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完形填空题(cloze test)又叫“克漏字”测验。它有以下两大特点和规律:第一,一篇完形填空题是一个有机的整体。

尽管看起来形式上有残缺(若干个空),但它的内容、语言习惯,句与句之间的衔接点,句子与段落之间的联系,段落与段落之间的逻辑顺序仍或隐或现地存在于篇章之中。因此,在做完形填空题时,通读全文、明了大意、理清观点、分清层次是十分重要的一步。考生解题时必须自始至终依托语境,注意上下文之间、词与词之间,从语法到意义的合理搭配。尤其要注意短文中承上启下的过渡词等,如so, but, however, then, therefore, also等。




























语篇一般是指比单一句子长的语言单位,如句群、段落、篇章等。语篇和语篇之间往往有标明其内在联系的词语,这些词语称为“语篇标志”,例如:表示结构层次的firstly, secondly等,表示逻辑关系的therefore, so, but等,表示话题改变的by the way等。在做完形填空题时,充分利用这些语篇标志可以迅速理清文章的脉络,弄清上下文之间的关系。










(B) (2010?福建省晋江市,二,10)完形填空: 从每小题A、B、C三个选项中,选出能填入空白处的最佳答案。

When people find something valuable and return it to its owner, they are often given a reward. This is because the person not only found what was lost but also spent time 46 its owner or taking it to the police station.There was once a young boy 47 found a woman‘s purse in a shopping centre. Inside the purse there 48 some money and the w oman‘s driving license. Her name and 49 were printed on the license, so the boy knew where she lived. That evening he went to her house and 50 her door. When she opened it, he said, ― I found your purse,‖ and handed it to her.

“Thank you very much,”she said. She opened her purse and took out all the money. She wanted to give the boy a small reward, 51 there were only bills

of$20 in the purse and she thought that $ 20 was too 52 to give the boy. “I’m sorry,”she sa id, ― but I don‘t have any small 53 to give you.‖The boy said, ―That‘s all right,‖ and he went away.

A few days later he found 54 woman‘s purse. It also had her driving license in it, so he knew where she lived. He went to her house and said ― I found

your purs e,‖ and handed it to her.

―Thank you very much, ― she said. She opened her purse and took out all her money.

―That‘s 55 ‖ , she said, ― Before I lost my purse I had a $100 bill and a $20 bill in it. Now I have a $100 bill, a $10 bill and two $5 bills.‖

―Y es,‖ the boy said, and smiled.

46. A. to find B. finding C. find

47. A. who B. whose C. which

48. A. is B. were C. was

49. A. e-mail B. address C.age

50. A.cut down B. knocked on C. broke into

51. A. so B. but C. or

52. A. little B. few C. much

53. A. change B. menu C. purse

54. A .another B. the other C. other

55. A interesting B. exciting C. strange

【答案】46-55 B A C B B B C A A C


Long ago,in a small village of Wakefield lived two farmers,Harry and Peter.Harry was very hard.working while Peter was 36 .Every day Harry got up early and came home late,but Peter walked around for fun.

One summer there was no 37 and the crops(庄稼)were dying.Harry thought,“I must do something to save these crops,or they shall die.”With this 38 in mind,he went out to find a river so that he could dig a canal(沟渠)to his field.He walked on and on, feeling tired and thirsty.After a 39 search,he found a river full of blue water.He was

very happy.He started digging a canal to his field. 40 it was noon his wife sent

their daughter to bring Harry home 41 lunch.But Harry did not go.He did not want to

leave his work unfinished.He completed his work 42 at night.He Was very satisfied.

He went home。had a good meal and 43 into a sound sleep.

Peter did the same.But he was not at all determined(有决心的).He also 44 digging a

canal to his field but he didn’t have his work completed.His field did not get 45 water

and all his crops died.

Harry’s field would be watered when needed.He had a good harvest because of his hard work.

( )36.A.cruel B.1azy C.careless D.silly

( )37.A.rain B.wind C.cloud D.river

( )38.A.feeling B.dream C.problem D.thought

( )39.A.quick B.long C.slow D.special

( )40.A.Whether B.Although C.When D.Unless

( )41.A.for B.to C.with D.at

( )42.A.early B.far C.1ate D.deep

( )43.A.fell B.1ooked C.turned D.walked

( )44.A.stopped B.1oved C:forgot D.started

( )45.A.clean B.enough C.1ittle D.fresh


****************************************************************** (2010?浙江省湖州市,三,15)阅读下面短文,理解其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个最佳选项。

Long long ago,there was a swan(天鹅)with golden feathers(金羽毛).She lived in a lake.A woman lived in a small house_26_the lake with her two daughters.They were very poor.They worked hard all year round,_27_still,they lived a hard life and sometimes they even d idn‘t have enough_28_to buy food.

The swan was _29_t o see that.She said to herself, ―I‘ll give one of my_30_to them each day,then they can live a happy life with the money selling my feathers.‖That evening,she _31_to the poor woman‘s house and left a golden feather on the table without saying_32_.From then on,the swam came every day and gave them a feather.The woman was very happy because their life was much_33_than before.

But day after day,the woman became greedy(贪婪).She said to her _34_.”The swan may fly away one day.If so,we will be poor again.We should take

all_35_feathers shen she comes next time.”

“Oh,no,Mom!‖cried the daughters, ―This will _36_the swan.She helps us a

lot !‖But the mother wouldn‘t listen.When the _37_came as usual,the mother caught her and took all her feathers.But suddenly,the golden feathers _38_chicken feathers.

Then ,the Golden Swan said, ―Poor Mother,I came to -39_you,but you wanted to kill me.Now,I am leaving and will _4_come back.Never be greedy!‖With these words,the swan flew away.

26.A.above B.over C.near D.under

27.A.and B.but C.so D.or

28.A.money B.time C.room D.energy

29.A.happy B.surprised C.sad D.scared

30.A.presents B.golden coins C.feathers D.collections

31.A.flew B.ran C.climbed D.walked

32.A.something B.everything C.nothing D.anything

33.A.duller B.better C.busier D.harder

34.A.brothers B.sisters C.sons D.daughters

35.A.his B.her C.their D.our

36.A.hurt B.save C.protect D.refuse

37.A.woman B.daughter C.chicken D.swan

38.A.heard of B.changed into C.looked for D.came from

39.A.trouble B.help C.teach D.invite

40.A.sometimes B.always https://www.doczj.com/doc/282931921.html,ually D.never



A young man was about to finish school. For a long time he had 26

to get a beautiful sports car. He knew his father could well 27 it, so he told him that a sports car was all he wanted.

