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I am Bob.I am11years old.I live in a tall building.It has twenty-nine floors.I live on the twenty-first floor.I am from China.

I have small eyes.My favourite food is chicken.My favourite animal is dog,because it is lovely.

My best friend is Ted.We often play together.But his house is very far from my house.He likes playing computer games.My hobby is playing football.I often play football with my classmates,because they like playing football,too.We often win.Why do I like football?Because it does a lot of good for my body.Do you like football?




My Family

Hello!My name is Lily.I have a happy family.There are four people in my family.My father,my mother,my brother and me.My father is a doctor.He is tall and strong.He likes playing football and reading newspapers.He often reads newspapers after dinner.My mother is a teacher.She is pretty and kind.She likes listening to music and cooking.I often help her cook the meals.She said I am a helpful girl.I am very happy.My brother and I are students.We are in the same school.We go to school on foot,because our school is near my home.

I love my family!





My School

My school is very beautiful.It is in Guicheng,near the Qiandeng Lake. Do you know it?It is Nanhai Experimental Primary School.I like my school very much.

There is a big playground in my school.We have P.E.class on the playground and we often play sports on it,too.

Our teaching building has five floors.My classroom is on the fifth floor.It is big and clean.The computer rooms are on the third floor. There is a library on the second floor.There are many books in the library.

I often read books here.There are some music rooms and art rooms in the teaching building,too.

The teachers in my school are very kind.The students are very polite and smart.I am happy in my school.




My Friend(1)

I have a good friend.She is a girl,her name is Lily.She is156cm tall.Her hair is long and black.She has big eyes,a small nose and a small mouth.She’s very active.She likes singing,dancing and swimming very much.I like swimming,too.We often go swimming together on the weekends,it has a lot of fun.

This is my good friend.What’s your good friend like?Tell me,please.



My Friend(2)

I have a good friend.He is a boy,his name is Tom.He is160cm tall and srong.His hair is short and black.He has big eyes,a small nose and

a small mouth.He’s very active.He likes making kites,playing football and swimming very much.I like playing football,too.We often play football together after school.It has a lot of fun.

This is my good friend.What’s your good friend like?Tell me,please.



My hobby

I am Lucy.I am in Nanhai Experimental PrimarySchool.I am in Class 9,Grade6.I am tall and thin.I live in Dali.I have many good friends.

I often play with them.

I have many hobbies,like riding a bike,drawing pictures and reading books.But I like to read books best.Because reading books is good for my study.I also like riding bikes.Because it does a lot of good to my body.

What's your hobby?Can you tell me?





My Holiday

It was a long holiday.I have a lot of fun every day.

I visited my grandparents with my mom in Guangzhou.We went there by bus.On the first day,we watched TV at home.On the second day,we went to the zoo to see elephants and took many pictures.On the third day,we went to a park,we rowed a boat.On the fourth day,I did my homework and bought presents for my friends.For the last day of the holiday,we came back home.

It was a happy holiday.




适合一年级小学生参考的英语作文素材【三篇】 (*) Flowers bloom on the corridor In my eyes, the sky is small, like a poem, like a beautiful exotic flower, that is, the corridor is also full of flowers. Our school corridor, there are many dazzling flowers, competing to open, fragrant flowers filled the whole campus. After class or school, you will be deeply attracted by the charming flowers and colorful flowers. The lilies on the other side rose up as if they had stretched their waists; the sunflowers on the other side seemed to be hanging their heads; and beside them, the roses mo*ed their graceful bodies, like graceful maidens... When I finished class, I walked to the hallway, closed my eyes, and felt the fresh air, sweet smell. When it came to a *iolet, it was attracted by its fragrance. The *iolets are about 30-60 centimeters tall. The whole plant is dark purple, soft, stalks erect and somewhat lignification. Lea*es wide, oblong or oblanceolate, apex obtuse. Racemes terminal or axillary, pedicel shaped. The


