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•Unit 3: Global Operations

–Section 1: Vocabulary

–Section 2: Listening

–Section 3: Reading

–Section 4: Speaking


•教科书《新探索研究生英语》Unit 3相关课文及听力材料•教具:投影仪、电脑或笔记本、活动板书工具







































•Unit 3: Global Operations

–Section 1: Vocabulary

–Section 2: Listening

–Section 3: Reading

–Section 4: Speaking


•教科书《新探索研究生英语》Unit 3相关课文及听力材料












1. 开幕与导入



2. 词汇学习




3. 听力训练




4. 阅读理解




5. 口语训练




6. 小结与作业布置











新探索研究生英语u3课件(一) 教学内容 •Unit 3: Global Operations –Section 1: Vocabulary –Section 2: Listening –Section 3: Reading –Section 4: Speaking 教学准备 •教科书《新探索研究生英语》Unit 3相关课文及听力材料•教具:投影仪、电脑或笔记本、活动板书工具 •网络连接和电源供应 教学目标 •通过本节课的教学,学生应能够: –掌握与全球运作相关的词汇和表达方式 –听懂和简要回答关于全球运作的问题 –快速阅读并理解与全球运作相关的文章

–能够就全球运作的话题展开讨论 设计说明 •注重任务型教学,培养学生应用英语进行交际和解决问题的能力•结合听力、阅读、口语训练,全面提高学生的综合语言能力•创造积极、互动的学习氛围,引导学生主动参与课堂 教学过程 1.开幕与导入 –向学生介绍本节课的教学内容和目标 –引导学生回顾上节课学习的内容,复习相关词汇和知识点2.词汇学习 –利用投影仪或活动板书,呈现与全球运作相关的词汇 –通过图片和示意词汇,引导学生理解词汇的意思和用法 –进行词汇操练,包括语境填空、词汇联想等活动 3.听力训练 –播放与全球运作相关的短对话或录音 –学生仔细聆听,并回答与录音相关的问题 –分析听力材料中的重点词汇和表达方式,并进行讨论

4.阅读理解 –学生快速阅读与全球运作相关的文章,获取整体理解 –学生按照问题要求,细读文章并回答问题 –与学生一起分析文章结构、主题及关键信息 5.口语训练 –利用本节课学习到的词汇和表达方式,引导学生就全球运作的话题进行口语训练 –组织学生参与角色扮演、小组讨论或演讲等口语活动 –提供反馈和建议,帮助学生提高表达能力 6.小结与作业布置 –回顾本节课学习的重点内容和主要知识点 –布置相关的作业,如词汇记忆、听力练习或阅读任务等 课后反思 本节课,通过任务型教学的方式,使学生在轻松愉快的氛围中学 习到了与全球运作相关的知识和技能。学生们通过听力、阅读和口语 训练,有机会进行了多方面的语言实践,提高了英语的综合运用能力。在教学过程中,学生积极参与,表现出浓厚的学习兴趣。同时,教师 及时给予反馈和指导,帮助学生克服困难,取得了良好的学习效果。


