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The _1_______________for “man” is “anthropos” and the word

_2_________________has been in the English language_3________. But

just what does the word mean? Literally anthropology means

“__4__________________________” However, as British_ 5________Alfre d North Whitehead_6____________, “It is a well founded historical generalization that _7_________________________in any science is what science is really about” And as Paul Bohannan, _8_____________, pointed

out a number of years ago, “Each science t hat deal with people has its own

_9_______________of human. An_10____________, “he explains,” defines a human as a_11 ______________animal. Philosophers _12___________man

as a _13___________animal…” Anthropology___14 _________to be

all-inclusive-the study of human _15___________in all places and throughout time. It_16_________in the _17_______of_18_________________________.

To _19__________Barbara Miller’s statement in her textbook, cultural anthropology , the popular impression of anthropology is _20__________on movies and television shows that _21_________anthropologists as adventurers and heroes. Some do have adventures and discover treasures in Egyptian _22______________and elsewhere, but_23_________, their work is less _24________and involves _25__________and _26_________activities. Until around the middle of the nineteenth century, anthropology was a term used for all humanists._27______________________________________. We’re going to_28___________stating that anthropology is the study o f human behavior in all places and at all times.

Western_29 _____________takes credit for the development of anthropology, which, _30_______________, was a relatively late science. Earlier Greek and Roman philosophers were more interested in _31___________about the ideal society _32_____________describing those known to them.

After the__33 ____________of the Age of Exploration, which included the discovery of the Americas, as well as travel to other distant places, the study of non-western people began in earnest. In modern day, anthropology is a recognized _34______________with two__35 ______________and


The two broad fields are _37__________anthropology and

_38_____________anthropology. Let me give you a _39______________of each. Physical anthropology is concerned with the development of man as

a_40_________. Related subjects are_41___________, biology, and paleontology. Physical anthropologists study the _42___________of the human_43____________. One way they do this is by the comparative analysis of fossils-preserved _44____________of once-living creatures and

living_45_________, which include human beings or Homo sapiens. Common _46___________are shells, bones, and molds or imprints. These are found buried in the earth or_47_____________________________. Living primates are analyzed in order to study the mechanics of evolution and

_48____________differences among human populations.

Next let’s talk about cultural anthropology. This field is the study of learned behavior in human societies. Most cultural anthropologists limit themselves to a few_49______________, _50_____________, Margaret Mead in Samoa and New Guinea, and Clyde Kluckhohn with the Navajo Indians in the southwestern United States. I should mention that Kluckhohn’s work Mirror for Man is considered_51_______________________________. Cultural anthropology and the _52_________study of human culture will be discussed in more detail in our next lecture. The subfields of cultural anthropology


Archaeology is the study of different cultures through material sources rather than direct _54_____________of the group under study. _55____________of a famous archaeological site discovered in the past century was King Tut’s Tomb near Luxor, Egypt, in 1922.

Linguistics, as you probably know, is the study of language as

_56_______________among humans. Culture is learned and

_57___________primarily through language.

Ethnography is the systematic description of human societies,58 ______based on firsthand fieldwork. Based on ethnographies, anthropologists provide ethnologies or explanations of the behavior of different peoples. A second subfield of ethnography is social anthropology. Social anthropology is

_59______________________as social beings. A related subject is, of course, sociology.

Let me also mention briefly psychological anthropology, which deals with human_60______________. These are greatly influenced by an individual’s biological and_61 __________characteristics, as well as physical surroundings and personal_62___________. Related subjects are psychology and psychiatry.

It is important to note that there are several _63___________common among all societies;_64___________, the basic similarities in human biology and the existence of two sexes. Another of these is education either formal or informal or both. Education is necessary to provide the young with the

_65____________needed to carry on as_66________.

So, you might ask, what are the practical applications for such a broad field? The answer is that anthropology helps us _67_____________and helps us contribute to the _68___________of human problems. This newest area of the study of man is applied anthropology._69___________, anthropology was limited to the academic field. Anthropologists were teachers or museum curators. But for the past several _70_________large numbers of “anthro” graduates have been employed in fields such as _71__________planning and administration, _72____________, and international development. Most important is that although anthropologists have taken up the task of documenting the _73_________________of cultures past and present, they also provide the necessary insight into_74____________________________.

Let me begin the lecture today by asking, _1____________________This question has been _2_________by anthropologists in many different ways. Murdock, _3_________, in outline of world cultures, produced what many have called the _4________________of things cultural by naming 900-odd _5_______of human behavior. I won’t _6_____to go into these at this time. Another less _7______list is the famous “grocery list” of Edward B. Tyler. He wrote, “culture is that _8______whole which includes knowledge,

_9__________________, custom, and any other_10____________and habits acquired by man as a member of society.” But another _11__________of culture that many find useful is, “the_12____________ of learned, socially transmitted behavior.” Obviously this definition leaves out much if we feel

_13__________to include all the ways of life that have been evolved by people in every society.

A particular culture, then, would mean the total shared way of life of a given group. This would include their ways of thinking, acting, and feeling as reflected in their_14_______, law, language, art, and customs, as well as concrete things such as_15____________________. Cultural anthropology is the study of cultures-living and dead. In its totality, it includes linguistics, the study of speech forms, _16______________( the study of dead cultures), and_17__________, which is the study of living cultures or those that can be observed directly.

Why study cultural anthropology? One reason noted by Ruth Benedict, another well-known anthropologist, is that the story of humanity from the Stone Age to the present is such a fascinating one of cultural growth. Interestingly, every society has gone through three _18_______or steps of cultural growth. These are savagery, barbarism, and finally, civilization. The last is, of course,

to varying degrees.

We are often reminded of another _19_________reason to learn about different cultures-to learn and use a foreign language effectively. Most of us realize that just knowing the language of another culture is not enough

for_20________________________. You can ask anyone who has tried to

use their high school Spanish inside a Spanish-speaking country.

Ned Seelye, in his 1993 book Teaching Culture, lists six _21_______to nurture and support intercultural communication:

Number 1: Cultivate_22_________ about another culture and empathy toward its members.

Number 2: Recognize that different roles and other social variables such as age, sex, social class, religion, ethnicity, and _23____________affect the way people speak and behave.

Number3: Realize that effective communication requires discovering the culturally _24_____________________when they think, act, and react to the world around them.

Number4: Recognize that situational _25__________________shape

people’s behavior in important ways.

Number5: Understand that people generally act the way they do because they are _26____________________their society allows for satisfying basic physical and psychological needs.

And, finally, number6: Develop the ability to evaluate the truth of a generalization about the target culture and to _27______and organize information about the target culture from books, mass media, people, and personal observations.

Culture and society must coexist. Without living together people cannot create

a culture or way of life. If a_28___________________________,

and_29____________, it might also share a single culture. For example, think

of the Tasaday, allegedly a Stone Age people in the Philippine rain forest, who were discovered by anthropologists back in 1971. A side note is that due to their supposed_30___________, they had no weapons or known words in

their language for “enemy” or “war” In your reading after the lecture, you’ll learn more about the Tasaday and the controversy surrounding them up to the present time.

It is important to remember, however, that_31_____________, such as those

in Canada, the United States, India, or Egypt, are multicultural or “pluralist” societies. They also tend to have many subcultures. In the long history of human life, multiculturalism is a fairly_32________________. Those of us in multicultural environments must remember that discovering

_33______________among people from different cultures is as important as identifying differences. For example, in classrooms on just about every university campus in the world, we find students from many

different_34_______________________. What are some of the “universals” that you and other international students have all experienced in


One common universal is that all cultures use _36__________________to encourage_37______________. Another__38 __________is that societies withhold certain information from the young. This might include faults in our leaders or sexual taboos. A third universal is the _39_______________in a culture to educate the young to _40_______________its dominant position. In the majority of contemporary societies this control is reached through political

means__41_______________________________,__42 ________the Roman Conquests and the Morrish invasions.

_43_____________________, let me _44_________you not to forget the contributions of thoughts and actions of the _45_________in a group. Note the observation of Edward Sapir, another famous anthropologist: “it is always the individual that really thinks and acts and dreams and

revolts.”__46___________________________________________________ ___.

To many people throughout the world, some of the _1_____________and

_2__________________ of ancient times are the pyramids of ancient Egypt. You know, almost nothing at all _3___________of the great cities of the kings of Egypt, the pharaohs. _4_________________have been really hard on ancient Egypt’s cities and towns, but several of the_5______________, and, most important of all, the pyramids have _6_______________. Even though many of the pyramids are in_7____________, they still give us some idea of the _8____________of ancient Egypt’s civilization-a civilization that, after all, lasted for more than 3000 years. Remember, when we’re talking about

_9___________Egypt, we’re talking about at least thirty consecutive_10_____.

A dynasty is a series of king or queen of the same _11______family-something like the Romanovs of Europe, the Ming dynasty of China, or the Al-Sauds of Saudi Arabia.

As many of you probably already know, the pyramids were constructed as tombs or _12_______places for the Egyptian kings and their family members. You see, the ancient Egyptians _13____________believed in life after death.

In fact, their entire culture _14__________around that belief. The kings, queens, and state officials often_15__________________________ preparing for their life after death. They did this by_16________________ or “grave goods,” by__17____________________, and so forth. The Egyptians believed that they could be assured of an afterlife only if their bodies could be preserved from_18______________________. So when a person died, and

_19________________when a pharaoh died, in order to ensure his

_20___________life, he had his body embalmed or mummified. In other words, he had his corpse _21___________and wrapped in linen to preserve if from decay. Then he had his mummy_22____________. This whole idea may

seem quite strange today, but the ancient Egyptians really believed that if one’s mummy was destroyed, then his or her_23____________________, and if, on the other hand, the mummy-the dead body-was preserved, the soul would be_24____________. Let me repeat that. If one’s mummy was preserved, the soul would_25____________________.

