当前位置:文档之家› 语境在英语听力理解中的作用









目前,学术界对语境的定义众说纷纭,尚无确切定义,因为不同学科、不同理论对语境有不同认识。在语言学领域,人们认为语境的概念最早是由英国人类学家Malinowsky提出的。1923年,他区分出两类语境:。文化语境”(context ofcul.ture)和“情景语境”(context 0f situation)。“文化语境”(contextof culture)即说话者生活于其中的社会文化;“情景语境”(con—text of situation)即言语行为发生时的具体情景。还有一些语言学家将语境分为狭义和广义两方面去解释。两我国学者对语境的研究和归纳也具有相当高的水平。何兆熊教授将语缴分为语言的知识和语言外的知识;朱晓农教授将其分为语言环境和非语言环境。本文采取朱教授的说法。其中语言环境可定义为:一个语言单位与另一个语言单位之间的相互关系.该语言单位可以小至音位大至句子、段落。非语言语境指言语交际过程中某个言语单位表达某种特定定义时所依赖的各种主观因素。旧





Man:ne light here is a tittle too bright.Don’t you thinks o?

Women:It’s perfect for a football stadium.




You are real a big help!





英语是语调语言。它常利用重音、声调、语调、停顿和音长等语音特征来表达说话者的感情色彩,当然从适当的眼神、表情和动作等体态也可以判断话语者的感情色彩。但在听听力时,通常状态下听者无法看到话语者,这时语音语境对判断语义起着非常重要的作用。出题者也常常利用语音语境来为难听话者。如前文提到的“You are real a big help”.这绝对是一个人人都能听懂的句子,但在作题时却不是人人都能判断准确话语者的态度,这就是语音语境在作祟。如听话者能有一点语境意识,就很容易根据说话人的语速、音调、重音判断出其真实语义。听出弦外之音。如话语入语速正常、音调轻快、重音落在“help”上。则确实表示称赞义,如说话人语速变缓、音调变重、重音落在“real”上,则表示讽刺意味——你坏了我的事了。同样的一句话,使用不同语调可以表达喜、怒、哀、乐等各种感情色彩,这就是语调语境的作用。在听力练习过程中,教者与学者都应充分发挥语调语境的作用,使听者能



语法语境可分为词索语境、词组语境和句法语境,词索是最小的语法单位。语境表现为同一词根在与不同的词缀结合的语境下,其词性及词义将发生相应的变化。如broad—ell,em—power,power-ful,bag—S等等。缺乏词素语境,就会发生常见的看答案发现每个单词都认识但听时却像是另一个词的情况,特别是在阋根和派生词读音区别比较大的情况下。词组是构成会话的一个重要组成部分,对词组的理解关系到整个句子的意义.特别是英语中一些习语的意思。习语是语言的精华.是在语言的长期使用过程中形成的固定的词组、短语或旬。其在固定搭配、语法结构或语言含义上都是特殊的,一般不能随意改变。因此,要发挥词组语境的作用,听者必须注重平时积累。如“pay for adead horse”并不难听懂。但却只有少数昕者能正确理解其语义——“花冤枉钱”。这就是缺乏词组语境的原因。句法语境则表现为听者对语义的理解受其所掌握的句法结构知识的影响。如倒装、反意疑问等句型听起来可能会比陈述句更难。



语义语境在听力理解中也发挥着举足轻重的作用,但也更难把握,因为在语义理解的很多方面都涉及语义语境,如“死”这一意义在英语中除了“die”还有十多种不同表达形式,它们用在不同语体中。要想在听力练习中免受阻碍,听者平时就要多积累。多了解地道标准的英语,尽可能多的掌握同一词组在不同语境下的不同语义、同一语义在不同语体下的多种表达以及特定句子在英语文化中所具有的特定功能。如以英语为母语的人讲“we must get together soon”,其实并不是在发出正式邀请,而只是寒暄客套。如果没有对英语中这些特定句式的语义语境意识.听者在作态度题时就很容易出错。



A:Hello!1 want to speak to doctor Li.

B:Sony,he never works at Tuesday.You can call tomorrow.

