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深圳朗文版小学英语四年级上册(Unit 1-Unit 10)

深圳朗文版小学英语四年级上册(Unit 1-Unit 10)
深圳朗文版小学英语四年级上册(Unit 1-Unit 10)

Unit 1 Our birthdays Ⅰ.写也出所缺的月份。


Whose Chinese Dates English Dates 1.Yours:月日

2.Your father’s:月日

3.Your mother’s:月日

4.Your friend’s:①月日

5.Your friend’s:②月日

6.Your friend’s:③月日

7.Your teacher’s:①月日

8.Your teacher’s:②月日


1.Peter’s birthday is on the second of November. Circle his birthday.

2.Jenny’s birthday is on the 13-th of April. Put a square on it.

3.Sally’s birthday is on the 31st of August. Put a star on it.

4.May’s birthday is on the 10th of June. Put a triangle on it.

5.Pat’s birthday is on December 17th. Colour it red.


1.The first month of the year is . 2.The last month of the year is . 3.The month of the year is October. 4.September is the month of the year.

5.The sixth month of the year is . Ⅵ.看图填词。 1.




Student :If the Dean doesn ’t take back what he said, I am going to leave college. Friend :What did he say?

Student :He told me to leave the college.

学生:如果系主任不收回他说的话,我就要离开学校。 朋友:他说了什么? 学生:他要我离开学校。 Ⅱ.名言警句:

A good book is the best of friends, the same today and forever. 一本好书,相伴一生。


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )


Unit 2 Our holidays Ⅰ.看日历回答问题。

1.When is the football game going to be?

It’s going to be on .

2.When is Sue’s birthday going to be?

It’s going to be on .

3.What holiday is it on October 1?

It’s Day.

4.What is Bob going to be on the 22nd of this month?

He is going to .

5.What holiday is it on the 31st of this month?

It’s .

6.What is Bob going to do on the 21st of this month?

He is going to .




2. 5.




A .What is he doing? He is making a card.

B .Is Andy dancing?

No, he isn ’t. He ’s drinking a cup of tea. C .Is Sue drawing a picture? Yes, she is. She ’s drawing a tree. D .What are you going to do? We are going to sing a song. E .Is the painting?

No. She ’s writing a poem. Ⅴ.国庆节前一天Tim 收到了一封邮件,内容是这样的:

1.What ’s the date today? . A .Sep. 28

B .Oct. 2

C .Oct.1

D .Sep. 30

2.Where are they going? .

A .Tian ’anmen Square

B .The Flower Park

C .School

D .

The Water Park

3.The letter is from .

A.Tim B.Jenny C.Pat D.May

4.They’re going to have in the park.

A.breakfast B.lunch C.dinner D.Coke



1.Tim can’t go to the Flower Park with May on National Day. ( )

2.Tim is going to stay at home that day. ( )

3.Tim’s cousin is going to writer a poem. ( )

4.They are going to go to school in the afternoon. ( )






Ⅱ.名言警句:All things are difficult before they are easy.凡事总是由难而易。Unit 3 Sports Day







Unit 3 Sports Day


Koko 的话:小朋友,学校的运动会马上就要举行了,你和你的同学们准备参加运动会的哪些比赛项目呢?在这个单元我们要学习一些运动会的比赛项目。看一看,下面的单词、词组和


1.catch a ball, do the high jump, do the long jump, run in a race, skip, throw a ball; 2.What ’s he/she going to do? He ’s/She ’s going to … 3.Is he/she going to …? Yes, he/she is. No, he/she isn ’t.

别忘了字母组合are 的发音哦。你能举出几个are 发音的例子吗?


Ⅰ.改变下列单词中的其中一个字母将它变为本课书中的生词。 1.nest 2.weak 3.lone 4.threw 5.ship 6.face 7.watch 8.bun 9.day 10.hot




This is Koko. I am going to tell you the from Sports Day. Today we ’re going to have fun. Our , Mr. Bai and our teacher, Mrs. Wang are going to give the to the winners.

Look! A ball is this way! John is it. I am going to the ball! I am at this .

Ⅲ.请你设计一次运动会的项目,你可以从下列提供项目选择。 the long jump the high jump basketball football table tennis badminton skip throw a ball one-hundred meter race swim catch a ball sixty-meter race Ⅴ.Pat 把班上运动员的比赛项目列了出来,请你把它们写出来。





100m dash一百米跑long-distance running长跑

relay race接力赛shot put掷铅球

softball throw扔垒球


1.How much?多少钱?2.I’m full.我饱了3.I’m home.我回来了。

4.I’m lost.我迷路了。5.My treat.我请客。6.So do I.我也一样。

7.This way.这边请。8.After you.您先。9.Bless you!祝福你!

10.Fllow me.跟我来。11.Forget if!休想!(算了!)

12.Good luck!祝好运!13.I decline!我拒绝。14.I promise.我保证。

15.Of course!当然了!16.Slow down!慢点!

17.Take care!保重!18.They hurt.(伤口)疼。

19.Try again.再试试。20.Watch out!当心。

名言警句:Books and friends should be few but good.读书如交友,应求少而精。







Unit 4 A school outing

Ⅰ.同学们在沙滩上玩得很开心,看一看他们正在干什么。 1.Tim ’s drawing a of the sea. 2.Mary and Koko are playing . 3.Pat has a . She ’s taking photos with her friends.

4.Some boys are . 5.Some girls are . Ⅱ.同学们玩累了,坐在一起一边吃东西一边聊天。

this Tim ’s ? Yes, it is. It ’s paper.

games these? They are .

