑块 slidingdowelblock 滑块固定块 activeplate 活动板 lowerslidingplate 下滑块板 upperholderblock 上压块 模具模板英语词汇 featuredie 公母模 femaledie 母模(凹 模)upperplate 上 模板 lowerplate 下模板 diepad下垫板 dieholder 下夹板 dieset下模座 bottomblock 下垫脚 模具五金零件英语词汇eq- height sleeves=spool 等高 套筒 pin销 lifterguidepin 浮升导料销 guidepin导正销 uppermidplate 上中间板 springbox 弹簧箱 spring-boxeject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆 spring-boxeject-plate 弹簧箱顶板 bushingbolck 衬套 coverplate 盖板 guidepad 导料块 outerstripper 外脱料板 innerstripper 内脱料板 lowerstripper 下脱料板 ribbonpunch 压筋冲子 bottomplate 下托板(底 板)strippingplate 内 外打(脱料板)outerstripper 外脱料板 innerstripper内脱料板 lowerstripper下脱料板 coverplate盖板 wirespring 圆线弹簧 outerguidingpost 外导柱 stopscrew 止付螺丝 locatedpin 定位销 outerbush 外导套 模具冲压英语词汇 extensiondwg 展开图 proceduredwg 工程图 diestructuredwg 模具结构图 material材质 materialthickness 料片厚度 pressspecification 冲床 规格dieheightrange 适用模高 dieheight闭模高度 burr毛边 gap间隙 punchwt.上模重量 模具工程类英语词汇


根据国家规范,以下为部分塑料模具成形术语的规范翻译。 动模Movable Mould Moving Half 定模座板Fixed Clamp Plate Top Clamping Plate Top Plate 动模座板Moving Clamp Plate Bottom Clamping Plate Bottom Plate 上模座板Upper Clamping Plate 下模座板Lower Clamping Plate 凹模固定板Cavity-retainer Plate 型芯固定板Mould Core-retainer Plate 凸模固定板Punch-retainer Plate模套Die Body Die Sleeve Die Blank支承板Backing Plate Support Plate 垫块Spacer Parallel 支架Ejector Housing Mould Base Leg模头Die Head 模具分类8 Injection Mold 注塑模Plastic Rubber Mould 塑胶模Rubber Molding 橡胶成 形 Hot Chamber Die Casting 热室压铸Sand Mold Casting 砂模铸造 Extrusion Mold 挤出模Multi-Cavity Mold 多模穴模具 Palletizing Die 叠层模Plaster Mold 石膏 模Three Plates Mold 三板模Plain Die 简易模Pierce Die 冲孔模 Forming Die 成型模Progressive Die 连续模 Gang Dies 复合模Shearing Die 剪边模Cavity Die 型腔模 Riveting Die 铆合模Compression Molding 压缩成型Flash Mold 溢流式模具 Extrusion Mold 挤压式模具Split Mold 分割式模具Mould Cavity 型腔母模Mold Core 模芯公模Large Die Mold 大型模具Precise Die Mold 精密模具 Complex Die Mold 复杂模具Foaming Mould 发泡模具 Metal Die 金属模具Plastic Mold 塑料模具Tool Stamping Die Punch Die 冲压模具 Extrusion Die 挤压模具Graphite Die 石墨模具流道浇口部分Runner System 浇道系统Sprue Cold Material Trap 浇道冷料井Sprue Puller 拉杆 Runner Design 流道设计Main Runner 主流道 Secondary Runner 次流道Mould Gate Design 浇口设 计 Submarine Gate 潜伏浇口Tunnel Gate 隧道式浇口Pinpoint Gate 点浇口Fan Gate 扇形浇口 Side Gate 侧浇口Edge Gate 侧缘浇口 Tab Gate 搭接浇口Film Gate 薄膜浇口Flash Gate 闸门浇口Slit Gate 缝隙浇口 Dish Gate 盘形浇口Diaphragm Gate 隔膜浇口 Ring Gate 环形浇口Runnerless 无浇道 Sprueless 无射料管方式Long Nozzle 延长喷嘴方式 Sprue 浇口,溶渣Insulated/ Hot Runner 热浇 道Runner Plat 浇道模块Valve Gate阀门浇口Slag Well 冷料井Cold Slag 冷料渣 Sprue Gate 射料浇口Nozzle 射嘴 Sprue Lock Pin 料头钩销(拉料杆)注塑缺陷Flash 飞边Warpage 翘曲Air Trap 积风Blush 发赤Flow Line 流痕Splay 银纹Short Shot 短射Sink Mark 缩痕Streak 条纹Void 缩孔Weld Line 熔接线 Gas Mark 烧焦Cold Slug 冷斑Delamination 起皮Burr 毛刺Flaw Scratch 刮伤Gloss 光泽 Glazing 光滑Surface Check 表面裂痕Hesitation 迟滞注塑工艺Molding Conditions 成型条件Drying 烘干Barrel Temperature 料筒温度Melt Temperature 熔化温度 Mold Temperature 模具温度Injection Pressure 注塑压力Back Pressure 背压Injection Speed 注塑速度Screw Speed 螺杆转速Tensile Strength 抗拉强度T ensile Elongation 延伸率Flexural Modulus 弯曲模Flexural Strength 抗弯强度Shrinkage 收缩率Regrind Usage 次料使用Moulding 模塑机械设备 Lathe 车床Planer 刨床Miller / Milling Machine 铣床Grinder 磨床Driller 钻床Linear Cutting 线切割Electrical Sparkle 电火花Welder 电焊机Punching Machine 冲床Robot 机械手Common Equipment 常用设备EDM Electron Discharge Machining 放电加工3D Coordinate Measurement 三次元量床Boring Machine 搪孔机Contouring Machine 轮廓锯床Copy Grinding Machine 仿形磨床Cylindrical Grinding Machine 外圆磨床Die


