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The Lantern Festival (元宵节) is the last day of the Chinese New Year celebration. This day is for the last moment for setting off fireworks, the last excuse for eating a big feast and the last chance for family getting together before the “年”celebrations are over. (Latern Festival is also a traditional time of celebration for foreigners who live in China).

The Lantern Festival, the 15th of the first month of the lunar calendar, is the first full moon of the year. Celebrations and traditions on this day date back to the Western Han Dynasty.

Traditions for this festival: as the name indicates, hanging and looking at lanterns is the main tradition. Lanterns of various shapes and sizes are displayed on trees, or along river banks.

Parents often take their children to Lantern Fairs and sometimes lucky kids even get a mini toy lantern.

Another tradition is guessing lantern riddles. These are riddles that are hung on lanterns for people to shoot down and solve. The riddles are usually short, wise, and sometimes humorous. The answer to a riddle can be a Chinese character, a famous person's name, a place name or a proverb. This tradition has become a

popular game with serious staying power even as social development changes other traditions.

Other than that, the most important thing to do today is to eat sweet dumplings. In northern China, sweet dumplings made of glutinous rice flour are called “元宵”while in southern part they are called “汤圆”. Typical sweet dumplings are filled with black sesame sauce, sweetened bean paste, or hawthorn. Making “元宵”today is like a game or an activity, so it's seldom done without a reason and a group of friends or family present to help out.


The Dragon Boat Festival, also called the Duanwu Festival, is celebrated on the fifth day of the fifth month according to the Chinese calendar. For thousands of years, the festival has been marked by eating zong zi (glutinous rice(糯米)wrapped to form a pyramid using bamboo or reed leaves) and racing dragon boats.

The festival is best known for its dragon-boat races, especially in the southern provinces where there are many rivers and lakes. Thisregatta(赛舟会)commemorates the death of Qu Yuan , an honest minister who is said to have committed suicide by drowning himself in a river. Qu was a minister of the State of Chu situated in present-day Hunan and Hubei provinces, during theWarring States Period(475-221BC)(战国时期). He was upright, loyal and highly esteemed for his wise counsel that brought peace and prosperity to the state. However, when a dishonest and corrupt prince vilified Qu, he was disgraced and dismissed from office. Realizing that the country was now in the hands of evil and corrupt officials, Qu grabbed a large stone and leapt into the Miluo River on the fifth day of the fifth month. Nearby fishermen rushed over to try and save him but were unable to even recover his body. Thereafter, the state declined and was eventually conquered by the State of Qin.

The people of Chu who mourned the death of Qu threw rice into the river to feed his ghost every year on the fifth day of the fifth month. But one year, the spirit of Qu appeared and told the mourners that a hugereptile(爬行动物)in the river had stolen the rice. The spirit then advised them to wrap the rice in silk and bind it with five different-colored threads before tossing it into the river.

During the Duanwu Festival, a glutinous rice pudding called zong zi is eaten to symbolize the rice offerings to Qu. Ingredients such as beans,lotus seeds(莲子),chestnuts(栗子), pork fat and the golden yolk of a salted duck egg are often added to the glutinous rice. The pudding is then wrapped with bamboo leaves, bound with a kind of raffia and boiled in salt water for hours.

The dragon-boat races symbolize the many attempts to rescue and recover Qu's body. A typical dragon boat ranges from 50-100 feet in length, with a beam of about 5.5 feet, accommodating two paddlers seated side by side.

A wooden dragon head is attached at the bow, and a dragon tail at thestern(船尾). A banner hoisted on a pole is also fastened at the stern and the hull is decorated with red, green and blue scales edged in gold. In the center of the boat is a canopied shrine behind which the drummers,gong(铜锣)beaters andcymbal(铙钹)players are seated to set the pace for the paddlers. There are also men positioned at the bow to set off firecrackers, toss rice into the water and pretend to be looking for Qu. All of the noise and pageantry creates an atmosphere of gaiety and excitement for the participants and spectators alike. The races are held among different clans, villages and organizations, and the winners are awarded medals, banners, jugs of wine and festive meals.


Qing Ming is a time to remember the dead and the dearly departed. More important, it is a period to honour and to pay respect to one's deceased ancestors and family members. Because it reinforces the ethic of filial piety, Qing Ming is a major Chinese festival. Literally meaning "clear" (Qing) and "bright" (Ming), this Chinese festival falls in early spring, on the 106th day after the winter solstice. It is a "spring" festival, and it is an occasion for the whole family to leave the home and to sweep the graves of their forebears. Chinese being practical people this sweeping of the graves is given an extended period, that is, 10 days before and after Qing Ming day. Among some dialect groups a whole month is allocated. 清明节是一个纪念祖先的节日。主要的纪念仪式是扫墓,扫墓是慎终追远、郭亲睦邻及行孝的具体表现;基于上述意义,清明节因此成为华人的重要节日。清明节是在仲春和暮春之交,也就是冬至后的106天。扫墓活动通常是在清明节的前十天或后十天。有些地域的人士的扫墓活动长达一个月。


