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As bird flu has sprung up in many areas in the world at an incredible rate in recent years ,some countries started to kill birds in a large scope.Then we held a class meeting to discuss whether the advantage of killing birds outweighs the disadvantages or not.

With heated discussions going on ,our views varied among us students,as a result of which,we did’t reach an absolute consensus on the issue.

Those in favor of killing birds argued that this action was the most effective measure to prevent the virus from spreading which severely threatened human’s health .By the time the infected areas had been expanded,we’d have more difficulty in controlling them.

However from the perspective of ecology,as those argued against killing birds said ,it was so crul and unfair that the balance of nature might be upset.The foundamental solution to the problem was to find out the vaccine as soon as possible. Personally,I have relatively neutral idea. Killing birds in a large scope will certainly exert negative effect on nature in the long run,while in terms of keeping the virus from spreading in a short time it can be regarded as a good idea.

So ,control killing birds in a reasonable scale and try to find out the vaccine soon and I believe the bird flu can be controlled effectively and efficiently.


篇一:英文作文自我介绍版本英文作文自我介绍版本 sample1: in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or japanese.my favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future. sample2: in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a shortterm english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things. i think language is very interesting. i could express one substanceby using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge. sample3: my name is . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistryteacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an english teacher. she teaches english in the university. i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the e- books to read. reading e- books is fun. in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. sample4: sample5: from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. “ being good is must; successful, however, is plus. ” father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that. i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. sample6: my father is, in the same way, a good consultant to me. as he said: i am in poor education, little for you; to clarify, what he have given is far beyond his words, i do think so. i was born in a country of ping tung country, farming is our career of generations. there are four people in my family, mother is housewife and my brother is a student of an agriculture college. i am optimistic and active, and i am confident that i can pass the test. thank you for your precious to read my autobiography. sample7 : 1 、good morning/afternoon/evening, my name is . it is really a great honor to have this


一、网恋 Directions: Write an essay entitled On-line Love Affair, your essay should meet the requirements below: (1)its side-effect (2)your viewpoints You should write 160~200words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: Although the popular belief is that internet increasingly plays an important role in our daily life, a current survey indicates that it has also brought some youngsters great disadvantages. They can do whatever they like, such matters as playing games, chatting. And some are even falling in love with chatters, which is called on-line love. Fresh notion as on-line love is, it sounds ridiculous when analyzed profoundly. What these young people fail to understand is that both sides have not well acquainted with mutually. Some net friends are reported to have been deceived by those people who are doing some criminal activities per year through the internet. Internet has indubitably provided various information for us, and on-line love is nothing but an artifact of fictitious world offered by internet. On the other hand, it is vital that we should make internet serve us better, and at the same time,as far as on-line love is concerned, being objective and levelheaded analysis is not far from being a sensible attitude. 范文精译: 尽管大家普遍认为网络在我们的日常生活中越来越重要,但当前的调查表明它同时也给一些年轻人带来了弊端。人们可以通过网络做他们喜欢做的一切,诸如打游戏、聊天。有些人甚至与聊天者谈起了恋爱,这就是所谓的网恋。 尽管网恋比较新颖,但仔细分析过后不免有些荒唐。这些年轻人没有意识到他们双方并不彼此了解。据报道,每年都有网友被那些专门通过网络做非法勾当的人欺骗。 毋庸置疑,网络给我们提供了各种各样的信息,而网恋只不过是网络这个虚幻世界的产物。一方面,我们应该使网络更好地为我们服务;同时就网恋而言,客观对待、冷静分析才是明智之举。 二、论美女经济 Directions: Write an essay with the title of On“Beauty Economy”,and your essay should be based on the following outline : (1)describe briefly the phenomenon of “beauty economy” (2)list positive effect (3)list negative effect You should write 160~200 words neatly on ANSWER SHEET 2. 背诵范文: The “beauty economy” actually is “the eyeball economy”. The beauties are used to attract the public attention and make a profit. Meanwhile, the beauty contest activity which we are familiar with is regarded as the most gigantic manifestation of beauty economy. In the supporter’s eyes, the beauty economy gains high business profits through plans, organization, propaganda of the beauty contest. The participants can have the qualifications to participate in the competition as honour. The winners make their social status reach a high position. Thereupon, people become enthusiastic about beauty economy. The merchant has been laughing uproariously which hawked. The beautiful woman has the stage which declares a position. However, others don’t agree with it. Firstly, the beauties are treated as “unliving objects” just like the flower vase, and people pay too much attention to the pretty appearance of the beauties, but their internal world is ignored. Secondly, it leads to the distorted beauty culture. Many girls even women worship blindly the beauties and spend a lot of money in face-lifting to emulate them. Then our traditional aesthetic conceptions are totally overturned, and our conventional virtues completely disappear. Last but not the least, the beauty economy misleads the values. Relying on“being beautiful”, pursuing the wealth, they go after like ducks. And it also causes them to be the money worship.