They ’re 。

Are these ?

Yes, are lunch boxes.

camera ? It ’s .


1.Mary :Oh, this is not my raincoat. My raincoat is small. raincoat is this? Koko :It ’s .

2.Tim : sunglasses are these? Lily : Ann ’s. 3.Ann :Is this your camera, Mary?

Mary:Yes, it’s . Thanks.

4.Koko:pictures, Lily?

Lily:No, I think they’re .

5.Ann:game that?

Tim:I don’t know. Perhaps Koko’s.

Mary:Yes, it’s game.


1.Look, it’s going to rain.

2.Boys and girls, quick! Put your things in your bag.

3.Oh, no! It’s raining.

4.Do you have a raincoat, children?

Put on your raincoats, please.

5.Quick, run! Get on the bus.


She’s us Ann’s They’re our Example:Peter is a doctor. He’s a doctor.

1.Jerome is a student. my neighbours.

2.Maria is a student. a student.

3.Ann has a shirt. The shirt is .

4.We have a camera. It’s camera.

5.Jan is waiting for Ken and I. Jan is waiting for .



Teacher :What three words are used most by students? Student :I don ’t know. Teacher :That ’s it. Correct!

老师:学生最常用的三个词是什么? 学生:不知道。


名言警句:Care and diligence bring luck.谨慎和勤奋才能抓住机遇。


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )


3. 3. 8. 7. 6. 5

Maria Paul Nathan

Example 1. Example 2. It ’s Paul ’s tie. They ’re Maria ’s shoes.

Unit 5 Revision







1)catch a ball, do the high jump, do the long jump, run in a race, skip, throw a ball;

2) a camera, a game, a lunchbox, a map, money, paper, sunglasses;

3) Whose…is this/ are these? It’s my/ his/ her/ our/ their…

4) Is this/ Are these your/ his/ her/ our/ their…? Yes, it is./ No, it isn’t.

5) What’s he/ she going to do? He’s/ She’s going to …

6) Is he/ she going to …? Yes, he/ she is. No, he/ she isn’t.



()1.Mother’s Day is May.

A.in B.on C.at

()2.My birthday is November 13th.

A.in B.on C.at

()3.I get up six thirty every morning.

A.in B.on C.at

()4.Do have money, Ken?

A.your/ your B.you/ you C.your/ you D.you/ your

()5.Mr. Li is new English teacher.

A.our B.we C.us D.we’s


1.I am going to a song on Children’s Day.

2.You can’t on the ship. But you can throw a ball.

3.The man has a in the hand. He doesn’t know the ways in Shenzhen.

4.Jane has her birthday on 24.

5.He hit my face in the one-hundred-meter at Sports Day.

6.He is going to come back at noon.

7.class is going out.


1.(He’s/ She’s) looking at (him/ her.) 2.(He’s/ They’re) looking at (him/ her.) Ⅳ.大家来到沙滩。Party开始了,看看他们送了什么礼物。

1.I’m going to for you, Jenny.

2.Here’s a for you.

3.Whose is this? It’s my game. It’s for you.

4.I’m going to take a for you.

5.Do you like this , Jenny? It’s for you. ArrayⅥ.现在同学们开始比赛了,一起看看他们吧!

1.They are .

2.Tim and Pat are going to jump.

3.Jenny and Tom are going to .

4.They are going to .



1.When’s my birthday? .

A.Dec. 18 B.Dec. 17 C.Dec. 28

2.Where do we go? .

A.The park B.The school C.The beach

3.Who gives a cake to me? .

A.Lucy B.Lily C.Anny

4.Do we take photos at the beach? .

A.Yes B.No

5.Am I happy today? .

A.Yes B.No


Thirty days has September.

April, June and November;

All the rest(剩下的)has thirty-one.

February has twenty-eight alone(单独的),

Excepting(除……外)Leap Year(闰年); that’s the time,

When February’s days are twenty-nine.

1.What months have thirty-one days?



2.In what year February has twenty-nine days?


3.What months have thirty days?



Famous Birthdays

Three actresses’ birthdays are in April. Claire Danes’ birthday is April 12th, Michelle Pfeiffer’s birthday is April 28th, and Uma Thurman’s birthday is April 27th. The American president Thomas







Unit 6 At the mall


Koko 的话:小朋友,你家附近的购物中心里有哪些商店呢?它们分别在购物中心的哪层楼。看一看,下面的单词、词组和句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗?

1.a bank, a camera shop, a fast food restaurant, a gift shop, a pet shop, a toy shop, toilets;

2.Where’s the/ Where are the …? It ’s on the ground/ first/ second floor. It ’s above/ below/ beside/ between the … and …

别忘了字母合ue 的发音哦。你能举几个ue 发音的例子吗? Ⅰ.用下列单词填空,每词只用一次。 in on under below beside between above at

1.The pencil is the book.

2.There is a cat sleeping the light. 3.Dad ’s car is parking the house.

4.The national flag is the blackboard. 5.Sue ’s house is Ken ’s and Pat ’s. 6.I can see a picture the wall. 7.My bird is the small cage. 8.The woman is the bus stop.

Ⅱ.Pat 发现每个地方都有不同的标志,同学们你们认识吗?请填一填。

Ⅲ.不能买宠物Pat 好失望,看看她们离开宠物店后又干了什么。

Mum :Don ’t be so , Pat. Let ’s go and buy a . Then we can take with the pets.

