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2003年,在党中央、国务院的正确领导下,保险业认真贯彻落实“三个代表”重要思想和十六大精神,以改革促发展,以开放求发展,以结构调整实现可持续发展,以加强和改善监管促进健康发展,较好地完成了全国保险工作会议部署的各项任务,在全行业上下形成了抓改革、促发展的良好氛围。全国保费收入3880.4亿元,同比增长27.1%。其中,财产险保费收入869.4亿元,同比增长11.7%;寿险保费收入2669.5亿元,同比增长28.7%;健康及意外险保费收入341.5亿元,同比增长69.7%。保险密度287.44元,保险深度 3.33%。保险公司总资产达到9122.8亿元,同比增长41.5%。截至2003年底,全国共有保险公司61家,其中财产险公司24家(政策性保险公司1家),人身险公司32家,再保险公司5家;其他保险机构8家,其中集团(控股)公司6家,资产管理公司2家;保险中介公司1037家,其中已批准开业706家(经纪公司83家,公估公司115家,代理公司508家),待开业331家(经纪公司82家,公估公司43家,代理公司206家)。各保险公司通过保险中介(包括保险营销员、兼业代理、保险代理公司、保险经纪公司,由于保险营销员的归属待定,目前暂将保险营销员列入保险中介系列)渠道的保费收入为2892.73亿元,占全国总保费收入的74.55%。其中保险营销员保费收入1612.83亿元,占全国总保费收入的41.56%;兼业代理保费收入1183.51亿元,占全国总保费收入的30.50%;保险经纪公司保费收入49.60亿元,占全国总保费收入的1.28%;保险代理公司保费收入46.78亿元,占全国总保费收入的1.21%。全国共有保险从业人员150万人,保险代理人128万人。保险业呈现出蓬勃发展的良好局面。































保险业按照统筹国内发展和对外开放的要求,以开放求发展,不断为加快发展注入新的活力。保监会认真履行加入世贸组织的承诺,进一步扩大保险市场对外开放的力度。2003年,共批准3家外国保险公司进入我国保险市场, 10家外资保险公司营业机构开业,此外,首次批准外国保险经纪公司在我国设立营业机构。外资保险公司业务范围和经营区域进一步扩大,允许外国非寿险公司在华设立独资子公司,允许在华外资非寿险公司向国内客户提供除法定业务外的全部非寿险服务,对外开放城市增加到15个。与此同时,对外交流合作得到加强,成功获得国际保险监督官协会2006年年会举办权。








































































An Outline of China’s Insurance Market in 2003

and Its Outlook

Wu Dingfu, Chairman of China Insurance Regulatory Commission

1. An Overview of the Insurance Industry in 2003

Under the leadership of the central government and the state council, the insurance sector conscientiously practiced important thoughts of the “Three R epresents” and the spirits of the 16th CPC Congress in 2003. It sought development through reform and opening-up, sought sustainable growth through structural readjustment, and sought sound and health development of the industry through enhancing regulation. Due to these efforts, all tasks put forward during the National Insurance Conference were accomplished and a healthy atmosphere of reform and development took place throughout the industry. The total premium income of 2003 reached 388.04 billion RMB yuan, up by 27.1% from that of the corresponding period in 2002. Among the total premium income, 86.94 billion RMB yuan came from property and casualty business, and 266.95 billion RMB yuan came from life insurance business, registering a growth of 1.7% and 28.7% respectively. The remaining 34.15 billion RMB yuan was generated from health and accident insurance business, which achieved a growth rate of 69.7%. The insurance density reached 287.44 RMB yuan per capita and the insurance penetration was 3.33%. The total assets of the insurance industry increased to 912.28 billion RMB yuan, up by 41.5% from that of the previous year. As of the end of 2003, the number of insurance companies reached 61, among


which 24 were property and casualty insurers (including one policy insurance company), 32 were life insurers and 5 were reinsurers. Of the other 8 insurance entities, 6 were group/holding companies of insurance companies, and 2 were insurance asset management companies. There were 1037 insurance intermediary companies, of which, 706 had gained approval to commence operation. They were 83 brokerage firms, 43 insurance adjustment agencies and 206 insurance agencies. For the whole industry, the premium acquired through insurance intermediaries including individual insurance agents, non-dedicated insurance agencies, dedicated insurance agencies and insurance brokers were 289.273 billion RMB yuan. (Note that individual insurance agents were also classified as one kind of insurance intermediary since its relationship with insurance companies was left to be decided.) Individual insurance agents generated 161.283 billion RMB yuan of premium for the industry, about 41.56% of the industry?s total revenue. Non-dedicated insurance agencies produced 118.351 billion RMB yuan of premium, 30.50% of the industry?s total revenue. Insurance brokers and dedicated insurance agencies generated 4.96 billion RMB yuan and 4.678 billion RMB yuan of premium respectively, accounting for 1.28% and 1.21% of the industry?s total revenue. The number of people employed by the insurance sector was 1.5 million, 1.28 million of which were insurance agents. Generally speaking, the insurance industry maintained a brisk and solid growth momentum in 2003.

(1) Studying and Practicing the “Three Represents” thoughts and the 16th CPC Congress Spirits to Achieve a New Perceptual Height

Under the unitary guidance of the central government, the whole industry took to studying and practicing the “Three Represents” thoughts immediately. They closely integrated these thoughts into the current situations of the insurance industry, sought unified thinking through mental liberalization, and achieved a new height in understanding of the thoughts. This phenomenon was demonstrated in the following areas:

A profound change of mindset had took place. Firstly, political awareness was significantly enhanced. The insurance industry followed the right political direction, perceived and solved problems from the perceptive of politics and adamantly implemented the policies and working guidelines of the central government and the state council about the insurance sector. All policies, products and services initiated by the industry were based on and led to the principle of safeguarding fundamental interests of the great masses of people. Secondly, An awareness of the priority of overall development was firmly established. The industry put the overall interest of the country before its own interest, did a good job at developing its own line of business. It had cultivated a concept of serving the overall interest. It centered its work on the core tasks of the party and the country, and did its utmost to play its rightful role on promoting reform, anchoring the economy, stabilize society and benefiting people. Thirdly, the sense of responsibility was visibly strengthened. It was realized profoundly th at China?s insurance industry was weak in foundation, uneven in geographical development, and relatively low in its overall level of development. There was still a big gap between what the industry could provide and what was needed for social and economical development and what the general public demanded. Consequently, a stronger sense of responsibility and urgency for speed-up of development was created within the whole industry.

New achievements were made in theoretical innovation for the insurance indus try. Under the guidance of the “Three Represents” thoughts and taking into consideration of the current situations in China, the industry was proactively exploring a route of development both suitable to its current stage of development and the unique characteristics of China. This active work attributed to a much deeper understanding of basic questions such as how to perceive China?s insurance industry, how to develop the industry, and what kind of insurance industry should be developed in China, etc. Firstly, the industry arrived at an important conclusion that China?s insurance industry was still at its preliminary stage of development, and the basic characteristics of it were small in size, a relatively low percentage in the national economy, and non-full display of its functions and roles. Secondly, it was found that the major contradiction facing the insurance industry was that its level of development was incompatible to the demands of national economic development, social development and people?s life. Thirdly, it was explicitly concluded that the first and foremost task of the industry was to speed up development and grow bigger and stronger. Fourthly, the theory on the functions of insurance industry was expanded to cover not only financial compensation, financing, but also social management. This laid forth a theoretical grounding for its expansion, and for exploring its potentials in an all-round, multi-tiered and wide-range manner.

A better understanding of the rule of development for


China?s insur ance industry. With a summary of its development experiences during the 20 strong years ever since the application of the reform and opening up policy, and with an increasingly deeper understanding of the rule of insurance industry development in the socialist market economy, the industry arrived at 8 relations to be properly dealt with in order to comply with new situations and new tasks. The first relationship was that between the insurance industry and the economy and society. The key was to integrate the insurance industry into the big economic and social picture and prioritize the needs of economic and social development. The second relationship was between economic return and social benefits with the two being inherently unitized. The third relationship was that of growing the industry bigger and stronger. The industry should not only grow bigger but also stronger in order to enhance its overall strength and competitiveness. The fourth relationship to be dealt with was between strengthening of regulation and acceleration of development. The principle to be followed regarding this binary was to embedding services into regulation to create a favorable environment for the industry?s development. The fifth point was to carefully balance the relationship between quick development and risk prevention. Neither should the industry be daunted by risks herein, nor should it be blinded of the existence of risks by its zealot for development. The sixth point was to handle the issue of development at better-developed areas and less-developed areas. The better developed coastal areas should be encouraged to maintain its momentum of growth, while the less-developed western areas should be encouraged to accelerate its pace of development. The seventh relationship to be dealt with was between strengthening of regulation and encouragement of innovation. The insurance regulator should not only support and encourage insurance innovation, but also play its due role of guarding against potential risks brought about by innovative initiatives. The eighth relationship was that of long-range goal and immediate objective. The industry should refrain from myopic activities. It should, instead, make a proper and effective use of and preserve the insurance resources to achieve a sustainable development.

(2) A major progress was made in system restructuring.

Continuous and deepening reform and injection of fresh vitality for development were imperative to solve the systematic hindrance inherent in the insurance industry.

Important achievement was made in the restructuring of state-owned insurance companies. CIRC regarded the restructuring of state-owned insurance companies into joint-stock ones as the major initiative of insurance innovation and the key to guard against risks. Therefore this task was given the first and foremost priority in its work plan of 2003. CIRC played an effective role of guidance, supervision and coordination in the process. State-owned insurance companies conscientiously carried out the joint-stock restructuring plan approved by the state council. They split their efforts successfully between restructuring and development, and withstood setbacks ad SARS and volatility of the international capital market, and moreover, stood up to the constraints of a pressed time framework, arduous work involved, high standard required, and the lack of proved peer case. They made a daring exploration, burned a lot of night oil and pushed forward proactively the work of restructuring into joint-stock companies. In this year, all three state-owned insurance companies, namely, the People?s Insurance Company of China, China Life Insurance Company and China Reinsurance Company completed their restructuring and reorganization work. The People?s Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited became the first state-owned financial enterprise to be listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange. China Life Insurance Company Limited wad dually listed on both Hong Kong and New York stock exchanges and created the largest IPO in the world in 2003. The two companies raised altogether 35.4 billion RMB yuan equivalently through their IPO. As a result, their capital base was significantly strengthened, so were their solvency margin and risk-taking capability. Moreover, their equity structure was optimized, laying a solid foundation for further change of operational mechanism and enhancing of competitive edge.

By converting into a joint-stock structure, these companies can gradually optimize their equity structure through admitting foreign and private capital, and introducing strategic investors into the company. Foreign and private equities can play an active role in improving their corporate governance structure and internal control. This will genuinely transform their operational mechanism and further enha nce the company?s competitiveness.

A breakthrough was made in the application of insurance fund. With the approval of the state council, PICC (Holding) and China Life (Group) formed their own asset management companies, offering centralized and professional fund management services for their insurance fund. These two companies made an important step forward in experimenting with the reform of insurance fund management system.


(3) A series of measures for development were put forward.

CIRC staged a series of measures in line with its market orientation to speed up development, better serve insurance companies and create a more favorable environment for development of the industry.

