当前位置:文档之家› 语言与文化 考试重点

语言与文化 考试重点

Chapter 1 Language culture and thought

1 properties of language

Language is systematic :which means that it is rule governed

Language is arbitrary :Language consists of arbitrary symbols There is no logical relationship between words and the objects actions or concepts these words are used to refer to(onomatopoeic words and compounds)

Language is symbolic :Words are associated with objects actions and ideas through convention Language is vocal :This statement means that speech is the primary medium of language Language is uniquely human :Language is human specific Only human beings possess what can be called language in the true sense of the term

Language is used for communication :Communication is the primary function of language Language is used to understand and describe the world :

Language is the carrier and container of cultural information :Human beings have been interacting with the world and accumulated their experience and knowledge about the world which are interpreted as cultural information

2 Definitions and properties of culture

2.1 Definitions of culture

In English "culture"is a loan word from Latin in which it mainly meant"cultivating or tilling the land"

2.1.1 Culture in its broad sense

Culture in its broad sense is also called "large C culture" or "academic culture"

Materials man has got to satisfy his needs :Everything manufactured in factories or grown on farmland

Social institutions and organizations man ha established

Knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development

Language and other communication systems

Customs habits and behavioural patterns

Value systems world views national traits aesthetic standards and thinking patterns

2.1.2 Culture in its narrow sense

Culture in its narrow sense is also called "small c culture"or "anthropological culture"

Culture can be defined as lifeway of a population

2.2 Properties of culture

Culture is human special

Culture is a social phenomenon :This statement emphasizes the contrast between society and nature

Culture is a national phenomenon :Each nation has been living in its unique geographical and historical framework in which a unique culture has been establish and is developing

Culture is also a historical phenomenon ;Each generation inherits the culture established by its forefathers

Culture is general and abstract

3 Relationship between language culture and thought

3.1 Relationship between language and culture

Language is part of culture

Language is the carrier and container of culture

As a mirror of culture language is strongly influenced and shaped by culture

Language also exerts its influence on culture

Language and culture is closely related each influencing and shaping the other

3.2 thought

Thought is the function and product of the human brain

Thought also refers to patterns of ideas characteristic of a social group

3.3 Relationship between language and thought

Language is an instrument used in the communication of thought

Language is closely related to thinking

Language is influenced and shaped by thought

Language is used for conveying ideas its structure and function must reflect these ideas Language also exerts strong influence on thought

3.4 Concluding remarks on the relationship between language thought and culture

The three aspects interact each influencing and shaping the other two

4 Intercultural communication

Intercultural communication is concerned with communication among people from different cultural backgrounds

Intercultural communication mainly deals with verbal and nonverbal interacting and related factors in intercultural communication

Chapter 2 Words and Meaning

1 What are words and meaning

1.1 Word

Words are units of expression which language users can intuitively recognize in either speech or writing

1.2 Meaning

1.2.1 Conceptual meaning

Conceptual meaning is the basic meaning presented by meaningful linguistic units,the central factor in linguistic communication

The relationship between a word and an object in the real world or a concept in our mind to which the word refer is the conceptual meaning of the word

1.2.2 Connotative meaning

Connotative meaning is the communicative value an expression has in addition to the purely conceptual meaning (woman statesman politician)

1.2.3 Social meaning

Social meaning or stylistic meaning is what a piece of language conveys about the social circumstances (language users settings topics) (domicile residence abode home)

1.2.4 Affective meaning

Affective meaning is communicated when the feelings or attitudes are expressed in language

1.2.5 Reflected meaning

Reflected meaning arises in words of multiple conceptual meaning (the Comforter the Holy Ghost intercourse ejaculation erection)

1.2.6 Collocative meaning

Collocative meaning consists of associations a word gets from those words that are often used together with it (pretty handsome)

1.2.7 Thematic meaning

Thematic meaning is what is communicated by the way in which a speaker or writer organizes a message ordering focus emphasis

1.2.1--1.2.6 :heading associative meaning

2.words and conceptual meaning

2.1 Words and culture-specific conceptual meaning

2.1.1 Words and geography

The United States of America 美利坚合众国The Mississippi 密西西比河Superior 苏必利尔湖Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉大瀑布Rocky Mountains 落基山脉Washington 华盛顿poke 美洲商陆terrapin 北美泥龟The United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland 大不列颠及北爱尔兰联合王国The Thames 泰晤士河the Channel 英吉利海峡England 英格兰London 伦敦The Commonwealth of Australia 澳大利亚联邦New South Wales 新南威尔士州Great Barrier Reef 大堡礁Great Victoria Desert 大维多利亚沙漠Canberra 堪培拉koala 考拉熊kangaroo 袋鼠

2.1.2 Words and history

American history

The May flower五月花号The Revolutionary war or War of Independence 独立战争Continental Congress 大陆会议Emancipation Proclamation 解放宣言Homestead Ac 宅地法案Scalp 波代发头皮Lynch 私刑Cowboy 牛仔Hippie 嬉皮士

British history

Duck a nobleman holding the highest hereditary title outside the royal family 公爵

Knight a man given the rank of knighthood by the British monarch in recognition of merits in public service 骑士Glorious Revolution 光荣革命Castle 光荣革命Fort 要塞或壁垒式的贸易站

2.1.3 Words and politics

President 总统the elected head of the government in the USA

Congress 国会the federal legislature of the USA

Supreme Court 最高法院the highest judicial body in the USA

Democratic Party 民主党Republican Party 共和党

Queen 女王the female monarch of the UK Prime Minister 首相the leader of the British government Parliament 议会the supreme legislative body of the United Kingdom

Labour Party 工党Conservative Party 保守党Governor-General 总督

2.1.4 Words and the Christianity

Trinity Bible Catholic Orthodox Eastern Church Reformation Protestant Puritan Mass

2.1.5 Words and Holidays

Christmas box(圣诞节礼) Christmas Card(圣诞贺卡) Christmas tree(圣诞树) Christmas pudding(圣诞布丁) Christmas rose(圣诞玫瑰) Christmastide(圣诞节节期) Thanksgiving Day(感恩节) Boxing Day(节礼日) Easter(复活节) St. Valentine’s Day(情人节) April Fool’s Day(愚人节) Anzac Day(新澳军团日)

2.1.6 Words and living styles

Hot dog(热狗) Hamburger(汉堡包) Sandwich(三明治) Pudding(布丁) Salad(沙拉) Whisky(威士忌) Cocktail(鸡尾酒) Drive-ins 汽车的Diners (用餐) Baseball (垒球) Rugby(橄榄球)

Hockey(曲棍球) Water skiing(滑水) Polo(马球) Golf(高尔夫球) Striptease(脱衣舞)Love

store(色情商店) X-rated sexploitation movies() Late-late TV shows

2.2 English words that correspond partially in conceptual meaning with their translation equivalents in Chinese.

Intellectuals (知识分子) Social sciences (社会科学)

A Yard(院子) Quadrangle Courtyards (四合院)

Drugstore(AE) Chemist’s shop (BE)(药店)

Chauvinist pig :a guy who believes that woman are inferior

Dude athlete macho stud hunk Don Juan playboy egotist fratty bagger :guys who think they are really cool woman-pleaser types conceited type of people

Turkey nerd jerk prick bastard pimp skinhead redneck dog :they are people a woman may not want to be seen with or want to talk to

W imp, sissy, homosexual, queer, gay, hippie: 奇怪的, 同性恋者.


Ladies’ man

Man, boy, guy, fellow, gentleman, boyfriend, fiancé, lover, sweet heart: 指男性的

2.3 English words and what may be mistaken for their equivalents in Chinese.

Greenhouse(温室) Busywork(耗时而无价值的工作) Busman’s holiday(消磨于与日常工作类似这活动的假日) Busybody(爱管闲事的人) Housewarming(乔迁之喜) Donkeywork(单调的日常工作) Police action(维和行动) Lowboy(矮脚抽屉柜) Free love(公开同居) First Lady(第一夫人) High school(中学) Rest room(公共建筑物内的洗水间,厕所)Equalitarianism or egalitarianism(平均主义) Lover(情人) Disinterested(公正的,不偏不倚的) Cooker(炊事用具)Wester(西风)

Chinese, even between brothers and sisters. For example: “大哥” “二哥” “二姐”

When addressing strangers, the Chines e people resort to “同志” “师傅” “先生” “小姐” “老爷爷” “伯父” “阿姨” “伯母” “大哥” “大嫂” “大兄弟” “大姐” “小朋友”

2. Greetings and farewells

2.1 Greetings

English : use these sentences “how do you do” “how are you” , “hello” or “hi” are frequently used greeting among colleagues, classmates, friends and family members. For Chinese learners of English it is important to note that many casual greetings in Chinese cannot be carried over into English used as greetings when they meet English speakers. “吃饭了吗”, “上哪儿呀” “去哪了2.2 Farewells

Engl ish people: when they meet first time: I’m pleased to meet you or it’s nice to meet/know you. It’s nice to have met you. And when they part, they usually say “good-bye, Bye-bye, so long” or “see you later/ tomorrow/on the next Monday.”

