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Unit 1


For four years the scientists examined the planet’s many habitats and species and the systems that bind them together.


The Millennium Ecosystem Assessment Synthesis Report gives people a new insight into the economic importance of ecosystem services and some new and additional arguments for respecting and conserving the Earth’s life-support system.

3.科学家认为,水文系统的改变可能导致破坏性洪灾的发生更加频繁和严重。According to the scientists, changes to water systems may increase the frequency and severity of destructive floods.


From an economic perspective, compared with the ecosystems altered for commercial use, many intact ones are more valuable.


It lies within the power of human societies to ease the strain we are putting on the nature services of the planet, while continuing to use them to bring better living standards to all.

Unit 2

1.地球上的石油和天然气供应能维持多久,科学家和企业界人士对此各持己见。Scientists and industry experts may disagree over how long the world’s supply of oil and nature gas will last.



While renewable energy is generally more expensive than conventionally produced supplies, alternative power helps to reduce pollution and to conserve fossil fuels.

3.如今在市场上,传统的光感太阳能装置能把11%至13%的阳光转化成能源。Most traditional photovoltaic solar units on the market today convert between 11 and 13 percent of the sun’s light into energy.

4.4美分。Compared to other renewable energy sources, wind power competes with conventional energy at a price less than 4 cents per kilowatt-hour.


While few homes generate their own wind power in the U.S., many power companies allow consumers to opt for power generated at a wind plant or other renewable source.

Unit 3


If it falls below 1°Celsius or rise above 43°Celsius,serious injury or death results for most vegetation.


The stems and leaves of trees and shrubss show us some of the adaptations that enable a plant to get the maximum amount of light and air.


They have no chlorophyll,but subsisit on organic matter, produced by animals or other plants, that may be found wherever the fungi flourish.


Plants also receive a minimum of light in the depths of the sea or at the bottom of lakes and pools, since sunlight is weak or absent there. 5.人们认为它们在吸收了光之后,就把光能转化成了叶绿素,再进行光合作用。It is suspected that after they absorb light,they transmit the energy from this light to chlorophyll,for photosynthesis.

Unit 4


Some of that water is lost when the vegtation transpires,or“exhales”the water back into the atmosphere. Some water is retained in the soil or other growing medium. The rest enters the urban rainwater drainage system in a slow,controlled flow,a process that helps dampen high-volume rainwater surges in urban water systems, which are expensive to expand.


How much a green roof lowers energy costs depends on the type of roof and the climate in which it is installed. Warmer climates offer the greatest saving opportunities, since green roofs are more efficient at reducing air conditioning costs than they are at lowering heating bills.


While the costs of green roofs are one-and-a-half to twice that of conventional roofs,advocates say green roofs make long-term economic sense,even without factoring in energy savings.


“Nature’s rhythm is made visible by seasonal changes in the vegetation,even in a n urban roof environment,”they wrote in an e-mail to National Geogr aphic News.“In terms of design,roof planting represents a considerable aesthetic improvement and altogether a significant ecological benefit.”


At the Chicago Center for Green Technology, demos showcase green-roof technology to everyone from developers and builders to schoolchildren. The center also serves as a research center, where leading suppliers are invited to install different green-roof plots that are monitored and compared.

Unit 5


Add to this the exploding number of embedded computers—the kind found in mobile phones,gas pumps and retail point-of-sale systems--which are fast approaching the power and complexity of desktop PCs.


This scenario is in sharp contrast to the computers of just a few years ago, which were still mostly passive appliances that sat in the corner of the den or living room.



As people find more ways to incorporate these inexpensive,flexible and infinitely customisable devices into their lives,the computers them selves will gradually “disappear”into the fabric of our lives. 4.现在我们离充满五行的智能化的世界还很遥远,但是十年之后计算机的使用将变得如此自然,我们可能会越来越难以注意到它。

We are still a long way from a world full of disembodied intelligent machines,but the computing experience of the coming decade will be so seamless and intuitive that-increasingly-we will barely notice it. 5.便宜、灵活的显示器、小如指甲但却容量达上千G的MEM芯片,这些新的技术将会使计算机更加普及。

The pervasiveness and near-invisibility of computing will be helped along by new technologies such as cheap,flexible displays,fingernail-sized MEMs chips capable of storing terabytes of data.

