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第I卷(选择题 115分)


第一节(共5小题;每小题分, 满分分)

听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有一个小题, 请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并填写在答题卡上。听完每段对话后, 你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。

1. Who is the man?

A. A boss.

B. A teacher.

C. A cook.

2. What time does the woman's class start on Wednesday?

A. At 10:00.

B. At 9:00.

C. At 8:00.

3. Where does the conversation most probably take place?

A. At the office.

B. In the library.

C. In the laboratory.

4. What kind of vegetables are more expensive?

A. Potatoes.

B. Tomatoes.

C. Cabbages.

5. What did the man do?

A. He ate all the food.

B. He worked day and night.

C. He cleaned the refrigerator.

第二节(共15小题;每小题分, 满分分)

听下面5段对话, 每段对话后有几个小题, 请从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项, 并填写在答题卡上。听每段对话前, 你将有时间阅读各个小题, 每小题5秒钟;听完后, 各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话读两遍。

听第6段材料, 回答第6至8题。

6. What's the matter with the man?

A. There is hand hurt with him.

B. There is arm hurt with him.

C. There is foot hurt with him.

7. Where are the speakers?

A. On the road.

B. In the hill.

C. In the hospital.

8. How is the man's hurt according to himself?

A. Serious.

B. Not serious.

C. Never mind.

听第7段材料, 回答第9至11题。

9. What's the woman's problem?

A. She doesn't know how to manage her work well.

B. She can't decide whether she should accept a new job.

C. She doesn't know how to get along with her co-workers.

10. What does the woman think of her co-workers?

A. Nice.

B. Hard.

C. Confident.

11. What will the man do if the woman doesn't take it?

A. Make decision for her.

B. Take this chance himself.

C. Help her with her job.

听第8段材料, 回答第12至14题。

12. What's there in the hall?

A. An old television.

B. A beautiful light.

C. A big mirror.

13. What make the woman surprised?

A. A big sofa.

B. A nice table.

C. A big kitchen.

14. How does the woman find the apartment?

A. Satisfied.

B. Unsatisfied.

C. Indifferent. 听第9段材料, 回答第15至17题。

15. What do the speakers often talk about?

A. The man's problem.

B. The man's graduation.

C. The man's job.

16. What does the woman advise the man to do?

A. Find a job.

B. See a doctor.

C. Work hard.

17. What's the probable relationship between the speakers?

A. A couple.

B. Mother and son.

C. Boyfriend and girlfriend.

听第10段材料, 回答第18至20题。

18. What is this news mainly about?

A. American education system.

B. Different education systems.

C. A UN research on education systems.

19. Which of the following countries has the best education system?

A. Japan.

B. South Korea.

C. Germany.

20. What is the study based on?

A. The abilities of students.

B. The level of education.

C. The number of students.




21. Peng Liyuan, who accompanied her husband ____ President Xi Jingping on his first

state visit to Russia, wore ___ navy blue coat from designer Ma Ke.

A. the; the

B. / ; the

C. / ; a

D. the; a

22. It is not easy to have a great marriage life, and you____ treasure what is valuable

as you move on. A. can B. must C . shall

D. should

23. It has been confirmed ___the violent terror attack on March 1, ___ left at least

29 civilians dead and more than 130 others injured, was carried out by Uygur


A. that; that

B. what; that

C. that; which

D. which; which

24. Winning this and seeing the reward for all the hard work I _____is most of what

I am feeling good about.

A. put in

B. take in

C. give in

D. bring in

25. Life is not________, so always live in the now

B. permanent

C. priceless

D. valuable

26. There's an island ____ Okunoshima in Japan ______with rabbits

A. calling; filling

B. called; filling

C. called; filled


calling; filled

you're upset about right now will eventually pass.

A. Whenever

B. Whichever

C. No matter what

D. Whatever

28. —In which part of the play was________your brother appeared?

—In the last ten minutes.

A. that where

B. this when

C. it that

D. it where

29. He hesitated for a moment before kicking the ball, otherwise he ________ a goal.

A. had scored

B. scored

C. would score

D. would have scored

30. When the time comes to _____ a lunch break, the children gather and play jokes.

A. have

B. having

C. has

D. be having

31. Kindness, sympathy and love grow from understanding and respect, and _______create

more of both.

