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江西省2020届高三英语二轮专项训练 阅读理解(62)

江西省2020届高三英语二轮专项训练 阅读理解(62)
江西省2020届高三英语二轮专项训练 阅读理解(62)




A friend invited me to a baseball game. I asked how much the tickets cost, and he replied, "They’re on me." So I paid for the dinner. At the game, I noticed that his tickets were marked "Complimentary". My friend said that they were free offers from a client (客户). Shouldn’t I have split the dinner check, since the tickets were free? Anonymous

I understand your uncertainty. Usually, "the tickets are on me" means "I have paid for them". Still, you received a benefit: a good evening. And that your friend didn’t pay for the tickets in cash doesn’t mean they had no value. You wouldn’t have been admitted to the game without them.

Recently, a couple with a 2-year-old boy moved into the apartment above mine. I wake to the sound of tiny feet running back and forth. I work at home, so I hear the same noise all day. Can I ask for a reasonable compromise (折衷), or must I stand my discomfort? Anonymous

I can easily imagine some noise upstairs. It is a good idea to see this as a matter for compromise. Just be sure to welcome your new neighbor before expressing your complaints. And try to visit when the boy is quiet, so his parents won’t be upset and be unfriendly to you.

I received an invitation that went like this: "We are having a picnic to celebrate Joseph’s graduation. Please let us know what you will bring to eat." I believe that if I am bringing a gift for the person of honor, I shouldn’t be asked to bring food or drink. Am I wrong? Suzanne An awkward invitation, Suzanne. It would have been better if the

invitation had said "no gifts" or if the welcoming hosts had provided the food themselves. As to your reply, maybe it could go as follows: "I understand the dictionary we bought for Joseph is a tasty grilled (烤着吃) dish."

1.All the help-seekers have something in common in that they ______.

A. don’t get along well with their friends

B. are puzzled by a bad social situation

C. are unwilling to meet people they dislike

D. hate being disturbed by others

2. We can learn from the first case that ______.

A. the tickets were free

B. the tickets were difficult to get

C. the baseball game was wonderful

D. the dinner check was shared

3. In the second case, the adviser stresses that the noise sufferer _____________.

A. can make the boy quiet by playing together

B. can win new friendships without complaining

C. should make his or her complaints acceptable

D. should know more about his or her new neighbor

4. According to the third case, Suzanne is advised to ______.

A. refuse the invitation by making a good excuse

B. buy a gift and some delicious grilled food

C. choose the dictionary as a gift

D. reply with a humor to avoid buying food or drink

5. What can we know from the text?

A. The tickets were paid in cash by a client.

B. The noise sufferer stays at home all day without work.

C. Suzanne feels embarrassed about the invitation.

D. Joseph invited Suzanne to take part in his party.


When I was quite young, my father had one telephone. I remember well the polished old case fastened to the wall. I was too little to reach the telephone, but used to listen with great interest when my mother used to talk to it. Then I discovered that somewhere inside the wonderful device lived an amazing person — her name was Information Please and there was nothing she did not know.

My first personal experience with Information Please came one day while my mother was visiting a neighbor. I accidentally hit my finger with a hammer. The pain was terrible, but there didn’t seem to be any reason in crying because there was no one home to give sympathy. I walked around the house sucking my hurting finger, finally arriving at the stairway —The telephone! Climbing up I held it to my ear. “Information Please,” I said.

A click or two and a small clear voice spoke into my ear. “Information.”

“I hurt my finger …”The tears came readily enough now that I had an audience. “Isn’t your mother home?” “Nobody’s home but me.” “Are you bleeding?” “No,” I replied. “I hit my finger with the hammer and it hurts.” “Can you open your icebox?” I said I could. “Then chip off a little piece of ice and hold it to your finger.”

After that I called Information Please for everything. I asked her for help with my geography and she told me where Philadelphia was. And there was the time that Petey, our pet canary (金丝雀) died. I called Information Please and told her the sad story. She listened, and then said the usual things grown-ups say to comfort a child. But I was unconsoled. Why is it that birds

should sing so beautifully and bring joy to us , only to end up as a heap of feathers?

She must have sensed it , for she said quietly, “Paul, always remember that there are other worlds to sing in.” Somehow I felt better. [ All this took place in a small town in the pacific Northwest. Then when I was 9 years old, we moved to Boston. I missed my friend very much. Information Please belonged in that old wooden box back home, and I somehow never thought of trying the tall, shiny new phone that sat on the hall table.