Then on the morning of his graduation(毕业),he was called to his

father’s room. His father told him how 28 he was to have such a fine son, and told him how 29 he loved him. He handed his son a beautiful gift box. 30 , the young man opened the box and found a lovely Bible(圣经)with his name on it. Angrily, he raised his 31 to his father and said, “With all your money you give me a Bible? ”He then 32 out of the house, leaving the Bible.

Many years passed and the young man was very 33 in business, and had a beautiful home and a wonderful family. 34 that his father was very old, he thought perhaps he should go to see him. He had not seen him 35

that graduation day. Before he could go, he received a 36 telling him that his father had died. He had to go home immediately and take 37 of the things that his father left him.

When he began to search through his father‘s important

papers, he saw the still new Bible, 38 as he had left

it years ago. He opened the Bible and began to 39

the pages. As he was reading, a car key with a tag(标牌)

dropped from the back of the Bible. On the tag was the

40 of his graduation, and the words ―P AID IN

FULL”. Sadness and regret(悔恨)filled his heart.

26. A.expected B.believed C.enjoyed D.felt

27. A.afford B.spend C.cost D.pay

28. A.excited B.proud C.angry D.anxious

29. A.far B.much C.long D.often

30. A.Interested B.Tired C.Surprised D.Relaxed

31. A.hand B.head C.voice D.sound

32. A.looked B.moved C.walked D.rushed

33. A.careful B.helpful C.wonderful D.successful

34. A.Wanting B.Suggesting C.Noticing D.Realizing

35. A.on B.since C.after D.from

36. A.bag B.ticket C.phone D.book

37. A.care B.part C.notes D.time

38. A.just B.only C.always D.already

39. A.use B.open C.turn D.close

40. A.place B.date C.test D.name 【答案】26. A 27. A 28. B 29. B 30. C 31. C 32. D 33. D 34. D 35. B 36. C 37. A 38. A 39. C 40. B


A man is driving home on a cold rainy night.At a bus top,he sees three people waiting for a bus.The first person is _51_best friend.This friend saved(救)his life years ago.The second one is his aunt.She’s very _52_and needs to go to hospital at once.The thi rd one is the man‘s girl friend.He loves her very much.The man wants to help _53_of them,but his car is very small and he can _54_only one in the car.Now be has his biggest-55_--who‘s the one that he can take?

51.A.her B.his C.their

52.A.sick B.healthy C.strict

53.A.one B.two C.all

54.A.bring B.take C.hold

55.A.problem B.idea C.plan



Denny Crook was a famous photographer. He traveled all over the world, taking pictures for magazines and newspapers, and won many prizes.

“I‘ll do anything to get a good photo,‖ he often said. ―I‘ll go anywhere at any

time, even if it is (41).‖

And he told the (42). He had photos of earthquakes, forest fires, floods and even wars. If something interesting happened, Denny went to photo it.

He was a married man and his wife often asked him to take her with him, but he always (43).‖I‘ll travel for my work, not for (44),‖ he told her . ―You won‘t enjoy yourself, and I won‘t have (45) to look after you. Sometimes there‘s not even anywhere to (46), and I have to sleep outside. I often don‘t have a good (47) or a bath for days. Y ou won‘t like it.‖

“Denny, I‘m not a child,‖ his wife didn‘t (48). ―I can look after myself. Please take me with you the next time you go overseas.‖

Denny did not say anything, but he (49) about it, and when he was asked to go to Af rica he said to his wife, ―Y ou can come to Africa with me if you want to. I‘ve got to take photos of wild (50) there. It should be interesting and not too uncomfortable.‖

His wife was very (51), and at first she had a very enjoyable time.

Then Denny went to off to (52) some lions to photo. His wife went with him, but before long they became separated. She walked down one path while he walked down the other.

Suddenly, Denny heard her (53). He ran back and saw her running toward him. A huge lion was chasing her.

Quickly Denny took his camera out of its case and (54) it at his wife and the lion. Then he shouted, ―(55), woman! I can‘t get you both in the picture!‖

41. A. dangerous B. natural C. convenient D. impossible

42. A. lie B. reason C. news D. truth

43. A. allowed B. refused C. failed D. joked

44. A. wealth B. prize C. pleasure D. luck

45. A. money B. time C. interest D. ability

46. A. meet B. work C. shop D. stay

47. A. meal B. picnic C. room D. party

48. A. agree B. understand C. reply D. complain

49. A. worried B. forgot C. asked D. thought

50. A. land B. flowers C. animals D. people

51. A. confused B. excited C. surprised D. disappointed

52. A. find B. feed C. drive D. shoot

53. A. singing B. crying C. laughing D. cheering

54. A. threw B. fired C. showed D. pointed

55. A. Hurry up B. Look out C. Slow down D. Go ahead

【答案】41.A 42.D 43.B 44.C 45.B 46.D 47.A 48.A 49.D 50.C 51.B 52.A 53.B 54.D 55.C


Monty Robert‘s father was a horse trainer. As a child, Monty often went from one

farm to 21 with his father. Sometimes they didn‘t ha ve enough money to

22 food, but Monty still kept hoping to own a 23 farm.

When he was in school, his teacher asked him to write a paper 24 what he wanted to be and do when he grew up. He wrote a seven-page paper 25 his dream of having a horse farm one day. He 26 drew a picture of a horse farm in the paper.

The next day he handed 27 in to his teacher. Two days later, he got his paper back. On the front page was a large red ―F‖ with some words ―See me after class.‖ 28 the boy did a nd asked his teacher, ―Why did I get an F?‖ The teacher said, ―This dream will not 29 for a young boy like you. 30 a horse farm needs a lot of money. Y ou have to buy the land. You have to pay for a lot of things. There is no way you could ever do i t.‖ Then the teacher added, ―If you write this paper again with a 31 dream, I will give you a good grade.‖

After school he thought about it 32 . At last, he decided to hand in the same paper, making 33 changes at all. He wrote, ―You can keep the F and I‘ll keep my 34 .‖

Many years later, Monty had his own 200 acres horse farm. His dream came true. So don‘t let 35 take away your dreams. Follow your dreams, no matter what they are.

