当前位置:文档之家› 高一英语测试题




Part II Language Knowledge(40 marks)

Section A (20 marks) Directions: Beneath each of the following sentences there are four choices marked A,B, C and D. Choose the one answer that best completes the sentence.

21. He __________ here on time next Tuesday.

A. would come

B. will be coming

C. have been coming

D. come

22. Our teacher told us that the earth _________ round the sun.

A. moves

B. moved

C. to move

D. moving

23. He was disappointed that his plan did not _________.

A. go on

B. go off

C. go through

D. go out

24. _______ his being late again, he lost his job and had to stay at home.

A. Owe to

B. As result of

C. In case of

D. Because of

25. The water ________ our house. We were full of fear.

A. was on the way

B. was reaching at

C. was getting close to

D. was arriving to

26. I like these photos and they can ________ me _____ the life living in the countryside.

A. think, of

B. remind, of

C. let, down

D. wake up

27. Bob’s doctor suggests ________ for a few weeks.

A. that he is resting

B. he rest

C. he resting

D. him to rest

28. In a room above the store, where a party _________, some workers were setting the table.

A. has been held

B. will be held

C. is being held

D. was to be held

29. He will go if __________.

A. asking

B. to ask

C. having asked

D. asked

30. All the rooms are ________ with electric lights.

A. burnt

B. given

C. offered

D. supplied

31. She heard a terrible noise, ________ brought her heart into her mouth.

A. it

B. this

C. that

D. which

32. Seeing the ________ flood, she was _______ to take the bout.

A. scary, scary

B. scared, scared

C. scary, scared

D. scared, scary

33. He likes the book but it _________ too much.

A. costs

B. pays

C. takes

D. spends

34. The doctor will be free _________.

A. in 10 minutes

B. after 10 minutes

C. 10 minutes later

D. 10 minutes after

35. What did they do after they _______?

A. had returned back

B. had come back

C. have come

D. were to return

36. Mr Bush, headmaster of the school,________ accepts suggestions made by his students,

does he?

A. rarely

B. often C .usually D. always

37. I ________ go on a trip, when it began to rain.

A. was to

B. was going to C .would D. was about to

38. It’s wise to ______ the thing in the fridge in hot summer.

A. preserve

B. protect

C. prevent

D. present

39. As we all know, smoking has ________ to do with lung cancer.

A. nothing

B. something

C. anything

D. little

40.It was the third time that he _______ us about his story.

A. has told

B. told

C. is telling

D. had told

Section B (12 marks)

Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.

The party began shortly after Mr. Smith, who lived in the flat below, sighed to himself as he heard the excited voices and the noisy music. Luckily he had __41__ some work home from the office, __42__ which he kept himself busy for a couple of hours, thus managing to pay no attention to the noise __43__. But by 11 o’clock he felt __44__ and was ready to go to bed, though from his earlier experience he knew it was __45__ trying to get to sleep. He undressed and lay for a while on the bed, trying to read, but he __46__ himself reading the same page over and over again. He then turned off the light and buried his head in the pillow. But even so he could not shut off the noise, finally, after __47__ seemed hours, his __48__ was gone.

He jumped out of the bed, pulled on some clothing, marched firmly up the stairs, and walked into his neighbour’s flat. The owner of the fla t, who caught __49__ of him in his sleep coat, came across the room, __50__ Mr. Smith could say anything , shouted, ―My dear fellow, come and join us. I know our parties would trouble you. I meant to send you __51__.‖ Mr. Smith’s anger disappeared then and there. He said, ―I’d better go and get __52__.‖ Minutes later, he returned, properly dressed, only to find that the party was nearly over.

( )41. A. taken B. carried C. brought D. fetched

( )42. A. with B. from C. at D. of

( )43. A. outside B. overhead C. downstairs D. nearby

( )44. A. bad B. tired C. sick D. excited

( )45. A. useless B. necessary C. possible D. helpful

( )46. A. had B. forced C. made D. found

( )47. A. it B. what C. that D. which

( )48. A. sleep B. strength C. patience D. anger

( )49. A. scene B. hold C. notice D. sight

( )50. A. before B. unless C. though D. until

( )51. A. a notice B. a message C. an invitation D. an apology

( )52. A. washed B. surprised C. dressed D. changed

Section C (8 marks)

Directions: Complete the following passage by filling in each blank with one word that best fits the context.