UNIT 3 1. Most Americans would have a difficult time telling you, specifically, what the values are that Americans live by. They have never given the matter much thought. 2. Even if Americans had considered this question, they would probably, in the end, decide not to answer in terms of a definitive list of values. The reason for this decision is itself one very American value —their belief that every individual is so unique that the same list of values could never be applied to all, or even most, of their fellow citizens. 3. Although Americans may think of themselves as being more varied and unpredictable than they actually are, it is significant that they think they are. Americans tend to think they have been only slightly influenced by family, church or schools. In the end, each believes, “I personally chose which values I want to live my own life by.” 4. The different behaviors of a people or a culture make sense only when seen through the basic beliefs, assumptions and values of that particular group. When you encounter an action, or hear a statement in the United States that surprises you, try to see it as an expression of one or more of the values listed here. 5. Before proceeding to the list itself, we should also point out that Americans see all of these values as very positive ones. They are not aware, for example, that the people in many Third World countries view some of these values as negative or threatening. In fact, all of these American values are judged by many of the world’s citizens as negative and undesirable. Therefore, it is not enough simply to familiarize yourself with these values. You must also, so far as possible, consider them without the negative or derogatory connotation that they might have for you, based on your own experience and cultural identity. Personal Control over the Environment 6. Americans no longer believe in the power of Fate, and they have come to look at people who do as being backward, primitive, or hopelessly naive. To be called “fatalistic” is one of the worst criticisms one can receive in the American context; to an American, it means one is superstitious and lazy, unwilling to take any initiative in bringing about improvement. 7. In the United States, people consider it normal and right that Man should control Nature, rather than the other way around. More specifically, people believe every single individual should have control over whatever in the environment might potentially affect him or her. 1.大多数美国人在谈起其赖以生存的价值观 时会感到力不从心。他们从未仔细考虑过价 值观这个问题。 2. 即使美国人考虑过这个问题,他们最终也不可能决定以一张明确的价值观清单来回答。做出这样的一个决定,本身就是一个非常美国式的价值观——他们相信每个个体都是独一无二的,相同的价值观永远也不可能适用于所有的美国公民,甚至不能适用于大多数公民。 3. 尽管美国人可能认为他们自己比实际看上去更加变幻莫测,但重要的是他们的确认为自己变幻莫测。美国人普遍认为他们受家庭、教会或学校影响很轻微。最终,每个人都认为“我个人会根据自己生活方式选择我的价值观”。 4. 一个民族的不同行为方式或者一种文化之所以有意义,是因为人们通过该民族的基本信仰、看法和价值观念来看待它们。在美国,如果某一个行为或某一句话使你感到吃惊,那么你可以将其与下面罗列的价值观对号入座。 5. 在探讨这个清单之前, 有必要指出美国人认为这些价值观是充满正能量的。他们没有意识到许多第三世界国家的人们可能认为其中一些价值观是消极或者可怕的。 事实上,许多外国人认为美国人的这些价值观是消极和不受欢迎的。因此,仅仅熟悉这些价值观是不够的,还必须尽可能做到不因自身经历和文化身份而对这些价值观有负面和贬损的看法。 对环境的自我把握 6. 美国人不再相信命运的力量,那些相信此道的人被认为是落后、原始和极其幼稚的。在美国语境下,“宿命论者”是对一个人最糟糕的评价之一;对美国人来说,这一评价意味着这个人迷信、懒惰且不思进取。 7. 在美国, 人们认为人定胜天, 而非受制于自然的观点既正常又正确。更确切地说,人们相信每个人都应该控制周围环境中任何可能影响到自己的因素。


新探索研究生英语(提高级)视听说 教程U3课件 课程介绍 该课程旨在帮助研究者提高研究生英语的视听说能力。通过这门课程,研究者将能够进一步拓展英语听力、口语和阅读技巧,提高英语交流能力,并能够更好地应对研究生阶段的学术要求。 教学目标: 提高研究者的英语听力能力,培养对于不同语速、口音和语境的理解能力; 培养研究者的口语表达能力,使其能够流利而自信地进行英语口语交流; 提升研究者的阅读理解能力,培养综合分析和判断的能力; 增强研究者对于学术论文和研究文献的阅读理解和诠释能力。 教学内容: 涵盖了不同主题和语言难度的视听材料,包括采访、演讲、讨论等,以扩展研究者的听力范围和训练其语言理解能力; 提供口语训练环节,通过对话、演讲和辩论等活动,培养研究者的口语表达能力和思维逻辑能力;

阅读材料涵盖了各个学术领域的文献和文章,旨在提高研究者 的阅读理解能力和学术写作技巧。 研究该课程的重要性: 研究生阶段需要更高水平的英语能力,无论是进行研究、写作 还是与国际同行交流,良好的英语视听说能力都是必备的; 通过研究该课程,研究者将能够更好地适应研究生研究环境, 更有效地获取、理解并应用英文学术资源; 提高英语视听说能力将有助于研究者取得更好的学术成绩和提 升个人的职业竞争力。 在这门课程中,我们将为研究者提供丰富多样的视听说材料和 训练活动,帮助他们不断提高英语能力,为研究生研究和未来的学 术发展打下坚实的基础。 让我们一起开启这段研究生英语提高之旅!教学资源让我们一 起开启这段研究生英语提高之旅!教学资源 新探索研究生英语(提高级)视听说教程U3课件》的教学资 源丰富多样,包括教材、录音和视频资料,以及其他辅助教学资源。这些资源对学生的研究和进步起着重要作用。新探索研究生英语 (提高级)视听说教程U3课件》的教学资源丰富多样,包括教材、录音和视频资料,以及其他辅助教学资源。这些资源对学生的研究 和进步起着重要作用。


