当前位置:文档之家› 合肥简介英文版



Dear friends:

Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, is a subtropical monsoon climate city. Dry season and rainy season is obvious. A lot of precipitation in the summer, on the contrary, precipitation will rarely in winter. Hefei is located in eastern China. It is 600km that the distance between Hefei and Shanghai. The city has a total area of 11408 km2, with a population of 7.06 million. It play a center of politics, economy, education and transportation for the whole province. The name Hefei was first given to the county set up in the area under the Han dynasty in the 2nd century BC. The present city dates from the Song dynasty, the earlier Hefei having been some distance farther north. Many archaeological finds dating from this period have been made. Its name and administrative status often change in different historical periods. However, no change in the spirit of Hefei .

The surrounding areas of Hefei abound with tourist resources. There are many tourist attractions known nation-wide within a radius of 300 kilometers of Hefei. First, Xiaoyaojin Park, located at the northeastern corner of Hefei old urban area, is a multi-function park with various service facilities, pleasant environment and beautiful scenery. Second, Ancestral temple of Lord Bao was constructed in memory of Bao Zheng who is idealized as an upright and honest official and a political reformer in the Song Dynasty. The Temple consists of a central building with two wings attached perpendicularly. There is a huge statue of Lord Bao in the temple. Third, Three Rivers Town is located on the Hefei-Huangshan-Jiuhuashan golden tourist route, 40km from the city proper of Hefei. Its present name was derived from the fact that the three rivers, Fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan River, intersect here. The town boasts a history of more than 2500 years. At last make a introduction about Hui Garden. It is located in Hefei Economical and Technological Development Area. Hui Garden covers an area of 200,000 square meters. The overall layout of Hui Garden is based on the basic structure of Anhui’s administrative distribution. The Yangtze River and Huai River run through the garden. The rich and colorful artistic charms of central Chinese culture represented by Northern Anhui, the Yangtze River and Huai River culture represented by Central Anhui and Hui Culture represented by Southern Anhui would have eye-catching appeal to those who visit the garden.

In addition, still have a lot of famous scenic sites in hefei, anhui province as museum, daishan lake resort, and so on.

Yours: Alec


产品远销英国、美国、日本、意大利和东南亚,深受消费者欢迎和好评 Our products are sold in Britain, America, Japan, Italy and South East Asia and well appreciated by their purchasers. 畅销全球selling well all over the world 典雅大方elegant and graceful 顾客第一Customers first 美观大方elegant appearance 美观耐用attractive and durable 品种繁多great varieties [v??rai?ti] 品种齐全complete range of articles; a great variety of goods 让我们的商品走向世界Let our commodities go to the world. 色彩鲜艳bright in colour 深受顾客欢迎We have won praise from customers 供不应求in short supply; Demand exceeding supply 回味隽永pleasant in after-taste 货源充足ample supply and prompt delivery 技术先进modern techniques 技艺精湛exquisite craftsmanship; Fine craftsmanship 价格公道reasonable price; Street price; moderate price 价格适中moderate cost 节日送礼之佳品ideal gift for all occasions 居同类产品之魁首to rank first among similar products 深受国内外客户的信赖和称誉to win a high admiration[??dm??re???n]and is widely trusted at home and abroad. 品质优良,疗效显著,誉满全球,欢迎选购excellent quality, evident effect, good reputation over the world, orders are welcome. 价廉物美high quality and inexpensive; less expensive, high quality goods; high quality and low overhead NTN创业于1918年3月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。 NTN Corporation was founded in March 1918, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of bearing in the early stage. 随着事业的逐步扩大, NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械等的生产以及销售业务。 With evolution, most of NTN's effort has been changed into the manufacture and sales of bearings, Constant V elocity Joints (CVJ) and precision machinery since the Joint-stock reform in 1934. 中国电子进出口总公司(CEIEC)成立于1980年4月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸公司之一。经过30年的发展,业务范围涉及国际贸易、海外工程、防务电子、船舶业务、招标业务、展览广告及现代物流等多个领域 China Electronics Import & Export Corp. (CEIEC) was established as a national foreign trader, with the approval of the State Council in Apr. 1980. After thirty years’ operation, CEIEC has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, extending its business scope of from international trade, to overseas engineering, tendering, ship business, defense electronics, exhibition service, and modern logistics.