Q:Which day is today?


A:WoIlld you like come to my party this evening?

B:I have an essay to write.




听力理解答题技巧 表1:听力考试时间分配表

一、对话理解题型答题技巧分析: 1.题型解析: 短对话题型一般均为情景对话,按照对话内容大致可分为:1) 职业与身份题。根据对话双方的谈话内容判断两者之间的社会关系,或者某一方的社会身份;2) 推测言外之意题。根据说话人说话语气、语调和措辞所暗含的意思判断说话人对待所谈话题的观点、态度是赞同还是反对;3) 时间与数字题。通过谈话中所提及的数字经过简单运算得出所问问题的答案,比如商品打折等等;4) 语义理解题。短对话中有习语、口语表达含有特定含义,用词义干扰项误导词义,迷惑考生,以测试对该词义的理解力;5)地点与场景题。6)建议与请求题。7)信息提示题。8)综合归纳题。 在听录音时,应先读选项内容,依据选项内容,有侧重地留意录音内容;对于选项内容中的提示可以大致判断录音内容的范围,根据上述对短对话题型的分类,做到心中有数。 2.例题解析: Example 1: A) The work the director has assigned is unreasonable. B) The director is mentally ill. C) The director’s instructions are to carry out. D) The director doesn’t mind if the actors do not finish the work. W: From what I can remember, the director asked us to rehearse this a hundred times.

四级听力 4招巧解短文理解

Lecture 2第二讲4招巧解短文理解 短文理解所含的信息量相对较大,不仅要求考生在听的过程中捕捉到具体的语言细节,还要求考生从语篇上对短文有整体性的把握和理解。因此,考生必须掌握一些有针对性的解题步骤和解题技巧,这样才能在考试时做到游刃有余。第一招:听音前预测内容和问题听音前快速浏览选项可以大致推测出文章的主要内容,通过纵向、横向比较各题选项能够发现一些重要的提示信息,如短文可能涉及的内容、问题可能考查的内容等。另外,通过提炼选项要点,还可以确定听音时应重点关注的细节信息,有针对性地记笔记。 听前预测的成败主要取决于考生对短文理解设题特点的熟悉程度、对选项要点的提炼和分析能力、以及对短文涉及内容的背景知识的熟悉程度。 【例1】(07 12 Passage One) 【预览选项】 26. [A]They care a lot about children. [B]They need looking after in their old age. [C]They want to enrich their life experience. [D]They want children to keep them company. 27.[A]They are usually adopted from distant places. [B]Their birth information is usually kept secret. [C]Their birth parents often try to conceal their birth information. [D]Their adoptive parents don t want them to know their birt h parents. 【预测信息】 预览四道题各选项,由选项中多次出现的children,adopted,birth parents,natural parents,adoptive parents等可推知,本文与收养孩子有关。 26. 选项都是与“they”的需求有关,根据选项[A]和[D]中的宾语children以及之前对主题的预测可知,本题很可能是问收养孩子的原因。 27. 根据各选项内容可知,they,their在此处都是指“被收养的孩子”。由[B]、[C]选项28.[A]They generally hold bad feelings towards their birth parents. [B]They do not want to hurt the feelings of their adoptive parents. [C]They have mixed feelings about finding their natural parents. [D]They are fully aware of the expenses involved in the search. 29.[A]Early adoption makes for closer parent child relationship. [B]Most people prefer to adopt children from overseas. [C]Understanding is the key to successful adoption. [D]Adoption has much to do with love.中出现的birth information可知,本题很可能是问被收养的孩子不知道他们的出生信息的原因。 28.根据各选项内容可知,they在此处指“被收养的孩子”。由各选项中的bad feelings…,hurt the feelings…,mixed feelings…可知,本题应该是关于“被收养的孩子对他们的亲生父母与养父母的感情”。[A]、[B]、[C]三个选项都与此有关,只有[D]是关于费用的,故其为答案的可能性较小。 29. 四个选项主题各异,由此可知本题很可能是对文中某点进行提问。在听音时应重点关注与选项相关的信息。 【听音验证】 When couples get married, they usually plan to have children. Sometimes, however, a couple can not have a child of their own. In this case, they may decide to adopt a child. In fact, adoption is