Firstly, further reform its regulation on premium rate. The reform of premium rate regulation for motor vehicle insurance was rolled over nationwide. Because of the well-considered plan for reform and a large amount of preparatory work done, this reform was well received. Reform of the aviation accident insurance was also proceeding smoothly in this year. As a result, insurance companies learned to respect the rule of market more than ever before, and turned to focus more on product design and customer services. Insurance products were increasingly diversified and their premium rate became more and more reasonable. They better met social needs.

Secondly, relax its control on setting up of new branches by Chinese insurance companies. Any Chinese insurance companies who has branches or sub-branches in a province, autonomous region or centrally controlled municipalities, can operate insurance business in this administrative jurisdiction through dedicated insurance agencies or their own sales and service offices. This changed the situation of limited number of insurance providers in some regions and enhanced competition there.

Thirdly, relax its qualification regulation of senior management personnel of insurance companies. CIRC rationalized its regulation regarding years of service, work experience and qualification of senior management personnel, making it easier for insurance companies to attract talented people and improve the overall quality of their staff.

Fourthly, broaden investment channels for insurance funds. Insurance companies could invest in corporate bonds rated AA or above instead of only in enterprises of the four designated industries. And their investment into corporate bonds were also increased to 20% of their total assets balance from only 10%.

Fifthly, improve the market access mechanism and increase the number of insurance providers. CIRC supported joint-stock insurance companies to expand their service network and took the approving of insurance intermediaries as an integral part of their day-to-day work. CIRC had approved altogether 316 branches and sub-branches of insurance companies and 922 insurance intermediaries.

Sixthly, take special efforts in better serving the insurance sector. CIRC sponsored various forums regarding corporate annuity, health insurance, functions of modern insurance industry, and so on. It also jointly launched study and research programs on earthquake insurance and agricultural insurance. It actively liaised and communicated with relevant government departments to gain their understanding and support for the development of the insurance industry.

Seventhly, utilize media to create a favorable environment for the insurance sector. CIRC strengthened its guidance of the promotional activities of insurance companies by establishing a spokesperson system in itself. Reports of insurance news helped to steer the right direction for the industry, serve the overall development objective of it. These efforts received visible results and enhanced the profile of the insurance industry in people?s minds. According to incomplete statistics, national and capital press society wrote and published more than 4000 news and reports about this industry.

Eighthly, try to gain support of governments at different levels for the insurance industry. CIRC local offices reported their work to local governments of their own avail, and therefore won attention of the local governments. Sichuan and Hunan provinces integrated the development of insurance industry into their overall social and economic development plan, and issued guidelines on advancement of the insurance sector.

Insurance companies made new strides forwards on reform and development. For one thing, they formulated scientific development strategies and actively restructured their business mix. They also strengthened product design and adopted a more profit-oriented business plan. Secondly, insurance companies expanded their branch networks to keep apace with their business expansion. Their service networks also became better structured and their service capability was enhanced accordingly. Thirdly, insurance companies consolidated internal management, putting more emphasis on control of business and financial risks. On the basis of reform and development, many insurance companies maintained high level of business growth and growth momentum. Companies like New China Life, Taikang Life, and Taiping Life had their premium income doubled.

(4) The functions of insurance industry were better displayed and the social importance of the insurance industry was further enhanced.

Aiming to serve the overall economic and social development objectives, the insurance industry made visible


achievement in giving a full play of its various functions and roles.

In terms of its function of economic compensation, the insurance companies made a total of 84.1 billion RMB yuan of claims and benefits payment in 2003, up by 19%. Especially, after the occurrence of major disasters and accidents, insurance companies made claims payments immediately, which greatly helped post-disaster reconstruction work and quick resumption of normal order of work and life. Take Huai He river basin flood and the accident of No. 4 metro line of Shanghai as an instance, insurance companies delivered a total claims payment of 500 million RMB yuan and 135 million RMB yuan respectively. The Export Credit Insurance Company, in its short operational history of only 2 years, had provided foreign currency payment protection for exports and investments worth of USD 7 billion, and insured more than 40 large scale medium to long-range foreign trade and investment projects, making payment of over USD 100 million to enterprises. It strongly supported China?s foreign trade.

In the respect of financing, the balance of investment assets reached 822.5 billion RMB yuan as of the end of 2003, providing a large amount of funds for economic development of China. Among the investment assets, 456 billion RMB yuan was deposited with banks and 137 billion RMB yuan invested into treasury bonds. Insurance companies also held half of the corporate bond issuing and 26.3% of the securities investment funds. Clearly, insurance companies had become the major institutional investors in the capital market, therefore played an important role for the development and stability of the capital market.

Regarding its function of social management, all insurance companies strengthened their services of disaster and loss prevention and social protection. The insurance industry was taking a larger responsibility for society. In the combat against SARS, the insurance sector quickly responded and stepped in to intervene at a very early stage. It paid out more than 5 million RMB yuan to 313 SARS-struck patients, donated more than 10 million RMB yuan, and donated insurance coverage of over 200 million RMB yuan to medical services practitioners. The industry projected a caring and responsible image, and demonstrated its spirit of “serving the overall objectives, taking responsibilities, cooperating and dispelling concerns for people.” It enhanced people?s confidence of winning the war against SARS and its deeds were well recognized by society.

With the growing role of the insurance industry, the social awareness of insurance was gaining ground and the social influence of the insurance industry became increasingly stronger. Firstly, the development of the insurance industry gained high-level commitment of the central government and the state council. Premier Wen Jiabao and Vice Premier Huang Ju made important instructions on insurance sector on several occasions. Vice Premier Huang Ju attended the seminar on joint-stock restructuring of state-owned insurance companies and delivered an important speech. Tang Jiaxuan gave a report on the international situations to employees and cadres of Beijing-based insurance companies. Secondly, the insurance industry was mentioned 7 times in the “Decision s on Many Issues Regarding Improvement of Socialist Market Economy Mechanism” delivered during the 3rd Plenum of the 16th CPC Congress. This document confirmed the important role of the insurance industry on improvement of the socialist market economy and construction of a well-off society. Thirdly, the central government lifted the administrative rank of CIRC to be a ministerial public service department directly reporting to the state council. It increased additional local offices of CIRC, raised the administrative rank of some CIRC local offices, put in additional internal departments and expanded CIRC staffing.

(5) Exhibiting new features regarding opening up.

According to the requirements of combining domestic development with opening up, the insurance industry sought development by opening up, keeping injecting new vitality into the industry. CIRC delivered its WTO commitments, and opened up the insurance market with quickened tempo. In 2003, CIRC approved entry of 3 foreign insurance companies and 10 foreign insurance companies started their operation in China. Apart from that, CIRC gave green light to foreign insurance brokerage firms to set up business presence in China for the first time. And the scope of business and region of operation permissible to foreign insurers were also broadened. Non-life foreign insurers were allowed to set up their own wholly-owned subsidiaries and non-life foreign insurers already in China were allowed to provide all kinds of non-life insurance services except statutory insurance. The number of cities opened up to foreign insurers increased to 15. At the same time, cooperation and exchanges with foreign insurance regulators were also greatly enhanced. CIRC successfully won the opportunity to hold the 2006 annual meeting of International Insurance Supervisors Association.


(6) Regulation of insurance industry was strengthened continuously.

CIRC attached equal important to development and risk prevention, regarding risk prevention and protecting policyholder interests as the starting point and final objective of its regulatory efforts. It strived for healthy and sound development of the insurance industry through enhancing and improving the regulatory regime.

Supervision of solvency adequacy was a substantial step made by CIRC. It issued “Regulation on Management of Insurance Companies? Solvency Margin and Its Monitoring Indexes” and established a solvency margin prospecting system . The framework of solvency margin supervision system suitable to China?s specific situations took shape. After making a comprehensive analysis of solvency levels of all insurance companies, CIRC took action on more than 10 insurers whose solvency margin was inadequate or whose monitoring indexes fell short of regulatory requirements. They were either required to submit a clarification report or was called forward for a regulatory talk. Some companies have taken measures to redress their unsatisfactory situation. Solvency margin regulation was showing its effects as an important tool of regulation.

Supervision of market activities became more stringent. Firstly, CIRC completed its policies regarding market activity regulation. It issued and implemented “Supervisory Indexes for Branches of Property Insurance Companies” and “Produ ct-specific Regulatory Statements for Property Insurance Companies”, explicitly highlighting its focuses and criteria of regulation . It also promulgated “Actuarial Regulation on New Life Insurance Products” and together with the People?s Bank of China, “N otice on Strengthening Management of Banks Acting as Agencies for Insurance Companies”, regularizing new life insurance products and bancassurance business. CIRC also complied the Life Insurance On-site Inspection Manual to standardize on-site inspections and procedures. Secondly, CIRC conducted specialized inspections according to typical problems spotted in the insurance market. It carefully handled visits and complains of customers, rectified market order and safeguarded stability of the insurance market and interests of the insured. Thirdly, CIRC awarded heavier punishment for illegal or irregular activities. It investigated and solved 466 irregular market activities and punished 37 persons held responsible.

The resident Supervisory Committee dispatched by the State Council to state-owned insurance companies focused on financial supervision. It conducted various specialized inspections and played an effective role in maintaining and increasing the value of state-owned assets and urging state-owned insurance companies to follow regularized operational practices.

(7) CPC Party construction and membership development exerted a new look.

The insurance sector continued to construct the CPC party in order to suit the new situations of insurance development under a socialist market economy. Firstly, emphasizing theology and political construction. According to the overall plan of the central government, the insurance industry took to studying “Three Represents” thoughts with full steam. The CPC committee of CIRC took the lead and organized various forms of study such as holding meetings, making speeches, and so on. The “Three Represents” thoughts and the spirit of 16th CPC Congress were used to arm people?s minds and guide people?s work. Secondly, strengthening construction of the leadership team. On its establishment, the new CIRC party committee drew up various meeting and work procedures and policies, implemented down-to-earthly the collective decision-making system, and enhanced the cohesion and effectiveness of the leadership team. Thirdly, CIRC implemented its “three decision” plan and staffing plans of its regional offices and complete the rename, plate hanging, and cadre appointment for all new local offices. The work style and mindset of its staff also experienced a major change. Fourthly, civil organizations such as the labor union and youth league staged a great variety of colorful activities, helping to enhance the cohesion and attraction of the party.

Meanwhile, we are also fully aware that there are some glaring contradictions and problems lurking in the insurance industry. Firstly, because of its limited product offering and relatively low service quality, the industry cannot satisfy the growing needs of the public. Secondly, There are still some illegal and irregular activities in the insurance market, and fraudulent selling and misrepresentation are far from being a rarity. Credibility and trust-worthiness of the insurance industry are left to be built up. Thirdly, regulatory concepts, methods and tools are incompatible with the rapid development of the industry. Fourthly, internal control of insurance companies is still quite weak.

2. Take a stock of the situation, unify thoughts and further enhance the consensus on the necessity, urgency and


feasibility of the speedup of development.

(1) There is a once-in-a-lifetime development opportunity for the insurance industry.

It was noted during the 16th CPC Congress that the fist two decade of this century was a strategic period that should be grasped and, if so, should be a period of great achievements. The insurance industry, being an integral part of the social and economic development, is on the threshold of this strategic development period as well.

The international political and economic environment is very conducive to the development of our insurance industry. Peace and development are still the major themes of the world. The CPC party and central government led by Mr. Hu Jintao made cool-minded observation and judgment of international environment and steered the country through various complicated relations. They created a very favorable international environment for China?s socialist construction work. Currently, the world economy has entered a new cycle of growth. The global economy and trade have shown trend of growth, and economy of three major economic pillars, the United States, Japan and European Union, is recovering. As predicted by some international institutions, the world economy will continue to pick up this year.

