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大学体验英语视听说教程第二册答案 2[教材]

大学体验英语视听说教程第二册答案 2[教材]
大学体验英语视听说教程第二册答案 2[教材]

大学体验英语视听说教程第二册答案 2[教材] 大学体验英语视听说教程第二册答案 2


Unit 1


1. What is this interview mainly about?

It is about McDonald’s business lessons revealed by Paul.

2. What was McDonald’s recently voted for?

It was voted one of the best places to work.

3. Aside from being the author of the book, what else do you know about Paul from the interview?

He was a former McDonald’s Executive.

4. Why did Paul decide to write a book for other business people and clients?

He wanted to teach them business lessons because they lacked basic principles.

5. What question is Paul constantly asked?

"Tell me how you did it in McDonald's."

Home listening

International business is a term used to collectively describe all commercial transactions (private and governmental, sales, investments, logistics, and transportation) that take place between two or more nations. Usually, private companies 1) undertake such transactions for

profit; governments for profit and for political reasons. It refers to

all business activities which involve cross 2) border transactions of goods,

services and resources between two or more nations. Transaction of economic resources include capital, skills, people, etc. for

international production of physical goods, and services such as finance, banking, 3) insurance construction, etc.

The increase in international business and in foreign 4) investment has created a need for executives with knowledge of foreign languages

and skills in cross-cultural communication. Americans, however, have not been well trained in either area and, consequently, have not enjoyed the same level of success in 5) negotiation in an international arena as

their foreign counterparts. Negotiating is the process of communicating back and forth for the purpose of reaching an agreement. It involves persuasion and compromise, but in order to 6) participate in either one, the negotiators must understand the ways in which people are persuaded and how compromise is reached within the culture of the negotiation.

In studies of American negotiators abroad, several traits have been 7) identified that undermine the negotiator’s position, two of which,

in particular, are directness and 8) impatience. Furthermore, American negotiators often insist on realizing short-term goals. Foreign negotiators, on the other hand, may value the relationship established between negotiators and may be willing to invest time in it for long-

term benefits. 9) In order to solidify the relationship, they may choose

indirect interactions without regard for the time involved in getting to know the other negotiator.

Clearly, perceptions and differences in values affect the outcomes

of negotiations and the success of negotiators. 10) For Americans to play a more effective role in international

business negotiations, they must put forth more effort to improve cross-cultural understanding.



T 1.Sara Bongiorni lived a year without buying Chinese goods.

F 2.Sara refused to buy “Made in China” products for political reasons.(It’s nothing against China)

T 3.Sara didn’t replace the broken coffeemaker because all inexpensive ones came from China.

F 4.Sara spent 35 dollars on a non-China pair of shoes. ( A non-China pair cost them 65 bucks )

T 5.Normally Sara would not spend much money on sunglasses.


1. Why was CBS News invited to the factory?

To convince America that China is cleaning up its toy making act.

2. What can give consumers confidence?

Good quality.

3. How many times are supplies like paint checked?

Three times

4. How many toy manufactures were shut down?


5. Who else is to blame for the use of cheaper lead paint?

American companies

Home listening

Today’s leading Chinese brands must learn how to create and manage their brand value on a global scale. It is time for them to re-think their global brand 1) strategy, and follow the best practices of the world’s most powerful multi-national

brands. While we are still several years away from a Chinese brand appearing on Interbrand’s Best Global Brands, the lessons from the 2)annual ranking are clear — great brands know

their strengths and weaknesses and plot effective strategies to

3)_sustain and improve their value in the future. With the downturn of the global economy, the transformation of the “Made in China” label and the acceptance of Chinese brands

overseas can not be made 4) overnight. The first challenge is to improve the quality and safety of all Chinese products. The definition and enforcement of strict 5) standards and the active engagement in environmental protection is a social responsibility for any global player, and a pre-requisite for changing consumer 6) perceptions overseas.

The Chinese government can play a very special role in these difficult times. Leadership means taking short term actions to spur 7)

domestic demand and enhance the competitiveness of exports. But leadership also means creating a national agenda — like 8) innovation

in Japan, design in Korea or engineering in Germany — that serves as a guiding light for Chinese companies eager to make their brand mark on global markets. Now is the 9) _critical moment for Chinese government and business leaders to consider the next stage of growth. This transformation must not only take place in areas such as technology, quality control and international cooperation, but in brand creation and brand management. Asian companies like Toyota, Sony, Samsung and Hyundai 10) which have already traveled the globalization path know that brand value is the key to unlocking shareholder value.

Unit 3


T 1.A recent survey showed that average salaries in US companies have experienced the smallest increase this year in more than 30 years.

T 2.If the boss doesn’t agree to a negotiated future raise, set a date for your next discussion.

F 3.If the boss says that he can’t gi ve you money, ask for less work time.

F 4.When talking with your boss about the salary raise, emphasize how hard you have been working.

T 5.Showing your other offers to your boss would be a bad idea.


1. Does Lakshman Achuthan agree with the common definition of recession? Why?

No, because he thinks “recession” is really a sequence of events. He believes it is necessary to look at the sequence of indicators to define recession.