中考英语听力常考话题 —————Lisa整理 一、30句日常用语 1. A: Hi! / Hello! 你好!B: Hi! / Hello! 你好! 2. A: Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。B: Nice to meet you too.见到你我也很高兴。 3. A: How are you? 你好吗? B:I am fine, thank you. How are you?(And you?)我很好,。 4. A: Good morning? B: Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 5. A: Good afternoon? B: Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 6.A: Good evening? B: Good evening!晚上好?晚上好。 7. A: Good night!晚安。B: Good night! 晚安 8. A: What is your name? 你叫什麽名字?B: My name is Lisa. 9. A: How old are you? 你几岁了?B:I am fourteen years old.我十四岁。 10. A: How tall are you? 你有多高?B:I’ m 1.65metres.我身高1米55 11. A: How heavy are you? 你有多重?B:I’ m 48kilograms.我有48公斤。 12. A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? B:My birthday is in May.我的生日在五月。 13. A:When do you get up?你什么时候起床。 B: I get up at 7:00 o’clock.我7点起床。 14.A:When do you do morning exercise? 你什么时候做早操? B: I usually you do morning exercise at 8:30.我通常在8:30做早操。15. A: Thank you!你B: You are welcome.不用


大学英语四级考试听力训练之短文听力理解(一) 四级听力考试的短文理解部分共有三篇文章,语速为每分钟120-160个单词。每篇文章后附3-4个问题,共10个问题,全部是特殊疑问句。每个问题后有四个选项,每两个问题之间间隔15秒。 这些短文中有记叙,议论和说明等文体,尤其以记叙文出席频率最高,如幽默小故事,人物的生平事迹以及普通人物的特殊经历等等。 技巧一: 试卷拿到后,不必规规矩矩地区听Directions, 赶紧利用这一分钟读后面的10个题目,一般可以读好其中一半以上。技巧二: 提前读选项的目的就是预测短文内容–找出选项中的关键词;预测提问方式;预测考点; 技巧三: 先预测,后笔记,如虎添翼 专项训练: Passage One 1. A. Because they have a driving license. B. Because they have received special training C. Because the traffic conditions in London are good. D. Because the traffic system of the city is not very complex 2. A. Two to four months B. About three weeks. C. At least half a year D.Two years or more 3. A. Government officers are hard to please B. The learner has to go through several tough tests C. The learner usually fails several times before he passes it. D.The driving test usually lasts two months. 4. A. They don’t want their present bosses to know what they’re doing. B. They want to earn money from both jobs. C. They cannot earn money as taxi drivers yet. D. They look forward to further promotion. Passage Two 5. A. a cup B. An oven C. an egg D. a busket 6. A. to let in the sunshine B. for the bird to lay eggs C. to serve as its door D. to keep the nest cool 7. A. mud B. grasses C. straw D. branches 8. A. Some can be eaten B. Some are built underground C. Most are dried by the sun D. Most are sewed with grasses Passage Three 9. A. they strongly believe in family rules B. they are very likely to succeed in life. C. they tend to take responsibility for themselves D. they are in the habit of obeying their parent 10. A. they grow up to be funny and charming B. they often have a prro sense of direction C. they get less attention from their parents D. they tend to be smart and strong-willed. 11. A. they usually don’t follow family rules. B. they don’t like to take chances in their life. C. they are less likely to be successful in life. D. they tend to believe in their parent’s ideas. Passage Four 12. A. they wanted to follow her example B. they full supported her undertaking C. they were puzzled by her decision. D. they were afraid she wan’t fully prepared 13. A. it is more exciting than space travel B. it is much cheaper than space travel C. it is much safer than space travel D. it is less time-consuming than space travel 14. A. they both attract scienst s’ attension B. they can both be quite challenging C. they are both thought-provoking D. they may both lead to surprising findings 15. A. to show how simple the mechanical aids for diving can be B. to provide an excuse for her changeable character. C. to explore the philosophical issues of space travel D. to explain why she took up underwater exploration

听力—02—短文理解(T F)

