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The Yellow River, sometimes simply called the River in ancient Chinese) is the second longest river in China (other than the Yangtze River) and the fourth longest in the world, at 3,395 km long [1]. Originating in the Bayankala Mountains in Qinghai Province in eastern Tibet, it flows through nine provinces of China and empties into the Bohai Sea. The Yellow River basin has an east-west distance of 1900 km, and north-south distance of 1100 km. Total basin area is 752443 km2.

The Yellow River is called the "Mother River of China" and "the Cradle of Chinese Civilization" in China, as its basin is the birth-place of the northern Chinese civilizations and the most prosperous region in early Chinese history. But frequent devastating flooding, largely due to the elevated river bed in its lower course, has also earned it the unenviable distinction as "China's Sorrow".

The Yellow River,is a river whom we call her mother.Also named Huanghe River,she rises on the northern slopes of the Bayankela Mountains of Qinghai,and falls 4,450m over a length of 5,465 km, draining an area of 795,000 km2.We Chinese can all remember that song "dragon's descendants" which sang like "There is a dragon in the faraway eastern,and its name is Huanghe".The Yellow River is the origin of Chinese.

黄河(Yellow River)——世界上含沙量最多的河流。黄河,中国的母亲河。若把祖国比作昂首挺立的雄鸡,黄河便是雄鸡心脏的动脉。黄河流程约5500千米,流域面积达到79.5万平方千米,上千条支流与溪川犹如无数毛细血管,源源不断地为祖国大地输送着活力与生机。长度5464 千米,源头海拔4675米,平均流量1774.5 立方米/秒,流域面积752442平方公里,源头在青海省,注入渤海,上、中游分界点:河口,中下游分界点:孟津。发源地:巴颜喀拉山的约古宗列曲。


Yellow River (Yellow River) - - in world silt content most rivers. Yellow River, China's mother river. If compares with the motherland the rooster which holds up the head to stand upright, Yellow River is the rooster heart's artery. The Yellow River flow the approximately 5500 kilometers, the drainage area amounts to 795,000 square kilometers, over a thousand branches and brook Sichuan just like the innumerable blood capillary, is transporting the vigor and the vitality continuously for the motherland. the length 5464 kilometers, the source elevation 4675 meters, the mean discharge 1774.5 cubic meters/seconds, the drainage area 752442 square kilometers, the source in Qinghai Province, pours into Bohai Sea, on, middle reaches threshold: River mouth, middle and lower reaches threshold: Mengtsing. Place of origin: Bayan's Yueguzonglie tune. the Yellow River is our country second perpetual flow, the world fifth perpetual flow, stems from the

Qinghai Bayan, the main current passes through nine provinces, the autonomous region, flows through Qinghai, Sichuan, Gansu, Ningxia, Inner Mongolia, Shanxi, Shanxi, Henan, Shandong, the span 5464 kilometers, the drainage area 750,000 square kilometers, the year amount of runoff 57,400,000,000 cubic meters, average runoff depth 79 meters. But the water volume is inferior to Pearl River to be big, collects some 35 main branches along the way, the big branch in the upstream, has Huangshui, Taohe river, has Qingshui river, Fenhe River, the Weihe River, Qinhe river in the middle reaches, the downstream has Yi River, the Luohe river. Both banks lack the lake, the Yellow River low river basin area are very small, flow in Yellow River's rivers to be very few. Yellow River's estuary river width 1500 meters, are 500 meters generally, narrow place only then 300 meters, the water depth is 2.5 meters generally, some place depth has 1.2~1.3 meters.

The Yellow River Cantata (Chinese:黄河大合唱Pinyin: HuánghéDàhéchàng) is a cantata by Chinese composer Xian Xinghai (1905–1945). Composed in Yan'an in early 1939 during the Second Sino-Japanese War, the work was inspired by a patriotic poem by Guang Weiran, which was also adapted as the lyrics. Premiered on April 13 of the same year in the Shanbei Gongxue Hall of Yan'an, the work soon spread to all parts of China and greatly inspired the people to take up arms against Japanese invaders.

Early Chinese literature refers to the Yellow River simply as He (河), the word that has come to mean simply "river" in modern language .The first appearance of the name "Yellow River" (黄河) is in the Book of Han (Chinese: 汉书;) written in the Western Han dynasty (206 BC–AD 9). The name "Yellow River" describes the perennial ochre-yellow colour of the muddy water in the lower course of the river. The yellow color comes from loess suspended in the water.

Sometimes the Yellow River is poetically called the "Muddy Flow" (simplified Chinese: 浊流). The Chinese idiom "when the Yellow River flows clear" is used to refer to an event that will never happen and is similar to the English expression "when pigs fly".


The Yellow River is notable for the large amount of silt it carries—1.6 billion tons annually at the point where it descends from the Loess Plateau. If it is running to the sea with sufficient volume, 1.4 billion tons are carried to the sea annually.

In modern times, since 1972 when it first dried up, the river has dried up in its lower reaches many times, from Jinan to the sea in most years, in 1997 for 226 days. The low volume is due to increased agricultural irrigation, by a factor of five since 1950. Water diverted from the river as of 1999 served 140 million people and irrigated 74,000 km2of land. The highest volume occurs during the rainy season, from July to October, when 60% of the annual volume of the river flows. Maximum demand for irrigation is needed between March and June. In order to capture excess

water for use when needed, and for flood control and electricity generation, several dams have been built, but due to the high silt load their life is expected to be limited. A proposed South-North Water Transfer Project involves several schemes to divert water from the Yangtze River, one in the western headwaters of the rivers where they are closest to one another, another from the upper reaches of the Han River, and a third using the route of the Grand Canal.

Due to its heavy load of silt the Yellow River is a depositing stream, that is, it deposits part of its carried burden of soil in its bed in stretches where it is flowing slowly. These deposits elevate the riverbed which flows between natural levees in its lower reaches. Should a flood occur, the river may break out of the levees into the surrounding lower flood plain and adopt a new course. Historically this has occurred about once every hundred years. In modern times, considerable effort has been made to strengthen levees and control floods.

The Yellow River delta totals 8,000 square kilometers .However, since 1996 it has been reported to be shrinking slightly each year through erosion.














更新时间:2011-06-27 来源:本站原创


黄河赋Narrating the Yellow River


Written by Liu Congwen


Translated by Wang Lijin


Couldn’t thou see? ―With Violet Gas accu mulating in the west,the Jianghe River opened up. And the Yellow River like a dragon came from the Ninth Heaven.‖ Heaven bestowed upon the Chinese nation Mother River, which was the birthplace of the nation as well as the source of Chinese culture, Chinese civilization and Chinese spirit. The Yellow River is the pride and masterpiece of nature. The Yellow River detached herself from the attribute of pure natural place and developed into an ―Oriental Giant‖ and a living ―natural being‖, who had feeling, spir it, virtue, intension and soul. The Yellow River was named from her yellow water and flowing through Loess Plateau, whose earth is yellow. Earth is senior of the five elements and root of all trees. The Yellow Emperor proclaimed himself emperor in the name of ―earth virtue‖ and occupied the centre of the earth. Gold, which is yellow, has been considered as the symbol of good luck, wealth, loftiness and light. As the saying goes, ―The wonderful yellow steed jumps superbly high.‖Yellow represents the sun and it is the natural colour of the Chinese nation. The Yellow River detached herself from the embryo of the ordinary and vulgar person and became ―Divine River‖ and ―Heavenly River ‖. The Yellow River has been closely related to and inseparable from our natio n. We have gone through thick and thin together, maintained flesh and blood ties with a common destiny. The Yellow River is the great mother incarnate and Holy River like a paragon mother under heaven.







Firstly, Mother River’s Heart, Her Glory and Her Sacredness

The greatest love under heaven is mother’s love. Mother’s love is the deepest and dearest. Her appearance is the loftiest and grandest. Her feeling is the broadest and everlasting.

O, Mother River! She was born mother of the Chinese nation. About eight million years ago, there lived early ape-man on the Chinese mainland. Later, discovered were activity sites which were about two million five hundred thousand years old, ―Lantian Man‖ in the Yellow River valley which was about eight hund red thousand years old, ―Xiacun Man‖ which was about one hundred thousand years old and ―Hetao Man‖ which was about fifty thousand years old.

O, Mother River! She rolls on day and night, bringing up generations upon generations of Chinese children without stopping. She is our eternal holy mother, who has nurtured over one billion Chinese people with her milk, bestowed bounties, bred lives, reared all things and brought benefit to the people.

O, Mother River! She has become closer and closer to our nation and our nation has become more and more dependant on her. She has played a more and more conspicuous role. She has become our nation’s even greater source of lives, living, agriculture, animal husbandry, industry and science and technology. Nowadays, on the banks of the Yellow River and in the Yellow River valley, around one thousand cities and towns, big, medium-sized and small, around ten thousand townships and villages, several hundred thousand small villages and several hundred million people are eating and using Mother’s milk, which is irrigating innumerable mu of farmland and being needed by so many animals, so many trees…. The Five River Systems of the Beijing-Hangzhou Canal need her. So does the Project of ―Transferring the Water from the South to th e North‖. So do the Project of ―Diverting the Water from the Yellow River into Irrigation Canals‖, the Project of ―Diverting the Water from the Yellow River to Succor Weihai‖, the Project of ―Diverting the Water from the Yellow River to Succor Qingdao‖….













O, Mother River! She Gave Birth to Eight Sagacious Emperors.

Hooray! Pan Gu separated heaven from earth!

