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9、plant trees10、get up


1、 What do you do on the weekend? I wash my clothes.

2、When is Mike’s bir thday? It’s in July .

3、 Do you visit your grandparents on Tuesday? Yes, I do.

4、 Zhang Peng often plays the piano.

5、 I usually get up at 6:30 .


1、-----What’s the date today?

-----Today is January 8th and it’s sunny.

2、It’s time to eat dinner.

3、----What often do you do on the weekend?

----I often watch TV on the weekend.

4、let’s go to fly kites.

5、----Which season do you like best?

----Winter. Because I can make a snowman.

四、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列的句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√ ”,不相符的打“ ×”。

Hi, I’m Mike. I come to school at 7:30. I have five or six classes every day. I like math. After school I do homework. Sometimes I play

ping-pong. On the weekend I usually play football and go to my painting class. That’s fun!


小学五年级语文听力题(含短文材料) (一)听短文,回答问题。 1、驼鸟一般重(),是世界上()。 2、驼鸟有两条(),一步能走(),每小时能跑()。 (二)听短文,回答问题。 1、短文主要写了什么? 2、短文按照从头到尾的顺序,依次写了“小花鹿”的、、、。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()——() (三)听短文,回答问题。 1、省西南部的瀑布是我国最大的瀑布。 2、它宽米,高米,激起的水花高达米。 (四)听短文,回答问题。 1、列车停靠在校站的时间是,你估计母亲从家里出发的时间最迟是。 2、喝了热腾腾的汤后,女孩会对母亲说。 3、短文表达了情感。

4、你能想起母亲为你做的最让你感动的事是。 (五)听短文,完成下列问题。 1、短文讲了村子里有一家人不让宝贝孩子怕他,村里的孩子却。 当洪水来时,村里的孩子,而这个小孩却。 2、根据内容,联系上下文,补充“然而”后面的内容。 3、故事告诉我们一个道理。 (六)听短文,完成下列问题。 1、文中年轻人挣钱的方式是。 2、作者感动的原因是。 (七)听短文,完成下列问题。 1、小男孩在一扇窗户外看到另一扇窗户外又看到。 2、老师想让男孩打开另一扇窗户的用意是。 3、如果男孩是你的同学,你想鼓励小男孩。(八)听短文,完成下列问题。

1、“煮书”指的是。 2、短文中提到唐代大诗人杜甫,文中写了他关于读书的诗句。 你还知道其他关于读书的名言警句吗?。3、听完短文后,你认为学语文时,应该怎么“煮书”?。 (九)听短文,完成下列问题。 1、自古以来,诗文常以为春的一种主要题材。“万树垂杨”写, “陌头杨柳”写,或竟称春天为“”。 2、作者认为杨柳有特殊的姿态,这种姿态的特点是。 3、短文最后一句“最能象征春的神意的,只有垂柳”指。 (十)听短文,完成下列问题。 1、短文讲了威仁爵士前半生从事,后半生从事,都取得了成就。 2、别人称誉他。 3、你在故事中明白了。 (十一)听短文,完成下列问题。


期中测试卷 满分:100分姓名: 听力部分(40分) 一、听录音,判断下列图片与你所听到的内容是(T)否(F)一致。(10分) () () () () () 二、听录音,选出与所听内容相符的图片。(10分) ()1. A. B. C. ()2. A. B. C. ()3. A. B. C. ()4. A. B. C. ()5. A. B. C.

三、听录音,给下面的图片排序。(10分) () () () () () 四、听录音,选择正确的答语。(10分) ()1. A. I come back every Sunday. B. I came back last Sunday. ()2. A. We went to the British Museum. B. We sent you a postcard. ()3. A. I like bananas. B. Six. ()4. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes,I did. ()5. A. Yes,there are. B. Yes,you do. 笔试部分(60分) 五、单词分类(填序号)。(5分) A.cheese B.went C.plant D.shorts E.sixteen F. ice cream G.met H.flower I.sweater J.forty K.egg L.came https://www.doczj.com/doc/2314390562.html,ke N.T-shirt O.fifteen P. juice Q.bought R.river S.trousers T. thirty 1. bread:__________________________________________________ 2. dropped:________________________________________________ 3. mountain:_______________________________________________ 4. skirt:___________________________________________________ 5. nineteen:________________________________________________ 六、单项选择题。(10分) ()1. Amy,look ________ those ice creams! A. at B. in C. of ()2. When did they ________? A. arrive B. arrives C. arrived ()3. How ________ cheese do you want? A. many B. old C. much ()4. There are fifteen ________ in the class.


