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IreadafamousAmericanwriterErnestHemingway'snovel"theoldmana ndthesea",veryadmirekeptthewillofthenovel,heletmeknowhowama

nmusthaveperseverance,cansucceed.Themanisanoveldepictsanear theoldfisherman,inasingleouttoseafishing,caughtabigfish,but pullnotup.Theoldfishermanalwithfishafterafewdays,foundthatt hisisamorethanhisseveraltimesasbigmarlinfishingboats,althou gh

knowingishardtowin,butstilldon'https://www.doczj.com/doc/2111236151.html,terandbecausethebi gmarlinwoundfishsmelldrewafewgroupofsharksrobfood,buttheold manstillwouldnotsogiveup,eventuallybeckoning,thebigfishback tothefishingport,lettheotherfishermentoadmire.



个舅舅也很自私、粗暴,这些都在年幼的阿廖沙的心里留下了深深的烙印。这本书让我了解到了当时沙皇统治时期的困苦生活,让我知道了现在的美好生活的来之不易。我们要珍惜现在的幸福生活,热爱生活,努力学习,用自己的能力和智慧把这个世界建设得更加美好。Thisbookistherealportraitureoflife,golgiaccordingtoownexper ience,emersionthechildrenofdarkrulefromawakeningtothesuffer ingofthecoursegrewup.Allysonisatragic,poorchild,hischildhoo dwasspentinmygrandfatherhome,hislifeisnotlikewedonowhappine ss,fulloflightandlove.Hisgrandfathercrankyandgreed,selfish; Twouncleisveryselfish,rough,theseareyoungallysonheartleftad eepimprint.ThisbookletIlearnedtheczarwasduringthereignofthe poorlife,letmeknowthebetterlifenowthehard-won.Weshouldcheri shthehappinessoflife,loveoflife,studyhard,withtheirownabili tyandwisdomtotheworld?


Lovesalsothoroughly,hatesthoroughlyalso.Repaysadebtofgratit udealso

thoroughly,therevengeisalsothorough.Thisisreads"Christmount ainrevengeinmerecords"afterthebiggestfeeling.Chinahasthepro verbiscalledthe"gentleman

revenges,tenyearnotlate",revengesalsoisneedstoconservestren gth,certainlyisnot

mayactrashlybyreasonofforawhilethestateofmind.ButChristmoun taincount,thenwasmostconcretethemotionexplainsthisproverbwi thoneself.Afterexperiences14yearsinprison,hislifeessentialm eaningwaspursueseverthefamilymember,ever

benefactorandeverpersonalenemy.Afterconfirmedhadtoseekperso n,hecertainlydidnothavelikeussuchwhichsawinthechivalricfict ionnovel,heldthefistintheotherhandcloud"tothebenefactorgoes throughfireorwater,againdidnothesitate",assassinatedtothepe rsonalenemyonesword.Hechosehisownway.Toeverhadthegraciousne sstoownshipownerone,heusedupitenergy,silentlysupported,byth evariousway,actuallyalwaysdidnotletthemknowactuallyownwasfo rrepayadebtofgratitude.Ifherepaysadebtofgratitudemoving,the nhisrevengeissotheincisiveness,alsohasseveralafteruscallsun avoidablytohavethedessertisstartled.


"Ataleoftwocities"isoneofDickens'smostimportantrepresentati veworks.Thenovelprofoundlyexposedthesocietycontradictionbef

oretheFrenchRevolution,intenselyattacksthearistocraticsocia lclassisdissoluteandcruel,andsincerelysympathizeswiththedep ressedclasses.

Thenovelhasportrayedmanydifferentpeople.DoctorManette,Lucie ,Charles,Lorry,


Asanoutstandingwriter,inDickens'swork,thelanguageskillisess ential.thestyle"Ataleoftwocities"issolemnityandmelancholy,f illsindignantion,butlacksthehumoroftheearly





AfterwatchingFlipped,iwastotallymovedbyitsromanticplot.Theh eroine,JuliBaker,whoisregardedasastrangestudentintheschool, didleaveastrongimpressioninmyheart.Whatiwanttosayafterwatch ingitisthataspecialgirldeservesabeautifullove.Juliistheonei admiresomuch.