Abstruse heaven. Fuxi drew the Eight Diagrams, created calendar, distinguished ―yin‖ from ―yang‖ and determined human relations. He was entitled the greatest king of all kings, heaven emperor and ancestor of mankind.

Heaven’s will, Heaven descended Nuwa, one of the Three Female Celestials, to steel five-coloured stones to mend the sky and make human beings with yellow earth. She and Fuxi became sworn brother and sister and exercised joint government of the country. Fuxi was one of the Eight Sagacious Emperors.

Earth’s Enlightenment, Shihu tasted all kinds of herbs, went in for medicine energetically, cultivated paddy, selected five cereals, planted mulberries and held bazaars on the Spring Equinox and the Autumn Equinox. He was called Shen Nong ( Wonderworking Peasant).

Heaven’s Enlightenment. Xuanyuan defeated Yuwang, Allying himself with the Fiery Emperor, he killed Chiyou, putting an end to the chaos caused by war, founding the State of Qiao and ruling the state jointly with the Fiery Emperor. He made boats and vehicles with figures always pointing to the south, formulated the circle of sixty years, made bamboo pitch-pipes, ploughed fields,

cultivated silkworms, created Chinese characters, established institutions, seasons, months and lunar terms, entitled the Yellow Emperor , the first humanist ancestor and forefather of the Chinese nation.

Abstruse Earth. Zhurong, named Zhongli, travelled all over the land,knew astronomical phenomena and helped man break away from barbarism, entitled God of Fire.

God’s Justice. Suiren made fire by drilling wood and, created kindlings, which could be used to burn the grass on the waste land, and cook meals. From then on, man broke away from barbarism and could eat cooked delicious food.

Heaven’s Justice. Gaoyang, named Zhuanxu, grew crops in places according to their concrete conditions and recorded seasons according to astronomical phenomena, opening up the territory in all directions and winning popular support under heaven.

Earth’s Justice. Gaoxin, King Ku. He was good at perceiving things, conformed to Heaven’s will, ―knew what was urgent for the people and achieved success due to his benevolence‖. Beneficient and creditable, he cultivated his moral character, making the world obedient and convinced. He drew materials on earth, made use of them sparingly and taught all the people with tireless zeal.

Abstruse Man. Taotang, King Yao. He respected and submitted to vast Heaven, complied with the law of the sun, the moon and the stars and cared about farming seasons.

World’s Justice. King Shun followed the example of nature, developed farming, promoted mulberry planting, opened up a thoroughfare from the south to the north and made way to all quarters.

He ―piously followed the filial principle‖, entitled top in the ―Records of the Twenty-Four Most Dutiful Children‖.



Mother River! She Established Orthorox, Legitimism, Justice, Laws and Regulations for our Country and our Nation.

In remote antiquity, Hua clan and Xia clan, the earliest human beings of the Yellow River valley settled here, calling the Yellow River valley Central Plains and calling the mountain close to the Yellow River, Huashan Mountain. Earth Virtue Lord, one of the Five Sovereigns of East, South, West,, North and Centre, made Xinzheng the capital, which lay in the centre of the whole country. All the three dynasties——Xia, Shang and Zhou made places near the Yellow River their capitals. Most of their descendants belonged to Hua clan and Xia clan, from which came the name ―zhonghua‖(China), ― the Huaxia nation‖ ( the Chinese nation). Great Yu harnessed floods, leaving a safe and peaceful land with heaven’s help, which was relied upon by generations after generations‖. The whole land was divided into nine regions and nine tripod caul drons were cast, with their names engraved on. Therefore, ―zhonghua‖ got another elegant name ―Nine Regions‖ and ―Shenzhou‖ (The Divine Land). Before he founded the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, Emperor Gaozu of Han, had been King Han of the central Shaanxi plain. Hence, the names ―Han people‖ and ―Han clan‖ started to come out and spread gradually. A great river originating from the central Shaanxi plain was renamed ―the Hanjiang River‖ and Xiakou was renamed Hankou… In the reign of Emperor Wudi of Han, the Han D ynasty grew strong, so ―Chin People‖, ―Chu people‖ and other people of all quarters were renamed ―Han people‖ and ―Han nationality‖.




O, Mother River! She Gave Birth to our Nation. National Capitals and National Law.

Gongsun was born on the second day of the second month of the lunar year in the Dragon Subduring Gorge near Juyuan Pass on the Jushui River. Hence came out the auspicious saying― The dragon raises its head on the Double Second Day‖. He was ―born divine‖, ―good at enduring when infant‖, ―willing to submit to public rules when juvenile‖, ―honest and keen when growing up‖ and ―intelligent and wise when adult‖. At the age of 15, he enjoyed the support of the people and was made chief of Youxiong tribe. He experienced fifty-three campaigns, unified three tribes, broke away from the barbarian age and founded the State of Qi----the first state in the world, which had only one ruler. He was the first emperor of the Huaxia (Chinese ) nation. He

moved to Cishan,visited the Immortal Senior Kui and asked him how to govern a country. He made Xinzheng the capital. It was the first capital Of China. Therefore, all people of later generations call Xuanyuan ―the first ancestor of humanism‖, ―forefather of civilization‖ and ―ancestor of worthiness‖.

In ―The Yellow Emperor Four Scriptures‖ there was ―Governmental Law‖, which was the first law to govern a country aft er a country was founded. In the chapter ―The Sovereign‖, written was ―If the military and civil measures are taken carefully, Heaven will treat you with due respect.‖ In ―Scripture of Law‖ also written was ―To unify the country, force must be resorted to to wipe out separate regimes and rule by civilization must be exercised afterwards. Only when this is done can the country be consolidated.‖ In governing a country, rule by civilization was the most important, which, of course, included rule by law. Howev er, rule by force couldn’t be abandoned, or the country would not stay stable. It was recorded in historical books that ―In his reign, the Yellow Emperor cultivated dispositions, cherished love for people and hated wars….‖; ―In the reign of the Yellow Emperor, civilization was spread and able people were recommended. No one picked up anything on the road and the city gate was not shut….‖, ―When the Yellow Emperor ruled the country, people came to help without being led, went away without being driven, fulfilled tasks without being sent, standardized their behaviors without prohibitions….‖;‖ In the reign of the Yellow Emperor, no perverse trend appeared throughout the country; no fake goods were sold on the fair; no land lay waste in the country; no official was incompetent; no one lived a vagrant life…. The father and the son didn’t forget each other’s favors. Nor did the husband and the wife betray each other’s feelings. Nor did brothers give up their fraternity….‖
































O, Mother River! She Gave Birth to the Wise Sovereigns Through the Ages.

Great Yu. The land was hit by flood, which was harnessed by Yu in his own way. So the people could live and work in peace and contentment. At the Tushan Alliance Meeting, all chiefs of tribe chose Yu King of the land.

King Qi. He held a grand ceremony to found the Xia Dynasty on the Yaotai Platform. It was the first slave state in China, and Qi was the first sovereign of the state.

Chengtang. His family name was Zi, his given name was Lu. He was founder of the Shang Dynasty and generous to his people. He appointed Yiyin, who had been a slave prime minister, bringing about prosperity to the Shang Dynasty.

Ji Chang. He was King Wen of Zhou, who had been Duke Xibo. He was put in jail by King Zhou of Shang. In prison, he drew the Eight Digrams by studying, and then evolved them into the Sixty Transverse Bars to fulfill ―The Book of Changes‖. On the Weishui River, he obtained Lu Shang, an old brother of the angle, laying thd foundation of the Zhou Dynasty for overthrowing the tyranny and saving the people from the abyss of misery.

Ji Fa. He was the second son of Ji Chang. Complying with the will of Heaven and the people and uniting with eight hundred dukes, he overthrew the Shang Dynasty and founded the Zhou Dynasty, entitled King Wu of Zhou. After the war, with the war horses gazed on the hillside and the weapons put back in the arsenal, the people throughout the country rested and built up strength.

Duke Huan of Qi. With the assistance of Bao Shu, he was enthroned. He got Guan Zhong and appointed him prime minister to administrate the state, making his state strong and prosperous and making himself a powerful chief of princes of the Spring and Autumn Period, known far and wide for his prowess.

Ying Zheng. After starting to govern the State of Qin himself, he appointed Li Si, Wei Liao, Bai Qi ,Wang Jian and his son and others ministers or generals. Within ten years, he put down all rebellions, unified the country and was enthroned, entitled First Emperor of Qin. He had Chinese characters and the system of weights and measures standardized, and had the Great Wall built, becoming the greatest emperor through the ages.

Liu Bang. By using a lot of able ministers and generals such as Zhang Liang, Xiao He, Chen Ping, Han Xin, Cao Can, Ying Bu, he overthrew the Qin Dynasty and wiped out Xiang Yu, the Conqueror of the State of West Chu, founding the Han Dynasty. He attached great importance to farming and set limits to com merce, had nine chapters of ―The Law of Han‖ made, lightened corvee and reduced taxes, recovering and developing social economy.

Liu Heng, also named Liu Qi. He was Emperor Wendi of Han, famous for ― The Wendi and Jingdi

Great Order Across the Country‖. H e strived to vitalize the country all his life. He advocated economy, exercised generous government and lightened punishment, bringing about social stability, economic prosperity and solid national strength and multiplied population. He was also one of the twenty-four top dutiful children in Chinese history.