A few years later, on my way west to college, my plane put down in Seattle.

I had about half an hour or so between planes, and I spent 15 minutes or so on the phone with my sister, who lived there now. Then without thinking what I was doing, I dialed my hometown operator and said, “Information Please.”

Miraculously (出乎意料地), I heard again the small, clear voice I knew so well, “Information.” I hadn’t planned this but I heard myself saying, “I hurt my finger” There was a long pause. Then came the soft voice, “I guess that your finger must have healed by now.”

I laughed, “So it’s really still you,” I said. “I wonder if you have any idea how much you meant to me .”

“I wonder,” she said, “if you know how much your calls meant to me.

I used to look forward to your calls.”

I told her how often I had thought of her over the years and I asked if I could call her again.

“Please do; just ask for Sally.”

Just three months later I was back in Seattle … A different voice answered Information and I asked for Sally.

“Are you a friend?” “Yes, a very old friend.” “Then I’m sorry to have to tell you. She passed away five weeks ago.” But before I could hang

up she said, “Wait a minute. Did you say your name was Paul?”


“Well, Sally left a message for you. ‘Tell him I still say there are other worlds to sing in. He’ll know what I mean.’”

6. According to the text, Information Please is actually _________.

A. a robot

B. the author’s mother

C. a telephone operator

D. the telephone itself

7. The author picked up the telephone for the first time to ________.

A. call his mother who was visiting a neighbor[

B. find someone to give him sympathy

C. call the doctor for his wounded finger

D. find out what exactly lived in the telephone

8. The underlined word “unconsoled” in Paragraph 6 means ________.

A. too sad to have a talk

B. difficult to deal with somebody

C. hard to communicate with somebody

D. unable to accept comfort

9. Why did the author never think of trying the new phone after moving to Boston?

A. He hadn’t got used to the line service in Boston yet.

B. There was something wrong with the new phone.

C. He missed Information Please in the old phone so much.

D. He didn’t like the tall and shiny style of the new phone.

10. What did Sally mean by saying those underlined words in the message?

A. She went to another place to make a living as a singer.

B. The world without her would still be good to the author.

C. The author should explore new worlds for his new life.

D. The author didn’t need to feel sad for her death.


Tired of all the pushing in supermarkets? Fed up with waiting in endless lines to pay for what you have bought? Angry at wasting time in traffic jams only to find no parking spaces when you eventually arrive at the store? If this is you, then online shopping is the answer to your dreams of trouble-free shopping, Or is it?

Online shopping brings its own challenges. Here are a few things to bear in mind when browsing(浏览)various websites. The claim made by online sites is that shopping online is a safe and secure way to make purchases. The evidence challenges this. In any case, you only have to be the victim of fraud (诈骗)once to experience all the problems that come with this form of stealing. Use only sites that have a trusted history and an excellent reputation.

Another problem is the appearance of items in reality is often quite different from what you see on your computer screen. This might not be a problem if you are buying washing up powder but could be a major disappointment when that beautiful blue dress you ordered turns up in green. Also, product descriptions are sometimes simply untrue . Perhaps the wisest plan is to purchase items where design and color are not essential to customer satisfaction.

Some even argue that online shopping indirectly contributes to global warming. Yes, your car can stay parked but how are online goods delivered? Often by some large van porting out carbon monoxide and adding to our already desperate traffic problems. You are also by now becoming increasingly irritated(使烦恼)by the fact that the delivery is late and you have wasted the leave from work you have taken to receive it!

Without question, online shopping is here to stay and it has its benefits.

However, perhaps it is not as wonderful as some of its supporters claim it to be.

11.The author lists several questions in Para. 1 to . A.support online shopping B.collect answers from readers

C.show his dislike of going shopping D. introduce the topic of the passage

12.By what can online shoppers avoid fraud?

A. Using only trusted websites. B. Choosing big websites.C.Collecting shopping evidence. D.Seeking advice from the police. 13.What can we learn about online shopping from Para.3?

A.It’s normal for a blue dress to change into gre en.

B.We shouldn't believe product descriptions easily.

C.It’s usually wise for us to buy colorful products.

D.Product appearances are sometimes not good.

14.The author agrees with the fact that ______.

A.customers are never satisfied with products

B.online shopping is a safe way to make purchases

C.online shopping has nothing to do with global warming

D.delivery delay often makes online shoppers unhappy

15.What is the author’s attitude towards online shopping?

A.Very popular. B.A wise choice.