Unit 6



One of the robots moves so efficiently that in the future it may be able to amble along for a day, not the 20 or 30 minutes most robots now manage without recharging or refueling.


President of Boston Dynamics,a software engineering company that specializes in human simulation,said that the principles of passive-dynamic design would be important for future robot generations.


If you make the mechanical structures right, for example, adjusting the mass and length of the upper and lower legs to mimic the natural dynamics of walking , the legs do the right thing from physics.

4.康奈尔大学制造的机器人在前进时用的能量非常少,主要是因为其被动力学设计强调重力和惯性的自然相互作用,而将控制和驱动力降至最低限度。Cornell’s robot uses very little energy to wa lk forward, mainly because its passive-dynamic design emphasizes the natural interaction of gravity and inertia and minimizes the role of control and actuation.


Mr. Collins hopes to use the insights gained in building the Cornell robot in work he is doing on prostheses.

Unit 7


But the technology has now been applied to almost all forms of life, from pets that glow under UV light to bacteria which form HIV-blocking “living condoms”, a nd from pigs bearing spinach genes to goats that produce spider silk .

2. 人类系统地进行良种选育已有数千年历史,而基因工程技术则可以大大加快这种耗时费力的工序,并可将毫不相干的物种基因特征引入作物。

The human race has methodically improved crop plant through selective breeding for many thousands of years, but genetic engineering allows that time-consuming process to be accelerated and exotic traits from unrelated species to be introduced.

3. 更令人担心的是转基因作物可能发展成可怕的超级无敌草,或者意外地与野草或其他作物杂交,从而导致基因环境污染。

More plausible threats are that modified crops could become insidious supersedes, or that they could accidentally breed with wild plants or other crops—genetically polluting the environment.

4. 环保者还认为转基因作物会影响农村的生物多样性。但迄今为止就此进行的实地测试得出的结论却莫衷一是,有些研究显示转基因作物实际上提升了生物的多样性。

Environmentalists also argue that growing GM crops affects farmland biodiversity. Field trials to test for this have produced mixed results—some suggesting that GM crops actually boost biodiversity.

5. “驱魔者”技术保护体系则更加巧妙,该系统允许作物产生有繁殖能力的种子,但其中异体转基因DNA已被完全破坏并摧毁。

A clever genetic variation on that theme, the Exorcist system, allows the production of fertile seeds, but with any foreign GM DNA spliced out and destroyed.

Unit 8


The reason for the excitement was simple:Most diseases have a genetic component and gene therapy holds of curing,not merely treating,a broad range of ailments,including inherited diseases.


An optimistic,altruistic Gelsinger went to Philadelphia to help advance the science that might eventually cure his type of illness.Instead,the experiment killed him.


The news hit the clinical trial community like a thunderclap.The consequences have been immediate and wide-ranging,and may threaten future research.


It’s sure that dramatic cures have not been seen to date,but there are tantalizing signs that important advances may be just around the corner.


Scientists,however,have discounted the benefit of the first gene therapies because the girls began receiving a new drug treatment that replaces the missing enzyme just before receiving the genetic therapy pioneer Anderson argues that since the drug dose has remained the same while their bodies have grown substantially over the decade,it makes a negligible contribution to their well-being.