Pat :Really? is the camera ? Mum :It ’s there. It ’s on the floor. Pat :Oh, yes. I can it. go.

1. 2. 3.


Ⅵ.Pat 很喜欢这个兔子玩具,看一看她们接下来做什么。请给她们要去的地方用1,2,3…排

Ⅶ.Pat 和妈妈把需要的东西都买到了。回到家里,爸爸问了Pat 商场的情况。 1. there a book shop? Yes, is.

It ’s the floor. It ’s the gift shop. 2.There ’s a . It ’s on the floor.

It ’s beside the camera ship. You can see a very big sign the camera shop. 3.Is there a supermarket? Yes, It ’s on the floor. It ’s the pet shop and the . 4.Is there a restaurant? Yes. There two.

One is on the floor, the toy shop. The other is it. 5. clothes shops are there? Only one. It ’s the book shop.

趣味小知识—中国小吃 烧饼Clay oven rolls 油条Fried bread stick 馒头Steamed buns 皮蛋100-year egg 咸鸭蛋Salted duck egg 豆浆Soybean milk 刀削面Sliced noodles 麻辣面Spicy hot noodles 乌龙面Seafood noodles 米粉Rice noodles 紫菜汤Seaweed soup 火锅Hot pot 虾球Shrimp balls 臭豆腐Stinky tofu (Smelly tofu)

名言警句:Don ’t put off till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事,今日毕。


?100分 超级棒!恭喜恭喜!( )

? 90-99分 8错8错,有潜质,细心修炼,继续努力!( ) ☆ 80-89分 需苦练武功,愿早日修成正果!( )

? 79分以下 加强热身运动,狂练基本功,下一关定要卷土重来!( )


s buy a scarf for your father. Next we need

Unit 7 Eating out


Koko 的话:小朋友,你和爸爸妈妈在外面吃饭喜欢吃什么呢?学会了这个单元的内容,我们就可以在国外的餐馆里吃到可口的食物哦。看一看,下面的单词、词组和句子你会听、会说、会读、会写吗? 1.a bowl of noodles, a cup of tea, a glass of juice, a hamburger, a packet of fries, a piece of cake, a sandwich, dumplings;

2.What would you like? I ’d like a hamburger and a packet of fries. 3.I ’m going to have a bowl of noodles.

别忘了字母合ie 的发音哦。你能举出几个ie 发音的例子吗?


Ⅰ.阅读下面西班牙煎蛋的烹饪方法,把插图字母写在相应的横线上。 For two people, you need :两个人吃的分量需要材料如下: onion (洋葱) oil (油) some of garlic (大蒜) pepper (辣椒,胡椒粉) half cup of peas an omelette pan (平底锅) four eggs salt (盐)

How to make (制作步骤): 1.Cut the onion and garlic into small pieces with a knife. 2.Add a little oil to the pan. Heat (加热)the oil.

3.Cook all the vegetables for about 5 minutes.

4.Beat (搅打)the eggs with a fork. Add salt and pepper.

5.Put the eggs in the pan with the vegetables and stir(搅拌)a few times. 6.Cook the omelette on a low flame (火焰)until it is ready.



D Hi, Elaine. at the supermarket. Oh, good. out of


Bread …OK. Anything else? We need milk?

No, we . We milk.


Waiter (服务员) Customer (顾客)

Waiter :_____________________________________________________ Customer :Yes, I ’d like something to eat.

Waiter :_____________________________________________________ Customer :I am going to have some dumplings. Waiter :OK. Anything else?

Customer :____________________________________________ Waiter :_____________________________________________________ Customer :I ’d like a glass of orange juice. Waiter :Do you like some fruit?

Customer :____________________________________________ Waiter :OK. Please wait a minute.


How about orange juice? Do we orange juice? Is that all? Yes, please, and we ’re out of rice.

Yes, that ’s all. Thanks.

See later.


What would you like, Miss Rabbit?

I’d like some carrots and a glass of water.

I don’t like vegetables. I want meat.

Would you like some meat?

I don’t like meat. I want some vegetables.


Teacher:Now if you had five apples in your pocket, could I take seven out?

Student:No, sir.

Teacher:That’s correct, and why not?

Student:Because they’re not yours.





名言警句:Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise. 早睡早起身体好。







Unit 8 Shopping for food



1.bread, butter, coffee, eggs, fried chicken, meat, rice, tofu;

2.Do we have any …? Yes we have some …./ No, we don’t have any …

3.Is there any meat or rice? There’s some rice but there’s no meat.

4.Are there any vegetables or eggs? Yes, there are some vegetables and eggs.




Mum:Do we have

Pat:Yes, we have .

Mum:Do we have eggs?

Pat:No, we don’t have .

Mum:Is there chicken or meat in the fridge?