Liu Che. He had been King of Jiaodong. Later he was enthroned, entitled Emperor Wudi of Han. He himself went on punitive expeditions against the Grand Desert and the Prairie, known far and wide on the borders for his military prowess. He utterly defeated Xiongnu ten times, relieving its threat against the Han Dynasty. He befriended distant states and made western inspection tours, with the result that all the surrounding states submitted themselves to his rule. He moved people to border areas, regulated the Yellow River,built water conservancy projects and developed agriculture. He nationalized iron-smelting. He sent Zhang Qian on a diplomatic mission to the Western Regions. He rejected the hundred schools of thought to only advocate Confucianism. He made the country famous for its high civilization, prosperity and national strength, leading China to reach the first period of great prosperity in Chinese history.

Liu Xiu. He recovered the Han Royal Family with the assistance of the thirty-two Yutai generals and founded the Easter Han Dynasty, known as Emperor Guangwu, This stage is called ―Resurgence of the Nation Achieved by Emperor Guangwu‖ in historical records.

The Three Kingdoms. In the later stage of the Eastern Han Dynasty, Wang Mang styled himself emperor, causing great chaos throughout the country and a host of warlords to appear everywhere. Liu Bei, Emperor Zhaolie of Shu, standing like one of the three legs of a tripod, gave a performance in ―The Romance of the Three Kingdoms‖. Assisting the State of Wei, the Sima fathers and sons eliminated the States of Shu and Wu one by one, causing the three states to merge into the Jin Dynasty.

Yang Jian. After the two Jin Dynasties, wars broke out here and there. The situation of chaos caused by war lasted nearly three hundred years. Yang Jian put down the chaos, unified the country and founded the Sui Dynasty. He established ―The Kaihuang (Founding Emperor) Law‖, cutting down eighty-one articles of capital punishment. Emperor Wendi of Sui established the social system of the Sui Dynasty, which was carried on and inherited by all the later dynasties. The Sui Dynasty grew strong and prosperous, with its population multiplied and its economy prosperous. The Imperial Examination System created in the Sui Dynasty Period, which was the major way of choosing talents and able persons used by all the later feudal dynasties, lasted nearly one thousand four hundred years, and was called one of the world’s most importan t inventions. Emperor Wendi of Sui was the most frugal emperor through the ages, so the national treasury was sufficient. The treasures accumulated within the twenty years were too numerous to calculate. It was a pity that he made a wrong choice of his second son Yang Guang as his successor, who was enthroned, entitled Emperor Yangdi of Sui. Luxurious and licentious, he sought pleasure everywhere. Imperious and cruel, he was only engaged in military aggressions. As a result, he was on the throne for only over ten years and caused his dynasty to come to an end.

Li Yuan. He had been King Tang. He staged an uprising in the later stage of the Sui Dynasty,

suppressed and accepted dozens of uprising armies, founding the Tang Dynasty, and ascended the throne, entitled Emperor Gaozu of Tang.

Li Shimin. He had been King Qin. He killed his elder brother Li Jiancheng and his younger brother Li Yuanji in the Xuanwu Gate coup d’état, forcing his father Li Yuan to abdicate and enthroning himself, entitled Emperor Taizong of Tang. He took warning from the Sui Dynasty. He thought ―The cardinal principle of governing a country is getting able people, knowing them well and assigning proper jobs to them‖. He put Fang Xuanling, Wei Zheng, Li Jing, Du Ruhui, Li Shixun and others in important positions and sent troops far into the Grand Desert, capturing Khan of Eastern Tujue. He put down the rebellions in Tuguhui of the Qinghai area and the rebellions in the Western Regions and Tibet. As a result, all the surrounding states turned docile. He married his daughter to King of Tibet, making Tibet merge into the territory of the Tang Dynasty, ushering in a flourishing age, which is known as ―The Zhenguan Great Order Across the Country‖ in historical records.

Wu Zhao. She was Empress Wu Zetian. She dominated imperial court for fifty years, bringing about ―Disorder in the court and order in the government.‖ She appointed Di Renjie, Yao Chong, Song Jing, Zhang Y ue, Liu Zhaode and others ministers, insisting on the policy of ―Encouraging farming and mulberry planting, reducing taxes and corvee, ceasing wars and economizing on manpower‖. As a result, her rule became stable. She held Women’s Imperial Examinations, with nobody daring to say ―Men are superior while women are inferior‖. She left a stele without inscription at the foot of Liangshan Mountain, which is far more eloquent than thousands and thousands of words.

Zhao Kuangyin. With an imperial yellow robe draped on him, he seized the throne from the later Zhou Dynasty. He put down the rebellions launched by the two Lis, annexed Hunan and Hubei, defeated the State of later Shu and eliminated the State of Southern Han and the State of Southern Tang, fundamentally putting an end to the situation in which military governors stood everywhere and tangled warfares among warlords were fought from the middle period of the Tang Dynasty. Later, he performed a wonderful play of ―Removing the generals from their military power with the help of a cup of liquor.‖

Tiemuzhen ( Genghis Khan). He unified all the Mongolian tribes amd, led his main forces to go on western and southern expeditions. He launched the most massive war in the then world, sweeping the Eurasian continent, which was called ― God’s supernatural whip‖ in the west.

Khublai ( Emperor Shizu of Yuan). He entered and occupied Central Plains, founding the Yuan Dynasty and enthroning himself, entitled Emperor Shizu of Yuan. He expanded the territory, which was far larger than those of the Han Dynasty and the Tang Dynasty, and founded the largest empire in the world’s history. He was worthy of a peerless hero through the ages. He gathered a large number of men of deep insight, such as Liu Bingzhong, to serve the country and created the Mongolian characters----― Basbanian‖.

Guorui. He was a poor peasant from Fengyang, Anhui. Forced with miserable livelihood, he

joined the mighty insurrectionary army, going on expeditions everywhere, showing his wonderful ability. Therefore, he was chosen leader. Upholding the banner of ―Recovering Zhonghua(* Chi na) and driving out Tartars‖, he wiped out the Yuan troops, defeated the powerful enemies of the south and the north, founding the Ming Dynasty and enthroning himself, entitled Emperor Taizu of Ming.

Zhu Di. In the early period of the Ming Dynasty, he was made King Yan in Yanjing( now Beijing). Under the pretence of ― putting down the rebellion in Nanjing (capital)‖, he led his army to advance south, captured Jinling ( Nanjing) and seized the throne, styling himself Emperor Chengzu of Ming. He made Yanjing ( Beijing ) the national capital and granted himself the title Yongle (Everhappy). For several times, he himself led his army to sweep the north, heavily defeating the Mongolian army and removing the threat against the Ming Dynasty. He took the lead in co mpiling ―Yongle Canon‖, China’s earliest encyclopedia. He sent Zhong He to go to the West World seven times, reaping good harvest of diplomacy and foreign trade and making the greatest beginning in nautical history of Middle Ages.

Tianming Khan (Nurhachi). Employing the tactics of ―Serving those who submit with benevolence and imposing force on those who resist‖, he subdued all the Nuzhen tribes and unified the northeast and other places of five million square kilometers in area, creating the System of Eight Banners and promoting the shaping of Man nationality. He made Man characters, laying the foundation for entering and mastering Central Plains.

Chongde. He was the fourth prince Taiji Wong. He believed the saying ― Out of the depth of bliss comes misfor turn and out of the depth of misfortune comes bliss‖ and insisted on the policy of ― Terrification with military force and control through conciliation‖, He went on a northern expedition against Suolun and three other expeditions against Mongolia and made five invasions upon Central Plains.He made the red-coated big gun and killed Yuan Chonghuan by using the strategy of sowing distrust among the enemies. Capturing Shanhai Pass made mastering Beijing something just round the corner.

Fulin ( meaming Blessing befalls). He was enthroned at the age of six. At seven, with the assistance of Duoergun, he surmounted Shanhai Pass, founding the Qing Dynasty and enthroning himself, entitled Emperor Shizu of Qing. After holding court himself, he governed the country through Confucianist culture and teachings. In dealing with the movements against the Qing Dynasty , he adopted the policy of ― Putting appeasement above suppression‖, making the situation take a progressive turn for the better. He surpassed his forefathers in the aspect of promoting Hanization and exerted a profound influence on his descendants.

Xuanye. He was Emperor Shengzu of Qing and his title of reign was Kangxi ( Health and Harmony). Diligent and cautious all his life, he loved books and learning. He studied hard day and night whether in summer or in winter. He suppressed the rebellions launched by the kings of the three vassal states, consolidating the unity of the country. Politically, he put Yao Qishan in an important position. Militarily, he put Shi Lang in an important position. After unifying Taiwan he set up prefectures and counties there . He drove out foreign aggressors and signed ― Sino-Kussian

Nibuchu Treaty‖, delimiting the eastern boundaries between China and Russia. He himself went on an expedition against the northern desert and exercised lenient government of Mongolia. He valued farming and regulated rivers and built water conservancy projects. He made six inspection tours of the south, harnessing the Yellow River, the Huaihe River, the Grand Canal and the Yongding River. He adopted a policy of benevolence to govern the country and commended the righteous officials, such as Yu Chenglong, Ghergild, Peng Peng, Zhang Boxing and others. He vitalized culture, set great importance to education and took charge of the compilation of ― Kongxi Dictionary ―, ―Collected Poems of the Tang Dynasty‖, ― A Collection of Ancient and Modern Books‖, ― Origins of Temperaments and Calendars‖, ―A Dictionary of Clasification in the Man Language, ―Authorized Atlas‖ and others, amounting to over sixty kinds and over twenty thousand volumes. He assimilated and accepted weatern learning , learned science and technology, bringing about peace and well-being to the masses of the people, originating piping times of peace for generations to come, laying the foundation of the prosperity of the Qing Dynasty and pioneering the grand prospect of ― The of Kangxi and Qianlong Heyday!‖.