2. What are the consequences of falling wages?

People can’t buy t hat much and sales fall. /People spend less and sales fall.

3. How many people made jobless claims last week?


4. According to the reporter, what signs show that a recession is actually in process?

Inflation is going up at the fastest rate in 17 years, while wages are not keeping up; and last week 400,000 people made jobless claims.

5. What is Lakshman Achuthan’s opinion on the current economic


It is in a shallow recession and there are no signs/foundations of a recovery.

Home listening

Graduate unemployment has increased by 44% in 12 months and is now

at its 1) highest in 12 years, according to research released today.

Some 7.9% of students who left university in 2008 were out of work

in January, the Higher Education Careers Services Unit (HECSU) found, up from 5.5% the 2) previous year. HECSU warned the picture could be even

worse for those graduating this year. The last time levels of

3)joblessness were so high was in 1995–96.

The research found that 4) recruitment in the public sector bucked the downward graduate employment 5)_trend, with the number of graduates entering 6)_healthcare teaching and social work increasing.

But 7) architecture and building graduates were hit

particularly badly, 8)_reflecting the slump in the construction industry, with unemployment nearly tripling from 2.9% in 2007 to 8.5% for those who left in 2008. The proportion of civil engineering graduates without a job increased from 2.4% to 7%.

9) The proportion of graduates employed in business or financial work fell to 7.5%, compared with 8.7% the year before. And the number working as financial and investment advisers or mortgage consultants dropped 19%, with only 1,700 of the 220,065 graduates surveyed getting that kind of job, compared with 2,100 in 2007.

10)_Among those who revealed how much they earned, the average salary was_,19,677 — up 2% from 2007. But Scotland

saw a rise of 5.6%, to an average of ,19,953 — higher than

the ,19,561 reported in the south-east, traditionally the highest-paid region after London.

Unit 4


T 1.The smallest climate change can break the natural balance of the Great Barrier Reef.

F 2.Turtles may be extinct in 14 years. ( and the turtle population

is in decline. In 40 years there may be none left.)

F 3.A change of one or two degrees will not disturb the coral

reef’s normal life. ( A change of just one or two degrees can wipe it out)

F 4.Coral reefs can lower the temperature on hot days. ( If temperatures get too hot, coral responds by trying to change the weather.)

T 5.The process of bleaching will eventually lead to the death

of the coral.


1. Why is the crown-of-thorns starfish one of the reef’s

greatest enemies?

Because it can eat the coral alive.

2. How many children can crown-of-thorns starfish produce every year?

Six million

3. What allows the starfish population to explode?

Fertilizers from inland farms.

4. How can we effectively control the number of crown-of-thorns starfish?

Pick them off reef or inject them with poison.

5. Why has the population of crown-of-thorns starfish decreased in recent years?

Because the pollution levels have dropped.

Home listening

The study, from Stanford University in the United States, makes gloomy assessments about the future health of the world’s coral reefs. It finds that carbon dioxide 1)_emissions are making seawater so acidic that coral reefs could begin to disintegrate within a few 2)_decades._ The report states that even ambitious plans to stabilize greenhouse gas emissions, thought by many to be the main 3) cause of a warming climate, will not be enough to save the reefs. About a third of carbon emissions is soaked up by the world’s oceans, where it 4)_combines with seawater to form carbonic acid.

The research comes as the Queensland state government in Australia

5)_announces a new plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef from

6)_agricultural pollution. The iconic reef is being damaged by pesticides and sediment from farms that seep into waterways. The Queensland government is to spend an 7)_extra $30,000,00 to reduce this hazardous run-off. Farmers also will face tougher 8)_environmental regulations. Queensland Premier Anna Bligh says that man-made threats present serious challenges to the reef, which is a world heritage site.

Coral reefs are common in warm southern and equatorial oceans, and provide homes and feeding grounds for thousands of species, 9)_including fish that are important to the diets of millions of people in the developing world. In Asia, Indonesia and Papua New Guinea are among the many countries that rely on reefs to provide food and to draw in

tourists eager to explore the ocean.

Environmental groups welcome the Queensland plan to protect the Great Barrier Reef. 10)Farmers, however, argue that they have already taken significant steps to stop the spread of pollutants from their lands.

Unit 5


F 1.Bill Gates, founder of Microsoft, is now Co-Chair of the world largest education foundation. (is now Co-Chair of the world’s largest charitable foundation)

F 2.Bill Gates was born on Oct.26th, 1995. ( Bill Gates was born

Oct. 28th, 1955)

F 3.Bill Gates’ father was a lawyer and his mother a

politician.( His mother was very engaged in public matters) T 4.In his childhood Bill Gates was smarter than most children.

T 5.Card games at a young age helped Bill Gates develop a competitive spirit.


1. What career did Obama eventually decide to pursue?

A career as a community organizer.

2. What had troubled Obama for most of his life?

Racism and poverty.

3. Where did Obama move to work?

The city's (Chicago) South Side.