JuliBakermetBryceLoskiinhersecondgrade,andshewasflippedfrom thenonbecauseofhiswatermelon-scentedhairandapairofdazzlinge yes.ThoughBryceshewnointerestinheranddideverythinghecouldto keepawayfromher,shenevergaveupandspentthewholeyear

wonderingifshecouldevergethiskiss.Whentheywereinseventhgrad e,Julifellinlovewithalarge,oldsycamoretree,whichnooneunders tood.RightafterseeingthetreebeingcutdownbutBrycedidn’

thelp,andseeinghimthrowingtheeggsshegavehim,Julibegantothin kaboutwhetherBrycewastherightperson.Fortunately,Brycefinall yfoundthatJuliwassopreciousagirl,andtheendingwashappiness.

Therearetwoimpressivescenesthatieagerlywanttoshare.Firstofa llisthescenethatJulisitsonthelarge,oldsycamoretreewhichleth erseetheworldinamuchmoreenlightenedway.Shecanstayonthetreeq uietlyforawholeday,lookingatthemarvelousworldwithcuriosity. Shelovesnature,andiswillingtoprotectitattheriskofher “reputation”

amongtheschoolmates.Frommyperspective,sheisaninvaluablegift comparedtoherschoolmates.Sheneverfollowsfashionblindly,inst ead,sheexactlyknowswhatshewants.Askourselves,whenthewholewo rldcallyou“nerd”or



Moreover,itwasthesweetsmileJuligavetoherunclethatmadememove dagain.Sheneverblameshermentallychallengeduncle,onthecontra ry,shechosetocelebratethebirthdayforhim.Whenherunclelostcon trolinthepublic,shedidn’

tfeelashamed.Matureassheis,sheshoulderstheresponsibilityofh erfamily.What’



sgrandfather,saysthatJuliisararekindofgirlwho'shardtocomeac ross.Anditisnowonderthatthisspecialgirlcanfinallyfindhersou lmateandharvesthersweetestfirstlove.


简爱英文读后感及翻译 我们记得她的善良:对于那些失去手臂和盲目的眼睛,对那些鄙视她的平凡,甚至有人在过去曾深深地伤害了她。 我们还记得她追求正义。就像一个同伴与善良。但是,一个善良的人应该促进善良一面,必须检查坏处在另一边。 我们记得她的自尊和清晰的情况在平等。在她看来,每个人都是一样的在上帝的脚。尽管有状态的差异,在属性和外观,但所有的人类都是平等的人格。 我们还记得她追求的生活,她的韧性和她的信心… 简爱英文读后感及翻译(2)Jane eyre -- once the advent of 19th century literature sensation, it with an irresistible beauty attracts thousands of readers, have a kind of uncontrollable urge, drives us to picked up the book, and then, the heart also deeply moved for the tremor. This is a novel with rotation colorific 19th century, is one of the three sisters famous writer * charlotte Bronte with. This is a book with their own hearts and strong spirit pursuit cast a book that contain the author infinite emotion and personality charm, won a brilliant for women of the sky. Hero Jane figure, appearance is ordinary, skinny no money, no status, but had no ordinary temperament


名著的英语读后感 第一篇:呼啸山庄名著英语读后感 a reading report of wuthering heights the book i have read this term is wuthering heights. emily bronte is perhaps the greatest writer of the three bronte sisters——charlotte bronte, emily, and anne bronte. emily bronte published only one novel, wuthering heights . some of her best lyric are also rated with the best in english poetry. her famous poems are love and friendship, the bluebell. a man named lockwood rents a manor house called thrushcross grange where the housekeeper nelly tells him the story here. one day, mr. earnshaw, the owner of the manor, goes to liverpool and returns home with an orphan boy. at first, the earnshaw children——a boy named hindley and his younger sister catherine ——detest heathcliff. but catherine quickly es to love him. mr. earnshaw prefers him to his own son, and he sends hindley away to college when he treats heathcliff badly. then mr. earnshaw dies, and hindley returns with a wife. he treats heathcliff as a labor to seek revenge on him. one night, heathcliff and catherine wander to thrushcross grange. catherine is bitten by a dog and is forced to stay at the the grange. during that time, she infatuates with edgar. catherine’s desire for social advancement prompts her to bee engaged to edgar linton. heathcliff runs aways froms wuthering heights, and returning shortly after catherine and edgar’s marriage. then he deviously lends money to drunken hindley. when hindley dies, he inherits the manor. he places himself in line to inherit thrushcross grange by marring isabella linton. catherine bees ill, she gives birth to a daughter and dies. shortly therefore, isabella flees to london and gives birth to heathcliff’s son, named hareton. thirteen years pass, young catherine meets hareton. they began a secret romance. linton pursues catherine only because his father forces him to. when edgar nears death, heathcliff lures and holds catherine prisoner until she marries linton. then edgar and linton die soon. six months later, lockwood returns, and finds that catherine grows to love hareton as they live together and plan to be married. heathcliff bees