Dear Toby

Thank you very much for your letter. Your trip sounds exciting! I can’t wait to hear what Africa is like.

Since my last letter to you, I had a little 53 of my own. Early this month, my mother and I took a 54 to Dunhuang, in the north-west of China. The 55 out there was really quite amazing—I had never seen so much sand in my life! While we were there, we 56 with

a tour company to ride camels. I was very excited because this was the first time I had seen one up close. We had hoped that we would get to see some other 57 on our trip, but sadly we didn’t. Since you are going to the Sahara, I have some advice-----be sure to bring a large hat and a shirt with long sleeves -----you’ll need these for 58 . The sun can be so 59 that you’ll need to keep covered or you’ll get burnt-----my cheeks were so red for days after my trip. And another thing, you’ll ne ed to keep a good 60 of water with you, since it is so dry and hot.

I am sure you’ll have a nice trip. I look forward to receiving your postcards!

Best wishes


Part III Reading Comprehension (30 marks)

Directions: Read the following three passages., Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B,C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage.


The kings of ancient Egypt built strong tombs to keep their bodies safe after death and to hold their treasures. The Great Pyramid was built thousand of years ago for a king called Khufu. It is located on the west bank of Nile River not far from Cairo. In fact all the pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life and the setting of the sun to the end of life. This is why their dead bodies were buried on the west bank of the Nile. The people of Mexico also built pyramids. They did not build the pyramids for tombs. They used to build a pyramid and then a temple on top of it. The pyramids of Mexico are not as high as the pyramids of Egypt, but they are big. Each of the pyramids has a wide stairway that goes from the bottom to the top.

The biggest pyramid in Mexico is almost 2000 years old. Scientists think it took 10,000 men more than ten yeas to build it. On the top they build a temp of the sun. The temple is no longer there but people still called it the Pyramid of the Sun. near it is another huge pyramid, the Pyramid of the Moon.

61. In ancient Egypt pyramids were built __________.

A. for visitors to see

B. for kings to live in

C. as the kings’ tombs

D. for king Khufu

62. All the pyramids along the Nile are on its west bank, because in ancient Egypt people thought __________.

A. they died in the west

B. the sun sets in the west

C. the end of their lives was like the setting of the sun

D. they would go to the west after death

63. The pyramid in ancient Mexico was built __________.

A. for the kings

B. for the people

C. for wars

D. for the gods

64. The Pyramid of the Sun was built_________.

A. before the first century

B. in the second century

C. 100 years B.C

D. in 100

65. Which of the following is wrong?

A. The kings of ancient Egypt built strong tombs only to hold treasures.

B. The ancient Egyptians compared the rising of the sun to the beginning of life.

and the setting of the sun to the end of life.

C. The biggest pyramid in Mexico is nearly 2000 years old.

D. Near the Pyramid of the Sun, there is the Pyramid of the Moon.


Habits,whether good or bad,are gradually formed When a person does a certain thing again,he is driven by some unseen force to do the same thing repeatedly, and then a habit is formed.Once a habit is formed,it is difficult,and sometimes impossible,to get rid of.It is therefore very important that we should pay great attention to the formation of habits.Children often form bad habits, some of which remain with them as long as they live older. Persons also form bad habits lasting as long as they live,and sometimes become ruined by them.There are other habits which,when formed in early life,are of great help.Many successful men say that much of their success has something to do with certain habits in early life,such as early rising,honesty and so on.

Among the habits which children should not form are laziness,lying,stealing and so on.These are all easily formed habits.Unfortunately older persons often form habits which could have been avoided.

We should keep away from all these bad habits,and try to form such habits as will be good for ourselves and others

66. are formed little by little

A. Good habits

B. Bad habits

C. Both good habits and bad habits

D. Neither good habits nor bad habits

67. The underlined wo rd ‖them‖ in the first paragraph refers to_______

A. bad habits

B. good habits

C. children

D. other persons

68. Generally speaking, it’s difficult for one______ and easy for them______ which should be


A. to form bad habits;to form good habits

B. to form good habits;to form bad habits

C. to form such habits as wilI be good;to get rid of bad habits

D. to get rid of bad habits;to form good habits

69. Why should we pay much attention to the formation of habits?

A. Because habits are of great help to every one of us.

B. Because a man can never get rid of a habit.

C. Because i t’s hard and sometimes even impossible to throw away bad habits.

D. Because we are forced to do them again and again.

70. According to the passage,early rising _________.

A. has something to do with failure

B. is an easily formed habit

C. is such a habit as should have been avoided

D. is such a habit as will be kept


Inside China Daily

China, Japan ink fishery agreement

The New China-Japan Fishery Agreement will be put into effect starting June this year. Chinese vice-minister of agriculture, Qi Jingfa told a press conference yesterday in Beijing.