Hongli. He was Emperor Gaozong of Qing and his title of reign was Qianlong. He sent troops to the western border areas, reunifying the whole Uygur region and perfecting the management of Tibet. He sent troops twice to defeat Kurgher in his encroachment, making ― Authorized Tibetan Constitution‖. He took charge of the compilation of ―Collected Books of Four Libraries‖, making an important contribution to Chinese culture,. Brimming with talent, as a writer, painter, calligrapher, linguist and poet, he wrote 42,613 poems in life. At the age of eighty-five, he abdicated and handed over the crown to his son, abstaining from government and living a leisurely life. He made great contributions to the country and pushed ―The Kangxi and Qianlong Heyday‖ to a climax.

Puyi. He was enthroned at the age of three. His title of reign was Xuantong. He was the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty as well as the last emperor of China. He abdicated at the age of six, putting an end to the feudal Chinese monarchy, which had lasted over two thousand years. He made himself a common citizen out of an emperor and really became a genuine member of the Chinese people in his latter half of life after the founding of New China. He welled all sorts of feelings of the imperial rule and his utilization by the Japanese military. His book ― The First Half of My Life‖ is a unique book for all time.

Sun Yatsen. He was the leader of the 1911 Revolution. He led the revolutionaries to overthrow the Qing Dynasty and put an end to the feudal rule, which had lasted more than two thousand years. He founded the Republic of China and was made provisional president of the ROC. He practiced ― The Three People’s Principles‖ and pushed ―the Three Main Policies‖, ushering in a new epoch of China.



















































O, Mother River! She Gave Birth to Numerous Heroes, Worthy Persons and Famous Persons.

The Fiery Emperor and his family made great contributions to the Huaxia( Chinese) nation. Tingyuan, his wife helped Shen Nong collect medicinal herbs and compiled ― Shen Nong Materia Medica‖. Younian , his eldest brother, was Grand God of Farming. Yanjun, his eldest son, was Second God of Farming. He promoted plantation of the five cereals in the middle and upper reaches of the Yellow River, and taught the people how to farm. Yingji, his eldest daughter, incarnated herself a magpie, who specially reported good news to the world. She flew to settle down in a tall mulberry tree of a hundred zhang on Eshan Mountain, specially nursing mulberry woods. Yaoji, his second daughter, went to the mountains in the south of the lower reaches of the Yellow River, incarnating herself Goddess of Wushan Mountain. Nuwaa, his third daughter, went to collect medicinal herbs in Yingzhou in the East Sea( now Japan), incarnating herself a marvelous bird named Jingwei, who strived to fill up the sea with pebbles.

Leizu, Goddess of Mulberry. She was first wife of the Yellow Emperor. She was the pioneer of sericulture and silk cloth. It was she who solved the problem of eating and dressing, which was the basic need in human life.

The Yellow Emperor and Chiyou fought a large-scale campaign in the Zhongtiao Mountains. Chiyou, by using magic arts, drew a dense fog obscuring the sky, in which nobody could see his hand in front of him. Soon Queen Feng (Phoenix) invented vehicle with a wooden figure pointing to the south to take his bearings, helping him get out of danger and transform from passive to active. After her death, the Yellow Emperor buried her near Fengling Ferry.

Guangchengzi, went in for self-cultivation in the Kongdong Mountains. The Yellow Emperor paid a visit to him, seeking the way of governing and stabilizing the country, and the way of keeping fit and living long.

Yidi, Y u’s daughter, was the earliest liquor brewer in China. She was called Goddess of Liquor.

Houji, farming master. He promoted farming and taught the people how to grow the five cereals. He was called God of Farming, and was ancestor of Zhou nationality.

Yiyin, the first famous prime minister in China. He helped Chengtang get rid of tyranny and bring peace to good people, and helped him found the Shang Dynasty.

Fuhao, Wuding’s queen and first woman general in China. She commanded thousands and thousands of troops to go on expeditions against Tufang, Bafang, Yi and other tribes.

Fuyue, who had been a slave. Holding the position of prime minister , he assisted Wuding in governing the country, making it stable and rich.


黄河科技学院毕业证样本学位证样本历任校(院)长学校代码 黄河科技学院学院简介 黄河科技学院,位于河南省郑州市,是经国家教育部批准成立的一所民办普通本科高校,创立于1984年。学校有两个校区,济源市有一个校区,占地2600余亩,校舍建筑面积80多万平方米。现有专职教师1256人,外聘教师559人,其中具有高级职称的教师近50%,青年教师中80%具有研究生学历。各学科专业都拥有高水平的学术带头人。 多年来,她致力于民办教育领域理论研究,出版专著3部,主持《民办高校应用型人才培养模式创新与实践》等省部级以上课题13项,发表论文30余篇。先后荣获高等教育国家级教学成果二等奖1项,河南省高等教育教学成果特等奖1项,河南省社会科学优秀成果一等奖1项,二等奖2项。1997年,学校在全国高校中第一个把人才市场引进校园,让学生与用人单位面对面交流,人才供需双方实现双向选择。学校积极开拓就业市场,与用人单位开展多种合作,先后在北京、上海、广东、浙江、河南等地建立600余个就业(实习)基地,与黄河实业集团、邮电设计院、郑州空军医院等3000余家大中型企事业单位建立长期合作关系。

黄河科技学院办学30年来,学院秉承“为国分忧、为民解愁、为社会主义现代化建设服务”的办学宗旨,坚持社会主义办学方向,育人为本,德育为先,创立了“以党建为核心,全面加强思想政治工作”的思想政治工作模式;以培养一线创新人才为目标,积极深化教育教学改革,构建了“本科学历教育与职业技能培养相结合”的人才培养模式,为国家培养了一大批“下得去、留得住、用得上”的应用型高级专门人才。 学院现有工学院、医学院。应用技术学院等14个二级学院;设有工学、理学、文学、医学、管理学等九大学科门类;开设电子信息工程、临床医学、工商管理等58个本科专业,数控技术、护理等31个专科专业;其中区域经济学、通信与信息系统、机械制造及其自动化3个学科为河南省重点学科;护理学、机械设计制造及其自动化、电子信息工程、音乐表演、计算机科学与技术、材料成型及控制工程6个专业为河南省特色专业。 历任校(院)长:现任校长:杨雪梅(如学校人员调动,未及时更新,以实际为准,此数据仅供参考) 学校代码:11834


黄河下游凌汛成因及防御措施(一) 摘要:黄河凌汛灾害是黄河下游严重的自然灾害之一,历史上曾以频繁决口、难以防治而著名。黄河下游河道上宽下窄,弯曲连绵,险工、控导交错对峙,容易形成冰塞、冰坝的河段较多。人民治黄以来,党和政府十分关心黄河的治理,多次加高加固黄河堤防,兴建河道整治工程,修建水库和南、北展宽区等分滞洪工程,特别是1998年长江大水之后,国家加大了黄河治理力度,按照2000年设防标准,加高、加固两岸堤防,加修、改建了许多河道整治工程和病险涵闸,近期又进行了标准化堤防建设,将黄河堤防建成“防洪保障线、抢险交通线、生态景观线”,防洪工程的抗洪能力大大增强。防洪非工程措施也随着国家法律、法规的逐步健全和科技水平的不断提高而逐步完善。关键词:黄河凌汛成因防御措施1概况黄河凌汛灾害是黄河下游严重的自然灾害之一,历史上曾以频繁决口、难以防治而著名。黄河下游河道上宽下窄,弯曲连绵,险工、控导交错对峙,容易形成冰塞、冰坝的河段较多。人民治黄以来,党和政府十分关心黄河的治理,多次加高加固黄河堤防,兴建河道整治工程,修建水库和南、北展宽区等分滞洪工程,特别是1998年长江大水之后,国家加大了黄河治理力度,按照2000年设防标准,加高、加固两岸堤防,加修、改建了许多河道整治工程和病险涵闸,近期又进行了标准化堤防建设,将黄河堤防建成“防洪保障线、抢险交通线、生态景观线”,防洪工程的抗洪能力大大增强。防洪非工程措施也随着国家法律、法规的逐步健全和科技水平的不断提高而逐步完善。小浪底与三门峡水库联合运用,可有效调节下游河道流量,减轻黄河下游凌汛灾害,但河道主槽逐年淤积抬高,“二级悬河”的不利局面进一步加剧,局部河段仍不断发生凌汛灾害,应引起各级各部门的高度重视,凌汛期要密切注视凌情变化,采取一切措施,将凌灾的损失降低到最低限度。 2凌汛的成因 黄河下游是一个不稳定的封冻河段,据统计,1950-2004年的55年间,山东河段有48年封冻,8年出现较严重凌情。黄河下游凌汛是由河道所处的地理位置决定的,除上游水库下泄流量控制不当、涵闸引水等人为因素外,主要是气温、水温、流量和河道形态等因素综合作用的结果。 2.1气温 河道冰凌是低气温的产物,气温变化是造成凌汛的重要因素。黄河下游河道呈西南东北流向,上首位于北纬34度50分,黄河入海口位于北纬38度00分,上下相差3度10分。气温的变化使上段河道冷得晚,回暖早,负气温持续时间短;下段河道冷得早,回暖晚,负气温持续时间长。沿程纬度不断变化,造成气温“上暖下寒”,上游河段的气温明显高于下游河段气温,决定了黄河下游河段先封河后解冻的特性。当气温转暖升高时,上段河道先解冻,下段河道还处于固封状态,上段已解冻的冰水流至处于固封状态的下段,卡冰结坝造成凌汛。2.2水温 气温对凌汛的影响是通过水温的变化体现出来的,冬季气温上暖下寒,温差较大,上段河道封冻晚、开河早、冰层薄、封冻时间短,下段河道封冻早、开河晚、冰层厚、封冻时间长,在上段冰层解冻开河、冰水齐下时,下段冰层仍较坚固,容易导致冰凌阻塞,严重时形成冰坝,致使河道水位迅速上涨,形成严重凌洪。 2.3流量 黄河下游封冻期流量较小,封冻冰盖较低,冰下过流能力小,封冻后,河槽内增加的槽蓄水量大部分积存在宽河道内,当上游河段因气温升高或流量增加时,冰下蓄水量自上而下沿程释放,流量逐渐增大,加上下游河道狭窄,因气温差异开河较晚,在上游来水的动力作用下,迫使冰盖上涨,容易形成水鼓冰开的“武开河”,致使水位陡涨,形成冰坝,壅高水位,漫滩偎堤造成严重的凌汛灾害,对黄河下游防凌十分不利。 2.4河道形态