内部习题集——第五套 一. 填空题 1.求下面各数列的和 (1)9,13,17,21,25,29 和是() (2)1,3,5,7,…,95,97,99 和是() 2.数一数,图中一共有()个三角形 3.红旗小学三年级一共有162个人,分成甲、乙、丙三个班.如果从甲班转出2个人到乙 班,则甲、乙两班人数相同.如果这时再从丙班转出3个人到乙班,则乙、丙两班人数相同.那么原来甲班有()人. 4.甲、乙两人同时写字,8小时共写了7600个字,已知甲每小时比乙多写50个,问甲、 乙两人每小时各写( )字和()字 5.12个小朋友排一队,从前面数小卓排第二个,小文排在小卓后面第5个。那么从后面 数,小文排第( )个 6.下图中任何一行,任何一列以及任何一条对角线上的3个数字之和相等,那么ⅹ处应该 填的数是(). 7.由9个边长为2分米的正方形拼成一个大正方形.大正方形的周长是( )分米 8.1、2、3、4号运动员取得了学校运动会800米的前四名.校记者采访他们的名次,他 们没有直接回答.1号说:“3号在我前面冲向终点.”另一个得第三名的说:“1号不是第4名.”裁判说:“他们的号码与名次都不相同.”那么()是第一名 9.姐姐比妹妹大6岁,10年之后,姐妹年龄之和为52岁,问现在姐姐()岁,妹妹 ()岁 10.某数加上6,乘以6,减去6,除以6,最后结果是6,这个数是() 二. 解答题 11.姐妹年龄之和是37岁,5年之后,姐姐比妹妹大3岁,问现在姐姐、妹妹各多大

12.张小明有一个储钱罐,这一天他把储钱罐里钱的一半拿出来捐给了希望工程,然后又用 剩下的钱的一半给自己买了一本童话书,这时罐里还有20元,你知道原来张小明的储钱罐里一共有多少钱 13.小芳进小学一年级后,每年都和同学参加植树节劳动.她6岁那年,种了第1棵树.以 后每年都比前一年多种1棵树.现在她已经11岁,快小学毕业了.想一想,这六年中她一共种了多少棵树 14.一本书,共80页,小兵已经看了24页,再看多少页就能看到一半 15.妈妈买来14米布,做裙子用去3米,做裤子用的米数和做裙子用的同样多.还剩多少 米布 答案部分 1.分析与解答: (1)这是首项为9、公差为4的等差数列,所以这个等差数列的和为 (9+29)×6÷2=114。 (2)这是首项是1、末项是99、公差是2的等差数列。如果项数是多少知道了,那么就很容易求出和来,下面我们设法求项数。第2项比第1项多2,第3项比第1项多2×2=4,第4项比第1项多3×2=6,…,从而我们可以得到:末项=首项+(项数-1)×公差,反过来,可以得到:


小学英语作文练习素材集锦 And I am a true boy Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming. As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society. Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others. I am now a boy, I should be like a man. Back to childhood if i were a boy again, i would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” if i were a boy again, i would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.the habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown up people say “ i could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although i wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. if i were to live my life over again, i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to become a power.


英语作文素材一自我介绍 Hello everyone, My name is Wang Tao. My English name is Jack.I am 13 years old this year.I'm in Class One,Grade Six.,My favourite number is six. My favourite day is Sunday. My favourite pet is a dog. I like reading.I can s peak English.It’s very interesting and I'm good at it. I like drawing and playing football too.I go to school from Monday to Friday. I usually get up at 6:30 and go to bed at 9:00.on weekends,I usually play with my friends.we have a good time together. This is me,can you tell me something about yourself?

B I have a lovely friend at school. His name is Jack. Jack is 12 years old now. I’m 11. He’s older than me. We have round faces and short hair. Our favourite colors are white and blue. We like summer best. We both like sports, too. On Saturdays, we play football. On Sundays, we play the piano. He’s good at it. But I can do better at football. We laugh and play together. How happy we are! C Here is a photo of my family. These are four people in my family. They are my father, my mother, my brother and I. My father is a doctor. He works in a hospital . He goes to work by subway. My mother is a teacher. She works in a school near my home. She goes to work by bike. After work, they like reading books. Who is the tall boy? He is my brother. He is five years older than me. He is a singer. He’s now in Dongying. He goes there by plane. I love my family. D Today is Monday. I get up at 6:00. I have my breakfast at about 6:30.Then I clean my room, wash my face and brush my teeth. I have noodles for breakfast. I go to school at 7:00. We have four classes in morning. At 11:30, I’m very hungry. I have lunch at school. I go to bed at 12:00 in the noon. We have three classes in the afternoon. I have chinese classes and English classes. I like them very much. I go home at 5:30. I do homework after school. My brother and I watch TV at 8:00 in the evening. Then I wash my face and brush my teeth. I go to bed at 10:00.I have a busy and happy day.