For another thing, the ancient Egyptians believed that the dead person could take his or her earthly possession along to the next world-this is just the opposite of the Western idea that “_26____________________________.” Anyway, the dead person was provided with_27_______________________, and even_28_________. It was not at all unusual for th e pharaoh’s slaves to

be put to death so that they could serve him in his afterlife.

So you can see why the pharaohs wanted to have their bodies and their possessions hidden to protect them from_29____________. Before they died, they had special tombs built for this purpose-to hide their bodies and

their_30__________. In the early years of ancient Egypt, these tombs were

the pyramids-the vast burial chambers that were built to fool the grave robbers. Unfortunately, the grave robbers almost always outsmarted even the

_31___________________________________of pharaohs. They broke into most of the pyramids or tombs and _32________________________they found. They even desecrated and destroyed the mummies of the dead. Needless to say, they would not bother a poor person’s grave. These grave robbers even banded together into_33____________________. Just imagine,

a grave robbers’ union!

Now, as for the actual construction of the mighty pyramids, it was during the First and Second Dynasties that the _34____________of Egypt began to construct the type of tomb called the “mastaba.” The First and Second Dynasties lasted from about 3100 until 2665 B.C.E. Mastaba, by the way, comes from an Arabic word meaning _35________________A mastaba looked like a low, flat-topped rectangle-something like a low bench or a shoebox._36_____________, the pointed pyramid was no more than an extension upward of the flat-topped mastaba.

The first _37_______________pyramid (or, at least what most people generally think a pyramid looks like) was built during the third Dynasty (which lasted roughly from about 2664 until 2615 B.C.E.) this pyramid was for King Zoser (that’s spelled Z-o-s-e-r) in about 2650 B.C.E. It was built by an

_38_________named Imhotep (I-m-h-o-t-e-p). This pyramid was constructed

as a series of_39___________________. It, along with others of its type, is called the Step Pyramid. It was really simply a pile of mastabas, each step smaller and higher than the one before. The Step Pyramid of King Zoser was

_40___________________the later pyramids _41_____________it was never covered with stone to give it a smooth surface.

Actually, it was not until the Fourth Dynasty that the_42______________ pyramids were built. The three great pyramids of Giza belong to the Fourth Dynasty pyramids. (The Fourth Dynasty covered the period from 2614 to 2503 B.C.E.) They are located near the town of Giza, _43_________________of

the Nile River, just outside the _44__________________of Egypt-Cairo. The Great Pyramids are really the very __45________________of all the Egyptian pyramids. The _46__________of these pyramids of is known as the Great Pyramid. And great it is! It was built for King Khufu (that’s K-h-u-f-u). (Khufu was called Cheops[C-h-e-o-p-s] by the Greeks, and so the pyramid is sometimes called the pyramid of Cheops.) It has been _47__________that 2.3 million blocks of limestone were used to build the Great Pyramid. The blocks averaged 2500 kilograms each. The largest stone block

_48___________about 15000 kilos. The base of the pyramid covers 5.3 hectares-an area large enough to hold ten_49_____________. There’s a story that the conqueror Napoleon once sat in the _50________of the Great pyramid and _51_____________that the mass of stone in the pyramid could

be used to build a wall _52________________by 0.3 meters thick around the entire country of France. In terms of height, the pyramid was originally 147 meters high, but today the top 10 meters are missing, and the

_53__________________limestone covering has been stripped away. It

seems that local builders and conquerors found it _54_____________to strip off the limestone from the pyramids and use if to build with.

The Great Pyramid of Khufu is considered a wonder of_55______________. When you look at it, you _56____________wonder how on earth the ancient Egyptians ever managed to build such a _57_______________with only basic mathematics, with no modern machinery (such as cranes, bulldozers, and so forth), and with _58____________tools they had to cut the big limestone blocks with tools made of_59_____________, which is a rather soft metal. But they managed to do it. The ancient Greek_60_____________, Herodotus (that’s H-e-r-o-d-o-t-u-s)-Herodotus said that 400000 men worked for twenty years to build the Great Pyramid. _61____________today doubt these figures, but, of course, the true _62___________cannot ever really be determined. It is thought, though, that at least 100000 people worked to build any single pyramid._63___________________________________. They worked on the tombs during times when the Nile River overflowed its banks and covered the fields. The Nile’s flooding made farming impossible and made

_64_________of the stone to the pyramid site_65________.

The Se cond and Third Pyramids of Giza were built by Khufu’s successors. The tomb of Khafre is the Second Pyramid of Giza (Khafre is spelled K-h-a-f-r-e.) It was originally three meters_66____________ the Great Pyramid; however, today it is only 0.8meters lower. Its present height is 136.2 meters. The third pyramid, built for Menkaure, covers_67________________ occupied by the Great pyramid, and it is only 62.5 meters high. (Menkaure is spelled


None of the later pyramids that were built during the next thirteen or fourteen centuries were nearly as large or as magnificent as the pyramids of Giza. And even though pyramid building continued right up into the Eleventh and Twelfth Dynasties (that was up through about 1786 B.C.E.), it was becoming increasingly clear to the pharaohs and the nobles of Egypt that the pyramid method of burial _68________________________________at all for their royal corpses. The pyramids were, of course, _69_______________________, but they were all too_70_____________. They invited grave robbers to try to break into them. And so_71_____________, one of the pharaohs, King Thutmose ?, decided to _72_____________for safety in the construction of his House of Eternity. I don’t need to spell Thutmose for you, do I? Instead of ordering the construction of a pyramid, Thutmose had his tomb dug out of the rock of a valley far from the Nile River and far from Cairo. The _73_______he chose was some eleven kilometers from the river on its west bank. The area is now known as the Valley of the Kings. Many pharaohs followed Thutmose’s example. After him, most of the pharaohs_74______________ above-ground pyramid construction in favor of underground hiding places as the burial places for their_75__________________. And yet, what is so _76__________is that even these tombs did not _77_________________________of the grave

robbers-persistent devils that they were!

I’ll end this discussion by pointing out that, when the ancient Greeks first saw the Great Pyramids of Egypt, the pyramids were already 2000 years old. The Greeks called them one of the Seven Wonders of the World.

_78__________________________of the other six Wonders-the Hanging Gardens of Babylon, the Temple of Diana, and so on –but the three mighty Pyramids of Giza, as well as thirty-two other _79________________pyramids, still stand. These pyramids of Egypt are monuments to a great and ancient civilization and to people’s_80______________________________________.

The fields of _1__________________go hand in hand. Let me explain what I mean. History is often the story of a _2____________person, a person like the Emperor Napoleon. Or, history is the story of a_3_________, _4________the country of France. _5________________archaeology is the study of the people, the_6_________, and the life of ancient times. Archaeologists find out about these ancient times by studying the_7___________, monuments or tombs, or any written _8______that remain.

In today’s lecture I’m going to _9______a little_10______________________, and I’m going to talk about _11____________________________________of the late twentieth century. The history part of my talk will be about Qin Shihuang, who was the founder of the _12______________in China. He lived between 259 B.C.E and 210 B.C.E., and he is often called the first emperor of China. Just as the exploits of the Emperor Napoleon still _13__________many people and scholars today, so does the story of Qin Shihuang and his house of eternity. Today, I’m also going to be talking about what has been found, to date, in the area of Qin Shihuang’s tombs. We don’t know what _14______treasures of Chinese history and culture will be found in the tomb area (or tomb mound) in the future, but what has been discovered so far is an _15________find for ancient Chinese history and archaeology.

To set the h istorical context for the _16______of Qin Shihuang’s House of Eternity, I’d like to first talk a little bit about_17_____________. His name was Ying Zheng. And before he unified the empire in 221 B.C.E., China had been torn apart by wars between seven regional kingdoms. Under the leadership of Ying Zheng, one of these regional kingdoms., the Kingdom of Qin, eventually_18_________________ the other six kingdoms. Ying Zheng’s defeat of the other six kingdoms _19______________two things: First, it ended the power of these other six kingdoms. Second, the _20__________of the seven kingdoms started a centralized imperial system that lasted more than 2000 years.

When he became Emperor, Qin Shihuang did a number of things to unify and protect his_21__________. First, he standardized _22____________Chinese characters. Prior to his unification of the empire, the writing of Chinese characters _23_______in the different kingdoms. When Qin Shihuang became Emperor, he decreed that a standardized system of Chinese characters was to be used throughout the empire. Next, he decreed that there would be just one system of_24______________, and one system of currency, rather than many different systems, as had been the case before unification.

To protect his new empire from the barbarian tribes to the north, he ordered the construction of the Great Wall of China._25__________, there already were small walls scattered across the northwest frontier of the empire, but Qin Shihuang had these walls _26____________________1500 miles of

__27_________________and protection for his empire. Qin Shihuang also began an _28_________road-building project. In the second year after unification, construction of three major imperial highways was begun. These

highways eventually _29_____________6800 kilometers (or 4225 miles) throughout the empire. Just in_30____________, by the year 150 C.E. the Roman Empire’s road system was about 5984 kilometers or 3718 miles. The Roman Empire’s system stretched all the way from Sco tland to Rome and then to Jerusalem.

Qin Shihuang also began another large construction project- the building of his tomb or mausoleum. It seems that as soon as the Emperor_31_________, he became preoccupied with death, and with constructing a magnificent House of Eternity for his afterlife. At this point, I’m going to segue from talking about the biography of Qin Shihuang to talking about the archaeology part of my lecture. Let’s see. OK. As I mentioned, when Qin Shihuang became emperor, he

_32_____________________________________of his House of Eternity.