4. What did much of the struggle of people who had been left behind involve?


5. How did Obama pay his tuition in Harvard?

By taking out hefty student loans.

Home listening

A person’s motivation is combinat ion of desire and energy directed at achieving a goal. 1)influencing someone’s

motivation means getting him or her to want to do what you know must be done.

People can be motivated by beliefs, values, interests, fear, 2) worthy causes, and other such forces. Some of these forces are 3) internal, such as needs, interests, and beliefs. Others are external, such as danger, the environment, or 4) pressure from a loved one. There is no simple formula for motivation —

you must keep an open viewpoint on human nature. There is a

5)complex array of forces steering the direction of each person, and these forces cannot always be seen or studied. Also, if the same forces are steering two different people, each one will act differently. Knowing that different people react to different needs will 6) guide your decisions and actions in certain situations.

As a leader you have the power to influence motivation. You should allow the needs of your people to coincide with the needs of your organization. Nearly all people are influenced by the need for job

7)_security promotion, raises, and approval from their peers and leaders. Internal forces such as values, morals and ethics also influence them. Likewise, the organization needs good people in a wide variety of jobs. Ensure that your people are trained, 8)_encouraged, and provided the opportunity to grow. Ensure that the way you conduct business has the same values, morals and ethical principles that you seek in your people.

9)_If you conduct business in a dishonest manner, your people will be dishonest to you.

You should also reward good behavior. 10)_Although a certificate, letter or a thank you may seem small, they can be powerful motivators. The reward should be specific and prompt. Do not say, “for doing a good job.” Ci te the specific action that made you believe it was a good job. In addition, help your

people who are good. We all make mistakes or need help to achieve a particular goal.

Unit 6


F 1.Mr. and Mrs. Scarola feel very lucky since both of them have tickets. (She got a ticket. He did not.)

F 2.Many fans of Michael Jackson feel upset that they can’t enter

the Staples Center. (knowing

that I wasn’t going to get in, you know, just to be here for the atmosphere I love)

T 3.The number of police officers is larger than at the 1984 Los Angeles Olympics.

F 4.According to the police, the crowds outside the Staples Center are almost out of control.( The crowds have been respectful, they have been orderly, no issues with that …)

F 5.Faithful fans of Michael Jackson have raised funds to help organize the memorial service.


1. How many soccer fans went to Germany to support their team for the last World Cup?

Over 100,000

2. How long did British fans stay in Germany to support their team?

Three weeks.

3. What are the major concerns of England fans about going to South Africa?

High costs and security.

4. What does Neil Maclaurin say about British fans?

They are big followers of sports. /They are very passionate.

5. Why did British fans travel to South Africa in June 2009?

To support the Lions Rugby Team.

Home listening

We all know of cases where negative fan behavior has driven some athletes to perform at less than their best or perhaps even knock them completely out of a competition. “Athletes want to live up to a high

paying 1) contract as well as fan expectations. It is the same with Olympians who 2)strive to live up to expectations. Athletes may say they are immune to fans, but we know better. They are like teenagers who say they don’t care what their parents think,” said Daniel L.Wann, who heads the Association for Applied Sport Psychology (AASP) Special

Interest Group on Fandom.

According to Wann, there has been a good deal of research on fans

and their ability to pump up the home team or negatively 3) impact on

the visiting team. “Some athletes thrive under

this pressure and others don’t. This is where a sports psychology 4) consultant can help.” Wann has been studying the psychology of sports spectators since the mid 1980s, with a particular interest in fan identification (i.e., a fan’s psychological connection to a team), spectator 5) violence, and the actions of parents as spectators at youth sporting events.

A Professor of Psychology at Murray State, Wann works with athletes, teaching them how to 6) address fan behavior. He helps them develop

their mental abilities, while the coaches focus on their physical skills. “The key is for 7) athletes to learn to compartmentalize what they pay attention to, to be able to tune out the fans but not the coaches. They need to be 8) selective between valuable information (from coaches or teammates) versus noise (from fans).”

Just as athletes are involved in their sports for a variety of reasons, fans are motivated for different reasons. 9) It is important to

remember that fans are driven by a variety of motives. You can’t paint them with one brush stroke. Some are driven by the entertainment of the sports, some want to see a good contest. 10) Some are there for social reasons, while others are there to see beautiful plays.

Unit 7


T 1.For most Japanese retirement means the start of a second life.

F 2.Many senior citizens in Japan continue working mainly due to labor shortage. (contribute to the society)

F 3.People who work in government jobs usually retire at the age of

55.(in their late 50s)

F 4.Japan’s model can’t be applied to China due to different welfare systems. (can offer some suggestions to China )

T 5.Senior citizens in China are suggested to find a new life

after retirement.


1.What percentage of China’ population are over 65,

Over 8.3%

2. How does Mrs. Zhou benefit from her stay at Sijiqing?

Thanks to the therapy there,her leg problem has become better.

3. Why was it not easy for Mrs. Zhou to get into Sijiqing?

She had to wait for several years to get a spot because demand for a place there was so high.