篇一:《优秀毕业生个人事迹简介》 省级优秀毕业生个人事迹报告 我叫张思涵,女,现为教育学院2008级特殊教育专业本科班班长。我是一个思想上进,学习成绩优秀,有着坚定信念、充满理想的评学兼优的学生。 四年的大学学习生活即将走近尾声。四年来,我每一步都走得踏踏实实,并收获了辛勤耕耘的累累硕果,并始终坚持“在其位,谋其政,尽其职,胜其任”的生活、学习和工作方式。在思想上,我不断提高自己的认识,提升自己的觉悟,认真学习了马列主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论和“三个代表”重要思想。通过认真的研读,领悟,我对党的路线、方针、政策都有了更加深入的认识与理解。我经过几年的历练,逐渐成长为一名自信、坚强、踏实、认真、严谨的大学毕业生。同时也真切地感觉到了自己所肩负的责任和历史使命。几年里我不但学到了许多书本上的专业知识,也经历了无数次的考验、挑战和历练,锻炼了自己的社交、组织和表达能力。 在学习方面,我认真刻苦,踏实认真,在努力学好各科专业知识的同时,还参加各种过级考试,先后通过了英语四级普通话、计算机省一级等考试。在以后的学习生活中我会更加努力的要求自己,不断的提高自己。 作为一个大学生,我知道只学好文化知识是远远不够的,想要成为一个优秀的毕业生,必须具备丰富的实践经验。在校期间我先后加入了邯郸学院院学生会和系学生会。在工作上,我认真负责,踏实肯敢,不怕吃苦,有协作精神。想同学之所想、解同学之所难、是全心全意为同学服务宗旨的体现,也是我的工作巨大动力。在对实际困难的挑战中,使我在挫折中受益,在困难中成长。 在生活上,我乐观开朗、乐观热情、朴素开朗、关心同学,与同学一起勤工俭学,去社会中做各种兼职工作。体验社会实践后,不仅积累了生活中的经验,还给自己带来了更多的财富,理解了生活的不易,同时与同学的关系更加密切,增加了自己的社会使命感和责任感。由于我在学习中和工作中认真努力,获得以下奖励 1、校级优秀三好学生 2、校级优秀学生干部 3、获得了国家励志奖学金 4、并成为了一名光荣的共产党员。 面对未来,我充满了信心,我相信,在我的努力下,我的明天会更美好。 篇二:《优秀毕业生个人主要事迹》

黄河集团郑强辉出品《大闹天宫》 上映11天斩获近8亿票房

黄河集团郑强辉出品《大闹天宫》 映11天斩获近8亿票房的《西游记之大闹天宫》,宣布将拍续集,于2016年初一上映。虎门镇政府官方微博迫不及待“八”出这部大热影片“出品人之一正是虎门黄河集团董事长、东方实业集团的主要股东郑强辉,而其公子郑家星作为影坛新星,不仅在电影中有出色表现,还演唱了主题曲《爱在天地动摇时》。” 曾投资拍摄《叶问》、《十月围城》 《大闹天宫》在这个春节贺岁档赚足票房,细心的观众可以发现,职员表里出品人一栏的名字是郑强辉。这就是东莞人熟悉的虎门黄河时装城、大莹女装城、虎门东方索菲特酒店的老板。郑强辉的主要实业投资都在虎门,后来从事多种投资,涉及房地产、制造、贸易流通等实业领域。 几年前,郑强辉从东方实业创始人、香港著名电影人黄百鸣手中买下股份,成为东方实业的实际控股人。2008年后,该公司投资拍摄了《叶问》系列、《十月围城》、《浮城大亨》和当红的《大闹天宫》等电影,均获票房佳绩。 其子爱发照片但从不曝光家人 《大闹天宫》卖点之一就是甄子丹、周润发和郭富城“三巨头”组合,片子主题曲《爱在天地动摇时》是23岁新星郑家星演唱,他同时在剧中饰演哪吒。@虎门太平再度爆料,郑家星就是郑强辉的儿子。 郑家星现在的新浪微博认证是巨人娱乐旗下艺人,经常在微博上晒出工作照和生活照,与粉丝也有互动积极。粉丝“阿欣呀阿欣”留言收到郑家星的回复,还高兴地称“第一次被偶像男神回复,好开心呀。”不过郑家星很注意保护生活隐私,在晒出年夜饭和在家便餐照片时,都没有曝光家庭成员。 [“星”路历程] 郑家星17岁出道,在电影《叶问2》中饰演任达华的儿子周光耀,并主唱其电影主题曲《百折不挠》。2012年郑家星在电影《浮城大亨》中饰演少年布华泉,电影主题曲《浮城》也是由其主唱。2014年1月31日上映的电影《大闹天宫》中郑饰演哪吒,与饰演孙悟空的甄子丹有对打场面。(南都网)


基于labview的虚拟任意信号发生器 摘要 信号发生器是科研及工程实践中最重要的仪器之一,以往多由硬件组成,系统结构比较复杂,可维护性和可操作性不佳,随着计算机技术的发展,信号发生器的设计制作越来越多的是利用计算机技术,种类繁多,价格、性能差异很大。本文所介绍的新型只能信号发生器是基于虚拟仪器技术的一种全新的方法,与传统的方法比较有明显的优点,其性价比高、构成简单、适用范围广、实用性强、具有广阔的市场应用前景。 本文实现了基于LABVIEW的虚拟正弦,余弦,方波,锯齿波,三角波信号发生器.可以根据需要,改变波形的频率和幅值。本论文首先简介了虚拟函数信号发生器的开发平台的背景,及LABVIEW软件的简介,给出了正弦波、方波、三角波、锯齿波的设计方法及步骤。 关键词:虚拟仪器,信号发生器,LABVIEW

Based on the virtual any signal generator labview Abstract Signal generator is the scientific and engineering practice of one of the most important instruments, more than ever by the hardware composition, system structure is more complex, maintainability and operability not beautiful, with the development of computer technology, the signal generator design more and more is to use computer technology, variety, the price, the performance difference is very big. This article introduced the new can only signal generator based on virtual instrument technology is a kind of new method, compared with traditional method has obvious advantages, its cost-effective, easy to constitute, widely used, practical strong, has the broad application prospect in the market. This paper realized based on the LABVIEW virtual sine, cosine, square wave, sawtooth wave, triangle wave signal generator. May, according to needs, change the waveform of frequency and amplitude. This paper first briefly introduces virtual functional signal generator development platform background, and the introduction of LABVIEW software, and gives the sine wave, square wave, triangle wave, the sawtooth wave, the design methods and steps. Key words: virtual instrument, signal generator, LABVIEW


黄河科技学院本科毕业设计(论文)撰写规范 (试行) 21世纪是教育的世纪,更是重视质量的世纪。毕业设计(论文)是培养学生综合运用本学科的基本理论、专业知识和基本技能,提高分析和解决实际问题的能力,完成初步培养从事科学研究工作和专业工程技术工作基本训练的重要环节。为了统一和规范我校本科生毕业设计(论文)的写作,保证我校本科生毕业设计(论文)的质量,根据《中华人民共和国国家标准科学技术报告、学位论文和学术论文的编写格式》(国家标准GB7713-87)的规定,特制定《黄河科技学院本科生毕业设计(论文)撰写规范》。 1 内容要求 1.1 论文题目 论文题目应该简短、明确、有概括性。读者通过题目,能大致了解论文的内容、专业的特点和学科的范畴。但字数要适当,一般不宜超过24字。必要时可加副标题。 1.2 摘要与关键词 1.2.1 论文摘要 论文摘要应概括地反映出毕业设计(论文)的目的、内容、方法、成果和结论。摘要中不宜使用公式、图表,不标注引用文献编号。摘要以300~500字为宜。 1.2.2 关键词 关键词是供检索用的主题词条,应采用能覆盖论文主要内容的通用技术词条(参照相应的技术术语标准)。关键词一般为3~5个,按词条的外延层次排列(外延大的排在前面)。 1.3 目录 目录按章、节、条三级标题编写,要求标题层次清晰。目录中的标题要与正文中标题一致。目录中应包括绪论、论文主体、结论、致谢、参考文献、附录等。 ·1·