21. A. another B. the others C. other D. the other

22. A. look for B. pay for C. wait for D. ask for

23. A. horse B. chicken C. pig D. flower

24. A. in B. at C. about D. off

25. A. talking about B. talking with C. talking to D. talking over

26. A. ever B. even C. never D. over

27. A. them B. farm C. it D. picture

28. A. Or B. So C. But D. And

29. A. come back B. come from C. come true D. come down

30. A. Owning B. Drawing C. Asking D. Writing

31. A. difficult B. high C. bad D. simple

32. A. easily B. hard C. heavily D. hardly

33. A. any B. some C. all D. no

34. A. horse B. land C. dream D. paper

35. A. anyone B. everyone C. someone D. none

【答案】21—25 ABACA 26—30 BCBCA 31—35DBDCA


April 27 is a special day in Britain.It‘s called Take Our Daughters to Work Day.On that Day thousand of girls take a day off school and go with one of their parents to their work places.By doing this,it can _41_girls more about the society where they live.

Now the girls can have a close look at -42_their parents are doing.This may help

them to be calmer when they have to choose a job.Mary experienced a day of work at her mother‘s office.This helped her _43_her mother‘s work better.She said that this made her feel more confident about her future.

Schools and many companies support the activity,too.Some schools _44_make the day a necessary part of school life.

Experts think that girls with more self-confidence are more likely to be_45_than common girls.

41.A.talk B.keep C.teach

42.A.which B.what C.that

43.A.thank B.understand C.remember

44.A.ever B.never C.even

45.A.successful B.polite C.friendly




Lucy and I are twin sisters . We always have a strong connection – we can almost read each other‘s minds . A lot of people say it is ? 26 for twins to have that connection , but I neve thought about it much . 27 , I do now because the special connection saved Lucy last year .

When Lucy left for college , I was 28 we would not keep in touch , but thanks to mobile phones , that didn‘t ? 29 . I was really looking forwatd to her coming home ? 30 her vacation. But when she got home , I felt something was wrong . I asked ? 31 she was and she replied that ?32 was fine .

A month later I decided to visit her . As I was ? 33 to her college . I suddenly couldn’t breathe (呼吸) , I stopped the car and wondered what was wrong with me , but then I ? 34 that it was with my sister . I 35 called her to see it\f she was OK . She said that things were finc .

About twenty minutes later , the same thing happened . but much 36 than before and all I could see in my mind were 37 of my sister lying on the floor .

I tried to call her again , but this time she didn‘t answer . I raced to the 38 parked the car , and ran to her room .

When I got there , it was just like what I had seen in my mind . I called 911 and they took 39 to the hospital .

When Lucy 40 , she smiled weakly and said the special conned was really magic .

26. A. dangerous B. common C. impossible D. fair

27. A. Luckily B. Finally C. However D. Personally

28. A. proud B. glad C. surprised D. afraid

29. A. happen B. go C. ring D. change

30. A. after B. during C. except D. past

31. A. how B. who C. where D.what

32. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

33. A. walking B. running C. driving D. flying

34. A. realized B. remembered C. suggested D. expected

35. A. happily B. carefully C. loudly D. quickly

36. A. better B. worse C. nearer D. farther

37. A. picrures B. stories C. letters D. problems

38. A. phone B. car C. hospital D. college

39. A. me B. her C. us D. them

40. A. gave up B. grew up C. woke up D. stayed up

【答案】26-30BCDAB 31-35ADCAD 36-40BADBC


When I had something difficult to do,I used to ask my mother for help. But she always said,“Do it yourself,dear.”I was not 11 at all. I thought she was the 12 mother in the world!

For example,one day,I decided to 13 some friends to my home. My bedroom was not in order. Books were everywhere. And I didn’t make the bed. I asked my 14 to help me clean it,15 she still said,“Do it yourself,girl.”

Because of my “lazy mother”,I have to 16 my clothes and clean my room. I have to help my parents 17 I even have to go to the dentist by myself. It is really hard for me to do everything well,but I have learned 18 .

As time goes by,I understand my mother. She makes me clever and diligent (勤奋的) 19 a great mother! A 20 mother is worth(等值于)one hundred teachers! Don’t you think so?

11. A.old B.glad C. thin

12. A. tallest B. most foolish C. laziest

13. A. leave B. invite C. visit

14. A. mother B. father C. brother

15. A. or B. when C. but

16. A. wash B. lead C. knock

17. A. do housework B. go swimming C. go camping

18. A. on show B. by mistake C. a lot

19. A. Which B. What C. Who

20. A. young B. good C. happy

【答案】11—15 BCBAC 16—20 AACBB



One day ,Peter went to see his docrot. ―I am always tired when I _41-in the morning.‖he said. ―Do you sleep well?‖ the doctor asked .‖Well ,not _42_.I dream so much. I have being like this for a long time.‖Peter answered .

“Well ,sometimes dreaming is good _43_ us ,‖ said the doctor. ―Maybe,‘Peter said. ―But my trouble is _44_ I always dream abo ut hard work!Last night,as soon as I fell _45_ ,I dreamt that I went to the _46_to plant trees all night long!Then several nights ago,I dreamt that I was on an old _47_in a terrible storm at sea.We had to work for hours to stop the ship from sinking.It seems that ,in my dreams I always have very difficult jobs to do.‖

“What about the sleeping _48_that were given to you several days ago?Don‘t they work?‖ the doctor asked .

“Y es,but not well.But if I don‘t take one,I will be awake all night.‖

“Then try _49_be fore you go to sleep._50_,listen to light music.‖the doctor said.

41.A.wake up B.go to bed C.sleep

42.A.hardly B.suddenly C.really

43.A.for B.of C.with

44.Awhat B.that C.how

45.A.sleep B.sleeping C.asleep

46.A.house B.garden C.library

47.A.ship B.train C.plane

48.A.pill B.medicine C.pills

49.A.relax B.to relax C.relaxed

50.A.By the way B.And so on C.For example


(2010.江苏省无锡市. 二、完形填空,本大题共10分)

The sun was shining quite brightly as Mrs Grant left her house,so she decided not to _16_an umbrella with her.She got on the bus to the town and before long it began to rain.The rain had not stopped -17_the bus arrived at the market half an hour later.Mrs Grant stood up and absent-mindedly(心不在焉的)picked up the umbrella that was _18_on the seat in front of her.

A cold voice said loudly, ―That is mine,Madam!‖

Suddenly remembering that she had come out without her umbrella,Mrs Grant felt _19_for what she had done,trying at the same time to take no notice of the unpleasant _20_the owner of the umbrella was giving her.

When she got off the bus,Mrs Grant made straight for a shop where she could buy an umbrella. She found a pretty one and bought it.Then she _21_to buy another as a present for her daughter.Afterwards she did the rest of her_22_and had lunch in a restaurant.