4. How many senior citizens Beijing want to live in a nursing home?

Over 3oo,ooo

5. According to the video, what is the ratio of nursing home beds to the senior population in China?

1.6 to 100.

Home listening

Traditionally, retirement communities and nursing homes have been

the destination of senior citizens. But more and more older Americans

want to grow old in familiar 1) surroundings To them, the focus is on staying in their own homes and living

in a community with neighbors who have babies or school age children.

It is a 2) trend called aging-in-place. But, many people recognize,

to remain in their home as long as possible, they are going to need some help. So, they have joined a group called Capitol Hill Village.

This is a fee-based organization aimed 3) primarily at senior

citizens. Its executive director, Gail Kohn, organizes volunteers to

help members, and if they need 4) additional services, she manages a referra l list of reliable 5) contractors. “We have a vendor and that vendor is going to provide a service and then we 6) arrange with the vendor to call our member,” she explains.

Kohn coordinates volunteers and finds 7) reliable plumbers,

electricians and other repairmen for her senior citizen members. “We

aim at helping them do what needs to be done in order for them to live

as 8) comfortably as possible.”

Capitol Hill Village is one model of innovative programs designed to 9) allow senior citizens to remain in their homes and part of their communities. William Daroff of United Jewish Communities says, “10) Our older Americans can be seen as a great resource. If you look back at how we dealt with folks who were aging 20, 30 years ago, it wasn’t very creative, n ot very innovative. But today’s 70 year old is more like yesterday’s 50 year old.”



T1. You can find free safety software on the internet.

F2. Viruses rarely change into new forms. (not rarely)

T3. A stomach virus may make us lose a few pounds.

F4. We can install spyware to avoid some computer problems.

T5. A firewall can help us avoid some problems brought by the internet.


1. What do we need to do when signing up for online services?

Scan privacy policies.

2. What should we do after making sure an e--mail is fake?

Delete the message.

3. When did spam comprise more than 80% of all sent email according to Symantec?

In May 2008

4. What should we do after adding some highly rated anti-spam software?

Update it as often as possible.

5. Who can provide us with free spam filters?

Our e-mail or internet service provider.

Home listening

1) Traditional computer viruses were first widely seen in the late 1980s, and they come about because of several factors.

The first factor was the spread of personal computers (PCs). Prior

to the 1980s, home computers were nearly non-existent or they were toys. Real computers were rare, and they were locked away for use by 2) experts. During the 1980s, real computers started to spread to businesses and homes because of the 3) popularity of the IBM PC (released in 1982) and the Apple Macintosh (released in 1984). By the late 1980s, PCs were widespread in businesses, homes and college 4) campuses.

The second factor was the use of computer bulletin boards. People could dial up a bulletin board with a modem and download programs of all types. Games were extremely popular, and so were simple word 5) processor spreadsheets and other 6) productivity software. Bulletin boards led to the precursor of the virus known as the Trojan horse. A Trojan horse is a program with a cool-sounding name and 7) description, so it tricks people into downloading it. When you run the program, however, it does something “uncool” like erasing your disk. You think

you are getting a neat game, but it wipes out your system. Trojan horses only hit a small number of people because they are quickly discovered, the 8) infected programs are removed and word of the danger spreads among users.

The third factor that led to the creation of viruses was the floppy disk. In the1980s, programs were small, 9) and you could fit the entire operating system, a few programs and some documents onto a floppy disk or two. Many computers did not have hard disks, so when you turned on your machine it would load the operating system and everything else from the floppy disk. 10) Virus authors took advantage of this to create the first self-replicating programs.


Unit 1 Listening skills (1)David(2) Leigh(3)Vicky Klein(4) Laura Tish Hill(5)Anthony McDonald Listening in Task 1BDBCA Task 2 John 2,3,5 Lisa 1,4,6 Task 3 1. In order to gain admission to a study course. 2.To corner him. 3.He could answer either ten easy questions or one really difficult. 4.He was jolted / shocked. 5.Because the interviewer had promised that he would only ask one difficult question. Task 4 (1)attention(2)closing(3)five(4)checkouts (5)leave Let’s talk Further listening and speaking Task 1 1.new and different 2.on his own 3.a bit confused4.talk with 5. sleep in Task 2 FTTFT 第一单元Unit test Part I BDCDB

Part II (1)all right (2)better(3)meet(4)how’s(5)major(6)What about Part III DBCAC Part IV 1-5 AACBD6-10 DCADB11-15 CBDAD16-20 CBCBD Unit 2 Lead in task 1 baseball basketball kickboxing tennis tai chi jogging skiing swimming Listening skills DACBD Listening in Task 1 DBCDA Task 2 (1)strong and healthy (2) energy (3) sleep better(4)different (5)tastes and needs (6)careful Task 3 went golfing together. 2. He was giving him tips. 3. On Hole 8. 4. The ball bumped against the tree and landed near where it had started. 5. Because the tree was only three feet tall at that time. Task 4 Department 6. exercise opportunity Let’s talk Jack 2,4,5 Jim 1,3,6 Further listening and speaking Task 1 1. local clubs 2. weekly 3. popular 4. big three 5. fan base Task 2 FTTFT