小学三年级英语作文:愉快的一天(双语) 编辑点评:小朋友们每天都做些什么呢?你有没有向你的好朋友介绍过自己的生活?假如让你来向大家介绍一下自己的生活,你会如何介绍呢?看看今天的小作者忙碌而愉快的一天吧。 I got up early this morning. I cleaned my room. I opened the window and aired the room. I picked up the paper and swept the floor. Then I made the bed. 我今天很早起床。打扫了房间。我开窗通了风。我捡了地上的纸,扫了地。然后我整理了床铺。 I played computer games. We had lunch at 12:00. We had fish for lunch. 我玩了电脑游戏。我们在12点的时候吃了午饭。我们吃了鱼。 After lunch we went to the park. In the evening I did my homework. We had delicious food for supper. 午饭后,我们去了公园。傍晚的时候我做了作业。我们晚饭吃了美味。 I was very happy today. 我今天过的很愉快。 小作者向大家讲述了自己的一天,忙碌而愉快。

小学三年级英语作文:爸爸的一天(双语) 编辑点评:小朋友们的爸爸是做什么工作的?他每天都忙些什么呢?他有什么爱好吗?你了解他每天的工作吗?这位小作者向大家介绍了自己当教师的爸爸,一起来看一下吧。 My father is a teacher in a school. He teaches maths well. He is very busy. 我爸爸是一所学校的老师。他教数学教的很好。他每天都很忙。 Every day he has to get up very early. And he goes to work by subway. He has classes in the morning. In the afternoon, he eats lunch at school. After lunch, he checks students’ homeworks. If he finishes his work, he will read newspapers. 他每天很早起床。坐地铁去上班。他上午上课。下午,在学校吃午饭。之后,他会批改学生的作业。如果他忙完了,他会读一会报纸。 Usually he comes back home at 5:30. We have dinner together. Then he watches TV in the living room. Before he goes to bed, he likes to take a shower. 他一般五点半回家。我们一起吃晚饭。然后他之后会在客厅看电视。睡觉之前,他喜欢冲凉。My father works very hard. I like my father very much! 我爸爸工作很辛苦。我非常爱我的爸爸。 小作者简单记述了爸爸忙碌的一天生活。


温馨提示:本讲实验不在讲义中呈现,详见视频!! 一切物体在失去支持的时候都要向地面降落。 这是因为地球对它周围的物体有引力,能把它们拉向地面。 一、重力的产生 趣味实验探究----重力

2.判断下列说法是否正确 ·地面上的任何物体都受到重力作用 ·只有静止的物体受到重力作用 ·与地球不接触的物体不受重力作用 ·奔驰的列车不受重力作用 ·地球周围物体受到的重力作用与其运动状态无关 二、重力的方向 1.判断重力的方向 ·物体所受重力的方向总是竖直向下的。 从理论上说竖直方向就是垂直于水平面(海平面)的方向。 2.想一想: ·空中飞行的足球所受的重力方向 ·起伏不平的路面上的汽车在不同地点的重力方向 3.应用:利用重垂线校准墙壁是否竖直,窗台等是否水平(可用三角板加重垂线)

三、重力的大小 实验一:重力大小与质量关系 实验结论: 1.实验表明: 质量增大几倍,重力也增大几倍,即物体所受的重力跟它的质量成正比,比值9.8N/kg,是个定值。 如果用G表示物体受到的重力,m表示物体的质量,g表示比值9.8N/kg(质量为1千克的物体所受到的重力为9.8牛顿)重力跟质量的关系可以写作: 粗略计算时,g的值也可以取做10N/kg。 练习 1.一只苹果质量200g,则所受重力为多少? 2.一载重汽车及其货物总重4.9×104N,则能否通过限重为6t的桥梁?