专业引领共成长 听力:短文理解(T/F) Exercise 1 () 15. Miss Grey shared a small flat with a noisy couple. () 16. Now the young couple don’t live in the flat above Miss Grey’s. () 17. The new young man wasn’t as quiet as Miss Grey expected. () 18. One night, the barking of a dog woke Miss Grey up. () 19. The dog barked again at three o’clock the next morning. () 20. The young man apologized to Miss Grey on the phone. 【难度】★★★ 【答案】15. F; 16. T; 17. T; 18. F; 19. T; 20. F 【听力原文】 Miss Grey lived alone in a small flat. She was old and did not like noise at all, so she was very pleased when the noisy young man and young woman who lived in the flat above her moved out. A new young man moved in, and Miss Grey thought, “Well, he looks quiet.” But at three o’clock the next morning, Miss Grey was woken up by the barking of a dog. She thought, “I’ve never heard a dog here before. I must belong to the new man in the flat above.” So she telephoned the young man and said something to him about the annoying dog and then hung the telephone up before he could answer. Nothing more happened until three o’clock the next morning. Then Miss Grey’s telephone rang, and when she answered, a voice said, “I’m the man upstairs. I’ve telephoned to say that I haven’t got a dog.” Exercise 2 () 15. Thomas is a middle school student in Los Angeles. () 16. Thomas not only plays basketball but also creates apps. () 17. Thomas has been fond of computers and technology since before kindergarten. () 18. The two popular apps made by Thomas can be found in the Apple Store. () 19. It’s difficult to make games for children because they are young. () 20. Only clever student can come to learn to design apps in the App Club. 【难度】★★★ 【答案】15.T; 16.F; 17.T; 18.T; 19.F; 20.F 【听力原文】 Thomas is a 12-year-old school boy. He is now in the 6th grade at a middle school in Los Angeles. While most of his classmates are playing basketball or watching the Disney channel, he is creating apps and giving talks. Thomas is not even old enough to have a Facebook account, but he has been strongly interested in computers and technology since before kindergarten. He has set up his own company, which is called Carrot Corp, and he has made two popular apps that are now sold in the Apple Store. “A lot of kids these days like to play games, but now they want to make them,” he says. “And it’s difficult because not many kids know where to go to find out how to make a program, and not many parents have written apps.” Thomas has started an App Club at school. Any student can come to learn to design an app. He says he’s been inspired by Steve Jobs. 1 / 1 初三英语春季班课程中考听力-02 短文理解(T/F)专项训练


能级 一、教学目标 1.了解原子的玻尔模型 2.了解原子能级概念和氢原子的能级图. 3.了解玻尔理论的重要意义及其局限性. 二、重点、难点分析 1.原子的玻尔模型是本节课的重点内容。 2.对原子发光现象的解释是学习的难点。 三、主要教学过程 (一)新课引入 前一节提到卢瑟福的原子核式结构学说跟经典的电磁理论产生了矛盾,这说明了经典的电磁理论不适用于原子结构.那么怎么解释原子是稳定的?又怎么解释原子发光的光谱不是连续光谱呢? (二)教学过程设计 1.玻尔的原子模型. (1)原子的稳定性. 经典的电磁理论认为电子绕原子核旋转,由于电子辐射能量,因此随着它的能量减少,电子运行的轨道半径也减小,最终要落入原子核中. 玻尔在1913年结合普朗克的量子理论针对这一问题提出新的观点. 玻尔假设一:原子只能处于一系列不连续的能量状态中,在这些状态中原子是稳定的,电子虽然绕核运动,但并不向外辐射能量.这些状态叫做定态.说明:这一说法和事实是符合得很好的,电子并没有被库仑力吸引到核上,就像行星绕着太阳运动一样.这里所说的定态是指原子可能的一种能量状态,有某一数值的能量,这些能量包含了电子的动能和电势能的总和. (2)原子发光的光谱. 经典的电磁理论认为电子绕核运行的轨道不断的变化,它向外辐射电磁波的频率应该等于绕核旋转的频率.因此原子辐射一切频率的电磁波,大量原子的发光光谱应该是连续光谱. 玻尔针对这一问题提出新的观点. 玻尔假设二:原子从一种定态(E 初)跃迁到另一种定态(E 终 )时,它辐射(或 吸收)一定频率的光子,光子的能量由这两种定态的能量差决定,即 h=E初-E终. 说明:这一说法也和事实符合得很好,原子发光的光谱是由一些不连续的亮线组成的明线光谱. (3)原子能量状态和电子轨道. 玻尔假设三:原子的不同能量状态跟电子沿不同的圆形轨道绕核运动相对应.原子的定态是不连续的,因此电子的可能轨道的分布也是不连续的. 2.氢原子的轨道半径和能量.(本部分内容中半径公式和能量公式实验教材不