The domestic economic and political environment is favorable to the development of the insurance industry. Ever since the reform and opening-up policy being adopted, China?s socialist economy has achieved world recognized development. We have realized the second strategic step of modernization construction and the living standards of our people have been improved, approaching closely the well-off standards. According to National Statistics Bureau, our GDP in 2003 reached 11.67 trillion RMB yuan and our per capita GDP exceeded US $1000 for the first time in history. Our material and technical bases supporting economic development have been increasingly consolidated, demonstrating that our economy has entered a new phase of development. International experiences have shown that, at this phase of development, people?s consumption demands jump to a new level, too. Their demands tend to be more diversified, and their demands for housing, private cars, education, medical care and pension and health pretection grow significantly. In particular, the 16th CPC Congress put forward the grand goal of constructing a well-off society for all its population. According to this plan, the economic aggregates will quadruple by 2020. This will be translated into a 7.2% growth rate per annum for China?s economy. The 3rd Plenum of the 16th CPC Congress further proposed a development concept centered on “five unification” in order to achieve a comprehensive development of the economy, society and people. These are all closely related to the insurance industry. Therefore, the insurance industry in China has entered a prime time for development.

The favorable development opportunities and environment do not come by of themselves. We must cherish this opportunity more than anything else. History showed to us that grasping opportunities, we will gain historical development, otherwise it would be difficult to catch up. Therefore, we must fully recognize the important of grasping this opportunity and developing the insurance industry from a strategic perspective.

(2) We must fully recognize the necessity of speedy development.

For the 20 years since the reform and opening-up policy was first adopted, the insurance sector has maintained a 30% growth rate year on year on average. It is one of the industries that developed the quickest. The quick development of the insurance industry is attributable to the fact that insurance is needed for people?s daily life and the social and economic development. With the improvement of the socialist market economic system, demands for insurance will be larger and larger.

The insurance market should be greatly developed in order to improve the market system, for it is an integral part of the material means market. An organic and coordinated development of the insurance market, capital market and money market will optimize financial resources allocation, stability of the financial system and financial market and cancel off systematic risks.

Insurance industry should be well developed in order to improve China?s social security s ystem, because insurance is an important component of the social security system. The basic protection of the social system, complementary insurance from employers and commercial insurance paid out of one?s own pockets are three major pillars of the pension and health care system of the country. At the time being, China?s social security system is far from being complete, therefore commercial pension and health care programs are in a great need to alleviate pressure on the social system, improve protection of the general public and enhance people?s well-being.

The insurance industry is needed to support development


of the non-publicly-owned economy and economic restructuring. The 3rd Plenum of the 16th CPC Congress emphasized that the non-public economy is a n important force of our country?s social productivity. Non-public enterprises, as market entities self-responsible for its operation and profitability, need insurance protection more to guard against risks and guarantee normal operation. Implementation of development strategies such as western development and rejuvenation of legacy industrial base in Northeast China needs corresponding insurance protection as well.

The agriculture support system will not be complete without participation of insurance. Agricultural insurance is a common way of support for agriculture in market economies. Policy agricultural insurance can, as permitted by WTO rules, substitute agricultural subsidies and provide effective supports to agricultural and rural development. Premier Wen Jiabao and vice premier Huangju and Hu Liangyu made important instructions about the development of agricultural insurance. The 3rd Plenum of the 16th CPC Congress explicitly proposed to explore with the establishment of policy agricultural insurance system. Therefore, developing agricultural insurance to provide risk protection to agricultural and rural development has become a new task of the insurance industry, and an rightful obligation as well.

Well-coordinated economic and social development is impossible without an effective insurance industry. As an industry specialized on risks management and operation , the insurance industry is closely related to various fields of social and economic development. With continuous transformation of government functions and coordinated social and economic development, the insurance industry will be required to take more responsibilities in reaction to abrupt public events and social management.

(3) We must fully recognize the urgency for speedy development of the insurance industry.

Although China?s insurance industry has been growing rapidly in recent years, it still lags behind the requirements of social and economic development. And there is still a gap between where it is and where it should be. There are two major reasons for saying so.

Firstly, the size of the insurance industry is rather small today, which is incompatible with the level of social and economic development. In terms of insurance penetration, the average in the world in 2002 is 8.1%, compared to only 3% in China. We are ranked at the 48th place in insurance penetration even though our GDP is ranked at the 6th place. Moreover, the average insurance density of the whole world is USD 423. However, the insurance density of China is only USD 29, ranked at the 71st in the world.

Secondly, the functions and roles of the insurance industry have not been fully displayed in China. The insurance industry is of supreme importance in its economic and social development. In European countries, claims paid by the insurance sector accounts for 20% of their disaster compensation. This percentage was only 1% in China. The oil well spill disaster happened in Kai Xian county of Chong Qing at the end of 2003 resulted in heavy casualties and property loss. It is a very high-profile incident in China. However, the total claim payment made by the insurance sector was only a little more than 200,000 RMB yuan. This shows that the insurance industry hasn?t penetrated into all walks of social and economic life and its role hasn?t been fully displayed.

If we fail to make a turnaround of this situation soon, serving overall social development by the insurance industry will be only empty slogans, and the industry will not be able to play its due role in the lofty mission of establishing a well-off society of the whole population. Therefore, the urgent task for us is to accelerate the development of the insurance industry.

(4) We must fully recognize the feasibility for a speedy development.

At the moment, there are 4 favorable conditions for the development of the insurance industry. Firstly, the strength of the industry has been significantly consolidated after more than 20 years of rapid development. Secondly, competitiveness of insurance companies has been greatly enhanced along with improvement of their management skills. This is mainly attributable to their enhanced awareness for competition and a result orientation after system reform and mechanism transformation. Thirdly, we have accumulated valuable experiences of operating insurance business in a market-driven economy and our capability of harnessing the market has been significantly boosted. Fourthly, with the establishment of the insurance legal system, and the strengthening and improvement of insurance regulation, our capability on risk prevention and resolution has been improving gradually.

(5)We must be fully aware of the problems and contradictions along the path of development.

Problems and difficulties are not a rarity in the course of development. For the development of the insurance industry, the consensus is on three major constraints, namely, insufficient


capital, limited investment channels, and lack of insurance professionals. Let?s make a full stock of these three problems.

About insufficient capital. Insurance companies can inject into themselves additional capital through different methods. They can raise additional capital by directed issuing of additional shares. Both domestic and international investors have a very favorable judgment on China?s insuranc e industry. They are strongly interested in investing into China?s insurance industry. CIRC will amend “Provisional Regulation on Making Equity Investment into Insurance Companies” to make it easier for insurance companies to raise additional capital. Insurance companies can also make a public offering of their shares. The People?s Property and Casualty Insurance Company Limited and China Life Insurance Company Limited have boosted their solvency margin to 190% and 560% of the minimum requirement of the regulator respectively. Their experiences will be very helpful for other insurance companies. CIRC is very supportive of going public overseas for any insurance companies who can meet various requirements. We can also explore the possibility of raising capital through other channels. For example, some insurance companies has asked the question of raising additional capital through issuing subordinated debts.

On limited investment channels. Investment of insurance funds is an important link between the insurance industry and the capital and money markets. It is also the path through which the insurance industry can play its role of financing and supporting economic construction of a country. With the increase of investment assets of insurance companies, the state council has started to gradually broadening investment channels permissible to insurance funds in recent years. Apart from the channels such as negotiated bank deposits, treasury bonds and financial bonds transaction, insurance companies have been allowed to participate into the inter-lending market of banks to transact bonds. Corporate bonds rated AA or above, trading bonds in securities firms, and securities investment funds today. There is a number of favorable news on further liberalizing investment r estrictions on insurance companies. In the “Reform Plan of the Investment Mechanism” passed in principle during the routine meeting of the state council at the end of 2003, it proposed to encourage and promote insurance funds to be indirectly invested into infrastructure projects. This offers a very good channel for insurance funds. Moreover, the state council placed great importance on the reform of the insurance funds management mechanism. It approved in principle that insurance companies could establish their own assets management companies if they met with certain requirements. CIRC will issue “Regulation on Management of Insurance Assets Management Companies” soon to accelerate establishment of insurance assets management companies. A special note should be made on the recent “Many Opinions on Promoting Reform and Open up of the Capital Market and Its Stable Development by the State Council”. It explicitly said that “ insurance funds should be supported to directly invest in capital market through diffe rent channels” , “making institutional investors such as mutual funds management companies and insurance companies become the major force in the capital market”. This document pointed out the direction of reform for insurance fund management and development. It also opened up a new path for insurance funds to play a bigger role. Under the prerequisite that we should take due risk control measure, we will draw up implementation measures on directly investing insurance funds into capital market as soon as possible to increase investment opportunities and vehicles for risk spread for the insurance industry. We think the major constrains at the moment for insurance funds is not the problem of limited channels, but whether the insurance companies can effectively control investment risks and make a proper use of their funds.

On lack of insurance professionals. This is a key issue affecting the long-term development of the insurance industry. Currently, there are more than 1.5 million people employed by the insurance industry. Many of them not only have high political integrity, but strong insurance knowledge, or management and operational expertise. However, the industry is still crying for more talented people. We regard this as a problem of concept. If we change our employment concept, search for talents from a wider scope and improve our staffing mechanism, many talented people will stand out. We do recognize the fact that there is a lack of talents for some highly technical posts in insurance companies, especially with the rapid development of business and frequent product innovation, the technical level of many insurance companies positions have increased accordingly. There are a lot of solutions for this problem. For example, more practice will train competent personnel. Nobody has prior experiences when China decided to apply the policy of reform and opening up and create a socialism path with unique China characteristics. However, we learned a lot by groping our way forwards and created a lot of talented people in this process. Most of the insurance professionals today have also gone through a learning process along the growth track of the industry. The process of


development for the insurance industry is also a training course of its own professionals. We believe that the development of the industry depends on head hunting among the people, then training them through exposing them to practical work, and finally bringing up the real cream of them. Another solution for this problem is specialized training programs.. Adequate training is also a must to continuously improve professional quality of people. Insurance companies can train a large contingent of talented people specializing on different areas if they have a complete education and training system and provide multi-level training programs to different employees in different ways. Insurance companies can also recruit talented people from outside. CIRC will further amend the “Regulation on Management of Senior Management Personnel of Insurance Companies” to support insurance companies in recruiting talented people from other industries and from within and without China according to their actual needs and focus of development. All means of production including knowledge, technology and management skills will play to their utmost for rapid development of the insurance industry. We believe we can create a strong contingent of talented people if we stick to the spirits of the national conference on talented people, apply relevant “Three Represents” thoughts, resp ect and care about them, and create a favorable environment for their development. This professional team should not only have high professional expertise, but also a high professional ethics. It should also be well-structured to guarantee excellence in all of our businesses and the necessary chain of succession.

There are some concerns and fuzzy ideas about the prospect of the insurance industry.

Some people think it is fairly good for the insurance industry to grow to today?s size. They question whether it is necessary to speed up its development. These people are satisfactory with the status quo, even though it is not as good as they think. It is true that the insurance industry has been growing very rapidly in recent years and has made very impressive achievements. However, we should remain cool-minded before these achievements. Secretary-general Hu Jintao made a profound analysis of the striking problems in our party cadres during the 3rd plenary session of the central party committee. The first unhealthy symptom he criticized is sleeping on laurels and drifting along without making any achievements. We should compare this admonition with our own deeds, learn a lesson and always remind ourselves of the notion of development as the first guiding principle for our party and our country. We should take a down-to-earth attitude to day-to-day work, steadily pushing forward the reform and development of the insurance industry.