3.在一般情况下g为定值,但经过科学家的精确测量,g值仍有差异,右表为各个不同城市的g值大小,观察分析表中提供的数据,回答下列问题: ⑴g值相同的城市是_________; ⑵g值差异最大的两地是__________、__________; ⑶试猜想g值变化的原因可能是____________。 四、重心 1.一个物体的各个部分都要受到重力的作用,从效果上看,可以认为各部分受到的重力集中于一点,这一点叫物体的重心。 ⑴重心是等效作用点。 重心不是重力实际作用点,也不是物体最重的点。 ⑵重心的位置跟物体形状和质量的分布有关系 2.找重心 ·质量均匀且形状规则的物体的重心在其几何中心。 ·支撑平衡找重心。 ·悬挂法找重心:质量不均匀、外形不规则物体的重心可以用悬挂法确定。 重心是否一定在物体上? ·质量均匀、外形规则的唱片的重心在它的圆心上。


英语作文素材带翻译范文 美式足球America Football When talk about football, the will think about England, because football there is so popular, and the most popular football player David Beckham is from there. Football is the NO. sport in the world, the basketball and tennis fall behind. American football is also popular, while it is not the football that we think about. People play their football with hands and they need to arm themselves to avoid getting hurt. It is known to all that soccer is not popular in the America, just as the basketball in England. American football plays very important part in American people’s lives. Many teenagers in the school have join the team, if they play well, they can get the scholarship and it is very helpful to get into a good college. The soccer has become more and more popular in America, some day American football and soccer will be both popular. 翻译 谈论足球时,我们会想到英格兰,因为足球是如此受欢迎,最受欢迎的足球运动员大卫·贝克汉姆就在英国。足球是世界上排第一的运动,篮球和网球紧随其后。美式足球也很受欢迎,但不是我们想到的足球。人们玩橄榄球时候用手,他们需要武装自己,以避免受伤。众所周知,足球在美国是不受欢迎的,就像篮球在英格兰。美式足球在美国人们的生活中扮演非常重要的一部分。许多青少年在学校加入了球队,如果他们打得很好,他们可以得到奖学金,这对于进入一个好大学是非常有用的。足球在美国已经变得越来越流行,橄榄球和足球有一天将是同样受欢迎。 怀抱希望Keep the Hope Last night, as I felt so bored, so I started to watch movie, my friend asked me to watch Mist, she told me it was very shocking, I was so looking forward to seeing it. Mist is a horror movie, it told about a great mist covered the country, people struggled to live in the world with big monster, at the end, as there was no way to survive, so the protagonist killed his son to make him relieve, just after a few second, the rescue came. The ending is so hopeless for the protagonist, if he holds on for a few second, everything will be changed. The story tells people never to give up hope, who knows what will happen the next second. If we give up h ope, we can’t see the good things that will come around. Keeping the hope is very important, it will help us to overcome the difficulty.


2021年{某某}小学 小 学 数 学 学 习 资 料 教师: 年级: 日期:

内部习题集——第一套 一、填空题: 1.9998+998+99+9+6=( ). 2.1991+199.1+19.91+1.991=(). 3.把1至9这9个不同的数字分别填在下图的各个方格内,可使加法和乘法两个算式都成 立。现在有3个数字的位置已确定,请你填上其他数字。 4.下面是按规律排列的一串数,其中的第1995项是(). 2、5、8、11、14、…… 5.在一个减法算式里,被减数、减数与差的和等于120,且减数是差的3倍,那么差是(). 6.小明和小亮玩“石头、剪刀、布”的游戏,两人用同样多的石子做记录,输一次,就给 对方一颗石子。他们做了许多次游戏,每次都决出胜负,其中小明胜了3次,小亮增加了9颗石子。那么他们共做了()次游戏。 7.有20人修筑一条公路,计划15天完成。动工3天后抽出5人植树,留下的人继续修路。 如果每人工作效率不变,那么修完这段公路实际用()天。 8.有3个工厂共订300份《吉林日报》,每个工厂最少订99份,最多订101份。那么一 共有()种不同的订法。 9.全班35名学生排成一行,从左边数,小红是第20位,从右边数,小刚是第21位,小 红与小刚中间间隔着()名同学。 10.三年级一班的40名同学参加植树,男生每人种3棵树,女生每人种2棵树,已知男生 比女生多种30棵树,男生有()名,女生有()名。 二、解答题: 11.少先队员去植树,如果每人挖5个树坑,还有3个树坑没人挖;如果其中两人各挖4 个树坑,其余每人挖6个树坑,就恰好挖完所有的树坑。请问,共有多少名少先队员? 共挖了多少个树坑?