Chinese people: usua lly “再见” “再会” “一会儿见” “明天见” “下星期一见”. And when the visit is over and the guest is seen to the door or gateway by the host, and exchange of utterances like “请留步” “请走好”

3. Introduction

English: introduce a young person to an older one, a man to woman, an inferior to a superior, the guest to the host, and a individual to a group. We mention the woman’s name first unless the man is much older than the woman or very famous. When shake hands, the man should take off the gloves, but the women needn’t. women first ex tends her hand if they shake hands at all. And add a sentence to descriptive note to bring them closer to each other. Use “how do you do” or “nice to meet/know you”

4. Compliments and responses

English: the response to compliments are almost use “thank you” “I am glad to hear that” “I am glad you like it .”

Chinese: but in Chinese. Modest is a virtue. So although they glad to hear the compliments. But they tend to refuse the compliments.

5. Making telephone calls

English: when they make a call, we must tell the person who answer the call the name, company and what you will do. If the person answer is not available, you can leave a message to him. And when we receive the call, we must tell people the company’s name and ask if there is anything we can do to help.

Chinese: we just said”喂”, we don’t want to tell other our private information

Hello, this is Mary speaking. Who’s calling?

Good morning. James here

This is Toky Electronics. What can I do for ?

Stone Company. What can I do for you ?

Reception. Can I help you?

Who’s calling, please?

May I have your name, please?

Would you tell me your company’s name, please?

Just a moment, Sir

Yes, just a second.

Hold on a moment. I’ll see if he’s in

Hold the line. I’ll find out if he’s in his office.

If you do not mind waiting for a while, I’ll see if he is available.

I’m sorry he is out. May I take a message, so that he can call you?

I’m sorry he is occupied right now. Would you like to leave a message?

Thank you for calling.

Thanks and replies

In both English and Chinese there are expressions of gratitude.

E: thank you, Many thanks, thank you very much, thank you all the same, I’m really appreciative of your time, it’s very kind of you to offer help, I’m grateful for what you have done for me, I can’t thank you enough e tc. English people speaks more frequently than Chinese. Even used among the family members. The reply is often used “Not at all” “don’t mention it” “you’re welcome” “it’s my pleasure” “it’s ok”

C: “谢谢” “谢谢你” “非常感谢” “万分感谢” “真不知道该怎么感谢你才好” “多谢了”“谢谢你的好意。” 而中国常用的是“没什么” “不用谢” “不客气” “没什么,这是我应该做的” “这是我的职责。”

7. Apologies and replies

E:english people apologize more often and on more occasions than the Chinese people. “excuse me” “I’m terribly /awfully sorry” “it’s O.K., It’s all right” or “Never mind”

8. Invitations and replies

E: when they want to invite relatives, friends or colleagues to dinner, they send a formal letter of invitation a week or so in advance. Invitation:

Dr and Mrs Thomas Mathew Benton

request the pleasure of your company

At lunch

Friday, the eleve nth of November at one’s o’clock

The Willows, 109 River Avenue


Mr John Colan Hobart

Accepts with pleasure the kind invitation of

Dr and Mrs Thomas Mathew Benton

For luncheon on Friday, the eleventh of November at one o’clock

The Willows, 109 River Avenue

Informal invitation:

Dear Mrs Benton

John and J would be very happy if you and Mr Benton could come to dinner on Saturday the twentieth at seven o’clock. We do hope that you could join us.

Sincerely yours

Mrs Hobart


Dear Mrs Hobart

Mr Benton and J shall be delighted to accept your kind invitation to dinner on Saturday the twentieth at seven o’clock. We shall be looking forward to seeing you and John

Sincerely yours

are frequently found in writing.

Idioms other than phrasal verbs(they are closely related with English culture. To understand them properly one needs to attain familiarity with English culture from which they have developed.) Idioms in relation to mannerisms

To split one’s side with laughter 当心笑破了肚皮To keep a straight face 不动声色

To pull somebody’s leg 开某人的玩笑/捉弄某人To ride one’s high horse 趾高气扬

To hold one’s head high 昂首挺胸/充满自信To make a cat laugh 把死人逗笑了

To make one’s flesh creep 使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩To make a face 作个鬼脸

Not to bat an eyelid 眼不眨,心不跳/处之泰然Idioms in relation to life philosophy

A big fish in a small pond 鹤立鸡群/ Milk and water 平淡如水

Mind one’s p’s and q’s 注意言行举止No man is an island 没能人是一座孤岛

Just what the doctor ordered 医生的话不能不听,也不能全听

To keep one’s nose clean 保持一身清白Not for all the tea in China 给我一座金山,我也不干Idioms in relation to love and marriage A male chauvinist大男子主义

A marriage of convenience 功利婚姻The marriage of true minds 真诚的结合

To love at first sight 一见钟情Mr/Miss Right 白马王子/绝色佳人


Not to mince one’s words 直言不讳To miss the boat 坐失良机A nine days wonder昙花一现Not in a hundred years 永远不能成功/一辈子也干不成To keep one’s own company 独来独往To know something like the palm of one’s hand 了如指掌To know one’s onions

A nine to five job 朝九晚五

To move heaven and earth to do something 费了九牛二虎之力/连吃奶的力气都用上了

To make bricks without straw 做无米之饮Between Scylla and Charybdis 腹背受敌/进退两难2. Proverbs(a preverb is a brief familiar maxim of folk wisdom, usually compressed in form, ofen involving a bold image are frequently a jingle that catches the memory)

2.1 proverbs related to Christianity

Man proposes, God disposes.谋事在人,成事在天

Mills of God grind slow but sure 天网恢恢,疏而不漏

God help those who help themselves自助者天助之

Whom God would ruin, he first deprives of reason 上帝要毁灭谁,必先夺其理性

Whom the Gods love die young 上帝的宠儿早夭折

Each cross hath its own inscription 每个十字架都有自己的铭文

God sends meat and the devil sends cooks. 上帝赐给食物,魔鬼派来厨师

He that serves god for money will serve the devil for better wages.为金钱而侍奉上帝的人会为


2.2 proverbs derived from the Bible and great English literary works

Never cast your pearls before swine。不可明珠暗投。/不可对牛谈琴。

He that increaseth knowledge increaseth sorrow 知识越广,遗憾越多。

Gossiping and lying go hand in hand 闲话与谎话结伴同行

Pride goes before a hall 骄傲是失败的向导

All are of the dust, and all turn to the dust again 从从来自泥土,又变回泥土

Judge not according to appearance. 不可根据外表判断/勿以貌取人

Great men are not always wise. 伟人并非事事聪明

Water Margin 水浒传

Dream of Red Mansions 红楼梦

A rose by any other name would smell as sweet 玫瑰无论叫什么名字都是香的

All the world is a stage. And all the men and women are merely players. 整个世界就是个大舞台,形形色色的人们只是其中的演员。

Life is but a walking shadow 人生不是移动的影子

It is better to be a beggar than a fool 作乞丐胜过作傻瓜

Uneasy lies the head that wears crown 戴王冠的脑袋躺不安稳

Every wise man dreadeth his enemy 聪明人不吃眼前亏

Better to reign in hell than serve in heaven 宁在地狱为群,不在天堂为臣

The child is father of the man 从小知其人

Knowledge is power 知识就是力量

2.3 proverbs related to Greco-Roman civilization

one falls into Scylla in seeking to avoid Charybdis 为避虎穴,又入狼窝。

without Ceres and Bacchus, Venus grows cold 离开克瑞斯和巴克劳动保护,维纳斯便心灰意冷Far from Jupiter, far from thunder 远离朱庇特,远离了雷电

I fear the Greeks even when they bring gifts. 希腊人送礼时也让我害怕

Marry in May, repent always. 五月结婚,后悔终身。

Homer sometimes nods 智者千虑,必有一失

From his foot, you may know Hercules. 从他的脚,你就可以认出大力士

2.4 proverbs related to geography

Carry coals to Newcastle 北煤上煤都,多此一举。

Lemster bread and Weabley ale, dunmow bacon and Doncaster daggers. 吐鲁番的葡萄,哈密的瓜,库车的姑娘美如花。

England is the ringing island 英国是充满钟声的岛屿

Blessed is the eye, that is betwixt Severn and Wye 塞文河和瓦伊河之间的风光,令人大饱眼福Oxford for learning, London for Wit, Hull for women and Yord for horses.牛津人学问好,伦敦人才智高,哈勒的女人美,约克的马匹好

2.5 proverbs related to navigation

many drops of water will sink the ship 积漏成多会沉掉航船

it is a hard sailing when there is no wind 风平浪静,艰难航程

a smooth sea never made a skillful mariner 海水平静难造就优秀水手

a great ship asks deep water 大船深水行

the good seaman is known in bad weather 天气恶劣才能显出优秀航海家.

