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“留守儿童”left-behind children

He is capable of any crime.

小编摘要:“留守儿童”的英语表达是left-behind children。在中国有这样一个群体:他们的父母为了生计外出打工,用勤劳获取家庭收入,但他们却留在了农村家里,与父母相伴的时间微乎其微,这就是留守儿童。

The increasing number of left-behind children in China's rural areas has exceeded 60 million, according to a report published by the All-China Women's Federation on last Thursday.

The number of children under 17 years old in rural areas whose parents leave them with grandparents or other family members in order to earn money in cities has soared to 61.02 million, accounting for 37.7 percent of rural children and 21.88 percent of all children in China, according to the report.

Sichuan and Henan have the highest percentage of rural left-behind children, where 11.34 percent and 10.73 percent of local children barely see their parents.




“left-behind children”在文中解释为留守儿童,其中left-behind可以解释为留守的、留下的,相关的词组还有:left-behind population 留守人口、left-behind women 留守妇女。“soar”是不及物动词,解释为翱翔、屹立、猛涨等,通常与to、up、into等介词使用。

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