小学生英语作文大全素材 Build a Harmonious Society Dear fellow students, Our government is going to build a "harmonious society". I think it is everyone's duty to work hard to achieve this goal. As high school students, what should we do ? First of all, we should love our motherland. Let's take a great interest in the development of our hometowns and take an active part in our school's activities. Secondly, let's fill the world with love. We should show our respect for old people, our parents and our teachers. We should also care for each other and help those in need. Mostimportant of all, all of us must be faithful and honest in our daily life. Finally, let's work together to save energy and protect our natural environment, including animals, trees, flowers and grass. As for myself, I will study even harder and try my best to do all the above. Dear fellow students, let's start right now and spare no effort to do a little bit every day,every hour, and every minute! Li Xiaoping From Huanggang High School


内部习题集——第一套 一. 填空题 1.计算:8+9+10+11+12+13=() 2.右图中有()个正方形? 3.请在括号里填上适当的数 ()÷3=7......1 ()÷5=3 (4) 51÷()=8......3 43÷()=8 (3) 4.两人共有钱300元.如果甲借给乙60元,那么甲、乙两人的钱数相等。那么甲有() 元,乙有()元。 5.育民小学三年级的部分学生排成一个实心方阵,最外面一层有学生48人 .那么除了最 外面一层的学生,这个方阵一共有()名学生 . 6.把一根木料截成4段用12分钟。照这样的速度,要是把同样的木料截成8段,要用() 分钟? 7.将2到7这六个数,填入下图的圈中,使得每条线上的三个数的和相等.相等的和是() 8.用l6个边长为2分米的小正方形拼成一个大正方形.大正方形的周长是()分米 9.有A、B、C三个人,这三个人中,一位是经理,一位是会计,一位是司机。已经知道C 的年龄比会计大,A和司机的年龄不相同,司机的年龄比B小. 那么A是()职位. 10.今年哥哥26岁,弟弟18岁,问()年前,哥哥的年龄是弟弟的3倍? 二. 解答题 11.有一批水果,第一天卖出一半,第二天卖出剩下的一半,这时还剩4箱水果 .问:这批 水果一共有几箱? 12.1只河马的体重等于2只大象的体重,1只大象的体重等于10匹马的体重,1匹马的体 重是320千克,这只河马的体重是多少千克?

13.一个数加上12,再用4除,然后减去15,再乘以10,恰好是100 .这个数是多少? 14.1只菠萝的重量等于2只梨的重量,也等于4只香蕉的重量,还等于2只苹果、1 只梨、1只香蕉的重量之和 .那么1只菠萝等于几只苹果的重量? 15.生活中的数学问题 理发店同时近来三位顾客,甲理发、刮胡子不吹风,乙只刮胡子不理发,丙理发、吹风还刮胡子,店里只有一个理发师,请安排一个合理的先后顺序 . 答案部分 1.分析与解答:原式=(8+13)+(9+12)+(10+11)=21×3=63. 2.分析与解答:设法将正方形分类,将每一类的总数相加就得到所有的正方形的个数,由 两块小三角形构成的正方形有4个,由四块小三角形构成的正方形有4个,由八块小三角形构成的正方形有1个,由十六块小三角形构成的正方形为1个。由一、三、五、六、 七、九、十、十一、十二、十三、十四、十五块小三角形不能构成正方形,所以共有正 方形10(=4+4+1+1)个。 3.分析与解答:22 19 6 5


