当前位置:文档之家› 妈妈生日英语作文50字





my mother’s birthday is in winter. its february 25th.our family was happy. my brother and i went to birthday cake store and bought a big birthday cake for her. my aunt gave flowers to her. she’s very happy. at night we all went to a five stars restaurant. the food was very good. after dinner we gave the cake to mother. she’s very happy. we said “happy birthday” to my mother.

i love my mother.




Today is my mother s birthday. My father and I wanted to give her surprising birthday presents.

In the morning we went to the shop and bought a big cake. Then we went to the market and bought some food that mother liked very much. After getting home, we began to prepare our presents. Father went into the kitchen to prepare a big meal while I went into my room to make a

birthday card. I drew three rabbits biggest one was eating grass while the other two were playing happily under a big tree. To tell you the truth, it was my family because all of us were born in the year of rabbit.

It was almost 12 o clock. The delicious food on the table made my mouth water. Everything was ready. We seated ourselves at the table, waiting for my mother. When we heardthe sound of opening the door, we hid behind the door and cheered, Happy Birthday! as soon as mother came in.

Mother was seated at the table and I showed her my present. She looked at it and smiled. Have a taste of the delicious food. It was made by Father himself. I said. Mother looked at my father and me, picking up her chopsticks.

How happy we were!



介绍自己的英语作文50词 My name is Yang jiao, I am a girl, but high forehead, nose slightly tilted, appears somewhat reiki. My body is thin, when I was a child often sick. Therefore, mom and dad is everything depends on me, over time gradually formed the habit of love lost his temper, a little a bit is not good, to mom and dad lost his temper. Remember once, have more minutes at 9 o ‘clock, I have finished my homework and went to watch TV, my mother won’t let me see, turn off the TV. I am not talk to her a, turn on the TV again, just like that, mom, I drive, back and forth several times, mom finally angry, loudly say: “you are not obedient, give me out.” I have heard, stared at mother, pushed the door open and ran outside. In the end, still mother took me to back up. You see, at that time, my temper is what kind of ah! I gradually grew up, or a lot of temper, I also fell in love with music, has become a small fan. Mom and dad bought me a tape let me learn many children’s songs. I am also a love of labor of a little girl, my mother got up very early every morning, mom told me don’t you wash the clothes today, but when I get up in the, see home there are a lot of clothes


关于我的家庭英语作文5篇 有家就有爱,父母给予我们的爱像蜜糖一样让我们开心的生活,你知道怎么写一篇我的家庭的英语作文吗?下面是小编为大家收集关于我的家庭英语作文5篇,欢迎借鉴参考。【篇一】 I have a happy family, I love my father and mother love me. And a sister. Who is that? He is my grandfather. That? She is my grandmother. My family are all very healthy, very love me. I am very happy, I love my family and my relatives. 【篇二】 I love my family,because I have a happy family. My father is an English teacher.His name is Jacky.He is thirty-eight.He likes playing basketball.My mother is a teacher.She is very kind and nice,and she is thirty-seven.I love my parents! On Saturday and Sunday,I often go to the library and play the piano.My father go to play basketball.Sometimes we watch TV and listen to music at home. I love my family.Because I’m very happy to live with my parents together! 【篇三】 This is my family. There are four people in my family. My grandmother, my father, my mother and me. My grandmother has short white hair. She looks very nice. My father has short black hair and small eyes. He looks very fat, so I often call him “fat man”. He works at a factory. My mother works at a L.D.T. My mother has long black hair. She likes sports and traveling, so I often go on sports with my mother. On holidays my family often go to travel. I study at Guiyuan Primary School. We are very happy. 【篇四】 Do you want have my name?I want tell you. My name is Betty, I’m fouteen, I’m a student, I’m in NO.1 High School. I have a happy family. My father is an office worker, he works in an office. My mother is an office worker, too. Bananas, rice are my father’s favorite food, but apples are my mother’s favorite food. I like chicken very much. I have a happy family and I love my family!