1.4 论文正文 论文正文是毕业设计(论文)的主体和核心部分,一般应包括绪论、论文主体及结论等部分。 1.4.1 绪论 绪论一般作为第一章,是毕业设计(论文)主体的开端。绪论应包括:毕业设计的背景及目的;国内外研究状况和相关领域中已有的研究成果;课题的研究方法;论文构成及研究内容等。绪论一般不少于1千字。 1.4.2 论文主体 论文主体是毕业设计(论文)的主要部分,应该结构合理,层次清楚,重点突出,文字简练、通顺。论文主体的内容应包括以下各方面: (1)毕业设计(论文)总体方案设计与选择的论证。 (2)毕业设计(论文)各部分(包括硬件与软件)的设计计算。 (3)试验方案设计的可行性、有效性以及试验数据的处理及分析。 (4)对本研究内容及成果应进行较全面、客观的理论阐述,应着重指出本研究内容中的创新、改进与实际应用之处。理论分析中,应将他人研究成果单独书写,并注明出处,不得将其与本人提出的理论分析混淆在一起。对于将其他领域的理论、结果引用到本研究领域者,应说明该理论的出处,并论述引用的可行性与有效性。 (5)自然科学的论文应推理正确,结论清晰,无科学性错误。 (6)管理和人文学科的论文应包括对研究问题的论述及系统分析,比较研究,模型或方案设计,案例论证或实证分析,模型运行的结果分析或建议、改进措施等。 1.4.3 结论 学位论文的结论单独作为一章排写,但不加章号。 结论是毕业设计(论文)的总结,是整篇论文的归宿。要求精炼、准确地阐述自己的创造性工作或新的见解及其意义和作用,还可进一步提出需要讨论的问题和建议。 1.5 致谢 致谢中主要感谢导师和对论文工作有直接贡献及帮助的人士和单位。 1.6 参考文献 ·2·


黄河防凌对策 黄委防办滕翔 [摘要] 历史上,黄河凌汛灾害频繁发生,人们在与凌汛灾害的不断斗争中,逐步认识并致力于凌汛防治。新中国成立以来,黄河两岸人民采取了防、蓄、分、排的综合措施,最大限度地减轻了凌汛灾害。本文在总结近年来黄河防凌工作的基础上,对黄河防凌的经验和问题进行了分析,探讨了黄河防凌的对策措施。 [关键词] 黄河防凌对策 2008年,黄河宁蒙河段发生了近40年来最为严重的凌汛,黄河堤防2处决口,1万多人因灾转移。在防凌过程中使用了固堤、抢险、炮击炸冰、轰炸机破冰、利用灌溉渠系和临时分凌区分滞凌水等综合措施,有效减轻了凌灾损失。 分析多年来黄河防凌的经验教训,有许多成功的经验,在坚持不懈地建设防凌工程体系、完善凌情监测体系、防凌指挥调度体系以及防凌抢险体系等方面有了长足进展。但在工程体系建设、凌情监测预报、冰坝处理等方面仍显不足,尤其是还不能从根本上实现人工干预开河的目标,消除或缓解黄河凌汛灾害。 一、黄河凌汛概况 1、凌汛 凌汛,俗称冰排,是冰凌对水流产生阻力而引起的江河水位明显上涨的水文现象。冰凌有时可以聚集成冰塞或冰坝,使水位大幅度抬高,造成漫滩或决堤。中国北方的河流,如黄河、黑龙江、松花江,在冬季的封河期和春季的开河期都有可能发生凌汛。黄河凌汛洪水在发生频次和规模上远较其他地区为高,往往造成较大灾害。 2、黄河凌汛成因 黄河流域东西跨越23个经度,南北相隔10个纬度,地形和地貌相差悬殊,径流量变幅大。冬春季受西伯利亚冷空气影响,气候干燥寒冷。元月平均气温都

在0℃以下。年极端最低气温:上游-25~-53℃,中游-20~-40℃,下游-15~-23℃。因此,黄河干流和支流冬季都有程度不同的冰情现象出现。影响冰情的因素主要有热力因素、动力因素及河床边界条件。低纬度上的河段冬季温度高,一般形不成冰情;流量大、水动力强不利于河流形成结冰;河道的束窄、弯曲、浅滩处,容易卡冰结坝,造成凌汛灾害。 黄河干流凌汛主要发生在上游宁蒙河段、中游北干流河段、下游河段以及上中游干流水库库尾河段。黄河宁蒙河段和下游河段部分河道流向从低纬度流向高纬度,封河过程自下而上,开河过程则自上而下发展,当上游的冰水向下游传播时,遇较窄河段或河道转弯的地方卡冰形成冰塞或冰坝,致使卡冰河段上游水位大幅增高,形成严重凌汛。 3、凌汛特点 黄河有“桃、伏、秋、凌”四汛,凌汛防御难度最大。历史上曾有“伏汛好抢,凌汛难防”、“凌汛决口,河官无罪”之说。黄河凌汛主要特点有:一是突发性强。形成冰坝的位置难以预测,有可能造成多处出险。二是水位上涨快。一旦开河时形成阻水冰坝,河道水位可能骤涨3到4m。三是破坏力大。河中的冰块在动力作用下,有摧枯拉朽之力,能切断碗口粗的杨树和水泥电线杆,冲击大堤时比推土机力量还要大。四是抢险困难。冰封之地取土困难,冰坝破除难,手段少。 二、黄河防凌的措施和问题 1、防凌措施 (1)工程措施。防凌工程体系和防洪工程体系一样,主要由河道堤防、险工、控导工程、水库以及蓄滞洪区组成。利用堤防抵御凌洪,利用河道整治工程规顺河势,利用水库调节河道流量控制凌洪、利用蓄滞洪区削峰滞洪。一是水库工程。目前上游龙羊峡、刘家峡水库、中游万家寨、三门峡、小浪底水段库对上


创作阐述 黄河科技学院毕业设计第1 页 一、作品简介 《再见青春》是微电影的形式围绕“再见青春”的话题,通过故事脉络发展,展现四个主人公之间的关系,现实的生活压得人们喘不过气来,但是唤醒青春的力量使大家重拾活力、激情。主要讲述四个好朋友在即将毕业和步入社会之后所面对的压力、困惑、迷茫,而偶尔的心灵悸动,唤醒青春的力量,重拾生活的热情,体验生命的真正意义,对青春不说再见。 (一)主题 微电影《再见青春》主要表达的是面对即将毕业步入社会亦或是考研的压力、无所事事的状态、生活的困惑等我们不能被生活埋没自己曾经最初的梦想,最真诚的积极向上的生活态度。唤醒青春的力量使大家重拾活力、激情,更好的生活态度,积极向上的人生目标,对青春不说再见。 (二)内容 最初的梦想,真挚的友谊,当我们面对现实生活的时候茫然失措,你是否还记得曾经那份最简单的快乐,四位主人公曾经是最好的朋友,一同走过美丽的青春岁月,而现实却使人将这些早已忘却,一次心灵的悸动,寻找新的感觉,寻找最初的梦想,忘却烦恼,纪念永垂不朽的青春,不说再见。(三)形式 影片以叙事结合音乐通过主人公刘凯讲述内心独白,阐述故事的发展,勾起每位主人公的故事。 影片以现实结合回忆穿插,以一种特有的形式对比,产生碰撞,达到故事高潮,突出主题。

(四)特色 微电影《再见青春》是一部极富感染力的微电影,表现现实生活压力,回味青春美好生活,同时真挚的友谊之情被渲染的恰到好处,主题升华,能够勾起很大一部分生活在城市、在迷茫、在彷徨的人们。重拾奋斗的激情,重获生活的 黄河科技学院毕业设计第2 页热情,明白生活的本来意义。影片以微电影形式结合音乐恰到好处的渲染出效果, 让人看完之后回味无穷,获得心灵的思考。 黄河科技学院毕业设计第3 页 二、创作初衷 学习广播电视新闻学的我正处于创业阶段,在郑州开着一家不大不小的工作室,从事影视拍摄制作,每次的生活工作,为了理想奋斗,甚至于没有停下脚步思考过什么,就这样日复一日的过,回头看看自己,感觉内心少了些什么,是最初的简单的快乐。每个人的生命中都有几个陪你一起成长的死党,他们呢同时承载着你太多的回忆,而大家现在都在做什么呢, 是否也和我一样茫然失措,被生活迷失了双眼。 短暂的思考让我明白,每个人都有迷茫的时候,但是重要的是你还能否记起曾经那个最初的自己,回味最初的那份美好,我决定用镜头记录下这些,同时唤醒大家的记忆。 纪念青春,致敬青春,然后重拾那份激情,勇往直前,不被生活打倒,用心思考人生,对青春不说再见。让所有的人都明白,青春没有远去,只不过是我们渐行渐远,忽略了自己的内心世界。 黄河科技学院毕业设计第4 页 三、经验教训


黄河科技学院IPv6使用手册 现代教育技术中心制版本V1.0 2018年6月

目录 一、IPv6开通区域 (3) 二、IPv6协议安装 (3) 2.1、Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows10系统 (3) 2.2、Windows 2000和Windows XP上IPv6安装设置 (8) 2.2.1、命令行模式的安装 (8) 2.2.2、图形界面的安装 (8) 2.3、苹果 Mac OS X上IPv6设置 (11) 2.4、Linux上IPv6设置 (13) 三、IPv6地址获取及检测 (15) 四、访问IPv6资源 (17) 五、注意事项 (18)

一、IPv6开通区域 目前校园网开通了紫荆山南路校区、航海路校区有线办公网络的IPv6网络,使用双栈策略在校园网中同时传输IPv4和IPv6两个协议栈,IPv6数据报按照IPv6路由协议得到的路由表转发,IPv4数据报按照IPv4路由协议得到的路由表转发。无线网暂未开通IPv6. 二、IPv6协议安装 2.1、Windows Vista/Windows 7/Windows 8/Windows 8.1/Windows10系统 这些系统已经内置IPv6协议,用户无需再次安装,如图1所示系统已经默认安装IPv6协议。 图1 以上系统的IPv6都是预安装的,以下步骤可以用于检查网络连接的属性即可。 1)点击屏幕左下角“开始”菜单,再点击菜单“控制面板”;如图2所示:

图2 2)点击控制面板左侧“经典视图”,再双击右侧窗格中的“网络和共享中心”图标:如 3所示: 图3 3)在“网络和共享中心”窗口中,点击左窗格中的“管理网络连接”选项:如图4所示


创作阐述 黄河科技学院毕业设计第1页 一、作品简介 《再见青春》是微电影的形式围绕“再见青春”的话题,通过故事脉络发展,展现四个主人公之间的关系,现实的生活压得人们喘不过气来,但是唤醒青春的力量使大家重拾活力、激情。主要讲述四个好朋友在即将毕业和步入社会之后所面对的压力、困惑、迷茫,而偶尔的心灵悸动,唤醒青春的力量,重拾生活的热情,体验生命的真正意义,对青春不说再见。 (一)主题 微电影《再见青春》主要表达的是面对即将毕业步入社会亦或是考研的压力、无所事事的状态、生活的困惑等我们不能被生活埋没自己曾经最初的梦想,最真诚的积极向上的生活态度。唤醒青春的力量使大家重拾活力、激情,更好的生活态度,积极向上的人生目标,对青春不说再见。 (二)内容 最初的梦想,真挚的友谊,当我们面对现实生活的时候茫然失措,你是否还记得曾经那份最简单的快乐,四位主人公曾经是最好的朋友,一同走过美丽的青春岁月,而现实却使人将这些早已忘却,一次心灵的悸动,寻找新的感觉,寻找最初的梦想,忘却烦恼,纪念永垂不朽的青春,不说再见。 (三)形式 影片以叙事结合音乐通过主人公刘凯讲述内心独白,阐述故事的发展,勾起每位主人公的故事。 影片以现实结合回忆穿插,以一种特有的形式对比,产生碰撞,达到故事高潮,突出主题。 (四)特色

微电影《再见青春》是一部极富感染力的微电影,表现现实生活压力,回味青春美好生活,同时真挚的友谊之情被渲染的恰到好处,主题升华,能够勾起很大一部分生活在城市、在迷茫、在彷徨的人们。重拾奋斗的激情,重获生活的黄河科技学院毕业设计第2页 热情,明白生活的本来意义。影片以微电影形式结合音乐恰到好处的渲染出效果, 让人看完之后回味无穷,获得心灵的思考。 黄河科技学院毕业设计第3页 二、创作初衷 学习广播电视新闻学的我正处于创业阶段,在郑州开着一家不大不小的工作室,从事影视拍摄制作,每次的生活工作,为了理想奋斗,甚至于没有停下脚步思考过什么,就这样日复一日的过,回头看看自己,感觉内心少了些什么,是最初的简单的快乐。每个人的生命中都有几个陪你一起成长的死党,他们呢同时承载着你太多的回忆,而大家现在都在做什么呢,是否也和我一样茫然失措,被生活迷失了双眼。 短暂的思考让我明白,每个人都有迷茫的时候,但是重要的是你还能否记起曾经那个最初的自己,回味最初的那份美好,我决定用镜头记录下这些,同时唤醒大家的记忆。 纪念青春,致敬青春,然后重拾那份激情,勇往直前,不被生活打倒,用心思考人生,对青春不说再见。让所有的人都明白,青春没有远去,只不过是我们渐行渐远,忽略了自己的内心世界。 黄河科技学院毕业设计第4页 三、经验教训

[浅谈黄河凌汛的治理措施] 治理凌汛的措施

[浅谈黄河凌汛的治理措施] 治理凌汛的措施 凌汛,是黄河常见的一种自然现象,由冰凌壅塞引起的暂时涨水。由于黄河所处纬度较高,下游河道,一般年份冬季结冰封河。春初解冻开河,冰水齐下,冰凌壅塞,水位上涨,形成凌汛洪水,此时期为黄河凌汛期。黄河下游河道因上下河段纬度相差3度多,冬季平均气温相差摄氏3~4度。上段河道封冻晚、开河早,结冰较薄;下段河道封河早、开河晚,结冰较厚。一般在1~2月间,气温升高,上段低纬度河段封冻首先解冻开河,封冻期间河槽积蓄的水量急剧释放下泄,形成凌汛洪水,洪峰流量沿程递增,水位上涨;但下段高纬度河段因气温仍低,冰凌固封,在水流动力作用下,水鼓冰开,形成“武开河”。“武开河”时,解冻来得很快,特别是气温猛升或水位暴涨,大块冰凌汹涌而下,这样就容易造成冰凌,有时大量冰凌在狭窄、弯曲、浅滩处阻塞,形成冰塞、冰坝,致使水位陡涨,由于冰凌、流冰插塞,过流面积减少,可形成冰坝,随着水位的提高,将会出现水鼓冰裂、冰凌漫堤的情形,形成凌灾,其危害程度常常超过洪灾。有的年份,上下河段气温变幅相差不大,河道封冻分段解冻开河或就地解冻,不致形成大的凌汛洪水,开河也比较平稳顺利,这种情况一般称为“文开河”。一、黄河凌汛的成因产生凌汛的自然条件取决于河流所处的地理位置及河道形态。在高寒地区,河流从低纬度流向高纬度并且河道形态呈上宽下窄,河道弯曲回环的地方出现严重凌汛的机遇较多。这是因为河流封冻时下段早于上段,解冻时上段早于下段。而且冰盖厚度下段厚上段薄。当河道下段出现冰凌以后,阻拦了一部分上游来水,增加了河槽蓄水量,当融冰开河时,这部分槽蓄水急剧释放出来,出现凌峰向下传递,沿程冰水越聚越多,冰峰节节增大。当上游的冰水向下游传播时,遇上较窄河段或河道转弯的地方卡冰形成冰坝,使上游水位增高。凌汛严重于否,取决于河道冰凌对水位影响的程度,通常只有在河道中出现严重的冰或冰坝后,才会引起水位骤涨,造成严重的凌洪。简言之:1、有冰期的河流。2、从较低纬度流向较高纬度的河段,且较明显的南北流向。我国黄河在宁夏和在山东境内的河段都有凌汛现象,东北的河流在满足上述条件时也同样会出现凌汛现象。二、对于黄河凌汛的复杂性和危害性1、黄河凌汛的复杂性由于黄河凌汛的成因较多,所以其形成具有很强的突发性和不确定性。比如,上年封河,下年就不一定封河;而上年没封,下年未必就不封。有的年份是一年一封一开,也有的年份是两封两开或三封三开。封河有全封、段封和平封、立封之分,开河时又有文开河、武开河之分。在淌凌密度、流量多少和河道形态的共同作用下,凌汛洪水会在较短时间内发生,这给防凌工作带来较大的难度,由于凌汛成因的多面性及其表现的特殊性,所以凌汛决口造成的危害就更大。凌汛洪水一般虽不及伏秋大汛的洪水量大,但在水流的动力作用下,冰块往往能对河道工程、滩区居民、树林及堤防工程等产生极大的破坏作用。险情一旦发生,人员不便近前,再加上天寒地冻、取土困难、软料缺乏等,常因不能及时控制而造成较大灾害。同时,凌汛造成漫滩后,滩区人民的迁安救护与安置工作也要比伏秋大汛时的工作难度大出许多2、黄河凌汛的危害性(1)冰塞形成的洪水危害。通常发生在封冻期,且多发生在急坡变缓和水库的回水末端,持续时间较长,逐步抬高水位,对工程设施及人类有较大的危害。(2)冰坝引起的洪水危害。通常发生在解冻期。常发生在流向由南向北的纬度差较大的河段,形成速度快,冰坝形成:后,冰坝上游水位骤涨,堤防溃决,洪水泛滥成灾。(3)冰压力引起的危害。冰压力是冰直接作用于建筑物上的力,包括由于流冰的冲击而产生的动压力,由于大面积冰层受风和水剪力的作用而传递到建筑物上的静压力及整个冰盖层膨胀产生的静压力。1929年2月在山东省利津县冰坝堵塞河道,造成决口,淹没了利津、沾化两县60余村。三、对于凌汛的措施要把防凌责任制落到实处。各级政府和有关部门要提高对凌汛防御的重视程度,加强领导,明确责任。按照防汛责任制的要求,把防凌当作重要任务来抓,按照“思想、组织、工程、技术、物料”五落实的要求,及时检查落实。建立预警机制。运用先进的3S技术,根据冰坝与水的反射率不同,预先估计凌汛可能发生的时间和规模,一旦出现凌汛,则对其实施同步的严密监测,


第一单元 历史篇(一) zìxī nóng, zhìhuáng dì. hào sān huáng, jūshàng shì. 自羲农, 至黄帝,号三皇, 居上世。 táng yǒu yú, hào èr dì. xiāng yī xùn, chēng shèng shì. 唐有虞, 号二帝,相揖逊, 称盛世。 xiàyǒu yǔ, shāng yǒu tāng. zhōu wén wǔ,c hēng sān wáng. 夏有禹, 商有汤,周文武, 称三王。xià chuán zǐ, jiā tiān xià. sìbǎi zǎi, qiān xiàshè. 夏传子, 家天下,四百载, 迁夏社。 tāng fáxià, guóhào shāng. liùbǎi zǎi, zhìzhòu wáng. 汤伐夏, 国号商,六百载, 至纣亡。 历史篇(二) z hōu wǔwáng, shǐzhū zhòu. bā bǎi zǎi, zuìcháng jiǔ. 周武王, 始诛纣,八百载, 最长久。zhōu gòng hé, shǐjìnián. lìxuān yōu, suìdōng qiān. 周共和, 始纪年,历宣幽, 遂东迁。zhōu zhé, wáng gāng zhuì. chěng gān gē, shàng yóu shuì. 周辙东, 王纲坠,逞干戈, 尚游说。shǐchūn qiū, zhōng zhàn guó. wǔbàqiáng, qī xióng chū. 始春秋, 终战国,五霸强, 七雄出。yíng qín shì, shǐjiān bìng. chuán èr shì, chǔhàn zhēng.