小学英语五年级下册(2015年春)unitl 一、听音标号。 1.It's sunny and warm today. Let's climb mountains. 2.I usually watch TV at 6: 20. 3.We usually do morning exercises at 8:30. 4.I usually get up at 7:00 on Sun days ? 5.1often clean my room on Saturdays. 二、认真听,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 1.My grandparents often have dinner at 6:30 in the aftemoon. 2.I usually play ping-pong in the evening. 3.Sometimes I go for a walk on Sundays? 4.1often go shopping on the weekend. 5.When do you have English class? In the morning. 三、听一听,选择正确的答语。 1.When do you do morning exercises? 2.When do you eat dinner? 3.When do you go to bed? 4.When do you have English class? 5.When do you play sports? 四、听录音补全句子。 1.When do you get ______ ? At 6:30. 2.When do you have math class ? At 8:30. 3.What do you do on the weekend? I often go for a walk. 4.1usually go hiking on Sundays. 五、听录音,为下列句子排序。 Hello! Fm Zoom. I go to school at 7:30. At 8:30 I do morning exercises. I usually have English class at 9:30 in the morning. I play sports with my friends at 4:30 in the afternoon. At 5:30 school is over. Then I go home ?This is my day of my school. I like my school life very much. 第二单元 一、听音标号。1. It's sunny and hot in summe 匚 2.Winter is very cold and windy. 3. The trees come green in spring. 4.It's cool in fall. The leaves fall down on the ground 二、听音选择。 1?I like spring. It's warm? 2. We can plant flowers in spring. 3.Summer is very hot. I can eat ice-creams.


小学语文四年级听力训练集锦 听力题一 春天来了,春天来了!春姑娘把美丽的景色带给了大地。 山坡上开满了粉红的桃花,金黄的迎春花。小草脱掉黄色的外衣披上了新装,大地一片新绿。小河里的冰融化了,清清的河水哗哗地流着,鱼儿在水中游来游去。河边的柳树长出了嫩绿的小幼芽,柳枝在春风中飘动。小燕子排着整齐的队伍从南方飞回来了。听,它们在唧唧喳喳地叫着,好像在说:“大家都来迎接这温暖的春天吧。 ) 听力短文二 有一天,一只老山羊爬山时把腿摔坏了,请毛驴把他背回家。毛驴向他要十斤山芋做报酬,老山羊只好一瘸一拐地走了。 过了一会儿,老山羊骑在牛大哥的背上缓缓走来,毛驴于是问:“牛哥,它出多少山芋请你背它?“千斤“。 毛驴冷笑道:“十斤山芋还不干呢?千斤!你可别做梦了!” 牛大哥认真地说道:“不是我别做梦了,而是你别糊涂了!十斤山芋算得了什么?友谊的分量才重千斤呀!” 毛驴听了牛大哥的一席话,站在那扇了扇长长的耳朵,垂下头不好意思地走了。 听力短文三竹 竹,是极平凡的,然而,竹子和人们的生活息息相关。青青翠竹,全身是宝。竹竿既是建筑的材料,又是造纸的原料;竹笋味道鲜美,助消化,防便秘。翠竹真不愧是“绿色的宝藏”。然而,我更欣赏竹子那种顽强不屈的品格,自古至今,它和松、梅被人誉为“岁寒三友”,历年竞相为诗人所题咏,画家所描绘,艺人所雕刻,游人所向往。当春风还没有融尽残冬的余雪时,新竹就悄悄地在地下萌芽了。春风一过,它就像一把利剑,穿过顽石,刺破土,脱去层层笋衣,披上一身绿装,直插云天。暑往冬来,迎风斗寒,经霜雪而不凋,历四时常茂,充分显示了竹子不畏困难,不惧压力的强大生命力。这是一种人们看不见而确实存在的品格。我想,竹子品格体现的不正是我们中华民族自强不息、不屈不挠的民族精神吗?我们每个人需要的不也是这种精神吗? 听力短文四 当万紫千红的春天到来的时候,柳绿桃红,春光明媚。然而,每当这时,却很少有人想到那山坡上、大路旁的小草。 小草虽然微小,但是有着坚强的性格和蓬勃向上的精神!寒冬刚过,小草便发出了嫩芽。无论是高山,还是草原,到处都可以看到小草的身影。她不怕狂风暴雨,不怕电闪雷击,不怕野火烧身,哪里有春风,哪里就有小草。我爱那漫山遍野的绿茵茵的小草。 小草一生,绿化大地,默默无闻装点着人的生活,给人类带来了生命,带来了幸福。它将一生献给了大地,但是它从来没有什么要求,怎么能不叫人敬念呢?我要赞美小草顽强的生命力,我更要歌颂具有像小草一样无私奉献的品格的人。 听力材料五 驼鸟是沙漠中的“骏马”,它的身材高大。比一个大人还要高一头。它一般都有二百多斤重,是世界上最大的鸟。 鸵鸟有翅膀,但是不会飞。不过,它那两条粗壮有力的腿,却是其它鸟类比不上的。它的长腿跨一步就有二到三米远。在望不到边的沙漠里它能飞快地跑来跑去,每小时可以跑六七十公里,比火车