C. Not trouble free. D.A waste of time.


Sustainable development is applied to just about everything from energy to clean water and economic growth, and as a result it has become difficult

to question either the basic assumptions behind it or the way the concept is put to use. This is especially true in agriculture, where sustainable development is often taken as the measure of progress without a proper appreciation of historical and cultural perspectives.

To start with, it is important to remember that the nature of agriculture has changed markedly throughout history, and will continue to do so. Medieval agriculture in northern Europe fed, clothed and sheltered a mainly rural society with a much lower population density than it is today. It had minimal effect on biodiversity, and any pollution it caused was typically localized. In terms of energy use and the nutrients captured in the product it was relatively inefficient.

Contrast this with farming since the start of the industrial revolution. Competition from overseas led farmers to specialize and increase yields. Throughout this period food became cheaper, safer and more reliable. However, these changes have also led to habitat loss and to reducing biodiversity.

All this means that agriculture in the 21st century will have to be very different from how it was in the 20th. This will require thorough thinking. For example, we need to move away from the idea that traditional practices are certainly more sustainable than new ones. We also need to abandon the notion that agriculture can be “zero impact”. The key will be to abandon the rather simple and static(稳定的)measures of sustainability, which centre on the need to maintain production without increasing damage. Instead we need a more dynamic interpretation, one that looks at the pros and cons of all the various way land is used. There are many different ways to measure agricultural performance besides food yield: energy use, environmental costs, water purity, carbon footprint and biodiversity. It is clear, for example, that the carbon of transporting tomatoes from Spain to the UK is less than

that of producing them in the UK with additional heating and lighting. But we do not know whether lower carbon footprints will always be better for biodiversity.

What is important is recognizing that sustainable agriculture is not just about sustainable food production.

16. How do people often measure progress in agriculture?

A. By its sustainability

B. By its contribution to economic growth

C. By its productivity

D. By its impact on the environment

17. Specialization and the effort to increase yields have resulted in .

A. Localized pollution

B. the decrease of biodiversity

C. The shrinking of farmland

D. competition from overseas

18. What does the author think of traditional farming practices?

A. They are environmentally friendly

B. They have remained the same over the centuries

C. They have not kept pace with population growth

D. They are not necessarily sustainable

19. What will agriculture be like in the 21st century?

A. It will abandon traditional farming practices

B. It will go through complete changes

C. It will mainly keep traditional farming

D. It will cause zero damage to the environment

20. What is the author’s purpose in writing this passage?

A. To remind people of the need of sustainable development.

B. To advance new criteria for measuring farming progress.

C. To urge people to rethink what sustainable agriculture is.

D. To suggest ways of ensuring sustainable food production. BACDC CBDCD DABDC ABDBC


(A ) A coal-fire stove(炉灶)provided heating for Zhao Yaoqin's courtyard bungalow in a Beijing hutong all her life. This winter, however, the stove has disappeared from the 66-year-old's life, and an electric radiator takes its place beside her bed, a product of a government to use clean energy in the national capital. With the Olympics to be staged in Beijing next August, the city is determined to eliminate the use of coal within the Third Ring Road that circles the city before the Games. The project to replace the stoves with electric radiators has been part of the effort. When the city's four-month long heating season started on Thursday, coal-fired stoves, known as a big source of pollution in the big city, have disappeared from some 20,000 local households like Zhao's bungalow in the inner city "hutong" -- traditional alleyways(小巷) that date back centuries. "We used to boil water or bake bread on the stove," said Zhao, sounding sentimental(伤感) to the disappearance of the coal furnace from her life. Late in the 1990s, Beijing's air quality monitoring office found that the emissions(排放) of sulphur dioxide and carbon monoxide from the hutong areas have been higher than the city's average in winter, mainly because of the coal stoves. With the project to switch to clean energy for heating launched in 1999, the emission level of the two poisonous substances decreased by 42 percent and 44 percent, respectively, this year from 2001 levels. Zhao said the fee for electrical heat for the entire winter was usually around 2,400 yuan (US$323) per household. With the government's subsidy(补贴), however, she only needed to pay about 500 yuan, nearly the same price as that for coal. 1.Zhao Yaoqin’ example in the passage is to tell us that_______. A.people in Beijing using electric radiators to welcome the Olympics. B.people in Beijing are doing something to protect the environment. C.hutongs in Beijing have a long history. D.People pay more money to use electric radiators than before. 2. The underlined word eliminate probably means________ A. cut down. B. increase. C. get rid of. D. replace 3. We can infer from the passage that ______ A. Zhao Yaoqin has a strong and deep emotion with the use of coal-fire stove. B. The government will pay most of the fee. C. The air of Beijing has been badly polluted since 1990s. D. The people do not use coal eight months in one year. 4. Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage? A. The clean air is important when the Olympics Games is held in Beijing. B. The success of the Olympics Games depends on the clean air. C. The government spare no effort to make the environment better. D. The emission level of poisonous substances will be low in 2008.


