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Supplementary Exercises for English Linguistics(完整 - 复制

Supplementary Exercises for English Linguistics(完整 - 复制
Supplementary Exercises for English Linguistics(完整 - 复制

Supplementary Exercises for English Linguistics

Chapter I Introduction

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. Linguistics is generally defined as the scientific study of language.

2. Linguistics studies particular language, not languages in general.

3. A scientific study of language is based on what the linguist thinks.

4. In the study of linguistics, hypotheses formed should be based on language facts

and checked against the observed facts.

5. General linguistics is generally the study of language as a whole.

6. General linguistics, which relates itself to the research of other areas, studies the

basic concepts, theories, descriptions, models and methods applicable in any linguistic study.

7. Phonetics is different from phonology in that the latter studies the combinations of the sounds to convey meaning in communication.

8. Morphology studies how words can be formed to produce meaningful sentences.

9. The study of the ways in which morphemes can be combined to form words is called morphology.

10. Syntax is different from morphology in that the former not only studies the

morphemes, but also the combination of morphemes into words and words into sentences.

11. The study of meaning in language is known as semantics.

12. Both semantics and pragmatics study meanings.

13. Pragmatics is different from semantics in that pragmatics studies meaning not

in isolation, but in context.

14.Social changes can often bring about language changes.

15. Sociolinguistics is the study of language in relation to society.

16. Modern linguistics is mostly prescriptive, but sometimes descriptive.

17. Modern linguistics is different from traditional grammar.

18. A diachronic study of language is the description of language at some point in


19.Modern linguistics regards the written language as primary, not the written language.

20. The distinction between competence and performance was proposed by F. de


II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:

21. Chomsky defines “competence”as the ideal user’s k__________ of the rules

of his language.

22. Langue refers to the a__________ linguistic system shared by all the members

of a speech community while the parole is the concrete use of the conventions and application of the rules.

23. D_________ is one of the design features of human language which refers to the

phenomenon that language consists of two levels: a lower level of meaningless individual sounds and a higher level of meaningful units.

https://www.doczj.com/doc/251044564.html,nguage is a system of a_________ vocal symbols used for human


25. The discipline that studies the rules governing the formation of words into

permissible sentences in languages is called s________.

26. Human capacity for language has a g ____ basis, but the details of language

have to be taught and learned.

27. P ____ refers to the realization of langue in actual use.

28. Findings in linguistic studies can often be applied to the settlement of some

practical problems. The study of such applications is generally known as

a________ linguistics.

29. Language is p___________ in that it makes possible the construction and

interpretation of new signals by its users. In other words, they can produce and understand an infinitely large number of sentences which they have never

heard before.

30. Linguistics is generally defined as the s ____ study of language.

III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement.

31. If a linguistic study describes and analyzes the language people actually use, it

is said to be ______________.

A. prescriptive

B. analytic

C. descriptive

D. linguistic

32. Which of the following is not a design feature of human language?

A. Arbitrariness

B. Displacement

C. Duality

D. Meaningfulness

33. Modern linguistics regards the written language as ____________.

A. primary

B. correct

C. secondary

D. stable

34. In modern linguistics, speech is regarded as more basic than writing, because ___________.

A. in linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing

B. speech plays a greater role than writing in terms of the amount of

information conveyed.

C. speech is always the way in which every native speaker acquires his mother


D. All of the above

35. A historical study of language is a ____ study of language.

A. synchronic

B. diachronic

C. prescriptive

D. comparative

36. Saussure took a (n)__________ view of language, while Chomsky looks at language from a ________ point of view.

A. sociological…psychological

B. psychological…sociological

C. applied…pragmatic

D. semantic and linguistic

37. According to F. de Saussure, ____ refers to the abstract linguistic system shared by all the members of a speech community.

A. parole

B. performance

C. langue

D. Language

38. Language is said to be arbitrary because there is no logical connection between

_________ and meanings.

A. sense

B. sounds

C. objects

D. ideas

39. Language can be used to refer to contexts removed from the immediate

situations of the speaker. This feature is called_________,

A. displacement

B. duality

C. flexibility

D. cultural transmission

40. The details of any language system is passed on from one generation to the

next through ____ , rather than by instinct.

A. learning

B. teaching

C. books

D. both A and B

IV. Define the following terms:

41. Linguistics 42. Phonology 43. Syntax 44. Pragmatics 45. Psycholinguistics 46. Language 47. Phonetics 48. Morphology 49.Semantics 50. Sociolinguistics 51. Applied Linguistics 52.Arbitrariness 53 Productivity 54. Displacement

55.Duality 56. Design Features 57. Competence 58 Performance 59. Langue 60 Parole

V. Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible. Give examples for illustration if necessary:

61. Language is generally defined as a system of arbitrary vocal symbols used for human communication. Explain it in detail.

62. What are the design features of human language? Illustrate them with examples.

63. How is modern linguistics different from traditional grammar?

64. How do you understand the distinction between a synchronic study and a

diachronic study?

65. Why does modern linguistics regard the spoken form of language as primary,

not the written?

66. What are the major distinctions between langue and parole?

67. How do you understand competence and performance ?

68. Saussure’s distinction between langue and parole seems similar to Chomsky’

s distinction between competence and performance. What do you think are their major differences?

69. Do you think human language is entirely arbitrary? Why?

Suggested answers to supplementary exercises:

Supplementary Exercises

Chapter 2:Phonology

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. Voicing is a phonological feature that distinguishes meaning in both Chinese and


2. If two phonetically similar sounds occur in the same environments and they

distinguish meaning, they are said to be in complementary distribution.

3. A phone is a phonetic unit that distinguishes meaning.

4. English is a tone language while Chinese is not.

5. In linguistic evolution, speech is prior to writing.

6. In everyday communication, speech plays a greater role than writing in

terms of the amount of information conveyed.

7. Articulatory phonetics tries to describe the physical properties of the stream

of sounds which a speaker issues with the help of a machine called


8. The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three

important areas: the throat, the mouth and the chest.

9. Vibration of the vocal cords results in a quality of speech sounds called


10. English consonants can be classified in terms of place of articulation and the

part of the tongue that is raised the highest.

11. According to the manner of articulation, some of the types into which the

consonants can be classified are stops, fricatives, bilabial and alveolar.