Qing Ming is popularly associated with Jie Zi Zhui, who lived in Shanxi province in 600 B.C. Legend has it that Jie saved his starving lord's life by serving a piece of his own leg. When the lord succeeded in becoming the ruler of a small principality, he invited his faithful follower to join him. However, Jie declined his invitation, preferring to lead a hermit's life with his mother in the mountains. Believing that he could force Jie out by burning the mountain, the lord ordered his men to set the forest on fire. To his consternation, Jie chose to remain where he was and was burnt to death. To commemorate Jie, the lord ordered all fires in every home to be put out on the anniversary of Jie's death. Thus began the "cold food feast", a day when no food could be cooked since no fire could be lit. The "cold food" festival occurs on the eve of Qing Ming and is often considered as part of the Qing Ming festival. As time passes, the Qing Ming festival replaced the "cold food" festival. Whatever practice is observed,the basic observation of Qing Ming is to remember one's elders by making a special effort to visit their graves, ashes or ancestral tablets. To make the visit even more meaningful, some time should be spent to remind the younger members of the family of the lives and contributions of their ancestors, and the story of Jie Zi Zhui who choose death over capitulation. 谈到清明节,有点历史知识的人,都会联想到历史人物介子椎。据历史记载,在两千多年以前的春秋时代,晋国公子重耳逃亡在外,生活艰苦,跟随他的介子椎不惜从自己的腿上割下一块肉让他充饥。后来,重耳回到晋国,作了国君(即晋文公,春秋五霸之一),大事封赏所有跟随他流亡在外的随从,惟独介子椎拒绝接受封赏,他带了母亲隐居绵山。晋文公无计可施,只好放火烧山,他想,介子椎孝顺母亲,一定会带着老母出来。谁知这场大火却把介子椎母子烧死了。为了纪念介子椎,晋文公下令每年的这一天,禁止生火,家家户户只能吃生冷的食物,这就是寒食节的来源。












The Midautumn Festival is the traditional festival in China.In this day,people ,espically family members will have a happy get-together.So Chinese people vaule this festival for its important meaning of "reunion".And the mooncake is the symbolic food.It represents the "reunion" just like the full moon.

Chinese Mid-Autumn Festival is one of the four major traditional festivals.中秋节是中国四大传统节日之一。

There are evening meal, people who work outside the home have to come back happy.

After dinner, people lit lanterns, usually red lanterns round. The children will happily play their toy lanterns.


You Yuanyou the moon in the evening, people eating at the same time to celebrate the Mid-Autumn Festival special foods - cakes. People with the past, look to the future. It is said that there are dragon in the sky, it is necessary to swallow the moon. In order to protect the moon, the children have to come up with a large ring of the dragons away.


春节lunar new year

Spring Festival is the most important festival in China .In the evening before the Spring Festival ,families get together and have a big meal .In many places people like to set off firecrackers .Dumplings are the most traditional food .Children like the festival very

much ,because they can have delicious food and wear new clothes .They can also get some money from their parents. This money is given to children for good luck . People put New Year scrolls on the wall for good fortune .


Spring Festival is the most important holiday for Chinese people. Excitement and happiness are palpable this time of the year, and they reach the peak on lunar new year…s eve.


Though the 15-day period, which starts with the first day of the lunar new year and ends on the 15th day (known as Lantern Festival),is relatively long, it is the busiest time of the year for Chinese people. The arrangements they have to make for family reunions, buying necessities and preparing food keeps them busy throughout the holiday. Many of them travel back home and meet friends over dinner and drinks.

The celebrations include decorating the house and setting off fireworks.


But we are talking about a tradition that seems to be fading.


Spring Festival, as it is celebrated today, has undergone many changes,thanks to the country…s economic development and globalization.


Yet no Spring Festival is complete without food. People could not get good food whenever they desired in earlier times, something that does not apply to society today. More often than not, people faced the risk of famine. The best time for people to celebrate was when food was available in plenty, and that was possible in spring, or the beginning of the lunar new year. That was the main reason why Spring Festival acquired such great importance among Chinese people.


But three decades of economic growth has ensured that people in China, except for those who are still poor, can enjoy a good meal whenever they want. Such has been the change in people…s fortune that some have to be treated for obesity and other health problems associated with excessive eating.


In the past, celebrations were limited to events like

song-and-dance duets in North China, dragon/lion dances in South China and fireworks, which required the joint efforts of the entire community. But economic development and urbanization seems to have weakened the social links among people. Many, especially those living in cities, are not interested in celebrating the festival with people they hardly know.


Many customs associated with Spring Festival have changed, too. In the past, people used to visit relatives and friends with gifts and lots of good wishes. Today, many people, especially the youth,use their cell phones or the Internet to send their good wishes and even "gifts" to their relatives and friends. Some may say this a sign that people have become less caring about their near and dear ones,but we should see this development as a time- and energy-saving exercise granted by the information age.


In recent times, many people have started praying for a career promotion or more money instead of invoking God or the Buddha for a healthy and long life and the welfare of their family. But the number of such people is decreasing now, which shows that people are becoming more reasonable.


春节习俗英文简介Customs of the Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is a traditional Chinese festival and also the most important one of the whole year. Through the evolvement of thousands of years, a series of customs are spreading far and wide.

扫尘 Sweeping the Dust

“Dust” is homophonic with "chen”(尘)in Chinese, which means old and past. In this way,"sweeping the dust” before the Spring Festival means a thorough cleaning of houses to sweep away bad luck in the past year. This custom shows a good wish of putting away old things to welcome a new life. In a word, just before the Spring Festival comes,every household will give a thorough cleaning to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new.

贴春联 Pasting Spring Couplets

“The Spring Couplet”,also called "couplet” and "a pair of antithetical phrases”, is a special form of literature in China. The Spring Couplet is composed of two antithetical sentences on both sides of the door and a horizontal scroll bearing an inscription, usually an auspicious phrase, above the gate. The sentence pasting on the right side of the door is called the first line of the couplet and the one on the left the second line. On the eve of the Spring Festival, every household will paste on doors a spring couplet written on red paper to give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival. In the past,the Chinese usually wrote their own spring couplet with a brush or asked others to do for them, while nowadays, it is common for people to buy the printed spring couplet in the market.