为大家收集一些在外贸活动中, 非常实用的企业及公司介绍用到的词组。 NTN创业于 1918 年 3 月,公司创业初期主要从事轴承的研发、制造业务。 NTNCorporation was founded in March 1918, which was principally engaged in research, development and manufacture of bearing in the early stage. 随着事业的逐步扩大, NTN进行了股份制改制,公司主要从事轴承、等速万向节、精密机械 等的生产以及销售业务。 With evolution,most of NTN's effort has been changed into the manufacture and sales of bearings, Constant Velocity Joints (CVJ) and precision machinery since the Joint-stock reform in 1934. 中国电子进出口总公司( CEIEC)成立于 1980 年 4 月,是中国最早成立的全国性专业外贸公 司之一。经过30年的发展,业务范围涉及国际贸易、海外工程、防务电子、船舶业务、招 标业务、展览广告及现代物流等多个领域 China Electronics Import & Export Corp. (CEIEC) was established as a national foreign trader, with the approval of the State Council in Apr. 1980. After thirty years ’ operation,CEIEC has evolved into a comprehensive enterprise, extending its business scope of from international trade, to overseas engineering, tendering,ship business,defense electronics,exhibition service,and modern logistics. 公司具有国际贸易、国际工程承包、招标代理、展览广告等多种业务的甲级经营资质。截至 2009 年底,公司总资产达亿元人民币,实现销售收入亿元人民币。 CEIEC is honorably entitled to a number of A-grade quality certificates in contract of world bidding and trading, international engineering project, tendering, exhibition and advertisement. At the end of 2009, the company's total assets attained RMB billion; sales revenue reached RMB . 国际贸易是公司的传统主营业务。截至 2009 年底,累计进出口额达亿美元。公司是商务部


介绍合肥的导游词3篇 合肥的名胜古迹甚多。从前有镇淮角韵,梵刹钟声,藏舟草色,教弩松荫,蜀山雪霁,淮浦春融,巢湖夜月,四顶朝霞八处,统称“庐阳八景”。下面是带来的介绍合肥的导游词,希望可以帮到大家。 篇一:介绍合肥的导游词 合肥市,历史悠久,古称庐州,又名庐阳,位于安徽省中部,地处江淮之间、巢湖北岸,辖东市、西市、中市、郊区4区和长丰、肥东、肥西3县。总面积7266(市区458)平方公里,人口425.9(市区127.94)万。市内道路宽阔,绿树成荫,景色优美,既多现代建筑,又有名胜古迹,是一座古老而又年青的城市。 作为安徽省省会,合肥是全省政治、经济、科教、文化、信息、金融、商贸中心和交通枢纽,也是全国甲等开放城市、全国重要的科研教育基地,拥有中国科技大学等30余所高等院校。高科技工业园、科大同步辐射实验室等蜚声中外。

“合肥”名称之由来,说法不一。北魏郦道元所著《水经注》载:“夏水暴涨,施合于淝,故曰合淝。”通常把 施水叫南淝河,肥水叫东淝河,这是一种说法。唐代有人提出另一种说法,淝水出鸡鸣山,北流二十里分而为二,其一东南流(南淝河),经过这里入巢湖;其一西北支(东淝河),二百里出寿春入淮河。《尔雅》上指出“归异出同曰肥”。二水皆曰淝,合于一源,分而为二,故曰合肥。 合肥市素以“三国旧地、包拯故里”闻名于世,具有“淮右襟喉、江南唇齿”的战略地位,常为兵家必争之地。三国时魏将张辽大败孙权十万大军的逍遥津战役,即发生在这里。两千多年前,这里就已开始形成商业都会。秦、汉在此设郡县,明、清为庐州府治,民国时为安徽省省会,如今已是千樯鳞次、商贾辐凑的商业都会。 合肥素有“绿色城市”、“花园城市”的美名,其环城公园便修建在合肥古城墙的基础之上,沿着起伏的岗丘地形,加之原有的绿林带及护城河,精筑而成。环城公园总长约达9公里,分为六个景区,其中较为著名的有茂林修竹,夏河朝露的银河景区;湖峦相映、水碧枫赤的西山景区;林木葱茏、芳草常青的环北景区。这样的环城公园无城墙之隔阂,