12. Vowel sounds can be differentiated by a number of factors: the position of

tongue in the mouth, the openness of the mouth, the shape of the lips, and the length of the vowels.

13. According to the shape of the lips, vowels can be classified into close vowels,

semi-close vowels, semi-open vowels and open vowels.

14. Any sound produced by a human being is a phoneme.

15. Phones are the sounds that can distinguish meaning.

16. Phonology is concerned with how the sounds can be classified into different


17. A basic way to determine the phonemes of a language is to see if substituting

one sound for another results in a change of meaning.

18. When two different forms are identical in every way except for one sound

segment which occurs in the same place in the strings, the two words are said to form a phonemic contrast.

19. The rules governing the phonological patterning are language specific.

20. Distinctive features of sound segments can be found running over a sequence

of two or more phonemic segments.

II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:

21. A ____ refers to a strong puff of air stream in the production of speech sounds.

22.A___________ phonetics describes the way our speech organs work to produce the speech sounds and how they differ.

23.The four sounds /p/,/b/,/m/ and /w/ have one feature in common, i.e, they are all b_______ sounds.

24.Of all the speech organs, the t ____ is the most flexible, and is responsible for varieties of articulation than any other.

25.English consonants can be classified in terms of manner of articulation or in terms of p_______ of articulation.

26.When the obstruction created by the speech organs is total or complete, the speech sound produced with the obstruction audibly released and the air passing out again is called a s________.

27.S_________ features are the phonemic features that occur above the level of the segments. They include stress, tone, intonation, etc.

28.The rules that govern the combination of sounds in a particular lan-guage are called s ____ rules.

29.The transcription of speech sounds with letter-symbols only is called broad transcription while the transcription with letter-symbols together with the diacritics is called n_________ transcription.

30.When pitch, stress and sound length are tied to the sentence rather than the word in isolation, they are collectively known as i_________.

31.P___________ is a discipline which studies the system of sounds of a particular language and how sounds are combined into meaningful units to effect linguistic communication.

32.The articulatory apparatus of a human being are contained in three important cavities: the pharyngeal cavity, the o_______ cavity and the nasal


33.T_______ are pitch variations, which are caused by the differing rates of vibration of the vocal cords and which can distinguish meaning just like


34.Depending on the context in which stress is considered, there are two kinds of stress: word stress and s_________ stress.

III. There are four choices following each of the statements below. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:

35.Of all the speech organs, the _______ is/ are the most flexible.

A. mouth

B. lips

C. tongue

D. vocal cords

36.The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds.

A. voiceless

B. voiced

C. vowel

D. consonantal

37.__________ is a voiced alveolar stop.

A. /z/

B. /d/

C. /k/


38.The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying”a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones ____________.

A. identical

B. same

C. exactly alike

D. similar

39.Since /p/ and /b/ are phonetically similar, occur in the same environments and they can distinguish meaning, they are said to be ___________.

A. in phonemic contrast

B. in complementary distribution

C. the allophones

D. minimal pair

40.The sound /f/ is _________________.

A. voiced palatal affricate

B. voiced alveolar stop

C. voiceless velar fricative

D. voiceless labiodental fricative

41. A ____ vowel is one that is produced with the front part of the tongue

maintaining the highest position.

A. back

B. central

C. front

D. middle

36.The sounds produced without the vocal cords vibrating are ____ sounds.

A. voiceless

B. voiced

C. vowel

D. consonantal

37.__________ is a voiced alveolar stop.

A. /z/

B. /d/

C. /k/


38.The assimilation rule assimilates one sound to another by “copying”a feature of a sequential phoneme, thus making the two phones ____________.

A. identical

B. same

C. exactly alike

D. similar

43. A(n) ___________ is a unit that is of distinctive value. It is an abstract unit, a

collection of distinctive phonetic features.

A. phone

B. sound

C. allophone

D. phoneme

44.The different phones which can represent a phoneme in different phonetic environments are called the ____ of that phoneme.

A. phones

B. sounds

C. phonemes

D. allophones

IV. Define the terms below:

45. phonology 46. phoneme 47.allophone

48. international phonetic alphabet

49. intonation 50. phonetics 51. auditory phonetics

52. acoustic phonetics 53. phone 54. phonemic contrast 55. tone 56. minimal pair

V. Answer the following questions as comprehensively as possible. Give examples for illustration if necessary:

57. Of the two media of language, why do you think speech is more basic than


58. What are the criteria that a linguist uses in classifying vowels?

59. What are the major differences between phonology and phonetics?

60. Illustrate with examples how suprasegmental features can affect meaning.

61. In what way can we determine whether a phone is a phoneme or not?

Chapter 3:Morphology

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. Morphology studies the internal structure of words and the rules by which words are formed.

2.Words are the smallest meaningful units of language.

3. Just as a phoneme is the basic unit in the study of phonology, so is a morpheme the basic unit in the study of morphology.

4. The smallest meaningful units that can be used freely all by themselves are free morphemes.

5. Bound morphemes include two types: roots and affixes.

6. Inflectional morphemes manifest various grammatical relations or grammatical categories such as number, tense, degree, and case.

7. The existing form to which a derivational affix can be added is called a stem, which can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself.

8. Prefixes usually modify the part of speech of the original word, not the meaning of it.

9. There are rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word. Therefore, words formed according to the morphological rules are acceptable words.

10. Phonetically, the stress of a compound always falls on the first element, while the second element receives secondary stress.

II. Fill in each blank below with one word which begins with the letter given:

11. M ____ is the smallest meaningful unit of language.

12. The affix “-ish”in the word boyish conveys a g____ meaning.

13. B___________ morphemes are those that cannot be used independently but have to be combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

14. Affixes are of two types: inflectional affixes and d__________ affixes.

15. D________ affixes are added to an existing form to create words.

16. A s______ is added to the end of stems to modify the meaning of the original word and it may case change its part of speech.

17. C__________ is the combination of two or sometimes more than two words to create new words.

18. The rules that govern which affix can be added to what type of stem to form a new word are called m___________ rules.

19. In terms of morphemic analysis, d_______________ can be viewed as the addition of affixes to stems to form new words.