六年级上册英语作文 一、介绍你和家人上学或上班的方式 I go to school on foot. My sister goes to school on foot, too. My brother goes to school by bike. My father goes to work by car. My mother goes to work by bike. 二、介绍你和朋友各自上学的方式。、 I go to school by bus. My friend Amy goes to school on foot. John goes to school by bike. Mike goes to school by subway. Sarah goes to school by bus. 三、看图,说说你怎样去电影院 I go to the cinema. I start from here. Go straight for five minutes. Then turn left at the library. Go straight for one minute. The library is on the right. 四、读读下周末你和朋友的计划。 I’m going to have a busy weekend with my friends. On Saturday morning, we are going to go shopping. On Saturday afternoon, we are going to the park. On Sunday morning, we are going to go fishing. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to climb mountains. We will be happy. [来 五、说说这个星期天,你和家人的安排。 I’m going to have a busy Sunday with my family. We are going to the zoo on Sunday morning. We are going to see elephants. On Sunday afternoon, we are going to visit my grandparents. We are going to cle an the room for them. 六、说说你和你家人的爱好。 I like flying kites. My father likes diving. My father lik es diving. My mother likes playing the violin. My brother likes riding a bike. My sister likes listening to music. 七、介绍你和你朋友的爱好。 I like diving. My friend John likes fl ying kites. Amy likes collecting stamps. Zhang Peng likes playing football. Chen Jie likes riding a bike. 八、介绍你一家人的职业和上班地点和方式。 My father is a teacher. He works in a school. He teach es English. My mother is an engineer. She likes drawing pictures. She goes to work by bus. 九、写一封信给你的朋友,介绍你一家人的情况。 Dear Amy, My name is Sarah. I’m 13. I’m tall and thin. I like swimming. My father is 40. He’s tall and strong. He likes reading books. He is an engineer. He works in a car company. He goes to work by car. My mother is 39. She’s short and th in. She likes cooking. She is



对教育培训行业及学而思网校的了解 “教育培训业是21世纪的朝阳产业之一”。教育培训机构市场的火爆,也直接导致了竞争的越来越激烈,教育行业上演了一场“群雄逐鹿”的大戏,在优胜劣汰大浪淘沙的市场选择下,行业格局和架构正经历着新一轮洗牌,出现了几家欢喜几家愁的局面。 一、线下教育培训机构的发展瓶颈以及弊端 国家对教育培训市场进一步开放,尤其是职业培训快速迅猛发展。市场竞争进一步加剧,小型机构由于师资、市场开发资金缺乏、品牌难以在短期形成,市场空间越来越小。并且因为教育培训业是先收费,后服务的赢利模式,所以较之其他行业具有与众不同的特色,即“轻资产,重品牌”,学员为了降低学习风险,往往会集中选择具有优势的教育培训机构品牌,从而形成强者更强,一家独大的良性局面。教育培训领域的广阔市场和丰厚利润,也使得西方国家加紧了进军中国教育培训市场的步伐,这些国外公司开始进军我国教育培训市场。并且在优胜劣汰的局面之下,其多元化的教育培训市场格局,较低的培训市场准入门槛,使很多经营者对教育培训的规律缺乏科学的认识,在教学质量、教学内容、师资上的研发投入严重不足,教学效果自然无从保证,加上急功近利的心态,导致对教学质量的漠视。最终的结果就是其越做越小,质量越做越差,名声越做越烂,最后被市场淘汰出局。 二、线上教育将会是未来的全新市场 线上教育与线下教育对比,主要拥有以下的优势:

1.空间优势:在线教育的全面发展,使人们可以直接在家里进行学习,降低了空间上的成本。例如题主所说的英语培训,平时少儿主要都是在校教育的,那么在空间上就会受到很大的限制,并不利于教学进度的实施,而线上教育就能很好的弥补线下教育的这一缺点,人们现在只需一部电脑、一台手机,即可在互联网上进行学习,真正的做到不出门既能学遍天下。 2.时间优势:线上教育相比线下教育,更大的一个优势就是在线教育还能支持课后重温,也就是说当你忘记了某个知识点,或者在听某节课分心了的时候,你都能对课程进行重新学习,无论何时何地,只要你想进行重温即可马上进行。在线教育中的时间是宽泛的,没有时间的限制,更有利于人们对自我时间的安排。 3.对知识的掌控更强:互联网不断的当今,随着焦虑的不断增强,人们需要的知识也变得越来越多,我们都想学到更多的东西,但是却又不知道到底哪些内容是适合我们的。这时候,在线教育就能很好的解决这一问题。因为在线教育的课程都是直接摆在我们面前的,可以直接通过小程序、App等相关的工具即可进行听课,并且大多数都支持在线免费试听,先试着学习,觉得合适自己之后再进行对其购买,相对于传统的线下教育,这恐怕也是最大的优点了吧! 4.其他的优势:除了上面所说的这三点优势,线上教育还具有很多细节上长处的,例如在费用问题上,线上教育可以设定基础、入门、深度学习等模式,对不同的人群进行不同的收费,即能减轻费用上的负担,也更能提升家长的信任感。