精选文库 模具专业术语大全 punch 冲头 insert 入块(嵌入件) deburring punch 压毛边冲子groove punch 压线冲子stamped punch 字模冲子 round punch 圆冲子 special shape punch 异形冲子bending block 折刀 roller 滚轴 baffle plate 挡块 located block 定位块 supporting block for location 定位支承块 top plate 上托板(顶板) top block 上垫脚 punch set 上模座 punch pad 上垫板 punch holder 上夹板 stripper pad 脱料背板 up stripper 上脱料板 male die 公模(凸模) inner guiding post 内导柱 inner hexagon screw 内六角螺钉dowel pin 固定销 coil spring 弹簧 lifter pin 顶料销 模具零件英语词汇 air cushion plate 气垫板 air-cushion eject-rod 气垫顶杆 trimming punch 切边冲子 stiffening rib punch = stinger 加强筋冲子 reel-stretch punch 卷圆压平冲 子 guide plate 定位板 sliding block 滑块 sliding dowel block 滑块固定块 active plate 活动板 lower sliding plate 下滑块板 upper holder block 上压块 模具模板英语词汇 feature die 公母模female die 母模(凹模) upper plate 上模板 lower plate 下模板 die pad 下垫板 die holder 下夹板 die set 下模座 bottom block 下垫脚 模具五金零件英语词汇 eq-height sleeves=spool 等高 套筒 pin 销 lifter guide pin 浮升导料销 guide pin 导正销 upper mid plate 上中间板 spring box 弹簧箱 spring-box eject-rod 弹簧箱顶杆 spring-box eject-plate 弹簧箱顶板 bushing bolck 衬套 cover plate 盖板guide pad 导料块 outer stripper 外脱料板 inner stripper 内脱料板 lower stripper 下脱料板 ribbon punch 压筋冲子 bottom plate 下托板(底板) stripping plate 内外打( 脱料板) outer stripper 外脱料板 inner stripper 内脱料板 lower stripper 下脱料板 cover plate 盖板 wire spring 圆线弹簧outer guiding post 外导柱stop screw 止付螺丝 located pin 定位销 outer bush 外导套 模具冲压英语词汇 extension dwg 展开图 procedure dwg 工程图 die structure dwg 模具结构图 material 材质 material thickness 料片厚度 press specification 冲床规格 die height range 适用模高 die height 闭模高度 burr 毛边 gap 间隙 punch wt. 上模重量 模具工程类英语词汇