-Page 2 Offshore funeral(葬礼)

The remains of more than 500 dead will be scattered at sea this spring near the mouth of Yangtze River in Shanghai. To save space Shanghai officials discouraged land burials.

–Page 3 The only wise choice

Co-operation with the mainland for a peaceful reunification(统一) should be the only wise choice for the newly elected Taiwan leader.

-Page 4 The Art Market

Interest in activities such as fairs, galleries and exhibitions has caused the art market to take shape in China.

-Page 9 Two sides of a story

The government’s efforts to cut the homework burden of primary and middle school students have drawn mixed reactions.

-Page 10 Blind, but not out.

Yang Jia, an English professor at the Chinese Academy of Science meets the challenges brought by the sudden loss of her eyesight and continues to make it in her work.

-Page 11

71. The above section may possibly appear on _________ of China Daily.

A. Page 5

B. the Front Page

C. Page 9

D. the last page

72. From the text we can know that _________.

A. a blind professor can work better

B. Chinese fishermen can go fishing freely in Japan soon

C. no one will be buried in the ground after they die in Shanghai

D. more and more people have begun to do art business

73. When you look through this issue of China Daily, you are sure to find ______.

A. how Taiwan’s new leader was made

B. that people think differently of reducing pupils’ burden

C. sad stories about students with heavy burden in primary and middle schools

D. interesting stories of art fairs, galleries and exhibitions of different shapes in China

74. Which of the following has the closest meaning to the underlined word ―scattered‖ according

to the text?

A. covered a wide area.

B. searched for in a wide area.

C. suddenly moved apart in different directions.

D. thrown over an area so that objects land apart from each other.

75. If someone feels upset for the sudden trouble and want to encourage himself, what would

you suggest he should read in China Daily?

A. Blind, but not out.

B. Two sides of a story.

C. The only wise choice.

D. Offshore funeral.

Part ⅣWriting .

Section A (10 marks)

Directions: Read the following passage. Fill in the numbered blanks by using the information from the passage.

Write NO MORE THAN THREE WORDS for each answer.

Failure in a relationship, business, career and exam or sudden loss of a close one can make us lose patience and calmness. However, the only person who can help you keep calm is you! You have to find the cause of your problem and then work on it. Here are some tips on how to be calm.

Steal some solitary (独自的) moments from your life! Go to a calm and cool place, maybe your local park, a less-visited restaurant or any place that can give you some peaceful moments with yourself. Simply sitting on cool green grass under the limitless sky can make you feel relaxed. If you can't find any place, it’s also a good idea to dim (使暗淡) your drawing room light and sit relaxed on your sofa.

Talk to the ―inner you‖! Open your mind, effortlessly, without a calculating and judging mind! Don't let yourself be troubled by any belief and thought. It's not so simple. But if you just do so, you’ll slowly develop an inner peace. Of course, this doesn't mean that you’ll stop the daily work linked to thinking! Carry your life as you’ve been, but just sometimes, sit and order your min d to relax.

Learn to manage anger! Avoid the things that cause so much stress that it leads to uncontrollable anger. Self-talk can teach a person how to change that inner voice from an aggressive (好斗的) voice to a problem-solving voice. Walking away from a situation until you have better control over your anger will help you avoid creating situations that may grow into dangerous situations.

In short, there are many ways to be calm in any situation. Keeping calm is one of the most important things you can do for yourself. Not only will it be good for your health, it can also help you have a better relationship with other people.

Title How to be calm

(76)______ of

loss of calmness (77)______ in a relationship, business, career and exam. Losing a close one.

(78)______ for being calm Steal solitary moments

from your life.