20. A s______ can be a bound root, a free morpheme, or a derived form itself to which a derivational affix can be added.

III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:

21. The morpheme “vision”in the common word “television”is a(n) ______.

A. bound morpheme

B. bound form

C. inflectional morpheme

D. free morpheme

22. The compound word “bookstore”is the place where books are sold. This

indicates that the meaning of a compound __________.

A. is the sum total of the meaning of its components

B. can always be worked out by looking at the meanings of morphemes

C. is the same as the meaning of a free phrase.

D. None of the above.

23. The part of speech of the compounds is generally determined by the part of

speech of __________.

A. the first element

B. the second element

C. either the first or the second element

D. both the first and the second elements.

24. _______ are those that cannot be used independently but have to be

combined with other morphemes, either free or bound, to form a word.

A. Free morphemes

B. Bound morphemes

C. Bound words

D. Words

25. _________ is a branch of grammar which studies the internal structure of words

and the rules by which words are formed.

A. Syntax


C. Morphology

D. Morpheme

26. The meaning carried by the inflectional morpheme is _______.

A. lexical

B. morphemic

C. grammatical

D. semantic

27. Bound morphemes are those that ___________.

A. have to be used independently

B. can not be combined with other morphemes

C. can either be free or bound

D. have to be combined with other morphemes.

28. ____ modify the meaning of the stem, but usually do not change the part of

speech of the original word.

A. Prefixes

B. Suffixes

C. Roots

D. Affixes

29. _________ are often thought to be the smallest meaningful units of language

by the linguists.

A. Words

B. Morphemes

C. Phonemes

D. Sentences

30. “-s”in the word “books”is _______.

A. a derivative affix

B. a stem

C. an inflectional affix

D. a root

IV. Define the following terms:

31. morphology 32. inflectional morphology

33. derivational morphology 34. morpheme

35. free morpheme 36. bound morpheme

37. root 38. affix

39. prefix 40. suffix

41. derivation 42. Compounding

V. Answer the following questions:

43. What are the main features of the English compounds?

44. Discuss the types of morphemes with examples.

Chapter 4:Syntax

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. Syntax is a subfield of linguistics that studies the sentence structure of language,

including the combination of morphemes into words.

2.Grammatical sentences are formed following a set of syntactic rules.

3. Sentences are composed of sequence of words arranged in a simple linear

order, with one adding onto another following a simple arithmetic logic.

4.Universally found in the grammars of all human languages, syntactic rules that comprise the system of internalized linguistic knowledge of a language speaker are known as linguistic competence.

5. The syntactic rules of any language are finite in number, but there is no limit to the number of sentences native speakers of that language are able to produce and comprehend.

6. In a complex sentence, the two clauses hold unequal status, one subordinating the other.

7. Constituents that can be substituted for one another without loss of

grammaticality belong to the same syntactic category.

8. Minor lexical categories are open because these categories are not fixed and new members are allowed for.

9. In English syntactic analysis, four phrasal categories are commonly recognized and discussed, namely, noun phrase, verb phrase, infinitive phrase, and auxiliary phrase.

10. In English the subject usually precedes the verb and the direct object usually follows the verb.

11.What is actually internalized in the mind of a native speaker is a complete list of words and phrases rather than grammatical knowledge.

12. A noun phrase must contain a noun, but other elements are optional.

13. It is believed that phrase structure rules, with the insertion of the lexicon, generate sentences at the level of D-structure.

14. WH-movement is obligatory in English which changes a sentence from affirmative to interrogative.

II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:

15. A s________ sentence consists of a single clause which contains a subject and a

predicate and stands alone as its own sentence.

16. A s______ is a structurally independent unit that usually comprises a number of

words to form a complete statement, question or command.

17. A s______ may be a noun or a noun phrase in a sentence that usually

precedes the predicate.

18. The part of a sentence which comprises a finite verb or a verb phrase and

which says something about the subject is grammatically called p_________.

19. A c_________ sentence contains two, or more, clauses, one of which is

incorporated into the other.

20. In the complex sentence, the incorporated or subordinate clause is normally

called an e_______ clause.

21. Major lexical categories are o___ categories in the sense that new words are

constantly added.

22. A _____ Condition on case assignment states that a case assignor and a case

recipient should stay adjacent to each other.

23. P_______ are syntactic options of UG that allow general principles to operate in one way or another and contribute to significant linguistic variations between and among natural languages.

24. The theory of C_____condition explains the fact that noun phrases appear only in

subject and object positions.

III. There are four given choices for each statement below. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:

25. A sentence is considered ____ when it does not conform to the grammatical

knowledge in the mind of native speakers.

A. right

B. wrong

C. grammatical

D. ungrammatical

26. A __________ in the embedded clause refers to the introductory word that

introduces the embedded clause.

A. coordinator

B. particle

C. preposition

D. subordinator

27. Phrase structure rules have ____ properties.

27. A. recursive B. grammatical

C. social

D. functional

28. Phrase structure rules allow us to better understand _____________.

A. how words and phrases form sentences.

B. what constitutes the grammaticality of strings of words

C. how people produce and recognize possible sentences

D. All of the above.

29. Syntactic movement is dictated by rules traditionally called ________.

A. transformational rules

B. generative rules

C. phrase structure rules

D. x-bar theory

30. The theory of case condition accounts for the fact that __________.

A. noun phrases appear only in subject and object positions.

B. noun phrases can be used to modify another noun phrase

C. noun phrase can be used in adverbial positions

D. noun phrase can be moved to any place if necessary.

31. The sentence structure is ________.

A. only linear

B. Only hierarchical

C. complex

D. both linear and hierarchical

32. The syntactic rules of any language are ____ in number.

A. large

B. small

C. finite

D. infinite

33. The ________ rules are the rules that group words and phrases to form grammatical sentences.

A. lexical

B. morphological

C. linguistic

D. combinational

34._______ rules may change the syntactic representation of a sentence.

A. Generative

B. Transformational

C. X-bar

D. Phrase structure

IV. Define the following terms:

35. syntax 36. Sentence 37. coordinate sentence 38. syntactic categories

39. grammatical relations 40. linguistic competence 41. transformational rules

42. D-structure

V. Answer the following questions:

43. What are the basic components of a sentence?

44. What are the major types of sentences? Illustrate them with examples.

45. Are the elements in a sentence linearly structured? Why?

46. What are the advantages of using tree diagrams in the analysis of sentence


47. What is NP movement. Illustrate it with examples.

Chapter 5 Semantics

I. Decide whether each of the following statements is True or False:

1. Dialectal synonyms can often be found in different regional dialects such as

British English and American English but cannot be found within the variety itself, for example, within British English or American English.