关于母亲节英语作文及翻译 关于母亲节英语作文及翻译 篇一:关于母亲节英语作文 Today is mother's day in May 13th, is the mother of the world festival, in this day, I want to give my mother a bunch of flowers, because in other days, she often is the most fortunate in the family. Morning mother to us to cook, and again in the evening to check my homework, every now and then we will see her temples, two white hair. Remember once in a term because of poor grades, was scolded by my mother, at that time I felt very unhappy, do not understand mother why that is. But now I know, mom is good for me, what parents do not succeed, hope female cheng feng. I know my mother at that time called me very uncomfortable, but hit is pro, scold is love, she had to use “mean” words to me, so I can get up again, and strive to read. Even though my mother is strict with me, my mother loves me very much. Put ginger in it makes me think of my sick time, is a serious cold, I was wearing cotton padded clothes, quilt, lying in the bed,


初二英语作文50词左右 英语写作总是初二学生的一个大难题。那么50词左右的初二英语怎么写呢?以下是第一为大家的,有关初二英语作文,希望大家喜欢。 The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book! It's very interesting. Although I don't have the knowledge of religion, I am crazy about it! However, my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus don't like this book. They hold the opinion that the book ___s them something wrong. Because I know nothing about religion, I am not sure if it is true.

I think that everything has pros and cons, we should learn the good things from the book and don't care about the bad things. We can benefit from reading. We can learn lots of knowledge from books. Let's read. Books are the food of our spirit. Honesty is one of the most valuable personalities of human. Only honesty makes people aepted and trusted by others. Besides, dishonesty does great harm to people. The most classic example is the Cry Wolf, a story about a boy. He paid great price for his dishonesty. There is a say that trust is like a piece of paper, and wrinkles ease also can't restore it the way it was. It suggests that once you treat the other, it's hardly for you to get his trust again.


小学生我的家庭英语作文(五篇) 【篇一】 There are four people in my family, my father, my mother,my sister and me. My father likes reading. My mother likes cooking. They both work in Leliu. They always go to work by car. They work hard. My sister and I are pupils. I study in the primary school affiliated with Shunde No.1 Middle School. My hobby is collecting coins. My sister studies in Xishan Primary School. She likes watching TV. We love our family very much. 【篇二】 My name is Yu Geqin. I’m nine years old. There are three members in my family, my father, my mother and I. My father is a teacher. He is very handsome. He always wears a pair of glasses. He works very hard. He’s busy from morning to night. He’s the cleverest man of my family. He can solve the difficult problems, too. My mother is very beautiful. She has two big eyes and her black hair is long. My mother is worker. She is good at her job. She is also a good housewife. I have a happy family. I like it very much.


关于母亲节主题的英语作文5篇 母亲就像火一样,只有在你觉得冷的时候,你最需要她的时候,她总能给你温暖和光亮。下面小编整理有关母亲节英语作文,欢迎阅读。 篇一:有关母亲节英语作文 班主任交代说要带卡纸回校,因为母亲节。 是的,是我的生日让我记住了母亲节即将来临。记得去年的生日就在母亲节。这个生日过了,母亲节也是来了的。 是否我们做的多了,就没有了意义,是否当别人要求我们做时,一切都失去了一片心。 母亲收到我的贺卡,算是很多了吧!从幼儿园再到三年级开始每年都送贺卡。这种形式,貌似已经固定下来了。母亲节,其实对于我和妈妈貌似都已经失去了意义,照常过,我说爱你,也失去了当初的激动,记得三年级送妈妈贺卡的时候,里面还夹着我唯一的零花钱20元。是四张五元的。当时我们就在床上玩。也清楚地记得那天,我生病刚好去看病,是一家私人诊所,那家的儿子告诉他爸说那天是母亲节,他爸说,那得跟他母亲说点什么啊。 回家的路上,妈妈说,她的祝福呢?幸好是那时我早有准备,否则,妈妈和我都会难堪吧。 去年的母亲节,同样是送了妈妈贺卡,告诉她我爱她,记得当时

自己是说:我知道你爱我,我爱你就同你爱我几分我就爱你几分一样。只是当时觉得一句我爱你太单调且说了那么多年没意思了,所以就说了这么一句。妈妈很认真地把我写的话看了,但是,后来,我发现,她不再把那贺卡给收起来,包括后来的感恩节,妇女节之类的卡纸,妈妈都不再收藏起来了。 当时自己有点失望吧,只是感慨,是不是一件事情做多了,就没有意义了? The head teacher told me to bring the paper back to school because of mothers day. Yes, it was my birthday that reminded me of the coming of mothers day. Remember last years birthday on mothers day. Mothers day is coming, too. If we do more than we do, it makes no sense to us if we are asked to do it. My mother has received my card, which is a lot! CARDS are sent every year from kindergarten through third grade. This form seems to have been fixed. Mothers day, in fact, to my mother and I seem to have lost its meaning, as usual, I said I love you, has lost its original excited, remember the third grade mother greeting CARDS, with my only inside pocket money - $20. Its four five dollars. We were playing in bed. Also clearly remember that day, Im just sick to go to a doctor, is a