Little boats must keep to the shore 小船沉岸行

He that would sail without danger must never come on the main sea 航行怕风险,绝不要去大海Rats desert a sinking ship 船沉鼠要逃/树倒猢狲散。

A small leak will sink a great ship 小漏沉大船/蝼蚁之穴能溃千里之堤。

Any port in a storm 船在暴风雨中不择港口/慌不择路

Let another’s shipwreck be your seamark 别人的沉船,就是你的航标/前车之覆,后车之鉴。

2.6 proverbs related to wine

there are lees to every wine 凡酒都有沉淀。/金无足赤,人无完人

Wine and wenches empty men’s purses 酒色掏空男人的钱包

Wine is a turncoat, first a friend, then an enemy 酒是叛徒,先是朋友,后是敌人

W ine is old men’s milk婴儿离不开奶,老汉离不开酒

Wine makes all kinds of creatures at table 酒使人丑态百出

Wine and judgment mature with age 酒沉味醇,人老识深

Bacchus hath drowned more men than Neptune 酒比海淹死的人多

2.7 proverbs related to individualism

an Englishman’s house is his castle 英国人的家也是他们的城堡

do not wear out your welcome 客人呆得太久不受欢迎

even reckoning makes long friends. 明算帐,友谊长

Tell money after your own father 父子也是清帐

2.8 proverbs related to sexism

beware of the forepart of a woman, the hind part of a mule, and all sides of a priest 当心女人的美貌,骡子的后蹄和牧师的一切

dally not with money or women 金钱、女人玩弄不得

gaming, women, and wine, while they laugh, they make men pine 赌博、女人和酒,使男人在笑声中消瘦

maids want nothing but husbands, and when have them, they want everything。姑娘除了丈夫外什么都不要;一旦有了丈夫,她们什么都要。

the more women look in their glass, the less they look to their house 女人照镜子越多,家务做得越少

wives and children are bills of charges. 妻子和孩子是帐单

2.9 proverbs related to the English writing system

2.10 proverbs related to the history of England

it is as hard to please a knave as a knight 取悦坏蛋和骑士同样困难

kings’ chaff is worth other men’s corn 国一的糠胜似百姓的粮

all stuarts are not sib to the king 与国王同姓的不都是皇帝

from whipping post to pillory 鞭打之后又披枷

2.11 proverbs related to the thrift

from saving comes having 富裕来自节俭

frugality is an estate alone 节俭本身就是财富

thrift is good revenue 节俭就是好收入

thrift is philosopher’s stone 节俭犹如点金石

3. Allusions(as defined in dictionaries, are implied or indirect references. In most, if not all, languages people enrich their speech or writing with indirect references to characters or events from culture: literature, legends, history, religion, sports, etc. 你真是个诸葛亮/她是个王熙凤式的人物。)

3.1 Allusions from literature

水浒传Water Margin

红楼梦Dream of Red Mansions

三国演义Three Kingdom

西游记Pilgrimage to the West

Remeo(a handsome young man, passionate, dashing, who has a way with woman[from Shakespeare’s Remeo and Juliet])

Cleopatra(a woman of breathtaking beauty (from Shakespeare’s Anthony and Cleopatra))

A Shylock(a cruel, greedy, money-grabbing person who will go to no ends to gain wealth(from Shak espeare’s The Merchant of Venice))

A pound of flesh()

A Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde(a person with a two-sided character, one side good and gentle, the other side evil and ruthless.(from Robert Louis Stevenson’s novel The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyl and Mr. Hyde.))

A Sherlock Holmes(a detective or shrewd person who has the uncanny ability to track down any quarry or solve any mystery through careful observations, scientific analysis, and logicalreasoning.(from Charles Arthur Conan Doyle’s well-known detective sotries))

An Oliver Twist(a child who roams the streets(from Charles Dickens’ novel Oliver Twist))

An uncle Tom( a meek person who submits to indignities and sufferings without any thought or act of rebelling (from Harriet Beecher Stowe’s novel Uncle Tom’s Cabi n))

A Don Juan (a captivating man known as a great lover or seducer of women (from Tirso de Molina’s EL burlador de Sevilla)

A Don Quixote(an idealistic and impractical person(from Miguel de Csaavedra’s Don Quixote)

A Cinderella(a person or thing suffering from undeserved neglect; or a person or thing suddenly lifted from obscurity to honour or significance ( from Hans Christian Andersen’s fairy-tale Cinderella)

3.2 Allusions from mythology

a Damocles sword: forthcoming danger or danger that is always present, derived from a sword hung by a single hair over Damocles, a courtier of ancient Syracuse, when he was seated at a banquet

a Pandora’s box: a prolific source of troubles, derived from the box sent by the gods to Pandora, which she has forbidden to open and which loosed a swarm of evils upon mankind when she opened it out of couriosity

Atlantic Ocean: Atlantics, a mythical island in what is now the Atlantic Ocean

Europe: Europa, a princess who was abducted and carried off to Crete by a bull that was actually Zeus, king of gods in Greek mythology.

Friday: Freya, goddess of music

January: Janus, a Roman god that is identified with doors, gates and all beginnings and that is artistically represented with two opposite faces.

Jupiter: the largest of the planets and fifth in order from the sun, derived from Jupiter, the chief Roman god

March: Mars, the Roman god of war

May: Maia, Roman goddess

Saturday: Saturn, Roman god of agriculture

Uranium: a radioactive element, derived from Uranus, the sky [personified as a god and father of Tians in Greek mythology.

Venus: the planet second in order from the sun, derived from Venus, the Roman goddess of love and beauty

Chapter 6. Similes, Metaphors and Associations

1. similes and metaphors

General remarks on similes and metaphors

They associate their old experiences with new ones, relate abstract ideas with concrete images and connect unfamiliar things with familiar ones. A simile is a direct comparison between two or more unlike things, normally introduced by “like”or “as” . A metaphor is an implied comparison

between two or more unlike things. They have two components: tenor(传达过程)and vehicle(传达手段)

Some cross-cultural similarities and differences in similes and metaphors

Similes and metaphors are different in that the funct ion words “like” or “as” are used in similes rather than in metaphors. On the other hand, they are quiet similar in that they are both concerned with analogy making. They reflect a way of thinking. Analogy making as a way of thinking is universal. from a cross-culture perspective analogies made in English and Chinese may fall into two categories: 1. the same tenors are associated with the same vehicles in both English and Chinese. 2. the same tenors are related to different vehicles in English and Chinese.

When things are perceived to have the same qualities by both English and Chinese speakers, the same tenors may be associated with the same vehicles in both English and Chinese to express similar meanings.

When the same qualities are associated with different things in English and Chinese, the same tenors may be related to different vehicles to express similar meanings

Metaphors is daily conversations

Metaphorical expression about ideas

What are said left a bad taster in my mouth

All this paper has in it are raw facts, half baked ideas, and warmed-over theories.

There are too many facts here for me to digest them all

I just can’t swallow that claim

Let me stew over that for a while

Now there is a theory you can really sink your teeth into

That’s food for thou ght

We don’t need to spoon-feed our students

He devoured the book

This is the meaty part of the paper

Metaphorical expression about love

Metaphorical expression about life

2. terms of colour

2.1 Red: read is usually associated with celebrations and joyful occasions both in English and Chinese.the red colour is not always associated with something joyful. In englsih, the red light district refers to a district where there are brothels. Red is also associated with certain emotions in both englsih and Chinese. In Chinese, Associated with embarrassment or shyness. But in English, it is associated with anger and excitement. Red meats means beef and mutton, Reds under the bed means left-wing activists.

2.2 White

white connotes purity, innocence. In English expression white has other associations. A white Christmas refer to snow at Christmas time. A white-collar job . the white is not necessarily associated with something good. In a white elephant(无用的)t, the white feather and a white night ()

2.3 Black

in both Chinese and English, black is often associated with negative qualities. Such as blacklist, black market, black hearted. A black day, a black spot, a black sheep, a black mood, a black comedy, a black look. In some English expressions black has neutral association. In black and

white, means something in writing or in print.

2.4 Blue:

in English, blue is usually associated with unhappy feelings. Such as in a blue mood, or having the blues. Blue Monday, and a blue fit. Blue is also often associated with high social position or being aristocratic. For example, blue blood. Blue may also has some pleasant associations. A blue ribbon 指徽章,bluestocking指女学者。The blue-collar jobs.