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黄河科技学院电子邮件管理办法 为了加强黄河科技学院计算机网络电子邮件服务的管理,促进我校网络信息服务健康有序发展,根据国家有关行政法规、规章的规定,制定本办法。 1、电子邮件服务是我校办公系统的重要组成部分,所有使用学校电子邮件服务的用户均适用本规定。 2、现代教育技术中心负责对电子邮件服务进行管理和维护。 3、任何单位和个人不得利用电子邮件传播违反国家法律法规的信息。违者网络中心有权停止其电子邮件的使用,并报学校有关部门处理,情节严重的将追究其法律责任。 4、任何单位和个人不得利用电子邮件传播病毒,不得传播垃圾邮件。网络中心有权对用户的邮件进行必要的监控并对带毒邮件及垃圾邮件进行处理。 5、使用电子邮件服务的用户需携带有效证件到现代教育技术中心办理相关开户手续。 6、单位邮箱与网络存储各限量500M,个人邮箱与网络存储各限量100MB,用户应及时处理邮件,如因邮箱大小超过限量而导致邮件丢失,由用户自己负责。 7、本办法中未尽事宜,按国家或河南省的相关规定执行。 8、本办法自发布之日起执行,由现代教育技术中心负责解释。


第一单元 学习篇 rén zhīchū,xìng běn shàn。xìng xiān g jìn,xíxiān g yuǎn。人之初,性本善。性相近,习相远。gǒu bújiào,xìng nǎi qiān。jiào zhīdào,guìyǐzhuān。苟不教,性乃迁。教之道,贵以专。xī mèng mǔ,zélín chǔ。zǐbùxué,duàn jī zhù。昔孟母,择邻处。子不学,断机杼。dòu yān shān,yǒu yìfān g。jiāo wǔzǐ,míng jùyang。窦燕山,有义方。教五子,名俱扬。yǎng bújiào,fùzhī guò。jiào bùyán,shīzhī duò。养不教,父之过。教不严,师之惰。zǐbùxué,fēi suǒyí。yòu bùxué,lǎo héwéi 子不学,非所宜。幼不学,老何为。yùbùzhuó,bù chéng qì。rén bùxué,bùzhīyì。玉不琢,不成器。人不学,不知义。wéi rén zǐ,fān g shào shí。qīn shī yǒu,xílǐyí为人子,方少时。亲师友,习礼仪。

道德篇 xiān g jiǔling,néng wēn xí。Xiào yúqīn,suǒdān g zhí香九龄,能温席。孝于亲,所当执。róng sìsuì,néng ràng lí。dìyúzhǎng,yíxiān zhī。融四岁,能让梨。弟于长,宜先知。shǒu xiào tì,cìjiàn wén。zhī mǒu shù,shímǒu wén 首孝悌,次见闻。知某数,识某文。yī ér shí,shíér bǎi。bǎi ér qiān,qiān ér wàn 一而十,十而百。百而千,千而万。sān cái zhě,tiān dìrén。sān g uān g zhě,rìyuèxīn g 三才者,天地人。三光者,日月星。sān gān g zhě,jūn chén yì。fùzǐqīn,fū fùshun。三纲者,君臣义。父子亲,夫妇顺。


广东黄河实业集团有限公司与北京然自中医药科技发展中心一般股 权转让侵权纠纷案 【裁判摘要】 担任法人之法定代表人的自然人,以该法人的名义,采取欺诈手段与他人订立民事合同,从中获取的财产被该法人占有,由此产生的法律后果,是该自然人涉嫌合同诈骗犯罪,同时该法人与他人之间因合同被撤销而形成债权债务关系。人民法院应当依照最高人民法院《关于在审理经济纠纷案件中涉及经济犯罪嫌疑若干问题的规定》第十条的规定,将自然人涉嫌犯罪部分移交公安机关处理,同时继续审理民事纠纷部分。 最高人民法院 民事判决书 (2008)民二终字第62号上诉人(原审被告):北京然自中医药科技发展中心。 法定代表人:刘先其,该公司总经理。 委托代理人:宋彦禄,北京市众意达律师事务所律师。 委托代理人:蔡春玉,北京市众意达律师事务所律师。 被上诉人(原审原告):广东黄河实业集团有限公司。 法定代表人:郑强辉,该公司董事长。 委托代理人:宋彦君,该公司经理。 委托代理人:别劲松,北京市华意律师事务所律师。 上诉人北京然自中医药科技发展中心(以下简称然自中心)为与被上诉人广东黄河实业集团有限公司(以下简称黄河公司)一般股权转让侵权纠纷一案,不服

北京市高级人民法院(2007)高民初字第773号民事判决,向本院提起上诉。本院依法组成由审判员金剑锋担任审判长,代理审判员殷媛、潘勇锋参加的合议庭进行了审理,白雪担任记录。本案现已审理终结。 北京市高级人民法院审理查明:北京先农坛医药科学城投资有限公司(以下简称先农坛公司)成立于2003年4月,法定代表人刘先其,注册资本5000万元,股东为:然自中心出资3000万元,占注册资本60%;葫芦岛银河经贸有限公司出资2000万元,占注册资本40%。 2004年12月,葫芦岛银河经贸有限公司将其在先农坛公司2000万元的股份转让给北京江山投资有限公司(以下简称江山公司)。先农坛公司变更后的股权结构为:然自中心出资3000万元,占注册资本60%;江山公司出资2000万元,占注册资本40%。然自中心为股份合作制企业,注册资金288万元,法定代表人刘先其。 2006年11月19日、20日、21日,然自中心、江山公司、先农坛公司先后作出股东会决议,主要内容为:1.股东一致同意然自中心持有的先农坛公司60%的股权转让给黄河公司;2.江山公司放弃股权优先购买权;3.股权转让后,江山公司承担先农坛公司在股权转让前所有的债权债务。 2006年11月22日,然自中心与黄河公司签订了《股权转让协议书》,约定:1.然自中心转让持有的先农坛公司60%的股权给黄河公司,价款2.6亿元;2.黄河公司在协议书签署3日内支付定金1000万元,2006年12月30日前支付9000万元,2007年6月30日前支付6000万元,2007年12月31日前支付1亿元;3.然自中心在收到黄河公司的全部转让价款后,开始协助办理股东名册变更,自变更之日,黄河公司成为先农坛公司的股东;4.违约责任:


INTRODUCTION The High School of Huanghe Science & Technology College (HSHSTC) is a completely modern boarding school approved by the Education Bureau of Zhengzhou. HSHSTC unswervingly adheres to the principle of responsibility, the motto of erudition, the goal of specialty and the levels of talent for each student’s development. After more than ten years, HSHSTC has explored a successful arts education path---" Characteristic combines Brand" and has made remarkable achievements--- the " National Campus Film Research Experimental School ", the "National Legal Safety Demonstration School", the "Henan Characteristics School ", the "Henan Advanced Private Education," the "Zhengzhou Best School ", the " Zhengzhou Advanced Education Unit ", the " Zhengzhou Civilization School", the “Zhengzhou Primary and Secondary School Advanced Moral Education Construction Unit. " Principal and Professor Hu Dabai spent 30 yuan establishing Huanghe Science & Technology College (HSTC) and now HSTC has become an Advanced Sample in Chinese Private University. The development mode has been a teaching case included in the Business School of Virginia University. Huanghe Science & Technology College (HSTC) is founded in 1997 by Professor Hu. Offering junior and senior high schools, HSHSTC has more than 4000 students. Beautiful environment and reasonable architectural layout including advanced multimedia classrooms, laboratories, library, small broadcast room, concert hall, dancing room, studio and other facilities provide a solid foundation to improve the education quality; the combination of the old, the middle-aged and the young promote teacher's professional development effectively. Each student has their own strengths. The atmosphere of enjoying learning and hard-working significantly enhance the quality of education, continuously interpreting the education myth---the level of the poor schooling into the level of the high schooling. The Senior High School Introduction The Senior High School of Huanghe S &. T University is the only artistic High School in the school district. Art education is a feature of our school education, relying on high-quality educational resources of Huanghe S &. T University, such as media (broadcast and host, radio and television directing), art (painting, calligraphy), music (vocal music, instrumental music, dance), sports (athletics, ball games, national traditional sports, sports dance), flight attendants and other professionals. Over the years during the art college entrance examinations, many students with artistic skills were admitted into the ideal and prestigious art universities, at the same time many art stars are cultivated. The Junior High School Introduction The Junior High School implements small-class teaching which aims at self-development and happy growing of students. To enrich the cultural life of students on campus and meet the requirement of personality development, the middle school improved community organizations by setting up 21 associations which are interesting math club, English club, Latin dance club, folk dance club, calligraphy club, chess club, debate Club, little hosts club, chorus and little reporter corps. Students' creative ability and social practice ability are continuously improved through these rich and colorful club activities. The Junior High School enjoys excellent achievements. In all kinds of examinations organized by

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