And what an incredible House of Eternity it was! Archaeologists believe that 700000 laborers were forced to work on the tomb for about eleven years. The entire area of the tomb covers approximately 56.25 square kilometers. It is believed that the tomb was intended to be a microcosmic replica of the Qin capital around the years 221 to 210 B.C.E. Archaeologists also believe that

Qin Shihuang’s tomb contained imperial _33______________filled with rare gems and other treasures, and that it also contained_34______________. It is even believed that the _35_________________was pumped through the tomb to create the image of _36______________in the tomb area. Can you imagine rivers of mercury in a tomb? A 12000-square-meter area at the site of the tomb has a very high mercury content-in fact, ten times higher than that of the surrounding area so archaeologists think that it is very likely that the Mercury Rivers did, indeed, flow through the tomb area.

Without a doubt, _37___________________of the Emperor Qin’s House of Eternity are the terracotta warriors and horses found in the tomb area. In 1975, Chinese _38____________built a museum on the excavation site to preserve these terracotta warriors and horses, and the other incredible treasures that were being uncovered. Today, the museum covers an area of 16300 square meters. That means the area is more than two football fields long! The area

is_39________________________________, or what are called pits: No.1 Pit, No2 Pit, and No.3 Pit. No.1 Pit is the_40________ of the three pits; it’s approximately 960 square meters in size. It first opened to the public on China’s National Day in 1979. in No.1 Pit, there are columns of soldiers at the front, followed by war chariots at the back. It is _41__________that there are 3210 terracotta foot soldiers in this pit, alone. Two rears later, in 1976, No.2 Pit was unearthed. It contained nearly a thousand warriors and ninety wooden chariots. This pit was opened to the public in 1994, and today visitors from all over the world go to see Qin Shihuang’s House of Eternity, and to see his terracotta army that was to protect his tomb. Altogether more than 7000 terracotta soldiers, horses, chariots, and even _42__________have been

found in these three pits, and more will likely be found in the future as archaeologists continue to _43________and explore and excavate the tomb


_44_______________________________what Peter hassle of National

Geogr aphic magazine says about the ancient Chinese emperors’ view of the afterlife. Mr. Hassle says that the emperors of ancient China saw the afterlife

as a continuation of life on Earth, much as the Egyptians did. He also notes

that archaeologists working on the tomb of the first Emperor of China are “dusting off a window to the past.” They’re dusting off this window to give us a vision of what mattered to the ancient rulers and their cultures. We have much more to learn from the tomb of the First Emperor of China as excavation of the tomb area continues. We don’t know when the excavation will be complete. Chinese official say that the tomb mound of the first Chinese emperor will not be excavated until preservation techniques have advanced significantly.

Well, that’s about all I have to say for today. For

homework,_45_____________________________________ of the terracotta warriors and horses found in Qin Shihuang’s tomb. See you next time.

The women’s _1_______in the Uni ted States is a social movement that is nearly a century and a half old, according to Barbara Ryan, _2_____of Feminism and the Woman’s Movement. According to Ryan, organized activity _3_________women’s rights began in the mid-1800s when, both by law and by_4_______, women were considered “nonpresons.” Married women,

_5_________, were prevented by law from_6___________, from controlling the money they earned, or from retaining custody of their children if they were divorced by their husbands._7________, no woman was allowed to

_8_____on the laws that governed her life.

In the early 1900s, important changes occurred in the _9________climate in Europe and the United States as a result of World War ?. After the war, a number of countries granted women the right to vote, and in 1920, American women_10______________. Twenty years later, another war brought major social changes that _11________the lives of many men and women. One of the social changes _12_______women working outside the home. During World War П, large numbers of women _13____________________of the men who had been drafted into_14____________. A great many of these women became factory workers and they proved themselves to

be_15__________________. Today, women have gained more

_16_______and job_17__________, and they hold different jobs

and_18_________. Women are breaking into _19___________from sports writing to police work to firefighting, though their progress into these

male-dominated professions is slow. In fact, women make up only 1.5 percent of the 200000 professional firefighters in the United States today, and they make up only 4 percent of airline_20________________.

In addition to entering male-dominated professions, many women are

__21_________________________________________today. It is becoming more common to find women occupying positions of leadership in American business._22_______, women-owned business is one of the fastest-growing segments of the United States_23______. In 2003, _24_______, the 2003, for example, the U.S. Small Business Administration _25_________that in the United States, 9.1 million women-owned businesses employed 27.5 million people, and _26_________$3.6 trillion to the American economy._27_______, Women business owners are _28__________to the American economy. According to a 2004 study by the Center for Women’s Business Research, the nation’s “_29________” for women entrepreneurs are clustered in the western part of the United States. Idaho and Wyoming are tied for first place (followed by Utah, Nevada, and Arizona) as the five states in the United States where

_30________________________in women-owned businesses occurred. Between 1997 and 2004, on average, the number of women-owned businesses in these five states grew at more than twice the rate of the rest of the country. The average rate of women-owned businesses was 28.8 percent, _31___________14.0 percent for all other states in the United States. As many as ten years ago, women-owned businesses employed more people

domestically than the Fortune 500 companies did worldwide.

Why are women entrepreneurs so successful? The founder and President of the American Women’s Economic Development Corporation in New York, Beatrice Fitzpatrick, says “_32____________________________________.” But for some women, success in business has not come without the costs of overwork, burnout, and_33________________, friendships, of family relationships. According to the authors of the book Megatrends for Women, the great challenge for millions of successful women entrepreneurs and other professionals is to _34________________while being sure that they have a balance between work and their family and social lives.

Women have advanced to leadership positions_35_____________________. Women have become important political leaders all over the world though politics is still largely a male-dominated world._36___________, in 1969 in the United States, only 4 percent of the state lawmakers were women. By 2003, this number had grown by more than 500 percent, and 22.3 percent of state legislators were women._37__________________________________, in must be remembered that women make up more than 50 percent of the population in the United States, _38_________________________in the world of politics in the United States. The United States has not yet had a woman president, although women have served as presidents of Ireland, Nicaragua, and the Philippines. Many other countries have had female political leaders. Women have served as _39___________in the United Kingdom, France, Turkey, Pakistan, Canada, and Bangladesh.

The family has changed a lot_40___________________________._41____, less than 10 percent of American families have the traditional working father and the mother who_42__________________. To make up for the time that women are spending out of the home, many men are having

to_43__________________. Government and businesses are also becoming more concerned about helping working families with child care, but much more needs to be done to help women and men take care of their children while they are at work. _44______________that the _45______of women’s _46______in the workforce rose from 27 percent in 1940 to 57.6 percent in 2003 (including more than half of all women with a child under the age of one year), there is still no government-sponsored child-care or parental-leave policy in the United States. According to Barbara Ryan, _47_________to women’s emancipation lies in the lack of government-sponsored social-service support for working women who have children to support.

_48_______________________some women from__49 _______________in society, many people still believe that_50______________; however, many diverse opinions have emerged about _51____________for women and men

in work, education, politics, and the home. Some activists in the women’s movement call themselves “feminists,” whereas others who resist political activism choose not to label themselves “feminists” _52________________as people who are anti-men. Most feminists do not take such an attitude, at all. In

any case, the word feminism and the principles of feminism are not easy to define _53_________________________________In her book Feminism and the Women’s Movement, Barbara Ryan provides _54_____________of the term feminism. Shi quotes one woman who says that in her opinion

“_55_______________________________. Anybody can be a feminist, except you have the opportunity to be the best that they can be and we ought to have a worl d that encourages that.”

The names and terms _56_______________the movement, _57__________, are not nearly as important as the changes that feminism and the women’s movement have _58____________in American society. Because of this century-and-a-half old movement, women are contributing more to American society, and society is_59___________________._60___________________, women’s liberation, and feminism, women are enjoying_61________, new opportunities,_62______________________________________________.

_1_____________________________________in recent years in the U.S., and in countries around the world, as you heard in the last lecture. The women’s movement has_2______ many women to _3______and treatment in their homes, their personal relationships, and at work. It has also forced many women to _4____________________________they play in society._5______, not only have women begun to examine and rethink the roles they play at home and work, and_6_______________, but men also have begun to examine and rethink the roles they play in society, and to examine and rethink the _7_______________they must play at home and work today.

Men have also begun to _8_____________________to the new _9_____they must meet at home and work. Some men are _10______well to the new roles they must play as more and more women_11______________, and some men are pleased that their wives and partners have jobs outside the home. However, some of the role changes men are having to make to

_12___________their working wives and girlfriends, and some of the new expectations concerning their masculinity are_13______________________. Some men are even asking the question “_14_________________________” Many are confused about how they should_15__________, whether these women are their female colleagues at work, their friends, or their wives. Some feel they are no longer “_16________________” at

home._17_____________________________________, a countermovement called the men’s movement has_18__________ alongside the women’s movement in the United States. Men in the movement seek

to_19_____________________ they need to cope with the stresses and strains of being a man in today’s world, and to cope with the stresses and strains brought about by the _20__________________made and the personal freedoms won by women in many countries over the past few decades. Some women _21______the men’s movement _22_______a backlash against the professional advances women have made and the personal freedoms they have won, _23________________the women’s movement. Many men (and many women, also) see the men’s movement as men’s need to form a brotherhood for_24_________________, just as women have formed support groups with other women. Others see the men’s movement as men’s attempt and _25_______________________what it means and takes to be a “real man” at the start of the twenty-first century, when _26_____________of manhood are changing, or are under attack in many countries around the world.