A abrasive grinding 强力磨削abrasive[?'breisiv] a.磨料的, 研磨的 absence ['?bs?ns] n.不在,缺席accesssory[?k'ses?ri] n.附件accommodate[?'k m?deit] v. 适应 accordingly[?'k :di?li] adv.因此,从而,相应地accuracy['?kjur?si] n精度,准确性 actuate['?ktjueit] vt.开动(机器), 驱动adequate['?dikwit] a. 足够的adhesive[?d'hi:siv] n. 粘合剂adjacent[?'d?eisnt] a. 邻近的adopt[?'d pt] vt. 采用advance [?d'v?:ns] n.进步advisable [?d'vaizbl] adj. 可取的 agitate['?d?iteit] v. 摇动 a large extent 很大程度algorithm ['?l??ri??m] n. 算法 align [?'lain] v 定位,调准alignment[?'lainm?nt] n. 校直 all-too-frequent 频繁allowance[?'l?uens] n. 容差, 余量 alternate[' :lt?nit] v.交替,轮流 alternative[ :l't?:n?tiv] n. 替换物 alternatively[ :l't?:n?tivli] ad. 做为选择, 也许aluminiun[ ?lju'minj?m] n.铝 ample['?mpl] adj. 充足的analysis [?'n?l?sis] n. 分析ancillary['?nsil?ri] a.补助的, 副的 angular ['??jul?] adj. 有角的annealing[?'li:li?] n.退火 aperture ['?p?t??] n.孔 applied loads 作用力 appropriate [?'pr?uprieit] a. 适当的 arc[a:k] n.弧, 弓形 arise[?'raiz] vi. 出现, 发生 arrange[?'reid?] v. 安排 article['a:tikl] n.制品, 产品 ascertain[ ?s?'tein] vt. 确定, 查明 assemble[?'sembl] vt.组装 attitude ['?titju:d] n 态度 auxiliary [ :?'zilj?ri] adj. 辅助的 avoid[?'v id] v.避免 axis['?ksis] n.轴 axle['?ksl] n.轮轴, 车轴 B backup['b?k ?p] n. 备份 batch [b?t?] n 一批 bearing['b??ri?] n.轴承,支座 bed[bed] n. 床身 behavior[bi'heivj?] n. 性能 bench-work 钳工工作 bend[bend] v. 弯曲 beneath[bi'ni: ] prep在··· bin [bin] n. 仓,料架 blank [bl??k] n. 坯料 blank [bl??k] v. 冲裁,落料 blanking tool 落料模 blast [bl?st] n.一阵(风) blemish['blemi?] n. 缺点, 污点 bolster['b?ulst?] n. 模座,垫 板 boost[bu:st] n. 推进 boring['b :ri?] n.镗削, 镗孔 bracket ['br?kit] n. 支架 brass [br?s] n.黄铜 break down 破坏 breakage ['breikid?] n.破坏 bridge piece brine[brain] n. 盐水 brittle['britl] adv.易碎的 buffer [b?f?] n.缓冲器 built-in 内装的 bulging [b?ld?i?] n. 凸肚 burr [b?:] n. 毛刺 bush [bu?] n. 衬套 bush[bu?] n. 衬套 by far (修饰比较级, 最高 级)···得多, 最 by means of 借助于 C cabinet ['k?binit] n.橱柜 call upon 要求 carbide['ka:baid] n.碳化物 carburzing['ka:bjureti?] n. 渗碳 carriage['k?rid?] n.拖板, 大拖板 carry along 一起带走 carry down over 从···上取 carry out 完成 case hardening 表面硬化 case[keis] n. 壳, 套 cast steel 铸钢 casting['ka:sti?] n. 铸造,铸件 category['k?t???uri] n. 种 类 caution ['k :??n] n. 警告,警示 cavity and core plates 凹模和凸模板 cavity['k?viti] n.型腔, 腔, 洞 centre-drilling 中心孔 ceramic[si'r?mik] n.陶瓷制品 chain doted line 点划线 channel['t??nl] n.通道, 信道 characteristic[k?r?kt?'ristik] n.特性 check[t?ek] v.核算 chip[t?ip] n.切屑, 铁屑