贴窗花和“福”字 Pasting Paper-cuts and "Up-sided Fu”

Paper-cuts, usually with auspicious patterns, give a happy and prosperous atmosphere of the Festival and express the good wishes of Chinese people looking forward to a good life. In addition to pasting paper-cuts on windows, it is common for Chinese to paste the character "fu(福)”, big and small, on walls, doors and doorposts around the houses. "Fu(福)” shows people?s yearning toward a good life. Some people even invert the character "fu(福)” to signify that blessing has arrived because "inverted” is a homonym for "arrive” in Chinese. Now many kinds of paper-cuts and "fu(福)” can be seen in the market before the Festival.

守岁Staying Up Late on New Year…s Eve

The tradition of staying up late to see New Year in originated from an interesting folk tale. In ancient China there lived a monster named Year, who was very ferocious. Year always went out from its burrow on New Year?s Eve to devour people. Therefore, on every New Year?s Eve, every household would have supper together. After dinner, no one dared go to sleep and all the family members would sit together,chatting and emboldening each other. Gradually the habit of staying up late on New Year?s Eve is formed. Thus in China, "celebrating the Spring Festival” is also called "passing over the year (guo nian)”。However, now there are less and less people in cities who will stay up late to see New Year in.

贴年画 Pasting New Year Prints

The custom of pasting New Year Prints originated from the tradition of placing Door Gods on the external doors of houses. With the creation of board carvings, New Year paintings cover a wide range of subjects. The most famous ones are Door Gods, Surplus Year after Year, Three Gods of Blessing, Salary and Longevity, An Abundant Harvest of Crops,Thriving Domestic Animals and Celebrating Spring. Four producing areas of New Year Print are Tɑohuɑwu of Suzhou, Yɑngliuqing of Tianjin,Wuqiɑng of Hebei and Weifang of Shangdong. Now the tradition of pasting

New Year paintings is still kept in rural China, while it is seldom followed in cities.

吃饺子 Having Jiaozi

On New Year?s Eve, the whole family will sit together to make jiaozi and celebrate the Spring Festival. The shape of jiaozi is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure. The tradition of having jiaozi is very important during the Spring Festival. You cannot have a complete Spring Festival without having jiaozi. (See page 82 for more information about "jiaozi”)

看春节联欢晚会The CCTV New Year…s Gala

The New Year?s Gala is a variety show held by China Central Television (CCTV) since 1983. For every year since then at the turn of the Lunar New Year, the program begins at 8:00PM and lasts five or six hours. It brings laughter to billions of people, creates many popular words and produces lots of TV phenomena meriting attention. For over twenty years, its value has gone far beyond a variety show. It is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad. Many Chinese would like to watch the gala while having the dinner on New Year?s Eve.

放鞭炮 Setting off Firecrackers

The firecracker is a unique product in China. In ancient China,the sound of burning bamboo tubes was used to scare away wild animals and evil spirits. With the invention of the gunpowder,"firecracker” is also called "鞭炮biānpào” (“炮” in Chinese means gun) and used to foster a joyful atmosphere. The first thing every Chinese household does is to set off firecrackers and fireworks, which are meant to bid farewell to the old year and usher in the new. In the past few years,such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities including Beijing due to fire and personal casualty caused by burning

firecrackers. However, some Chinese thought that a Spring Festival without firecrackers was not lively enough and they burned firecrackers by stealth. So in recent years, the ban was canceled again. This shows that burning firecrackers is a very important activity during the Spring Festival.

拜年和压岁钱New Year…s Visit and Gift Money

On the first day of the Chinese lunar year, everybody puts on their best clothes and pays ceremonial calls on their relatives and friends,wishing them all the luck in the coming year. Juniors will greet seniors, wishing them health and longevity, while seniors will give juniors some gift money as a wish for their safety in the coming year. When friends meet, they will wish each other happiness and prosperity with a big smile. With the development of the new technology, there is a change on the way of giving New Years greetings. In recent year,it is common to send New Years greetings by such modern means of communication as telephones, emails and text messages.

逛庙会 Temple Fair

Temple fair, usually held outside temples, is a kind of folk custom in China. During the Spring Festival, temple fair is one of the most important activities, in which there are such performances as acrobatics and Wushu, numerous kinds of local snacks and many kinds of things for everyday life. In recent years, the temple fair has become a place for people to appreciate the traditional art and experience the traditional life.

Festival Greetings

Traditional Festival Greetings:

恭贺新禧 | Happy New Year

吉祥如意 | Everything Goes Well

恭喜发财 | Wishing You Prosperity

年年有余 | Surplus Year after Year

岁岁平安 | Peace All Year Round

新春大吉 | Good Luck in the New Year

In the past two years, it has become a vogue for relatives and friends to send short messages to greet each other during the Spring Festival. With best wishes, the warm greetings of text messages give a happy and joyful atmosphere of the Festival.

Festival Greetings via Text Message


I will give you a coat as a present. The front is safety, the back happiness, the collar auspiciousness, the sleeves satisfaction, the buttons enjoyment and the pockets warmness. Wear every day. Wish you a happy New Year.


As the New Year comes, I will only give you five "do?s” as a present. Do be merry! Do be healthy! Do be safe! Do be satisfied! Do remember me!


Before New Year…s Eve

The celebration actually starts on New Year…s Eve with the

family reunion dinner. By New Year…s Eve, you should have

done the following:

Clean the entire home to get rid of all the things that are

associated with the old year.

