当前位置:文档之家› 重庆一中初2016级初二下期末英语试卷




(全卷共十个大题 满分:150分 考试时间:120分钟)

第I 卷(共90分)

I .听力测试。(共30分)

第一节,情景反应(每小题 1.5分,共9分)

根据你所听到的句子,从 A 、B 、 C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语。 听一遍。

1. A. It is difficult.

B. Yes, of course.

C. I can ' t agree with you. 2. A. That ' s all right. B. It is OK.

C. Thank you. 3. A. My pleasure. B. I ' m sorry to hear that. C. No problem.

4. A. Since two years ago. B. Only on ce.

C. Every year.

5. A. I am wash ing clothes.

B. I was talk ing on the phone.

C. I help mom clea n the house.

6. A. Yes, it is.

B. That ' s amazing.

C. Yes, it has.

第二节,对话理解(每小题 1.5 分


根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A 、B 、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听一遍。

7. A. To the park. B. Home.

C. To the bookshop. 8. A. About 10 meters.

B. About 20 kilometers.

C. About 10 kilometers.

9. A. Because he has someth ing else to wear. B. Because he has a PE class.

C. Because he has a bad cold.

听第一段材料,回答第 13和14小题。

13. How many kinds of sports are men ti oned by Paul?

A. Three.

B. Two.

C. One. 14. How ofte n does Judy do exercise? A. Always.

B. Five times a week.

C. Hardly ever.

听第二段材料,回答第 15和16小题。 15. Why does the woma n call the man?

A. She can't find her daughter.

B. Her daughter did n't go to school.

C. She wants to ask her daughter to call the police. 16. What does Sally look like?

A. She is 1 meter tall.

B. She is 1.8 meters tall.

C. She is 1.5 meters tall. 第四节,短文填空(每小题 1.5分,共6分)


A 、

B 、

C 三个选项中选出正确答案。听两遍。

17. Jim went to New York _______________ .

10. A. He played soccer last ni ght.

B. He did n ' t have eno ugh sleep last ni ght.

C. He had a health problem. 11. A. Yes, he has.

12. A. Sun day. 第三节,长对话理解(每小题

根据你所听到的对话,从 A 、 B. I don ' t know.

C. Not yet. C. Mon day.

B. Wed nesday. 1.5 分,共 6 分)

B 、

C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答案。听两

A. by subway

B. by air

C. by train

18. Jim couldn ' t sleep because __________________ .

A. it ' s t o isn

B. he was excited

C. he was hungry

19. The girl on the pla ne ____________ when givi ng a cake to him.

A. smiled

B. was angry

C. laughed

20. Jim paid the girl __________ for the food.

A. no thi ng

B. one dollar

C. two dollars

n .单项选择。(每小题1分,共20分)


21. Tracy is __________ un dersta nding girl. We all like her very much.

A. a

B. an

C. the

D. /

22. Thank you very much for reminding me ______ my En glish test next week. I have to prepare for it right now.

A. to

B. for

C. of

D. at

23. The hard-work ing _________ those who work a lot on study.

A. are

B. was

C. is

D. were

24. Lucy __________ Tom si nee last year. And they have had a good life so far.

A. got married with

B. married to

C. has bee n married to

D. has bee n married with

25. I know people in Austria speak ________ . So they don ' t have anyctrioiubljBiicating with ____________ .

A. Germa ny. Germa ns

B. Germa n. Germa n

C. Germa ns. Germa ns

D. Germa n. Germa ns

26. ---I thi nk Moun ta in Emei is more beautiful tha n ________ m ou ntai n in China.

---Really? I want to go there the n.

A. the other

B. other

C. any other

D. any

27. As the world ' s population ________ becoming ______ , we have to do something to change the situation.

A. is, bigger and bigger

B. are, bigger and bigger

C. are, more and more

D. is, more and more

28. When you ______ the top of the mountain, you will feel any problem you have is just nothing at all.

A. reach

B. arrive

C. get

D. get close

29. ---Look at the box ___________ apples. Who does it ____________ ?

---1 thi nk it is Vivia n 's.