---------------------------------------------------------------最新资料推荐------------------------------------------------------ 科技英语教学大纲 《科技英语》课程教学大纲课程编码:课程名称:学时:0110089 科技英语 36 选修机械设计制造及其自动化 7 英文名称:学分: English for science and technology 2 专业课基础英语、专业英语机电工程学院课程类型:适用专业:开课学期:课程性质:先修课程:开课院系:一、课程地位、目的和任务科技英语课程是在大学英语学习的基础上帮助学生完成从大学基础英语阅读阶段到专业英语阅读阶段的过渡。 科技英语具有丰富的词汇、独特的语法结构和专业上通用的表达方式,学习科技英语是对大学基础英语的补充和提高,也是学生开阔视野、直接了解世界范围内专业前沿知识和技术发展现状的必要途径。 通过本门课程的学习,了解科技英语的表达方式、方法在英语中的具体体现,为高年级阅读专业英语文献和英文原著打下良好基础。 同时,学生可以进一步提高阅读理解和综合分析能力(如记笔记、信息转换等);习惯于阅读真实的语言素材;扩大科技词汇量,开阔科普视野和思路;进一步了解如何书写正式的英文书信、项目规划书,学会如何利用图表、表格等视觉信息,熟悉科技文体的写作规范;操练以不同语言结构、以语言功能为中心的写作练习和翻译练习;掌握《大学英语专业阅读阶段教学基本要求》所规定的学习技能、语言功能和基本词汇。 1/ 9

科技英语的教学任务是讲授科技英语的语法特点、文体结构以及科技英语文献的翻译方法和技巧,培养学生阅读英语科技资料的能力,使其能以英语为工具获取有关专业所需要的信息。 二、本课程与其它课程的联系科技英语是在基础英语和专业英语的基础上开设的一门专业基础课,是基础英语和专业英语的延伸和拓展。 阅读单元的课文内容涉及到科技发展的最新领域,包括环境、化学、生物和新材料等方面的最新发展。 三、课程教学内容及要求


U n i t1 1. 任何年满18岁的人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote. 2. 每学期开学前,这些奖学金的申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester. 3. 遵照医生的建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking. 4. 公园位于县城的正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town. 5. 这所大学提供了我们所需的所有材料和设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire. 1. 他们花了多年的时间寻找内心的平静,但是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success. 2. 这种新药的成功研制已经使许多疾病的治疗发生了根本性的变革。