Put away all brooms and brushes.

Pay all your debts.

Resolve differences with family members, friends, neighbors and business associates.

Buy the following:

Red money envelopes,

Oranges and/or tangerines,

Fill a "Cheun hup(a circular red tray separated in eight compartments) with melon seedslotuschocolate coinsnuts etc.

Flowers (especially plum blossoms, peach blossoms, water lilies),

A new set of clothes and shoes for children, preferably something red or orange.

Get new dollar bills from the bank. Insert the new dollar bills into the red envelopes. Now the red envelope is called a lai see or lucky money envelope.

On New Year…s Eve

Get together with close family members (not including married daughters and their families)for the "reunion” dinner.

Pay respect to ancestors and household gods. Acknowledge the presence of ancestors because they are responsible for the fortunes of future generations.

Open every door and window in your home at midnight to let go of the old year.

On New Year…s Day

Decorate your home with symbols of good fortune. Here are some suggestions:

Colors: Bright red (happiness); gold/orange (wealth &;happiness)。

Fruits: Oranges and tangerines (good health &; long life);tangerines with leaves intact (long lasting relationships; being fruitful and multiply); persimmons (happiness and wealth)。

“Chuen Hup” circular candy tray (candy for sweet and circular for togetherness and continuity)。

Flowers: If flowers bloom on New Year…s Day, it will be a prosperous year.

Red banners or couplets with New Year wishes and symbols of good fortune in gold.











Spring Festival

The Spring Festival is the most important festival for the Chinese people and is when all family members get together, just like Christmas in the West. All people living away from home go back, becoming the busiest time for transportation systems of about half a month from the Spring Festival. Airports, railway stations and long-distance bus stations are crowded with home returnees.

The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month,often one month later than the Gregorian calendar. It originated in the Shang Dynasty (c. 1600 BC-c. 1100 BC)from the people…s sacrifice to gods and ancestors at the end of an old year and the beginning of a new one.

Strictly speaking, the Spring Festival starts every year in the early days of the 12th lunar month and will last till the mid 1st lunar month of the next year. Of them, the most important days are Spring Festival Eve and the first three days. The Chinese government now stipulates people have seven days off for the Chinese Lunar New Year.

Many customs accompany the Spring Festival. Some are still followed today, but others have weakened.

On the 8th day of the 12th lunar month, many families make laba porridge, a delicious kind of porridge made with glutinous rice,millet,seeds of Job…s tears, jujube berries, lotus seeds, beans,longan and gingko.

The 23rd day of the 12th lunar month is called Preliminary Eve. At this time, people offer sacrifice to the kitchen god. Now however,most families make delicious food to enjoy themselves.

After the Preliminary Eve, people begin preparing for the coming New Year. This is called "Seeing the New Year in“。

Store owners are busy then as everybody goes out to purchase necessities for the New Year. Materials not only include edible oil,rice, flour, chicken, duck, fish and meat, but also fruit, candies

and kinds of nuts. What…s more, various decorations, new clothes and shoes for the children as well as gifts for the elderly, friends and relatives, are all on the list of purchasing.

Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, bedclothes and all their utensils.

Then people begin decorating their clean rooms featuring an atmosphere of rejoicing and festivity. All the door panels will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets, highlighting Chinese calligraphy with black characters on red paper. The content varies from house owners… wishes for a bright future to good luck for the New Year. Also, pictures of the god of doors and wealth will be posted on front doors to ward off evil spirits and welcome peace and abundance.

The Chinese character "fu" (meaning blessing or happiness) is a must. The character put on paper can be pasted normally or upside down,for in Chinese the "reversed fu" is homophonic with "fu comes”, both being pronounced as "fudaole." What…s more, two big red lanterns can be raised on both sides of the front door. Red paper-cuttings can be seen on window glass and brightly colored New Year paintings with auspicious meanings may be put on the wall.

People attach great importance to Spring Festival Eve. At that time, all family members eat dinner together. The meal is more luxurious than usual. Dishes such as chicken, fish and bean curd cannot be excluded, for in Chinese, their pronunciations,respectively "ji“,"yu" and "doufu," mean auspiciousness, abundance and richness. After the dinner, the whole family will sit together, chatting and watching TV. In recent years, the Spring Festival party broadcast on China Central Television Station (CCTV) is essential entertainment for the Chinese both at home and abroad. According to custom, each family will stay up to see the New Year in.

Waking up on New Year, everybody dresses up. First they extend greetings to their parents. Then each child will get money as a New Year gift, wrapped up in red paper. People in northern China will eat jiaozi, or dumplings, for breakfast, as they think "jiaozi" in sound means "bidding farewell to the old and ushering in the new”。 Also,the shape of the dumpling is like gold ingot from ancient China. So people eat them and wish for money and treasure.

Southern Chinese eat niangao (New Year cake made of glutinous rice flour) on this occasion, because as a homophone, niangao means "higher and higher, one year after another." The first five days after the Spring Festival are a good time for relatives, friends, and classmates as well as colleagues to exchange greetings, gifts and chat leisurely.

Burning fireworks was once the most typical custom on the Spring Festival. People thought the spluttering sound could help drive away evil spirits. However, such an activity was completely or partially forbidden in big cities once the government took security, noise and pollution factors into consideration. As a replacement, some buy tapes with firecracker sounds to listen to, some break little balloons to get the sound too, while others buy firecracker handicrafts to hang in the living room.