2.5 Green

in English, green is often associated with jealousy and envy. Green with envy/green-eyed monsters, and green-eyed. It is also often used to indicate lacking experience, training or knowledge. A greenhorn 生手。Is often associated with fruit and vegetables or gardening. Greengrocer. It is also the symbol of vigour and energy. A green old age.

Both green light in English and “绿灯” in Chinese are associated with authoritative permission to go ahead with some project. Apparently, they are derived from traffic regulations.

2.6 Yellow

in Chinese, has many pejorative expressions. Yellow does appear in yellow journalism and yellow pages.

2.7 Grey, pink and purple

in English, grey is often used metaphorically to mean gloomy or dismal. A grey day. With something unpleasant, is milder than black.

Pink can be associated with something best.

Purple is often associated with high rank or station in general or imperial or regal rank or power in particular. The purple refers to royal or very noble rank. A purple passage/ a purple patch.

2.8 Remarks on translating terms of colour from or into English

red alert空袭紧急警报。red blooded 精力充沛的red handed现行犯的

red hunter迫害共产主义者的人black beetle 蟑螂black browed 愁眉苦脸的

black tea 红茶white alert 解除空袭警报white room 绝尘室white smith银匠,锡匠

green line(军)轰炸线,敌我分界线green room演员休息室

blue alert(预备警报后的)空袭警报blue jacket水兵,水手blue water大海

brown bread黑面包brown sugar红糖brown paper牛皮纸pink elephants 幻觉(吸毒后)pink tea午后茶会pinkeye火眼purple medic苜蓿grey cloth本色布

grey mare比丈夫强的妻子,雌老虎yellow dog 杂种狗红白事weddings and funerals.

红尘the world of mortals, human society红光满面one’s face is glowing with health

红利bonus 红人a favourite with somebody in power 黄道吉日a lucky day

黄泉nether world 黄牛ox, cattle 白菜chinese cabbage 白痴idiot 白费in vain

白金platinum 白卷blank examination paper 白面flour 白薯sweet potato 白蚁termite

白银silver 白昼daytime 黑暗dark 黑管clarinet 黑话argot 黑货smuggled goods

黑信poison-pen letters. 绿宝石emerald 绿洲oasis

Chapter 7. Honourifics, Terms of Humility, Euphemisms and Taboos

Honourifics (it is that honourifics are language forms used in speeches to show respect to a superior.)

In Chinese: it is hard to say for sure why there are so many honourifics in Chinese.such as, 您,陛下,令堂,令尊。But in English culture familiarity is highly valued. Chinese learners have to “forget” or “ignore”. There are honourifics in english, too, for example, majesty, honourable and

excellency. English honourifics are not frequently used in daily speeches and conversations. Chinese honourifics often do not have equivalents in English.



局长、经理、老师等you or the persons’ names



令尊,令堂,二老your father, your mother, your parents.

令郎、令爱等your son, your daughter, etc

贵姓,尊姓大名your name

贵庚your age

贵国,贵校,贵厂,贵府等。Your country, your school, your factory, your home, etc.

惠函your letter

久仰大名,久仰I’ve heard a lot about you. Your name is well-known here to us…

欢迎光临welcome, welcome to…

欢迎指导welcome, welcome to…

你有何高见what’s your opinion? I’d like to have your opinion

您有何贵干what bring you here? I’d like to know why you’re here?

请提宝贵意见: please give us your comments or suggestions. Could you give us your comments or suggestions?

请赐教please be so kind as to give me some advice or suggestions

拜托request somebody to do something; “would you be so kind as to do…?”

拜谢express one’s gratitude

拜访pay a visit

拜辞take leave of

拜年pay a New Year call

拜读了大作I’ve read your paper(article, rep ort, work, book, etc)

敬请指正I’d like to have your comments on my look(work, etc).(it is often nothing but a polite remark when showing or giving one;s own publications or work as a gift.)

敬请光临:you’re invited to come to…

Terms of Humility

It is used to show t he speaker’s modesty. To sound modest and humble was vital to the ancient Chinese people, especially when they communicated with those who were older, higher in socioeconomic position, or more privileged in a specific area. In contrast, there are few terms of humility in English. If you want to learn English well, forget them.


内人,老婆my wife 小儿,儿家那小子my son 小女,我那个丫头my daughter

寒舍,舍下my home 敝校,敝厂,敝所等this(our)school, factory, institution, etc

便饭dinner 拙作my book(painting, literary work, thesis, etc.)

献丑(it is normally nothing more than a polite remark given before one;s performance of a kind) Euphemisms

Euphemisms are pleasant, polite or harmless sounding words or expressions used to mask harsh, rude or infamous truths.

Go he’s gone

语言与文化 考试重点

Chapter 1 Language culture and thought 1 properties of language Language is systematic :which means that it is rule governed Language is arbitrary :Language consists of arbitrary symbols There is no logical relationship between words and the objects actions or concepts these words are used to refer to(onomatopoeic words and compounds) Language is symbolic :Words are associated with objects actions and ideas through convention Language is vocal :This statement means that speech is the primary medium of language Language is uniquely human :Language is human specific Only human beings possess what can be called language in the true sense of the term Language is used for communication :Communication is the primary function of language Language is used to understand and describe the world : Language is the carrier and container of cultural information :Human beings have been interacting with the world and accumulated their experience and knowledge about the world which are interpreted as cultural information 2 Definitions and properties of culture 2.1 Definitions of culture In English "culture"is a loan word from Latin in which it mainly meant"cultivating or tilling the land" 2.1.1 Culture in its broad sense Culture in its broad sense is also called "large C culture" or "academic culture" Materials man has got to satisfy his needs :Everything manufactured in factories or grown on farmland Social institutions and organizations man ha established Knowledge about nature and man himself and artistic development Language and other communication systems Customs habits and behavioural patterns Value systems world views national traits aesthetic standards and thinking patterns 2.1.2 Culture in its narrow sense Culture in its narrow sense is also called "small c culture"or "anthropological culture" Culture can be defined as lifeway of a population 2.2 Properties of culture Culture is human special Culture is a social phenomenon :This statement emphasizes the contrast between society and nature Culture is a national phenomenon :Each nation has been living in its unique geographical and historical framework in which a unique culture has been establish and is developing Culture is also a historical phenomenon ;Each generation inherits the culture established by its forefathers Culture is general and abstract 3 Relationship between language culture and thought 3.1 Relationship between language and culture Language is part of culture Language is the carrier and container of culture


语言与文化 一、单选题(题数:40,共40.0分)1被称作“美国人类学之父”的是()。(1.0分)A、索绪尔B、洪堡特C、康托尔D、鲍亚士正确答案:D 2“名无固宜,约之以命。约定俗成谓之宜,异于约则谓之不宜。”出自哪位文学家分)1.0(?()、荀子A、孔子B、孟子C、老子DA 正确答案:分)是西藏那曲中“曲”的藏语含义。3 ()(1.0、湖泊A、河流B. C、xx D、xx正确答案:B 4“包氏父子”属于哪种所指关系?()(1.0分)A、无限集B、空集C、不定集D、有限集正确答案:D 5 ()是英语、汉语、傣语的亲属称谓中都有区分的语义特征。(分) 1.0、血缘A、长幼B、远近C、性别DA 正确答案:分)1.0(。()首先发现了最大序数悖论的数学家是6.A、康托尔B、布拉里·福蒂C、华罗庚D、塞万提斯正确答案:A 7语言起源的多元论指的是早期智人第几次走出非洲?()(分)1.0、第四次A、第三次B、第二次C、第一次DC 正确答案:分)?()8我国哪位思想家提出过符号任意性原则(1.0、孔子A、孟子B、老子C、荀子DD 正确答案: 9自相论认为语言系统体现了人类什么能力?()(1.0分)A、语言能力B、后天经验能力C、语言能力和后天经验能力的交互作用。D、遗传正确答案:C 10“语言是有限规则和单位生成无限的句子”这句话出自于哪位语言学家分)1.0(?()、索绪尔A、洪堡特B、乔姆斯基C、韩里德DC