Go to a calm and cool place to (79)______ peaceful


Dim your drawing room light and sit relaxed on your


Talk to the ―inner


Open your mind without(80)___________anything.

Avoid being troubled by any (81)______ and


Learn to manage anger

Stay away from (82)______ things to avoid

uncontrollable anger.

Talk to (83)______ to change the inner voice from an

aggressive voice to a problem-solving voice.

Walk away to avoid creating dangerous situations.

(84)______ of being calm Being good for health.

(85)______ your relationship with other people.

Section B (10 marks)

Directions: Complete the following sentences by filling in each blank with ONE WORD that best fits the context.

86. 警察调查了这次事故,认为事故大约发生在午夜时分。

The police into the accident and believed it around midnight.

87. 据说这种植物能在非常寒冷的天气里存活下来。

This kind of plant is to be able to in very cold weather.

88. 她热衷于打羽毛球,正在组织一次学校联赛。

She is about playing badminton and is now organizing a school .

89. 如果你打算来,请提前告诉我,以便我为你做好一切安排。

If you are going to come, please let me know so that I can arrange everything for you.

90. 当你在阅读时遇到生词时,不要总是借助词典查阅。

When you a new word while reading , don’t always look it up in your dictionary.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

C B B A C B A C C B A C C A C / / / / /

21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40




41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60


D B C D A C D / / / / / / / /

61 62 63 64 65 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75



16 do some exercise 17 baseball 18 water 19.13/thirteen 20 go home

41. adventure 42. flight 43. desert 44. arranged 45. wildlife 46.protection

47. brilliant 48. Supply 75. Causes 76. Failure 77. Tips/Advice/Suggestions 78. get/have 79. calculating and judging 80. belief 81. stressful 82. Y ourself 83 Benefits/ advantages 84. Improving 85. looked occurred/happened 86. said survive 87. enthusiastic tournament 88. in advance 89. come across


第二部分:英语知识运用(共二节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出一个可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. ── Do you need a ride? —— No, thanks. I ____ walking. A.prefer B. want C. used to D. take 22. He _____ one day _____ a famous NBA player. A. thinks of , being B. dreams of , being C. dreams about, to be D. make up , being 23. Your parents may be angry with you for a little while, but____ , they love you. A. above all B. in all C. at all D. after all 24. ——What about having a drink? —— ____________. A. Good idea B. Help yourself C. Go ahead, please D. Me, too 25. In most of the western countries, English is spoken ____ the first language. A. as B. like C. with D. for 26. Football is played all over the world, so it is considered a _____ game. A. usual B. healthy C. common D. universal 27. The man ___ killed two policemen will be sentenced to death. A. which B. whom C. who D. whose 28. There is no doubt ______ our life will be better and better. A. if B. when C. whether D. that 29. In his talk, he gave us _____ on how to improve our reading. A. news B. advice C. messages D. notes 30. Mr Green, with his wife and kids, ____ to China next Sunday. A. come B. is coming C. are coming D. comes 31.Great changes ____ in the countryside, and a lot of new houses ___________ . A. have been happened; have set up B. have taken place; have been set up C. have taken place; have built D. were taken place; were built

高一英语必修4 unit1基础知识测试题(有答案)

高一英语必修4 Unit 1基础知识测试题 姓名____________ 座号__________班级__________ 成绩:____________ 一. 根据句意及所给单词或汉语提示,写出所缺词的正确形式。(每空1分,满分10分) 1. She spoke in ____________ of the project.(支持) 2. The police man began a __________ to reduce road accidents. (运动) 3. He tried to ___________his house with thick trees.(挡住光线) 4. She ___________ to the subject several times during her speech. (谈到) 5.I'm not going to ___________ with you tonight. (争论) 6. His recent ___________ puzzles me. (behave) 7. Since her ___________ she had wanted to work with animals in the forest. (child) 8. The educated professor is____________. (respect) 9. What made her succeed later on was the ___________ (kind) and _____________ (considerate) she showed to all her patients. 二.完成句子。(每空1分,满分15分) 1. He left America and prepared to_____ _____ _____ ______ 。(过新生活) 2. We've just ______ _______ an old friend.(偶遇) 3. We should not _______ _______ _______ manual labor.(瞧不起) 4. The chair _______ _________ ________ you, but she took it away. (为……准备) 5. Many uncomfortable thoughts _______ ________ _______ on her. (涌上心头) 三.单项填空。(每小题1分,满分10分) ()1.Only in this way ______ learn English well. A.I can B.can I C.I do D.do I ()2. Bitten twice,the postman refused to ______our letters unless we changed our dog. A. deliver B. inspire C. behave D. intend ()3. Some of the students have already learned enough English to __________ a conversation with a native English speaker. A.carry on B.keep on C.go on D. hold on ()4.We had wanted to finish our task by noon,but it didn’t quite __________. A.find out B.give out C.hand out D. work out ()5. Lucy has ________all of the goals she set for herself in high school. A.acquired B.finished C.concluded D. achieved ()6. Teachers should be __________ of our students’ feelings. And then they will trust us. A.anxious B.considerate C.delighted D.afraid ()7. Suddenly it ______ me how difficult it was for women to get medical training at that time. A.hit B.knocked C.occurred D. beat