In the afternoon she got on the homeward(回家的)bus with the two umbrellas under her arm,and sat down.Then she _23_that,by a curious coincidence(巧合),she was sitting next to the woman who had made her feel _24_that morning. That woman now looked at her,and then at the umbrellas. ―You‘ve had quite a good _25_,‘she said.

16.A.keep B.bring C.take D.leave

17.A.before B.until C.though D.when

18.A.hanging B.appearing C.dropping D.losing

19.A.angry B.sorry C.lucky D.glad

20.A.reply B.call C.suggestion D.look

21.A.promised B.decided C.agreed D.remembered

22.A.hiking B.shopping C.trying D.searching

23.A.meant B.explained C.saw D.forgot

24.A.jealous B.bored C.satisfied D.uncomfortable

25.A.day B.meal C.journey D.present

答案: 16~20: CDABD 21~25: BBCDA


One day before my final exam,my dad gave me a gift.It completely changed my life.

On that day I had a _31_with my friends and it was a difficult time with my studies.I was unhappy .Then I noticed the gift.I _32_it and saw a DVD inside.Its name was ―THE SECRET‖.However ,I was in no mood (心情)to watch it.I sat down to study ,but the _33_in my life-the fight,the sleepless nights and my poor health…Everything came to my mind.I wanted an answer but I wondered

_34_there was any.Just then,I saw the DVD again.May be it would be helpful.I

_35_my DVD player.I had no words to describe the feelings I experienced while watching it.The moving(动人的)stories of human beings made me so moved that I wouldn‘t _36_any of them.

Thanks to my father‘s gift ―THE SECRET‖,I discovered _37_.Everyboday has difficulties in their lives .The important thing is that you should be _38_enough to face them.Now I ha ve started _39_my studies and my friends.And I‘m in good health,too.I often hear people say, ―Wow!_40_perfect life you have!‘

31.A.trip B.party C.talk D.fight

32.A.opened B.kept C.moved D.broke

33.A.chances B.problems C.suggestions D.mistakes

34.A.why B.that C.if D.how

35.A.turned on B.looked for C.put away D.paid for

36.A.report B.forget C.think D.remember

37.A.yourself B.itself C.himself D.myself

38.A.mad B.brave C.sad D.weak

39.A.being busy with B.worrying about

C.getting on well with

D.being afraid of

40.A.What a B.What C.How a D.How




Life is not easy,so I‘d like to say ―When anything happens ,believe in yourself.‖When I was a young boy , I was _46_shy to talk to anyone.My classmates often

_47_me.I was sad but could do nothing,Later,_48_happened,and it changed my life.It was an English speech contest.My mother asked me to _49_it .What a

terrible idea!It meant I had to speak before all the teachers and students of my school.

―Come on,boy.Believe in yourself.Y ou are sure to _50_the contest.‖Then mother and I talked about many different topics.At last I chose the topic ―Believe in yourself.‖I tried my best to remember all th e speech and practiced it over 100

_51_.With my mother‘s great love,I did _52_in the contest.I could hardly believe my ears when the news came that I had won the first place,I heard the cheers

_53_the teachers and the students.Those classmates_54_once looked down on(看不起)me ,now all said ―Congratulations!‖to me.My mother hugged me and cried excitedly.

Since then,everything has changed for me.When I do anything,I try to tell

_55_to be sure and I will find myself.This is not only for a person but also for a country.

46.A.too B.so C.quite D.very

47.A.made faces at B.looked after C.caught up with https://www.doczj.com/doc/282931921.html,ughed at

48.A.nothing B.something C.everything D.anything

49.A.take part in B.join C.get D.make

50.A.lose B.win C.pass D.beat

51.A.words B.topics C.times D.sentences

52.A.well B.good C.bad D.interested

53.A.for B.at C.from D.to

54.A.when B.what C.which D.who

55.A.someone B.me C.everything D.myself 【答案】ADBAB CACDD



It snowed heavily in November,2009 in northern China.Big snows _36_on Beijing,Hebei,Shanxi,Ningxia and Xinjiang .For many cities ,it was the

_37_snowfall in 50 years .The snow made traveling hard .Many schools had to

_38_for days.

Jia Aizhen,14,lives in Taiyuan,Shanxi.She _39_have a mid-term test on Wednesday._40_the snow ,they had the test on Sunday instead.

―It was _41_because we had more time to review(复习)our lessons ,‖said Jia,Sh e enjoyed the snow.It was as deep as half way _42_her leg. ―I felt peaceful (平和的)and relaxed to see the white _43_world.‖

Kang Xinyi,13,and Wang Danyang 13,are classmates at Shijiazhuang No.43 Middle School in Hebei.Their school _44_on the first day of snowing.Kang said the snow in the yerd was as _45_as 40cm.

―It was so good _46_we didn‘t have to go to school!‖said Kang Kang.Wang and another friend had a snowball fight(打雪仗)and _47_snowmen.They also helped clear snow _48_the roads.

―I never saw such a big snow,‖said Wang. ―Last year we only made a small snow panda,but this year our snowman is _49_tall as 1 meter!‖

―If the snow didn‘t make_50_for traffic,we would hope it would never

stop!‖said the girls.

( )36.A.rose Braised C.felt D.fell

( )37.A.fewest B.least C.smallest D.biggest

( )38.A.work B.study C.close D.trip

( )39.A.may B.must C.should D.would

( )40.A.As for B.As result of C.According to D.Because of

( )41.A.bad B.good C.lucky D.strange

( )42.A.up B.down C.into D.on

( )43.A.rainy B.snowy C.windy D.foggy

( )44.A.opened B.put C.began D.stopped

( )45.A.deep B.high C.big D.heavy

( )46.A.when B.if C.that D.what

( )47A.found B.did C.hit D.made

( )48.A.off B.out C.away D.through

( )49.A.so B.such C.as D.that

( )50.A.quickness B.smooth C.trouble




One famous artist Sheikh went back to his hometown.He hadn‘t seen of his friends for many years,who was a_41_man.When Sheikh asked about him,he was told by people that he was no longer poor.Sheikn _42_to pay a visit to his friend.

_43_talking with his friend,Sheikh asked him the _44_for the change.The man answered that he had been so poor that he had to sell some properties(财产)that _45_him.By selling these things,he had _46_some money enough to start a business with.

