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美语发音规则与技巧 语音语调

美语发音规则与技巧 语音语调
美语发音规则与技巧 语音语调

Read the words below and give the past tense forms.

chop connect demand

dispute scan fence

heat implore insert

react list monitor

outline reflect rain

remember place plan

penetrate pick part

participate praise mitigate

promote pronounce resent

mark lament settle

seize select shape

judge trim qualify

undermine resist diminish











例如:[1] 前元音,口型舒展

[u:] 后元音,口型收拢



前元音(Front Vowels)主要有:

英式英语:[i:] [i] [e] [1]

美式英语:[i] [I] [A] [1]

Practice these four sounds in phrases.

eat the meat make a wish very well

a mad man keep the seat sit down

get ready a jazz band three trees

best friend a black bag Pe ter’s secret

a small fish ten men a plastic bag

the Chinese people a bit chilly Teddy Bear

hand in hand a piece of cheese bit by bit

wet with sweat a happy marriage a friend in need

fit as a fiddle best seller on behalf of our class




中元音(Central Vowels)主要有:

英式英语:[4:] [4] [8]


Practice these three sounds in phrases.

the first term a long term some money

learn the words among the workers some honey

a firm girl never forget once in a month

a nervous nurse a sheet of paper a tough son

an early bird a drop of water a funny couple

a dirty shirt the teachers of China a sudden jump

the third world the doctor’s daughter just for fun

an active learner at the counter blood for blood




后元音(Back Vowels)主要有:

英式英语:[3] [3:] [u] [u:]

美式英语:[2] [3] [U] [u]

Practice these four sounds in phrases.

pop music law and order

push and pull pop concert

daughter-in-law youthful

by hook or by crook whose tools

a stopwatch according to law

the butcher and the crook a new suit

clocks and watches talk and walk

good looks a group of students

socks and stocking a small waterfall

good footwork drop by drop

along the corridor book a room

the Blue Danube common knowledge

a long story took some sugar

a water bottle a quarter to four

too few too soon to be true wooden plates




Monophthongs: [i:] [i] [e] [1] [8] [2:] [3] [3:] [u] [u:] [4:] [4]

Diphthongs: [ei] [2i] [3i] [4u] [2u] [i4] [e4] [u4]

In American English, we simply use five of these diphthongs:

[ei] [4u] [2i] [2u] [3i]




According to the shape of the lips

合口元音Rounded Vowels:[3:] [3] [u:] [u]

敞口元音Unrounded Vowels:[i:] [i]

自然口型Neutral Vowels:[e] [1] [8] [4]




According to the length of the vowels

长元音Long Vowels:[i:] [4:] [2:] [3:] [u:]

短元音Short Vowels:[i] [e] [1] [8] [4] [3] [u]






清辅音Voiceless Consonants:

[p] [t] [k] [t5] [f] [7] [s] [5] [ts] [tr] [t5]

浊辅音Voiced Consonants:

[b] [d] [g] [d9] [v] [0] [z] [9] [dz] [dr] [d9]



浊辅音:[m] [n] [6] [l] [r]


浊辅音:[w] [j]










半元音:[w] [j]




英语中的爆破音有六个,它们是: [p] [b] [t] [d] [k] [g]

嘴唇闭气:[p] [b]

舌前端在上齿齿龈和硬腭前端闭气:[t] [d]

舌后端抬高,软腭下垂进行闭气:[k] [g]

Read the dialogues, paying attention to the pronunciation of plosives.

(1) A: How do you do? I’m Parker.

B: How do you do, Mr. Barker?

A: Parker.

B: Oh, Parker with a P?

A: Yes, with a P.

B: Er…I’m Barker.

A: Barker? With a B. Of course.

B: Yes, with a B.

A: Won’t you come in, Mr. Barker?

B: Thank you, Mr. Parker.

(2) A: I love you, Miss Brown.

B: But how can I believe you, Mr. Black.

A: I’ll jump over the balcony, Miss Brown.

B: Jump over the balcony, Mr. Black?

A: It’ll prove my love, Miss Brown.

B: It’ll break your back, Mr. Blac k.

A: Then save me and take me back!

(3) A: What’s the date today?

B: December the fifteenth. The day after tomorrow is little

Tom’s birthday.

A: Right. What present should we give him this time? By the

way, how old is he?

B: He’s still thirteen today and tomorrow. He’ll be fourteen the

day after tomorrow. Let’s get him a remote controlled toy


A: How time flies! He’s a big boy now.

B: And don’t forget Mary, Tom’s twin sister. It’s her birthday,


A: OK. Let’s invite all their little friends to come and celebrate.

(4) A: Was it a good game?

B: It was a terrific game.

A: You had a good day for it.

B: A beautiful day.

A: Did Chris score?

B: He scored twice.

A: And you?

B: Now where did I put that bottle of milk?

A: Did you score?

B: Ah, got it.

A: Maybe the next game?

B: Sure thing. I’ll score one goal at least.





[f] [v] [7] [0] [s] [z] [5] [9]

上齿接触下唇:[f] [v]

上齿与舌面摩擦:[7] [0]

上齿齿龈产生摩擦:[s] [z]


硬腭摩擦:[r] [5] [9]

Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the pronunciation of fricatives.

(1) A: Frank flatters me, Fred.

B: Frank flatters everybody.

A: He said I create a flame in his heart.

B: A flame in his heart?

A: A furious flame! He says I drive him frantic!

B: You drive me frantic, too, Fanny.

A: Oh, Fred! You old flatterer.

B: But don’t forget to fry the fish, Fanny.

(2) A: Seven days old! She’s a lovely baby!

B: She’s a beautiful b aby!

A: And she’s a clever baby.

B: And her voice, her voice is so… so clear!

A: She’s got a very clear voice, indeed.

B: And she’s big for a baby of her age!

(3) A: Date of birth?

B: The third of March, nineteen thirty-three.

A: The third of March, nineteen thirty-three?

B: I think…

B: I think it was the third, but maybe it was the fourth.

A: You think it was either the third or the fourth? You’re not

sure of your own date of birth?

B: No, I’m sorry.

A: Anyway, the position has been taken already. So it doesn’t

matter you’re not sure of your date of birth.

(4) A: Maybe you’ll let me play in the mud, Mother?

B: Don’t you dare play there.

A: Father doesn’t mind if we play in the mud.

B: Father doesn’t wa sh the dirty clothes, dear.

(5) A: I’ll sing you a song.