科技英语翻译 1.1 翻译的标准 第1节翻译练习1 The power plant is the heart of a ship. The power unit for driving the machines is a 50-hp induction motor. 动力装置是船舶的心脏。 驱动这些机器的动力装置是一台50马力的感应电动机。 第1节翻译练习2 Semiconductor devices, called transistors, are replacing tubes in many applications. Cramped conditions means that passengers’ legs cannot move around freely. All bodies are known to possess weight and occupy space. 半导体装置也称为晶体管,在许多场合替代电子管。 我们知道,所有的物体都有重量并占据空间。 空间狭窄,旅客的两腿就不能自由活动。 第1节翻译练习3 The removal of minerals from water is called softening. A typical foliage leaf of a plant belonging to the dicotyledons is composed of two principal parts: blade and petiole. 去除水中的矿物质叫做软化。 双子叶植物典型的营养叶由两个主要部分组成:叶片和叶柄。 1.2 对译者的要求 第4节翻译练习1 Einstein’s relativity theory is the only one which can explain such phenomena. All four (outer planets) probably have cores of metals, silicates, and water. 爱因斯坦的相对论是能解释这种现象的唯一理论。(直译) 这四颗外层行星的内核可能都由金属、硅酸盐和水构成。(意译) The designer must have access to stock lists of the materials he employs. Part adjustment and repair must be performed on regular basis if an acceptable printed product is to be the end product. 设计师必须备有所使用材料的储备表。(意译) 要使印刷品的质量达到要求,部件调试及修理就必须定期进行。(意译) 第4节翻译练习2 The most important of the factors affecting plant growth is that it requires the supply of water. The doctor analyzed the blood sample for anemia. The apparent change in size of the sun is caused by dust in the air near the horizon.植物生长的各因素中最重要的是水的供应。(合译) 太阳的大小看起来有变化,这是由于靠近地平线的空气中有尘粒而引起的。(分译) 医生对血样作了分析,看是不是贫血症。(分译) These fragments of rock and iron range from thousand kilometers in diameter to less than one. Manufacturing processes may be classified as unit production with small quantities being made and mass production with large numbers of identical parts being produced.这些石块和铁块的碎片大小不等,大的直径有1000公里,小的不到1公里。(分译) 制造过程可以分为单件生产和大量生产。前者指的是生产少量的零件,后者则是指生产大量相同的零件。(分译) 第4节翻译练习3 Cartography is the science of making maps. Many elements in nature are found to be mixtures of different isotopes. 制图学是研究绘制地图的科学。(增译) 人们发现,自然界里许多元素,都是各种不同的同位素的混合物。(增译) The two units used most frequently in electricity are ampere and volt: this is the unit of voltage and that of current. That like charges repel but opposite charges attract is one of the fundamental laws of electricity. 电学上最常用的两个单位是安培和伏特:后者是电压的单位,前者是电流的单位。(增译) 同性电荷相斥,异性电荷相吸是电学的一个基本规律。(省译) 第4节翻译练习4 Almost any insulated body processes to some extent the ability to retain for a time an electric charge. The angular contact bearing provides a greater thrust capacity. The properties of the weld can be altered by varying the grain orientation. 几乎任何一种绝缘体都多少具有保留电荷一段时间的能力。 向心推力轴承有较大的轴向承载能力。 通过改变晶粒的方向可以改变焊缝的性能。 2.1 词义的选择 第1节翻译练习1 The spindle rotates simultaneously round two axes at right angles to each other. The earth isn’t completely round; it is slightly flattene d at the poles. In each round of operation the particle picks up energy from the oscillating electric field. 锭子同时绕两个互相垂直的轴旋转。(介词) 粒子每运转一周都从振荡电场获取新的能量。(名词) 地球并非完全是圆的,它的两极略扁平。(形容词) An electron is an extremely small corpuscle with negative charge which rounds about the nucleus of an atom. Her waist measures forty inches round. 电子是绕原子核转动且带有负电荷的极其微小的粒子。(动词) 她腰围40英寸。(副词) 第1节翻译练习2 Rate of penetration was found to be proportional to the net pressure applied by the tool. Scientists are constantly striving to find fast and convenient way of obtaining quantitative data. To find the area of a square or oblong, you merely multiply its length by its width. Certain isotopes are not found in nature. 人们发现钻孔速度与工具所受的净压力成正比。 求一正方形或长方形的面积,你只需将其长度乘以宽度。 科学家们总是力求找到快速而简便的方法获得定量数据。 有些同位素在自然界中并不存在。 New fibers find expanding applications in engineering and industry. Kangaroos are found in Australia. This plant is found in the sea near the mouth of rivers. Microcomputers have found their application in the production of genius sensors. Plastics find wide application in our daily life. 大袋鼠产于澳大利亚。 这种植物生长在近河口的海中。 新发明的纤维在工程和工业领域得到越来越广泛的应用。 微型计算机已经应用于智能传感器的生产中。 塑料在我们的日常生活中得到广泛应用。 第2节翻译练习1 The cause of rolling resistance is the deformation of mating surfaces of the rolling element and the raceway on which it rolls. Traditionally, NC programming has been performed offline with the machine commands The occurrence of large mats of floating algae may result in the death of many fish from lack of oxygen. 