安徽省基本情况介绍 一、安徽省概况 安徽建省于清朝康熙六年(公元1667年),省名取当时安庆、徽州两府首字合成,因境内有皖山、春秋时期有古皖国而简称皖。现辖16个地级市、62个县(市)、43个县级区和1522个乡镇、街道办事处。2012年末,全省户籍人口6902万人,常住人口5988万人。 安徽地处长江、淮河中下游,长江三角洲腹地,居中靠东、沿江通海,东连江苏、浙江,西接湖北、河南,南邻江西,北靠山东,东西宽约450公里,南北长约570公里,土地面积13.94万平方公里,占全国的1.45%,居第22位。地跨长江、淮河、新安江三大流域,世称江淮大地。长江流经安徽境内约400公里,淮河流经省内约430公里,新安江流经省内242公里。长江、淮河横贯东西,将全省分为淮北平原、江淮丘陵、皖南山区三大自然区域。境内巢湖是全国五大淡水湖之一,面积800平方公里。 安徽在中国交通干线网中具有承东启西的地位,铁路密度居华东前列。武汉—合肥—南京铁路客运专线将合肥到上海、武汉的行程缩短到3个小时和2个小时;京沪高速铁路使合肥到北京的行程缩短到4小时左右。截至2012年底,全省高速公路通车里程已达3210公里,在建里程超过1000公里,合宁高速东达宁沪,芜宣高速南连杭

州,合安高速西接武汉,合徐高速北通徐州,一个四通八达的高速公路网络已基本形成。合肥新桥国际机场是国内4E级枢纽干线机场。 安徽资源条件优越,全省已发现矿种达158种,探明资源储量的有126种(含普通建筑石料矿种),其中煤、铁、铜、硫铁矿等矿产资源保有储量在全国名列前茅。旅游资源丰富,是中国旅游资源最丰富的省份之一。黄山、西递和宏村古民居群等被联合国教科文组织列入世界文化遗产名录。拥有黄山、九华山、天柱山、琅琊山、齐云山、采石矶、巢湖、花山谜窟、太极洞和花亭湖等10处国家级重点风景名胜区,拥有歙县、寿县、亳州、安庆和绩溪5座国家级历史文化名城,6个国家级自然保护区,29个国家级森林公园,56处国家重点文物保护单位。 安徽是中国史前文明的重要发源地之一,文化底蕴深厚,源远流长,曾培育出道教文化、建安文学、桐城派、北宋理学、徽文化等,涌现出老子、庄子、管子、曹操、华佗、包拯、朱元璋、李鸿章、胡适等一批著名历史人物。产生于淮河流域的老庄道家学派,与儒家学说一起构成我国传统文化两大支柱;徽文化是明清时期最有影响的文化流派。徽剧是京剧的主要源流之一,黄梅戏是中国四大戏曲门类之一,池州的傩戏号称"戏剧活化石",淮河两岸流行的花鼓灯被誉为"东方芭蕾"。 安徽是我国重要的农产品生产、能源、原材料和加工制造业基地,汽车、机械、家电、化工、电子、农产品加工等行业在全国占有


