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Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen:

Today my topic is ’Nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’

When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. Meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times.

But over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .It promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come.

So whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster?

There is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective.

Ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a TV programme called Green Space where I saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around Chyrnobil nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, It was a sad story.

My heart sank when I saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. He was so cute and adorable just like all the other kids but he was blinded. What’s more, he had to receive medical treatment everyday to alleviate radiation damage, but still stood little chance of growing up. Later I learned that inappropriate operation and equipment design defect was responsible for the tradegy .Eight years has past, but the picture of that boy’s smile still appears infront of me and reminds me that nuclear power can be a living devil.

However, with the increasing depletion of resources and the instant demand for energy, clean and efficient nuclear power may seem the best choice.

As an old saying goes ’Every sword has two blades.’ Nuclear power is dangerous, yet efficient; environmental devastated yet clean; expensive yet sustainable. It is a matter of how we use and how we treat it. While let’s beyond all this ,whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster, it’s ours’ choice.

Thank you for listening!


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛心得 在这次“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛当中,我做为一名选手,感受颇深,这也是我第一次参加这样展示自我的一次比赛,应该对于我来说意义非凡,学到了不少。收获荣誉的同时,我的心灵受到了强烈的震撼和洗礼,参加此次演讲比赛是我人生中非常特别的一次体验,不仅仅是比赛的环节和考验给我留下了深刻的印象,而且这一路走来的心理历练也让我收获颇多。 通过这次的演讲比赛,首先我最想表达的就是感谢。正是因为老师们对我的全力支持,才有了我今天出色的演讲。在此,我要感谢我的我的老师李雁给我的演讲稿做的点睛式地鼓舞,正是因为有这位老师在演讲技巧和稿件写作上给予了我很大帮助和启发,才有我在演讲台上的“淋漓表演”,使我信心越来越强。其次,具体到演讲过程中,首先要有一个好的演讲稿,演讲稿的题材、角度一定要新颖,绝不重复别人的故事,你想那么多的参赛选手,如果学习的榜样总是那几位英雄,无论你多么慷慨激昂,评委们听得多了,便也不会觉得新颖了,因此你的演讲稿就没有什么亮点。一个演讲要有亮点,什么是亮点?与众不同。 另外还有六个方面的小技巧:1、一见倾心:演讲者着装得体、精神振奋、姿态优雅,会使听众有个很好的第一印象。2、一鸣惊人:在演讲开场的三句话内,要能在声音、情感、语调上一炮打响,打动听众,这样演讲就很容易成功。 3、一语中的:在演讲中,演讲者要在适当的时候,一般在热烈的当口上,以简单明确的慨括性语言,说出你的主题观点,最好能用上排比句式来表达,会给听众留下深刻印象。 4、情理交融:演讲之所以要有演的成分,是因为要先体现以情说理,再以理服人。所以在演讲中,演讲者要善于运用动人感人的事例、体验典型人和物、调动听众的情感,在引起情感共鸣的基础上,适时阐明道理和主题,常常会使你的演讲效果倍增。 5、言行一致:演讲中与听众的交流非常


2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛内蒙古大学赛区决赛评分细则 一、比赛环节(总分100分) 1.自我介绍:要求选手用英文进行自我介绍(限时30秒,本环节10分); 2.定题演讲:要求选手以“Change the Unchangeable”为题,并于本题目 下加副标题,进行定题演讲(限时3分钟,本环节40分); 3.即兴演讲:选手现场抽签决定话题进行即兴演讲,场上给出30秒准备时 间,演讲限时1分钟(共限时1分钟30秒,本环节30分); 4.现场问答:由评委围绕选手在定题演讲和即兴演讲中所涉及的内容向选 手进行现场提问,要求选手在1分钟内完成作答。评委提问完毕,计时开始(限时1分钟,本环节20分)。 二、比赛赛制和报分情况 本次比赛共设有两个阶段:第一阶段包括自我介绍和定题演讲,第二阶段包括即兴演讲和现场问答。在第一阶段,每位选手上台后共有3分30秒的时间进行自我介绍和定题演讲两个环节。选手结束本阶段比赛后由礼仪收分并报分。第一阶段结束,中场节目后进入第二阶段。在第二阶段,选手依次上台进行即兴演讲,即兴演讲结束,选手停留在台上直接进入现场问答环节。晋级选手结束本阶段比赛后由礼仪收分并报分。 三、奖项设置 一等奖一名 二等奖一名 三等奖三名 最佳风采奖和最佳人气奖各一名 优秀学院组织奖两个