_27________________________of some of the catalysts for the men’s movement, I’ll say just a few words about

_28____________________________against the women’s movement-what the well-known author Susan Faludi calls the “backlash” against the women’s movement. Ms. Faludi suggests that some men feel that women are becoming too_29________________ today as a result of the professional advances they have made in the workplace and_30____________________ they have

gained in their family and personal_31_________. She_32 ______that the

_33____________of some men toward women’s gaining power is not a recent_34_____________. More than 1900 years ago, the women of Rome tried to _35_________that forbade them from riding in gorse-drawn chariots and from_36________________. In 195 B.C.E., the Roman senator Cato expressed the_37 _____________that the women of Rome had become so powerful that the _38___________of the men of Rome had been lost in their homes, and was being trampled underfoot in public. In her book titled Backlash: The Undeclared War Against American Women, Susan Faludi_39 ______that many men today still resent women’s progress in becoming independent personally and professionally. Faludi notes that a_40 __________of American made attitudes in the 1980s found that no more than 5 to 10 percent of the

men surveyed genuinely supported women’s_41_____________________. It

is likely that this attitude has not changed much today.

Although some women view the men’s movement as a backlash, many other s see the men’s movement as_42 _______________for both men and women. They see it as men’s need to form a brotherhood for psychological support to

_43___________and personal freedoms even as women formed support groups with other women to protect and advance their rights. They think,

_44________, that women should not automatically be given_45 _______of children when a_46__________, and yet this is what often happens in the United States today._47_________, some authorities relate the development

o f the men’s movement to the confusion_48 _______the crisis of masculinity in contemporary society, and the many and changing images_49______ in the popular media of who and what real men are and how they are supposed to act. If you watch American movies, you might find yourself asking: Is the real man, _50_____________, a _51________guy like Dustin Hoffman’s tootsie?

Is he an involved dad like Robin Williams’s Mrs. Doubtfire or the father played by Steve Martin in parenthood? A macho man like Arnold Schwarzenegger plays in The Terminator, or is he a caring nurturer like the man Schwarzenegger played in Kindergarten Cop? Many men are

_52_______________________________________from the leaders of the men’s movement.

What are the_53___________ of masculinity that poses problems for many men today?_54_________________________, according to Robert Bly, a poet who is considered to be one of the founding fathers of the men’s movement, is rooted in the changes that _55__________in the

U.S._56__________________________, which occurred in the early to

mid-1900s. When the Industrial Revolution began, the kinds of work that people did (that is, the kinds of work men did) changed for many American. Before the Civil War, _57_________________________, independent artisans, or small-business owners. In these professions the workers usually worked close to their homes._58_____________________ how to work and support themselves and their family_59_____________. By 1910, _60________, less

then one-third of all men in the United States were_61___________. Sociologist Michael Kimmel points out that even then many men felt that the _62__________of manhood was being _63__________(and was even vanishing)_64___________, or had control over their labor. Many never got to see the fruits of their labor, as farmers and craftsmen usually do. Many men in the post-Industrial Revolution_65 ________had become mere cogs in the machines of industrial America._66_______, the change from a farm to an industrial society meant that _67_____________by working near their homes as farmers, craftsmen, or small-business owners, the majority of men began working in factories or offices. Often the factories were far from their homes and men had to travel long distances to work. This meant that the men were not home and the amount of time fathers spent with their sons was greatly reduced. Young boys, therefore, did not have their fathers around to act as role models. The effects of the Industrial Revolution continue into the present day, according to men in the men’s movement, and they want to address the problems it has brought. For example, many people are concerned that men still have little say in the upbringing of their children.

The evolution of the women’s move ment had a profound effect on the development of the men’s movement. As a result of the women’s movement, more women are working outside the home, and many men are playing a more active role in family life and they are taking on some of the tasks involved in child care and housework. Thirty to forty years ago, care of the home and children was almost exclusively the responsibility of women. In addition to these changes inside the home, in the workplace, men are today entering occupations that used to be considered women’s jobs. More men are becoming nurses and teachers of young children. Other men are finding that they have more female colleagues and bosses at work than ever before, and they are having to adapt to women’s styles of communication and management, which can differ considerably from those of men. At work, as well as at home, many men today in the U.S. have to play very different roles than their fathers did. As a result, they are joining with other men in the men’s movement or the y are reading books such as Robert Bly’s Iron John to try to understand and cope with the roles expected of men in today’s world.

So, some of the reasons for the men’s movement can be attributed to three things: 1)the changing roles brought about by the women’s movement, 2) the Industrial Revolution, and 3) men’s desire to understand and affirm the concept of manhood.

Exactly what forms does the men’s movement take, and what do men in the min’s movement hope to achieve by being active in the movement? To begin with, the men’s movement has no unified, monolithic philosophy. Although there are a number of unifying themes, there are also some interesting differences between the basic groups associated with the men’s movement. Several writers who writ e about the men’s movement have identified four basic groups of men active in the movement.

The first group is labeled the male feminists, and these men work for women’s rights and equality between the sexes. Some of the men in this first group are vocal about blaming other men for much of the violence against women and for the inequality that exists between men and women in relationships and in the job marked. Not all members of the men’s movement, however, consider this first group of men to be an integral part of the men’s movement. To be sure, the other three groups focus more on men’s issues than do the so-called male feminists.

The second orientation in the men’s movement attracts men who join men’s support groups to meet regularly and give and receive psychological support in dealing with problems created by the new roles they have to play at home and at work. These men are attempting to learn to better express their feelings and emotions, and to show sensitivity without being ashamed. A third group in the men’s movement consists of men who want to get back the power they feel they have lost because of the advances made by women as a result of the women’s movement and feminist causes. Finally, there is an approach to the movement called the mytho-poetic men’s movement. The mytho-poetic men’s movement is often identified with Robert Bly, the poet who wrote one of the most well-known books of the men’s movement: Iron John. The men involved in this aspect of the men’s movement believe t hat men should be initiated into manhood as men were initiated when people still lived in small tribes and bands in ancient cultures. This group initiates men using mythology, poetry (hence the name mytho-poetic), and other rituals, such as dancing, to explore and affirm the value of masculinity and masculine approaches to problem solving. Men who subscribe to this viewpoint worry that too much contact with women and too little contact with other men has turned them into weaklings or wimps.

So, the men’s movement is very diverse. A man who wants to join the movement has many options of just how he will explore the question “What does it mean to be a man in today’s world?”

What do women think of the men’s movement? Just as there are many differe nt ways for men to approach the men’s movement, there are many different opinions about the value and worth of the movement. Some women, especially many feminists, do not like the men’s movement. They feel it is a backlash and that it is an example of how men are trying to keep women from achieving equality by forming stronger “good old boy” (or male-only) networks and by advocating women’s return to their roles of housewife and mother rather than business partner or competitor. However, some women, particularly those whose husbands are part of men’s support groups or who have gone on men’s weekend retreats, are glad that men are learning to express their emotions and getting support from other men. Barbara Brotman reports in an article in the Chicago Tribune that one woman shi interviewed is glad that her husband has joined the men’s movement because she no longer feels that she alone is responsible for their family’s emotional well-being. She

语音识别如何处理工作 语音识别功能三个处理阶段

语音识别如何处理工作语音识别功能三个处理阶段 当今的消费者对技术的要求日益提升,这一点在用于与设备进行互动的界面技术上体现得尤为明显。人们对包括手机、车载电子、家用网络和办公环境下的设备要求越来越高,要求它们能够融入更易操作的、更直观的用户界面,以更贴切反映人与人之间的互动关系。 在每一个新的产品周期中,设计人员都倍感压力,要设计出操作更加精确、用户界面更加直观的产品。近年来,继触屏技术逐渐普及到包括电话、平板电脑、显示器、销售点解决方案、ATM和查询机等设备之后,语音识别技术正在快速成为驱动产品创新与运用的下一代用户界面技术。语音识别,甚至是手势与影像识别,成为各种工作与个人设备的标准配备只是个时间问题。由于语音识别技术在某种程度上受制于嵌入式应用的发展,因此其至今仍然处于发展的初期。然而,语音识别交互界面技术将最终被广泛采用,这是技术发展的大势所趋。汽车工业已经在计划引入更多具备更强嵌入式语音识别功能的尖端模块。 语音识别技术之所以发展缓慢,部分是由于用户界面越直观,其所需的处理能力与内存就呈指数级别上升,这反过来促进了闪存技术的创新发展。正如大多数设计人员所熟知的那样,用户界面越直观,其所需的技术平台与设计就越复杂。用户界面技术将消耗更多的计算能力与闪存,才能在达到高性能的处理能力的同时,保持最佳用户体验。一种解决方案是采用专门的硬件,即具有下一代闪存能力、集成了逻辑与灵活软件算法的专用协处理器。这些协处理器能够作为独立的硬件加速器分担主应用处理器的负担,从而获得市场上最高水平的用户体验。 人机交互界面的演进 自从电脑鼠标问世以来,HMI(人机交互)技术取得了长足进步。用户界面的创新从历史上看可归功于新器件的成功运用,例如,从老款移动电话的实体按键变为智能手机的触屏。打造具有吸引力的用户界面极具挑战性,需要相当复杂的系统来创造功能性强、易于访问、逻辑清晰与令人愉悦的用户体验。这种复杂系统对高可靠性、高性能硬件提在处理能力和


中国中文信息学会第七次全国会员代表大会 暨学会成立30周年学术会议 语音识别发展现状与展望中科院自动化研究所徐波 2011年12月4日

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成熟度分析-技术成熟度曲线 ?美国市场调查咨询公司Gartner于2011年7月发布《2011新兴技术成熟度曲线》报告:


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IBM语音识别输入系统(ViaVioce) V9.1 简体中文光盘版| 用嘴巴控制电脑... sjyhsyj 2009-8-28 12:13:271# 软件大小:276.08MB 软件语言:多国语言 软件类别:国外软件 / 汉字输入 运行环境:Win9x/NT/2000/XP/ 软件介绍: 该系统可用于声控打字和语音导航。只要对着微机讲话,不用敲键盘即可打汉字,每分钟可输入150个汉字,是键盘输入的两倍,是普通手写输入的六倍。该系统识别率可达95%以上。并配备了高性能的麦克风,使用便利,特别适合于起草文稿、撰写文章、和准备教案,是文职人员、作家和教育工作者的良好助手。 IBM潜心研究26年,他领导了世界的语音识别技术,其语音识别产品在全球销售已达一百万套以上。使用语音输入方式,您的工作空间更加自由舒畅: *即使您不会打字,也可迅速准备好文稿; *只要集中精力思考问题,无须琢磨怎样拼音,怎样拆字; *当您疲劳时,闭上眼、伸伸腰,双手方在脑后,然后轻松地说:开始听写吧... ... 注:价值超数千元的IBM的中文语音录入工具,有耳麦的朋友可以试一试,也可以当作学习普通话的工具,没有理由不下载使用它。 IBM ViaVoice语音输入系统详解 作者: 艾寒出处: 天极网 目前汉字输入的方式主要有四种:键盘输入,手写输入,扫描输入和我们现在要谈到的语音输入。让我们先来了解一下这四种输入方式。 键盘输入:键盘输入基本上是基于各种输入法,主要又分为字形输入法和拼音输入法。实际上字形输入法是不符合人的写作思维习惯,因为人们在措辞时,头脑中首先反映出的是即将这个词语的语音,所以字形输入法更适合专业录入人员使用。拼音输入法也分两种,一种以词语为输入单位,另一种以语句为输入单位,而后者不符合写作的思维习惯,因为人们在写作时是以词为思考单位。键盘输入法在输入速度有要求的情况下对于键盘操作、指法要求比较高; 手写输入:手写输入是最容易上手的输入方法,但是同样由于手写输入的先天不足,很难达到较高的输入速度; 扫描输入:扫描输入对于硬件要求比较高,主要是适用于资料的整理; 语音输入:语音输入对输入人员的键盘操作能力、指法要求很低,几乎可以说你只要会说汉语,就可以进行语音输入。 语音输入尤其是汉字语音输入经历了很长时间的研究和应用,到目前已经达到了一个相


机电信息工程学院专业综合课程设计 系:信息与通信工程 专业:通信工程 班级:081班 设计题目:基于matlab的语音识别系统 学生姓名: 指导教师: 完成日期:2011年12月27日

一.设计任务及要求 1.1设计任务 作为智能计算机研究的主导方向和人机语音通信的关键技术,语音识别技术一直受到各国科学界的广泛关注。以语音识别开发出的产品应用领域非常广泛,有声控电话交换、语音拨号系统、信息网络查询、家庭服务、宾馆服务、旅行社服务系统、订票系统、声控智能玩具、医疗服务、银行服务、股票查询服务、计算机控制、工业控制、语音通信系统、军事监听、信息检索、应急服务、翻译系统等,几乎深入到社会的每个行业、每个方面,其应用和经济社会效益前景非常广泛。本次任务设计一个简单的语音识别系。 1.2设计要求 要求:使用matlab软件编写语音识别程序 二.算法方案选择 2.1设计方案 语音识别属于模式识别范畴,它与人的认知过程一样,其过程分为训练和识别两个阶段。在训练阶段,语音识别系统对输入的语音信号进行学习。学习结束后,把学习内容组成语音模型库存储起来;在识别阶段,根据当前输入的待识别语音信号,在语音模型库中查找出相应的词义或语义。 语音识别系统与常规模式识别系统一样包括特征提取、模式匹配、模型库等3个基本单元,它的基本结构如图1所示。 图1 语音识别系统基本结构图 本次设计主要是基于HMM模型(隐马尔可夫模型)。这是在20世纪80年代引入语音识别领域的一种语音识别算法。该算法通过对大量语音数据进行数据统计,建立识别词条的统计模型,然后从待识别语音信号中提取特征,与这些模

型进行匹配,通过比较匹配分数以获得识别结果。通过大量的语音,就能够获得一个稳健的统计模型,能够适应实际语音中的各种突发情况。并且,HMM算法具有良好的识别性能和抗噪性能。 2.2方案框图 图2 HMM语音识别系统 2.3隐马尔可夫模型 HMM过程是一个双重随机过程:一重用于描述非平稳信号的短时平稳段的统计特征(信号的瞬态特征);另一重随机过程描述了每个短时平稳段如何转变到下一个短时平稳段,即短时统计特征的动态特性(隐含在观察序列中)。人的言语过程本质上也是一个双重随机过程,语音信号本身是一个可观测的时变列。可见,HMM合理地模仿了这一过程,是一种较为理想的语音信号模型。其初始状态概率向量π,状态转移概率矩阵向量A,以及概率输出向量B一起构成了HMM的3个特征参量。HMM 模型通常表示成λ={π,A,B}。 2.4HMM模型的三个基本问题 HMM模型的核心问题就是解决以下三个基本问题: (1)识别问题:在给定的观测序列O和模型λ=(A,B,π)的条件下,如何有效地计算λ产生观测序列O的条件概率P(O︱λ)最大。常用的算法是前后向算法,它可以使其计算量降低到N2T次运算。 (2)最佳状态链的确定:如何选择一个最佳状态序列Q=q1q2…qT,来解释观察序列O。常用的算法是Viterbi算法。 (3)模型参数优化问题:如何调整模型参数λ=(A,B,π),使P(O︱λ)最大:这是三个问题中最难的一个,因为没有解析法可用来求解最大似然模型,所以只能使用迭代法(如Baum-Welch)或使用最佳梯度法。 第一个问题是评估问题,即已知模型λ=(A,B,π)和一个观测序列O,如何计算由该模型λ产生出该观测序列O的概率,问题1的求解能够选择出与给定的观测序列最匹配的HMM模型。 第二个问题力图揭露模型中隐藏着的部分,即找出“正确的”状态序列,这是一个典型的估计问题。


语音识别技术的发展与未来 与机器进行语音交流,让它听明白你在说什么。语音识别技术将人类这一曾经的梦想变成了现实。语音识别就好比“机器的听觉系统”,该技术让机器通过识别和理解,把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令。 在1952年的贝尔研究所,Davis等人研制了世界上第一个能识别10个英文数字发音的实验系统。1960年英国的Denes等人研制了第一个计算机语音识别系统。 大规模的语音识别研究始于上世纪70年代以后,并在小词汇量、孤立词的识别方面取得了实质性的进展。上世纪80年代以后,语音识别研究的重点逐渐转向大词汇量、非特定人连续语音识别。 同时,语音识别在研究思路上也发生了重大变化,由传统的基于标准模板匹配的技术思路开始转向基于统计模型的技术思路。此外,业内有专家再次提出了将神经网络技术引入语音识别问题的技术思路。 上世纪90年代以后,在语音识别的系统框架方面并没有什么重大突破。但是,在语音识别技术的应用及产品化方面出现了很大的进展。比如,DARPA是在上世界70年代由美国国防部远景研究计划局资助的一项计划,旨在支持语言理解系统的研究开发工作。进入上世纪90年代,DARPA计划仍在持续进行中,其研究重点已转向识别装置中的自然语言处理部分,识别任务设定为“航空旅行信息检索”。 我国的语音识别研究起始于1958年,由中国科学院声学所利用电子管电路识别10个元音。由于当时条件的限制,中国的语音识别研究工作一直处于缓慢发展的阶段。直至1973年,中国科学院声学所开始了计算机语音识别。 进入上世纪80年代以来,随着计算机应用技术在我国逐渐普及和应用以及数字信号技术的进一步发展,国内许多单位具备了研究语音技术的基本条件。与此同时,国际上语音识别技术在经过了多年的沉寂之后重又成为研究的热点。在这种形式下,国内许多单位纷纷投入到


一种汉语语音输入系统及其方法,用以将任意文句的汉语语音直接转换成相应的中文文字,该系统及其方法包括声音处理过程及语言解码过程两大部分。其特征在于声音处理过程利用“段落统计模型” 计算输入汉语语音的各单音节及声调的机率,进而辨识之;语言解码过程针对声音处理过程送来的一连串音节利用“词类双连中文语言模型”找出对应的中文字。一种包含“智慧型学习技术”的汉语听写机,用本方法将语音输入转换成文字显示。 技术要求

1、一种汉语语音输入方法,用以将任意文句的汉语语音直接转换成相对应的中文文字,该方法包括声音处理过程以及语言解码过程两大部分,其特征在于,该声音处理过程利用“段落统计模型”计算输入汉语语音的每一音节以及声调的机率,进而辨识之;该语言解码过程针对该声音处理过程送来的一连串音节,以“马可夫中文语言模型”找出所对应的中文字。 2、根据权利要求1的方法,其特征在于,其中该“马可夫中文语言模型”是以“词”为基础,但以“字”来计算机率的“马可夫中文语言模型”。 3、根据权利要求1的方法,其特征在于,其中该以“词”为基础,以“字”来计算机率的“马可夫中文语言模型”系将输入的音节串所对应的同音字一一分割为若干个词,但根据两两相连的词之间相连的词头字及词尾字相连出现的机率,并比较每一个词出现的频率及前后文关系判断该音节的字。 4、根据权利要求1的方法,其特征在于,其中该“段落统计模型”的训练方式包含下列步骤: (1)若某一单音节α的总长度为T个音框,则将该单音节分为N段,每一段含有T/N个音框; (2)使用者重覆念该单音节数次,长度虽不尽相同,但同样等分成N段; (3)将所有上述单音节的第一段音框的特征向量合在一起,训练成第一段的状态; (4)将所有上述单音节的第二段音框的特征向量混合在一起,训练成第二段的状态,依此类推,训练出N个状态; (5)上述每个状态以M个高斯机率混合来描述,以上述音框的特征向量训练各个高斯机率的参数;和 (6)上述M个状态即构成该音节α的“段落统计模型”。