2. Sense is concerned with the relationship between the linguistic element and

the non-linguistic world of experience, while the reference deals with the

inherent meaning of the linguistic form.

3. Linguistic forms having the same sense may have different references in

different situations.

4. In semantics, meaning of language is considered as the intrinsic and inherent

relation to the physical world of experience.

5. Contextualism is based on the presumption that one can derive meaning from

or reduce meaning to observable contexts.

6. Behaviourists attempted to define the meaning of a language form as the

situation in which the speaker utters it and the response it calls forth in the hearer.

7. The meaning of a sentence is the sum total of the meanings of all its


8. Most languages have sets of lexical items similar in meaning but ranked

differently according to their degree of formality.

9. “it is hot.”is a no-place predication because it contains no argument.

10. In grammatical analysis, the sentence is taken to be the basic unit, but in

semantic analysis of a sentence, the basic unit is predication, which is the

abstraction of the meaning of a sentence.

II. Fill in each of the following blanks with one word which begins with the letter given:

11. S________ can be defined as the study of meaning.

12. The conceptualist view holds that there is no d______ link between a linguistic

form and what it refers to.

13. R______ means what a linguistic form refers to in the real, physical world; it deals

with the relationship between the linguistic element and the non-linguistic world of experience.

14. Words that are close in meaning are called s________.

15. When two words are identical in sound, but different in spelling and meaning,

they are called h__________.

16.R_________ opposites are pairs of words that exhibit the reversal of a relationship

between the two items.

17. C ____ analysis is based upon the belief that the meaning of a word can be

divided into meaning components.

18. Whether a sentence is semantically meaningful is governed by rules called

s________ restrictions, which are constraints on what lexical items can go with what others.

19. An a________ is a logical participant in a predication, largely identical with the

nominal element(s) in a sentence.

20. According to the n ____ theory of meaning, the words in a language are taken to

be labels of the objects they stand for.

III. There are four choices following each statement. Mark the choice that can best complete the statement:

21. The naming theory is advanced by ________.

A. Plato

B. Bloomfield

C. Geoffrey Leech

D. Firth

22. “We shall know a word by the company it keeps.”This statement represents _______.

A. the conceptualist view

B. contexutalism

C. the naming theory


23. Which of the following is not true?

A. Sense is concerned with the inherent meaning of the linguistic form.

B. Sense is the collection of all the features of the linguistic form.

C. Sense is abstract and de-contextualized.

D. Sense is the aspect of meaning dictionary compilers are not interested in.

24. “Can I borrow your bike?”_______ “You have a bike.”

A. is synonymous with

B. is inconsistent with

C. entails

D. presupposes

25. ___________ is a way in which the meaning of a word can be dissected into

meaning components, called semantic features.

A. Predication analysis

B. Componential analysis

C. Phonemic analysis

D. Grammatical analysis

26. “alive”and “dead”are ______________.

A. gradable antonyms

B. relational opposites

C. complementary antonyms

D. None of the above

27. _________ deals with the relationship between the linguistic element and the

non-linguistic world of experience.

A. Reference

B. Concept

C. Semantics

D. Sense

28. ___________ refers to the phenomenon that words having different meanings

have the same form.

A. Polysemy

B. Synonymy

C. Homonymy

D. Hyponymy

29. Words that are close in meaning are called ______________.

A. homonyms

B. polysemy

C. hyponyms

D. synonyms

30. The grammaticality of a sentence is governed by _______.

A. grammatical rules

B. selectional restrictions

C. semantic rules

D. semantic features

IV. Define the following terms:

31. semantics 32. sense

33 . reference 34. synonymy

35. polysemy 36. homonymy

37. homophones 38. Homographs

39. complete homonyms 40. hyponymy

41.antonymy 42 componential analysis

43.grammatical meaning 44. predication

45. Argument 46. predicate

47. Two-place predication

V. Answer the following questions:

48. Why do we say that a meaning of a sentence is not the sum total of the

meanings of all its components?

49. What is componential analysis? Illustrate it with examples.

50. How do you distinguish between entailment and presupposition in terms of

truth values?

51. How do you account for such sense relations between sentences as

synonymous relation, inconsistent relation in terms of truth values?

52. According to the way synonyms differ, how many groups can we classify

synonyms into? Illustrate them with examples.

53. What are the major views concerning the study of meaning? How they differ?


介词for用法归纳 用法1:(表目的)为了。如: They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。 What did you do that for? 你干吗这样做? That’s what we’re here for. 这正是我们来的目的。 What’s she gone for this time? 她这次去干什么去了? He was waiting for the bus. 他在等公共汽车。 【用法说明】在通常情况下,英语不用for doing sth 来表示目的。如: 他去那儿看他叔叔。 误:He went there for seeing his uncle. 正:He went there to see his uncle. 但是,若一个动名词已名词化,则可与for 连用表目的。如: He went there for swimming. 他去那儿游泳。(swimming 已名词化) 注意:若不是表目的,而是表原因、用途等,则其后可接动名词。(见下面的有关用法) 用法2:(表利益)为,为了。如: What can I do for you? 你想要我什么? We study hard for our motherland. 我们为祖国努力学习。 Would you please carry this for me? 请你替我提这个东西好吗? Do more exercise for the good of your health. 为了健康你要多运动。 【用法说明】(1) 有些后接双宾语的动词(如buy, choose, cook, fetch, find, get, order, prepare, sing, spare 等),当双宾语易位时,通常用for 来引出间接宾语,表示间接宾语为受益者。如: She made her daughter a dress. / She made a dress for her daughter. 她为她女儿做了件连衣裙。 He cooked us some potatoes. / He cooked some potatoes for us. 他为我们煮了些土豆。 注意,类似下面这样的句子必须用for: He bought a new chair for the office. 他为办公室买了张新办公椅。 (2) 注意不要按汉语字面意思,在一些及物动词后误加介词for: 他们决定在电视上为他们的新产品打广告。 误:They decided to advertise for their new product on TV. 正:They decided to advertise their new product on TV. 注:advertise 可用作及物或不及物动词,但含义不同:advertise sth=为卖出某物而打广告;advertise for sth=为寻找某物而打广告。如:advertise for a job=登广告求职。由于受汉语“为”的影响,而此处误加了介词for。类似地,汉语中的“为人民服务”,说成英语是serve the people,而不是serve for the people,“为某人的死报仇”,说成英语是avenge sb’s death,而不是avenge for sb’s death,等等。用法3:(表用途)用于,用来。如: Knives are used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。 This knife is for cutting bread. 这把小刀是用于切面包的。 It’s a machine for slicing bread. 这是切面包的机器。 The doctor gave her some medicine for her cold. 医生给了她一些感冒药。 用法4:为得到,为拿到,为取得。如: He went home for his book. 他回家拿书。 He went to his friend for advice. 他去向朋友请教。 She often asked her parents for money. 她经常向父母要钱。