小学语文阅读理解专项练习题 1、种辣椒 常识课上,老师对植物的讲解,把我带到植物世界里。听完课,我动了心,决心种点什么,仔细观察它的生长过程。 回到家,我找到了两个花盆,满心欢喜地种下了辣椒籽。下种后,我每天都要给它浇些水,盼望种子早些发芽。一天中午,弟弟告诉我花盆里出小苗了,我飞一样地跑到窗台前,只见一棵小嫩芽拱出土,又过了两天,好几棵小芽出来了。小芽越来越多,我给小辣椒间苗,把太密的小苗小心翼翼地拔掉了一些。 到了盛夏,每株辣椒已有半尺多高了,它们的茎上都缀满了欲放的花苞,几天后,一朵朵雪白的小花,先后开放了。大约又过了四五天,辣椒就开始结果了,出现了青绿的椭圆形的小辣椒,一个个缀在茎上,真惹人喜爱。 秋风吹进窗来,带进一股香气,辣椒开始由青变红,看上去更让人喜爱。一个个两寸多长的小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。收获的时节到了,我满怀欣喜地把成熟的辣椒一个一个摘下,竟收了小半筐。 我看着筐里的辣椒,心想:这多有意思呀!知识来源于实践,而实践又必须付出辛勤的劳动,这难道不是真理吗? 1.找出文章中点明中心的句子,在下面画横线。 2.把文章分成三段,在段尾用“‖”表示,并写出段意。 3.读下面句子,在括号里写出各运用了什么修辞手法。 ①小辣椒挂在枝头对我微笑,感谢我对它们的辛勤培育。() ②我飞一样地跑到窗台前。() 2、蒙蒙的小雨 蒙蒙的小雨正落着,陈红骑着自行车悠然于柏油路上。她没有穿雨衣,因为她觉得在这样细雨中骑车很浪漫。她望着路两边来去匆匆的行人,心想:这些人真是的,干嘛要东躲西藏的。 忽然迎面一辆的士飞驰而来她猛地拐向路边但车把挂在树干上她摔倒了小妹妹没事吧一个小伙子站在她身边问道陈红白了他一眼,没有理他。心想:谁是你的小妹妹?她一翻身想站起来,可左腿的剧痛却使她不得不重新坐在地上,她接连两次试图站起来,都没成功。最后,只好放弃了努力。小伙子一笑,“别逞强了,还是送你上医院吧。”接着,拉起陈红的车子,又扶陈红坐到车架上,推起车子向医院走去。温柔如丝的春雨淅淅沥沥地落着。陈红已不再潇洒,只感到沉重。她坐在车上,望着前面推车的小伙子,不知该说些什么。 她发现小伙子走路不太自然,仔细观察,只见小伙子左腿的袜端与裤腿之间不时地露出一段刺目的棕色。那是什么?啊,他装着一只假腿。陈红想问问他的腿,却不愿张嘴。这时,只听到小伙子自言自语地说:“三年前,我也喜欢在细雨中骑车,那的确很潇洒,可是我却重重地跌倒了,像你一样。不,还不如你。”“噢,你的左腿——?”停了一会儿,小伙子说:“就在那次跌倒时被后面的汽车轧断了。”听了这话,陈红陷入了沉思?? 医院到了,小伙子搀着陈红进了急诊室。“我去通知你父母,你知道他们的电话吗?”陈红把号码告诉了他。不一会儿,陈红的父母风风火火地赶来了。见到女儿腿上雪白的绷带,忙问这问那。陈红把经过告诉了他们,又说,“要不是那位大哥哥,我真不知该怎么办好,哎,他呢?”这时,只听护土小姐说:“那个小伙子,看见你爸妈来后,他就离开医院了。”陈红怔住了:“我还不知他叫什么呢!” 父亲背起陈红,母亲在旁边扶着,一家人走出医院的时候,他们多么希望在人流中再次寻到那小伙子的身影。 1.给第二自然段中没有标点的地方加上标点。 2.联系上下文解释加粗词的意思。