高一英语单元检测卷(二) (2)

单元检测 (二) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分20分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the woman want to buy? A.Some stamps. B.Some tapes. C.Some tables. 2.What’s wrong with the man? A.Have a headache. B.Have a cold. C.Have a toothache. 3.What did the man do? A.Cleaned the classroom. B.Washed the glasses. C.Washed the clothes. 4.Where is the bank? A.Next to the bookstore. B.Behind the bookstore. C.Far from the bookstore. 5.What does the woman love? A.Brown meat. B.White meat. C.She doesn’t mind. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6至8题。 6.What does the boss want the girl to do first? A.Clean the kitchen shelves. B.Clean the book shelves. C.Wash dishes. 7.What does the boss want the girl to do then? A.Set the tables. B.Sweep the floor. C.Clean the windows. 8.What can you learn from the dialogue? A.The boss is happy with the girl. B.The boss is unhappy with the girl. C.The girl is very lazy. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9.Why does the man want to go to Chicago? A.On business. B.To attend his friend’s wedding.


高一英语期末测试卷 第二部分英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节: 单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。 21. — When shall we meet again? —Make it ____ you like; it’s all the same to me. A. one day B. any day C. another day D. some day 22. With the old worker ____ , we finished the work on time. A. help us B. helped us C. helping us D. to help us 23. —What are you going to do this afternoon? —I’ll probably go for a walk later on ____ it stays fine. A. as far as B. so long as C. even if D. as if 24. More and more people come to realize that much must be done to prevent pollution ____ well. A. from living B. to live C. to go D. from going 25. — Mrs. Brown will come to visit our school tomorrow, you know? — Tomorrow? I ____ she ____ today.. A. think; comes B. think; will come C. thought; is coming D. thought; was coming 26. The train ____ arrive at 11:30, but it was an hour late. A. was supposed to B. was likely to C. was about to D. was certain to 27. —Let Pete take the place. He’s older and should be more experienced. —I don’t think so. A man doesn’t necessarily grow wiser ____ he grows older. A. because B. that C. than D. as 28. —This is only between us. — I see. I will ____. A. keep it secret B. keep it a secret C. I won’t let the secret out D. all of the above 29. ____ the window, his finger was cut but it was not serious. A. Cleaning B. While cleaning C. To clean D. When he was cleaning 30. My computer crashed, and ____ I didn’t make a copy of what I had typed. A. what’s worse B. on top of that C. in addition D. all of the above 31. My parents had to use ____ they had to buy the house in which we are now living.. A. what B. what that C. all what D. that 32. — Did you hear the gunshot last night? — Yes, ____ was when I was just about to enter the room ____ I heard it. A. there; when B. it; when C. it; that D. there; that 33. After ____ seemed a very long time, the badly wounded soldier came back to life. A. that B. it C. which D. what 34. —Who would you rather have ____ your computer? —My friend. A. repairing B. to repair C. repaired D. repair 35. You can never imaging what great difficulty I have ____ your house. A. found B. finding C. to find D. for finding 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,掌握其大意,然后从36~55各题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项。