四、评分标准 (一) 自我介绍:标准发音、语言准确(5分);自然表达(5分)。 (二) 定题演讲 1.内容要求: (1)内容清楚、结构清晰、中心突出(8分); (2)合理展开、阐释充分(4分); (3)证据相关、逻辑性强(4分); (4)内容生动、不枯燥,能吸引听众注意力(4分)。 2.语言要求: (1)使用标准英国英语或美国英语(5分); (2)语言准确(发音清晰,音调、音高合适,用词准确、相关)(5分); (3)语言流利(注意连读、词重音、句重音、语调和节奏等)(5分)。 3.技巧要求: (1)自信,有感情与气势(2分); (2)注意手势、眼神与身体语言(2分); (3)适当使用修辞手段(比喻、类比等)(1分)。 4.时间控制:在自我介绍和定题演讲的3分30秒之内,时间剩余30时 有举牌提示,时间终止时有响铃和举牌提示,超时适当予以 扣分。 5.道具使用:定题演讲中允许使用实物、图片等辅助道具,但仅限使用 一次道具,使用道具过多将被酌情扣分。 (三)即兴演讲 1.内容要求: (1)内容清楚、结构清晰、中心突出(3分);


2018“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛样题 比赛考查题型说明: 1. 初赛和复赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(500词左右)、说明文/应用文写作1篇(300-500词), 写作时间共120分钟,满分100分。 2. 决赛:比赛题型为议论文写作1篇(800词左右)、记叙文写作1篇(600-800词),写作时间 共180分钟,满分100分。 注:本样题中,说明文和应用文以初/复赛赛题为例,议论文和记叙文以决赛赛题为例。样题仅供了解题型,不提供参考答案。 类型1 说明文写作(Expository Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇说明文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手解说事物、阐明事理的能力,以及运用知识、观察理解、梳理分析、提炼总结、跨文化沟通的综合能力。 评分标准(总分50分):

Sample task 1 Write a passage based on the chart below. The chart shows the hourly AQI (Air Quality Index) in Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou on the same day. In your writing, you should summarize the information by selecting and reporting the main features and make comparisons where relevant. You should write at least 300 words but no more than 500 words. (Suggested completion time: 60 minutes) Note: AQI 0-50 Good 51-100 Moderate 101-150 Lightly polluted 151-200 Moderately polluted 201-300 Heavily polluted >300 Severely polluted 类型2 应用文写作(Practical Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇应用文写作(300-500词)。侧重考查选手使用得体的格式、内容和语言实现有效沟通、达到交际目的的能力。


2017“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛初赛 Task 1 Argumentative Writing Write an essay in response to the passage below. You should state clearly whether you agree or disagree with the passage and explain your reasons for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider ways in which the author’s opinion might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position. You should write about 500 words. If you still think of the Internet as a means of opening up a vast world of information to people, you may be completely wrong. Playing a positive role in its early days, the Internet is now enclosing people in a walled room. Have you noticed that when different people google the same thing, for example, “Chinese culture” or “America”, they get different search results? Websites selectively guess which information is appropriate to a user based on his/her location, past-click behavior and search history, and tailor information and recommendations accordingly. The more one uses the Internet, the more likely one is kept away from different opinions, and trapped in one’s own cultural ideological bubble. The situation worsens when Internet-boosted social networks creep into every corner of our lives. Although there seems to be a large amount of information updated almost every second, the information is only available from people’s friend-circles or the subscriptions (公众号) they choose. Beyond these circles and choices, people do not really have access to the unknown. They become imprisoned in a confined world.


2021年外研社杯英语演讲比赛(1) Today I am very glad to be here to share with you my ideas of success. What is success? It is what everyone is longing for.Sometimes success would be rather simple. Winning a game is success; getting a high grade in the exam is success; making a new friend is success; even now I am standing here giving my speech is somehow also success. However, as a person’s whole life is concerned, success becomes very complicated. Is fortune success? Is fame success? Is high social status success? No, I don’t think so. I believe success is the realization of people’s hopes and ideals.Nowadays, in the modern society there are many people who are regarded as the successful. And the most obvious characteristics of hem are money, high position and luxurious life. So most people believe that s success and all that they do is for this purpose. But the problem is wether it is real success. We all know there are always more money, higher position and better condition in front of us. If we keep chasing them, where is the end? What will satisfy us at last? Therefore, we can see, to get the real Success we must need something inside, which is the realization of people’hopes and ideals. Different people have different ideas about success; cause people’s hopes and ideas vary from one another. But I am sure every success is dear to everybody, cause it is not easy to come by, cause in the process of our striving for success, we got both our body and soul tempted, meanwhile we are enlightened by the most valuable qualities of human beings: love, patient, courage and sense of responsibility. These are the best treasures. So now I am very proud that I have this opportunity to stand here speaking to all of you. It is my success, cause I raise up to challenge my hope. What is success? Everyone has his own interpretation as I do. But I am sure every success leads to an ever-brighter future. So ladies and gentlemen, believe in our hopes, believe in ourselves, we, every one of us, can make a successful life! Wish you all good success! 2021年外研社杯英语演讲比赛(2) Honorable judges, distinguished guests, ladies and gentlemen:


外研社杯全国英语演讲 大赛策划书 Document number:NOCG-YUNOO-BUYTT-UU986-1986UT

活 动 资 料 外国语学院分团委学生会 2015年10月 目录 一、活动背景 (3) 二、活动目的 (3) 三、活动主题 (3) 四、活动负责人 (3) 五、活动时间 (4) 六、活动地点 (4) 七、活动对象 (4) 八、活动形式 (4) 九、活动流程……………………………………第5-7页 初赛:……………………………………第5-7页 决赛:……………………………………第7-9页 十、奖项设置 (9)

十一、经费预算 (9) 十二、注意事项 (9) 十三、附件……………………………………第9-11页初赛:附 件一:评分要求 (11) 附件二:评分表 (11) 附件三:报名表 (12) 复赛:评分要求………………………………第13-14页 评分表 (15) 一、活动背景 2015年5月13日,由外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会、教育部高等学校英语 专业教学指导分委员会联合主办的2015“外研社杯”全国英 语演讲大赛、写作大赛、阅读大赛在北京正式启动。“外研 社杯”全国英语演讲大赛是外语教学与研究出版社联合教育 部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语 专业教学指导分委员会主办的全国性英语演讲赛事。 二、活动目的 2015“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛等顺应国家未来发展对高端人才的需求,全面挑战大学生的英语“读”、 “说”、“写”能力与思辨和创新能力,旨在培养具有国际 视野的外语人才。 三、活动主题 题目以《庄子·逍遥游》中一个经典故事为主旨,选手自定题目


外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿 篇一:Change the Unchangeable外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿 外研社杯演讲比赛2014年---- Change the unchangeable (一)Change the unchangeable Good morning, everyone. It’s my pleasure to deliver this speech here. The subject of my presentation is “change the unc hangeable”, which means try your best to make a change when stuck in an unchangeable situation. No wonder that there exists something unchangeable in our life, getting into the way of striving for what we want. There are plenty of unchangeable obstacles for us. They are serious and they are many. They will hardly be meet. But know this, my friends, they will be meet.

Once you believe in yourself, the unchangeable is going to be changed. Nothing is impossible, and in a sense, nothing is unchangeable! The thing absolutely unchangeable does not exist. Sometimes, adversities seems really unchangeable for the moment, but we must realize that they can be changed in some way. Moses was a stutterer, yet he was called on to be the voice of god. As we can also see in the film “The king’s speech”, stammer is unchangeable for the king, the duke of York. But once his realized that he need to make a change and inspired by the words “to be or not to be, it is a question”, he returned to the hospital, and accepted the retreatment again. With the help of the doctor Lionel Logue, he gradually made progress and managed to get over his unchangeable physical disability. There are endless examples. Abraham


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 Honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: Today my topic is ’Nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster?’ When the first atomic bomb was dropped on Hiroshima, Japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. Meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times. But over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .It promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come. So whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster? There is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective. Ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a TV programme called Green Space where I saw for the first time how nuclear power had changed people’s lives and what it had left for the residents’ living around Chyrnobil nuclear power plant. Unfortunately, It was a sad story. My heart sank when I saw a boy infant appear on the screen smiling with big blue sparkling eyes. He was so cute and adorable just like all the other kids but he was blinded. What’s more, he had to receive medical treatment everyday to alleviate radiation damage, but still stood little chance of growing up. Later I learned that inappropriate operation and equipment design defect was responsible for the tradegy .Eight years has past, but the picture of that boy’s smile still appears infront of me and reminds me that nuclear power can be a living devil. However, with the increasing depletion of resources and the instant demand for energy, clean and efficient nuclear power may seem the best choice. As an old saying goes ’Every sword has two blades.’ Nuclear power is dangerous, yet efficient; environmental devastated yet clean; expensive yet sustainable. It is a matter of how we use and how we treat it. While let’s beyond all this ,whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster, it’s ours’ choice. Thank you for listening!