As he was on his way home with the money,he saw a poor woman_47_by the road.The man asked the woman reason,and she_48_that her husband died and her children were _49_.Hearing this,the man felt pity,and on seeing that she

needed to money than _50_,he gave all the money to her.He _51_home and spent the night sad and _42_for his family.

The next morning,_53_he was summoned (召唤)to the house of a rich

man.The rich man told him that he had _54_bags ofrice which he wanted to sell quickly and the man could buy it at a low price on loan(借用)from him.The poor man did so and sold the rice _55_.Soon he became rich.

41.A.poor B.rich C.silly https://www.doczj.com/doc/282931921.html,zy

42.A.refused B.forgot C.allowed D.decided

43.A.Until B.While C.Before D.Unless

44.A.reason B.message C.time D.plan

45.A.woke up B.got annoyed C.belonged to D.paid for

46.A.wasted B.carried C.chose D.collected

47.A.walking B.crying C.lying D.standing

48.A.explained B.believed C.dreamed D.imagined

49.A.dangerous B.crazy C.hungry D.angry

50.A.hers B.his C.herself D.himself

51.A.drove B.left C.returned D.stayed

52.A.pleased B.worried C.disappointed D.injured

53.A.surprisingly B.happily C.unluckily D.differently

54.A.thousands B.many thousands C.thousands of D.thousand of

55.A.possibly B.loudly C.badly D.quickly



It was almost 9:00 p.m.When Mary left her office to go home,it was _46_.She started her car and drove back to her home in the country.

The snow was heavy.Then Mary crossed a small_47_.Suddenly the car rushed out of the bridge which was covered with ice.Mary hit her head on the steering wheel(方向盘)and lost consciousness(感觉).

When she woke up,her head was bleeding(流血),and she was shaking from the _48_.She didn‘t know _49_she was.Mary opened her ear door and looked around.She was _50_the bridge,and her car was sitting on the frozen river!She felt very sad.She knew the ice wouldn‘t hold her car for very _51_.She tried to climb up to the bridge several times,but she kept _52_in the snow.Mary tried again and again,but still she couldn‘t get up.She realized that _53_could see her car under the

bridge.She was lying in the snow,and she couldn‘t move.Mary closed her eyes and waited to _54_.

Then she heard a _55_.Mary opened her eyes.There was an old man standing over her.With the help of the old man,she stood up and walked up.

46.A.raining B.snowing C.shining

47.A.road B.river C.bridge

48.A.heat B.cold C.cool

49.A.where B.what C.who

50.A.on B.under C.behind

51.A.short B.high C.long

52.A.falling B.fell C.to fall

53.A.somebody B.nobody C.anybody

54.A.sleep B.walk C.die

55.A.voice B.song C.talk



A traveler came out of the airport. There were a lot of 36 . He asked every taxi-driver‘s name. Then he took the third one. It 37 5 dollars to go from the airport to the hotel. ― 38 does it take to hire(雇请) you for the whole day?‖ The man asked. ―100 dollars,‖ said the taxi driver. This was very 39 , but the man agreed. Then the taxi-driver showed him all the parks and museums in the city. In the evening they went 40 to the hotel. The traveler gave the taxi-driver 100 dollars and said, ― What about tomorrow?‖ The taxi-driver 41 the man and said, ―Tomorrow? That will be 42 100 dollars.‖ But the man said it was OK. The taxi-driver was very 43 to be getting more money.

The next evening, after taking the traveler to visit the same parks and museums, the taxi-driver 44 another 100 dollars, he felt guilty(有罪

的)because 100 dollars a day was a lot of money. ―So you‘re from New York.‖ said the taxi-driver. ―I have a 45 in New York. Her name is Susan. Do you know her?‖ ―Sure. She gave me 200 dollars to give you!‖.

36. A. trains B. trucks C. taxis

37. A. cost B. paid C. spent

38. A. How many B. How long C. How much


初三英语完型填空试题大全 以下是为大家整理的关于初三英语完型填空试题大全的文章,供大家学习参考! 【2012天津】三、完形填空(本大题共10小题,每小题1分,共10分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题所给的A、B、C、D 四个选项中选出最佳选项。People all over the world celebrate the new year. However, not all countries celebrate in the same way, and in some countries, the new year doesn’t begin on the 46 date very year. In many countries, the new year begins on 1st January, but people start celebrating on 31st December, New Year’s Eve. In New York many people go to celebrate in Times Square. 47 they’re waiting for the New Year, they listen to music, sing traditional songs and have fun. Just before 12 o’clock, everyone 48 down from 10: 10, 9, 8…As soon as it’s 12 o’clock, everyone shouts very 49 , “Happy New Year!” New Year’s Day is often a family day. Some families get together for a special meal. When the weather is fine, many families go out for a 50 . On New Year’s Day, many people make resolutions for the new year. They 51 a list of things, such as “I will help out more with housework. I will work 52 at school than others.” or “I won’t spend so much time playing video games.” When they have made 53 list, they read it to their family or friends and promise to 54 their resolutions. So it doesn’t matter how they celebrate, 55 people in countries all over the world, it’s a time to say goodbye to the old year, and to welcome the new. 46. A. familiar B. same C. important D. normal 47. A. If B. Even though C. While D. Before 48. A. comes B. turn C. looks D. counts 49. A. loudly B. quietly C. sadly D. safely 50. A. walk B. secret C. job D. treatment 51. A. put on B. write down C. take away D. look after 52. A. quickly B. hard C. harder D. hardly 53. A. its B. his C. her D. their 54. A. follow B. make C. do D. give 55. A. by B. for C. with D. from 【答案】46. B解析:根据句意“新年不是在每年的同一天开始”。 47. C解析:while引导时间状语从句。 48. D解析:根据句意“大家倒数数”。 49. A解析:根据句意“大家都大声喊”。


初中英语完形填空答题技巧与方法 完型填空主要测验学生的语言综合运用能力,包括基础知识的掌握和运用,对整个文章逻辑联系的理解,在情景中辨析词义的能力以及词组短语搭配的使用能力,这是大部分考生认为难度最大的考查项目。有些考生的听力基础知识部分做的还比较好,但是完型填空却只能做对一两道,有的甚至对完型填空产生了恐惧心理,导致全军覆没。其实只要我们有信心,有良好的心理素质,再加上一定的技巧,完型填空并不是不可逾越的鸿沟。 平心静气不急不躁 对完形填空心存恐惧,是导致失误的根本原因,有些考生满脑子的畏难思想,殊不知这种情绪只会使得自己的全部思想游离题外,根本无法进入思维,还谈何理解文章的内容呢?所以,集中思想、树立信心、平心静气、去除杂念才是做好完型填空题的保证。 一.浏览全文把握大意 浏览全文能获得更多的上下文提供的信息,并根据文章的内在逻辑意义、贯穿文章始终的主线以及作者行文的走向,把握文脉,调整并定位自己的解题思路,从而做出最终的判断。 二.把握全文的时态 不同的时态动词用不同的形式