...... Chapter1 Summary:Jane Eyre was always ill-treated at Gateshead Hall where her aunt, Mrs. Reed and her cousins-Eliza, John and Georgiana lived. Once, she was reading on the window-seat behind a curtain. John came and drove her away. To her anger, she defended herself, but her aunt came and commanded to lock her in the red-room. Feelings: I feel really bad for Jane as a child at her age. Imagine if I were her at that time, I may give myself up and die early.Even if facing such bad situation, she still loved reading. I admire her very much. Chapter2 Summary:Jane was dragged away by two servants, Bessie and Miss Abbot, and locked in the red-room. It was the place where her Uncle Reed died. Thus, the whole atmosphere reminded her of ghosts. She couldn’tstand it anymore and passed out. Feelings: I can ’thelp feeling that Jane was suffering some kind of mental disease because her aunt and cousins’attitude towards her. Poor little child! I hope some time in the future it can be healed. Chapter3 Summary:The doctor Mr. Lloyd came to see if Jane was OK. He asked her


书虫读后感 书虫读后感范文一 《傲慢与偏见》,一部值得细细品味的小说,一个美丽动人的故事。 文中描述了柏纳特一家几个女儿的故事。大女儿姬安,温柔善良,美丽可人,与富家子弟宾利一见倾心,却在关键时刻发生了波折。二女儿伊丽莎白,聪慧清丽,有志气,有主见,与家产万贯的贵族青年达西相识。可因为达西高傲孤僻,伊丽莎白对他存有严重的偏见,两人明明相爱却不肯承认,还不断地用言语刺痛对方,幸好最后误会冰释,有情人终成眷属。 看了这本小说,我受益匪浅。在我们这些人中,有许多很谦虚,但也有一些傲慢的人。这些傲慢的人有时的确令人讨厌,他们把眼睛长在头上,对其他人都不屑一顾。的确,傲慢是一种缺点,一种在环境下养成的性格。我们中国的孩子,从小就被父母视为掌上明珠捧着,典型的“小皇帝”。要是从小到大一直这么养尊处优,怎么会不傲慢呢?因此,我觉得我们不应该对傲慢的人产生偏见,而是该多反省自己,看看自己有没有傲慢,以后自己的事也要学会自己做,不再让父母操心,劳累了。 正如书中所说:“骄傲之心人皆有之。只要我们拥有那么一点点长处,就会觉得自己特别了不起。但其中的骄傲和虚荣虽含义相同,却实质不同,骄傲是种自我感觉,虚荣则需要牵扯到别人高估自己,所以,一个人拥有不含虚荣心的骄傲,这也是无可非议的。” 《书虫日记》:借用美国书爱家汤姆?拉伯这个着名的书名,来状写《书虫日记》日记里的彭国梁,可谓既省事又恰当。《书虫日记》排日记下了一位超级书虫2005年一整年的猎书清单以及经手过眼的书人书事,举凡搜书、访书、淘书、写书、编书、读书、评书、赠书、获书、理书等等,均如数家珍,历历在目。透过日记,一个可爱亦可笑的嗜书瘾君子的形象,以及那剪不断、理还乱的爱书人的心事,也和盘托出,真是可叹复可敬。全书有二十多万字,因为是排日记事,文字上的琐碎和率性是自不待言的。且让我当一回“文抄公”,摘录出一些使我过目难忘和为之莞尔的细节,来看看一个超级书虫、一个嗜书瘾君子,平时是怎么生活的。 先看他怎么理书。书虫侍弄起自己心爱的书来,总是乐此不疲、甘之如饴的。二楼上新增了一个书房,于是开始搬书上架,就像蚂蚁搬家一样。“书脏,手也就脏。洗了又搬,搬一阵又洗。”不是一天两天,而是接连许多天,常常是从上午,一直干到深夜两点。1月15日这天又记:“继续把书折腾来折腾去,从下午两点到晚上一点。……把书从这个书架上搬下来,再重新归类到另外的书架上去,腾空的书架用抹布一遍一遍地擦干净。书重新上架后,再仔细打量打量,很有成就感。”他这是在干什么啊?爱书人的心思,谁能明白?还是他自己说得好:“什么叫充实?什么叫聚精会神?什么叫任劳任怨?看看彭胡子搬书就知道了。陶醉,痴迷,想象不出世界上还有什么事比这更愉快的了。排列,组合,让它们排队,给它们分班,书们真好,任我随心所欲地折腾,却不发表任何意见。 书虫读后感范文二 在我们身边,总有些与众不同的人。他们或许有着听起来奇怪的名字,看起来奇异的服饰,