八年级下英语作文范文 第一单元你的朋友Jack由于长时间玩电脑游戏,现在头痛、眼睛不舒服、腰背酸痛,并且睡不好觉。写一篇短文介绍一下他的情况,并给出你对他的建议。要求:(1)内容包含所提供的信息,可适当发挥;(2)书写认真,句子通顺;(3)词数:60词左右。 Jack is my friend. He likes playing computer games very much. He often sit s in the same way for too long without moving. Now he has a headache, sore eyes and a sore back. He doesn’ t sleep well at night, so he feels tired every day. I think he should take breaks awa y from the computer. He shouldn’ t use the computer for a long time. He should do eye exercises to relax his eyes an d go to bed early at night. I think if he has a good rest, he will feel well soon. 第二单元★根据汉语提示及要求,以Lily’s Dream为题写一篇短文. 提示: 1.lily是一个中学生,她想成为一名职业演员.2.她同时也是一名志愿者,经常参加一些志愿者服务活动,业余时间她还上表演课. 3.现在她遇到了一些麻烦,无钱上表演课.她想出了许多办法,如: 打电话给家长、主动辅导孩子的美术、张贴启事寻找工作挣钱等。4.问题解决了,她可以继续上课了,她的梦想回实现的。要求:1、条理清晰,语句通顺,语法正确,书写规范。 2、不少于80个单词。 lily’s Dream Lily is a high school student. She wants to be a professional actress. As a vol unteer , she often volunteers her time to help other people . at the same time she ta kes acting lessons. Now she has run out of money for acting lessons. She needs to come up with ideas for making money. She called up parents to offer children art lessons. She even put up signs for asking for jobs. Now she’ll be able to continue her lessons, and she can become a professional actress one day. 第三单元★目前中学生学习任务重,压力大,而丰富多彩的业余生活,有利于开拓视野,调节身心,提高学习效率。请以“My Spare Time”为题,写一篇作文谈谈你的业余生活,如看书、看电视、玩电脑、做运动、做家务等。写作要求:⑴包含提示所给要点,语言流畅,意思连贯,不必逐字逐句翻译,可以适当发挥拓展;⑵词数80词左右,开头已给出,不计入总词数。 My Spare Time I am a middle school student.Though I am busy with my lessons,my spare ti me is still colorful. After school I usually play sports . Sports help me to keep heal thy and study better.I often do some reading in the evening.I think books give us much knowledge.So reading books is the best way of spending my spare time. So metimes I watch TV or surf the internet. On weekends, I often help my parents wi th the housework..I sweep the floor,wash the clothes and learn to cook.I enjoy my self in my spare time. 第四单元★请你给杂志社写一封信,来表述你对家长们把孩子送到各种各样的课外辅导班这件事的看法。要求:1. 80 词左右。 2.可运用下列句