精选资料欢迎下载 一、判断各组划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。(共10分)( ) 1. A. cake B. jam C. hand ( ) 2. A. he B. she C. me ( ) 3. A. duck B. sun C. pupil ( ) 4. A. kite B. bike C. rice ( ) 5.A. dog B. shop C. rose 二、从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10分) ( ) 1. — ____ you swim, Danny? — Yes, I can. A. Can B. Do C. Are ( ) 2. Do you have ______ cousins? A. some B. a C. any ( ) 3. — How many _____ are there? — There are two circles. A. stars B. circles C. circle ( ) 4. —I’m _____ ,Mum. — Have some biscuits. . A. hungry B. thirsty C. full ( ) 5. This is my cousin. ______ name is Kitty. A. Her B. She C. His ( ) 6.How’s the weather? It’s _______. . A. rain B. rainy C. big ( ) 7.— _______ is your home, Jill? —It’s on Green Street. A. Where B. What C. How ( ) 8.— _______ are they? — Thirty yuan , please. A. How much B. How many C. How old ( ) 9. He _____ a green T-shirt. A. is B. have C. has ( ) 10.There ______ many books in the library. A. am B. are C. is 三.连词成句。注意首字母要大写,要写标点符号。(共10分) 1. is / classmate/ this / new / your (.) _______________________________________ 2. school/ to / my /welcome (.) _______________________________________ 3. the /table / are /on /they (.) _______________________________________ 4. does /father / what /do/ your (?) _______________________________________ 5. what / you / like / would (?) ______________________________________

牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上 1A教案完整版

—-可编辑修改,可打印—— 别找了你想要的都有! 精品教育资料——全册教案,,试卷,教学课件,教学设计等一站式服务—— 全力满足教学需求,真实规划教学环节 最新全面教学资源,打造完美教学模式

一年级英语教案设计2012-2013年度第一学期 设计: 李爽 内容:牛津英语一年级上册 班级: 一年级(3、4、5)班

一年级(3、4、5)班英语教学工作计划 2012-2013学年度第一学期李爽 本人这学期担任一年级(3、4、5)班的英语教学工作。为了更好的完成本学期的教学任务和提高学生的学习效率,制定以下教学计划。 一、学生基本情况分析 一年级新生,面临着学习习惯,生活习惯的培养,学生的能力也各不相同,有的上过幼儿园,有的没有接受过任何教育,这给教学带来了很大难度。新教材难度大,对学生要求高,听说读写都要掌握,家长要重视和配合,共同努力培养学生的良好的学习习惯和方法。 二、教学要求 本学期使用的教材是新教材,本套教材根据牛津英语教材New English First! , New On Target! 和New Oxford English, 由上海市中小学(幼儿园)课程改革委员会和牛津大学出版社(中国)有限公司合作改编、为了使教材更加的适合深圳学生的实际情况,又由深圳市教育科学研究院对现行英语教材(牛津上海版)进行适当改编。教材提供两本书,一本学生用书和一本活动手册。本教材一共有4个模块,每个模块包括三个学习单元和一个复习单元。每一单元分Let's act. Let's talk. Let'slearn . Let'act . Let's play. Let's enjoy六个版块。整本书教学内容与学生生活紧密联系,围绕“文具,身体部位,家庭,数字,动物,颜色,食物”几个话题,学习简单的交际用语。每一单元穿插字母音和形的学习。本学期要求学生掌握的基础知识有: 1、学会问候语,自我介绍; 2、部分文具得名称; 3、学会身体部位名称; 4、学会介绍自己的家人和朋友; 5、学会10以内的数字和简单的水果名称; 6、学会几种食物的名称动物的名称; 7、学会问颜色; 8、学会简单的祈使句; 9、学会用what's this?问话。 三、学期教学总目标:1 激发小朋友学习英语的兴趣,培养他们学习英语的积极态度,并具有一定的语音、语调,及良好的学习习惯和英语交际的能力,为以后学习打下良好的基础。2 能听懂、理解Let's act.中的句子,并能根据指令,做出动作反应。3能说Let's talk中的句子,能在情景中进行简单的交流.4.能认读Let's learn中的单词.5 能做一些英语小游戏。6 能唱Let's enjoy中的歌谣和小诗,理解小故事。 四、具体措施 为了能够更有效的完成以上的教学任务,并给学生打下坚实的英语基础,现制定以下几项措施:1. 对于单词,要求学生起码做到听、读过关,然后就是写和运用于句型当中。主要通过单词游戏来检测。 2. 关于句型,要求他们熟练掌握书上的句式和句子并作简单的运用;对于基础较好的学生要求他们能够灵活运用。主要通过短剧表演的形式来提高他们对于运用英语和他人沟通的兴趣与信心。 3. 因为新教材更贴近学生的真实生活,应多鼓励他们在日常生活中运用学过的知识和他们的朋友、家长进行沟通。


一. Unit 1.GOOD HABITS 一.重点词汇。 when 当…时候 early 早的 usually通常 breakfast早餐 brush 刷 tooth 牙齿(teeth 复数) wash洗 comb 梳头 finish 完成homework 家庭作业pack 包装hang up 悬挂 brush my teeth刷牙 wash my face洗脸 pack my schoolbag整理书包 finish homework完成家庭作业 good habits好习惯 comb my hair梳头 hang up my clothes 挂起衣服in hospital住院hurry up赶快 put on穿上 Silly me我真傻! once a day一天一次 come on加油 二.重点句型。 1. When do you get up? I get up at six thirty in the morning. 2. How often does she wash her face? She washes her face twice a day. 3. She has good habits. 4. What do you do in the morning? 5. There’s no school today. 三.重点语法。 1. It’s time for sth.(n);It’s time to do sth 例如:It’s time for school./ It’s time to go to school. 到上学的时间了。 2. do 和does 的用法 does 用于第三人称单数(she,he,it ,Tom等) do 用于第一人称,第二人称,第三人称复数(I,you,we,they,等) 3. when 引导的特殊疑问句。 When do you(第二人称,第三人称复数,) +(动词原形)…?你什么时候做…? When does he/she(第三人称单数) + (动词原形)…?他/她什么时候做…? 例句:When do you get up ?你什么时候起床? When does she/he get up ?他/她什么时候起床? 4. 用 How often 来对频率提问:How often do you + (动词原形)…?How often does+(第三人称单数)+动词原形…? 表示频率的次数来回答。(once,twice,three times,four times---) 例句:How often do you wash your face ?你多久洗一次脸?