The lively atmosphere not only fills every household, but permeates to streets and lanes. A series of activities such as lion dancing, dragon lantern dancing, lantern festivals and temple fairs will be held for days. The Spring Festival then comes to an end when the Lantern Festival is finished.

China has 56 ethnic groups. Minorities celebrate their Spring Festival almost the same day as the Han people, and they have different customs.



Far and away the most important holiday in China is Spring Festival,also known as the Chinese New Year. To the Chinese people it is as important as Christmas to people in the West. The dates for this annual celebration are determined by the lunar calendar rather than the Gregorian calendar, so the timing of the holiday varies from late January to early February.

To the ordinary Chinese, the festival actually begins on the eve of the lunar New Years Day and ends on the fifth day of the first month of the lunar calendar. But the 15th of the first month, which normally is called the Lantern Festival, means the official end of the Spring Festival in many parts of the country.

Preparations for the New Year begin the last few days of the last moon, when houses are thoroughly cleaned, debts repaid, hair cut and new clothes purchased. Houses are festooned with paper scrolls bearing auspicious antithetical couplet (as show on both side of the page) and in many homes, people burn incense at home and in the temples to pay respects to ancestors and ask the gods for good health in the coming months.

“Guo Nian," meaning ”passing the year," is the common term among the Chinese people for celebrating the Spring Festival. It actually means greeting the new year. At midnight at the turn of the old and new year, people used to let off fire-crackers which serve to drive away the evil spirits and to greet the arrival of the new year. In an instant the whole city would be engulfed in the deafening noise of the firecrackers.

On New Years Eve, all the members of families come together to feast. Jiaozi, a steamed dumpling as pictured below, is popular in the north, while southerners favor a sticky sweet glutinous rice pudding called nian gao


各种传统节日的中英文介绍 1. 春节(农历一月一日) Spring Festival;Chinese New Year's Day 2. 元宵节(农历一月十五日) Lantern Festival 3. 清明节(4月5日)Tomb-Sweeping Day 4. 端午节(农历五月初五) Dragon Boat Festival 5.中秋节(农历八月十五) Mid-Autumn (Moon)Festival 6. 重阳节(农历九月九日) Double-ninth Day 7.. 除夕(农历十二月三十日)New Year's Eve 【中国常见传统活动中英对照】 过年celebrate the spring festival 春联spring festival couplets 剪纸paper-cuts 年画new year paintings 买年货do shopping for the spring festival;do spring festival shopping 敬酒propose a toast 灯笼lantern 烟花fireworks 爆竹firecrackers (people scare off evil spirits and ghosts with the loud pop.) 红包red packets (cash wrapped up in red paper,symbolize fortune and wealth in the coming year.)

舞狮lion dance (the lion is believed to be able to dispel evil and bring good luck.) 舞龙dragon dance (to expect good weather and good harvests) 戏曲traditional opera 杂耍variety show 灯谜riddles written on lanterns 灯会exhibit of lanterns 守岁staying-up 拜年pay new year's call;give new year's greetings;pay new year's visit 禁忌taboo 去晦气get rid of the ill- fortune 祭祖宗offer sacrifices to one's ancestors 压岁钱gift money;money given to children as a lunar new year gift culture note;inthe old days,new year's money was given in the form of one hundred copper coins strung together on a red string and symbolized the hope that one would live to be a hundred years old. today, money is placed inside red envelopes in denominations considered auspicious and given to represent luck and wealth 辞旧岁bid farewell to the old year 扫房spring cleaning; generalhouse-cleaning 年糕nian-gao; rise cake; new year cake


Chinese festivals cultureAfter the folk worship generally half of the offerings for Boat Festival 61The Dragon Boat Festival the 5th day of the 5th lunar month has had a h 6161唐文秀61616161.61端午节为每年龙历五月初五又称端 阳节、龙舟节、女儿节、午日节、五月节、艾节、端五、重五、夏节、 天中节、浴兰节、屈原日、诗人节等。与春节、清明节、中秋节并称为 中国汉族的四大传统节日。61端午节的来源有多种多样但最被人们接 受的是端午节是用来纪念著名爱国诗人屈原的。据说屈原于五月初五自 投汨罗江死后为蛟龙所困世人哀之每于此日投五色丝粽子于水中以驱蛟 龙。端午节包粽子的习俗由此而来。1.吃粽子 Zongzi as the traditional food for the Dragon Boat Festival is a pyramid- shaped dumpling made of glutinous rice and wrapped in bamboo or reed leaves to give it a 饮雄黄酒61Realgar wine雄黄酒 61It is a very popular practice to drink this kind ofChinese liquor seasoned with realgar a 佩饰 61On Dragon Boat Festival parents also need to dress their children up with a perfume p shaped canoes pulling the oars harmoniously and hurriedly accompanied by rapid drums s religious semi-entertaining program from theWarring States Period 475- 221 BC. 61A typical dragon boat ranges from 50- 100 feet in length with a beam of about 5.5 feet accommodating two paddlers seated side b 采药这是最古老的端午节俗之一。如湖北监利于端午“采百草”亦采药草 之俗。采药是因端午前后草药茎叶成熟药性好才于此日形成此俗。61 沐兰汤。端午日洗浴兰汤是《大戴礼》记载的古俗。当时的兰不是现在 的兰花而是菊科的佩兰有香气可煎水沐浴。61采茶、制凉茶。北方一 些地区喜于端午采嫩树叶、野菜叶蒸晾制成茶叶。广东潮州一带人们去 郊外山野采草药熬凉茶喝。这对健康也有好处。61挂花草。在端午设 置种种可驱邪的花草