新课改高2012级12月月考英语试题 第Ⅰ卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分15分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听对话,选择正确选项。 1.When did the rain start? A. About 6 pm B. About 6 am C. About 12 pm 2.How is Harry going on with his studies? A. Very well B. Very poorly C. Just so so 3.How much money does the man have? A. $249 B. $24 C. $225 4.What does the man mean? A.He doesn’t allow her to watch it. B.He enjoys watching cartoons. C.The girl can watch it when she has finished her homework. 5.What do you learn about Maria? A.She has something to buy. B. She has nothing to buy. B.She will go shopping with the man. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听第6段材料,回答第6至7题。 6.What kind of course does Peter take? A. The art course. B. The computer course. C. The conception course. 7.What is the woman’s course like? A. It’s interesting. B. It’s boring C. It’s important. 听第7段材料,回答第8至9题。 8.What is the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student B. Headmaster and teacher C. Manager and secretary 9. What can we learn from the conversation? A. The boy lost his bike. B. The boy’s watch is slow. C. The woman will call the boy’s parents. 听第8段材料,回答第10至12题 10.When did the robbery happen? A. At noon B. In the early morning C. In the evening 11.How much money did the robber take away? A. About $5,000. B. About $1,500. C. About $3,500 12. What did the man look like? A. Tall and fat B. Thin and short C. Thin and tall


高一英语单元测试试卷 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 略 第二部分:英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分) 第一节:单项填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分) 21. His disappearance(失踪)______ by the police. A. looked at B. will be looked in C. is being looked into D. has been looked up 22. Her teacher helped her so much that she bought him a beautiful pen _________. A. by turns B. in return C. in answer D. in turn 23. I have no doubt ______ she will come out first in the English contest. A. if B. about C. whether D. that 24. The farm _______once we worked has changed a lot. A. where B. that C. which D. what 25. The two brothers look much the same , but they have nothing ________. A. commonly B. differently C. in different D. in common 26. The change in climate may _______ our health. We should take good care of ourselves. A. effected B. affect C. have effect D. have affect 27. The woman as well as her sisters _________ here for ten years. A. has lived B. are living C. have lived D. is living 28. Hearing the noise outside, he hurried to _______ and went out. A. put on B. wear C. get dressed D. be dressing 29. His father feels like ________a walk after dinner while his mother would like ______TV at home. A. taking; watching B. to take; to watch C. taking; to watch D. to take; watching 30. The reason ________he gave is that he missed the early bus. A. why B. for which C. that D. when 31. ________ production up by 60% , the company has had another excellent year. A. With B. For C. Though D. As 32. There are many beautiful hats here. I really don’t know_______. A. what to choose B. how to choose C. which to choose D. where choosing them 33. He _______ me to come to the party, but he didn’t show up. A. allowed B. had promised C. wanted D. had advised 34.—I am sorry I can’t help you. —________, thank you very much. A. That’s right B. Anyway C. OK D. Not at all 35. —Have a cigarette, will you ? —No, thanks. I _________ heavily, but I’ve given it up recently. A. am used to smoking B. used to smoking C. used to smoke D. has used to smoke 第二节:完形填空(共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分) 阅读下面短文,从短文后所给各题的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。 Animals can be of great fun, but it’s important to know36 to be safe when you’re with them. Both indoor animals and outdoor animals need to be 37 kindly all the time. This means different things 38 on the animal and the situation. 39 a wild animal, being kind may mean staying far away 40 the animal doesn’t feel threatened and so you stay 41 . Stepping outside can mean a world full of great animals to see —42 squirrels in trees to birds in flight. In some parts of the world, kids 43 see slithery snakes, black bats, 44 even cool coyotes. And don’t forget raccoons, skunks, and other critters 45 come out in some places at night. The rule in the great outdoors is simple: Don’t46 or go near an animal. 47 some of these animals may look cool or even cute, leave them 48 . These animals aren’t like regular pets. They’re not49 to being around people