简爱英文读后感500字 Bertha Mason is the insane wife of Rochester. In precise contrast to the angelic Helen, Bertha is big, as big as Rochester, corpulent, florid, and violent. Much of Bertha’s dehumanization, Rochester’s account makes clear, is the result of her confinement, not its cause. After ten years of imprisonment, Bertha has become a caged beast (Showalter 73). As Bronfen states, “where Helen ‘fed’ off her dead ancestors, Bertha feeds off the living, bites and draws blood from her brother, repeatedly threatens the life of her husband, and embodies a return of what they would like to repress”(200). Bertha can be seen as Jane’s darkest double, as her ferocious secret self, who appears whenever an experience of anger or fear arises on Jane’s part that must again be repressed (“Jane Eyre” 167).Acting for and like Jane, she enacts the violence Jane would like to but can’t express, especially in respect to marriage. She also articulates Jane’s fears and desires about her own mortality (Bronfen 200). There are multiple themes in Jane Eyre. One of the main themes is the need for love contrasting with the need for independence. As a Bildungsroman, Jane Eyre is the story of Jane’s striving for independence, struggling with passion, and finally growing into maturity. As the story starts, Gateshead is the place in which the passions of childhood are given free rein (Lamonica 70)。 In Lowood, although Jane is no longer dependent on the Reed family, her passion is restricted by the severe rules. In Thronfield, however, an excess of passion between Jane and Rochester ultimately causes her to run from Thornfield Hall with no plans for the future, ending up starving and delirious on the doorsteps of the Rivers family at Marsh End (Teachman Online)。 Marsh End, like Lowood, is a place where restraint of passion is a way of life. While she cares deeply for St. John, who asks her to marry him, Jane knows that she would never be able to love him with the kind of passion she feels for Rochester. As Teachman states, “Jane is a woman who, having once known true passion, cannot settle for anything less in marriage”(Online). In Ferndean, the final location of the novel, passions have been moderated to some degree by both time and experience. Burn have rendered Rochester dependent on others for his daily care. Jane thus finds him changed from “a vital and sometimes threateningly passionate man into a man tamed by both emotional and physical trauma”(Teachman Online). Jane, on the other hand, had found loving cousins. She has also inherited her uncle's fortune, making her an independent woman with no need of the financial support. “As a result of this increased level of independence, she is able to regulate her passions, indulging them when she feels it appropriate and choosing not to act on them at other times. This final section of the novel reveals the integration of essential parts of Jane's personality and education into a strong adult woman, who also at this time becomes a mother and a true partner to her husband”(Teachman Online). 英语简爱读后感简爱的英文读后感简爱读后感英文版分页:123


英语名著读书笔记 【篇一:300字英语名著读后感】 frankenstein was a good scientist.he wanted to use elestricity to help people,and he wanted to discover the secrets of life.he worked very hard on these two things.he wanted to create a new life, but he was not allowed to make such medical experiments.he made a body in his laboratory and he didnot let anybody enter his labtatory or his flat while he was doing this awful work.he bought or stole all the pieces of human body that he needed,and slowly and carefully, he put them all together. he used electricity from lighting to give life to the body. in the beginning, the monster was kind and helpful. but when he was hated everywhere by his creator and people,he felt very painful. he became hated everything and wanted to destroy everything.he killed frankensteins son, william and fiancee ,elizabeth.frankenstein filled with anger chase him with his creation demonic monster, finally, frankenstein and the monster in the fight they died. it is a very terrible story. frankenstein created a monster, in this society in which the subject of ridicule, discrimination, so that he eventually became hate everything, trying to ruin everything. this is not just to create a simple person, but to create a satan, a devil. if people all show kindness for the monster, it would be a good man.there would not be many people losing their lives.in the story,the monster asked frankenstein to make a second creature. but at last, frankenstein did not.i think he is right.if he does that,there may be more people to be dead.maybe in the future,there will be no person on earth. it is awful. from the story,i learned that everyone should have sympathy. do not only care about appearance. 【篇二:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery


《简爱》英文读后感带翻译3篇 导语:《简·爱》是英国女作家夏洛蒂·勃朗特创作的长篇小说,讲述一位从小变成孤儿的英国女子在各种磨难中不断追求自由与尊严,坚持自我,最终获得幸福的故事。以下是的《简爱》英文带翻译,供各位参阅。 Jane eyre -- once the advent of 19th century literature sensation, it with an irresistible beauty attracts thousands of readers, have a kind of uncontrollable urge, drives us to picked up the book, and then, the heart also deeply moved for the tremor. This is a novel with rotation colorific 19th century, is one of the three sisters famous writer * charlotte Bronte with. This is a book with their own hearts and strong spirit pursuit cast a book that contain the author infinite emotion and personality charm, won a brilliant for women of the sky. Hero Jane figure, appearance is ordinary, skinny no money, no status, but had no ordinary temperament and very abundant emotion world. In her life through the, abandoned


书虫读后感英文各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢 书虫读后感英文 ’snameis”Themonkey’spaw”.Thebook tellsaboutthewhitesandapaw’’”‘llfeelunhap py.”?,hegot?3000, Ithink“Themonkey’spaw”“getsomethingfo rnothing.” ,”learnbydoing”,,”Themonkey’spaw”. Andinthenewfuture, what anicestory!“Themonkey’spaw”isperfe ct,andIwilllearnmoreandmoreinit. 书虫读后感英文 Thiswintervacation,Ireadagreatbook 《Bookworm》。Ingread1,Iappreciatethebeautyofthemoon,a nd,Iknowmary,queenofSocts’sstory……In aword,

Amongthem,myfavouritebookis 《Loveormoney》。,,toobtainmoney;onthe surfaceseemstoloveherbigdaughtertoreason sbuthatermother;hersontoapieceoflandand motherfellout……Resultsamurdererisherbigdaughter!Reason have ToherthepersonIlove! ,actuallykilledhermother,,weshouldco ntroloneself,avoidincentive,notrecklessthin gs…… The《Bookworm》hastaughtmealot. 各位读友大家好,此文档由网络收集而来,欢迎您下载,谢谢


简爱英文读后感120字 下面是小编为大家整理收集的关于简爱英文读后感120字,欢迎大家阅读,希望可以帮助到你。可以借鉴的哈。 The novel tells us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect,so perfect .. a little superficial,but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life.------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society,few people will like Jane Eyre,for the love for the character and abandon all,and without looking back.'s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay,and pure like a glass of ice water . Jane eyre English:Jane eyre is a novel color autobiography,it explains the theme:people's value = dignity + love. living in a parents,sponsor,grew up under the


英语名著读后感 【篇一:英文名著读后感】 外国九大名著英文版读后感 【小王子】 title: the little prince author: antoine de st-exupery main characters: the little prince, the pilot, the rose, the fox, the snake, etc. despite i’ve not in my childhood yet, i still prefer reading fairy-tale stories. the tales, which accompany with me in my old days, often make me think of some precious experience and sensation which only belong to children. this summer i’ve review this kind of tale, which was published in 1940. it’s the world-famous fairy-tale by the french author, antoine de st-exupery, the little prince. as many other fairy-tales, the outline of the little prince is not very complex. ―i‖, the narrator of the story, i s a pilot whose plane has something wrong and lands in the sahara. in this occasion, the pilot makes the acquaintance of the little prince, a little boy from another planet, the asteroid b612. the little prince has escaped from his tiny planet, because he has some quarrel with a rose, which grows on his planet. in that case he left his own planet and took an exploration at some neighbor asteroids. on his all-alone journey, the little prince meets different kinds of people, which includes a king, a conceited man, a tippler, a businessman, a lamplighter and a geographer. from these people he gets a conclusion that the grown-ups are very odd. following the instruction of the geographer, he descends in the sahara, on the earth. traveling on the earth, the little prince, who sees a garden of five-thousand roses, is overcome with astonishment and sadness, as he considers his rose is unique in the universe before. at that time a fox appears. the fox, who tell the little prince about the meaning of the word ―tame‖, becomes his new friend. at the time to say farewell, the fox makes him know that his rose is unique because she is his rose and tamed by