外研社杯演讲比赛演讲稿T h e S t o n e s Document number【SA80SAB-SAA9SYT-SAATC-SA6UT-SA18】

Ladies and gentlemen, good morning. It’s my great honor to be here and give you a short speech. Today my topic is “The Stones, G roping to Growth”. Before I start my speech, I want to ask you all: have you ever heard the story “Little Horse Crossing the River”? The little horse doesn’t know the depth of the water and does not dare to cross the river. So he asks around, everybody gives him different answers according to their own experience. It makes him even more scared of the river than before. After a long struggle, he finally takes the courage to try it himself, and realizes that the river is neither as shallow as the cow said nor as deep as the little squirrel said. I also experienced a confusing period like the little horse when …. I have always been keen to experience everything in life, and hence I believe I’m of versatile tastes. This kind of cleverness leads me to think that I can be good at many things. To me, all the things I want to try is like rivers to cross. With just a few steps into the water, I can enjoy all the fun freely, jumping and running in the water; moving forward, the water gets higher, it is still full of fun and excitement; yet when I’m approaching the middle of the river, I find myself surrounded by water, and I can’t see where I can go. I start to get scared and confused and don't know what to do.


“外研社杯”英语演讲比赛演讲稿 本文从网络收集而来,上传到平台为了帮到更多的人,如果您需要使用本文档,请点击下载按钮下载本文档(有偿下载),另外祝您生活愉快,工作顺利,万事如意! honorable judges, ladies and gentlemen: today my topic is ’nuclear power: a blessing or a disaster’ when the first atomic bomb was dropped on hiroshima, japan, the world was thrust into atomic age. meanwhile in the commence of cold war and during its long term, it had set the world into fear and panic of nuclear war many times. but over the years, nuclear power has found its way to promote goodness for humankind .it promises to provide clean and efficient energy for the centuries to come. so whether nuclear power a blessing or a disaster there is no firm answer for this question from my own perspective. ladies and gentlemen, my very initial contact with nuclear power was from a tv programme called green space where i saw for the first time how nuclear power


2013年“外研社杯”全国英语写作大赛决赛样题及评分细则 类型一:记叙文写作(Narrative Writing) 比赛内容:选手完成一篇记叙文写作(600-800词)。侧重考查选手的阅读理解、语言运用、细节描写、形象思维、创意构思、人文素养等综合能力。 评分标准: 比赛样题: Sample task 1

Read the story starter and continue the story. Complete the story in 600-800 words. The little man came up to me as I was about to enter the telephone box, and asked me whether I had a match. “I’m sorry,” I said. “I don’t smoke, so I haven’t any. You had better ask someone else.” He looked rather disappointed, hesitated, and then turned away. I watched him walk slowly down the street before I picked up the telephone directory to look up the number I meant to dial. I am not used to a public call box so, at my first attempt to get through, the warning pips had stopped before I realized I had to insert a coin. When I was at last able to speak, I was told that the person whom I urgently wanted to give a message to had just that minute gone out. Swearing slightly under my breath, I emerged from the box and came face to face with the little man, who was looking as pathetic as a stray dog. As he raised his hat again, I could see he was quite bald. A thin line, resembling a duelling scar, crossed one cheek. He spoke nervously. “Excuse my troubling you again,” he said. “May I walk along with you a little way? I must confide in someone. I need help desperately.” Sample task 2 Look at the pictures, and write a story that fits the pictures and the sequence. Your story should be 600-800 words.


2014“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、全国英语写作大赛 (校内选拔赛)报名通知 各学院: “‘外研社杯’全国英语演讲大赛”与“‘外研社杯’全国英语写作大赛”是由外语教学与研究出版社联合教育部高等学校大学外语教学指导委员会和教育部高等学校英语专业教学指导分委员会共同举办、面向全国高校在校大学生的公益赛事。两项大赛以高远的立意和创新的理念,汇聚全国优秀学子,竞技英语表达与沟通艺术。同一赛场,两个舞台,既各具特色,又互促互进,为全国大学生提供展示外语能力、沟通能力与思辨能力的综合平台。 “重庆市第二十四届大学生英语演讲比赛、写作大赛暨2014年“外研社杯”全国英语演讲大赛、写作大赛重庆赛区选拔赛”将于11月2日在西南大学举行,为做好我校此次竞赛的组织工作,现将校内选拔赛有关事项通知如下: 一、参赛对象:全体在校学生 二、竞赛时间和方法