滚动阻力的起因在于滚动体的配合面和它滚动的滚道的变形。(技术性引申) 通常,数控机床的编程是脱机完成的,指令载于穿孔带上。(技术性引申) 大片大片漂浮的藻类的出现导致很多鱼因缺氧而死亡。(修辞引申) The splitting of the uranium or plutonium nucleus is accompanied by the release of very considerable amount of energy. The major contributors in component technology have been in the semiconductor. The distance between the two plates is small compared with their linear dimensions. Just as different solids and liquids vary in density, so do gases and vapors. 元件技术中起主要作用的是半导体元件。(具体化引申) 两板之间的距离相对于其宽度和长度而言比较小。(具体化引申) 随着铀核和钚核的裂变,会有极其巨大的能量释放处理。(修辞性引申) 正像不同的固体和液体的密度不同一样,不同的气体和蒸汽的密度也不同。(具体化引申) The Curies believed that there was something in nature that gave out radiation. Obviously, there is much room for the improvement in the structure. At present coal is the most common food of a steam plant. The facts have been set down in black and white. 显然,其结构还有较大的改进余地。(抽象化引申) 目前,煤是火电厂最常用的能源。(抽象化引申) 居里夫妇坚信,自然界中有一种物质能放出辐射能。(具体化引申) 这些事实已经清清楚楚地记录下来了。(抽象化引申) 2.3 词类的转换 第3节翻译练习1 Each time a sample was drawn for color determination. What is certain is that the oil spill has delivered a devastating blow to the ecology of the Persian Gulf. We should get familiar with different systems of units. 每次取一个标本测定颜色。 可以肯定,这场石油泄漏事件对波斯湾的生态是个惨重的打击。 我们应该熟悉各种(计量)单位制。 These decision-making processes are applicable to the entire field of engineering design--- not just to mechanical engineering design. Hydrogen instead of air is frequently used for cooling large turbogenerators. When the war was over, it was discovered that the Germans were nowhere near success in developing nuclear weapons. 常以氢气代替空气来冷却大型汽轮发电机。 第二次世界大战结束后,人们发现德国人在研制核武器方面离成功还很远。 这些判定过程可以应用于工程设计的整个领域,而不仅仅限于机械工程设计。 Various precautions have been taken against leakage. Once inside the oven, panels are subjected to a temperature of 365°F. Value is defined as a numerical ratio, the ratio of the function, or performance, to the cost. This new model should appeal to potential buyers. 一旦进入烘干炉,板材就处于365华氏度的温度条件下。 价值的定义是功能或性能与成本的数值比。 已采取了各种措施防止渗漏。 这种新式样对潜在的买主肯定有吸引力。 Galileo’s experiments are not difficul t, nor is there any evidence that he performed them with exceptional skill. Sometimes a scientist observes an object and its features, for example a star or a bird; sometimes he observes an event, which is something that happens at a particular time. Earthquakes are generally more destructive of life than volcanic eruptions. 有时科学家观察一物体及其特征,例如一颗星或一只鸟;有时科学家观察某一事件,即在一特定时间所发生的事。 地震对于生命的破坏通常大于火山爆发。 伽利略的实验并不难,也没有证据表明他是以非凡的技能来做实验的。 Heat should be applied slowly to avoid localized overheating. How rapidly a fuel burns depends on how thoroughly it is mixed with oxygen or air. This is why a coil is often referred to as an inductor. 一种燃料燃烧的速度有多快,取决于它与氧气或空气混合的均匀程度。 这就是线圈常被叫做电感器的原因。 应当慢慢加热,以避免发生局部过热现象。 第3节翻译练习2 Practically all of the useful properties of materials are strongly dependent on their internal structure. The metal casts well. A wire for conducting electric current is covered with plastic; the plastic is insulation round the wire. 几乎材料的一切有用特性都与其内部的结构有密切的关系。 这种金属有良好的铸造性能。 传导电流的导线包有塑料,该塑料便是导线周围的绝缘材料。 There are many ways of determining the distribution of the magnetism about a magnet. Good lubrication keeps the bearings from being damaged. Safety in a power plant is of great importance. Most modern transmitters employ solid state circuits. 安全在电厂是非常重要的。 现代发报机大多采用固体电路。 有许多方法来确定磁场周围的磁力分布状况。 润滑良好可保护轴承不受损伤。 E-Chemmerce now offers two main levels of online business intelligence on chemical, plastic and energy e-commerce. These images tend to exaggerate the robot’s similarity to human anatomy and behavior. Aluminum remained an expensive rarity till the discovery of the electrolytic process for reducing aluminum in 1886. 这些概念常常夸大了机器人与人类在形体和行为方面的相似之处。 《电子化工商务》目前主要提供两个层次的有关化学、塑料和能源电子商务的在线商务信息服务。 直到1886年人们发现电解法还原铝之前,铝一直是一种昂贵的珍品。 Since some materials are not damaged easily as others, the possibility exists of developing radiation-resistant parts. 由于有些材料不像另一些那样容易被损坏,所以有可能研制出防辐射的零件。 2.4 词的增译 第4节翻译练习2 第4节翻译练习1 This action externally appears like the discharge of a capacitor. Once out of the earth’s gravity, an astronaut is affec ted by still another problem--- weightlessness.