B: Yes, sing a song. But don’t sing a sad song.

A: Most of my songs are sad, sorry.

B: Well, please sing one that’s not within the definition of too


A: OK, I’ll sing San Francisco, then.

(6) A: A shirt, sir? Yes, sir. This one will suit you. It’s in a very

fashionable shade.

B: Mm. I want something simpler.

A: A silver one, maybe? It’s got something special on the


B: Can’t you show me a simple shirt in a simple s hade? Maybe

I should try the next shop.

(7) A: Who’s that over there?

B: Oh, that’s John. He’s the Club Treasurer.

A: What’s he doing there?

B: Watching television.

A: And does he always sleep when the television’s on?

B: Usually he does.

A: Ah.

B: And occasionally he snores.

A: Rather noisily.

B: As even the man on the moon must have noticed!

(8) You and your friend are looking at some things in a shop window but you can’t see

very well.

A: Is that a radio?

B: It looks like a radio.

A: Is that a pretty dress?

B: It looks like a pretty dress.

A: Is that a rugby ball?

B: It looks like a rugby ball.

B: It looks like a record.

A: Is that a record player?

B: It looks like a record player.

A: Is that a refrigerator?

B: It looks like a refrigerator.

(9) A: How handsome Henry is!

B: Henry is handsome, isn’t he?

A: And how hardworking Henry is!

B: Henry does work hard.

A: And how honest Henry is!

B: Oh? Is Henry honest?




英语中塞擦音有六个,它们是:[t5] [d9] [ts] [dz] [tr] [dr]

牙齿处闭气:[ts] [dz]

硬腭前端摩擦:[t5] [d9]

舌头在硬腭处闭气:[tr] [dr]

Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the affricates.

(1)A:We need some cheese.

B:I’ve just bought some cheese.

A:And we need some chocolate.

B:I’ve just bought some chocolate.

A:And what about chicken soup?

B:I’ve just bought some chicken soup.

A:Good, but we still haven’t got enough chairs.

B:Don’t worry. I’ve just bought some cheap chairs.

A:That’s everything then. Oh no! China plates.

(2) A:You can’t do that!

B:Of course I can. It’s my bridge.

A:But you can’t chop it down!

B:It’s my bridge, and I’m chopping it down.

A:Don’t chop it down! How shall we cross? We can’t manage

without it.

B:Well, you’ve got to learn how to jump really far! Jump!





英语中鼻音有三个,它们是:[m] [n] [6]




Read the dialogues, while paying attention to the nasals.

(1) A:Don’t be alarmed if Mum stamps.

B:And don’t be alarmed if Mum screams.

A:It’s not what it seems.

B:Don’t be alarmed. You won’t really be h armed.

(2) A:Norman went. And he never returned.

B:He went? When?

A:Oh, about the end of June.

B:Did he send the rent?

A:Yes, and I’ve found a new tenant, Nancy Noble.

B:I hope there won’t be any problems.

A:You don’t k now Nancy, do you?

B:Well, I once lent her some cash and she never returned it.

(3)A friend is helping you to do a crossword puzzle.

A:I think it’s “singing”.

B:No, “singing” is wrong.

A:What about ”ringing”?

B:No, “ringing” is wrong.

A:Well, can it be “bringing”?

B:No, “bringing” is wrong.

A:What about “thinking”?

B:No, “thinking” is wrong.

A:Well, is it “hanging”?

B:No, “hanging” is wrong.

A:What about “drinking”?

B:No, “drinking” is wrong.

A:Oh, dear, is anything going to be right?





Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the lateral.

A:If you look on the library shelves, you’ll find A History of the

Lakes. The Lakes were a large, rich, but unlucky family.

They had thirteen children. The first eleven were killed in

mysterious fatal accidents. And the twelfth, Lance... Poor

Lance was eaten by wolves.

B:And the remaining child? The last of the Lakes?

A:I was lucky. I inherited everything. Now sign the contract or I

may start calling you brother!




英语中半元音有两个,它们是:[w] [j]

Read the dialogue, while paying attention to the semi-vowels.

A:How much do we have to give?

B:We don’t have to give.

A:I’ll give whatever Mrs. Whitney gave.

B:She gave five.

A:Very well, I’ll give five dollars, too.

B:She gave five hundred dollars.

A:Oh, my! She always gives too much.

Read the two poems.

(1) We waddle away from the water.

And now we will waddle back.

Then swish, swish, we are swimming again.

Quack! Quack! Quack!

(2) When the orchard yield will be gathered soon.

And the fields beyond are yellow with corn,

The dog in our yard awakes with a yawn,

And yaps and yelps at the yellow moon.



标准美音:RP:Received Pronunciation GA:General American

标准英音:RP:Received Pronunciation




/2r/ /4r/ /ir/ /Ar/ /ur/ /3r/

/2r/ car far /ir/ dear near/Ar/ air/3r/ for more door floor

/Ur/ sure tour poor/jur/ fewer cure/4r/ her earn bird

/2ir/ fire liar buyer/2ur/ hour flower tower power

/3ir/ employer destroyer

Read the following words, while paying to the pronunciation of the /r/.

(1) /2rs/far car large charge smart

(2) /irs/dear clear fear cheer here

(3) /Ar/air dare pear their where

(4) /3r/for more door pour before

(5) /Ur/ /jUr/sure poor tour cure fewer

(6) /4r/her turn learn word first

(7) /2ir/fire tired higher liar buyer

(8) /2Ur/hour flour shower power tower

(9) /3ir/destroyer employer





(1)half/h2:f/ /h1f/

(2)bath/b2:7/ /b17/

(3)pass/p2:s/ /p1s/

(4)ask/2:sk/ /1sk/

(5)calm/k2:m/ /k2m/

(6)palm/p2:m/ /p2m/

(7)father/’f2:04/ /’f204r/


(9)Chicago/5i’k2:g4u/ /5i’k2g4u/



At a Party

Margaret:Where’s your glass, Barbara?

Barbara:It’s on the bar.

Martin:Barbara, Margaret! Come into the garden! Martha and Charles are dancing on the grass!

Margaret:In the garden? What a laugh!

Barbara:So they are!

Margaret:They are dancing under the stars!

Martin:And Arnold’s playing his guitar.

Barbara:Doesn’t Martha look smart?

Margaret:Look at Charles! What a marvelous dancer!

Barbara:Ah! Let’s take a photograph of Martha and Charles.

Martin:We can’t. It’s too dark.