合肥城隍庙简介 随着O2O营销模式的风起云涌,许多传统知名企业已经加入线上销售的大军之中,数不胜数的成功案例证实,线上是线下销售的有效补充,也是当下发展的大势所趋。合肥城隍庙就紧随时代发展的脚步,把线上与线下一体化的精神贯彻得一步到位,于是城隍庙网应运而生。 说起城隍庙,在合肥几乎无人不知无人不晓。那物美价廉的日常用品,琳琅满目的男衫女装,清香宜人的“妆点”用品,古色古香的徽派建筑,还有那些乐此不疲的淘货岁月,凝聚着多少老合肥人永久难忘的记忆。如今,这一难忘的记忆再次在网络上精美呈现。合肥城隍庙涵盖了日用百货、家电办公、手机数码、家纺居家、女妆护理等必备之宝,运动户外、汽车用品也应有尽有,海量的丰富网货,让您获得更高的生活品质,而且件件是精挑细选,绝对货真价实、物美价廉。那么,不做冤大头、崇尚时尚个性、开放畅所欲言的交流心态和“把每一分钱花在刀刃上”的理性思维,成为城隍庙网“合肥时尚淘一族”的重要特征。 另外,城隍庙网拥有多样化的消费体验,让“合肥时尚淘一族”淘的不亦乐乎:新品快递立足时尚前沿,汇聚最新颖的理念、最前卫的服饰和最时尚的元素,让您成为时尚的宠儿;热卖商品让当下畅销之物一览无余,群众的眼光是雪亮的,数据告诉您热卖的理由;每家商铺都有自己的镇店之宝,合肥城隍庙网来为您一一网罗,足不出户即可窥见各店之至尊;商品评论则囊括了亲们的提点与支持,留下您的只言片语,意见我们会改之,建议我们会加冕,赶紧来淘吧,城隍庙网让您来而无悔,满载而归。 合肥城隍庙网以及它背后的专业团队将用一种特殊的气质影响并改变着线上的消费人群、当下庐州大地的流行态度和风尚趋势。无疑低廉的价格是打动消费者的首要利器,但尽善尽美的售后服务,又让亲们体会到宾至如归的感觉。便宜、实用、个性又高性价比,这些宝贝都是我们自己想要的,必定也是您想拥有的。潮流的气质影响着潮流的行为,潮流的平台揭示着潮流的趋势——城隍庙网引领合肥潮流的时代俨然已来临。 城隍庙网即是合肥流行前沿的缩影!


Launched in 1990, Hebei Huanya Cable Co., Ltd is situated on riverside of Baiyangdian Lake , a famous scenic spot known as “Peal of Hebei province. Adjacent to Beijing in the north, Tianjin in the east, Beijing –Jingjiu Railway in the west, it enjoys superior geographical position and very convenient traffic. Covering an area of 76000 s.q.m ,Huanya has more than 230 staffs and about 30 technicians. Its fixed assets amount to 49million yuan, annual production capability reaches 1billion and 300million yuan. The range of Huanya’s products involves wires and cables and the searching, manufacturing, selling of the line hardware. After 20 years’struggle and develop, our manufacturing technology is more scientific, testing means more perfect, and product quality more reliable. Our company has received National industrial products manufacturing license for wire and cable, and many other certifications such as 3C (China Compulsory certification), OHSI18001, ISO14001, ISO9001. The ISO9001 we passed pertains to all the manufactured products. For many years we have been honored the heavy contract keep credit enterprise by the provincial and municipal governments and won the honor of Provincial Brand Name, Measurement Qualification Enterprise, Provincial Famous Trademark, Trusting Enterprise, Integrity Enterprise,3A Enterprise conferred by Agricultural Bank of China. Huanya serves customers in more than 26 provinces and districts across China and has been chosen to manufacture cables for power and communication units in many provinces. Our products are well received among our customers due to its premium products and excellent after-sale services. With the concerted efforts of our staff and support from our customers, we have expended our transaction from producing plastic power cable , plastic control cable, aerial insulated cable; aluminum stranded wire and aluminum conductor steel reinforced ,anti-aging wire and iron pieces for transmission line to flame-retardant cable flame barrier cable, Low Smoke Halogen Free cable. We have developed pre-branch cable and bunched cable, making every effort to offer our customers multi-series quality products. Constantly adhering to values of “scientific management, innovation, quality and credibility”, Huanya’s staffs are working on market expansion and products tweaking, aiming to contributions to the whole profession.