Some people think the insurance industry in China is saturated, therefore they doubt whether it is possible to speed up its development. For this, let?s look at two sets of data. The first set of data is a survey about people?s purposes for making bank deposits in China. It is found that more than 40% of the deposits are made for provisions for old age, education and illness. And this percentage has a rising tendency. In developed countries, however, these preventive deposits in China are usually used to buy insurance. If we base our judgment on this percentage, we can say that about 4 trillion RMB yuan of deposits have a very close correlation and substitution with insurance. This amount is about 4 to 5 times of the current total assets of the insurance industry in China. The second set of data is about people?s expenditure on medical services. In 2002, the medical expenses paid by individuals exceeded 300 billion RMB yuan. In contrast, the medical expenses paid by commercial insurance only accounted for 6% of China?s total medical expenditure, and only 3% of China?s population was covered by commercial medical plans. These data demonstrates that our insurance market is far from being saturated. There is a large room and potential for further development.

Some people think that the growth of China? s insurance industry has already been too fast. They wonder whether it is too risky to further quicken up its growth. There is some point for this concern. However, we should understand that no or slow development is even more risky. International lessons tell us that a country or an industry can experience a period or periods of high growth in its process of development. Countries such as Japan, South Korea, or Southeast Asia and industries like computer, communications and biotechnology are such examples. There are three major criteria to judge whether its pace of growth is too fast or too risky for the insurance industry. The first criterion is whether it is conducive to enhancing the overall strength and competitiveness of the industry. The second criterion is whether is can meet the demands for insurance by social and economic development and general consumers. The third criterion is whether the pace of growth is beyond what the industry can sustain. Currently, all the favorable factors for the insurance industry?s development are in place in Chi na. These include internal factors, external factors, timing, geographical factor and the factor of people. Therefore we think it is both possible and attainable to maintain a high speed of growth with


a good profitability but a moderate risk level.

At the moment, all industries are growing rapidly. The gap will be widened if the insurance industry cannot keep up with the pace of growth of our economy, and it?s role will shrink if that happens. Therefore, for the sake of better serving the overall development goals of our country and our economy and the long-term goal of the insurance industry, we must mobilize all favorable factors and do our utmost to quicken up the insurance?s development, making it more powerful both in size and strength.

3.Thoughts about the development of the insurance industry in 2004

The overall requirement for the insurance work in 2004 is to promote rapid, continuous, sound and coordinated development of it to contribute to the nurturing of the market economy mechanism and the construction of a well-off society. To achieve this, the insurance sector should follow the guidance of Deng Xiaoping Theory and the “Three Represents” and consistently put into practice the spirits of the 16th CPC Congress, the 3rd Plenum of the 16th CPC Congress and the national banking, securities and insurance conferences. It should regard restructuring as its main task and focus on the construction of a complete market system by upholding a scientific concept of development and using reform and opening up as the engine for growth. Furthermore, all insurance companies should develop a sound risk awareness, mobilize all resources possible and grasp every new development opportunities.

To deliver a good result in 2004, we should adhere to the following 5 principles. Firstly, consistently serving the overall goals of social and economic development; secondly, seeking inexhaustible source of growth from innovation; thirdly, base all our decisions on China?s specific situations as at its preliminary stage of soc ialism and the unique characteristics of China?s insurance industry; fourthly, operate in compliance with relevant laws and regulations and fifthly, adhere to the principle that insurance regulation is to serve the interests of the insurance industry.

(1) Deepening reform to promote rapid development of the insurance industry.

Reform is the engine for development. To solve various mechanism or system constraints on the development of the insurance industry, we must bring the reform initiative to a deeper level and a wider scale involving all areas of the insurance industry.

We will continue to reform insurance companies, aiming to explore effective ways of operation of insurance business. Our goal is to bring to life our modern insurance enterprise model that satisfying all of the following requirements, namely capital adequacy, tight internal control, secure and sound operation, high quality of service and decent profitability. We will firstly further consolidate our achievement in the reform and restructuring of state-owned insurance companies by continuing to push forward various reform measures and leading the reform to a deeper level. The immediate job is to push forward the shareholding reform of China United Property Insurance Company in order to complete restructuring of all state-owned insurance companies. Secondly, we will strive to make a turnaround of the operational mechanism by starting from improving corporate governance structure of insurance companies. CIRC will promulgate “Guidelines on Gove rnance Structure of Insurance Companies” after making due research. This Guideline is to assist insurance companies to establish a highly efficient and effective operational system, including a check and balance mechanism among their owners, decision-makers, supervisors and operational management. The structure of the board of directors should also be optimized and relevant education should be offered to directors to avoid short-term decisions. Thirdly, we should strengthen internal control by establishing a compete set of internal control policies, improving our risk control capability and improving quality of our assets. CIRC will continue to fine-tune our “Guiding Principles on Establishing Internal Control System for Insurance Companies” and enhance imp lementation of this Guiding Principles. An accountability system will also be set up in order to strengthen the sense of responsibility of senior management personnel, and tighten up the head office?s control on branches and its individual agents. Responsibilities of key positions should be strengthened to make the internal control system really effective. Fourthly, we will continue to encourage and support insurance companies to innovate their mode of operation. Innovations that are in line with the development trend of our market economy and the goal of financial stability can be tried out if properly timed.

CIRC will consistently implement “Administrative Approval Law” while deepening our reform of the administrative approval system. This reform initiative was called for by the state council a few years ago, and CIRC has already made impressive progress in this work. W has done away with the administrative approval requirement for 86 items.


“The Administrative Approval Law of the PRC” will take effect on July 1, 2004. This is an important law regulating government activities. It is also of great significance for the development of our socialist market economy system and for China to get accustomed to the post-WTO situations. As the insurance regulator, we should get a complete understanding of not only the goal and the substance but also the specific provisions in this law in order to taking more effective measures to transform and innovate our regulatory functions and methods. We will take a stock of all administrative approval processes that run against the Law and abolish or rewrite them. We will also setting up corresponding systems for the new administrative approval policy, specifically commit ourselves to a time limit and an improved efficiency of the approval process. Moreover, it is equally important for us to strengthen our supervision of the implementation of these new measures, enhance people?s responsibility awareness, and guarantee the dichotomy of power and responsibility staying together all the time, which means that where there is power there will be responsibility or vice versa.

(2) Completing the insurance market system to promote continuous development of the insurance industry.

The prerequisite and foundation for optimal allocation of insurance resources and for the market to play its role in this process is to establish an open, orderly and competitive insurance market system.

For this purpose, we will continue to nurture our insurance market and promote competition in the marketplace. Firstly, different insurance companies should be guided differently on their development path. Some companies, according to their market positioning and needs of business development, should be encouraged to consolidate their internal resources and set up subsidiaries specialized on different lines of insurance, thus becoming a conglomerate who have not only a key strength but also complementary lines of business. To attain this goal, insurance companies should be allowed to merge with or acquire other business, or go through other equity transfer arrangements. For small-and-medium-sized insurance companies, we will encourage other social resources to be channeled into them to help them grow and expand . These companies should try to be niche players by strengthening their competitiveness in a specialized area. Moreover, we will inject new vitality into the market by further improving the market access system and approve new insurance companies to be set up. In particular, we will encourage establishment of insurance companies specialized on pension, health insurance or agricultural insurance. The market exit system should also be set up. Secondly, We will vigorously cultivate the reinsurance market, supporting insurance companies or other investment agencies to establish reinsurance companies in order to boost the overall underwriting capacity of China?s insurance industry. At the same time, regulation on cession outside of China will be tightened up to encourage making reinsurance arrangement domestically first. Thirdly, the insurance intermediary market should be regularized. Specialized insurance intermediary agencies will be encouraged to innovate their modes of operation, and achieve a scale of economy by fully displaying their advantages. The insurance distribution system will be reformed to form professional and specialized distribution channels. Receipts for intermediary services will be used nationwide. The intermediary market will be further rectified by aggressively curbing insurance frauds and enhancing supervision of market activities. Fourthly, the role of insurance association and insurance societies should be further enhanced. The insurance association should be a self-disciplinary body of the industry, having at the same time functions such as safeguarding interests, coordination, publicity and exchanges and son on. The insurance society should focus on study and research of the insurance industry and become an important platform for theoretical innovation.

We will vigorously promote product innovation and improving service quality. Product innovation should be given the first priority if the insurance industry is to grow bigger and stronger. Our current product offering is formed under a planned economy. With the establishment of a market economy system and the change of people?s living style and concept of value, these products become increasingly incompatible with people?s needs and demands, which has become an encumbrance for further expansion of the insurance industry. Although the number of insurance products is fairly large, but few of them are catering to specific consumer needs. Therefore, product innovation is key to changing the current situation. We should recognize the strategic importance of product innovation and gradually form a new customer-driven product range. Inspirations of innovation can come from major changes in the social and economic life in China, consumption style of urban residents, and popular commodities, adjustment of macro-economic policies and industrial policies by the government, and so on. The legacy concept of “you buy what I offer” should be replaced by “I offer what you want to buy”,


thus turning the insurance market from being a seller?s market to a buyer?s market. Specific measures that can be taken by insurance companies are as follows: developing individualized product to meet differing needs; adjust product mix, look for new growth drivers such as active participation into the corporate annuity pilot program in Northeast China. As a regulator, CIRC should also innovate its methods of regulation to support insurance company?s initiative s. We will also amend and improve the product filing management system, encouraging insurance companies to set up a highly responsive and efficient product development mechanism. Furthermore, we will promote using standardized and plain language for insurance policy wording, making insurance policies easy to understand. Last but not least, we will promote to insurance companies to take the benefit of IT technology, expanding to E-commerce and distant claim settlement, just to new two examples.

Uplifting credibility and social image of the insurance industry. Credibility is the life of every industry. And the insurance sector is no exception to this rule. At the moment, problems such as operational irregularity, reluctant and difficult claims, and misrepresentation have greatly tarnished the image of the insurance industry. To project a trustworthy image of the insurance industry, we shall establish a credibility system composed of relevant laws and regulations, market supervision, and credit rating system. The first action to take is to cultivate a credibility culture in the industry, upholding credibility concepts and education, and improving professional ethics of insurance practitioners. The goal is to make honesty and trustworthiness become an voluntary self-discipline for insurance practitioners The second action is to establish a credit rating framework for this industry with the assistance of credit rating agencies. At the same time, we should also strengthen the punishment mechanism for the absence of creditability by utilizing both the effects of the legal system and the market. Market entities should be severely punished for their lack of creditability.

(3) Further opening up to enhance overall competitiveness of the industry.

Opening up is a basic policy of our country. It is proven that opening up our insurance market is conducive to improving the overall development level of the insurance industry and speeding up its growth. Therefore, we will continue to open up our insurance market to fully take the benefit of the domestic and international markets and resources in these two markets.

Deliver our commitment to the WTO. We will lifte geographical and operational restrictions on foreign insurance companies step by step according to the designated timetable and pace of opening up. Foreign insurance companies will be allowed to offer individual health insurance, group insurance or pension program. The “Implementation measures on …Regulatory Provisions for Foreign Insurance Companies?” institutionalized market access and activities of foreign insurance companies and guaranteed that the opening up policy of the insurance market will be carried out properly.