Read the following words, paying attention to the pronunciation of /3/.

coffee water caught law

bought boss tall talk

lawyer fought walk ball

cause draw daughter August

saw ought flaw paw





(1)hot/h3t/ /h2t/

(2)cot/k3t/ /k2t/

(3)clock/kl3k/ /kl2k/

(4)shop/53p/ /52p/

(5)box/b3x/ /b2x/

(6)not/n3t/ /n2t/

Read the following words, while paying attention to the different pronunciation of /2/.

what want wash watch

bottle promise shop job

hot top college pot





(1)above/4’b8v/ /4’b4v/

(2)but/b8t/ /b4t/

(3)touch/t8t5/ /t4t5/

(4)love/l8v/ /l4v/

(5)blood/bl8d/ /bl4d/

Now practice the sound in words. Listen and repeat each word twice.

















Now practice the sound in words.








American T:字母T可出现在单词的词首、词中和词尾三个部位。其中在词首与词尾时的发音技巧与英式英语相同,例tight /t2it/。而在词中时,英国人的读法和词首、词尾一致,美国人却有两种读法。



better city letter little bottle

better noted city little citizen patio putting

Read the words, while paying attention to the pronunciation of /t/(=/d/).

city forty butter

water dirty matter

writer better Betty

/t/ /d/

Italian Italy

attack attic

atomic atom

photography photograph



鼻腔爆破(Nasal Plosive):由舌前端在上齿根部闭气,软颚放低,发出鼻辅音/n/的瞬间,气流突然从鼻腔冲出,形成鼻腔爆破。

button cotton√thirteen×

button written curtain eaten important Latin

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.









Clear L

Clear L:舌尖抵在上齿根部,再自然落下,发出类似汉语“了”的音。

light let lip local lake lamp

Phrases and single sentences

a lovely girl All is well. Let her alone.

to tell a lie ate at night Did he leave?

little by little to live well to talk loud

Is Della telling us a lie?

Laura left a little after eleven.

All love letters belong to loose Louise.

Would you like to look at the lake where Larry Lotter was eaten for lunch?

Where shall we meet for lunch?

A little boy just fell into the lake.


Dark L

Dark L:舌尖抵在上齿根部但不落下,气流从舌边涌出,声带振动发/4/。

ball talk fail feel ill wolf

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.

(1)kill/ kill/kill









字母L单独或以双写形式出现在单词的词中时,英国人只发一个Clear L。而美国人则先发一个Dark L,再发一个Clear L。如:telephone elephant a million

(1) alive (2) alarm (3) believe(4) dollar

字母L单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词的词首时,发Clear L。如:fly play blame climb。

字母L单独或以辅音连缀的形式出现在单词词尾时,英美人都发Dark L。如:feel bell felt belt。

Practice the sound /l/ as in “like” in several different positions. Listen and repeat these words.

/l/ in initial position

(1) look(4) lunch(7) laugh(10) loud

(2) labor(5) legal(8) lecture(11) lover

(3) license(6) lawyer(9) leader(12) literature

/l/ in medial position

(1) alive(4) alarm(7) believe(10) dollar

(2) college(5) family(8) polite(11) toilet

(3) realize(6) island(9) popular(12) intelligent

/l/ in final position

(1) all(4) pool(7) small(10) well

(2) heel(5) dial(8) female(11) April

(3) annual(6) install(9) control(12) schedule



/hw/的读法:辅音连缀wh, 英国人读/w/,美国人读/h/。但在字母o前,都读/h/。



(1)what/w3t/ /hw2t/

(2)where/wer/ /hwAr/

(3)which/wit5/ /hwit5/

(4)who/hu:/ /hu/


somewhere bobwhite meanwhile overwhelm wholewheat



和“th” 字母组合相应的一组清浊辅音是/7/与/0/,它们的共同特点是把舌尖含在上下齿之间。而汉语中几乎没有这样的发音方式,因此在发音习惯上给中国学生带来了难度。

Now practice these sounds in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice .














vest vet very

Now practice the sound in words. Note the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.









Practice the contrast:/w/ as in “walk” with /v/ as in “voice”.

Listen and repeat each word pair.

(1)west vest(5)we“v”

(2)wine vine(6)wet vet

(3)worse verse(7)wheel veal

(4)wail veil(8)while vile




rose road river

Robert Rally rolled a round roll around the round road.

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.









/2U/音发起来挺难的,很多学生会把这个音同元音/2/相混,或者用汉语语音中的ao取代。sound round ounce how

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.




(4)pond/p2nd/ pond





Contrast /2u/ and /2/.

Students do not usually have a problem pronouncing the sound /2U/ as in “now”. However, they may confuse it with /2/ as in “not”.

Practice these contrasting words. Listen and repeat each word pair.


(1)ow ah(6)spout spot

(2)pound pond(7)down Don

(3)town Tom(8)found fond

(4)doubt dot(9)browns bronze

(5)shout shot(10)scouts Scots




how half head

Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.







Practice the Contrast:Words with initial /h/as in “house” and words without /h/. Some students leave out the sound /h/ when it appears at the beginning of a word.

Listen and repeat each word pair.

without with without with


(1)art heart(5)I high

(2)eat heat(6)arm harm

(3)air hair(7)it hit

(4)ate hate(8)owl howl




king sing


Now practice the sound in words. Notice the phonetic spelling. Listen and repeat each word twice.







Practice the contrast:/6/ as in “king” /n/ as in “no”, and /6k/ as in “bank”.