Module 1 [00:58.38]Using my five senses [01:02.82]unit 1 Use your eyes! [01:07.87]Look and read [01:11.42]The sun rises behind the mountain in the morning. [01:17.58]The block's shadow is long.It is behind the block. [01:26.05]The sun is hight in the sky in the afternoon. [01:32.29]The block's shadow is short.It is beside the block. [01:40.73]The sun goes down in the evening. [01:45.27]The block's shadow is long.It is in front of the block. [01:53.21]page 3 [01:56.27]Look and say [01:59.75]Where are they? [02:03.40]1.Mum,I can't see my bag.Where is it? It's behind my chair. [02:12.83]2.Mum,I can't see my books.Where are they? [02:19.60]They're inside your bag. [02:23.86]3.Mum,I can't see my umbrella.Where is it? It's outside our flat. [02:34.20]4.Ben,I can't see my glasses.Where are they? [02:41.04]They're on your head. [02:45.41]Now listen! [04:10.17]page 4 [04:13.23]Make a shadow [04:16.89]1.Draw a boy or a girl [04:24.25]2.Colour your boy/girl black. [04:32.01]3.Cut out your shadow. [04:39.07]Look and say [04:43.92]Close your eyes,children. [04:49.99]1.Can you see? No,Miss Fang. [04:56.05]2.Danny,hide your shadow. [05:02.11]3.Open your eyes.Can you see my shadow? [05:09.58]Is it on the table. No! [05:15.51]Is it behind the blackboard? Yes! [05:21.75]page 5 [05:26.43]Say and act [05:30.27]What have you got? [05:34.81]red apples big strawberries [05:43.98]black grapes oranges [05:53.23]yellow bears green grapes [06:03.78]green plums bananas [06:11.93]green apples cherries [06:19.69]small strawberries green pears [06:30.45]black plums [06:35.10]Have you got any pineapples? [06:40.38]Sorry,I haven't got any pineapples.