Better mobilizing foreign insurance companies. Foreign insurance companies strong on health insurance, agricultural insurance and catastrophe insurance will be given preference in accessing China?s insurance market. Foreign insurance companies will also be encouraged to operate insurance business in the western and northeastern parts of China. This will help adjust the product structure and geographical deployment of the insurance industry.

Supporting the “going global” strategy. Chinese insurance companies, if possible, will be allowed to raise capital from international capital market and to participate into international competition through capital operation or other methods. We also support insurance company to operate overseas. We are preparing for the supervision of Chinese insurance companies who have international operation.

(4) Strengthen and improve regulation to create a favorable environment for speedy development of the insurance industry.

To do a good job of regulation, we must integrate service into activities of regulation, focusing our attention mainly on providing services to market entities and creating favorable environment for the industry. CIRC will take measures such as industry planning, policy-making, market supervision, information disclosure and controlling market access to oversee the insurance market, control risks and promote healthy and sound development of the insurance industry.

Strengthening capability of development planning and macro-control of the insurance market. Firstly, CIRC will start drafting the “Eleven. Five Plan” and the medium and long term work plan. This is to set forth the medium to long term goals and strategies of the insurance industry, including steps and measures for development, after making a thorough research of the current situations. The purpose of this initiative is to address the issues on a strategic, macro-, or policy platitude. Secondly, we will establish a macro-control mechanism for the insurance industry which encompasses a whole set of macro-control indexes covering economic, legal and administrative measures. The existence of such a system is expected to prevent the



中国保险市场的发展现状以及未来发展趋势 对策分析 一、我国保险市场发展的现状第一,中国保险市场基本上还处于一种寡头垄断。从中国目前保险市场情况分析,中国人民保险公司、中国人寿保险公司、中国平安保险公司、中国太平洋保险公司四大保险公司已经占有目前中国保险市场份额的96%。而其中,国有独资的人保、中国人寿则几乎占去保险市场份额的70%。中国人寿占去了寿险市场份额的77%,人保占去了产险市场的78%。而机动车险市场中仅中国人民保险公司一家就占82%。这就是说,中国保险市场虽然初步形成了竞争的格局,但这种以国有独资保险公司高度垄断市场的局面,特别是以少数几家保险公司寡头垄断市场的局面,就是目前中国保险市场的特点之一。 第二,中国保险业的发展还处于一个低水平。按照保险业发展的规律,保费收入一般占当年国内生产总值的3-5%。从目前西方发达国家而论,年保费收入一般都占本国国内生产总值的8-10%左右,而我国1998年保费总收入约仅占国内生产总值的1.5%,在世界排名70位左右。按人均保费计算,仅为100元人民币,虽然较恢复保险业务初期的人均不到10元人民币已有翻天覆地的变化,但仍在世界排名第80位左右。当然,我们要达到西方发达国家人均保费2000多美元的水平还有距离。因为,从总体上来说,我们的经济还不发达,

人均收入水平较低,但同时又说明在建立完善的市场经济体系过程中,中国居民的保险意识与投资意识还要有一个提高过程。 第三,中国保险市场结构分布不均衡。从目前中国保险公司机构的分布而论,30家中外保险公司的总部基本上都设置在北京和中国沿海城市。保险公司分支机构虽然在大陆已普遍设立,但多数又集中在人口密集、经济发达的地区和城市,这就造成了保险市场发育不均衡性。 第四,中国保险业的专业经营水平还不高。粗放式经营与销售方式单一,产品结构简单与供给不足,以及缺乏专业人才是经营水平较低的显著特点。目前,各家保险公司已经开发和销售的产品寿险产品品种并不少,但产品结构雷同和保险责任不足,是业内人士的普遍呼声。中国保险从业人员中真正受过系统保险专业教育又有保险专业水平的保险专业人才不到30%,其中既了解国际保险市场又懂得精算和计算机技术的高级人才更是毛凤鳞角。这都表明了当前中国保险经营水平还处于初级发展阶段。 为进一步完善市场法制化的建设,使外资公司进入市场更加有法可依,保监会也努力提高保险市场的专业化监管水平,也按照世贸组织透明化的要求进一步提高了保险法的制订和监管工作透明度,加强了监管工作的程序化和规模化的建设。这两年来外资保险公司在中国推进的速度明显快速化,


中国保险业发展的历史和现状 摘要:保险业是我国金融业开饭时间最早、开放力度最大、发展步伐最快的行业。在党中央的关心下,在不断对外开放的过程中,保险业坚持改革创新,行业面貌放生了历史性的变化。虽然我国的保险业在近几年中发展迅速,取得了一定的成绩,但是与国外发展水平相比,仍存在较大的差距,落后于外国保险业整体水平的发展,在目前国内保险业发展中仍存在诸多问题。本文主要从中国保险业的发展历史角度入 手,以时间为线索,介绍我国保险业的发展并阐述我国现在保险业的现状。 关键字:民族保险业发展历史初级阶段

保险是以合同形式确立双方经济关系,以缴纳保险费建立起来的保险基金,对保险合同规定范围内的灾害事故所造成的损失,进行经济补偿或给付的一种经济形式。人类社会从开始就面临着自然灾害和意外事故的侵扰,在与大自然抗争的过程中,古代人们就萌生了对付灾害事故的保险思想和原始形态的保险方法。我国历代王朝都非常重视积谷备荒。春秋时期孔子的"拼三余一"的思想是颇有代表性的见解。孔子认为,每年如能将收获粮食的三分之一积储起来,这样连续积储3年,便可存足1年的粮食,即"余一"。如果不断地积储粮食,经过27年可积存9年的粮食,就可达到太平盛世。保险业作为金融的三大支柱之一,在经济发展中处于非常重要的位置。中国保险在中国已有200多年的历史,早在1805年,英国东印度公司就在广州开办了中国第一家保险机构,主要为鸦片贸易服务。但是真正意义上的民族保险业的开端还是在十九世纪后页。 一、中国保险业的发展史 (一)中国保险业的开端。 鸦片战争以后,西方列强迫使清政府签订了一系列不平等条约,加强了对我国的政治、军事、经济的侵略。外国保险公司纷纷登陆中国,中国保险市场逐渐形成。外国保险公司凭借不平等条约所持有的政治特权扩张业务领域,利用买办招揽业务,垄断了早期的中国保险市场从中,攫取了巨额利润。 面对外商独占中国保险市场,每年从中国掠夺巨额利润,致使白银大量外流这一严峻事实,中国人民振兴图强、维护民族权利、自办保险的民族意识被激起。在此情况下,1865年5月25日义和公司保险行在上海创立。义和公司保险行,是我国第一家自办的保险机构,其成立打破了外商保险公司独占中国保险市场的局面,为以后民族保险业的兴起开辟了先河。 提到保险业就不得不提到航运业,保险与贸易两者是互为表里的关系。轮船招商局于1872年在上海成立,是中国人自办的最早的轮船航运企业,也是现在的招商局集团的前身。它不仅是中国现代航运业的起点,也可以说是中国保险业的源头之一。轮船招商局自创办之日起就深刻明白保险对于航运业的重要作用。作为一种打击竞争对手的手法,早期依附于外商航运业的外资保险公司听命于上司,为了击垮轮船招商局,对其所属船舶百般刁难。收取高额保费、对中国本土产的船只不保等限制。以李鸿章为代表的洋务派,为适应航运业发展的需要,先后创办了“保险招商局”、“仁和水险公司”和“济和水火险公司”等官办保险公司,取得了较好的经营业绩,并坚持与外商保险公司进行斗争,从而在一定程度上抵制了外商对中国保险市场的控制。当然,洋务派在保险业方面的努力不能改变外商垄断中国保险市场的局面。 (二)建国前在夹缝中生存发展的民族保险业。 到民国初期,中国民族保险业获得了难得的发展机遇:一是民国初建需要刺激工商业的发展以稳定政权;二是第一次世界大战的爆发,欧美列强卷入战争,无暇东顾,大大减缓了洋商


中国保险业2001年经营状况分析 中国保险年鉴编辑部 本篇分析报告是围绕保费、利润、资产等主要指标,从保险市场基本情况、财务状况和资金运用情况三个方面,对2001年全国保险市场经营状况进行了全面的分析。本分析报告的数据来源于各保险公司及各保监办提供的季度报表,由各保险公司的各季度《业务统计表》中的“本期数”累加而得,可能存在与本书其他部分所列数据略有出入的现象。 一、2001年保险市场基本状况 (一)保险业务发展较快,保费收入增势强劲 全年各保险公司累计实现保费收入2112.28亿元,同比增加520.91亿元,增长32.73%,增幅较上年同期上升18.44个百分点。2001年保险密度168.98元,较上年增加41.31元,保险深度2.2%,较上年增加0.4个百分点。 1、财产险业务情况 全年财产险业务累计实现保费收入688.24亿元,同比增加78.19亿元,增长12.82% ,增幅较上年同期下降0.59个百分点。 5010015020025099.199.299.399.400.100.200.300.401.101.201.301.4 时间 保费收入(亿元) 趋势线 收入) 5101520253035404550 增长率 % 增长率) 财产险业务呈现的主要特点:

一是全年保费收入的同比增长呈“前高后低”的态势。 全年机动车辆及第三者责任险累计实现保费收入421.72亿元,同比增加49.27亿元,增长13.23%,增幅较上年同期下降8.27个百分点。 全年企业财产险累计实现保费收入122.19亿元,同比增加5.03亿元,增长4.29%,增幅较上年同期下降1.16个百分点。 全年货运险累计实现保费收入40.66亿元,同比增加3.91亿元,增长10.64%,增幅较上年同期上升6.56个百分点。 占货运险比重约1/3的进出口货物保险全年累计实现保费收入13.96亿元,同比增加0.9亿元,增长6.89%,增幅较上年同期下降0.95个百分点。 全年责任险累计实现保费收入27.49亿元,同比增加6.21亿元,增长29.18%,增幅较上年同期上升2.81个百分点。 全年家财险累计实现保费收入18.88亿元,同比增加6.55亿元,增长53.12%,增幅较上年同期上升52.47个百分点。 全年保证保险累计实现保费收入4.32亿元,同比增加2.45亿元,增长131.02%,增幅较上年同期上升100.25个百分点。 全年出现负增长的险种有农业保险、信用保险和航天保险,尤其农业保险负增长的态势在各季度均表现得比较明显。 财险总 保 费 机动车及三 者 险 企 财 险 货 运 险 责 任 险 家 财 险 保证 保 险 2000年2001年 者责任险63.01%49.27亿元 企财险5%亿元责任险7.94%亿元亿元 7.22亿元


中国保险业发展的现状 摘要:保险业是我国金融业开饭时间最早、开放力度最大、发展步伐最快的行业。在党中央的关心下,在不断对外开放的 过程中,保险业坚持改革创新,行业面貌放生了历史性的 变化。虽然我国的保险业在近几年中发展迅速,取得了一 定的成绩,但是与国外发展水平相比,仍存在较大的差距, 落后于外国保险业整体水平的发展,在目前国内保险业发 展中仍存在诸多问题。本文主要介绍现在保险业的现状。关键字:民族保险业初级阶段