演讲大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:命题演讲(3分钟)+即兴演讲(2分钟),命题演讲题目:Change the Unchangeable。 写作大赛: 校内初赛定于2014年9月25日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 校内决赛定于2014年10月16日(星期四)下午14:30-17:30在六教楼举行,竞赛形式:现场命题写作 三、校内初、决赛具体安排 1、报名时间:9月10日——9月18日 2、报名方式:请各学院将学生报名表(纸质和电子各一份)在9月20日前交/传到6113办公室陈奇老师处(电话:64289419;邮箱:2956929566@https://www.doczj.com/doc/1f8163917.html,),过期不予受理。 此外,根据组委会要求,所有写作大赛参赛选手均须在9


大家上午好我认为我们身处最好的时代,充满着机遇也充满着挑战。下面我将开始的我的演讲。 俗话说以人为镜,可以明得失。我认为我们可以从其他人身上学到东西。但是现在的社会是多变的每时每刻都在变化。受限于我们每个人的经历,背景,世界观的不同。每个人的成功都是不可复制。我们应学习其神,不学其形。我们要知道是什么内在品质促进了他解决这个事情。而不是学习这个方法。一个人身上的良好品质才是解决各种问题的关键。比如说坚强。因为他不怕困难,他才成功。他的成功绝不是如何去工作而带来的。 有人说,蠢材要自己撞南墙才会回头,聪明人看见别人撞了南墙就会回头。所以我们通过更有效的方法来不断修正自己前进的道路是最好的。当高三时,我坚持上课不打瞌睡,下课后做很多课外作业,但是我的分数并没有上升。这让我怀疑我是不是有点笨。但我遇见一个学长。他告诉我,方向比努力更重要。在他的帮助下,我的分数终于提升了。所以,现在我的思维模式是先考虑哪种方法更适合我去解决这个问题。而不是不管其他.所以,当你找对方向,付出努力时。这样你才会成功。 下面是我对如何提升自己的一些想法。 第一,学习好专业知识。知识就是力量,一个人的力量是有限的。有了知识之后,才能更好的生存。而学习是作为学生的工作。专业知识对还没进入社会的学生来说是很重要的。因为这是你以后在社会中的立足之本。 第二,加强沟通能力。在逐渐全球化的当今,世界变得越来越小。人们受到更加多样化的文化冲击。想更好的吸收知识,应学习更多的语言,比如英语。英语作为全世界使用率最高的语言。假如你能用英语和其他人很好的交流,那么你会得

到更多。 第三,培养独立思考的能力。在文化多元化的今天,各种信息满天飞。各种虚假的信息。有些人换着各种各样的形式来骗你。信息不是知识,收藏不是学习,不练习不会得到提升。总结和提炼才会变成你的东西。多练习才会变成你的技能。 在逐渐全球化的今天,我们可以多吸收外来的文化,但要吸收值得学习的精神,而不是什么腐朽的外在形式。更要坚信传承数千年的中国文化是具有无法超越的优越性。 Good morning, everyone. We are in the best times, full of opportunities and challenges. So,go ahead.Now I'm going to start my speech. As the saying goes, taking people as a mirror can show the gains and losses. I think we can learn from others. But today's society is changeable, changing all the time. It's limited by the experience, background, world view of each of us. Everyone's success is unrepeatable. We should learn from their gods, not their forms. We need to know what inner qualities are driving him to solve this problem. Instead of learning this method. The key to solve all kinds of problems is the good quality of a person. Like being strong. Because he was’t afraid of difficulties, he succeeded. His success was’t brought(br??t)about by how he worked. Some people say that a fool will turn back when he bumps into the south wall, while a wise man will turn back when he sees others hit the south wall. So it's best for us to constantly correct our way forward through more effective methods. When I was in senior three, I insisted on not dozing off in class and did a lot of


Ladies and gentlemen, good evening. Welcome to this “Foreign Language Teaching and Research P ress ” Cup English speaking contest in Yunnan U niversity. I’m ---, I’m --- All students are encouraged to participate in our English speech contest. Shakespeare said: The world is a stage. All the men and women are merely players. Today, this competition provides a stage for all the contestants and let their voice be heard. Well, the topic of this year is ______________________. We are looking forward to our contestants’ ideas, perspectives and stories on this topic. After the first round of competition, we are going to see ______ contestants in today’s contest. Today we are honored to have some teachers as our judges, please allow me to introduce them, They are -------let’s give a warm welcome to our honorable judges. Well, contestants need to know the rules of today’s competition. This contest consists of two parts: first, every contestant will

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