Unit1 A 1任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)(be eligible to) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4.公园位于县城的正中央(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. B 1.他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了(in one’s heart) He knew in his heart that they would never meet again. 2.他们同意出版他的第一本书后,他终于感到自己快要成功了(on the road to) He finally felt that he was on the road to success after they agreed to publish his first book. 3.他停下来喝了一口(a sip of)水,然后继续讲话(resume) He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了(engage; so much that) The big project engages us so much that we can’t manage to take a holiday this year. 5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样(just as) Just as water is the most important of liquids, oxygen is the most important of gases. Unit2 A 1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格(fill out) The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2.我想在还车之前把油箱(fuel tank)加满(fill up) I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car. 3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序(follow the procedure) If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 4.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验(without) We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 5.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹(scan for) After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat B 1.没有身份证(ID card)我不能放任何人进来,但对你来说是例外(exception)(in one’s case) I’m not supposed to let anyone in without an ID card, but I’ll make an exception in your case. 2.他已经从失败中汲取教训,不会犯同样的错误(learn a lesson from) He has learned his lesson from the failure and won’t repeat the mistake. 3.我对你的能力很有信心,相信你一定能成功(have faith in) I have great faith in your ability — I’m sure you’ll succeed. 4.即使下着雨,我们还是继续比赛(even though) Even though it was raining, we still went on with our match. 5.我醒过来时,发现自己躺在医院的床上(find oneself doing) I woke up to find myself lying on a hospital bed. Unit3 A 1.我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗(consumption) We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road. 2.电费上涨增加了我们的负担(add to) The rise in power costs has added to our burden. 3.你应该自己判断行事,别总是跟在你哥哥的后面(follow the lead) You should judge by yourself, and not always follow your brother’s lead. 4.那种发型今年很流行,但是我想明年就会过时(in fashion) That hairstyle is in fashion this year, but I am afraid it will be out of fashion next year. 5.在追求真理的过程中,我们注定(fate to)要遭受失败的痛苦(in one’s quest for) We are fated to suffer from many failures in our quest for truth. B 1.我发现量入为出地过日子越来越难了(increasingly) I find it increasingly difficult to live within my income. 2.现代政治家们都试图以电视讲话来影响普通百姓(reach out) Modern politicians try to reach out to ordinary people in their TV speeches. 3.应该帮助学生对人生采取积极的态度(adopt) Pupils should be helped to adopt a positive attitude to life. 4.希望全班同学参加这些讨论(participate in) Everyone in the class is expected to participate in these discussions. 5.如果你犯了罪就必须受到惩罚(crime) If you commit a crime you must expect to be punished. Unit4


Unit 4 Calamities and Rescues Listen and Talk Directions: Listen to the following paragraphs and decide which picture is described in detail.The photos are all related to Calamities and Rescues. Describe them to your classmates with the help of the following question. 1.What are natural calamities or disasters? Give examples. 2.What are technological calamities? Give examples ? 3.What basic skills do you need to become a first-aid worker? Read and Explore Read and Explore Passage A D e a t h o f a D r e a m ▲Lead-in Questions 1. Do you often travel by air? Do you enjoy it? Explain. 2. It is said that traveling by air is safer than any other form of transportation. Do you agree? 3. How do you feel when you hear of, or read about, an air disaster? Related Information 1N e w Y o r k C i t y New York city is the largest city in the United States, the home of the United Nations, and the center of global finance, communications, and business. Unlike most American cities, which make up only a part of a particular county, New York is made up of five separate counties, which are called boroughs. They are Manhattan, Queens, Brooklyn, the Bronx and Staten. New York City is unusual among cities because of its high residential density, its extraordinarily diverse population, its hundreds of tall office and apartment buildings, its thriving central business district, its extensive public transportation system, and its more than 400 distinct neighborhoods. 2 F i g u r e S k a t i n g The major types of competitive figure skating are individual men’s and women’s competitions, pairs skating, ice dancing, and precision skating. In individual competitions a single skater performs required elements and is judged on how cleanly and artistically the motions are executed. Pairs skating consists of two skaters performing together. In ice dancing partners carry out the artistic motions of dance on skates. Precision skating, which is a highly structured activity, consists of a team of skaters who perform choreographed maneuvers. 3 B r u s s e l s Brussels is a city in central Belgium, capital and largest city of the country. Bilingual Brussels became one of Belgium's three federal regions in 1993, along with Dutch-speaking Flanders and French-speaking Wallonia. The city is located on the Senne River, and boasts tree-shaded boulevards, splendid parks, imposing monuments, and beautiful buildings. Centrally situated in northern