保险是以合同形式确立双方经济关系,以缴纳保险费建立起来的保险基金,对保险合同规定范围内的灾害事故所造成的损失,进行经济补偿或给付的一种经济形式。人类社会从开始就面临着自然灾害和意外事故的侵扰,在与大自然抗争的过程中,古代人们就萌生了对付灾害事故的保险思想和原始形态的保险方法。我国历代王朝都非常重视积谷备荒。春秋时期孔子的 " 拼三余一" 的思想是颇有代表性的见解。孔子认为,每年如能将收获粮食的三分之一积储起来,这样连续积储3年,便可存足1年的粮食,即"余一"。如果不断地积储粮食,经过27年可积存9年的粮食,就可达到太平盛世。保险业作为金融的三大支柱之一,在经济发展中处于非常重要的位置。中国保险在中国已有200多年的历史,早在1805年,英国东印度公司就在广州开办了中国第一家保险机构,主要为鸦片贸易服务。但是真正意义上的民族保险业的开端还是在十九世纪后页。 一、目前我国保险业发展现状 (一)中国保险业的整体实力与核心竞争能力不断提升、经 济功能初步显现。 回顾保险业60年来的改革发展历程,虽然经历了曲折,但全行业始终坚持改革创新,在探索中国特色保险业发展道路上迈出了坚实的步伐,取得了令人瞩目的发展成就,特别是党的十六大以来,在“抓监管、防风险、促发展”的总体思路指导下,我国保险业保持了又好又快的发展势头,在各方面取得了突出的成绩。 1.保费收入规模迅速扩大 保险业是国民经济中增长最快的行业之一,2012年,全年保险公司原保险保费收入15488亿元,同比增长8.0%,保险业增速继续在低位徘徊,而且增速首次降为个位数,与近20年来超过20%的平均增速形成了明显反差。从外部环境看,复杂严峻的国内和国际经济形势,通过实体经济、金融市场和消费者需求等多种渠道传导至保险业,增加了保险市场稳定运行和风险防范的难度与压力。2012年,保险监管强调“风险底线”和“消费者权益”,取得积极成效。从国际


我国保险业发展的现状及趋势 班级:投资Q1041 姓名:谭志华学号:100307025 摘要:保险从诞生到现在,已经成为现代经济社会风险管理的重要手段,成为现代金融体系和社会保障体系的重要组成部分,成为政府提高管理效能的重要市场化机制。在发达国家,保险已经渗透到社会生产生活的各个层面,为人们提供“从摇篮到坟墓”的保险服务。保险已经成为现代市场经济不可或缺的重要组成部分。 一、保险在现代经济社会中发挥着越来越重要的作用 (一)保险业是现代经济的重要产业 (二)保险业是现代金融业的重要支柱 保险业与银行业、证券业一起,共同构成现代金融业的三大支柱。 (三)保险是社会风险管理的重要手段 从发展趋势看,保险业在全球风险管理体系中将发挥更加重要的作用。 (四)保险业是社会保障体系的重要组成部分 二、我国保险业改革发展的基本情况 保险业在我国发展的时间并不长,但是发展速度惊人。作为朝阳行业,我国保险业处于快速成长期,业务扩张非常快,加上国外保险公司的涌入,行业的繁荣,市场主体的增加,人口红利期的到来,投资理财观念的更新,保险业也受到了越来越多的关注。 (一)行业规模迅速扩大 (二)保险市场体系逐步完善 我国保险市场已经形成了多种组织形式、多种所有制并存,公平竞争、共同发展的市场格局。 (三)保险改革深入推进 多家保险公司成功进行了改制上市。通过改制上市,保险公司资本实力大大增强,经营理念明显转变,为长远健康发展奠定了良好基础。 (四)服务领域不断拓宽 在传统的财产保险和人身保险业务基础上,保险业积极创新,服务领域不断拓宽。 (五)保险资金运用向多领域扩展 (六)对外开放取得积极效果 (七)保险监管与风险防范能力不断加强 (八)全社会的风险和保险意识不断增强


中国保险市场现状及存在的主要问题 一、保险业的及演变 中国1980年恢复办理国内保险业务以来,随着的持续发展和人民生活水平的稳步提高,保险业飞速发展:1980年以来,中国保险业务以年均34%的速度增长,2001年全年保费总收入达2112.28亿元,保险深度(保费收入占GDP的比重)为2.2%,保险密度(人均年保费收入)为168.98元(1985年这两个指标分别为0.42%和3.16元);有中外保险公司53家,中国保险业总资产为4591.07亿元,较1992年增长了8倍;保险中介机构170家。此外还有19个国家和地区的112家外资保险公司在中国的14个城市设立了200余个代表处。其发展历程大致可以分为3个阶段:(1)1980~1985年的恢复阶段。中国在1980年和1982年先后恢复国内财产险业务和人身险业务。这一阶段保险市场由中国人民保险公司一家垄断,产寿统一经营,险种单一,且保费收入中财产险份额大大高于人身险;(2)1986~1991年的平稳发展阶段。以1986年新疆生产建设兵团农牧业生产保险公司(以下简称“新疆兵保”)成立为标志,区别于前一阶段的突出特征是出现了包括新疆兵保、太平洋、平安等在内的4家保险公司,中国保险市场由中国人保独家垄断的格局在形式上被打破;(3)1992年至今的快速发展阶段。以1992年中国人民银行批准首家外资保险公司——美国友邦保险公司上海分公司成立为标志。这是迄今为止中国保险市场发展最为重要的阶段,明显区别于前两个阶段的特点,集中表现在:市场主体不断增加,多元化的市场格局初步形成;保险业实现产寿分业经营,保费收入结构发生变化,人身险份额超过财产险;保险险种迅速增加,保险服务改善;保险监管的组织体系和法规体系逐步建立,中国保险市场初步形成了以国有保险公司为主,中外保险公司并存,多家保险公司竞争的寡头垄断的市场竞争新格局。 二、中国保险市场规模和构成 (一)保险市场总体规模快速增长


中国保险业发展现状 中国保险行业起步较晚,我国的现代保险业不过20多年的发展,保险市场仍处在初级发展阶段。 (一)我国保险业存在的主要问题; 第一,中国保险市场基本上还处于一种寡头垄断。从中国目前保险市场情况分析,中国人民保险公司、中国人寿保险公司、中国平安保险公司、中国太平洋保险公司四大保险公司已经占有目前中国保险市场份额的96%。这就是说,中国保险市场虽然初步形成了竞争的格局,但这种以国有独资保险公司高度垄断市场的局面,特别是以少数几家保险公司寡头垄断市场的局面,就是目前中国保险市场的特点之一。 第二,中国保险业的发展还处于一个低水平。按照保险业发展的规律,保费收入一般占当年国内生产总值的3-5%。从目前西方发达国家而论,年保费收入一般都占本国国内生产总值的8-10%左右,而我国1998年保费总收入约仅占国内生产总值的1.5%,在世界排名70位左右。从总体上来说,我们的经济还不发达,人均收入水平较低,但同时又说明在建立完善的市场经济体系过程中,中国居民的保险意识与投资意识还要有一个提高过程。 第三,中国保险市场结构分布不均衡。从目前中国保险公司机构的分布而论,30家中外保险公司的总部基本上都设置在北京和中国沿海城市。保险公司分支机构虽然在大陆已普遍设立,但多数又集中

在人口密集、经济发达的地区和城市,这就造成了保险市场发育不均衡性。这种分布上的不均衡,对中国保险业的长期发展是不利的。 第四,中国保险业的专业经营水平还不高。粗放式经营与销售方式单一,产品结构简单与供给不足,以及缺乏专业人才是经营水平较低的显著特点。这都表明了当前中国保险经营水平还处于初级发展阶段。 第五,保险市场还未形成完整体系。目前中国保险市场相对来说两头大中间小,即保险主体与保险市场发展很快,而中介组织发展缓慢。 第六,再保险市场发展滞后和保险监管亟待加强。目前监管还基本上处于被动的监管状态,监管工作的科学性、系统性、前瞻性不够。对于关系到保险行业稳定的偿付能力、资产负债质量、再保险安排等重要方面的监管力度不够。至于在法律法规建设方面,还缺乏严密、完善的成套法律法规。 (二)我国保险业发展现状 1.保费收入规模迅速扩大 保险业是国民经济中增长最快的行业之一, 2006年全国保费收入达到5,641亿元,是2002年的1.8倍,在世界排名第9位,比2000年上升了7位。也就是说,中国保险业的国际排名平均每年上升1位。截至2007年底,中国共有保险公司110家,其中外资公司43家,比2002年底的22家公司增加了21家;中国保费收入达7035.8亿元,是2002年的2.3倍,同期,外资保险公司保费收入达420亿元,是


我国保险行业现状与对策分析 摘要 中国保险业通过近20年的进展,走出了一条立足国内,面向世界的改革之路,取得了令人瞩目的成绩。然而,面对国内保险市场的不成熟与市场开放后来自国际保险大公司的竞争,中国保险业只有抓住机遇,深化改革,才能立于不败之地。中国自1980年复原国内保险业务以来,保险业得到了迅速进展,产寿险的比例也发生了变化,转向寿险为主的格局。但也存在一些问题:财产保险的市场潜力挖掘不够,寿险公司的利差损较严峻。因此,正确分析和认识中国保险市场状况及其走势,对规范中国保险市尝促进保险业的进展,均有重要的指导意义。在分析中国保险市场现状和问题的基础上,挖掘中国保险市场潜力的计策则成了关键。 关键词 中国保险市场;现状;存在的问题;计策 Abstract Since 1980 China recovered the local insurance business, the insurance industry got the quick development, the comparison that produces the life insurance also took place the variety, changing direction the structure and form that the life insurance is main. But also exist some problems:The market potential excavation of the property insurance is not enough, the bad damage of the benefit of the life insurance company compare seriously.Therefore, the exactitude analyzes and knows the Chinese insurance market condition and its trends, to the Chinese insurance City of norm taste to promote the insurance industry develop, all have the important leading meaning. According to this, on the analytical Chinese insurance market present condition and foundation of problems, the counterplan that scoops out the Chinese insurance market potential then became the key. Keywords Chinese insurance market;Present condition;Problem of exist;Counterplan


中国保险业发展现状与展望 摘要: 中国保险行业起步较晚,我国的现代保险业只是20多年的进展,保险市场仍处在初级进展时期。目前我国保险业面临诸多咨询题,保险市场差不多上还处于一种寡头垄断,几家独大,不利于竞争。在制度上,爱护保险市场运行的要素和环境不完善。我国保险业的市场体系不健全,制度不够完善,保险监管亟待加大。关于一般民众来讲,他们的风险及保险意识严峻滞后。老百姓关于保险的意义和功能认识还不够、人均保险费低、保险普及率专门低、保险意识极其淡薄。对此我们必须加大宣传,增加透亮度,提升全社会的对保险及其重要性的认识。而保险行业中,从业人员素养偏低、服务水平偏低。目前全球当临金融危机,这对保险行业是一个挑战,同时又是一个机遇。对此我国保险行业必须尽快进行调整,加大人员治理,尽快完善保险市场监督机制以使保险市场更加健康有序同时蓬勃进展、繁荣昌盛。 关键词:垄断,不完善,不健全,职业素养,保险意识 正文: 常言道“天有不测风云,人有旦夕祸福。”风险是客观存在的,我们只能在空间和时刻上尽量减少风险而无法排除,因此了应对这种风险而产生了保险。风险是保险的逻辑起点,没有风险也就不可能产生保险。保险学的任务确实是揭示保险经济关系得以确立的条件,形式及其本质,以阐明保险经济关系的发生,进展和变化的规律性。保险学是为了研究识不风险,测定,转嫁,分散风险,最后达到减轻排除风险的目的。从法律的意义上讲明,保险是一种合同行为,体现的是一种民事法律关系。保险关系式通过保险双方当事人以签订保险合同的方式建立起来的一种民事法律关系。从经济学的角度看,保险是一种经济关系,是分摊损害的一种融资方式。保险体现了保险双方当事人之间的一种经济关系。保险既是一种经济关系,又是一种有效的融资方式,它使少数不幸的被保险人的损害,以保险人为