美语的发音规则 重读。通常句中的实义词(名词、实义动词、数词等)是句子的关键词,携带重要信息应重读。如在"Y ou have finished the job."一句中,"finished"和"job"一般重读;有时为表达特定的含义,把重读放在本不该重读的词上。如上一句话,把重音放在"have" 上,则含有说话人未料到你已完成了工作的意思。 弱读。英语中的介词、冠词、连词等虚词有两种读音:一种为强读形式,用于单念和连贯言语;另一种为弱读形式,用于言语的轻读。轻读表现在元音的弱化上,如"at"[?t]弱化为[эt]。口语中语气越随便,语流越快,弱化现象越频繁,也就越难懂。 同化。一个音受临音影响而变化的现象就是同化。如辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ],辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]。 英美发音差异。英美发音体系不尽相同,在某些方面差异很大。如当字母a位于辅音[s]、[θ]、[f]、[m]、[n]前时,美音为[?],英音为[a];在英音中,字母"r"只有在元音前是才发音,在元音后一般不发音,而美音中,一般均发卷舌音[r];字母组合"wh"在英音中,为[w],美音则为[hw]等。 五大发音要点 我们将复杂的(complicated)语音规则总结成五大发音要点,使一般人都能掌握(master)。 它们是:长元音和双元音饱满;短元音急促有力;连音;略音和咬舌头。 一、长元音和双元音饱满 鬼鬼祟祟的英文就是鬼鬼祟祟(sneaky; lousy)的元音造成的!只要把元音发饱满(full; plump),你的英语立刻会变得悦耳动听。那些英美流行歌手就是元音饱满的典范! 1. Mike likes to write by the nice bright light at night. 2. Macao came back to China in 1999. 3. I like the shape of that mountain. 〔包含了四个容易混淆的元音〕 二、短元音急促有力 4. Jim must study a little bit more. 5. Let's get together again. 三、连音 6. I'm working on-it. 7. I'll think-it-over. 四、略音 第一条规则:以某音结尾的单词+同音开始的单词--只发一次即可! 8. Y ou ate-too much. 9. I don't know what-to-do. 〔两个辅音连接,只读后一个〕 第二条规则:以〔t〕,〔d〕,〔k〕,〔g〕,〔p〕和〔b〕+以辅音开始的单词前面的发音“点到为止”,舌头达到发音中位,但不送气! 10. Lend-me your black-bag. 11. I don't-like-people asking me for money.


B:Sorry.(↙) 在对话2)中,Jean用降调说“Sorry”,显然其意思是拒绝帮助或无能为力。 美国著名语言学家Kenneth L.Pike认为: 一个音节的绝对调高是不重要的,而一个音节与另外一个的相对高度才是非常重要的。英语有四级能区别意义的调高: 1)特高调(extra high),即比正常的声调高两级,常在感情特别激动或惊讶时使用。 2)高调(high),即比正常的声调高一级,一般用于语句中关键性的重读词。 3)中调(mid),即说话人声音的正常高度。 4)低调(low),即比正常的声调低一级, 一般是降调的最低点。 应该按照说话人的态度来分语调模式,而不能按照句子的语法结构来分。没有所谓“疑问句的语调”或“陈述句的语调”。因为疑问句和陈述句都可以用各种语调模式来说。 因此,对于我们中国的英语学习者来说,通过了解某种调型所表示的某种态度或口气也就颇为重要。事实上,无论是在现实生活中还是在考试中,我们的学生常会因为对这些知识缺乏了解而无法确定说话人的态度、的感情、的口吻和意图等。然而这又是一个比较复杂的问题。本文将通过具体的例子从两方面来说明这个问题: I.一句话中绝对调高及音调的相对高度所包含的意义 众所周知,人们在兴奋、的惊讶或感情激动时说话的语调就高,而在相反的情况下,语调则低。因此,在同一个场合中,如果一个人的语调明显高于另一个,或明显低于另一个,以此就可以推断出该说话人的意思及态度。 这里我们要着重谈谈一句话中语调的相对高度的不同所包含的意义。一句话中的语调波峰一般都是句重音所在。通过一句话中的语调波峰所在,我们就可以了解说话人的意思。如人们读“I live in the city.”这句话时,由于强调的对象不同,语调也就随之发生了变化。现不妨比较如下: I(↗)live in the city.(隐含着在场的其他人不住在城里的意思) I live(↗)in the city.(表示“我”只是“住在”城里,其隐含的意思是“我不在城里工作”或其他意思) I live in(↗)the city.(表示“我住在城里边”,其隐含的意思是“我不住在城外”) 因此,对下面的对话所提问的问题进行选择时,就不难回答了。 3)M:Linda looked very tired these days. W:She looked OK to me(↗). Q:What does the woman think of Linda?(D) [A]She saw Linda and me. [B]Linda said she was fine. [C]She looked up the word for me. [D]She considered Linda was all right. 这句话里的句重音碰巧落在句子的最后一个单词“me”上。因为女士用升调重读“me”,这表示了女士有意与男士的看法形成对比,意思是:在你的眼里,她显得疲惫,可在我看来,她没什么问题。这表示了她那种无所谓的态度。 II.某些句型由于句尾语调的改变而引起意义改变的现象 1.使用疑问词who,which,what,how,when,where,why的特殊疑问句可以用降调也可以用升调,但含义是不同的。如: 4)A:Mr.Smith thinks we ought to get the money in hand first. B:Who?(↗)


音标发音要领 英语国际音标共48个,分两大类——元音和辅音。 一.元音又分单元音(12个)和双元音(8个)两类。 二.辅音(28个)也分两大类:清辅音和浊辅音 清辅音————发音时声带不振动 浊辅音————发音时声带必须振动 辅音依形成阻碍的方式又可分为爆破音、摩擦音、破擦音、鼻音、舌边音、和半元音(半元音不是元音,它只是辅音中的一个名称) 三.各类音素的发音要领 1.元音: (1)单元音:单元音分三类——前元音、中元音、后元音 单元音发音时的总要领:牙床必须是静止的,单元音又分长音和短音,加点的是长音,不加点的是短音。 前元音:[i:] [i] [?] [e]

[i:]发音要领: A.舌尖抵下齿背,舌前部向硬腭尽量抬起,但中间留空隙让气流通过,牙床近于合。B.双唇向两旁展开。和英文字母e的发音相同。 [i]发音要领: A.舌前部向硬腭抬起,比/i:/低。B.唇形扁平,牙床开得比/i:/宽。[?]发音要领: A. 舌尖抵下齿背。B. 双唇向两边平伸成扁平形,张开牙床直至上下齿之间可以容纳食指和中指的宽度。 [e]发音要领: A.舌尖抵下齿背,舌前部稍抬起,比/i/低。B.唇形中长,牙床开得比/i/宽,上下齿间可纳一个食指。 前元音小结:⑴舌尖抵下齿⑵舌前部向硬腭抬起⑶双唇不收圆⑷唇舌保持静止

中元音[?:] [?] [?]