精心整理 关于我的家庭的英语作文 Ihaveaveryluckyfamily.Therearefivepeopleinmyfamily,mydad,mom,sisterandbr other. 我有一个很幸福的家庭。在我的家庭有五口人,爸爸,妈妈,姐姐和弟弟,还有我。 much. Mysisterisasportsplayer.Sheistallandstrong.Shehasbigeyes,smallnoseandmou thandtwosmallears.Sheisprettyandcute.Shelikeslisteningtomusiceverymuch.“Proudofyou”isherfavouriteEnglishsong.Shecansingverywellandsheeventeac hesmesingthissong.

我的姐姐是一个运动员,她又高又壮。她大眼睛,小鼻子、小嘴,两个小耳朵。她非常漂亮、可爱。她喜欢听音乐,“为你骄傲”是她最喜欢的一首英文歌,她能 唱得非常好,甚至教我也唱这首歌。 Iamahappygirl.Ilikelisteningtomusic,too.likeplayingpingpong.Ilovemyparen tsandtheyloveme,too. 我是一个快乐的女孩。我喜欢听音乐、喜欢打乒乓球。我爱我的父母,他们也 爱我。 e. Mymotherisawomanwithabadmemory.Shealwaysdoesalotofhousework,butsometimes shemakesmistakesoutofcarelessness.Forexample,oneday,shewashedclothesinth ewasher,afterthewasherfinishedthework,shefoundshehadn'tfilledthewasherwi thwater. 我妈妈是一位记性很不好的人。她总是做很多家务活,但有时却因为她的粗心 而做错事。比如说,有一天,她用洗衣机洗衣服,最后却发现自己忘了在洗衣机中 放水。


关于母亲节英语作文范文带翻译:难忘的母亲节 我盼星星、盼月亮,终于盼到了母亲节,因为在母亲节这一天,我们可以回报母亲对我们的关爱。 I look forward to the stars, the moon and finally mother's day, because on Mother's day, we can return our mother's love for us. 老早就听说,有人在母亲节里举行一些与母亲有关的节目进行联欢、比赛。于是,这一天妈妈也如法炮制办起了一个《母亲节》感恩联欢会,并且以比赛的形式举行,根据你的表演评分,表现好的还有奖品。 I've heard for a long time that some people hold some programs related to mothers on Mother's day to get together and compete. So on this day, my mother did the same thing to hold a mother's Day Thanksgiving party in the form of a competition. According to your performance score, there are prizes for good performance. 我们的比赛一共有四个项目:一、自己写一篇赞美妈妈的诗歌并朗诵;二、才艺表演;三、母亲节知识抢答;四、给妈妈洗脚活动。最后评出一、二、三等奖及鼓励奖。https://www.doczj.com/doc/245389406.html, There are four items in our competition: first, write a poem to praise mother and recite it; second, talent performance; third, answer for knowledge on Mother's day; fourth, wash feet for mother.


【自我介绍英语作文50字】英语作文自我 介绍4篇 1 hello,everyone. my name is (你的名),i’m (你的年纪) years old. i study in (你的学校名) primary ‘m in class (你的班级), grade (你的年级). i like football and english very much,and i often play football with my classmates after ,she/he(女的选she,男的选he) is very nice to us,i like her/him(女的选her,男的选him) a lot. (there are three members in my family:my father,my mother and of parents love me and i love them ,too. ) that’s all,thank you! 自我介绍英语作文 i am one of my favorite stars is liu xiang because he is the fastest runner in the world and a pride of our country. i have love fruits like watermelon, grapes, banana, and so forth. when i have time, i like watching tv, playing games on my computer, surfing the web, and reading. i have a lot of friends and we often play football together. 3 hello, everyone. my name isi am years old. i like reading books very much,and sometimes i also like watching tv. there are three people in my are my mother,my father and me. i like


关于我的家人的英语作文50词 我的家人英语作文50词范文1 This is my family . there are 3people in my family .they are my mother ,fatner and me .l often go shopping with my mother . she sometimes buy a cake for me. l usually go swimming with my father .l like to swim very much.my father likes each other .we are happy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文2 I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I .My father is a doctor and my mother is a teacher. My brother and I are students. At weekends, we often go to the park. My parents love us very much. We love them too. This is my family. A sweet family. 我的家人英语作文50词范文3 My family have 3 peoples. My mother ,fatner and me. My mother is a teacher. My father is a driver. I am a good student. My mother likes watch TV. My father likes plays baskerball. I like play computer games. I am very heppy! 我的家人英语作文50词范文4 My family has four members.My mother is a housewife.She looked after my family