西方传统节日英文介绍,中英对照节日简介 了解西方文化的时候,无论是通过网络或者书籍,我们都习惯看中文译本。其实一门语言一旦被翻译,很多意思都会产生偏差,真正想了解一个东西,最好是通过原文来理解。西方节日在中国传播发展,关于西方节日的介绍大家有没有了解呢?下面,一起来看看中英文对照版本的西方节日介绍,是不是跟你所知道的一样呢? 1、复活节Easter Easter is a time of springtime festivals. In Christian countries Easter is celebrated as the religious holiday commemorating the resurrection of Jesus Christ, the son of God. But the celebrations of Easter have many customs and legends that are pagan in origin and have nothing to do with Christianity. Traditions associated with the festival survive in the Easter rabbit, a symbol of fertility, and in colored Easter eggs, originally painted with bright colors to represent the sunlight of spring, and used in Easter-egg rolling contests or given as gifts. 复活节是春季的节日。在信基督教的国家里,复活节是为纪念基督耶稣的复活而举行的宗教节日。但是复活节有许多习俗和传说的由来都是非宗教的,它们与基督教没有任何关系。与节日密切联系的一些传统有象复活节的野兔,它是作为繁殖生长的象征;还有复活节的彩蛋。最先是被绘以鲜亮的颜色来代表春天的阳光。这些彩蛋还可以用来玩滚彩蛋游戏比赛,或作为小礼物送人。 2、感恩节Thanksgiving The first American Thanksgiving was celebrated in 1621, to commemorate the harvest reaped by the Plymouth Colony after a harsh winter. In that year Governor William Bradford proclaimed a day of thanksgiving. The colonists celebrated it as a traditional English harvest feast, to which they invited the local Wampanoag Indians. Days of thanksgiving were celebrated throughout the colonies after fall harvests. All thirteen colonies did not, however, celebrate Thanksgiving at the same time until October 1777. George Washington was the first president to declare the holiday, in 1789. 第一个美国人庆贺的感恩节在1621年,为了纪念普利茅斯殖民地的人民在经过一个歉收荒芜的冬季后迎来丰收。在那一年,州长William Bradford宣布那天作为感恩节。殖民者把它当成传统的英国丰收节日来庆贺,在当天,他们还邀请当地的印地安的万泊诺亚格人。感恩的节日延续了整个秋季的收获季节,但其他的十三个殖民地没有庆贺这个节日,直到1777年10月。乔治-华盛顿在1789年宣布把它定为节日,他也是第一位宣布感恩节的总统。 3、情人节Valentine's Day The history of Valentine's Day -- and its patron saint -- is shrouded in mystery. But we do know that February has long been a month of romance. St. Valentine's Day, as we know it today, contains vestiges of both Christian and ancient Roman tradition. So, who was Saint Valentine and how did he become associated with this ancient


Dear distinguished chief judge; As the defense attorney of my client, I have made many surveys in secret after I took over the case. According to my client and all the information I have inspected about the case, now I have an deep and comprehensive understanding about the case . Therefore , I want to show my opinions to you, and I hope the chief would accept them . . 1. The stolen car was found abandoned three hours after the theft with the engine still warm; at the time the car was found, my client was at the airport to meet the flight of a friend who was flying into town. 2. Lab analysis of muddy shoe prints on the floor mat of the car indicates that the prints came from a size 27 shoe; your client wears a size 25. 3. Lab analysis shows the presence of cigarette smoke in the car, but your client does not smoke. 4. The only eyewitness to the crime, who was 20 meters from the car, said the thief "looked like" your client; yet the eyewitness admitted that at the time of the theft she was not wearing her contact lenses, which had been prescribed for improving distance vision. 5. The car was stolen at about I p.m.; your client testified that he was in a town 400 kilometers away at 11 a.m. 6. In a statement to police, the eyewitness described the thief as tall; your client is short. Because of all the doubtful points , I think it is unfair to found guilty of theft to my client. Moreover, the basic standard of criminal sanction is that taking facts as a basis and laws as the criterion, so I hope the chief judge will give a reasonable judgment to my client finally. That’s all ,thanks.


2021中考英语作文热门话题:传统节日介绍 根据中文大意和英语提示词语,写出意思连贯、符合逻辑、不少于80词的短文。所给英文提示词供选用。注意:不要写出你的真实姓名和校名。 假设你是刘伟,你的美国朋友MIKE 想通过你了解中国的传统节日。请你根据提示,给Mike 写一封e-mail,向他介绍我国传统节日春节的情况。 内容提示:1.春节是中国最重要的传统节日;2.春节期间人们的主要活动(节前、除夕、节日期间) Spring Festival, traditional, decorate, on the eve of the festival, get together, set off fireworks, lucky money 范文 Dear Mike, How are you? I'm really glad that you are interested in traditional Chinese festivals. There are many traditional festivals in China, such as Spring Festival, Mid-Autumn Day and so on. I'd like to introduce the Spring Festival to you. Spring Festival is the most important traditional holiday in China. It usually lasts for 15 days. Days before the festival, people clean their houses. They think cleaning sweeps any bad luck. They decorate their houses with paper cuts. On the eve of the festival, family members get together and have big meals. Then they watch the Spring Festival Gala on TV. At midnight, they set off fireworks to welcome the New Year. During the festival, kids get lucky money from old people. People visit their relatives and friends. They wish each a happy year and good luck. How happy we are. Best wishes! Yours, Liu Wei 1/ 1