小学五年级语文科期中检测试卷 二、我会听。(14分) 1、听读音,写词语。(每个读两遍)(8分) 告诫嫌疑顶天立地 1、听读短文《狼群和鹿群》,回答问题。(短文只一遍)(6分) 狼群和鹿群 水足草丰的阿拉斯加是美国一个天然动物园。在这里居住最多的野生动物是鹿群和狼群。 以食草为生的鹿群,总是那么善良、温驯和安详;而把鹿群当作美餐,以食肉为主的狼群,却异常的凶恶和残忍。 鹿群和狼群,一年到头处在你追我跑、激烈地厮杀搏斗中,真是水火难容啊! 特别是鹿群,它们常是惊慌失措地奔来跑去躲避着狼群,因为只要是稍一失去警惕,就会被狼群活活拖走,结束宝贵的生命。鹿群多么希望远离狼群,过上太平的日子,当地的牧民和野生动物工作者又何尝没有这个愿望?有一度,大家终于打狼、治狼了,人们想尽一切办法赶走了狼群。 狼群被赶走了,鹿群终于过上了太平的日子,它们悠闲地到水塘边去喝水,逍遥地在草地上歇息。最初,由于生活安定,鹿群个个都吃胖了,头数猛增,这使得当地的牧民和野生动物者多么地高兴!然而,事情的发展,能尽遂人意吗?随着时间的推移,终于出现了厄运。若干个月后,由于没有了狼群的追逐,鹿减少了运动量,它们的身体素质明显地下降了,之后导致鹿群一批批地死亡。 野生动物学家观察研究得出的结论是:舒适伴随着厄运,要想保住鹿群,使他们重现生机,还得请回狼群。 狼群又一如既往地在阿拉斯加地区活动了,鹿群又马不停蹄地日夜奔跑了。如今,不管是鹿群还是狼群,依旧是一派生机勃勃的繁荣景象。这活生生的故事告诉我们,动物和人类一样,如果缺少了危机意识和竞争精神,就会失去生存与发展的能力。 世间的事物竟是如此奇妙有趣。 1


部编版语文五年级下册听力训练(含听力材料和答案) 一 听两遍朗读录音,完成下列练习。 1.《千里江山图》的创作者是北宋画家() A.张择端 B.王希孟 C.郭熙 2.《千里江山图》现收藏于() A.北京故宫博物院 B.台北故宫博物院 C.上海博物馆 3.判断下列说法的对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)《千里江山图》是中国九大传世名画之一。()(2)《千里江山图》采用了散点透视法。()(3)《千里江山图》运用了“青绿山水”的画法。() 二 听两遍朗读录音,完成下列练习。 1.港珠澳大桥由()三个部分组成。 A.西人工岛、东人工岛、海底隧道 B.海中部分主体工程、三个口岸人工岛、两条连接线 C.海中部分主体工程、西人工岛、东人工岛 2.港珠澳大桥是集()于一体的综合跨海工程。 A.桥、岛、铁 B.桥、铁、隧 C.桥、岛、隧 3.港珠澳大桥全长约为() A.55千米 B.29.6千米 C.45千米

三 听两遍朗读录音,完成下列练习。 1.青花瓷又称______________,常简称______________。 2.青花瓷是以含()的钴矿为原料的。 A.氧化钴 B.氧化钠 C.氧化硫 3.成熟的青花瓷出现在元代景德镇的() A.哥窑 B.龙泉窑 C.湖田窑 4.以下哪一类不是青花瓷的款识?() A.纪年款 B.简约款 C.纹饰款 四 听两遍朗读录音,完成下列练习。 1.第七届世界军人运动会会徽名为() A.友谊和平纽带 B.和平友谊纽带 C.跃动的武汉 2.第七届世界军人运动会创下的纪录有()(多选) A.第一次在一个城市集中举办所有比赛项目。 B.第一次集中新建运动员村。 C.竞赛项目设置历届最多。 3.判断下列说法的对错,对的打“√”,错的打“×”。 (1)第七届世界军人运动会的吉祥物名为“兵兵”。()(2)第七届世界军人运动会吉祥物的设计灵感来源于野生动物江豚。