我国保险业的发展现状 摘要:纵观我国保险业几十年的发展,虽然取得了很大的成就,但是与西方发达国家仍然有一定差距。随着社会和经济的不断发展,保险业也面临着很多困难和挑战。本文从保险业的发展现状、问题来分析,并且期望能提出有效的发展建议。 关键词:保险;现状;问题;发展 一、我国保险业的发展现状 1、保险收入增长迅速 保险收入是衡量保险业发展状况的重要指标。因此,我们可以通过近年来我国保费收入的增速来判断保险业的发展现状。下表是我国保费收入近几年的统计 国的保险市场潜力巨大。 2、市场发展趋势 中国是一个拥有13 亿人口的大国,如此庞大的群体的生老病死,都需要保险来提供保障服务。可想而知,中国保险市场发展潜力的巨大。同时,国民经济的持续稳定增长和发展的良好态势,为保险业提供了良好的发展环境。居民财富的积累与购买力的增强,为商业保险积累了潜在的市场资源。通过以上分析我们清楚地了解到,中国保险市场的潜在价值是难以估量的。在整个国家,行业要发展的强烈呼唤下,保险市场的开发动力十足,而任务却艰巨,富有挑战。 二、我国保险业存在的问题 1、市场问题 从保险市场体系结构看,我国目前的保险市场体系结构还不够完善。我国保险的市场化程度还不够,还处于初级阶段。保险市场的集中度都较高,目前的大部分市场份额主要集中在中国人保、中国人寿、太平洋保险、平安保险四家商业保险公司。虽然较高的市场集中度有利于保险市场的稳定,但却不利于众多中小型保险公司的发展,使他们处于被大型保险公司所主导和支配的地位。同时这种发展模式也不利于保险资源的有效配置和保险市场效率的提高。 2、保险深度和保险密度 保险深度是指一国一定年份直接保费收入与国内生产总值GDP,有时是国民生产总值之比。保险密度是指一国平均每年人均保费数。保险深度和保险密度是衡量保险业发展水平的重要指标。截止2011年,我国的保险密度为1046.64(元/




我国保险业发展现状与走势 、我国保险业发展的基本现状 通常,衡量保险业发展速度的一个重要指标是保险市场规模扩张的速度,而保险市场规模的扩张速度又主要通过保费收入的增长速度来评价。因此,我们可以通过近年来我国保费收入的增速来判断保险业的增长情况,表1提供了相关的资料。 下表显示,从1998年到2 0 0 2年1 —6月这一段时期,我国保费收入年均保 持两位数、且以加速度的方式增长,不仅高于同期GDP的增长速度,也高于世 界保险业同期的平均增长水平。其中,我国保险在2 001年和2 002年1 —6月 的增长最为引人注目。在绝对额方面,200 1年全年和2 002年1 —6月分别同比 增长513.6亿元和590.4亿元。在增速方面,2 0 0 1年和2 0 02年1—6月保费 分别同比增长32. 2%、58.0%。这种高增长速度在国际上也是罕见的,199 0 —2 000年世界保险业的平均增长速度为6% ,其中发展最快的亚洲新兴保险市 场1990~1998 年的增速也未超过1 6 %。? 表1 我国保费收入增长

?? 我国保险业的快速发展可以归因于:(1 )国民经济的快速发展以及社会财富的 迅速增长为保险业发展提供了丰富的物质基础。(2 )保险市场主体的迅速增加以 及市场竞争的加剧推动了保险公司对保险市场的开发,客观上促进了保险业的发展。⑶由于改革的推进,市场的不确定性对社会主体影响的不断增强以及风险保障方式的变化,社会主体对保险的需求也有了较快增长。 当前,我国保险业除了保持高速增长以外,还主要表现为这样几个方面的特 点:⑴分红保险保费收入超常增长,传统寿险业务则有所下降。2002年1 —6 月,分红保险保费收入为6 24.1亿元,同比增长1 0 .6倍,传统寿险保费收入41 0. 5亿元,同比下降8.7 %。这表明我国投保人的保险投资意识有了明显增长, 不再单纯将保险看成是一种保障形式。(2)投资连结保险保费收入下降,退保率明显上升。2 00 2年1 —6月投资连结保险保费收入为4 1.1亿元,同比下降3 6 % , 退保率为4.9%,同比增长了4 .8个百分点。这与保险资金运用效果不理想、保 险公司无法完全兑现当初承诺有很大关系。分红保险和投资连结保险的一增一降,一方面表明我国投保人更加成熟,在选择保险产品时更加理性,另一方面也表明我 国保险公司只有不断开发出适合消费者需要的新产品,才能将保险市场的巨大潜 力挖掘出来。(3)财产险平均费率有所下降,保额增加,承保风险加大。2 0 02 年1 —6月财产险平均费率较去年同期下降0. 4个千分点,保额增幅高于保费收 入增幅12.6个百分点。 、我国保险业发展面临的主要问题??(一)社会对保险的认知度不高 从2001年1月开始,由国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所、中国保险学会共同组成的中国保险市场联合调查研究课题组对我国最具发展潜力的 50个大中


学生宿舍财产保险营销策划技术方案 第一部分目录 一、保险市场宏观环境分析 中国保险业简况与中国保险市场特征分析 近期发展状况和趋势预测: 外资发展情况: 二、消费者定位分析 政策改变带来的消费群 目标市场细分、锁定: 消费市场的特征以及市场潜量 三、竞争对手分析 大量涌入的外资企业 其他数目众多的保险企业 四、产品特性定位分析 产品特点把握 竞争对手以及可替代产品分析 五、营销组合策略以及执行 产品组合策略 价格策略 渠道策略 广告策略 展业推广促销 公共关系策略

2.1保险市场宏观环境分析 2.1.1 中国保险业简况与中国保险市场特征分析 (1)、自1980年恢复国内保险业务以来,中国保险业保持了持续快速发展的良好势头。保费收入年均增长34%,保险公司累计赔偿和给付6016亿 元;2003年,全国保费总收入达到3880.4亿元,同比增长27.1%;保 险业总资产9122.8亿元,同比增长41.5%;保险资金运用余额8739亿 元。截至2003年底,我国共有保险公司61家,专业保险中介机构 705家,保险从业人员150多万人。共有13个国家和地区的37家外资 保险公司在华投资设立了62个保险营业机构,有19个国家和地区的 128家外资保险机构在华设立了192个代表机构和办事处。 (2)、1995年《保险法》颁布实施,2001年国务院颁布了《外资保险公司经管条例》,2002年全国人大常委会修改了《保险法》。在法律和行政 法规的框架下,中国保监会制定了28个规章和一系列规范性文件,保 险法律法规体系已经基本形成。 (3)、自1998年成立中国保监会以来,保险监管力量不断加强。目前,保监会已在全国设立了31个派出机构。根据新的编制技术方案,保监会 将在大连、青岛、宁波和厦门新设立4个派出机构。 (4)、加入世贸组织以来,中国保监会认真履行承诺,不断扩大对外开放。 在中国加入世贸组织2周年之际,中国保监会按照承诺,宣布允许外资 财产险公司经营除法定保险业务以外的全部非寿险业务,增加福州、厦 门、宁波、沈阳和武汉等5个城市为保险业对外开放城市。目前,外资 保险公司的经营区域已经扩展至15个城市。外资保险公司保费收入占 全国保费收入比重逐年增加,在开放较早的上海,外资保险公司的市场 份额达到12%左右。 (5)、去年,国有保险公司股份制改革取得重大进展。中国人保、中国人寿和中国再保险三家国有保险公司重组改制工作基本完成。中国人民财 产保险股份有限公司在香港联交所以H股挂牌上市,募集资本62.2亿 港元。中国人寿保险股份有限公司在香港和纽约同步上市,募集资本 34.75亿美元。近几年来,一些股份制保险公司积极吸收外资参股,股 权结构得到优化,公司治理逐步完善,经营经管水平不断提高。 (6)、市场集中化程度很高,呈现寡头垄断格局; 中国人民财产保险有限公司、中国人寿保险股份有限公司、平安保险集 团和太平洋保险集团仍占据市场绝大份额, 随着保险公司的布局扩张,中国人寿、中国人保、太平洋保险和平安保险属于第一集团,这几家大保险公司占据产、寿险市场80%左右的市场份额,特 别是中国人寿和中国人保的市场份额分别为51.05%和62.6%,从经济学 意义上讲,中国的保险市场垄断程度很高,已经具备了寡头垄断的特点,所以这几家保险公司具有绝对竞争的优势,它们在国内起步较早,积累 了大量市场拓展、风险控制经验,在渠道建设方面也具有得天独厚的优 势,拥有大量的客户资源,尤其寿险自从引进营销体制之后,建立了一 支庞大的销售队伍,营销员发展到130多万人,渗透到城市、农村的各



论中国保险业的现状与发展 内容摘要:近些年来我国保险业发展很快,但与发达国家相比,我国保险业的发展水平还远远不够。但是中国保险业务快速增长,服务领域不断拓宽,市场体系日益完善,法律法规逐步健全,监管水平不断提高,风险得到有效防范。本文分析我国保险业发展状况并提出建议。意在促使我国保险业更好更快的发展。 关键词:保险监管发展前景保险市场保险业发展前景高速增长 随着资本金融全球化浪潮的迅猛推进,国际间资本流通的速度不断加快,金融 业越来越受到各国政府的普遍重视。金融业的发展不仅作为我国市场经济体系中的 重要组成部分而具有重要的意义,而且对整个市场体系的发展与完善起着催化、促 进和巩固作用。而在国民经济发展中,金融的稳定或动荡,对各国经济会产生重大 影响。保险业作为其中的一个重要部分,也为国家经济的发展发挥着重要作用。 中国自1980年恢复国内保险业务以来,保险业得到了迅速发展,产寿险的比例也发 生了变化,转向了以寿险为主的格局。中国保险市场的现状呈现出了如下的状态: 一、中国保险市场的现状 (一)保险公司逐步多元化 至2001年底,我国保险公司发展到52家,其中,中资保险公司20家,外资和 中外合资保险公司32家; 2002年底,保险公司发展到54家,其中,中资保险公司 20家、中外合资和外资保险公司分公司34家;2003年底, 保险公司发展到61家, 其中,中资保险公司24家、中外合资和外资保险公司分公司37家;2004年9月底, 保险公司发展到80家。 (二) 保险收入快速增长且潜力巨大 保险黄金10年从06年就开始了,现在正是最佳时间,现在的中国保险市场还 是比较乐观的,国家的重视以及人民收入水平的提高,在加上银行利率一再下调, 保险法的完善等等因素导致人民观念增强。国外保险不断涌入中国市场啊。 (三)保险商品多样化、商品结构趋于合理 基于社会经济发展和对外开放的需要,我国陆续开办了许多新的险种,如建筑工程 险、安装工程险、海洋石油开发险、履约保险、政治风险保险、产品责任保险、卫 星发射保险、核电站保险等,到1996年底我国开办的险种已达700多个,比1980 年增长了60多倍,比1990年增加了500多个险种;在人身险业务方面,自1982年 恢复以来,其险种也不断增加,客户在保险市场上基本能买到所需要的保险商品,