如何用英语介绍传统节日 【写作任务】 假设你是李华,你的英国朋友John想了解中国的春节,请你给他写一封电子邮件介绍这一节日。 注意:1. 词数120左右(开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数);2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。 参考词汇:阴历的lunar 春联red couplets 鞭炮firecrackers 压岁钱gift money Dear John, __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ __________________________________ Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【写作指导】 一、审题定调 本写作要求介绍中国的春节,属于说明文。介绍节日时,要注意介绍该节日的特色活动或描述该节日的主要特征。人称常用第三人称,时态以一般现在时为主。 二、谋篇布局 本写作可分为三部分。 第一部分:引出正文; 第二部分:详细介绍春节的地位及春节前、春节期间人们的活动; 第三部分:表达愿望(希望John来中国感受春节文化)。 三、组织语言 第一部分:引出正文。 第二部分:介绍春节的地位,春节前、春节期间人们的活动。

普通范文 Dear John, I'm very glad to tell you something about Chinese Spring Festival. The Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it's the most important festival in China. Before the festival comes, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to pray for blessings and prepare various delicious foods. On New Year's Eve, family members get together to have a big meal and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And children are very happy to get some gift money from their parents, grandparents and so on. I hope you can come to celebrate this special festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 高级范文 Dear John, It's my pleasure to introduce you to Chinese Spring Festival. As the most significant Chinese traditional festival, the Spring Festival is the first day in Chinese lunar year and it marks the beginning of the New Year. With the festival approaching, all the families clean their houses, put red couplets on their doors to express sincere blessings and good wishes and prepare various delicacies. On New Year's Eve, people get together with their families to have a family reunion dinner and set off firecrackers. During the New Year, people say “Happy New Year” to each other. And what makes children very happy is getting some gift money from their parents and grandparents. I am expecting your coming to enjoy such a joyful festival next year if possible. Best wishes. Yours, Li Hua 【话题拓展】 Nowadays, many Chinese young people celebrate ... ... Festival, or ..., on the ... day of the ... lunar month, is a traditional festival full of love in China. The date of the festival is decided by the Chinese lunar calendar. ... was first celebrated in ... ... falls on ... The tradition dates / tracks back to ... The traditions originated in / from ... It is a custom which they thought would bring good luck. Chinese people have been celebrating this festival since ... It's the signal for the celebrations to begin. Everybody is part of the celebrations. Everybody has a good time. People forget their everyday problems and enjoy themselves eating and drinking.


关于节日的英语句子 导读:本文是关于关于节日的英语句子,如果觉得很不错,欢迎点评和分享! 1、中秋节也是东亚民间的一个传统节日,受中华文化的影响,中秋节也是日本、韩国等国的传统节日。 Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in East Asia. The Mid Autumn Festival is a traditional festival in Japan, South Korea and other countries. 2、元宵节也是我国的传统节日,我们通常在这一天早上吃汤圆,在家里挂上红红绿绿的灯笼,并猜灯谜。 The Lantern Festival is a traditional festival in our country, we usually in the morning to eat red lanterns hanging on the Glutinous Rice Balls, at home, and guess lantern riddles. 3、春节是我国的传统文化,它有着悠久的文化历史,到了这一天,人们要在一起吃饭、贴春联、贴倒福、放鞭炮,等活动。 The Spring Festival is China's traditional culture, it has a long history of culture, to this day, people will eat together, couplets paste down Fu, firecrackers, and other activities. 4、中秋节一直被人们喻为最具有人情味,最富有诗情画意的节日,而这一天天上的月亮又分外明亮,分外的圆,所以又叫团圆节。 The Mid Autumn Festival has been hailed as the most


关于中国传统节日的英语作文范文 【篇一】 The Spring Festival, Chinese New Year,is the most important festival for all of us. All family members get together on New Year'Eve to have a big meal.At the same time,everyone celebrates to each other.At about 12 o'clock,some parents and children light crackers.The whole sky is lighted brightly. We may watch the fireworks excitedly.How busy it is! On the first early moring of one year, many senior citizen get up early and they stick the reversed Fu or hang some couplets on the front door. Some house's windows are sticked on red paper cutlings. The Chinese New Year lasts fifteen days. So during the fifteen days, we always visit our relatives from door to door. At that time, children are the happiest because they can get many red packets form their parents,grandparents,uncles, aunts and so on. The last day of the Chinese New Year is another festival. It names the Lantern Festival. So the Chinese New Year comes to the end.


周:In China,there are so many delicious foods.Here we just talk about the four great traditions of Chinese cuisine.do you know where did they come from? 张: Iknow it. They came from Sichuan, Guangdong, jiangsu, shangdong provinces. 周: good. What is the most famous and favorite dish in Chongqing? 高: oh, it is Hot pot. Chongqing local people consider the hot pot a local specialty, which is noted for its peppery and hot taste.Hotpot can be found wherever there are street vendors or small restaurants, chongqing Hot pot has the greatest variety and is known for its delicious soup base and dipping sauce. do you likespicy?周: yes, I like spicy, and I like Sichuan cuisine.it is famous for its spicy and hot food. It's hotter than other food. it is based on a wide range of seasonings and varied, diverse cuisine, refreshing taste醇浓both to take advantage of that hot, 汪: yes. sichuan cuisine really very good.What is really special about Sichuan cuisine is the use of Chinese prickly ash seeds,the taste of which leaves a feeling of numbness on your tongue and mouth. 高: what’s your favourite dish? 汪:oh, I like spicy tofu. It is one of the most famous dishes from Sichuan cuisine. The dish features the trademark “hot”spiciness along with the charateristicially tongue-numbing nature of Sichuan’s flavourful food. 高:how about you,B? 周:I like gongbao chicken.The famous chicken-with-peanuts dish from Sichuan, now loved all over China. I think it is my favorite Chinese dish! Still, not easy to get those flavours right - it should be spicy, hot, numbing, garlicky , gingery and sweet, all at the same time! 王: oh ,sichuan cuisine is too spicy for me. I like a little light food. Zhejiang cuisine is light and exquisite, and is typical of food form along the lower Yangtze river. One famous dish is west lake vinegar fish, which looks pretty and has the delicate refreshing flavors of nature. 刘: I know another famous dish in zhengjiang cuisine. It is called dongpo meat. This dish of streaky pork is prepared over a slow fire where the big chunks of pork are braised with green onion, ginger, cooking wine, soy sauce, and suger. Thefinished dish is bright red in color and the meat is tender and juicy. 王, you are form Shandong province. Cloud you give us an introduction of Shandong cuisine?