[?:]舌中部稍抬起,口开约二分之一,唇开扁,发长音。 [?]舌身平放,口腔肌肉放松,唇形自然张开,发短音。 [?]口腔打开,舌中部稍抬,唇形稍扁,发音短促。 中元音小结:⑴舌尖抵下齿,但不如发前元音时抵的那样深。⑵舌面最高点在舌前部和舌后部之间。⑶不圆唇。 后元音:[ɑ:] [?:] [?] [u: ] [u]


英语语音语调基本规则 读音规则 1. 开音节:元音字母在重读开音节中a读[ei],e读[i:],i(y)读[ai],o读 [2u],u读作[ju:]或[u:]。如:name [neim]、we [wi:]。 2. 闭音节:在重读闭音节中a读[9],e读[e],i(y)读[i],o读[0],u读 作[3]或[u]。如:bad [b9d],hot [h0t]。 3. r音节:在重读音节中,ar读[1:],or读[0:],ir、er 、ur都读作[2:], 例如:park [pa:k],shirt [6'2t] 4. 字母组合:ee读[i:],air读[/2],ck读[k],sh读[6]等。如:need [ni:d], hair [h/2],black [bl9k],fish [fi6] 单词重读 1. 双音节词一般是第一个音节重读,如apple ['9pl]. 2. 有a,be,de等前缀的词往往是第二个音节重读,如begin [bi'gin] 3. 多音节词一般是倒数第三个音节重读,如university [.ju:ni'v2:siti] 4. 词尾有ic,tion,sion 的词在词尾的前一个音节重读,如scientific [.sai2n'tifik],decision [di'si72n]。 基本语调 1.降调,用于以下句型 a.陈述句,如:I wish you happiness. b.特殊问句,如:How are you? c.祈使句,如:Come in! d.感叹句,如:What a hot day! 2.升调,由于一般疑问句,如:Have you finished your homework? 3.先升后降,由于选择问句,如:Are you a student or a teacher? 4.先降后升,用于反意疑问句,如:He won't come home for lunch, will he? 英语语音导论 A 1. 学习语音的意义 2. 发音器官说明 3. 英语元音和辅音的特点: 4. 学习英语元音和辅音的方法: 5. 音素、音标、字母、读音规则: 6. 学习语音应该注意什么: A1. 学习语音的意义:


1. 击穿连读 (1)/h/很弱,很容易被击穿 with+him=with(h)im with+her=with(h)er (2)/t/和/d/在/n/后通常被击穿 twenty--twen(t)y internet--in(t)ernet wanted--wan(t)ed and+I=an(d) I (3)/th/在/n/后有时也被击穿 seen+that=seen (th)at I've never seen that movie. (4)with后如果有弱读的元音音节,with有时会变成/wit/ with+our=wit(h)ar with+it=wit(h)Di 2. 失去爆破 爆破音(t d k g p b)后接除了/j/, /w/, /r/之外的辅音要失去爆破 *遇到/h/可算到击穿连读的情况里 3. 融合 t+j=ch Nice to meet you. d+j=d3 I called you yesterday. s+j=sh God bless you. z+j=3 I'll do as you wish. 4. 闷音 garden, student, sentence 5.浊化 (1)t的浊化 Italy, later, better Italian, hotel (2)s后爆破轻辅音的浊化 sky, star, speak 一、连读的条件: 相邻的两词在意义上必须密切相关,同属一个意群。连读所构成的音节一般都不重读,只需顺其自然地一带而过,不可读得太重,也不可音。(连读符号:~) 二、连读规则 1.“辅音+元音”型连读 在同一个意群里,如果相邻两词中的前一个词是以辅音结尾,后一个词是以元音开头,这就要将辅音与元音拼起来连读。 I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it.


《英语语音》课程标准 课程名称:英语语音 课程类别:专业基础课 教学学时:36 课程学分:2 先行课程:英语语音 适用专业:英语专业 参考教材:《英语语音》上海外语教育出版社2008年3月(主编:汪文珍 一、课程性质 《英语语音》是英语专业的必修课。语音教学是英语教学的首要任务,本课程从英语元音和辅音学习入手,进一步讲解和操练单词重音、句子重音、强读式和弱读式、节奏、停顿和语调,同时注重实际训练,通过学习英、美语言朗读材料,帮助学生形成语感,提高英美语音和语调的水平,感受英美语言和语调所表达的微妙感情及其诗情画意的魅力。 本教程以课堂实际训练为主,适当讲解有关理论,并在理论的指导下进一步加强实践。学生通过本课程的学习,能把语音学习提高到一个新的高度。为其他相关学科的学习奠定坚实的基础。 二、课程目标 (一)知识目标 1、了解英语语音的基本理论和基本朗读技巧。 2、学习英语元音、辅音音素的读音和常见字母组合的发音。

(一)教学重点:国际音标、音位和音标的概念 (二)教学难点:对音位学的认识 三、主要教学内容 (一)主要内容:国际音标、语音音标对照表、英国标准音 (二)主要内容:音位和音位学,字母、音位和音标 四、考核知识、技能点 国际音标、音标 第二章单元音教学学时数:4 第一节发音器官 一、教学目的及要求:结合英语语音发音器官图向学生介绍英语语音发音过程中应灵活使用到的发音器官或部位。 二、教学重点与难点 (一)教学重点:如何正确运用发音器官 (二)教学难点:对发音器官图的辨识 三、主要教学内容 (一)主要内容:发音器官及其相应的名称 (二)主要内容:舌位图 四、考核知识、技能点 发音器官图、舌位图 第二节前元音


1.For English phonemes, how many consonants are there? And how many vowels? What are pure vowels? Speech sounds are generally divided into vowels and consonants.There are twenty-one letters of consonants and twenty-four consonant phonemes.Meanwhile,There are five letters of vowels and twenty vowels phonemes A monophthong is a pure vowel sound, one whose articulation at both beginning and end is relatively fixed, and which does not glide up or down towards a new position of articulation. 2.How can people articulate sounds like /?/, /?/, /t?/, /d?/? Is there any difference among them? What about /k/, /g/, and /?/? Both /?/ and /?/ are fricatives.Fricatives are consonants produced by forcing air through a narrow channel made by placing two articulators close together.So they are sounds very short.But / T?/ and / D?/ belong to affricates.It means it is produced by first stopping the airflow entirely, then allowing air flow through a constricted channel at the place of articulation, causing turbulence. /n/’s manner of articulation is occlusive, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract. Because the consonant is also nasal, the blocked airflow is redirected through the nose. /g/’s manner of articulation is occlusive, which means it is produced by obstructing airflow in the vocal tract. Since the consonant is also oral, with no nasal outlet, the airflow is blocked entirely, and the consonant is a stop. The different from /n/ and /?/ is that /?/ is a velar nasal,but /n/ is a alveolar nasal.Actually it’s position is same to /g/.When you pronunce /?/ ,you have to be clear and forceful 3.please write down 8 words containing 8 different diphthongs. 1.House 2.dear, 3.play, 4.Grow 5.oil, 6.There 7.File 8.Great [e] is a dorsal vowel and pure vowels.When you pronunce [e ],your tongue should be placed in the middle of the oral cavity.The tip of your tpngue should rest light against the back of yur loxer front teeth. [ei] is a diphthong from [e] to [i],besides,it also is a long vowel.[ei] is read the letter A‘s pronunciation.The first element of the sound is the same as [e] and the only difference between the two is that in the pronunciation of [e],you have to stick to your tongue position throughout,while in the pronunciation of [ei],you have to change your tongue position to [i],making it a diphthong.