大学体验英语综合教程2课后翻译 UNIT1 1A P15 4. 1.elected, 2.minimum, 3.distinct, 4.responsibility, 5.pursue, 6.exploit, 7.restrict, 8.equip, 9.granted, 10.awarded 5. 1.at large, 2.on the basis of, 3.in support of, 4.apply for, 5.is aiming at 1任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票(vote)。(be eligible to) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2.每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to each student before the start of each semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4.公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5.这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1B p21 13. 1.challenge, 2.had transformed, 3.engage, 4.occurred, 5.urged, 6.cancel, 7.prejudice, 8.foundation, 9.beliefs, 10.constructive 14. 1.rests with, 2.in recognition of, 3.in fact, 4.provides for, 5.keep...up 1. 他内心深处知道,他们永远也不会再见了。(in one’s heart) He knew in his heart that they would never meet again. 2.他们同意出版他的第一本书后,他终于感到自己快要成功了。(on the road to) He finally felt that he was on the road to success after they agreed to publish his first book. 3.他停下来喝了一口(a sip of)水,然后继续讲话。(resume) He stopped to take a sip of water and then resumed speaking. 4.这个大项目使我们忙得今年都无法安排一次度假了。(engage; so much that) The big project engages us so much that we can’t manage to take a holiday this year. 5.氧气(oxygen)是气体中最重要的一种,正如水是液体中最重要的一种一样。(just as) Just as water is the most important of liquids, oxygen is the most important of gases. UNIT2 2A p37 4. 1.version, 2.publications, 3.click, 4.spotted, 5.refugees, 6.entries, 7.financial, 8.full-time, 9.detailed, 10.annual 5. 1.set up, 2.came across, 3.referred...to , 4.check out, 5.learnt of / learned of 1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident.


新视野大学英语视听说教程1答案Unit1 II. Listening Skills Listening for Names 1.David 2.Leigh 3.Vicky Klein https://www.doczj.com/doc/2211429245.html,ura Tish Hill 5. Anthony McDonald III. Listening In 1.B 2.D 3.B 4.C 5.A Task 1: Enrolling Task 2: Living on Campus 1. She thinks it’s easy to make friends. 2. It’s convenient to use the library, the labs, the sports center and many other facilities. 3. It’s near the shopping center. 4. They would have to get up so early to get to classes on time. And then it would take a lot of time to get home. 5. It seems all the same every day. Task 3: Learning to speak English 1.formal 2.formally 3.casual https://www.doczj.com/doc/2211429245.html,mon 5.native 6.relaxed 7.friendly Task 4: An Announcement 1.attention 2.closing 3.five 4.checkouts 5.leave V. Let’s Talk Speaker Major Future Job Plan Tuition Source Michael Travel and tourism To work for a travel agency Working his way through school Jane Computer science


Unit2 第4题: 1. I'm absolutely sure that this dress is a cheaper version of the one we saw in that department store. 2. The bookshelves were crowded with books and scientific publications . 3. If you want to open a file, click twice on the icon(图标)for it. 4. To their disappointment, the thieves were spotted by the police at the moment they were entering the bank. 5. During World War II, many refugees fled to the United States. 6. They've updated(更新) a lot of entries in the most recent edition of the dictionary. 7. Despite financial difficulties,they did not find the life in London unpleasant. 8. After a lot of part-time jobs, John finally got a full-time position. 9. In your report, you should give a detailed description of the whole incident. 10. Companies publish annual reports to inform the public about the previous year's activities. 第5题: 1. At the age of 29, he set up a commercial property business. 2. While she was tidying up the living room, she came across her old photograph album. 3. My doctor referred me to a specialist in heart disease. 4. He hired private investigators to check out his future business partner. 5. She only learned of her son's marriage long after the event. 第7题 1. 警察们正忙着填写关于这场事故的各种表格。(fill out) The policemen are busy filling out forms about the accident. 2.我想在还车之前把油箱(fuel tank)加满。(fill up) I want to fill up the fuel tank before returning the car. 3.如果你要投诉,最好遵循正确的程序。(follow the procedure) If you want to make a complaint, you’d better follow the correct procedure. 4.要不是约翰帮忙,我们绝不会这么快就完成实验。(without) We couldn’t have finished the experiment so soon without John’s help. 5.暴风雨之后,岸边的人们焦急地搜索湖面以期发现小船的踪迹。(scan for) After the storm, the people on the shore anxiously scanned the lake for any sign of the boat 那时他刚刚被提升为公司副总裁不久,所以他并没有期待六个月内还会有升职。 第8题: 1. He had just been promoted to director of marketing for a company that produces tradeshow exhibits and wasn’t looking for a job. Simulated Reproduction He had just been promoted to Governor and wasn’t planning a visit to the elementary school he graduated from.