Unit 1 Saying hello Unit 2 Making friends Unit 3 My classroom Unit 4 my school things Unit 5 Revision Unit 6 Playing a game Unit 7 My body Unit 8 Fruit Unit 9 Colours Unit 10 Revision Unit 1 Saying hello hello int. 喂,你好 hi int. 你好 good a. 好 morning n. 早晨,上午how ad. 怎样,如何 are v. 是 you pron. 你;你们;您fine a. 好的 thank v. 谢谢 goodbye int. 再见 here ad. 这里,在这里 is v. 是 a art. 一(个,件)balloon n. 气球 oh int. 哦,哊,哎呀 no int. 不,不是 Unit 2 Making friends afternoon n. 下午,午后I pron. 我 am v. 是 my pron. 我的 name n. 名字,姓名what pron. 什么 your pron. 你的;你们的nice a. 令人愉快的;好的meet v. 遇见,见到 Unit 3 My classroom it pron. 它 computer n. 计算机;电脑desk n. 书桌

fan n. 风扇;扇子 light n. 灯,灯光 book n. 书;本子 this pron. 这,这个 classroom n. 教室 sorry a. 对不起,抱歉 miss n. 小姐,女士(称呼未婚女子) Unit 4 My school things bag n. 书包 pencil n. 铅笔 pencil Case 铅笔盒 pen n. 钢笔 ruler n. 尺子 rubber n. 橡皮 Unit 6 Playing a game point v. 指,指向 point to 指向 the art. 这(那)个,这(那)些board n. 黑板 door n. 门 window n. 窗户 look v. 看,观看 look at (仔细)检查,查看 sit v. 坐 sit down 坐下 stand v. 站 stand up 起立 open v. 打开 close v. 关,关上 out adv 出局,淘汰 children n. (复)孩子,儿童 Mr(Mister) n. 先生(用于姓名前)please ad. 请 Unit 7 My body mouth n. 嘴 nose n. 鼻子 eye n. 眼睛 ear n. 耳朵 finger n. 手指 draw v. 画画 one num. 一


英语 Listening Part 一、听录音,写出所听到字母相邻字母的大小写,念两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Writing Part 一、 我会连。 P M O L R Y Y m l o p r 二.请小朋友们按照字母表的顺序把下面的字母补充完整(记得要用正确的书写格式哦)。 Aa Bb ( ) ( ) Ee Ff 听力 部分 笔试 部分

Gg ( ) Ii ( ) Kk 三.小朋友,下面的字母都丢了自已的小伙伴,你能帮他们重新找回自已的小伙伴吗?请将下列字母相对应的大小写连线. B l P g D b Q y R d G m I i Y q L r M p 四.小朋友,请你仔细读读下面的句子,把相对应的句子用线连起来. A B Good m orning. Fine,thank you! Good b ye! Good m orning. How are you? Hi! Hello! Thank you! Here’s a balloon. Goodbye. 五同学们请按要求完成下面的练习: 1、把小写字母转换成大写字母 a____ s_____ q ____ n _____ v____ e_____ g ____ t_____

d____ z_____ b____ m_____ u____ i_____ j ____ f_____ 2、把大写字母转换成小写字母,看看是什么单词。 GO____ BIRD______ QUITE ______ NO _____ SING____ DANCE______ WRITE _____ DOG ______ BAG_____ HOP______ LIKE_______ BALL______ WHITE____ RED_____ KITE______ ROBOT_______ 3、找规律 ABCAB__ eyeye_ _ KITKIT__ __ __ mmvehmm_ _ _ cdabcdab_ _ _ _ BEGB__ __ WYWCW__ __ __ futfitf_________ popspo______ 4、正确抄写下面的的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 Look at the panda . It’s fat . It’s black and white . What can you see? I can see a clown and flowers.


授课时间: 2018.03.10年级:四年级下层次:提高班姓名: Unit 1 词汇、知识点 一.课堂掌握词汇: English Chinese English Chinese touch thick feel thin soft young hard noise blind smooth 二.课堂掌握短语: 1. touch this 2. well done 3. a hot day 4. under a tree 4. young man 三.课堂掌握句型: 1. How does it feel? ------ It ’ s soft摸.起来怎么样?----- 它很软。 2. Touch this, Alice.摸摸这个,爱丽丝。 3. The elephant is hard.大象很硬。 4. They are blind.他们是瞎的。 四.掌握句型:询问某人对某物有什么感觉? How does it feel?---------- It ’ s 形+容词。(hard, soft, thick, thin) The+单数名词 / 复数名词 + is / are +形容词( hard, soft , thick ,thin )五.语音:了解字母组合ch 在单词中的发音,字母组合ch 在单词中通常发/t ∫/ Unit 1 课堂练习题 一.读一读,根据句意和首字母提示填空。 1.My grandmother is very o but my sister is very y. 2.Touch the window. How does it feel, Alice? ------It’h s. 3.Touch this boy bear. How does it feel, Ann?-------It’s. 4.This book is thin. I need a t book. 二.判断下列单词划线部分读音是否一致,一致的打“√”,不一致的打“×”。 () 1. ch ick ch air() 2. s o ft d o g () 3. f ee l t oo th() 4. tou ch Ch arlie () 5. t o y o ld() 6. f a t h a rd 三.选择最佳的答案 () 1.________ smooth and soft. A. Is it B. It ’s C. It () 2.Touch this. How _______ they feel ? ------ It ’ s thin.