三.识别短语注意搭配 一类短语是由动词+介词,或动词+副词构成,在现代英语中,这类词组很多而且实用性强、结构简练、使用灵活、表达生动,如look forward to,keep an eye on,catch one's eye等;还有一类使用极广的是介词短语,如with regard to, at the age of等。如果平时能注意词组、短语的整体记忆,掌握它们的搭配规律,在做完型填空时就能得心应手,减少失误,提高完型填空的命中率。 运用语法理顺关系 语法知识是指导完型填空的法宝,词汇是根据语法规则确定各自的位置,有了语法规则文章才能有条不紊、顺理成章。完型填空题实际上是“形断意不断,貌离神不离”,正如藕断而丝连,语法规则起到“牵动荷花带出藕”的功效。如介词后的代词必然是宾格;物质名词一般不用复数;形容词必须放在不定代词后;行为动词的否定和疑问句应由助动词do构成;情态动词只能与不带to的动词连用等。如黄浦区20XX年中考模拟试卷中的完型填空题第 3小题:I was the happiest boy in the world,填入的词逻辑根据为happy,语法根据为最高级,因为前一个词是the,后面是in the world短语,即在一个范围内进行比较,应用形容词的最高级,因而推断出该词为happiest;再如该项的第6小题,挖空处为don't,因为行为动词的否定式应由助动词构成,而且主语是I,因此得出该词为don't。 遇到难词反复默念 有时会遇到这样的情况,大部分词都填出来了,只有一、两个难词


Leadership n.领导力['li:d??ip] length n.长度[le?θ, le?kθ] legal adj.合法的['li:ɡ?l] lap n.圈[l?p] liquid n.液体['likwid] lip n.嘴唇[lip] lifetime n.一生['laiftaim] journal n.日记['d??:n?l] judgment n.判断['d??d?m?nt] joyful adj.高兴的['d??iful] kick v.踢[kik] meanwhile n.& adv.期间['mi:nwail] meantime= meanwhile medium adj中等的n. 媒体['mi:di?m, -dj?m] microphone n.麦克风['maikr?f?un] loyal adj.忠诚的['l?i?l] mature adj.成熟的[m?'tju?] maintain v.保持[mein'tein] historical adj.历史的[his't?rik?l] historic adj.历史的[his't?rik] horrible adj.恐怖的['h?r?bl] guidance n.引导['ɡaid?ns] guarantee v.保证[,ɡ?r?n'ti:] guilty n.有罪的;内疚的['ɡilti] growth n.增长[ɡr?uθ] heaven n.天堂['hev?nli]

harmless adj.无害的['hɑ:mlis]

instruct v.指导;命令[in'str?kt] interactive adj.互动的[,int?r'?ktiv] ignore v.不理会;忽视[iɡ'n?:] impatient adj.没耐心的[im'pei??nt] hunt v.打猎;寻找[h?nt] humor n.幽默['hju:m?] insist v.坚持[in'sist] impression n.印象[im'pre??n] individual adj.& n.个人,个体[,indi'vidju?l, -d??l independence n.独立[,indi'pend?ns] pride n.骄傲[praid] preference n.偏爱(人/物)['pref?r?ns] practical adj.实际的;实用的['pr?ktik?l] possibility n.可能性[,p?s?'bil?ti] profit n.利润['pr?fit] professional adj.职业的[pr?'fe??n?l] rope n.绳子[r?up] scared adj.害怕的[skε?d] rank v.& n.排名[r??k] reaction n.反应[ri'?k??n, ri:-] reflect v.反射[ri'flekt] regret v.& n.后悔[ri'ɡret] reasonable adj.合理的['ri:z?n?bl] realistic adj.现实的[,ri?'listik, ,ri:-] recommend v.推荐[,rek?'mend] mystery n.迷,神秘['mist?ri]

中考英语英语 完形填空试题(含答案)

中考英语英语完形填空试题(含答案) 一、英语完形填空 1.完形填空 Not only adults but also teenagers have problems in their life. Here is a survey showing the main problems of 1 . They feel stressed because they have 2 homework to do both at school and at home. They have lots of exams 3 .And parents usually send them 4 different classes at weekends. As a result, so many of them almost become bookworms(书虫). During the holidays, they could hardly have 5 time to do what they are interested in. Now more and more teenagers 6 short-sighted. They often read in bed or keep 7 for a long time without having a rest. Some of them are crazy about playing computer games. Some 8 too much time watching TV. 9 serious problem among teenagers is that many of them are becoming fat. They eat too much junk food, but they take little exercise. I think teenagers should think of ways to 10 the problems. They should make a plan for study and hobbies and find time to relax as much as possible. 1. A. adult B. adults C. teenagers 2. A. too many B. too much C. much too 3. A. join B. to be taken C. to take 4. A. to B. for C. of 5. A. our own B. their own C. his own 6. A. is getting B. are getting C. got 7. A. red B. read C. reading 8. A. pay B. cost C. spend 9. A. Another B. Other C. Others 10. A. doing with B. do with C. deal with 【答案】(1)C;(2)B;(3)C;(4)A;(5)B;(6)B;(7)C;(8)C;(9)A;(10)C; 【解析】【分析】主要讲了青少年主要问题的调查结果及作者认为解决的方法。 (1)句意:这是表明青少年主要问题的一项调查。A.成年人;B.成年人;C.青少年。根据 后文可知主要讲了青少年的问题,故选C。 (2)句意:他们感觉有压力的,因为他们在家里和在学校有太多的作业要做。A.太多, 修饰可数名词复数;B.太多,修饰不可数名词;C.太,修饰形容词或者副词。homework是 不可数名词,所以用too much修饰,故选B。 (3)句意:他们参加许多考试。A.加入;B.被参加;C.参加。take exams参加考试,to take做exams的定语,故选C。 (4)句意:父母通常在周末送他们去上不同的课。send sb. to+地点名词,把某人送到……,故选A。 (5)句意:在假期期间,他们几乎不能有他们自己的时间做他们感兴趣的事情。A.我们