名词及其用法 一、单数与复数 1. 复数的构成 (1)名词由单数变为复数时,在一般情况下是在词尾加上-s。如: a desk 一张课桌→two desks 两张课桌one room 一个房间→some rooms 一些房间 (2)如果一个名词以s, x, z, sh, ch 等结尾,那么其复数就是在加词尾-es。如:a boss 一位老板→many bosses 许多位老板 a fox 一只狐狸→a lot of foxes 许多狐狸this watch 这块手表→these watches 这些手表 (3) 如果一个名词以y结尾,则其复数构成要分两种情况: (3.1) 以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,将y 改为ies;以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,直接加词尾-s。如: a family 一个家庭→many families 许多家庭one monkey 一只猴子→several monkeys 几只猴子 (3.2) 如果一个名词以字母o 结尾,则情况有点复杂,因为有些是加词尾-s构成复数,而有些则要加词尾-es构成复数,还有一些则加-s或-es都可以。如: a zoo 一个动物园→three zoos 三个动物园(3.3)在英语中,以字母o结尾的名词绝大部分其复数形式通过加词尾-s构成的,只有少数的要加词尾-es,其中比较常见的需要通过加词尾-es构成复数的名词有4个,它们是: tomato→tomatoes 西红柿potato→potatoes 土豆hero→heroes 英雄Negro→Negro 黑人 (4)英语中还有一些名词是以-f或-fe 结尾的,它们在变为复数时也有两种可能,即有些直接加词尾-s,有些则把-f / -fe 改为-ves。在这些名词中,一些日常生活中的常用词通常是采用把-f / -fe 改为-ves 来变为复数,如:wife(妻子),life(生命),knife(小刀),leaf(树叶),thief(贼),half(一半),self(自己),shelf(架子),loaf(面包),wolf(狼)等。 2. 单复数同形 (1)英语中有些名词在由单数变为复数时,其形式与仍采用与单数一样的形式。比较常见的有:sheep 绵羊fish 鱼deer 鹿Chinese 中国人Japanese 日本人 Swiss 瑞士人aircraft 飞行器means 方法works 工厂 (2)其中fish这个词值得特别注意,它的复数形式通常与单数同形。如:There are plenty of fish in the sea. 海里有许多鱼。 (2.1)句中的fish虽在形式上为单数,但其用法为复数。不过,人们有时也用fishes来表示复数。如:We caught three little fishes. 我们抓到三条小鱼。 (2.2)另外,fishes还可表示不同种类的鱼。如:There were fishes of many sizes. 有各种大小的鱼。


英语介词for的用法归纳总结用法1:(介词for表目的)为了 They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。 What did you do that for? 你干吗这样做? That s what we re here for. 这正是我们来的目的。 What s she gone for this time? 她这次去干什么去了? He was waiting for the bus. 他在等公共汽车。 【用法说明】在通常情况下,英语不用for doing sth 来表示目的 他去那儿看他叔叔。 误:He went there for seeing his uncle. 正:He went there to see his uncle. 但是,若一个动名词已名词化,则可与for 连用表目的 He went there for swimming. 他去那儿游泳。(swimming 已名词化) 注意:若不是表目的,而是表原因、用途等,则其后可接动名词。(见下面的有关用法) 用法2:(介词for表利益)为,为了 What can I do for you? 你想要我什么? We study hard for our motherland. 我们为祖国努力学习。 Would you please carry this for me? 请你替我提这个东西好吗?

Do more exercise for the good of your health. 为了健康你要多运动。 【用法说明】(1) 有些后接双宾语的动词(如buy, choose, cook, fetch, find, get, order, prepare, sing, spare 等),当双宾语易位时,通常用for 来引出间接宾语,表示间接宾语为受益者 She made her daughter a dress. / She made a dress for her daughter. 她为她女儿做了件连衣裙。 He cooked us some potatoes. / He cooked some potatoes for us. 他为我们煮了些土豆。 注意,类似下面这样的句子必须用for: He bought a new chair for the office. 他为办公室买了张新办公椅。 (2) 注意不要按汉语字面意思,在一些及物动词后误加介词for: 他们决定在电视上为他们的新产品打广告。 误:They decided to advertise for their new product on TV. 正:They decided to advertise their new product on TV. 注:advertise 可用作及物或不及物动词,但含义不同:advertise sth=为卖出某物而打广告;advertise for sth=为寻找某物而打广告advertise for a job=登广告求职。由于受汉语为的影响,而此处误加了介词for。类似地,汉语中的为人民服务,说成英语是serve the people,而不是serve for the people,为某人的死报仇,说成英语是avenge sb s death,而不是avenge for sb s death,等等。 用法3:(介词for表用途)用于,用来 Knives are used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。


初中英语语法名词用法讲解及专项练习 【考点讲解】 一、名词的分类 二、可数名词与不可数名词 (一) 可数名词 名词分为可数和不可数名词。物质名词与抽象名词一般属于不可数名词,它们只有单数形式;个体名词和集体名词一般是可数名词,通常有单数和复数两种形式。 1. 单数变复数的规则

【注】 ① 常见的以o 结尾要加es 的有如下几个:hero, tomato, potato ,可记为 “英雄爱吃西红柿和土豆”。剩余以o 为结尾的加s :如photo, zoo, piano 等 ② 以f 或fe 结尾变f 或fe 为v+es 的词有如下: 小偷的妻子用刀把狼劈成两半,一半放在书架上,一半放在树叶上 2. 不规则复数形式 (1) 元音或词尾发生变化:child- , man- , woman-_________, foot- , tooth- , mouse- policeman -___________, Frenchman-_________ Englishman- (2) 单复数形式相同: (3) 形式为复数,意思为复数:people ,police (4) 形式为复数,意思为单数:news, maths, physics (5) 只能用复数形式:trousers, shoes, glasses ……