大学体验英语综合教程2 第三版 U5 Passage A 课后答案及课文翻译

Unit 5

Reference Translation Unit 5 PA 奉告学子:教育是关键 比尔·盖茨 每年都有数以百计的学生给我发电子邮件,要我就接受教育给他们提建议。他们想知道该学些什么,或者可不可以从大学辍学,因为我就没有读完大学。 也有不少家长给我写信,为子女寻求指导。他们问:“我们怎样才能把孩子引向成功之路?” 我的基本忠告很简单,而且是发自内心的:全力获得最佳教育,充分利用高中和大学,学会如何学习。 不错,为创建微软,我未完成大学学业,不过辍学之前我已经在哈佛呆了三年,而且我

真心希望有一天能重返校园。以前我也说过,谁也不应该辍学,除非他坚信自己正面临着一个一生仅有一次的机会,但就算在那个时候也还是应该深思熟虑。 在俄亥俄州教六年级的老师凯西·克里德兰写道,“我的好几个学生声称你根本没有读完高中。因为你成功了,我的学生就觉得他们也可以不必要接受良好的教育。” 我高中毕业了的! 计算机行业中确实有很多人没有读完大学,但是我从来没有见过有谁高中没读完就成功创业的。确切地说,我认识的人当中根本没有高中辍学的,更没有高中辍学后事业成功的。 我的公司创立早期,有一个相当出色的兼职程序员,声称要从高中辍学来做全职。我们叫他不要这么做。 我们公司里确实有好些人没有读完大学,但我们不希望人们辍学。谁要想在我们公司谋职,有毕业证书肯定会优先考虑。 不一定只有在大学才能获取信息,在图书馆也可以学习。但人家递给你一本书并不能自动地让你学到东西。你需要向别人学习,提问题,将设想付诸实施,设法验证自己的能力。这一切,往往不是读一两本书就可以做得到的。 接受的教育应该是广泛的,虽然对某些领域情有独钟也不失为一件好事。 读高中时,我有一段时间醉心于软件编写,但大部分时间里,我的学习兴趣相当广泛。我父母鼓励我这么做,对此我感激不尽。 大学期间,我修了很多不同的课程,但我从头至尾只选修了一门计算机课。我读书涉猎很广。 有位家长写信说,她15岁的儿子“钻进计算机无底洞里了”。他的网站设计课得了“A”,但别的科目分数都在下降,她写道。 这个孩子犯了一个错误。高中和大学给你提供了最佳机会,你可以广泛学习——数学,历史,各种学科——有机会跟着别的孩子一起做项目,亲身感受到群体的动力。你对计算机、舞蹈、语言或其他任何的科目有深入的兴趣也无可厚非,但太偏执而舍弃学习广度就不是一件好事了。 如果高中阶段兴趣过于集中,你会面临两个问题。第一个就是进了大学以后你很可能没法改变。另一个问题就是如果分数不够高,你就很难考入大学,而无法向那些积极性很高,很有才能的学生一起学习,他们可以真正帮助你了解这个世界。 大学期间可以适当考虑专业的问题。深入掌握自己感兴趣的领域的专业知识,能够引导你走向成功,除非这个专业没有发展前途,或者你并不很擅长这个方面。读研究生是获取专业知识的一个途径,虽然从纯经济角度来看,大学毕业后再接受教育不一定算是明智的投资。 4. 1. was sinking 2. specialty 3. purely 4. discourage 5. unlikely 6. dynamics 7. actually 8. reasonably 9. have perceived 10. extended 5. 1.took a deep interest in 2. fell into 3. sign up


全新版大学英语视听说教程1 学生用书答案 知乎(答主纯手工打字,有错误请小可爱们多包涵,有错误欢迎指出) U1 Listening A: 1、Answers will vary. (e.g. He is picking an asparagus plant; he is a farmer.) 2、Answers will vary. (e.g. Some people have too much rain; other people do not have enough water. 3、Answers will vary. C: 1、crucial 2、resources 3、huge 4、on average 5、conserve 6、requires 7、cut 8、leak 9、wastes 10、statistics D: 1、C 2、BC 3、B E: 1、70 2 2、7.5 billion 3、9 billion 4、1,799 5、3,000 13 F: 1、water brush your teeth 2、shorter showers 3、meat 4、leaky faucets Extended Listening Exercise A: 1、C 2、B 3、D 4、C Exercise B: S2: 6、20、25、80 S3:put off、dripping、leaky、leave、brushing your teeth、shorter showers、laundry Exercise C: 1、C 2、B 3、B 4、A 5、A Exercise D: wasteful a、leave the lights on b、drink half of it c、go bad Exercise E: 3 2 1 4 Exercise F: 1、D 2、B 3、A Exercise G: 1、36 2、140,000 3、15.4 3 17 Exercise H: 1、B 2、A 3、B 4、C Exercise I: 1、agreement world greenhouse emissions 2、February 2005 3、air conditioning jackets and