新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程课文翻译 【实用版】 目录 1.新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程概述 2.课文翻译的重要性 3.课文翻译的具体方法和技巧 4.提高级读写教程的实践与应用 5.总结与展望 正文 一、新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程概述 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程是一本针对研究生英语教学的教材,旨在提高学生的英语阅读和写作能力。教材选取了各学科专业最新的、最具代表性的文章,所选内容注重新颖性、时效性、批判性和语言的规范性,激发学生兴趣,引起学生展开讨论。 二、课文翻译的重要性 课文翻译是研究生英语读写教程中的一个重要环节。通过翻译,学生可以更深入地理解课文内容,提高自己的英语水平。同时,翻译还有助于培养学生的跨文化交际能力,使他们能够在不同文化背景下进行有效沟通。 三、课文翻译的具体方法和技巧 在进行课文翻译时,学生应遵循以下方法和技巧: 1.通读全文,理解课文大意。在翻译之前,学生需要先对整篇课文进行通读,以便了解课文的主题和内容。 2.划分段落,逐段进行翻译。将课文划分为若干个小段落,逐段进行翻译,这样可以更有效地保证翻译的准确性。

3.注意词汇和语法的准确性。在翻译过程中,学生要确保词汇和语法的准确性,避免出现错误。 4.保持语言的通顺和流畅。在翻译完成后,学生要检查译文的通顺性和流畅性,确保读者能够轻松理解译文。 四、提高级读写教程的实践与应用 在新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程中,学生可以运用所学知识进行实际操作,提高自己的英语水平。例如,学生可以根据课文内容进行阅读理解、词汇练习、综合填空练习、翻译练习等。 五、总结与展望 新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程为学生提供了丰富的学习资源,有助于提高学生的英语阅读和写作能力。通过课文翻译的实践,学生可以更好地理解课文内容,提高自己的跨文化交际能力。


一、英译汉,汉译英 PartA1 从前有一个人,他有一个梦.他梦到一片和平与和谐的土地。他梦到一个不以肤色评判人的地方。他梦到一个国家,在那里不同种族的孩子们在一起玩。他梦到一个国家,在那里所有的人都是平等的.有些人不喜欢他的梦,他们说这个梦永远不会实现。有些人则对他的梦喝彩,他们想实现这个梦。对一些人而言,这个崇高的理想已经实现,而对另一些人而言,还只是一个幻想。 这个人,马丁·路德·金博士,在1963年的一篇有名的演讲“我有一个梦”中表达了他的理想。其实这个根植于“美国梦”的理想,并不是个完全新奇的主张。从一开始,这个由移民所组成的国家,使欢迎渴望自由和追求生活新起点的人的到来。但不同种族的到来同时也造成了紧张的气氛。 PartA1(答案) Once a man had a dream, he dreamed of a land of peace and harmony. He dreamed of a place where people were not judged by their skin color. He dreamed of a country where children of different races could play together. He dreamed of a nation where all people were equal。Some people didn’t like his dream. They said it would never happen. Some people applauded his dream. They wanted to make it happen。 This noble vision has come true for some。 For others, it’s still just a fantasy。 In 1963, this man, Dr。 Martin Luther King Jr。 , expressed his vision in the famous speech, "I Have a Dream." But the dream -—— rooted in the American Dream --— wasn’t really new. From the beginning, this nation of immigrants welcomed people desiring freedom and a new start. However, the coming together of different races and ethnic groups created some tensions. PartB1

新探索研究生英语基础级读写教程 unit3

第一部分:介绍 1.1 课程背景 新探索研究生英语基础级读写教程 unit3是一门为研究生学生设计的英语基础课程,旨在帮助学生提升英语阅读和写作能力。本课程重点围绕unit3展开教学,通过系统的阅读训练和写作练习,帮助学生掌握和运用基础的英语语言技能。 1.2 教学目标 通过学习本课程,学生应该能够: - 掌握unit3中相关的词汇和语法知识 - 提高阅读理解能力,并能够理解unit3中的相关阅读材料 - 增强写作能力,能够用英语进行简短的表达和叙述 1.3 教学内容概述 本课程主要包括以下内容: - 单词和短语的学习:通过词汇和短语的学习,帮助学生掌握unit3中所涉及的词汇和短语,并能够正确运用于句子中。 - 语法知识的讲解:通过讲解unit3中的语法知识,帮助学生理解和掌握相关的语法规则,并能够正确运用于写作中。 - 阅读训练:选取unit3中相关的阅读材料,进行阅读训练,提高学生的阅读理解能力。 - 写作练习:通过写作练习,帮助学生提高写作能力,能够用英语进行