语音识别芯片所涉及的技术包括:信号处理、模式识别、概率论和信息论、发声机理和听觉机理、人工智能等等。 语音识别分类 按照使用者的限制而言,语音识别芯片可以分为特定人语音识别芯片和非特定人语音识别芯片。 特定人语音识别芯片是针对指定人的语音识别,其他人的话不识别,须先把使用者的语音参考样本存入当成比对的资料库,即特定人语音识别在使用前必须要进行语音训练,一般按照机器提示训练2遍语音词条即可使用。 非特定人语音识别是不用针对指定的人的识别技术,不分年龄、性别,只要说相同语言就可以,应用模式是在产品定型前按照确定的十几个语音交互词条,采集200人左右的声音样本,经过PC算法处理得到交互词条的语音模型和特征数据库,然后烧录到芯片上。应用这种芯片的机器(智能娃娃、电子宠物、儿童电脑)就具有交互功能了。 非特定人语音识别应用有的是基于音素的算法,这种模式下不需要采集很多人的声音样本就可以做交互识别,但是缺点是识别率不高,识别性能不稳定。 语音识别基本原理 嵌入式语音识别系统都采用了模式匹配的原理。录入的语音信号首先经过预处理,包括语音信号的采样、反混叠滤波、语音增强,接下来是特征提取,用以从语音信号波形中提取一组或几组能够描述语音信号特征的参数。特征提取之后的数据一般分为两个步骤,第一步是系统"学习"或"训练"阶段,这一阶段的任务是构建参考模式库,词表中每个词对应一个参考模式,它由这个词重复发音多遍,再经特征提取和某种训练中得到。第二是"识别"或"测试"阶段,按照一定的准则求取待测语音特征参数和语音信息与模式库中相应模板之间的失真测度,最匹配的就是识别结果。 语音识别四大平台 1、科大讯飞 科大讯飞股份有限公司成立于1999年,是一家专业从事智能语音及语言技术、人工智能技术研究,软件及芯片产品开发,语音信息服务及电子政务系统集成的国家级骨干软件企业。2008年,科大讯飞在深圳证券交易所挂牌上市,股票代码:002230。 11月23日科大讯飞轮值总裁胡郁在发布会上引述了罗永浩在9 月锤子发布会上的演示数据,表示科大讯飞的语音输入识别成功率也达到了97%,即使是离线识别准确率也达到了95%。 2、云知声 云知声成立于2012年6月。之前1年,Siri的发布再度唤醒了大家对语音识别的关注。经过四年多的积累,云知声的合作伙伴数量超过2万家,覆盖用户超过1.8亿,其中语音云平台覆盖城市超过470个,覆盖设备超过9000万台。 3、百度 百度则在11月22日宣布向开发者开放了情感合成、远场方案、唤醒二期和长语音方案等四项语音识别技术。百度语音开放平台自2013 年10 月上线以来每日在线语音识别请求已经达到了1.4 亿次,开发者数量超过14 万。在如此庞大的数据支撑下,百度语音在“安静条件下”的识别准确率达到了97%。4、搜狗 搜狗语音团队在11 月21 日推出了自己的语音实时翻译技术。搜狗的这项技术主要包括两个方面,分别是语音识别和机器翻译。根据该团队的介绍,搜狗语音识别的准确率达到了97%,支持最快400 字每秒的听写。 语音识别芯片原厂及芯片方案 1、ICRoute 总部:上海 简介:ICRoute专注于开拓语音识别的芯片市场,致力于研发出高性能的语音识别,语音处理芯片。为各种平台的电子产品提供VUI(Voice User Interface)语音人机交互界面。目前提供的语音识别芯片,可以在


项目题目:基于Matlab的语音识别 一、引言 语音识别技术是让计算机识别一些语音信号,并把语音信号转换成相应的文本或者命令的一种高科技技术。语音识别技术所涉及的领域非常广泛,包括信号处理、模式识别、人工智能等技术。近年来已经从实验室开始走向市场,渗透到家电、通信、医疗、消费电子产品等各个领域,让人们的生活更加方便。 语音识别系统的分类有三种依据:词汇量大小,对说话人说话方式的要求和对说话人的依赖程度。 (1)根据词汇量大小,可以分为小词汇量、中等词汇量、大词汇量及无限词汇量识别系统。 (2)根据对说话人说话方式的要求,可以分为孤立字(词)语音识别系统、连接字语音识别系统及连续语音识别系统。 (3)根据对说话人的依赖程度可以分为特定人和非特定人语音识别系统。 二、语音识别系统框架设计 2.1语音识别系统的基本结构

语音识别系统本质上是一种模式识别系统,其基本结构原理框图如图l所示,主要包括语音信号预处理、特征提取、特征建模(建立参考模式库)、相似性度量(模式匹配)和后处理等几个功能模块,其中后处理模块为可选部分。 三、语音识别设计步骤 3.1语音信号的特征及其端点检测 图2 数字‘7’开始部分波形 图2是数字”7”的波形进行局部放大后的情况,可以看到,在6800之前的部分信号幅度很低,明显属于静音。而在6800以后,信号幅度开始增强,并呈现明显的周期性。在波形的上半部分可以观察到有规律的尖峰,两个尖峰之间的距离就是所谓的基音周期,实际上也就是说话人的声带振动的周期。 这样可以很直观的用信号的幅度作为特征,区分静音和语音。只要设定一个

门限,当信号的幅度超过该门限的时候,就认为语音开始,当幅度降低到门限以下就认为语音结束。 3.2 语音识别系统 3.2.1语音识别系统的分类 语音识别按说话人的讲话方式可分为3类:(1)即孤立词识别(isolated word recognition),孤立词识别的任务是识别事先已知的孤立的词,如“开机”、“关机”等。(3)连续语音识别,连续语音识别的任务则是识别任意的连续语音,如一个句子或一段话。 从识别对象的类型来看,语音识别可以分为特定人语音识别和非特定人语音识别,特定人是指针对一个用户的语音识别,非特定人则可用于不同的用户。显然,非特定人语音识别系统更符合实际需要,但它要比针对特定人的识别困难得多。 3.2.2语音识别系统的基本构成 语音识别系统的实现方案如图3所示。输入的模拟语音信号首先要进行处理,包括预滤波,采样和量化,加窗,端点检测,预加重等。语音信号经处理后,接下来很重要的一环就是特征参数提取。 图3 语音识别系统 在训练阶段,将特征参数进行一定的处理之后,为每个词条得到一个模型,保存为模版库。在识别阶段,语音信号经过相同的通道得到语音参数,生成测试模版,与参考模板进行匹配,将匹配分数最高的参考模型作为识别结果。 3. 2.3 语音识别系统的特征参数提取 特征提取是对语音信号进行分析处理,去除对语音识别无关紧要的冗余信息,获得影响语音识别的重要信息。语音信号是一种典型的时变信号,然而如果把观察时间缩短到十毫秒至几十毫秒,则可以得到一系列近似稳定的信号。人的发音器官可以用若干段前后连接的声管进行模拟,这就是所谓的声管模型。 全极点线性预测参数 (LPC: Liner Prediction Coeffieient)可以对声管模型进行很好的描述,LPC参数是模拟人的发声器官的,是一种基于语音合成的参数模型。 在语音识别中,很少用LPC系数,而是用LPC倒谱参数 (LPCC: Liner Prediction Cepstral Coefficient)。LPCC参数的优点是计算量小,对元音有较好的描述能力,其缺点在于对辅音的描述能力较差,抗噪声性能较差。


语音识别技术综述 The summarization of speech recognition 张永双 苏州大学 摘要 本文回顾了语音识别技术的发展历史,综述了语音识别系统的结构、分类及基本方法,分析了语音识别技术面临的问题及发展方向。 关键词:语音识别;特征;匹配 Abstact This article review the courses of speech recognition technology progress ,summarize the structure,classifications and basic methods of speech recognition system and analyze the direction and the issues which speech recognition technology development may confront with. Key words: speech recognition;character;matching 引言 语音识别技术就是让机器通过识别和理解过程把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令的高技术。语音识别是一门交叉学科,所涉及的领域有信号处理、模式识别、概率论和信息论、发声机理和听觉机理、人工智能等等,甚至还涉及到人的体态语言(如人民在说话时的表情手势等行为动作可帮助对方理解)。其应用领域也非常广,例如相对于键盘输入方法的语音输入系统、可用于工业控制的语音控制系统及服务领域的智能对话查询系统,在信息高度化的今天,语音识别技术及其应用已成为信息社会不可或缺的重要组成部分。 1.语音识别技术的发展历史 语音识别技术的研究开始二十世纪50年代。1952年,AT&Tbell实验室的Davis等人成功研制出了世界上第一个能识别十个英文数字发音的实验系统:Audry系统。


山西大学研究生学位课程论文(2014 ---- 2015 学年第 2 学期) 学院(中心、所):计算机与信息技术学院 专业名称:计算机应用技术 课程名称:自然语言处理技术 论文题目:语音识别综述 授课教师(职称): 研究生姓名: 年级: 学号: 成绩: 评阅日期: 山西大学研究生学院 2015年 6 月2日