英语中的一些变音现象及读音规则 我们都有过这样沮丧的经验,很容易听懂中国人说的英语,但是同样的对话一到英美人的嘴里,便觉得很难跟上,有时甚至是不知所云。这主要是因为我们说的英语通常单词之间很清晰,词与词之间有明显的pause, 但是英美人的口语会有很多音变,这些音变使得我们很熟悉的单词的发音变得陌生,难懂,给我们的听力造成了很大的困难,因此了解并使用各音变规则会帮助我们提高听力,使我们的发音更加地道。 音变主要有连读、失音、弱化、浊化、同化、重音、缩读等形式。这些形式的产生可以归结为一个原则,即“Economy”—“经济”原则或称为“省力”原则。我的语言学老师说,他曾一度为选择的研究方向为语言学而懊悔,因为那时他认为语言学既枯燥又不实用,但这一省力原则却化解了他所有的苦恼,并让他为语言学着迷。因为“省力”这两个简单的字眼可以解释几乎所有的音变现象,人是很懒的,对于最经常的行为——说话,当然要想许多省事的法子,于是也就产生了多种为省力而衍变的音变现象。牢记省力原则,在我们读英语的时候,让自己的唇舌处于放松的状态,轻松的去读英语,我想发音的感觉一定会有所不同。 言归正题, 以下列出给听力造成很大障碍的五种音变现象及其读音规则,以及最后一项关于节奏的小文章,希望能有所帮助! 一、连读 连读有两种规则,分别为: 1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读 如:I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读 注意: 以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity 前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。 2、以辅音结尾的单词+ h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音 what wil(l he) [wili]do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Can he do it? Should he….? Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似) 我第一次知道这一连读规则时,兴奋不已,很容易的听懂了许多以前觉得很难以理解的句子,并且按照这种连读方式发音省力、轻松了许多。再次证实”Economy”。


史上最全的英语发音各种技巧 48个英语音标表

清辅音:[p] [t] [k] [f] [θ] [s] [tr] [ts] [∫] [t∫] 浊辅音:[b] [d] [g] [v] [e] [z] [dr] [dz] [?] [d?] 其他辅音8个: [h] [m ] [n] [?] [l] [r] [w] [j] the在元音前读[ei],在辅音前读[e?],而元辅音的判断不是第一个单词,而是第一个音素,或说发音。 如: the United States的第一个音素是[j],半元音,按辅音读[e?] 音节 音节是读音的基本单位,任何单词的读音,都是分解为一个个音节朗读。在英语中元音特别响亮,一个元音可构成一个音节,一个元音和一个或几个辅音音素结合也可以构成一个音节。 一般说来,元音可以构成音节,辅音不响亮,不能构成音节。 但英语辅音字母中有 4 个辅音[m],[n],[ng],[l]是响音,它们和辅音音素结合,也可构成音节。它们构成的音节往往出现在词尾,一般是非重读音节。 英语的词有一个音节的,两个音节的,多个音节的,一个音节叫单音节,两个音节叫双音节,三个音节以上叫多音节。 如: take 拿;ta'ble 桌子;pota'to` 马铃薯;

pop`ula'tion 人口;congrat`ula'tion 祝贺; tel'ecommu`nica'tion 电讯; 划分音节的方法: 元音是构成音节的主体,辅音是音节的分界线。两辅音之间不管有多少个元音,一般都是一个音节。 如: bed 床;bet 打赌;seat 坐位; beat 毒打;beaut 极好的;beau'ty 美; 两元音字母之间有一个辅音字母时,辅音字母归后一音节, 如: stu'dent 学生;la'bour 劳动; 有两个辅音字母时,一个辅音字母归前一音节,一个归后一音节, 如: let'ter 信;win'ter 冬天; 不能拆分的字母组合按字母组合划分音节。 如: fa'ther 父亲;tea'cher 教师; 单词的发音灵魂是元音,掌握这一点就不难了。 开音节&闭音节


英语语音语调 一、单选 (共74题) 13、 词组“a piece of cake”的正确读法是( ). A、 κεικ/ B、 κεικ/ C、 κεικ/ D、 κεικ/ 考生答案:A 50、 Do you mind if I smoke? ( ) A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:A 32、 “So everybody believes it.”一句中应该轻读的单词是? A、 everybody B、 believes C、 it D、 So 考生答案:C 66、 Tell him where we are going. A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:A

下面哪个词是经常弱读的词? A、 Make B、 Rain C、 Can D、 hard 考生答案:C 59、 Let’s go for a talk. A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:A 56、 Can you understand? A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:B 42、 I beg your pardon? A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:B 62、 Janet has gone to school. A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:B 5、 下面全部是爆破音的一组是( ).

/p/ /t/ /g/ B、 /f/ /k/ /b/ C、 /s/ /d/ /b/ D、 /tr/ /g/ /t/ 考生答案:A 38、 Does it work? A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案B 74、 Can you read? A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:B 55、 We will see you off at the airport. A、 降调 B、 升调 考生答案:A 16、 句子“Do you know mathematics?”的调核在哪个音节上?( ) A、 ma B、 the C、 ma D、 tics 考生答案:C 47、



音变主要有连读、失音、弱化、浊化、同化、重音、缩读等形式。这些形式的产生可以归结为一个原则,即“Economy” —“经济”原则或称为“省力”原则。我的语言学老师说,他曾一度为选择的研究方向为语言学而懊悔,因为那时他认为语言学既枯燥又不实用,但这一省力原则却化解了他所有的苦恼,并让他为语言学着迷。因为“省力”这两个简单的字眼可以解释几乎所有的音变现象,人是很懒的,对于最经常的行为——说话,当然要想许多省事的法子,于是也就产生了多种为省力而衍变的音变现象。牢记省力原则,在我们读英语的时候,让自己的唇舌处于放松的状态,轻松的去读英语,我想发音的感觉一定会有所不同。 言归正题, 以下列出给听力造成很大障碍的五种音变现象及其读音规则,以及最后一项关于节奏的小文章,希望能有所帮助! 一、连读 连读有两种规则,分别为: 1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词:要连读 如:I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读 注意: 以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。 2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音 what wil(l he) [wili]do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Can he do it?