(英语)高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 The setting was a packed gymnasium just before the start of a game against another school. There were five girls who were members of the Danville High School basketball team—all of them starters. They were not in uniform to play that night and would not be on the team for the rest of this season. They were there to admit their breaking of team rules. They were there to support their coach's decision to take them off the team. They were there to let the town know there was a problem in their little community that needed to be addressed. And they did it with sincere regret rather than defensiveness. While the school had been out for the New Year's holiday, the five girls had gone to the party with several of their friends. There was alcohol there. And they all drank some. Coach Rainville has a zero tolerance rule on drugs and alcohol for her members though it was a hard decision to make. When classes resumed and accounts of holiday parties were shared, rumors about the five girls began closing in on them. The coach said she couldn't back down on her rules. And the players—two junior students and three senior students—agreed. That night in the gym was part of their public support of the coach's decision. “We hope you will understand that we are not bad kids. What we did was definitely not worth it. We hope this event will make everyone realize that there is a big drug and alcohol problem in our community,” one of the senior students said, “And if you work with us to try to solve this problem, you will help us feel that we have not been thrown off our basketball team for nothing.” The five left the floor to deafening applause. The team may not win another game this year. But they've learnt something about personal responsibility, the effect of one's action on others, and honesty that will serve them well throughout life. (1)It can be inferred from the passage that the five girls who were kicked off the team were ________. A. very good players on the team B. addicted to alcohol and drugs C. three junior students and two senior students D. scolded by their parents for drinking alcohol (2)What did the girls do to support their coach's decision? A. They didn't fight for Danville High School any more. B. They all gave speeches to apologize in the local press. C. They admitted their mistake in public in the gymnasium. D. They would never drink any alcohol throughout their life. (3)Which word best describes the coach Rainville? A. Indifferent. B. Strict. C. Stubborn. D. Cruel. (4)Which would be the best title for the passage? A. Growing up with pain B. A bad mistake C. Team rules are everything D. Basketball girls in high school 【答案】(1)A


高三英语阅读理解专项训练及答案含解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Average humans can consume 15 or more drinks in plastic bottles a month. If you were born after 1978, and live until 80 years old, you will leave behind a minimum of 14,400 plastic bottles on this planet. These bottles take hundreds of years to break down into tiny pieces of plastic, never to completely disappear. Most of the waste is consumed by fish and birds, which has shortened their lifetime greatly. The Plastic Bottle Village is just a great idea that might finally save us from being buried in plastic. It's a community in Panama that is going to be made of used bottles. The design process begins with building steel frames, which are then filled with these bottles. Once this step is complete, and electrical and plumbing (管道装置) lines are put inside, the plastic walls are covered by concrete—both inside and outside. So no one will actually be able to tell that the walls are made of plastic. Besides, the material will keep the house 17°C cooler than the outside, which is the biggest benefit to people living inside. The village is the brainchild (主意) of Robert Bezeau with the intention of setting up several environmental projects. Having started a recycling program four years ago, during which a number of plastic bottles were collected, he started to think of how they could be put to use. Soon enough, he decided to use them to build houses, and came up with a basic idea for the construction process. The project hopes to make people conscious of the waste that these bottles create so that they can do more to protect the environment. The village will also create an education center that will teach individuals from the world how to reuse plastic bottles as construction materials for shelter. Recycled bottles could neutralize the negative effect of your passage on this planet, and move closer to leaving only your “footprints”. (1)What does Paragraph 1 intend to tell us? A. The reason for buying fewer drinks. B. The difficult situation of wildlife. C. The amount of plastic waste. D. The seriousness of plastic pollution. (2)What is the biggest benefit to people living in the Plastic Bottle Village? A. The house will be much cooler than normal ones. B. The material of construction will be reduced a lot. C. The newly-made house can save a lot of electricity. D. The waste of the house can be consumed by fish and birds. (3)Which of the following words can best describe Robert? A. Creative. B. Courageous. C. Enthusiastic. D. Sensitive.(4)The main purpose of Robert's projects is to A. provide shelter for locals B. reuse all deserted plastic bottles C. popularize the use of plastic bottles D. raise people's environmental awareness 【答案】(1)D (2)A