中考英语听力常考话题 一、30句日常用语 1. A: Hi! / Hello! 你好!B: Hi! / Hello! 你好! 2. A: Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。B: Nice to meet you too.见到你我也很高兴。 3. A: How are you? 你好吗? B:I am fine, thank you. How are you?(And you?)我很好,。 4. A: Good morning? B: Good morning! 早上好?早上好! 5. A: Good afternoon? B: Good afternoon! 下午好?下午好! 6.A: Good evening? B: Good evening!晚上好?晚上好。 7. A: Good night!晚安。B: Good night! 晚安 8. A: What is your name? 你叫什麽名字?B: My name is Lisa. 9. A: How old are you? 你几岁了?B:I am fourteen years old.我十四岁。 10. A: How tall are you? 你有多高?B:I’ m 1.65metres.我身高1米55 11. A: How heavy are you? 你有多重?B:I’ m 48kilograms.我有48公斤。 12. A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? B:My birthday is in May.我的生日在五月。 13. A:When do you get up?你什么时候起床。 B: I g et up at 7:00 o’clock.我7点起床。 14.A:When do you do morning exercise? 你什么时候做早操? B: I usually you do morning exercise at 8:30.我通常在8:30做早操。 15. A: Thank you!你B: You are welcome.不用 16.A:What’s your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是哪一个? B: My favourite season is spring/summar/fall/winter.我最喜欢的季节是春夏秋冬。 17.A: What's your favourite fruit?你最喜欢吃的水果是什么?B: Apple.苹果。 18.A: When is Children’s day?儿童节是什么时候? B: It’ s in June.在六月 19.A: What are you doing?你正在做什么?B:I’ m reading a book.我正在读书。 20A: What’s the date today?今天几月几号B: It’s October 1st.10月1号。 A: What day is it today?今天星期几?B: It’s Monday.今天星期一 21. A: What’s this?这是什么?B: It’s a pen. 这是一只钢笔。 22.A: What color is it?这是什么颜色?B: It’s red.红色 23.A: What color do you like best?你最喜欢的颜色什么?B: red.红色 24.A: What animals do you like best?你最喜欢的动物是什么?B: Dog.小狗 25. A: Happy New Year! 新年快乐!B: Happy New Year! 26. A:Happy birthday! 生日快乐!B:Thank you! 27. A: Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!B: Merry Christmas,too. 圣诞快乐! 28. A: Are you OK? B: Yes, I am OK. 你还好吗?我挺好的。 29. A: What time is it? 几点了B: It’s ten o’clo ck.十点了 30.A:How many people are there in your family?你家里有几个人? B: There are 7 people in my family.我家有个7人。