语音识别综述 摘要随着大数据、云时代的到来,我们正朝着智能化和自动化的信息社会迈进,作为人机交互的关键技术,语音识别在五十多年来不仅在学术领域有了很大的发展,在实际生活中也得到了越来越多的应用。本文主要介绍了语音识别技术的发展历程,国内外研究现状,具体阐述语音识别的概念,基本原理、方法,以及目前使用的关键技术HMM、神经网络等,具体实际应用,以及当前面临的困境与未来的研究趋势。 关键词语音识别;隐马尔科夫模型;神经网络;中文信息处理 1.引言 语言是人类相互交流最常用、有效的和方便的通信方式,自从计算机诞生以来,让计算机能听懂人类的语言一直是我们的梦想,随着大数据、云时代的到来,信息社会正朝着智能化和自动化推进,我们越来越迫切希望能够摆脱键盘等硬件的束缚,取而代之的是更加易用的、自然的、人性化的语音输入。语音识别是以语音为研究对象,通过对语音信号处理和模式识别让机器自动识别和理解人类口述的语言。 2.语音识别技术的发展历史及现状 2.1语音识别发展历史 语音识别的研究工作起源与上世纪50年代,当时AT&T Bell实验室实现了第一个可识别十个英文数字的语音识别系统——Audry系统。1959年,J.W.Rorgie和C.D.Forgie采用数字计算机识别英文元音及孤立字,开始了计算机语音识别的研究工作。 60年代,计算机应用推动了语音识别的发展。这时期的重要成果是提出了动态规划(DP)和线性预测分析技术(LP),其中后者较好的解决了语音信号产生模型的问题,对后来语音识别的发展产生了深远的影响。 70年代,LP技术得到了进一步的发展,动态时间归正技术(DTW)基本成熟,特别是矢量量化(VQ)和隐马尔科夫(HMM)理论的提出,并且实现了基于线性预测倒谱和DTW技术的特定人孤立语音识别系统。 80年代,实验室语音识别研究产生了巨大的突破,一方面各种连接词语音识别算法被开发,比如多级动态规划语音识别算法;另一方面语音识别算法从模板匹配技术转向基于统计模型技术,研究从微观转向宏观,从统计的角度来建立最佳的语音识别系统。隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)就是其典型代表,能够很好的描述语音信号的时变性和平稳性,使大词汇量连


语音识别改进方法及难点分析 ——《模式识别》结课小论文 学院:化工与环境学院 学号:2120151177 姓名:杜妮

摘要:随着计算机技术的不断发展,人工智能程度也越来越高,作为人工智能的一部分——模式识别也在模型和算法上愈发成熟。本文根据近105年文献,分析最新声音识别的方法和应用。 关键字:模式识别声音识别方法应用 随着人工智能的迅速发展,语音识别的技术越来越成为国内外研究机构的焦点。人们致力于能使机器能够听懂人类的话语指令,并希望通过语音实现对机器的控制。语音识别的研究发展将在不远的将来极大地方便人们的生活。 语音识别大致的流程包括:特征提取、声学模型训练、语音模型训练以及识别搜索算法。作为一项人机交互的关键技术,语音识别在过去的几十年里取得了飞速的发展,人们在研究和探索过程中针对语音识别的各部流程进行了各种各样的尝试和改造,以期发现更好的方法来完成语音识别流程中的各步骤,以此来促进在不同环境下语音识别的效率和准确率。本文通过查阅近10年国内外文献,分析目前语音识别流程中的技术进展和趋势,并在文章最后给出几项语音识别在日常生活中的应用案例,从而分析语音识别之后的市场走势和实际利用价值。 一、语音识别的改进方法 (一)特征提取模块改进 特征提取就是从语音信号中提取出语音的特征序列。提取的语音特征应该能完全、准确地表达语音信号,特征提取的目的是提取语音信号中能代表语音特征的信息,减少语音识别时所要处理的数据量。语音信号的特征分析是语音信号处理的前提和基础,只有分析出可以代表语音信号本质特征的参数,才能对这些参数进行高效的语音通信,语音合成,和语音识别等处理,并且语音合成的好坏,语音识别率的高低,也都取决于语音特征提取的准确性和鲁棒性。目前,针对特定应用的中小词汇量、特定人的语音识别技术发展已较为成熟,已经能够满足通常应用的要求,并逐步投入了实用。而非特定人、大词汇量、连续语音识别仍是


BMW中文声控系统 声控启动语音控制支持方言专车专用 宝马中文声控系统市场前景 在庞大的汽车销量的基础上,车载语音系统已成为现代汽车的重要亮点之一,但是由于技术的局限性,国内车载语音系统的发展始终比较缓慢,在国外广泛发展的车载语音控制系统在国内却处于技术空白阶段。现在,Qdis-isods让这种情况得到了根本性的改变。 qdis品牌联合众多院校精英,由多名各领域资深人士参与研发,根据中国市场特点以及中国用户使用习惯进行特殊定制,成功推出Qdis-isods系列产品,为广大车主提供车载语音控制的解决方案和专业服务。加载Qdis-isods车载语音系统后,用户用自己的声音即可完成相关操作,而不再只是使用传统的指定命令。 Qdis-isods系列产品支持中国多种方言,声音识别准确率高并支持多人识别,一举攻克了之前的技术难题,让车载语音系统全面进入中国市场。以前需要手动操作的控制,现在您和爱车直接对话就能实现,而且还能语音识别并控制后装增配的产品,满足客户多种智能语音操作的需求。随着车联网技术的发展,汽车的互联性会越来越强,我们可以把语音技术扩展到除终端和嵌入式系统以外的所有设备上,从而完成更复杂的识别控制任务。我们依然在不断创新实践,以谋求更多的成功案例。 Qdis-isods车载语音系统可以完美支持各类车型,金鼓德达将以一贯优秀的无损加装技术,让您在驾驶生活中发现更多乐趣。QDIS-ISODS系列,爱车从此智能! 一、BMW中文声控系统主要功能 1.语音识别启动引擎 语音指令随时学习,支持所有方言,指令内容可以自由定义; 不影响原车启动键启动功能; 可以同时利用方向盘按键组合为密码启动; 语言指令和方向盘密码可以任意修改; 2.语音指令控制原车 语音指令随时学习,支持所有方言,指令内容可以自由定义;


语音识别是以语音为研究对象,通过语音信号处理和模式识别让机器自动识别和理解人类口述的语言。语音识别技术就是让机器通过识别和理解过程把语音信号转变为相应的文本或命令的高技术。语音识别是一门涉及面很广的交叉学科,它与声学、语音学、语言学、信息理论、模式识别理论以及神经生物学等学科都有非常密切的关系。语音识别技术正逐步成为计算机信息处理技术中的关键技术,语音技术的应用已经成为一个具有竞争性的新兴高技术产业。 1语音识别的基本原理 语音识别系统本质上是一种模式识别系统,包括特征提取、模式匹配、参考模式库等三个基本单元,它的基本结构如下图所示: 未知语音经过话筒变换成电信号后加在识别系统的输入端,首先经过预处理,再根据人的语音特点建立语音模型,对输入的语音信号进行分析,并抽取所需的特征,在此基础上建立语音识别所需的模板。而计算机在识别过程中要根据语音识别的模型,将计算机中存放的语音模板与输入的语音信号的特征进行比较,根据一定的搜索和匹配策略,找出一系列最优的与输入语音匹配的模板。然后根据此模板的定义,通过查表就可以给出计算机的识别结果。显然,这种最优的结果与特征的选择、语音模型的好坏、模板是否准确都有直接的关系。2语音识别的方法 目前具有代表性的语音识别方法主要有动态时间规整技术(DTW)、隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)、矢量量化(VQ)、人工神经网络(ANN)、支持向量机(SVM)等方法。 动态时间规整算法(Dynamic Time Warping,DTW)是在非特定人语音识别中一种简单有效的方法,该算法基于动态规划的思想,解决了发音长短不一的模板匹配问题,是语音识别技术中出现较早、较常用的一种算法。在应用DTW算法进行语音识别时,就是将已经预处理和分帧过的语音测试信号和参考语音模板进行比较以获取他们之间的相似度,按照某种距离测度得出两模板间的相似程度并选择最佳路径。 隐马尔可夫模型(HMM)是语音信号处理中的一种统计模型,是由Markov链演变来的,所以它是基于参数模型的统计识别方法。由于其模式库是通过反复训练形成的与训练输出信号吻合概率最大的最佳模型参数而不是预先储存好的模式样本,且其识别过程中运用待识别语音序列与HMM参数之间的似然概率达到最大值所对应的最佳状态序列作为识别输出,因此是较理想的语音识别模型。 矢量量化(Vector Quantization)是一种重要的信号压缩方法。与HMM相比,矢量量化主要适用于小词汇量、孤立词的语音识别中。其过程是将若干个语音信号波形或特征参数的标量数据组成一个矢量在多维空间进行整体量化。把矢量空间分成若干个小区域,每个小区域寻找一个代表矢量,量化时落入小区域的矢量就用这个代表矢量代替。矢量量化器的设计就是从大量信号样本中训练出好的码书,从实际效果出发寻找到好的失真测度定义公式,设计出最佳的矢量量化系统,用最少的搜索和计算失真的运算量实现最大可能的平均信噪比。在实际的应用过程中,人们还研究了多种降低复杂度的方法,包括无记忆的矢量量化、有记忆的矢量量化和模糊矢量量化方法。 人工神经网络(ANN)是20世纪80年代末期提出的一种新的语音识别方法。其本质上是一