正确答案:分)(。1.0()11智人走出非洲称为、第一次走出非洲A、第二次走出非洲B、第三次走出非洲C、第四次走出非洲D.正确答案:B 12在语言中形成的最为高级的语言是什么?()(1.0分)A、符号B、英语C、汉语D、数学正确答案:D 13 ()是指由词演变成词组的过程。1.0分)(、虚化A、语法化B、词汇化 C、组合DC 正确答案:(分)?()14下列哪类人的进化程度更高1.0、北京人A、元谋人B. C、山顶洞人 D、xx人正确答案:C 15沃尔夫的()观点认为“同一个物理证据并不是所有的观察者都得到相同的宇宙图式,除非,分)他们的语言背景相同或相似。”(1.0、语言共相论A、语言相对论B、语言自相论C、文化相对论DB 正确答案:(茶马古道路过的中甸是现在的()地区。分)1.016、丽江束河镇A、香格里拉B、西藏那曲C、云南大理DB正确答案: 17 ()从语义的角度区分了句子的阶层,认为语义悖论可以通过区分对象语言和元语言来解决分)1.0的。(、布拉里·福蒂A、康托尔B、哥德尔C、塔尔斯基D正确答案:D 18被定义为“发生在意识结构内的当代动作科幻片”是()。(1.0分)《阿凡达》、A《盗梦空间》B、《奇异博士》C、《雪国列车》、D正确答案:B 19“镞矢之疾而有不行不止之时”,这体现中国哲学重视分)1.0(。()、比喻A、智性B、夸张C、悟性D. 正确答案:D 20 ()是唐代文成公主进藏的路线与茶马古道相重合的部分。(1.0分)A、丝绸之路B、蜀身毒道C、远征古道D、唐蕃古道正确答案:D

语言与文化(语言教与学) (2)

语言与文化 从语言学习和语言教学的角度研究语言,就必须研究语言与文化的关系,因为语言理解和语言使用都离不开一定的文化因素。人们学习语言,必须同时学习有关的文化背景知识:进行语言教学,必须同时进行跟语言理解和语言使用有密切关系的文化背景知识的教学。我们这一节讲语言与文化的关系,主要是为了讨论跟语言理解和语言使用有密切关系的文化因素。 1.什么是文化 文化是一个内涵不太确定的概念,因此很难提出一个关于文化的明确的定义。盛炎谈到,关于文化的定义,有的说有一二百种,有的说有上万种。(盛炎:《语言教学原理》第78页,重庆出版社,1990)定义不同,说明观察文化的角度和对文化内涵范围的理解不完全相同。英国文化人类学家爱德华?泰勒在他的《原始文化》(1871)—书中说,“文化是—种复杂体,它包括知识、信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力与习惯。”后来,美国一些社会学家和文化人类学家,如奥格本、亨根斯以及维莱等人,又补充了“实物”一项内容,把上述定义修正为:“文化是一种复杂体,包括实物、知识,信仰、艺术、道德、法律、风俗以及其余社会上习得的能力与习惯。”(转引自林纪诚《语言与文化综论》,顾嘉祖等主编《语言与文化》第3页,上海外语教育出版社,1990)苏联哲学家罗森塔尔?尤金编纂的《哲学小辞典》对文化所下的定义是:“文化是人类社会历史实践过程中所创造的物质财富和精神财富的总和。……从比较狭隘的意义来讲,文化就是在历史上一定的物质资料生产方式的基础上发生和发展的社会精神生活形式的总和。”上述定义实际上是说.“文化”包括物质和精神两个方面的内容,人类创造的、在一定的人类社团中存在过和存在着的一切物质和精神现象都属于文化,只有天然物质除外。这是对“文化”的最广义的解释。但是在多数情况下,人们往往从不同的角度对“文化”作狭义的理解。例如,我们常常把“文化”跟科学、教育相提并论,这时的“文化”主要是指文学和艺术;当我们说一个人的“文化程度”时,是指他受教育的程度;从文化用品商店陈列的商品看,对“文化”内容的理解又不一样。天津有条“文化街”,那里的商品有文具、体育用品、艺术品、土特产品等,总之,在不同的场合和不同的上下文中,“文化”—词的涵义不完全相同,对“文化”分类的角度也很不一样,例如我们通常把风俗习惯叫做“习俗文化”,把在历史上形成、至今仍保留的文化传统叫做“传统文化”。此外,还有所谓“饮食文化”、“酒文化”、“茶文化”,等等。“从文化人类学的观点看,‘文化’有两个意思:一个是:大写字母‘C’文化,即正式文化,包括文学、历史、哲学、政治等,另一个是小写字母‘C’文化,即普通的社会习惯。”(黎天睦Timothy Light:《现代外语教学法—理论与实践》第75页,北京语言学院出版社,1987)“一般说来,人们把文化分为三个层次:即观念文化、制度文化和器物文化。所谓观念文化,主要指一个民族的心理结构、思维方式和价值体系,它既不同于哲学,也不同于意识形态,是介于两者之间而未上升为哲学理论的东西.是一种深层次的文化。所谓制度文化,是指在哲学理论和意识形态的影响下,在历史发展过程中形成的各种制度,如宗法制度、姓氏制度、婚姻制度、教育制度、科举制度、官制、兵制等等。……所谓器物文化,是指体现一定生活方式的那些具体存在,如园林、住宅、服饰、烹饪、器具等等,它们是入的创造,也为人服务,看得见.摸得着,是一种表层次的文化。”(程裕祯:《中国文化揽萃》第3~4页,学苑出版社,1989)张占一从语言教学的角度把文化分为“知识文化”(cultural knowledge information)和“交际文化”(cultural cammunication information)两大类。(张占一:汉语个别教学及其教材。《语言教学与研究01984年第3期)在第二语言教学中,既要教知识文化,也要教交际文化,但是交际文化的教学是近年来提出的新课题,所以我们把交际文化的教学作为讨论的重点、交际文化包括语言交际和非语言交际中的文化因素(张占一:试议交际文化和知识文化,《语言教学与研究》1 990年第3期),暂且把它们分别叫做“语言交际文化”和“非语言交际文化”:“非语言交际文化”实际上是语言以外的传递信息的方式中的文化因素。语言以外的传递信息的方式也是多种多样的,常见的有: (1)信号。例如交通指示灯,红灯表示必须停止前进,绿灯表示可以前进。 (2)标记。如商标、路标等。 (3)体态语。包括手势、身势、眼神、面部表情等。哑语也属于体态语。 常用的信号和标记各国几乎是通用的,但是不同国家和民族的体态语往往有一些区别。例如多数国家和


汉语言文学考研学校参考及考试方向介绍 汉语言文学 主要课程:语言学概论、古代汉语、现代汉语、文学概论、中国古代文学史、中国现代文学史、马克思主义文论、比较文学、中国古典文献学、外国文学史、民间文学、汉语史、语言学史等.主干学科:中国语言文学。 相近专业:广播电视新闻学、编辑出版学。 分布院校:【北京市】 北京大学招收攻读硕士学位研究生专业目录 系所名称中国语言文学系 招生总数70人。 系所说明拟录取推荐免试生38人,推免生总数中含硕博连读生(3年+3年)5人.总名额中含新加坡班6人。本系不指定参考书目,不提供复习资料和往年试题。 招生专业及人数 050101文艺学7 050102语言学及应用语言学 5 050103汉语言文字学21 050104 中国古典文献学7

050105 中国古代文学9 050106中国现当代文学17 050108比较文学与世界文学 4 中国人民大学、北京师范大学、中央民族大学、中国人民公安大学、 北京联合大学、北京第二外国语学院 【天津市】南开大学、天津大学、天津师范大学 大连大学、沈阳大学、辽宁师范大学、沈阳师范学院、鞍 山师范学院、锦州师范学院 【上海市】复旦大学、华东师范大学、上海大学、上海师范大学 【江苏省】苏州大学、中国矿业大学、南京师范大学 扬州大学、南京林业大学、徐州师范大学、淮海工学院、 苏州铁道师范学院、江南学院、淮阴师范学院、盐城工学院、嘉兴学 院 【浙江省】浙江大学、浙江师范大学、宁波大学、浙江海洋学院、杭 州师范学院、温州师范学院、绍兴文理学院 【福建省】厦门大学、华侨大学、福建师范大学、集美大学、漳州 师范学院 【山东省】山东大学、青岛海洋大学、山东师范大学 曲阜师范大学、烟台大学、青岛大学、烟台师范学院、聊