小学一年级上 Unit1 hello 你好 hi嗨 goodbye 再见morning 早上afternoon中午,下午evening晚上 night深夜 nice好的 see看见 you 你 unit2 give给 me我 a 一,一个 please请 thank you 谢谢你ruler 尺子 book书 pencil 铅笔 rubber橡皮 how多么 for 为,给 unit3 this这,这个 is是 my 我的 your 你的 touch 摸摸 not 不是face脸 mouth嘴巴 nose 鼻子 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 cute 可爱的 can会,能 Unit 4 I 我 you 你 what什么 flower花 house房子 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 read阅读 draw画画 Unit5 who 谁 she她 he他grandfather爷爷grandmother 奶奶father 父亲mother母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy妈妈daddy爸爸 sister姐,妹brother 兄,弟

baby 宝贝finger手指Unit 6 look看 tall高的 thin 瘦的 fat肥的 short矮的classmate同学friend 朋友Unit 7 how many多少one 一 two 二 three三 four 四 five 五 six六 seven七 eight八 nine 九 ten十 paper纸张rabbit兔子let’s 让我们unit8 apple苹果pear梨peach桃子orange橘子like喜欢 them他们(宾格)supermarket超市 Unit 9 may 可以 have 有,吃,喝 help 帮助 hamburger 汉堡包 pizza披萨 cake蛋糕 pie 派 banana香蕉 soup 汤 at 在什么地方 snack bar小吃部,小卖部Unit 10 farm农场 that那,那个 peep 鸡叫声 moo 牛叫声 chick小鸡 duck鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪 oink猪叫声 quack 鸭叫声 it’s它是(=it is) cut 切stick 粘 Unit 11 zoo 动物园


深圳小学一年级上册单元重点 Unit 1 Saying hello 重点单词:hi hello good morning how are you fine thank you goodbye balloon oh no my friend here 26个字母大小写 重点句子:Hi! Hello! Good morning! How are you? Fine, thank you. Goodbye.Thank you. Here’s a balloon. Oh, no! Unit 2 Making friends 重点单词:afternoon I name what your nice meet you Pat Bill Dan Eddy Sam Ann Koko Tim Candy Pam 重点句子:Good afternoon. I’m Pat. My name is Dan. What’s your name? Nice to meet you. How are you? Unit 3 My classroom 重点单词:light fan computer desk chair

book classroom what this in girl king queen yes draw cut stick talk sorry miss 重点句子:What’s this? It’s a desk. Sorry. Yes! What’s this in my classroom? Unit 4 My school things 重点单词:school thing ruler bag rubber pen pencil pencil-case sorry leg mother name like game 重点句子:This is my bag. My balloon. I like this game. Here’s a rubber. Unit 5 Revision 重点单词:Jojo 重点句子:What’s your name? Unit 6 Playing a game 重点单词:play game point look board door window sit down open book close stand up children please video good out


文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑.欢迎下载支持. 1文档来源为:从网络收集整理.word 版本可编辑. 小学一年级上英语词汇 表 Unit1 hell o 你好 hi 嗨 goodbye 再见 morning 早上 afternoon 中午,下午 evening 晚上 night 深夜 nice 好的 see 看见 you 你 unit2 give 给 me 我 a 一,一个 please 请 thank you 谢谢你 ruler 尺子 book 书 pencil 铅笔 rubber 橡皮 how 多么 for 为,给 unit3 this 这,这个 is 是, my 我的 your 你的 touch 摸摸 not 不是 face 脸 mouth 嘴巴 nose 鼻子 eye 眼睛 ear 耳朵 cute 可爱的 can 会,能 unit 4 I 我 you 你 what 什么 fl ower 花 house 房子 sing 唱歌 dance 跳舞 read 阅读 draw 画画 Unit5 who 谁 she 她 he 他 grandfather 爷爷 grandmother 奶奶 father 父亲 mother 母亲 yes 是 no 不 mummy 妈妈 daddy 爸爸 sister 姐,妹 brother 兄,弟 baby 宝贝 finger 手指 unit 6 look 看 tall 高的 thin 瘦的 fat 肥的 short 矮的 classmate 同学 friend 朋友 unit 7 how many 多少 one 一 two 二 three 三 four 四 five 五 six 六 seven 七 eight 八 nine 九 ten 十 paper 纸张 rabbit 兔子 let ’s 让我们 unit8 appl e 苹果 pear 梨 peach 桃子 orange 橘子 like 喜欢 them 他们(宾格) supermarket 超市 unit 9 may 可以 have 有,吃,喝 help 帮助 hamburger 汉堡包 pizza 披萨 cake 蛋糕 pie 派 banana 香蕉 soup 汤 at 在什么地方 snack bar 小吃部,小卖部 unit 10 farm 农场 that 那,那个 peep 鸡叫声 moo 牛叫声 chick 小鸡 duck 鸭子 cow 奶牛 pig 猪 oink 猪叫声 quack 鸭叫声 it ’s 它是(=it is) cut 切 stick 粘 unit 11 zoo 动物园 there ’s 在什么地方有 bear 熊 tiger 老虎 monkey 猴子 panda 熊猫 unit 12 col our =col or 颜色 red 红色的 blue 蓝色的 yellow 黄色的 green 绿色的 orange 橘红色 brown 棕色的 kite 风筝 sky 天空 up and d own 又上又下 flying very high 飞得很高 小学一年级下英语 词汇表 Unit 1 see 看见 frog 青蛙 rabbit 兔子 bee 蜜蜂 bird 鸟 Unit 2 listen 听 hear 听见 sheep 绵羊 hen 母鸡 Unit 3 smell 闻 taste 尝 rice 米饭 soup 汤 egg 蛋 noodles 面条 help 帮助 stand up 站起来 fl ower 花 Unit 4 toy 玩具 like 喜欢 ball 球 doll 玩具娃娃 kite 风筝 bicycle 自行车 toy shop 玩具店 super 超级的 Unit 5 food 食物 sweet 糖果,甜的 jelly 果冻 ice cream 冰淇淋 biscuit 饼干 teatime 茶点时间 for 给 and 和 sorry 对不起,抱歉 very much 非常 Unit 6 drink 饮料 water 水 juice 果汁 milk 牛奶 birthday 生日 party 派对,聚会 happy 快乐的 song 歌曲 Unit 7 season 季节 spring 春天 warm 温暖的 summer 夏天 hot 热的 outsid e 在外面 in 在....里面 cool 凉爽的 Unit 8 how 怎么样,如何 weather 天气 cloudy 多云的 sunny 阳光美眉的 rainy 有雨的,多雨的 windy 有风的,多风的 go 去