A. is full of, belo ng

B. full of, belo ng

C. is full of, belo ng to

D. full of, belo ng to

30. --- ________ do you want to go with for your vacati on in China?

---1 also want to go with my gran dpa.

A. Where else

B. Which else

C. What else

D. Who else

31. ---Where do you want to go this summer ?

---Oh, that ' s a good question. I really want to go ____________ .

A. peaceful somewhere

B. somewhere peaceful

C. to peaceful somewhere

D. to somewhere peaceful

32. Sam _________ a n ewspaper whe n the bus stopped rapidly.

A. read

B. is read ing

C. has read

D. was readi ng

33. Tom didn ' t have the meeting. ____________ , he went camping in the mountbynhimself.

A. I nstead of

B. Although

C. I nstead

D. Un less

34. He with his girlfrie nd _______ Thaila nd many times. They know a lot about this coun try.

A. has gone to

B. has bee n to

C. have bee n in

D. have bee n to

35. The story ___________ scary, but it is true.

A. maybe

B. may be

C. may be is

D. may

36. Of all the movies today, I thi nk Jurassic World is _________ .

A. excit ing

B. most excit ing

C. the most excit ing

D. the most excited

37. Mom, I am tak ing a shower. Could you help me ________ the teleph one?

A. put up

B. check out

C. give away

D. pick up

38. --- ______ you _________ a new watch yet? The old one is broke n.

---Yes, I _________ one in the New Cen tury Departme nt last week.

A. Have, bought; have bought

B. Did, buy; bought

C. Have, bought; bought

D. Did, buy; have bought

39. ---I have n ever heard of the man before.

--- ___________ . Let ' s serfrtternet to search _________ his information.

A. So have I, for

B. So I have, at

C. Neither I have, for

D. Neither have I, for

40. I won der if Linda _______ to her mother. If she _________ , I will le nd my pen to her.

A. writes, will do

B. will write, does

C. writes, does

D. will write, will do

川.完形填空。(每小题1分,共10 分)



Have you heard of palm(手相)reading? It is to study the _______ 41 ___ on the hand and tell a

person 'fuiure life.

To study a person ' s personalities and future, a palm reader looks 42 ______ at the three main

lines on the active hand (the one a person writes with). The reader usually looks first at a person

s Life Line. This

lines begi ns un der the in dex fin ger (食指),and goes dow n _____ 43 ______ the wrist (手腕).This line tells

__ 44 ____ a pers on lives his or her life. A pers on ___ 45 ___ a deep Life Li ne is brave and full of en ergy. If a person has a faint (模糊的)line, he or she is a thinker.

The __ 46 ___ line is the Heart Lin e. It runs across the han d, just below the fin gers. This line tell s one ' s feeli ngs.

A person with a deep Heart Line is peaceful. Family is important to this person. Those with a faint line do not like to be alone. They n eed friends all the time. They usually like to _______________ 47 ____ others.

The Head Line, the third on e, is below the Heart Lin e, it tells how a pers on thin ks. A pers on with a long Head

Li ne ____ 48 _____ things very carefully. Those with short Head Li ne are good at ___ 49 ____ decisi ons rapidly.

A pers on with a deep Head Line is clever and talkative. Those with a faint Head Line are often very creative.

Palm readers believe that these lines and marks on the hand can tell us someth ing about our pers on alities. Do you agree? Try the test on ____ 50 _____

41. A. heart B. fin gers C. li nes D. life

42. A. quickly B. carefully C. actually D. fast

43. A. over B. along C. towards D. around

44. A. how B. where C. whe n D. what

45. A. about B. has C. with D. have

46. A. last B. same C.second D. final

47. A. fight over B. take after C. make friends with D. argue with

48. A. talks about B. comes up with C. thinks about D. con siders about

49. A. doing B. tak ing C. bringing D. maki ng

50. A. itself B. ourselves C. yourself D. myself

IV .阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)



Special Offers

51. A book is 40 yua n at Xin hua Bookstore. How much should you pay if you show this ticket to buy it?

A. 40 yua n.

B. 44 yua n.

C. 36 yua n.

D. 28 yua n.

52. What can Tom get for free after he has spent 7 yuan at Mike ' s Cafe?

A. A soft drink.

B. The best hamburgers.

C. The best sn acks.

D. A delicious meal.

53. How long can you park your car for free at most after spe nding 118 yua n in RT-Mart?

A. 1 hour.

B. 5 hours.

C. 6 hours.

D. 7 hours.


YOU might go to a museum to look at old cars or something about an ancient civilization (文明).Would you like to see ice cream?