简短的表达和叙述。 第二部分:课程详解 2.1 单词和短语的学习 在本部分,我们将介绍unit3中涉及的重要单词和短语,并进行详细 的讲解和练习,以帮助学生掌握和运用这些词汇。 2.2 语法知识的讲解 本部分将对unit3中的语法知识进行详细讲解,包括但不限于:动词 时态、句型结构等,帮助学生理解和掌握相关的语法规则。 2.3 阅读训练 通过精心挑选的阅读材料,帮助学生提高阅读理解能力,并能够理解unit3中的相关阅读材料。在此过程中,学生将学习如何快速获取关键信息、理解文章结构和主旨等阅读技巧。 2.4 写作练习 在写作练习中,学生将通过对unit3中相关话题的写作练习,提高写 作能力,能够用英语进行简短的表达和叙述。学生将学习如何组织文 章结构、使用恰当的连接词和句型,以及如何表达自己的观点和观察。 第三部分:教学方法与手段


新探索研究生英语unit3作文 In recent years, the issue of environmental pollution has attracted extensive attention from both the public and the authorities. As a responsible citizen, it is our duty to take necessary actions to protect the environment. In my opinion, every individual should actively participate in reducing pollution and conserving natural resources. Firstly, we can make a significant impact by adopting a more sustainable lifestyle. This includes reducing energy consumption by turning off lights and appliances when not in use, using public transportation or carpooling to reduce vehicle emissions, and recycling or reusing materials instead of discarding them. By making these small yet impactful changes in our daily lives, we can contribute to the overall reduction of pollution and the conservation of resources. Secondly, raising awareness among the younger generation about the importance of environmental preservation is equally crucial. Educational institutions should incorporate environmental education into their curriculum, teaching students about the consequences of pollution and ways to address them. Additionally, organizing awareness campaigns and community clean-up programs can involve students actively in protecting the environment, such as planting trees or cleaning up local parks and beaches. Furthermore, industries and businesses should adopt sustainable practices as well. Government policies and regulations can be implemented to encourage businesses to reduce their carbon

新探索研究生英语(基础级)读写教程参考答案Language for writing

Academic writing Language for writing Vocabulary development 1.Thinking people make decisions based on logical evidence. 2.People who draw conclusions based on their ideas and concepts of the world are known as intuitive. 3.People with a strong judging identity are most comfortable with rules and specific guidelines. They see the world as an orderly place that always operates the same way. 4.Extroverted people are outgoing and sociable. They are interested in other people and the world around them. 5.Feeling people use emotions and feelings to guide their choices. 6.People who focus on their own inner world are introverted. They often prefer to spend time alone or without distractions from the outside. 7.If you are someone who thinks any situation can have many different outcomes, that there is no stable structure in place, and so anything is possible, you are probably a perceiving person. 8.Sensing people rely on concrete information; for example, evidence that can be seen, heard, or left. 9.introverted——extroverted 10.sensing——intuitive 11.thinking——feeling 12.judging——perceiving Grammar 1. Send me a copy of the report, and also keep one for yourself. 2. When we looked at the old photo, we couldn’t recognize ourselves. 3. D r. Kim’s early research was directly related to his new study, so he quoted himself in the journal article. 1.I don’t believe identity is very important. I myself don’t believe identity is very important. 2.Nobody was more surprised by the results of the study than the researchers! Nobody was more surprised by the results of the study than the researchers themselves. 3.M s. Thatcher couldn’t believe the outcome of her research. M s. Thatcher herself couldn’t believe the outcome of her research.


新探索研究生英语(提高级)读写教程U校园答案 1、—Do you like to watch Hero?—Yes. I enjoy ______ action movies. ()[单选题] * A. watch B. watching(正确答案) C. to watch D. watches 2、My brother usually _______ his room after school. But now he _______ soccer. [单选题] * A. cleans; plays B. cleaning; playing C. cleans; is playing(正确答案) D. cleans; is playing the 3、Sometimes only()10 out of 500 or more candidates succeed in passing all the tests. [单选题] * A. as many as B. as few as(正确答案) C. as much as D. as little as

4、--How is your friend coming?--I’m not sure. He _______ drive here. [单选题] * A. may(正确答案) B. can C. must D. will 5、33.Body language is even___________ and ___________ than any other language. [单选题] * A.stronger, loud B.strong, louder C.strong, loud D.stronger, louder (正确答案) 6、--Which is Tom?--He is _______ of the two boys. [单选题] * A. tall B. taller C. the taller(正确答案) D. the tallest 7、95--Where and when _______ you _______ it? [单选题] *