Students and Mobile Phone 1. 大学生使用手机增多及其原因 2. 大学生使用手机所带来的问题 3. 你自己的观点 With the rapid economic development, the mobile phone has found its way into campuses and a host of students take advantage of this wonderful gadget to communicate with each other. This phenomenon gives rise to this question: What are the advantages and disadvantages of the mobile phone? It is widely believed that it greatly facilitates students' campus life. Many instances could be found to support this type of opinion. A graduating student in our university bought a mobile phone in the course of hunting for his job. He told me that through the mobile phone he could easily keep in touch with the employer of the company he intends to work with and would not miss any opportunities. However, everything has both positive and negative facets. The mobile phone also has many disadvantages. For instance, the ringing of the mobile phone often disturbs the teacher's teaching and other students' learning. Personally, the advantages of the mobile phone outweigh the disadvantages of it as long as we don't interfere with others while using it. It is reported that ten big cities in China are being ranked among the top twenty cities with the highest pollution index in the world. This means it is high time we did something to bring the situation under control. Pollution: An Increasing Concern in China 1. 中国的污染的现状 2. 造成污染的原因 3. 解决的办法 Many factors are contributing to the deteriorating situation: industrial wastes pumped into the air, the lakes and rivers; a increasing number of automobiles crowding into the streets; the widespread use of plastic bags etc. To my view, stiffer laws and regulations must be implemented to check pollution. Industries that release wastes without permission should be heavily fined. Cars should be equipped to minimize the exhaust they release into the air. And the use of plastic bags and disposable meal boxes should be banned. What’s more, the media should play an important role in implanting a sense of environmental consciousness into people’s mind. If everybody works toward a common goal of making the environment better, we can create a cleaner and lovelier world for us and for the coming generation. My view on Online Education


1. 感谢信 假设你是李华,梁教授去年六月推荐你去悉尼大学深造,现在你已经被悉尼大学化学学院录取,请写封信向梁教授表示感谢。 【优秀满分范文】 Dear Professor Liang, I am writing to extend my gratitude to you. Because of your help,now I am a student of Chemistry Department of Sydney University. Last June, when I applied to become a graduate student of Sydney University, you really gave me a lot of valuable help. You not only wrote a recommendation for me to Professor Wells who works in the Sydney University,but also gave me careful and patient instructions on how to fill the application forms and write the application letters. It is your unreserved help that enables me to obtain this splendid opportunity of further education. For the following two years I will study hard to reciprocate (回报)your sincere help and expectations with excellent grades. Yours truly, Li Hua 2. 道歉信 假设你是新华中学的学生李华,你和在上海上学的英国朋友Tom约好下周末去北京旅游,但你因故不能赴约。请根据以下要点用英语给他写一封电子邮件: 1. 表示歉意; 2. 解释原因; 3. 另约时间。 注意:1. 词数120~150;2. 可适当增加细节。


八年级下册英语作文复习及范文 Unit 1 假如你是李明,你的朋友Peter即将面临中考,然而他却深感压力巨大,寝食难安,情绪低落,学习效率低下。请你写一封信给他提一些有益的建议,帮助他调整心态,提高学习效率,轻松迎考。 要点如下:1.学会放松(体育锻炼,听音乐……)2、健康饮食3、充足睡眠 4.学会沟通 注意:1、次数80词左右。(文章的开头和结尾已经给出,不计入总词数) 2、可适当的发挥,但必须包含以上要点。 Dear Peter, Don't worry about your study too much. First, you should learn how to relax yourself. I think doing more sports is good for your health. Listening to music is also a good way to relax. And I think it's necessary to have healthy eating habits. Please remember to have breakfast every morning. It can give you enough energy to study for the whole morning. You'd better go to bed early and have enough sleep. It will keep you active during the day. Finally, I think you should talk with your friends, parents, or teachers often. Tell them about your thoughts and feelings. Try to get help from them. I hope you can stay in good spirits and study better. Yours, Li Ming Unit 2 (A)假设你是晨光中学的李华。你校拟选拔一些优秀的学生,利用暑假到晨曦希望小学为学生辅导英语。你希望参加此次活动。请根据提示给校评选组写一封申请信。80词左右。 1. 对此次活动的认识(如对本人、学生和学校的益处) 2. 个人优势(如性格、独立生活能力、语言能力等) 3. 你的计划(如怎样辅导等) Dear Sir/Madam, I'm Li Hua from Class One, Grade Two. I am writing to apply()for the opportunity 申请?'pla [?] to help the students in Chenxi Hope School with their English. They can improve their English during the summer vacation. Meanwhile, I can learn how to get along well with )同时?l]([‘mi:nwa the students and benefit the whole school. I'm kind, outgoing and always ready to )利益ben?f?t]([‘help others. I wash clothed and make beds by myself to develop independence [?nd?'pend?ns](独. English is my favorite subject and I have won several prizes in English contests. So I think )立that I am qualified for the position. )有资格的d] (?fa?[‘kw?l(B)假如你是来自一中的学生李明,你很喜欢动物,可是现在很多动物的数量在逐渐减少。请以“I Want to Be A V olunteer of Protecting Animals”为题写一篇演讲稿。内容提示:1、你的性格是什么样的?2、你为了保护动物都做过什么?3、作为一名志愿者,你需要做什么? 要求:1、词数100左右,演讲稿的开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数。2、所写演讲稿必须