母亲节英语作文 篇一:母亲节的英语作文 母亲节Themother’sday Themother’sdayisadaythatweexpressoursincerelythankstoourmother.Thisyear,themot her’sdayisonmay11th.Themother’sdayfirststartedfromancientGreek,thentheamericansdecidedthatthesecond Sundayofmayisthemother’sday.onthisspecialday,themotherswillreceivepresentsfromtheirchildren.Th egiftscouldbeanything.itisawaythatthechildrenshowtheirloveandcaretothei rmothers. 母亲节是我们向母亲表达真诚谢意的节日。今年的母亲节是5月11日。母亲节最早起源于古希腊,随后美国人将5月的第二个星期天定为母亲节。在这个特别的日子,母亲会收到孩子们的礼物。礼物可以送任何东西。这是孩子们向母亲表达自己的爱与关心的日子。asstudents,wedon’thavetoomuchmoneytobuyexpensivegiftstoourmother,butitdoesn’tmeanthatwecan’tdoanythingtoexpressourthankstoourmothers.wecandosomethingtoo.ihave afewsuggestions.Forexample,wecanmakeabreakfastforourmother,ormake


四年级优秀英语作文50词左右 下面为大家搜集整理有关四年级的英语作文50字,希望可以帮助到大家!小学英语作文:An Old MouseAn old woman has a cat. The cat is now very old. She cannot run fast, and she cannot bite. One day the old cat sees a mouse. she jumps and catches the mouse. But she cannot bite it. So the mouse gets out of her mouth and runs away.Then the old woman is very angry because the cat cannot kill the mouse. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, "Don't beat me. Be friendly to me. When I was young, I did good work for you."优秀英语作文:Our ClassroomOur classroom is bright and clean. But it is not big. There are twenty-three desks and chairs in it. They are new. There's a big desk in front of the classroom. It's for our teachers.There are five pictures on the right wall. There's a map of the world and a map of China on the left wall.Beside the window there's a bookshelf. There are many books on it. Our classroom is very nice. We have lessons here. We like our classroom.小学四年级英语作文:Our MonitorThis is Lin. She is from Beijing. She studies very hard.In class she can answer the teacher's questions very quickly. Lin loves her classmates and often helps them with their lessons. Everybody says she is a very good monitor.四年级英语作文:Our HouseOur home is near the school. We have a house.It is a good house. The house has three rooms.One is a living room. The other two are bedrooms. In the living


六年级英语作文范文50词左右 随着我国教育事业的不断发展,小学英语教材的不断更新换代,英语知识进一步的充实,这就需要不断提高学生的听说能力以及写作能力等。下面,小编为你整理了六年级英语作文范文50词左右,希望对你有帮助! 六年级英语作文范文50词左右篇1 My new teacher is science teacher. Hes very strong. He has a big mouth, two big ears, two big eyes and a not too big and not too small nose. He often wears a black new shirt and brown pants, with two big shoes. My science teacher is very kind. And he is very smart, isnt he? Today, we have science class. We are very happy. Because he is so funny. Who is he? Hes a Mr. Zhou . 六年级英语作文范文50词左右篇2 Hong Da School is beautiful and big. Therere many students and teachers in it. Our school has a big playground. We usually have P.E. class on it. Our classroom is on the fourth floor. Its bright and clean. I sleep at school, eat at school and study at school. School is a big family. Teachers are my parents. I love my school! 六年级英语作文范文50词左右篇3 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me.


小学四年级英语作文:我的家庭 【篇一】 I have a happy family. There are three people in my family, my father, mother and me. My father is a businessman. He is always busy with his work and he often goes to business trips. But when he is free, he stays with us. My mother is a worker. She works hard, too. She works hard to take care of our home. I love my parents. 我有一个幸福的家庭。 我家有三口人,我爸爸,妈妈和我。 我的父亲是一个商 人。他总是忙于他的工作,他经常去出差。但当他是免费的,他和我们在一起。我 妈妈是一个工人。她也努力工作。她努力工作照顾我们的家。我爱我的父母。 【篇二】 Hello,everyone! Today I'm very glad to tell you about my family. I have a happy family. There are four people in it. They are my father、 my mother、my little brother、and I.My father is working in anther city.He is so busy that he has no time to come back to see us. We miss him very much. My mother is a housewife .Every day,she cooks delicious meals and does a lot of housework.My brother and I are both students.We work very hard. In my family ,there are lots of happinesses around me.I love my family! 大家好!今天我很高兴告诉你关于我的家庭。 我有一个幸福的家庭。 有四人。 他们是我的父亲,我的母亲,我的弟弟,和我。我的父亲是在另一个城市工作。他 很忙,他没有时间回来看我们。我们非常想念他。我妈妈是一个家庭主妇。每一 天,她烹饪美味的饭菜和做很多家务。 我的弟弟和我都是学生。 我们工作很努力。 在我的家人,在我周围有很多的快乐。我爱我的家人!