A. in time

B. in turn

C. in the long run

D. in consequence

32. ---It would be my distinction if you could attend my party.

---_________ . Can I take a rain check? Because I am far too occupied at the present.

A. I’d be glad to

B. I couldn’t agree more

C. Sorry, I’m afraid I can’t

D. It’s up to you

33. We had ________started from home when the engine gave out.

A. nearly

B. hardly

C. accidently

D. suddenly

34. I began questioning myself further ______I met someone that I didn't particularly like.

A. each time

B. for the first time

C. at the moment

D. at each time

35. —Jack, you promised!

—Well, ________. But it was you who didn’t keep your word first.

A. so was I

B. so did I

C. so I

was D. so I did.

第二节完形填空(共20 小题;每题分,满分30分)



There was once a farmer who had a fine olive orchard(橄榄园). He was very hardworking, 36 the farm was always fine under his care. But he knew that his 37 sons looked down upon his farm work, and were eager to make wealth 38 adventure.

When the farmer was old, and 39 that his time had come to die, he called the three sons to him and said, “My sons, there is a 40 of gold 41 in the olive orchard. 42 for it, if you wish it.” The sons tried to get him to tell them in 43 part of the orchard the gold was hidden; but he would tell them 44 more. After the farmer was dead, the sons went to work to find the pot of gold; 45 they did not know where the hiding-place was, they agreed to begin 46 a line, at one end of the orchard, and to dig 47 one of them should find the money.

They dug until they had turned up the soil from one end of the orchard to the 48 , round the tree-roots and between them. But no pot of gold was to be found. It seemed as if someone 49 have stolen it, or as if the farmer had been wandering in his wits. The three sons were 50 disappointed to have all their work for nothing. The next olive season, the olive trees in the orchard 51 more fruit than they had ever given; when it was 52 , it gave the sons a whole pot of gold.

And when they saw how 53 money had come from the orchard, they suddenly 54 what the 55 father had meant when he said, “There is gold hidden in the orchard. Dig for it, if you wish it.”

36. A. but B. and C. or D. for

37. A. two B. four C. five D. three

38. A. in B. at C. through D. on

39. A. looked B. felt C. judged D. understood

40. A. pot B. bag C. basket D. pile

41. A. bought B. hung C. hidden D. planted

42. A. Dig B. Search C. Pray D. Beg

43. A. which B. where C. what D. when

44. A. nothing B. something C. anything D. everything

45. A. when B. for C. since D. unless

46. A. in B. by C. with D. on

47. A. before B. until C. after D. while

48. A. other B. another C. others D. more

49. A. can B. should C. would D. must

50. A. bitterly B. even C. fairly D. still

51. A. had B. developed C. bore D. formed

52. A. sold B. eaten C. found D. produced

53. A. little B. many C. so D. much

54. A. understood B. thought C. remembered D. cared

55. A. foolish B. strict C. wise D. lazy




I looked into the mirror one morning and saw, to my wonder, my grandmother’s picture reflected there. Staring in the mirror, I decided to get serious about physical fitness.

Friends encouraged me to join them in shop walking. However, wonderful smells coming

out from the food court did increase the appetite. Six weeks later, I reached the limit on my credit cards and gained four pounds.

It occurred to me that my daughter’s old bicycle might help. I got it back from our garage. Then one morning a neighborhood dog barked at me. I panicked and charged straight into a neighbor’s cactus(仙人掌) garden. Aside from my dignity and pride, it required $100 and an hour of pain while our family doctor pulled out all the needles of the cactus.

My husband decided to get involved in the situation and bought me a special bicycle. He set it up in our bedroom where it was the last thing I saw at night and the first thing I saw every morning. To avoid boring time I read detective novels while working energetically on my new toy.

One unlucky morning, still wearing my night blouse, as the detective was about to remove the curtain of the criminal, I rode faster, unaware my night blouse was pulled suddenly into the parts of the bike.

I’m unsure what happened, but when I awoke, an ambulance pulled into our driveway. Don’t mention the cost of that disaster.