小升初古诗考题大揭秘 考点1:主题诗句 详见第三讲 考点2:诗句默写及文学常识 例1:(海淀名校2010年考题)古诗文基础(每空0.5分,共8分) “桃花潭水深千尺,。”是我国代诗人写的《赠汪伦》中的一句诗。他被称为“”,和另一位与之同期的诗人并称为唐诗浪漫主义与现实主义的两座高峰。课文中所学的“,漫卷诗书喜欲狂。,青春作伴好还乡。”即是后者的作品。

1.杜甫的《春夜喜雨》中“晓看红湿处”的下句是() A.花重绵阳城B.花重锦州城C.花重锦官城 2.杜牧的《泊秦淮》中“商女不知亡国恨”的下句是() A.多少楼台烟雨中B.隔江犹唱《后庭花》C.卧看牵牛织女星 3.“独在异乡为异客,每逢佳节倍思亲”是谁的诗句?()A.王维B.王之涣C.王勃 考点3:正确停顿 例2:下面诗句连读,不正确的一项是() A.烟花/三月/下/扬州B.孤帆/一片/日边/来 C.门泊/东吴/万/里船D.山色/空蒙/雨/亦奇

古诗的朗读节奏技巧: 按意义兼顾章节来划分: 四言诗,按意义或节奏可划分为“二二”,如:人生/几何,去日/苦多。 五言诗,按意义可划分为“二三”,如:问女/何所思。按节奏可划分为“二二一”,如:大漠/孤烟/直;或是“二一二”,如:举头/望/明月。 七言诗按意义可划分为“四三”,如:两岸青山/相对出。按节奏可划分为“二二二一”,如:春风/不度/玉门/关;或“二二一二”,如:人生/自古/谁/无死。 下列诗句的朗读节奏,只有一句是不正确的,它是() A.海内/存/知己,天涯/若/比邻。 B.应怜/屐齿/印/苍苔,小扣/柴扉/久不开。 C.随风/潜/入夜,润物/细/无声。 D.不敢/高声语,恐/惊/天上人。


小学五年级英语作文素材 Seventeen years ago ,I was a baby ,I didn‘t know anything, just eating,watching and screaming. As time goes by ,I become a little boy ,full of curiosity and mistakes, Ididn't know the society. Now, with the help of my parents, teachers and friends, I get stronger, more wisdom and more responsible, I am a true boy, I get into the river of society and be together with different people, I learn much more, not only knowledge, but also the living skills ,I get out of young and innocent.And I understand a true boy should help others, do something for the society, be more generous, more polite.A true boy is a benchmarking of the society, although the society is king of dangerous, we should get into it and work it out, just for you, for me, for others. I am now a boy, I should be like a man. if i were a boy again, i would practice perseverance more often, and never give up a thing because it was or inconvenient. if we want light, we must conquer darkness. perseverance can sometimes equal genius in its results. “there are only two creatures,” says a proverb, “who can surmount the pyramids—the eagle and the snail.” if i were a boy again, i would school myself into a habit of attention; i would let nothing come between me and the subject in hand. i would remember that a good skater never tries to skate in two directions at once.the habit of attention becomes part of our life, if we begin early enough. i often hear grown up people say “ i could not fix my attention on the sermon or book, although i wished to do so” , and the reason is, the habit was not formed in youth. if i were to live my life over again, i would pay more attention to the cultivation of the memory. i would strengthen that faculty by every possible means, and on every possible occasion. it takes a little hard work at first to remember things accurately; but memory soon helps itself, and gives very little trouble. it only needs early cultivation to become a power. The Olympic Games, first held in BC, has a history of more than one thousand years. The modern Games is held every four years. Many countries try

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