中国的传统节日 Chinese Traditional Festivals_英语作文

中国的传统节日Chinese Traditional Festivals When the traditional festival comes, everybody is excited about it, because they will have holiday to relax. The meaning of these festivals is remembered by the old generation all the time, while some young people do not know. So when we enjoy the holiday, we need to know more about the traditional culture. 大家都会很兴奋得知有传统节日将要来临时,因为他们会有假期来放松自己。老一辈都记得这些节日的意义,然而有些年轻人却不知道。所以,当我们享受假期 My Holiday'>假日时,也需要更多的了解传统文化。 A foreign girl shot a video to ask Chinese young people something about Mid-autumn festival. To everybody’s surprise, a lot of them did not know the story about this big day. When I was very small, I have watched many TV series telling about the myth of Hou Yi and his wife. I learned many Chinese myths and legends from the shows. Though some people enjoy the festival, they should learn the culture. 一名外国女孩拍摄了一个视频,在视频中问中国年轻人一些关于中秋节的事情。让大家吃惊的是很多人都不知道这个大日子的故事。在我


传统节日中英文介绍。 1、腊八节 腊八节是指农历的腊月初八。在这天,中国人有喝腊八粥的习俗。一般腊八粥是甜味粥,里面有干果和干鲜果品,当然每家的腊八粥做法都不营养,在我们家的腊八粥里一般有红小豆,香米,核桃,花生,小米等等。 过了腊八节,各家就开始置办年货,打扫卫生,正式开始为春节的到来做准备了。 the laba Rice Porridge Festival “Laba Festival” falls on the eighth day of the twelfth month in lunar calendar. On that day, the majority Chinese have long followed the tradition of eating Laba rice porridge. Usually, the rice porridge tastes sweet, with nuts and dried fruit, but different families have different ingredients in the porridge. My family usually make porridge with small red beans,fragrant rice,walnut,peanut and millet. Laba Festival also marks the beginning of preparing for spring festival. Some families begin to do spring festival shopping and clean their houses after that day. 2、小年 小年又叫“祭灶节”,在农历的12月23或者24。在中国传统中,祭灶节这天,是掌管全家命运的神仙灶神将向玉皇大帝汇报这一家人一年的情况,玉皇大帝根据灶神汇报的情况决定在下一年对这一家的奖励或者惩罚。小年这天,是各家欢送灶王爷上天的日子。 老百姓在这一天做糖瓜,希望灶神可以吃了糖瓜,多为自己家美言几句,让来年更加吉祥幸福。 Kitchen God's Day Kitchen God’s Day falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year. According to tradition, Kitchen God who in charge of the fate of the whole family goes back to heaven during the spring festival to deliver what the family had done the last year to the Great God. According to Kitchen God’s words, the Great God makes decision to reward or punish the family in the next year. In other words, it is the day people honor the Kitchen God. People usually made sugared melons with malt sugar on that day. We hope Kitchen God will eat sugared melons and put a good word for our family to the Great God, so we’ll be lucky next year. 3、春节 对中国人来说,春节是最重要的节日。除夕这天,全家人要一起吃年夜饭。这是最好的一次家宴,不仅仅因为菜品丰富,更因为这是个全家人相聚的日子。 年夜饭后,我们会一起包饺子,通常会全家人一起看央视春晚。过年的时候,各家都放鞭炮,贴春联。还有一件事也很重要,那就是守岁,就是在旧年的最后一天夜里不睡觉,熬夜迎接新一年的到来的习俗。


传统节日英语作文优秀范文 导读:我根据大家的需要整理了一份关于《传统节日英语作文优秀范文》的内容,具体内容:我们国家有很多传统节日,你对于传统节日的了解有多深呢?可以用英语介绍一下,让外国的友人也了解一下我们的传统节日。下面是我为你整理的传统节日英语作文,希望对你有帮助!传统节日... 我们国家有很多传统节日,你对于传统节日的了解有多深呢?可以用英 语介绍一下,让外国的友人也了解一下我们的传统节日。下面是我为你整理的传统节日英语作文,希望对你有帮助! 传统节日英语作文篇1 Dragon Boat Festival is the traditional day in China, it is on the 5th day of the 5th lunar month. The common activity for different places are dragon boat competition and eating zongzi. In my hometown, there will be the dragon boat competition every year. A lot of teams join this activity and there are full of audiences stand on the river side, wathing and yelling for the teams. It is one fo the biggest matches in my hometown. What more, making zongzi is also the tradition. My mother makes the zongzi at this time every year, she told me that she learned it from my grandma and she would teach me in the future. 端午节是中国的传统节日,它在农历5月5日。不同地方的共同活动是

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