高一级英语第一学期期末考试 第Ⅰ卷英语知识运用 第一节单项填空(共20小题;每小题1分,满分20分) 1. My younger brother dreams ___________ a spaceman. A. of becoming B. to become C. becoming D. of to become 2. _______this magazine _______ Jan ? A. Is; belonged to B. Does; belong to C. Is; belonged D. Is; belonging 3. The car _______ on half way so we had to walk to school.. A. broke up B. broke out C. broke off D. broke down 4. _______ is reported in the newspaper, talks between the two countries are making progress. A. It B. That C. As D. Which 5. He is such a lazy man _______ nobody wants to work with ______. A. that; / B. as; him C. whom; him D. as; / 6. -----Peter, hurry up! You ______ on the phone. ------Oh, I ______. Thank you. A. are being wanted; will come B. are wanted; am coming C. want, come D. will be wanted; should come 7. The journey around the world took the old sailor nine months, ___ the sailing time was 226 days. A. of which B. during which C. from which D. for which 8.He suggested that the doctor ___________ at once. A. be sent for B. was sent for C. was going to be sent for D. must be sent for 9. When talking to a friend over the telephone, you feel that you are close _________ the actual distance is not shortened. A. so long as B. as if C. even if D. as well as 10. ----Do you doubt _______ she can run the race? ---- Yes, I doubt _______ she can run against Liu Xiang A. that; whether B. whether; that C. that; that D. whether; if 11.-----What are on show in the museum? -----Some photos _________ by American children. A. were taken B. are taken C. taken D. are being taken 12. The number of students of this school ______ large. A. are B. are not C. isn't D. aren't 13. Einstein was _______a great scientist. He did a lot for human rights and progress. A. no more than B. not more than C. more than D. as much as 14._______ breaks the law should be punished. A. Anyone B. Those who C. No matter who D. Anyone who 15. I’d like to buy a house ---modern, comfortable, and _________ in a quiet neighborhood.A. in all B. above all C. after all D. at all 16. Those who want to say anything more ______your hand and then_______to speak.


高一年级英语学科Units1-5质量检测 学校:宝鸡石油中学命题人:景宝霞 试题说明:本试题由三部分组成,第一部分英语知识运用,有语音知识、完成对话、语法和 词汇知识及完型填空四节;第二部分阅读理解,由两节组成;第三部分写作,由单词拼写、短文改错和书面表达组成。它是必修一第一单元至第五单元质量检测,包括所学词汇、短语 及句型,例如it强调句型,直接引语变间接引语,现在进行式表将来,关系代词引导的定 语从句。在完型填空部分,考查学生在整体理解能力的基础上,具体情景下的准确理解,注 重上下文提示、简单的逻辑推理;阅读部分试题设置主要考查文中细节和对文章的总结归纳 能力。写作部分考查了学生运用所学的句型正确表达所要求的意思。 第一部分:英语知识运用 第一节:语音知识:(每小题1分,共5分) 从每小题A,B,C,D的四个选项中,找出所给单词的正确读音: 1.concern A./′k?ns?:n/ B/ k?n′s?:n/ C/ ′k?ns?:n / D/ k?n′s?n/ 2. recognize A./ ′rek?ɡnaiz/ B/ / rek?ɡ′naiz/ C / ′rek?ɡniz/ D/ rek?ɡ?′naiz/ 3. journey A./′??ni/ B/′??:ni/ Ccanal A./ k?′n?l/ B./′k?n?l/ C./′k?n?l/ D./ k?′na:l/ A / di′v??t/ B/de′v??t/ C/di′v?t/ D/ ′d?v?t/ 第二节:完成对话:(每个1分,满分5分) 根据对话情景和内容,从所给的选项中选出能填入每一空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两个为多余选项。 ---Navid, have you noticed that our living environment is becoming more and more polluted and that animals’s natural habitats are destroyed? And our natural resoures won’t be able to satisfy the needs of future generations. ---That’s it. David, as members of the Students’ Union, we have to do something about it !__7__ --Yes, I know them: Reduce, Recycle and ---That’s know, as individuals, we can only do a few things, but if the whole university joins, that would be --OK. Let’s discuss the details of it. --__10____ A. Let’s invite some environmentalists to give a leture to promote the importance of the three Rs. B. Oh, you really are a man of action. C. Don’t worry about that. D. Have you heard of the three Rs? E. The person who destroys the environment should be punished. F. If we human beings don’t stop our destructive actions, more and more species will die out in the near future.