初中英语完形填空解题技巧 时间:2009年08月17日作者:匿名来源:本站原创 通常做题者从总体上把握文章主旨,接受作者所传达的信息与情感,针对完形填空,提出了各种多层次、全方位的理解技法,其中以总体把握法、词语搭配法、语法判定法、语境联想法、举例对比法最为重要。 这里首先讲解以下四种解题法: 1.总体把握 要通读完形填空的短文,跳过空格快速阅读,了解全篇的主要内容。切不可把宝贵的时间浪费在个别字句推敲上。 2.弄清体裁 文章体裁通常分为四种:论述文、记叙文、说明文和应用文。中考选文以叙事性文章为主,如:幽默故事、科普知识、童话、简短新闻、名人轶事、社会热点问题等。读这类文章,要大体上了解故事所涉及的时间、地点、人物、事件及前因后果。 3.重视主题句 完形填空所用的短文一般不给标题,但短文的主题句,往往在每段文章的首句,有时也出现在文章的中间或结束处。主题句提供全篇的性质、大意等,这是深入了解全文的“窗口”,甚至能以语句为立足点,从该句的时态、语气推测全文的主要内容。 4.语境联想 利用上下文的提示,用学过的知识和已有的生活经验,扫清部分词汇理解上的障碍。 一般说来讲解以下三种解题技法: 1.词语搭配 (1)从语法角度来说,句子不是词的序列,而是词组的序列。 (2)因搭配关系而产生的一般性词汇。如:see a film (3)词序和意义皆以固定的复合词和动词短语。如:push ahead with(奋力前行)。 (4)因词组而构成的常见的句式:It feels+形容词+不定式,在搭配判断时,注意:要区别外形相近而意义不同的搭配。如:look for, look over, look out, look after, look up等。要区别形不相似而意义相近的搭配。如:I paid 12 pounds for the dictionary. The


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(八) 71 Granny Sarya lived outside Moscow. Her only son 1 to Afghanistan(阿富汗) and was killed in action there.Soon after that, her husband lost his job. The old man was always 2 food and clothes.And on a winter night he went out alone when Sarya was asleep. The next morning he was 3 dead in a cold lake. And his worn-out coat was 4 in a tree not far away. Sarya was so 5 that she nearly took her own life. Things got worse and worse after that. She always lived in hunger and cold. She had hoped that the government(政府) could help her but she 6 . It was a cold windy night. The old woman couldn't 7 asleep at all. She had to get up. She decided to write a letter to God(神), asking for 8 . She wished God to give her 100 rubles (卢布), so she could buy some food for herself. When she 9 writing it, she found she had no 10 . She had to put the 11 at a crossing. 12 the next morning a policeman found the letter. He read it to his comrades.They were all so 13 that they gathered some rubles and sent them to the poor old woman. At first Granny Sarya was happy. But after she 14 the money, she became 15 and said, “I'm told that all things that are touched by the policeman will be only a half left!” 1. A. sent B. ran away C. was sent D. escaped 2. A. worried about B. pleased with C. thinking about D. hearing of 3. A. known B. found C. told D. fallen 4. A. put B. hanged C. shown D. hung 5. A. sad B. happy C. tired D. clever 6. A. succeeded B. failed C. won D. lost 7. A. go B. fall C. get D. help 8. A. coats B. food C. houses D. help 9. A. ended B. started C. finished D. enjoyed 10.A. stamp B. money C. pen D. paper 11.A. food B. letter C. coat D. rubles 12.A. Badly B. Carefully C. Luckily D. Wonderfully 13.A. excited B. moved C. amazed D. surprised 14.A. saw B. received C. gave D. counted 15.A. angry B. thankful C. helpful D. worried 72 When it was over 20 years ago, I first met Mr. Andrews, my old headmaster. During the war (战争) I was studying at school in the north of England. My 1 had just returned to London, and there were not 2 schools left for children. My father had to go from one school to another, trying to 3 them to take me as a pupil. We had 4 to all the schools near our home, but no one would take me. 5 , we went to a school about five kilometers 6 form home. The headmaster kept us waiting for at least 7 . I could hear boys playing on the playground outside.


完形填空 1. When learning new vocabulary, don’t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “th” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ “th” and repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let’s try! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick… Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When someone is speaking in English, ____9____the m ain point. If you hear a word you don’t understand, ignore (忽略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember—Practice makes perfect. ( )1. A say B. make C. remember D. speak ( )2. A. the first B. the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ( )4. A. difficult B. terrible C. funny D. easy ( )5. A. with B. from C. at D. in ( )6. A. when B. after C. until D. since ( )7. A. but B. so C. or D. and ( )8. A. quick B. sure C. important D. necessary ( )9. A. look for B. see C. listen for D. hear ( )10. A. miss B. guess C. get D. catch 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51_____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52______ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53____. Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 _____said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55______ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56_____. He was holding on to 57_____. He said something, 58_____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 _____for him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ____ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands(握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ( )1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz ( )5. A. ask B. carry C. put D. take ( )6. A. come B. not move C. not say D. speak ( )7. A. another student's book B. Billy's hand C. Mrs. Green's skirt D. the teacher's desk ( )8. A. but B. so C. because D. still ( )9. A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sorry ( )10. A. with B. except C.. of D. about


1、Mark lived in a village far away. One day he became very ill and everyone thought he would 1____ soon. They sent for a doctor. Two days 2_____ the doctor came and looked over the sick man. 3____ asked for a pen and some paper to write down the name of the medicine. But there was no pen 4______ paper in the village, because no one could write. The doctor 5_____ up a piece of burnt wood from the fire and wrote the name of the medicine on the 6______ of the house. “ Get this medicine for him.” he said, “and he will soon get 7_____ .” Mark’s family and friends did not know 8_____ to do. They could not read the strange words. Then a young man 9_____ an idea. He took off the door of the house, put it on his carriage(马车) and drove to the nearest 10 . He bought the medicine there, and Mark was soon well again. ( )1.A. wake B.cry C.moved D.die ( )2.A. late https://www.doczj.com/doc/282931921.html,ter C.ago D.before ( )3A. The sick man B.Mark C.The doctor D.The farmer ( )4.A.and B.or C.then D.also ( )5.A.picked B.held C.made D.looked ( )6.A.wall B.window C.ground D.door ( )7.A.well B.worse C.bad D.good ( )8.A.when B.what C.where D.whick ( )9A.thought B.hit C.caught D.had ( )!0. A.shop B.farm C.hospital D.village 2、 Peter and Mike were in 1____ class.Peter was born in a 2_____ family.But Mike’s father was a businessman(商人)and got 3_____ money.When Peter got into trouble(困难)he always helped him. Peter liked to have sports.He was good at 4_____ .He ran 5____ than any others in their class It was Sunday.Mike and Peter went to a forest to have a picnic.Mike took a lot of food there.It was a 6___ ay.The birds were singing and there were all kinds of flowers.They ate and drank then went 7___ in the river.They had a good time.Suddenly they heard a great noise.They found it was a tiger behind a big tree.They were both very 8______ .Peter put on his shoes quickly and was going to run away.Mike stopped him and said:”It’s no use for