2020-2021 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上册期中测试卷

班级____________ 姓名_____________ 座号_____________ 牛津深圳版小学英语一年级上册期中测试卷 听力部分(70%) 一、小朋友,听录音,选出你听到的单词,念两遍。(共14分,每小题2分)1.()A.afternoon B.morning C.book 2.()A.read B.draw C.mouth 3.()A.ruler B.ear C.eye 4.()A.pencil B.grandmother C.grandfather 5.()A.father B.mother C.face 6.()A.tall B.thin C.fat 7.()A.short B.sing C.dance 二、小朋友,听录音,用1、2、3、4、5、6、7、8给下面的图片排列顺序,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分) ()()()() ()()()()

三、 小朋友, 听录音,判断录音内容与图片是否相符,相符的打“√”,不相符的打“×”,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分) ()( ) ( )() ()()()() 四、小朋友,听录音,选出你所听到的句子,念两遍。(共16分,每小题2分)1.()A.Hi, I'm Danny. B.Hi, I’m Eddie. 2.()A.This is my face. B.This is my mouth. 3.()A.Give me a rubber, please. B.Give me a ruler, please. 4.()A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. 5.()A.I can read.B.I can dance. 6.()A.This is my grandfather.B.This is my grandmother. 7.()A.He’s my classmate.B.She’s my friend. 8.()A.He’s fat. B.She’s thin. 五、小朋友,听录音,选出合适的答语,念两遍。(共8分,每小题2分) 1.()A.Good afternoon. B.Good morning. 2.()A.This is my nose. B.This is my mouth.


一、判断各组划线部分发音是否相同,相同写“T”,不同写“F”。(共10分)( ) 1. A. cake B. jam C. hand ( ) 2. A. he B. she C. me ( ) 3. A. duck B. sun C. pupil ( ) 4. A. kite B. bike C. rice ( ) 5.A. dog B. shop C. rose 二、从每小题的三个选项中选出最佳选项。(共10分) ( ) 1. — ____ you swim, Danny? — Yes, I can. A. Can B. Do C. Are ( ) 2. Do you have ______ cousins? A. some B. a C. any ( ) 3. — How many _____ are there? — There are two circles. A. stars B. circles C. circle ( ) 4. —I’m _____ ,Mum. — Have some biscuits. . A. hungry B. thirsty C. full ( ) 5. This is my cousin. ______ name is Kitty. A. Her B. She C. His ( ) 6.How’s the weather? It’s _______. . A. rain B. rainy C. big ( ) 7.— _______ is your home, Jill? —It’s on Green Street. A. Where B. What C. How ( ) 8.— _______ are they? — Thirty yuan , please. A. How much B. How many C. How old ( ) 9. He _____ a green T-shirt. A. is B. have C. has ( ) 10.There ______ many books in the library. A. am B. are C. is 三.连词成句。注意首字母要大写,要写标点符号。(共10分) 1. is / classmate/ this / new / your (.) _______________________________________ 2. school/ to / my /welcome (.) _______________________________________ 3. the /table / are /on /they (.) _______________________________________ 4. does /father / what /do/ your (?) _______________________________________ 5. what / you / like / would (?) ______________________________________


深圳小学英语一年级(上) 重点单词及句子 1.Hello 单词:morning afternoon school 句子:Hello! Hi! Good morning. Good afternoon. Good bye. Hello, I am Danny. 2.My classmates 单词:book ruler pencil rubber give please me Sunday 句子:Give me a book,please. Here you are. Thank you. 3.My face 单词:eye mouth ear nose face look this is touch my your 句子:Look. This is my /your mouth. Touch your face.

4.I can sing 单词:dance read sing draw what can do 句子:What can you do? I can sing. I can dance. I can read. I can draw. 5.My family 单词:mother father grandmother grandfather me who he she is he’s =he is she’s=she is who’s=who is it’s=it is 句子:Who is he? He’s my father. Who is she?She’s my mother/grandmother. This is my grandfather. 6.My friends 单词:fat thin tall short 句子:This is Ben. He is my friend. He is tall. This is Kitty. She is my friend. She is short. 7.Let’s count 单词:one two three four five six classroom 句子:How many pencils? Two pencils.