【注】○1man,woman作定语修饰别的名词时,要把man,woman和其他部分都变成复数,如man teacher –, woman doctor –_____________; ○2但是其他合成名词,只需把其中心词变成复数形式。如: shoe factory- , banana tree- 3. “某国人”的复数形式“中日不变英法变,其余s加后边” (二)不可数名词 不可数名词包括物质名词和抽象名词,一般没有复数形式


of与for的用法以及区别 for 表原因、目的 of 表从属关系 介词of的用法 (1)所有关系 this is a picture of a classroom (2)部分关系 a piece of paper a cup of tea a glass of water a bottle of milk what kind of football,American of soccer? (3)描写关系 a man of thirty 三十岁的人 a man of shanghai 上海人 (4)承受动作 the exploitation of man by man.人对人的剥削。 (5)同位关系 It was a cold spring morning in the city of London in England. (6)关于,对于 What do you think of Chinese food? 你觉得中国食品怎么样? 介词 for 的用法小结 1. 表示“当作、作为”。如: I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。What will we have for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么?

2. 表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。如: Thank you for helping me with my English. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。 Thank you for your last letter. 谢谢你上次的来信。 Thank you for teaching us so well. 感谢你如此尽心地教我们。 3. 表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。如: Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。 Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多有害于你的健康。 4. 表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如: I usually do the running for an hour in the morning. 我早晨通常跑步一小时。We will stay there for two days. 我们将在那里逗留两天。 5. 表示去向、目的,意为“向、往、取、买”等。如: let’s go for a walk. 我们出去散步吧。 I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。 I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. 我花了20元买这本词典。 6. 表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于……的”。如: It’s time for school. 到上学的时间了。 Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。 7. 表示“支持、赞成”。如: Are you for this plan or against it? 你是支持还是反对这个计划? 8. 用于一些固定搭配中。如: Who are you waiting for? 你在等谁? For example, Mr Green is a kind teacher. 比如,格林先生是一位心地善良的老师。


名词所有格的用法 1. 名词的格的种类 英语名词有三个格,即主格、宾格和所有格。名词的主格和宾格形式相同,所以它们又统称作通格。当名词用作主语、宾语、表语时,用通格。英语名词的所有格表示所属关系,它分-?s 所有格和of 所有格两种形式。 Tom loves Mary. (Tom 为主格,Mary 为宾格,均为通格形式) Tom?s best friend is Mary.(Tom?s 是所有格,Mary 为通格) The title of the book is interesting. (of the book 为所有格) 2. -?s所有格的构成方法 (1) 一般情况(包括单数名词和不带词尾s的复数名词)加-?s: children?s books 儿童图书 today?s paper 今天的报纸 (2) 带词尾s的复数名词只加省字撇(…): girls? school 女子学校 the Smiths? car 史密斯家的小汽车 注:带词尾s的单数名词,通常仍加?s: the boss?s plan 老板的计划 the hostess?s worry 女主人的担心 (3) 带词尾s的人名,可加?s 或只加省字撇(…): Dickens? novels 狄更斯的小说 Charles?s job 查理斯的工作 不带词尾-s却以咝音结尾者,一律加?s: Marx?s works 马克思的著作 George?s room 乔治的房间 (4) 用and连接的并列连词的所有格要分两种情况,即表示各自的所有关系时,要分别在并列连词后加-?s,表示共同的所有关系时,只在最后一个名词后加-?s: Tom?s and Jim?s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(各自)的房间 Tom and Jim?s rooms 汤姆和吉姆(共同)的房间 3. -?s所有格的用法 -?s 所有格主要用于有生命的东西,但有时也可用于无生命的东西,这主要见于: (1) 用于表时间的名词后: tomorrow?s weather 明天的天气 two days? journey 两天的旅程 比较:ten minutes? break = a ten-minute break 10分钟的休息 (2) 用于表国家、城市的名词后: America?s policy 美国的政策 the city?s population 这个城市的人口 (3) 用于某些集合名词后: the majority?s view 多数人的观点 the government?s policy 政府的政策 (4) 用于组织机构后: the station?s waiting-room 车站候车室 the newspaper?s editorial policy 这家报纸的编辑方针 (5) 用于度量衡及价值名词后:

介词for 的常见用法归纳

介词for 的常见用法归纳 贵州省黔东南州黎平县黎平一中英语组廖钟雁介词for 用法灵活并且搭配能力很强,是一个使用频率非常高的词,也是 高考必考的重要词汇,现将其常见用法归纳如下,供参考。 1.表时间、距离或数量等。 ①意为“在特定时间,定于,安排在约定时间”。如: The meeting is arranged for 9 o’clock. 会议安排在九点进行。 ②意为“持续达”,常于last、stay 、wait等持续性动词连用,表动作持续的时间,有时可以省略。如: He stayed for a long time. 他逗留了很久。 The meeting lasted (for)three hours. 会议持续了三小时。 ③意为“(距离或数量)计、达”。例如: He walked for two miles. 他走了两英里。 The shop sent me a bill for $100.商店给我送来了100美元的账单。 2. 表方向。意为“向、朝、开往、前往”。常与head、leave 、set off、start 等动词连用。如: Tomorrow Tom will leave for Beijing. 明天汤姆要去北京。 He put on his coat and headed for the door他穿上大衣向门口走去。 介词to也可表示方向,但往往与come、drive 、fly、get、go、lead、march、move、return、ride、travel、walk等动词连用。 3.表示理由或原因,意为“因为、由于”。常与thank、famous、reason 、sake 等词连用。如: Thank you for helping me with my English. 谢谢你帮我学习英语。 For several reasons, I’d rather not meet him. 由于种种原因,我宁可不见他。 The West Lake is famous for its beautiful scenery.西湖因美景而闻名。 4.表示目的,意为“为了、取、买”等。如: Let’s go for a walk. 我们出去散步吧。 I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。 He plays the piano for pleasure. 他弹钢琴是为了消遣。 There is no need for anyone to know. 没必要让任何人知道。 5.表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给、为、对于”。如: Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。 Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多有害于你的健康。 Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。