天上飘下来得礼物 ①收衣服得时候,发现一个衣架子就是空得,探身往楼下一瞧,果然又被风刮到楼下去了,喊儿子,去,到楼下林奶奶家得院子里把掉下去得衣服捡上来。儿子愉快地答应着,蹦蹦跳跳地下楼去了。 ②风大得时候,晾晒在阳台上得衣服,常有一两件会被刮到楼下。一楼得林老太太,人有点孤僻,不太好说话。记得刚搬来得时候,一次衣服刮到她家院子里去了,我下楼敲门,想进她家院子捡一下。敲了半天,老太太连门都不肯开,“您到院子外去拿。” ③奇怪得就是,儿子倒就是与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘。那天,又一件衣服掉楼下院子里了,我瞧瞧,离栅栏不远,估计拿根竹竿就能挑出来。我让儿子下去挑挑瞧。儿子趴在栅栏边,用竹竿往里钩衣服得时候,林老太太突然走进了院子,儿子吓得不知所措,我站在阳台上,也隐隐约约听见她说,下次衣服再掉下来,您就从我家进来拿,好不好?儿子点点头。就这样,衣服再被风刮到楼下得院子里,都就是儿子去捡。 ④儿子似乎也挺乐意干这活。每次下去捡衣服,都要好大一会儿才回来。问儿子,在林奶奶家都干什么了?林奶奶喜欢清静,不要打扰了林奶奶。儿子歪着头说,没有啊,林奶奶可喜欢我了,跟我说了好多话。林奶奶告诉我,她孙子跟我差不多大呢,可就是,她只瞧过她得照片,孙子在美国,还从来没回来过呢。 ⑤关于林老太太,我也听社区工作人员谈起过。她们告诉我,林老太太唯一得儿子在美国,很多年没回来过了。老伴去世得早,儿子出国后,老太太就一个人生活。退休后,生活更孤单了,常常一个人闷在家里,跟外面得联系越来越少了,人也变得越来越乖僻。原来就是这样。难怪那次我去敲门,她连门都不肯开。社区工作人员说,您们住她楼上,帮我们留意点,也尽量给老人点照顾。我点点头,又摇摇头,真不知道,怎样帮这个孤僻得老太太。 ⑥日子平淡地过去,风偶尔会将我们家阳台得衣服刮到楼下去。儿子“噔噔噔”地下楼,又“噔噔噔”地上楼。她快乐得像一阵风。有时候,我会问儿子,楼下得林奶奶生活得怎么样啊?儿子想想,说,林奶奶瞧到我得时候,就是很开心得啊。 ⑦一次,儿子下去捡衣服,回来得时候,手上多了一把花花绿绿得糖果。儿子说,这就是林奶奶给得,就是林奶奶家得叔叔,从美国寄回来得。儿子还自豪地说,我还帮林奶奶念了信呢,就是叔叔写给林奶奶得。儿子手上拿得衣服,叠得方方正正。儿子说,咱们家得衣服掉下去后,林奶奶捡起来,帮我们又洗了下,晾干了。我得心里,酸酸得,感动。 ⑧我们与楼下得老太太,仍然没有什么来往。我们得儿子“噔噔噔”地下楼,又“噔噔噔”地上楼。她快乐得像一阵风。有时候,从楼下林老太太得家里,会传来“咯咯”得笑声,一个童声,另一个很苍老。 ⑨春节,我们一家回老家去了。回来时,才听说楼下得林老太太突然去世了,据说就是无疾而终。我们注意到,儿子得眼圈红了。 ⑩人们在整理老人得遗物时,瞧到了一个日记本,记录下了她最后得日子。基本上就是流水账,但就是,老人在日记里多次提到,从楼上刮下来得衣服,以及下来捡衣服得小男孩。老人得日记里,反复出现这样一句话:“那就是从天上飘下来得礼物。”我明白老人得话。那也许就是老人孤寂得生活里,最后一点期盼。 1.本文写了一件什么事,请用简洁得语言概括出来。(3分) 2.文章第③段中“奇怪得就是,儿子倒就是与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘”,仔细阅读文章,哪些地方表现出儿 子与楼下得林奶奶挺投缘?(4分) 3.第⑤段内容就是否可以删除?请说明理由。(3分) 4.文章哪些地方能表现林奶奶性格得孤僻?(3分) 5.第⑦段中“我得心里,酸酸得,感动”。我为什么心里“酸酸得,感动”?(4分) 6.如何理解标题“天上飘下来得礼物”得含义?(3分)