Should he….? Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似) 我第一次知道这一连读规则时,兴奋不已,很容易的听懂了许多以前觉得很难以理解的句子, 并且按照这种连读方式发音省力、轻松了许多。再次证实”Economy”。 二、音的同化 音的同化也是一种连读的现象,两个词之间非常平滑的过渡,导致一个音受临音影响而变化。主要是以下三种方式: 1、辅音[d]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[dэ]:Would you....? 2、辅音[t]与[j]相邻时,被同化为[t∫]:Can’t you...? 3、辅音[s]与[j]相邻时, 被同化为[∫]: Miss you 三、失音 由于失去爆破是失音的一种现象,摩擦音也会被失去,所以统称为失音。 注意: 爆破音并不是完全失去,仍然形成阻碍,把气流堵在里面,但不爆破,直接发出相邻的辅音。 规则: 1、辅音爆破音或摩擦音后面跟的是爆破音、破擦音和摩擦等,前面的辅音要失去爆破。 这样的例子有很多很多,红色标注的辅音不发音: Sit down: 发音再次的老师都不会发出 [t] 音 Contact lens:



英语声调符号 1.句子重音——“′” 英语句子中的词有的重读,有的不重读。句子中需重读的词,称为句子重音。一般来说,实词(像名词、实义动词、数词、形容词和副词等)要重读,贯词、介词等虚词在句子中不重读。 如:′Where is the ′baseball? It’s on the ′dress. 2.语调——升调“↗” 降调“↘” 在说话或朗读时声调的抑扬叫做语调。英语的基本语调分为“降调”和“升调”两种,主要表现为句末尾调的升和降,用语调符号↗表示升调,↘表示降调。 3.意群与节奏——“/” 在长句子中能表示最短的完整意思的一小节称为一个意群。人们在说话和朗读时,为了使意思表达更清楚,往往在意群之间稍微停顿。 4.连读——“︶” 在同一个意群中,前后相连的两个单词之间,前一个单词的词尾和后一个单词的词首有时可连接起来读,这种现象称为连读。如: an orange Look at it ︶︶︶ 5. 不完全爆破——“()” 在单词或语句中,遇有/p/, /b/, /t/, /d/, /k/, /g/之中任何一个爆破音而其后紧跟着一个爆破音时,前者只按发音部位做出发音状,但不发生爆破,稍停既发出后一个爆破音,这种现象称为不完全爆破。如: a do(c)tor an ol(d) cat 英语语调规则 英语有五种基本语调:升调(↗)、的降调(↙)、的升降调(∧)、的降升调(∨)以及平调(→)。一句话除了词汇意义(lexical meaning)还有语调意义(intonation meaning)。所谓词汇意义就是话中所用词的意义,而语调意义就是说话人用语调所表示的态度或口气。一句话的词汇意义加上语调意义才算是完全的意义。同样的句子,语调不同,意思就会不同,有时甚至会相差千里 语调用法例句 降陈述句


一、连读 两个相邻单词首尾音素自然的拼读在一起,中间不停顿,被称为连读。连读只发生在同一意群之内,即意思联系紧密的短语或从句之内。 1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词: 如:(1)I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读;(2)We have an English friend. 这个句子有两处连读:前一处是have的尾辅音/v/与an的开头元音//连读为/v/;后一处是an的尾辅音/n/与English的开头音素/i/连读为/ni/。举例:I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it。 Ms Black worked in~an~office last~yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago。 Put~it~on, please.Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up。 注意:以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同 u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。 2、以辅音结尾的单词+ h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音连读 what wil(l he) [wili]do?

Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似) 3、以-r或-re字母结尾的单词+元音开头的单词时,可将/r/与后面的元音拼读。 如:They looked for it here and there。 这个句子也有两处连读:前一处是for it合读为/frit/,后一处是here and合读为/hirnd/。 举例:They’re my father~and mother. I looked for~it here~and there. There~is a football under~it. There~are some books on the desk. Here~is a letter for you. Here~are four~eggs. But where~is my cup? Where~are your brother~and sister? 注意,如果一个音节的前后都有字母r,即使后面的词以元音开头,也不能连读。


英语语音语调基本知识 一.音素 英语语音的最小单位是音素。例如/bi:/是由/b/和/i:/两个音素构成的。音素分两大类:元音和辅音。它们在音节中各司其职;音节主要以元音为中心,元音前后可有一个或多个辅音。英语有48个音素,其中元音音素20个,辅音音素28个。要掌握好英语语音,就得学会48个音素的正确发音和元音音素的两种基本语调,即升调和降调。在学习过程中,要特别注意本族语的语音和英语语音不可相互代替。否则,将会给以后的学习造成很大的困难。记录和描写音素的符号是音标。 二.国际音标 学习英语语音,一般采用国际音标。因为英语的拼写与发音之间有很多不一致的地方,所以被称为欧洲语言中拼读最难的语种。概括起来,英语发音的复杂特点有以下几种情况: (1)一个字母可有多种发音。例如: 字母a的读法有———cat//;face/ei/;father/:/;wa-ter/:/;any/e/等。 字母e的读法有———these/i:/;toilet/i/;american/e/;student//等。 字母i的读法有———license/ai/;which/i/等。

字母o的读法有———photo/u/;today//;wrong//;color//;who/u:/;woman/u/等。 字母u的读法有———duty/ju:/;mum//;ruler/u:/;put/u/等。 (2)读同一元音,写多种拼法。例如: 下列各词都带/u/音,但同音部分拼法不相同:owe,so,sew,sow,beau,toe,though,oh。 有些词都带有/i:/音,但拼法不同:chinese,team,green,people等。 有些词都带有/ai/音,拼法却不相同:bye,kite,right,height,behind等。 有些词都带有/ei/音,拼法也不一样:eraser,today,gain,they等。 (3)两三个字母组合发一个音。例如: th念//或//:think/i k/,throw/r u/,there//等。 sh念//:fish/fi/,wash/w/,dish/di/等。 sch念//:schedule/edju:l/,scheelite/i:lait/,schilling/ili/等。 oo念/u/或/u:/:too/tu:/,school/sku:l/,soot/sut/等。ea念/i:/或/e/:heat/hi:t/,head/hed/,heaven/hevn/等。 ee念/i:/:three/ri:/,meet/mi:t/,green/ri:n/等。