语言学概论考试重点及答案 语言学概论 1.语言的符号性 如果用甲事物代表乙事物,而甲、乙两事物之间没有必然的联系,那么甲事物就是代表乙事物的符号。其中甲事物就是符号的能指(形式),乙事物就是符号的所指(内容)。符号的能指与所指之间的关系是认为约定的。语言是一种听觉符号。语音和语义之间的关系是人为约定的,是由使用这种语言的社会成员共同约定的。 2.语言的社会性 语言依存于社会,是社会交际的工具,社会性是自然语言的本质属性。自然语言是由特定的社会群体共同约定俗成的,而不是由个别人或少数人创造的。这是自然语言区别于人工语言的一个重要特点。 3.语言与言语的区别 a语言是抽象的,言语是具体的; b语言是社会的,言语是个人的; c语言是现成的,言语是临时的; d语言是有限的,言语是无限的; e语言是稳定的,言语是多变的。 4.语言层级的特点 第一,从语言的下层到语言的上层是质的变化; 第二,从下一级语言单位道上一级语言单位,都是量的扩充; 第三,上一级语言单位都是由一个或者若干个语言单位按一定的规则构成的,下一级语言单位都是上一级语言单位的构成成分。 5.语言的组合关系 若干较小的语言单位组合成的较大的语言单位,其构成成分之间的关系就是组合关系,又称线性序列关系或句段关系。 6.语言的聚合关系 具有相同组合功能的语言单位之间的关系,就是聚合关系,又称联想关系。

7.语言的交际功能 语言的社会交际功能是语言的本质功能。 8.语言的文化特征 从内涵来看,语言具有超自然性和超个人性;从外延来看,语言属于制度文化。语言又是一种特殊的文化现象,其特殊性就在于语言具有文化镜像功能和文化传承功能。 9.思维的三种基本类型 动作思维(又称运动思维、技术思维), 形象思维(又称具象思维、表象思维), 抽象思维(又称逻辑思维、理性思维)。 10.语言与思维的关系 语言不仅是思维活动的工具,而且可以帮助人们固定和保存思维的成果,此外,语言也是思维成果传承的工具。 11.结构主义语言学 创始人:瑞士语言学家费尔迪南·德·索绪尔, 代表著作:《普通语言学教程》, 主要理论:第一,区分语言和言语;第二,指出语言是一个符号系统;第三,区分共时研究与历时研究;第四,区分内部语言学与外部语言学。 12.美国描写语言学派 代表人物:布龙菲尔德;代表著作:《语言论》(这部著作标志着美国描写语言学派的正式诞生)。 13.语言的物理性质 音高、音强、音长和音质。 14.音素:是人类语言从音质角度划分出来的最小语音单位。 15.八个基本元音(p75) 16.音位:是某种语言中能区别语素或此=词的语音形式的最小语音单位,是依据语音的社会属性划分出来的语音类别。 17.音位的条件变体:指那些出现条件受环境限制的音位变体。 18.音位的自由变体:指那些在相同的语音环境中可以无条件地变


Generally, phrasal verbs occur often in colloquial English, while their corresponding single words are frequently found in writing. 1.1 Idioms other than phrasal verbs(they are closely related with English culture. To understand them properly one needs to attain familiarity with English culture from which they have developed.) 1.1.1 Idioms in relation to mannerisms To split one’s side with laughter 当心笑破了肚皮 To keep a straight face 不动声色 To pull somebody’s leg 开某人的玩笑/捉弄某人 To ride one’s high horse 趾高气扬 To hold one’s head high 昂首挺胸/充满自信 To make a cat laugh 把死人逗笑了 To make one’s flesh creep 使人汗毛真竖/让人直起鸡皮疙瘩 To make a face 作个鬼脸 Not to bat an eyelid 眼不眨,心不跳/处之泰然 1.1.2 Idioms in relation to life philosophy A big fish in a small pond 鹤立鸡群/ Milk and water 平淡如水 Mind one’s p’s and q’s 注意言行举止 No man is an island 没能人是一座孤岛 Just what the doctor ordered 医生的话不能不听,也不能全听 To keep one’s nose clean 保持一身清白 Not for all the tea in China 给我一座金山,我也不干 1.1.3 Idioms in relation to love and marriage A male chauvinist大男子主义


第一章对外汉语教育是一门专门的学科 第一节对外汉语教育的学科名称 一、语言教学中有关语言的几个基本概念 1、第一语言和第二语言——这是按人们获得语言的先后顺序来区分的两个概念。 2、母语和外语——这是按国家的界限来划分的。 3、本族语和非本族语——这是按言语社团,通常是按民族的界限来分的。 4、目的语——这是指人们正在学习并希望掌握的语言。 二、学科名称的讨论 1、对外汉语教学 2、汉语教学 3、汉语作为第二语言的教学 4、应用语言学 5、外语教学法 6、外语教育学 7、第二语言教学 三“对外汉语教育学科”的提出(P7、8) 第二节对外汉语教育的学科任务和学科体系 一、对外汉语教育的学科任务 ?对外汉语教育的学科任务是研究汉语作为第二语言的教育原理、教育过程和教育方法,并用来指导教育实践,从而更好地实现学习者德智体美全面发展的教育目的。 ?对外汉语教育学科研究的核心内容是对外汉语教学。 ?内部因素: ?学习与教学活动的主体——学习者和教师,包括学习者心理、生理策略等个体因素和教师的基本素质。 ?学习与教学活动的客体——所教的目的语,即作为第二语言的汉语。 ?学习与教学活动的本身——包括总体设计、教材编写、课堂教学和测试评估

四大环节的理论与实践。 ?外部因素: ?首先是一些基础学科,其次是语言环境,包括社会语言环境和教学语言环境,及其对学习者所产生的影响,还包括国家的方针政策,教育资源、条件对教学实践所产生的影响。 二、对外汉语教育的学科体系 1、国内外学者提出的各种语言教育体系模式(P10) 2、对外汉语教学学科体系(三个层次) ?第一层次:理论基础。七个基础学科:语言学、心理学、教育学、文化学、社会学、横断学科、哲学。 ?第二层次:学科理论——属于本学科范围内的学科理论体系包括:基础理论和应用研究。 基础理论:对外汉语语言学、汉语习得理论、对外汉语教学理论、学科研究方法学。 应用研究:总体设计研究、教材编写、课堂教学、测试评估、教学管理、师资培训研究(P18) ?第三层次:教育实践。 第三节对外汉语教育的学科性质和学科特点 一、对外汉语教学的性质和特点 1、对外汉语教学的性质:对外汉语教学是一种第二语言教学,也是一种外语教学。 2、对外汉语教学的特点(P21) ①、以培养汉语交际能力为目标②、以技能训练为中心,将语言知识转化为技


文化语言学期末考试试题 一、单项选择题(每题两分,共10题) 1.三大古典文字是() A.甲骨文、玛雅文字、彝文 B.甲骨文、圣书字、楔形文字 C.玛雅文字、谚文、彝文 D.楔形文字、谚文、玛雅文字 2. 下面哪种文字不属于汉字体系表意文字() A.壮字 B.朝鲜谚文字母 C.女真字 D.西夏字 3. 彝族人叫妻子做“穿针婆”(直译“针穿母”)这反映了语言可以反映() A.物质文化 B.精神文化 C.行为文化 D.制度文化 4. 下列关于“楔形文字”的叙述不正确的一项是( ) A.楔形文字的得名是因为在泥版上压印出的字的笔道像一个个“楔子” B.楔形文字不如刻画出的文字象形 C.楔形文字的初始字符大多是象形字 D.阿卡德人并没有继承“楔形文字” 5.下面哪个借词是清朝出现的借词() A.胡同 B.把式 C.站 D.支那 6.湖南省江永县妇女中间流传一种文字,妇女创造,妇女使用,被称为“女书”。下列那种说法不符合女书的特点? A.笔迹秀丽娟细 B.外形斜方,似蚊型 C.全是独体字 D.是一种音节文字 7. 下列关于文化语言学的描述哪个是正确的() A.文化语言学是社会语言学的一部分。 B.文化语言学只强调人文主义,反对科学主义。 C.50年代罗常培先生撰写的《语言与文化》一书被喻为中国文化语言学的“开山之作”。D.文化语言学只研究语言对文化的影响 8. 某种汉字体系的少数民族文字多讹变字,如:

那么这种文字是() A.瑶字 B.苗字 C.字喃 D.契丹大字 9. 澳大利亚的塔斯马尼亚人要表达“硬”这个概念时会用“像石头一样”的说法;中国古代形容美女会说“手如柔荑,肤如凝脂”(《诗经·卫风·硕人》)。下列哪种说法是错误的()A.早期语言会运用大量具象比喻 B.语言可以体现思维在不同历史阶段的发展水平 C.这种具象比喻的使用可以追溯到原始的自然崇拜阶段 D.在原始时期不仅有具象比喻还存在抽象隐喻。 10. 下列哪组借词与其他词不同() A.丝、茶、葡萄、石榴 B.啤酒、卡车、狮子、的士 C.图腾、萌、控 D.酒吧、雷、宅 二、填空(每空1分,共10分) 1.第一部和歌集__万叶集___用__万叶假名__写成。 2.以分类的方式对不同文化世界词汇的文化内涵进行对比,可以把词汇分为__对等词__、半对等词、__缺项词__。 3.借词的文化适应模式分为___溶入式__、___嵌入式__、__闯入式____。 4.20世纪在西方语言学界的出现了一种颇具影响的理论假说,该假说的语言影响思维,语言不同的民族,其思维方式在一定程度上有差异。这一假说被称为__萨丕尔-沃尔夫假说_____, 又称___语言相对论_____。 5.汉语中有大量佛教借词。请举出三个与佛教建筑有关的借词_兰若,__伽蓝,___刹___。 三、判断(每题2分,共10分) 1、文化品格在语言中的分布是不均衡的对 2、16世纪时,谚文曾被称为“妇女字”这是因为谚文是妇女创造的。错 3、佛是佛陀的简称错 4、契丹大字是表音文字错 5、独龙族把“汽车”称为“轮子房”,这是一种具象隐喻。错 四、名词解释(每题5分,共10分) 1.圣书字 公元前3000年埃及第一王朝创始的文字。埃及圣书字由意符、音符和定符组成,有3种字体:碑铭体、僧侣体和大众体。书写顺序可以从左到右,从右到左,或者左右开弓,从两边写向中间。 2.借词的二重性质 一方面在形式上或多或少被本族化了,一方面在形式及部分内容上还保有外来特点,即“外族语的灵魂,本族语的外表”。


全国2008年10月自学考试语言与文化试题 课程代码:00838 I. Each of the following incomplete statements is followed by four alternatives. Read each statement and the four alternatives carefully and decide which of the four alternatives best completes the statement.(20%) 1.Culture is a loan word from _______.() A. French B. Latin C. Roman D. Norwegian https://www.doczj.com/doc/2219394734.html,nguage, culture, and thought _______ , each influencing and shaping the other two.() A. alternate B. change C. interact D. substitute 3.A meddlesome pers on who pries into others’ affairs is called a _______. () A. busman B. busybody C. ladies’ man D. do-gooder 4.Thematic meaning is represented by the _______ of a word in a sentence.() A. structure B. part of speech C. formation D. position 5.The word “international” consists of _______ morphemes.() A. 2 B. 3 C. 4 D. 5 6.Which of the following statements is NOT true? () A. English is a language with explicit grammar and Chinese is a language with implicit grammar. B. Compared with Chinese, English has more grammatical morphemes that are used more frequently in either speech or writing. C. Chinese has no grammatical morphemes. D. Grammatical explicitness and consistency are required in English. 7.Which of the following names is associated with Christianity? () A. Edgar B. Joseph C. Alexander D. Iris 8. When you’d like to make a reply to the thanks from others, you may say, “_______”.


符号的形式与意义之间有着必然联系。()( 1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:X 3 悖论包括两种,分别是自言悖论和互言悖论。()( 1.0分) 0.0分 正确答案:V 4 只有双语现象时才会有借代和干扰的发生,干扰往往是母语的影响。()( 1.0分)1.0分 正确答案:V 5 词汇范畴比语法范畴更深。()(1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:X 6 人类起源非洲假说是指人类发源于非洲,然后移动到世界各地。()( 1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:V

零范畴、宽式范畴和严式范畴是语言范畴化的深度至少包含的三种。()( 1.0 分)正确答案:X

1.0分 正确答案:V 8 汉语各个方言之间有同源关系。()( 1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:V 9 在语言接触中,强势语言往往会繁化。()( 1.0分) 0.0分 正确答案:X 10 语言是可以作假的。()(1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:X 11 人的行为习惯与人的思维模式、文化模式有关,会在行为中有所表现。()( 1.0分)1.0分 正确答案:V 12 语言运用就是语言能力的运用。()( 1.0分) 1.0分

人类的语言都具有任意性和还原生成能力。()( 1.0分)1.0分 正确答案:V 14 人类起源非洲假说为人类的基因和语言研究提供了重要依据。()(1.0分 正确答案:V 15 从儿童智力发展观察,思维能力先于语言,但不能独立于语言。()(1.0分 正确答案:X 16 人类语言学习有一种自然还原能力。()( 1.0分) 1.0分 正确答案:V 17 康德尔最早公开良序集悖论,也叫最大序数悖论。()( 1.0分)1.0分 正确答案:X 1.0 分) 1.0 分) 正确答案:X


七年级上语文必考知识点 七年级上语文学科是学生进入初中的第一个学年,这门学科的学习对学生以后的学习有着举足轻重的作用。这篇文章将为大家详细介绍七年级上语文必考知识点,帮助大家全面、准确地掌握这门学科的知识。 一、文言文 文言文是七年级上语文的重要考点,学生需学习文言文的基础知识和阅读能力。基础知识包括字音、字形、句法、词汇和标点等方面。阅读能力则需要学生熟练掌握文言文的阅读方法、理解文言文的语言、风格和思想等方面。 二、现代文阅读 现代文阅读也是七年级上语文的必考知识点之一。现代文阅读涉及的内容比较广泛,包括科技、文化、社会等方面的内容。学生需要具备阅读理解能力,并能从文章中抽象出主题、观点、态度和情感等信息。

三、古诗词和现代诗歌 古诗词和现代诗歌是七年级上语文的考试重点之一。学生需要掌握古诗词和现代诗歌的基本知识,包括诗歌的类型、形式、韵律、修辞手法等方面。同时,学生还需要具备朗读和鉴赏古诗词和现代诗歌的能力。 四、写作 写作是七年级上语文的必考知识点之一,也是学生语文学习的重要内容。写作涉及到作文、议论文、小说等方面,要求学生在语言、文字运用、结构、逻辑等方面有一定的基础和掌握能力。 五、常识和修养 语文学科作为一门人文学科,不仅仅只是知识的学习,更重要的是学生的常识和修养。在七年级上语文学习中,学生需要了解一些人文知识、文化常识和道德角度等方面的知识点。同时,在语文学习中,学生还要注意自身修养,包括口才、人际交往、文化素养等方面。

六、语文综合能力 除了以上五个知识点以外,七年级上语文最重要的考试内容是学生语文综合能力。这个综合能力包括语言表达能力、阅读理解能力、文献阅读能力、写作能力等方面。学生在语文学习中要注重练习和提升这些能力。 总之,七年级上语文必考知识点是学生成功完成初中学业的关键。学生在学习语文的过程中,要保持积极的态度,注重基础知识和能力的培养,不断提高自己的语文素养,为以后的学习打下坚实的基础。


第七章语言文化社会 复习笔记 I.语言与文化 1.语言与文化的相互关系 语言是文化不可替代的载体。文化通过语言的使用得到更好的诠释。 2.萨丕尔一沃尔夫假说 萨丕尔假说认为,语言塑造了我们的思维模式,相应地,不同的语言表达决定了人们认识世界方式的不同。从这个观点出发,可以得到两点知识:一方面,语言可以决定我们的思维方式;另一方面,语言之间的相似性是相对的,结构性差异越大,反映出对于世界认识的越不同。因此,这个假说也被称作“语言决定论”和“语言相对主义”。 3.语言教学中的文化 总体而言,在语言课程中教授文化知识至少有以下三个目的: ①有助于学生了解文化差异; ②有助于语言学习者跳出自身文化的圈子,从目标文化的角度考虑问题; ③有助于通过各种课堂练习,强调对语言与文化不可分离性的理解,促进外语学习。 II.语言与社会 1.社会语言学 社会语言学是研究语言与社会关系的学科,研究社会因素是如何影响语言的结构和使用。社会语言学是研究语言与社会关系的领域,研究语言的使用与语言使用者所处的社会结构的关系。

2.语言变体 语言随着社会的变化而变化。地域、社会群体和个人之间的差异也能产生语言的变化。这些变化的结果就是语言的变体。每种语言都不只有一种变体,特别是在口语中。因此,语言变体是与地域、社会阶层、教育背景和被使用语言所处环境的正式程度是密切相关的。这些语言的变体包括标准语言、方言、语域、皮钦语、克里奥尔语等。 (1)标准语言 标准语言是指在群体或者国家拥有很高地位的语言变体。它也是当地受过教育的人口语和书面语的语言基础。 (2)方言 方言是指在一个特定的区域或一个特定的社会阶层内所使用的能够识别的语言变体。方言不一定不如语言完整、逻辑和更具语言特征。它是语言的一个变体,由于其不同之处能够划分为一个单独的实体,但是还不足以划分成为一门语言。有时候方言的地位也会得到提升成为一个国家的标准语言。对方言的研究称作方言学,方言学可以细分为以下几类: ①地域方言:在一个地域范围内的语言变体。 ②时间方言:在历史发展的特定阶段的语言变体。 ③社会方言:特定社会阶层所使用的语言变体。 ④个人方言:单个的说话人所用的语言变体,往往带有独特的发音、语法和词汇。 (3)语域 语域是特殊人群使用的言语变体,通常指具有相同职业或具有同样爱好的人。某一语域通常具有自己一些独特的词汇或使用词或短语的特殊方式,而使其与其他语域区分开来,有时也使用特殊的语法结构,比如法律语言。