英语名著书虫《远大前程》读后感 篇一:远大前程(英文版) Thoughts on Great Expectations During the last month, I have been reading the novel named Great Expectations by Charles Dickens. I set up my mind to finish reading it for the simple reason that I have read the Chinese version of this great novel and I was deeply attracted by the story. The main character in this novel is Pip and the whole story goes like this: Pip was a orphan and was brought up by his sister “by hand”. His sister Mrs. Joe was very strict with him while his brother-in-law treat him kindly. As a result, the two developed a intimate relationship. Since Pip was asked to visit Miss Havishams’s house, his mind and his fate began to change. In Miss Havishams’s home, Pip saw her adopted daughter Estella and fell in love with her at the first sight. Then he was determined to be well-educated and bee a gentleman in order to deserve the


简爱英文读后感100字 简爱英文读后感100字(一)Let me tell what I feel after reading the great work Jane Erye.I was really move by Jane Erye after closing the book.What a kind and good woman!Mrs Eyre had a heart of gold.She really loved everyone around her,and gave others help sincerely.She respected herself and did her best to do everything.I really love her.She are both a great teacher and a good friend of mine.Sometimes when I am confuse,I will think of her.I will imagine what will she do if she is I.Why not read Jane Erye my friends! 简爱英文读后感100字(二)lls us that the best people to increase the dignity of life is love. Novels by the end of the row that this is such a life. Although I think this kind of outcome is too perfect, so perfect a little superficial, but I still respect this author The ideal of a better kind of life. ------- Is to increase the dignity of love / In modern society, few people will like Jane Eyre, for the love for the character and abandon all, and without looking back.'s Whole-hearted pursuit of pay, and pure like a glass of ice water ……英语简爱读后感简爱的英文读后感简爱读后感英文版分页:123


英文名著读后感1500词 oliver twist, one of the most famous works of charles dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in britain in 18th century. the author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in london. the hero of this novel was oliver twist, an orphan, who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime. he suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst, beating and abuse. while reading the tragic experiences of the little oliver, i was shocked by his sufferings. i felt for the poor boy, but at the same time i detested the evil fagin and the brutal bill. to my relief, as was written in all the best stories, the goodness eventually conquered devil and oliver lived a happy life in the end. one of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of mrs. maylie and rose and began a new life. he went for walks with them, or rose read to him, and he worked hard at his lessons. he felt as if he had left behind forever the world of crime and hardship and poverty. how can such a little boy who had already suffered oppressive affliction remain pure in body and mind? the reason is the nature of goodness. i think it is the most important information implied in the novel by dickens-he believed that goodness could conquer every difficulty. although i don’t think goodnes s is omnipotent, yet i do


简爱英文读后感(15篇) 简爱英文读后感第1篇: Oliver Twist, one of the most famous works of Charles Dickens’, is a novel reflecting the tragic fact of the life in Britain in 18th century。 The author who himself was born in a poor family wrote this novel in his twenties with a view to reveal the ugly masks of those cruel criminals and to expose the horror and violence hidden underneath the narrow and dirty streets in London。 The hero of this novel was Oliver Twist, an orphan,who was thrown into a world full of poverty and crime。He suffered enormous pain, such as hunger, thirst,beating and abuse。While reading the tragic experiences of the little Oliver, I was shocked by his sufferings。 I felt for the poor boy, but at the same time I detested the evil Fagin and the brutal Bill。To my relief, as was written in all the best stories,the goodness eventually conquered devil and Oliver lived a happy life in the end。 One of the plots that attracted me most is that after the theft, little Oliver was allowed to recover in the kind care of Mrs。Maylie and Rose and began a new life。 He went for walks with them, or Rose read to him, and he worked hard

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