Back home from the hospital, I looked in my full-length mirror once more. Sure enough, my grandmother’s figure with a black and blue face was still reflected there. She seemed to smile at me as I whispered, “I’m sorry, Grandmother, I could do a whole lot worse than look like you.” After all, Grandmother, though rather f at, was a great woman!

56. Which of the following is the best title for this passage?

A. The Best Way of Physical Fitness

B. The High Cost of Physical Fitness

C. The Pleasure of Physical Fitness

D. The Benefit of Physical Fitness

57. What is implied in the second paragraph?

A. The author put on extra weight as a result of her shop walking.

B. The author lost much weight as a result of her shop walking.

C. An easy way of getting fit is shop walking.

D. The author walked in the shop aimlessly.

58. A special bike is good EXCEPT that_______.

A. you have to read something while riding on it

B. only slim people can ride on it

C. it cannot be moved easily

D. it is quite dull to ride on it

59. What may the author do after all these experiences?

A. She’ll spend a lo ng time recovering from her disaster.

B. She’ll begin with another physical exercise.

C. She’ll apologize to her grandmother.

D. She’ll quit all her exercises.


“Going that extra step” is an unbelievable concept to put into practice today with every face of your life. It is the difference between being ordinary and being

extraordinary. That extra step is what separates the average player from the winners.

I have been in sales most of my life. I always tried to take that extra step that would make me stand out from my competition. It was the quick thank-you note after a great meeting, or that one extra follow-up call to be sure all their questions were answered or just that little bit of extra enthusiasm that I put into the presentation that I had been preparing for the entire week. This is what separates us from our competition---and believe me it does. We all have a choice---either just going through the motions with your everyday jobs or give that little extra in order to build that rapport with your client (客户) that makes them a life long client. We all have experienced those who have given us that little extra attention that their competitor did not and that is the reason we did business with them.

As you progress through your life’s journey towards fulfilling your “why”, you need to constantly go that extra step. The true sign of a winner-to-be is just when it seems impossible to give that extra push; they are the ones who dig down deep to fulfill their “why”. A small improvement each day over a lon g period of time will produce outstanding results toward achieving your dreams. It you don’t know your “why” yet, you may want to consider entering into a personal development program. It is truly amazing how your life can be enriched.

Now that you know the benefit of going that extra step, you need to ask yourself a question: “What can I do today and every day with a little more effort to move me into the winner’s circle?” You know that someone has to be in the winner’s circle “Why not make it you.”

Inve sting in yourself today will be tomorrow’s success.

60. This article mainly tells us about __________.

A. company management

B. being a successful client

C. achieving success in study

D. personal development

61. In the second paragraph, the underli ned word “rapport” probably means ___________.

A. condition

B. dilemma

C. harmony

D. agreement

62. The writer of this passage may NOT agree that _________.

A. going extra steps will make one’s life successful

B. making more friends is the key to achieving success

C. being active and positive helps to achieve your dream

D. turning the impossible into the possible makes your successful

63. The passage is developed by _________.

A. persuading

B. listing examples

C. comparison

D. time


Some kinds of mental skills naturally decrease as people get older. Yet research seems to show that some training can improve such skills. A recently published study also appears to prove that the good effects of training can last for many years after that training has ended.

Researchers at Johns Hopkins University in Maryland wanted to learn how long memory and thinking skills would last in older people who trained to keep them. The

people were part of the ten-year research project. They were taught methods meant to improve their memory, thinking and ability to perform everyday tasks.

More than 2,800 volunteered for the study called ACTIVE - short for Advanced Cognitive (认知的) Training for Independent and Vital Elderly. Most studied when they were more than 70 years old.

The volunteers took one of several short training classes meant to help them keep their mental abilities. One class trained participants in skills including how to remember word lists. Another group trained in reasoning. A third group received help with speed-of-processing - speed of receiving and understanding information. A fourth group - the control group did not get any training.

Earlier results had established that the training helped the participants for up to five years. Now, lead study writer George Rebok says, the research showed most of the training remained effective a full ten years later.

Professor Robok and his team found that the people trained in reasoning and speed-of-processing did better on tests than the control group.

"We are wondering whether those effects which endured over time would still be there ten years following the training, and in fact, that's exactly what we found."