Believe it or not, there is a museum of ice cream in Iowa in the United States. Visitors can see a video that tells all about the history of the delicious sn ack.

It seems that ice cream goes back to about 2000 years ago , whe n the Chin ese mixed together ice, milk and sugar.

Spending an after noon look ing at how to make ice cream can make you a little hun gry. No problem, the museum has its own ice cream store, where you can taste some of them.

In Edin burgh, Scotla nd, there is a museum of childhood. The museum shows objects about the lives of childre n in Scotla nd, past and prese nt. You can expect toys, dolls, teddy bears and train sets. But there are also videos which tell you what it was like to be a kid in Scotia nd in old times.

You can hear children reading their multiplication tables (乘法表):"Seven sevens are 49, eight sevens are 56." You can also watch docume ntary movies of the games kids played in Edi nburgh in the 1950s, look at the clothes they wore and get to know what their schools were like.

It will be won derful to visit the Childre n's Discovery Museum in Ban gkok (曼谷),Thaila nd. The museum has parts of n ature, environment, tech no logy and kids' activities. In this museum, you get to take part in the kids ' activities. You can dress up to be a firema n in a fire truck. It is in teresti ng.

54. The museum of ice cream is in _____________ .

A. Scotla nd

B. Ban gkok

C. America

D. China

55. We can 'tk now about ______________ i n the museum of childhood.

A. the games kids played

B. the clothes kids wore

C. the food kids ate

D. the schools kids studied in

56. It is in teresti ng that _____________ in the Childre n's Discovery Museum.

A. you can taste the ice cream

B. you can become a kid in old times

C. you can be a firema n in a fire truck

D. you can wear old clothes

57. Which of the following is NOT right?

A. Chin ese people inven ted ice cream first about 2000 years ago.

B. The Childre n's Discovery Museum in Thaila nd is about childhood.

C. You can learn about the children ' s lives in the old times from the museum in Edinburgh.

D. There is an ice cream store in the ice cream museum where you can taste one.


There was once a violi nist who said he was n ot afraid of ani mals that are dan gerous. He said in a proud way,

“ Even a bear would be as quiet as the friendliest cat when hearing my music. ” But he had never play believed him.

A chanee to show his words arrived just when a circus (马戏团)came to the town. The musician came to the ringmaster (领班)and told what he could do.

“ Wow, that ' s interesting. ” The ringmaster said. “ We just have three new lions and they haven

lion tamer (驯兽师)yet. Let ' w Iseteyou can do with them. ” The violinist agreed and the whole town crowded

the hall to see what would happe n.

The violi nist was sta nding quietly in the cen ter of the ring with a smile. Then the rin gmaster ope ned the door of the cage (笼子)and jumped out angrily a huge lion, shouting and showing his teeth. Everyone was too nervous to breathe.

Still with the smile , the violi nist bega n to play. The beautiful music rose , the n the lio n sat dow n and bega n to enjoy the music. Every one lost themselves in the music. The lio n did, too. For the sec ond lio n, ___________________ .

The n it ' s the third lion ' s tur n to appear and every one there was wait ing for the lion to be quiet just like the other two . But the lion ran up to the man and ate him.

All the people were surprised. The other two lions asked angrily, “What have you done ! We were enjoying the music! ” The third lion put his paw爪子)to its ear and said, “ Sorry, I can ' t hear you. I have been deaf for 5 years.