科技英语综合教程课后谜底及课文翻译[资料] 科技英语综合教程课后答案及课文翻译 科技英语综合教程课后答案及课文翻译 Unit 1 Translation Practice II. Words and Phrases Translation A. Translate the following expressions intoChinese: 1. mutual gain game and mutual harm game 互赢博弈和互败博弈 2. sequential-move game 连续策略博弈 3. simultaneous-move game 联立策略博弈 4. linear reasoning 直线推理 5. circular reasoning 循环推理 6. Nash equilibrium 纳什均衡 7. dominant strategy 支配性策略 8. optimal result 最优化结果 9. breakdown of cooperation 合作分裂 10. strategy of brinkmanship 边缘化策略 B. Translate the following expressions intoEnglish: 1. 完全博弈 pure conflict 2. 竞争与合作 competition and cooperation 3. 策略性相互作用 strategic interdependence 4. 囚徒困境prisoners’ dilemma 5. 长远性损失 long-run loss 6. 针锋相对策略 tit-for-tat strategy 7. 混合性策略mixing one’s moves 8. (网球)斜线球或底线球 hita passing shot cross-court or down the line 9. 垄断性市场 monopoly market


Main Content :UNIT 1 MA THEMA TICS I.Text Organization Parts Part One Paragraphs Paras. 1-3 Main Ideas Game theory can be defined as the science of strategy which studies both pure conflicts (zero-sum games) and conflicts in cooperative forms. Part Two Paras. 4-11 There are two distinct types interdependence: sequential-move simultaneous-move game.of strategic game and Part Three Paras.The typical examples of game theory are given as the 12-19basic principles such as prisoners’dilemma, mixing moves, strategic moves, bargaining, concealing and revealing information. Part Four Para. 20 The research of game theory has succeeded in illustrating strategies in situations of conflict and cooperation and it will focus on the design of successful strategy in future.


科技英语翻译联系200句 transmit electromagnetic waves takes energy. 传送电磁波需要能量 control will do most of things in pest control. 化学防治能在病虫害防治中起主要作用。 is not until wires are connected that the path is completed. 直到导线接上以后,此电路才接通。 odds are heavily against any man being able to do the work in the field of abstract theory that Einstein is doing. 对任何能从事爱因斯坦正在进行的抽象理论研究的人来说,条件都是极为不利的。 design is of an art rather than an exact science. 与其说振荡器的设计是一门严谨的科学,不如说它是一门艺术。 rapid decrease by a factor of 7 was observed. 发现迅速减少到(了)1/7。 and animals which hunt at night have eyes which contain few or no cones at all,so they cannot see colors. 凡是夜间觅食的飞禽走兽,因为眼睛中的视维细胞数量极少或根本没有,所以不能辨别颜色。 is sometimes powerful enough to destroy a coastwise building it strikes. 海啸有时威力很大,足可摧毁它所冲击的沿岸的建筑物。 everybody is convinced the Leaning Tower of Pisa really can be saved. 并非每个人都相信比萨斜塔真的能免于坍塌。 crane has a certain hitting