小学英语五年级第一单元听力材料 I. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词或句子。 1. tall 2. helpful 3.shy 4. clever 5. hand-working 6. funny 7. kind 8. strict 9.old 10.He is old. 表 表示,不相符用“F”II. Listen and judge.听音,判断是否与下面的图片相符,相符用“T” 示。 1. Is she young? 2. Is he old? 3. Is she quiet? Yes, she is. Yes, he is. Yes, she is. 4. They are hard-working. 5.She is polite. III. Listen and choose.听录音,选出正确的答语,将其序号填在题前括号内。 1. Is she fu nny? 2. What’s she like? 3. Are they helpful? 4. Who’s your art teacher? 5. Do you know Miss Zhang? IV. Listen and write.听录音,写出所缺单词。 A: Do you know Ms Zhang? B: No, I don’t. Who is she? A: She is our maths teacher. B: Is she old ? young . A: No, she isn’t. She is B: Is she srtict ? A: Yes, she is. But she is very kind . 小学英语五年级第二单元听力材料 I. Listen and choose.听录音,选出你所听到的单词。 1. Saturday 2. Tuesday 3. Chinese 4. maths 5. feet II. Listen and match.听录音,将下面的课程与星期连线。 1. We have maths, science, Chinese and art on Tuesdays. 2. We have Chinese, English, maths and music on Mondays. 3. We have Chinese, maths, art and English on Wednesdays. 4. We have PE, music, science and English on Fridays. 5. We have maths, Chinese, English and computer class on Thursadays. III. Listen and judge.听录音,判读图片与录音内容是否相符,相符写T,不符写F。


英语五年级上册第六单元目标测试(2011.9) 听力材料及参考 一、听句子。判断下列图片与所听内容是否相符,相符用“√”表示,不相符用“×”表示。 (1×5) Number 1. I am 43 kilograms. Number 2. I was sick at home yesterday. Number 3. The girl is taller than the boy. Number 4. It is June 1st. Number 5. In my dream, I was an astronaut. 答案:√×××√ 二、听对话。根据所听内容选择相应图画,将所选图画的字母标号填写在括号内。(1×5) Dialogue 1. --- Which season do you like? --- I like winter because I like playing in the snow. Dialogue 2. --- What did you do yesterday afternoon? --- I played football. Dialogue 3. --- What was the matter with you yesterday? --- I coughed when I had my lunch. Dialogue 4. --- Where are we going today? --- We are going to the amusement park. Dialogue 5. --- Do you often read books at home? --- No, I don’t. I often play computer games. 答案:B A B A A 三、听对话。根据听到的对话顺序,给下列图片编号,将序号填写在括号内。(1×5) Dialogue 1. --- Hello,Amy! Where did you go? --- I went to the park. --- What did you do there? --- I had a picnic with my brother. --- Great! Dialogue 2. --- What are you doing, boy? --- I am making a cake for you. --- Why? --- Today is Mothers’ Day. I want to give it to you. --- Thank you. Dialogue 3. --- Where were you this morning? --- I wasn’t at home. --- Where did you go? --- I went to the town with my friends. Dialogue 4. --- It is hot today, isn’t it?


听力训练 一1.拉萨是一座具有_______年历史的,是___________。现在的拉萨面积______________平方公里。 2.、、、给古城拉萨增添了现代色彩。 二1、短文写了这种花的()、()、()三个部分。 2、太阳花的茎有(),有()。太阳花的叶子很特别,()。()的花像抹了一层淡淡的胭脂,多层的花瓣自然(),单层的花瓣更(),真讨人喜欢。 3、作者喜欢太阳花,不只在于它(),更因为它()。 三1、怎样才能让树不被人砍呢?孩子们展开了丰富的想象: 一个男孩要发明会的树, 一个女孩要发明会的树, 再一个小女孩要发明的树。 2、文中的(谁)就是那位当年的女教师。 3、植树就是,哪里有爱,哪里才能真正垂着美丽的绿阴。 四1、驼鸟是沙漠中的骏马,一般重(),是世界上()。 2、驼鸟有两条(),一步能走(),每小时能跑()。顺风的时候,鸵鸟把翅膀高高举起,活像(),跑起来就更快了。 五1、短文主要写了什么?。 2、短文按照顺序,依次写了“小花鹿“的、、、、。 3、我在短文里听到一对近义词。()——() 六1、省西南部的瀑布是我国最大的瀑布。 2、它宽米,高米,激起的水花高达米。 3、瀑布冲击成一个深潭,传说曾经有犀牛从潭中登岸,因而起名叫()。