Exercise One Passage One Questions 1to 3 are based on the passage you have just heard. 1. A. Asia. B. Africa. C. Pacific. D. Asia and Pacific. 2. A. Because they have a larger population. B. Because they did not have infrastructure to save water. C. Because they need more water for agriculture and industry. D. Because they are lack of fund and technique. 3. A. The world calls for decrease in the number of people. B. Some organizations are saving the safe drinking water. C. A new technology of sea water purification is being studied. D. UN is carrying out a new plan of safe drinking water. Passage Two Questions 4to 6 are based on the passage you have just heard. 4. A. Wanting a shift. B. Facing challenges. C. Leaving Canada. D. Running small business. 5. A. To help the author realize his shortcomings. B. To make the author determine to head for what he wanted. C. To remind the author to be optimistic. D. To give the author a reason to quit his present job. 6. A. You should never lose focus on your goals before you succeed. B. You have to go through some difficulties before you succeed. C. You’d better arrange your plan or your goal in five years. D. If you want to realize your dream, you should quit your job. Passage Three Questions 7 to 10 are based on the passage you have just heard. 7. A. We should force ourselves to remember things. B. We should make a conscious effort of practice and exercise. C. We should never stop learning. D. We should try hard to remember things. 8. A. One night the writer forgot to lock the front door. B. One night the writer forgot having locked the front door. C. The writer remembered to lock the front door. D. The writer remembered unlocking the front door. 9. A. We enjoy hearing new stories about absent-mindedness of professors. B. W e don’t want to know anything more about absent-mindedness of professors.


2011-6 protect/protection 保护 neglect 忽略 restore 恢复 damage 破坏 notion 概念 false 错误的 wearer 佩戴者 weaken 减弱 loss 失去 vision 视力=eyesight permanently 永久的achievement 成就=accomplishment surgery 手术 accomplish 实现;完成=achieve belief 信念 proven 被证实的 evidence 证据 harmful 有害的 inappropriate 不恰当的 myth 神话;荒诞的说法dim 昏暗的 strained 紧张的 eyestrain 眼睛疲劳 replace 替换 transfer 转移 transplant 移植 nerve 神经 fiber 纤维 eyeball 眼球 attach 把…附在…上,把…固定 current 目前的=present trend 趋势 nursing home 疗养院 day-care center 日护中心 well-equipped 装备精良的convenient 方便的 accessible 容易得到的;易接近的available 可得到的 adult 成年人 adult children 成年子女

commitment 承诺;承担的义务responsibility 责任 saving 储蓄 use up 用完 regret 遗憾;后悔professional 专业的 standard 标准的;标准affectionate 慈爱的;充满深情的cooperative 合作的 frank 坦白的;直率的 seek 寻求(过去式:sought)make full use of 充分利用community 社区 facility 设施 elderly 年迈的 relative 亲属 likely 有可能的 in contrast 相比之下dependent 依靠的;不独立的 as long as 只要 in order to 为了 appreciate 感激;欣赏satisfying 令人满意的consideration 考虑 state 陈述 safety 安全 right 权利 complaint 抱怨 conflict 冲突 out-dated 过时的equipment 设备 welfare 福利 regulation 规则compensation 补偿request 要求 quit 辞职 unborn 未出生的 union 工会;联盟representative 代表media 媒体 protest 抗议 inform 通知;告知coworker 同事=colleague


中考英语听力复习资料 中考英语听力技巧 当前,中学英语教学除注重学生基础知识、基本技能的培养,更要求侧重培养学生运用英语语言的能力。因此,听力测试作为了解学生获取信息能力的有效办法,仍然会在今年及以后的中考中占有重要的位置。初三年级的学生,要想在中考英语测试中取得理想的成绩,在复习阶段,无论在心理上,还是时间利用上,都不能忽视对这一部分能力的提高。 听力试题类型 中考听力试题在形式上最近两年没有太大改变。主要涵盖了下列题型:单词、短语、数字、句子听辨题;句子理解题;情景反应题;对话理解;综合短文听力理解;听短文填词题。总体上,试题内容分为短句、对话和passage,也就是综合性的短文。 听力测试所涉及的日常生活话题有:问候、邀请、看病、约会、购物、问路、打电话、谈论天气、询问时间等,测试内容大致可分为:时间和数码、地点和动向、价格和数量、人物和事件、情景和背景等。 在复习阶段听力训练中,同学们应该对以上提到的试题类型做到心中有数,同时,应该在平时的训练中明白自己的软肋在哪里,并有针对性地采取补救措施。 单词、短语、数字、句子听辨题。对这部分比较薄弱的