深圳版小学英语四年级下册 Unit1 一:英汉互译 often _____________ 5.一周一次____________ habits______________ 6.一日三次___________ times a week________ 7.整理书包__________ the table______________ 8.洗盘子____________ 二:选择题。 ()1.. I finish my homework _______eight thirty in the evening. A. in B. at C. on () usually wash my clothes_______ Monday. A. at B. in C. on () and Pat __________talking about a class survey. A. is B. are C. can () _____good habits A. has B. have C. having () _________once a day A brush her teeth B. wash her face C. combs her hair () is going to_________ at Pat's home A. Stay B. stays C. staying () _____the plants and ______the table once a week. A. Water/set B. waters/sets C. water /set () usually _______lunch at school A. has B. have C. having 三:读一读,写一写 How often does...? Susan Candy Tom wash her face 2/day 3/day 2/day wash her hands 3/day 4/day 2/day clean the house 4/week 1/week 1/week Wash the dishes 1/week 6/week 5/week washes her face_________________________________________ times a day. times a week. washes the dishes_____________________________________ times a day. the house once a week. and Tom wash their faces______________________________ 四.连词成句 1. mother /in /is/tim's/ hospital ________________________________ 2. usually /i/my/twice/brush/a /teeth/day___________________________ 3for/ it's / school /time/. ___________________________________ there's/today/school/ ____________________________________


深圳市市小学英语 课堂跟踪(五年级上册)

CONTENTS Unit1 Good friengs……………………………Unit2 Things in the kitchen………………………. Unit3 A rainy weekend……………………………期中测试卷 Unit5 Dinosaurs…………………………………. Unit6 At Animal land……………………………Unit7 Holiday postcards…………………….. 期末测试卷……………………………………….. 参考答案……………………………………………

Unit1 Good friend I can do! I like playing basketball,badminton,foodball and volleyball. I play sports on my computer 轻松记 Topic words and useful phrases 单词与词组 轻松学 Learning strategies 学法指导 1.What are you doing to do?你打算做什么?“be going to+动词原形”的结构在四年级已经学过,这里是what引导的一般将来时的特殊疑问句,其它的疑问词where,who,how,why等都可以构成这种句式。Eg,I’m going to draw a picture of tian’anmen Square. 我将要画一幅天安门广场的画。 We’re going to see her favourite birds at the park.


英 语 Listening Part 一、听录音,写出所听到字母相邻字母的大小写,念两遍。 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Writing Part 一、 我会连。 P M O L R Y Y m l o p r 二.请小朋友们按照字母表的顺序把下面的字母补充完整(记得要用正确的书写格式哦)。 Aa Bb ( ) ( ) Ee Ff Gg ( ) Ii ( ) Kk 三.小朋友,下面的字母都丢了自已的小伙伴,你能帮他们重新找回自已的小伙伴吗?请将下列字母相对应的大小写连线. B l P g D b Q y R d G m I i Y q L r M p 四.小朋友,请你仔细读读下面的句子,把相对应的句子用线连起来. A B Good m orning. Fine,thank you! 听力 部分 笔试 部分

Good b ye! Good m orning. How are you? Hi! Hello! Thank you! Here’s a balloon. Goodbye. 五同学们请按要求完成下面的练习: 1、把小写字母转换成大写字母 a____ s_____ q ____ n _____ v____ e_____ g ____ t_____ d____ z_____ b____ m_____ u____ i_____ j ____ f_____ 2、把大写字母转换成小写字母,看看是什么单词。 GO____ BIRD______ QUITE ______ NO _____ SING____ DANCE______ WRITE _____ DOG ______ BAG_____ HOP______ LIKE_______ BALL______ WHITE____ RED_____ KITE______ ROBOT_______ 3、找规律 ABCAB__ eyeye_ _ KITKIT__ __ __ mmvehmm_ _ _ cdabcdab_ _ _ _ BEGB__ __ WYWCW__ __ __ futfitf_________ popspo______ 4、正确抄写下面的的句子,注意大小写和标点符号。 Look at the panda . It’s fat . It’s black and white .


深圳版小学英语五年级下册 Unit 1练习题 1 When a light turns red, we cross the road. A.must B.mustn't C.can D.can't 2 If we find a fire, we must call . A.120 B.119 C.112 D.122 3 If you are , you should talk quietly in the library. A.rude B.polite C.happy D.sad 4 Mary doesn't like doing her homework doing any work. A.and B.but C.so D.or 5 This is empty fridge. It's untidy one. A.a, an B.an, an C.a, a D.an, a 6 We must talk in the library. A.quickly B.quietly C.carefully D.slowly 7 The children going to play football tomorrow. A.is B.are C.am D.will 8 I went to hospital to visit my friend yesterday. A.a B.the C.an D./ 9 Look at the sign. You eat or drink on the bus. A.will B.must C.mustn't D.do 10 We never walk quickly the swimming pool. A.of B.on C.into D.at 11 -- Must I finish the work before dinner? -- No, you . A.needn't B.mustn't C.must D.can't 12 We play at the museum. A.mustn't B.needn't C.must D.will 二阅读理解,判断对错. It is Sunday. Jim doesn't go to school. He and his friends are playing in front of a house. A young man comes and asks, "Hello, Jim. Is your father at home?" "Yes, he is," Jim answers. The man knocks at the door. He knocks it for a long time, but no one comes to open the door. He says to Jim angrily, "You say your father is at home. Why doesn't he open the door?" Jim answers, "Yes, he is at home. But this is not my home, sir!" 根据短文,判断正(T)误(F): 1. Today is Saturday.

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