七1、()给()讲了一个故事。 2.小鸟比鹰飞得还要高,是因为()。 3.选择合适的词语,填在的括号里。 我()喜欢这个故事,()它像我们的生活。 不但…而且…之所以…是因为…虽然…但是… 4.“我们能飞多高,在很大程度上要依靠我们下面的那只鹰。”这句话中的“我们下面的那只鹰”指的是()。 八1.说“先生,您认错人了”这句话的人是()。 2.当第一位应聘者走进房间时,主考的美国人立即露出兴奋之色是因为()。 3.当第一位应聘者回答之后,主考的美国人透出惊喜之色是因为()。 4.你认为,这次招聘考试的第一关考的是()。 九1、鸟对人类的好外很大,表现在: A、使我们周围的环境(),()。 B、鸟的绝大多数种类是()的能手,是树木的()、农民的()。 C、在科学研究中,鸟还有很多用处。 2、人们根据鸟的飞行原理发明了();鸟为研究()等提供可贵的资料。 因此,我们应该保护()。 十、1、老骆驼在垂暮之年,又一次穿越了号称是()的沙漠,载誉而归。 A、死亡之海 B、生活之海 2、()和()向老英雄请教,老骆驼的经验 是:。 3、听完经验后,它们的心里很()。 A、高兴 B、激动 C、失望 4、从故事中你明白了什么道理呢?用自己的话说一说。 。 5、你能用你的生活中的事例说明这个道理吗? 。


小学英语五年级上册期末测试题 班级 姓名得分 听力部分 30% 一、Listen and choose.(听音,选择正确的单词)(5%) ( )1、A、bean B、beef ( ) 2、A、cow B、brown ( ) 3、A、boat B、road ( ) 4、A、tall B、small ( ) 5、A、skirt B 、girl ( ) 6、A、river B、farmer ( )7、A、sweep B、sweet ( ) 8、A、table B、vegetable ( )9、A、dishes B、fish ( ) 10、A、housework B、homework 三、看图,勾出你所听到的图片(6%) 1、 2、 3、 ()()()()()() 4、 5、 6、 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) 四、听对话判断句子对错,对的打√错的打×。(4﹪) ( )1、There is a bridge in the park. ( )2、There are many tall buildings in the city. ( )3、There are two rivers and a bridge in the village. ( )4、The trash bin is behind the door. 五、听音,将听到的食物和水果打“√”。(5%) 二、听音,将下面五幅图按听到的顺序编号。(3%)

Chen jie Miss Li Mr He John Sarah 笔试部分50% 六、找出下面单词中意思不同类的一个,把它的序号写到前面的括号里。6% ()1、A. tasty B. sour C. thin D. salty ()2、A. bedroom B. closet C. kitchen D. bathroom ()3、A.village B. tree C. flower D. glass ()4、A. in B. old C. on D. under ()5、A. curtain B. trash bin C.fresh D. mirror ()6、A. fish B. tofu C.tomato D.road 七、选出正确的答句,把序号填到问句前的括号里。(6%)。 ()1.Who’s your English teacher? A.He’s tall and strong ()2.What’s he like ? B. Mr Carter ()3.What do we have on Monday ? C. I often do homework ()4.What do you do on Sunday? D.We have Chinese and English ()5.What do you have for lunch? E. I like apple . They are sweet . ()6.What’s your favourite food? F. We have tofu and fish . 3、A、Yes, there is. B、Yes, it is . 4、A 、He is short and strong. B 、He is short and thin. 1、A、I can cook the meal. B、I can clean the bedroom. 2、A、Yes , I can. B、No, I can’t . 5、A、It’s Sunday. B、It’s Saturday. 6、A、It’s on the bed. B、It’s under the bed. 7、A、I have eggplant, potatoes and fish . B、I have eggplant, tomatoes and tofu .