纯正美语发音秘诀 第一章字母发音突破 秘诀1 最坚实的基础——疯狂突破字母关 这是一首优美、现代的字母歌,绝对不是我们从小就熟悉的那首“比较弱智”的字母歌!请一定要反复听、反复模仿。 26个字母、26个单词、26个句子,疯狂模仿,发音必会产生飞跃! A的读音为IPA: [??]I’m afr ai d you’ve m a de a mist a ke. K.K: [?]恐怕您搞错了。 B的读音为IPA: [???]I won’t be able to finish my work. K.K:[??]我不能完成工作了。 C的读音为IPA:[???]I don’t see what you mean. K.K[??]我不懂你的意思。 D的读音为IPA[???] I’ve heard a great dea l about you. K.K[??]久仰大名。 E的读音为IPA[??] He is ea sy to deal with. K.K[?]他很容易打交道。 F的读音为IPA[??] Will you sit on my l ef t? K.K[??] 你坐在我左边好么? G的读音为IPA[????]Lots of students wear jea ns nowadays. K.K[???]现在很多学生穿牛仔裤。 H的读音为IPA[????]Let me h ave a look at the book. K.K[???] 让我看看这本书。 I的读音为IPA[ ?] I could,and I should, but I won’t do it. K.K[ ?] 这个我能做,我也应该做,但我不愿意做。 J的读音为IPA[????] He was jai led for tow years. K.K[???] 他被囚禁了两年。 K的读音为IPA[ ??] In any ca se, it’s none of your business. K.K[ ?] 无论如何,那事于你无关。 L的读音为IPA[?●]I have something el se to tell you. K.K[?●]我还有些话要告诉你。 M的读音为IPA[??]The baby is real g em; he never cries. K.K[??]这个婴儿真讨人喜欢,他从来不哭。 N的读音为IPA[??]T en to one he has forgotten it. K.K[??]他很可能已经忘记了。 O的读音为IPA[?◆]I h o pe I can see you again. K.K[?]我希望我能再见到你。 P的读音为IPA[???]He recovered his pea ce of mind. K.K[??]他恢复了平静的心情。 Q的读音为IPA[ ?◆?]We had to queue for hours to get in. K.K[ ?◆]我们必须排几个小时的长队才能进去。


[应用]英语语音语调基本规则 英语语音语调基本规则 读音规则 i(y)读 [ai],o读 1. 开音节:元音字母在重读开音节中a读 [ei],e读[i:], [2u],u读作 [ju:]或 [u:]。如:name [neim]、we [wi:]。 2. 闭音节:在重读闭音节中a读 [9],e读 [e],i(y)读 [i],o读 [0],u读 作 [3]或 [u]。如:bad [b9d],hot [h0t]。 3. r音节:在重读音节中,ar读[1:],or读 [0:],ir、er 、ur都读作[2:], 例如:park [pa:k],shirt [6'2t] 4. 字母组合:ee读 [i:],air读 [/2],ck读 [k],sh读 [6]等。如:need [ni:d], hair [h/2],black [bl9k],fish [fi6] 单词重读 1. 双音节词一般是第一个音节重读,如apple ['9pl]. 2. 有a,be,de等前缀的词往往是第二个音节重读,如 begin [bi'gin] 3. 多音节词一般是倒数第三个音节重读,如 university [.ju:ni'v2:siti] 4. 词尾有ic,tion,sion 的词在词尾的前一个音节重读,如scientific [.sai2n'tifik], decision [di'si72n]。 基本语调 1.降调,用于以下句型 a.陈述句,如:I wish you happiness.

b.特殊问句,如:How are you? c.祈使句,如:Come in! d.感叹句,如:What a hot day! 2.升调,由于一般疑问句,如:Have you finished your homework? 3.先升后降,由于选择问句,如:Are you a student or a teacher? 4.先降后升,用于反意疑问句,如:He won't come home for lunch, will he? 英语语音导论 A 1. 学习语音的意义 2. 发音器官说明 3. 英语元音和辅音的特点: 4. 学习英语元音和辅音的方法: 5. 音素、音标、字母、读音规则: 6. 学习语音应该注意什么: A1. 学习语音的意义: 语言首先是以声音来作为交流思想的工具。对于汉语来说,我们学习的时候往 往先从拼音字母的语音开始,学习一种外语也同样应该从语音着手。学习语音是学习外语的基础。 在英语中,语音和语法、构词法、拼法都有关系。很好地掌握语音不但有利于 正确地从声音方面表达意思,而且对语法和词汇的学习也有帮助。可以这么说,要将一种语言真正学得比较巩固,必须有声地来掌握该种语言,因此,就首先应该掌握语音。 此外,语音的每个音素都有区别的作用,发音上的错误也会引起意义上的误 解,如leave [li:v] 是“离开”的意思,live [liv] 是“住”、“生活”的意


口语:英语口语发音技巧 一、连读 连读有两种规则,分别为: 1、以辅音结尾的单词+元音开头的单词: 如:(1)I’d li(ke a)nother bow(l o)f rice. 这里like / laik / 以辅音结尾,another 以元音开头,所以连读;(2)We have an English friend. 这个句子有两处连读:前一处是have的尾辅音/v/ 与an的开头元音//连读为/v/;后一处是an的尾辅音/n/与English 的开头音素/i/连读为/ni/。举例:I’m~an~English boy. It~is~an~old book. Let me have~a look~at~it. Ms Black workedin~an~office last~yesterday. I called~you half~an~hour~ago. Put~it~on, please.Not~at~all. Please pick~it~up. 注意:以辅音结尾指的是音标中的最后一个音是辅音,而不是单词的结尾,这如同u[ju:.]niversity前面的定冠词必须用a 一样。 2、以辅音结尾的单词 + h开头的单词h不发音,与前面的辅音连读 what wil(l he) [wili]do? Ha(s he) done it before? Mus(t he) [ti] go? Can he do it? Should he….? Tell him to ask her…. Lea(ve him) [vim]. For him (连读这个词,会发现和forum 很相似) 3、以-r或-re字母结尾的单词+元音开头的单词时,可将/r/与后面 的元音拼读。

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