语音识别的发展及应用 本文介绍了隐马尔可夫模型(Hidden Markov Model,HMM),传统的人工神经网络语音识别方法以及改进的人工神经网络,针对最近研究热点深度学习在语音识别中的应用做了详细的描述,并对与人工神经网络在语音识别中的缺点进行阐述,就如何将HMM与深度神经网络联合起来运用到语音识别中进行详细的分析与介绍。 标签:隐马尔科夫模型人工神经网络深度学习 一、引言 伴随着计算机技术的不断进步以及人工智能学科的飞速发展。人们对大脑学习、思维机能的研究逐渐深入。人工神经网络作为借鉴人脑神经元互相连结构的信息处理网络,受到了广泛的关注。深度学习作为人工神经网络的一个分支,能够从海量的数据中挖掘到有效的信息,成为语音识别领域的一个研究热点。 二、隐马尔科夫模型 隐马尔可夫模型[3](HMM)是马尔可夫链的一种,它的状态不能直接观察到,但能通过观测向量序列观察到,每个观测向量都是通过某些概率密度分布表现为各种状态,每一个观测向量是由一个具有相应概率密度分布的状态序列产生。所以,隐马尔可夫模型是一个双重随机过程——具有一定状态数的隐马尔可夫链和显示随机函数集。 隐马尔科夫模型(HMM)可以用五个元素来表示,包括两个状态集合和三个概率矩阵:1.隐含状态S;2.可转移状态O;3aaaa.初始状态概率矩阵π;4.隐含状态转移概率矩阵A;5.观测状态转移概率矩阵B。一般的,可以用λ=(A,B,π)三元组来简洁的表示一个隐马尔科夫模型。应用隐马尔科夫模型通常解决三类基本问题:1.评估问题;2.解码问题;3.学习问题。 隐马尔可夫模型是目前进行声学建模的主流技术。采用5状态的连续HMM 模型(见图1),其中1、5状态只起连接作用,没有观测概率,第2、3、4状态有高斯概率分布,假设特征参数是相互独立的,所以规定协方差矩阵为对角阵。 图1 五状态HMM模型结构 三、深度神经网络模型 1.神经网络的基本概念 神经网络即人工神经网络,是一种模仿动物神经网络行为特征,进行分布式并行信息处理的算法的数学模型。此网络依靠系统的复杂程度,通过调整内部大


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语音识别技术的现状与未来 The Present and Future of Speech Recognition (CSLT-TRP-20160034) 王东(Dong Wang) 2017/01/08 CSLT, RIIT, Tsinghua Univ.

语音识别任务及其研究意义 语音识别(Automatic Speech Recognition, ASR)是指利用计算机实现从语音到文字自动转换的任务。在实际应用中,语音识别通常与自然语言理解、自然语言生成和语音合成等技术结合在一起,提供一个基于语音的自然流畅的人机交互方法。 早期的语音识别技术多基于信号处理和模式识别方法。随着技术的进步,机器学习方法越来越多地应用到语音识别研究中,特别是深度学习技术,它给语音识别研究带来了深刻变革。同时,语音识别通常需要集成语法和语义等高层知识来提高识别精度,因此和自然语言处理技术息息相关。另外,随着数据量的增加和机器计算能力的提高,语音识别越来越依赖数据资源和各种数据优化方法,这使得语音识别与大数据、高性能计算等新技术产生广泛结合。综上所述,语音识别是一门综合性应用技术,集成了包括信号处理、模式识别、机器学习、数值分析、自然语言处理、高性能计算等一系列基础学科的优秀成果,是一门跨领域、跨学科的应用型研究。 语音识别研究具有重要的科学价值和社会价值。语音信号是典型的局部稳态时间序列,研究这一信号的建模方法具有普遍意义。事实上,我们日常所见的大量信号都属于这种局部稳态信号,如视频、雷达信号、金融资产价格、经济数据等。这些信号的共同特点是在抽象的时间序列中包括大量不同层次的信息,因而可用相似的模型进行描述。历史上,语音信号的研究成果在若干领域起过重要的启发作用。例如,语音信号处理中的隐马尔可夫模型在金融分析、机械控制等领域都得到了广泛应用。近年来,深度神经网络在语音识别领域的巨大成功直接促进了各种深度学习模型在自然语言处理、图形图象处理、知识推理等众多应用领域的发展,取得了一个又一个令人惊叹的成果。 在实用价值方面,语音交互是未来人机交互的重要方式之一。随着移动电话、穿戴式设备、智能家电等可计算设备的普及,基于键盘、鼠标、触摸屏的传统交互方式变得越来越困难。为了解决这种困难,手势、脑波等一系统新的人机交互方式进入人们的视野。在这些五花八门的新兴交互方式中,语音交互具有自然、便捷、安全和稳定等特性,是最理想的交互方式。在语音交互技术中,语音识别是至关重要的一环:只有能“听懂”用户的输入,系统才能做出合理的反应。今天,语音识别技术已经广泛应用在移动设备、车载设备、机器人等场景,在搜索、操控、导航、休闲娱乐等众多领域发挥了越来越重要的作用。随着技术越来越成熟稳定,我们相信一个以语音作为主要交互方式的人机界面新时代将很快到来。 研究内容和关键科学问题 语音识别研究主要包括如下三方面内容:语音信号的表示,即特征抽取;语音信号和语言知识建模;基于模型的推理,即解码。语音信号的复杂性和多变性使得这三方面的研究都面临相当大的挑战。图1给出一个语音识别系统的典型架构。


第六届全国人机语音通讯学术会议,267-271页,2001年11月20-22日,深圳 汉语连续语音识别中声学模型基元比较汉语连续语音识别中声学模型基元比较:: 音节音节、、音素音素、、声韵母 李净,徐明星,张继勇,郑方,吴文虎,方棣棠 语音技术中心,智能技术与系统国家重点实验室, 清华大学计算机科学与技术系, 北京, 100084 [lijing, xumx, zjy, fzheng, wuwh]@https://www.doczj.com/doc/204105015.html,, fangdt@https://www.doczj.com/doc/204105015.html, https://www.doczj.com/doc/204105015.html, 摘要 本文研究的是汉语连续语音识别中声学模型基元的选 择问题。根据汉语语音的特点,本文分别采用音节、 音素和声韵母等三种语音识别基元进行声学建模。为 了描述连续语音中的协同发音现象,本文针对音素和 声韵基元,设计了相应的问题集,利用基于决策树的 状态共享策略建立了上下文相关音素模型 (Triphone )和上下文相关声韵模型(TriIF ),并对 几种声学基元进行了对比。实验结果表明,对于上下 文无关模型,音素和声韵模型都要劣于音节模型,而 对于上下文相关模型,Triphone 和TriIF 模型与音节 模型相比,识别性能有了很大提高,其音节误识率分 别降低了8.5%和23.6%。 1. 引言 声学建模是连续语音识别中声学层面处理的关键步骤。声学模型用来描述识别基元对应的特征矢量序列的产生过程。通过声学建模,可以估计待识别特征矢量序列所对应的语音识别基元,从而完成特征矢量序列到语音识别基元的识别转换。 基元的选择是声学建模中一个基本而重要的问题。在汉语连续语音识别中,可以选择的基元包括:词(Word )、音节(Syllable )、半音节(Semi-Syllable )、声韵母(Initial/Final )、音素(Phone )等。识别基元的选择一般是基于语音学知识的,但是,基元也可以通过数据驱动的方式来产生,使用这种方式确定的基元可能在语音学上没有什么明确的意义,但也可以达到很好的性能。 对于词,在小词表语音识别系统中,或者命令与控制(Command & Control )系统中,使用词作为识别基元是适当的。但是,在连续语音识别中将词作为识别基元是不合适的。首先,在连续语音识别系统中,词条的数目比较多,一般都要使用几千或者几万 条词条,所以声学模型的规模必然很大。这不但会增 加存储的开销,还会极大地增加搜索的复杂度。其 次,当词表以外的词条,即OOV (Out Of Vocabulary )问题出现时,声学模型处理起来比较困 难。第三,要对这么多基元进行训练,必然需要一个 很大的数据库,并且要尽量覆盖词表中的词条,这一 点是很难达到的。所以,在汉语连续语音识别系统 中,采用类似于词这样较长的语音段作为识别基元是 不合适的。 对于音节,在汉语中,无调音节约有400个,如果考虑音调,有1300多个有调音节[1]。在进行上下文无关的声学建模时,使用有调或者无调音节是可以的,而且还可以取得相当好的性能,因为音节作为识别基元时,它很好地刻划了音节内部的变化。但是,在连续语音识别中,音节间的协同发音现象是比较严重的,因此,必须采用适当的方式来描述这种现象。一般地,上下文相关信息应在声学建模中加以考虑,这样,识别基元就会变成上下文相关的基元。如果采用音节作为识别基元,当考虑上下文信息时,基元数目会变得非常庞大,这将会使声学模型的规模变得无法接受。同时,由于基元数目过大,也会引起训练数据稀疏的问题,从而难以对模型参数给出较为准确的估计。所以,在进行上下文相关建模时,不适宜采用 音节模型。 音素在汉语中有三十多个(本文中定义的音素数目为35个)。音素基元在英语连续语音识别系统中得到了广泛的应用,并取得了很好的识别性能[2][3]。由此可见,音素也是一个很好的选择。但音 素并没有反映出汉语语音的特点,而且,相对于声韵母,音素显得更加不稳定,这一方面给手工标注带来了困难,同时,也给声学描述带来困难。 对于半音节和声韵母,它们在形式和数量上十分接近。半音节就是将音节分为两部分,而声韵母的划分更依赖于汉语语音学的知识。可以说,声韵母基元是适合汉语特点的一种识别基元,使用这种基元,还可以有很多语言学知识可以利用,从而进一步提高声 学模型的性能。声韵母作为识别基元具有以下优点: ? 汉语中的汉字是单音节的,而汉语中的音节是声韵结构的,这种独特而规则的结构,使对音节、以及词条的表示变得比较规则和统一; ? 使用声韵母作为识别基元,上下文相关信息也变得比较确定。比如,与声母相接的只能是韵母或者静音,而与韵母相接的也只能是声母或静音,而且,韵母左边相接的声母只能是与其搭配起来能够成汉语音节的那些声母。所以,上下文相关的声韵母基元的数目并不是基元数目的立方,而是远远小于这个数值的。

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