新发展研究生英语一 总答案+翻译

Unit 1 Human Reflections Before Reading Activities 1. Fill in the blanks with the words you hear. (1) crush; (2) lifetime; (3) deceive; (4) smile; (5) right; (6) grateful; (7) arrives; (8) assurance; (9) return; (10) content Ⅱ. Language Focus Vocabulary Part A 1. stranded; 2. emeritus; 3. erode; 4. wondrous; 5. yearning; 6. shackled; 7. salvation; 8. nibble; 9. imperfection; 10. erupt Part B 1. B 2. C 3. A 4. D 5. A 6. B 7. C 8. A 9. D 10. B Bank-Cloze (1) bored; (2) affiliate; (3) conducted; (4) valid; (5) ranging (6) fulfilling; (7) revealed; (8) tended; (9) Pressure; (10) tough Translation Part A 1. For some, marriage is the grave of love, while for others, marriage is an effective salvation for those who lead a solitary life. 2. Blessed with a great historical responsibility, the Conference is destined to have far-reaching impact on the development of the organization. 3. All of these show people’s yearning for a bet ter life, so they have been carried forward generation after generation. 4. If Congress approved the bill now, the president warned, the fragile peace process that he is trying to keep could fall apart. 5. The couple must be tolerant of the little imperfec tions in each other’s character, otherwise their marriage may end up in divorce. Part B 爱情是一部电话机,渴望它响起时,它却总是悄无声息;不经心留意时,它又叮铃铃地响起。因此,我们经常错过另一端传来的温馨的甜蜜。爱情这部电话机通常不是程控的,也不是直拨的。并非纯粹说声“喂”便可立即得到回音,更不是一个电话就能深深打动你爱人的心。它通常需要人工转换,你得耐心等待。命运是这部电话的接线员,她总是缺乏责任心,又爱搞恶作剧,或许有意无意地捉弄你一生。 Writing Project Task One 1. James repeatedly failed the math quizzes, so he decided to drop the course. 2. After we turned all the lights off, we locked the office door. / Before we locked the office door, we turned all the lights off. 3. The concept that disposable plastic bags cause great environmental problems is taking root

当代研究生英语(上册)Text_A(U1-U7) 原文

目录 Unit 1:Cyberspace :if you don't love it ,leave it (2) Unit 2 Why is it so hard for men and women to talk (4) Unit 3: The Case Against Man (8) Unit 4 The Future Of English (10) Unit 5 Can We Know the Universe? (13) Unit 6 Love in L.A (15) Unit 7 Entropy (18)

Unit 1:Cyberspace :if you don't love it ,leave it 1Something in the American psyche loves new frontiers. We hanker after wide-open spaces; we like to explore; we like to make rules but refuse to follow them. But in this age it’s hard to find a place w here you can go and be yourself without worrying about the neighbors. 2 There is such a place: cyberspace. Formerly a playground for computer fans, cyberspace now embraces every conceivable constituency: schoolchildren, flirtatious singles, Hungarian-Americans, accountants. Can they all get along? Or will our fear of kids surfing for dirty pictures behind their bedroom doors provoke a crackdown? 3 The first order of business is to grasp what cyberspace is. It might help to leave behind metaphors of highways and frontiers and to think instead of real estate. Real estate, remember, is an intellectual, legal, artificial environment constructed on top of land. Real estate recognizes the difference between parkland and shopping mall, between red-light zone and school district, between church, state and drugstore. 4 In the same way, you could think of cyberspace as a giant and unbounded world of virtual real estate. Some property is privately owned and rented out; other property is common land; some places are suitable for children, and others are best avoided by all citizens. Unfortunately, it’s those places that are now capturing the popular imagination, places that offer bomb-making instructions, pornography, advice on how to steal credit cards. They make cyberspace sound like a nasty place. Good citizens jump to a conclusion: Better regulate it. 5 But before using regulations to counter indecency it is fundamental to interpret the nature of cyberspace. Cyberspace isn't a frontier where wicked people can grab unsuspecting children, nor is it a giant television system that can beam offensive messages at unwilling viewers. In this kind of real estate, users have to choose where they visit, what they see, what they do. It's optional. In other words, cyberspace is a voluntary destination—in reality, many destinations. You don't just get “onto the Net”; you have to go someplace in particular. That means that people can choose where to go and what to see. Yes, community standards should be enforced, but those standards should be set by cyberspace communities themselves, not by the courts or by politicians in Washington. 6 What makes cyberspace so alluring is precisely the way in which it's different from shopping malls, television, highways and other terrestrial jurisdictions. But let's define the territory: 7 First, there are private e-mail conversations, similar to the conversations you have over the telephone. These are private and consensual and require no regulation at all.

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