专业英语---注塑成型专业词汇 Injection machine 啤机 Shot size(weight)实际射胶量injection volume 理论射胶量min mold height 最小容模厚度 Max mold height 最大容模厚度Tie bar clearance 拉杆间距Die plate size 模板尺寸 Ejector stroke 顶出行程barrel 炮筒,机筒clamp force 锁模力 non-return valve 止回阀 shear 剪切opening 开模行程Injection pressure 射胶压力back pressure 背压 nozzle size 射咀尺寸Cycle time 循环周期down time 停机时间hopper 料筒Mold release 脱模剂lubrication 润滑work horse 主力,主要 设备 Reserve pressure/packing pressure保压mold trial 试模shot (一)啤Decompress 减压oven 烤炉,烘灶shrinkage rate 收缩率Residence time 滞留时间 injection speed 注射速度booster time 增压时间Compression ratio 压缩比 mold close time 合模时间 Resin 胶料 Plastification 塑化,增塑viscosity 粘性,粘度contamination 污染,杂 物 Thermoplastic 热塑性塑料thermosetting plastics 热固性塑料Booster time 增压时间 feed 喂料,填充purge 净化Flame retardant 阻燃degradation 降解, 软化 regrind 再粉碎Water absorption 吸水reinforce 增强,加固specific gravity 比重


"R,L Co.,Ltd" 模具常用术语中英文对照 模芯Parting Core 局部视图Partial View 冷料# Cold Slag 线切割 Wire 轮廊Contour 螺纹孔 Tapping Hole 连接件 Fittings 斜针Angle Pin 接合Engage 替换镶件Interchangeable Mold Inserts 指定吨位的注塑机Specific Press 水嘴接头Water Fittings 螺纹Eyebolt Thread 回针Stop Pin 二级顶出针Sub-Leaderd Pin 镶件Mold Insert 加硬Harden 唧嘴Sprue 设计筒图Design Preliminary 名称块表Title Block 版本标识Revision Level 材料清单Stock List 制模Build Mold 手动滑块Hand Slide 漏水测试Leak Test 流道排气Runner Vents 抛光Draw Polish 侧抽芯 Side Action 加强筋 Reinforcing

三角撑 Gusset 柱子Bossed 出模斜度Draft 外廊Contour 落单会议Kick-Off Meeting 装卸孔 Handling Hole 运输安全带Moldstrap 码模槽 Clamp Slot 撑头Support Pillar 螺牙1/2-13 Eye Bolt 1/2-13Tap 导柱位 Leader Pin Location 耐落胶 Teflon Paste 偏移量 Offset 水塞Water Line Plug 撬模脚 Ppy Slot 重新加工Reworked 配件Components 补偿Compensation 平面度 Parallel 倒角Chamfer 模胚Mold Base 热嘴Hotnozzle 火花机 Edm 熔接线 Weildline 压机Press 晒纹Texturing 梯形Trapezoid 凸缘、法兰Flange 方铁Spacer Block 顶针板Ejector Plate 顶针底板Ejector Retainer Plate 垫板Retainer Plate

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