Talking about hobbies Everyone has his hobbies, such as listening to music, doing sports, reading and looking after animals. However, reading is my favourite. When I was a little girl, I was interested in reading books. From then on, books have taught me a lot. In my opinion, books not only give me knowledge but also make me understand the world. I also think reading is very important and relaxing. So I will continue reading in the future. Talking about a radio/TV programme 1.What’s your favourite programme? 2.What kind of program is it? 3.Why do you like it?) "Animal World" is my favorite programme. First of all, I like animals, especially small animals. Secondly, the presenter makes the program lively and interesting. Thirdly, through this program I know plenty of things, such as different lives of different animals, the relationship between people and nature, people and animal. I want to say that animals are part of nature as we are. We must protect animals so that we will have a good life in the future. Solving the problems 【Jack didn’t pass the English exam and he lied to his parents. What should he do now? Please give him some advice. 】 Dear Jack, You have made two mistakes. First, you didn’t get ready for your English exam. Second, you lied to your parents. In my opinion, you must tell them the truth at once. If you do that, they may be angry with you, but you’ll prove how honest you are. Then I think you should work hard from now on. If you try your best, I’m sure you’ll pass the English exam next time. And your parents will be proud of an honest and hard-working boy. Best wishes Agony aunt Write a review (评论) of a book, a film, a play, a CD, etc.(写作提示:①What’s the name of it? ②Who wrote it?③What’s the story about? ④Where does it take place? ⑤What’s the best part? ⑥What do you think of it?) I have seen a movie called《Titanic》. It is about a sad love story happened in a very famous ship called Titanic. The main characters are Rose and Jack. Jack is very handsome and intelligent but poor. Rose is very rich but kind and she won't judge people by money. They met on the Titanic. And soon they fell in love with each other. Unluckily, the ship got crashed. In the end, Jack saved Rose but he died. I cried after watching the movie. It made me understand to love is to give.


篇一:英文作文自我介绍版本 英文作文自我介绍版本 sample1: in my spare time, i like to read novels. i think reading could enlargemy knowledge. as for novels, i could imagine whatever i like such as a well-known scientist or a kung-fu master. in addition to reading, i also like to play pc games. a lot of grownups think playing pc games hinders the students from learning. but i think pc games could motivate me to learn something such as english or japanese.my favorite course is english because i think it is interesting to say one thing via different sounds. i wish my english could be improved in the next four years and be able to speak fluent english in the future. sample2: in my spare time, i like to do anything relating to english such as listening to english songs, watching english movies or tv programs, or even attending the activities held by some english clubs or institutes. i used to go abroad for a short- term english study. during that time, i learned a lot of daily life english and saw a lot of different things. i think language is very interesting. i could express one substanceby using different sounds. so i wish i could study and read more english literatures and enlarge my knowledge. sample3: my name is . there are 4 people in my family. my father is a chemistryteacher. he teaches chemistry in senior high school. my mother is an english teacher. she teaches english in the university. i have a younger brother, he is a junior high school student and is preparing for the entrance exam. i like to read english story books in my free time. sometimes i surf the internet and download the e- books to read. reading e- books is fun. in addition, it also enlarges my vocabulary words because of the advanced technology and the vivid animations. sample4: sample5: from a middle class family, i was born in hsin ying, tainan on october 10th, 1965. my father is a civil official at tainan city government. my mother is a house wife good at cooking. although i am the only child of my parents, i am by no mans a spoiled one. on the contrary, i have been expected to be a successful man with advanced education. i study hard at school. besides texts knowledge, journalism is my favorite; whenever reading, my heart is filled with great joy and interesting. "being good is must; successful, however, is plus." father adopts the idea of his father. especially in military service, i realized it more precisely. people said: military service makes a boy to man, i agree that. i realized the importance of english and began to study diligently when i was eighteen. i did not start in my early age, but i hope that i could pass the test of general english proficiency test. and this is my best wish at the moment. sample6:

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