The effect on memory, however, seemed not to last as long. Still, the old people in any of the three classes generally reported less difficulty in performing daily activities than the control group. The total training time for the older people was between 10 and 15 hours.

Professor Robok and his team are now considering ways to provide such training for lower cost.

"We are trying to make the training more broadly available. For example, we have a grant right now from the National Institute on Aging to try to make a web-based version of the ACTIVE memory training and put the training online."

One question still to be studied is how only a few hours of training can still be effective after ten years. The study appears in the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society.

64.The main idea of the article is that _____________________.

A. some kinds of mental skills naturally decrease as people get older

B. we should try to help old people.

C. cognitive training can have a lasting positive effect on old people.

D. old people should do more volunteer work.

65. The purpose of the short training classes is to ___________.

A. help old people maintain their mental abilities.

B. help old people to cooperate with the researchers

C. remember word list

D. remain young in old age

66. Professor Robok and his team found that ____________.

A. o ld people can’t improve their me ntal abilities.

B. the effects of cognitive training can last five years.

C. volunteer work is very important for old people.

D. the effects of cognitive training lasts over ten years.

67. The researchers still don’t understand _______________.

A. why people get old

B. why a few hours of training in mental abilities are still effective after ten years.

C. why reasoning is so important

D. why the control group have more difficulty in performing their daily activities.


Cooker Insurance - Worried your cooker might be over cooked? Eat out because you want to, not because you have to. Protect your cooker today with a Cooker Insurance Warranty(保单)Policy from Home Appliance(器具) Guard.

At the centre of every great kitchen, is a great chef, but all the cooking skills in the world won’t help if your cooker breaks down. A diet of raw vegetables isn’t exactly tasty and having to pay for takeaways(外卖食品) won’t help your personal finances. The average cost of repairing a cooker is as high as £98* and a brand new replacement is in the region of £350. A broken cooker will certainly cost a lot of money and a whole lot more inconvenience.

That is why Home Appliance Guard has developed a specialty Cooker Insurance policy, designed to protect you, your cooker and your household against the dangers of a broken or faulty cooker, all for as little as £92 a year.

What's covered

√£24 per quarter or £92 annually

√ Accidental Damage & Mechanical Breakdown

√ No restrictions on age, make or model, as long as the appliance is not covered by the or extended warranty

√ Unlimited call outs(上门服务)

√ Free phone claims number 0800 652 6789

√ Replacement or settlement if your Cooker cannot be repaired or is beyond economical repair

68. If you want to get your cooker protected for nine months, you should pay .

A. £48

B. £72

C. £92

D. £184

69. Which statement is TRUE according to the passage?

A. If your cooker has a manufacturer’s warranty, Home Appliance Guard will guard it.

B. If your cooker breaks down, Home Appliance Guard will replace it.

C. If your cooker is damaged by accident, you can have it replaced immediately.

D. If your cooker is covered by Cooker Insurance policy, you will save much money.

70. Which of the following can be similar to the underlined phrase in meaning?

A. in the area of

B. approximately

C. in the field of

D. precisely

71. The passage is probably found .

A. on the Internet

B. in a text book

C. on a bulletin board

D. in an encyclopedia


Margaret Thatcher was born in October 1925 and died on 8th of April, 2013.

She spent most of her childhood in Grantham and helped her father with the grocery business. Her father was active in local politics. In 1946, she attended Oxford College and became the President of the Oxford University Conservative Association in the same year. She graduated and earned her Bachelor of Science in Chemistry in 1947 and moved to Essex to work as a chemist.

In 1952, funded by her husband, she studied law and qualified as a lawyer in 1953. In 1970, Margaret Thatcher, as the Minister for Education, advocated an increase in the education budget and the creation of more schools. During her second term as Prime Minister, from 1983 to 1987, Thatcher handled a number of conflicts and crisis. In 1984, she signed a treaty with the Chinese government regarding the future of Hong Kong. Elected for a third term in 1987, she sought to carry out a standard scholastic curriculum across the country and tried to start a socialized medical system.