五年级英语听力材料 一、听音,选出你所听到的单词或词组。 1、March 2、either 3、summer 4、near 5、great 6、which 7、January 8、fall 9、plant trees10、get up 二、根据录音内容,填写句子中所缺的单词,使句子完整。 1、 What do you do on the weekend? I wash my clothes. 2、When is Mike’s bir thday? It’s in July . 3、 Do you visit your grandparents on Tuesday? Yes, I do. 4、 Zhang Peng often plays the piano. 5、 I usually get up at 6:30 . 三、根据录音内容为下面的图片排序。 1、-----What’s the date today? -----Today is January 8th and it’s sunny. 2、It’s time to eat dinner. 3、----What often do you do on the weekend? ----I often watch TV on the weekend. 4、let’s go to fly kites. 5、----Which season do you like best? ----Winter. Because I can make a snowman. 四、听录音,根据录音内容,判断下列的句子是否与录音内容相符,相符的打“√ ”,不相符的打“ ×”。 Hi, I’m Mike. I come to school at 7:30. I have five or six classes every day. I like math. After school I do homework. Sometimes I play ping-pong. On the weekend I usually play football and go to my painting class. That’s fun!


五年级英语听力材料 每小题读两遍 一、听录音,圈出你所听到的单词。 1. Mr. Young is old. 2. I’d like some salad. 3. I often do homework. 4. Is Miss White kind? 5. They often read books. 6. What’s your favourite food? 7. What do you do on Sundays? 8. I like apples. They’re delicious. 9. What is he like? 10. Today is Thursday. 二、听录音,选择,将正确的序号写在相应人物下面的方框里。 1.—What would you like ,Chen Jie? —I’d like some green beans. ( B ) 2.—What’s your favourite fruit, Zhang Peng? —My favourite fruit is banana.( I ) 3.—What would you like for dinner, Amy? —I ‘d like some chicken and fish.( G ) 4.—How about you, John? —I ‘d like a hamburger .( A ) 5. —What would you like , Mike? —I’d like an ice cream.( C ) 三、听录音,连线。 1. We have Chinese and art class on Wednesdays . ( C D) 2. We have English and music on Tuesdays .( E G) 3. We have science and maths on Mondays .( A B) 4. We have PE and computer class on Thursdays .( F H) 5. We have English and science on Fridays.( E A ) 四、听录音,判断,与录音相符的画笑脸,不符的画哭脸。 1. Who’s that young man? He’s o ur PE teacher. He’s very strong. ( 2. What would you like? I’d like some noodles and a hamburger.( ) ) 4. What’s your favourite drink? My favourite drink is tea. (


3、这个故事带给你怎样的启示 _______________________________________________________________ _______________________________________________________________ ____________ (五)听短文,回答问题。 1、根据短文填空: 猫的脚掌有,还长着。

2、这段话对我的启示是。(六)听短文,回答问题。 1、根据短文填空: 三个人看的是同样一只蜘蛛,从不同角度出发,便会得到不同的结论。第一个人认为蜘蛛;第二个人认为蜘蛛;第三个人认为蜘蛛。 2、这段话对我的启示是。(七)听短文,回答问题。 1、这段话是按顺序来写的,分别写了春天最美是;夏天最美是;秋天最美是;冬天最美 是。