高一英语基础测试题 LELE was finally revised on the morning of December 16, 2020

高一英语基础测试题 (考试时间:90分钟满分:100分) 姓名_____________ 一、单项选择(30分) 1.—Whenshallwemeetagain? —Makeit____youlike;it’sallthesametome. 3.—Whatareyougoingtodothisafternoon? —I’llprobablygoforawalklateron____itstaysfine. —,youknow? —Tomorrow?I____she____today.. ;;willcome ;;wascoming :30,butitwasanhourlate. —’solderandshouldbemoreexperienced. —Idon’’tnecessarilygrowwiser____hegrowsolder. —Thisisonlybetweenus. —. —Didyouhearthegunshotlastnight? —Yes,____waswhenIwasjustabouttoentertheroom____Iheardit. ;;;;that ,thebadlywoundedsoldiercamebacktolife. —Whowouldyouratherhave____yourcomputer? —Myfriend. 二、完形填空(20分) 三、Aslateas1800,women’阅读理解 A 信用卡),ifrequired. BOXOFFICE 074or065 BYPOST Pleaseencloseacheque(支票),RST,StratforduponAvon,CV376BB. Bookingopensforallotherplayson19September. INPERSON BOXOFFICE RSThall,9:&500)withyourcardnumberwrittenontheback. PAYINGFORYOURTICKETS CREDITCARDS WeacceptVisa,MasterCard,,nameandaddressofcardholder. CHEQUES Chequesandpostalordersshouldbepayableto:RoyalShakespeareTheatre.


人教版高中英语必修1 第一单元测试卷1 (完卷时间:120分钟,满分100分) 第I卷(选择题) 第一部分:听力(共两节,共20分) 第一节(共5小题,每题1分,共5分) 1. What are the two speakers talking about? A. A shop. B. Body language. C. A picture. 2. What is the man doing? A.He is asking for information. B. He is having an interview. C. He is filling out a form. 3. What does the man mean? A. He has already visited the museum. B. he will go to the museum with the woman. C. H is too busy to go with the woman. 4. What did the man offer the woman? A. A raincoat. B. A ticket. C. A ride. 5. What do we learn from the conversation? A. The woman insists on going out. B. The woman doesn’t like going out. C. The man is too tired to go out. 第二节(共15小题,每题1分,共15分) 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. How much cheaper is the bus fare than the plane fare? A. $44. B. $14. C. $30. 7. What can we know about Aunt Edith from the conversation? A. She is middle-aged. B. Her figure is not good. C. Her hair is black. 8.When does the conversation take place? A. At 10:15. B. At 10:10. C. At 10:20. 听第7段材料,回答第9-11题。 9. What’s the relationship between the two speakers? A. Teacher and student. B. Schoolmates. C. Father and daughter. 10. What does the woman’s mother expect her to do? A.W ork in France. B. Live in France. C. Go to university in France. 11. What is the man’s father? A.A teacher. B. A professional football player. C. A professional basketball player. 听第8段材料,回答第12-14题。 12. W hat’s wrong with the man? A.He has twisted his foot. B. He has broken his foot. C. He can’t move his foot up and down . 13. What’s the possible relationship between the two speakers? A. Mother and son. B. Doctor and patient. C. Classmates.


高一英语入学考试试题 英语试题 本试卷分第Ⅰ卷(选择题)和第Ⅱ卷(非选择题)两部分。考试时间120分钟,满分150分。 第Ⅰ卷(共三部分,总分115分) 第一部分听力(共两节,满分30分) 第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分) 听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。 1.What does the man mean? A.He do esn’t know why she came here.B.He is Dr. Johnson. C.The doctor will be with the man shortly. 2.Where are the speakers now? A.The speakers are in a bank to save money. B.They are at the piano playing. C.They are attending a concert. 3.What’s the man doing? A. Reading the menu. B. Waiting for the waitress to bring his bill. C. Asking for a glass of beer. 4. What time is it now? A. 9:30. B. 10:10. C. 10:00 5. Where did this conservation probably take place? A. In a restaurant. B. At a theatre. C. At a hospital. 第二节(共15小题;每题1.5分,满分22.5分) 听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A,B,C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有时间阅读各个小题,每小题5秒钟;听完后,每小题将给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。 听第6段材料,回答第6-8题。 6. Where is the boy going to spend his holidays? A. In the city. B. In the country. C. Abroad. 7. What will he do there? A. To do some farm work. B. To study at home. C. To do some housework. 8. Which of the following is not true? A. The boy’s grandparents live in the country. B. The boy’s school is in the city. C. The girl knows how to farm, too. 听第7段材料,回答第9至11题。 9. What are they talking about? A. The education in England. B. The examination in England. C. The children in England.

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