第一单元环境 大规模研究发现:地球的“健康”每况愈下有史以来对地球进行的最大规模的科学分析表明,地球上的许多生态系统都达不到标准。 由联合国主持的《千年生态系统评估综合报告》指出,由于不可持续的使用,地球上将近三分之二的用来维持生命的生态系统已经遭到破坏,其中包括干净的水源、纯净的空气,以及稳定的气候。 以上大部分的破坏都是人类在过去的半个世纪里造成的。据报告分析,随着人类对食物、淡水、木材、纤维以及燃料等资源的需求日趋激增,环境发生了极大的变化,引发了诸如滥伐森林、化学污染等问题。因此,该报告的作者警告说,照此下去,本已岌岌可危的生态环境将会在21世纪的上半叶急剧恶化。 这项历史性的研究由来自世界95个国家的政府部门以及民间组织的1,300多位科学家共同完成。四年来,他们考察了地球上许多生物的生长环境、物种以及将他们联系起来的生态体系。联合国环境规划署对该报告进行了编辑整理并于昨天在中国北京公布了研究结果。 在公布该报告的新闻发布会上,联合国秘书长科菲·安南指出:“只有了解环境及其运作过程,我们才能制定出必要的决策加以保护。”他还说,“只有珍惜所有宝贵的自然资源和人类资源,我们才有希望去建设一个可持续发展的未来。” 对社会经济的影响 该报告对自然界的大部分生物多样性持悲观态度,地球上可能有10%—30%的哺乳动物,鸟类以及两栖动物濒临灭绝。 这次大规模生态调查是根据安南的《千年发展目标》展开的,该发展目标是由联合国发起的,旨在2015年之前大幅度缓解饥饿与极度贫困等社会经济问题。 总部位于内罗毕的联合国环境规划署执行主席克劳斯·托普弗说:“从某些方面来说,《千年生态系统评估综合报告》让我们首次认识到生态系统服务功能的经济价值,并使我们对尊重和保护地球生命维护系统有了新的见解。” 目前由于人类社会对地球环境的开发利用,食物供应不断增加,然而增长的速度仍然太慢,难以完成联合国制定的在2015年前消除全球一半饥饿的目标。 报告还说,过度使用生态系统的负面影响还包括渔业的衰退,含有大量沉积物的河口周围近海“死亡区”的出现,水质的变化以及不可预测的区域性气候等。 此外,森林的滥伐和其他生态系统的巨大改变也加剧了诸如疟疾、霍乱等疾病的传播,并使已有传染病分化出新的类别。 根据该报告,水资源体系的变化会增加毁灭性洪灾的爆发频率和程度。在20世纪90年代,洪灾造成的死亡人数超过10万,损失约2,430亿美元。


Unit1 1、任何年满18岁得人都有资格投票。(be eligible to, vote) Anyone over the age of 18 is eligible to vote、 2、每学期开学前,这些奖学金得申请表格就会由学校发给每一个学生。(apply for, scholarship) A form to apply for these scholarships is sent by the university to every student before the start of every semester、 3、遵照医生得建议,我决定戒烟。(on the advice of) On the advice of my doctor, I decided to give up smoking、 4、公园位于县城得正中央。(be located in) The park is located right in the center of town、 5、这所大学提供了我们所需得所有材料与设备。(facilities) The university provides all the materials and facilities we desire、 1、她们花了多年得时间寻找内心得平静,但就是收效甚微。(search for) They spent many years searching for peace of mind, but with little success、 2、这种新药得成功研制已经使许多疾病得治疗发生了根本性得变革。(revolutionize) The successful development of the new drug has revolutionized the treatment of many diseases、 3、由于这个国家得经济不景气,这家公司濒于破产。(on the edge of) The company is on the edge of bankruptcy due to the economic depression in the country、 4、大学毕业后她成为了一名护士。她认为护士这一职业可能很有发展前途。(rewarding) He became a nurse after college、He thought nursing could be a very rewarding career、 5、她像往常一样在文件上签了名。(just as) He signed his name on the paper just as he has always done it、 Unit2