着,好像是在跟我说话。“小花鹿”的身体是橘黄色的,上面有一个个大红色的梅花。他那条又小又短的尾巴向上翘着,显出一幅很调皮的样子。我在它的脖子上系了一条绿色的丝带打了个蝴蝶结这一下它变得更加神气更加漂亮了。 附:听力材料三 我国最大的瀑布 我国最大的瀑布是黄果树瀑布,它在我国西南部贵州高原的白水河上。 黄果树瀑布宽二十多米,水势汹涌澎湃,瀑布从六七十米高的陡崖上直泻下来,水花激溅,就像万马奔腾;宽阔巨大水帘,拍石击水,发出轰轰巨响,好似雷劈山崩,叫人惊心动魄。 瀑布从高处泻落,成年累月,冲击成一个深潭,潭水碧绿,传说曾经有犀牛从潭中登岸,因而起名叫“犀牛潭”。瀑布直泻潭中,激起的水珠高达一百多米,仿佛云雾笼罩,在阳光照射下,云雾中便出现了美丽的彩虹,与白茫茫的瀑布交相辉映,景色无比壮丽。 附:听力材料四 滴下来的小水珠,正好滴在一块坚硬的石头上。它决心把石头滴穿。这件事让河中的大浪知道了,大浪便哈哈大笑,对小水珠说:“嘿,凭你那点力气,能把石头滴穿真是笑话!”小水珠说:“不信,我俩比比看,你把河边的石头打个洞,我滴穿这块石头。九百九十九天以后,看看是怎样的结果”“容易、容易!”大浪哈哈大笑,觉得小水珠小得可怜,九百九十九天肯定不会滴穿石头,而自己的力气大着哩,别说能把石头打个洞,就是把石头摧毁也容易!大浪立即答应和小水珠赛一赛。 从此以后,小水珠对准石头的一个点,滴呀滴呀,不管刮风下雨,也不管白天黑夜,坚持不懈,辛勤地工作着。而大浪却不同,高兴时“哗——”地冲一下,不高兴时就懒洋洋…… 九百九十九天过去,小水珠便来找大浪:“你快来看吧,我已经把这块石头滴穿了,银色的小圆洞还透着光呢!”


Key words: ice cream , banana,hamburger, tea , sandwich, salad, milk. Mr Young: I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant. Miss Liu: Good idea! Waiter: Good afternoon!Can I help you ? Miss Liu: Yes, we want something to eat. I’d like some a and an . Waiter: What would you like to eat? Mr Young: I’d like a and some . Waiter: OK,what would you like to drink? Mr Young: I’d like some green . Miss Liu: I’d like a cup of . Waiter: That’s all? Mr Young: Yes,thank you . Key words: ice cream , banana,hamburger, tea , sandwich, salad, milk. Mr Young: I’m hungry. Let’s go to the restaurant. Miss Liu: Good idea! Waiter: Good afternoon! Can I help you ? Miss Liu: Yes, we want something to eat. I’d like some a and an . Waiter: What would you like to eat? Mr Young: I’d like a and some . Waiter: OK,what would you like to drink? Mr Young: I’d like some green . Miss Liu: I’d like a cup of . Waiter: That’s all? Mr Young: Yes,thank you .


路漫漫其修远兮,吾将上下而求索- 百度文库 11 小学五年级英语听力材料及答案 一、听音,选出听到的单词或短语。(10%) 1. clothes 2.do the dishes 3.flat 4. bridge 5. water the flowers BABAB 二、听音,填写单词,完成句子。(10%) 1.She isn’t quiet.She is very active. 2.What day is it today? It’s Wednesday. 3.I often paint on Saturdays. 4.Mike often has eggplants and tomatoes. 5. Can you clean the bedroom? 三、听音,为下列句子排序。(10%) 1.There’s a lake near our village. 2.It is very beautiful. 3.Here comes my tasty food. 4.What can you do at home? 5.I can sweep the floor and cook the meals. (24531) 四、听音,为下列图片标上1至5的序号。(10%) 1. She can sweep the floor. 2. I have a warm bedroom. 3.My favorite food is fruit. 4.There is a river in my village. 5. There are many clouds in the sky. (42315) 笔试部分(60%) 五、根据汉语,填写单词,完成对话。(10%) Mutton,tasty,grapes,healthy,vegetables. 六、根据框内所给句子,补全对话。(20%) 1.E 2.D. 3.B 4.A 5.C 七、连词成句。(10%) 1、Where is the trash bin ? https://www.doczj.com/doc/2314390562.html,e and look at my new curtains. 3.There is a mirror on the wall. 4.Are you helpful at home? 5.What would you like for dinner? 八、阅读理解(20%) A 篇 根据课程表内容,回答下列问题:(10%) 1.There are four classes . 2.They are English, Chinese, Science and Computer. 3.No,there isn’t. 4.It begins at 9:50.

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