同学,建议在英语的语言基础知识方面多下工夫。在平时的学习中要注意总结、分清发音相似的单词,如homework,housework,housewife;space,place,please;bottle,table,little,middle等。同时,平时自己就要做到发音准确,把单词读准确。多积累短语和背诵各种有用的句型,同时注意相似句型之间的转换。 情景反应及对话理解题。首先要熟悉和掌握各种日常生活话题中的基本对话和用语,如平时在练习中自己没有做对,就要先把它读得非常熟练,形成语感层次的自然反应,再去听的时候就会很自然地做出正确反应了。通过平时练习的积累,就能不断提高自己做情景对话方面的能力;另外要注意做题技巧,捕捉对话中的关键信息,如时间、地点、人物、或相互之间的关系等,提高做题的准确率。切忌用中国式的语言思维方式。 短文题。首先要多做泛听的练习,扩大自己听力的知识面和范围;其次,做题技巧上要注意带着问题去听,即从短文中听到或筛选出自己需要的重点信息。平时练习中有许多短文的阅读理解,不妨把阅读理解也作为一篇短文听力去朗读一遍,来熟悉不同的文体或题材。只有听力接触的面广了,听到不同的短文内容心里才不会发怵,才能提高自己做听力短文题的信心。 听力考试技巧


2015年12月英语四级听力原文及答案 Part 1 短对话 Question 1 - M: Do you remember the wonderful film on space exploration we watched together last month? - W: Sure. It's actually the most impressive one I've seen on that topic. Q:What do we learn about the speakers? Question 2 - W: Are you looking for anything in particular? - M: Yes. My son is graduating from high school, and I want to get him something special. Q:Where does the conversation most probably take place? Question 3 - M: Mike told me yesterday that he had been looking in vain for a job in the art gallery. - W: Really? If I remember right, he had a chance to work there, but he turned it down.

Q:What does the woman say about Mike? Question 4 - W: Would you like to come to Susan's birthday party tomorrow evening? - M: I'm going to give a lecture tomorrow. I wish I could be in two places at the same time. Q:What does the man mean? Question 5 - W: Aren't you discouraged by the slow progress your staff is making? - M: Yes. I think I will give them a deadline and hold them to it. Q:What is the man probably going to do? Question 6 - W: Excuse me. Could you tell me where the visitors' parking is? I left my car there. - M: Sure. It's in Lot C. Over that way. Q:What does the woman want to know? Question 7 - W: You look great! Now that you've taken those fitness classes.


中考英语听力中最常考的16大场景关键词 一、30句日常用语 1 A: Hi! / Hello! 你好! B: Hi! / Hello! 你好! 2. A: Nice to meet you. 见到你很高兴。 B: Nice to meet you too.见到你我也很高兴。 3. A: How are you? 你好吗? B:I am fine, thank you. How are you?(And you?)我很好,谢谢。 4. A: Good morning? 早上好 B: Good morning! ?早上好! 5. A: Good afternoon? 下午好? B: Good afternoon! 下午好! 6.A: Good evening? 晚上好? B: Good evening!晚上好。 7. A: Good night!晚安。 B: Good night! 晚安 8. A: What is your name? 你叫什麽名字? B: My name is Lisa. 9. A: How old are you? 你几岁了?

B:I am fourteen years old.我十四岁。 10. A: How tall are you? 你有多高? B:I’ m 1.65metres.我身高1米55 11. A: How heavy are you? 你有多重? B:I’ m 48kilograms.我有48公斤。 12. A: When is your birthday? 你的生日是什么时候? B:My birthday is in May.我的生日在五月。 13. A:When do you get up?你什么时候起床。 B: I get up at 7:00 o’clock.我7点起床。 14.A:When do you do morning exercise? 你什么时候做早操? B: I usually you do morning exercise at 8:30.我通常在8:30做早操。 15. A: Thank you!谢谢你 B: You are welcome.不用谢 16.A:What’s your favourite season?你最喜欢的季节是哪一个? B: My favourite season is spring/summar/fall/winter.我最喜 欢的季节是春夏秋冬。 17.A: What's your favourite fruit?你最喜欢吃的水果是什么? B: Apple.苹果。 18.A:When is Children’s day?儿童节是什么时候? B:It’ s in June.在六月 19.A: What are you doing?你正在做什么?

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