58. The violi nist said that he _______ .

A. was very frien dly to the ani mals

B. could train wild an imals in tow n

C. could make dan gerous ani mals quiet

D. was not good at play ing the violi n at all

59. The people felt so _______ t hat they couldn ' t breathe when seeing the first lion.

A. angry

B. scared

C. n ervous

D. bored

60. Which of the following is the missing sentence in Paragraph 5?

A. the lion came out and ate the violinist

B. the same story happe ned aga in

C. the people felt bored and left

D. the lion ran to the people

61. Why did the third lio n run to the man and eat him?

A. Because he hated the violi nist.

B. Because he didn ' t think the music was beautiful.

C. Because he couldn ' t hear the music at all.

D. Because he was very hun gry.


Get a Life is a website that helps middle school stude nts an swer the questi on —What do you want to be whe n you grow up?

"It encourages teenagers to have a big dream; it tries to find out what is possible; it makes a plan for children

to get where they want to go," said Combs, one of the pers ons who set up the website.

Get a Life suggests tee nagers let their hobbies and in terests decide what to do in the future. It en courages them to look for activities that help them try to do some jobs and get important knowledge and skills. It also offers in formati on about fast-grow ing and well-paid jobs, and provides job training for tee nagers.

"Middle school is the perfect time for students to find out their interests, to have many different experiences and do something for their future jobs," a middle school teacher said. "Our world will become a better place if we make our horizon s wide and try new things. Our students can ' t wait until high school or university to begin building their dreams. Right now is the right time to get a life."

"This website is exactly what these children need for a better future. If our children can make better plans for their future, it is more possible for them to succeed," Combs said.

62. The un derl ined word "horiz ons" most probably means ______ .





63. Accord ing to the passage, the website is _____________ for childre n.

A. bori ng

B. helpful

C. colorful

D. serious

64. Which of the following about Get a Life is NOT true?

A. It helps tee nagers to have a big dream.

B. It helps tee nagers to prepare for their classes.

C. It provides in formatio n about jobs for tee nagers.

D. It tells tee nagers how to choose future jobs.

65. We can ' t learn that _____________ f rom the passage

A. Combs set up the website with other people

B. Get a Life is a website that helps tee nagers to have a better future

C. middle school students don ' t need to have big dreams

D. tee nagers who have pla ns for their future are easier to be successful

第II卷(共60 分)




From a pla ne we can see the fields, cities, mountains or seas below. If we go into space, we see more and more of the earth. People and man-made satellites(卫星)have been sent out into space to look at the earth carefully and people have learnt more about the earth in the last few years. The sea looks very beautiful when the sun is shining on it. But it can be very terrible whe n there is a stro ng wind. The sea is very big. It n early covers three quarters of the earth. The sea is also very deep in some places. There is one place and at that place the sea is about 11 kilometers deep. The highest mountain in the world is about 9 kilometers high. If we put that mountain into the sea at that place, there would be still 2 kilometers of water above it!

In most parts of the sea, there are many kinds of fishes and pla nts. Some live n ear the top of the sea. Others live deep down. There are also a lot of small living things, and lots of fishes live by eating them. The sea can be very cold. When people go dow n, the sea becomes colder and colder. Only some men can go dow n into the deep sea. But in 1970, five women scientists lived in the deep sea for fourteen days.

66. Does the sea look very beautiful all the time?

67. What do lots of fishes eat to live?

68. How long did the five women scientists live in the deep sea in 1970?

W. 口语应用。(每小题1分,共5分)阅读下面对话,从方框内7个选项中选择5个恰当的句子完成此对话。

A: Hi, Jas on! You are going to America aga in!

B: Yes, Tom. I really love that coun try.

A: 69

B: Three times. Every time I traveled there, I could have differe nt feeli ngs.

A: That ' s amazing. 70

B: Los Angeles. Although it is not as modern as New York, it still has its own beauty. A: 71 Can you show me some pictures you have take n?

B: Sure! Um … Here, have a look.

A: 72 I thi nk I have to go there one day.

B: Yes, you must.

A: 73

B: From Chongqing? It takes about 14 hours by pla ne.

A: Wow, what a long ride!

B: Yes, I agree with you. But it is worth (值得的)of it.

A. How many times have you visited there?

B. How far is it from here?

C. Did you take a ship or a pla ne there?

D. Wow, it ' s wonderful.

E. I have n ever bee n there before.

F. Which city in America do you like best?


74. The stude nts have no problems ________ (work) out the exercises.

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