英语中for的用法讲解 英语中for的用法讲解? for 1. prep. (1)因为,由于for this reason (2) 表示时间\距离长度;for three days;He ran for three miles. (3) 为了:What do you come here for? (4) 表示等价交换:He sold his house for 30,000 dollars. (5) 开往;前往We set off for London. (6) 代;替;代表Red is for danger. (7) 用于for + 名词或代词+ to + 不定式动词的名词短语中The bell rang for the lesson to begin. 2. conj 因为(表示推测或附加的原因,前后为并列句) It must have rained last night, for the ground is wet. Kuntta ( a prisoner ) knew day broke, for he heard the birds singing. 尽管for 的用法较多,但记住常用的几个就可以了。for的用法的确很多,可用作介词和连词,介词用法尤为丰富。以下详细列出了用法和句例,供你参考。for 1 preposition 1 used to say who is intended to get or use something, or where

something is intended to be used I've got a present for you. Someone left a message for Vicky. 2 in order to help someone or something I looked after the kids for them. Let me carry that bag for you. 3 used to say what the purpose of an object, action etc is for doing something a knife for cutting bread What did you do that for? 4 in order to have, do, get, or obtain something Are you waiting for the bus? the qualifications necessary for a career in broadcasting 5 used to say how long an action or situation continues for Bake the cake for 40 minutes. We had been talking for a good half hour. 6 used to talk about distance We walked for miles. Factories stretch for quite a way along the canal. 7 if something is arranged for a particular time, it is planned that it should happen then I've invited them for 9 o'clock.


初中英语名词专项训练及答案及解析 一、初中英语名词 1.(?广西百色)You must go to the ________ if you want to buy vegetables. A. supermarket B. library C. theatre D. bookshop 【答案】 A 【解析】【分析】句意:如果你想要买蔬菜,你必须去超市。 A.超市;B.图书馆;C.剧院;D.书店。选项中只有超市有蔬菜买卖。故选A。 2.—Michael, how much do you know about _________? —people usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan. A. the Mid-Autumn Festival B. the Spring Festival C. the Dragon Boat Festival D. the Lantern Festival 【答案】C 【解析】【分析】句意:——米切尔,关于端午节你知道多少?——人们为了纪念屈原, 经常吃粽子。the Mid-Autumn Festival 中秋节;the Spring Festival春节;the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节;the Lantern Festival元宵节。根据people usually eat rice dumplings to remember Qu Yuan可知纪念屈原,吃粽子是端午节的习俗,故选C。 【点评】考查专用名词,根据答语所描述的活动和特色,选择合适的节日名词。 3.——I'm hungry. May I have something to eat? ——OK. Here's some ________. A. orange B. bread C. water D. milk 【答案】 B 【解析】【点评】句意:——我饿了。我可以吃一些东西吗?——好的。这里有一些面包。A.橙汁;B.面包;C.水;D.牛奶。根据上句想要吃的东西,而橙汁,水及牛奶都是喝的东西,故 排除ACD,故选B。 4.—Look, the boss is very angry with Alex. —Well, he came late again. But that's no ______ to shout at him. A. problem B. lesson C. excuse D. reason 【答案】 C 【解析】【分析】句意:——看,老板非常生亚历克斯的气。——哦,他又来晚了。但是 没有理由冲他大喊。problem没问题;lesson课;excuse理由;reason原因。根据but可知此处表示转折,就是他来晚了,也没有理由对他大喊,故选C。 【点评】此题考查名词的辨析,注意识记意义相近的名词。 5.—Where is your bike, Alice?—— It's over there, between ____.


精品文档 精品文档英语连词for的用法总结 1、for在英语学习中,我们经常用到,for做连词时引导原因状语从句,主要表示理由,用于引导的分句对前面的话进行解释,起到补充说明的意思,常用逗号把它和前面的分句分开。例如: Humanity had better hope so, anyway,for the truth will soon out for the entire species.不管怎样,人类最好希望如此,因为这种真理将对整个人类显示出来。He must be in now, for the light in his room is on. 他现在一定在家,因为他房间的灯是亮着的。(灯亮其实并不能说明人一定在家)。注意:for表示原因时的四个“不能”for引导的从句不能位于它所解释的动词之前、for引导的从句不能位于not, but或任何连词之后、for引导的从句不能用于回答问题、for引导的从句不能单单用来复述已讲过的话,而必须包括新的内容。for 引导的从句不能直接说明某一特定动作发生的原因,而只能提供一些起帮助解释作用的附加说明。2、for的用法很广泛,for除了用作连词表示原因、理由之外,它还可以用作介词等: 1)表示“当作、作为”。如: I like some bread and milk for breakfast. 我喜欢把面包和牛奶作为早餐。What will we have for supper? 我们晚餐吃什么? 2)表示动作的对象或接受者,意为“给……”、“对…… (而言)”。如: Let me pick it up for you. 让我为你捡起来。 Watching TV too much is bad for your health. 看电视太多有害于你的健康。3)表示时间、距离,意为“计、达”。如: I usually do the running for an hour in the morning. 我早晨通常跑步一小时。We will stay there for two days. 我们将在那里逗留两天。 4)表示去向、目的,意为“向、往、取、买”等。如: Let's go for a walk. 我们出去散步吧。 I came here for my schoolbag.我来这儿取书包。 I paid twenty yuan for the dictionary. 我花了20元买这本词典。 5)表示所属关系或用途,意为“为、适于……的”。如: It's time for school. 到上学的时间了。 Here is a letter for you. 这儿有你的一封信。 6)表示“支持、赞成”。如: Are you for this plan or against it? 你是支持还是反对这个计划?