ABOUT US CNS INTERTRANS(SHENZHEN) CO. Ltd, is an a-class freight forwarder approved by ministry of commerce of the people's republic of China. CNS was established in 2000. For years' expansion and development, CNS has become one of the leading integrated logistic companies in China. Our head office is located in Shenzhen. Have branches offices in Hong Kong, Guangzhou, Shanghai, Wuhan, Dalian, Tianjin, Qingdao, Ningbo, Xiamen, Shunde. We can handle air/ sea/land shipment from all China ports. Moreover, we also can handle shipment from Asian countries as well. We are a NVOCC (MOC-NV02456), as well as a member of CIFA (China International Forwarders Association). Our vision:to be a new type of logistics leader meeting the challenges of global trade Our mission: to facilitate trade through innovative supply chain solutions Our values:integrity, personal ownership, teamwork and excellence Our customer promise of personal service: We thrive on challenges and consistently go above and beyond for our customers. You can count on CNS employees around the world to tackle today's uncertainties with the confidence that stems from their deep knowledge of local markets and their logistics expertise. Unmatched personal service sets us apart. Each one at CNS assumes a high degree of personal responsibility for your job; and we will not rest until that job is done to your satisfaction. We anticipate instead of react, and we follow through. Behind every contract, supply chain solution, phone call and shipment is a personal relationship with you, our customer. Whether we are managing your entire supply chain or offering a specialized service, our ability to listen and learn before taking action is what makes our employees your partners and our solutions more effective. Our core strengths We concentrate our capabilities on areas that are critical to modern supply chains


Dear friends: Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, is a subtropical monsoon climate city. Dry season and rainy season is obvious. A lot of precipitation in the summer, on the contrary, precipitation will rarely in winter. Hefei is located in eastern China. It is 600km that the distance between Hefei and Shanghai. The city has a total area of 11408 km2, with a population of 7.06 million. It play a center of politics, economy, education and transportation for the whole province. The name Hefei was first given to the county set up in the area under the Han dynasty in the 2nd century BC. The present city dates from the Song dynasty, the earlier Hefei having been some distance farther north. Many archaeological finds dating from this period have been made. Its name and administrative status often change in different historical periods. However, no change in the spirit of Hefei . The surrounding areas of Hefei abound with tourist resources. There are many tourist attractions known nation-wide within a radius of 300 kilometers of Hefei. First, Xiaoyaojin Park, located at the northeastern corner of Hefei old urban area, is a multi-function park with various service facilities, pleasant environment and beautiful scenery. Second, Ancestral temple of Lord Bao was constructed in memory of Bao Zheng who is idealized as an upright and honest official and a political reformer in the Song Dynasty. The Temple consists of a central building with two wings attached perpendicularly. There is a huge statue of Lord Bao in the temple. Third, Three Rivers Town is located on the Hefei-Huangshan-Jiuhuashan golden tourist route, 40km from the city proper of Hefei. Its present name was derived from the fact that the three rivers, Fengle River, Hangbu River and Xiaonan River, intersect here. The town boasts a history of more than 2500 years. At last make a introduction about Hui Garden. It is located in Hefei Economical and Technological Development Area. Hui Garden covers an area of 200,000 square meters. The overall layout of Hui Garden is based on the basic structure of Anhui’s administrative distribution. The Yangtze River and Huai River run through the garden. The rich and colorful artistic charms of central Chinese culture represented by Northern Anhui, the Yangtze River and Huai River culture represented by Central Anhui and Hui Culture represented by Southern Anhui would have eye-catching appeal to those who visit the garden. In addition, still have a lot of famous scenic sites in hefei, anhui province as museum, daishan lake resort, and so on. Yours: Alec