中职必考知识点总结 一、语文 语文是一门基础学科,是中职教育中十分重要的一门学科。它不仅仅是一门语言学科,更 是一门涉及文化、思想、价值观等方方面面的学科。掌握语文知识,可以帮助学生提高语 言表达能力、阅读理解能力和写作能力,培养学生的综合素质。 1. 词语运用 学生需要掌握基本词语的运用,如词义辨析、词语搭配和短语搭配等。要能够灵活运用词语,表达自己的思想和情感。 2. 语法知识 掌握基本的语法知识,如词类、句型、成分、结构等,对于提高语言表达能力有着重要的 作用。语法知识的掌握要结合实际的语言运用,要能够在实际交际中运用自如。 3. 文言文阅读 文言文是中国传统文化的重要组成部分,对学生来说,能够熟练地阅读文言文是非常重要的。要能够理解文言文的意思,把握文言文的语言特点,了解文言文所表达的思想和情感。 4. 作文写作 作文写作是提高语文综合素质的重要途径。学生要能够熟练地运用语言知识,表达自己的 思想和情感,写出优秀的作文。 5. 文学常识 文学常识是语文学习中的重要组成部分。学生要了解中国古代文学和现代文学的一些基本 知识,如著名作家、著名作品等。 二、数学 数学是一门十分重要的学科,是科学技术进步和产业发展的重要基础。掌握数学知识,可 以帮助学生提高逻辑思维能力、数学解决问题的能力和创新能力。 1. 数与代数 学生需要掌握基本的数与代数知识,如整数、分数、小数、代数式、方程等。要能够灵活 地运用这些知识,解决实际问题。 2. 几何与图形

几何与图形是数学中的一个重要分支,也是应用广泛的一门学科。学生要掌握基本的几何 与图形知识,如几何图形的性质、相似与全等、平面图形与立体图形等。 3. 魔术方块 魔术方块是一种立体组合拼图,它可以锻炼学生的空间想象能力和逻辑思维能力。 4. 数据与概率 数据与概率是数学中的一个重要分支,也是现代社会中经常使用的一门学科。学生要学会 处理统计数据,了解概率知识,如事件的概率、随机变量和概率分布等。 5. 考题解析 学生要了解数学中常见的考题类型,如选择题、填空题、解答题等,要掌握解题的方法和 技巧,提高解题的能力。 6. 实际问题 数学知识是与生活密切相关的,学生要能够把数学知识运用到解决实际问题中,如数学模型、工程问题、金融问题等。 三、英语 英语是一种国际性语言,是中职教育中必不可少的一门学科。掌握英语知识,可以帮助学 生与世界各地的人沟通交流,了解国外的文化和发展动态。 1. 词汇学习 学生需要掌握基本的英语词汇,如常见的生活用词、学术用词、专业用词等。要能够听、说、读、写这些词汇,提高听说读写的能力。 2. 语法知识 掌握基本的英语语法知识是非常重要的。学生要了解词类、句型、时态、语态等语法知识,要能够正确地使用这些知识,提高语言表达能力。 3. 听力与口语 听力与口语是英语学习中非常重要的一部分。学生要熟练地听懂英语口语,能够流利地进 行口语交流。要能够在实际的交际中运用英语,表达自己的意思。 4. 阅读与写作 阅读与写作是英语学习中的重要能力。学生要能够熟练地阅读英语文章,把握文章的主旨 和细节,提高阅读理解能力。要能够写出规范的英语文章,提高写作能力。


对外汉语教学法复习部分重点 第一篇:对外汉语教学法复习部分重点 复习重点名词解释和大题 (根据老师重点提示,有待补充与完善) 名解重点整理 直接法:是以目的语为教学语言进行第二语言教学的方法。代表人物有贝力子、叶斯柏森、帕默等。 功能法:是以语言功能和意念项目为纲,培养交际能力的一种教学方法。又称意念法,交际法。功能法的语言学理论基础是:社会语言学、功能语言理论、话语分析理论等。功能法的基本原则是以单元—学分体系组织语言教学;以功能意念为纲,考虑交际因素;教学过程交际化;基本目的语和专业目的语兼顾。 自觉对比法:是在同母语进行比较的基础上,掌握系统的语言知识,经过大量的反复练习,最终达到熟巧的一种教学方法。 教学环节:教育家们在长期的社会实践中,根据感知、理解、巩固和运动的基本认知心理规律,总结和归纳出五个教学环节:组织教学、复习检查、讲练新内容、巩固新内容、布置课外作业等。 教学行为:指与教学有关的行为。有广义和狭义之分,广义包括教学环节和教学步骤,狭义指具体的教学活动(包括课内和课外),如图片出示、板书、情景模拟、游戏、问答、坚守、练习、讨论、参观、语言实践等等。 认知风格:指的是个体对信息加工的方式。它既有一定的稳定性、又有一定的可变性。认知风格有三对:场依存性和场独立性;沉思型和冲动型、容忍倾向和排他倾向。 习俗文化:主要指人们在节庆、婚姻、丧葬、生日、生育、开业等事件中的饮食习俗和活动习俗。 态度:通过学习形成的影响个体的行为选择的内容状态,是一种藏之于内心的,对行为或事物作出评价反应或准备采取相应行为的倾向性。它包括认知成分、情感成分、行为成为。

简答方向重点整理 1.留学生的学习动机有哪几种?怎样维持和激发学生的学习动机? 答:留学生的学习动机有五种,分别是: (1)以掌握语言工具为学习动机(2)以升学为学习动机(3)以深造为学习动机 (4)以研究为学习动机(5)没有明确的学习动机 怎杨激发和维持? (1)任务激发(2)兴趣激发 (3)成就激发 (4)竞争激发 2、对外汉语教学的一般过程分为哪几个阶段: 1)分析阶段:确定起点状态;分析教学任务;陈述教学目标 2)实施阶段:设计有效的教学技术;适应个别差异和民族差异的教学;激发和维持学习动机;教学方案的实施 3)反馈阶段:测量与评估教学效果;诊断与补救教学 3.简述教学内容导入的方式。 (1)文化导入。包括时代特征、社会风俗、人物关系、地理位置、自然环境、历史沿革、经济体制、组织结构等入手。 (2)旧知导入。(3)情景导入。 (4)图片导入。包括电视、录像、图片等,是一种特殊的情景导入。(5)教具导入。(6)随机导入。 4、应该如何激发外国留学生的学习动机? (1)任务激发(2)兴趣激发(3)成就激发(4)竞争激发 5、对外汉语课堂教学的五个教学环节是什么? 组织教学;复习检查;讲练新内容;巩固新内容;布置课外作业 6.作为一名优秀的对外汉语教师,你认为应该具备哪些素质?(1)具备专业的汉语语言学知识 (2)普通话标准,英语(或其他语种的外语)流利(3)良好的表达技能和一定的教学技巧(4)掌握必要的中外文化知识 (5)良好的心理素质、一定的跨文化交际能力等。


《语言与文化》网考考前辅导大纲 一、单项选择题 1. When you enter an American home and hear "Let me take your coat", you should know that______________. A. your coat must be wet B. it's extremely hot indoors C. wearing a coat indoors is uncomfortable D. it's an American custom to take off one's coat in this situation 2. Intercultural communication is concerned with communication among people from different _______________________. A. areas B. countries C. religions D. cultural backgrounds 3. When you want to learn about someone's family relationship with another person, you may ask “__________” A. Are you relatives? B. How are you related ? C. How are you called? D. Are you family members? 4. The explanation for " to move heaven and earth to do something" is _________. A. “to make every effort to achieve or obtain something” B. “to lose the opportunity to do something” C. “to do something without proper material” D. “to understand the nature of one's work and be competent in the performance of them” 5. When someone compliments you on the watch you are wearing, you should, in the United States, ________________ A. give it to him. B. say “Thanks”and smile. C. say “Would you like to have it ?” D. say “Oh, this cheap thing? It’s not worth much”. 6. It's generally acknowledged that the publication of "The Silent Language" in 1959 by_________marked the beginning of intercultural communication studies in the United States. A. R. Porter B. C. Barnlund. C. Edward T. Hall D. A. Samovar. 7. When you say to an American woman "You have a handsome husband", she may_________. A. appreciate it B. get angry C. deny it D. feel anxious 8. "You're beautiful today and look much younger than before." A Chinese student said to an American lady, who was not happy at all about the "compliment". The problem lies in__________ A. the former part of the "compliment." B. the latter part of the "compliment."

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