名词的用法 【真题再现】 1. —It’s said that a college student had a ______ to Tibet with 500 yuan for a month. — How surprising! Once you have an idea to go somewhere, do it! (2014山西) A. match B. travel C. change 2. — I am just going to the ______. Do you want anything? — Yes, a bag of rice.(2014 沈阳) A. market B. classroom C. library D. park 3. — Nobody knows which team will win the 2014 World Cup in Brazil.(2014连云港) — Yes. That is the ______ of the beautiful game. A. question B. luck C. hope D. magic 4. Mum, it’s so hot. Could I have some ______?(2014黑龙江龙东地区) A. hamburgers B. bread C. ice-cream 5. Miss Black is a friend of ______, she always looks after my sister. (2014黑龙江龙东地区) A. Mar y’s mother’s B. Mary’s mother’ C. Mary mother’s 6. Wang Yaping and Liu Yang are our ______ in China. We’re proud ______ them. (2014黑龙江龙东地区) A. women astronauts; of B. woman astronauts; of C. women astronauts; in 7. My teacher gave me much ________ on how to study English well when I had some trouble.( 2014菏泽) A. advice B. question C. suggestion D. problem 8. US First Lady Michelle Obama encouraged students to study abroad in her ________ when visiting Peking University on March 22, 2014. (2014镇江) A. story B. speech C. letter D. diary 9. There are some _______ in Dayton Art Museum. For example, no food or drinks is allowed inside.(2014温州) A. jobs B. records C. rules D. paintings 10.Mickey mouse is one of the most famous _______ in American _______.(2015广东) A.symbol,culture B. symbol,cultures C.symbols,culture D. symbols,cultures 11. In 1998, Liu Xiang’s ______ in hurdling was noticed by Sun Jiangping. (2015天津) A. ability B. trade C. electricity D. memory 12. Yesterday Lucy told us such good that we are all amazed at it. (2015青岛) A. news B. ideas C. suggestion D. answer 13.Health is important for us teenagers, so we should eat more vegetables such as ________ to keep healthy. (2015哈尔滨) A.tomatoes and potatoes B.tomatos and potatos C.tomatos and potatoes 14. She says her favorite ________ is English. (2015成都) A.color B.sport C.subject 15. Annie has a ________, and she is going to see her dentist today.(2015温州) A. cold B. fever C. cough D. toothache 16. Jeff will come t o understand you one day. It’s a matter of ________ . (2015厦门) A. pleasure B. value C. time 17.Maori people in New Zealand touch _______ when they meet.(2015南宁)


for的用法完全归纳 用法1:(表目的)为了。如: They went out for a walk. 他们出去散步了。 What did you do that for? 你干吗这样做? That’s what we’re here for. 这正是我们来的目的。 What’s she gone for this time? 她这次去干什么去了? He was waiting for the bus. 他在等公共汽车。 在通常情况下,英语不用for doing sth 来表示目的。如:他去那儿看他叔叔。 误:He went there for seeing his uncle.正:He went there to see his uncle. 但是,若一个动名词已名词化,则可与for 连用表目的。如: He went there for swimming. 他去那儿游泳。(swimming 已名词化) 注意:若不是表目的,而是表原因、用途等,则其后可接动名词。 用法2:(表利益)为,为了。如: What can I do for you? 你想要我什么? We study hard for our motherland. 我们为祖国努力学习。 Would you please carry this for me? 请你替我提这个东西好吗? Do more exercise for the good of your health. 为了健康你要多运动。 (1)有些后接双宾语的动词(如buy, choose, cook, fetch, find, get, order, prepare, sing, spare 等),当双宾语易位时,通 常用for 来引出间接宾语,表示间接宾语为受益者。如: She made her daughter a dress. / She made a dress for her daughter. 她为她女儿做了件连衣裙。 He cooked us some potatoes. / He cooked some potatoes for us. 他为我们煮了些土豆。 注意,类似下面这样的句子必须用for: He bought a new chair for the office. 他为办公室买了张新办公椅。 (2) 注意不要按汉语字面意思,在一些及物动词后误加介词for: 他们决定在电视上为他们的新产品打广告。 误:They decided to advertise for their new product on TV. 正:They decided to advertise their new product on TV. 注:advertise 可用作及物或不及物动词,但含义不同:advertise sth=为卖出某物而打广告;advertise for sth=为寻找某物而打广告。如:advertise for a job=登广告求职。由于受汉语“为”的影响,而此处误加了介词for。类似地,汉语中的“为人民服务”,说成英语是serve the people,而不是serve for the people,“为某人的死报仇”,说成英语是avenge sb’s death,而不是avenge for sb’s death,等等。 用法3:(表用途)用于,用来。如: Knives are used for cutting things. 小刀是用来切东西的。 This knife is for cutting bread. 这把小刀是用于切面包的。 It’s a machine for slicing bread. 这是切面包的机器。 The doctor gave her some medicine for her cold. 医生给了她一些感冒药。 用法4:为得到,为拿到,为取得。如: He went home for his book. 他回家拿书。 He went to his friend for advice. 他去向朋友请教。 She often asked her parents for money. 她经常向父母要钱。 We all hope for success. 我们都盼望成功。 Are you coming in for some tea? 你要不要进来喝点茶? 用法5:给(某人),供(某人)用。如: That’s for you. 这是给你的。 Here is a letter for you. 这是你的信。 Have you room for me there? 你那边能给我腾出点地方吗? 用法6:(表原因、理由)因为,由于。如:


一、名词的分类 名词可分为普通名词和专有名词两大类。 1. 普通名词又可分为: (1)个体名词。如:cup,desk,student等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (2)集体名词。如:class,team,family等。一般可数,有单复数形式。 (3)物质名词。如:rice,water,cotton等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 (4)抽象名词。如:love,work,life等。一般不可数,没有单复数之分。 2. 专有名词:如:China,Newton,London等。 二、名词的数 (一)可数名词的复数形式的构成规则 1. 一般情况下在名词的词尾加s,如:book books,pencil pencils. 2. 以-s,-x,-ch,-sh结尾的名词加-es,其读音为[iz]。如:bus buses,box boxes,watch watches,dish dishes等。 3. 以-y结尾的名词: (1)以“辅音字母+y”结尾的名词,把y改为i再加es,读音为[iz],如:factory factories,company companies等。 (2)以“元音字母+y”结尾的名词,或专有名词以y结尾,直接在词尾加-s,读音为[z]。如:key keys,Henry Henrys等。 4. 以-f和-fe结尾的名词: (1)变-f或-fe为v再加-es,读音为[vz]。如:thief thieves,wife wives,half halves等。 (2)直接在词尾加-s,如:roof roofs,gulf gulfs,chief chiefs,proof proofs等。 (3)两者均可。如:handkerchief handkerchiefs或handkerchieves. 5. 以-o结尾的名词:

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