龙源期刊网 https://www.doczj.com/doc/2d1079940.html, 浅谈中国保险业现状及发展前景 作者:钟惠平 来源:《财税月刊》2018年第06期 摘要本文通过介绍保险业的概念、其市场、以及通过不同标准进行的分类让读者对保险业有一个基本的了解。进而介绍由于早期保险业乱象导致现在我国保险业得不到广大民众的信任,接着对保险业的发展现状和发展前景做一个简略的分析。 关键词保险业;发展现状;发展前景 保险业是指将通过契约形式集中起来的资金,用以补偿被保险人的经济利益业务的行业。保险市场是买卖保险即双方签订保险合同的场所。它可以是集中的有形市场,也可以是分散的无形市场。 按照保险标的的不同,保险可分为财产保险和人身保险两大类。 财产保险是指以财产及其相关利益为保险标的的保险,包括财产损失保险、责任保险、信用保险、保证保险、农业保险等。它是以有形或无形财产及其相关利益为保险标的的一类补偿性保险。 人身保险是以人的寿命和身体为保险标的的保险。当人们遭受不幸事故或因疾病、年老以致丧失工作能力、伤残、死亡或年老退休时,根据保险合同的约定,保险人对被保险人或受益人给付保险金或年金,以解决其因病、残、老、死所造成的经济困难。 按照与投保人有无直接法律关系,保险可分为原保险和再保险。发生在保险人和投保人之间的保险行为,称之为原保险。发生在保险人与保险人之间的保险行为,称之为再保险。 保险是指投保人根据合同约定,向保险人支付保险费,保险人对于合同约定的可能发生的事故因其发生而造成的财产损失承担赔偿保险金责任,或者当被保险人死亡、伤残和达到合同约定的年龄、期限时承担给付保险金责任的行为。 我们把从事保险工作的人称之为“搞传销的”,把保险销售员叫做“卖保险的”。“我们”是谁?“我们”是中国人民的大多数。“搞传销的”和“卖保险的”是对中国保险业一种污蔑性的称呼,这里并不说明大多数中国人民无知和不尊重人,要知道,能让14亿中国人中的大多数都认可的这样一种评价,绝对不只是空穴来风,也不是不了解所能一笔带过的,这些评价反映了我国保险业并不得人心,这里我们对保险业的发展现状和发展前景做一个简略的分析。 纵观我国保险业20年的发展,客观地说,中国保险市场还处在初级发展阶段,主要表现在以下几个方面。


现代经济信息 保险业在我国发展的时间并不长,但是发展速度惊人。作为朝阳行业,我国保险业处于快速成长期,业务扩张非常快,加上国外保险公司的涌入,行业的繁荣,市场主体的增加,随着人口红利期的到来,投资理财观念的更新,保险业也将受到越来越多的关注。而目前中国保险业的现状却不尽人意,还存在诸多问题。本文立足于中国保险行业的现状,探讨存在的主要问题,并对问题的原因进行分析,试图为中国保险业的稳健发展提出一些意见和建议。 一、保险业的发展现状 自1980年中国恢复国内保险业务以来,保险行业以前所未有的速度发展,取得了令人瞩目的成就。据保监会最新公布的统计数据显示,2008年全年保险业实现原保险保费收9784.1亿元,同比增长 39.1%,是2002年以来增长最快的一年。其中,财产险业务原保险保费收入2336.7亿元,同比增长17%;寿险业务原保险保费收入6658.4亿元,同比增长49.2%;截止2008年末,中国保险市场主体由2007年的120家增加到130家,保险专业中介机构2445家,兼业代理机构136634家;保险业总资产3.3万亿元,较年初增长15.2%。保险行业在优化资产配置,化解投资运作风险,保障社会稳定,促进经济发展等方面发挥着越来越重要的作用。 1.市场垄断 中国保险市场基本上还处于一种寡头垄断。从中国目前保险市场情况分析,中国人民保险公司、中国人寿保险公司、中国平安保险公司、中国太平洋保险公司四大保险公司已经占有目前中国保险市场份额的96%.而其中,国有独资的人保、中国人寿则几乎占去保险市场份额的70%.中国人寿占去了寿险市场份额的77%,人保占去了产险市场的78%,而机动车险市场中仅中国人民保险公司一家就占82% 。这就是说,中国保险市场虽然初步形成了竞争的格局,但这种以国有独资保险公司高度垄断市场的局面,特别是以少数几家保险公司寡头垄断市场的局面,就是目前中国保险市场的特点之一。 2.基础太差 中国保险业的发展还处于一个低水平。按照保险业发展的规律,保费收入一般占当年国内生产总值的3-5%.从目前西方发达国家而论,年保费收入一般都占本国国内生产总值的8-10%左右,而我国1998年保费总收入约仅占国内生产总值的1.5%,在世界排名70位左右。按人均保费计算,仅为100元人民币,虽然较恢复保险业务初期的人均不到10元人民币已有翻天覆地的变化,但仍在世界排名第80位左右。当然,我们要达到西方发达国家人均保费2000多美元的水平还有距离。因为,从总体上来说,我们的经济还不发达,人均收入水平较低,但同时又说明在建立完善的市场经济体系过程中,中国居民的保险意识与投资意识还要有一个提高过程。 3.发展特点 中国保险业的现状有以下三个特点:第一,与世界同行相比,中国的保险市场起步较晚,开发程度较低。但发展迅速,保险市场尤其是城市保险市场的潜在需求巨大。第二,中国保险产业规模较小,有效供给不足。与风险种类繁多这一现实相比,所提供的险种单一,保险公司的业务主要集中在有限险种的经营上,保险产品同构现象十分严重。第三,中国加入WTO后,将有更多的国外保险公司以合资或独资等多种形式进入中国保险市场,国内的保险企业将面临外来竞争和自身发展的双重压力。 二、存在的问题 1.社会对保险的认知度和意识不够 2001年1月开始,由国务院发展研究中心市场经济研究所、中国保险学会共同组成的中国保险市场联合调查研究课题组对我国最具发展潜力的50个大中城市保险市场作了专项调研。该项调查涉及46个城市(有4个城市因故取消)的22182个居民家庭。调研结果显示,我国保险市场正处于培育发展阶段,消费者对保险产品的认知有限,对保险公司的信心较低。大多数居民对保险知识只有一般性的了解,只有6%的家庭认为自己对保险知识了解较多,而36%的家庭表示自己对保险知识了解甚少,甚至完全不了解。在从传统的计划经济转向市场经济的过程中,承担风险的主体逐渐从政府转移到企业和个人。实践证明,保险是应对风险的一种有效手段,但由于中国自1959年停办国内保险业务以后,在长达20年的时间里没有商业保险的实践,因此,中国人的风险意识滞后,保险观念单薄,这是保险行业所面临的一个重要问题。 2.专业人才缺乏 保险业的特殊经营方式产生了对展业、精算、承保、投资、理赔等特殊人才的需求。各种专业人才的培养是一个渐进、累积的过程。而我国停办国内保险业务达20年之久所带来的一个直接严重后果是保险人才培养的断层。保险公司的培训水平很有限,相应的院校师资力量薄弱、素质不高、教材陈旧、教学手段落后等问题,都使得保险业的人才不能很好的满足快速发展的需要。据调查,由于一些保险营销员缺乏职业道德,缺少相关知识,致使在推销保险产品时出现误导陈述、保费回扣、恶意招揽等违规、甚至违法现象,极大地损毁了中国保险业的声誉。保险公司是经营风险的公司,这种特殊的经营对象要求保险公司不仅要建立一整套风险识别与监控体系,以更好地控制自身的经营管理风险,而且还要特别善于识别和运用各种市场风险,通过对各类风险的集成和有效分散,在各类风险中寻找商机、创造价值。这就要求保险公司具备大量的、有各种专业和技术背景的人才,具体包括保险精算、风险监控、保险产品开发、市场营销、保险投资、保险法律事务管理等方面的专门人才以及战略规划与管理、人力资源开发与运用等方面的综合性人才。在保险中介市场不发达、专业化服务提供不充分的条件下,各种高素质的人才对保险公司的发展更显重要和迫切。但由于我国保险市场化的历史较短,各种人才的积累和培养不足,对于急剧发展的保险市场而言,目前国内保险公司各方面的人才都比较缺乏,特别是保险营销、产品开发和保险精算、资金运用等方面人才的缺乏,不仅使保险公司的风险控制没有可靠的基础,而且使保险公司的获利渠道也大受限制,国内保险公司的可持续 中国保险市场的发展现状分析研究 薛增奇 中国人保陕西分公司 摘要:纵观我国保险业20多年的发展,我国保险市场虽然取得了很大成绩,但是与发达国家相比仍然有一定差距。与我国经济发展和人民生活水平提高的内在需求相比,我国保险市场的发展也显得相对滞后。作为朝阳行业,我国保险业面临着难得的机遇和前所未有的挑战。本文就我国保险业的现状、发展趋势和前景作出分析,以期为我国保险市场发展提供有益的建议。 关键词:保险;现状;问题;发展 中图分类号:F840.31 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1001-828X(2012)01-0292-02


中国保险业发展现状 中国保险监督管理委员会统计信息部副主任 裴光 改革开放以来,中国保险业保持高速发展,取得了重大成就。到2004年底,随着我国加入世贸组织承诺的保险业三年过渡期的结束,我国保险业进一步加快了对外开放的步伐。随着保险业的深化改革、全面开放,其经济补偿、资金融通和社会管理的三大职能正在得到充分的发挥。 一、保险市场竞争格局正在形成 随着中国保险业市场化趋势改革的不断深入,保险市场多元化竞争格局初步形成。截至2004年底,全国共有保险集团公司5家、保险公司63家。其中产险公司29家、寿险公司29家,再保险公司5家。 与此同时,随着保险代理机构、保险经纪机构和保险公估机构的设立,保险中介市场正在形成。截至2004年底,全国共有专业保险中介机构1317家,其中保险代理机构937家,保险经纪机构199家,保险公估机构181家;共有兼业保险代理机构11万多家。保险营销员134万人。 另外,保险专业投资机构也正在发展之中。截至2004年底,全国共有保险资产管理公司4家。

二、保险业务持续、快速、健康发展 近几年,中国经济持续快速健康发展,为保险业的发展提供了广阔的市场。国务院的关心和支持,保监会以促发展、防风险为核心的推动行业发展的一系列积极政策的出台,以及保险公司不断深化改革,锐意创新,有力地促进了保险业的发展。2004年,全国累计实现保费收入4318亿元,同比增长近12%。同时,保险业经济补偿、社会保障的功能日益发挥。2004年,保险公司赔款与给付支出累计1004亿元,同比增长19%。 从财产保险业务来看,2004年,财产险业务累计实现保费收入1090亿元,同比增长25%。财产险业务累计赔款支出568亿元,同比增长19%。 从人身险业务来看,2004年,人身险业务累计实现保费收入3228亿元,同比增长7%。其中寿险业务保费收入为2851亿元,同比增长7%;健康险业务保费收入为260亿元,同比增长7%;意外险业务保费收入为117亿元,同比增长近18%。2004年,人身险业务累计赔款与给付支出437亿元,同比增长20%。其中,寿险给付金额为309亿元,同比增长17%;健康险业务赔款与给付为89亿元,同比增长27%;意外险业务赔款支出为39亿元,同比增长29%。 三、保险业整体实力进一步增强 随着保险业务的快速发展,保险业整体实力不断增强,保险业总

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