Unit 5 Ways to Success I. Objectives: After learning this unit, students are expected to make progress in the following five aspects. 1.Culture: After learning the passages, students can learn some quotes from famous people 2.Listening and speaking: Students first listen and then learn to talk about famous people. 3.Reading: Students should master some important new words and expressions listed from P184-186. Learn the reading skill “identifying passage organization”. 4.Translation: Students learn to translate some relative and appositive clauses. 5.Writing: Students are expected to grasp the relative and appositive clauses, and learn to write greeting cards for achievements II. Some words of wisdom from some famous people: 1. If A is success in life, then A equals X plus Y plus Z. Work is X; Y is play; and Z is keeping your mouth shut. --- Albert Einstein 2. Genius is one percent inspiration (灵感) and 99 percent perspiration (汗水). ---Thomas Edison 3. Man is not made for defeat. A man can be destroyed but not defeated. ---Ernest Hemingway 1.Always bear in mind that your own resolution to success is more important than any other thing. ---Abraham Lincoln 5. Success is a lousy (糟糕的) teacher. It seduces (诱使) smart people into thinking they can?t lose. ---Bill Gates III. Talk About: what factors do you think will contribute to success? interest hard work self-confidence talent love for your career team spirit / cooperation with your fellow workers good education … Passage A My Advice to Students: Education Counts I. Warm-up question: Who is Bill Gates? What do you know about him? ﹡chairman of Microsoft Corporation ﹡founded Microsoft with his childhood friends Paul Allen in 1975 ﹡born in 1955 ﹡attended Harvard in 1975 ﹡dropped out of Harvard in 1977 II. Related Information 1. Bill Gates Gates, William Henry, III (1955- ) is an American business executive, who serves as chairman and chief software architect of Microsoft Corporation, the leading computer software company in the United States. Gates cofounded Microsoft in 1975 with high school friend Paul Allen. The company?s success made Gates one of the most influential figu res in the computer industry and, eventually, one of the richest people in the world.


大学体验英语2级答案(全) 2011-11-30 22:00 Level 2 Unit201 1 Lin Fei: Good morning, Mr Wang. I plan to apply for a student visa to the U.K. Could you tell me how I should prepare for this? Wang: Yes. First get 2 Application Forms and have one filled in English and the other in Chinese. Lin Fei: But where can I get the Form? Wang: It can be downloaded from the Embassy's website and it's also available from most branches of the CITIC Industrial Bank, free of charge. Lin Fei: What else do I need to prepare? Wang: Quite a lot! Two passport photos, your passport, the Notice of Admission, your diploma; transcripts of your courses and grades, and the results of your IELTS test, etc. Lin Fei: Thank you very much for all this info... Wang: Any time! 2 Secretary: The U.K. Embassy-Beijing's Nonimmigrant Visa Unit. Can I help you? Lin Fei: Yes, Madam. I'd like to make an interview appointment with the visa officer, please. Secretary: Have you filled the Application Forms and got the documents ready as required? Lin Fei: Yes. Secretary: Your name, please? Lin Fei: My name is Lin Fei. Secretary: Thank you. Your appointment date is July 6, 15:00 and your number is 44. Lin Fei: July 6, 15:00, No.44. Thank you... 3 Lin Fei: By the way, how much is the application fee, please? Secretary: It's RMB830. Lin Fei: Is it refundable? Secretary: No. Lin Fei: Is there anything I am not supposed to bring to my appointment? Secretary: For security reasons, you should not bring any cellular phone,


Unit3 1.我们需要通过减少道路上的车辆以降低燃料消耗。(consumption) We need to cut down on our fuel consumption by having fewer cars on the road. 2.电费上涨增加了我们的负担。(add to) The rise in power costs has added to our burden. 3. 你应该自己判断行事,别总是跟在你哥哥的后面。(follow the lead) You should judge b y yourself, and not always follow your brother’s lead. 4.那种发型今年很流行,但是我想明年就会过时。(in fashion) That hairstyle is in fashion this year, but I am afraid it will be out of fashion next year. 5.在追求真理的过程中,我们注定(fate to)要遭受失败的痛苦。(in one’s quest for) We are fated to suffer from many failures in our quest for truth Unit4 1.她在公共汽车站一直等到末班车进站。(come in) She waited at the bus stop until the last bus came in. 2.如果我们能帮得上忙,尽管和我们联系。(contact) If there is any way we can be of assistance, please do not hesitate to contact us. 3. 他需要多少船务人员才能使他的游艇(yacht)航行?(crew) How many crew does he need to sail his yacht? 4.虽然她的新书没有上一本好,但是我还是喜欢它。(not quite as) I enjoyed her new book though it’s not quite as good as her last one. 5.我从未遇到过如此善良的人。(never before) Never before have I met such a kind person. Unit5 1. 我们得把感情放在一边,从专业的(professional)角度来对待这件事。(from a...standpoint) We have to put aside our emotions and take it from a professional standpoint. 2.这部戏非常精彩,我很快就沉浸于激动人心的剧情之中。(lose oneself in) The play was so wonderful that I soon lost myself in the excitement of it. 3. 她没有什么爱好——除非你把看电视也算是一种爱好。(unless) She hasn’t got any hobbies — unless you call watching TV a hobby. 4.他说他是直接从市长本人那里得到这个信息的。(first-hand) He said that he had got the information first-hand from the Mayor himself. 5.既然你不能回答这个问题,我们最好问问别人。(since) Since you can’t answer the question, perhaps we’d better ask someone else. Unit6 1.那件工作很难做,不过我想试试看。(have a shot) It’s a difficult job, but I’d like to have a shot. 2.这是一本关于商务实践而非理论的书。(as opposed to) This is a book about business practice as opposed to theory. 3. 社会活动从未耽误她的学习。(in the way) Social activities never get in the way of her studies.

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