阅读理解训练 I. Where is Love? How can we find Love? Once a little boy wanted to meet Love. He knew it was a long trip to where Love lived, so he got his things ready with some pizzas and drinks and started off. When he passed three streets, he saw an old woman sitting in the park and watching some birds. She looked very hungry. The boy gave her a pizza. She took it and smiled at him. The smile was so beautiful that he wanted to see it again, so he gave her a Coke. She smiled once again. The boy was very happy. They sat there all the afternoon, eating and smiling, but they said nothing. When it grew dark, the boy decided to leave. But before he had gone more than a few steps, he turned around, ran back to the old woman and gave her a hug. The woman gave him her biggest smile ever. When the boy opened the door of his house, his mother was surprised by the look of joy(快乐)on his face and asked what had made him so happy. “I had lunch with Love. She has got the ,s son was also surprised at his At the same time, the old womanmost beautiful smile in the world.”,s pleasure and asked why. mother“I ate a pizza in the park with Love,”she said, “and he is much younger than I expected.” If the world is full of love, we can enjoy a better life. 1.When the little boy saw the old woman, she was . A. looking for a seat in the park B. passing the street C. looking at some birds D. having a pizza 2.The little boy gave the old woman a Coke because . A. the old woman still felt hungry B. he wanted to see the smile again ,t like the drink C. he didnD. the old woman paid him for it 3.The old woman gave the little boy the biggest smile . A. after the little boy went home B. before it grew dark C. when she was drinking Coke D. after the little boy hugged her ,s mother was surprised to see her son was very 4.The boywhen the door opened. A. pleased B. sad C. unhappy D. angry 5.Which of the following is TRUE? A. The little boy failed to find Love. B. Both the little boy and the old woman found what they wanted at last. C. The little boy decided never to go home. D. The old woman gave the little boy a hug to thank him. II. Dick was born in a poor family. His father had a small boat and went fishing in the morning


I watched from a distance as the homeless man quarreled with those who did not leave money for him – the majority. I walked up to him and right on queue he asked me for a quarter. “I’ll give you a quarter if you tell me your story.” He laughed, “You’ll give me a quarter for my story?” I lay the qu front of him and corrected myself –“Nah, here’s the quarter but it would be nice to hear your story.” I followed his eyes to the quarter and for a brief moment I saw a glimmer of reflection. I sat down next to him and waited. I was a sniper(狙击手)and was supposed to shoot down the “I was in the army,” he said. “ carefully to his grizzly voice as he went deeper into the story. enemy from the distance.” I listened He wore dirty old torn clothes and smelled like a dead rat left in a mouse trap. He told me how he used to hunt with his family and was really good at it. He had his own way of respecting animals by not wasting what he killed for food and not killing more than he needed. When the army came knocking on his door, he felt pride and joined up. All those years of polishing his hunting skills could now serve a larger purpose—to defend us from the bad guys. He set out to fight in Iraq. It wasn’t long before he realized his ideals and expectations were just a shadow of the truth. He became disillusioned with the killings, which he felt were of innocent people. “I was a sniper but I never really killed anyone,” he said. “One day I had to do it. They asked me to shoot this lady from the distance. I saw kids near that lady and my hands were on the trigger (扳机). Man, I was tearing up ... I couldn’t do it. She wasn’t doing anything to anyone and she was with the kids—I couldn’t see through my tears. It just didn’t make any sense to me.” The story goes on as he describes eventually being put into prison for 180 days for refusing to follow orders. He told me how he was black listed so that he couldn’t get a job. All the rights we take for granted were taken away from him. Why? Here was a man who was being punished—and for what? For refusing to kill the lady? For being a hero? “I have no regrets,”  anyone the homeless man said. “I may be homeless now, but I never killed that lady. I never killed He in the army. It didn’t feel right. I didn’t go there to do that. I went there to save people.”  okay. But I wouldn’t be able to live with continued, “I can live with being homeless—that’s killing innocent people.” On that lonely Friday night, I met a hero. It just never occurred to me that a hero could be a smelly old man left on streets. 1. It can be learned from the passage that the homeless man_______. () A. never killed animals B. had a strong respect for life C. deserved the punishment he received D. felt guilty about disobeying the order