中考英语完形填空专项训练 (附带答案解析) 1 Several years ago I studied in a university in the biggest city in our country. It’s beautiful but it’s hot in __1__. So I usually returned to my hometown when my __2__ began. It is not big, but it’s cool and quiet. I could __3__ in the daytime and have a good sleep at night. One day I had some __4__ to solve. But I didn’t take the dictionaries home. My father told me Charlie, one of my __5__, had a good library. I went to his house at once. We didn’t see each other after I __6__ mid dle school. At first he didn’t recognize me. He __7__ me up and down. And then he called out, “Oh, dear! It’s you, Fred!” Of course we were __8__ to meet each other again and talked a lot about our schoolmates and __9__. Later on he showed me around his li brary. It wasn’t big but there were a lot of nice books in it. And the dictionaries I __10__ were in them too. At last I said, “__11__ you lend some dictionaries to me, please?” “I’m sorry I don’t lend any books to __12__,” said the young man. “Are you afraid I’ll __13__ them?” “No, I’m not. I’m afraid you won’t __14__ them to me. Look! All the books are not __15__, but borrowed!” 1. A. spring B. summer C. autumn D. winter 2. A. birthday B. Saturday C. Sunday D. holiday 3. A. study B. play C. rest D. run 4. A. words B. sentences C. problems D. stories 5. A. brothers B. sisters C. aunts D. classmates 6. A. finished B. heard C. saw D. met 7. A. lifted B. carried C. looked D. pulled 8. A. angry B. happy C. worried D. sad 9. A. doctors B. teachers C. workers D. drivers 10.A. looked for B. read C. wrote D. looked at 11.A. Need B. Must C. May D. Can


初中英语阅读完形填空100篇(十) 91 a a . 1 2 . 3 , 4 , 5 . , 6_ , " ? ? 7 ?" (沉默) a , (难过), 8 . ", ?" (鼓励地). , 9 . " a 10 , . ," (信心). 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 92 I I . . , I a , I a . I .

I , , . I , I 1 I . I a a (方向), . I ’t , I a 2 . a 3 . I 4 . , 5 (迷惑) (熟悉) I . 6 . I 7 . . a , 8 . I , I 9 . a (侦探). “?” I 10 . “ 11 . ?” I . “ a 12 ,” . “ , a 13 . ! , 14 , I a .” ’s 15 I a I , I ! 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. C. D. 9. A. B. C. D. 10. A. B. C. D. 11. A. B. C. D. 12. A. B. C. D.

13. A. B. C. D. 14. A. B. C. D. 15. A. B. C. D. 93 . 1 ? . 2 . ? ! 3 . 4 (书呆子). , 5 , 6 . 7 . (压力) 8 , 9 10 . , ’t 11 . 12 13 . ’s a , 14 _ , a a 15 . a , , ? 1. A. B. C. D. 2. A. B. C. D. 3. A. B. C. D. 4. A. B. C. D. 5. A. B. C. D. 6. A. B. C. D. 7. A. B. C. D. 8. A. B. ’s C. D. ’s 9. A. B. C. D.


初中英语完形填空十篇(含答案) 完形填空 1. When learning new vocabulary, don ' t just memorize a list of words. Instead, try to ___1___five sentences using each word. Then use the new word as often as you can ___2___day you learn it. This ___3___you will remember new words much longer. Practicing sounds, you know, is ___4___ —the “ th ” sound for example. Choose words that begin ___5___ repeat them over and over again ___6___you are comfortable with them. Let 'tsry! This, that, those, them, think, thought, through, thin, thick … Read, read, read—in English, of course! Reading is one of the best ways to increase your vocabulary ___7___improve your grammar in a natural and fun way. Be ___8___to choose topic or books you are interested in. When some one is speak ing in En glish, __ 9 ___ the m ain poin t. If you hear a word you don ' t un derst忽nd, ig nore 略) it and go on listening. If you stop and think about the word, you will ___10___everything else the person is saying. Always remember —Practice makes perfect. ()1. A say B . make C. remember D. speak ()2. A. the first B . the second C. each D. some ( )3. A. day B. time C. way D. word ()4. A. difficult B . terrible C. funny D. easy ()5. A. with B . from C. at D. in ()6. A. when B . after C. until D. since ()7. A. but B . so C. or D. and ()8. A. quick B . sure C. important D. necessary ()9. A. look for B . see C. listen for D. hear ()10. A. miss B . guess C. get D. catch 2. When Billy came to class one morning, he noticed that something was different. Mrs. Green was not in her 51 ____ place. She was standing in the middle of the classroom, and 52 _____ was hiding behind her. "Class," she said. "This is Fritz from 53 ___ . Please say hello to him. " The class were in silence. Mrs. Green said again, "Say hello to our new friend. " But still, 54 ___ said a word. " All right, then. " said Mrs. Green. "Billy, please 55 _____ Fritz to his new desk beside yours." "Hi, Fritz," said Billy. "Please come with me. " But Fritz would 56 __________ . He was holding on to 57 ______ . He said something, 58 ____ nobody could understand. Some of the boys started to laugh. Billy felt 59 ____ f or him. Then, Billy said something no one else could un derstand 60 ___ Fritz. Fritz smiled and shook Billy's hands( 握手'). "Wow!" everyone was surprised. Billy was proud. He said "I said," Hello' in German. I heard it once on TV." ()1. A. only B. usual C. good D. comfortable ( )2. A. a new teacher B. a new girl C. a new boy D. Billy ( )3. A. England B. America C. France D. Germany ( )4. A. no one B. Billy C. a student D. Fritz ( )5. A. ask B. carry C. put D. take ( )6. A. come B. not move C. not say D. speak ( )7. A. another student's book B . Billy's hand C. Mrs. Green's skirt D. the teacher's desk ( )8. A. but B. so C. because D. still ()9. A. happy B. excited C. afraid D. sorry ()10. A. with B. except C. . of D. about 1 / 30

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