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选修六 Unit One Art
作业 (一)
一、 单词运用:根据句子的意义及所给的首字母提示写出单词的适当形式。
1. Because of her poor life, she was forced to have her last baby a________.
2.This meal is t______________ of local cookery.
3.These are children?s television programs aimed at a s__________ age.
4.The a______________ of the project is to help the people who suffer from AIDS.
1. 我企图说话,可是有人要我安静点。
I __________________________________ but was told to be quiet.
2. 这家化工厂排出大量的污水。
This chemical factory drained out ___________________________________waste water.
3. 显然你累了。 _______________________________that you are tired.
4. 儿子在家吃好饭而父母却在田里辛勤劳作。
The son was having a good meal at home,_______________the parents were working inthe fields.
5. 夏威夷是个旅游胜地,值得一游。
Hawaii is a beautiful place for traveling,which is ________________________________
6. 我们特别喜欢吃甜食。 We_______________________________________ sweet food.
7. 他如此紧张以致他不能集中精神考试。
He was so nervous that he couldn?t _________________________________ his test.
8. 我们力求质量而不是数量。
We _____________________________quality rather than quantity
9. 他人赃并获. He was caught _____________________________________stolen goods
10. 我有她的所有唱片, 却从未见过她本人.
I've got all her records , but I've never seen her ____________________________
The government _______________________________citizens for saving water.
12. 他决定辞职,一方面因为他厌倦了目前的工作;另一方面他想换个地方。
He decided to quit his job. _______________________, he was tired of the present job; __________________________, he wanted to move to another.
13.真巧合,我们要搭同趟车回家。 _____________________, we will take the same bus back home.
三、 单项选择
1.--- John always thinks of others instead of himself.
---So he does. It is A. aggressive B. evident C. typical D. convenient

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