“I fight on, I fight to win,” said Britain’s first female Prime Minister and leader of the British Conservative Party; and win she did. She became the only British Prime Minister in the twentieth century to win three terms of office in two decades. One of the most influential Prime Ministers of Britain, she was also the most debated stateswomen of the century, earning both respect and hatred from the public, particularly for her treatment of trade unions. She earned the nickname (绰号) ‘Iron Lady’ because of her leadership style and radical thoughts. She guided British politics with great wisdom and had the ability to make the most of opportunities,

a character which made her the most admired, yet controversial leader of the UK.

72. Which of the following about Margaret Thatcher is TRUE according to the passage?

A. She studied politics in Oxford University.

B. She became a lawyer when married.

C. She was a successful chemist for 20 years.

D. She allowed the return of Hong Kong.

73. What can we infer from the passage?

A. Thatcher carried out education reform across the country.

B. Thatcher was called ‘Iron Lady’ for her strong will.

C. Thatcher became interested in politics as a young girl.

D. At 21, Thatcher became the President of the Oxford University.

74. What made Thatcher different from other British Prime Ministers?

A. Her being the only woman Prime Minister.

B. Her agreement to build more schools.

C. Being British Prime Minister for 20 years.

D. Her treatment of trade unions.

75. What may the author write about in the next paragraph?

A. Thatcher’s influence on British politics

B. Thatcher’s life after retirement

C. British views about Thatcher

D. Thatcher’s succes s as a politician






Selfie–"a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website"–has been named word of the year by Oxford Dictionaries editors, after the frequency of its usage increased by 17,000% over the past 12 months.

Editorial director Judy Pearsall said: "Using the Oxford Dictionaries language research programme, which collects around 150 million words of current English in use each month, we can see a phenomenal upward trend in the use of selfie in 2013, and this helped to strengthen its selection."

The word can be traced back to a post on an Australian online forum(论坛) in 2002: "Um, drunk at a party, I tripped over and landed lip first on a set of steps.

I had a hole about 1cm long right through my bottom lip. And sorry about the focus, it was a selfie."

It has since produced lots of terms in relation to selfie, including helfie (hairstyle self), welfie (workout selfie), drelfie (drunken selfie), and even bookshelfie – a photo taken for the purposes of literary self-promotion.

Judy Pearsall explained its evolution: "The hashtag(标签) #selfie appeared on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004, but the usage wasn't widespread until around 2012.

"In early examples, the word was often spelled with a -y, but the -ie form is more common today and has become the accepted spelling. Australian English has a preference for -ie words … so this helps to support the evidence for selfie having started in Australia."

Title: “Selfie” Named Word of the Year for 2013


It is a photograph that one has taken of oneself, typically one taken with a smartphone or webcam and uploaded to a social media website

The origin of the word

The word can ___back to a post on an Australian online forum in 2002.

___ terms

★helfie--- a photo of one’s own hair

★welfie--- a photo taken while out

★drelfie--- a photo of yourself when you’re

★bookshelfie---a photo that you of yourself for the purposes of literary self-promotion.

___ of the word explained by Judy Pearsall

★It first on the photo-sharing website Flickr as early as 2004.

★It wasn't until around 2012 that the usage become .

★Nowadays the word is often spelled with an –ie 85. ______ of a-y.









Dear John,

________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________

Best regards, Li Hua



1~5 ACBBA 6~10 CABBA 10~15 BCAAA 16~20 BCCBA

21-25 C D CAB 26-30 CDCDA 31-35 BCBAD

36-40BDCBA 41-45CACAC 46-50ABADA 51-55CADAC

56-59 B A D D 60-63 DCBA

68—71 BDBA 72-75DAAD

76. Definition/Meaning/Concept 77. date 78. Related /Relevant 79. working 80. drunk 82. evolution/development 83. appeared 84. widespread 85. instead

Dear John,

I’m sorry to hear that you’re suffering from Internet addiction. I understand how you feel:You want to work hard, but can’t concentrate on your study. I’d like to offer you some advice.

First of all, start some other hobbies, such as reading, listening to music, or playing chess,etc, which will take your mind off the Internet. Secondly, make more friends. Friends will help you when you can’t resist the temptation of the Internet. Thirdly, do more sports. Except keeping you healthy, sports can enrich your life and help you forget the Internet.

I hope these ideas can help you get rid of your addiction as soon as possible.

Best regards,

Li Hua

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