七年级语文阅读理解专项训练 (一) ①盼望着,盼望着,东风来了,春天脚步近了。 ②一切都像刚睡醒的样子,欣欣然张开了眼。山朗润起来了,水涨起来了,太阳的脸红起来了。 ③小草偷偷地从土里钻出来,嫩嫩的,绿绿的。园子里,田野里,瞧去一大片一大片满是的。坐着,躺着,打两个滚,踢几脚球,赛几趟跑,捉几回迷藏。风轻悄悄的,草软绵绵的。 ④桃树、杏树、梨树,你不让我,我不让你,都开满了花赶趟儿。红的像火,粉的像霞,白的像雪。花里带着甜味儿;闭了眼,村上仿佛已经满是桃儿、杏儿、梨儿。花下成千成百的蜜蜂嗡嗡地闹着,大小的蝴蝶飞来飞去。野花遍地是:杂样儿,有名字的,没名字的,散在草丛里像眼睛,像星星,还眨呀眨的。 ⑤“吹面不寒杨柳风”,不错的,像母亲的手抚摸着你。风里带来些新翻的泥土的气息,混着青草味儿,还有各种花的香,都在微微润湿的空气里酝酿。鸟儿将巢安在繁花嫩叶当中,高兴起来了,呼朋引伴地卖弄清脆的喉咙,唱出宛转的曲子,跟轻风流水应和着。牛背上牧童的短笛,这时候也成天嘹亮地响着。 1.第①②段用了分别采用了什么修辞手法?表达了作者什么心情?(6分) 2.第③段划线句子中“偷偷地”和“钻”这些词语好在哪里?为什么要写人在草地上的的活动?(8分)

3.选择第④段中任意一个句子来加以赏析?(4分) 4.第⑤段中划线句子中的“吹面不寒杨柳风”,这是谁写的诗句,上一句是什么?体现春风的什么特点?(6分) 5.调动你的知识积累,分别写一句描写春、夏、秋、冬四季景色的古诗(词)句。(8分) (1)春:____________________________________________________________________ (2)夏:____________________________________________________________________ (3)秋:____________________________________________________________________ (4)冬:____________________________________________________________________ 6.下面四句诗中,填入语段横线上恰当的一句是哪一句?简要说明你选择的理由。(5分) 春天的大地到处生机勃勃。花园里开满了鲜花、红的、黄的、白的、紫的…… 五彩缤纷,争奇斗妍,真是“__________________”。 A.霜叶红于二月花B.映日荷花别样红C.百般红紫斗芳菲D.乱花渐欲迷人眼 你的选择是:__________________________你的理由是:___________________________


高考英语阅读理解专项训练及答案及解析 一、高中英语阅读理解 1.阅读理解 Traditional Chinese medicine (TCM) is gaining global popularity. According to a government white paper, TCM has been introduced in 183 countries and regions around the world. Westerners' understanding of TCM, however, may be limited to acupuncture, cupping and massage(针灸,拔罐和按摩). For instance, the purple, injury-like marks left on U. S. swimmer Michael Phelps,back from cupping for the purpose of relaxing his muscles and reducing pain became the center of attention during the Rio Olympics in 2016. As a matter of fact, Chinese herbs play a more important role in getting rid of diseases and keeping the body in good condition in the TCM treatment system than physical treatment. It is therefore disheartening to know that while 103 World Health Organization member countries have given approval to the practice of acupuncture, not many recognize Chinese herbal medicine. TCM falls far behind Western medicine owing partly to the slow development of Chinese herbs. Herbs are made into pills, powder and soup, and the kind of herbs used, their quality and quantity, and the processing of the ingredients (原材料) jointly determine the effectiveness of the prescription. Compared with Western medicine, which has standardized drug production processes and treatment methods, TCM lacks standardization, with the chemical composition and functions of its medicines being unclear and their effects being unstable. Fortunately, standardization has improved in recent decades, with an increasing number of factories producing patented TCM drugs. Another factor that has prevented the development of TCM prescription drugs is the lack of creativity. While Western medicine-making companies come up with new products every year, TCM drug producers tend to make medicines according to prescriptions handed down from the past. Chinese chemist Tu Youyou's winning the 2015 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine for her research into malaria (疟疾) treatment may drive creativity to some extent in China's TCM industry. However, the current state of affairs cannot be changed within a short time. (1)Why does the author mention the example of Michael Phelps? A. Because he was injured in his swimming. B. Because cupping is a kind of important TCM treatment. C. Because westerners know a little about TCM. D. Because westerners attach great importance to TCM. (2)Why don't some member countries of WHO recognize Chinese herbal medicine? A. Because Chinese herbs can get rid of diseases. B. Because they only approve the practice of acupuncture. C. Because Western medicine is more effective. D. Because medicine made out of Chinese herbs develops slowly. (3)Compared with Western medicine, what is the weak point of TCM in Paragraph 4? A. The methods of planting herbs. B. The effectiveness of prescription. C. Lacking in standardization. D. Its stable functions.

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