Ok, Today I will introduce something about company structure. First of all, I will show you a simple picture of the company structure. This picture has two pats. The first line shows three parts of company: the shareholders, the management and the workforce. Those squares which are linked with narrow lines means specific departments in a company. You could see that the shareholder is the highest level. Board of Directors is under it. And then there are different department. it’s hard to put the management and the workforce in the structure, because in any department there can be managers and workers. I will introduce these two parts in the latter paragraph. A shareholder (or stockholder) is an individual or institution (including a corporation) that legally owns a share of stock in a public or private corporation. Stockholders are granted special privileges depending on the class of stock: 1. The right to sell their shares, 2. The right to vote on the directors nominated by the board, 3. The right to nominate directors (although this is very difficult in practice because of minority protections) and propose shareholder resolutions, 4. The right to dividends if they are declared, 5. The right to purchase new shares issued by the company, and 6. The right to what assets remains after a liquidation. Shareholders are not crucial for a company to run, because they merely provide money. But the board of directors which is voted by big shareholders is very important in the company structure. A board of directors is a body of elected or appointed members who jointly oversee the activities of a company or organization. It is often simply referred to as "the board". A board‘s activities are determined by the organization’s bylaws(团队章程). The bylaws commonly also specify the number of members of the board, how they are to be chosen, and when they are to meet. Duties that the board should bear: 1. Governing the company; 2. Selecting, appointing, supporting and reviewing the performance of the chief executive; 3. Ensuring the availability of adequate financial resources; 4. Accounting to the stakeholders for the organization's performance; We could see that the board usually manages some broad affairs. Their decisions could decide which direction the company develops.


公司英文描述范文3篇 Model 1 XXXXXX carpet manufacturing Co., Ltd. Was established in 1989, the company is independent legal person, registered capital 50 million yuan.Our company is located in the Town zhuze ,liyang city, jiangsu province ,where have beautiful scenery & a long-term history,The transportation is also very convenent,being close to hangzhou high-speed、the shanghai-nanjing high-speed、also near to nanjing lukou airport. The company covers an area of 19,000 square meters, annual production capacity reaches 5 million square meters, Except for the domestic market, our products are also sold to overseas countries,such as Europe and America, southeast Asia, Australia, Malaysia ,India ,the Middle East etc. Liyang hengye carpet Manufacturing Co, Ltd is a manufacturer ,who specializing in the production of carpet tiles, with advanced equipments and perfect technology, the company has a professional operation team, strong technical sources, a complete production lines &strictly quality testing process,In totally, no matter from professional, innovative, unique and various aspects,we all have unique advantages. The company has passed the certification of national quality certification center and obtained the certificate of quality management system (iso9001:2018 GB/T 19001-2018) and CE certification. Company in good faith, pragmatic business philosophy with the domestic and foreign merchants sincere cooperation, is committed to provide more quality products for customers at home and abroad, to beautify the environment and improve life quality, to provide more convenient and efficient service to the life of people! Model 2 Shanghai XXX New Decorative Materials Co.,Ltd was established in 1996,which is a recognized company specializing in the design,


Hefei City Introduction Hefei, the capital of Anhui Province, located in the central region of China (Geographical coordinates: 32`N and 117`E) between Yangtze and Huaihe Rivers .It possesses a strategically important location easily accessible from all directions of the country, and it connects the vast area of Central China. Hefei, well known both at domestic and abroad as “a historic site famous from the Three Kingdoms Period and the hometown of Lord Bao”, is a city with a history of more than 2000 years. Since the later Eastern Han Dynasty, it had been made governance site several times of the local government as a county or prefecture, constantly an important administration center and a crucial military stronghold in the region between Huaihe River and Yangtze River. Hefei enjoys a subtropical humid monsoon climate featuring mild climate with distinct seasons and appropriate precipitation. In spring the temperature varies frequently with an obvious raining period, rainfall concentrates in summer while autumn has crisp air and clear sky. The average temperature is 15.7℃, the mean precipitation is about 1000 millimeters and sunshine-time accounts for 2100 hours annually. In 2007, the whole city realized 133.42 billion RMB in GDP. The annual fiscal revenue 21.519 billion, increased by 28.3%, of which local revenue was 10.198 billion with an increase of 28.4%, the yearly import and export volume totaled 6.248 billion dollars, increased by 28.2%,of which export volume was 4.301 billion dollars with an increase of 26.3%, import volume was 1.948 billion dollars with an increase of 32.6%.

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