Mother's Day is a happy holiday, I was so looking forward to its arrival! The mother to let me grow up, every weekend and vacation for us to cram run around here and there, even today, is still learning for me to live and work, as a result the feet from several blisters even grind up thick cocoon... Today, mother's Day is coming. I decided to do one thing ---- my mom for mother's feet, wash away the fatigue, wash away the mother mother foot of dust. First of all, I want to buy some carnations, to a pot of boiling water, when the water is boiling, smoking, and pour it into the basin, and then, put the petals into the basin, let the water rippling carnation fragrance... Well, now everything is ready except one crucial element. I called up my mother, so she put her foot into it through a strong smell of the basin, I got to hand it to the mother's feet, my hand, will wash away the day tired mother. No. Are so many years of hard! I touched her mother long calloused soles of the feet, in the heart very afflictive, mother love touch my head, she is very happy, always say:" my son has grown up, sensible, mother is very pleased." I told my mother I wanted to study hard but also learn how to do housework, help mother to share the burden of the family. Today is mother's day my mother and I have a very happy mother's day, who is established, it is the world's best season, which makes the mother has to accept the blessings and rewards of the day, even if it's just words, even just a small thing, also can let mothers really warm the heart! 母亲节是所有妈妈的节日。在这个节日里,我的妈妈非常高兴,可是妈妈要上班。我想,该送什么礼物给妈妈呢? 妈妈是一位白衣天使,平时工作很忙,但是还要抽空来照顾我,辅导我的学习。我一直都想送一份礼物给妈妈,正好今天是母亲节,爸爸也在上班,不如我就给他们一个惊喜吧。 我左想右想,想出了个好主意,就是做一张卡片给妈妈。主意一定,我赶快行动起来。我拿出笔、卡纸、彩笔。我在卡纸的左边画了一个笑脸,右边画了一颗心,再涂上颜色。我在“心”的下面写了一句话:妈妈,我爱你!又在画的上面写上:祝母亲节快乐!终于完工了!


英语作文50词 篇一:My Friend Sally is my best friend. She is a girl. Both of us are good at English, so we often talk in English in our spare time. After school, we often do homework together. When we are playing, she runs so fast that I cannot catch up with her. She is an excellent student. She likes pop and classical music. Her dream is to become a teacher. I love my friend Sally. 篇二:My family I have a family. There are three people in my family. They are my father, mother and me. My father is a teacher in the university. He likes doing sports. He swims every evening. He is tall and thin. He is sweeping the floor now. My mother is a teacher, too. She likes doing housework. She cooks everyday. She is not fat and not short. She is walking now. I am a student. I like reading books in my bedroom. I take a bus at 7:30 a.m. I am short and thin. I am writing now. I love my family. 篇三:Lantern Festival The 15th day of the 1st lunar month is the Chinese Lantern Festival because the first lunar month is called yuan-month and in the ancient times people called night Xiao. The 15th day is the first night to see a full moon. So the day is also called Yuan Xiao Festival in China. According to the Chinese tradition, at the very beginning of a new year, when there is a bright full moon hanging in the sky, there should be thousands of colorful lanterns hung out for people to appreciate. At this time, people will try to solve the puzzles on the lanterns and eat yuanxiao (glutinous rice ball)and get all their families united in the joyful atmosphere . 篇四:My Hobbies I have many hobbies, such as sports, singing, and keeping a diary. In school, I often hear the P.E. teacher say, sports do good to one’s health,() and will make one live longer. So, I like sports very much. I go running in the morning, and after classes in the afternoon. I play basketball with my friends. These sports have kept me healthy. At home, I like to sing . I hope I will be a singer when I grow up. Of all my hobbies I like reading books best. In my bedroom there are nearly six hundred

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