1 答案请写在答题纸上。 Part one: Sentence Translation(30%) 1.为此,必须对电路(circuit)的基本内容有一个很好的了解。 2.这个系数(coefficient)有待确定。 3.现有的教科书均没有提这一点。 4.由于反馈(feedback)在电子线路(electronic circuit)中起着重要作用,所以对它的研 究极为重要。 5.有迹象表明,计算机的价格将进一步下跌。 6.这个方法的确管用,不过到底该在什么情况下使用它尚不清楚。 7.十年前该厂的产量比现在高五倍。 8.激光(laser)是二十世纪六十年代引入的一项新技术,它能穿透(pierce)特别硬的物质。 9.为使晶体管(transistor)正常工作,必须给其电极(electrode)加(apply)上合适的电压 (voltage)。 10.代表磁场(magnetic field)的磁力线(magnetic line of force)是一些围绕该导线的同 心圆(concentric circle)。 11.我们所谓的机器人(robot)实际上是能为人类做工的一种工具。 12.这类天线(antenna)和那类天线相比的优点是结构简单,效率高。 13.半导体(semiconductor)对光和热都很敏感(sensitive),这两者都对导电率 (conductivity)影响很大。 14.只有通过对系统性能进行研究我们才能了解其优缺点。 15.本书既讲了实际的设计方法,同时也讲述了理论问题,而重点放在一般概念上。 Part two: Mistakes Correction(30%)(Write down the corrected sentence on the answer sheet. ) 1. We are easy to determine the effect of new drug to patient. 2. The direction of an electric current was decided before electrons were not discovered. 3. Sound travel much less faster than light is. 4. The price for this instrument is expensive. 5. There are a few exceptions for this rule. 6. The hotter the body will be, the more it radiates energy. 7. The feature of this device is small in size and light in weight. 8. That professor is very interesting in this topic. 9. Our semiconductor industry comes into being at the end of 1950s. 10. The both engineers are busy to design a type of new computer. 11. Work equals to force multiplying distance. 12. The new design instrument is in good quality. 13. The ability for some elements to give off radiations is referred as the


1 While some studies have suggested that frequent use of cell phones causes increased risk of brain and mouth cancers, others have found no such links. But since cell phones are relatively new and brain cancers grow slowly, many experts are now recommending taking steps to reduce exposure. by bruce stutz 一些研究显示,经常使用手机会增加得脑部和口腔癌症的几率。有的研究却没发现两者之间有什么联系。但是,手机算是个新兴事物,而脑癌发展也缓慢,许多专家还是建议减少使用手机。 2 Does your cell phone increase your risk of brain cancer? Does it affect your skin or your sperm viability? Is it safe for pregnant women or children? Should you keep it in your bag, on your belt, in your pants or shirt pocket? Should you use a hands-free headset? Are present cell phone safety standards strict enough? 手机会增加得脑癌的几率吗?会不会影响皮肤或者精子活性?使用手机对孕妇或孩子安全吗?应该把手机放在哪,包里、衣服口袋,还是挂在腰带上?打电话的时候要用耳机吗?现在的手机安全标准够不够严? 3 You don’t know? You’re not alone. 你不知道?这很正常。 4 With some 4 to 5 billion cell phones now in use worldwide and hundreds of studies seeking evidence of their health effects published in peer-reviewed journals over the last 10 years, there’s precious little scientific certainty over whether cell phones pose any danger to those using them. For nearly every study that reports an effect, another, just as carefully conducted, finds none. All of which leaves journalists, consumer advocates, regulatory agencies, politicians, industry spokespersons, and cell phone users able to choose and interpret the results they prefer, or ignore the ones they don’t. 如今,全世界共有40-50亿手机正在使用。过去十年里,成百上千的研究也在致力于寻找手机影响健康的证据,并在相关刊物上发表论文。但还没有确凿的证据能证明,使用手机损害健康。几乎没有研究发现手机对健康有不良影响。但这还是没影响到政治家、新闻记者、管理机构、产业发言人、消费者保护团体,还有消费者自己,选择他们喜好的结果去理解,忽略不喜欢的那些。 5 Do you, for instance, cite the studies that report adverse effects on sperm viability and motility, due to exposure to cell phone radiation or the studies that showed no —or mixed —results? 6 Do you cite the 2001 study that found increased incidence of uveal melanoma (a cancer of the eye) among frequent cell phone users, or the 2009 study by the same authors that, in reassessing their data, found no increase? 2001年的研究显示,常用手机的人患葡萄膜黑色素瘤(一种眼内癌症)几率会增大。2009年这些研究员又发表报告称,他们再分析当年的数据时,又不能确

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